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3  1833  01715  8376 





BUSIjN^ESS  dieectoe 






R  L.  POLK  &  C 



For  Full  List  of  ruhllcutions,  spc  oi'p.  I'a^e  .J-27. 

Entered  acL'urdir!,'  to  Act  of   Cor-reti;  in  the  yi-r.r  i^:ii,  by  R.  L.  Fci.k  i  Oj.,  in  the  Office  of  the 
Librarian  of  Cougrt-s.-t.  at  Vi  ashingtcn,  D.  C. 


^VISC0^'SI^'  btxtt    ga/.ktteer 

liuli  i  H  j  j  Lu  I  Li ly  I jSU  I  uh^ 



VJivO  SAYG  30?    Policyholders  Everywhere. 
Vl/SaO    CA:^    PEOVS    it?   Policyholders  who 
have  Insurance  also  in  other  Companies. 


Al-Ql-ST  H,    l^'--. 

ri.  K.  Miiipliy: 

I  cnnc^ratulale  myself 
iipnii  linvinjr  tlie  satVguard 
ot  the  limit  of  insuraln.-.- 
in  o!ir  oun  pi^rriess  coin- 

EI)\V.  P.  Ar.LIS. 

WlAi  Hit  1  i 

Rccimse  its  Asspt><  iiml  Siciirilirs  nre  tlie  Solidost. 

r.(«;H!M>  ils  liilcr.x!   Kiitf  ii  tlio  lli^'lifst. 

itciiiiisc  iN  l(h  Mci^i!-  1i(  l'(>li(\  Imidcrs  aio   l,:ir:r<st. 

Itfcaoc  111.'  lHVIl)i;S!)  Jtfsiills  on  i(s  TONILNK  IMH.ICII'S  If  at  mi -if,'  in 
1s:M  are  I'OIM'V  to  SIXIV  \irr  !'(Mt.  Iii^licr  than  are  now  being  paiti  by  any 
oilier  ciiiniuui.v  on  shuihiv  |Milicios. 

lieoaii^e  it  is  Salelv  ami  IJ'onoinically  Managed. 

Itecaiiso  its  i».  utii  i:,il.' is  till'  Lnwost." 

IJeeaiise  it  is  I  lie  i.ieat  I'lirelj  American  Company. 


Atid  furnishiD!?  logitimato  Ijifo  Insurance  to-day  at  less  Cost  than 
any  Company  in  the  World. 


.$4.';, 000,000 


D    E.  Jl^URPHY,  General  Agen  , 

Hoi]^£  iJiUcQ,      MIlWaUi^^Bj  wis. 

W.  H.  SUSLES, 

Associate  Cm.  A::rent, 


Ceneral  Special  Agent. 




There   is   no   line 
Pa9seni;;cT  Service  ii 

All  well  posted  travelers  between 

T   bundsomely   ci|iiipi'od    fur   Through 
■  The  Norlhweslern  Liue."— C,  tjt.  t.. 


Twin  Cities  ami  Chicago  take  this  line— particul-.irly: favoring 
the  ••  Vestibule  Mmilct,'  the  only  train  between  Cliicago  anil 
St  Paul  that  i«  ligbtcil  with  Gas  and  which  carries  the  tinest 
sleeping  cars  an(r  coaches  ever  built,  and  also  all  classes  of 
passenltrs,  without  extra  fares.  On  the  Lake  Superior 
portion  of  the  line,  between  ilinncapolis,  Si.  Paul  and 
Dulutb,  and  St.  Paul  and  Ashland,  Pullman  Sleepers  are  run 
on  night  trains,  and  reclining  chair  cars  on  day  irain.s. 


Fast  throuL'h  train.s  with  Pnlhnan  Sleeping  Cars  are  also  run 
between  Minneapolis.  St.  Paul  and  Kansas  City,  via  Sioux 
City  Day  trains  between  St.  Paul  and  Siou.\  City  have 
elegant  parlor  cars.  Dining  cars  are  run  on  all  through  trams 
over  this  line  between  Minneapoli-s,  St.  Paul  and  Chicago. 
Besides  being  the  best 

Between  the=e  principal  cities,  the  Chicago  &  Norihwestern 
System  of  lines,  composed  of  the  Chicago,  St,  I^aul,  Mmne- 

.  ap(dis   &    Omaha.  ChicaL'o   &   I4orthwp-:tern,    ucd   Fremont. 

-■  Elkborn  &  Jlo.  Valley  liys  (all  advertised  as  "The  ^orlh- 
western  Line"),  (dfers  the  i.  ickcst  nieans  ot  reaching  all 
cities  and  towns  in  Hie  Icni  y  intersected  by  it.  In  connec- 
tion with  Union  Pacitic  the  C'.  St.  P..  M.  .t  O.  Ry.  also  forms 
a  new  throu::h  line  to  the  Pacific  Co.ast.  All  particulars, 
with  maps  and  time  tables,  may  be  obtained  at  any  stalioo,  or 
at  following  priuciiial  otiiccs: 
ST.  I'Ai  I..  1  •.!>  «:;<»»  ri.iiMl  ^iir.^t. 
i^lI^^i;^iM»l,l«..  i ::  Ni...i!.i  ii<> isux  U. 

»l   1,1    III,     ii"    ll-'l.  1   vt.    l.oilK    SSIoi  !i. 
i:||lf.V«i<>,  JOS  Sc.nlli  «  liirk  Street. 

Or,  address  ^ 


Gen'l  Passenger  Agent,  St.  Paul. 


AND    1'.URI^"E^■S    DIRKCTOKV. 

i.  A.  DIEBOLD,  Pres.  L.  J.  KHEUTZBERG,  Sec. 

I.  WEISSEH,  Vice-Prea.  -  "•  S-  ESCH,  Treas._ 


fT:z?v  f":s:^^  rz2^  '~-.rx. 

i-'N.    n    f^^^^s  f"is~rs^  rzs^  r-,.^-v     - 


^  ^^"> 


■^-C:::x»^  ii      y   U   U      U   v::::>.j  t-Z^S!  l-iissi 


nrsliiiiirles  arc  diiiprrt  sciinrnti-ly  in  ii  l)()iliii^  (•(nii|iosiiioii  uliicli  lUiikcs  them 

practically  llio-proof  ;is  well  as  watei-pronr.  "ill  la-<t  a*.  Ion?  as 

tlip  luiildiiiu',  and  will  losl  no  more  than  |iaiiilin?  the  rool'. 


:    Orders  Promptly  Filled. 




Also,   LA  CR03GE,   V/!S. 




Clinton  and  lieclier  !^(rccl»>. 



W[ll.    H.   HALLADAY    O^^^FQ.   CO., 

136  to  140  V'/.  Lake  St.,  -  -  CHICAGO,  ILL. 

£- — ^^    ^^""^^ \  Manufacturers  of 

n,,,"j^,  ^  '  '   '         -    ■  '^^  '  ^--^^  ^-      f  ■>  Circular 

'^■^^"  '"•  ■"  •'..-"/     '      1  1  and  Wing 

Saw  Sliafpenef 



t        I 



Saw  Swages, 
Saw  Rollers, 
Saw  Clamps, 

LAP  GlilMiLllS, 

Etc.  rr,: 





Plymouth  Block,  corner  Oneida  and  Milwaukee  Sts. 
Telephone  3.287.     P.  O.  Box  206. 



y^l  O  B  ^^  ^n  P  ff^ -^  ^1 S 

We  are  Stale  Ag(>Dts  for  tlie  FaTrions  I^Iaoon  A:  Iluiiilin  Plaiiox  and  Oriraii-,  nisn 
tlio  Cfltbrated  Conorer  Bros."  Opera.  .Starr,  etc.,  <-to.  You  ctiii  purcimse  uii  iDstruiiient  wrih  littl,- 
luoncv  down,  and  SIO  a  ni.'ntiv  nolil  iiail.  1  rof.-ssoi-  lien^dict  RiT.-s  sii  nionlhs  k-,,si)]!.<.  ,miI,t 
invtninifntal  or  vocal.  nCiCi:  Ol-'  11HH(;|'„  with  everv  in>=lrimn?nt  puroliased.  Hi-  l,as 
had  -J"  jrt/.ii-s'  expen.'nee  as  te,u-h.-r.  for  ii.  rlv  wittl  Va-  iv.-:i.kii..wn  Operrt  Co.  0:if  -...irls 
are  |.ur,-l,;i<Pd  for  CiWii.  wlufli  allows  ii:^  to  loaki-  vorv  Ion  r-i'-'-s  Aiiv  ri-ino  or  r.r.-an  i..,;  sjiMri^' 
^atisfHctioci  v.ill  l„-  esoli,in-fd  AT  O.N'CK  at  our  .■:cp.-n— .  Vou  [•..■v,-r  liave  lo  i<nrc\r.'--  u  ih,-p 
Piano  or  Or„'an  liut  on,-B  n\  a  lilo  time.  Good  --,oii,i  hand  Tiann<  -i.-ll  f  .r  Jj".  <;.-i"and  ~hi.'.  New 
oui-s  for  rent  at  Ji  and  Sii  a  month.  A  WltlTrKN  GU  A  I£ -V  \T  F.IC  for  tivf  vi-ars  with  , -very 
in^trinniut.  (  hir  hihv  u|iri„-ht  for  a  liome  with  lifllr  room  U  rich  in  ton'-.  We  keep  I'i.mos  sold  in 
.MiU\auk.-  in  tniie  Kl:H".E  for  rive  years.  S-e  our  $17.-)  I'iano.  latest  style,  ivorv  k-y.l.oard:  t.-ri-is.  fi.i  a 
nnnrli  See  nur  new  .ll.ason  i  Hamlin  Or^'an  for  beginners,  tor  >-j:i.  All  kinds  .  .t  riano  ('..vrs  AT 
CO>T  to  ourcuslomers.     Tunin.;,  repairing,  etc  ,  guaranteed.     'Write  for  our  price  list  and  terms. 

Kespeetfidlj'  your-, 

DEx'\E^I30LT  a.   BErJEDiOT. 

(Successors  to  C.  A.  BELDENs 




29  S.  Pinckney  St.,        -         MADISON,  WIS. 


1  ■; 

*A-„      ¥■ 

;mF?il  ^nf   PFATi   V]fmhQ 

■^m,^_^i-h;^^:'^       ■'        ■  ■  —  -ii'^-.^irrC^ 


'  "  S   !   § 

ASHLAND,        -        WISCONSIN. 


EHrfllTlA-O^^n     T'^^^<>^^i^in^^n      |7AT!i^'»rl.'>T^/>< 

Saw  Mill  Machinery,  Mining  Machinery, 

Corliss  and  High  Speed  Engines,  Boilers, 

Power  Transmitting  Machinery,  Etc. 


W.  F.  PARISH,  Pres't,  Treas.  and  GenI  .Miife-r.  TH05IAS  BARDON.  Vice-President 

THOMAS  A.  PARISH,  Secretao'- 

DIltKCXOItS  :  ; 



THO.-»IAS  BARDON.  '  i 


i  S' 

1     i 


.       J    - 

i\^  jLijiOT«iBL  N/  •=^k!>»JmsI  ^ 


Arcliitectura!  S'nsal 

foetal  Grnamenls. 

U  £1  I'-]  1  tu  ^  LJ 



— , 



--^;r  ---: -^. =^ 


1 . 


JL  n  TL  jTJi-nJULiij-aLn.  n_rui-njL 



=^   SEND  I  Oil  rincES. 

iLWllUfiE,  WIS, 


II     i  if  '^  L  ■ 

uiinLLu  UlUi 


iiii  Ui^^\U 





FINIAIS  nii(! 




Patent  Angle  Iron 

BEER   SWimERS.  \ 

216  to  220  5th  Street, 



I       Austin's  Patent 
\  Expanding 

f^  WateiCoiiductcr 


i        •  /*  < 


1}   F  Poik's  Vr  i:i;i)i!sin  ^tatc  .^^azoltccraiul  liU.sir.csFi  dircctorv  ... 

':  S02  is?/'>^,/f. --'V  ;^'.7-  v./'^.z-A^  i-i:^t'^p 

1 ,7  ])(jiroI'L,  Mich,  [ntc;  li.  L.  Poik  &  t'0.,-lb'  -'19  "- 

j  '  ;•  V.     fo!.|-  mai's.     Z-'i-rM"". 

I  Issues  loi   If")  -IN'.T/S  nrc  r.Uhil)Lr<.'l  V.         -10 ;  issues  for  lS99,'15-0'>- 

1  19  r.rc-  nnniijrrcd  iOll.-  -.(.ar 

»  Title  varies :   IK  -18^9/1000,  1915/16,   Wisci.risiii  slate  gnzcfccr  :,nd 

:  l;;is;nc.-.s  i;;rr.-lorv. 

'  1901/02-K.&.Vr,'.,  lvl7/:5-10  Polk's  Wisconsin  ga.-cttocr 

^  ,Tnd  busiiK^s  (lirrclon-. 

1507/08-191.1/1 4.  R.  L.  Pclk  f.  co.'s  Wisconsin  st;.tc  ga^cltccr  and  busi- 
ness directory. 
PuMi-bcrs:  \o7'J.  \V.  lWf:.--\F?2.  Hocrr  &  Wrirbt  co.— 1SS4/5,  R.  L.  Polk 
&  CO.  and  A.  C.  Dar.ser.— l£S''>-;9  K.  L    P..:!<  S-  ro. 

■  1.   \Viscon^in — Direct.  I.    Wiscon-:!!!   si.ilc   ;ar.eilier  .'j-.d   bu^inc's   di- 

roclcrv.     n.  R.  L.  Polk  &  co.'s    Vv'iseonsi'-,    st.itc    g.^ze'l-e:    -mu 

business  dirccLory.  ^^ 

[     \  _  59-:;S3  Revised 

:■  Li'jrarv  of  Crn-ress  v  ]'?.7V7.P6 

'  c-:vr;r;;t  s..' -■'-■";  ■r;M:, 

The  Abbott  Automatic  Cheek  Perforator 

PATENTED  APRIL  -2:].  1SS9. 

Indorsed    and    Used   by  the    United    States 
Treasury    lleparliueiit. 

Tlie  figures  being  perfor 
ated  in  perfect  form,  do  not 
weaken  the  paper  and  will 
not  tear  out.  >jaoliines 
sent  to  any  bank  or  busi- 
ness bouse  in  tlie  United 
States  on  trial.  ^.i-^ 




— THE- 

!ni:ii  Pa!ic5  Cir  Co, 

perforate  enjx.Ocht'Cks  por 
mouth  by  tbismacbioe. 

Price,      $30. 



I?I  a  II  u  fa  clot  V  rs . 

47-49  South  Canal  St., 






•  HetTopolrafi  Ndhofta!  Ban 



Iq  placing  this,  the  Seventh  Bieunial  Volume  of  the  ^YIScoxsI^-  State  Gazetteer 
AND  Business  Directory  in  the  hands  cf  its  patrons,  the  publishers  do  so,  confident 
that  it  will  meet  the  requirements  of  a  large  portion  of  the  public,  and  are  satisfied  to 
let  it  rest  on  its  merits  as  a  work  of  its  class,  feeling  certain  that  no  more  appropriate 
Introduction  can  be  offered  than  the  assurance  that  nothing  has  been  neglected  on  their 
part  to  secure  the  utmost  thoroughness  and  accuracy.  Very  few  people  who  refer  to  a 
directory  have  any  adequate  idea  of  the  many  difflculties  encountered  by  the  publishers 
in  the  issue  of  a  work  of  such  magnitude  as  a  State  Gazetteer,  while  the  utility  of  a 
reliable  one  is  undoubted,  To  secure  to  the  business  men  of  TTisconsin  such  a  work  is 
the  constant  aim  of  the  publishers,  and  the  eagerness  with  which  the  Gazetteer  is  looked 
for  demonstrates  conclusively  that  the  work  has  become  a  permanent  necessity,  while  a 
glance  at  the  large  number  of  advertisements  scattered  throughout  its  pages  will  give 
some  idea  of  the  high  regard  in  which  it  is  held  as  a  medium  of  this  description. 

The  earlier  pages  are  devoted  tc  descriptive  and  statistical  matter  relating  to  Wis- 
consin; this  is  followed  by  a  list  of  all  the  postoflices  in  the  State,  with  a  description  of 
the  geographical  position  of  each,  the  population  of  each  place,  leading  business  inter- 
ests, nearest  accessible  shipping  point  when  off  a  railroad,  nearest  banking  point,  religi- 
ous and  educational  advantages  and  other  iisoful  facts  regarding  it  ;  following  this  is  an 
alphabetically  arranged  list  of  all  persons  engaged  in  business  there,  and  the  whole  is 
supplemented  by  a  voluminous  Classilied  Business  Directory,  comprising  lists  of  all 
trades,  professions  and  pursuits,  with  name  and  postofBce  address,  compiled  and 
arrahged  under  the  heading  to  which  each  belongs. 

No  material  used  in  any  previous  edition  has  been  embodied  in  this  issue  of  the 
work.  Everything,  both  as  regards  business  data  and  descriptive  matter,  has  been  pro- 
cured anew,  without  regard  to  the  enormous  expense  thus  entailed.  The  sketches  have 
been  carefully  rewritten  and  much  additional  inforniHlion  added,  while  a  reference  to 
the  Classified  Directory  will  show  a  far  more  complete  and  valuable  list  than  has  before 

Sincere  thanks  are  tendered  those  who  by  their  patronage  and  support  materially 
aided  and  encouraged  the  publishers  in  their  work,  and  also  to  those  who  kindly  assisted 
in  collecting  the  information  required  in  the  preparation  of  this  volume  ;  and,  in  con- 
clusion, the  publishers  would  say  that  nothing  shall  be  wanting  on  their  part  to  main- 
!'  '  tain  the  high  standard  already  attained,  and  they  confidently  hope  to  meet  with  the 
recognition  the  work  deserves. 


Banks  and  Bankers  in  Wisconsin 66-70 

Classified  Busiccsa  Di rector j'  (Wisconsin) 1085-1391 

Classiiied  Business  Directory  i Foreign) 1392-14110 

Comcoercial  Liuva  of  "Wisconsin 6O-I1I 

County  Seats  and  Count}'  Officers  in  Wisconsin 62-6o 

Courts -ll-Tl 

Foreign  Classiiied  Business  Directory 1392-1400 

Gazetteer  and  Alpl.aljetical  Directory 89-1084 

Government  of  AVi^consin ^cf 

loterual  Revenue  Districts  59 

Judiciar}- 4q 

Members  of  Congress 39 

Names  received  too  late  for  regular  insertion 12 

Patrons  Outtide  I  ho  ^tate — Classified 1392-1400 

Railroads  in  ^Viscnnsin g3 

State  Boards  and  Associations 55-o8 

S'ate  Gove; nintnt  of  Wisconsin 31; 

Slate  Institutions,  with  Locations 52-55 

Particular  atlmiuja  is  directed  to  the  list  of  Jlri't-dossbasiiu-ssjirms  in  cities  outside  of 
the  Stale — pages  130^-HOO. 


HLACK  EAItTil.     An  incorporated  town 
on  Black  Kartli  crce:.\  lu.d  on  tlie  tj.  51.  &  St.  P. 
Ry,  in  Dane  ooiinty.  '.o  nulr.s  northw-est  of  Xadi- 
sun,  the  tminty  scat,  a>.;  southeast  of  3Iazo  iManie, 
the  ncartst  liiiikir.'^  pcMut,  nuit  t)j  west  ot  Mil- 
waukee.   Foinilatiou,  OCO.    Exp,,    Adams.    Tel., 
W.  U.    Mail,  daily. 
Baer  Charles  E  II,  Keueral  store. 
Barker  Sanuiel,  ;;en.Tal  store. 
liestor  D  L.  farm  iinj,!  j. 
BInok  Karth  c... 

Cullcu  Will.  l>;^:rkMiiith. 

Eriekson  K.ui,  grocer  and  confectioner. 

Fesri,r,.KKv  Ilii^;lies,  hardware. 

Frank  hiiu^u,  lumcr. 

Hanson  Jiartin,  blacksmith. 

Hieiiey  David,  meat  market. 

I,aufc  L'hri-;.  li.Triie^--  an-I  livery. 

Lachmund  Paul  .."c  fu,  lumber. 

McKen/.ie  A  Ranjard,  midiners. 

Mann  John  (a„-t),  druggist. 

Schane  F  J.  painter. 

Scbaiiel  Jo^Hpi,,  furniture. 

Simmnis  |;  W,  jcnvler. 

Slmnioiii  ilrO  A.  niillirer, 

Stanford.  I.  .tun  .v  i;o,  |l,.,ur  mill. 

Stanford  ,?^  L.'^au,  general  store. 

Stuart  J  y,  caidiiii:  and  feed  mill. 

Voss  Frederick,  blacksmith. 

Wald  Ma.-s,  sal.  on. 

■\Vindeu  A  I',  cicthiny  and  merchant  tailor. 

Wood  Enoch,  hotel. 

Zatocil  Anion,  ■ilioeniaker. 

Zeller  George,  licte!. 

GAlrlCSVILLK.    See  also  pages  331-332. 

Coiiiineroial  lIoKl,  David  T  .Mnpree  Propr; 

Good  Livery  in  Coniie.;(iou.     (.v.;  ctv.  />  Vi\i) 
Freeman   tieoi-^o    V,  District  Attorney  and 

Propr  Arctic  .IIui.thI  s'.pi-m_-s. 
Mn;;ee  Uuvlil  ■!',lro|.i-  Loniniercial  Hotel  and 
Liiery.     (Sec  «dc,  p  IJI3.1 

I,.\  CltO.SSU.     See  also  pages  OH.') 
ICnl<liiA2l    ClinrleM,  Fresco   Artist.  110.3  Win- 
iSec  adr,  ;       ■ 



PKW.Vl'KKI'^  A  nourishing  incorporated 
Tillage  on  the  C,  .11.  i.  St.  P.  I(y,  in  Waukesha 
county,  10  northwest  oC  .Milwaukee,  and  ij 
nortli  of  Wauke.sha,  the  county  scat.  This  is  a 
well-known  ple.isure  resort,  bem^  located  on  the 
shore  cf  re;\'t'.ukce  laiie,  and  tii-^rc  are  ii  steamers 

and  over  100  small  boats  for  the  accommodation  of 

pleasure    parties.    Teleplione    exchange.     Esp., 

Am.    Tel  .  \\.   U.    Popiiiation,  3uO.    Mail,  dady. 

George  Barker,  postmaster. 

Alton  A  Q,  carpenter. 

Armour  i  C'o's  Ice  House.  G  !£  McCollom  mnijr. 

Becker  Rev  D  L  i  Catholici. 

BoUes  Wm  B,  carpenter. 

Etdl  .loseph.  eeiieral  store. 

Burke  Garretr,  farm  impts. 

Cairucross  &  Uoss  i  Georj^e  Cairncrosa,  John  Ross). 

OaliUveirAIoxaiider,  General  Store. 
Cameron  Claude.  drUL'Eist. 
Camerou  Rev  J  II  iCouRregatlonali. 
Carberry  James,  mason. 
Christopherson  Geuree,  barber. 
Culver  H  L,  general  store. 
Davey  Ilenrv,  stcamlioat  owner. 
I>ilso,i  Mar^-ljall.  biiild.r. 
Ely  Frank,  railr.cid  at-ecc. 
FlemiiiiCKCbmlcs.  marshal. 
Frederick,  blacksmith. 


1  L,  masi 


Garrett  Hen 

ry,  meat 


Hall  A;  \ 

(on,  (i. 

iicral  Store. 

Hamni  IP  r 

'■    i:)d  hotel 

Hansen  C!i: 

■  -L.iuraai. 

Jon.s  I>,  nicu  muricT. 
Larson  P,-ter,,. 
!»I<I>i)\%  ell  S  I.  A  «' 

Nels.-ii  Aiidlrvv    ■•cnini 


Par^  c:.  -, 
Peirer  Ed« 


-d,  luuibe 

:ce  Lake  Flouring  MUI. 
Plnlbrick  E.  >h<emakcr. 
Plaukinton  JiC...  :ce. 
ijuinlan  Thomas,  bl.icksmith. 
Savoy  Frank,  saloon  and  hotel. 
Steele  Georee  L),  wagonmaker. 
Thomas  L)  il.  lawyer. 
While  ^t  Son,  furniture. 
Williams  1>,  hla.-ksmith. 
Zaun  Jacob,  hotel. 


Arranged   Alplisibctically  by  Towns. 

ALBANY.  Page 

Flint  Saaford  E 93 


Alma  Milling  Co 97 

Creuzer  C  F. 96 

Eberle  John 96 

Huber  Bros 96 

Williams  A  F. 97 


Autigo  Herold 109 

Buhse  Ueury  C 105 

Delcglise  Fniuk  A 104 

Ducliac  &  Iju-uisbek 109 

Herman  Fred 109 

Hoxie  &  Mtllor lOa 

Johns  WB 106 

Kellogg  Thomas  D 104 

Langlade  Counlj-  B  ink 107 

Langlade  County  Special 109 

Meyer  Fred  C 109 

Millard  Albert  il 105 

Ogden  Jcihn  A 106 

Spencer  James  C 106 

Springer  J  J, 107 

Trever  J  H  ' 107 


Appleton  Mnfg  Co 121 

Arnold  George  F  &  Son 123 

Brill  M  II.  ." 123 

C'Uenevert  J  E 121 

Commercial  National  Bank 112 

Dean  Philip 121 

<3reeu  Bay  and  Jlissis.^ippi  Canal  Co.  112 

Ilackwortliy  John 119 

Ilarriman  Frank  \V 123 

Horner  Joseph 125 

Lawrence  University Ill 

Sherry  James 123 

Tock  J  U 121 

UUman  J  &  Co 119 

Union  Toy  and  Furniture  Co 117 

Wells  C  M  &■  Son 115 

Wells  &  Uuelle 115 

Willson  Bros 117 

Woodard  George  S 123 


Andison  Kenneth 

Avery  &  Hanlzsch 

Bekken  Bros 

Bond}'  Bros 

Bremner  Phillip 

Doherty  ct  Mouahan 

Ebblie  .Mrs  ;\I:>.y 

IleydlaulT  &  (J.nborn 

Hochdanner  Bros 

Hopper  George  II   

Kurievski  M  J 

Lake  Superior  l>;cf  Co 

McClintock  C  M  E 

McGuire  Oeorce 

O'Sullivan  Eugene  J right  top 

Parish  Mnfg  Co.  left  bottom  lines  and 

Sevier  D  J 

Sicotte  J  B 

SoperN  S 

Steamer  Plow  Boy 

Sullivan  J  &  Co 

Walker  KG 

Wiggins  &  Kicbardson 


CritesE  J.. 
Welch  II  A  . 

Nation  R  A. 
Ott  Jacob. . . 


Downs  Wm  W 


Howes  EM 

Phelps  Dr  N  M 

Pratt  EC 


Daniels  Sisters 

Haj's  Harry  M 


Bratsch  August 

Bruegger  George  B 

I  Disotell  W  A 












Olsen  II  n 173 

Tanner  &  Lewis 173 

Wilson  Lewis 171 


Freeman  &  Simpson 177 


Brooks  &  Blancharil 183 


Dennison  Mnfg  Co.  .buclibone  and  p  1404 


Graham  Bros 187 


Thompson  Tyler 189 


Balnes  A  B&  U  S 1169 


Gill  Nic 19.5 

Jones  C  A 19.5 

Klein  F  G  &  Co 195 

Wilbur  Lumber  Co 1043 

Wurms  Bros 195 


Basse  Mrs  H 198 


Downing  Mrs  J  11 199 

Lintz  Aleiander  K 1243 


News 209 


Abbott  Machine  Co 10 

American  Tube  Works.  1123.1102  and  1332 
Andrews  A  H  &Co.  1201. 1277,  1311, 

1313,  1364 

Baker  ET&  Co 1192 

Benedict  George  H  &  Co 1191 

Blair  WE 1398 

Bolten  P  H  &  Co 1185 

Brackebush  A  C  &  Co 1155 

Braun  Illustrating  Co 1187 

Bryant  &  Stratton  C'hicago  Busiuess 

College left  top  lines 

Calkins  T  E  &  Co 1188 

Carpenter  Geo  B  &  Co.  109.5,   1113, 
1127,  J 162,  1194,  1242,   1284,   12.^^5, 
1298,  1340. 1370, 1373.1377, I3S1  and  1385 
Chicago,  Iiurlington  A;  (Juincy  R  K.  83 
Chicago  Medical  and  Surgical  Insti- 
tute   1088 

Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St  Paul  Ry. . 

lit'ht  bottom  Hues  and  82 

Chicago  Photo  Kiigraving  Co.    1189 

Chicago  Photo-Tint  Co 1190 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  A  Pacific  Ry. .  80 

Chicago  .t  Grand  Trunk  Ry 

riglit  and  left  bottom  Hues  and  SO 

Clark,  Kaffen  &  Co 1 132 

Corlett  Bros 1189 

Dickinson  The  Albert  Co 

Drant  Engraving  Co 

Famous  ilnfg  Co 

Ford  Roofing  Co  The 

Gibson  Wm  D  Co  

Goodrich  Transportation  Co 

Hagemann  Mrs  Louise 

Halladav  Wm  H  Mnfg  Co 

Hawtin  W  &  Co 

Hibbard,  Spencer.  Baitlett  &  Co. . . . 

Illinois  Central  11  R 

right  and  left  bottom  lines  and 

Jarvis  G  JI  Co  The 

Jurgens  C  «.t  Bro 

Krause  E  L 

Kunze  REE 

McFarland  .J  C...1162.  1205,  1339, 
1368  and 

Manz,J  &  Co 

Miller  .James  A  &  Bro 

Mooney  &  Poland  Detective  Agency. 

Moore  E  B  &  Co 

National  Union  Vaccine  Co 

Orcutt  Co  The opp 

Pelorsen  A  &  Co 

Petz  F  G 

Pinkerton  &  Cos  United  States  De- 
tective Agency 

Polk  R  L&Co opp 

Rick'jtisC  L 

Tarkovsky  .t  Co 

Western  Machine,  Die  and  Model 

Wetzell  AE 

Wilks  S  Mnfg  Co 

Williams  T&  Bro 

Wisconsin  Central  Lines 


Koinke  Charles 


Bradford  Robert  E 

Brewster  LI) 

Chippewa  Valley  Mercantile  Co 

Friederich  ,T  L 

Kind  Henry 

Lego  Peter  &  Son 

Michel  C  &  J  Brewing  Co. .  .221  and 

Miles  D  E 

Millard  BF 

Siegrist  E 

Townsend  J  L 

Webb  &  Stansbury 

Wisconsin  Collection  Agency 












213  '. 



Pettet  J .-.1319 


Morgan  Mrs  A  F .• 226 


Sedgwick  FA 227 



COLBY.  Page 

Peterson  N  P 229 


Meehan  John 241 


Whiting  EzraT 1235 


Democrat  Publishing  Co 247 

Dunham  A;  Smith 347 


JIcKinlay  Bros 253 

Marlis    Reuben 253 

Mitchell  Joscpli  jr 253 

Streetcr  J  F 1339 


Mclmer  Edmund 255 

Schmidt  A  F  A:  Co 255 


FarrM  M 259 


.J^tna  Building  and  Loau  Assn 278 

Binder  A.   281 

Boitwitic  A  J 277 

Carroll  Jolin 273 

Cernaghan  T  A 267 

Dewey  C  A 283 

Eau  Claire  Book  ni;(l  Stationery  Co..  277 

Eau  Claire  Furniture  Co 233 

Eau  Claire  National  Bank 273 

Fox  M 281 

Gaston  David 279 

Gores  J  C 281 

Ideal  Land  aLd  Loan  Co 275 

Mac.Martin  J 283 

Jlerriraan  George  W 277 

Millard  B  F  . . . '. 217 

Parkinson  ifc  McGlllis 271 

Pionf-er  Furniture  Co 277 

Heed  George  M 279 

Sime  T  Jl 283 

Smith  George  W  &  Bro 275 

Stevens  A  11 283 

Tricgs  Henry  T 279 

Truax   Peter 269 

•Wedemeyer  W  H 278 

Wienanit  .fc  Wahl 279 

Wisconsin  Refrigerator  Co 271 

Wisconsin  River  Land  Co 275 


O'Brien  T   H j 289 


Denaiston  J  0 293 


Kittelson  Charles 295 


Enterprise  The 299 


Fifleld  MufgCo 304 

Vinette  P 304 


Birdsall  Co  The 313  and  1088 

Bush&  Hill 311 

Carey  E  A 313 

Dallmann  A  C 313  and  10S6 

Dittmarll  C 313 

Enckiug  C  L 313 

Errard  CE 317 

Knopke  Al 315 

Main  &  Zacherl 315 

Jloore  &  Galloway  Lumber  Co  (!t'd).  311 

Post  W  H right  bottom  lines  and  309 

Scherer  Henry 315 

Sweet  I!  F  &  11  L 311 

Taylor  A  B 315 

Thomsen  J 318 


Brown  W  G 323 

Dawes  Fred 321 


Hood  Wm 323 

Krouse  Peter 323 

Sellers  Malcolm 323 


Schneider  George 326 


Kinney  HE 337 


Magee  D  T 1243 


Sell  George 337 


Jerman  Mary  A 341 


Allouez  Mineral  Spring  Co 355 

Britton  DW ■^. 343 

DriscollJohn 353 

GithensJ  H 347 

Green  Bay  Business  College,  right  top  lines 

Green  Bay  Carringe  Co  353 

Gieen  Bay,  Winona  and  St  Paul  R  R  81 

Hall  EL 357 

Harlow  PC 349 

Hart  H  W  &  C  B 359 

HoUingsworth  Dr  ,T  S 357 

Joannes  Bros 351 

Johnson  J  S 351 

^[cCunn  J  N right  top  lines 

Mayer  H 355 

Forth,  Schmid  &  Ilarman 347 

Reinecko  &  Wendorfif 3.5S 

Schiller  C 353 




Schmit  J  P  C   357 

Schrocders  Bros 345 

Smits  Hei-maa 308 

Snyder  Frank 349 

Straubel  &  Ebelio- 34j 

Streckenbach  C  W  &  Co :S5.1 

Wellems  Joseph  A 349 


Hartford  Press 3Co 

Mueller  Admn  B 365 

Sunderland  iirs  J  C oG5 


Chri3tian3on  Otto 


Mitchell  Gu9 

Webster  L  II  E 


Schwebs  Gustav 


Baker  i  Helms 

Johnson  W  J  &  Co 

Oliver  Wendell  Holmes  Siinitarium. 
Riedel  George 


Bardon  Thoaiaa 

Becker  Ph 

Morris  &  Gill 


Independence  News  The 

Myers  S  M  &  Co 

"Wave  The 


Blanchard  11  II 

Fardy  &  Kobiuson 

Jaueiville  Construction  Co 

Nelson  Bros 

Norris  A  B  it  51  A light  top 

Phelps  SH 

Recorder  Prinliii;^  Co 

Schaller  &  Strir k:cr 

Shoemaker  W  E 

Taylor  M  D 










Heger  Rudolf. 
Mueller  Ed. . . 

Juneau  Telephoae. 
Walther  John 


Dickhant  Charles  A 

Head  Dan  A  Co 

Peunoycr  ISanit.irium  The.  .  .419  and 


S:mon  GH 







Anderson  Mons  &  Son 

Baiduzzi  C 

Beyer  B 

Coiuiau  C  L  

Dengler  John 

Durham  Benjimiu   F 

Exchiin:;-.;  Slate  Bank 

Fox  Lt  Smith 

Fuiike  J(jseph  B 

Grams  John 

Gund  John  Brewing  Co. . . 

Hackncr  E 

Kroner  F 

La  Crosso  Cracker  Co. . .  . 

McCovd  J.imes 

Harden  J  II 

Michel  C&  J  Brewing  Co. 

Oyeu  Odin  J 

Puuiptrin  it  Wi.acenhorn  Cicar  Co. 

lioosevelt  W  A  Co 

Stanek  J  J 

State  Bank  of  La  Crosse 

Techmer  II  C 

Thocny  John 

Torrance  John  ct  Son 

Wisconsin  Lumber  and  Jlnfg  Co.  .  . 


Bank  of  Geneva 

.433  and 




Grant  County  Herald 4.57 

Lowry  Ed  M'. 457 

Mejcr  Richard  vi  Co 457 

Posey  ifc   JlcPherson 457 


Stoll.  YannaltiLt  Co 1093 


Skirain   it  Russell 1094 


Abaly  W  C 495 

Arusmaier  Fred 495 

Belden  (;  A 4^9 

r.ernard  (.'harles  &  Son 491 

B  rss  Ilarrov."  Mufg  Co 495 

Boyd  it  Gill 473 

Bresee  Levi  M 481 

C:antn-cll  MJ 491 

Cor}-  John. 493 

Dcininger  George 495 

Frank  J 487 

French  Charles  \ 495 

French  it  Clifford 489 

Fuller  &  Johnson  Mnfg  C... 475 

GoodnowMrsH  D 495 

Grove  II  it  Sons 481 

Kemp  J  JI  it  Co 483 

Kraft  Guorixe 489 

Lacher  Joseph 493 




Larson  John  &  Co 5 

Leary  Join  W 495 

LeilwilL  ,]umes 491 

Oweus  ^Vm 476 

Park  ■\\"m  J  &  Sons 4S3 

Peterson,  Ois^'O  &  Fish 485 

Savings,  Loan  and  Trust  Co 476 

Schroder  Henry 491 

Seller  Jacob 493 

Tracy,  G;ubs  &  Co 4S9 

Turvill  Bros 485 

Viall  M  E  .t  W  A 485 

Weckesser  II  G 487 

Wisconsin  Botschafter 495 


Drost  11  &  Son 509 

Keltf-nhofun  JI 507 

Liebcno w  C  it  Son 507 

Manitowoc  JInfg  Co 505 

Reidercr  JIrs  ?il ,509 

Sondermanu  E 509 

Veith  Fcrdinnud 509 

Williams  A  &  Son 505 

Willolt  Joi  &  Sons 1277 

Wiudiato  Thomai 507 


Brink  Pc'c  Co 521 

Ciiirk  FA 519 

Humi'hicvillo  Wm  II 521 

Larsen  J.'imcs 517 

Lindt'Ui  it  Millar 517 

Linii(iiii-t  JO 515 

Liindbfii,'  K 519 

Miller  B'os  515  it  Smith 519 

Rctlich  Kruesl 515 

Strass  IS 517 

Westlund  August 521 


B'.oedel  Pliillip 525 

Saxe  Jaiuos  II 525 


Bever  Bros 527 

Fdster's  Hotel  Co  (k'd) .527 

Lang  &  Christenscn 527 

Blarshtield  Land  Co opp  52S 

Weilaud  I'eter 527 


Fosbinder  C  W 531 

Juneau  County  San 531 

Mansion  Produce  Exchange 531 


Dodge  County  Pionier 533 


Hartwii;  Fred  J 537 

Zmmermanu  John  V 537 


Mielke  Michael 539 


Schmidt  &  Heintz 543 


Kollock  George  W 547 

Rossman  John 517 

Scott  James  W 547 

Milton  College 553 

Speuce  EL 553 


Abeles  &  Mahler C43 

Adams  JI  H 647 

AdlerF  P 041 

Allia  Edw  P  d-  Co 1197 

American  Vinegar  Works C43 

Andrae  Julius left  bottom  lines 

AndreeE  W 641 

Andres  John  &,  Son i 043 

Ankelen  Gustav 063 

Aschermann  Ed  it  Co left  top  Hues 

Awe  Fred 013 

Barkow  Herman 605 

Barnard  George  L 023 

Bastam  Ale.x G39 

Baty  Robert 061 

Baumgarten  C 623 

Becker  Dauforth 645 

]5entley  Tliomas  1{  645 

B^rghoefer  Charles 645 

Berwanger  A 645 

Bethmanij  it  Tappendorf 005 

Beyer  J  V 617 

Biegel  Peter 617 

Biersach  it  Niedermcyer 8 

Dinner  Engraving  Co  .  ,  : 503 

Binney  J 647 

Birkenwald  S  J;  Co 1291 

Bishop  A  V 649 

Blatz  Val  Brewing  Co 575 

Boeltcher  it  Schiuirael 597 

Brodesser  Mnfg  Co right  lop  lines 

Brumder  Geoige opp  5S2 

Brummer  W  F 615 

Bnes  H  F 581 

Bucstrin  Henry 003 

Biinde  it  Upnieyer 563 

Canar  Bros 651 

Caudee  AV  S right  top  lines 

Carpenter  D  H 053 

(Carroll  it  Kennedj'  Co 649 

Caspar  C  N 603 

Cas.^el  Peter 655 

Christmanu  Alexander 021 

Clement,  Williams  iV- Co 587 

Cohen,  Nei^serA:  Licberman 027 

ColdeweG  it  Co 1120 

Cole  Sidney  H 603 

Commercial  Printing  Co 571 




Uook  &Hyde 603 

Cox  Jo<=eph  L 649 

Cribb  Robert 6G1 

Crow  Stove  Polish  Co 1225 

Ciuinhy  Bros left  top  lines 

Culli^-Hn  JohnD 610 

Daily  News oSl 

Davis  Omnibus  Line  and  Transfer  Co  579 

Dcarholt  .fe  Benedict 

right  top  lines  and  5 

De  Lange  n 655 

Detwiler  E  &  Son 593 

Dieffenbach  Alexander  F 1385 

Douglas  James 663 

Dreber  Pius G39 

Eagle  Pattern  Works 007 

Edwards  W  N 1203 

EgelhcfC  J  &  J 637 

Egelhoir  Thco  Co 569 

Elmermann  A  J 651 

Erdmauu  Albert  J 1131 

Esch  John  ifc  Son 609 

FachutarS  P 653 

Fatli   John 663 

Fidelity  and  Casualty  Co   The 585 

Fischer  Chemical  Cleaning  Works..  651 

Frascr   Donald 607 

Friauf  .t  Jinichck 655 

Fuldner  L  &  Co 657 

Gaidner  A  II  Co 629 

Gerlach  Wni  &  Co 589 

Germania  Publishing  Co opp  583 

Goerres  Pbilipp 637 

GoU  &  Frank  Co 025 

Goodyear  Rubber  Co 

left  top  lines  and  opp  1103 

Graf  John 007 

Grassier  M 1103 

Greulicb  Aug\ist  &  Son 053 

Griese  Alwin  W 655 

Grocn  Fred  II 657 

GumzR&Co 601 

Hack  &  Alten 1163 

Hager  John 705 

Hamaun  &  Senz 613 

Harper  Robert  &  Sons left  top  lines 

Hart  Peter 653 

Hatch  J  15  &  Co 657 

Hays  Ooori;o 657 

Heinl  Joseph  &  Sons 007 

Hendec  C  A  &  Son 813 

HinUel  John 631 

Hoffman  &  Minwegeu 601 

Hoffmann  &  Baur". 599 

Holton  J 661 

Hunter  G  31 631 

Huntington  J  F opp     702 

Island  Sash  and  Door  Co 4 

Jacob  &  Weige! 661 

Jacobi  &  Richter 1201 

Jaquct's  Patent  Dipped  Shingle  Co..  3 

Jess  Fred  667 


Johnson  Chris  S. 607 

Jones  U  L  Co  (I'tri ) 589 

Jovce  Gilbert  S 027 

Jurss  Wm  C  &  Co 1188 

Kaaiz  1 031 

Karger  Leopold 615 

Karker  John 007 

Keihl    &  Breidster 705 

Kieckbefer  Elevator  JInfg  Co.  ..backbone 

Kimball  WD 005 

Kirsch  R  G 651 

Kletzsch  C  FCo 599 

Kh>kner  A 670 

Ko.  filer  Hugo 665 

Kohn  Anton.    1337 

Kolpacki  Bernhard 009 

Kropp  Wm  &  Co 073 

KrusF  P 009 

Lachmaa  Louis 071 

Larson  James 071 

Larson  Louis 071 

Laverrenz  Otto  &  Bro 095 

Leigh  James '''76 

LeipoUKt  Wiskocil rigbt  lop  lines 

Lieschel  Charles 037 

Lindsay  Bros 073 

Linger  Dr  0 675 

Lohr  Charles  &  Co 577 

Lohse  Bros 049 

Lorenz  U  &  Son 081 

Lowe  L 081 

Ludwig  Charles 073 

Lund  George 673 

McLees  Kate 081 

MacLaren  Til  N. . .  .left  side  lines  and  025 

Macomber  AV  W  . .  .bottom  edge  and  501 

Mannvillo  Covering  Co front  cover 

Marr  &  Ricliards  Engraving  Co 603 

Martin  Frank 003 

MajburyFrtdM 017 

Mellen  Wm : 079 

Memlel,  Smith  &  Co 1225 

-Meuuier  John  Gun  Co.  .right  bottom  lines 

Me>  ers  J  A  &  Co 075 

Milbrath  C  W  &  Co 629 

Miller  Charles  B 079 

Miller  H  C  A;  Co 075 

.Milwaukee  Boiler  Co 593 

Milwaukee  Cement  Co.  .  .left  bottom  lines 

Milwaukee  Employment  Agency. .  .  .  053 

Milwaukee  Engraving  Co  - 029 

Jlilwaukee,  Lake  Shore  &    Western 

Ry 79 

Milwaukee    Mirror    and    Art  Glass 

Works 597 

Milwaukee  Ship  Yard  Co 627 

Mitchell  AS 1149 

Money  J 679 

Mousted  A  &  Co 097 

Mooers  II  A:  Co 1371 

Moore  Mufg  and  Foundry  ("o 095 

Mueller  &  Koken 0"! 



Murpby  Daniel  E 2 

Nagle  Wm 681 

Xaish  EB 677 

Naujoks  Math 705 

Nelson  Swan 1205 

New  York  Life  Insurance  Co 

rieht  top  lines 

Nordberg  JInfc:  Co T. GIO 

Northwestern  Chemical  Cn 677 

Northwestern  Dental  Assn opp    702 

Noithwestern  Furniture  Cn 703 

Northwtstern  ^Mutual  Life  Ins  Co  of 

.      Milwaukee 2 

Obeubcrger  Joseph 619 

O'Connor  Phil 687 

Ohlsen  Wm 633 

Olson  Knutl 093 

Orinda  Sprincs  Co 687 

Packard  O  L  Machinery  Co 601 

Peege  E  J 663 

Penn  Mutual  Life  Ins  Co 

bottom  edge  and     501 

Pereles  Nalh  &  Sous 1333 

Petersen  11 left  side  lines 

Pfistcr  &  Voo-tl  Leather  Co (VT7 

Philipp  A  &V>ro 591 

PietEch  Otto  Dye  Works 

top  edge  and    CS6 

PilgerO  J  &Co ' 

1091,  oppllUl,  1377  and  13?S 

Plankinton  Bank  The front  cover 

Plankinton  House 550 

Pollock  Wm 571 

Pommer  E  Wine  Co right  top  lines 

Pralil  Charlf 3  A 695 

Raetz  Gu-t 687 

Hahtc  &  Haas 679 

Rau  Charles  H 051 

licalty  and  Iluilding  Record 571 

Reisa  Valentine 687 

Rheude  Anton 112S 

Ringer  C  F 683 

Ron  John  O 605 

Schilling  Jacob 705 

Schlilz  Jos  Brewing  Co 573 

Srhniidt  Peter  &  Co 683 

Schniitt  F  &Sous 1208 

Schniitt  M  J 683 

Schiieidi  r  &  Schlcsinger 6S3 

Schnetzky  II  P 677  Otto  J 564 

Schulz  Erdman 1370 

Schwaab  Stamp  and  Seal  Co 039 

Schwalbach  M 635 

Schwartz  C  O  Stove  Co 685 

Seitz  J 685 

Senger  Rudolph 705 

Severiu  Gustav 1345 

Seyring  Fred 085 

Shaw  Jesse  &  Co 1225 

Sheriffs  JInfg  Co 595 

Simonds  Chauncey  Co 625 


Sims  J  C ; 691 

Smith  A  E  &  Co 585 

Spencerlan  Business  College.  ,  .front  cover 

Sprinkmann  Fred 689 

StaabMrs  K 635 

Standard  Brick  Co 1125 

Standard  Paper  Co 595 

Stannard  F  P  Gun  Co  The. 

left  bottom  lines 

Stehling  &  Blommer 619 

Stein  Mrs  Wilhelmine 635 

Stern's  Alpine  RemedvCooOl  and  opp     728 

Stollenwork  A  &  B  . ." 730 

Stollenwei  k  &  Winding  Co 729 

Stolper  Charles 6S9 

Stout  Stanley  S 659 

Sullivan  II  J 7 

Swoboda  Frank 689 

Taylor  W  G 665 

Tcnscher  Joseph 689 

Thierbarh  M  ^t  Co 017 

Tiavelers'  Insurance  Co  of  Ilartfcrd. 

Conn   left  side  lines  and     025 

Trenkamp  F 633 

Trofitel  Albert  &  Sons 673 

Underwood  II  G.. right  top  lines  and  1316 

United  States  Mutual  Accident  Assn.  077 

Van  Ncrman  G  B 033 

Wehr  August 691 

Weis  Bros left  side  lines  and  697 

Welsel  &  Vilter  Mnfg  Co  The 02& 

Weissleder  Herman 691 

Werner  A 691 

Werner  F 059 

West  II  II  Co 587 

Wetzel  A  >.t  Bro 705 

Wilkin  Mnfg  Co  The front  cover 

Wilier  Mnfg  Co 095 

Wilmot  Business  and  Shorthaud  Col- 
lege   567 

Winding  George 730 

Winkelmann  OF 69a 

Wisconsin  College  of  Midwifery  and 

Lying-in  Hospital 705 

Wisconsin  Trust  Co  of  Milwaukee.  . 

front  cover  and  659 

Wisconsin  Typewriter  Co 1383 

Wisconsin  Venetian  Blind  Co 

left  top  lines  and  69s 

With  &  Frees 609 

V/right  John  M 093 

Yale  II  P  &  Co .585 

Ziemann  A 603 


Brown  David 749- 

Charles  John 749 


McJ[lllan  Jas  &  Co 1377 

Minneapolis,    St   Paul   &   Sault    Ste 

Marie  Ry 1403 

Minneapolis  &  St  Louis  Ky 38 

Williamson  J  F 131S 




Moline  Plow  Co 


Monmouth  Jlining  and  ^[nfg  Co. 


Duerst  N  S 

Klocppel  &  Kadeiiy 

Shrincr  Ferd 

Willaman  &  Thorp 


McCuddin  M 


Frankland  J 


O'Flaherty  Johu 


Blair  &  Huie 

RussellJ  B 




Hein  John 

Jones  Frank  D 





Wilson  Amasa. 


Beyer  George 779 

Dawson  J  C 731 

Johnson  Mnfg  Co . .    781 

Knapstein  Theo  &  (_'n 779 

LyoQ,  Daughertv  ifc  Kuapsteins 779 

Renter  Charles  F 779 

Schantz  &  Ilahn 78! 

Tlm°sThe 781 

Werner  O  W.... 781 


Johnston  Wm  ik  Co 784 

Wells  &  Mulrooney 781 


BueehelerH  C 793 

Hurlhutifc  Good  will 793 


Bond  George  E 797 

BruusF  A 796 

Cook  \Y  P  &.  Bro 799 

Frewcrd  George  il 797 

Haustchal  K , .". 799 

Holt  Lumber  Co 799 

Oconto  Company 797 


Hall  A  B 803 

Morton  C  C  i;  Co 803 


Badger  Pump  Co 837 

Barnes  J  A 809 

Battis  Bros 821 


Conlce  Lumber  Co 821 

Diamond  Paint  Co 829 

Eagle  Broom  Factory 829 

Freeman  C  W 829 

German  National  Bank 813 

Glatz  J  &  Son S09 

Gould  James  P 811 

Gustavus  E  R  819 

Horn  &  Schwahn 823 

Imperial  Paiut  Co 811 

Ke/.ertee  1 827 

Luck  T 825 

Morrau  JIatlress  Co 817 

Neville  T 815 

Oshkosh  Business  College  and  School 

of  Shorthand front  cover 

Oshkosh  Pump  Co 815 

Phillips  ^.t  Kleiet 825 

Powers  Charles  R 829 

Repo  (/'hailes 829 

Reynolds  James  M 827 

Stewart  Frank  C t'lo 

Stopper  M 825 

Streich  Gabriel !r^23 

Wisconsin  Real  Estate  and  Exchange 

Co 825 

Wyland  v.t  Castle 813 


Annstronir  Mrs  F 838 

Choletle  Mrs  MR 839 

Earner  M 839 

Hall  WW 839 

Pergoli  AD 839 

Pcshtigo  Co  The 837 


Bee  The 814 

Campbell  Jay 842 

DurkeeE  E 843 

Friedl  W 841 

Hartmaun  Henry 841 

Kelleher  C  C .  . .' 841 

Nichols  W  H 843 

Owen  W  F 842 

Sorenson  Bros 842 

State  Bank  of  Phillips 842 

WojdardJohnD 842 


Moore  Samuel  849 


Petersen  Bros 853 


Daly  J  H 857 

Edwards  Wm  M 859 

Forbes  W  it 855 

ilurphy  B 853 

Weir  A  J 855 

York  I  W  .t  Co 57 



Henze  A  R. .    86t 

Ozaukee  County  Malting  Co S61 

-  PRAniI&  DU   CnlEN. 

Barnej'  Bros 867 

Gibbons  I  H  &  Co 807 


Priest  H  K 871 

Schwanlie  August '^71 


Case  J  I  Treshing  Machine  Co 1379 

Dickey  E  P  Fanninc;  .Mill  Co «77 

First  National  Bank 875 

Foster  &  Williams 87.5 

Gofchner  Charles 875 

Heck  Louis 877 

lIcLers  Kate : S79 

Mnfrs'  Xnlional  Bank  of  Kacine 875 

Phelon  Mrs  MM 879 

Putnam  C  11 877 

Racine  Specialty  Cn 1383 

Union  National  Bdiik 877 


BuLrinann  11 886 

Cook  S.'imuei  A 880 

Poster  0  C 88(5 

Tobey  Frank  C 886 


Collins  S  A 891 

Doeriuix  Ilerraan 1841 

Webb  i.fc  Schwekts 891 


Crowley  Tboinas 894 

Dodd  J  :M 895 

Fuller  F  E 895 

Oneiiia  County  Land  and  Abstract  Co  895 

Rhinelandtr  Iron  Co 895 


Barron  County  Bank 899 

Rice  Lake  LunibtT  Co 899 

llice  Lake  .M  ufg  Co 899 


Risliop  .1  H 901 

Breese  LP 901 


Carley  &  Dunia.^ 904 

Miles  ,I(.bn  L 905 

Ripon  Pacliias  Co 904 

Timms  C  J 905 


Freeman  &  Kuy'cr 1199 

Tubbs  Thomas  E  &  Co opp  90S 

Wells  Wm 909 

9T    CROL\  FALLS. 

Baker  J  S 917 

ST.   LOUIS,  MO.  Page 

Branch-Crookes  Saw  Co 1365 

Iron  iMouutain  Route 1401 

Missouri  Pacitic  Ry 1178 

Wabash  Railroad 1403 

ST.   PAITL,    MINN. 

American  Land   and   Title   Register 

A.=3n 1236 

Chicago,    St    Paul,     Minneaplis     & 

Omaha  Ry 1405 


Southern  Pacific  Company opp  1400 


Raddant  Emil  T. 929 


CoaeE 1252 

Hensel  Fred 933 

Hilpcrtshauscr  Charles 93! 

Ivauer  Peter 931 

Koepsell  John  J 933 

KuEserow   C 933 

Mayer  J  G 9bi 


Quyett  Moses 



Shullsburg  Bank 945 


i   Taugiicy  Thomas 977 


Chamberlain  C  V 949 


Bosworth  &  Reilly 9.^9 


Commercial  Bank  The. 
Currnn  II  &  J  D. 
Felch   Chester. . . 



Firbt  Nnlinual  Bank 

Gazette  The 961 

McGlachlin  &  Simons 901 

North  Siile  Lumber  Co 900 

Oliu  &  Packard 9G3 

Rice  John  &  Bro 959 

Rothman  Philip 961 


Barth  N 972 


Bank  of  Superior 973 

Bardon  John  A 973 

Bishiff  J  F  JT 973 

Catliu  &  Bui  ler 976 

Doe  &  Reynolds 973 

Douglas  County  Abstract  Co 974 

I'Mn  arils  Cordy 9y5 

George  &  Shryark 974 

Lmcoln  &  Correll 977 

Miller  Grover  P 977 

Nobles  &  Liunen 979 



Smith  &  Hare 974 

Superior  Consolidated  Laud  Co '.174 

Taylor  Frauk  L 077 

Wallcer  John  979 

WebbWH 979 

Wilson  G  Fd:  Co 979 

Wisconsin  Swedish  Tribune &Sj 


McGuireLH 1003 

l^ye,  Lusk  &  Hudson 1003 


Baurafrart  &  Schwartz 1005 

Palmer  Mrs  S  D  &  Son 10O5 

Scholltr&  Cech 1007 

Sowlc  &  Sowle 100.5 


Pierce  L&  Co 1019 

Silbaugh  Jackson 1019 


Bank  of  Washburn 1031 

Bay  Lanl  and  Improvtineut  Co 1U23 

Bush  H  II 1033 

Delaiu-y  A  E 1023 

Hallciran  John   103;] 

Potter  G  F 102a 


Humphrey  M  M  ct  S.m 103n 


Blumenfeld  &  Son 1030 

Eaton  S  JI  &  Son 1039 

Fuermann  diaries 1037 

Harti£;&  Manz 1037 

Harlwig  AH 103i 

Heck  E  A 1039 

Jossi  vfc  Habhe2?cr 1039 

Koch  A;  Seifert 1035 

Kunert  E  Mnfi,'  Co 1033 

Kusel  I)  &  F 1031 

Lotz  Mrs  C  T 1038 

MorauN  15 103B 

Korthwestern  Univeraily.  .  .1037  and  103S 

Reber  Wm 1039 

Schoppe  Wra 1037 

TaksdorfF 1035 

University  of  Our  Lady  of  the  Sacred 

Heart 1031 

Valerius  Dr  i  Co 1033 

Waitz  U  A 1039 

Wiggenlioru  Bros 1039 

Woodard  &  Stone 1039 


GritEn  E  A 1045 

Henk  Miueral  Sprius;  Cu 1045 

Jones  George  H 1043 

National  Exchange  Bank 1045 

Ryan  &  Merton 1043 

Spencer  James  R 1047 

Sumner  D  H \1047 

Tullar  D  8 1047 

Wambold  E 1047 


Bruley  Wm 1049 


Blaisdell  J  W 1051 


Orr  Nathan  J 1057 

Sorrill  Wm  R 1057 

Wausau  Law  and  Laud  Assn 1055 

Williams  ifc  Eniter 1057 

Ziemer  Richard  G 10.59 


Klumpp  Charles 10G2 

Philipp  A  &  Bro 591 

Sporleder  F  II 10131 

Wisconsin  Bridge  and  Iron  Co 10C3 


Bank  of  West  Superior 

Broadway  Hotel left  side 

Buidick  &  Lecour 

Campbell  A:  .'^lott 

Dauielsou,  Aarstad  &  Peterson 

Devlin  James 

Uoliie  Brr.s 

Douglas  County  Bank 

Dow  J  J left  side 

Fulton  R  M 

Haley  it.  Robinson 

Harris  Bros 

Heuvis  Joseph  C  &  Co 

Hutchins,  Gaudet  i  Co 

Keystone  Investment  Co 

Land  and  River  Improvement  Co  . . . 

Lang  F  N  A  C.) 

MeCausland  &  JlcCluer 

Mast  RC 

I\!atchette  F  J 

JMathewa  Wesley 

.Miller  C  W  &Co 


Randall  B  T 

Rhodes  &  Roger." 

Roberts  &  Bingham 

Scarlett  &  Currie 

Simons  W  P 

Strothmau  Bros 

Swenson  Henry  A 

Thompson  H  O 

Tostevia  &  Moore 

Trotier  &  Bishop 

Watt  A;  Duncan 

West  Superior  Botllmg  Co 



Coburn  G  W 107 

Giesey  AL lOl 


Halverson  Bros 1075 

Marr  &  Kacbe!  Bros 1073 

:Martiu  Harry  T 1073 

Uuioii  Pr(xluce  Co 1073 

Van  Valen  &  Waterman 1073 


Miller  Wm  C 1078 

Williams  Levi  H  &  Son 1073 


Miller  T  L 1080 


Clu<i!<iiiccl  witli  IScrcrciicc  to  I!ii§iiie«s. 


Deleglise  F  A,  Autigo 104 

Millard  Albt-rt  M,  Antigo 105 

Downs  Wm  W,  Bavfiekl 158 

Denniston  J  C,  Ellsworth 293 

Eiickiog  C  L.  FouJ  du  Lac 313 

CUrlstianson  Otto,   Ilayward 3G9 

Oueida  Countv  Land   and   Abstract 

Co,  lihinelaiider 895 

American    Laud   and   Title  Uegitter 

Assu,  St  Paul,  Minn .' 1236 

Catliu   «fc  Butler  Abstract  Co  (I'ld), 

Superior 970 

Douglas   County    Abstract    Co,    Su- 
perior    974 

Wausau  Law  and  Land  Assu,  Wausau  1005 

Appleton  Slnfg  Co,  Ap[jlelon 121 

Ott  Jacob,  Bnraboo 153 

Buss  Harrow  JInf::  Co  The,  Madison  495 

Fuller  ifc  .lohusoa  Mnfg  Co,  Madison  475 

Lindsay  liruM,  Milwaukee 073 

Moliiie  riow  Co,  Jloiine,  III ins7 

Kelleher  C  C,  Phillii>s 841 


Dean  Philip,  Appleton 121 

Janesviile   Construction    Co,   Janes- 

ville 397 

Diclihtint  Charles  A,  Kenosha 423 

Cory  John,  JMadison 493 

Charles  John,  [Milwaukee 749 

Kimball  W  D,  Milwaukee 065 

Kiisch  H  G,  Jlilwaukf e 651 

Kolpacki  Bernhard,  Milwaukee   ....  069 

Leipold  &  Wiskocil,  Milwaukee 

right  top  lines 

Peege  E  J,  Milwaukee 063 

Rau  Charles  il.  Jlilwaukee C51 

Kiuger  C  F.  Milwaukee 0S3 

Schnelzky  II  P,  ililwaukee 677 

Seyring  Fred,  Milwaukee 085 

Swobada  Frank.  Mihvaukee 689 

Hilpeitshauser  Charles,  Sheboygan. .  031 


Baty  Uobert,  :Milwaukee 061 

Prahl  Charles  A,  Milwaukee 095 


Balduzzi  C.  La   1203 

Werner  F,  Mdwaukee 059 

Freeman  C  W,  Oshkosh S29 


Mitchell  A  S,  Mihvaukee 1149 

Carpenter  Geo  B  &  Co,  Chicago,  III. 

cards  in  classified  Business  Directory 

Williams  T  &  Bro,  Chicago.  Ill 1094 

Johnson  Chris  S,  Milwaukee 067 

Pilger  G  J  &  Co,  Milwaukee 1091 

With  &  Frees,  Milwaukee 669 


Woodaid  George  S,  Appleton 103 

Nation  R  A,  Baraboo 153 

Dawe.s  Fred,  Fort  AtkiQSou 321 

Pierce  L  &  Co,  Viroqua 1019 

Neapolitan  Mandolin  Orchestra,  ilil- 

waukee 653 

Simons  W  P,  West  Superior 981 


Langlade  County  Bank,  Autigo 107 

Commercial  National  P>ank,  Appleton  112 
Fau    Claire    National    Bank,     Euu 

Claire 273 

Head  Dan  &  Co.  Kenosha 423 

Escbange  State  Bank,  La  Crosse.  .  .  .  443 

I    State  Bank  of  La  Crosse,  La  Crosse..  441 

B-JUk  of  Geneva,  Lake  Geneva 453 

!    Meyer  Richard  tk  Co.  Lancaster 457 

I    Plankinton  Bank  The,  iliiwaukee.. 
j  front  cover 

German  National  Bank,  Osbkosh. . .  813 

'    State  Bank  of  Phillip-),  Phillips 842 

I    First  National  Bank,  Racine 875 


Mnfrs'  National  Bank  of  Racice,  Ra- 
cine   873 

Union  National  Bank,  Racine 877 

Barron  County  B;^nk,  Rice  Lake. . . .  899 

Siiullsburfili  Bank,  Sliullsburgh 945 

Commercial    Bank      The,     Stevens' 

Point 903 

First  National  Bank,  Stevens'  Point.  958 

Rank  of  Superior,  Suiicrior 973 

Bank  of  Wasliburn,  \V',i.sbliurn 1021 

National  E.'cebange  Bank,  Waukeslia  10-15 
Bank  of  West  Superior,  West  Super- 
ior.. .    981 

Douglas  County  Bank,  West  Super- 
ior   93 


Lowe  L,  Milwaukee 681 


Norris  A  B  &  JI  A,  .lanesvi'.Ie 

rigbt  top  lines 

Karger  Leopold,   Milwaukee 015 

Seveiia  Gustav,  Milwaukee 1345 


Culligan  .Jolin  D,  Milwaukee 010 

Gardner  A  II  Co,  .AUhvaukee 029 

Goodyear  Rubber  Co,  Alilwaukee. . . 

left  top  liiie.s  and  opp  110'-! 

Andrae  Julius,  Milwaukee 

left  bottom  lines 

Brummer  W  F,  Milwaukee 015 


Bremner  Phillip,  Aslibaid 137 

>IacMartin  ,J,  Eau  Claire   '.283 

Bloeilel  Phillip,  .Miuke.^an ,5'35 

Obeuberger  Joseph,  .Milwatikee 619 


Scbmitt  M  J,  Milwaukee 083 


Bernard  Charles  &  Son,  Madison. .  .  .  491 

Turvill  Bros,  Mailisou 485 

Larson  Loui.'*,  Milwaukee 671 

Nagle  Wm,  Milwaukee 681 


Bondy  Bros,  Ashland 137 

Parish  Mn  fg  Co,  A«blund 6 

Seyler  D  J,  Ashland 129 

Gaston  David.  Eau  Claire 279 

Grams  John,  La  Crosse 443 

Milwaukee  Boiler  Co,  Milwaukee...  593 

Weifel  &  Vilter  Mufg  Co,  Milwaukee  0'23 

Battis  Bros,  Oshkosli 821 

Guatavus  E  R,  Ushkosh 819 

Kunert  E  JInfg  Co  The,  Watertown  1032 


JIaybury  Fred  M,  iMilwaiiliee 017 


Mannville  Covering  Co,  Milwaukee,  i 

front  cover 

Sprinkmann  Fred,  Alilwaukee 0S9 


Tock  J  II,  Appleton V2l 

Park  V/m  J  A;  Sons,   Maili.sf.n 483 

Ankelen  Guttav,  Jlilwaukee 003 

Qermania  Publishing  Co,  Jlilwaukeo 

opp  583 

Laverrenz  Otto  &  Gro,  Milwaukee. .  095 

Miller  11  C  oi  Co.  Jlilwaukee 075 

Wetzel  A  &  Bro,  Alilwaukee 705 

Mast  11  C,  West  Superior 991 


Park  Wm  J  &  Sons,  Madison -i^Z 

Caspar  C  N,  .Milwaukee 003 

West  il  II  Co,  Milwaukee .587 


Rothman  Philip,  Stevens'  Point 901 


Klein  F  G  &  Co,  Builinglon 195 

Fardy  &  Robinson,  Janesville 395 

Ileger  Rudolf,  Jellerson 407 

Blalz  Val  Brewing  Co,  Milwaukee..  575 

Graf  John,    .Milwaukee 007 

(Jriiula  Springs  Co,  .Milwaukee  ....  087 

Knapsleiii  Tlieo  v.t  Co,  New  London.  779 

(ilalz  J  A.  Son,  Oshkosh 800 

Raddanl  Emil  T,  Shawano 929 

Eaton  S  M  A.  Son,  Watertown 1030 

Ilaitig  &  Alanz,   Watertown 1037 

West    Superior  Bottling   Co,     West 

Superior 997 


Drost  H  A  Son.  Manitowoc 509 

De  Lange  II.  Jlilwaukeo 055 

Hays  George,  Milwaukee 057 

TimrasCl,   Ripou 905 

Griffln  E  xV,  Waukesha 1045 


Doherty  &  Monahan,  Ashland 135 


Mellen  Wm,   ililwaukee 679 


Roosevelt  W  A  Co.  La  Crosse 445 


American  Tube  Woiks,  Chicago,  III.  11^3 


Michel  C  &  J  Brewing  Co,  Chippewa 

Falls ; '221 

Riedel  George,   Hudson    383 

Becker  Ph,  Hurley 3.87 

Fardy  &  Robinson,   Janesville 305 

Ileger  Rudolf,  Jefferson 4o7 

Gund  John  Brewing  Co,  La  Crosse.  .  435 

Alichel  C  &  .1  Browing  Co,  La  Crosse  433 

Blatz  Val  Crewing  C.J,  Alilwaukee..  575 

Graf  John,    Alilwaukee 007 



Schlitz  Jo3  Erewing  Co,  Milwaukee.  573 

Knapstt'in  Theo  £  Co,  >Cew  Loni'.oD.  770 

GlaizJifcSon,    O&likosh SOU 

Horn  &  Schwalm,  Osbkosh 823 

Ratiaant  Emil  T,  Shawano 920 

Ilarlig  &  Manz,   Watertowo 1037 


Brodesser  ilafg  Co,    Milwaukee 

right  top  lines 

Veilh  Ferdinand,  JIanitowoc 500 

Standard  Brick  Co,  Milwaukee 112.5 

Coldewe  Q&  Co.  Milwaukee 1126 


Durkee  E  E,   Phillips 843 

"Wisconsin  Bridge  and  Iron  Co,  Wau- 
watosa 10G3 


Eagle  Broom  Factory,  Oshkosh 820 

Clark,  Kallcn  &  Co,  Chica;.^o,  111 . . . .   1133 


Erdman  Albert  J.  Milwaukee 1131 

Lund  George,   Milwiuikee 673 

^Ina  Building  Slid  L<'an  Aspn,  Eau 

Claire 278 


Willson  Bros,  Appleton 117 


Birkcnwftld  S  &  Co,  Milwaukee 1291 

Brodesser  Mnfg  Co,  Milwaukee 

right  top  lines 

Jacobi  &  Uichter,  Milwaukee 1291 


Sherry  James,  Appltton 123 

Ott  ,Tacol),   Baraboo 153 

McKinlay  Bros,  Dodgeville •2.'53 

Janesville    Construction   Co,    .Janes- 

ville 397 

Arnsmaier  Fred,  Madison 49.5 

Cory  John,  Madison 493 

Kemp  J  M  &  Co,  Madison 483 

Peterson,  Olson  A:.  Fish,  Madison 485 

Ketlich  Krust,  Marinette 515 

Eiegel  Peter,  Milwaukte   647 

Buc&trin  Henry,   Milwaukee 663 

Lieschel  Charles,  Milwaukee 637 

Sims  J  C,   Milwaukee 691 

Stollcnwerk  A  &  B,  Milwaukee 7:;0 

Taylor  W  G,   .Milwaukee 665 

Winkelmann  C  F,  Milwaukee 693 

Hartmann  Henrv.  Phillips 841 

Woodard  John  U.   Phillip.- 842 

Olin  ifc  Packard,  Stevens'  Point 963 

Halloran  John,  Wa.^hburn 1023 

Sporleder  F  H.  Wauwatci-n 1061 

Williams  Levi  U  &  Son,  Winneconnc  1078 


Beyer  J  V,  Jlil waukee 647 


Boettcher  &  Schimmel,  Milwaukee. .  597 


Bush  &  Hill,  Fond  du  Lac 311 


Sicotte  J  B,  Ashland 139 

Soper  N  S,  A.=hland 133 

Thompson  Tyler,   Brillion 189 

Peterson  N  P,   Colby 229 

Bostwick  A  J,  Eau  Claire 277 

Green  Hay  Carriage  Co,  Green  Bay..  353 

Smits  Heiman,  Green  Bay  358 

Ledwith  Jamc.s,  Madison  491 

Schmidt  &  Heintz,  IMenomonie 543 

Bues  H  F.  Milwaukee 581 

Egfilhoff  J  &  J,  Milwaukee 637 

Hiiul  Joseph  it  Sons,  iMiiwaukee.. . .  667 

Kropp  Wm  &  Co,  Milwaukee 672 

Raelz  Gust,  Milwaukee 687 

Stehling&  Bloomer,  ildwaukee 619 

Hanstchal  E,  Oconto 709 

Hail  A  B,  Oraro 803 

Xevillr  T,  Oshkosh 815 

Wyland  &  Castle,  Oshkosh. 813 

Earner  M.  Peshtigo 839 

Ilenze  A  R,  Port  Washington 861 

Schwanke  Avigiisl.  Princeton 871 

Walt  &  Duncan,  West  Superior  ....  989 

Giesey  A  L,  Whitewater 1073 

Milwaukee  Cement  Co,  Milwaukee. . 

left  bottom  lines 

Abbott  Machine  Co,  Chicago,  111 10 


Eberle  John,  Alma 96 

Jossi  &  Ilulihegger,  Water  town 1039 


Marr  &  Kachel  Bros,    Whitewater...  1073 


Northwestern  Chemical  Co,  Milwau- 
kee    677 


Mitchell  A  S,  Milwaukee 1149 


Goodnow  JIrs  II  D,  Madison 495 


Ilackner  E,  La  Crotse 443 


Manitowoc  Mnfg  Co,  Manitowoc 505 


Schneider  George,  Fountain  City.  .. .  326 

Dengler  John.  La  Crosse 443 

Pamperin  Sc  Wiggenhorn  Cigar   Co, 

La  Crosse 445 

Bevtr  Bros,  Marshfleld 527 

Aschermann  Ed  &  Co,  Milwaukee. . 

left  top  lines 


Reuter  Charles  F,  Xew  Lnnlon . .    . .  770 

Frewerd  Geori:;c  .M,  OcoqLo 707 

Wisgenhorn  IJros,   Wateito'.vn 1039 


Frank  J,  Madison 487 

Woodard  &  Stone,  Watertowu 1039 


Duclisc  &  Benisbek,  Antigo 109 

Sell  Gcorso,  Glidden 337 

Seyrincr  Fred,  Milwaukee US.5 

Smith  &  Ilare,  Superior 97-1 


Schv.'albach  31,  Milwaukee 635 

Fischer   Chemical   Cleaning   Works, 

Milwaukee G51 


SImouds  Chauncey  Co,  Milwaukee. .  025 


Brackcbush  A  C  &  Co,  Chicsgo,  111  .  1155 

Joannes  Bros,  Green  Buy 351 


Union  Produce  Co,  Whitewater 1073 


Trever  J  H.  Autico  107 

Pratt  E  C,  Beaver  Dam 101 

Brooks  &  Blanchard,  B(is-col)el 183 

Wisconsin  Collection  Agency,  Chip- 
pewa Falls 219 

Gores  J  C,  F,au  CInire 281 

Merriraan  Georire  W,  Eiiu  (Claire.  .  . .  277 

Hood  Wm,  Fort  Ilownrd,  ;!2;j 323 

Webster  L  II  K,  llillsboK.ugh 374 

HuuiphreviUc  Win  fl,  Jlnrinelte.  .  . .  521 

Spence  E  L,  Milton ,i."i3 

Eimcrinann  A  J,  Milwaukee  051 

Joyce  Gilbert  S,  .Milw:uiki.e 027 

Schilling  Jacob,  MilwnuUi'e 705 

Ilurlbut  &  Goodwin,  Oconomowoc.  .  703 

Owen  W  P,  Phillips 812 

Doe  A  Keynolds,  Superior 973 

Palmer  Mr.s  S  D  &  Son,  Toniah 1005 

Morau  N  B,  Watcrtown   102S 

Wausau  Law  and  Land  Assd,   Wau- 

sau 1055 


Lawrence  Universitj',  Antigo HI 

O'Sullivan'3    Commercial    Academy, 

Ashland right  top  lines 

Bryant    &    Strattou    Chicago    Busi-  College,  Chicago,  111. "left  top  lines 
Green   Bay  Business   College.  Green 

Bay right  top  lines 

Milton  College,  Milton .553 

Uheude's    Anton    Business    College, 

Milv.  aukee 1 128 

Spencerian    Bu^lcess     College,     Mil- 
waukee  front  cove'r 

Wilmot  Business  and  Shorthand  Col- 
lege, Milwaukee    507 

Oshkosh  Busine.=s  College  and  School 

of  Shorthand,  Oshkosh front  cover 

College  of   Our  Lady  of   the  Sacred 

Ueart,  Watertown" 1031 

Northwestern  L'niversity,  Watertown 

1027  and  102S 

Sullivan  J  &  Co,  Ashland 135 

Sellers  Malci.'lra,  Fort  Howard 323 

Bishop  A  V.  .^lil  w.iukee 049 

Path  John.  .Milwaukee 003 

Keihl  &  Breidstcr,  Milwaukee 705 


Funke  Joseph  B,  L.a  Crosse 439 

La  Crosse  Ciacku-  Co,  La  Crosse.  . .  441 

Adler  F  P,  Mdwaukee 041 


Gricse  Alwin  W.  Milwaukee 055 

Durkee  E  E,  Phillips 843 


Horner  Joseph,  Ai);ikton 125 

Graham  Bros.  Brandon 187 

Britton  D  W,  Grem  Bay 343 

Forth,    Schmid   &   Uarman,    Green 

Bay 347 

Biegel  Peter,   Jlil waukee 647 

Goerres  Philipp,    IMilwaukce 637 

Stolper  Charles,  Milwaukee 689 

Heiu  John,  >,'eillsvdle 771 


American  Tube  Works,  Chicago,  III.  11C2 


Grocn  Fred  H,  :\Iihvaukee 657 

Weissleder  Herman,  Miiwaukee 691 


Ilagemann  Mrs    Louise,  Chicago,  111  1103 

Grassier  M.  Milwaukee 1103 

Staab  Mrs  Iv,  Milwaukee 035 

Thierbach  M  &  Co,  Milwaukee 017 


La  Crosse  Cracker  Co,    La  Crosse...  441 

Woodard  &  Stone,  Watertown 1039 


Wells  &  Jlulrooney.  Xcw  Kichmond  784 
crea:merv  SUPPLIES. 

Simon  G  H,   Kiel 426 


Smith  George  W  &  Bro,    Eau  Claire  275 


Audreo  E  W,  Milwaukee 041 

Kusel  D>.fc  F.  Watertown 1031 

Marr  &  Kachel  Bros.  ^Vbitewater. . .  1073 


Thomsen  J,  Fond  du  Lac T18 


Oyen  Odin' J,  La  Crosse 43.'5 

Seller  Jacob,  Madbou 493 

Mueller  &  Koken,  Milwaukee 631 


Kinney  H  E,  Fox  Lake 327 

Northwestern  Dental  Assn,    Milwau- 
kee   opp    702 

Kezertee  I,  Oihkosh 827 

Barney  Bros,  Prairie  du  Chien 867 


Petersen  A'.&^Co,  Chicago,  111 1170 

Mooney  &  Boland  Detective  Agency, 

-'  Chicago,  III 1173 

Pinkerton  ifc  Co's   United  States  De- 
tective Agency,  Chicago,  111 1173 


Polk  R^L  &.Co,  Chicago,  111. . .  .opp    529 


Stoll,  Vannatta  &  Co.  Lexington,  Ky  1093 

Fuldner  L  •k,  Co,  Milwaukee 657 


McCord  James,  La  Crosso 441 


Sedgwick  F  A,  Cliutoiiville 227 

Edv/ards  Wm  M,  Pottage 859 

Anderson  Jlons  &  Son,   La  CrosMO  . 
Carroll  &,  Kennedy  Co,  Milwaukee. 

GoU  &  Frank  Co,  Jlilwaukce 

Rothman  Philip,  Stevens'  Point.. . . 

Dittmar  11  C,  Fond  du  Lac 

Hack  ifc  Alteii,  Milwaukee 

Nelson  Swan,  Milwaukee 1205 

Pielsch  Otto  Dye  Works,  Milwaukee 

r-^'^        top  edge  and    686 
Teuscher  Joseph,  Milwaukee 689 


Willott  Jos  &  Sons,  JIanitowoc 1277 


Bolten  P^n  &  Co,  Chicago,  111 11S5 


Miller  Battery  Co,  AVinueconne 1078 

Andrae  Julius, Mihvaukee.  left  hottom  lines 
Petersen  H,  Jlilwaukee. ..  .left  side  lines 


Brodesser  Mnfg  Co,  Milwaukee 

right  top  lines 
Kieckhefer  Elevator  Mnfg   Co,   Mil- 
waukee   backbone 


Johns  V,"  n,  Antigo 106 

Parish  ilnfg  Co,  Ashland 

left  bottom  lines  and        6 






Seyler  D  J,  Ashland 129 

Birdsall  Co  The,  Fond  du  Lac 

313  and  1086 

Alli3EdwP&  Co,  Milwaukee 1197    ' 

Sheriffs  Mnfg    (;o,  Jlilwaukce 595 

Weisel  A;  Vilter  Mnfg  Co. Milwaukee    623 
Wilkin  Mnfg   Co   The,  Milwaukee. . 

front  cover 

Barnes  J  A,  Oshkosh 809 

Rice  John  &  Bro,  Stevens'  Point 959 

Kuneit  E  Mnfg  Co  The,  Waterlown  1032 

Strothman  Bros,  West    Superior. . . .     995 


Hamann  &  Senz,  Milwavikee 613 

Packard  OL  JIachinery  Co,  Milwau- 
kee      601 

Benedict  George  II  &  Co, Chicago,  111  1191 
Braun  Illustrating  Co,  Chicago.  111.  .   1187 

Calkins  T  E  &  Co,    Chicago,   111 11S8 

Chicago  Photo-Engraving  Co,  Chica- 
go,  III 1189 

Chicago  Photo-Tiut  Co,  Chicago,  111  1190 

Corlett  Bros,  Chicago,    III 1189 

Drant  Encravins  Co,   ChicaLTO,  111. .  .   11^9 

Ilawtin  W  &  Co,  Chicago,    111 1189 

Jurgens  C  &  Bro,  Chicago,  III 1391 

[\:rau3e  E  L,  Ch'cago,  III...... 1191 

Kunze  R  E  E,    Chicago,  111 1191 

Manz  J  &  Co,  Chicago,  111 1190 

Hickett-s  C  L,  Chicago,  III 1191 

Wetzell  A  E,  Chicago,    111 1190 

Binner  Engraving  Co.  Milwaukee.  ...     563 

Jurss  Wra  C' &;  Co.  Milwaukee 1188 

Krus  F  P,  Milwaukee 669 

Marr  it  Richards  Engraving  Co,  Mil- 
waukee      603 

Milwaukee  Engraving  Co,Jlilwaukee     629 

Dickey  E  P  Fanning  Mill  Co,  Racine    877 

Foster  &  Williams,  Uacinu 875 


Seilz  J,  Milwaukee 685 


Wells  &  Mulrooney,  New  Richmond     784 


Soberer  Henry,  Fond  du   Lac 315 

Monmouth  Mining   and     ilnfg    Co, 
Monmouth,  111 382 


Johnson  J  S,  Green  Bay 351 

Schiller  0,  Gioen  Bay 353 

Streckenbach  C  AV  &  Co,  Grtcn  Bay.  355 

Larsen  James,  Marinette 517 

LinJquist  J  O,  Marinette 515 


Avery  &  Uantzsch,  Ashland 141 



Fath  John,  MilwAuUee 663 

Ludwig  Charles,  ^lilwaukee. 673 


PilgerGJ&Co.  Milwaukee opp  1194 


Hochdanner  Bros,  Ashland 1 39 

Millard  B  F,  Chippewa  Fall.'? 217 

Millard  B  F,  Eau  Claire 217 

Reinecke  &,  Wendorll,  Green  Bay.  . .  35S 

Beyer  B,  La  CroFse 437 

Baumgarteu  C.  Milwaukee, 623 

Klokner  A,  Milws.ukte 070 

Rost  John  G,  ^lilwaukee 6C.5 

Buecheler  H  C,  Oconomowoc 793 

Miles  John  L,  Ripou 90.5 

Lolz  Mrs  C  T,  Wateriown 1028 

Sorrill  Wm  R,  Wausau 1057 


^  Alma  Millinc:  Co,  Alma 97 

Dunham  &  Smilh,  De  Pere 247 

StraubeUt  Ebelicg,  Green  B.iy.    ...  345 

Johnston  Wm  &  Co,  New  Richmond  784 

York  I  W  &  Co,  Portage 857 

Freeman  &  Rujter,  River  Falls 1199 


Myers  S  M  &  Co,  Independence 390 

Techmer  H  C,   La  Crosse 437 

JLlkr  Bros,  Marinette 015 

Mauston  Produce  Exchange,  Mau.ston  .531 


Andrews  A  II  &  Co,  Chicaijo,  111. . . .  1201 
Danielson,  Aarslad  &  Peterson,  West 

Superior 983 


Parish  Mnfg  Co,  Ashland 

left  bottom  lines  and  0 

Torrance  John  &  ^on.  La  Crosse. . .  .  445 

Lang  &  Christensou,  Marshlield .527 

Beyer  Georgr,  New  London  .  .* 779 

Barnes  J  A,  Oshkosh 809 

Rhinelander  Iron  C.>.  Rhinelander. .  895 

Rice  John  &.  Bro,  Slevens'  Point 959 

Strothman  Bins,  AVest  Superior 995 

Kunerl  E  Mnfg  Co  The,  Waterlown  1033 

Frank  J,  Madison 487 


Nelson  Swan,  Milwaukee 1205 


Martin  Frank,  Jlihvaukee 603 


Lohse  Bros,  ililwuukce 649 

McMillan    Jas    &    Co,    Minneapolis 

Minn 1377 



Union  Toy  and  Furniture  Co,  Apple- 

Eau  Claire  Furniture  Co,  Eau  Claire  2S3 

Pioneer  Farniture  Co,  Eau  Claire  . .  277 

Post  W  H,  Fond  du  Lac 

right  bottom  lines  and  iij', 

Sondermann  E,  Manitowoc   .jI.'j 

Ilartwig  Fred  J,  Medford ry.i: 

Clement,  Wdliams  &  Co.  Milwaukee  067 
Northwestern  Furniture  Co,  ililwau- 

kee 703 

Philipp  A  &  Bro,  ililwaukee 591 

ischneider  &  Schlesinccr,  Milwaukee  0S3 

Schoenleber  Otto  J,  Milwaukee 564 

Willaman  &  Thorp,  Jlonroe 703 

McCuddin  M.  Moutello 707 

Philipp  A  &.  Bro,    "Wauwatosa 091 

Miller  James  A  &  Bro,  Chicago,  III..   12i.7 

Taylor  A  B.  Fond  du  Lac 

Biersach  &  Niederraej-er,  Milwaukee 

Co.x  Joseph  L,  Milwaukee 

Jones  II  L  Co  (i'td>,    Milwaukee  .... 

Schmitt  F  &  Sons,  .JIdwaiikee 

Sullivan  U  ,1,  .Milwaukee 

Burdick  &  Lecour,    West  Superior. . 
Roberts  &  Bingham,  West   Superior 

Milwaukee  Gas  Stove  Co,  Milwaukee 


Errard  C  E,  Fond  du  Lac 

Post  W  n,    Fond  du  Lac 

right  bottom  lines  and 
Lundberg  K,  Marinette 










Webb  it  Schwekes,   Reedsburgh 891 

Nye.  Lusk  &  Hudson,  Thorp 1002 

Williams  &  Emter,  Wausau 1007 

YorklWA  Co,  Portage    857 


Sengcr  Rudolph,  Mdwaukee 700 

Chippewa     Valley     Mercantile    Co, 

Chippewa    Falls 219 

Joannes  Bros,  Green  Bay 351 


Reed  George  M,  Eau  Claire 279 

Dawes  Fred,  Fort  Atkinson 321 

Miller  Bros,   Marlnelle 015 

Jacobi  &  Richter,    .Milwaukee 1291 

Larson    James,    Milwaukee 671 

Mendel,  Smith  it   Co,    Milwaukee.  .   1225 

Mcunier  John  Gun  Co,  Milwaukee.  . 
!  right  bottom  lines 
Stannard   F  P  Gun  Co  The,  Milwau- 
kee  left  bottom  lines 


Wilson  Lewis,  Berlin 171 



Eind  Henry,  Chippeiva  Falls 221 

Martin  Harry  T,  WLitewatL-r 1073 


lIcLees  Kate,  Jlihvavikee USl 

McLees  Ka'.e,  Kacine 87!) 


Bowes  R  51,  Beaver  Dam 161 

Hibbard,    Spencer,    Bartlett    &  Co, 

Chicago,    111   I...       87 

Webb  i"  Stansbury,  Chippewa  Falls.     210 

Kroner  F,  La  Crosse 441 

AVestliind  Aug,  Marinette 521 

Kelkber  C  C,'  I'hillips 841 

Koepsell  Jnbn  J,  Sheboygan 933 

Bishoff  J  F  Jr,  Superior 973 

Hecli;  E  A,  Watertown 1039 

Kusel  D  &  F,  Walertown 1031 


Moore  JInfg  and   Foundry  Co,  Mil- 
■waukee 693 


Andrae  Julius,  Milwaukee  

left  bottona  lines 

O'Fiaherty  John,  Montreal,  P  Q 134! 

Famous  Mnfg  Co,  Chicago,  111 1241 


Stevens  A  H,  Eau  Claire 2S3 

McMiUanJasifc  Co,  Minneapolis,  Minn  1377 

Bralsch  August,  Berlin 171 

Chicago  Medical  and  Surgical  Insti- 
tute, Chicago,  III 10.S8 

Madison  Hos|utal,  Madison 479 

Stein  Mrs  AVilhelmine,  Milwaukee. .  .  (13o 
'Wisconsin  College  of  Midwifery  and 

Lying-in  Hospital,  Milwaukee 70.") 

Rhinelander  Hospital,  Rhinelander.  .  b9.5 

Whiting  Ezra  T,  Dartford 1235 


Wilks  S  Mnfg  Co,  Chicago,  III 1373 


Central  House,  Alb  iny 93 

Mdssasoit  House  Thr,  Alma 97 

('entral  Hotel,  Antigo 107 

Commercial  Hotel,  Antigo 10.5 

Vivian  The,  Antigo 100 

Briggs  House,  Appleton 121 

Northwestern  House,  Appleton 123 

Ajhland  House,  Ashland 130 

Chefiuaniegon  The,  Ashland 130 

Lc  Oramle  Hote:,  A-ihland 137 

St  Clair  House,  Ashland 141 

Tremont  House,  Ashland 141 

Park  House.  Augusta 

Goodwin  The,  Btloit 

AVestern  The,  Berlin. .   

Freeman  The,  Black  Piiver  Falls. . . . 

Central  House  The.  Burlington 

Butternut  House,  Butternut 

Commercial  Hotel,  Cadolt 

Central  House,  Chilton 

Hotel  Meehan,  Darlington 

Dnd-eville  Hotel,  DodgeviUe 

51ariis  House,  Dodgcvillc 

Casler  House,  Durand 

Eau  Claire  House,  Eau  Claire 

Frawley  House,  Eau  Claire 

Jsickel'Plate  House,  Elkhorn; 

Commercial  House,  Fitield 

Palmer  House,  Fond  du  La; 

Huffman  House,  Fort  Howard 

Globe  Hotel.  Gratiot 

Beaumont  The.  Green  Bay 

Cook's  Hotel,  Green  B  ly 

Gaspar  House,  Hartford 

Mallow  House,  Hillsborough 

Schwebs'  Hotel,  Hortonville 

Burtcui  House,  Hurley 

Jelferson  House.  Jetlerson 

Juneau  House,  Juneau 

Cameron  House,  La  Crosse  

Espersen  House,  La  Crosse 

Capital  fJouse,  Madison 

Vienna  Ilotol,  J\Iadison 

Northwestern  House,  JIanitowoc.  .  .  . 

W'dlinms  House,  Manitowoc 

Windiate,  Manitowoc 

New  Dunlap  The,  .Marinette 

Strass  I  S,  Marinette 

Tremont  House,  Marshtield 

Fox  River  House,  3Ienasha 

Kollock  House,  Merrill 

Lincoln  House.  Merrill 

I^eiLrh  House,  Milwaukee 

sillier  House,  Milwaukee 

Mitchell  House.  Jlihvaukee 

Northwestern  Hotel,  Jlilwaukee  .  . . . 

Plankinton  ILiUse,  Milwaukee 

Rei.iublican  Ibuise,  Milwaukee   

Fraukland  House,  Montfort 

Russell  House,  Neenah 

Merchants'  The.Neilisville 

Sheridan  House,  Oshkosh 

Cholctte  H'luse,  Peshtigo. .    

Peshtigo  CoQipany  House  The,  Pesh- 

Lake  View  House,  Phillips 

National  House  The,  Phillips 

Gates  House,  Platteville  

American  House  The,  Princeton.... 

Commercial  Hotel,  Racine 

I   Garfield  Hotel,  Racine 

I  Clement  The,  Randolph 

Fuller  Hnise  The,  Rhinelander 

Oneida  House,  Rhinelander 








Merchants'  Hotel,  KicUland  Centre. .  901 

Carley  House,  Kipnn 904 

TremoDt  House,  Kiver  Falls 909 

Commercial  Hotel,  Slieboj'frau 933 

Gu3'ett  House,  Sbebovgau  Falls 911 

St  James  Hotel,  South  Superior 977 

Ida  House,  Sparta 949 

Curran  House,  Stevens'  Point 9iU 

Mansion  House,  Slevens'  Point 9G;? 

Euclid  The,  Superiur    977 

Wallier  House,  Superior 979 

Forest  Queen  Hotel,  Thorp 1003 

American  Hotel,  \V:ishburu lOiS 

Hotel  Washburn,  Washburn 10:23 

Bad!;er  State  The,  Waterloo 1020 

Spring  City  Hotel,  "Waukesha 1043 

Wambold  House,  "Wauke.'ha 1047 

Brunswick  Hotel,  Waupun lOril 

Wauwatosa  Hotel,  Wauv.atosa 1002 

Broadway  Hotel,  West  Superior  .... 

left  aide  lines 

Hotel  Tower,  West  Superior 9s9 

Pioneer  Hotel,  West  Superior 997 

West  Superior  The,  West  Superior. .  9s7 

Miller  House,  Wonewoc lOSO 


Boetlcher  &  Scbinimel,  Milwaukee. .  097 


Cone  E,  Sheboygan 1252 


Adler  F  P,  JliKvaukee 041 

ICE  TOOL  m>:m;s. 

Petz  F  G,  Chicago,  HI 1253 


McClintock  C  M  E,  Ashland 135 

Jones  C  A,  Hurlhi^'ton 190 

Bradford  Robert  E,  Chip]iewa  Fall.i.  221 

Townsend  J  L,  Cliippewa  Falls  ....  221 

Hood  Wm,  Fort  llownrd 323 

French  it  ClitTord,  IM^disou 4S9 

C'andee  W  S,  Jlilwaukee.  .  .right  top  lines 

Cole  Sidney  H,  Milwa\ikce 003 

MacLareu  1\I  N,  Milwaukee 

left  siile  lines  and  C25 

Macombcr  W  W,  Milwaukee 

bottt>m  edge  and  501 

Milbrath  C  W  &  Co,  Milwaukee  ....  029 

]^Iurphy  Daniel  E,  Milwaukee 2 

Naish  E  B,  Jlilwaukce 077 

Schilling  Jacob.  Milwaukee 705 

Smith  A  E  &  Co,  Milwaukee 5^5 

Hurlbut  it  Goodwin,  Ocouumowtc.  793 

Owen  W  F,  Phillips 842 

Foster  G  C,  Kaudolph 8S0 

Doe  it  Keynnlds,  Superior 973 

George  &  Shryack,  Superior 974 

Palmer  Mrs  S  I)  &  Son,  Tonuih lUOO 

Ziemer  Kichard  G,  Wau-^au lOoO 

Harris  P>ros,  West  Superior 983 

Hutchins,  Gaudet  &  Co,  West  Super- 
ior   989 


Keystone   Investment  Co,   West  Su- 
perior    987 

Van    Valen    &    Waterman,    White- 
water    10'73 


Fidelity  and    Casualty   Co    of    New 

York,  ililwaukee 580 

New  York   Life   Insurance  Co,  Mil- 
waukee  right  top  lines 

Northwestern  Mutual  Life  Insurance 
Co  of  Milwaukee.  .Milwaukee 

Penn  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co,  Mil- 
waukee  bottom  edge  and  501 

Travelers'  Insurance  Co  of  Hartford,  j 

Conn.SIilwaiikce,  leftside  lines  and  620  1 

United  States  Mutual  Accident  Assu,  i 

Milwaukee 677 


Kroner  F,  La  Ciosse 441 


Bunde  &  Upmeyer,  Milwaukee    ....  563 


Cassel  Peter,  Jlilwaukec 650 

HendeeC  A   it  Son,  Milwaukee 013 


Humphreville  Win  H,  Jlarinette. . .  .  521 


Brewsier  L  D.  Chippewa  Falls 219 

Jliles  D  E,  Chii.jv'wa  Falls   221 

Ideal  Land  and   l^oan  C",  Ean  Claire  270 

Wibcon.sin  Kiver  Land  Co.  tiau  Claire  275 

Marshlield  Land  Co,  .Marshfield.  .opp  528 

Baker  J  S,  St  Croi.K  Falls 917 

Lincoln  &  Correll.  Superifir 977 

Superior  Consolidated  i/and  Co,  Su- 
perior    974 

Wausau  Law  and  Land  Assn,  Wau- 

sau 1055 

Dobie  Bros,  AVcst  Superior 987 

Miller  C  W  &  Co,  West  Superior. . . .  993 

Dewey  C  A,  Eau  Claire 283 

Schallcr  &  Strickler,  Janesville 397 

Bciderer  Mrs  M,  Manitowoc 509 

Weiland  Peter,  Marshueid 527 

Canar  Bios,  Milwaukee 651 

Edwards  W  N,  Milwaukee. 1263 

Weir  A  J,  Portage 855 

Kusserow  C,  Sheboygan 933 


Olson  Knud,  Milwaukee 693 


Trcver  J  II,  Antiso 107 

Harriman  Frank  W,  Appleton 123 

Downs  Wm  ^V^  Buvlield 158 

Pratt  E  C,  Beaver  1  )am 161 

Brooks  it  niancliaril,  IJoscobel 183 

Gores  J  C,  Eau  Cl'ure 281 

Webster  L  H  E,  Hillsborough 374 


Baker  ifc  Helms,  Hudson 380 

Blanchard  H  H,  Jiinesvilte o97 

Lowry  Ed  J[,  Lancaster 4o7 

Leary  John  W,  Madison 4!)  j 

Marshfield  Land  Co,  Marsbfield.  .opp  .j-S 

Spencf  E  L,  Milton -  553 

Becker  Danfortb.  3Iilwaukee 645 

Doughis  James,  Milwaukee 003 

Eimermana  A  J,  .Mdw.iukee 651 

Pereles  NatU  it  tions,  Milwaukee.  . .  . 

Stout  Stanley  S,  ililwaukee 659 

Underwood  H  G,  Jlllwaukee 

right  top  lines  and  1316 

Williamson  J  F,  Minneapolis,  ;Miuu.  1310 

Hurlbut  ifc  Goodwin,  Oconomowoc. .  7!i3 

Pbillips  <fc  Kleist,  Osbkosh 825 

Stewart  Frank  C,  Osbkosb 813 

Owen  W  F,  I'billips 843 

Catlin  &  Bu'ler,  Superior 970 

ililler  Grover  P,  Superior 977 

SilbauL-h  .larkson,  Viroqua 1019 

Jloran  N  B,  Watertowu   1008 

Spencer  .James  R,  Waukesha 1047 

Ryan  &  Merton.  WauUeeba 1013 

Sumner  D  11.  Waukeilia 1047 

TuUar  I)  S,  Waukesba 1047 

Wausau  Law   and  Land  Aasn,  Wau- 

sau 1055 

McCausland   &   McCluer,    West  Su- 
perior   991 


Coburn  G  W,  Wbilcwatrr 1073 


Schroedcrs  Bros,  Green  Bay 345 




Orcutt  Co  The,  Chicago,  111 

Meyer  Fred  C,  Anlii^o 109 

Ullman  .J  &  Co,  Appleton 119 

Truax  Peter,  Eau  Claire 069 

Skimiu  &  Rassell,  Lone;  Grove,  Li..  1094 

Zimmermann  John  Y,  .Med lord 537 

Berwanger  A,  ^lilwaukee 045 

VanNorman  G  B,  Jlilwaukee 633 

BartU  N,  Sun  Prairie 97'3 

Fuermann  Charles,  Watertowu 1037 

IlartwigAU,  Walerlown 1034 

Valerius  Ur  &  Co,  Wat^rti.wn 1033 


Creuzer  C  F,  Alma 90 

Lego  Peter  &  Son,  Chippewa  Falls. .  217 

Bmder  A,  Eau  Claire 281 

Cernaghan  T  A,  Eau  Claire 267 

Kitteltoa  Charle.s,  Elrov 295 

Brown  W  G,  Fort  Atkinson 322 

Magee  D  T,  Galesvllle 1243 

Snyder  Frank,  Green  Bay 349 

Johnson  W  J  &,  Co,  Ilud.son 383 

Morris  it  Gill,  Hurley 387 

Shoemaker  W  E   Jancsville 399 



Posey  &  MoPhersnn,  Lancaster 457 

Scott  James  W,  3Ierrill 547 

Brown  David.  Mineral  Point 749 

Duerst  X  S,  Monroe 753 

Breese  L  P,  Richland  Centre 901 

Bruley  Wm,  Waupaca 1046 

Campbell  &  Mott,  West  Superior... .  995 

Scarlett  &  Currie,  West  Superior. . . .  997 


Deleglise  Frank  A,  Antigo 104 

Trever  J  H,  Antigo 107 

Ileydlauff  it  Osboru,  Ashland 141 

EnckiDf!'  C  L,  Fond  du  Lac 313 

Blanchard  H  H,  Janesville 397 

French  &  Clill'ord,  Madison 489 

Savings,  Loan  and  Trust  Co,  Madi- 
son   470 

Marshfield  Land  Co,  Marshfield,  opji  528 

Speuce  E  L,  Milton 553 

Cole  Sidney  H,  Jlil.vaukee 0C3 

Joyce  Gilbert  S,  Milwaukee 627 

Koitlljr  Hui^o,  Mdwaukee 665 

Milbrath  C  W  &  Cu,  Jlilwaukee. . . .  629 

Wilson  Amasa,  Xew  Lisbon 777 

Doe  &  Reynolds,  Superior 973 

George  &■  Shrj-ack,  Superior 974 

Waiisau  Law  and  Land  Assn,  Wau- 
sau  '. 1055 

Harris  Bros,  West  Superior 9.^3 

Lang  F  N  &  Co,  West  Superior 991 


Kind  Henry,  Chippewa  Falls 221 


Brewster  L  D,  Chippewa  Falls 219 


Herman  Fred.  Antico 109 

Hoxle  &  Mellor,  Antiro 103 

KcllogL'  Tliomas  I),  Antigo 104 

Wells  C  M  ifc  Son,  Appleton 115 

Wilbur  Lumber  Co,  liurliugton 1043 

Filleld  Mnfg  Co,  Fiheld   .  ." 304 

Jloore  &,   tialloway  Lumber  Co  (It'd) 

Fond  du  Lac 311 

DriscoU  John,  Green  Bay 353 

Colman  C  L,  La  Crosse 441 

Wisconsin  Lumber  and  Mnfg  Co.  La 

Crosse 437 

Peterson,  Olson  &  Fish,  M-.'lison 485 

Stollfuwerk  A  it  B.  Mdwaukee 730 

Johnson  Mnfg  Co,  New  London  ....  781 
Lyon,  Daugherty  &  Knapsteins.New 

London  ." 779 

Cook  W  P  it  Bro,  Oconto 799 

Holt  Lumber  Co,  Oconto 799 

Oconto  Company,  Oconto 797 

Conlee  Lumber  Co.  O.-ibkosh 821 

Gould  James  P,  O.-^hkosh 811 

Peshtigo  Co  The,  Peshtigo 837 

ll'ce  Lake  Lumber  Co,  Hire  Lake. . .  899 

Boswortb  &  Reilly,  Stevens'  Point  . .  959 




North    Side   Lumber     Co,    Stevens' 

Point 960 

Nye,  Lusk  &  Huflson,  Thorp 10ii'2 

Sporledjr  F  H,  Wauwatosa 1061 

Andrews  A  II  &  Co,  Chicfigo,  111.. . . 

McClintock  C  M  E,  A?hlaud 

Wiggins  ■Sc  Richardson,  Ashland, . . . 

"Webb  &  Stansburv,  Chippewa  Fulls. 

Lorenz  R  &  Son,  Jlilwaukee Cbl 


Johns  W  B,  Antii,'o 106 

Taylor  M  D,  Jantsville 395 

Bastara  Ak-x,  ^lilwaukee (iS'i 

Packard   0    L  Jlachiuery   Co,    Jlil- 

waukee 601 

Yale  n  P  &  Co,  Jlilwauhoe 585 

Western   Machine    Die     and   Slodel 

"Works,  Chicago,  L'l 1317 

Phelp?  S  n,  Jane-vi;ie 309 

Ilamann  &  Senz,  Jlilwaukee 613 


Gerlach  "Wm  &  Co,  Jlilwaukee 539 

Ozaukee    County   Maltina    Co,  Port 
"Wasliington 861 


Stanek  .1  J.  La  Crosse -t.'iS 

Lohr  Charles  &.  Co.  Milwaukee 577 

Collins  S  A,  Reedaburgh 891 


Eackworthy  John,  Appleton 119 


Hatch  J  B  &  Co,  Milwaukee 057 

Morgan  Jlattress  Co.   O^ldiosh 817 


Meyer  Fred  C,  Aniigo 109 

Lake  Superior  Beef  Co.  Asliland i;;0 

Knopke  Al,  Foud  dn  Lac 315 

Brink  P  it  Co,  Marinette 521 

Place  &  Smith,  :\[ari.ietle 519 

Gumz  R  itCo,":\niwauk.;e 661 

Karker  John,  Milwaukee 067 

S.^reiisou  Bros,  Pliillip.s 842 

Barth  N,  Sun  Praiiie 972 

Baumgart  &  Scliwartz,  Tomah 1005 


Nordberg  Mnfg  Co.  Milwaukee 610 

"Weinhagen  Bros,  Wauwatnsa 1062 

Chicago  Medical  and  Surgical  Insti- 
tute. Chicago,  111 loss 


Linger  Dr  C,  Milwaukee 075 

Stern's  Alpine  I'eraedj'  Co,  Milwau- 
kee   591  and  opp  728 

Tubbs  Thomas  E  &  Co,  River  Falls 

opp  908 

Kursevski  M  J,  Ashland 139 

Crite.s  E  J,  Augusta 145 

Lachman  Louis,  Milwaukee 671 

Simouds  Chaunoey  Co,  Milwaukee.  625 

Kloeppel  A:  Kadorly,  Monroe 753 

B  jnd  Georce  E,  Oconto 797 

Friedl  W.  Puiliips 841 

Mayer  J  G,  Sheii;.'Vgan   981 

Koch  &  Scifert,  AVaiL-rtown 1035 

Halversou  Bros,  "Whitewater 1075 


Phelon  Mrs  M  M,  Racine 879 


Allis  Edw  P  &  Co,  Milwaukee 1197 


Daniels  Sisters,  Beloit 107 

Downing  Mrs  J  II.  Cadotl 199 

Jlorgan  Mrs  A  F,  Clinton  Jnnclion.  220 

Bcrghoefer  Charles,  Milwaukee (U5 


Allouez  Mineral   Spring    Co,    Green 

1        liay 355 

.  Salvator  Mineral  Spring.  Green  Bay.  357 

I    (.iibbons  I  II  d;  Co,  Prairie  dii  t  hieii.  807 

I    Ilenk   Mineral  Spring  Co.  Waukesha  1045 
I                                  MIRRORS. 

I    Hoflraan  &  Jllnwcgcn,  Milwaukee.  .  601 
1    Milwaukee    .Mirror    and    Art    Glass 

I       Works,  Milwaukee ,597 


1   Tarkovsky  &  Co,  Chicago.  Ill 1084 

!    Dearholt  &  Benedict,  Milwaukee.  . .  . 

j                                     right  top  lines  and  5 

I    Hager  John,  Milwaukee 705 


•   Antigo  Ilerold,  xVntigo 109 

I   Antigo  R'publican,  Auligo \0-i 

I    Langlade  County  Special.  Antigo. . .  109 

j    Cedarburg  News.  Cedarburp.  . ." 209 

Brown  County  Democrat,  De  Pi;re..  247 

!    De  Volksstcm.  De  I'ere 247 

i    Enterprise  The,  Evansville 299 

!    Hartford  Press,  Hartford   305 

I   Independence   News  The,    Indepen- 

I       dence    390 

"Wave  The.  Independence 390 

Daily  an  1   Weekly  Recorder,  Janes- 

viUe 397 

Juneau  Telephone.  Juneau 411 

Mirror-Gazetle,  Kilbjurn  City 427 






Grant  County  Herald,  Lancaster 


Eau  Claire  Book  and   Stationery  Co, 

Wisconsin   Botecbafter,  Madison. . . . 


Eau  Claire 


Wisconsin  Staalszeitun;:;,  r^Iadlson.. 


Standard  Paper  Co,  :\Iilwaukee 


Juneau  County  Sun,  llau.-ton 



Dodge  County  Pioneer,  Jtayville. ..  . 


Laverrenz  Otto  &  Bro,  Milwaukee. . 


Weekly  Telephone  Tlie,  Hilton 

Germauia,  llilwaukee opp 




Haus  u  Bauerofreund,  MihvauUee. . . 

Moore  E  B  &  Co,  Chicago,  11! 





Milwaukee  Daily  News,  Milwaukee. 


Williamson  J  F,  Minneapolis,   ^Minn. 


Realty  .and   Building    Record    Tlic, 




Underwood  11  G,  Milwaukee 

Times  Tlie,  New  London ... 


Bee  The,  Phiilins  


right  top  Hues  and 
Williamson  J  F,  Minmapolis,  iliun. 


Gazette  Tliu,    tStovens'  Point 


Stevens'     Point     Journal,     Stevens' 




Western   Machine    Die    and    3Iodel 

Wisconsin  Swedish  Tribune,  Superior 


Works.  Chicago,  111 


Watertown    Journal    and     Daheim, 

French  Cliarles  A,  Madison 


Waterto  wn 


Barnard  Gef^irge  L.  ^Milwaukee 


Watertown  Weltburger  and  Erzaeh- 
ler,  Watertown  


Bastam  Alex,  ^lilwaukee 


Eagle  Pattern  Works,  Milwaukee... 


Posten,  West  Superior 




Bradford  Roticrt  E.  Chippewa  Falls. 


Anderson  Jlons  &  Son,  La  Crosse... 


Wisconsin  Collection  Ageiicy,  Chip- 

Abeles &  Mahler,  ililwauUee 


pewa  FalU 


Goll  &  Frank  Co,  Milwaukee 


Merriman  George  W,  Eau  Claire 


Sellers  Malcolm.  Fort  Howard 



Webster  L  11  E,  Hillsborough 


Rice  Lake  ilufg  Co,  Rice  Lake 


Sowlc  &,  Sowle,  Toinah 



Spencer  James  R,  Waukesha 


Tanner  &  Lewis,  Berlin 


Sunderland  ^Mrs  J  C.  Hartford 

Rost  John  G,  Milwaukee 


Borrill  Wm  R,  Wausau 


Viall  M  E  &  W  A,  xAIadison 


Fosbinder  C  W,  Maustou 



Dawson  J  C,  New  L'lndon 


Northwestern  Eye  and  Ear  luflrmaty, 

LuckT,  Oslikush 




Delaney  A  E,  Washburn 




Andrews  A  II  &  Co.  Chicago.  111. . .  . 


Pettet  J,  Cleveland,  O 



Bush  U  H.AVashburn 


Racine  Specialty  Co,  Racine 




Park  Wm  J  &  Sons,  Madison 


Ddvis Omnibus  Line  an(i  Transfer  Co, 

Dearholt  &  Benedict,  Milwaukee. . . . 



right  top  lines  and 




Chrislmann  Alexander,  Milwaukee. . 


Ripou  Packing  Co,  Ripon 




Biuney  J,  Milwaukee 


Tarkovsky  &  Co,  Chicago,  111 

Koha  Anton,  Milwaukee 





Cudahy  Bros,  Milwaukee left  top  lines 

Herman  Fred,  Antigo 




Lindem  &  ^liller,  Marinette 


Diamond  Paint  Co,  Oihkosh 

De  Lange  H,  Jlilwaukee 


Imperial  Paint  Co,  Ushkosh 


Holt  Lumber  Co,  Oconto 



Schwanke  August.  Princeton 


Mchner  Edmund,  Dorchester 


GriiJla  E  A,  AVaukesha 


Thomseu  J,  Fond  du   Lac 



Seller  Jacob,  Madison 


Werner  A,  Milwaukee 



PLOW   M>:FI:s.  Page 

Moline  Plow  Co,  Molinc,  111 1087 


Walker  K  G,  AsUlatid 135 

Trig^a  Ileary  T.  Em  Claire 279 

Kraft  George,  JIadisou 4R9 

Owens  Wm,  Madison 4713 

Karger  Leopold,  Milwaukee 015 

Daly  J  H,  Portage 857 


Bowes  R  M.  Beaver  Darn 161 

Roosevelt  "W  A  Co,  La  Crosse -     445 


Dickinson  Albert  CoTue,Cbicago,Ill.  1367 

printers-book:  and  job. 

Democrat  Publishing  Co,  De  Pere. .  .  247 

MarkUam  &  Simpson,  Indepoadeuce  390 

Cantwell  M  J,  Mudisoa 491 

Tracy,  Gibbs  A;  Co,  Miuli.-f.n 489 

Commeicial  Printing  Co,  Milwaukee  571 
Germania  Publishing  Co,  ililwaukc-e 

opp  582 

Wetzel  A  &  Bro,  Milwaukee. 705 

Blair  &  Iluie,  Necnah-. 1331 

Stein  George  jr,  Phillips 344 

Tubbs  Thomas  E  &,  Co,  River  Falls. 

opp  903 

Glennon  Ed  D.  Stevens'  Point OIU 

McGlanhlin  &  Simon.s,  Stevens'  I'oint  961 

Blumenfeld  &  Son,  W'aterlown lOoO 

Reber  "VVm.  Wattrtown 1039 

Orr  Nathan  J,  Wa\i.s-in 1057 

Lagro  Charles,  West  Sujicrior 987 


Arnold  George  F  &  Son,  Applotoa . .  r.?3 

Errard  C  E,  Fond  du  Lao 017 

Mauston  Produce  Exchange. IMau.ston  531 

Werner  G  "W,  New  London 7.'^1 

Wells  &  JIulrooney,  Xew  Uiclimond  784 

Murphy  B,  Portage 855 

Webb  &  Schwekes,  Reedsbur^h. 
Williams  &  Emter,  VVjiusau. 

Union  Produce  Co,  'Whitewater 1073 


Sheriffs  Mnfg  Co,  Milwaukee 595 


Sime  Thomas  M,  Eau  Claire 283 

Tracy,  Gibbs  &  Co,  Madison 489 

Germiuiia  I'ublishing  Co,  Milwaukee 

opp    583 
American  Tube  Works,  Chicago,  III.  1333 


Awe  Fred,  Milwavikee 643 

Reiss  Valentine,  Milwaukee 687 

Ziemanu  A,  Md waukee 093 

Badger  Pump  Co.  O.-hkosh 827 

Oshkosh  Pump  Co,  0--hkoab 815 


Burlington  Roule  The,  Chicago,  111. 

Chicago,  Jlilwaukee  ^t  St  Paul  Kv, 
Chicago, LI.  .right  bottom  lines  and 

Chicago,  Rock  Island  &  Pacilic  R  R, 
Chicago,  111 

Chicago  &  Grand  Trunk  Ry, Chicago. 
III.  ..right  and  left  bottom  lint.-s  and 

Illinois  Central  R  R.  Chicago,  LI.  .  . 
right  and  left  bottom  lines  and 

Wisconsin  Centra!  Lines, Chicago,  LI 

Detroit.  Grand  Haven  &  .Milwaukee 
Ry,  Detroit.  Mich 

Green  Bay,  Winona  ^.t  St  Paul  R  R, 
Green  Bay 

Milwaiikee,  Lake  Shore  &  Western 
Ry,  Milwaukee 

Minneapolis,  St  Paul  &  Sault  Sto 
ilarie  Ry,  Minncarolis.  Jlian 

Jlinneapolis  &  St  Louis  Ry,  Minnea- 
polis, Jlinn 

Iron  Jlountaiu  Route,  St  Louis,  JIo. 

Jlissouri  Pacific  Ry,  St  Louis,   JIo.. 

Wabash  Railroad,  SI  Louis,  Mo 

Northwestern  Line,  St  Paul.  Minn.  . 

Southern  Pacific  Company, San  Fran- 
cisco, Cal opp 

REAL  estate. 

Dcleglise  Frank  A,  Antigo 

Dueliac  it  Benishelc.  Autigo 

Millard  Allx'rt  M.  Antigo  ' 

Ilurriman  Krank  W,  Api'leton 

Heydlaulf  &  O.^born.   Ashland 

Jones  C  A.  Burlington 

Bradford  Rt^bert  E,  Cliippewa  Falls. 

Merriman  George  W,  Eau  Claire.  .  .  . 

Denniston  J  C.  Ellsworth 

Encking  C  !>,  Fond  du  Lac 

Hood  Wm,  Fort  Howard 

Sellers  Jlalcobn,  Fort  Howard 

Blanchard  UK,  Janesville 

French  &  ClilT'ird,  Madison 

Spenoe  E  L,  Milton 

Cole  Sidney  H,  Milwaukee 

Eiinermanu  A  J,  Milwaukee 

.lovce  Gilbert  S,  .Milwaukee 

KotlliLT  Huco,  Milwaukee 

Milbrath  C  \V  &  Co,  Milw.^ukee 

Pereles  Nath  it  Sons,  .Milwaukee.  . .  . 

Schilling  .Tacob,  Alilwaukoe 

Wil-ion  Amasa,  New  Lisbon 

Hurlbut  &  Goodwin,  Oronoraowoc. . 

Cook  W  P&  Bro.  Ocruito 

Wisconsin  Real  Estate  and  Eschanife 
Co,  Oshkosh 

Hall  W  W,  Peshtigo 

Bardon  .lohn  A,  Superior 

Doe  &  Reynolds,  Superior 

Edwards  Cordy,  Superior 

George  &  Shryack,  Superior 

Lincoln  &  Correll.  Superior 

JlilliT  Grover  P,  Superior 

Nobles  &  Linnen,  Superior 







1 402 



3  Li 



r  T" 




Webb  W  II,  Superior 979 

Wilson  G  F  &  Co.  Superior 979 

Palmer  Mrs  S  D  il'  Sou,  Tomali lODo 

Sowle  &,  Tomab 1003 

Bay    Land     acd    Improvement    Co, 

Washburn 1022 

Moran  N  B,  Watcrlown 1023 

Danielson,  Aarslad  &  Peterson,  West 

Superior 983 

Dobie  Bros,  West  Superior 987 

Fulton  R  M,  West  Snperli-r 9S.j 

Haley  &  Kobinson,  West  Superior  .  .  993 

Harris  Bros,  West  Supciior 983 

Henvis  Joseph  C  &  Co,  West  Super- 
ior   985 

Huichins,  Gaudet  &  Co,  West  Super- 
ior   989 

Keystone  Investment  Co,  West   Su- 
perior   987 

Lang  F  N  &  Co,  West  Superior 991 

McCausland  v&  McCluer,  West  Super- 
ior   991 

Miller  C  W  &  Co,  West  Superior. . . .  993 

Randall  B  T,  West  Superior 993 

Rhodes  &,  Rogers,  West  Superior. . . .  981 

Swenson  Henry  A,  West  Superior.. .  993 

Trotier  &  Bishop,  West  Superior. . . .  989 

Van  Valen  &  Waterman,  Whitewater  1073 

refrigp;rator  :>in'frs. 
Wisconsin     Refrigerator     Co,     Eau 

Claire 271 


Siegrist  E,  Chippewa  Falls 217 

Fox  M,  Eau  Claire 281 

Lacher  Jofuph,  iMadisou 493 

Weckesser  11  G.  Madison 467 

Hmkel  John,  Milv^aukee 031 

Jacob  tt  Wei:;el.  ,Milwftul;ee 001 

Wehr  Aui^us't,  Jlilwaukce 091 

Pierce  L  A'  Co.  Viroijua. 1019 

Klumpp  Charles,  Wauwatosa 1002 

Baines  A  B  &  U  S,  Buffalo,  NY....   1100 

Ford  Roofing  Co  The.  Chicaco.  111..  1330 
McFarland  J  C,Chicai;o,Ill. 1102  and  1339 
Miller  James  A  &  Bro,  Chicigo,  111.   1207 

Marden  J  H ,  La  Crosse 445 

Bethmann  A:  Tappcndorf,  Milwaukee     605 
Biersach  &.  Niedermeyer,  Milwaukee        8 

Cax  Joseph  ]j,  Milwaukee 649 

Jones  R  L  Co  (ItM).  Milwaukee 5S9 

Monsted  A  &  Co.  Milwaukee 697 

Stollenwerk  &  Winding  Co,  Milwau- 
kee       729 

Sullivan  II  J,  ;JIilwuukee 7 

Winding  George,  Jliiwaukee 730 

Heck  E  A,  Watertown 1039 

Burdick  &  Lecour,  West  Superior. .  .     9S3 
Roberts  &  Bingham,  AVest  Superior.     997 


Winding  George,  Milwaukee 730 


Culligan  John  D,  :Milwaukee 010 

Goodyear  Rubber  Co,  r^Iilwaukee   . . 

left  top  lines  and  opp  1102 

Wurms  Bros,  Burlington 195 

Streeter  J  F,  Dodgevllle 1339 

SchwMab   Stamp  and    Seal    Co  The, 

Milwaukee 639 

Orr  Nathan  J,  Wausau 1057 


Friederich  J  L,  Chippewa  Falls 221 

Wedemeycr  W  H.  Ehu  Claire 278 

Saxe  James  H.  Markcan 525 

Friauf  &,  Jirachek.  Jlilwaukee 055 

Pergoli  A  D.  Pcshli-o 839 

Buhrraanu  II,  Jt.ind.ilph 880 

Cook  Samuel  A.  Randolph 886 

Doering  Herman,   Ucedsburch 1341 

Waitz  G  A,  Walcrt.iwu 1039 

Thompson  H  O,  West  Superior 995 


Brueggcr  George  B,  Berlin 173 

Wellems  Joseph  A,  Green  Bay 349 

Adams  M  II,  Milwaukee 647 

Dreher  Pins,  Milwaukee 039 

Hinkel  John.  iMihvaukee 031 

Jacob  A:  Weigel.  Milwaukee 061 

Jess  Fred,  Milwaultce 667 

Swoboda  Frank,  J\Iilwaukeo 08i> 

Bruns  F  A,  Oconto  790 

Schoppe  Wm,  Watertown 1037 

Oliver  Wendell  Holmes  Sanitarium, 

Hudson 381 

Pennoyer  Sanitarium  The,  Kenosha. 

419  and  420 

Wilbur  Lumber  Cij,  Burlington 1043 

La  Crosse  Cracker  Co,  La  .  .  .  441 
Wisconsin  Lumber  and  Mufg  Co,  La 

Crosse 437 

Island  Sash  and  Door  Co,  Milwaukee  4 

Wilier  Mnfg  Co  The.  Milwaukee. .  .  .  695 

Alorton  C  C  &  Co.  Omro 803 

Gould  James  P.  Oshkosh 811 

Devlin  James,  West  Superior 991 

Halladay  Wm  H  Mnfg  C';,  Chicago, 

111 4 

Branch-Crookes  Saw  Co,St.Louls,Mo  1305 

Wilkin  Mnfg  Co  The,  Milwaukee. . . 

front  cover 
Dickinson  The  Albert  Co.Chicago.IU  1367 






Monmouth    Jlining    and    3Inf^ 

Monmouth,  111 

Milwaukee  Ship  Yard  Co, Milwaukee 


Obenberger  Joseph,  Jlihvaukee 

Wells  &  Ruelle,  Appleton 115 

Jaquet's  Patent  Dipped   Shingle  Co, 


Northwestern  Furniture  Co,  Milwau- 



Blair  W  E,  Chictigo,  111 1308 


Sweet  B  P  (Sr  11  L,  Fond  du  Lac 311 


Trenkamp  P,  Jlilwaukee 033 

Schantz  S:  Hahn,  New  London 781 


Uibbard,  Spencer,  Lartlett  A:  Co.Chi- 

cago,  in 87 

Post'  W  n,  Fond  dii  Lac 

right  bottom  lines  and     309 
Meunier  John  Gun  Co,  ..Mdwuukte. . 

right  liiitlom  lines 
Stannard  P  P  Gun  Co  Tnt-,  Milwau- 
kee     left  bottom  lines 

West  II  H  Co,  Milwaukee 587 

Martin  Harry  T,  Whitewater 1073 

Gibson  Wm  D  Co  The,  (.'liicago.  III.    lUl 


Erdmann  Albert  J,  Jlilwaukee 1131 

Milwaukee    Jlirror    and    Art    Glass 
Works,  Jlilwaukee .7.)7 


Schulz  Erdman,  JliUvaukee 1370 


Dennison  Mnfg  Co,  Boston,  Mass. . . 

backbone  and  1404 

Eein  John,  Neillsville 771 

Mooers  U  &.  Co,  Milwaukee 1371 


Steamer  Plow  Doy,  Ashland 133 

Goodrich  Trausportati  >n  Co, Chicago, 



Hart  11  W  &  C  li.  Green  B.'iy 359 

Blue  Star  Line  Sttanieis,  Milwaid<ec     6^7 


Uunter  G  M,  Milwaukee 631 


'   Bentley  Thomas  H,  Milwaukee 045 

Lohr  Charles  A;  Co,  Milwaukee 577 

!   Coburn  G  W,  Whi'ewater 1073 


1   Thoeny  John,  La  Crosse 445 

!   Andres  John  &  Son,  ^Milwaukee 043 

'   (!ook  &  Hyde,  Milwaukee 603 

jMeyers  J  A  A:  Co,  Milwaukee 675 

I    Schmidt  Peter  &  Co,  Milwaukee 083 

I    Repe  Charles,  Oshkosh Sid 

'   Reynolds  James  JI,  Oshkosh 827 

Tosteviu  ifc  Moore,  West  Superior. . .  995 

Crow  Stove  Polish  Co,  3Iilwaukce  . .  1225 


Taylor  A  B.  du  Lac 315 

i   Schwartz  C  O  Stove  Co,  Milwaukee.  6s5 

'    Koepsell  John  J.  Sheboygan 933 

I   Bisholl  J  Fjr,  Superior 973 


Shaw  Jesse  &  Co,  Milwaukee 1225 


I   Taksdorf  F,  Walertown 1035 


I    Denni.son  Mnfg  Co,  Boston,  Mass  . . . 

1                                              backbone  and  1404 


Berghoefer  Charles,  Milwaukee 645 


Pfister  &   Vogel   Leather    Co    The, 

ililwaukee C77 

Trostel  Albert  A:  Sons.  Milwaukee  . .  073 
JIcMillan   Jas   A;    Co,     Jlinueapolis, 

Minn 1377 


Cribb  Robert,  Jtilwaukee 061 


I'ilger  G  J  &  Co,  Milwaukee. .  ..opp  1377 


Lincoln  Hall,  Milwaukee 661 

Case  J  I  Threshing  31  ichiue  Co,   Ra- 
cine   1379 


Wells  C  51  A:  Son,  Appleton 115 

Wella  A;  Ruelle,  Appleton  115 


Di^otell  W  A.  Ber'.in 173 

HoUniinn  A:  B.iur,  Milwaukee 599 


MacMartin  J,  Eau  Claire 283 

Nauj  iks  Math,  Milwaukee 705 



Union  Toy  and  Furniture  Co,  Apple- 

ton  . 


Wienand  &  Wahl,  Eau  Claire 


Lowe  L,  Milwaukee 

Savings,    Loan  and  Trust  Co,  iladi- 


Wisconsin  Trust  Co  of  Milwaukee, 
Milwaukee front  cover  and 


Baker  E  T  &  Co,  Chicago,  III 

Wisconsin  Typewriter  Co, ^Milwaukee 
R&cine  Specialty  Co,  Racine 

Eau  Claire  Furniture  Co,  Eau  Claire 

Main  &  Zaclier),  Fond  du  Lac 

Nelson  Bros,  .Janesville 

Shriner  Ftrd,  Monroe 


Mayer  H,  Green  Hay 

Beyer  J  V,  Milwaukee 

Schoenleber  Otto  J,  Milwaukee 


National  Union  Vaccine  Co,   Engel- 
■wood,  ID 


Wisconsin   Venetian   Blind  Co,  !Mil- 

waukeee left  top  lines  and 


Baines  A  B  &  U  S,  Buffalo,  N  Y 

Kaalz  I,  Milwaukee 


Phelps  N  M,  Beaver  Dam 

Ilolliugsworlli  .1  S.  Green  Bay  .    ... 
DiefTenbach  Ale.xauder  F,  .Milwaukee 


American  Vinegar  Works,!!\Iilwaukce 


Barkow  Herman,  Milwaukee 

Each  John  &  Son,  Milwaukee 

Streich  Gabriel,  Oshkosb 













Oyen  Odin  J.  La  Crosse 435 

Kemp  J  M  it  Co,  iladison -483 

Harper  Robert  &  Sons,  Milwaukee. . 

left  top  lines 

Mueller  &  Koken,  Milwaukee G31 


Hall  E  L,  Green  Bay 357 

Belden  C  .V,  Madison iVO 

Larson  .John  tt  Co,  Madison 5 

Licbenow  C  &  Son,  .Manitowoc 507 

Bunde  &  Uptneyer,  Milwaukee 562 

Cohen,    Xeisser   &   Litberman,    Mil- 
waukee      627 

Petersen  Bros,  Plymouth 853 

Forbes  W  R,  Portage ,855 

Schuller  &  Cech,  Tomah 1007 

Green  Bay   &   Mississippi  Cunal  Co, 

Appleton 112 

Carpenter  Geo  B  &  Co.  Chicago, 111. 

cards  in  classitied  Business  Directory 

Pilger  G  J  &  Co.  Milwaukee opp  1388 


Egelhoff  Tbeo  Co,  Milwaukee 569 


Huber  Bros,  Alma 00 

Jarvis  G  M  Co  The.  Chicaso,  III 1177 

Grove  II  &  Sons,  :\Iaclisnn 481 

Greullch  Aug  &  Son,  Milwaukee. . . .     653 
Pommet  E  Wine  Co,  ililwaukce  . . . 

right  top  lines 

Rahte  &  Haas,  Milwaukee 679 

Weis  Bros,  Milwaukee 

left  side  lines  and     697 
Kauer  Peter,  Sheboygan 031 


Money  .T.  Milwaukee 679 

Ohlsen  Wm,  Milwaukee 633 

Goehner  Charles,  Racine 875 

Moore  E  B  &  Co,  Chicago,  111 1169 

Schmidt  .V  F  &  Co,  Dorchester 255 

Pay  no  money  in  advance  to  itinerant  Directory  Canvassers.  We 
are  lad  to  mention  this  from  the  fact  that  certain  parties  Iiave  been 
fraudulentl}'  using  our  publications  as  specimens,  and  by  that  means 
collecting  moneys  in  advance.  Brfcre  urjning  anonUr,  see  that  it  han 
the  name  of  R.  L.  POLK  •.(;  CO.  jirinlcd  tiarcva.  We  ask  no  payment 
until  the  work  is  delivercti,  an. 1  our  solicitors  have  .strict  orders  not  to 
take  payment  for  either  advertisements  or  subscriptions. 

R.  L.  POLK  &  CO. 




About    JULY    1st,    1891. 


Minneapolis  &  St.  Louis  Ry. 

St.    Paul     or     iVIinneapolisj 


TO  ,»  r^    ......    w    ,,.,  , 

Where    the    Government    Land    Office    is    Located.      ROUND 
TRIP     Rate     from     St.    Paul     or     Minneapolis    is    only    $9.10. 
.^j^For  full  particulars,  apply  to 

C.  M.  Pratt,  G.  T.  and  P.  A. 

M.    &    ST.    L.    RY., 


WATERTOWN,  daI^ya, 




I  Oovernor — George   W.    Peel;,  Milwaukee;  term  of  ofBce,  2  years;  term  ends,  January, 

f  1893;  sp.lftiy,  So.OOO. 

f  Lievt  Goternor — C'liarlcs  Jonas,  Racine;  term   of   office,  2   years;  term   ends,    January, 

f  1893;  salary,  .*1,000. 

1  Secntary  of  Stiitt — Thomas   J.  Cunnincham,   CLippewa   Falls;  term  of   office,    2   years; 

?  terra  ends,  January,  1893;  salary,  s.j.OOO. 

'  Treasurer — Jolm  Ilunncr,  Lau  Claire;  term  of  oUice,  2  years;  term  ends,  January,  1S93; 
falaiy,  §5,000. 

:  Attorney  General. — James   L.  O'Connor,  Madison ;  term   of  office,  2  years;  term   ends, 

f  January,  1803;  salary,  s3,()00. 

;  Adjiilcint  Genn-al — Joseph  B.  Dc  e,  Janesville;  term  ends,  January,  1S93;  salary,    S500. 

j  State  Si/pirinteudenf  of  Schools— OUvcT  E.  Wells,  Appletou;  term  of  office,  2  years;  term 
f  ends,  January,  IbOS;  salary,  si, 200. 

I  Ce^mmisfioner.i  of  Sehool  and  Unirersity  Lands— SecTelSLTj  ot  SlRlc,  State   Trea.9urer   and 
f  Attorney  General. 

f  Railroad   Commissioner — Thomas  Thompson,    Independence;  term   of   office,  2   years; 
i  term  expires,  January,  1893;  salary,  §3.000. 

I  Insurance    Commissioner — Wilbur   M.    Root,   Sheboygan;  term  of   ofHce.  2  years;  term 
I  ends,  January,   1893;  salary,  ^3,0C0. 

!  Slate  Lihrarian — John  R.  P.errynian,  Prairie  du  Chien;  appointed  by  Governor;  salary, 



Philetds  Sawyeu  (R).  Oshkosh;  term  expires  1893. 
Wm.  F.  ViL.vs  (U),  Madison;  tirm  expires  1897. 


I  J-Vrs^D^'s^nc?— Clinton  Babbitt  (D),   Beloit. 

y  Second  District — Charles  Earwig  (D),  Mayville. 

!  Third  Ui.i/rict—A.  R.  Bushuell  (D),  JIad'ison. 

;  Fourth  District— i.  L.  Mitchell  (U).  .Milwaukee. 

I  FHVl  DiUrtet—Qcmge  It.  Brickutr  (D),  Shtboyiian  Falls. 

&>M.  i;(-.-/n>(_r,.  M.  Miller  (Dl  Osliko^h. 

I  Seventh  District— F.  P.  Coburn  (D).  West  Salera. 

1  Eifjhlh  District— 'Si\s  P.  Haugen  (R),  River  Falls. 

[  yirith  District — Thomas  Lynch  (D),  Antigo. 






Judge — James  G.  Jenkins,  Milvraukce. 
District  Attorney — Eliiiu  Coleman,  Fond  du  Lac. 
Mamhal — George  W.  Wiswall,  Elkhorn. 
Clerk— Ya.  Kuiiiz,  Milwaukee. 


At  Milwaukee — First  Monday  in  .January  and  October. 

At  Oshkosh— Seccind  Tuesday  in  July. 

Special  Term — First  Jlouday  in  April  at  ililwaukee. 

counties  comprising  DISTRICT. 

Brown,  Calumet,  Dodge,  Dorr,  Fond  du  Lac,  Florence,  Forest,  Green  Lake, 
Kenosha,  Kewaunee,  Lanfjiade,  Manitowoc,  Marinette,  Marquette,  .Milwaukee.  Ocontoj 
Outagamie,  Ozaukee,  Racine.  Shawano,  Sheboygan,  Walworth,  Washington,  Waukesha! 
Waupaca,  Waushara,  Winnebago. 


Judge — KoMANZo  Bl'nn,  Madison. 

District  Attoi  at y — Samuel  A.  H\rpeh,  Jladison. 

Marshal— ¥.  W.  Oakley,  Madison. 

Clerk — F.  SI.  Stewaut,  Madison. 


At  Madison — First  Tuesday  in  December. 

At  Eau  Claire — Fir-it  Tuesday  in  .fune. 

At  Iia  Cro.^se — Third  Tu("=diiy  in  September. 

Special  Term — Third  Tuesday  in  .lune  and  lirst  Tuesday  in  October  at  Madison. 


Adams.  Ashland,  Barron,  Bayfield,  Bullali\  Burnett,  Chippewa,  Clark,  Columbia. 
Crawford,  Dane,  Doutrlas.  Dunn,  Eiu  Claire,  Grant.  Green,  Iowa,  Jackson,  .lell'erson, 
Juneau,  La  Crosse.  Lafayette.  Lincoln,  JSIaralhon,  Jlonroe, 'Oneida,  Pepin,  Pierce,  Po'k. 
Portage,  Price,  Richland,  Rock,  St.  Croix,  Sauk,  Sawyer,  Taylor,  Trempealeau, 
Vernon,  Washburn,  Wood. 



Chief  Justice— Orsamus  Cole:  s.ilary,  So, 000:  terra  expires  January,  180->. 
Associate  Justice— Win.  Perin  Lyon;  salary,  So. 000;  term  expires  January,  1804. 
Associate  Justice— Harlow  S.  Orton;  salary,  s.i.COO;  term  expires  January,  1S98. 
Associate  Justice- John  B.  Cassody;  salary,  ^•'j.OOO;  term  expires  January,  1890. 

CTer/t— Clarence  Kellogg.  1  Librarian— John  R.  P.erryman. 

Ikporkr—TP.  K.  Conover.     -  -  [  -  -        Messenger— C.  H.  Beyler. 


January  Term — Tuesday  prccc-ding-  the  second  Wednesday  in  January. 
August  Term— Second  Tuesday  in  August. 


^  The  State  is  divided  into  seventeen  Judicial  circuits,  composed  as  follows: 

I         Mrst — Counties  of  Racine,  Kenosha,  Walworth. 

i  Second — Milwaukee. 

j  Third — Calumet,  Green  Lake,  Winrebao;!* 

i  Fourth — Fond  du  Lac,  Sheboygan,  ^lanitowoc,  Kewaunee. 

;  /^'AA— Crawford,  Grant,  Iowa,  La  Fayette,  Richland. 

^         Sixth — Clark,  Jackson,  iMonroe,  La  t'ro.^se,  Treinpcalt^au,  Vernon. 

j  Seventh — Portage,  Wood,  IMaralhon,  AV^iupaca.  'VVau.'jhara,  Lincoln. 

i£V|//i^/i— Buffalo,  Dunn,  Euu  Claire,  Pepin.  Pierce,  St  Croix. 
h'inth — Adams,  CoUunbia,  Dane,  Juneau,  Sauk,  jNiarquettc. 
TcntJi — Outagamie,  Shawano,  Langlade.  Florence,  Forest. 
Elctenih — liarron,  Burnett,  Chippewa,  Douglas,  Polk,  Washburn 
r  Ticelfth — Rock,  Green,  .[eft'erson. 

j  Thirteenth — Dodge,  O/.aukee,  Wa.shinglon,  Waukesha. 

Fourteenth — Door,  Brown, ■<)conto,  Marinette. 
[  Fifteenth — Ashland,  Bayfiehl,  Oneida.  Price,  Sawyer,  Taylor, 

r         Sixteenth — Lincoln,  Marathon,  Oneida. 
k  &i'e?iton<A— Clark,  Kau  Claire,  Jackson. 




Statement  showing  th:  N'-imes  and  Pof^lorpre  Addres.'i  nf  tlie  Cin-tiit  Judges,  and  tunes  ai 
places  for  holding  Circuit  Courts  in  the  several  counti'es  in   Wityconsin. 

Salary  of  Circuit  Judges,  sy.OOO  [ler  annum. 


Judge—Jitn-s  B.  Winslow,  Racine. 

Term  expires  first  Monday  of  January,  ISC'S. 



3d  Monday  in  February.  . 

Walworth 2d  Monday  in  June 

2d  ^Monday  in  Octuber  .  .  . 

j  2d  Monday  in  Ajiril 

Racine 3d  M.mday  In  June 

2d  Monday  in  Novenibor. 

2d  Monday  in  Mirc-h  .  .  .  . 

Keuoeha 2d  Jlonday  in  June 

2d  Monday  in  Septenilier. 



Ch.  CG,  L.  18S0 

Ch.  06,  L.  Ib89. 

Ch.  GO,  L.  1SS9, 

No  jury  sliall  be  summoned  for  either  of  the  term.s  to  be  held  in  this  circuit  in  the 
months  of  June  or  Au.^'uat.     Each  term  in  this  circuit  shall   also  be  a  special  term  for  ] 
the  whole  judicial  circuit.     Chapter  j:,  Laics  of  1S7U.     &e  Ckapter  66.  Laws  of  l.SSO 


Judge— H.  II.  Johnson,  Milwaukee. 
Term  expires  first  Monday  of  January,  ISO/t 



Where  held. 



lit  Monday  in  January ] 

Ist  Monday  in  March ] 

1st  Monday  in  May j- 

1st  Jlonday  in  September | 

Ist  Monday  in  November J 


Ch.  50,  L.  1889. 

No  jury  shall  be  summoned  for  either  of  the  terras  to  be  held  in  this  circuit  in  the 
month  of  June.  Every  term  in  the  circuit  shall  be  a  special  term  for  the  whole  judicial 
circuit  — Section  24~'-i,  liu-i^rd  Statutes. 




Judge— Gko.  W.  Burnell,  Oshkosb. 

Term  empires  frst  Monday  of  January,  1S07. 

Where  held. 


Green  Lake. 

1st  Monday  after   1st  Tuesday  of  ' 

April I 

1st  Monday  in  October 

3J  Monday  in  January. 
3d  Monday  in  June. . . . 

Winnebago |  1st  ilonday  in  May 

1st  Monday  in  Decfmber. 

Special  Terms. 

1st  Tuesday  in  February  and  Sep-  ( 
tember f 

Chilton !  Ch.  131,  L.  1S85 

Dartford {  Ch.  133,  L.  1S91 

OsUkosh Ch.  134,  L.  1SS5 

Oshkosh :  Ch.  134,  L.  1885 

Each  of  the  general  terms  of  the  circuit  court  in  each  of  the  counties  in  the  said 
third  judicial  circuit  of  Wisconsin,  and  the  aforesaid  sjieciiil  terms  in  the  said  county 
of  Wuinebaijo,  shall  ulso  lij  and  are  hereby  ili-clared  to  be  special  terms  of  the  circuit 
court  in  and  for  the  whole  of  the  third  judicial  circuit  of  the  State  of  Wiscousm. — 
Chapter  134,  Laws  1SS5. 

Judge — NoKMAN  S.  Gilson,  Fond  du  Lac. 
Term  expires  Jir^t  Monday  of  January,  1S93. 



2d  Monday  in  April 

3d  Monday  in  September. 

Sheboygan . . . . 

Tuesday  after  ?d  Jlonday  in  ,Ianu-  1 

ary |-  i  Manitowoc. 

Tuesday  after  1st  Monday  in  June  )  j 

Kewaunee 2d  Monday  in  Mav )    ,- 

I  3d  Monday  in  October j    Kewaunee. 

Fond  daLac  .. .    Tuesday  after  3d  ilonday  in  Feb  ] 

ruary j 

^  Tuesday  after  1st  Jloudaj-  in  March  ! 

I  Tuesday  after  1st  Monday  in  July,  f 

Tuesday  after  2d  Monday  in  No-  | 

vember J 

Fond  du  Lac. 


Ch.  5,  L.  1891. 

Ch.  5,  L.  1891. 

Cb.  5,  L.  1891. 

Ch.  5,  L.  1891. 

No  jury  shall  be  summoned  for  the  terms  in  February  and  July  unless  specially 
ordered.     Every  term  in  the  counties  of  Fond  du  Lac,  Sheboygan  and  Manitowoc  shall 



be  a  special  term  for  the  whole  judicial  circuit,  at  which  any  and  all  business  may  be 
done  arising  or  pendinj:  in  anj-  county  in  said  circuit,  which  might  be  done  at  a  general 
term  for  the  county  in  which  said  business  arises  or  is  pending,  except  the  trial  of  issues 
of  fact  by  a  jury.  Tiie  tenns  .-pcciiitd  in  section  2  shall  be  a  continuation  of  all  terms 
in  the  circuit  which  are  not  finally  adjourned,  and  the  court  at  the  terms  mentioned  in 
eectiou  2  shall  have  the  same  jurisdiction  as  to  all  judgments,  orders  or  proceedings 
made  or  entered  in  any  county  which  it  would  have  if  holding  the  term  in  the  county 
at  which  such  judgment,  order  or  proceedings  was  maile  or  taken,  Including  the  power 
to  vacate,  correct  or  othevwiee  change  the  same  in  the  mode  provided  by  law.  The 
circuit  court  shall  always  he  open  for  the  transaction  of  all  business  in  each  of  the  coun- 
ties in  said  circuit,  from  the  beginning  of  one  term  until  the  beginning  of  the  nest  term 
in  the  same  county,  and  an  order  or  direction  for  the  adjournment  of  any  term  from  day 
to  day  or  to  a  specified  day,  and  an  entry  thereof,  shall  not  be  necessary  to  tlie  validity  of 
any  judgment,  sentence,  order  or  proceeding  therein;  but  when  no  judge  shall  attend  to 
hold  court  on  the  first  day  or  any  subscrjueut  day  thereof,  the  term  ehall  stantl  adjourned 
from  day  to  day  until  a  judge  authorized  to  hold  the  same  shall  attend.  No  term  of 
court  in  said  circuit  .'^hnll  be  at  an  end  until  an  express  order  for  final  adjournment  is 
made  and  entered,  and  one  term  may  be  adjourned  beyond  the  beginning  of  the  next 
term  in  the  same  county. — Chapter  5,  Laus  1691. 


Judge — Geokge  Clementson,  Lancaster. 
Term  expire'^  Monday  of  January,  1S05. 




La  Fayette 

Crawford  . 

3d  Tuesday  in  February ( 

2d  Tuesday  in  October f 

4tb  Tuesday  in  jSIarch ) 

Last  Tuesday  in  September f 

3d  Tuesday  in  June / 

Isl  Tuesday  in  December f 

2d  Tuesday  in  April ) 

2d  Tuesday  iu  September f 

4th  Tuesday  in  May ) 

2d  Tuesday  in  ^'ovember )' 

Where  held. 



Ch.  402,  L 



Ch.402,  L. 



Ch.403,  L. 


Richland  Center 

Ch.402,  L. 


Prairie  du  Chien 

Ch.402,  L. 


Every  term  iu  each  of  said  countie.-*  shall  be  a  special  term  for  the  whole  circuit. 
See.  1,  Chap.  40::,  Lau.t  1SS7. 



Judge — Alfred  W.  Newmax,  Trempealeau. 
Term  expires  fird  ilonday  of  January,  1S05. 

Clark* 2d  Monday  in  Juue / 

j  2d  Monday  in  Utcember \ 

Jackson  * 3d  Jlonday  in  Marcb 

I  3d  Monday  in  yeptcmber. 

Neillsville 1  Ch.  12 

Bl'k  River  Falls'  Cb.  12 

La  Crosse 2d  Monday  in  May )i.     „ 

2d  Monday  In  November )  j  ^^  Crosse. 

Monroe '  1st  Wednesday  after   1st  Tuesday  )  [ 

I      in  April [• '  Sparta 

j  1st  Monday  in  October )  \ 


1st  Monday  in  JIarch 

1st  Slonday  in  September. 


Vernon  . .   ;  4th  Monday  iu  April )  !  -.. 

i  3d  Monday  in  October f ,  viroqua. 

Ch.  12 

L.  1891 
L.  ISO! 
L.  1891. 

Ch.  12,  L,  1S91 

Ch.  12,  L.  1891 
Ch.  12,  L.  1891 

•Forms  part  of  5(>Ti>nt(>enth  jn'licial  cir.;iiit  aftvr  jHiiuiiry.  1S3'J.— C/iupfej-  47.  Laws  ls91. 
+Term3  changed  after  January.  IS'.i.;,  exoopt  La  Cr*»ase.— ^"ee  Ch. — ,  Laws  lyjl. 

Every  general  term  in  the  several  counties  of  said  circuit  shall  be  also  a  special 
term  for  the  whole  circuit. — Section  J,  chapter  1 .',  Laws  1S91. 

Judge— Cnxv.h'E.s,  M.  Weiib,  Grand  Rapids. 
2'erm  expires  first  Monday  of  January,  1S97. 



Lincoln*. . 

Portage. . . 
Waupaca. . 

1st  Monday  in  Manh 

2d  Monday  in  October 

l8t  Monday  in  May 

1st  Monday  in  November.. . 

4th  Monday  in  JIarch 

3d  Monday  in  November.  . . 

3d  Monday  in  .Tanuary 

2d  Monday  in  June 

3d  Tuesday  in  April 

Last  Tuesday  in  September. 

4th  Monday  in  Jlay 

2d  Monday  in  December.  . . 

...  ) 


Stevens'  Point. 

Waupaca . 

Wautoma. , 

Grand  Rapids. 

8,  L.  1891 

8,  L.  1891 

8,  L.  1891 

8,  L.  1891 

8,  L.  1S91 

8,  L.  1891 

Forms  part  of  sixteenth  judicial  circuit  after  January,  Wii.— Chapter  ii,  LawsM'ii. 



Provided,  tliat  in  the  year  1891  the  terms  of  court  in  Lincoln  county  siinll  be  he 
on  the  second  Jlonday  in  July  and  on  the  second  Monday  in  (Jctnlicr,  and  actions, 
motions  or  proceedings  already  noticed  or  ordered  for  Irial  or  hearing  at  tlie  term  of 
court  to  be  lield  under  the  esistinir  law  in  rhe  county  of  Marathon,  on  tlie  tirst  ilondav 
in  March,  1S91,  shall  be  considered  as  beinc  for  trifl  or  hearing  at  the  term  held  accord- 
ing to  this  act,  in  Marathon  county,  on  the  first  Monday  in  I\Iay,  ISiil,  and  jurors  or 
witnesses  subpa'naed.  drawn  or  summoned  to  attend  at  the  terra  in  ^Marathon  countv, 
held  on  tlie  first  ^louday  in  starch,  ISOl.  shall  attend  at  the  term  commencina  on  the 
first  Monday  in  May,  by  the  terms  of  this  act,  without  further  notice  or  service  of  pro- 
cess. There  shall  be  no  term  held  in  Lincoln  cop.nty  in  3[arch,  1&91.  Every  general 
term  in  each  of  said  counties  shall  be  a  special  terra  for  all  the  other  counties  "in  said 
circuit. — Chapter  S,  Laics  of  ISCil. 


Judffe—'EGBEn.T  B.  Bdndy,  Menomonie. 

Term  eTpiren  first  Mondo)/  of  Jami<try,  1S97. 


BuSalo  . . . 


Eau  Claire 



St  Croixf. 

4th  Monday  of  February / 

4th  Monday  of  October ) 

2d  Monday  of  March ) 

2d  Monday  of  September f 

4th  Monday  of  March ) 

4th  Monday  of  September f 

3d  Monday  of  April ( 

3d  Monday  of  October f 

Tuesd'y  following  2d  Mon.  of  .Tunc  ) 
Tuesday  following  2d  Mon .  of  Dec.  f 

Where  Held. 


Alma 1  Ch.  350,  L.18S0 


Jlenomonie i  Ch.  350,  L.1889 

Eau  Claire. . . 


Ellsworth  . . . 

2d  Monday  of  ]\ray I  I  ir   a 

2d  Monday  of  November n  ""a90°- 

Ch.  350,  L.18S9 
Ch.  350,  L  1889 
Ch.  350,  L.1889 
Ch.  350,  L.1889 

•Forms  part  of  seventeenth  juilicial  circuit  after  January,  1832. — Chapter  .',7,  Laws 

fWill  be  4th  Monday  March,  4th  Monday  September,  after  January,  1892  — Chapter 
— ,  Laws  1S91. 

I  hereby  appoint  special  terms  of  said  court,  to  be  held  in  each  year  at  the  times  and 
places  hereinafter  named,  viz  :  At  Lau  Claire,  Eau  Claire  county,  on  the  first  Monday 
of  January  ;  at  Hudson,  St.  Croix  county,  on  the  third  ^lond.ny  of  February  ;  at  Menom- 
onie, Ilunn  county,  on  the  first  Momlny  f'f  July  ;  at  Tviver  Falls,  Pierce  county,  on  the 
first  Monday  of  September.  —  I'lnhr  of  Judge  Bundu,  hsncd  in  compiiance  icith  the  pro- 
visions of  Chapter  JS,  Lairs  of  1S70. 

Every  general  term  of  the  eighth  judicial  circuit  shall  be  a  special  terra  for  the 
■whole  circuit.  At  any  special  term  of  said  court  herein  provided  for.  any  and  all  busi- 
ness may  bo  done  arising  in  any  county  of  the  circuit  which  might  be  done  at  any  gen- 
eral term,  except  the  trial  of  issues  of  fact  by  a  jury  in  cases  other  than  those  arising  la 
actions  of  fjuo  warranto  and  mandamus. — Chapter  ]3J,  Laics  1SS9. 




/u(?j«— RouERT  G.  SiEF.ECKER,  MadisoD. 

Term  expires  first  Mondaii  of  Janunry,  1S97 


^^'"^' if,  Tue-^t^'iy  i.°  J^^uai-y I    Friendship  . 

1st  Tuesday  in  June )  *^ 

Columbia '  2d  Tueslay  in  May )  !  p.r,„„„ 

I  2d  Tuesday  in  Decemljer )"  ;  *^o^^^Se  •  •  ■  ■ 


Juneau . 


Monday  after  l<it  Tuesday  in  April  / 

4tli  Monday  in  Jua  e -    Midison. 

2d  Monday  in  November )  i 

1st  Tuesday  in  ^Maroh. . 
2d  Tuesday  in  October. 

Tuesday  after  1st  >tonday  in  Jan. 


Cb.  6,  L.  1691. 
Ch.  6,  L.  1891. 

Ch.  6,  L.  1S91. 
Ch.  6,  L.  1S91. 

1  uesuay  aner  isi  .vionday  m  Jan.  /     ,,     ,  ,,  \  r^i    a   t     ioai 

2d  Tuefduy  in  June )    ^I'^-^'ello Ch.  6,  L.  1891. 

Baraljoo..". |  Cb.  6,  L.  1891. 

Sauk I  3d  Tuesday  In  :\[flrcb . . . . 

3d  Tuesday  in  September 

Kvery  general  term  in  tlie  enunlles  of  Co'umbia.  Dane,  Juneau,  Marquette  and  Sauk 
shall  also  be  a  special  terra  fur  the  wliolo  judicial  circuit.  No  jury  shall  be  summoned 
for  the  term  in  June  for  Dane  county.  —  Cliapter  G,   Lfiics  1S91. 


Jurf^e— Qeokge  II.   Myeks,  Applelon. 

Term  expires  fimt  Monda;/  of  January,  1S93. 


Tern.  3. 

Where  Itekl. 




Ist  Tucsiiay  in  March } 

3d  Tuesday  in  Sipterabtr \ 

2d  Tuesday  in  January 1 






Ch.  283,  L.1883 

Ch.  297,  L.1889 



3d  Tuesday  in  March ) 

1st  Tuesday  in  September \ 

2d  Montlay  in  October ) 

3d  Jlonday  in  April [■ 

Ch.  134,  L.18S.J 
Ch.  2S8   L  1883 


let  Tuesday  iu  February  (special).  ) 

4lh  Monday  in  M>iy ) 

1st  Monday  in  December ) 

Ch.  297,  L.1389 

All  writs,  venires,  informations,  summons,  recocjnizinces,  proce^.ses,  motitins, 
notices  and  other  proceedings  in  said  court,  and  all  jurois  summoned  to  attend  mUlces 
of  trial,  and  every  and  all  proceedings  pending,  or  to  be  beard  on  the  day  heretofore 
fixed,  as  the  first  day  of  such  courts,  or  upon  any  day  in  such  term,  or  heretofore  fi.Ked. 
shall  be  deemed  and  held  returnable,  recognized,  obligated,  cited  to  appear  and  noticed 



for  heiring  on  the  day?  herein  fixed  for  the  nrst  day  of  said  court,  and  shall  be  heard 
and  disponed  of  as  if  retarnable  or  noticed  for  hearing  on  the  first  day  of  such  court  as 
herein  fised,  and  any  venire  issued  returnable,  a?  the  ler.ti  of  said  court  has  been  hereto- 
fore fixed,  shall  be  deeme  \  and  held  returnable  for  the  first  day  of  the  term  of  said  court 
as  fixed  by  this  act. — So'-lioi  J,  Chapter  JS.'f,  Lnws  of  1SS7. 

Each  of  the  general  terms  of  the  circuit  court  of  the  counties  of  Outagamie,  Lang- 
lade and  Shawano,  and  the  special  term  in  the  county  of  Outapamie  sliall  also  be  and 
are  hereby  declared  to  be  spi^cial  term^  of  the  circuit  court  in  and  for  the  whole  of  the 
tenth  Judicial  circuit  of  Wisconsin. — Chapter  IJ4.,  Laws  of  1SS5. 

Judge — R.  D.  MARSri.vLL,  Chippewa  Falls. 
Term  expires  first  Monday  of  January ,  1S95. 


Burnett. . . 
Douglas. . . 


3d  Tuesday  in  April / 

4th  Tuesday  in  September ji" 

ith  Tuesday  in  March \ 

3d  Tuesday  in  September f 

1st  Tuesday  in  May ] 

Ist  Tuesday  in  October f 

3d  Tuesday  in  February ( 

2d  Tuesday  in  August f 

lit  Wednesday  after  1st  Tuesday 

in  April 

3d  Tuesday  in  November 

3d  Tuesday  in  .March ,  ,   ,^   „  .^    , 

2d  Tuesday  in  September \\  ^''lell  Lake  . 


Granlsburg. . . . 
Chippewa  Falls 

Osceola  Mills. . 

Ch.  2,  L.  1891. 
Ch.  2,  L.  1891. 
Ch.  2,  L,  1891. 
Ch.  2,  L,   1891. 

Ch.  2,  L.  1891. 
Ch.  2,  L.  1891. 

JutJge — John  R.  Be.vnett,  Janesville. 



Where  Held. 



4th  Jlonday  in  January  .  . 



Wednesflay  after  the  first 
in  November 

let  Tuesday  in  Jfarch  .... 

Jlonday  1 

Sec.  2424.  R.  S. 

Sec.  2424.  R,  S. 
Sec  2424   R  S 


Ist  Tuesday  in  October ) 

1st  Monday  in  February 1 


1st  Jlonday  in  .September 


No  jury  shall  be  summoned  for  either  of  the  terms  in  this  circuit  apjiointcd  to  l)e 
held  in  the  months  of  .fanuary  and  June.  Every  term  of  this  circuit  shall  also  be  a 
special  term  for  the  whole  judicial  circuit. — Section  -4.'4,  Iteeised  Statutes. 


Judge — A.  Scott  Sloan,  Beaver  Dam. 

Dodge 4th  Tuesday  in  September. 

j  2d  Tuesday  in  February. . . 

Ozaukee I  1st  Tuesday  in  September. 

I  1st  Tuesday  in  Marcli 

Washington  .. 

Waukesha  . 

3d  Tuesday  in  October. 
3d  Tuesday  in  ilarch  . . 

lat  Tuesday  in  December ] 

4th  Tuesday  in  May [ 

4th  Tuesday  in  August  (Special).  .  ( 
lat  Tuesday  in  February  (Special).  J 

Juneau Ch.  55.  L.  1SS3. 

Ft  Washington    Ch.  55,  L.  1SS2. 

West  Bend ;  Cb.  55,  L.  18S2. 


Waukesha i  Ch.  55,  L.  1S83. 

Judge — Sauuel  D.  Hastixgs,  Green  Bay. 
7\7"m  expires  Jirst  Moiuiai/  of  Jaauartj,  1SS6. 




Where  Held. 



4th  Jlonday  in  Novembei* 

1st  Morday  in  Marcli 

. .  ;■    Green  Bay. . . . 

.   Ch.  S3,  L.:S87. 

Door  . . 

1st  Tuesday  in   Februarv _  . 

.  .  1 


I  Tuesday  alter  1st  Monday  in  S<p- 
1"     '  I      tember 

Marinette 2d  Slonday  in  January 

1st  Monday  in  .May 

t  Ist  Monday  in  October 

Sturgeon  Bay..   Ch.  82,  L.  1SS7. 


2d  Monday  in  April )     „ 

o,i  \j, —  1..,.  ;«  x'...^ 1 r     ^ 

2d  Monday  in  November 

Ch.  83,  L.  1887. 

Ch.  82,  L,  1887. 

♦Changed  to  last  ilonday  in  November.  — C7i.  — ,  Ziiw?  1S9I. 

Every  term  in  tlie  cnuutira  of  Brown,  Oconto  and  ilarinette,  shall  also  be  a  special 
term  for  the  whole  juilicial  circuit.  —  Chapler  S~\  Laion  of  1SS7. 

The  jurors  for  each  term  of  court  in  the  counliea  of  Brown,  Oconto  and  JIarinette, 
shall  be  summoned  to  api)ear  at  or  befoie  the  hour  of  nine  o'clock  A.  M.  on  the  second 
day  of  the  term. — Chapter  S2,  Lmcs  of  1SS7. 



Jud[ie—i.  Iv.  PAKisn,  iledford. 

Term  expires fir>t  .Vomhi:/  of  Jan<'.<iry,  1S93. 


Ashland |  4th  Monday  cf  3I:ireh ~;  ' 

l9t  Monday  of  June !  '   ,   ,  ,      , 

3d  Monday  ot  September {    ^s^^'anJ- 

1st  Monday  of  December J 

Ch.  18,  L.  l•^^l. 

Oueidaf . 

1st  Wednesdayof  April 
1st  Jlondnv 

/n  .   /      ■    Bayfield. 

of  October )         ■' 

3d  Jlocday  of  April 

3d  Monday  Cif  October 

Price I  31  Monday  of  M  ly 

I  3d  Jlonday  of  November 

Sawyer ■  Last  Monday  of  Miy 

I  Last  Monday  of  November.. 

Taylor j  1st  Monday  of  Jlay 

I  1st  Wednesday  of  November. 

'  Rhinelander. . 
,  Phillips 

Hay  ward  . . . . . 


Ch.  IS, 

Ch.  18. 
Ch.  18, 
Ch.  IS, 
Ch.  IS. 

L.  ISOl. 
L.  1S91. 
L.  1S91. 
L.  1S91. 
L.  1*91. 


Terms  of  court  in  this  circuit  changed  by  chapter  1G4,  laws  1891,  after  January, 

f  Forms  part  of  IGth  Judicial  Circuit  after  January,  isQ-H—C'/cipler  41.  Lair-i  1S31. 

No  jury  will  be  empanelled  at  the  March  or'Sepfember  terms  of  the  court  for  Ashland 
county  unless  the  judue  of  said  court  shall  in  his  discretion  at  least  thirty  days  prior  to 
the  couTouing  of  said  terms  ti'e  a  written  order  with  the  clerk  of  said  c  lurt  requirinu:  a 
jury  to  be  empanelled.  The  several  sreneral  terms  of  court  in  each  county  of  said  circuit 
shall  be  a  special  term  for  all  other  counties  in  said  circuit.  This  act  shall  take  eiTcct 
and  be  in  force  from  and  after  itspassase  and  publication,  and  all  acts  or  parts  of  acts  in 
conflict  with  this  act  are  hereby  repealed.— C/iap.Vj'  IS,  Lmcs  ISOl.  See  Chapter  PJi, 
Lavs  1S91. 


Judge — Cn.vs.  V.  Bardeen,  Wausau. 

Term  expires  first  yrntd^ii/ »/  .Itni  inj,  1S9S. 

Lincoln. .. 
Marathon  . 


(.\fter  first  M.inciay  iu  .January.  ISj'J.) 

Where  Held. 


1st  IMondav  of  January >  \  -kt      t 

2d  Monday  of  June )  I  -^^""i 

1st  Monday  of  May 

2d  Monday  of  July 

2d  Monday  of  November. 


Ch.  41,  L.  1S91. 
Ch.  41,  L.  1S91. 

2d  Monday  of  .Vpril   H  ri^j^,,,^  j^^.  . .    Ch.  41,  L.  ISOl. 

1st  Jlonday  of  October j  ' 

Each  term  held  in  any  of  said  counties  shall  be  a  special  term  for  the  other  counties 
of  said  judicial  circuit;  provided,   however,  that  until  the  judge  of  the  U5th  Judicial 



r:icuit  sball  be  elected,  qualified,  and  bis  term  of  office  shaU  have  commenced  accord- 
.,,5  to  law,  said  counties  sliail  be  consi'.iered  as  attached  to  the  judicial  circuits  to  which 
'.iii-y  have  heretofore  belonged, aud  until  such  time  as  the  judi;e  of  sueli  judicial  circuits 
-ii^ill  continue  to  hold  court  in  the  fevcral  counties  named  in  the  same  manner,  and  at 
•,;je  same  time,  and  with  the  same  force  and  effect  as  if  this  act  had  not  been  passed. — 
r'fipter  41,  Lnxcs  ISUl. 


Judge — Wm.  F.  B.\ilet,  Eau  Claire. 

Term  expires  first  Monday  of  January,  1S9S. 

(After  first  Monday  in  January,  IS 


2d  Monday  of  March )  ;  >;eillsville. 

2d  JMonday  of  December j 

...    Ch.  47,  L.  1S91. 

Jackson '  2d  Monday  of  April 

.  2d  Jlonday  of  .'?ep!emljer. 

Kau  Claire ,  2d  ^Monday  of  February ^ 

i  li  m"""!'-'  "f  'V"-''-  ■ ; '■    Eau  Claire '  Ch.  47,  L.  1S91. 

I  2d  Monday  of  Auirust |  1 

!  2d  Monday  dI  November J  | 

Bl'k  River  Falls  Ch.  47,  L^  1S91. 

The  several  qoneral  term."?  of  court  in  each  county  of  said  circuit  shall  be  special 
terms  for  the  whole  17'h  .Judicial  Circuit,  and  any  and  all  business  arisins  or  pend- 
icg  in  said  17th  Circuit  or  in  any  of  the  counties  thereof,  may  be  done  at  such  special 
term  which  may  be  done  in  the  general  term  thereof,  exceptins  the  trial  of  issues  of  fact 
I'V  a  jury  in  cases  other  than  those  nrisini^  in  actions  of  quo  jrarrniito  and  mnndamyis. 
L'util  the  first  Jlonday  in  .January,  IM).'.  the  several  counties  composing  the  17th  .Judi- 
cial Circuit  shall,  for  judicial  purposes,  remain  parts  of  the  judicial  circuits  to  which 
tlicy  are  now  atached,  and  until  that  time  the  respective  judges  of  said  circuits  shall 
continue  to  hold  the  terms  of  court  as  heretofore.  All  acts  or  parts  of  acts  conllirling 
with  any  of  the  provisions  of  this  act,  are  hereby  repealed  so  far  as  they  contlict  with 
Ibis  act,  and  no  further. — Chapler  .jr,  Zairs  IS'Jl. 




Located  at  Madison.     Under  the  Control  of  the  Board  of  Regents. 


George  Raymer President. 

Wra.   P.  Ijartlett Vice  President. 

E.  P.  Kiley Secretary. 

Slfite  Trea-vurer Ex  Offido  Trer.-uroT. 

T.  0.  Chamberlin,  Pli.  D.,  LL.  D President  of  the  University. 


Situated  at  Platteville,  Grant  connty  :  at  'Wljitewater,  Walwrorth  county  ;  at  Oshkosh, 
Winnebago  county  ;  at  River  Falls,  Pierce  county  ;  and  at  Milwaukee. 


John  W.  llurae President. 

George  \V.  Cate Vice-President. 

W.  11.  Chandler Secretary. 

State  Treasurer Ec  Oijkio  Treasurer. 

Duncau  JIcGregor President,  PlatteviUo. 

Albert  Salisbury President,  Whitev.atcr. 

George  S.  Albee Presiilent,  Oshkosh. 

J.  Q.  Emery President,   River  Falls. 

J.  J .  Mapel President,  Milwaukee. 


Under  the  Charge  of  the  State  Board  of  Supervision. 


Andrew  B.  Elmore,  Fort  Howard President. 

Albert  O.  Wright Secretary. 

Located  at  Mendota,  near  Madison. 


Louis  R.  Head,  M.  D Superintendent. 

F.  A.  Lyman,  JI.  D.,  E.  P.  Taylor,  M.  D Assistant  Physicians. 

J.  M.  Puliiani Steward. 

Elizabeth  \Vhilehead Matron. 


Located  near  Osbkosh. 


Charles  E.  Booth,  :\I  D Superintendent. 

\Vm.  H.  Hanker,  il.  D.,  E.  A.  Taylor,  JI.  D Assistant  Pbjsiciaus. 

F,  E  Grove Steward. 

Miss  Kate  Hale JIatron. 

Located  at  Janesville. 


Mrs.  Sarah  F.  C.  Little,  A.  M Superintendent  and  Steward. 

M;ss  Lizzie  S.  Curtis Matron. 


I  Located  at  Delavan. 


John  W.  Swiler,  A.  M Superintendent  and  Steward. 

Mies  Sarah  D.  Gibson Matron. 

Located  at  Sparta. 


I'vobert  T.  Roberts • Superintendent  and  Steward. 

■     '  Allen  Rusk.    Agent. 

Fred  W.  Boebmer Clerk. 

^        Mrs.  W.  A.  Roberts General  Matron. 


Located  at  ^Vaupuu. 
I  •  ■ 


'■sorgo  Weeks Warden. 

A.  A.  Loper Deputy  Warden. 

j'arob  Fuss Clerk. 

'        ..ev.  Victor  Kutcbin Physician  and  Chaplain.  Protestant. 

~        ''^T.  J.  Allen Clmplain,  Roman  Catholic. 

i         lisa  Pha;be  Grider Matron. 


I  ,  Located  at  Waukesha. 


'       v    ^'  ^''■'^P Superintendent  and  Steward. 

5        .'"tin  >,[,idson Assistant  Steward. 

,       '-  Di.xon Principal  Teacher. 



Located  at  Milwaukee. 

Partly  a  State  Institution,  under  the  control  of  a  self-perpetuating  Board  of  ilanacers: 
but  13  incorporated,  and  takes  charge  of  children,  who  are  treated  as  wards  of  tlii; 
State,  and  paid  for  by  the  County  sending  them. 


Mrs.  yVm.  P.  Lynde President. 

^Irs.  A.  J.  Aikena,  :iliss  C.  Doig,  Mrs,  C.  J.  Russell Vice-Pre8ident5. 

Mrs.  \V.  S.  Caudee  Treasurer. 

Mrs.  A.  L.  Kaine Secretary. 


Jliss  Sarah  K.  Price Superintendent, 

John  R.  Love Steward. 

(Not  a  State  Institution.) 

MANAGERS — Ex  0_fficio. 

His  Excellency  the  President  of  the  L'nited  States. 
The  Houorable  the  Chief  Justice  of  the  United  States. 
The  Honorable  the  Secretary  of  'War. 


Gen.  Wm.  B.  Franklin,  President.  Hartford,  Conu. 

Col.  Leonard  A.  Harris.  "1st  Vice-I'resident.  Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Gen.  John  A.  M:irtiii,  2d  Vice-President,  Atchison,   Kansas. 

Gen.  Martin  T.  McJlahon,  Secretary,  93  Nassau  street,  New  York  City. 

Gen.  John  C.  Black,  Danville.  111.  " 

Gen.  Thomas  W.  Hyde,  Bath,  Elaine. 

Gen.  James  S.  Nezkv,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 

Col.  John  L.  Mitchell.  }illiwaukee,  "Wis. 

Gen.  Wm.  J.  Sewell,  Camden,  N.  J. 


CoL  John  L.  Mitchell,  Local  Manager,  Milwaukee. 

Gen.  Kilburn  Kno.\,  Governor. 
Gen.  T.  C.  .Moore,  Treasurer. 
Dr.  "W.  H.  Leifhtou,  Surgeon. 
Dr.  J.  E.  ^Icllvain,  Assistant  Surcjeon. 
Dr.  F.  W.  Fuhnuanu,  -d  A.-si.stai!l  Surgeon. 
Maj.  W,  W.  Rowley,  C.  S.  and  Adjutant. 
Rev.   Victor  Putteii,  Chaplain. 
Rev.  E.  Purdon  Wright,  D.  D.,  Clinplain. 

The  building  of  the  Naiioual  Hoine  for  Disabled  Volunteer  Sjldiers,  located  near 
Milwaukee,  December  T,  1SG6,  -is  caileil  the  Nortliwejteru  branch  of  that  National 
Institution.  The  Ci'Utral  Home  is  located  at  D.^ytou,  Ohio.  Other  brandies  art' 
located  at  Augusta.  Maine.  Hampton,  Virginia,  and  Leavenworth,  Kansas.  The  whoit 
are  under  the  same  b.iard  of  managers. 

Soldiers  who  were  disabled  in  the  service  of  the  United  Stales  in  the  war  of  tin- 
rebellion,  the  Mexican  war,  or  the  war  of  1S12,  aud  have  baen  honorably  discharged,  are 
entitled  to  admission  to  the  Srldieis  Home. 


Located  near  Waupaca. 


J.  H.  Marston  Presideot. 

A.  O.  Wrighl Vice  President. 

J.  H.  Woodnorth Secretary. 

K.  N.  PiOberU Treasure'r. 


C.  C.  Caldwell Superintendent, 

Mrs.  Ida  Caldwell Matron. 



N'ame.  Residence.  Term  Expires 

Lewis  A.  Proctor Milwaukee June.  1,  1S91 

Charles  Lulini; Manitowoc June  1,  LSOi 

Wm.  T.  Parry Portiice June  1,'  1S03 

'V\  m.  C.  Gilbert Wausau June  1,  lt94 

Nicholas  Smith Janesville June  1,  l^'Jo 

D.  S.  Comly Madiiou .' Secretary. 

Name.  Resideoce.  Term  Expires 

Wm.  W.  Reed Jefferson ' April  ],  1^93 

Andrew  E.  Elmore Fort  Howard April  1,  1S03 

George  S.  Graves Fairchild April  l',  1^9t 

Hiram  U.  Giles JIadison April  1,  liU5 


TerDi  EiTiires 

Slate-at-Large— Hon.  Lucien  S.  Hanks,  Madison ISOO 

State  at-Lar;.re — Hon.  Ferdinand  Kuehu.  .Milwaukee 1S04 

First  District— Hun.  Charles  It.  Beach,  ^Vhitewater "  is92 

Second  Di.slrict— Hon.  John  A.  Rice,  Mertoii 1S92 

Third  District — Hon.  Gcor£re.  liavmer,  Madison ■  li.'i3 

Fourth  District— Hon.  G.  il    Noyes,  Milwaukee    is.93 

Fifth  DiMrlct— Hon.  J.  H.  Mead,  Sheboycan 1893 

Sixth  District— Hon.  Frank  Challoner,  0=hkosh 1,^02 

Sevtnih  District— Hon.  J.  JI.  True,  Baraboo lvf)> 

I->'hth  Di-trict— Hon.  Wni,  P.  Bart^ett,  E-iu  Claire '.  i,>~93 

^imh  District- Hun.  D.  L.  Plumer,  Wausau ISO-t 



George  R-tymer President. 

Wm.  P.  Bartiett Vice-President. 

E.  F.  Riley Secretary. 

State  Treasurer E.r  OJlcio  Treasurer. 


Name.  Residence.  Term  Expires 

W.  H.  CLiaadlcr Madison February,  ISOi 

E.  M.  Jolinson "Whltewatar February,  ]s03 

C.  V.  Guy River  Fails February,  l^;i3 

D.  J.  Gardner Platleville February,  IS'jS 

Ira  A.  Hill Sparta February,  1S03 

M.  Kirwaii Jtanitowoc February,  1s'j3 

Joha  W.  Hume    OshkosU February,  l'^0■l 

Jacob  Jlendel . . . Milwaukee February,  l^Oi 

George  ^\^  Gate Stevens'  Point February,  Is'J-t 

John  \\  .  Hunie Oshk^sh President. 

W.  H.  Chandler Madison." Secretary. 

Name.  Residence.  Term  Expires. 

B.  O.  Reynolds,  M.  D Lake  Geneva Ist  Monday  in  Feb.,  T^92 

J.  T.  Pieeve.  JL  D Appletou 1st  .'^Innday  in  Feb.,  1>0:5 

Samuel  U.  Johnson,  >L  D Hudson l^t  Monday  in  Feb.,  IMU 

Solon  Marks,  ^L  D Milwaukee 1st  Mond  '.y  in  Feb..  ]'-:i.) 

A.  D.  K.  Thrune,  M.  D Eau  C'Liiro laljilonday  in  Feb.,  IS'.ii". 

Solon  Marks,  M.  I) ililwaukec President 

J.  T.  Reeve,  M.  D  Applelon Secretary 


F.  L.  Dolbeare,  Oshkosh Term  expires  ."May,  IS'Ji 

Edgar  Palmer,  Lu  Crosse Term  e.xpires  May,  1  s;l:3 

B.  G.  ^Inercklcin,  Milwaukee Term  expires  -May,  Is'.U 

Charles  C.  Cbiltenden.  JIadison Term  expires  May,  l>;iri 

Edmund  C.  French,  Eau  Claire Term  expires  ^lay,  1^'Jd 

Charles  C.  Chittenden,  Madison President 

Edgar  Palmer,  La  Crosse Secretary 


A.  Conrath,  Milwaukee Term  expires,  1*^91 

E.  B.  Heiiustreet,  Janesville Term  expire.',  1^02 

C.  R.  Bcchmann,  Foimtain  City Term  expires,  ]>03 

K.  I).  Pulford.  Jlinoral  Point Term  expires,  1S91 

F.  Robinson,  Kenosha,  President Term  expires,  I'-'jr, 

E.  B.  Ileimstreet,  .[anusville Secretary  and  Treasurer 


TRUSTEES,     Ex  Officio.  .  ■  • 

Orsamus  Cole Chief  Justice  Supreme  Court 

AVilliam  P.  Lyon Associate  Justice  Supreme  Court 

Harlow  S.  Orion Associate  Justice  Supreme  Court 

John  B.  Casaoday Associate  Justice  Supreme  Court 

J.  L.  O'Connor '. :.  .Attorney-General 

John  R,  Cerryman Librarian 




The  Governor,  Ex  Officio. 
Philo  Dunning,  President.  Madison.  I    A.  V.  II.  Carpenter.  Milwaukee. 

C.  L.  Valentine.  Sec.  acd  Treas.  Janesville   I    Calvert  Spen.^ley.  ^Iinernl  Point. 
Mark  Douglas,  Melrose.  I   E.  S.  ^Miner,  Sturgeon  Bay. 

J.^s.  Nevin,  Supt.,  Madison. 


John  Jonnston,  Milwaukee .President. 

Harlow  S.  Orton,  Madi.son Senior  Vice-President. 

Lyman  C.  Draper,  Madisnn Honorary  Secretary  (Emeritus). 

Reuben  G.  Th waitcs.  Mwdison Corresponding  Secretary. 

Elisba  Burdick,  iladison Recording  Secretary. 

Frank  F.  Proudfit.  Madison    Treasurer. 

Daniel  S.  Durrie,  JIadisou Librarian. 

I.  S.  Bradley,  Minnie  M.  Oakley,  Eninaa  A.  Hawley,  and 

Annie  A.  Nuuns,  Madison Assistant  Librarians. 


A.  C.  Parkinson,  Columbus President 

J.  M.  True,  Barabno Secretary 

Cyrus  Miner,  Janesville Treasurer 


John  Nagle,  Manitosvoc President 

II.  L.  Te1-ry,  Lake  Mills Secretary 

J.  E.  Riordan,  Sheboygan Trecsurer 


J.  E,  Heg,  Lake  Geneva President. 

F.  W.Coon,  EdpertoD Secretary. 

".  G.  Munson,  Vircqua Assistant  Secretary. 

•J   M.  Chappie,  Ashland Treasurer. 


0.  W.  Peckham,  Milwaukee President. 

*'.  E.  Bennett,  JIadison   Secretary. 

^_  D.  Hasting.'",  Madison Treasurer. 

^\  .  II.  Ilolbjs,  JIudlsoQ Librarian  and  Curator. 


penrge  Wylic,  Leeds President 

H.  B.  Drake,  Beaver  Dam Secretary 


Giflrge  E.  Bryant,  3Iadi.=nn President 

r.  L.  Hacker,  Cottage  Grove Secretary 


f ;.T,rge  Wylic,  Leeds President 

'"■vrge  S.  Love,  Waukesha Secretary 




H.  L.  H'lmpbrey,  Fludsnn President 

Dr.  E.  L.  Boolliby,  ILimuioud Sacretary 


C.  A.  Hatch,  r.haca President 

J.  W.  Vance,  iladisoQ Secretary 


J.  N.  Crawford.  Mukwonago President 

W.  E.  Purker, Wbiiewater  Vice-President 

H.  J.  AVilkiiisoa.  AVhitewater Secretary 

C.  R.  Gbbs.  Whitewater Cor.  Secretary 

\V.  11.  Hardy,  Whilevrater Treasurer 


C.  N.  Batt,  Virnqna President 

N.  E.  Moody,  Viroqua Secretary 


S.  C.  Carr,  Jlilton  Janction 'Master. 

W.  A   Sprasiie,  Kced^burirh Overscir. 

O.  Pixley,  Port  Atkinsou Lecturer. 

Alfred  Sopcr.  Eau  Claire Steward. 

J.  V.  Jones,  Erne Assistant  Steward. 

J.  C.  Searle.  Roberts Chaplain. 

E.  G.  Pound.  Fulton Tieisurtr, 

H.  E.  Huxley,  Ncenah. Secretary. 

Myron  Rowley,  Si.arta Gate  Keeper. 

Hrs.  S.  C.  Carr,  Milton  Junction Pomona. 

Mrs.  Ilatlie  E.  Spraijue,  Reed-burijb Flora. 

Mrs.  H.  E.  Hu.\ley.  Neenah Ceres. 

Lydia  Young,  Reedsburgh Lady  Assistant  Steward. 


M.  A.  Thayer,  Sparta Piesidcnt. 

L.  G.  Kellocc.  Ripon   Vice-President 

B.  S.  IIox'c.  EvansTille .-Secretary. 

3Irs.  V.  H.  Camiibcll,  Evansville Treasurer. 


"W.  D.  Hoard,  Fort  Atkinson President 

'D.  W.  Curtis.  Fort  Atkinson Secretary 

H.  K.  Loomis,  Sheboygan  Falls Treasurer 

A.  M.  Kersten De  Pere 

Thomas  Kennedy,  Djdgeville.     [II  ilds  office  during  pleasure  of  the  Governor.] 

Joseph  B   Doe Midison 



Finl  Dktn'ci—CouTiVies  of  Broivn,  Calumet,  Dodge,  Door,  Florecce,  Fond  duLar,  For- 
rest, Green  Lnke,  Kenosha,  Kewaune",  Manitowoc,  rilarir.ettp,  Mainuette.  Ali^vau- 
kee,'  Oconto,  Outagamie,  Ozaukee,  Raciue,  Shawano,  Sheboygan,  Walworth,  Wash- 
ington, Waukesha,  "Waupaca,  Waushara,  Winnebago,  and  County  of  Langlade, 
except  the  eight  western  townships  in  western  portioa  of  said  county. 

Hexrt  FI^■K,  Collector,  Milwaukee. 

SkcondDiitiicC—CouunescAAdam^.  Ashlanil,  Barron,  Baj  field,  Buffido,  Burnett,  Chip- 
pews,  Clark,  Colundjia,  Crawford,  Dauc,  Dousrlas,  Dunn,  Eau  Claire,  Grant,  Green, 
Iowa,  Jackson,  .Jo'.Ierson,  .Tuneau,  T.a  Crosse,  Lafayette,  Lincoln,  Marathon,  Mon- 
roe, Oneida,  Pepin,  Pierce,  polk,  Poitage,  Price,  Uicbland,  Rock,  St  Croix,  Sauk, 
Sawyer,  Taylor,  Trempealeau,  Vernon,  Washburn,  Wood,  and  the  eiijht  western 
townships  of  Langlade  county. 

E.  M.  PiOGEKS,  Collector,  Madison. 


Henry  Dod£;e From  1R3C  to  1!=4I   I   Nathaniel  P.  Tallmadge. From  1844  to  1S45 

Jurats  Duane  Doly From  1S41  to  1^4-4  |   Henry  Dodge From  lS4o  to  1S4S 


Nelson  Dewey,  Lancaster From  1S4S  to  l^.'iS 

I-f  I  nard  .1.  Farwell,  Madison From  IS.ji  to  1^■"J4: 

Win.  A.  Barstow,  Waid<csha From  ISot  to  I^OG 

i  Anhur  McArthur,  Milwaukee From  .March  21,  l&o6,  to  Maich  2.5,  INHS 

i  C,,li3  Bashford,  O.hkosli From  ISnc  to  IN.JS 

(  A'ex.  W.  Handall,  Waukesha From  K,S  to  l-^O'^ 

I  1  "uis  P.  Harvey,  Sboj^iere From  January  0,   IbOi,  to  April  U<,  lStJ3 

t  '-'Iward  Salomon,  Milwaukee From  18GJ  to  18i"4 

j  ■ii.nies  T.  Lewis,  Columbus From  1S64  to  1S'>5 

,  '-"lius  Fiiirthild.   Madison From  ISCG  to  187-.J 

'•.  •'•Wasliliuin,  La  Crosse From  ]87i!  to  1874 

*'  illmm  ]!.  Taylor,  Co:ta-e  Grove From  1874  to  lS7'3 

'•;!rrisoQ  Ludiupton,  .Milwaulice From  lS7<i  to  lb73 

pin-  E.  Smith,  Milwaukee From  1878  to  l>^-3 

■'■;remihh  .M.  Rusk,  Virtqun Fiom  1882  to  Is'-a 

V  ■  U-  Hoard,  Fort  A;kinsoD From  Iss'J  to  1^91 

^•lorge  ^\  ,  Peck,  Milwaukee From  lf-91  to 





Assignments. — Voluntary  assiinments  may  be  made  by  debtor  for  benefit  of  genera! 
creditors,  under  statutory  formalities.  Zso  preferences  allowed  eictpl  wa.tjea  of  employes. 
earned  within  six  months  prior  thereto  if  assignor  makes  no  preference  ;  three  months, 
wages  preferred  by  law.  Release  not  granted.  Any  preference  made  by  debtor  by  tlie 
sale  of  property,  mortgige.  or  other  securit}",  within  sixty  days  prior  to  date  of  assign- 
ment, shall  be  void  and  of  no  elTect,  prurided  the  party  benetiied  had  reasonable  cause  to 
believe  such  debtor  insolvent,  and  b}'  confession  of  judgment  within  same  period,  voiJ 
ahwlutdy.  If  suit  for  recovery  on  account  of  preference  or  fraud  is  not  brought  by 
assignee  within  sixty  days  after  assignment,  any  creditor  may  sue  therefor  upon  giving 
bonds  to  assignee  of  si, 000. 

ATTACii>rFNT  may  be  issued  at  any  lims  before  judgment,  in  all  actions  on  con- 
tract, express  or  implied,  where  plaintiff  shows  by  atfl  tavit  that  fact,  and  that  the  debt 
exceeds  §30,  and  tliat  the  altiant  ha?  good  reason  "to  believe  one  of  the  following  cases  tn 
exist  :  That  delendant  has  ab=conded  or  is  about  to  abscond  from  the  State,  or  is  con- 
cealed therein  to  the  injury  of  his  creditors  ;  th;»t  he  assigned,  disposed  of,  or  con- 
cealed, or  is  about  to,  any  of  his  property,  with  intent  to  defraud  his  creditors  :  that  he 
has  removed  or  is  about  to  remove  any  of  his  property  out  of  the  State,  with  like  intent  ; 
that  he  fraudulently  contracted  the  debt  or  incurred  the  obligation  for  which  this  action 
is  brought  ;  that  he  is  a  nonresident  or  it  is  a  foreign  corporation  ;  that  he  had  fraudu- 
lentlj'  conveyed  or  d.sposed  of  his  property,  or  part  of  it,  to  defraud  his  creditors. 
Attachment  may  also  be  made  for  debt  to  become  due.  on  fidng  similar  affidavit,  and 
givin.g  undertaking  for  three  times  amount  of  claim.  At'acliment  may  issue  in  Justice 
Court,  upon  grounds  nearly  identical,  where  djbt  exceeds  ,-Jo. 

CnATTEi.  MonTG.^GES  are  valid  between  the  parties  thereto,  but  void  a^  against  any 
other  persons,  unless  the  possession  of  the  mortgaged  property  be  delivered  to  auil 
retained  bj'  the  mortgagee,  or  uule^s  the  mortgage,  or  a  copy  thereof,  be  filed  with  llie 
clerk  of  the  village,  town,  or  city  where  the  mortgagee  resides,  or  if  he  is  a  non-resident. 
■where  the  proper!}'  is  situated  n't  the  time  of  making  the  mortgage.  Such  chattel  mort- 
gage ceases  to  be  valid,  except  as  between  the  parties,  at  the  expiration  of  two  years, 
unless,  within  thirty  days  next  preceding  the  expiration  of  the  two  years  the  morlgacree 
or  his  agent  make  and  annex  to  the  mortgage,  or  a  copy  thereof,  on  file,  an  alUdavit 
setting  furlh  the  interest  of  the  mortgagee  in  the  properly  raortcaged.  The  clfect  of 
such  affidavit  renews  the  f(irce  of  the  mortgage  for  two  years.  Similar  renewals  may 
be  made  at  the  end  of  each  tw.i  year.s.  It  is  a  raijdMueau  jr  to  sell  or  dispose  of  cliattciS 
mortgaged,  with  intent  to  defr-iud.  >\u  specitied  time  in  which  mortgaged  property 
must  be  sold  to  pay  debt.  C'hatlc!  mortgage  up  m  household  furniture  or  exempt  chat- 
tels of  married  man  invalid  without  signature  of  wife  witnessed  by  two  witnesses. 

Deeds. — A  deed  of  q  lit  claim  and  releiso  of  the  form  in  comrmn  use  is  sufficient 
to  pass  all  the  estate  which  tiie  grantor  could  convey  by  deed  of  bargain  and  sale.  Xo 
covenant  is  in  any  ca-e  to  be  implied  in  any  conveyance.  Deeds  executed  within  this 
State,  of  lands  or  anj'  interest  of  lands  'herein,  must  be  executed  in  the  presence  of  two 
witnesses,  who  shall  subscribe  their  names  to  the  suine  as  such,  and  the  persons  executiutr 
must  acknowledge  the  execution  before  any  judge  or  court  commissioner,  clerk  of  a  cir- 
cuit court,  county  clerk,  notary  public,  or  justice  of  the  peace;  and  tlie  officer  taking 
the  acknowledgment  must  indorse  a  certificate  of  the  acknowledgment,  and  the  true  date 
of  making  it  under  his  hand.     A  scroll  answers  for  a  seal. 

ExE>rrTiONS. — Library,  household  furniture,  etc,  $200  ;  firearm',  ^T,{s  ;  necessary 
team,  cattle  and  utensils  ;  1  year's  provisions  ;  tools  or  stock  in  trade  of  nieehauic, 
miner,  or  other  person,  ^^'^OO  :  and  imiilements  of  professional  man,  ^iOO  ;  print- 
ing material,  presses,  etc.,  sl,.5il0  ;  home^teail,  in  country,  -10  acres,  or  in  town, 
one  fourth  of  an  acre.     The  earnings  of  all  married  persjus  having  a  family  dependent 



upon  them  for  support,  for  three  months  next  preceding  the  issue  of  any  process,  to 
Ibe  amount  of  si30.  only  for  each  month  in  which  such  earnings  are  made  or  secured. 
yo  personal  prop.Tty  is  exempt  as  against  any  debt  remaining  of  its  purchase  price. 

Interest.— Legal,  7  per  cent.;  by  contract  in  writing,  10.  Usury  forfeits  all 

Justice's  .Icrisdiction, — .s-200,  may  enter  judgment  by  confession  to  S300. 

Judgments. — Judgments  of  the  circuit  court  become  a  lien  on  all  estate  of  the 
judgment  debtor  within  the  county,  and  from  the  date  of  its  being  docketed  tn  the  clerk's 
cfljce;  this  lien  holds  for  ten  years.  A  transcript  of  the  judgment  of  a  justice  of  the 
peace  may  be  docluted  in  the  circuit  court  clerk's  oflice,  and  becomes  then  a  lien  on  real 
estate,  and  is  regarded  as  a  circuit  court  judgment  for  its  enforcement  and  collection. 
A  trauscript  of  the  docket  of  a  judgment  in  any  circuit  court  clerk's  office  may  be  tiled 
and  dockeicd  in  anv  other  county,  and  becomes  a  lien  on  all  real  estate  of  the  judgmeut 
debtor  in  any  county  where  docUcted.  from  that  date,  and  is  enforced  by  execution 
issued  from  the  county  where  judgment  was  rendered. 

LiiiiT.VTioN  OF  Actions.— On  contracts  not  under  seal,  C  yeurs  ;  judgments  of  courts 
within  the  State  and  on  sealed  instruments,  cause  accruing  wilhin  the  ^tate,  20  years  ; 
fjieign  jud^'ments  and  specialties,  cause  accruing  without'tbe  State,  10  years;  recovery 
of  bonds,  2U  years. 

Married  Women  retain  all  property  for  their  exclusive  use  and  benefit  which  is 
acquired  from  any  source  except  their  husband,  and  may  convey  it  and  do  busiuCaS  as 
if  unmarried.  Widow  is  entitled  to  dower  of  one-third  in  alljands  owned  by  husband 
at  any  time  during  marriage,  unless  lawfully  barred. 

MoRTC.VGES  are  executed  precisely'  as  deeds,  except  the  wife  need  not  join  in  a  pur- 
chase money  mortgage  to  bar  dower.  An}-  conveyance,  however,  in  whatever  form, 
will  be  held  a  mortgage  on  familiar  equity  principles,  if  in  reality  a  security  for  debt. 
If  a  power  of  sale  be  inserted,  they  may  he  foreclosed  by  advertisement.  One  year's 
ledemption  is  allowed  after  sale  in  such  cases,  but  the  common  and  belter  practice  is 
to  foreclcsa  by  suit  in  Circuit  Court,  and  after  sale,  which  cannot  take  jijace  until  after 
the  expiration  of  one  year's  redemption  ;  after  judgment  no  redempti ou  is  allowed. 
Ktdemptiou  before  sale  must  include  10  percent,  interest  from  date  of  judgment.  A 
reasonable  solicitor's  fee  is  allowed  in  addition  to  taxed  costs.  >'o  strict  foreclosures 
kUowed  of  mortgages.     No  mortgage  or  sale  of  a  homestead  valid  unless  the  wife  joins. 

Proof  of  Claims  Sent  fou  Collection.— It  being  necessary  to  sue  in  the  name 
C'f  the  real  party  in  interest,  creditors  sending  claims  for  collection  should  give  their 
names  in  full.  In  case  of  a  fitm,fidl  name  of  The  individuals  composing  the  firm  should 
be  given,  and  if  creditor  is  a  curporutiou,  that  fact  should  lu  stated. 

Redemption — Of  lauds  sold  under  execution,  1  year,  or  by  subsequent  creditor, 
15  months  ;  mortgage,  1  year  ;  taxes,  3  years. 

Rrvivor  —Part  payment  or  new  promise  in  writing,  if  by  one  joint  debtor,  revives 
the  debt  only  as  to  him. 

Stay  OF  Execution.— Only  on  justice's  judgments,  $10  to  over  ,s50,  exclusive  of 
costs,  one  td  four  mouths. 

Witness. — Party  in  interest  may  be,  unless  opponent  is  dead. 


























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Alma  Centre 



















Beaver  Dam 

Beaver  Dam 





Black  River  Falls. 
Black  Uiver  Falls. 











Cliippewa  Falls.  .  . 
Chippewa  FalU.  . . 
Chippewa  Falls. . . 













De  Pure 







Bank  of  Ahnapee 

Exchange  Bans 

ililler's  Exchange  Bank l 

Bank  of  Au'ico i 

I^aaisli^iic  County  Bank. ... 

ConiiiiL-reial  National   

Firit  National ', 

Bank  r.f  Arcadia j 

Jones  AYm  H , 

Ashland  Xational  Bank | 

First  Xatiocal  Bank I 

Northern  Nat'onal  Bank ' 

Security  Savings  Bank i. ; 

Augusta  Bank j 

Bank  of  Baldwin i 

Bangor  Exchange  Bank i 

Ban  k  of  Baraboo 

Baraboo  Savines  Bank I 

First  National  Bank I 

Bank  of  Barron i 

Lumberman's  Bank 1 

First  National   ] 

German-American  State  Back j 

Beloit  Savings  Bank ; 

Hyde  L  C  ifcBiittan ( 

Second    National | 

Sacket  &  Fitch , 

First   National I 

Jackson  County  Bank 

Bank  of  Bloomer  | 

\Voodhouso  it  Bartley ! 

Bank  of  A  J  Pipkin ] 

Foster  F  R  &  Son I 

Bank   of  Brodhead 1 

First   National 

Bank  of  Cambria 

First  Commercial  Bank 

Bank  of  Centraiia 

GtMuan  Exchange  Bank 

First  National 

Lumbeunan's  National 

Seymour's   Bank 

Citizens'  Bank 

Bank  of   ClintonviUe 

Cobb    Bank Willard  East- 
Exchange  BlIJK 

Fi'.nuer.i'  A;  ^Krcbacts'  Union  Bank 

Fi^^t  National 

Bank  of  Cumberland 

Citizens'  National  Bank 

First  National  Bank 

Bank  of  Deeilield 

Citizens'  Bank  of    Delavan 

Latimer  E  &  Co 

Kellogg  Banking  Co  

Ciiv  Bank 

Drdgeville  Bank 

Strong's  Bank 

Winchester's  Ex  Bk  of   Dorchester 

D  W  Stebbins. 
R  Vi  Hunner. . 

Amo?  Baum 

H  C  Humphrey. . 
U  G  Freeman.  . . 
Herman  Erb.... 
Joseph  Ruth 

NI  ^Yilley 

C  E  Street 

C  F  Latimer 

E  H  Ellis ; ... 

CE  Bradford 

J  A  Decker 

John  Kupp,  propr. 

J  Van  Orueu 

Wm  A  \Varren.. . 

C  D  Cce 

Wm  Knisht,  propi 

J  E  McClure 

LE  Rock 

J  A  Holmes  treas. 

L  H  Parker. 

W  U  Richards. 
W  R  O'Hearn.. 
Henry  ilarshall. 

C  "\V  Carpenter.. . 

C  Hall • 

Eli  ward  Harris. . . 
Charles  Creglow. . 

I  E  Philleo.' 

Henry  Kresteu. .  . 
L  M  Newman. . . . 
S  B  Niramons. .  . . 
Wm  L  Seymour. . 

Wm  Jones 

R  G  Gibson, propr. 
man  it  Co,  proprg. 




loO  i.iOO 



100,  OuO 







R  S   Rockwell. . . . 

10  000 

J  R  Goff 


C  F  Ivilk 


George  F  West. . . 


G  S  Anthony 


H  B  Fargo 


11  F  'U  illlam.s, .... 


A  H  Keudrick 

W  E  Kellotrg.... 


Wra  Pirrv 

RT    Parrv 


James  Cleminson. 


E  H  Winchester.pi 








Eau  Claire. . . 
Eau  Claire. . . 
Eau  Ciaire. . . 
Eau  Claire. . . 
Etigertou  .... 



Ellsworth. . . . 


ETansville  . . . 
Fennimore. . . 
Fifitld.     ... 


Fond  du  Liic. 

Fond  (hi  Lac 1  Firit  Nalional  ISauk. 

Bank  of  Durand ! 

Bank  of  Eiu  Llaire 

Chippewa  A'nUey  Bank 

CommerciHl  Bank j 

Eiiii  Claire  .\.-)lioiinl  Baiih! 

Bank  of  EdirtTtou i 

Vincent  &  Ba.xter i 

First  Xalional j 

Bank  of  E'lsworlh j 

Bank  of  Elroj- i 

Bank  of  Evan^ville j 

Fenniuiore  Bank ; 

Price  County  Bank t 

State  Bank  of  Florence 

Cole  WE. 

n  L  Smith 

C  W  Lnckwood. . . 
Geo  T  Thompson. 

P  C  Allen   

\Vm  II  Coffin 

C  L  Biirnham    . . . 

AVH  Conger.  ... 

Orin  Lord 

Edmund  Hart ... 

GL  Pullen 

C  A  Willi.^] 

B  F  Leonard 

E  EWilco-x 

Eond  du  I^ac. 
Fond  du  Lac  . . 
Fort  Atkinson.. 
Fort  Atkinson.. 
Fort  Hoivaid. . . 

Fox  Lake 


Grand  Kapids. . 

Green  Bay   

Green  Bay 



















Kilhourn  City. . . 
KiUiourn  City. . . 

La  Crosse 

La  Crosse 

La  Crosse 

La  Crosse 

La  Crosse 

Lake  Geneva. . . . 
Lake  Geneva.  . . . 

Lake  ^lills 




Lodi :... 


Fond  du  Lac  National  Bank 

.Weils  J  C 

Citizen.s'  State  Bank 

First  Nalii  ml  ISank 

JlcCartnev's  E.\chani;e  Bank 

State  Bank  of  Fox  Lake   . 

Bank  of  Gale.sville  National  Bank . . 

Citizens'  National  Bank 

Kellogg  National  Bunk 

Exchan;;e  Bank 

Sawyer  County  l!ank 

Bank  of  Hillsboro' 

ExchaiiEje  Bank 

Fiist  National  Bank 

Hudson  Savini:.s  Bank 

First  National  Ilank 

Iron  E.xch.'inire  Bank 

First  National  B.ank 

."Vlerchautsand.Mtclianic.x'Sav'gs  I!li 

Peck  County  National  Bunk 

Farmers  and  Merrlianta'  Bank 

Jefft  rsoG  County  Bf,nk : 

liank  of  ICaukaun.'i 

First  National  Bank 

Ifiead  E>iiii  »V  <'o 

Bank  of  Kewiiunie ' 

Kewaunee  Exchange  Bank ; 

Bank  of  Kil bourn I 

Siroud's  Bank ' 

Batavia  Bank 

i:\<'liaii;;(^  !*lalo  t'anli 

La  t'ro'^se  N;ili(inai 

Lienli  kken  .fohii 

S3a)t>  85;uik  of  I>a  «.'ro«se. . . 

Bank  uV  Ovuvxh 

First  National  Biink ; 

(Greenwood  Bros 

Mej  f r  ISioliaiil  A-  to 

Stale  Bank  of  Grant  County j 

Bank  of  Linden \ 

Bank  of  Lodi I 

Capital  City  Bank I 

James  B  Perry 
G  A  Ivnapp. .  .  . 

C  A  Caswell 

L  B  Caswell  jr... 

J  H  Tayler 

F  I  Davijon 

C  .M  Kellogg  .... 

F  J  Wood 

W  P  Wainer  . . . 
Henry  B  Baker... 
E  A  iMcCollow. . . 

E  II  llolbert 

\Vm  Lind,  propr. 

D  C  Fulton 

Alfred  J  Goss 

W  A  Buit 

WS  Reynolds.... 

J  B  Doe 

^V  S  Jelfris 

S  B  Smith 

G  J  Kisptrt 

John  Kirael  jr.  . .  . 

FA  Towsley 

Charles  C  Brown  . 

U  J  Lewis 

Charles  Brandts  ji 

L  Bruenimer 

A  D  Bowman 

AVni  S  Stroud, prpi 

E  E  Beutlev 

Henry  P  Magill... 
S  S  Burton 

J  51  Hollcy.... 
Charles  E  Buel 
D  Bailield 

Joseph  Beck. 

F  C  Hutson.. 
J  Wllobbing. 

5  ■:.•;. 000 


Si  1, 000 

SO. 000 



."in.  000 
25  000 



25. COO 



no,  000 

200  OOo 



















Mazo  JIanie.   . . . 












Milton  .Junction. 












Mineral  Point.  . . 
Mineral  Point. . . 













New  Lisbon 

New  London. .  . . 
New  Richmond.  . 
New  Kichmond. . 








First  National  Bank i  W  Ramsev 

Gernian-American  Bank \  Fred  W  Siiljr 

State  Lank   S  H  Marsljall 

First  Nat;  Bank ,  Charles  Luling. . . . 

3Iaaiton-oc  Savinirs  Bank !  L^uis  Schuette. . . . 

Shove  T  C  Biinkins  Co |  F  11  Harris 

First  National  Bank j  Ira  D  Buck 

Stephenson  National  Bank ;  H  J  Brown 

Mar^bfield    Bank Leaiuler:  Cboate,    propr 

Bank  of  Mouston .J  T    Heath  &  Co.proprs 

.Juneau  County  Bank .-...    G  H  Winchtll 

Mayville  Eschange  Bank S  W   Lamoreus,    propr. 

Brocson,  Draper  &  Co 

State  Bank  of   Bedford Charles  Alverson! 

Taylor  County  Bank Hartmac    i;  Brucker,  proprs 

Tanner  F  E 

Bank  of  ilcuasha Hcnrv  lie 

First  National  Bank G  Ilu'tz 

First  National  Bank ^Xm  C  McLean 

Schulte  6c  Quilliug 

Tainter  A  it  Son SB  French. . '. ' 

First  National  Bank J  W  Ladd 

Haywood  G  .V  Son ,  E  S  Wakelin . . 

Bank  of  :Milton !  E  B  Saunders.. 

Exchange  Bank j  Will  H  Giles. . 

Commercial ]  il  B  Geilfus... 

First  National  Bank i  F  G  Bigelow 

IIoULrhton  ]!ros  it  Co 

.Marshall  it  Bsley  Bank   '  .James  K  lisley. 

HJerchanta'  ]',.\ F  .J  Kipp 

.Milwaukee  Nalionai  of  Wisconsin.    T  L  Baker 

National  E\chani;e ]  Grant  Fitch. 

I>lai)iiinl<>ll    £SilllU ,  .John  P  ilurphy 

Second  Ward  Saviucs  Bank i  Charles  U  Scliniidt 

South  Side  Savings  Bank '  .John  B  Koetlin 

.loiin  Johnston. . 
Philip  Allen,  jr.. 
E  Y  Hutchinson. 

J  H  Duerst. 

'  Wis  .'^larlne  it  Fire  Ins  Co  Bank 
First  National  Bank 
Iowa  Counlv  Bank.  . 

Dillon  F  H.' 

Citizens'  Bank. 

First  NationnI  Link '  U  Liullow 

Bank  of  Montello :  A  J  Barry 

Eastman  II  it  Son ; 

Steven.s'   Bank i  P  T  Stevens,' propr 

Homier  .losi.'ph ] 

Mclntyre.  Elston  &  Co 

Manufacturers'  National  Bank. SB  Mon;aa 

National  B  ink  ot  Xeenali .J  P  Shiells 

Clark  County  Bank WGKi'.pii.. 

Ncillsville  Bank Joseph  M.irley.. 

j  Farmers'  and  .Merdiant's  Bink I  H  3[arsh 

i  l!ank  of  Xew  Louilon .Murray   it   P.ipe,  proprs. 

Bank  of  New  Bichmond ".   ,f  W  McCoy 

Maiuifacturcrs'  Bank PC  :Mux^on 

B  ink  of  Oconomowoc B  G  Eilgeiton.. 

Oconto  National  Bank Wm  K  Smith..  . 

Daane  Peter  it  S  m 

Commercial  Bank   Tliomas  D.Uy .  . . 

German-American  Bank T  R  Fientz 







SO,  000 



200,  OOC 
100. OOO 

500  01  lO 

Co, 000 



25  000 

50  000 















I'urt  Washington.  . 
I'rftirie  du  Cliieu  . . 

I'raiiie  du  Sac 












P>ice  Lake 

Itice  Lake 


I!if  bland  Centre. . 
liicbland  Centre. . 



Hiver  Falls 

f^t  Croix  Falls.... 

^^uik  City 

^.iuk  City 






^beboygiiu  Falls., 
t-iitlj.ivgan  Falls.. 

^lifll  Like 



^DUtli  Kaukauua  . 

^'Utb  Wayne 



Spring  Green 

Ni'vcus'  Point 

•"elevens'  Point 



'"^lUgeou  Bay 

•*"-nrgi.'on  Bay 

•■^'urt'eon  Bay 

^iin  Prairie 

^un  Prairie 


German  Xati  jnal  Bank 

National  Bank 

Xational  Union  Bank 

State  Bank  of  Phillips 

Bank  of  Plainfiold 

Eistman  G  W 

State  Bank  of  I'iymouth 

City  B.tnk  of  Portage 

First  iXational  B  ink 

Gorman  E.vchange  Bank 

(German-American  Bank 

1!  ink  of  Prairie  du  Chieu 

Sauk  C;ty  Bank 

Miller  Henry  S 

YaLr  FT 

I'ir>!  \alioJsal  SEank 

n;!Uuila«'l:ir'.-i-«,'  Vai-i  CSaiilii 

liiioii  .National  LiaoK , 

(■iti7..ns' I 

Ktcilsburc-'Bank I 

Hewey  J  W  tt  Son [ 

Brown  EDA;  Son I 

First  National  B  ink 1 

iMercbanti'  State  Bink 

Bank  of  Tiice  Lake ! 

liai'i-<>:i  CoiEiity  ESiinIi I 

liaise  Bros ' 

Prase  Bi03  &  Co's  Bank I 

['mr  Wni  il j 

First  National  Bank \ 

German  National  Bank.  , | 

B  mk  of  River  FhUh | 

Bink  of  St  Croi.\  Falls j 

Nifl'z  Charles 1 

Tripp  .J  S I 

Su:y mour  Bank i 

Bank  of  Sharon | 

!■    awano  County  Bank 

oi'.iik  of  Sheboygan 

German  Bank 

Dairymen's  Bank 

Falls  Bank 

Shell  Lake  Savings  P..aak 

P'lrst  National  P. mk 

S!iiili>I*ur;;  ESaiiK 

Fusi  Natiimal  Bank 

Heiudel  LW 

Bank  of  Sparta 

Thayer's  Bank 

Harris  S  M 

t'oiiiiiicrcial  IJjtiiU  Tlii' 

I'  .Xulioiial  HiaiiU  

Dane  County  Bank 

Stoughton  Stale  Bank 

Hank  of  Sturgeon  Bay Keo_' 

Lii  PliulM  F 

Merchants'  E.vchange  Bank 

Bank  of  Sun  Prairie ,Ione 

Farmers'  and  Merchants'  Bank. . . . 

RB  Evan, sasst  cash 
Charles  Schreiber. 
Moriis  Jones  ...  . 
Louis  Roosmau  . . . 
II  N  Drake,  propr. 

E  A  Dow 

Miles  T  Alverson  . 
Ed-.vard  A  Gowar. 

U  A  Sprecher 

P>  H  Clark 

E  IKidd 

J  S  Tripp,  propr. . 

E  F  Yabr 

11  B  Monroe 

B  B  Northrop  . . . 

E  C  Dean 

\V  F  Winchester. 
Wm  B  Smith. . . . 

E  O  Brown 

S  M  Hutchinson. 

E  O  Brown 

E  L  Everts 

A  B  Bailey 

E  M  Pease 

G  L  Field.... 
I  l\l  Dakin.... 
.1  M  Smith  . . . 
Fred  L  Olcott 

S  H  Rondeau  . . . 
George  JIanslield 
F  "\V  Humphrey. 

.lulius  Kroos 

Fjitz  .Karsle 

Thomas  Stead  man 
Abner  0  Heald  . 
B  "W  Barnes .... 
John  II  Savage. 
C  T  Doui?las  . . . 
Frank  F  Becker 

E  H  Canfield. 
M  A  Thayer. , 

Emmons  Burr. .  . . 
\V  B  Backinirbam 

ON  Falk...r 

H.ibe  D.w 

h  it  Decker,  propri 

Lawrence  ttNelson! 
^  S:  Meeker,  proprs! 
J  M  Batz I 


200,  OuO 



2.5  000 
2.J  000 








25  000 

CO,  000 






Superior BniiU  of  Superior John  A  Bardon. .  .|      .•$ 

Thorp :  Garrison  Bros ' 

ToniEh BankofTnrash J  B  Boneas : '. . . 

Tomah "Warren  ,T  11  ^k  Sous WW  "Warren  . . . . ' 

Tomahawk-. Brailley  W  H  &  .T  W George  G  William!:  50,00" 

Viroqua Liudemann  A:  Rii'k 

"Washburn IJniik  ol' Wi'-'-Sihuni Prcs-tnn  Dubrow. .:  O.'i.OOO 

Washburn Baj  field  County  Baul: L  X  Clausen !  2.5,00/ 

Waterloo Waterloo  Dank George  Q  Ames. .  .j 

Waterto-wa Bank  of  Watertown Wm  Buchlieit  ...|  50,000 

Watertown Wiscon.'^in  National  Bank P  V  Brown i  ■50,000 

Waukesha Xalional  l^xciiiUJue  Caiik.    W  P  Sawyer |  oO,00:"i 

Waukesha "Waukesha  National  Bank H  M  Frame i        100,000 

Waupaca ,  Coolidge  Evan I 

Waupaca National  Bank  of  Waupaca Wm  B  Baker. . . 

Waupaca Waupaca  County  National M  F  Skinner  . . 

Waupun ,  First  National  Bank G  F  Wheeler. . 

Wausau First  National  Bank A  II  Grout. . . . 

Wausau German-An:fericau  Savings  Bank .  .  E  A  Gooding.. 

Wausau Marathon  Count}-  Back C  AV  Harger. . . 

West  Bend  .......    Bank  of  West  Bend E  Franckenberg,  propr 

West  Salem La  Crosse  County  Bank N  C  Ktlley [ 

West  Superior American  E.\'change  Bink EM  Hills j  GO.OnO 

West  Supei  ior Bank  of  Commerce W  C  Brooks |         100.000 

WestSupcrior na«Uor"\Vt'«l  ^Jisucrior John  T  Hemphill. ,  50  000 

West  Superior 5>oiiuI:i>'  Osiiiily  'J-iiiU A  N  Brown 50,000 

WestSupcrior Fir.'t  National  Bank W  II  Slack !        SOO.oGO 

WestSupcrior International  Baulc D  II  Decker \  oO,(iOO 

WestSuptiior Kevstone  National  Bank Wiimot  Saecrer.  ...1         200,000 

WestSupcrior Sia'te  Bank  of  Wisconsin Chris  Julsrud 60,000 

Weyauweia Weed,  Gumaer  &  Co I 

Whitehall" '  Melby  J  O ' 

Whitewater Citizens'  National  Bank E  JI  Johnson i  T.'i.OO'.' 

Whitewater First  Natinual  Bank G  S  .Marsh i         17.5, Oo'i 

Wonewoc Bank  of  Wonewoc I  H  AVolfeuden. . .  1  9,00v 

Wyaluaing i  Kendall  N  W , I 

50  000 
100, 000 


Xhie  Short  RotJite 

/-;:?»,  ■•""">>  1—23  r^ZH  r\  '",  I ■-.      e^     t»-  .^ 

— rro — 

Stevens'  Point,  Winona, 

Grand  RaBJds,  LaCrossa, 

St  Paul  and  niiineaBolis. 

Passengers  taking  our  train  No."i,  leaving  Green  Bay 

at  6.05  A.  M.,  arrive  in  St.  Paul  (via  C,  St. 

P.,  M.  &  O.  Ry.)  at  6.15  P.  M. 

S.  W.  CHAT^IPICn,  J.  B.  LAST, 

Siipei'intiiKlonl,  A<is't  (;eii'l  I'as-..  Aaoiit, 



■lip  f\nm"f\  Viwiv^rm  i  ^ 


Uow  Operates  6,  I  00  r.liles  of  Thoroughly  Hquipped  Rood  In 



Each  recurrlntr  year  its  lines  Rr«  extcii'led  in  all  to  itii-ct  llie  nece^'^iiii  =  . ' 
the  nipidly  populatin;,'  .'■►•cuonj  of  counuy  'Vtit,  Northwe-t  :.nci  Southwest  of  Chic-r- 
and tr)  furnish  a  ir.nrkfl  lur  the  products  cf  the  Greatest  Agricultural  and  Stvick  ]Jfi:;::L.- 
Districts  of  the  World. 

In  IMino's  it  operates  317  Miles  of  Track,  in  V/isconsin  1, 635  Miles, 
in  Northern  i\iichinnn  96  'vliles.  in  Iowa  1,551  T'llos. 

in  Minnesoia  1,115  lV,\r,s,  in  South  Ds';ota  !,092  Miies. 

in  North  Dakota  118  Miles,  in  Pilissouri  140  I.Iile;, 

And  the  end  i--  not  ^X't.     It  hns  terminals  in  such  large  citii.'s  as 

Chicago,  Mil\v".ukee,  La  Crosse, 
St.  Paul,  Minneapoiis,  [-argo, 

Sioux  City,  Council  Bluffs,  Oiinaha. 
Kansas  City  and  St.  Joseph,  Ivlo. 

And  along  its  lines  tiro  hundreds  of  Ifirge  and  small  thrivir.rr  cities,  towns  and  villa  re' 
Mauufacturin;^  interests  are  cultivated,  and  all  branches  of  trade  fiud  encourairenimt. 
The  liailwuy  Cenipauy  has  a  just  appreciation  of  the  vahio  of  its  patrons,  .snd  ;.- 
magniliccnt  earnings  arc  the  result  of  the  good  business  tact  which  characterizes  tie 
manasenient  of  its  atfairs. 

Tiie  pfipularitv  of  the  line  is  attested  bv  the  fact  tliat  notwithstandinc:  the  stron^-cs: 
kind  of  competitit^n  of  old  and  new  lines,  t!ie  ■CHICAGO.  MILWAUKEE  &  ^T. 
PAUL  R.VIL^VAY  con'i:H:''S  to  carrv  the  crentitr  portion  of  nil  the  business  between 
CHICAGO.  MILWAUKi-.r,,  ST.  PAUL  and  MINXEAPOLIS.  It  is  the  best  p-'' 
ronized  route  between  CEHCAGO.  COUNCIL  P.LUFF.S  and  O^LVHA  aniito  a'  ' 
from  all  points  in  WI.-^C(i:,^-IN,  :^n:^:XLSOTA,  DAKOTA  and  IOWA,  and  i'< 
KANSAS  CITY  AND  bT.  .lO-EPH  LINE  has  taken  equal  rank  -svilh  the  older  lini^ 
leading  to  and  from  the  Souilnvest. 

On'all  its  throu-h  lines  of  travel  the  CHICAGO,  MILWAUKEE  &  ST.  PAUL 
KAILWAY  runs  the  most  perfectly  equipped  trains  of 

Sleeping,  Parlor  and  Diiiing  Cars  and  Coaches. 

The  through  trains  on  all  its  lines  fire  sj'stematically  heated  by  steam.  No  effort  i3 
spared  to  furnish  the  bett  accommodations  for  the  least  money,  and,  in  addition, 
patron.;  of  the  road  are  sure  of  courteous  treatment  from  its  employes. 

OEO,  n.  llKAmmii,  «cn'l  ra««».  and  TIckeJ  .igfiii. 




Mil      i  .,■•'  '-^"  ■•"i  '-"^ 

■y-J  a  ^.1  '^  KiJ   i^  h> 



cmoA^o,  ST.  LOUIS  o^  p'lOTim 

To  Ottawa,  Streator,  UoeUfnrd,  Forreston,  Sterling,  Rock  Falls,  Savanna,  Galena, 
Uiiljuqiie,  Prairie  du  Cliieu,  La  Crosse,  Winona,  St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis.  Direct 
i-nnections   for  Alauitoba,    Britisli    Columbia,    Washington,    Oregun,    Paget    Sound, 

id  all  points 


It  is  the  Hesl  Line  for  all  cla.-ses  of  travel  to  Mendota.  Gulciburg,  Burl'iU'ton, 
luokuif,  OtturawA,  De3  .Moiues.  Chariton,  >,'ebrasi;a  City,  Council  Uluffs,  Ouiaha. 
'-ir.eoln,  Cheyenne,  Denver,  Newcastle,  Deadwood  and  tlie  Black  Hills,  and  all  princi- 
I'  i!  points  in  Nebriiska  and  Colorado.     Direct  connections  for  the  Pacific  Coast  and  all 


It  is  the  Best  Line  for  all  clashes  of  travel  to  Quincy,  Hannibal,  Brookfield, 
'  lelede,  St.  Joseph,  Atchison,  Leavcuworth,  Kansas  City,  Sedalia,  Denison,  Galveston, 
•■■  d  principal  points  in  Missouri,  Kansas,  Luliau  Territory,  Texas,  Arizona,  i>!ew  and 
"!d  Mexico.     Direct  couuectious  for  the  Paciric  Coast  and  all  points 


Tickets,    rates   and   general  information  concerning  the  Burlington  Route  can  be 
■  '  'ined  of  any  railroad  agent  of  its  own  or  connecting  lines,  or  by  addres.-;i:;g 

^-  S.  EUSTIS,  Gen'i  Pass'r  and  Tkt.  Agt.,  CHICAGO,  ILL. 








,0      D^^-^nP^^v^/ 


r  -;,  L  H  i:.  ij. .  i  iJ  \.  .X  i  I V 
^^'     ROUT  E"^  '^ 


TO  Lcs  AnsslesaSsnrnncisca 




ON  lJ[G.4rfRAi;;s- 



C.  A.   BECK.  General  Manager. 

T.   J.    HUDSON.    Traffic   Manager. 

M.  C.  HARKHAM.  Ass't  Tral'ic  IWanaqer. 

A.  H.   HANSO'J.  General  Passenger  Agent. 


FjSiat  'Fs'ailJS  with  Pullinmi  Vestiljiilctl  Drawiiiir  Koom  Sleeiiors, 
I»;ning  Cra's  aiul  Coaches  of  late-^t  (il■^aL,Ml,  Ix'twceii  C'hiojig'O  and  Zvlil- 
'iVSUlkcC,  and  St.  i'iJlt!  and  .y:!isi!tc;i|»oii«i. 

F;i»it  TraSElS  with  Pullman  Ycstilinlud  Diawinc:  Room  Sleopcrs, 
DininL,'  Cars  and  (.'on'-ius  of  latest  dcsiun,  h'.'twecn  Chicago  and  3iil- 
'iVnukcC,   and   A^^IaSiliJcI   and    iiulisjh. 

TlaroM^ii  S*E!lljn:i5i  VoiJirn'.Ied  Drnwliii;  E?ooEn  nisd 

Tossrast  siecpcrs  via  the  >,'4^8'^^'erl!i  g'aostu"-  -ilffilroad 
h-twc-cn  Chicago  and  R'ortS.acid,  Ovv.,  and  Tacoisui,  ^Vasli. 

CoiSVesJiCBlt  TraiSJi*  to  and  from  Eastern,  Western,  Xorthern  and 
('entral  Wisconsin  iioiiits,  affordinj,'  unequaled  service  to  and  from  li'S'aJS- 

Kcfjha,  Fo6u!  djs  S^a<',  C»srtko«^h.  Aeeiiah,  IrScisasJja, 
*-'5."!jj|»cxTa  E'"a.'N,  fr.nn  ilasr<\  ESias'Icy,  Wis,,  an.l  Sroii- 
«o«<l  and  £5esscja»cr,  ^aich. 

For  tickets,  sleeping  car  reservations,  time  tables  and  other  information,  apply 
to  Agents  of  the  line,  or  to  Ticket  Agents  anywhere  in  the  United  States  or  Canada. 

S.  R.  AINSLIE,  Gen.  Mngr.,  J.  M.  HANNAFORD.  Gen.  Traffic  Mngr., 

Milwaukee,  Wis,  St,  Paul,  Minn. 

'I.  C.  BARLOW,  Tratli^  Mngr.,  LOUIS  ECKSTEIN,  Gen.  Pass.  &  Ticket  Agent, 

Chicago,  Illinois,  Chicago,  Illinois. 



■^"V;  ■'"■  ^ 

r    I     r    :i    r     1   c    J    t     1 


«-^- ^/ >.....,..         !  \V         >!  EL  RENO  /       \:«=: 

<i       M  i:|  X   I  O  O  I  T  E  X  .t  8  V^  ,  ''''"7       '■  '^' ' 

Tu^  q: 

r.OGll  iOLAHD  KOUTk 

(Chicago,  Kock  Island  &  Pacific  and  Chicago,  Kansas  &  Nebraska  Rys.) 

Its  main  lines,  branohos  and  pxtnnsions  Trest,  northwest  and  sonth^est; 
Include  Chicagro,  Joliet.  Ottawa,  Peoria,  La  Sailc,  Moline,  Eock  Island  in 
ILLINOIS— Davenport.,  Mnseutine,  Ott,ur:iwa,  Oskalooia.  West  Libertv,  IoT:^-a 
City,  Des  Moines,  Knoxville.  Wini;er.-:et,  Atlantic,  Audubon,  Harlan,  Gurlirio 
Centre,  and  Council  B'utls  in  TOWAOrinne  'jolis  v.nd  St.  Paul  in  MiNl.'i"- 
SOTA— V,'atertOT3.-n  and  S;on;c  Falls  in  UAKOT.A— Gallatin,  Trenton,  Cameron, 

aflordint'  the  best  facilities  of  intercommunical  ion  to  older  States  and  to 
toti-ns  and  cities  in  South'Ta  Nebra^=ka,  Kansas,  Colorado,  Utah,  i-cxz 
Mexico,  Indian  Trrritory,  Ti';-,i  ■.,  Arizona,  Idalio,  California,  and  Pacillc 
const  and  trans-oceanic  Seaport.^. 


Of  Palace  Coaches— leading  all  competitors  in  splendor  of  equipntent  and 
luxurv  of  accommodation.;— run  throun-h  dailv  betvreen  CUiCiig-o  and  Colo- 
rado SDrlncrs,  Denver  and  Ptioblo.  Similar  i:AG:TIF!CE>^T  VIZSTIBULE 
TKAir;"  Si::RVICE  <laily  ber-woen  ChiCiicro  aad  Covmcil  BlarTs  (Omahai,  a,.d 
botwc>:!n  Chicag-o  and  Kansas  Citv.  E!e;-nnt  Day  Coaches,  Dining-  Cars, 
Reclinine-  Chair  Cars  iFEEEt.  and  Palace  SU-epiug-  Cars.  California  Excur- 
sions dailv.  Choice  of  routes  to  and  fron-.  Salt  Lake  City,  Portland,  Los 
Ang-eles,  San  Diepo,  San  Francisco,  and  intei-vuning-  loci%Ut:es.  Quick  time, 
prompt  connections  and  transfers  in  Union  Depots. 


Runs  superbly  equipped  Espress  Trains  daily  each  vrnv  bettreen  Chicago, 
Rock  Island.  Atoh:son.  8t.  Jo.-.euh,  I.-vivenworth,  Kan.-as  City  and.  l.Imne- 
apolis  and  St.  Paul.  The  Favorite  Tourist  Lino  to  '.ho  si-enic  resorts,  and 
haatnicr  and  fl.shinsr  trrounds  of  the  NorthTrest.  Its  Vv'aterto-srn  Branch 
cour.-e"s  throucrh  tiie  most  productive  lands  of  Nortucru  lo'vs-a,  Soulhtvestem 
ilinuesota,  and  East  Southern  Daliota. 

THE  SHORT  LINE  VIA  SENECA  AND  KANKAKEE  offers  facilities  to 
travel  between  Cincinnati,  Indianapolis,  Lufavette,  a;id  Council  Elutls,  St. 
Joseph,  Atchison,  Lt avenvrorth,  Kansas  City,  limncapoiis,  and  St.  Paul. 

For  Tickets,  Maps,  Folders,  or  desired  iniormation,  apply  to  any  Coupon 
Ticket  OiUce  in  the"  United  States  or  Canada,  or  aadrots 

E.  ST.  JOH^J, 


Chicago,  III. 

r;t  aiiJ  l'a.-:!>.  Ayiut. 



^^,  S?«er,  .ar;/,,  , 









■"-:-;->  sjrt^: 

\>    FIEE  AP.'iS, 
'^"^^^  FISKINS 

,;:;;.  4      tackle, 

:;  i'jMJ..SPOHTI"a 
'H-vy     GOOES, 

"'r;:'~i  LAMPS. 

Parties  Contempkitlna  the  Purchase  of  NEW  STOCKS  Should   NOT  FAIL  TO  VISIT  US 

BEFORE  BUYING.     We  Offer  Inducements  in  the  Wciy  of  Lar^e  and  Complete 

Ascortments  to  Select  from,  SURPASSED   BY  NO  ONE. 


Hibbasd,  Spencer,  Bartlett  &  Co., 

18,  20,  22,  24,  26,  23,  30  &.  32  Lake  St.,  CH5CAGO,  ILL. 

~H       GOODRICH 


I.Y  iFxcciit   vatnr.hl)   ,   fur 

For  Hacitie,  Milu-iiiikf.-,  s!it-ho\^;in. 

Bay,  Orctu  B:iy,  Mariii.-IIe.  M.-no 


,  Elli  — 

rrahip  VV 

ir   ro  rc.i'-h 



-erv  Lr>vv 

.1  all  D  rc<. 

^!  ox3:zo-f^cs-; 

ConnectinsnilliK.irli  'llfirnln.- Trains 
for  nil    Points  ^^  t-.r.  MlllTIi 

«D(i  >oi!7inu>r, 


Goodrich   Steamers. 

:'"'''Ti,  Ke-.vauntr-e.  Ahnap-.--^,    Sturf;eoD 

" N'ahnia.  GardeD,  Fayeitt, 

-,  i'-...-k-.  Kle 
\>.  i.<T,  Ni'RTIIWEST  ami  XORTH 
1  urcii  i~"i  ou  l>  jar4  the  St>rainers. 
Tables,  etc..  to 

The  Cheapest  ami   M.-i^t  C'c 
Is  via  these  Eteuant  s-.',.: 

Frci^jht  Kates  very  Lr>vv  t.i  all  p  res.    Send  for  Tn 
A.  W.  GOODRICH,  PresJenf,  G.  HURSON,  General  Traffic  Manjr.,  JOHN  SINGLETON,  Ge.ieral  Pass,  A^cnt, 


CHICAGO  Onice  and  Docks.  Foot  Mirli;r«n  .\veriie. 

■MILW.AUKEE  Oflioe  aoJ  Li'.ck=.  West  Water  Street,  between  nuron  Street  and  Grand  .\ venue  Bridges. 





A  A-  !V  K  R  K— Abbottsford  i  Northeastern    i 

Kailrcifl.  ' 

C,  It.'A:  N  Ky— Chicago.  Burlington  &  Northern    i 

Railwav.    Ajiiericun' Express. 
C  HI  i:}  Mill  Railwav. 

C,  ?l  A:  St  1'  Uy-ChicaKO,   Jlilwankee  &  St 
Paul  Railway.    Am.  and  Adams  Express. 

B  Line— Beloit  Line.  I 

Ber  Line— Berlin  Line.  | 
C  V  &  S  div— Chippewa  Valley  &  Superior  divi- 
C  &  JI  div— Chicago  &  Milwaukee  division. 

D  div — Dubur|Ue  divi.^ion.  I 

D  line— DexterviUe  line.  I 

E  br — Eatjl'.'  brancii.  j 
F  du  L  br — Fund  du  Lae  branch. 

G.  N  &  N   R  R  div-Goodyear,    Neillsvllle  i:    | 

Northern  Railroad  division.  ! 

a  &  McK  liues-Goodyear  ,i  iloKenna  lines.  I 

La  Crosse  division.  I 

M  line-JIadisoii  line.  I 

Mark  line -Markesan  line.  1 

Men,-  line.  j 

M  Pdiv-->ii-,.  I    ;  r  -n  division.  ! 

M&  P  lii,     -■■:  .         ■    v  !'>>rtas:e  line.  j 

Ndiv-N    !■■     ,.i      ..  :   n.  ' 

Nllne--N^•c^■.;.ul  :!:■;.  I 

N  O  line-Nt- V,-  Glaius  lice.  i 
P  line-PittsviUe  line. 
Plattline— riatteviUe  line. 

Portasre  line.  ! 

P  du  C  div— I'rairie  du  Clfien  division.  i 

Ediv— River  division.  j 

R  C  line-Ricliland  Centre  lin.-.  ' 
R  i  S  \V  div— Racine  ^;  Souihivestern  division. 

S  line— SluillsburKli  line.  I 

S  C  Line— Sank  Ciiy  lin,>.  ; 

S  M  div— Sontbern  .^liunesota  division.  | 

Vesper  liUH.  | 

V  line-N'iri  ipia  line.  i 

■\V  line- Wail, -n  line.  | 
W'hui  line-  w  ujneconne  line. 

W  V  div-  \Vi4v  iinsiii  Vallev  division.  i 
C,  St  V,  ?l  \  O  liy-Ciiicago,  St  Paul,  Minne-    [ 

apolisct  Omaha  Railway.     Am  Expres.':.  '■ 

lip,,,.  >T  Falls*  Superoir branch. 






iMar  br 

M  br-M 


N  br-N, 




R  f  lin.- 




■  Falls 
r  bran. 

0&  S  \\   It}  -rhiL-a^-,.  it   Northwestern   Rail- 
ivay.     Aiwrirnn  ''ntt  US  Express. 
C  br-Calunn.t  hran.-h. 
C  &  M  liii.-~Cliica-o  X  Milwaukee  line. 
Ft  H  &  I  Lin.'-I'.Tt  Howard  ,V  lslipi,min?  line. 
Gbr- Galena  l.rancli. 
Galbr-G,ilesville  liran,h. 
J  &.K  line-,Ian.-sville  A"^  l.vansville  line. 
K  &  R  line— i;eno.sli.i  i  Hocklord  line. 
La  Cr,5sso  liii„. 
M  div— .^ladison  division. 
M  line— Main  line. 

M  &  FduL line -MilwaukeciS:  Fond  du  Lac  line. 
M  &  L  line-Madison  &  Laiicast,>r  line. 
M  *  M  line— Mihvaukee  i.'v;  Madison  line. 
N  br-Nece,lah  liranL-h. 
P  br— Platlevill,-  'iraneli. 

R  R  br— r.ock  River  branch. 

S  &  P  line— Sheb,3yem  &  Princeton  line. 

W  br- Woodman  branch. 
C  IE  A:  .11  Hy— Chippewa  River  ..t   Jlenomonie 

D,  S  N  A-  \  «y—Duluih.  South  Shore  &  Atlan- 

tic Kailv 

'  n  Hay,  Winona  & 

G  U,  \V  A  SI  !•   iC    I£-(r. 

St  Paul  I'LHilroail.     C  S  Express. 
I.a  Crosse  division. 
S  P  br— Stevens"  Point  branch. 
I  C  K  IS— Illinois  Central  Railroad.      American 
D  br— Dod^eville  branch. 
M  line-Ma,lison  line. 
W  div— \Visc.,ii-in  division. 
HI,  I,  S  A  14"  l^y-Mih^allkee.   Lake  Shore  & 
Western  Raihvay.     US  Express. 
Obr— Oconto  branch. 
Osh  br-Oshkosh  branch. 
O  R  br    Ontonagon  River  branch. 
Pbr-r.-ii,--r  brincli. 

R  br-l;l I.irdrr  branch. 

TRbr-Two  R.vrrs  l.rancli. 
W  br— Wausau  braucli. 
W  R  br— Wolf  River  Branch. 
Wis  R  br  -Wi>,-.ii,siii  River  Iran.dl. 
HI  A-  >'  II  It-Milnaukee  &  Northern  Railroad. 
.-Injerif'iu  E.cjjre.ts, 
A  br — Appleton  liranch. 
.M  br— ."Jlenomonie  branch. 
O  br— Oconto  branch. 
M,   HI  r   A    "W   ltv-.Mil«aukee,  Menomonee 
Falls  &.  Western  Kailwav.    Jiaerictu  Express. 
HI,  St  1"  A  S  s(c  HI  IS y-^ .Minneapolis,  St  Paul 
&  Sault  Ste   .Mane   Railway.    American   Ex- 

Ti  Jt  S  Line-Dulutb  ,>;  Superior  line. 

W  div— Wi<consin  divi<.iou. 
St  I'  A  I»  It  IJ-St   Paul  ,V  Duluth   Railroad. 

Adams  Exprei^. 

G  br— GraLtsburgh  branch. 

W  S  br- West  Superior  brani'h. 
S  Sle  HI  A  s  W  Ity- Sault  Ste  Marie  ..t  South- 



«  I 



Northern  I'a 

A  div-  .\-.h;.l!i.l  divi^i..!!. 
Chipp.-w:,  division. 
Cdiv-Cliicaco  lini^ion. 
E  C  bT-Fuu  Claire  branch. 
M  br-Montello  l.ran.di. 
M  diV"."\liKwiu;,.-e  division. 
Portiit^e  division. 
Pdiv-Peiiok.'e  division. 
RLbr-Rib  Lake  branch. 
St  P  div— Saint  Paul  division. 



^  of  St.^anier.s. 


nt  Liti 

Lake  Supt 


-bore  Line. 

,  Transportation  Co. 

■  I.iiie 


Duluth  .t  --  lo 
Flint  .V  P,  I  ^ 
Goodrich  1 ;  ,,i 
Graliani.v  ."11, 
Inter  Ocean  T 

Lake  Michigan  ot  Lake  Superio 

pi.rtation  Lino. 


River  Stf aniors-Jlis'.issipiil. 
Pianiond  ,To  Line  Steamers. 
St  Louis  &  St  Paul  Packet  Co. 
St  Paul  Navigation  Co. 

E.  L.  POLK  &  CO.'S 

mmm  state  gazetteer 



Id  the  following  section  of  the  work  the  cities,  vlllnpes  and  postofllces  of  Wifcorsin  are  arrarced 
Ir.  alphabetical  onler,  mid  a  dis-cription  is  tivcn  of  ■■aeh  place,  with  an  alphalu-tical  list  of  all  p.-rMms 
dclng  busiuess  therein  or  receiving  mad  at  that  postoffice.  In  all  the  larger  places  the  nanus  li:iv« 
i--en  procured  by  personal  canvass,  but  in  the  snialh-r  they  have  been  fumibhed  bj'  iiostmablers. 
Great  care  has  been  taken  to  insure  correetoess  as  well  113  completeness. 

ABBOTSFOED.  On  tlie  A.  &  N.  E. 
C.  anil  N.  P.  H.  K.'.h.  in  Clark  County,  -i:? 
miles  nortbuiist  of  Nt-lllsville,  tlie  iiuliciiil 
seat  and  2-^  from  Colby  the  nearest  bunk  lo- 
cstion.  Tel.  W.  U.  E.\p.  I'iiciflc.  Popu- 
lation, 350.  L.  R.  Rotcr,  postmaster. 

.\riicrleaii    House,    li    C    Tennant 

I'ropr;  Good  Livery  in  (Connection. 

Cfilkins  F  M,  FKilnind  and  ci;pres3  agent. 

ly  IJev  J  (Methodist). 

f-!ile  Kdward  A,  saloon. 

'•■lefson  George,  general  store. 

M'lrdt  Edwarii  C,  saloon. 

I'hrtridge  Charles,  ju.stice  of  peace. 

j^ilon  Kugeiie,  saloon. 

i'";ter  Louis  H,  general  store  and  saw  mill. 

^'tieclar  August,  shoemaker. 

l^liief  Ernst,  barber. 

Tfiinnnt  Ricliurd  C,  Propr  Ameri- 
can liouse;  Good  Livery  in  Connection. 

>  bonipson  Ole  B,  carpenter. 

ABLEM.AN.  On  the  C.  &  N.  W.  P.y, 
'^  ^auk  county,  'Ji  miles  west  of  Bar- 
'■•00,  the  judicial  seat  and  banking  point. 

Armstrong  JI.  shoemaker. 

Bergman  C,  saloon. 

Duro  A,  saloon. 

ray  A  A.  Co,  General  Store. 

Kiefer  Jacob,  bhicksmith. 

Langenham  A  blacksmith. 

Meyer  F,  wagonmaker. 

Pierce  K  M.  general  store. 

Iteise  J,  hotel. 

Itichardann  E  P,  grain  and  farm  impls. 

Bindlleisch  JI,  Hour  mill. 

Scharnke  G,  saw  and  planing  mil!. 

Schuette  II,  nn-als. 

fScliii!>lor  A  iV  Son,  General  Store. 

Shulle  F,  hotel. 

Walton  A,  saw  mill. 

ABHAMS.  On  the  M.  &  N.  R.  K.. 
in  Oconio  county,  12  miles  southwest  of 
Oconto  the  judicial  seat,  and  -1  from 
Green  Bay.  Population  180.  Stage  semi- 
weekly  to  Morgan,  fare  2^>  cents  E.xp. 
Am.  Ttl.  W;  U.  George  H.  Ruseell 

Basselt  Charles,  carpenter. 

Robert  Karpsr  &  Sen^ 

Sq.,  :)lilwaiikc6.     WALL  l>ArEi:s.     Telepho»e3i5. 

<  < 





Coffia  Thomas,  hotel. 
S>ol..aiio  Gcorjic  W.  Real  Estate. 
UeLano  L  C,  general  stoie. 
f  Downs  Charles,  mason  and  plasterer. 
■  Dunton  A  L.  barber. 
g   Duqnaiae  S  L,  blacksmith. 

Lear  Charles,  shoemaker. 
g  lIcKinley  ^Mrs  W  A,  music  teacher. 
5>  Meyer  E,  physician, 
a   Parkinson  W  S,  stoves. 
Partlow  Hollie,  carpenter. 
Robinson  F  W,  justice. 
Siiis^cll  Cicorjic  II,  General  Store  and 

Iliissoil  &,  Chase,  General  Store. 
St  John  J,   raiiroail,  e.xp  and  tel  act. 
•"•   a   Sargent  Georce  "'iV,  farm  impts. 

•   5   Sisnor  E,  mason. 
Z  £   Vanpateen  Peler  B,  dnit't;ist. 

,  ^  ■\Viiitney  F  L  &  i^r.n,  m-iieral  store. 
g  o   WliUticy,  Tinilc  iV  UiiUoii,    Saw 
^_^      and  SliliJ.cle  ilill. 
IT^  .   Worthing  F  G,  gun  and  locksmith. 

a  I. 

ACKERVILLE.  On  the  X.  div.  C. 
M.  kt  St.  P.  Ry.  in  '\Va5bingt0n  county, 
10  miles  south  of  Wc-it  liend,  the  judicial 
seat  and  liankiuij  point.     Population  tiO. 

£py,   Mail  daily. 

;;    Q   Sclilick  Georse,  General  Store. 



=  ^H 

ACORN.  A  country  postoffice  in  Dane 
countj',  17  miles  from  Madison  the  county 
scat,  and  11  from  Midd!etou.  the  nearest 

^         shipping  point,    ilail  tri-weekly.    K.  God- 

trii—   tJ'^r'-'i  postmaster. 

WZ"'   r5ell  Addie,  music  teacher. 

-'S'^   Bcreton  Mary,  music  teacher. 


i,,,t       ADA.     In  Sheboygan  county,  12  miles 
northwest  of  Sheboygan,  the  judicial  seat, 
banking  and  shipping  point.      Population 
00.    Mail  tri-weekly. 
Dexheinier  Julius,  carpenter. 

QJ  ^-  Gronkopf  llerninn,  blacksmith. 
►J  '-' 

!>  ^ 


Kretsch  Peter,  bote 
IfSaiii't'a  tA  HI,  General  Store. 
K'lelhel  Martin,  school  supplies. 
Sliovalenbcrg  lleur}',  mason. 
.•-^Ineiber  Fred,  meal  market. 
Spiudler  Jacob,  cheese  mnfr. 
\Vaf;iier  &  Co,  Cheese  Mnfr. 

ADAMS.       A    country    postoffice    in 
Walworth  county,  12  miles  north  of  Elk- 
UJ  S  horn,  the  county  seat  and    u-ua!   banking 
tf'    I    point,  and  ;!  from  Troy  Centre,  the  nearest 
J-    I    rai 

Iroad     .slatiii 

Catherine     Chaltield, 

Caitieroii  James  A.  Farm  Impts. 
Chalfijld  Bros,  wind  mills. 
Cba'fleld  Silas  B,  sorghum  mnfr. 
Crane  Miss  Clara  \,  music  teacher. 
Crane  E  J,  farm  impts. 
Nourse  H  E,  creamery. 

ADAMS  CENTRE.  A  postoiTice  in 
Adams  count}',  5  miles  south  of  Friend- 
ship, the  county  seat,  and  2a  north  of  Kii- 
bourne  City,  the  nearest  railwaj'  station 
and  banking  point.  Stages  semi-weekly  to 
Friendship  and  Kiibourue  City.  Popula- 
tion, 2ul).  Mail,  semi-weekly.  J.  3IoNabb, 

Coon  Bros,  Saw,  Flour  and  Sorghum. 
Coon  P,  physician. 
Coon  S  E,  blacksmith. 
Warren  N  E,  carpenter. 

ADAMSVILLE.  On  the  Pccatonica 
river,  in  L'wa  county,  14  miles  southeast 
of  Dodgeville,  the  seat  of  justice  and  bank- 
ing point,  and  oj  miles  from  Ilolindale. 
the  nearest  shipnintr  point.  -Population, 
60.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  D.  E.  Richards, 

Argus,  G  G  IMandt  Printing  Co  publrs. 
Hoskius  W  C,  blacksmith. 
Laughlin  Mrs  L,  music  te.acher. 
Eaughlin  AV  A,  justice. 
Mundl  G  G  Printing  Co,  publrs  Argus. 
Iileliar<ls  I*  K,  General  Store. 
Richards  .Mrs  D  E,  music  teacher. 
Skinner  W  A  it  Co,  irrain  and  hides. 
AVade  R  I  A:  Son,  flour  mill. 

ADDISON.  On  the  Wisconsin  Central 
Line,  in  WashiDSton  county,  12  miles  west 
of  West  Bend,  the  county  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  100.  IMail, 

DufTerin  AVm,  blickemith. 
Gundrum  J,  lilacksmith. 
KcUICI  C.  General  Store. 
Sauer  Anton,  shoemaker. 
AYeiss  S,  tinner. 

'  ADELL.  On  the  M.  ,t  X.  R.  R,  in 
Sheboygan  county,  IS  miles  southwest  of 
Sheboygan,  the  cjunty  seat,  and  10  south 
of  Plymouth,  the  nearest  b^nkins  point. 
Exp  ,  Am.  Tel.AA'.  U.  Population,  2-lo. 
N.  Sacmann,  postmaster. 

Berkenbagen  AVm,  livery. 
Burr  E  B  ct  Co.  preserve  ninfrs. 
Fourke  ov:  Spieker,  feed  mill. 
Goldammer  Wm  C,  wavTonniaker. 


1j4    AVIiST  AV.VTlCIt   ST.,  7III,^VAl  liEE,    WIS. 

rik>^l»«Jv   t-ilij.     VI   -.  '»l!aOl  Cor.  OnelJi^u.l  Jlilnaukeoits.,  IIILWACKEE.   See  i'ace  5. 





Hackett  Edward,  sulooc. 

HelmiDsrer  Charles,  blacksmith. 

Hillgur  Gottlieb,  blacksmith. 

Iloelinkc  W,  meat  market. 

ilaatel  George,  .shoemaker. 

Miller  Henry,  shoemaker. 

Publman  II,  hardware. 

Saciiiann  Auali  A:  Co,  General  Store 

and  Grain. 
Schreifer  II,  saloon. 
Seifert  A,  tinsmith. 

Weinhold  Herman,  harness  and  livery. 
White  D,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  aj:ent. 
Winter  F  D.  hotel  and  feed  mill. 
Zuengler  W,  furniture. 

ADSIT.  A  farm  house  postoflice  in 
Dane  county,  10  miles  east  of  Madison,  the 
county  scat,  and  3  nortli  ot  Deciiield,  the 
Learesl  .sliipping  i)niat.  Stages  tri-Tveekly 
to  Deerlield.  .Mail,  tri-weekly.  Lewi's 
Chriatopliei',  postmaster. 

AFTON.  On  the  C.  &  N.  W.  and  C. 
M.  &  St.  P.  Ry's,  in  Kock  county,  G  miles 
southwest  of  Janesville,tlie  county  seat  and 
nearest  banking  jioint.  Population.  130. 
Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  K  S.  Waile,  post- 

Brinkman  Wm.  creamery. 
Eldridge  JMiss  M  M,  dressmaker. 
Fish  Uev  J  W  (Baptist). 
Horton  il  S,  shoemaker. 
Kilmer  .John,  justice. 
Lathrop  F  I),  agt  C  A;  N  W  Ry. 
Palmer  George  II,  grocer. 
Stark  Albert,  blacksmith. 
Starr  Frank  P,  teacher. 
Uehliug  &  Hodden,  U^ur  mill. 
Waite  .Mrs  R  A,  music  teacher. 
Waite  UufusS,  grocer. 
Waile  Miss  V  P,  dressmaker. 

AHNArEE.  A  prosperous  incorpor 
ated  city  of  1,027  inhabitants,  pleasantly 
located  on  the  shore  iif  Lake  Michigau  iii 
o.ewaunee  county,  13  miles  north  of  Ke- 
waunee, the  .seat  of  justice,  and  :>5  from 
Iwo  Kivers,  the  usual  shipping  point.  It 
has  a  fine  harbor,  the  Gnodiich  line  of 
Jteamers  making  regular  calls  on  their 
"ips  up  and  down  the  shore  and  contains 
a  tannery,  3  grain  wareliouses,  a  sash,  dour 
and  blind  and  funulure  factors,  a  planing 
n»ll  a  bank  and  a  live  weeklv" newspaper, 
the  n,cord.  Tel..  W.  U.  The  Am.  and 
•-'■  ;■.  Express  Cos'  forward  all  express 
matter  from  Green  Bay  and  Two  Kivers. 
'e.ephonp  connections.  Mnil,  daily.  I). 
*>  ■  Stebbius.  postmaster. 

Ahnapee  House. 

Ballbeck  .Mrs  Mary,  carpet  weaver. 

Bank  or  .Viiiiapce,   Edward  Decker 

Propr,  D  AV  Slebbins  Cashier. 
Barnes  u\Irs  Louise,  milliner. 
Barstar  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Barstar  Wm,  hulel  and  saloon. 
Bartran  George  K.  physician. 
Boalt  Charles  G,  dock  agent. 
Boath  Charles  G,  gardener. 
Boedecker  Wm,    propr  Wisconsin  House. 
Bosenberg  Fred,  cigar  niufr. 
Bruemmer  Henry,  saw  and  flour  mills. 
Cameron  Ellas  C.  marble  works. 
Capelle  Celeslin,  general  store. 
Cepek  John,  saloon. 
Chapek  Weu7,el.  lish  dealer. 
Charles  Telesphore,  proprietor  St  Charles 

Cipin  Bev  Adelbert  (Catholic',. 
Conway  L  J  &  Son,  grain. 
Damas  Wm,  meats. 
Damas  &  Grassel,  meats. 
Danek  Anton,  general  store. 
Dcljen  II  <fc  Co,  furniture. 
Delloll  Frederick,  confectioner. 
Doyen  ,1  B,  drugs. 
Elliott  ('tenrge  W,  .surveyor. 
Frieman  Theodore,  barber  and  shoemaker. 
Froemming  August,  general  store. 
Gabowlsky  I'.iiil,  cheese  mnfr. 
<jicrit'lte  SHoiiry,  General  Store. 
Guml  F,  meals. 

Hamachek  A  &  Co,  machinists. 
Haney  Bros,  farm  machinery. 
Henry  &  Vose,  vessel  owners. 
Hillberg  .John,   nursery,  IJ  miles  s  w. 
Horesovsky  Jolin,  nuisicai  instruments. 
Hyer  F,  apiarist,  li  miles  w. 
Ihlenfeld  ,John,  liquors. 
Kclsey  M  .\,  tly  net  mnfr. 
Kelley  ^Vnl  U.  barber. 
Ivohlbeck  Frank,  merchant  tailor. 
Ivrueger  Wm.  harness  and  furniture. 
Kuehlman  Well,  painter. 
K'umhalek  .lohn,  furniture. 
Kwapil  Frank,  general  store. 
Leiberg  Anton,  mason. 
Loseucranlz  August,  jeweler. 
Mcl>onald  Frank,  live  stock. 
McDonald  .1  L  &  Co,  fi,h  dealers. 
^IcDonaki  .1  K,  lawyer  and  insurance. 
McDonald  Michael,  lawyer. 
Matiuue  Frederick,  baker. 
Meltliior  ifc  Heinhart,  lioots  and  shoes. 
Meunier  Michael,  general  store. 
Jleverden  &  .Sou,  tanners. 
Meyer  Leopold,  stoves  anil  tinware. 
Newman  Samuel,  horse  dealer. 
Orebeck  O,  telegraph  airent. 

K^icap,  niyiauhe  S  St,  Paul  ^'^::t  M  and  {ioriiesf 

|yj" Gold  Seal"  Huto  Goods 

Of  GOODYEAR  RUBBER  CO.,  Milwankee, 






Palmer  Swartz,  apiurist. 

ParUer  Maynard  T,  mayor. 

Parker  &  Decker,  lawyers. 

Parsons  Levi,  physician. 

Paulicek  Frank,  saloon. 

Perlewilz  H  C  F,  physician. 

Perlewilz  Bros  &  Utnehraer,   ■wagonmkrs. 

Perry  Samuel,  general  slore  and  lumber. 

Pies  Frank,  carpenter. 

Plenke  Frederick,  cheese  mnfr,  3  m  s  w. 

Raaiz  Leopold  J,  farm  impts. 

Record,  D  \V  Sn.bbins,  publr. 

Si  Charles  ilotel.Teksphore  Charles  propr. 

Schubich  Edward  F.  furniture. 

Stcbbiii'i  I>  V4',  Publr  Record. 

Telfs  Charles,  saloon. 

Teweles  Jefferson,  grain 

Thiard  Bros,  general  store. 

Tiilt  &  Hay,  hardware. 

Torge  Wm.  barber. 

Tweedale  Edward,  dairy. 

Urbanek  Wenzel,  saloon 

Vollraer  Wm,  wagonmaker. 

WaBserbarh  George,  shoemaker, 

Welmak  Michael,  blacksmith. 

Wenneger  AVenzel,  saloon. 

White  11  R,  prin  of  school. 

White  AVni,  livery. 

Wilbur  George  R,  photographer, 

Wisconsin  House,  Wm  Boedecker  propr. 

Zander  E  &  Co,  general  store. 

ALABAMA.  A  village  in  Polk 
county,  24  miles  north  of  tisceola  JIllls, 
the  county  seal,  and  131  south  of  Grants- 
burgh,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  St. 
Croi.x  Falls  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  St.  Croix  Falls  and  Grants- 
burgh.  Population,  50.  ilail,  semi- 
weekly.     J.  L.  Murphy  postmaster. 

iTIlirpli}'  Joiili  I^,  General  Store. 
Nelson  August,  general  store. 

ALASKA.  lu  Kewaunee  county  51 
miles  north  of  Kewaunee,  the  county 
seat,  nearest  shipping  and  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  Alinapec  and  Two  PLiver«, 
fares,  ."iO  cents  and  Si. ,01)  respectively. 
Population,  l.jO.  H.  F.  Pohland,  post- 

Bit/an  M  .T.  hotel. 
Borkowitz  .John,  carpenter. 
Buettmer  John,  sawmill. 
Burke  John,  stock  farm. 
Hubbard  lirey,  live  slock. 
L.iuscher  Wm.  carpenter. 
Polilaiitl   II  I",  Justice.  General   Store 

anh  Chtcsf  Manufacturer. 
Ray  Wm  B,  ins  and  ju.stice. 

ALBAN.  In  Portace  county,  20  miles 
northeast  of  Stevens'  Point,  the  county 
seat  and  bank  location,  and  11  north  of 
Amherst  Junction,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Stages  semi-weekly  to  lola:  fare, 
35  cents,  and^lri-weekly  to  Stevens'  Point; 
fare.  50  cents.  Population,  75.  Charles 
C.  Gilbert,  postmaster. 

Bigler  James  H,  saw  mill, 
Fleming  &  Son,  saw  mill. 
Gilbert  Cliarle*  C,  Justice. 
Gilbert  Charles  J.  general  store. 
Hanson  J  P,  justice. 
Rasmuson  .lames,  feed  mill. 
Rosholt  John  G,  saw  mill. 
Steenson  Carl,  grocer. 
Bteenson  Simon,  feed  mill. 
Tiirjieiisoil  \  J,  (ienera!  Store. 
AVrolstad  George  O,  saw  mill. 

ALBANY.  A  prosperous  village  on 
the  C.  1\L  i:  St.  P.  Ky,  iu  Green  county, 
20  miles  northeast  of  Monroe.  Ihe  judicial 
seat,  and  7  northwest  of  Brodhead.  the 
nearest  banking  point,  and  82  from  Mil- 
waukee. A  weekly  newspaper  the  I'indi- 
cator  is  published.  Grain,  llour,  live  ,~tock, 
cheese,  butter,  farm  produce  and  tobacco 
comprise  tlie  .shipments,  and  land  in  the 
vincmity  ranges  in  price  from  ^:  10  to  s75 
per  acre.  Staee  dailv  to  Attica.  E^p. 
Adams.  Tel.."W.  U'.  Population  700. 
James  E.  Litel,  postmaster. 
Albany    Cornet    Band,     Uarry    Atherton 

Albany  Journal,  A  W  Thorpe  propr. 
Albany  Opera  House,    Osborne  &  Howard 

Albany  Vindicator,    E  E  Atherton    pr<'pr. 
Annis  A;  Barton  (John  F  Auuis,  Wm  Bar- 
ton), meat  market. 
Atherton  Elmer  lO,  propr  Vindicator, 
Bartlett  George  W,  druirgist  and  grocer. 
Beeuiis  Heory  T,  insurance. 
Bcnkert   A:   O'Dnnncll     .;Ficderick    Benk- 

ert.  John  OT)onnell).  clolhing. 
I51akeley  George  A,  physician. 
Bongey  Alfred,   propr  Nichols  House. 
Boweu  Edward  W,  farm  impts. 
Brockway  Henry.  R  I'  and  exp  agt. 
Buruham  Horace,  lumber. 
Burns  Charles  W,  justice. 
Central     II«ii!»«'.      Sanford   H   Flint 

Propr.     (Steiulc,  up;:) 
Dodge  John  >L  leaf  tobacco. 
Dorr  Ebcnezer  B,   blacksmith. 
P^dwards  ('harles,  pumps,  windmill^,  etc. 
I'Uiit     *»anl<»r«l      II,    Propr    Central 
House,     (.'■■t't'  ndr.  opp.) 

Chicago  &  Gfand  ]ml  Ey, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


New  York  Life  Insnrancs  Co..  ::::::,tr::'^;X 

St.,  ?iii,\VArKi:i:,  ^ 

000.  I  Nortliwosterii     Braiicli 

liOti.  I  OUUe,   41tJ    liiUvaiik.e 
■(V.  S.  Cl.'diLi;,  stale  AgeDt.     TiALKLIi  llUKNLll,  f^en'l  Manaser. 





Francis  George,  shoemaker. 
Goodrich  Wrn  11.  photographer. 
Gravcnor  Thoniiis,   real  estiUe. 
Gravc'uor  Mrs  Thomas,  milliner. 
Graves  &   Seelj'    (.Frank    Graves,    Elmer 

Seely).  livery. 
Hahn  John,  shoemaker. 
Ilazleton  Uriel,  horsebreeder.  li  miles  n. 
Humes  &  Bliss   (Eugene  T  Humes,  Albert 

W  Bliss).  barces.s. 
Hutson  Wm,  cattle  breeder,  1  mile  w. 
Jackson  Charles  U.  barber. 
Jones  Richard,  blacksmith. 
Keef  John,  livery. 
Knapp  W  11  &  Co  (Dorleska  J  and  Eli  M 

Knapp),  general  store. 
Larkiu  O  E,  physician 
I,ttcl  Jitiiie!<  E,  General  Store. 
JIcAlee  Brady  J,  restaurant. 
Mathams  James,  drayage. 
Math'ims  W  H,  painter. 
Matthews  Char)i;3  C.  vet  surgeon. 
Maynard  John  F,  furniture. 
Minart  Gerhart  G,  carpenter. 
Kewkirk  &  Smith  (James  >'ewkirk,  James 

S  Smith),  blacksmitlis. 
Nichols  House.  Alfred  Bongey  propr. 

Nichols  Lewis  A,  dentist. 

Gates  &  Covell  i  Henry  Gates,  AVm  A 
Covell).  hardware. 

Osborne  ^Irs  Emma  W,  millinery. 

Osborne  &  Howard  i  Don  Osborne,  Warren 
Howard),  hardware. 

Perry  John  B,  liwyer. 

Roberts  George  W,  physician. 

Schurknmp  I)  G,  merchant  tail'T. 

Sherbundy  John,  hog  breeder,  4  miles  w. 

Smiley  "Wm.  stock  breeder. 

Sutherland  GeorL'e,  gardener. 

Thorpe  Ashley  \V.  p.'opr  Albany  Journal. 

Thurman  George  W ,  horse  dealer. 

Tilley  Bros  i,Edward  andSampson), wagon- 

Tilley  Christopher,  cigar  mnfr. 

Vanauken  Bros  (Benjamin  and  Alfred), 
horse  breeders.  2^  miles  w. 

Van  Fatten  it  Turner  (Ever  Van  Patten, 
Giles  Turner),  live  stock. 

Walter  S  Cal,  blacksmith. 

AVarren  ifc  Tomkins  (Eucene  F  Warren, 
Charles  W  Tomkins).  flour  mill. 

Weasell  Andrew  A.  jeweler. 

"Wesscll  O  it  J  (0.scar  and  Jacob),  carp's. 

TVe'-terman  Albert  W,  painter. 

SANFORD   H.   FLINT,   Proprietor. 

This  House  is  located  oa  the  principal  street,  convenient  to 

the  postofflce.    First-CIass  Sample  Rooms  on  the 

ground  floor  and  every  convenience 

for  Commercial  Men. 


Commercial  Travelers  and  others  will  find  this  House 

the  best  appointed  and  most  comfortable  to  stop 

at.     First-Class  Livery  in  Connection. 



llllliOIS  CEIIIRiU  I B, 


to  all  POINTS  in  111 

sTHEeii  io;',i 

^j'SJHams,  Shoulders,  Bacon, 

ITIll.lVAtli.EE,  WISCONSIN,      j  Pork,    Lard,    Beef,   Sausage,    Etc.,  Etc. 



*^  I 

o ! 

1.  o 





Wcbtern  Stage  Co,  E  F,  L  N  .t  F  S  War- 
ren proprs. 
Whitcomb  .1  Martin,  mu=ic  teacher. 
Williams  John,  live  stock. 

ALBION.  In  Dane  county,  25  miles 
southt-nst  of  Mfidison,  the  county  seat,  and 
3  north  of  Ed^erton,  the  nearest  railroad 
station  and  baukinc  point.  Stacres  twice 
dai!}' to  Edgertfin;  fare,  lo  cents.  Popu- 
lation, 200.  "  Mail,  daily.  S.  D.  Hanson, 
Albion  Academy  and  Normal  Institute,  D 

E  Williird,  prin. 
liurdick  A  C,  carpenter. 
Rurdick  Samuel,  carpenter. 
Clark  Suiiiucl.  juslicf. 
C'olliai.s  .11  A,  Drugs. 
Coon  Mrs  A  K,  frrocer. 
Drake  Ferdinand,  blacksmith. 
Earnst  liev  Wm  II  (Baptist). 
Edwards  15,  insurance. 
Green  i)  R,  justice. 
Green  R  Cct  Co,  poultry  breeders. 
Biclly  C  8>,  rhysicinn. 
Tontoa  Lou,  blacksmith. 
Webster  .Jolin  O,  broom  mnfr. 
Whitford  De  Florence,  hotel. 
Whitford  Wm,  photographer. 

ALDEN.     In    Polk    county,  9    miles 
southeast    of    Osceola    stills,    the    county 
seat,  11  northwest  of  New  Richmond,  the 
nearest   hankini;  jioint.  and  4   from  Nye, 
the  nearest  railroad  point.     Slajres  weekly 
lo   Star  l'rairi(\     Population,    130.     Mail, 
weekly.     A.  il.  Knudsen,  postmaster. 
-Hang  L  A,  blacksmith. 
liiiiKltcii  A  i»I,  General  Store. 
Knudsen  Geortre.  carpenter. 
Pederson  (George,  carpenter. 
Tcrrill  M,  flour  mill. 

ALDERLEY.     In   Dodge  county,  22 
miles  southeast  of  .Tumau.tlie  county  si  at, 
and  10  noithcnst  of  Oconomowoc,  its  ship- 
ping and  banking  point.     Population  lOd. 
Mail,  daily.     John  D.  Reid,  postmaster. 
Bach  ITenrv,  shoemaker. 
Derse  N  J.'hotel. 
Douglas  Andrew,  general  store. 
Gourlie  J  &  J,  floor  mill. 
Gourlie  Walter,  general  store. 
Gunderson  &,  Ilan-ion,  agricultural  impts. 
Hanson  Amon,  painter. 

ALLEN'S  GROVE.  On  the  C,  M. 
A  Si.  P.  Ry.,  in  Wahvorlh  county,  l:i 
miles  southwest   of  Elkhorn.  the   judicial 

seat  and  6  from  Clinton,  the  neare-^t  bank- 
ing point.  E.\p.,  Am.  Population,  2W. 
Mrs.  H.  A.  Hall,  postmaster. 

BeaIsC  II,  blacksmith. 
Budlong  C  M.  painter. 
Campbell  Dr  J  H,  druggist. 
Carv  E  M,  carpenter. 
iljill  "Mrs  II  A,  Grocer. 
^McAfee  C  F,  general  store. 
McKinnev  A  E.  builder. 
Olmstead'liev  (Methoilist). 
Osgood  S  S.  shoemaker. 
Pendletiin  H  C,  railroad  and  exp  agt. 
Rood  C  D,  crain  and  live  stock. 
Saelielt  «.V  Biaitcock,  Meats. 
Smith  E  H.  justice. 
Stockwell  S  J,  wflgoumaker. 
Wllkins  A,  grocer. 

ALLENTON.  On  the  Wisconsin 
Central  Line,  and  on  Roclc  river,  in 
Washington  countj',  8  miles  west  of  West 
Bend,  the  county  seat  and  hank  location. 
Population,  75.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  N.  P. 
J.  A.  Christnacht,  postmaster. 

Bceber  Adam,  liarness. 

ClBristiiat'lit  J  A,  Hotel,  Lumber  and 

Town  Clerk. 
Dufferin  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Endick  it  Clirislnicht,  general  store. 
Glotsch  Wm.  wagonmaker. 
Kern  J  B  A  &,  Son,  general  store. 
Krehn  Frank,  meat  market. 
Meister  Wra,  saloon, 
^loll  .lohn.  furniture. 
Reylinircr  Bros,  stave  mnfrs. 
Riger  Peter,  live  stock. 
Schen    Miss  Mary,  milliner  ami  dressmkr. 
Schmidt  Michael,  shoemakiT. 
Weber  John,  railroad,  e.\p  and    tel   agent. 

ALLEN VILLE.  On  the  M.,  L.  S.  & 
W.  Ry.,  in  Winnebago  county,  S  miles 
north  of  Osldcobli,  the  county  seat  and 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  50. 
Exp.,  U.  S.     B.  Strong,  postmaster. 

Hopkins  G  S.  cheese  irinfr, 
«tiilyl<.'}'   .faiiK-'i,  Gem 

and  lOxp  agent. 
Zwingley  Emil,  b!acksmith. 

ALLOA.  On  Sprinu'  creek,  in  Colum- 
bia county,  7i  miles  southwest  of  Portage, 
the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  point.  Population,  30.  Mail, 
tri  weekly.     Wm.  M.  Shanks,  postmaster. 

niacklock  .Tohn,  wasionmaker. 
Douglas  John,  blacksmith. 

ral    Store.  R   R 

Chicago  £  Grand  ]\ml  Rj, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Tli8  Brodesser  L'nfg Co.,  '^":::„:L^:a':^;."^fl^^^^::^" 


Bud  More  Tri 

cks  or  all 

illlil-,  I'uilip-i,  l;tc.     ;li-.)U  Com 

raerce  Stree 

,  JliliraukOf 

,  Wis. 





Marshall  R  S,  carpenter. 
Shanks  Archibald,  carpenter. 
Shanks  Wm  JI,  farmer. 
Standenmayer  Wm,  feed  mill 

ALMA.  Dating  it3  settlement  from 
18.52,  incorporated  as  a  village  in  1SG8.  and 
as  a  city  in  ISSo.  is  situated  on  the  east 
bank  of  the  Mis^i.'sippi  river,  near  the 
mouth  of  tlie  Buffalo  river  in  iiullalo 
countv,  of  which  it  is  the  judicial  seat,  and 
on  the  C.  B.  &  N.  R.  R..  30  miles  north- 
west of  AVinona.  Minn.,  300  northwest  of 
Chicago,  221  northwest  of  Milwaukee,  80 
southeast  of  St.  Paul.  In  addition  to  the 
usual  number  of  special  and  general  stores, 
blacksmith  shops,  etc.,  the  citv  now  con- 
tains 4  churches,  representing  the  German, 
Methodist,  Lutheran,  Reform  and  Catholic 
donominatioDs,  a  high  school  empioyiug  7 
teachers  and  baviug  a  total  enroliment  of 
over  500  scholars,  a  public  bail  for  enter- 
tainments and  meetings  cupalile  of  seating 
700,  a  bank,  a  steum  saw  mill,  a  brewery, 
a  large  flouring  mill  and  a  number  (i 
secret  societies.  A  well  equipped  and  elli- 
cient  fire  depaTtnienl  protects  llie  city,  and 
a  weekly  newspaper,  the  JJiifnto  Vutuitt/ 
Jouriuil  (Rep.),  an  ably  edited  aud  populaV 
sheet,  supplies  the  news  to  the  people  of 
Alma.  Steamers  run  to  St.  Paul,  St.  Louis, 
La  Crosse  and  all  iutermediate  points. 
Alma  is  a  prosperous  place  and  improv- 
ing steadily.  The  new  court  house,  a  tine 
and  substantial  building,  gives  evidence  of 
n,^  rrogrL-Mve  spirit"  of  the  citizens. 
Wheat,  lumber,  live  stock  and  dairy  sup 
plies  are  the  principal  shipments.  No  bond- 
ed debt.  Assessed  valuafiou  of  real  and 
personal  properly,  :f081,<;49.  Population, 
M2.5.  Mail,  daily.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  C. 
H.  &  N.     J.   W.  De  Graff,  postmaster. 

-\linii  liliu'Ilor,  John  Scbmitz  Pronr. 

Alma  Brewing  Co,  Hemrich  &,  Iluber 

Alma  Cornet  Band.  Jacob  Weinanly  lender. 

Alma  iflilliii;;  fo,  Wm  Breuggeh.ios 
Pres,  L  P  Uunuer  Vice  Pres,  Fred  Lane 
Sec,  Henry  Ginzkey  Treas,  Flour  Mill. 
{Sec  adc.  p  $7.) 

Auer  John  G,  furniture  and  undertaker. 

Avery  AValter  C,  blacksmith. 

Bataglia  Jacob,  harnes.^maker. 

Bearanek  Joseph,  saloon. 

Bernet  John,  general  store. 

Boebme  Charles  .V,  L'eiural  store. 

Brc'ii-Kcboo-*  Will,  Pres  Alma  Mill- 
lug  Co. 

"Uehler  Theodore,  lawyer. 


Buffalo  County  Journal,  Edwin    F   Ganz 

editor  and  propr. 
Biifliilo    County  I£epiii>likaiior, 

John  Scbmitz  Propr. 
Burg  John  jr,  street  comnr. 
Burgess  John,  lumber  insp. 
Burkart  Jacob,  boaiding  bouse. 
Busch  John,  real  estate  and  ins. 
Butler  Michael  T,  saloon. 
Carisch  Jliss  Anna,  dressmaker. 
Commercial     Hotel,    Charles    ><'eumeister 

Concordia  Hall,  Richard  Kempter  propr. 
Creti'y;or  CiiarScs  F,  Livery  and   Sale 

Stable.     (See  aciv,  p  -jo.) 
De  Gruff  John  W,  postmaster. 
Kljoric  Joliii,   Cheese    Factory.     [See 

adv.  p  0>;  ) 
Ekcrn  Andrew,  physician. 
EUcr  John  C,  tinsmith. 
Kvnus  KdwHrd  W,  Mngr  Alma  Mill- 
ing Co.     (See  ndv,  p  97.) 
E.xciiange   Bank,  capital   s20,000,  Hunner 

it  Ginzkey  proprs. 
Fuhrer  Charles  B,  lime  kiln.     » 
Fuoter  Christian,  drayage. 
Gantenbein  John,  city  marshal. 
Ganz  Edwin  F,  editor  and   propr   Buffalo 

County  Journal. 
Ge.'ell  Gerhard,  photographer, 
Gibson  John,  livery. 
Granrud  Ole,  druggist. 
Ilallock  James  L,  coroner. 
Hammer  John,  jeweler. 
H.arry  Frederick,  chief  tire  dept. 
Harry  John,  grocer. 
Harry    it    Schuldt,   (John    Harry,     >[ax 

Schuldt),  saloon. 
Helse  Wm,  grain  and  farm  impts. 
Hemrich  Alviu,  insurance. 
Hemrich  John  M.  saloon. 
Hemrich   &   Hiiber  (Frederick     Hemrich 

Henry  Uuber),  live  stock. 
Herrmann  Charles,  shoemaker. 
Heyser  Wm,  boots  and  shoes. 
Hciolimd  Nels,  saloon. 
giiiUcr  Stros  (Gottfried  and  Gottlieb), 

WlK'U'sale  Li<iuors.     (See  adr,  p  9'i.) 
Ilu«'!tsrli    ICro>i,    (John    and   Joseph), 

.Mnfis  Soda    Water.  Ginger    .\le,   Birch 

Beer,    Egg   Soda.    Orange    Cider,    Pear 

Cider,  Cream  and  Lemon    Soda,  Seltzer 

Hunner  &  Ginzkey  (L   P    Hunner   Henry 

Ginzkey),  proprs  Exchange  Bank. 
Ibach  I'eler  E.  general  store. 
Johnsi.n  Count  B.  bl.icksmith. 
ICcinpter  Ricliard  R.  farm  impts. 
Kipp  Charles  I>.  prin  higli  scnool. 
Kleiner  Peter,  Hour  mill,  4  miles  e. 

W  r%ttM       '"'   '■    "'"'    '  *     Foui-lli  St.,  Fond  du   I.n'-,  Wis. 

m""  ci  1 1  5  Carriages,  Hacks,  'Busses  and  Sleighs  for  Sale  Cheap 

Sif^^^-Q     ^fl    •'\rnh^j-m'^r^^  Pi  Pn     Manufacturers,      I 




Knudson  Sever  N.  register  of  deeds. 

Krueger  August  F,  tailor. 

Kurtz  John,  farm  impts. 

Laue  Frederick,  saw  mill. 

Lawson  W  11,  railroad  and  exp  ast. 

Lees  Miss  -May.asst  prin  high  school. 

Lees  Robert,  county  judge  aud  lawyer. 

Lehmann  Cliristian.  gunsmith. 

Loos  Rev  George  (German  Reformed) 

Luetscher  George  \V,  slieriff. 

McXult}'   Ov:    Foster    (Thomas    Jlc^S'ully, 
Andrew  Foster;,  saloon. 

Mann  Anton,  shoemaker. 

Mash  Benjamin,  saloon. 

ItIa$>>a§oit  K3on*e  Tlic,A  F  Williatas 
Propr.     (!See  adc,  opp  ) 

!^Ieckienbura  John,  mason. 
j   Meiser  Michael,  live  stock,  9  m  n  e. 
I    Meissner  Wm,  tailor. 
i    Mueli  Christian,  duntv  treasurer. 


eese  Factory 


Fi!LL  CuEAM,  SlViSS 







I  am  rspeciullv  pif 
pareil  to  take  tli"  iraii"!- 
Ing  I'uhlic  uoro^s  th' 
coiintiT.  Call  lipnn  mi- 
wh'Mi  in  Almn.  it"  von 
want  first-class  turnouts 
at  leasonalile  prict::. 



California  Wines 



ALMA,        -        WISCOU'SIN. 

rth  star  Iron  Works.  }  fnp3city,.-.001nindi^rncln"(.r?.  !I.rhini^ts,  Founders.  rvllfrnKikpr-. 

IISII  JI.I.MFACTIHINC  l«).  (- aillrrriKht,,  ^:l"  Jlill  Machinery,  JliniiiB  JIailiinerj,  torll^s  and  llii:li 

Isconsln.  i  Speed  KngiofS,  Boilers,  I'oiierTransDilttlug  Macliinery, etc.   Seep.  0 


Ashland,    - 



-';7;;^is  o  oisrsiisr. 

Manufacturers  of  the  Celebrated 
Brands  of  Flour: 

"LBTTLE   HATG^^ST"  (Patent'; 
"TOBOCGAn  "  (Winter  Patent); 


"OHOIC2   FAr.liLY"  (C.B.&N.) 


Graham,  Rye,  Buckwheat  and  Cornmeal. 



Capacity   of   Mill,    150   Bbls  per   Day. 

Branch  Offices  at  Eaii  Claire,  Wis.  and  Winona,  Minn. 


A.  F.  WILLIAMS,  Proprietor. 

I     ._-»,^.q^=  Refitted,  Refurniskd  f  Large 

^*^^*i--,v^?f  ''—-'-'  New  Sample  Rooms  Added. 

rf"    Y-y"    ■w    -vr    r"^'   ■^■'-   :r>r 
U     N      -i      \4     V-:     ^'.    'U- 

^B  E    a   il:  .  E  l:-i  H 







Located  in  the  Business 

Center  of  Town. 

•|  i:;:  a!.  :\i 


-m&  FREE  'BUS  TO  AND 


WISCONSlfl  VEHETlAn  DLinO  CO..  .  ,   ;Y""'7r";-  "  d,-  , 

Office  A  Factor,,  2S1  Lake  St.,  MIUVAVKEE,  WIS.     LalBSt    ImprOVcU    VSriStlSIl    IjlindS. 









Mueller  Mrs  Elizabeth,  propr  Union 

Mueller  Mrs  John,  laundry. 

^lueller  Valentine,  cigar  mnfr. 

Neumeister  Charles,  propr  Commercial 

Orlh  Martin,  harbor. 

Palechek  llev  E  H  (Lutheran). 

Pelunek  Cliarles,  saloon. 

Polin  Martin,  general  store. 

Probst  Ollimar,  boat  builder. 

Protz  Rudciliih,  furniture. 

Kabb.HS  Henry,  agt  Diamond  Joe  Steam- 
boat Line. 

I'einhardt  Gustav  JI,  farm  impts. 

Kitck  .Mrs  H  J,  saloon. 

Ruben  Mathias,  confectioner. 

Schaettle  Charles  &  Son  (Charles  and 
Erackl,  general  store. 

Schaettle  Frank,  mayor. 

Schamaun  Malhias,  shingle  mnfr. 

Scheitz  John,  general  store. 

Schlosstein  John  F,  county  surveyor. 

Schlumpf  Jo.seph,  .'^aloon. 

Schlunipf  .Miss  Louise,  niiUiner. 

Schmidt  J(jhn,  county  superintendent. 

I^icliiiiit^  .Soliii,  Propr  Alma  Rlaetter 
and  BuIIhIo  County  Itepublikaner. 

Schneiiler  Frederick,  meal  market. 

Sclndtz  Carl,  mason. 

Schiiltz  Charles,  agt  C  &  J  ^Michael  Brew- 
ing Co. 

Soliwy  C'liarlos  ?I,  Propr  Sherman 

Seller  George,   physician. 

Sciwert  Kev  \,  M  (Methodist). 

Seuflert  Henry  C,   tinsmith. 

^Iieriiiiiii  Sloii^c,  Charles  M  Schwy 

Smith  Moses,  livery. 

Steinbaur  Peter,  shoemaker. 

Stohn  John  L,  caioenli-r. 

Strelow  John,   blacksmith. 

Stroebel  Leonard  J,  boots  and  shoes. 

Sutheiby  John  T,  dentist. 

Syverson  Gudnian,   druL'gitt. 

Tester  John  \V,  city  In-a^. 

Tester  &  Schilling  (John  W  Tester,  Sam- 
uel SchilliiiL'),  hardware. 

Thompson  Ole,  saloon. 

Thorp  Herman,  saloon 

Tritsch  John  .V  jr.  hardware. 

Tritfch  .[  A  &  Son  (John  A  and  Frank), 
general  store. 

Tscharner  Lul/.e,  general  store. 

Union  Hnuse,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Mueller 

Vernier  Mrs  Anna,  carpet  weaver. 

Waelty  Edward  \[,  county  clerk. 

Wald  Jac<J),  apiarist.  4  nii'es  n  e. 

■Waller  Fcr<Iiiiiiii<I,    Stock  Breeder, 

li  miles  n. 
Waller  F&  Son  (Ferdinand  and  John), 

meat  market. 
Weber  John,  shoemaker. 
White  John  H,  state  game  warden. 
AVilke  Julius,  brick  mnfr. 
Williniiint  .4ll>ert   F,  Prnpr  The  Mas- 

sasoit  House,     [See  adc.  p  97.) 
Wirth  Mrs  Albertiua,  milliner. 
Zeller  Philip,   harness  and  sewing  mach's. 

ALMA  CENTRE.  On  the  G.  B  , 
yV.  &  St.  p.  11.  U.,  in  Jackson  county,  V2 
miles  northwest  of  Black  Kiver  Falls,  the 
county  seat  and  nearest  banking  point. 
Dating  its  settlement  from  JsilO,  it  now 
contains  Catholic  and  .Methodist  churches, 
a  graded  public  school,  2  feed  mills  and  a 
creamery.  Stages  to  York  and  North 
Branch.  It  is  in  the  midst  of  a  good  farm- 
ing section,  land  ranging  in  price  from  ■■<3 
to  S.50  per  acre.  Population.  400.  Tel.. 
W.  U.  Express,  U.  S.  R.  J.  Bates,  post- 

Alma  Centre  Creamerv  Ass'n. 

Alma  Centre  House,  !M  J  Miller  propr. 

Andrews  &  Seifert,  agr'l  implement". 

Avery  Levi  S.  eeneral  store. 

Ilabinski  Rev  J  (Catholic). 

Bales  iCoiiert  J,  Drugs,  Shoes  and 

Benedict  C  W,  conveyancer. 

Blenco  Jesse,  brickyard. 

Blenco  Wm,  mason. 

I!reakey  George  M.   eeneral  store. 

Brehkey  J  B,  physician. 

Briuknian  J  J,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  acent. 

Cargill  W  W  .t  Bro,  irrain. 

Clia|>iiian  ^Jar^lial  ,1,  Gen'l  Store. 

Clark  Charles,  carpi.uter. 

Dunn  A  A,  iipiarist. 

I'.aston  .1,  mcsfs. 

Foster  Rev  G  M.  (MethodisM. 

Godfrey  Elisha,  sorghum  mnfr 

Gregnr  W  E.  feed  mill. 

Hille  Cliarlei,  boots  and  shoes. 

Kenson  C  W,  undertaker. 

McSwane  Henry,  sahjon. 

Miller  Hardware  .V  Lumber  Co,  J  B  Mil- 
ler pres,  Vj  a  Miller  sec. 

Miller  Miron  J,   prop  .Vlnia  Cintre  House. 

^liller'x    i:\eliaiise  LCaiik. 

M<>st  Ji  hii  F,  p'iini>-r. 

Peabody  H  A.  drayman. 

Handle  George,  mason. 

liundle  Iia.  mason. 

Rcesmaii  Philip,  carjirnter. 

lliiiSro>c  J  T,   llnrdware. 

Chicago  &  Grand  Trunk  % 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


A  Full  Course  of   Lessons    In    PLAIN    VlvNUI A>SIIIP  given  by  Mall  for  ?10. 

ibers'  Course 

Z  O'Sullivan's  Commercial  Academy, 






Si(fcrt  August,  blacksmith. 

^^efert  &  Andrews,  agr'l  implemcuts. 

ALMENA.  On  the  'SI.,  St.  P.  &  S, 
Ste.  M.  Barron  county,  10  miles  west 
of  Barron,  the  judicial  seat  and  banking 
point.  Population,  2.5.  Exp,,  American. 
A.  n.  Koebler,  postma.ster. 

Koeblcr  A  II,  Saw  Mill. 
Sparliu  S  ^^',  general  blore. 

ALMOND.  lu  Portage  county,  23 
miles  southeast  of  t^teveos'  Point,  the 
county  seat,  and  GJ  northeast  of  Plainfield, 
the  nearest  railroad  station  and  bankiuo; 
point.  Stages  daily  to  Plaintleld:  f.ire,  25 
cents.  Population,  13.).  Mail,  daily.  John 
M.  Smart,  postmaster. 

Bowden  J  A,  carringemaker. 
(Youcll  irJt'Oiijc  <■;,  General  Store. 
Felling  A  L,  harness. 
Fisher  P,  hotel. 
Frost  C  II,  physician. 
Frost  F  J,  insurance  agt. 
Guernsey  A  W,  physician. 
liUI  S  J.  Milliner. 

ALSTAD,  Burnett  county,  10  miles 
south  of  Grautsljurgh,  the  siMt  of  justice 
and  nearest  ship[)ing  point.  Banking 
facilities  at  Hush  City,  Minn.  Mail,  semi- 
weekly.  J.  J.  Alslad,  postmaster. 
Viirveseii  «.V  AUIatl,  General  Store. 
\Vjllittins  J  II,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

ALTDORF.  In  ^Vood  county,  :!  miles 
north  of  Elm  Lake,  Its  nearest  shippini,' 
point,  and  11  northwest  of  Grand  Kapid.^. 
the  County  seat  and  nearest  banking  poijit. 
Population.  2.5.  Mail,  semi  weekly.  II. 
Sclilig,  postmaster  and  general  store. 

ALTO.  In  Fond  du  Lac  count 
miles  southwest  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the 
'y  seat,  and  G  fnim  "W'aupun,  its  !.,_ 
Iwnking  and  shipping  point.  Popula 
"^4.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  lleury  Oe  G 

v,  21 


lioon.Tohn,  blacksmith. 
|>o  Groiii  lli'iii'}'.  General  Store, 
{juitman  ,lohn  L,  wii^onmaker. 
Hagens  .John  II,  general  store, 
'iolene  George,  flour  mill. 


-V'ic   I  hist,  in. 

Calumet     county. 

ALTOONA.  An  incorporated  city,  in 
Eau  Claire  county,  located  on  the  C.  bt.  P. 
M.  &  O.  Ry,  the  Eau  Claire  river  and  Otter 
creek,  3  miles  east  of  Eau  Claire,  the  seat 
of  justice  and  nearest  banking  point.  It 
was  first  settled  in  1&S'3,  and  now  contains 
good  schools,  a  Union  church,  the  railroad- 
machine  shops  and  round  houses,  giving 
employment  to  a  large  number  of  men. 
grist  and  woolen  mills,  and  a  number  of 
special  and  general  stores.  Telephone  con- 
nection. Exp.,  Am.  Tel  ,  W.  U.  Pop- 
ulation, 1,000.  David  B.  Travis,  post- 

Altoona  House,  A  C  Iveniston  propr. 

B:iin  Andrew,  dairy. 

Bain  David,  dair}-. 

Bain  David  E,  dairy. 

Bannister  D  E,  carpenter. 

Boale  Wm  E,  supt  C,  St  P  M  &  O  Ry. 

Bjornstad  Ole  E,  tailor. 

Botsford  Bros  (.James  M  and  Wm  L),  genl 

Bojle  Edward,  saloon. 
Brassill  James  K,  master  mechanic  C  St  P 

M  it  O  Hy. 
Campbell  \Vm  G,  blacksmith. 
Craig  Mrs  JIarj',  restaurant. 
Cross  Isaac,  druggist. 
Doyle  House,   Peter  Doyle  propr. 
nunphy  .Jolin,  saloon. 
Elliott  .John  B.  tel  agt. 
Enockson  Bros  (Sigword  M  and  Charles  C), 

Ericson  Charles,  carpenter. 
Freeman  £  A  &  Co  (Edward  A  Freeman, 

Peter  T  Lee),  general  store. 
Green  .John  S.  livery. 
Keating  Stephen,   mayor. 
iCeDi..5ton  Albert  C,    propr  Altoona  House. 
Liirsoii  Martin,  carpenter. 
Ix'C  Hans  N,  slioemnker. 
I.cnz,  Michael,  saloon. 
McGrourey  Charles,  street  comur. 
Millar  K.'uben,   boardinij. 
Mitchell  Kev  Lewis  A,  (BaptistV 
.Morgan  Mrs  Mary,  dressmaker. 
Price    Pickling   Co    (Peter  S   and   Wm  T 

I'ricr),   I  mile  s  w. 
Balm  August,  saloon. 
Roush  Isaac,  woolen  mills,  IX  miles  s  w. 
Scherer  Fred,  harness. 
Smith  Oustav  A,   marshal. 
Snyder  iV  Theirer  i Conrad  Snyder,  Christ- 
ian Theirer),  confectioners. 
Spencer  S  .1,  restaurant. 
Steen  .t  Woller  (Wm  Stccn,  Utto  Woller), 

Thompson  Charles  B,  barber. 

iiLifiois  mui  1 1 

to  all  POINTS 

"  liflRTy[!!!i  miL 

iLLiiiois  mm  B,  e 

I  to  all  POINTS  in 







Travis  Onvul  !J.   Po=tmuster,  Justice 

and  Notary. 
Wescott  Hv'jiaer  ¥..  railroad  and  exp  agt. 
Wilkins  Edward  C,  boarding  liouse. 

ALVERNO.  A  postofflce  in  Jlanito- 
woe  county,  9  railse  sontliwest  of  llauito- 
woc,  the  county  seit.  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion and  lianking  point.  Stages  tri-xveekly 
to  Manitowoc  and  Kiel.  Populalion,  25. 
Mail  tri-weeUly. 

AMBEEG.  On  the  M.  &  N.  R. 
Marinette  county,  40  miles  by  rail  from 
Marinette,  the  judicial  seat.  Has  granite 
polishing  mills  an('.  stone  cutting  -works, 
and  4  granite  (juarries.  Population.  700. 
Exp,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  A.  H.  Buckman 

Aberdeen  House,  I  Trask  propr. 

Ambcrg  Cornel  Kami,  .1  Phillips  leader. 

Amberg  Granile  Co,  ijuarries. 

Brown  August,  hotel. 

BiiektEiitn  A  £3,  Notary. 

Commercial  Hotel,  J  Underwood  propr. 

Da  Kelver  Frank,  hotel. 

Feister  C,  saloon. 

Hale  L  F.  hotel. 

Hansou  F  A,  physician. 

Harvc}'  1  W,  grain. 

Ilowarth  Bro.s,  nmsous. 

Johnson  E.  railroad,  express  and  lei  agt, 

Ludington  Nicholas,  grain. 

9IiUU<<oii  53,  Hotel 

Menominee  &  Marinette  Co,  drugs. 

Phillips  Miss  Bella,  music  teacher. 

Poraeroy  T  V,  artist. 

Pomeroy  it  Scoville,  restaurant. 

Quiolin,  Corn  &  Co,  dry  goods. 

Quinlin  Thomas,  saloon. 

Boss  Finley.  lilacksmilh. 

Sweeny  J,  builder. 

Trask  Isaac,  propr  Aberdeen  House. 

Xrl|i|>  &.  Trask,  General  Store. 

Underwood  John,  propr  Commercial  Hotel. 

Welch  A.  barber. 

Wright  Bros,  geni;ral  store. 

AMERY.  On  the  M..  St.  P.  &  S.  Sle. 
31.  Ky,  and  on  Ihe  Apple  river  in  Polk 
county,  IC  miles  southwest  of  (.).sceola 
Mills,  the  seal  of  juslice.  A  weekly  new.s- 
paper,  Ihe  AV/ci.  is  published.  I'.aiikatSt. 
Croix  Falls.  Tel,  W.  U.  Exp.  Am. 
Population,  500.  G.  F.  Griftin,  postmas- 

Amery  Shingle  Mnfij  Co,  taw  mill. 
Aii(lci>4>!i  J.iirs,  Livery. 
Anderson  it  li^'iison.  grocers. 

Briggs  John,  saw  mill 

Brown  John,  shremaker. 

Burman  John,  furniture. 

Dodce  C  B,  editor  Echo. 

DorolJiy  F  IS,  Saw  Mill. 

Echo.  C  B  Dodi;e  editor. 
I    Fox  D  T,  hotef. 

]    Gagneiius  &,  Gabriel,  general  store. 
i   Harriman  Samuel,  lumber. 
1    Hawlev  Bros,  restauiant. 
I   Hollid'ay  A  II.  physician. 

Holliday  W  H,  hardware. 
I    Horsefi'rd  Albert,  saloon. 
;    Pronx  Thomas,  blacksmith. 
1   Bobbins  W  H,  hotel. 
!    Robinson  Robert,  baker. 

Schneider  J  IC.  general  store  and  saw  mill. 

SccUiiis  iSros,  .Meats. 

Shaft oer  J  R,  hotel, 

Shern  Christ,  saloon. 

Smith  M.  railroad  and  express  agent. 

Smith  i.\:  De  Gollier,  blacksmiths. 

Swesey  ifc  Co.  saloon. 

Thompson  Wm  D,  livery. 

Walsworth  Mrs  .M,  milliner. 

Webb  &  <;rilUii,  general  store. 

AMES.  An  Indian  villaje  in  Wash- 
burn countv  on  the  Namukaeon  river 
aud  on  the  N.  div.  of  the  C.  St  '  P.  M  A: 
O.  By,  12  miles  southeast  of  Hayward. 
Send  mail  to  Veazie. 

AMHERST.     First  settled  in  l«.jO,  is 
now  a  llourishing  city  in  Portnire  county. 
on  the  Wis.  Central  Line,  and  on  Ihe  Wau- 
paca river.  14;)  miles  northwest  of  Milwau- 
kee and   15   southeast   of   Stevens'  Pnint, 
the  seat  of  justice  and   the  locatinn  of   Ihe 
nearest  bank.     It  contains  a  planing   mill. 
3  tlourins  mills,  3  clunches,  German    Lu- 
theran, Norwegian  Luiheraii,  and  .Mtthod- 
ist,  and  a  school    with  o  teachers   and    150 
scholars.      Wheat    and    potatoes   are   the 
principal  shipments.     Exp.,  Norlhern  Pa- 
cific.     Tel,"  W.     U.       Population,     COO, 
Eugene  Adams  postmaster. 
Amherst  Cornet   Band,    Marion    V    Flem- 
ing directcr. 
Anderson  Andrew  P.  shoemaker. 
B  d^ke  3I1SS  .Minnie,  dressmaker. 
Bakke  Ole  II.  tailor. 
Berto  &  \V'ellg,  restaurant. 
Bigler  John  H,  lumber. 
l>oss  Mrs  Dora,  photographer. 
Hrandum  Christian,  boots  and  shoes.- 
Calkins  Jackson,  justice. 
Central  House,  J  W  Shaw  propr. 
Couch  Charles,  live  stock. 
C-/.cskleba  Theodore  W,  hardware. 

s/r-'-'l'^  «-,«r3  Qc5f--??'*P   Catalogues  JULIUS  A 

^^^iJd  dliU  ddlUiJSbi      Free.       " 


W.  \Tater  Street,'KKr. 

T  ™iS'rf  ?hf  h^'-sn  Bay  Business  Gcilege,  ??r,Je 

Typewriting   at   the  y    oou.m.     'j.  x. :)iccc>>,  PresidentP   'e.  f.  oris 

eadln?  Comnierciai 

School  of  Wis- 

JfTAL,  Secretary, 





Pusenbury  George  E,  physician. 

Erwiu  Mrs  Ann,  milliner. 

Fenton  Charles  N,  grocer. 

Ferde  Uev  N,  (Lutheran I 

Ferde  Mrs  Is,  music  teacher. 

Fleming  Benjamin,  farm  impts. 

Fleming  George  W,  lumber. 

Fowler  Louia  11,  barber. 

Foxen   .&  Murut  {.J  0  Foxen,  M  S  Murat), 

general  store. 
Fryar  F  Hicliard,  grocer. 
Gothrup  Mrs  Floyd,  hotel. 
Grover  Peter,  cattle  breeder. 
Grover  &  lialdwin.  produce. 
Guernsey  Dr  Augustus  H,  drugs. 
Guyant  Albert  H,  saloon. 
Hawley  Wm,  justice  of  peace. 
Hein  Guslav,  gencrnl  store. 
Holly  Wm  C,  furniture. 
•  Iverson  Ole,  pinning  mill. 
Jackson  Milling  Co,  F  E  Timian  mngr. 
Johnson  Ivfr,  mason. 
Lysne  iV,  linn,  general  store. 
Madison  ^Vm  C,  blacksmith. 
Mallison  A;  Harms  (John  Mallison,  Charles 

Harms),  livery. 
Moberg  Andrew,  harnessmaker. 
Xclsoii  Jaiiiox  J,  General  Store. 
Xehon  Jerome,  llour  mill,  l^  milts  e. 
Nelson  I^ouis.  carpenter. 
Nelson  Nels  .J,  mason. 
Olsen  Isaac,  farm  implements. 
Peterson  Peter  N,  farm  nuxcliinery. 
Price  Gustav,  blacksmith. 
Hoe  &  Lessner,  general  store, 
^alscheider  Michael,  talosu. 
."^ands  Mrs  II,  milliner. 
Sliaw  J  ^\^,  propr  Ceutral  House. 
i^imcock3  Isaac,  tinsmith. 
Sivertson  Joseph,  black.smlth. 
^mith  Andrew  J,  lawyer, 
^niith  George,  meat  market, 
^tnith  Peter  E,  blacksmith. 
Sommera  Cliristian  P,  general  store. 
!>laik8  Edgar,  drugs. 
Strong  Seymour  \V,  hotel. 
Jj^iimmers  P,  general  store. 
Taylor  John  A,  railroad,  eip  and  tel  act. 
Thompson  Reuben,  sorghum  mufr. 
liirkelson  Gumltr,  carjienter. 
Vance  Wm,  pro.lure. 
Van  Cott  C  II.  painter. 
*Vebster  Enoch,  justice  of  peace. 
^>_erachowski  Jacob,  grocer. 
^>e.stley  Charles  W,  furniture. 

^'llage  at  the  junction  of  the  O.  B.  W.  & 
■ '•  i'-,  H.  H.  and  the  Wif-consia  Central,  in  Portage  county,   14  miles  south- 

east of  Stevens'  Point,  the  county  seat  and 
nearest  banking  point.  E.xp  .  Am.  and  U. 
S.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Population,  7.5.  11.  John- 
son, postmaster. 

Buswell  C  L,  railroad  and  express  agent. 

Calkins  Jackson,  justice  of  peace. 

Cargill  ^\'  W  it  Bro.  grain. 

P^abert  Bros,  carpenter. 

Een  Charles  A,  Hour  and  feed. 

Een  Mrs  C  A,  propr  Summit  House. 

Hein  Gustav,  general  store. 

Joliiisoii  H  A;  Soil,  General  Store. 

Larson  L,  express  and  telegraph  agent. 

Smith  Peter, 'blacksmith. 

Strong  Seymour  W,  propr  Union  House. 

Summit  House,  Mrs  C  A  Een  propr. 

Union  House,  S  W  Strong  propr. 

WerachowskI  Jacob,  saloon. 

AMY.  On  Elk  Creek,  in  Dunn  coun- 
ty, 1.5  miles  southeast  of  iMenomonee,  the 
judicial  seat,  9  from  Eau  Claire,  theneir- 
cst  banking  jmint,  and  1^  from  Elk  Mound, 
its  nearest  shipping  point.  Tri-weekly 
mail  stage  to  Elk  ilound.  Population, 
150.     M.  H.  Knott,  postmaster. 

Brackett  Abram,  blacksmith. 
Brown  Heury.  dairy. 
Knott  3S  "H,  General  Store. 
Langdell  Horace,  justice  of  peace. 
Lee  R  R,  budder. 
Wilson  Wm,  tlour  mill. 

ANCHORAGE.  A  po.stofflce  on 
Waumandee  river,  a  water  power  stream 
in  Buffalo  county,  12  miles  southeast  of 
Alma,  the  county  seat  and  bank  location. 
and  t)  from  Cochrane,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Population,  .50.  .'^lail,  tri-week- 
\y.     Thomas  Heury,  postmaster. 

Von  AVald  Christoiiher,  blacksmith. 

ANDERSON.  A  postoffice  in  Grant 
county,  on  tlie  C.  &  N.  W.  Ky,  21  miles 
by  rail  norttiwrst  of  Lancaster,  the  judicial 
seat,  and  7  from  Fennimdre,  the  nearest 
bank  location.     JIail,  daily. 

ANGELICA.  A  post  village  in  Sha- 
wano county,  l'^  miles  of  Sha- 
wano, the  county  seat,  and  I'Z  from  Sey- 
mour, the  Ufare^t  railroad  .station  and 
banking  point.  Population,  150.  Mail, 

B■'!^llt•r  Biros,  General  Store. 
McMiiien  Bros,  general  store. 

Cliicago  &  Grand  Tronk  Oy, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



outranks  them  all.  It  Is  the  C 
Business   University   of  Ainer 





•^-<  ^      — ,  .... 

'-  office  iu  Monroe  county,  '2V  miles  northeast 
''S  S  of  Sparta,  the  judicial  seat,  banking  and 
S  "*  sliipping  point. 


-  S  ANIWA.     On  the  JM.,  L.  S.  &  W.  Ry, 

j^  >■  in  Shawano  count}-,  i'j  miles  northwest  of 

"S  ^  Shawano,    the  county  seat,   and   10  from 

.2  ^  Antigo,  the  nt-arost  banking  point.     Popu- 

^  *  lation,  y.JO,     Tel.,  W.  U.     Exp.,   Adams. 

O  if  F.  "\V.  Asher,  po.stmaster. 

O     H 

•—I  "^  Adams  C,  railroad,  express  and  tel  agent. 
W    ,   Aniwa  ^Infi:  Co.  vtneer  ranfrs. 

,  A*lier  V  W,  Fruit.s  and  Cigars. 
gj  ^  I5:ill  H  &,  S,  general  store. 
TV]  ~  i;.^uer  .biseph,  saloon. 
S  t  Lewis  Dr,  drujs. 
Zi  Z  I'llclicr  .1  A,  h.UcI. 
^  ■/:  Jtiippenthal  .)  P,  genei-al  store. 
?i  fl  St  IV'lers  Charles,  saloon. 
ri  «  Sherry  Henry,  saw  mill. 
g^  »  Waits  J  N.  gineral  store. 
"  Wassman  W'm.  meats. 
•  g  Ziegelman  F  K,  saloon. 

W  a  

ANNATON.  On  Big  Piatt  river,  in 
n  Grant  couiily,  Ix.'  miles  uorthc  ist  ol  Lan- 
•^  caster,  Ihe  county  seat  and  banking  point, 
\JJ  and  G  west  of  Livlng.ston,  the  nearest  rail- 
#^N  road  Station.  Stages  triweekly  to  Livings- 
\iJ  ton:  fare,  .30  cents.  Population,  oUO. 
■  «.M  Mail,  tri-weekly.  G.  H.  Goldmanu,  post- 
Goldiiinii  George  II,  Blacksmith  and 

Henderson  .V  T,  pliysirian. 
Sheel  Charles,  Hour  mill. 

ANNSBURGTI.  In  Dunn  county, 
30  mika  north  of  Menomonee,  the  judicial 
.seat,  and  l;i  from  Wheeler,  tlie  nearest 
rail  aiiproacli.  JIail,  by  special  supply. 
It.  W.  Schcare  postmaster,  Geneial  Store 
and  Cheese  Factory. 

ANTHONY.  In  Eau  Claire  county. 
1.5  miles  fri'iii  K;»n  Chire,  the  countj*  seat 
and  !S  from  .Miuidovi,  the  nean-st  rail  ap- 
proach, and  banking  jiojut.  Population, 
5.  Mail,  weekly.  C.  O.  Durgess,  post- 
master and  general  store. 

ANTIGO.  The  judicial  seat  of  Lang- 
lade county,  is  located  on  Spring  brook, 
and  on  the  M  ,  L.  S  &  W.  Uy,  COT  miles 
northwest  of  Mdwankee.  It  was  first  set- 
tled in  1870,  was  incorporated  as  a  city  in 
l^s.5,  and  now  contains  Baptist,  Catliolic 
Congregational   and   Methodist   churches. 




gnod  hotels,  a  foundry  and  machine  sli 
a  furniture  factory,  planing  and  saw  c; 
a  broom  handle  factory,  a  high  and  C  v, 
schools,    and   4   weekly    newspapers.   ■ 
JS'etr^  Item,  the  R. i.n'jlC'.in  the  Si„:cU:l 
the  Htrold  (German).     It  is  tlie  center  '.•! 
fine  farming   and  lumbering   section,  :. 
grain,  live  stock,  hard  atid  s^.^ft  lumber 
shipped.     Population,  5,000.     E.\p.,  U.  ■ 
Tel.,  W.  U.     AY.  H.  Blimi,  postmaster. 
Adkins  Charles  G.  general  store. 
Albers  Bros   (.John  F  and  Wra  W),  dru; 
AUerton  Mrs  Bay,  dressmaker. 
Allerton  O  H  P," general  store. 
Anderson  Andrew  L,  saloon. 
Anderson  N  tt  Son  (Xels  and  Andrew  V. 

general  store. 
Antigo  Edison  Light  Co  (capital  $2.i,C( 

Louis  Lnsk  pres  .1  H  Trever  sec. 
Aiitl^o  licrold  (German  AVeekly),  }'. 
ward  Goebel   Propr,  'Ah  ave.   East  S:.' 
(Sec  adi;  ■})  100.) 
Antieo  Hospital,  Doyle  &  StetTen  prop: 
Aiiligio   Uepiililicaii  (Weekly).  J  v 
A  Ogden  Pub,  Superior.  (.Vte  ade.}''  !'-■ 
Aulik  John,  blacksmith. 
Uncoil  A;  !1iii!liir<l   (\Iiitou  L  Bac 
Frank  A.Miliard).  Bottlers.  7th  ave. 
Bank  of  Antigo  (capital,  s-.'r),OuOl.  A  Su'. 

day  pres,  Amos  Baun\  cash. 
Beadie  Rev  .J  B  (Methodist). 
Becker  PetT,  saloon. 
Below  I^linna  .1,  tailor. 
Beltzel  Mrs  Theresa,  notions.  ^ 

Berard  Disty,  salo  )n.  } 

Berner  Wm,  saloon.  ' 

Bijou  Opera  House,  W  C  .Jones  propr" 
Binder  is,  Sclilundt  (CJharles  Binder,  ■ 

man  F  ScUlundt),  saloim. 
BiscliolT  Henry,  shoemaker. 
P.linn  Wm  H,  postmaster  and  jeweler. 
Boklt  Henry,  cigar  mnfr. 
Boll   &,   Nowolny  (Anthony   M  Bol 

ton  J  Nowotny),  cigar  lunfrs. 
Borgman  Henry  G,  insurance. 
Brace  AVillis  B,  notions. 
Braua  Frank,  jeweler. 
Brcnnan  Meit,  barber. 
Brennig  Georce.  brewers'  agent. 
Dro-lerhaus  it  Welter,  general  store 
Brown  Andrew  J.  excelsior  mnfr. 
Brown  liiv  M  L  (Baptist). 
Bucknani  Israel  E   shoes. 
Bu-TL'er  Seli:islian.  confectioner. 
Ouii>e   lai'nry  C,    Propr   Comraerc 

Hotel.     {  p  105.) 
Burdick  Christopher  G,  blacksmith. 
Ccnlral  ESotel,  .lohn  .1  Springer  Proi 
olh  ave.     (.i'tv  adv,  p  107.) 


iiLiiiois  m\m  R,  R 


li  to  all  POINTS  i 

„  llORTliEPJ! 




^/Jhi^     \^>' 

-'(•-^'  i:-,  '•  .^;-5^r> 

aft     -■:■ 


k     v^     xi      A     U  If 



I      ^ 






/pSy\  ^ir-^:a  r^^ss*^ 

Choice  Farm  and  Timber  Land. 


Money  Loaned  on  Real  Estate  Security 


Coire^poiidt'uco  SoUiind. 


HARD  and  SOFT  ^^** 


\3MM,^  1^ 

^  ^^^4Pi£;  £j_.^^  0ASSV1G9B  ^ 


ANTIGO,  Langlade  County,  ,  -     WISCONSIN, 





Tuxes  Paid  lor  Xun-ICc-sideiitN. 

A^STECO,  -  -  V/ISCOr\3GEr], 

Z3:.  C-  23TTX3:SE,  IFrcprietor. 


First-Class  $Lr5t)a  Day  House 


Sample  Room  in  Cor^NECTiorsj. 


wii-coKsiN"  statt:  gazetteer 


J.  C.  SPENCER,  Propr. 

All  Its 

m  I 



RATES,  $2.  PER  DAY. 



The  Oldest  and  Largest  Newspaper  in 
Langlade  County. 

Al>yEUTISIN(;  RATES  MOKKIIA  IIO.  Siilisrriptiou  S1.5U  per  Annum 

JOHN     A.     OGDEN. 

tDtliti,)!'  3i"i<i   l^roprietor. 


ii  \i  !^ 

^    IROrJ   Vl/ORKS. 

W.  B.  JOHNS,   Proprietor. 


Shingle  Macliincs,  Saw  Slii'rpouer  anil  Joiner  (.'onibined.  Steam  Engines 

Saw  and  Utist  Jlill  'laeliinory,  'I'liresJiin:^  Ma«»WiH"*,  IMows, 

Feed  Cutters,  Horse  Towers,  Etc. 

Repairs  of  all  kinds  will  receive  strict  attention  and  satisfaction  guaranteed. 



Ciiicago  fi  Gfand  TrunI  h 

The  Favorite  Route  East 






Challoner  Albert  M.  carjientLT. 

tilj    Ph'iiiim    Mill,    Fred   Hermann, 

Prupr.  Siipermr.     (S<  ndv.  p  109.) 
Cancy  James  E,  architect. 
CoIHds  &  Kestl}-  (Jeremiah  Collias,  John 

^I  Kestly)   saloou. 
Colton  Edward  R.  lawyer  and  coroner. 
Coinnicrciul  Hotel,  Henry  C  Buhse, 

Propr,  oth  ave.     (^'ft  adr,  ji  105  ] 
Coonan  Richard,  shoemaUer. 
Da'.lmann  Albert,  blacksmith. 
Uiica  L  D   it  Co   (Leon  D    Dana,  Frank 

Kelly)   jewelers. 
Dawley  John  H,  physician. 
Dawley  Walter  H,  insurance. 
Dsane  C  Wei  den,  lawyer. 
Dclcglitc  Friiiik  \,  Samuel  E  Leslie 

Mngr,  Real  Estate  and  Loans,  Superior. 

(See  adr,  p  IO4.) 
Dorr  Benjamin  F,  surveyor. 
Doyle  Jame.s  F,  city  physician. 
Dnyle  &  Stcffen  (James  K  D  lyle,  I^'DPiius 

Steffen),  prcprs  Aiitigo  Hospital. 
Duchac  Josejih,  city  assessor. 
Uiit'linc      A;       UciiNlick      (Joseph 

Duchac,    John   Beuisufck),    Heal   Estate 

and  Stirveyors,  Clermont.     (&«  nd>-,  p 

Ediek  D  B,  cnnnty  surveyor. 

Erni  Gottlieb,  grocer. 

Ferguson  ILjnry  L.  confectioner. 

Ferguson  Lillian,  millinery. 

Fmucane  Frank  J,  ci;y  attorney. 

FreiLiurger  Leonard,  wagonmaker. 

Friedeman  Bros  (Herbert  A  and  Ernest  H). 

Gocbcl  Edward,  Propr  Herold  (See 
udv,  p  109.) 

Goldberg  Abram,  clothing. 

Goodwin  Richard  &  Co  (Richard  M  Good- 
win, John  A  Thursbyi  Ijroom  handles. 

Griffin  Rev  A  W  (Episcopal). 

Hale  Scott,  saloon. 

Hansen  Peter,  wagonmaker. 

Hayssen  Frederick  H,  county  clerk. 

Heath  James  H.  barber. 

Herman,  Becklinger  &  Herman  (Gustav  C 
Herman,  Christ  Becklinger,  Julius  Her- 
man) furniture. 

Elcriiiaiiii  Fretl,  Propr  City  Planing 
^Iill,  Superior.     [See  ndn,  p  109.) 

Hessel  A.'  Leykom  (John  Hessel,  Charles  S 
Leykom)  hardware. 

Holfman  .ioseph,  saloon. 

Hfwland  H  O,  railroad  atrent. 

Iloxie  A;  .llolloi-  (John  C  Hoxie, 
Edniond  N  Jlellor),  Lumber  Mufrs, 
Superior.     iSff  adr.  v  lf':> .) 

J.  H.  TREVER, 



Insurance  and  Collections. 



C.  S.  LEYKOJI.  II.  C.  HUMl'llREY, 

rrciidLDt.  Cashier. 


Langlade  County  Bank 

CAPITAL,  $30,000. 

SURPLUS.  $3,000. 

Collections  at  lowest  ratt-s  and  ri-inittanoe  made 
t'n  day  of  paynaent. 



J.  J.  SPRINGER,  Proprietor. 

ISates,    $1.50    per   :Da3r. 

T  lji«  Hotel  has  just  been  completed,  and  it  is  furnished  throughout  with  new  and  elegant 

furniture,  etc.     It  affiinU  accommodations  equal  to  any  other  hotel  in  the 

city.     It  is  conveniently  located  within  one  block  of  the  dupot, 

and  in  full  view  of  the  business  part  of  the  city. 




Chicago,  Mismi  Si  Si  Paul  ^:z:::t:  M  aod  MM 


ILLI!:OIS  C[;!P"  »  " 



ii.'iU  ill   fil  to  all  POINTS  in  iil 

'I  !P"M 





Hudson  HcDry  L,  saloim. 

Ilumplircy    SI   Claj,  Cashier  Lang 

dale  County  Bank.  5th  ave. 
HutcbinfOD  Wm  W,  real  estate. 
Jensen  Jens  L.  meat  market. 
Jewell  Hollis  N.  seTrins  machines. 
Johns    Win    B,   Propr   Pioneer   Iron 

Works,     i&c  ad-:  v  106.) 
Jones  liro5(Wm  H  and  xVrthur  W),  meats. 
Jones  Walter  C.  propr  Bijou  Opera  House. 
Judson  Fenton  E,  dentist. 
Kaplanck  Gabriel,  citrar  mnfr. 
Kaplantk  .Jacob,  cigar  mnfr. 
Karel  Joseph  B  W, "tailor. 
Keeble  John  L.  baker. 
KeHojrs  TIioinn<i   l>.  Lumber  2Hnfr, 

Supeiiiir.     (Sc  adi:  p  i'/.J  ) 
Kempf  Gciirije,  bottler. 
Kennedy  Wm,  lawyer. 
Ketcbam  Uev  Henry  (Cnn!Tre.c;a;ional). 
Klessic  Otto,  brewers'  aeeut. 
Koch  Mrs  L.  dressmaker. 
Koebke  KicharJ,  exp  and  tel  r.fjent. 
Koelzer  Peter  J.  flour  and  fetd" 
Kohl  &Tollel"son  (Herman  A  Kohl,  Anton 

M  Tollef-^on)  hardware. 
Kolea  A  &  Co  (Albert  Koles,  Isadore  Coik) 

Kricr  Wm,  saloon. 
Krom  Meyer,  dry  goods. 
La  Londu  IMward,  city  cleric. 
L.iiii;;la<ic    Coimtj-    Uiiiik  (Capital, 

?;30,00()  ;  Surplus,  .s:',.liOO)  C  S  Leykom 

Pros,    II    C    HurapUrey  Cash,  5lh  ave. 

(.Set'  (tdv.  p  107. ) 
Liniiglside    County    Spcoinl,    J   H 

Mentiiig  Propr,  .jih  ave,  Ka»t  Side.     (See 

adv,  opp.) 
TiHrxelvvc     Cliarlcs      II,     Couuty 

Treasurer,  Court  House. 
Larzelerc  IClton  C.  livery. 
Latia  Gcore:e  \V,  lawyer. 
Laughlin  iV  Kellv  (John  J  Laughlin,  Pat- 
rick F  K'llly)  lihioksiiiith.^. 
Lie»>lic  *<:uiMic!  50,  Mngr  F  A  Delcglise. 
Levy  Kate  J,  niilliuer. 
Ivewis  J    C    Co    The    (capital,     ;?20,000), 

Edward   Clcary   pres,    J    C    Lewis  sec, 

Loomis  John  B,  abstracts. 
Lower  M  John,  pliysician. 
Lusk  Lewis,  saw  mill. 
I..yn<>ii  'B'honiU'i,  Lawyer,  5th  ave. 
M(^noiiHld  (.'buries  B,  general  store. 
nicEIalo   iV   l>rc<i<(eii  (.lohn  JIcHale, 

Henry  Hiesson),  Saloon,  ."^th  ave. 
JIahoney  I)  J  &  Co  (Daniel  J   Mahoney, 

Hichard  K  Paine),  books. 
Maloney  Bros  (John  and  Martin  H), saloon. 
Manthey  Frederick  E,  tailor. 

I   -Mamies  Louis,  saloon. 
I   ^Martin  John  E,  lawyer, 

Meagher  Edward,  carperuer. 

IfEcnIini;  John  EI,  Publisher  Langlade 
County  Special,     (.^tv  adi\  -^pp.) 
1   ?Iej-er'  Frodt'rick  C,    Meat  .'Market. 
I       otli  ave.     (See  izdi>,  opp  ) 
i   Jlichaelson  Andrew,  tlour  and  feed. 
I   Jlillard  Albert    M,   Real  Estate    and 
j       Abstracts,  Superior.     (.^Vc  rtcfr,  p  105.\ 

Millard  Bros  (Paul  J  and  Arthur  B),  proprs 
Weekly  News  Item. 

Jliller  George  W,  2d-hand  store. 

Mills  Henry  V,  dentist. 
I   Morgan  Wm  S,  photographer. 
I   Morri?  Anthony  H,  real  estate. 
I   Neff  EJgar,  general  s'ore. 

XefE  Mrs  Mary,  general  store. 

Nelson  John,  blacksmith. 

Neuman  Simon,  clotliing. 

Nordman  Edward,  county  supt. 

Norton  ic  Hunter  (Walter  O'Norton.   Ed- 
v.-a'd  Hunter),  saloon. 

Nye  Ella,  niilliuer. 

O'^Mlen   Jolin  A,    Publr    Republican. 

(.Sv,,,^.,  in,;,) 
O'liara  John,  city  supt  schools. 
OlaisltMl  I>ols>tiii><S,  Keal  Estate  ami 

Justice,  Clermont. 
Otto  Mrs  Herman,  dressmaker. 
Pardee  A  Day,  veterimry  surgeon. 
Pardee  Wm  H.  general  store. 
Perry  (n'orje  P.  livery. 
Petersen  '^Vni  C,  Real   E^^tate,   Insur- 
ance, Commission  Agent  for  Cigars  and 

Liquors,  5tli  ave. 
Petlcrs  Charles  H.  veterinary. 
Plieln*  John  C,  i;.'--taurant,  .5th  ave. 
Pick  SiuiMi,.  general  store. 
Pioneer  Iron  Works,  W   B  Johns 

Propr.     (.S'tf  (!(/('.  p  IOC. ) 
Porter  James  H.  city  assessor. 
Randall  Frank  D  i'Co  (Frnnk  D  Randall, 

John  A  Ogden),  photocraphers. 
Remington  Charles  W,  physician. 
Rice  Arthur  D,  justice  of  peace. 
Ricbter  Otto,  shoemaker, 
Ringsmulh  .loseph,  shoemaker. 
Ripsom  Joseph  B.  wagonmaker. 
Ross  tt  Frick  (Munson  M  Ross,    Henry  J 

Frick),  hardware. 
Rudolph  .luilus  A,  grocer. 
Sanvidge  Thomas,  meats. 
Schintz  George  L,  district  attorney. 
Schintz    it    Hogan.    (George    L   Schintz. 

Tiiomas  W  Hogan. 1  lawyers. 
Schmitz  it  Friders (Thomas  Schmitz,  John 

Fridersl,  saloon. 
Schutz  George  J,  druggist. 
Sbadick  Oliver,  livery. 

Ctiicap  &  Grand  Tiuok  ilj, 







JOS.  DUCHAC,  Dep.  Co.  Surveyor 



Taxes  Paid  for  Nnn-Resi-ipnt^,  and  Protect  I-inds  frnni  Trpppa?s.  Farming  Land.s.— M'e  have  a 
large  number  of  choioo  iracts  of  the  lini-st  Fannin^'  Laiid  in  i^auLclade  County— l>utli  Improved  and 
Unimproved— for  ^ale  ac  Reasoiiabl-e  Prioes  and  Tt-nii-;.  Also  a  number  oi  dffijrauie  City  Lots 
Ttith  or  without  buildiui^'s,  for  sale.     Corre.spt-udence  resi'^^cLlulIy  solicited. 




L0n§iSd3  COi  CspOOlOL 

mm  H.  riEf^TING,       Publisher. 

lias  a  larpe  Circulation  in  Lanplade  and  ad 
joining  count]08,  and  is  a  pood  advertising  me- 

ED.  GOEBEL,  Publisher. 

Only  German  Newspaper 





"«C     -.v%ii/ ^^..-s  «j.,i.-'«      v™*©'*.     .^KiUk.  li-is    l.^'L    „wCLa  j-.T'^A/^; 





.4    BEEF  and  PORK  PACKER 


Base  Bell  ^"^  »-awn  Tenms  jgi,,,  f,1eunierG!!nCo.r'^t.-?^o7* 

•^UOU    C^UJI  Outfits.  3       streel,   MlUvauUoo,  AVl«c..„.lu. 

IgnS     .-^-<!<,,^vt    MnjTl.-^f    .-:f     S-fl^Q      Market^rp,   MILXVAUKP^ 






Sharpe  Charles  A,  lime  aud  brick. 

bbaw  George  P.,  physician. 

Shufelt  Bros  {iJaorsfe  O  and  Sbeldon)meats. 

Silber  I=iaac,  clotlilng. 

Sipek  John,  .saloon. 

Smith  A  D  &  Co,  C  F  Smith  mngr.  lum- 

Smith  Ilenrv,  register  of  deeds. 

Smith  ct  Yentz  (Joseph  Smith,  Wm  F 
Yentz.i,  meals. 

Smolk  James  K,  barber. 

Suow  Joseph,  restaurant. 

Spencer  House.  Beniimin  Spencer  propr. 

S|»C!icer  James  C,  Propr  The  Vivian, 
(Sicadv,  p  JOG.) 

Spring  lirook  House,  Teipner  Erosproprs. 

SljriiiKfr  ^olin  J,  Propr  Central 
Hotel,  .:i:h  uve.  {.?'•'«  c/i',  p  107.) 

Stacy  \Vm  H,  i-eneral  alore. 

Steber  James,  saloon. 

SteHen  Ignatius  D,  mayor  and  puysician. 

Slrasser  Leopold,  general  store. 

Strong  Louis  K,  real  estate. 

Takkcn  IJev  \Vm  (Catholic). 

Taylor  Mrs  Oscar,  notions. 

Ttipucr  F.ros,  (Charles  and  Julius)  proprs 
Spring  Brook  House. 

Thompson  Charles  H,  barlier. 

Thompson  .Mrs  C  11.  notions. 

TobollCharle-i,  laundry. 

Trevor  ^«!i!i  S3.  Lawyer,  Loans,  In- 
surance and  Collections,  olh  ave.  (."^ci; 
adi-,  p  1(17.) 

Ullman  J  &  Co.  (Joseph,  Gabe  and  Louis 
Ullinaii),  sale  stable. 

Ulrirh  Unslav,  tailor. 

Vivian  TSio,  James  C  Spencer  Propr. 
(i^c  ()(/(',  /)  luC.) 

Voelkel  Frank,  meats. 

Vv^ahl  Louis, 

Wilis  J,.-.ri>li,  ,L'rocer 

'."i:!!!!!!!!-;*'!'  S'tusiU,  Saloou.  .1th  ave. 

\1iir»riilioui!'.<>  sa, Clerk, Circuit  Court. 

Waste  Eli,  county  jmlge. 

Waste  Lee.  stationer. 

"SVaste  Mrs  Lee,  milliner. 

Weed  Jamis  11,  -iv  mill. 
'  Wei'Ulj    \<-\v:»   tloiii,'  Millard   Bros 
I'ubirs,  Sui'erior. 

We^e  Fred,   shoemaker. 

While  \Vm  F,  lawyer. 
Williams  George  C,  restaurant. 

Wines  John  W,  pianos. 
Wirrer  Joseph,  geueral  store. 

W  undcrlich  George,  sheriff. 
Yep  Lee,  laundry. 

APPLE  CREEK.  A  postonice  in 
Outagamie  county,  5  miles  northeast  of 
Appleton,  the  county  scat,  nearest  banking 

and     shipping     point.       Population,     Pi 

Mail,    tri-Tceekiy.     C.   IL    Sanborn,    post 


Decostes  P  G.  wagon  maker. 

Gerlsch  A.  cheese  mnfr. 

Saiidborn  €  B8,  General  Store. 

Scheibe  Herman,  blacksmith. 

APPLE  RIVER.  A  postoffice  in 
Polk  county,  CO  miles  northeast  of  Osceo- 
la Mills,  the  county  seat,  7  from  Amery, 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  18  from 
St.  Croix  Fails,  the  neiircst  banking  point. 
Stages  semi-wtekl}-  to  St.  Croix  Falls  and 
Turtle  Lake.  Population,  05.  Mail,  semi- 
weekly.     ^Mathilda  Carlson,  postmaster. 

Durban  T,  blacksmith. 
Cai'Jsoii  6^  A,  Justice. 
Newman  Francis,  justice. 

APPLETON.  The  jsidicial  seat  of 
Outngamie  county,  is  a  prosperous  and 
rapidly  increasing  city,  located  in  the 
south  central  portion  of  the  county,  on  the 
Lake  Superior  br.  of  the  C.  &  N.  W.  liy, 
on  the  JI.,  L.  S.  &  W.  l!v.  and  on  the 
Appleton  br.  of  the  M.  A-.  X.  U.  R.,  1S."> 
miles  north  of  Chicago,  anil  100  northwest 
of  Milwaukee.  It  is  on  the  grand  chute 
of  Fox  river,  and  the  vast  body  of  wattr 
passing  through  here  from  Lake  Winneba- 
go is  said  to  be  over  IG.O:)')  horse  power. 
To  utilize  which  dams  and  canals  have 
been  con^-tructed  at  all  the  rapids  on  the 
river.  Tlie  canal  is  under  the  control  of 
U.  S.  government,  and  large  steamboafs 
can  pass  from  Green  Bay  to  Lake  Winne- 
bago. The  growth  of  Appleton,  which 
lias  now  become  one  of  (lie  most  import 
ant  manufacturing  points  in  the  State,  has 
been  due.  in  a  great  measure,  to  this  vast 
natural  power.  Fo.\  River  has  .^0  feet  fall 
within  the  city  limits.  Among  (he  more 
prominent  manufactories  aie  paper  and 
pulp  mills,  woolen,  and  planing  mills, 
sasli,  door  aud  blind  factories,  a  hub  and 
spoke  factory,  2  towel  faclories,  2  brewer- 
ies, large  lime  kilns,  foumirits  and  ma- 
chine sliops.  toy  and  ehair  factories,  2  farm 
implement  factories,  iron  works,  novelty 
works,  a  grain  elevator,  etc.,  a  large  chem- 
ical pulp  mi;]  is  in  course  of  construction. 
The  cily  has  broad  and  well  paved  streets, 
is  lighted  by  gas  aud  electricity,  has  au 
electric  street  railway,  the  Holly  system 
of  water  works,  a  well  equipped  and  clii- 
cient  fire  department,  telephone  exchange, 
2  banks,  llrst-class  hotels,  the  Lawrence 
universitv,  good  schools,  and  churches   of 

r:-.r\H.-f.     MTLWAUI 

:ii  ST. 


?IIL\\  Al  iilii;,   WIS. 


Y  5  TJTT'^ innT.^T5    Tfl-.Tl^IiT^T^nrn^T 



Three  Regislar  t'oiirsc* — 

Ancient  Classical,  Scientific, 
and  R^odern  Classical. 


Academic  Course  for  those  who  have  not  the  time 
for  a  full  Coliege  Couise. 

A  Itlii.sical  niid   IjiU'rarj   t'onr^e— 

Piano  or  Organ, 





t  Provided  with  every  Modern  Convenience.    Accommodates  Sixty 

I  Students.     The  Lady  Teachers  have  immediate 

i  Supervision  of  the  Hall. 

I  ExHiiiiiiiitM>ii<>  Tor  entrance  Tuesduy,  .Sept.  10. 



I  For  Catalogue  or  further  iiiforrantion  adclres.-i  tlie  Frc-sident, 

!  REV.  C.  W.  GALLAGHER. 

11-  wiii:oNsiN  sTATi:  gaz::tteee 

■  '  "^',1  -I  '■]  !i  '  j  i      •■'■'  '  P  n  •  •      a  I    •     i  '  i  -i  i ''  -  i  4  j-j  I  >  -  I  »■  1    ■ 

E.  C.  GOFF,  PresidoDt.        J.  H.  W'HORTON,  Vice-Presideut.        }{.  G.  FP-EEMAN',  Casliier. 

APPLETOrJ,  wiscorjsii^. 

CAPITAL,  $150,000.        SURPLUS,  $30,000. 

UbiSii^iUS    i^UliiUnv^   iJU^iii'J^O    llUiiHtibiijiit 

NEW  VUICK  COItieESPONOICNT,  riicmloal  Nntloiial  Slai-.k. 

C»1H'A«.0  <<USUESPOM»Ii>'r,  i.-|r>.t  .National  Hank. 

aDlZ^ECTOSiS  : 


D.  HA.MMF;r..  S.  K.  WAMEOLIi.  E.  C.  GOFF. 

J.  McN.AUGHTON.  J.  It.  WIIORTOX.  A.  (lAI.I'l.S'. 


Manufacturers  and  others  seekini;  Sites  will   note  that   rates  ar.;  cheaper   than  such   powers  are 

offered  anywhere   in  tlie    Ur.ited  States,   and  that  they  are  unequalled  anywhere  in  the 

world   for  steadiness  of  head  in   drouth   or  Hood,   and  are  all  connected  with 

two  or  three   lines  of  competing   railroads. 

For  riitts  ami  purticuliux,  addre^.s 


Green  Bay  &  Mississippi  Canal  Co. 


|{3'nn?r5P'  ^"fi^'^nf^l  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

LbiUui^  Caj/     Kb    SvilwUliJ  lirand  and  W.MaterSts.,  UlLWAlKtL.HIS 





the  leading  religious  deiiomiuations.  The 
press  is  represented  by  the  Po^f.  issued 
iliily  and  weekly,  the  Crescent,  the  Voik.i- 
triunil.  the  Gagerurnrt,  the  Xachrichtfii. 
aud  the  Wtcker,  issued  weekly.  The  city 
is  rapidly  exteDding,  numerous  buiUlinss 
are  being  erected,  both  in  busine.-s  and 
residence  portions  of  the  city,  the  price  of 
real  estate  is  steadily  advancing,  aud  the 
future  outlook  for  Appleton  is  all  that 
couid  be  desired  even  b_v  ils  most  singuiue 
well  v,-isher3.  Population,  13.000.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp ,  Am.  and  U.  S.  James 
liyan,  postmaster. 

Abbott  Charles,  dHir\man.  2  miles  w. 
Adsit  Frank  K,  in=.,  731  Cnlle-reave. 
Alborty  Michael,  suloon,  o^O  Walnut. 
Alexander  Mrs  llatlie  D,  artist,  cor  (Jaeida 

aid  Harris. 
.\nierichn  Express  Co,    Georsre   !McXamee 

agt,  COG  Oneida. 
Anderson,  dressmaker,  <)S3  Ed^vards. 
Anderson  Sophia,  dressmaker,  bit}  f^isk. 
Anderson  Miss  Susie  E.  milliner,  735   Col- 
lege ave. 
Appleton  Boot  ami  Shoe  Mufg  Co  (ca;iital 

•■joO.OOO),  J  P  Buck   pres,  .lames   Thoru 

sec,  Grand  Chute    Inland. 
.A|>|ilct<>ii     Chair   Co  TIh'  (Capital, 

fJO.dOOi,  Peter    ICellenh.-feu    Pi.m.  II   T 

Beuiis  Sec,  \Vm  Marx  Treas.  S  Divi-iou. 
Appleton  Crescent  (wecklj),  Jlyau   >.t  Liro 

pubs,  7.)S  College  ave. 
Appleton   Edihon  Light   Co,    A    L  Smith 

I'res,  Charles  A  ISeveridge   sec,  Govern- 
ment Docks. 
Appleton     Electric     Street     Railway   Co, 

Frank  Kur/.  sujU.  7:!7  College  ave. 
-\ppleton  Gaslight  Co,  L   W  L  Goff.   J   T 

liuck  props,  Oneida. 
Appleton  JIachiiip  Co  (capital   s30,000)   .T 

0  .Morgan  pres  F  E  Saecker  sec.  Grand 

Chule  Island. 
*IM»<i'loi«  :f(:iiiiiracliiriM£  C'«»,  "\Vm 

II  Van  Norlwi.-.k  Pre-,  .1.  liu  S  Van  Xort- 

^'iek  Sec.  Daviil  W  Starkey  Treas,  Farm 

Impts,  Upper  I'am.     IS^^eudr.  p  121  ) 
Apphiou  Opera  House,  lO  A  Erb  mngr,  boS 

Ci'lleL'e  ave. 
Appleton  I'aptT  aud  Pulp  Co,  Wni  M  Van 

-Nortwickpres,   G  F   Steele   sec,    Upper 

•\lip'.'ton  l\ist,  Post  Publishing  Co    oubs, 

-••7   ^:l'.l  College  ave. 
*|>|»li'loii  V<»lksir<;uii(l,  II  W  Mcv- 

er  Publr,  CU  Morrison. 
Appleton  AVater  AVo.r^s,  W  A  Underwood 

pres,  ,T  C  Rogers,  sec,  M)  i  ( '-.Ufue  ave. 
Appl.-ton     Waterwi.rk,-<    Co,   John    Hayes 

•>iPt,  I  .oper   Dam 

I    Appleton  Wecker,  Christian  Koemer,  pub- 

I       ii=her,  cor  Oneida  and  JIarket. 

I   Appleton  Woolen  Mills  (capital,  ^7.5,000), 

I       Allen    P  Harwood,  pres.    D    V  N  Ilar- 

i        wood,  sec.  Grand  Chute  Island. 

j    Artnt  Nicholas,  street  comur,  6j-  State. 

I    Arent  Theodore,  saloon,  S!o  College  ave. 

I    Arnold  ficorsc  F  A-  Son  iGeorge  F 

j       and  Elliott),  Butter,  Eggs  and  Produce, 

I       SiS  AiU'letou.     (See  ade.  'p  IJJ.) 

I    Ashman  ilenry  G,  carpenter.  State  nr  sth. 

I   Atlas  Paper  Co,  ,1  A  Kimberly,   pres,  F  C 

j       Shattuck  sec.  Upper  Dam. 

Babb  Willis  :M,  trus-i  mufr,  H3i)  Drew. 
I    Baer    .John    M,  register    of   deeds.  Court 
\       House. 
Bailey  it  Hose  (Dwicht  B  Fjiley,  .John  II 

Pose),  grocers,  8!i  CoUefre  ave. 
Baird  lieuben  S,  mason,  •j'-O  '2  !  ave. 
Baker   Archibald  II,  i^wcler,  o^  f  Oneida. 
Baldwin  &  Killen  (George  Baldwin,  Wm 
H   Killen).  pine  lands.  750  College  ave. 
Barker  .Tames   lil,  civil  engineer,  cor    od 

and  Cherry. 
Barnes  Lj'man,  lawyer,  784  College  ave. 
Borrow    A^a  A,     carpenter,  cor  Hancock 

aud  Oneida. 
Barteau    Morris   F,   tljur   and    feed,   IOj'j 

College  ave. 
Birteau  .Moiris  U.2d  hd  i;oods,»i09  Oneida. 
Bartman  Albert,  shoes.  >J','  College  ave. 
Baum  .John  H,  grocer,  435.Iohn. 
Baiuii   it  Guenther   i  loliu  II    Baum,   Wm 

Gueuthert.  llour   mill,  water  power. 
Becker  Charles,  shoes,  001  College  ave. 
Becker  Wm  F.  cigars,  6IU  College  ave. 
Bedell  .lohii  W,  blacksmith.  7,5.')  Appleton. 
Bedessera  Michael,  furniture,   77t)  College 

Belding  Sylvester    B,  carpenter,     773  Ed- 
Bern  .John,  meats,  7S3  College  ave. 
Berg    Theodore,    sewer     contractor,     cor 

Lawrence  aud  Ravine. 
SJerKiiiaii  lloiiry.  Importer,  Manufac- 
turer and     Dealer  in    Ciuns,    Revolvers, 
Fishing  Tackle  and  Sportsmen's  Goods; 
RepairinL'a  Specialty,  (>i7  Appleton. 
Bergquist  .Mrs  Annie, dressmkr. 77'.'  .Meade. 
Bernard  Frank,  billiards.  7^-3  Colieae  uve. 
Bernard   Pauline,    laundry,  7,'5l  Edwards. 
Beveridge  Thomas  T,  phys,  761  Lawrence. 
]!-yer  ('uar!.--i  G.  grocer,  806  Lawe. 
Bielenberg  Henry,  painter.  CG3  Morrison. 
Biermanu  Lizzie,  dres=mkr.  i'Sl   Lawrence. 
Bdter  Wm  F,  baker.  6-r'*  Colleue  ave. 
Bi~*ing  H   i\;  Sons  (Herman,  Frank  J,  and 

Henry),  shoes,  >;i7  Culiece  ave. 
Blackwood  .1  E  it  Co  i,ToMab  E  Blackwood, 
Amos  A  Webb'^ri.  ice,  '.i'.!6  .jth. 



iiji  Line  to  the 

Iluy  Goodyear  SjfiiigeSiS'^Goodjeaf  Pioijljer  Co 

i|   Wisconsin. 





BlooJ  Frederick  li,  coal,  74.:^  Bates. 

Boehler  Henry,  saloon,  04.")  College  ave. 

Boehra  Antoa,  blunksmith,  I'.vJ  College  av. 

Boniui  Louis,  meats,  I'Ui  C"llei;e  ave. 

Bosser  John  S,  carriage  trimmer,  .Johnson. 

Bottensek  John,  la-svyer,  749  Cjlle^e  ave. 

Bounds  Alfred  F,  gardener,  cor  Spencer 
and  Bounds. 

Boty  Mrs  A,  gents  furn,  'J03  College  ave. 

Boyd  Samuel,  lawyer.  Odd  Fellows'  blk. 

Bradlord  Frank  S,  court  stenographer, 
Waverly  House. 

Breiltschneider  Joseph,  furniture,  837  Col- 
lege ave. 

Breituug  Albert  A,  wagonmaker,  731  Ed- 

Bfi^TK!*  SJoiise,  John  E  Chevenert 
Pro'pr.  771.;  Edwards.     (Sie  ndv,  p  K'l.) 

Briggs  Theodore  W.  ins,  ^00  (College  ave. 

Brill  Joseph,  hack  line,  8-1:2  College  avo. 

Drill  rJSiitthcw  SI,  Propr  Morlhwest- 
eru  House.     (&t  ndv,  p  i-'-'.) 

Brooks  Oicar  J,  notions,  774  College  ave. 

Brown  Michael,  dairyman,  cor  Maple  and 

Brown  Thomas  W,  pump  ranfr,  water 

Buck  Julius  S,  real  est,  800  Colle:;e  ave. 

Buck  Silas  N,  dentist,  829  Colle^'e  ave. 

Buruham  Edwin  F,  meat,  Ou'J  Atlantic. 

Bushey  John  B,  livery,  6:i4  Appleton. 

Canavan  James  V,  county  clerk.  Court 

Capsalus  Peter,  confectioner,  790  College 

Carey  J  B  &  Son  (John  B  and  Urrin  B), 
livery,  687  College  ave. 

Carroll"  Edward  J,  laundry,  701  College  av. 

Carter  H  ^V,  brick  mufr,  Applelou  Junc- 

Champion  Pulp  Co,  Uobert  Pride  mugr, 
water  power,  l^it  ward, 

Clicvt'iierl  JIoliu  K.  Propr  Briggs 
House,  77»;  Eil-.vards.     (.Sr  ii'io.  p  121.) 

Chevenert  Joseph  (',  saloon.  7sJ  Eiiwards. 

Chicago  it  .N'orthweslern  liailway.  C  B 
Morrison  agent,  TX>  Appleton. 

Chilson  ^S'nl  11,  dentist,   sO:5  College  ave. 

Chrl.stt  Andrew,  saloon,  li.'ilt  Lake. 

Clark  Orlando  E,  lawyer,  015  Oneida. 

Clifford  Michael,  dry  goods,  tioG  College 

Cole  A  Molvin,  furniture,  7.')9  College  ave. 

Cole  Mrs  Josie,  dres.^nnkr,  901  f^ollegc  ave. 

Cole  Hev  J  1.)  (Mcthodist'i,  7:.'tj  Union. 

Cole  Lewis,  jiaiuter,  rear  (124  College  ave. 

Comerford  i.t  McGillan  (Win  Comerford, 
Frank  MeC.illan).  livery,    •'.'.il  Appleton. 

Commercial  Uou^e,  John  J  Voung  propr, 
s49  College  ave. 

Coiiiiiierciai  \i)li<i:i:il  tiaiik,  (Car 

ital.    sl.50,U00;   Surplus,   s:jO,000),  E  C 

Goff  Pres.  John  H  Whorton  Vice-Pres. 

Hiram  G  Freeman  Cash,  .'^01  College  ave. 

{Sti  ud>\  p  112  ) 
Conkey  A  H  &  Son  (Asa  H  and  Percy  iL, 

insurance,  804  College  ave. 
Conkey  Walter  L,  demist.  800  College  ave. 
Conlon  Uicbard,  slieritl.  S4J   College  ave. 
iJoiiwuy  J<i2)n,  Propr  Sherman  Hou^e. 

Oneida  cor  Eawards. 
Cook  J  H  &  Co  (Jacob   H  and  Henry  \V 

Cook),  drugs,  584  Oneida. 
Cotter  &  Barry  (Jajnes   W   Colter.    David 

\\"  Barry),  coal  10".s  Colleire  ave. 
Coltril!   Witigl.  Propr  Wftverlv  House 
Coulter  Mrs  11  B,  dressmkr.    l.;30'Durkee. 
C'riiincr  ii'r«>r  BYanlt,   Sec  Lawrecct 

L'niversity.  College  ave. 
Crescent  S?oiise.  Theodore  H  Woeh- 

ler  I'ropr,  0!^.5  Appleton. 
Critchett  Justin  H,  act  M  .t  N  R  P. 
Croswel!  JIack  H,  mngr  \\'i3  Tei  Co. 
Culhbert    Edward   R  I.,   music   teacher, 

Daley  Mrs  Hannah  J,  grocer,  745  College 

Dambruch  George,  bottler.  047  Pacitic. 
Davis  Carrie,   dressmkr,    517  CoUe'.'e  ave. 
Davis  Evan,  carpet  weaver, ."iK  Collei,'eave. 
I>CHll   I'iiilip,   Architect,    842    College 

ave.     iSce  niii:,p  121.) 
Decker  Peter,  saloon,  9G4  College  ave. 
DeLaud    Oliver   P,   business  college,    7"' 

College  ave. 
Dengel  Adam  •k,  Son  (Adam  and  John), dry 

goods,  805  Colleire  ave. 
Denis  Louis,  saloon,  020  Morriton. 
Dickerson   Harriet   A,  novelty   works,  2u 

Ward  water  power. 
Dietrich  Herman  F,  harness,    734  Collej.- 

Dittmer  Herman,  junk,  corner  Spring  an. i 

Dodd  John,  confctr,  8s9  College  ave. 
Dorsey  Aiinn,dre<isn.aker,  \ix\  College  ave. 
Douglas  Byron,  dentist,  790  College  ave. 
Drown    Rev    Albortus    A    (Baptist),  821 

Dubois  Josejih  C,  Baloon,  Waverly  HoU*e 
Duvall  Wm,  contractor,  940  Appleton. 
Eiu'le  .Mnfg  Co  icHpital,  sG.OOO),   Rieh.i:^'- 

Miller  pre.^.Wni  Polifkasec,  farm  impt;- 

2d  Ward  water  power. 
Earlo  Xenophon,  butchers'  blocks, Market. 
Evert    Wm,   dairy,   corner     Jackson    auu 

Edwards  it  Orlii^^on(Xathaniel  M  Edward.-. 

Thomas  W  Orbison),civil  engineers,  Oi' 




i  vim-'  ihs 

The  Favorite  Ronte  East 

VI.V   M.VG.ilt.l    i'ALl-s. 


:.  WELLS.  C.   H.  WELLS. 

C.  M.  WELLS  &  SON, 


'X  Railfosil,T3!iraii!iiSffllrs' 


■;(  ,  j  Lumber,  BricigeTimber,  Poles, 

\  '  .      Posts,  Piling;,  Railroad  Ties 

V^  /       and  Cedar  Block  Pavement. 

7_     I)  TLCt  Tl, rough   Sl.ipmcnls  from   Pulnts  of  IToduction  lo 
Cfliisiimers  a  SinciiiUy  on  Low  IMivori-d  Pmcls. 

^  >«^r-  ^      ~"~   Aipletoii    Onice,  Sli  CoIlej?B    ATenae,  ipplcton.  Wis. 

Branch  Office,         -         GOULD  CITY,  MICH. 

C.  .iL  WICLLS.  A.  H.  RUELLE. 



r=^^pF"j    Cedar  Polss,  Pcsis,  Beilroed 

\_fbJ  J         Ties,  Paving  Blocks 

"■       1  AND • 

'    ^-^         CEDAR  GMJr^GLES. 

^s^^m^J  Contractors  for  Street  Paveinents 

Direct  Through    Shipments  from  Points   of    Production  to    Con- 
sumers a  Specialty  on  Low  Delivered  Prices. 

tei>ki*ii<>m:  uf*. 

Srsiich  Offics,    -    GOOLO  OiTY,  ivIIClilGAN. 

(;oi;lii  tin,  •  ■> 


Cudahy  BrothersJPork  and   Beef  Packers, 

.mi>\VAlliEi;,    ^VI^^o^sl^. '  \  AND    PROVISION    DEALERS. 


O     • 

2  « 

(0  o 







Ellsworth  Herbert  E,  ;iliy?,  o-^S  Oneida. 

Erb  Etp.ii  A,  propr  Appleton  Opera  Uouse. 

Erl>  Sicrinaii,  Cashier  First  National 
Bank,  S3.5  College  ave. 

Erling  Mrs  F.  milliner,  dil  College  ave. 

Fail baniis  &  Swallow  (Irvin  S  FairbanliS. 
Cbarlcs  11  Swallow),  macliinists.  Grand 
Chute  Island. 

Faville  Ke7  John  tCongregational),  782 

Feikcr  Frank  E.  bookbndr,  703  College  av. 

Finegan  Lewis  II,  barber,  78Q  College  ave. 

Fink'Wni,  .^alcon,  ('115  Lake. 

ri!>l  XalioJinl  £Jauk  of  Apnlotoii 
(Capital,  .-^uOii.OOO  ;  Surr>:us,  sOu/JiJUi,  H 
D  Smith 'Pre?,  C  B  Clark  Vice-Pres, 
Ucrman  Erb  Cash,  bZ')  College  ave. 

Filzraaurice  Rev  "Walter  (Cathoiicj.  970 

Flcminix  A  D  &  Co  lAmircw  D  and  John 
Fleming),  towel  mnfrs.  Grand  Chute 

Follett  Lulher  il,  jeweler,  820  Collpge  ave. 

Fo.«e  Charles,  saloon,  581  Collecc  ave. 

Foster  Henry  A,  drugs.  800  Coliege  ave. 

Fountain  John  ifc  Son  (John  and  Wmi 
lumber,  C2'J  State. 

Fox  Bros  (Alviu  J  and  Charles  D).  well 
drillers,  2d  ave,  near  C  ^S:  N  ^V  railway. 

Fox  Sii^-cr  I'sipor  Co  (Capital,  sSOO,- 
000),  Uobtrt  McMillen  Pres,  H  G  Free- 
man Sec,  J  H  Wuortou  Treas,  2d  ward 
water  power. 

Frefi!imi  Jliratti  fl.  Cash  Commer- 
cial Xational  Bank,  S'Jl  College  ave. 

Freeman  ^larlin,  grocer,  cor  Meade  and 

Freund   Albert    M,  phys.  7-<8  College  ave. 

Fuller  Charles  A.  asst  engineer  U  S  Fox 
Kivcr  Improvement.  "I'^i  (.'oUeEre  ave, 

C;itlla;;iu-r  !Icv  <  linrle*.  ^V.  it  I>, 
Pres  Lawrccci;  L^iiversi!}-,  t'ollege 

Gallagher  F  A  Co  'Frank  Gallagher, 
Frank  Kifiiardson),  painters  >>'3S  Coilege, 

Galpin's  Alfred  Son"  (Hum'd  and  Alger- 
non S),  hardware.  7^>2  Coilese  ave 

Gardner  Hev  E  1'  (E'resliyterian),  087  Fisk. 

Gnrvev  Mary,  dre£5nd;r.  087  Superior. 

Gass  Frederick,  t''r,  7s7  Lulie. 

(ic','ei\wart,  GegenwHrt  Co  pulilrs,  014 

(Jens  Fred  .1,  propr  Park  Hotel. 

Geusikt  Blv  John  lEulheran",,  Gui  Drew. 

GiMiiania  Baud,  Anton  Fischer  leader, 

Gi-rry  Lumber  Co,  George  M  Miller  sec, 
72;.!  Superior. 

Gilletl  Chailes  U,  civil  ecL'ineer,  8-12  C(d- 

Gihnorc    iieverlj    T,   Heal    Lstat 
Loans  and  Insurance,   T'.H  Collese  ave. 

(lodfirnore  Julius  B,  srocer. 083  Coliege  av. 

Goir  Epiiraim  C.  Ileal  E-tate  sni 
Pres  Commercial  National  Bank,  81.; 
CoUeee  ave, 

Goo<!laii(I  John.  Lawver  and  District 
Attorney,  784  Coileie  ave. 

Graf  Jo.=eph,  saloon,  S'^i  Appleton. 

Grassbertrer  Paul,  saloon,  luOI  College  av. 

Graves  Epliraiiii  II,  Veterinary  Sur- 
geon and  Dentist,  cor  Edwards  and  3Lir- 

Green  Anthonv.  horseshoer,  607  Appleton. 

Green  Bay  and  :)li»!>i'.!.i!ipi  Canal 
Co  (Capital  5^1, 0(10, UuOi,  \V'm  X  Van 
:Xortwick  Pres,  Ephraim  Mariner  Vice- 
Pres,  A  L  Smith  See  and  Treas,  OIJ  an  i 
617  Oneida  over  Post  OOice,  i..St\-  ndr.  p 

Green  James,  saloon,  708  College  ave. 

Greeu  John  F,  horsesuoer,  Appleton, 

GritSu  Mrs  Maggie,  dressmkr,  uSO  Apple- 

Griffin  Thomas  J.  baker,  .580  Appleton, 

Griswold  Marcus  P,  jeweler,  770College  av. 

Grotto  Wm,  gunsmith,  821  Colleiie  avr\ 

Gurnee  \Vm  T,  carriage  trimmer,  037  M'.t- 

Hsickwortliy  John,  Brick  and  St-ne 
Coniractor  and  Builder,  >>i  S  Hiver. 
,.<,^  udc.  ]i  IVJ.) 

Hafiier  Sarah,  dresfmkr,   7>i-)  College  ave. 

Halloran  Annie,  dressmkr,  774  Coi;rje  av. 

Uammel  I)  &  Co  lOavi.l,  Jacob'  and 
Fred  Ilammel,  Fred  Lnobi,  live  stock, 
634  Morrison. 

Ilancbett  Bros  (George  and  James  Di, 
painters.  031  Appleton, 

Harper  Bertram,  meat-:,  ,517  State, 

Ilarriiiian  I'raiik  W\  Lawver  and 
Keal  Estate,  10  Odd  Fellows"  Block. 
(Sie  udc.  p  l^J.) 

Harrimun  Fred  E  real  e.state.  Belle  Aire 

Ilancrl  UtMirj,  Flour,  Feed,  Seeds 
and  Salt,  Oto  App'eton. 

Ilauert  &  Haiion  (.lacob  J  Ilauert,  Wm 
Ilauen),  hardware,  001  Cnlleire  ave. 

H.awes  &  Little  (Jen-^en  A  Ilawes,  Charles 
S  Little),  drui.'s,  7iiS  C'oUeire  ave. 

Hawks  Henry  B,  painter,  7u2  Appleton. 

Hayden  L  F,  medicines,  773  Appletou 

llealli  .1  \  <.V  Co  'James  N  Heath!, 
Miitrs  L'Ui^i's  Tar  Honey  and  Proprie 
tary  Medicines,  ^13  Pacitic. 

Hccht  Henry,  cabinetmkr,  .'j'^4  Durkcc. 

Heckert  it  Tscbude  (Herman  Heckert. 
Cbri.'^tian  T.--cliudei,  shoes,  773 

Chicago  &  Gfand  Tfunk  R| 

The  Favorite  Route  East 







OIF  V^^Wi^     Klm(^'n(^ 
J  liai  idj  yiulgilD 

Clippers,  Shoo  Flys, 




iLiiloiJay  ^  ii  yiiiPLii^i  y^j^ul  iJy^iiPu^ 

Send  for  Circulars. 



iiLi[!0!s  m\m  I B,  fo 


to  all  POINTS  i 

„  MMi  w:ik 







Heid  J«ihn,  saloon,  777  College  ave. 
I3ei<!  7<JatliSas,  Pres   Mutncli  Brewing 

Co,  701  Lake. 
Heid   tt   Mory    (Peter   Ueid,    Charles   W 

Hloryj,  grain  elevator,  70:3  Superior. 
Hein  Hev~.\Iax  C  H,  (Lutheran),  7S2  Win- 
Heiuemann  Fred,  drugs,    941  College  ave. 
lleintz  Lambert,  saloon.  897  College  ave. 
Ileuu  RevLaurencius,  Superior  sjt  .Joseph's 

Ililfert  C.  city  treas,  611  Jlorrisou. 
Hiaton  .ianies,  saloon.  77.3  College  ave. 
Hoefer  F  ^V,  city  marsiial. 
Holiniann  lltnry,  carpenter,  060  Bennett. 
JJssriioi"    Ji>M-i>ii,    -Mnfr     Cooperage, 

Beer  and  Porlt  Birreli.  Appleton  Water 

Power.     [Si^c  adv,  p  133.) 
Hnniphrey    lOdward  P,   city   editor   Post, 

837  College  ave. 
Hurd  ilissljose  B,  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co. 
Hyde  AV'ilcome,  real  est,  cor  Superior  aud 

College  ave. 
Ihnow  Ernst,  cigarmkr,  Atlantic, 
lusold  Bros  &  Co  (Arthur  .J  and  Henry  J 

lugoUi),   notiou.s,  7.j1  College  ave. 
.Tacob  Leopold,  clothing,   V.yl  College  ave. 
Jacoby  &   Co  (Annie   Jacohy,   Henry   T 

Waters),  cigar  ninfrs.  647  Appleton. 
Janong  ^Vm  G,  boolis,  77(J  Colle!,'e  ave. 
Jcnucrjahn  John,  shoemlir.  ii;iO  Appleton. 
.lensen  Xels,  painter,  7ol  Edwards.  Adolph,  marble  worlis,  701)  College 

Johnson  Ebcn  N,  furngs,  788  College  av. 
Johnson  .Miss  Frank  ina,  812  College  ave. 
J(lhn^ton  John  C,  niillr.  78i  College  ave. 
Johnston  Thomas  E,  mason,  847  State. 
Jones  rieorge  C,  lawyer.  801  (College  ave. 
Kamps  Annie  .M,  uillliuer,  043  College  uv. 
Iv.aini]s  (jfrlmrd,  haraes.i.  yu  C'llleu'e  ave. 
Ivamp.M  J  H  &,  Co  (.Fohu  H  Kamps),  drugs, 

7!»:;  College  ave. 
!vanip>,  'I'lii-odore,  harness,  040  College  av. 
Kanipo  'I'liiin,  saloon,  501  Pearl. 
Kaiioii^e  Ahijah.  piiys.  <.ldd  Fellov.-s'  blU. 
ICuils  Anton,  grocer,  ]ii|^  tjollege  ave. 
Kaufinuin  Mrs  (.'.■'.roliue.  confr,    C-O  Ap- 

ICaufniann  John  P. shoemkr. 00")  Appleton. 
Kavan-iugh  it  ^Iiirpliy  (.Myhw  Kavanaugh, 

Dennis  AIurph>),  livery.  1(70  College  ave. 
Ker  Wah,  laundry,  (i'JJ  ()neida. 
Iveets  Cornelia  C,  grocer,  OllO  College  ave. 
Keller  Kuno  F,  jeweler.  8.")!  College  ave. 
ICelley  Tlionias  H,  mason,  873  Diirkee. 
ICellogu:  Aaron  H,  lawver,  781  Colle:.'e  ave. 
Kellogg   Howard    W,"sec   V  M  C  A,  .520 

Kennedy  Wm,  lawyer,  780  College  ave. 

Keiiyoii  \Vi!i  O,  Physician,  Odd  l''ei- 
lows'  Blk. 

Kc§slcr  FrniiU,  Sash,  Doors,  Blinds, 
Glass,  Screen  Doors  and  Holdings,  1015 
College  ave, 

Kettenhoffen  Bros(Peter  and  John), saloon, 
78.J  College  ave. 

Kettenhofeu  Frank,  hardware,  789  Col- 
lege ave. 

KillKU  A  Whitman  (Wm  tl  Killen,  Albert 
B  Whilman),  real  est,  7.'J0   College  ave. 

Kimball  3Iary  J,  dressmaker,  cor  Washing- 
ton and  Kankiu, 

Kimball  Sahin  C.  grocer,  073  ^teade. 

Kimberly  &  Clark  Co,  J  A  Kimberly  pres, 
C  B  Clark, sec.  piper  mnfrs,  UpperDam. 

Kingsbury  Frank,  liari)er,  ."iS.i  Appleton. 

Kalahorst  Philip,  meats,  09'3  College  ave, 

tvlein   August,   blksmith,  900  Colleje  ave. 

Kloepfel  W  Ernest,  hardware,  SO.J  College 

Klotscn  Harv-ey  F,  brick  mnfr,  Oneida. 

Knuppl  August,  carpenter,  .'i  !0  North. 

Kober  Jacob,  dry  goods,  yo^  College  ave. 

Koehue  Anton,  bottler,  74.)  Kiclunoud. 

Koletzke  Ferdinand,  picture  frames,  733 
Colletre  ave. 

Kolitsch  Fred,  saloon,  1019  Collei^e  ave. 

Konrad  Wm  W.  tinsmith.  047  (_»neida. 

I\:raus  Andrew,   saloon,  070    Collei^e  ave. 

Kreiss  Oeortie  .M. grocer,  744  l{iclimond. 

Ivreiss  Henry,  ins.  Odd  l-VlloA--.'  bik. 

Kubits  Cbaries  F.  tailor,  470  .Minor. 

liiicliitliaii  Jolm  El.  .Mngr  Muench 
lirewiug  (Jo,  701  Laiie. 

ICunit/.  John  C,    livery,  814  E<lwards. 

Kunze  Wm.  flour  and  feed,  023  Morri.son. 

Klirtz  .•\li"re<l,  Graduate  Ontario  Vet- 
erinary C(jllei:e,  Veterinary  Surgeon  and 
Dentist,  02.")  .M.irrison. 

Kufltr  L  F  it  Co  (Jiouia  F  and  Frederick 
W  Kutler).  bakers,  740  Colleu^'  ave. 

Langenberg  J  Herman,  shoes,  818  College. 

Lanscr  Jolin,  .-aloon,  ;.j3  Aiiphtoii. 

r,awl(r  John  J,  salnon,  0.-.3   Lake. 

I.,aivi-cii<'e  l'iiivtT.«ily  (Aielhodist 
KiMseopal).  Rev  C  W  Ualiaglier  D  D 
Pres,  Prof  Frank  Cramer  Sec.  College 
ftv  bet  Drew  and  Union.    (See  mti',  p  111.) 

Lawrence  tt  Co  (l^ec  rce  A  anil  George  H 
Lawrence),  meats,  722  College  ave. 

Leimer  Louis,  meats,  O.j")  Lake. 

Ijeininu'.-r  Peter,  carpenter.  State. 

[/cmlirke  Clirisiian,  meats.  710  CoUecre. 

[jennon  i'alrick.  pumps,  01s  Durkee. 

Lenz  .Matilda  B,  dre?smkr,    0.50    Atlantic. 

Leonharilt  .Mrs  B.irhara,  dressmkr,  632 

Leonliarilt  George,  meats.  817  Morrison. 

Leonhardt  Petef,  gen  store.  0'.l4  College. 

Morth  Star  Ironworks.  )  l  "|Minty,.-,ll0  1ii>n<ls-Kn:.-ln^ 
riilKII  31AM  1  in  I  lilN(;  to.  '•  >lillnri:.-hU,  San  Hill  JlHrhii 
Ashland,    -     -     Wisconsin.  \  Speeil  Kogiaes,  Boilers,  I'oire 

lUchini^ls.  Koiinders,  llnileriiiuk^r-. 
.  ""linini.-  Ma.liiiicrj.CorllMiaadlli:--!' 
ansuilltlus  .Macliliierr,etc.   Seep,  (j 







683  South   River  Street, 


J.  ni-i.iiAn  &  CO., 



83  and  l^ailie 

-  We  have  just  onmpleteil   tlip  best    furni-Ued 

^jTl  Sale  Barn  in  tin.-  Xi.rtlnvtst,  which  we 

have  ligliled  with  Electricity,  and 
stock  cnii  be  pceu  as  wfjl'at 
night  as  in  daylight. 

<-lln(onvlll<N   «:.u|>iira  <  o. 

Leopolls,  Miai\aii»   «... 

Aiill;^<>,    l.i.i.xlad.-  <  ... 

AKillaiitl.  AslilaiKl 

<  o. 

IluiJey,    Vslil 

ana  <  o. 


lieHAoinor,  Oiii.>na^<>ii  <<>. 

iruiii\uud,  Oiiloiia 

zoa  Vo. 

Olllfc  and  Sliiltlc*  on  Joliii-oii  Slrccl, 




WiSCO;:SI:;  VE[.'ET!!,!»  BLliiD  CO.,  ,  .  .:'.':"'':"n;"'='!v""r... 

Omca&Factorv,  iSlLaLe  St-.^lIL-iViVKEV,  uis.     L3Iu3i    iiliiirCVSU    .GnSlicJ!    tJikiilo, 





Lester  Jobn  S.  set  U  S  Exp  r,, 
Lcvings  Alfred  H.  phys,  6U  Jl'TrisoQ.  Wm.  barber,  567  State. 
Loev  Jojeph,  baker,  0G6  Coilejre  ave. 
Lohraaa  August,  barber,  si7  College  ave. 
LorenceM;\ry  &  Theresa,   dressmkrs,  043 

College  ave. 
Loth  Christian,  carpenter,  616  Oneida. 
Lunt  Richard  M,  real  est,  cor  College  ave 

and  Jleade. 
Lusty  II,  cooper.  .?97  Atlantic. 
Lutz   Bro5   (Edward  F   aad  Lorenz).  ice. 

Maple  Grove. 
Lyons  Bertha,  ciiarmnfr,  71-i  Colleje. 
McArthtir  George,  towel   mnfr,  2d  Ward 

■water  power. 
McCabe  .Tiimes  E,  painter,  State. 
McGahn  Annie,  dressmkr.  7-18  College. 
McGill  Dinicl,  harness.  033  AppSeton. 
McGillcn  Mary  S,  music  teacher,  cor  High 

and  Elm. 
SZcKcnzic  &  Crawford,  D  ,1  Ryan 

Ai;t,  Coal  and  V.'ood,  ■>91  Appleton. 
JIcKinney  Patrick,  sew  mach.  bll)  College. 
JIcNumee  George,  agt  Am  Exp  Co.  i 

ilahncke  Charles  A,  physician,  S^o  Rich- 
Maislein  Henry  L.  grocer,  651  Lake.  j 

JIalaun  I'enj-imin  L,  barber,  Oneida.  I 

jVlalone  W'm  L,  jeweler,  bio  Colleije  ave.        | 
Ulniin  \^'iii,  Saloon.  719  Appleton.  j 

Manser  it  riennij;  (.Elenry  ^lanser,  F   J  H   j 
Pfennig),  planing  mill,  2d  Ward  water 
Jlarrelte  Nicholas,  b'Usraith,  9'JO  College.    I 
Marston  J  II  it  Co  (.lostph  H,  (Juincy'  D   > 
and  Charles  L  Jlariton).  lime  mnfrs,  Go9 
Marston  &  Beveridge  CJoseph   H   Marston   | 
Charles   A    I>evtridi;c),    spokes,    Grand   I 
Chute  I'^land. 
Rliissoiiclt   t'r.»i>fr.  Saloon,  W2  Col- 
lege ave.  I 
Massonctt  Michael  J.  lime.  I'lOS  College  av   | 
Ma^cr  Max.  jeweler,  SOi  Col  lege  .ave.  j 
Meidam  Dennis,  florist.  Oil  ISnicke.  | 
Jlerkel  Leonhnrdi.  me'ils.  72^  Appleton. 
Mcrritt,  w::u'"noikr,  '.I'M'i    t'ollcce.    | 
Mcrle«t   A    Walliifc  i.Vnton   .Merles.    | 
John    Wallacel,     I'r'.iggists   and    Mnfrs    | 
Badger  State  Washing   Compound,  10-4':> 
College  ave. 
Meyt'i-   Sleiiry   W,   Propr    Appleton 
VolUsfreund     and     HcMler     in     Pisn'-is,    i 
Organs,  Sewing  Machines,  Etc,  014  Mor-   | 
rison.  I 
Miller  Albert  C.  photogr.  .?1S  College  ave.    | 
ililler  Henry  A.  i;very.  O'i'j  Morrison.  | 
!?III\viniUce  Hoii-o.  .lobn  A  Speaker   i 
Propr,  71t)-71>^  Appiolou.  ! 

iJIiwaukee,  Lake  Shore  &  Vrestt-rn  Ry, 
TV'm  Siiverfriend  ag:.  Grand  Chute  I;.,; 

Milwaukee  &  2\orthern  R  R.  Justia  K 
Critcfaett  agt.  Grand  Chute  Island. 

^lingSarauefP,  j'-istice,  Odd  Fellows'  blk. 

ilockley  Mrs  M  A.  hair  goods,  sj")  Coliege. 

Moeskes  Gerhart  T,  county  judtre.  Court 

Monroe  James,  wagonmkr,  702    Appleton. 

2>Iontgomery  Wm   F.  drugs,  7S6   College. 

Morgan  Xathan  E.  city  elk,  Oil  Morrison. 

Morseneier  .lohn  W,  saloon.    624   Oneida. 

Morrison  Charles  B,  agt  C  it  X  W  Ry. 

Mory  Charles,  genl  store,  730  College  ave. 

Mory  Edward  F,  carpnir.  S&7  ^'  Division. 

jlueiler  Gc-orse,  meats,  -574  State. 

Mueiicli  iJrc'wiiis  <,'«>,  Matthias  Held 
Pres,  Andrew  Pick  See  and  Treas.  John 
R  KueUithau  mngr,  701-715  Lake, 

iluench  George  it  Co  (Georse,  George  jr 
and  Charles  iluench),  bottlers,  olS  Wal- 

^lunchow  'Wm,  shoes,  694  College  ave. 

Mund  Emanuel,  hides,  9^0  College  ave. 

Multart  Jarvis.  county  supt,  Court  House. 

Myers  George  H,  circuit  judge,  700  Law- 

Mys  Theodore,  house  mover.  Atlantic. 

Xabbefeld  Fred,  shoemkr,  O'JO  Lake. 

Xal.befeld  Henry,  saloon.  .".."i.5  Walniit. 

Nubbefeid  ,Iohn,  carpenter.  10.^0  Lorain. 

Nachnchten,  Christian  lioemer  publr,  cor 
Oneida  and  Market. 

Nichols  Henry,  plumber.  72.')  Cjllege  av. 

Nilschke  Mary,  crocer,  "j50  College  ave. 

N'l'  Wm,  grocer.  4-'<'j  Cherry. 

Xorliiwoleni  IIoti*c,  Matthew  E 
Brill  Propr,  64ii— G4S  Appieton.  (.?fe 
•>,i,.  p  l:S.) 

Obst  .Minnie,  cocfr,  969  College  ave. 

Odd  Fellows'  Bloc''v,  7-17-751  Coileire  ave. 

O'Kcefo  Thomas  .&  Sons  iThomas.  Daniel 
ami  Wm),  millwrights.  451  AValnnt. 

Ostrander  it  Krciss  (Earle  Ostrander,  Fred 
H  KreiiS).  physicians,  616  Oneida. 

P.ilnur  Charles  P.  apiarist  473  College  av. 

Palmisano  Antonio,  coufctr,  979  College 

Pardee  Charles  A,  grocer,    7>0  Collese  av. 

Pardee  James  H.  mineral  water,  S31  -\Ior- 

Park  Hotel,  F  J  Gens  propr,  670  College 

P,irks  Bros  'Albert  W  and  Arthur  S). 
g'-i'cers,  10 19  Atlantic. 

I'alU'ii  l»apor  <'o  (Ltdi.  Azel  W  Pat- 
ten Prts,  McXaughton  Sec  and 
1  re<i=.  Grand  Chute  Island. 

Pauiy  Mrs  Su^.inna,  grocer,  5'-3  Walnut. 

Payer  Frank,  grocer.  77'J  Lake. 

Cliicap  S  Giaod  Trun^  P.j, 

Palace  and  Dininp;  Cars 


Ctiicajo  fi  Gfand  Tryol(  Ry,  '"iJj'itu^^H 

!/  Ri,   Palace  and  Dinins"  Cars 






Badger  Broadcast  Seeders,  Agricultural  ImplerDeuts, 

Hero  Mills  and  Powers,  Chief  Level  Tread  Power, 
App.  4-Horse  Power  and  Hero  Mill, 

Hero  Feed  aud  Ensilage  Cutters. 

Worksand  Cen'I  Oflice,  Aiiploloii,  «iK.  Brnoch  0nice,2'2  S.  Cnnal  SI.,  Cliloaso,  111. 

Br^  E   if^  /'='^  f^'^        P--1   if^   R    R  C^^    -'-"^ 
y     Q    i    ^WiJ   ^^sij   <^-BS^  y|        y     ^^cs^     W^    <i£a»>    fclsaaj 

J.  E.  CHENEVERT,  Proprietor. 


Convenient  to  Business  Center.     Commercial  Trade  a  Specialty. 
Sample  Hooma.    Excellent  Table. 

776  Edwards  Miotl,  -  -  APIM.r.TOV.  WI)«. 

T^:^    A 


■MB3&  Httsa 'Ojaa  uca  I 




FUKSISIIED  FOB  Pllillt  AM>  ruiVATK  I)(-lLIilKGS. 
OlDfc  ill  Opcrii  JIoiisc  IJIooli,  -  AI'PI^IO'IO.V,   U  IS(  OWs: 

J.  H.  TOOK, 

\  BooliBinderandSlstioner 

721  College  Avenue, 



appm:to.\,  wis. 

luiJiois  mum  1 1 ::: 



I  (lOfiTliERil  mL 


Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 






Peercnboom  Arnold,  clothing,  7-jO  Colley;e 

Peercnboom  J  &  Sons    (Julius,  ^Maurice  S 

and  George  H),  dry  goods,   S16   College 

Peotter  nernian,  blacksmith,  1027  College 

Petersen  Fred  jr,  meats.  >0i3  College  ave. 
Petersen  Frederick,  coroner.  Court  House. 
Peltibone  C  J  ik  Co  (Cb.iuncey  J  Petttboue, 

George  F  Peiibod.v),  dry  goods,  S,'8  Col- 
lege aveuiie. 
Picrj'f  SsiJiiijjIiroy,  Lawyer  and  Real 

Estate  Dealer,  .jjl  Appleioii. 
Pingel  it  ^\'nlter  (.John  Ij  Pingei,  Bernard 

C  Wolter),  farm  implt.=,  6'>1  Appieton. 
Plamann  Albert  T,  saloon,  7-l'2  College  av. 
Plumb  iV  Xelson  Co,  J  L  Plumb  prcs,  J  C 

Nelson  sec,  grocers,  7i;'-  Appletou. 
Poetzel  -Joseph,  tailor.  GU  Oneid'i. 
Polzin  Mrs  Anna,    carpel  weaver,  760  Ap- 

Pooley  Uevi;  II  (Methodist). 737  Lawrence. 
Post  Office,   James  Kyan,   postmaster,  01.5 

Post  Publishing  Co,    T  B  Ileid  pres.    E  P 

Humphrey  sec.  College  ave. 
Postal  Teleiiraph   Co,   Gustav   Schroeder 

mngr,  tSUl  College  ave. 
Prescott  Ho.^pital,    Mrs  Kate  Pntton  supt, 

68.5  Drew. 
Radtke  Cli-irles.  shoemUr,  7J2  Applelon. 
Rahn  F  \Vm  B,  furniture.  7<J9  Colltire  av. 
R:iiti>,ay  iV.    .loiios  -fKrrtin    Uumsay, 

Charles  II  Jone3>.  .Mntrs  and  Dealer.s  in 

Lumber,  73S  Superior,  Millsat  Menomi- 
nee, Jlicli. 
Raue  Fred  AV,  cigar  miifr,  004  College  av. 
Regenfii-s  John,  saloon.  S-'l  Collece  ave. 
Re'id  Thomas  B,    editor  Post,    S.j7  College 

Reif  iirs  Theresa,  grocer,  017  Walnut. 
Reilly  Jchn  U,  physici-iu,  iJ13  Ouei  la. 
Ruil/.ner  Charles,  suloon,   :'')'■)  C.iiiegs  ave. 
Rhodes  "Wm  L,  grocer.  tj'-iH  Oneida. 
Riggs  Charles  P,    sttme  quarry,    id   Ward 

water  power. 
Ritger  Aiitcm.  carriage  miifr,  cor  Edward^ 

and  5lnrrison. 
RobiTraaii  .Mever.  cnnfclr,  ('olle^l!  av. 
Roberts  Rov  I'F  (.\leth.»l'-ll,   HO  AlDn. 
R'jcmer  Christian,  publr  Weclier  and.Nach- 

Roenier  Joseph,    justice,    cor  Oneida  and 

Rogers  \Vm  11,  llnrist.  13.52  Carver. 
Rogers  tt  Co   (Henry  J   RcLaTs.    Frank  II 

Piclvch)   mdse  broker,  .501  Appleton. 
Rose  C  F  it  (.'o,    (Clarence   F  Hose,   Percy 

M  Conkey),  statinuer.s,  GIo  Oneida. 

Ross  ^Xm  T.  photgr,  827  College  ave. 

Rossmeissl  J  it  \\  (Joseph  and  ^lathiasi, 
stoves,  .^29  College  ave. 

Ruhlander  Mrs  Amelia,  milliner,  743  Col- 
lege ave. 

Russell  Bros  (Frank  Tand  Roland  R), flour 
mills,  water  power,  2d  ward. 

Ryan  David  J,  agent  McKenzie  it  Craw- 
ford. .591  Applelon. 

Ryan  Henry  U,  lawyer,  800  College  ave. 

Rj'au  James,  postmaster,  61.5  Oneida. 

Ryan  &  Bro  (Samuel,  James  and    bamuel 
J),  pubirs  Crescent. 
i   Ryan   it    Lepjila   (Richard  Ryan,     Waliie 
Leppla).  grocers,  sjl  College  ave. 

Sut'fker  Wits  P.  E\ipt  Union  Toy  and 
Furnilure  Co,  G'J'-i  S  Division. 

St  Joseph's  Convent  of  llie  Capuchin  Fath- 
ers, 92-t  Lawieuce. 

St  .Joseph's  Parochial  School,  Sisters  of 
Notre  Dinu;,  010  Lawrence. 

Salomon  Bros'.^Iax  and  Simon),  irrocers, 
7211  ColltL'e  ave. 

Saloman  Rev  Ferdinand  G  (Hebrew),  774 

Scherk  \Vm  E  B,  cooper,  7.58  Superior. 

Schibursky  Christopher,  clothing,  781  Col- 
lege ave. 

Sehiedermeyer  Max,  meat  market,  604 
College  ave. 

Schintz  Louis,  leal  e-tatc,  803  Colleue  ave. 

Schlafer,  Barrett  it  T.=ch  (Otto  P  Schlafer, 
Benjamin  Barrett,  \Vm  Tesch)  hardware, 
803  College  ave. 

Srhlichter  Henry,  saloon,  640  Jjake. 

Scblosser  John,  hani ware.  784  College  ave. 

Schmidt  Edward,  saloon,  623  Applelon. 

Schmidt  Herman,  picture  frames,  06.5  Col- 
h'L'e  avenue. 

.Scliiiiiilt  Ivoiiis  C,  Mnfr  and  Whole- 
8,'ile  Cigars  and  Tobacco, 778  College  ave. 

Sclirnitt  Rev  llonoratus,  vicar  St  Joseph's 

Schneider   Frederick,   carpenter.  Johnson. 

Scholz  Traugotl  C,  cabtmkr,  792  College. 

Si-hreiter  IVauk,  furniture,  864  C^illege  av. 

Schreiter  Frank  jr,  cigar  mnfr.  .539  Cherry. 

Schroeder  Guslav.  mngr  Postal  Tel  Co. 

Schuclter  Henry,  tailor.  .5b7  Applelon. 

.Schuldes  George,  grocer,  033  Collesie  ave. 

Scliullz  Charles  \V,  grocer.  728  College  av. 

Schullz  it  Dau  (.John  Scliullz,  Herman  F 
Dau),  farm  implts,  804  (.'ollege  ave. 

Schw.ihu  Leo  F,  cigar  mufr.  748  Main. 

Schwur/.  Uudolpb.  clothing. 772  College  av. 

Schweitz.T   I'eter,  saloon,  0>8.j  College  ave. 

Schwendler  Charles  F,  iir.icer,  919  Oneida. 

^CG^l  Rol)ert,  Hour,  686  College  avenue. 

Shafer  Nicholas,  general  store,  1011  Col- 
lece  ave. 

E  r»  ^ f  f^  L^-^  f^  s'.i' 'iuivjL";";  v:!:;.";,  i u  l  s  y  3  a  m  d  n a  s , 

M  •*«»   y   W  a  lU'  «..?  a   u.r  .".all-.     t«ralM«ue,  tree.  J  L'ii  W.  V,:iter  Street,  ItiLIVAl  Kit. 

%\ritc  to  J.  X.  ?IcCrNN,   fireoil    Bay,  AVls.,  for  ANNT'AI,    CATALOr.rK  of -lie 

Green    Bay  Business   College,  oriimmct  maorKomem. 


GEO.  F.  ARNOLD  &  SON, 

Dealers  and  Shippers  of 

I  .5.  A 

(^  fyf- 


868  Appleton  Street, 




Real  Estate  Dealer, 

Room  10  Odd  Fello*s'  Block, 

Probate  Practice  a  Specialty. 

Telppliouc    7*. 



HI.  11.  liltlLI^,  Proprietor. 

The  Only  First-Class  $1,50  per  Day  House  in  the  City. 


CoF.  Appleton  and  Edwards  Stixsts, 


Corperiter,  Byildar  end  OenorGl  Conirocior. 

Plans  and  Estimates  Furnished  on  Short  Notice. 

Shop  on  Bates  Street,  near  C.  k  N.  W,  Ry.  Depot, 

APPLETOrJ,         -  -  -         WISCOENSSIN. 

WOO],DAB]D'S    3AK 


CEO.   i».  \VO<H»AUI>,  I»ioi»rifl<»r. 

Crackers  and  Confectionery. 

698-700  College  Avenue, 



Cliicap  fi  Gfand  ]m\ 

Pu   Palace  and  Dinlnsr  Cars 




ilG  LADIES, iA;lTED!&^f.^^^K^ 

COI.Lt.«;li     l»re- 
l<>    do  acceptable 
s  Ollli-cs. 





Shannon  Bros  (Sidney  C  and  Wm  J),  gro- 
cers, 593  C'llleiie  ave. 

Slici'iiian  I5ou<>c,.Iohn  Conway  Propr, 
Oneida  cor  Edwards. 

Sherry  George,  carpenter,  cor  Atlantic  and 

Slierrj' JaiiicSjCoatractorand  Builder, 
747  Bites.     {Steadp,  p  123.) 

ShinnerH  James,  pumps,  799  Appleton. 

Siebera  Ilenrv,  saloon,  70G  Colle:je  ave. 

Silverfriend  Vv'm,  a;;t  il  L  S  &  W  \\y. 

Smith  Alexander  W,  deputy  clerii  circuit 
court.  Court  House. 

Sniitli  Alii'  I..t'<iyard,  Pres  and  Genl 
^Ingr  Appleton  Edison  Electric  LiL'ht 
Co,  Sec  and  Treas  Green  B.iy  it  Misiis- 
sippi  Canal  Co,  and  lieal  Estate  ani 
Loans,  61o  Oneida  over  Postollice. 

Smith  Charles  F,  livery,  S52  Lawrence. 

Smith  llenry  D,  pres  First  National  Bank, 
591  Morrison. 

Smith  &,  Bligh  (Emily  Smith,  Lottie 
Bligh),  dressmkrs,  S24  College  ave. 

Smith  it  Koileiid  (Augustus  L  Smith, 
Joseph  Kollend),  insurance.  G15  Oaeida. 

Smudde  Mrs  A  M.  contctr,  914  College. 

SpauUling  G  W  &  Co  (George  \\  Spauld- 
ing),  ilourmill.  Middle  Dam. 

Sl»cakcr  Juhii  A,  Propr  J\lilwaukee 
flousc,  7IG  aiid  718  App'eton. 

Spearing  Adolph,  dyer,  filM)  College  ave. 

Spencer  Eliliu.  co  surveyor,  (Jourt  Elouse. 

Spielbauer  Frank,  saloon.  lOOo  Col!c2e. 

Spiering  Adolph,  wool  carder,  2d  Ward 
■water  power. 

Spilkor  Frank  F,  cic^r  inntr.  13C'l  2d. 

Spitz  Joseph,  clothing.  7i)»J  College  ave. 

Stade  llenry,  hiruess,  y'>7  dHoire  ave. 
.  Staehen  Olto  A,  barber,  94i5  College  ave. 

Stansbury  Emory,  l>h\'s.  7'Jl   Lawrence. 

Stark  Andrew,  meals,  .■)7i  AValnut. 

Stark  Nicholas,  .saloon.  7(M  Applrton. 

Stark  Theodore  F,  arocer,    71)9    Apiileton. 

Steigcnberger  M'lrliii,  saloon,  729  College. 

Stier  John,  clear  lunfr,  IJ2(J  Oneida. 

Stier  Josci)h  F,  meats.  I^u  Appleton. 

Stilp  Bros  (Wm  and  Juhnt,  cigar  mnfrs 
9.51  College  ave. 

Stimsou  James  E  [I,  photogr,  NQlCollei'e. 

Tegelmaun  Mrs  Annie,  dresamkr,  7iil  Col- 
lege ave. 

Telulah  Paper  Co.  (capital  >;'2.')O.O0O).  C  B 
Clark  pre?,  J  A  Kuuberly  sec,  Grand 
Chute  Miiiil. 

Tennev  lleury  W,  lawyer,  Odd  Fellows' 

Thomas  Xettie,  dressnikr,  930  College. 

Th.iinas  Nicholas,  saloon,  528  State. 
Took  Jolu!  11,    Biokbinder   and    S'a- 
ti  mer,  721  College  ave.  (S'.e  aili\  p  1  :i  ) 

Turner  George  "W,  livery,  734  Edwards. 

I'liiiiaii  J  t^  Co,  (Joseph,  Amelia  and 
Daniel  L  Ullman,)  Horses,  Mules  and 
Cattle,  Johnson,     i  .?«■  i?!?.-.  ;;  119.) 

Ultimatum  Cornet  Baud,  Edward  Turner 
leader,  6'h  Ward  School. 

Union  Band,  Samuel  Pocilny  Idr,  733  Col- 
lege ave 

I'liioti  Toy  &;  FiirnHiire  Co,  Jacob 
Kober  Pres,  Fred  Heinemana  Sec,  Wm  F 
Saecker  Treas  and  Supt,  G03  S  Division. 
{See  add,  p  IIT.) 

United  States  Express  Co,  John  S  Lester 
agt,  .oSO  Oneida. 

United  States  Fox  River  Improvement,  C 
A  Fuller  asst  engineer,  79:i  (,'ollece    ave. 

Urban  Frederick,  grocer,  Paeitic  and 

Valley  Iron  Works  (capital  ■■j.JO.OOO),  G  D 
Rowell  pres,  D  G  Howell  sec.  Grand 
Chute  Island. 

Vaughn  Kittle,  dressmkr,  811  College  ave. 

Verhooven  Albert,  gen  store   5G1    "Walnut. 

Yiiial  Cliurlesi  If,  City  Engineer  and 
Surveyor.  .?12  College  ave. 

Voigt  Frederick  B.  shoes,  7  71  College  ave. 

Vose  John,  livery,  583  Superior. 

Wah  Lee,  laundry,  S07  College  ave. 

Wa'dmann  Wen/el  A,  saloon,  779  College.  Genrce,  brewer,  ."iG  Walnut. 

Wnmbold  S  K  k  Son  (Samuel  K  and  Har- 
ry El,  flour  mill,  2d  Ward  water  power. 

Ward  Thomas  E,  grocer,  713  Appleton. 

Warner  Wm  S.  lawyer,  81)0  College  ave. 

■\VHVtTly  Il[<>ii«e,  AVm  II  CottriU 
Propr,  cor  Appb-ton  and  Lawrence. 

Wayland  Charles  C,  cimn,  S~0  Collegeav. 

«'el>s«er  Warren  M,  Planing  "Mill, 
Grand  Chute  Inland. 

Wehner  Herman,    harness,  660    Morrison. 

WciseErail,  ins.  691  College  ave. 

AVeissijerber  it  Mahn  (Robert  Weissgerber, 
Frank  ^ralini    barbers.  618  Oueida. 

Woll<i<;  .11  A:  SiMi,  (Charles  M  and 
Carleton  Hi.  [yumber,  Bridire  Timber, 
RailroHil  and  Telegraph  Supplies,  Cedar 
Block  Pavement,  etc,  812  College  ave. 
{S,c  <id)K  p   !!-.) 

Wells  A.  iltielle,  (Charle.i  M  Wells. 
Adolphus  H  Rui-lle).  Cedar  Poles.  Posts. 
Railroad  Ties.  Paving  Blocks  and  Shin- 
gles, 812  Collese  ave.     {See   a'li-^  p    115.) 

Wendelborn    Henry,  saioon.  814    College. 

Wentcnk  Theo.iore.  meats.  7-58  Lawe. 

W«'iizcl  \i'in,  Steam  and  Water  Pipe 
Fitting,  mnfr  Wenzjis  Steam  Trap,  •"iyi 
Appleton . 

Werner  Carl,  carpet   weaver,  76.")   Oneida. 

Werner  Mathias,  ct  treas.  Court  House. 
West  Edward,  real  estate,  839  Prosnect. 

iLLiils  mm  I R 

I  to  all  POINTS  in  KUPj  I  liLili 


!;iiicap  fi  Gfanil  ]ml  Ry, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 

VIA    r^;AGARA    FALLS. 




^Vl■>terQ  Union  Telt-Lrrapli  Co,  Miss  Hose 
15  Ilurd  mogr,  S21  College  ave. 

"Wcttengel  SIis  Annie,  saloon,  1133  College. 

AVlialen  Bros  (Frank  E  and  John  P),  sa- 
loon, 7Go  CoUeae  ave. 

\Vl)itman  Albert  B,  kiv.-yer,  750  Collc^re  av. 

Vriiitman  ct  Crider,  (.\llicrt  B  Whitman, 
.Jacob  Crider),  ina750  Colleiie  ave. 

Wbortou  Wm  G,  crockery,  I'.Mj  College  av. 

■^Viljjcr  .5  &  Co  (.Joseph  WilL'cr,  Jacob 
.Millertz),  Ilorte^hoera.  733  Edwird-;. 

Wdkner  &  Coulter  (Charles  A  ^Vilknel■, 
Henry  15  Coulter),  painters,  707  College 

■\Villiamg  Alice,  music  teacher,  Lawrence. 

U'ill^oii  I<roM  (Theodi ire  B  and  Edgar 
G),  Mufrs  Pateut  Jleat  Blocks.  {Seeadc, 

Willy  &  Co  (T  Albert  and  Nellie  L  Willy), 
flour  mill,  Appleton  water  power. 

'.Vilson  Win,  mason,  071  Apphlon. 

Windels  Charles,  buttler,  (i7'i  yuperiiir. 

Winslow  Kiish,  physician,    811  Lav/rence. 

Wisconsin  Telephone  Co,  ^I  II  Croswell 
mngr,  "iGX  C!ollet;e  ave. 

W'issnmnn  Jolm  .M,  salonn,  7-lG  College  av. 

WoeJilor  'a"lic<nl<»i'c  SI.  Proprietor 
Crescent  Ilcmsu,  I'S'y  Apjilcton. 

Wolf  George,  marble  wks,  Mr,  Oneida. 

Wolf  Jacob,  shoes,  ."iSS  Wuiuut. 

"Wolfram  .August,  saloon.  !S7'.?  Crillcgo  av. 

Wuluian  Frank,  books,  7r)  t  (..'ollege  ave. 

"Wolter  Henry,    ci^'ar  nuifr,  GIH  Appletou. 

Wood  &  Feavel  '(Seih  H  Wood,  Ueury 
Feavel),  punters,  7J7  College  ave. 

^Vo«Ml!ir<l  C«coi'm>  S,  BaUeraud  Con- 
fectioner, (108  700  College  ave.  {Si.'cadc, 
P  12S  ) 

M'oolicy  Suliicy  31,  Restaurant,  Con- 
fectioner and  C'.itercr,  707  Culleu'e  ave. 

^Vrijbt  Ediviii  .M,  Ilour  and  feed,  :,-;:>  dd- 
lege  ave. 

^\  right  Frank  E,  livery,  cor  Edwards  and 

J  iniDg  John  J,    propr  Commercial  House. 

Vnung  Alen's  Christian  Associaliou,  H  W 
Kellogg,  gen  sec. 

^  ungmann  Itichaid,  tanner,  foot  .Inlm. 
"'^■-iner  .Alf.vaiukT,  music  Itaeher,  bds  \Va- 
verly  House. 

Zickler  Anton,  tailor,  Ui.j  C!ollege  ave. 
Zickler  Ignatz,  tailor,  020  College  ave. 
Zuehlke  Julius,  saloon,  828  College  ave. 

ARCADIA,      On  the  G.  B.,  W.  &  St. 

P.  U.  I!.,  in  township  of  same  name, 
Trempealeau  county,  l")  miles  southwest 
of  Whitehall,  the  seat  of  justice.  It  con- 
tains ilethodist,  German  .Methodist,  Meth- 
odist Episcopal,  L'uitarian  and  Catholic 
rhurches.  higli  and  graded  schools,  a  iiub- 
lic  library,  a  creamery,  tirniring  mills,  a 
brickyard,  a  brewery,  a  public  ball,  a 
bank  and  a  weekly  newspaper,  the  l,i\uUr 
(Dem.'i  Exp.,  U.  S.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Pop- 
ulation, 1,100.  George  II.  Dodge,  post- 

American  Valley   Stock   Farm,  B   Lorch 

ran  jr. 
Arcadia  Agricultural  Driving  Association, 

yi  J  Cashel  prts 
Arcadia  Board  of  Trade,  SKichmond  pres, 

E  Maurer  sec. 
Arcadia    Brewery,    Courtney    &   Fricker 

Arcadia  Circulating  Library. 
Arcadia  Cornel  Band.  E  Maurer  director. 
Arcadia  Creamery  Co,   T  A  Simpson   pies. 

John  Maurer  sec  and  mngr. 
Arcadia    Milling   Co,    S   ]{ichmond    pres, 

Frank  Paine  sec. 
Siuiik    <»r   .\r«'jijJiji,    John   Gillespie 

J'res,  .losepU  Ruth  Ca--hier. 
Barry  'I'bomas,  agri  impls. 
Baeurs  Bernhardt,  jeweler. 
Bennett  iMrs  Daviii,  carpet  weaver. 
Bevetidge  John,  propr  Commer(;ial  Hotel. 
Bion  John,  brewers'  ajt. 
Ble.^sner  Frederick,  stone  quarry. 
Brockhaus  Rev  It.  (Ger  Lutheran). 
Canutson   Gle  B,  dairy. 
Cargill   \{  W   ct  Bro  (Wm  W  and  S  D), 

Ca -hel  Michael  J,  stock  farm. 
C^onimercial  Hotel,  J  Beveridge  propr. 
Coinstock  Adam,  stirveyer. 
Courtney   &     Frick    (Thomas     Courtney, 

Wm  Frick),  proprs  Arcadia  brewery  and 

ice  dealers. 

TOSEiF-i-i   :E2:o2S2srji:2?£, 

i  ^lanulaclLirer  Cooperage,  Beer  and  Pork  Barrels. 

I  .vi'i'LJcroN  «'.vTi:it  rowuic, 

I  APPLETON,  -  -  V/ISC0^3SIN. 

I  Chicago, llMote  I SL  Paul  !l|,";'rnest  and  iloitlrat 

iLLiiiois  mm  ii, 

!    Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 

CHiCflGO,  soeiH 





Cowie  George,  apiiirist. 

Cysewski  Joseph  K,  grocer. 

Drfrsseiuiorfur  John,  meats. 

Durisch  .Jolin,  livery. 

FAielbucli  Frederick,  slioemaker. 

En[rll;U  Michael,  insu.''iince. 

English  Wm  T,  physician. 

Faflin  Joseph,  notary  and  dep  sheriff. 

Farriugtoa  Frank,  photographer. 

Faulds  .John,  contractor. 

Faulds  John  G,  editor  Leader. 

Felsheim  John,  mason. 

Fisher  Rev  J,  (.Methodist). 

Fisgliia  EJros  &  E^t'i'tis  (Fudna  Bros 

Fountain    City,   J   Martin  Fertigj,  Gen- 
eral Store. 
Funston  Theodore  F,  saloon, 
Garency  &  liainey  (.John  0  Gareney,    J  A 

I'ainey),  lawyers. 
Gillespie   &   Kuth  (John  Gillespie,  Joseph 

Kuth),  insurance. 
Grossman  Frank,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Htickcr  George,  meat  market. 
HaiiRs  Cliristian,  apiarist. 
Hensel  August  F,  ger.eral  store. 
Heuber  C^onrad,  tailor. 
Hidersliide  George  N,  physician. 
Hild  doscph,  barber. 
Ilohmann  it  Co  (Gustav  O  and    Otto  Holi- 

mann),  bottlers. 
ITotz  Adam,  blacksmith. 
Hunter  Archibald  F,  harness. 
Ingalls  Joshua  B,  jeweler. 
Kclleher  Mrs  F  E,  projir   .Mineral  Springs 

Kindschy  &  Itunkel  (W  C  Kindschy,  J  F 

Ruiikel),  grocers. 
King  lieiman,  contractor. 
Kiiud.-on  Sterner,  L'eueuil  store. 
Kinft  riiilip,  shoeiiialier. 
Kruuiinhol?,  Joseph,  blacksmith. 
l^oacU-r  'E'lic,  .Malliys  A  Faults  l^iblrs, 

George  :\Iathys  Editor. 
Lchrbach  Nicliolas,  hardware. 
Lubs  Charles  \V,  general  Ntore. 
Jlassucre  AV  V  it  Co  (Wilber  P  and  David 

Massuere),  geiiernl  ^lore. 
Malhys  E,  juslice. 

!tliilli)>    i«for!X«',  I'^ditor    Tbo  Leader. 
nin(iiy'«    «-V    t"iuil«l>   (George   .Matliys, 

John  Fa\ildsl,  I'ublrs  The  Leader. 
Jlatlerson  A  C,  bl.'ieksmitli. 
Manrer  Emil,  drugs. 
Mekelhurg  John,  cijar  mnfr. 
Miller  Henry  F,  Hour  n.ill,. 
Mineral   Springs  Hotel,  Jlrs  F  E  Kelleher 

More  Wtu  P.,  piini)is. 
lIBiiir  Joliii  <',  l'"arni  Iniplciuenis,  Live 

Stock  anil  llav. 

Norwitzski  L,  saloon. 

Paul  A\igast,  brick  mnfr. 

Peneil  John,  painter. 

Penny  Jesse  K,  contractor. 

T'enny  Samuel,  livery. 

Pike  John  A,  blacksmith. 

Place  Rev  W  F  (Unitarian). 

Proctor  Bros,  lumber. 

Putnam  Seth,  contractor. 

Radell  Julius  C,  wagonmaker. 

Richmond  Stephen,  lawyer. 

Ripley  George,  saloon. 

Rohn  &  Gleason  (.Miss  Katie  ];ohn,  Julia 

Gleason)  milliners. 
Ruth  Josejili,  notary. 
Rulzen  Rev  C  T  (Lutheran). 
Selck  T&  Co  (Timothy  Seick,  Joseph  Bis- 

chofl,  August  Zastrow),  tailois. 
Smart  George,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agent. 
Steinhauscr  Fidel,  tailor. 
Stevens  E  S,  principal  public  schools. 
Studt  Charles  II,  barber. 
Unlraut  Rev  Herman  (Catholic). 
Wismolek  Jacob,  saloon. 
Wohlgenant  Casper,  furniture. 
Wolfe  Wm  R,  saloon, 
Zindel  Peter,  blacksmith. 

ARENA.  A  prosperous  village  located 
on  theC,  M.  &  St.  P.  ]vy.,in  Iowa  county, 
25  miles  northeast  of  Dodgevillc,  the  judi- 
cial seat.  A  bank  is  sustained.  Exp.,  U. 
S.  Tel,  W.  U.  Population.  350.  W.  C. 
JlelTert,  postmaster. 

PdlliuL'ton  Bros,  waconmkrs  and  implts. 
Bird  Herbert,  |ihysiclan. 
Bowdan  R  &  11.  masons. 
Deyoe  Chris,  apiarist. 
Dodge  John  A,  geni:ral  store. 
Guuderson  O.  cariienter. 
Hamilton  Robert,  carpenter. 
Hodgson  Benjamin,  meat  market. 
Hodgson  .1,  mason. 
Hottman  C,  livery. 
lliiriiinu  :?Brs'Alin!i,  ^Milliner. 
Jones  ^V'm  H,  banker  and  drugs. 
King  James  .M,  hardware. 
Kni[ie  'I'homas,  shoemaker. 
!McCutchin  Andrew,  hotel. 
Mc(;utchin  Ilu.'h,  general  store. 
Mabbott  Wm.  justice. 
niolJert  Will  C,  Harness. 
Meigs  liev  B  ]S'  (Ailventist). 
Muijihy  E  D,  propr  Wisconsin  House. 
Xelson  Bros,  wasonraaUcrs  and  impts. 
O'Brien  Lawrence,  billiards. 
Parker  >,'  C,  II  R,  e.\p  and  tel  agt. 
Porter  Edward,  carpenter. 
Price  Wm  U,  carpenter. 
ICoiifli  Saniiiei  I>,  General  Store. 

■  • 


The  Favorite  Ront8  East 

VIA    M.\«-VIt.V     F.\M.S. 


UUlnUi  (Ilia     V*  iiiuvi  294  avesx  \VA'ii:ii  sr.,  .uilwalkei;,  ^v^s. 





K'jberta  Win  J,  produce  ami  live  stock. 
i;.)we  W  E,  flour  mill, 
Srnith  John,  general  store. 
Taylor  Charles  11,  insurance. 
Tiipper  Bros,  cheese  mnfrs. 
Willen  I'ev  John  (Congregational). 
Wisconsin  House,  E  D  Murphy  propr. 
Yorker  Henry,  carpenter. 
Yorker  Sylvester  J,  lumber. 

ARGYLE.     A   village  on  the  I.  C.  R. 

R.,  and  on  the  I'ecatonica  river,  in  Lafay- 
I'.te  county,  10  miles  east  of  Darlington, 
tbe  county  seat  and  banli  location.  A 
v.eekly  neTw^puper,  the ^I (■;.(.■(,  is  published. 
Mages  tri-weeiily  to  Wiota  and  Darlington. 
Exp,,  Am.  Population  GuO,  W.  C.  Jcucks, 

.\tlas,  G  G  Gaskill,  publislier. 
I'ovey  David,  liolel, 
'■'ny  \\m,  blacksmith. 
Devoe  G  S,  barber, 
Klilred  Itev  CC  (iiaptisi). 
Kusnight  E  C  &  Co,  cheese  mnfr. 
(.l.'itkill  George  G,  puljli-Uitr  Atlas. 
Caskill  S  S.  millwright. 
iifrrctt  llros.  Drugs. 
lUason  C  A,  pliysiciun. 
Harker  .lanics,  blacksmith. 
Ilarker  J  M,  railroad.  e.\p  and  tel  agt. 
JIawley  H  S,  live  stock. 
Iltcdrickson  H  J,  hardware. 
Humel  JI  B,  wagonmaker. 
■•l-iitks  W  CrHarutss. 
latLrop  P  F,  cooper. 
I.ovpjoy,  Richards  ifc  Kingbam,  lumber. 
Mawn  J  T,  livery, 
^liddlctoii  Wm,  blacksmith. 
Nelson  Bros,  general  store. 
'artridge  A,  furniture, 
{["c.ell  ,)ohn,  liotel. 
'I'lu-rtson  Lewis,  restaurant. 
''j>i-'fra  E  P.  justice  and  lavvyer. 
K(iv>,|„jr  1^  ^^^  General  Store. 
■'Lille  M  J.  shoemaker. 
V'.rdison  &  Cralty,  saw  mill. 

irdeeoQ  A;  Munsen,  hardware. 
■  I'uire.ion  A  E,  jeweler. 
Uireadgold  &  Baker,  live  stock. 
'' Jnian  &  De  Noe,  wagonmaker. 

ARKANSAW,  A  village  in  Pepin 
'""Unty,  4  miles  west  of  Duracd,  the  ju- 
'■ifml  teat,  nearest  railroad  and  banking 
■  'lilt.  Population,  ^."iO.  .Mail,  daily.  H. 
"•  Griflln,  postmaster. 

jl'iker  Rev  L  (Methodist). 
';isir  John,  meats, 
'^■iiura  Benjamin,  livery. 

ClilT  Steplien,  hotel  and  wagonmaker, 

Dixon  J  S  ilnfg  Co,  baskets. 

Edwards  C  F,  barber. 

Edwards  S  L  &  Sou,  blacksmith. 

Fitch  Wm,  music  teacher. 

Hulett  A  C,  physician. 

Humphrey  D,  justice. 

Knapp  H.  builder. 

Kratzcr  J  C,  saw  mill. 

l^amphter  H  H,  vet  surgeon. 

^Fiii'.or  Wm,  (Grocer." 

,Maitin  L,  saw  mill. 

Miles  Henry  JI,  tlour  mill. 

Parker  Joseph,  saw  mill. 

Plummer  S  F.  furnituie. 

t"lmiiiiicr  W  >>',  ireneral  store. 

Pnie  Cliarles,  blacksmith. 

Smith  Dr  John  V,  drugs. 

Steele  AVm,  carpet  weaver. 

ARKDALE.  A  po.-.tofIlce  on  big 
Rocbt-u  Cri  liver,  in  Adams  county,?  miles 
northwest  of  Friendship,  the  countv  seat, 
12  east  of  Xecedah,  tlie  nearest  railroad 
station,  and  i!4  from  i^Icw  Lisbon,  tlie 
usual  banking  point.  Population,  100. 
Mail,  daily.     E.  Knight,  postmaster. 

Iiiii;;lit  1j  &  Son,  General  Store  and 

Smedborn  &  Larson,  blacksmith. 
Thiel  E.  flour  mill. 

ARLINGTON.     On  the  if.  &  P.  div. 
of  the  C.  M.  A  St.    P.    Ry,    in   Columbia 
county.    IS   miles   south   of   Port.age,   the 
judicial   seat  and    nearest  Ijanking  point. 
Exp.,  Am.     Population,  200.   Jlai),  daily. 
George  McMillan,  postmaster. 
Arlington  Cliccse  Factory. 
Brookhouse  Rev  (Methodist). 
liuUen  Winslow,  general  store. 
Caldow  \V'iu,  R  R,  E.xp  and  Telngt. 
Conkle  Wni,  agricultural  implements. 
llisiriL'  J  M,  h'lrdwiire. 
McMillan  Bro.s,  coal. 
ni<-!fl!ll:iii  fiJforso,  Genera!  Store. 
>l4-!TSillaii  <ji  »V  Son,  Saw  and  Shingle 

McMillan  James,  feed  mill. 
McMillan  &  liising,  saloon. 
Nief,s  Peter,  shoemaker, 
Reddeman  Ferdinand,  barber. 
Sawyer  Clarence,  carpenter. 
Seller  A  J,  blacksmith. 
Walscr  Martin,  harness. 

ARMSTRONG.  In  Fond  du  Lac 
county,  l.N  miles  toutheast  of  Fond  du 
'Lac,  the  county  seat,  !)  east  of  Eden,  the 




Sra  'Wcet  Water  Street, 

sf?  qui:  CO., 

-      .IIILWAIKEK,  WIS. 

Cnt^MtJ'^    ilv^ClUb    iU    Ul  U'uii    WALLPAPERS,   ll'lcplloae;il^ 

It  Holiert  Ilarppr  A  Sons'.  440  T.  Wa 
vt..  iiik-  Market  Sn.,  ;ill,MMl":i! 




























nearest  railroad  station,  and  12  from  P!y- 
nimitL,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Popu- 
lation, lUO.  .Mail,  tri-weekly.  V.  Arm- 
strong, poslmastc-r. 

Arni>*trotiu  iV  railcy,  General  Store, 
t'arv  L  \V,  iiry  stock. 
I'liiicy  Owen,  Cheese  Mnfr. 
IlLrraty  it  Graham,  saw  mill. 
Montgomery  P  H.  cheese  mufr, 
O'.Malley  Jolin,  blacksmith. 

IjUS  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Manel  V,"m,  cboe:,e  mnfr. 
^oliiiiil'j:  John.  Genera! 
SchoUer  Henry,  saioou. 
Sevwe  Jnhu,  barber. 
Thelea  Barbara,  saloon. 



JI.,  6t.  1'.  &  f^  Ste  -M.  liy.  in  Forest 
county,  oO  mile.s  northea.stof  Crandou,  the 
judicial  sea',  and  5  from  Uhinelauder. 
Tel,,  W.  U,  Population,  .00.  E.  O. 
Woodbury, master. 
McCarthy  J  \V,  railroad  and  tel.  agt. 
*<liiiy  «.V  WocxUuiry,  General   Store. 

ARNOTT.  On  the  G.  P.,  W.  &  St.  P. 
R.  U.,  in  Poriaiie  county,  'J  miles  south- 
east of  Stevens'  I'ohit.  the  counly  seat  and 
nearest  bank  location.  Population,  -10. 
K.\p.,  U.  S.  Tel.,  W.  U.  J.  Doane,  post- 

P>remmer  k  Huntley,  produce. 
Cargill  \V  W  it  Pro.  [iruduce. 
iJoaiie  Jasper,  General  ^tore,  Railroad 

and  Tel  Ag.-nt. 
Oleason  it  Getzclman,  jiroduce. 
I'ollard  James,  justice. 
Scavern  &  Cn,  produce. 
Winslow  yi  T,  justice. 

ARTHUR.  A  postotfice  in  Grant 
county,  1.J  miles  east  of  I^ancaster,  the 
counly  seat,  and  ;',  west  of  llewey.  on  tlie 
C.  it  X.  ^\'.  Rv,  the  neaiejl  railroad  eta- 
lion.  Plattevilie,  10  miles  distant,  is  the 
usual  banking  point.  Population.  125. 
Daily  mail  stuge  from  Rewey.  .1.  T.  Knloe 

Alcock  Thomas,  builder. 
I!  isge  S  T,  nntiiry. 

I'liiloc  .John  'r.  Grocer  and  Justice. 
Harris  James,  blacksmith. 
Stelil  C  E,  shoemaker  and  justice. 

ASHFORD.     A  postotlice  in  Fond  du 
I, HI-   county.    IT  miles  bouth  of  Fond   du 
Pac,  the  county  .seal,  and  ■)  west  of  New 
<  a.'-sel.    the   nearest    railroail*   station   and 
liardiing    point.       Poiiulntinn.    ICO.      .Alail, 
daily.      John  Scbmit/.,  postmaster. 
Berg  Peter,  agricultural  impts. 
Hilb.'rt  \Vm,  carpenter. 
Krudwig  John,  shoemaker. 

ASHIPPUN.  On  Mill  creek,  ::• 
Dodge  county,  I'J  miles  southeast  of  Ja 
neau,  the  seat  of  justice,  and  S  from  Ocop. 
omowoc,  the  nearest  shipping  and  bankir.. 
point.  Population,  6U.  ..Mail,  daily.  11 
Wiltig,  postmaster. 

Berger  Wm,  mason. 
Braal/  Wm,  maSdU. 
Bruf'.Uo  Win.  JUll. 
Habeck  Ausrust,  blacksmith. 
Hildeman  Ernest,  apiarist. 
Krusback  Henry,  carpenter. 
Liesener  August,  saw  mill. 
Meissner  Gustav,  general  store. 
Moldenhauer  Allen,  carpenter. 
Plass  Rev  P  (Lutheran) 
Rojau  Anthony  i!,  justice. 
Sfhliiiic  Noriiimi,  Blacksmith. 
Tesch  Theodore,  c;irpenter. 
Yundusea  Wm,  cariienter. 

ASHLAND.  An  important  city  on 
Chiquamegon  or  Ashland  bay,  an  inlet  of 
Lake  Superior  in  the  northwestern  corn'jr 
of  Ashland  count}',  of  which  it  is  the  judi- 
cial seat.  It  is  the  railroafl  center  of  Xor 
them  Wiscfinsiu.  the  following  n.^ads  meet- 
ing tliere:  The  Wisconsin  Central  Line.lliO 
x:  div.  of  C.  St.  P.,  M.  &  O  Ry.,  Ihe  X- 
P.  R.  !{.,  and  the  .M..  L.  S.  &  \V.  Ry,  "14 
miles  from  Milwaukee,  1S4  miles  from  S'.- 
Paul,  10-"i  from  Eau  Claire,  and  10  mi:''- 
from  Hurley.  The  D.,  S.  S.  &  A.  R.  K 
will  aUo  shortly  be  completed  lo  this  point 
During  the  season  communication  is  In  1 
by  boat  with  all  points  on  the  great  lake?. 
The  princip:d  m.ainifacturing  industrii - 
are  repn-sented  by  llie  A=hlaud  Iron  anu 
Steel  Works,  emiiloying  3."iO  iiands,  with  a 
plant  costimr  s^OO.OOO,  and  the  lame?' 
charcoal  blast  lurnace  in  the  world,  the 
Novelty  Iroii  Works,  the  North  Star  Iior. 
AVorks.  operated  by  the  Parish  :Mnfg  Co.. 
the  Ashland  Bculer   Works,  the  Superior 

j  Lumber  Co.,  .5  sawmills  with  a  capacity  ol 
1*0,000,00(1  of  lumber,  4   planing  mills  and 

I  sasii  and  dour  factories,  tlie  machine  sh'ip- 
of  the  .M.,  L,  S.  it  \V.  l{y..  albiuring  mil:, 

I  The  Ashland  Box  Factory,  several  cigar 
factories,  stone  (piarries,  l)rick  yards,  and 
a  large  number  of  shops  of  various  kinds, 
which  give  employnieut  to  a  large  nuin- 




ij\  V.  i;sr  i\  .v»'»-;!r.  .st.,  .hil'v*  Ai  ki:k,  wis. 





HD-  T.  sn^'^rxuis^. 


■  PI  r^  n  v_       _  j 



■•■  ',    %^ 

»   s. 

m    <=■ 



1  -     S^ 


^     o3    S 

*     "       — 

--^-  ;U;  7:l_:ir^=- 

.  -    .J            ^ 





GEO.  e.  HOPPER,  Proprietor. 

ASHLAHD,  Lake  Supsrior,  WlSCO^iS 


wnoLESALK  d?:alkks  in 

Bi^f  fc^s  pressed  psef  ^ 



R.  V.  SHEPHERD,  Manager. 


D.  L.  WKJCIN-: 

W.   W.  ItlCilAUiiS'jN. 


i.vsrECToiiy  and  sinrPEu.s  of 

■"^n^r      H  r^-^'n    e^n'^t     ^;:.^^:i1 

ASHLArJD,  -  -  VeflSCOrJSBfi. 


a    fe:  (Co, 

Did  Yoy  sea  Pe^a  0? 




bfir  of  mechauics.  Among  thu  who'.e:^ale 
houses  mny  be  mentioueil  .\IcJlillau  Eros. 
Co.,  Armour  Packiug  Co.  Sn-ift  &  Co.. 
Ashland  Lime,  Salt  aod  Cement  Co.,  Ash- 
land Commission  Co.,  and  J.  B.  ilattbews 
&Cj.,tlic-3eall  being  located  ou  ther;ii;road 
ftdjarent  to  the  "\T.  C.  depot.  There  are 
3  National  banks,  the  First.  Northern,  and 
Ashland,  and  the  Security  Savin<;3  Bunk. 
The  Insurance  busme-.s  i.s  also  well  repre- 
sented by  the  regular  Board  coin  panics,  and 
there  are  a  large  number  of  livo  and  ener- 
getic real  estate  agents.  The  city  contains 
a  great  number  of  hotels  of  ail  classes, 
among  which  may  be  mentioned  the  f^ir- 
famed  Chequamugon,  the  third  lar?est 
hotel  in  the  State,  and  one  of  tlie  tiiitst 
summer  resorts  in  the  Northwest,  which  is 
during  the  season  patronized  by  thousand.3 
of  health  and  pleasure  seekers  from  all 
parts  of  tlie  country.  Tljerc  are  two 
daily  newspapers,  Iha'Ax^ihi nd  Pn.'Oi  (Rtip  ) 
and  the  yis/i!,rnd  Stirs  (Dem  )  ;  also  two 
weeklies,  the  JTcrold (Gennnii)  and  the  A^h- 
land  Times  (lud  ).  and  among  the  literary 
institutions  may  be  uienlioned  the  Vaughn 
Library.  The  city  supports  several  e.xcel- 
lent  graded  and  pria;ary  scboois,  also 
a  high  school.  In  addition  to  the  pub- 
lic schools  there  is  also  a  Roman  Caih.)- 
lic  school.  The  Ashland  Business  Men'.s 
Association  occupies  tine  apartments  in 
the  First  National  bank  building,  and  its 
membership  comprises  nearly'  all  the 
prominent  mm  of  the  city.  There  are  ten 
churches  located  here,  riz  :  Episcopal, 
Methodist,  ISiptist,  Congregational,  Pres- 
bylerian,  ]{oman  Catlmlic,  NorwCL-ian, 
Seanilinavian,  Swedish  B  iplist  and  Swed- 
ish Lutheran.  Nearly  all  the  different 
secret  societies  are  well  represented.  The 
Ci'y  is  supplied  with  water  works,  cas  and 
electric  light  phintH,  ami  a  street  railwiv 
There  is  also  a  larirer  theater  and  several 
public  halls.  The  city  shows  a  good 
healthy  growth.  The  iron  ore,  the  product 
of  the  Oogebic  Iron  F.ange,  which  is  situ- 
ated from  thirty  t-i  fifty  miles  cast  of  and 
tributary  to  Ashland,  is  shipped  from  the 
'nines  to  Ashland  over  the  Wisconsin 
Central  and  the  Jlilwaukee,  Lake  Shore 
and  Western  Kailroads.  and  by  vessels 
from  their  mammoth  ore  docks,  the  largest 
la  the  world  and  built  at  a  cost  of  nearly 
<"'De  million  dollars.  All  Lake  Superior 
6'eaniboal  lines  stop  here  and  .steamers  run 
twice  a  day  to  Wa.^hburn.  Bavtield  and 
-bulcluie  Lslanil.  Telephone  communi- 
eaiiou  with  surrounding  towns.  Express, 
Anienrao,    United   States    and   Northern 

Pacitic.     Tel,    Western    Union.     Popula- 
tion 11,000.  Samuel  S.  Fifield,  postmaster. 

Adler   H  R   &   Co    (Flenry    A   Adier,   A 

Brecber).  saloon,   ILS  2d  ave  w. 
American  Express  [Co,  O  G  Ku^hier   agt, 
117  Vaughn  are. 

Anderson  Charles  A,  propr  Stockholm 
House,  710  2d  w. 

Anderson  Samuel,  saloon,   1422    St  Clair. 

Aiuti^oii  Kenneth,  Propr  St  Clair 
House,  Ult;  St  Clair.     (Sff  ,idv.  p  ISl.) 

Audrus  Adeiou  P,  phys.  412  2.1  w. 

Armour  I'aekin:;  €o,  J  S  Holbrook 
jiugr,   Commercial  row. 

Armstrong  Henry  C,  carpenter.  111  Whit- 
tlesey ave. 

Armstrong  Win  J,  livery,  7th  ave  opp 
Court  IIou=e. 

Ashland  IJoilcr  Works,  Bondy 
Bros  Froprs.  \\'ater  nr  A\'i.-riinsin  Cen- 
tral Ore  I)'icks.     {Sec  ndn.  p  137.) 

A^hliind  liox  Faelory  (B  Doherty, 
Frank  ilouahan).  .Mofrs  of  Packing  Bos 
Shooks,  foot  of  Water.    (.Stf  ndc.  p'^  135.) 

Ashland  Business  Men's  As-n,  D  G  Samp- 
sou  sec,  1st  National  Bank  bidg. 

Ashland  County  Bar  Assu,  George  P  Ross- 
man  sec,  320  2d  w. 

Ashland  Creamery  Co,  F  S  Stone  rangr, 
20S  Vaughn  ave. 

Ashland  llerold,  Emil  Gerlh  propr  311 
2d  e. 

Ashland  Hospital,  WT  Rinebart.  res  phys, 
cor  Sluntz  ave  nnd  St  Clair. 

AshlaiMl  i9ou<.e,  Geortte  McGuire 
Propr,  f.l0  2aw.     [Sie  ud;\  p  130.) 

Ashland  Iron  and  Steel  Co  ("capital,  $2."<0  - 
OiiO),  A  H  Hinkie  pres,  WH  Hinklesec, 
18th  ave  w. 

Ashland  Lisbtiug  Co.  Edwin  Ellis  pres, 
W  MTomkiussec,  P  C  blk. 

Ashland  Lime,  Suit  and  Cement  Co  (capi- 
tal, :*.5.oOO),  W  O  Lamb  pres.  Thomas 
Edward^  sec,  Commercial  row. 

Ashland  Mineral  Spring  Water  Co,  Frede- 
rick Prentice  propr,  lOti  2d  ave  w. 

Ashland  National  Bank  fcanital,  SoO.OOO; 
surplus,  .s-i2,000),  Thomas'  Bardon  pres, 
N  I  Willey  cash,  518  2d  w. 

Ashland  News,  Clarence  Snyder  propr,  211 
Vaughn  ave. 

Ashland  Press.  ,Joe  M  Chappie  editor  and 
prnpr,  119  V.tugnn  ave. 

Ashland  Street  Kailwav  Co,  Edwin  Plllis 
pres,  W  M  Tomkins'sec,  P  O  blk. 

Ashland  Times.  J  A  Monger  editor  and 
propr,  1st  National  Bank  bMg. 

Ashland  Title  Abstract  Co,  Charles  Fisher 
sec.  Court  House. 

Cfe3ff8,  mm\u  fi  Si  Paul  fiy,\t'r;rW8st  aod  MkH 

f|„«,J,,^«y  i[^,,Li,„5' n«      MILWAUKEE.  Only  Store  in  Wisconsin 
Uu^JU/iSiil    iiI.i;Jijui   4;Ui9  connected  with  GOODYEAR  Rubber  Co. 





AsblanJ   'Winter   Co,    W    C   Pooloy   supt, 

Vaughn  blk. 
Aahlaul  Weekly  Times.  J  A  Jlocger  edi- 
tor ncii  propr,  1st  Xatiocal  Batik  bide. 
Atlantic  Hotel,  Henry  Lonsdale  propr,  lOo 

Stuntz  ave. 
Avery  A:  BJiiiiIz«fh  (Herman  Avery, 

A    B   IlaiitzscH.   Fisb.   Oysters.   Game, 

Meats  and  Provi.'-ions,  Butter,  Eggs,  etc; 

All  Kinds  of  Sausages,  s07   2d  w.     {Ste 

adi),  p  J41.) 
Bailey  SHinuel  W,  pbotogr,  217  2d  e. 
Baker  Oliver,  propr  Telford  House,  222  3d 

Bve  w. 
Baldwin    Benson  B,  horseshoer,   212    2d 

ave  w. 
Bancroft  Wiirren  0,   city  coraptrn'ler  and 

liarbor  master,  P  ()  blk. 
Banks  Uev  C  J  (Baptist i,  812  Sih  avo  w. 
Bannatvne.Iobp.  dry  goods.  Il'j2d  are  ■«•. 
Barber  Kev  H  II  (Episcojial),  804  9th  avew. 
Bardon.  Kellogg  it  Co   tThoraas    Bardon, 

Wm  Kellogui,  gcnl  store.  323  2d  w. 
Bitrdoii  Tlioiiia«i,  Heal  Estate,  Loans 

and  Insurance,  Ciy  2d  w. 
Barkley  iV;  Iljuder,  (.lanies  Bark'.ey,  James 

Harden,  saloon,  SDO  St  Clair. 
Barr  Jol,n,  liarbor,  llTi  3d  e. 
Bay  Shore  Lumber  Co.  Alfred  AVctd  pres, 

Paul  Weed  sec.  Security  Bank  bldg. 
BeUliCii   I5r«s  (Magnun  and  f^dward), 

Proprs  Trcmont  House,  212-21ii  3d  ave 

w.     {See  iidn,  p  3M). 
Belanger  Alfred,  saloon.  417  2d  tv. 
Berg  O  H  &  Son  (Ovo  II  ami  Magnus  H), 

meats,  714  St  C)lair. 
Bidwell  Mrs  Win  II.  music  teacUer,  18  1st, 

Natl  Rank  bhltr. 
Binsfeld  Paul.  li:dier.  357  2d  w. 
EtUrlKtir  C'lipl   F  A,    Propr  Steamer 

Plow      Boy,      Prankliii    House.        i-iee 

adi\  opp.) 
Bilzer  it  Zinimennan  (Fred,    Louis 

J  ZimmiTmaui,  cigars,  llo  2d  w. 
Blabnir.  Frunl;.  salo.m.  2oij  Stunt/  ave. 
Blake  .l.ihn.  ;,:loon.  215  7th  ave  w. 
Itlalz  \nl    SJrvwiii!,'    <  o.    II    Vogel 

ilngr.  (.\shliiucl    lirunchi.  320    Ellis  ave. 
Blum(  Clmilis  E,  baker.  IM  2a  w. 
Blumroscu      Bros    tMoses   and    Bernard), 

clothing.  108  2d  w. 
ItoiKl)'  llros,  (Thomas  and  James   H), 

Proprs  Ashland  Boiler  \Vorks,  Water  ur 

Wisconsin    Central    Ore    Docks.      (^Vi; 

adv,  p  137.) 
Boniicvlilc    Aiiloiiie    I>,  Physician, 

701  2d  e. 
Booth  A  Piicking  Co,  John  Atwood  mngr, 

tish.  5!0  2d  w. 
Booth  Nicholas,  dentist,  4  Vaughn  blk. 

Cliicap  fi  Gfand  Tfoofc  % 

Born  E  J  &  Co,    (Elias   J    Born,    Thomas 

Bristol),  jewelers.  310  3d  w. 
Bowen  Caleb  T,  mine  owner.  523  2d  w. 
Bowrou  Arthur   \l ,  publr  Our  Record,  T 

Shores'  block. 
Boyd  A;  Olson  (.lohn  R  Boyd,  Hans  Olson), 

saloon,  106  2d  w. 
Brady  James,  painter,  709  Front,  e. 
Braun  Gui-tav.  hardware.  400  2d.  w. 
Brcnnan  F  D,  dentist,  408  2d,  w. 
Breiiitior    I'liillip,    Blacksmith    and 

Horse    Sheer,  cor   7ih    are   and    2d   w. 

{&e  adi:,p  ISr.) 
Brigss  Bros  (George  and  Wmt,  wall  paper, 

315  3d  w. 
Brinker  Henry,  meats,  217  2d  e. 
Brotr  F   W,  county  supt   schools.   Court 

Brcssard  &  Colignnn  (Edward  E  Brossard, 

Ferdinand  J  Colignon),  lawyers,  Secur- 
ity Bank  bldg. 
Browcr  F  R,  steamboat  owner,  Chcquame- 

gon  Dock. 
Brown  John  L,  agt  U  S  E.'wp  Co,  400}  2d 

Brown  Rev  S  S  (Presbyterian),  Flfield  pi. 
Burbauk    Lyman    I,     bridge      bldr,    212 

Vauqhn  ave. 
Carr  ..V  Oakley  (John  W    Carr,    Albert    H 

Oakley),  masons.   110  W  3d. 
Carrinctou  Gilbert  W.  Register  U  S  Land 

Office.  Security  Bank  bids. 
Carrington  &  Simar   iGilbc-rt  W    Carring- 

ton,   Frank    E   Simar),    civil    engineers. 

Security  Bank  bldg. 
Chappie  joe  M.    editor  and   propr  Press, 

ll'J  Vaughn  ave. 
Clifqiiniiio^oii  The,  George  H  Hop- 
per  I'rupr,  2d  and   3d  aves   Front   and 

2d  w.     (.S-e  adi'.  p  ISO  ) 
("heqttaraecton  Brass  Band,  Bige  Buchanan 

leailer.  4(i'.l  3d  w. 
Christiana  House,  Otto  Johnson  propr,  80(5 

2d  w. 
City  Shoeini;  ^Iinp,  N  S  Soper  Propr, 

cor  9th  nve  and  3d  w.    (.v,v  adr,  opp.) 
Clark  Frank  H.  justice,  17  Shores'  block. 
Clarke  J;ime3  W,  books.  501  2d  w. 
Clavlu  Andrew,  saloon,  417  2d  e. 
ClinevtCodt  E   Cline,   M   H   Crowiey), 

saloon,  405  2d  w. 
Cobb  Mary,  tailor,  107}  2d  e. 
Cohen  P.ros  (Herman and  Louis),  clolhintr, 

713  2d  e. 
Cohen  E  l'c  Co  (Edward  Cohen,  P  Lichten- 

stiini,  cit-'thinL',  320-322  2d  w. 
C'olUy    Iloii<«o.     George     H     Hopper 

Pr(i]ir.  ccir  \'ftuiihn  ave  and  2d  w. 
Cole  A.  O'KeeJe  (Rublee  A  Cole,  Wm 
I       W  O'Keefe),  Lawyers,  20-22  Shores'  blk. 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 


II  V-.I.  I  ;/»    l»n.i>.n>^-^n  Pn      fash  Assets,  $110,000,000  I  Nortlnvcsitern     Brand 

St..  .IIILIVAUKlCIi,  \Vl:S.     «'.  S.  CA.'iiitE,  State  Agent.    WALKKi;  HI IkNLli,  (^en'l  Maua^-er 





Columbus   &   Iluckin;;    ('nal   &  Iron  (.'o,  ;  Coiiover,  Porlor  iV   I'adlcy  (Allen 

T  F  JlcCartby  ast,  1st  Natl  Bank   ul.l,!,'.  j  D    Conovcr,   Lew   F    i'dtter,    Horace  P 

Colwell  &  Cohen  (Joseph  A  C'.ln-ell,  Joel  I  Padley),  Architects  und  sjuiieriutendents, 

Cohen),  ins,  5  GocUz  blk.  First  National  Bank  bids: 

CoiiiHieroiiil  T!ie,  Mrs  Anna  McNeil  I  Cook  George  S,  shoemkr,  105  2J  w. 

Propr.  30i:',iit;  lid  w.  !  

^^53  p 

V^^  1.  ,a 

:z^  n 


Will  uulil  further  notice  make  DAILY  TPJPS  in  the  waters  of  the 
Chequamej;on  Baj',  as  follows  : 


Leave  Asbland  fur  Washburn, 
9  a.  m.,  '2  p.  ni.;  Leave  Wash, 
burn  for  Bayfield,  G.30  a.  m.,  2.:iO 
p.  m.;  leave  Prentice's  Stone 
Quarry,  9  55  a  m.,  2.55  p.  m.; 
leave  Bayfield  for  return,  11  a. 
in.,  4.15  p.  m  ;  leave  Preu- 
{r^  tice's  Stone  Quarry,  11. -Jj  a.  ni., 
5.:iJ  p.  ui. ;  leavt*  Washburn,  I'J.Oo 
p.  m.,  G  p.  ni. ;  arrive  at  A-;lilatid. 
l',»30p.  m.,  G.:iOp.  m. 

Boat   will    stop    at    Madeline 
^''       _    ._     .     T'"     '  —         '  Island  both  ways. 

Tho  boat  can  be  chartered  for  EVENING  EXCURSIONS  at  Chequaraegon  Hotel,  or  aboard  the  boat. 

Y*^ms^  wd-a  Bt-Wv  ^B<  ■ni'm^  t 

■  »i^Nj      ^^a^        (««»»' rs^^dHV^niai^^ 

N,  S.  SOl»l*:it,  Froprli-tor,  ^L\NUFACTUi:EH  OF 

light  ami  Heavy  Wagons  anii  Sleighs.    f/!ill  Work  Done  on  Short  flotice. 

Kepaiiiri„-  Ui'lUnJ  I'roiui-lly  1'. 


lUlllfllS  C[liTPu'iL 

In    Short  and  Direct 
I   n\         Route  from 


Cudahy  Brothe^Sci^Hams,  Shoulders,  Bacon, 

MiLAVAlliEE,  WISCONSIN.      ^  Pork,    Lard,    Beef,   Sausa;;e,    Etc.,   Etc. 











Cooper  Bros  (John  and  Henry),  hardware, 

403  2d  w. 
Coyne  John  G,  bill  poster.  110  7lh  w. 
Cratiberry    Lumber   Co   (ltd).  George    W 

Stevens  mngr,  3  Vnugbn  blk. 
Crogster  Charles,  iuiiilxr,  IS   Shores'   blk. 
Cross  Thomas  C,  music    teaclier,    418  6th 

Culbert  TVm,   propr  Eau    Claire    House, 

cor  7lh  ave  and  3d  w. 
Cummiuirs  Mrs  JIC,  dre.=.imkr.  300  2d  w. 
Daily  &  Gray  (Jolin  Daily,    W   II   Gray), 

produce  citmn,  319  2d  e. 
Dalrymple  vt  Carring'.on  (X  JI  Dairy mple, 

H  R  CarringtoD).  hardware,  102  2  i  w. 
Dan.son  Andrew  J,  confctnr,    31o  2d  e. 
Darwin  Albert,  confctnr.  ,oO'J  2d  e. 
Darwin  David,  confctnr.  210  2d  w. 
Darwin  .lolin,  confctnr.  203  2d  e. 
Darwin  Peter,  confctnr.  114  2d  w. 
Davis  WilberG.  lumber.  15  Sliores'  blk. 
Dehnko  Gustave,  propr  St  Charles  Hotel, 

117  3d  nve  w. 
Deming  Charles  P,  dentist.  123  2d  e. 
Deunin  Patrick,  saloon.  .S17  2d  w. 
Denomie  .Tcseph,  grocer,  1116  St  Clair. 
I>enoinic  S  &  ^oii  (Samuel  and  Wm), 

General  Store.  1220  St  Clair. 
Devine  Charles  P,  shoes,  313  2d  w. 
Dillon  Andrew,  saloon.  222  2d  w. 
Dofkcry   &    £iiii;:><to!i    (Edward   .T 

Dockery,    John    T   Kingston),  Lawyers, 

.518  2d  w. 
Doeuitzit  Grimes (AuL'usf  Doenilz.  Horace 

C  Orime,^)  tinners.  ;;23  Vaughn  ave. 
Holier  I V  5Jcriinr<l,LumljerMnfr.Foot 

of  AViiler. 
ItolitTly  »V,  HSotiahnu  fPernard  Do- 

lierty,    Prank    .Monahan),   Planing  Mill, 

Water  nr  0th  ave  e.     iSc/i  mlr,  opp  ) 
Dopp  &  Watson   (G    W  Dopp,    .John   A 

Walson).  haidware,  311  2d  c. 
Dormady  Patrick,  saloon.  419  2d  e. 
Dowd  .lohn.  biewers'  agent,  401  ")th  ave  e. 
Drifcoll  .Tohn,  street  coinnr  PO  blk. 
Drolsoii  Samuel,  .saloon.  1412  St  Clair. 
Dufur  .Tohn  V,  Lawyer.  1  1  ."Chores'  blk. 
Dullanty  PaliioU  .J,  phnnbcr.  Ill  Vaughn. 
Duniont  Octave,  sali'(iii.  "Jl'.l  2d  e. 
Durfci:  Win  I!,  .saw  mill,  foot  14lh  ave  w. 
Dyer  .lame.-  S.agt  W  < '  Line.  N  P  Ibiilroml 

and    1,  M  and  L  S  Transit  Co,  3d  ave 

and  4ih. 
E.igan  Michael,  taih.r.   IOC,  !:d  w. 
Kijriy     ^SSioiJili'l     i^I,    Propr    Superior 

Ho\}se.  21  7  7th  '.ve  w. 
Easton  .1    .Mills  ^^:   r„  {.]   Mills.  Robert  P 

Easton)  insurance.  19  Shores'  blk. 
Eau  Claire  Houie.  Wm  Culbert  propr,  cor 

7th  nve  and  3d  w. 


Grand  Trunl(  [i|, 

I^bldic   Mrs   USay.   Propr   Le   Grande 

Hotel,  711  2d  e.     IS.e  wii:,  p  l.i7  ) 
Edwards  Miss  Carrie,  propr  Lnion  Hotel. 

cor  Front  and  14th  ave  w. 
Edwards  Charles   B.  livery,  102  2d  ave  w. 
Egan    &   Callahan   (Daniil    Egan.  George 

Callahan),  carpenters.  404   Prentice  ave. 
Ehrmann  M  &  Co  (Michael  Ehrmann,  Jo- 
seph E  Palzisbergei .,  shoes,  413  2d  w. 
Ellis  Edwin,  phys.  Security  lianU  bldg. 
Ellison   &  Sundell  (Charles  Ellison,  John 

Sundell),  proprs  Normanna  House,  712 

2d  w. 
Enright  T  W  ic  Co  (Timothy  W  Eurlghf). 

salfjon,  208  2d  w. 
Ewer  H   D.  feed,  214  2d  w. 
Fabian  Riv  Father  (Catholic). 
Falardeau  Charles  B,  baker,  .-^23  St  Clair. 
Feebelkorn,  F  .\I.  grocer,  1112  2d  w. 
Fennelly  Edward,  register  of  deeds.  Court 

Field  Stoddard,  meats,  218  4th  ave  w. 
Fierek  Nicholas,  saloon,  114  I4th  ave  e. 
Fifield  Sam   S,  postmaster,   cor  Ellis  ave 

and  2.1. 
First  Xalioiinl  ES:iiik  (Capital  ■■?100,. 

000).  Edwin  Ellis    Pres,    Sam   S    Fitieid 

Vice-Pres,  C    E  Street  Cash,    cor   Ellis 

ave  and  2d. 
Fischbein  .Max,  clothm^j.  20.'j  2d  e. 
Fisher  W  J,  meats,  I1i;iil  2d  w. 
Filch  James  B.  citv  clerk.  P  ()  blk. 
Platan  E  S  A  Co  (Edward  S, 

302  2d  w. 
Flynn  Nicholas,  saloon,  208  3il  ave  w. 
Foeller  Joseph,    propr   I'ark    House.  1600 

2d  w. 
Forster  Henry,  salooii.  1318  St  Clair. 
Forthman  Wm,  meats,  414  2d  e. 
Franker   &     Feierfcil     (John    Franker.  6 

Feierfeil),  tailors.  420  2d  w. 
Franklin  House,  Jolui  .McMidlin  propr,  107 

Ellis  ave. 
Frazit-r  W  P.  barber.  10.-)  2d  e. 
Fra/,ier  &    Kinsman  (.lames  Frazier,  Her- 
bert Kinsman),  barbers,  t-^lJ3  2il  w. 
Frederick  Charles  L.  lawyer,  107  3ii  ave  w. 
Frpnrh  IJussell  W,  hanlwarr,  823  2d  w. 
Frondiollz  Amelia,  dressmaker,  803  2d  w. 
flallaglier  Emma,  dressmkr.  102  2d  w. 
Garviv  .Martin    B,  propr  St  Clair  House. 

213  7th  ave  w. 
Gcisler  Antonio,  furniture,  21.5  2d  e. 
Gerth  Emil,    projir    Ashland  Herold.  311 

2d  e. 
Gielle  Herman  G,  drugs.  712  2d  e. 
Oiesregea    G    J,     propr  Kopplin    House, 

Stunt/  ave  Cor  2d. 
Gilman  .Mr.s  M  E,  dressmaker.  311  2J  e. 
Glltler  Moritz,  jeweler.  119  2d  e. 

Palace  and  Dinin<?  Cars 


rirUJTnnP    THK    DRODESSER  ?I>FG  ro.,  MBnuradarcrs  of  Hjilrsulic   Sttara   Bud  ] 

tLttH  I  Urio.  Hinil-PoMpr    ra^spnspr  :.n(i    Freight    ELtTATUIiS,  Pumps.  Marehou«e    Store  j 

Trnrts,  Automatic  Hrat  Korters.  Heat  liefriu-erators,  Etc.     il-J-oH  Commerce  St.,  Milwaukee,  Mis. 


i"  .~  :       I-         H 

H  -a  ■;     -i  g 

»  "  I  =^  I  'i  ^  n  r. 

S<i>  S  1  ^  r  17  '■-  - 
a.  ?  I    •  £  fl  fc 

d  "^  1    S      ''       '^-^   -'  -  -  ■•  ■  :-    ■       :.-■■'  y.^.^i^'^ 

-J         < 


J.   SUL-L-IiZKN    St   CO.. 


Frnits,  Vegetables,  Produce,  Flour,  Hay,  Feed  and  Grain. 


Location  on  Wisconsin  Central  Railroad  Tracks, 
Near  W.  G.  Depot, 


BEfEUE.Nt  i:s-.\-iti.AND  Naticnai.  Bane.  Fir-t  Nationat.  }!ank  f  orre  siion.lpnce  ! 

X^        J^>         r^  ^-  ^-  WALKER, 

*'Ms:i^^     MM,  sis™  I  Gas  Flltil 



V^?^^        BRASS  and  IRON  GOODS 


.  iJ 

hom:,  CAsKir-^.  imckim;.  ktc. 

116  Second  Ave.,  West,    ASHLAND.  WIS. 


KSHL-?\rSD    BOX   I=7aCTORV. 




Factory  and  Lumbar  Yard  Foot  of  Water  St., 

»~%  )•    gr  T-^  •  **^'    '^   "'"'    '  '    I'oilrtll    St.,    Foil. I   <lu   L.TO,    WU. 

i^  ilfCt  t  '  1^    Tprs  ?  p       Is  111,.  iMm-o  I.,  isiiy*  u.v^h:i:um;is.  I'l  tNos, 
^.~>w     .J    h     s^HBj  «uci.i^^     and    .hcsic.vl     t.Nsnsi  .^iknt-. 


Ed.  Ascherma 

rmann  &.  Co.,  Milwaukee.         yrfUJl  S(l  J;U 






Gleason    &  Co  (Miss   Lia    Gleason.  Mrs 

Ethul  Cliamtwrs).  iniUiners.  1-3  2il  w. 
Gocllz  Bros  (Adam  \V  and  Heary),  saloon, 

310  2d  w. 
Grand  Opera  House,  Max  Kind  mngr,  3d 

ave  near  2d. 
Green  Edmund  II,  general  store,  1023  St 

Guinand  &  Rocliat  (Ale  Gninand  August 

Rocliat),  jewelers,  204^  2d  w. 
Hagerly  Jauiea  M.  real  estate,  420  2d  w. 
Haighl  Uev  P  H  (Methodist),  791  Sth  av  w 
Haley  &  Mausir  (Mrs  S  A  Elaley,  Mrs  E  A 

JIansir),  dressmakers,  COO  2d  w. 
Eallada  Joseph,  saloon,  110-i  St  Chur. 
-  Halrassen  John,  saloon,  llOl  2d  w. 
Harael  Joseph  A,  saloon,  .521  'Jii  e. 
Hanson  Bros  (Peter  and   Christian),   llour, 

413  2d  e. 
Hanson  Nelson,  tailor,  207  2d  e. 
Hanteu  Nicholas,  meats,  G13  Vaughn  ave. 
Harper  li  W.  carpenter,  800  7th  ave  w. 
Harrison  G  \V  &  Co  (GeorEre  \V  Harrison, 

Albert  ^\'a^ner),  drugs,  404  2d  w. 
Hart  Matthew  .1,  county  elk.  Court  House. 
Hartley  C  H,  div  sujit  JI,L  S  &  W  Ky,  43 

Shores'  blk. 
Harville  Frank,  ice,  iriOl  St  Clair. 
Hasselt  'Wm,  saloon,  204  2d  ave  w. 
Hayes  John  I),  city  marshal.  P  O  hlk. 
Hazard  V  C.  agent  .M,  L  S  it   \V  Ky,  cor 

Ellis  ave  ami  Uth. 
Heavenrich  Sul  ifc  Co  (Sul    Heftvtnrich,   F 

Newman),  clnthing,  414  2d  w. 
Hedman  John,  propr  Norway  House,   209 

2d  ave  w. 
Heucke  Fred  W,  saloon,  117  2d  e. 
Hcrlierg   Mrs  IMargaret,   dressmaker,    108 

5tli  ave  e. 
HeydlaufV  Hohert  C,   reeeiver  U  S  Land 

Odieo.  Security  Hank  Mdg. 
Ileydlaiiir  «.V     <>»1m»iii     (Robert     C 
Hevdhuiir,  Arthur  i;  Oshnrni.    Ueal    Ks 
tate  and  l.oiin  Agents,  1st  National  Uuiik 
BUlg.     {Stradc,  j>  l.U  ) 
Higby  A-  Co(nenry  F  ami  Sirnb  E  Higby), 

jewelers,  416  2d  w. 
Iloolidniinor     ISros      (lUnrv      and 
Mieliael).    Florists   and    Vei-!ablts.    31,j 
6th  ave  w.     {S,r.',  ,,  j:::'.] 
Hockriclgc  Jennie.  drL'siunkur.  100  2d  w. 
lEolItrook  .!  S,  Mngr  Aimour  Packing 

Co,  ConinuTci.d  Knw. 
Hopkins  Charks   H,    city   assessor,    P.)Sl- 

offlce  blk 
Hopkins   Geome    M,    locksmith,    204    34 

ave  w. 
Hopkins   &   IVarce  (T  Kiigene    Ilnpkins, 
George   F   Pearcr),    photographers,   HOG 
2d  w. 

ilnppcr    Oforfc'C     II,     Propr     The 

Chequamegon  and  Mngr  Burton  House. 

Hurley,  Wis,  Front  and  2d  w.   {See  adv. 

p  130  ) 

Hopper  &  Burrill  (John  T  Hopper,   W  E 

Burrill),  restaurant,  210  2d  w. 
Hosmer  Albert  H.  baths,  321  oil  w. 
Hosmer  &  Hosmer  (Matthew  S  and  Andrew 

J),  physicians,  1st  National  Bank  bldg. 
Huber  JIrs  Francis,  grocer,   1300  5t  Clair. 
Huber  Wolfgang,  coufctr,  301+  2d  e. 
Huper  Frank,  saloon,  722  St  Clair. 
Hyland  AVra  P,   mngr   Wisconsin  Tel  Co, 

14  Vaughn  blk. 
Hyues  John,   propr  Michigan  House,   201 

2d  ave  w. 
Ike  Frank,  saloon,  .^12  2d  w. 
Johnson  JIrs  Hans,  milliner.  Ill  2d  w. 
Johnson   Olo,    mngr   Northern    Mnfg   Co, 

foot  9lh  ave  w. 
Johnson  Otto,  propr  Christiana  House,  800 

2d  w. 
Jones  E  G,  confectioner,  1420  St  Clair. 
Joyce  John,    propr  Joyce  House,  407  2d  e. 
Ju'dd   Charles  L,    boat    livery,    Vaughn's 

Kanneberg  Frederick,  grocer,  505  2d  e. 
Keely  ^V'm,  saloon,  1222  St  Clair. 
Keenan  Patrick,  crocer,  709  2il  c. 
Kepler  Edward  M,  grocer,  422  2d  w. 
Keystone  Lumber  Co.  J  \V  Cochran  pres. 
F  H  Payne  sec,  cor  0th  ave  w  and  Front. 
Kilbourne   Uev  Wm  (Congregational),  900 

6lh  ave  w. 
Kind  Max.  mngr  Grand  Opera  House,  3d 

ave  nr  2d  w. 
King  Katie  C,  giocer,  210  2d  e. 
Klilzke  Wm,  coiifLCtioni.T,  307  2d  e. 
Knight  John  H,  capUali-;t.  Knight  blk. 
Koch  Joachim  J,  meats.  1304  St  Clair. 
Koehler  ()  0,  agt  Am  Exp  Co,  117  Vaughn 

Koeslier  Joseph,  bookbndr.  110  Stuntzave. 
Kohout  N'eil.  gunsmith,  221  2il  e. 
Kolinan  Louis  I'i;  Co  (Loid.s  and  Phil  Kol- 

man).  books,  301  2d  w. 
Kopplin    House,    G   J    Giesregen   propr, 

Siimlz  ave  cor  2d. 
Koiiplin  it  Luedke  (Julius  Kopplin,  Her- 
man Luedke>,  saloon,  113  2d  w. 
Kronrjuist  Guslav,  propr  Svea  House,  31S 

9th  ave  w. 
Kruschke  Herman,   planing  mill,  404  9tli 

ave  w 
Kiibn  Willis  D.  saloon.  407  2d  w. 
Kur-ioi^ki  Itlarliii  J,  Merchant  Tail- 
or, 1119  St  Cl.air.     (..Sv  adv.  p  139.) 
Laccy  Hurry  E,  restaurant,  112  2d  w. 
Ladies'  Auxiliary  Y  M  C  A,  :\Ir3  E  D  Per- 
kins see,  cor  Ellis  ave  and  3d. 

Horth  Star  Ironworks. 

l<l£lsH   .llA.MtAHl  KIM.  fO. 
if.sniand,    -     -    WlsconBin. 

.VUIiiiii.-l.t,,  siiiv  Mill  ?1«,10i 
Speed  Kn::inei,  nflll.T«.  I'onf 

«,  JlachiDhts,  Founders,  r.oilerni.ikerB, 
ry.  Jliiii,,^-  Jlniliimry,  CorlN.i  and  lllf;li 
Iraniinllthig  Maclihierj,  etc.   Seep,  (i 


I    ■      I       P^-^aH  Are  inTalnable  for  rfstorine  and  mnintaininor  ft  henUhy  action  of  the 

"'!'-!il     t 'r  iilQ     Skin  aadreIioTiiiirIuteruBlConstntlous,t:ol(!s,Hularia,nnd  for  Purl- 
UlUJI     JiiSUillU    fjiagthe  Blooil.    The  Batlis  af  Jauesvillc,  Wis.,  aro  anions  tlie  Best. 





Lc  Oraiulc  J3oleI,  Mrs  Mav  Ebb'.ie,  Lake    Supei-ior   SJei-f  Co  (Swift  & 

Piopr,  7U  -M  c.     {S,-,iili\  biJ'.'-c  )  Co),  li  V  bliepherd  Mnu'r,  M  are  w  aud 

Lake   Michigin  A:  L;iku  Superior  Transit  Wisconsin    Central  Track.     (,Sa'  adv,  p 

Co,  J  S  Dyer  aj.Tt,  ;;,!  ave  andiUi.  130.) 

T.BOXDY,  Formerly  witli  Parish  Works. 
J.  H.  BONDY,  Formerly  foreman 

I'arish  Works. 




Boilers,    Tanks,    Heaters,    Stacks, 
Breechings,  Skips,  and  Buckets. 

Estimates  Cheerfully  Funiisbed.    Repair- 
ing Promptly  Pone.     All  orders  for 
repairs  by  mail  or  telegraph 
promptly  atteiuled   to  and 
satisfaction  guaranteed. 

Shops,  V^ater  St.,  near  W.  C.  Ore  Dock, 
A8IIL.1M>,    WIS. 



NEWLY  FURNISHED.    Board  S I  per  day  or  $4.50  per  Week. 

'711    S:SCOI:TnD    STJP.2;32riT    HZ^^ST, 



Horseshoeing  a  Specialty.  1     V  j;-    "'^r:  • '""^  •- " 

Cooi]  Work  aud  lleawiiiilde  I'rlres. 

C«»r.   7lli    Alt'.   Hiul   'J«l    M., 


Chicago,  Milwaulies  k  St,  Paul  Kj,  uL^.t'l'/est  and  M\a%\ 

^lAMTAfTrnEItS    OP 

WISCC:'3ir]  VEHETIAH  BLinO  CO..  ,  ,   ,  ,         ,  „     ,■     n,-  , 
Office* Factory, 261  Lake  St.,  jiiLWAiKEE,  WIS.  Lstest  Iniprovetj  venBlian  msnos, 






Lamortux,  Gk-a^on,  Shea  &  Wright  (C  X 
Lanioreux.  E-l  F  Glea^oii,  Wm  F  Shea, 
Audrew  F  \V rit;ht),  lawyers,  C-t  Shures' 

Lampson  Orlti  L.  flnvir,  721  Frunt,  e. 

Laadauer  Sarmicl,  jeweler,  111  2:1  e. 

liangcluu  !Mrs  E  0,  tailor,  207  3J  ave  w. 

Larpen  L  &  Co  (Louis  Larsen,  ,jena  Wil- 
man,  Peter  Hansen),  grocers,  322  9th 
ave  V,'. 

Lauchlin  G  Y,chief  clerk  M,  L  S  &  W  Ry, 
43  Sliores'  bik, 
^  Lawson  Alexander,  restaurant,  407  2d  w. 
'  La/arus  Joseph,  tailor,  20.3  Ellis  a^e. 

Le  I'eaii  \Vm.  dyer.  32.j  VatiL'hn  ave. 

Lehrkind  Bros  (Chailea  and  Paul),  general 
store,  421-423  2d  e. 

Leighy  &  Garnich  (Ervin  Leihy,  Erail  Gar- 
nich),  hardware.  412  2ii  w. 

Leonard  Alexander,  saloon.  1401  2d  w. 

Levin  Morris,  clothinu',  711  2d  vr. 

Levy  Charles,  clothing,  100  2d  w. 

Levy  ^-  Ginsburg  (.)  I  Levy,  H  H  Gins- 
bnrg).  cigar  mnfrs,  209  Ellis  ave. 

Literski  Anton,  tailor,  317  2d  e. 

Livingston  J  it  Vo  (.Jacob  and  S  Living- 
ston)  jewelers,  311  2d  w. 

Lloyd  George  E,  drugs,  41.3  2d  c. 

Lonsdale  Henry,  propr  Atlantic  Hotel,  lOj 
Stnntz  ave. 

Lowen  IJernard,  jeweler.  214  2d  w. 

Lucas  Ben  8.  head  clerk.  The  Coniniercial. 

Lumber  and  Log  Owners'  .■\ssn,  li  !>  Pike, 
prcs,  C  F  Latimer,  sec,  office  Northern 
Natl  Bank, 

McArthur  A  C,  hnrnrss.  114  2d  ave  w, 

McCarthy  T  F,  atrt  Columbus  A:  Hocking 
Coal  and  Ir(.n  Co,  Ut  Xatl  P.auk  bldr.' 

UlcCliiitotk  <'  Xi  rvorcll.  Lumber, 
(.'omniission  and  In.-pectlou;  Agt  Lake 
MichiL'an  and  Lake  Su|HMior  Transporta- 
tion Co,  1.3  Shores'  BIk.  (.Stt'  adv,  p 

McClouil  &.  .McCullv  (Georire  H  McCloud, 
,lamcs:M((.'idh  K  lawyer  ,  P.'l.jilice  bIk. 

;il<-l>criii<»l(  .\ioli<»la»,  Ueal  Estate 
and  In^iirniic.  ""(',  -Uli  ave  w. 

McL>out;all  Ali-xandi.T  .).  trrocer,  G22  2d  w. 

McFa.Ide:;  A  lleiiiiuuin  (.binu-*  .McFadden. 
Einil  ,1  Ileumanu)  oysters,  2d  bet  2d  and 
3d  av.H. 

]1Jl4'<;iiii-4'    iifor;;*'.    Propr     Ashland 
.       House,  tilO  2d  w.      i.S?r'  ./(/)■,  ')?.p  ^ 

Mclulo.-h  .]  H,  Ins  ngt.  Post.oJiice  blk. 

McKinnon  Hugii,  phys,  300  2d  w. 

5Icl\in/.ie  lV  Hovey  (Peler  .T  Mclvinzie, 
Alexander  HuVey),   saloon,  C12  2d  w. 

McAIimles  \\  .1,  plumi)er,  .^^1)4  2.]  w. 

ilc.Mullcn  .lohn,  propr  Frankdn  House, 
107  Ellis  .ave. 

McXeil  r?Irs  Anna,  Proprietor  The 
C.imraercial,  o01-30ij  2d  w. 

JIcQiiilliu  Mi-i  J.  midiner,  .576  2d  w. 

Mackmiiler  T  F,  city  treas,  Po^totKce  blk. 

JIackmiller  Woi  H,  erocer,  701  2d  e. 

Madden  John,  phys,  2S  Shores'  blk. 

.Alahouey  Samuel,  saloon,  723  2d  e. 
i   Mahoney  Sisters  (Nellie  and  Katie),  dress- 
makers, 102  2  1  w. 

Malmberg  Sebe,  jeweler,  .508  2d  w. 

T'.Ialonev  C  H,  saloon,  303  2d  w. 

Malum  Tlioiiias  A,  Grocer,  1100  2d 

3I;irc!ics*aiilt  J  .Vrlliiir,  Phvsician, 
204  Sth  ave  w. 

Merek  Josejih,  grocer,  1018  St  Clair. 

IMarkwiiz  'Wtii,  confctr.  2(jri  3d  ave  w. 

IMars  John  C,  elk  municipal  court,  Breen 

Marshall  George,  pres  common  council, 
PostotHce  bl  Ir. 

Jlarshall  John,  saloon,  723  Front  e. 

illartiii  A:  Silliniaii  (W  L  Mirlin,  E 
H  Silliman),  Lumber  Inspectors,  33-34 
Shores'  Block, 

ilarx  Susanna,  meats.  1100  St  Clair. 

Matthews  J  B  it  Co  (Jolin  B,  L  F,  George 
0  and  S  F.  .Matthews),  grocers,  317  Ellis 

Mattsdn  :\Ials.  sIierilT,  Court  House. 

^ca<'.  «V  i>ix(in  i.Vrtiiur  U  Mead, 
Albert  IC  Dixou).  .\.ttorueys-al-Law,  G, 
8  and  10  Vaughn  Block. 

Meauy  Joseph,  "aloon,  223  2d  e. 

Mercer  .Vlimzo  W,  erocer,  323  3d  ave  w. 

^Merchants'  Hotel,  T  P  Wentworth  propr, 
213  3d  ave  w.     ^ 

MersiiiL'tr  Adam  K,  notions,  303  2d  w. 

Metzdorf  August,  saloon,  .514  2d  w. 

ilezerow  Bros  it  Co.  (Jose|ih.  David  and 
Morris  ilezerow)  2d  hand  Lroods.6i7  2de. 

Miars  George  W,  agl  Ohio  Coal  Co,  "Wis- 
consin Central  Duck. 

Michicran  House,  John  Hynes  propr,  201 
2d  ave  w. 

Milbauer  .Marv.  irrocer.  717  3d  ave  w, 

Mdes  John  J.'lawvrr,  .3(i3  2d  w. 

:iiillci-  .V  <•«»  (F  W  .Mdier.  John  Mosi--, 
Ernst  MMickeli.  Brewery.   117  loth    :iv  o. 

Mil^vaukt'*',  Lake  «iiioro  A-  \Vc«l- 
ern  By  L'o.  C  U  Hartley  Uiv  Supt,  F  C 
Hazard  Agt,  cor  Ellis  ave  and  fith,  Mar- 
tin Schrank  Agt,  Ore  Dock,     (fite  fnh:  ) 

Monger  John  A.  editor  and  propr  Weeklv 
Tiroes,  1st  Natl  Bank  bldg. 

Montgomery  &  Stocks  (Win  Montg.iraery, 
"Wni  Sioctisi,  p.ainters.  .5011  2d  w. 

Moore  .Mrs  J  J,  grocer,  902  St  Clair. 

Slori.^elt  Mary,  dressmkr,  41.3  2d  e. 

Chicago  &  Oreiid  TmnI 

The  Favorite  Route  Fast 

\\\    M,l<..\ItA    FALLS. 

""^S;^::ir 0'SullJ?ao's  Commsrclal  luimflT' 


GEORGE  McCUIRE,  Proprietor, 
610  2d  Street  .West,  -  ASHLAND,  WISCONSIN. 

RATES,  SI. 50  PER  DAY. 

This  Ilolel  has  lately  been  bought,  furnished  and  equipped  by  me,  and  is  located  in  the 

center  of  the  city,  opposite  the  Court  Uouse  Square,  and  convenient  to 

all  plpxes  of  amusement. 

-Ts  *=^  ^^^^ 

0^  W^{:&^"M%  Fresh  Vegetables 

r  •5$^-^.:.-^\^:;-^;AV  eochdakner  broteers, 


:vi_^  jM^^^i?     AND  FLOWERS. 

315  Ctli  Avenue  We«l,  ■  -  ASSIL.VM>,  UISCON*.I\. 



HcTseslipelDg  a  specially.      All  Orders  PioBpily  Altsnilttl  tc, 

p.  O.  BOX  NO.    14^4, 

\^-^VE.:^  " i ^erchonl: Tsilor. 

m-       u 

iff  (■    ~"         i^  "00  Samples  of  Latest  Gooils  to  show  Custo- 
mers.   The  Lowest  Prices  antl  Beat 

•    '•;•'■'    it  I  ■  !!  ~  ■-  Work  Guaranteed 

>.     ,  ■;        11:/;      i  Ir  ■      ?  -.  Kir8l-llttssCLK.V>l>(J  and  I!Kl'AlliLV(i. 

J^-'::^i~^i^^s^^==.=^^^^-i^:i^  1119  St.  Clair  St,,  ASHLAHD,  WIS, 

iuiis  ctiiTBJL  R,  I  '''e:r,r"  Chicago,  sooih, 

Illinois  CEilTPiiil  11,  B 

Short  and  Direct 
1         Route  from 

mtm,  SOUTH, 





Morrison  House,  ilrs   Sarah   E   Morrison, 

propr,  2r2(5  Frout. 
Mowalt  &  Thompson  (D  W  MnwHtt,  C   F 

Thompson),  taw  miil,  fo3t  'Willes  ave. 
Mueller    Gustavus,   employment    bureau, 

107  3d  e. 
Murray  Joseph  H,  drayman,  IOC  2  J  ave  w. 
Murray  Michael,  conftr,  7il  '2d  e, 
Nels5n  John,  clothioL',  tlOo  2d  w. 
Neuenschwauder     Albert,      laundry,    109 

Frout  w. 
New  Brunswick  House,  John  Roy   propr, 

105  3d  ave  e. 
Niclet  House,  M  Sevmour  propr,  115  2d  e. 
Noble  A  B  &  Co  (Addison   B   Noble),  ins, 

.5'23  2d  w. 
Noble  Jolin  G,  stenogr.  Breen  blk, 
Normanua    House,     Ellison    &     Sundell 

proprs,  712  2d  v,-. 
IVorlli    Star    Iron     ^Vorks   (Parish 

Mnfs  Co),  \y  F  Parish  Pres,  Treas  and 

Genl  Magr,  Thomas  Bariloa  Vice-Pres , 

Thomas    A  Parish  ;je^;    Directors,  J  IT 

Knight,  W  M   Torakios,  Sam  S  h'ifield, 

Edwin   Ellis,  Thomas    Bardon,  Thomas 

A   Parish,    W   F  Parish,    cor   :!3d    ave 

and     Front.       {Sfe     lift     holtijia     lines 

and  2^  6.) 
Northern    Grain    Mercantile     Co,     O   AV 

Mosher  pres.  E  G  Scott   sec,  tliiur    mill, 

Lake  Front  font  Ellis  ave. 
Northern    Mnfi;    Co,  Ule  Johnson    mngr, 

foot  9th  ave  w. 
Northern  National  Baolv  (capital. .slOO, 000; 

surplus,  sl7,o!JOi,  E  A  Shores  pres,  C  F 

Latimer  cash,  2d  w  cor  4th  ave. 
Northern  Pucifn',   Express    Co,  Geortre   E 

Kobson,  X  P  U  K  Depot. 
Northern  Pacitic  Uailroad,  J  S   Dyer   agt, 

3d  ave  and  -llh. 
Northwestern  Fuel  Co,  J  H  Younker  agt, 

523  2d  w. 
Norway  House,  John  Hedmun  propr,   209 

2d  ave  w. 
Nourse  Krauk  P,  phvn,   liiS  2il  w. 
IVovcllj    Iron     \^  orU«,  I)    J    Stylor 

Propr,  nr  Wise  rm^iii  Central  Ore  Docks. 

{S<y'  adv.  ji  U9.\ 
O'Brien  James  .M ,  barber,  810  St  Clair. 
O'Urien  ,Iohii  F,  i^rix-.^r,  2',)o|  Front  e. 
Oettel   ifc   Tiillin-    (Luii?    Oetlel,    Henry 

Trilliug).  saloon,  31tj  2d  w. 
Ohio  Coal  Co,    Geor^'e  W  iliars  agt,   Wis- 
consin Central  Dock. 
Old  Ijake  Sliore,  Hubert  Zingsheim 

propr,  1418  St  Clair. 
01.*.on  Bert,  shoes,  .SI 5  2d  w 
Olson  John,  shoemkr,  11.)  2  1  e. 
Olson  &  Co   (K  C  t.ilson,    Fred    Hudson), 

grocers,  407  Bca-er  ave. 

O'Neil  Miss  Mamie  C,  dressmkr,  9  Goeltz 

O'^ullivan's  Coniuiercitil  Aossde- 

my.  E  J  O'Sullivan  Priu,  Vauuhn  Li- 
brary BIdg.     {See  right  irp  lines.)' 

O'SuiSivun  F.iisciie  J,  Prin  O'Sulli- 
van's  Commercial  Aca<lcmy,  Vaughn 
Library  Bldg.     {Sec  rigid  top  lines.) 

Ouger  Joseph,  saloon,  717  2d  e. 

Our  Record,  A  W  Bowron  publr,  7  Shores' 

Ovcrholser  Henry,   real  estate,  503   2d    w. 

Packard  &  Foster  (\V  H  Packard,  OH 
Foster),  lawyers,  Breen  blk. 

Paige  Charles  O,  genl  store,   712  St  Clair. 

Parish  John  K.  circuit  judiie,  Court  House. 

PMrisli  i^Siiii!ira<-(iiriiiK  Co,  (N<jrth 
Star  Irnn  W.uks),  'yV  F  Parish  Pres, 
Treas  and  Genl  .Mni^r,  Bardon 
Vice-Pres,  Thomas  A  Parish  .Sec;  Direc- 
tors, J  H  Knight, A\'  M  Tomkins,  Sara  S 
Fi field,  Edwin  Ellis,  Tliomas  Bardon, 
Thomas  A  I'arish,  \V  F  Parisli.  cor  33d 
nv  andFront.  (.Sec  Uft  bottuin  lines  and  |) 

Park  House,  Joseph  Foeller  propr,  1000  2d 

Farmeter  II  E,  Ice,  901  St  Clair. 

Paronto  Henry,  barber,  1st  National  Bank 

Parsons  Robert  W,  cigar   mnl'r,  121  2d   w. 

Pearce  &  Fay  (Charlej  Pearce,  John  Fay), 
confctnr,  004  2d  w, 

Pcckhatn  George  O,  crockery.    801  2d  w. 

Perkins  Ernest  D.  phys.  111  2(i  w. 

Peters  George,  saloon,  1314  St  Clair. 

Peterson  Andrew  P.  biksmith,  107  N  3d 
ave  e. 

Peterson  Ole  I,  saloon,  S13  2d  w. 

Petrie  it  AV'illiams  (Charles  Petrie,  Daniel 
Williams'!,  saloon.  122  2d  w. 

Pool  Franklin  J,  dry  ynods,   ,",00  2d  iv. 

Po,)ley  W'm  (',  supt  Ashland  \Vater  Co, 
Vaughn  blk. 

Powers  \i  M,  lawyer,  .'ilS  2  1  w. 

P.iwers  it  Fosshage  (C  E  Powers,  J 
Fosshnixe),  grocer.>>,  720  2il  w. 

Poziski  Thomas,  clothing,  811  2,1  w. 

Prentice  Brown  Stone  Co,  Frederick  Pren- 
tice pres,  George  H  Burr  .sec,  106  2d 
ave  w. 

Prentice  Frederick,  real  est.  lOO  2,1  ave  w. 

Priilemou  \Vm  A,  sew    machs.  508   2d  w. 

Prince  E  F  iV  Co  (Eugene  F,  John  B 
Prince,  Henry  Scott),  furniture,  500 
2  1  w. 

Print/,  &  Son  (Frederick  and  Joseph), 
saloon.  1400  St  Clair. 

Railroaders'  Home,  Ole  O  Valstad  propr, 
221  8;h  ave  w. 

ULl,lllb  Lli,!U  u,;il  iiiUlOr  riaPlS  ,.j.ii:s  ok   .m,i.  nicsrisirTiovj.,     ,  am- 

lOKUcs   rrcc.      JlMr.-s    A>OK.lK,    2i:,     m,m    Water    StrccI,    MII-MAIKEE. 

The  Green  Bay  Business  College  Ir^^,' 

I»  DOf  eJ  for  its  tscellent  Facilities  sail  Thoronshnest 
EXPERT  TEVrllEUS  In  Every 
Depnrtniciit.    A.N.M'Al.    CATALOGUE    FKEE.     Address   GREEN    BAY,  AVIS. 





Randall  Bros  (Louis  L  ami  Charits  E), 
pbotogrs.  307  2d  w. 

Rath  Wm  P,  grocer,  312  2d'e. 

Recelein  John  C,  sliIood,  220  2d  w. 

liell  John  >fc  Co  (John  Red,  Audrew  Per- 
raull),  livery,  222  Slunlzave. 

Reynolds  Sluart  V,  grocer.  S22  2d  w. 

Ridge  Win.  restauraut,  N  P  U  11  Depot. 

Rinehart  W  T,  res  physician  Ashland  Hos- 
pital, cor  StuutE  live  and  St  Clnir. 

Rislin  Rev  H  (LulheninV  un  Willes  ave. 

Ritchie  J  C,  wootl,  cor  Wiik-s  ave  and 

Hitter  diaries  M.  jeweler.  209  2d  e. 

Robson  George  E,  agt  X  P  Exp  Co,  N  P 
R  R  Depot. 

Rodman  ifc  Prince  (N  D  Rodman.  R  B 
Prince),  boat  livery. Chefiuamcson  Dock. 

Roehm  John  C,  meats,  b22  St  Clair. 

Rooney  Nicholas  C,  saloon,  318  2d  w. 

Rose  Harry  P,  luraiier  inspr,19  Shorts'  bik. 

Ross  H  E,  livery.  714  2d  w. 

Ross  John  N,  furniture,  513  2d  e. 

Rossman  Georce  P,    la-ivver,  2  Goeltz  hlk. 

Rowley  L  B  itCo  (Lester  B  Rowleyj,  plan- 
ing mill,  foot  9lh  ave  w. 


P^-.:p Jfe^^t  Fish,  Oysters, 

Gcimc,  Uultcr,  Ejij^s,  Cheese, 

Meatv  of  all  Kinds  and  Sausnues, 

'L_-^^    807-2d  Street  V/.     ASHLAND,  WIS. 



:.^\  i  •"!=< 

TEEt^^IS,  SI. 50  PI:E5  DAY. 

212  and  216  3d  Ave.  Vies!,     ■    ASHLAflD.  Yi\S. 



1416  ST.   CLAIR  STKKET, 

Near  Luke  Shore  Dotlis. 

Rates,  SI-OO  Per  Day. 



Real  Estate 



Fine,  Hard <Too<l  and  aiiirral  Landi. 
Office,  First  National   Bank  Building. 


Cliicap  &  Giand  Jmi  h  ''t'Z^^^'ig^^^ 



^VISC0^^slX  state  gazettkke 


- 1  a 

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Iloy  Jrihn,  propr   >»'ew    Brunswick   Hotel, 

105  3J  ave  e. 
Pvude  Peter,  barber,  100  Stuniz  ave. 
Runkel  Augusta  E.  milliner,  211  2d  e. 
Kussell     Ezra     W,     marble    -works,     321 

Vamrlin  ave. 
Russell  John,  saloon,  PM  2d  w. 
St  Charles  Hotel,  Gustave  Dehnke  propr, 

217  :!d  ave  w. 
St    Clair    SIoii<>o,    Kenneth     Andison 

Propr,  UlOyt  Clair.   (Seeodr.  p  liD 
St  Chiir  Hf'use,  II   U  Garvey  propr,    213 

Till  ave  w. 
St  John  John,  act  Minnesota  Kitchen  Cab- 
inet Co,  90S  2d  w. 
St   Joseph's    Hospital,    SLstcr    ilary   Vin- 

cenlia  superior,  cnr   O.i  ave   and  Front. 
Sampson     Duportul   G,     real    estate,    .j-6 

Shores'  block. 
Sanders  M    P   &   Co   (Milton    P  Sanders, 

John  Gi'rold\  grocers.  201  2d  e. 
Schaefer  Gustave,  liarlier.  301  2d  e. 
Schaetzle  Louis,  barber,  Stwntz  ave  ft    2J. 
Schiller    it  Johnson    (II   O  Schiller   L  il 

Johnson),  barbers,  715  2d  w. 
Schlitz  Jos  IBrcwing  Co,    John  Dowd  agt, 

401  fith  ave  e. 
Schottnmeller  Franz  X,  grocer,  1423  2d  w. 
Schreuder  Uros  (Theodore  H  and  Louis  S), 

drugs,  103  2d  w. 
Schwager  Isaac  C,  clothing,  308  2d  w. 
Schweisthal  Mathias,  brewers'  agt,   211  2d 

ave  w. 
Scott  liart  B,  county  treaR,  Court  House. 
Scott,  Hul)bell  it  Taylor  (John    F  Scott, 

Fred  F  Hubbell,  James  H  TaylorV  plan- 
ing mill,  3d  ave  and  4ih. 
Security  Savings  B.iidi.   J   S  Edis  prrs,  E 

H  Ellis  cash.  Security  Bank  bldi;. 
Sell  George,  surveyor.  Court  Hou^-e. 
Series  Jolni  K,  confectioner,   cor  Prentice 

avo  and  2d. 
Scverence  ElishaF. confectioner,  cor  Whit 

llesey  ave  and  3J 
SejW'r  i>:iiiiel  .1,  Propr  Novelty  Iron 

Works,    near    Wisconsin    Central    Ore 

Docks.      (.V.  ndl-.  p  12U  ) 
Seymour  Jlichael,  propr  ISiclet  House,  115 

2d  e. 
Shea  Wm  F,  city  atly,  Postottice  bik. 
Sherinau  George  L.  saloon.  314  2d  w, 
Sherman  Mrs  Martha  S,  milliner,  302  2.1  w. 
Shores'  Buildinir    Assoriution,  <;h:ules    F 

Latimer  sec.  ollioe  XorlhiTn  Xall  Bank. 
Shores'  Lumber  Co,  !■;  A  Shares  pres,  C  F 

Latimer  «ec.  lleiioer  ave. 
Sieotli?  .loiin    55,    Black>..milh,   Horse- 

shoer   aud     llnfr   Pcvey  and     Lumber- 
men's Ti.ols   .'OO  2d  c.     I'-^e^  adi\]i  1J9.) 
Skill  Stephen  M,  saloon,  411  2d  w. 

Smith  Bros  (Harry  B.  John  S  and  Abraham 
L),  installment  goods,  113  2d  w. 

Smith  C  L.  commission,   708  2  1  w. 

Smith  Frederick  C, florist, 2 18-222  7th  ave. 

Smith  &  Iloppenyan  (Thomas  C  Smith. 
Bernard  Hoppenyan),  undertakers,  103 
3d  ave  e. 

Snyder  Clarence,  propr  Ashland  News, 
211  Vaughn  ave, 

Soper  Hou.-e,  iirs  B  Yeomans  propr,  210 
9th  ave  w. 

Sopcr  \allinii  S,  Propr  City  Shoeing 
Shop  and  Mnfr  Carriages,  Wagons  and 
Sleiiihs,  cor  yth  ave  and  3d  w.  (See  adv, 
p  133.) 

Spencer  R  F  &  Co  (Ripley  F  Spencer), 
harness,  2u>  4th  ave  .v. 

Staerke  J,  meats,  320  9;h  ave  w. 

Standard  Oil  Co,  E  G  Scott  agt,  3d  ave 
cor  31. 

Stark  Albert  W,  barber,  402  2d  w. 

Stcasticr  Plow  l2oy,  Capt  F  A 
Bischotl  Propr,  Franklin  House.  {See 
ado,  p  133.) 

Steele  Gavin  M,  drugs,  123  2d  e. 

Stenz  Bros  (John  and  ^Vm),  grocers,  719 
2.1  e. 

Stevens  Mrs  J  L,  dressmaker.   102  21  w. 

Stevenson  Arthur  L,  dry  gouds.   109  2d  e. 

Siockholm  House,  C  A  Anderson  propr, 
710  2d  w. 

Struckraeyer  E  A,  cigars.  317  2d  w. 

Sullivan  Dennis,  confectr,  120  2d  w. 

Sullivan  John,  confectr,   130*!  St  Clair. 

Sullivan  .B  &.  Co  (.lerry  Sullivan, 
Leonard  Van  Hecke).  Wholesale  Cora- 
mission,  Fruils.  Vegetables,  I'roduce, 
Flour,  Etc,  Commercial  Row  nr  Wis- 
consin Central  Depot      (Sec  adr.  p  135.) 

Sullivan  &  Cramer  (Jeremiih  Sullivan, 
C  N  Cramer),  grocers,  723  2d  w. 

Summers  B  W,  rgt  C,  St  P,  M&  O  Ry, 
Dcpnt  cor  7M1  ave  and  Jth  w. 

Siiporior  Eloime,  Michael  il  Early 
Propr,  217  7tli  ave  w. 

Sutherland  Shoe  Co,  0  L  Sutherland 
pres,  AC  Ambler  sec.  lUO  2d  w. 

Sutherland  Walter  R,  saw  mill,  foot  Pren- 
tice avenue. 

Svea  House,  Gustav  Kronquist  propr,  318 
9lh  avenue  w. 

Swanson  August,  saloon.  310  9Lh  ave  w. 

Swacsou  vSwan,  saloiin,   722  2d  w. 

Tat'gart  John  W,  barber,  2U2  2d  w. 

Tanner  S  W,  brick  mnfr,  802  3d  w. 

T.irbox  Fred  O,  train  master  M,  L  S  &  'W 
Ry.  44  Shores' b'.k. 

Tatro  L  R.  barber,  Colby  Hou^e. 

Telford  House,  O  Baker  propr,  222  3d 
HVenue  w. 



in    Short  and  Direct 
1  lii         Route  from 






Tronk  By. 

The  Favorite  Rente  East 






Telford   Thomas,    SL'aler   of    iveiglils   and 

measures,  Poritoffice  blk. 
Tellor  Uschel,  dressmkr,  1114  2d  w. 
Thaj'er  AIiss  Miuy,  laundry.    ^IJT  2d  av  w. 
Thibault  Henry,  saluon,  501  2d  e. 
Thiese  Bros  (\Vm  H  and  Albert  F),  meats, 

218  2d  w. 
Thomas  G  F,  abstracter,  309  Beiiser  ave. 
Toejiel  I><(nis,  Ai,'t  Fred  Miller  Brew- 
ing Co  of  MiUvaukix'  Wis.   ol'J  3d  w. 
Toiiiliiii<>,   ."JSiMrill  &  Sisiilli    (W  M 

Tomkina,    George    F     Merrill,    Ben    F 

Smith),  Lawyers",  ifOi  2.i  w. 
Trciiioiit  ll!oii.>>e,  Bekkeu  BrosProprs, 

212-21U  3d  ave  w.     (.S,,"  adn,  p  IJfl.) 
Troaii     Edward    I,     Attorney     and 

Counselor-iit-Law,     Ashland     National 

Bank  Bldg. 
Turner  Joseph  M,  supt  public  schools,  314 

2d  ave  e. 
Twiggs  iV;  Rea   (.lohn  AY  Twiggs,   Wm  15 

Rea),  real  estate,  309  2d  w. 
Union  Hutel,    Miss  Carrie  Edwards  propr, 

cor  Front  and  11th  ave  w. 
United  States  Express  CIo,  J  L  Brown  agt, 

400+  2d  w. 
United  States  Indian  Agency,  J[  A  Leahy 

agt,  614  2d  w. 
United  Slates  Land  Oliice,  R  C  Ileydlauft" 

receivtr,  G  W  Carrington  register.  Secur- 
ity Bank  bldg. 
Valstad    Ole   O,    propr   Railroad   Home, 

221  Sdi  ave  w 
Van  Dooser  &  Sandon   (J  F  Van  Dooser, 

WSSaudon),  real  estate,  20  Shores'  blk. 
Van  Wonuer  Joseph  H,  laundry,  S07  10th 

avenue  \v. 
Vaughn    Public   Lilirary,  W  O   Bancroft 

librarian,  Vaughn  blk. 
Vocol  IJ,  Mngr  Val  Blatz  Brewincr  Co 

(Ashland  Uranrb),  320  Ellis  ave. 
Walltcr  Si  <ji.  Plumber,  and  Sieam 

Filter,  UG  21  ave  w.     (.S'l;  adv,  p  135.) 
Walsh  Miehncl  T,  grocer,  ."507  2d  e. 
Waterman  George,  grocer.  523  Vaugliu  av. 
Weaver  Eli,  shoemaker,  813  St  Clair. 
Weed  A  A;   Co  (Alfred  and  Paul   Weed), 

lumber,  Securilv  Dank  bldg. 
Weed,  Gumaer  i  Co  (Wm  H  Weed,  Tlie 

Gumaer  I'.statei.  grocer.s,  211    Ellis   ave. 
Weed  llunry  \),  drugs,  800  2d  w. 
W.eiss  Frank,  saloon^  807  St  Clair. 
Welch  Edward.saloon.cor  2dave  w  and  2  1. 
Welch  P  J.  chief  train  <lespalcher.Ar,  LS& 

W  Ry,  44  Sbores'  blk. 
Wcntwotth  T  P,  propr  Merchants'  Hotel, 

213  od  ave  w. 
Wcrder  Wm,  saloon,  307  2  1  w. 
Western  Union  Telegraph  ('..,  B  C   Wil- 

kins  mngr,  115  Vaughn  ave. 

White  Miss  L  W.  milliner,  420  2d  w. 

Wicklem  M  &  Co  (Martin  Wi(  klem,  Sam- 
uel Anyviek),  upliolsterers,  707  2  1  w. 

Wis."!!!"*  A;  Ii!c]iar<i«oii  (D  L  Wig- 
gins.AV  \V  Riclmrdsoni.  Lumber  Inspect- 
ors. 12  Shores'  lilk.     {<r'e  r-f''.  p  ISO,) 

Wllkins  Benjamin  C.  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co, 
115  Vaughn  ave. 

Willes  Edward  G,  real  estate,  211  Vaughn. 

Williams  Jerome  B,  dentist,  First  National 
Bank  bldg. 

Wilmarth  L  C,  mayor,  P  O  Mk. 

Wilson  Frank  S.  drugs.  503  2d  w 

Wilson  W  W  &  Co(\V  W  Wilson,  11 
Overholser),  grocers,  523  2d  ave  e. 

Windom  Edward  II,  real  estate.  First 
National  Bank  bldg. 

Windom  Wm  L,  lawyer.  First  National 
Bank  bldg. 

Wiuniger's  flarmonia  Band,  Franz  Win- 
niger  leader,  203  2d  ave  w. 

Wischnewski  Jo.seph  &  Co  (Joseph  Wis- 
chnewski,  Martin  Biedrzytcki),  tailors, 
21S  3d  ave  w. 

\Vi>eoii«iii  Central  IJiie-i  (Nortlu  ru 
Pacific  R  R  Co  Lessee),  J  W  Coria  .\gcnt 
at  Ore  Docks,  J  S  Dyer  Agent,  Dujiot, 
3d  ave  and  4th.     (See  adv.) 

AVisconsin  Telephone  Co,  AV  P  Ilyland 
mngr,  14  Vaughn  blk. 

AVolff  Rev  Isaac  (Jewish). 

AVood  Orman  L,  barber,  209  3d  ave  w. 

Wright  &  Kftchum  (A  W  Wright.  P  II 
Ketchum.  Saginaw,  Mich)  lumbi-r,  10 
Shores'  blk. 

Yeomnns  iirs  Britannia,  propr  Soper 
House.  210  9lh  ave  w. 

Yorton  Henry,  restaurant.  117  Sluntz  ave. 

Young  Gilman  G,  grocer,  121  2d  uve  e. 

A'oung  Jlen's  Christian  .\ssu,  Wm  Sloan, 
sec.  cor  Ellis  ave  and  3d. 

Z^'idth  Iron  Mining  Co.  Edwin  Ellis,  pres, 
N  I  AVillev.  sec.  518  2d  w. 

Ziehl.siiorll'  E  J  August,  tailor,  204  2d  w. 

Zimmerman  Jliehael.   clothing,  200  2d  w. 

Zminicrman  Samuel, 2d  hd  goods, 007  2d  e. 

Zingsheim  Hubert,  propr  Uld  Lake  Shore 
House,  1418  St  Clair. 

Zipperer  it  Foster  (Alexander  A  Zipperer, 
Edgar  Foster),  bottlers,   1002  St  Clair. 

field oouulv,  at  the  juncli(m  of  llie  (',,  St. 
P.,  M.  &  b.  Ry  and  X.  P.  R.  R,,  22  miles 
south  of  Bavtield  and  5  from  Ashland. 
Population.  100.  Exp.  Am.  Tel.  W.  U. 
Lucy  M.  Dickerson,  postmaster. 

DlfUor*oii  l.,a\vrenoc  .11,  Itailroad, 
Exp  and  Tel  Agt. 

CfiJqo,  Milwaukee  &  Si  Paul  Pif 

The  Popular  \\\ 
I  Line  to  tiie 

West  and  llofihi'/esf 



I  to  all  POINTS 

z  mm  101, 





ASH  RIDGE.  A  farm  house  post- 
office,  in  Pu'clilanil  county,  16  miles  north- 
west of  Kicbland  Centre,  the  coucty  icat, 
nearest  railroad  station  and  baniiing'point. 
Mail,  daily.  H.  C.  Householder,  post- 

Groves  Peter,  blacksmith. 
Heidbrink  .1  11.  general  store. 
Iloiiselioltlcr  II  C,  General  Store. 
Putuani  0  \V  it  Son,  nurjerv. 
Schullz  Theodore,  cheese  mufr. 

ASHTON.  A  postoifice  in  Dane  coun- 
ty, 10  miles  northwest  of  r^Iadison,  the 
county  seat,  and  3  north  of  3Iiddleton.  the 
nearest  railroad  Elation.  Mailison  is  the 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  50. 
Mail,  tri-wcekly.   J.  B.  Esser,  postmaster. 

Adler  Michael,  carpenter. 
Dre^sen  Carl,  physician. 
Esser  I'crnard,  ad:iicultural  impts. 
Esser  John,  saloon. 
Esser  JoM'pIi  15,  Hotel. 
Kirschcck  Simnn,  tliorraaker. 
La  Kay  F  \V,  blacksmith. 
Kelfc'ior  .!«>lm,  General  Store. 
Zennet  Joseph,  carpenter. 

'  ASKEATON.  A  postotiice  on  the  M. 
&  N.  It.  K.,  in  Brown  county,  1~<  miles 
south  of  Green  Bay,  the  county  seat,  and 
5J  from  Kaukauna.  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  3(J0.  Tel.  \V.  U.  :ilail, 

Clune  D,  general  store. 
Martens  A,  groeer. 
Patterson  I>,  saloon. 
Van  den  berg  B,  grocer. 
Wall  E,  grocer. 

ATHENS.  Foimerh-  known  ai  Black 
Creek  Kails,  is  on  the  A,  &.  N.  E.  Ky,  in 
Marathon  county,  30  miles  northwest  of 
AVaiisau,  the  judicial  se-it,  and  1.")  from 
DorcheBter,  the  usual  bai  klugiioint.  Exp., 
Pacific  Population,  ;ji)0.  K.  A.  StruppI 

Bell  John  N,  blacksmith. 

Biecha  Krank,  hotel. 

Bohling  II.  meats. 

ItriiKKtV  Kn-jil'/.or.  General  Store. 

Degncr  Henry,  hardware. 

Degner  it  Kreulzer.  general  store. 

Qruelzinacher  Franl:.  blacksmith. 

.Tohn.«en.  liiilbrock  it  Ilalsy,  saw  mill. 

Kreutzer,  livery. 

Markwoldt  F,  shoemaker. 

Muiice  .loliii  «.V  ""ioii.  General  Store. 

Xuernberg  John,  wagonmaker. 

Reilbrock,  Schlegel  iV  3Iii!er,  Hour  mill. 

Schicke  Albert,  shoemaker. 

Sfliu'tz  Fred,  hotel. 

Strtipn  F  A,Real  Estate  and  Insurance. 

Williams  L,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

ATTICA.  A  village  on  Big  Sugar 
river,  in  Green  county,  iO  miles  northeast 
of  Monroe, the  county  seat, 7  from  Albany, 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  12  west  of 
Evansville,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  Albany;  fare,  L'5  cents. 
Population,  100.  Mail,  daily.  S.  A.  Scott, 

Bartlett  Joseph,  saw  and  grist  mill. 
Case  Adelberl,  carpenter." 
Clark  Joshua,  wagonmaker. 
Cleveland  Benjamin,  blacksmith. 
Ilcattiinan  JSrs  HI,  Hotel. 
Jewell  J  O,  carpenter. 
Keylock  George,  mason. 
Keylock  llenrv,  mason. 
:»lasco  \V  is.  General  Store. 
Oswald  C,  cheese  mnfr. 
Persons  Byron,  live  stock. 
I'lOgers  Rev  H  (Methodist). 
Scott  S  j\.  Creamery. 

ATWATER.  A  station  on  the  C.  :^r. 
&  St.  P.  Ry,  in  Chester  township,  Dodge 
county,  10  miles  south  of  Juneau,  tiio 
county  seat,  and  4i  south  of  ^Vaupuu,  the 
nearest_  banking  point.  Population,  .jO. 
Tel.,  W".  V.  F.  8.  Jacobs,  postmaster.gen- 
eral  store  and  railroad  agent. 

AUBURNDALE.  In  Wood  county, 
on  the  Wis,  Central  Line,  24  miles  north- 
west of  Grand  Rapids,  the  seat  of  ju'^tice 
and  9  southeast  of  Marshlield,  the  location 
of  the  nearest  bank.  Exp  .  Am.  Tel.,  W 
U.  Population,  500.  Robert  Connor, 

Berg  Nicholas  M.  saloon. 
I'.rickles  Rev  L  F  (Presbyterian). 
Connor    Conipitn},    Saw   Mill    and 

Connor  House.  F  Markee  propr. 
Fond  du  Lac  Iron  Co,  charcoal. 
Friederich  Otto,  general  store. 
Joch  liev  Joseph  (Catholic^."' 
lilt'lfer  .1  C  A:  Co.  General  Store. 
Lusk  Jacol),  justice  and  lawyer. 
Markee  Frank,  propr  Connor  House. 
Merkey  August,   carpenter. 
Merkey  Edgar,  railroad  and  exp  agt 
O'liuen  Geiirje,  marshal. 
O'lJricii  nrn  (i,  Miliiner. 

Oiicap  &  Siand  Troal  !lj,  '^^'\l^Z^!,^°TJ-^'' 


uOillOrjilQ  Wial 

rfrf  SUiJiJl  29-1  Wlii-i-  W.VXliJl  ST.,  .lliliWAUIiCli,  WIJJ. 





Raut  John,  shoes  and  saicon. 

Sorenson  yoren.  blksmith  aud  wagonmkr. 

Uplegger  Hev  K  (Lutberauj. 

AUGUSTA.  A  prosperous  incorpo- 
rated city  located  on  the  C.  St.  P.,  M  & 
0.  Ky,  ill  J-^au  Claire  county,  105  miles 
northwest  of  Jlilvraukee,  12U  southeast  of 
St.  Paul,  and  22  soulhensf  of  Eau  Claire, 
the  seat  of  justice.  Bridge  Creek  fur- 
nishes power  utilized  by  3  llouriug  mills,  a 
planing  mill  and  sash,  door  and  blind  fac- 
tory, 2  saw  mills,  a  chce-se  factory  and  a 
creamery.  It  is  the  centre  of  a  rich  agri- 
cultural district,  for  which  it  is  the  re- 
ceiving aud  distributing  point,  and  is  rap- 
idly advancing  in  wealth  and  importance. 
It  has  churches  of  the  Baptist,  Catholic, 
Lutheran  and  denominations,  2 
large  school  buildings,  2  hotels,  a  bank,  3 
e'evatois  and  a  beautiful  ami  tastefully 
laid  out  park.  Two  live  weekly  newspa- 
pers, the  h'irr;li'  (Hep)  and  the  To/un  (Ueni), 
are  published.  The  principal  shipments 
comprise  grain,  beef,  pork  and  live  stock. 
Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Population, 
1,280.     C.  A.  Kirkham,  postmaster. 

Adams  Albert,  cattle  breeder,  2i  miles  e. 
Anderson  John,  Mksniitli  aud  inipts. 

Aii^Mi>.tu  JJaiik  Tlic (Capital  Al"i. 0001, 
Ira  IJ  Bradford  Propr,  Ciinton  K  Brail- 
ford  Cash. 

Augusta  Brass  and  Reed  Band,  John 
Judge  leader. 

Augusta  Creamery,  VictoryDrugCo.proprs. 

Augusta  Driving  Assn.  Charles  A  Cox  sec. 

Augusta  Eagle,  G  O  Jones  prrppr. 

Augusta  Times,  Clarke  &  Warner  proprs. 

Austin  Silas  W,  apiarist. 

Axtel  Silas,  money  broker. 

Ball  &  Culbertson  (John  L  Ball.  Charles 
^X  Culbertson),  saw  mill,  4  m  e. 

Barber  Solon,  cattle  breeder.  1  ni  s  w. 

Beebe  J  D  it  Co  (John  D  and  Charles  F 
Beebe),  grocers. 

Benzie  Henry  V,  painter. 

Blaisdell,  Cox  &  Wood  (Frank  C  Blais- 
dell,  Charles  A  Cox  and  L  W  Wood), 
horse  breeders. 

Kriiclfortl  Clinton  lu,  Cashier 
Augusta  Bunk. 

Bradford  Ifev  Elbridire  (Methodist). 

Bradford  I  B  &  E  M  (Ira  B  and  Elmer  M), 

Brown  Henry,  horse  breeder,  G  m  s  w. 

Brown  Win  II,  wagonmi.Uer. 

Bruss  Pev  Ueury  (fjutheran). 

Piulis  Charles  E,  harness. 

Buller  Nathan  L.  barber. 





Good  Sample  Rooms  aud  First-Class  Accommodations. 
FREE  'BUS  TO  AT^'D  FROfl  ML  TRAiFIS.  "•  A.  Wi:i.«'l!l,  Proin-. 

Cood    (;ou<1n    and    (iood    W  oikiiiuii>.Iili>.     .V  I'ull    1.1HC  of  Sani]>l<'N  CoiiNlanlly 

on  tiaiwl. 

Mkrcfiant    Tailor. 

A  Perfect  Fit  Guaranteed.  Ttie  Best  of  Y/ork  Done  on  Sliort  Notice. 

AUGUSTA,  -  -  -  WISCO?iSIFa. 

HiinQ  anil  mil tiiuniiio!i.'n:;>:;!nl;;;l^l:' John  nBunierGmi  Go^'^i^^^^^ 


1 3  AT  EGBERT  HAHPER  &  SONS,  44.6  I  »,! 

i!?.q-5!     East  Water    S-v-eu  East   Side  -I.rket  '^  " ?  : 
(iii,i!j%^l  Sq.,  airLAVAUKEE.     Telephone  313.   VV 





S  eg 

EC;:  s 

©  O  C5 






Ciirgill  W  W  &  Cn,C  F  Hanke  mngr,  grain. 

Carter  John  1',  livery. 

Ciark  C  F,  painter. 

Clark  Frank  L,  piiptnia^ter. 

Clark  &  SLiaver  (Lutlicr  F   Clark,   James 

f{  Shaver),  pump'. 
Clarke  &  Warner  (Frank  L  Clarke,  C  Wes 

Wr.rner).  proprs  Times. 
Cox  Bro3  &  Clarke  (Charles  A  and  Wm  S 

Cox,  Frank  L  Clarke),  gen  store. 
Cra\vfor(!  Judson  C,  lawyer. 
Crilcs    Kr!!e!.t    J,    Merchant    Tailor. 

{See  adi\  p  i.J5,) 
Dauflenbach  Frederick,  hardware, 
lienison  Jason  !I.  cattle   breeder.    2  m  w. 
Mcnsmore  O  W  &  Co  (<J)rson  Wand  Orpha 

Deiisiiiore),  fruit  shipper.^,  4  m  w. 
Oensnn  Kclsey  B,  shoemaker. 
Dittmer  Oiistavus,  biiots  and  shoes. 
F.ddington    Wni,  callle   breeder,  0  m  s  w. 
Krvin  Ebenczf^r.  carpenter. 
Fletcher  Elmer  L,  i)liysician. 
Flick  Mrs  Laura,  drc^^imaker. 
Hackett  John  C,  d;dry. 
HackettA  Hebard   (John  C  Hackett.  Wm 

D  llebard),  hardware  and  impts. 
Ilall  Joseph,  apiarist,  3  m  e. 
Hall  Jlrs  Susan  M.  dressmaker. 
Hamilton  Georjre  F,  physician. 
Hart  Itev  Frank  L  (Methodisl). 
Heard  Lester  A,  drayman. 
Heinzelniau  Jilartin  F,  photographer. 
Hills  Oeor^rc,  planing  mill. 
Hurst  Joseph,  drayman. 
Johnson  Elson  \V,  lirick  mnfr. 
Jones  Oriff  O.  propr  Ka'^le. 
Kopplen  Herman,  saloon. 
Kyle  Henry  H.  c.ariicuter. 
Lockwood  &  Uldcin  (Mrs  X  JI  Loekwood 

Mrs  Hattie,  millinery. 
Looniis  .Mrs  eonfectionrry. 
McCntlery    Janu-'i    ifc     Co,     dour     mills, 

3  ni  n  w. 
Mcliallum  Miss  May.  milliner. 
McCliilehie  Samuel,  farm  impts 
McC'iillouch  Jami-5.  hincksraith,  2  m  n. 
i^9<'4;ill  iioberl  t",  CU-rk  Park  House. 
Mr.l'liersou  Allen  I),  blacksmith. 
.VliKoniber  Mi^i  Libbii\   dressmaker. 
?tIaromber  yylvi.-.sler  .M.  livery. 
iMarte  NicoUuis.  furniture. 
.Miller  Henry  F,  harness. 
.Monteilli  Josoph.  real  estate. 
.Morris  Jlisg  Estella,  dressmaker. 
Muzzy  John,  cattle  breeder,  2  m  n. 
Nelson  Thor,  slioenviker. 
(.'ber  E  F  &  Co  lEdwarU  F  Ober),   general 

(>lsou  Slcner.  tailor. 
I'almiter  S  il,  carpenter. 

Palms  George  H,  saw  mill,  0  m  e. 

Park  FIoH^c,  H  A  Welch  Propr.  (Ses 
adv.  p  14s . ) 

Parr  Sylvester  M.  harness. 

Pettiuoae  Amos,  physician. 

Plummer  &  Finch  (Edward  W  Plummer. 
Oscar  Finch),  flour  mill. 

Pride  Elbridse  C,  marble  works. 

PrilS  AtiSJ!«t  F,  Propr  Sheridan  House. 

Randall  Allen  H,  horse  dealer. 

Richards  David,   livery. 

Rick  August  C,  meat  market. 

Rick  Charles  A,  saloon. 

Rickard  Albert,  grocer. 

Rickard  Charles,  grocer. 

Robinson  Delmont  W,  cheese  mnfr. 

Rogers  L'ugene  M,  dcnlist. 

Rose  P  H  iV;  .M  L  (P  Herman  and  ."Mary  L), 

Rundlett  Or  J  Rodney,  drugs. 

Russell's  J]n]],  Henry  Russell  propr. 

Schroeder  Wm,  ealoouand  impts. 

Schuitz  xVugust,  painter. 

Scott  Charles  W,  dairy  and  live  stock, 
6  m  w. 

Scott  George  E,  s:cr,ts'  furnishings. 

Slicridau  JSoiise,  i\.  V  Prill  Propr. 

Strader  Albert,  carpenter. 

Strauss  ife  Lev5-  (Kerilinand  Strauss,  Jacob 
Levy),  giMiiTal  slore 

Tasj^'H't  tSro.s  (Charles  and  John  W!, 
Dealers  in  Farm  Produce  and  Agricul- 
tural Implements. 

Tliatelicr  IJro.s  (Willis  E  and  D  El- 
mer).Groceries, Tinware,  Fruits  and  Con 
fectionery;  Dealers  in  and  Shippers  of 
Farm  Produce,  Berries,  etc. 

Thomas  Francis  N,  insurance. 

Thwing  i;"v  E  Z  (Methodist). 

Twomb'y  Sidney  S,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Vantyne  Hiram  C, shoes  and  sewing  inachs. 

Victory  Drug  Co,  Memory  Victory  pres, 
II  F  Fredrick  sec  and  treas. 

WaiTi'ii  ajiirvoy  SI,  City  Clerk,  Jus- 
tice and  Notary  I'ublii-. 

Washington  John  fl,  city  marshal. 

Walerphul  it  Proehl  (Henry  Waterphul, 
Christoiiher  Proehl),  blacksmiths. 

Welch  SSciiry  A,  Propr  Park  House. 
^.'v^•  ndv,  p  1 ,5.) 

Whipple  Albert  \V,   agt  C,   St   P,  M  i  0 


Whiting  Wm  J.  baker. 
Williams  Fred  E,  jeweler. 
Williams  Ggilva  A,  general  store. 
Works  Obadiah,  dairvman,  Ji  miles  w. 
Zimmerman  Joseph  C,  barber. 

AURORA.     In  Washington  county.  •' 
miles  west  of  West  Bend,  the  county  seat 

u  j'  J  L^  ii  'y    Q 


13  1  Avi:sr  Av.vTi;ic  sx.,  :tiii.,at.viki;i;,  wis. 


\  oinof"?  P;  Vn^^'^H'^'l  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

Lwi{/«->«iJ  C^     W  ll^iiWUiJj  X.  IV.  Cor.  otGrandand  WHaterSts.,  311I.\>AIKKK.  WIS. 





anil  banking  point,  and  2  eiiit  of  Alieuton, 
the  nearest  railioad  station.  Stages  tri- 
•weekly  to  Allenton  and  Ivolilsville.  i'opu- 
lation,  125.     SItil.  tri-weekly. 

Frciitcl  Henry,  Hotel. 
Hollritli  IVlcT,  stil.ioii. 
Sanger  G  II,  blacksmilli. 

AUEORAHVILLE.  Ou  ■\Villow 
creek  in  Wausli.ira  county,  ly  miles  east 
of  Wautoma,  llit  county  .seat,  and  7  north 
of  Berlin  on  tlie  C,  M.  Si'  St.  P.  Ky,  the 
nearest  railroad  station  and  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  IJerlin.  Population.  COO. 
JIail,  daily.     M.  C.  Clark,  postmaster. 

Aurorahville  Creamery  Co. 

Brown  James,  carpenter. 

■Clark  HI  €  t'i  Co,  General  Store. 

Daniels  E  ^V,   nursery. 

Ilarvey  T  .M,  carinntur. 

Ilatcli  V  I),  phy-'-ician. 

IInllciiS»vo!i  J  \V,  Hotel. 

Strang  A.  iiulaiy. 

Wells  W  II  Sc  C  E,  general  store. 

AVALANCHE.  On  West  Kick- 
apoo  river,  in  Vernon  county,  8  miles 
northeast  of  ^'jrOl|ua,llle  county  scat, near 
est  railroad  slalion  and  baiildng  point 
Stages  dnilv  lo  V'iroqua  and  Dell.  Poiiula- 
tjon,  100.  "Mail,  dady.  Mrs.  .Mary  A. 
Sweger,  postmaster. 

Brown  J  W, 

Brown  &  Son,  saw  mill. 

Christiansou  it  T.arson,  coopers. 

Christoplierson  11.  carpenter. 

Diedriclison  C  cooper. 

KiiocliKoii  E;iio<-Ii,  Flour  Mill. 

Froiland  Simon,  slioemaker. 

Glewn  Isaiah,  woolen  mill  and  justice. 

Graham  .Millard,  Hour  mill. 

Lewis  ,J  W,  physician. 

Olson  JI  H,  shoemaker. 

Silbaugh  Gtanville,  carpenter. 

Skolaud  Pcler.  carpenter. 

Smith  Iilacksniitli. 

SwcKor  ?rirs  M  A,  General  Store.  i 

Wig  N  C,  cooper. 

AVOCA.  An  incorporated  village,  on 
the  Wisconsin  river  and  on  tlie  C. ,  .M  &  \ 
^t  P.  Uy,  in  Iowa  county,  2J  miles  norlii-  I 
west  of  Dodgeville,  the  seat  of  justice,  and  i 
0  east  of  Muscoiia,  the  neareat  banking  i 
point.  Tel.,  W.  V.  E.\p.,  Adams.  Pop-  i 
ulalion,  360.     K.    W.    Giilett,  postmaster, 

Avoca  House.  Herman  Uotli  propr. 
Bolian  Daniel,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Dietrich  H  P.  notary. 

Dimock  H  A.  justice. 

Si(i-uii^'Iit  >Jr«  ,>iary.  Milliner. 

Egan  .lohu  U,  hardware. 

Finsind  C  G,  blacksmith. 

Fro.i«l   Cros  (Charles  H  and  .Joseph  A), 

General  Store. 
Gallaglier  Cliarles.  marshal. 
CiillclteK  \V, Hardware  and  Furniture. 
Hack  it  Schlumb,  blacksmiths, 
llubrict  M,  saloon. 
Kendall  Georiie,  mason. 
Kiuzie  E  E,  drutrs. 
IWcCallUtor  Joliii    I»,  General  Store 

and  Produce. 
McGinley  .lohn,  saloon. 
Marshall  M  M,  saloon. 
Medd  Hev  .John  i  .Methodisi). 
^lotlet  X,  meat  market. 
Renter  Frederick,  carpenter. 
Roberg  Ole,  merchant  tailor. 
Roth  Herman,  propr  Avoca  House. 
Schwineel  Philip,  lilacksmitU. 
Scovill  Kev  A  I>  (.Mnthodist). 
!^iiii(tiis(iii  I2iiii!i,  Boots  and  Shoes. 
Smith  C,  jilivsiriun. 
Underwood  15  F,  physician. 
Ward  .Josiah,  liooks  and  confry. 
Zimmerman  J  G,  furniture. 

AVON.  In  Rock  county, 
southwest  of  Janesville,  the  c 
and  7  soutli  of  IJrodliead,  t 
tianking  and  sbipping  point.  1 
100.     C.  H    Olseu,  iwstmaster. 

Ballou  &  Hopkins,  blacksmiths. 
Ballou  it  Olsen,  general  store. 
Dustreaud  T,  pumps. 
Norris  T  G,  live  stock. 
Severe  Olson,  blacksmith. 

he  n^ 


AYR.  Laugladecounly,  Name  changed 
to  Crandon,  Forest  county. 

AZT  ALAN.  .V  village  on  Crawfish 
creek,  in  .IctVcrson  county,  7  miles  n^irlh- 
west  of  Jefferson,  I  he  county  seat,  and  3 
from  Lake  SlilU,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion and  liankinu'  point.  Stages  daily  to 
Lake  Mills  and  .Milford.  Population,  2'AK 
Mail,  daily.     Charles  Crandaii,  postmaster. 

Campbell  it  Hr.tchinson,  creamery. 
rriiiidall  Cliarlfx,  General  Store. 
OfForest  Peter,  cider  mnfr. 
Emerit  A  &  .1,  live  stock. 
Farmer  Edward,  proiiuce. 
Guild  !Marson,  carpenter  and  apiarist. 
HItchcocic  Louis,  painter. 
Hycr  O  P,  vet  surgeon. 

Chicago,  Milwaufces  fi  St,  Paul  ej,!r:,:t"*/estan(l  lloithy/est 

Iryggisis'  flobbsr 


ft  J         Of  EVERY  liDSrmPXION,  (orS! 

WWWUW    M!iE>  Vi'Al  iil.ti,         -  «  IS<  0>SI 





Jajxox  II,  carpenter. 
Jajeox  ;?3jiry.  Dressmaker. 
Raymond  6  B,  slioeniaktr. 
Schmidt  Erccst,  blacUsmilb. 
ScbuUz  J  T,  mtison. 
Seely  St  Paul,  justice. 
Smith  Wra,  mason. 
Warntsh  Julius,  carpenter. 

BABCOCK.  Formerly  known  a?  Rem- 
ington, is  on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Py.,  and 
on    the    Yellow   river,    in    Wood  county, 
18  miles  southwest  of  Grand  Rtipids,  the 
judicial    seat   and    usual    Ijankinc   point. 
Exp.,  Am.     Tel.,W.  U.     Population,  450. 
W.  J.  Shea,  postmaster. 
Bawden  W  II,  cranberry  grower. 
Carr  &,  Greeley,  sawmill. 
CumminK-s  Mrs  C,  cranberry  grower. 
Durfey  F  L,  saloon. 
EricUson  E  J,  railroad  and  ttl  act. 
Frasicr  Ciieorso,  Cranberri'  Grower. 
Fritcher  U,  cranberry  grower. 
Gilbert  K  A  &  Co,  general  store. 
Greeley  Gcori^e  T,  cranberry  grower. 
Iliiics  A  ES,  General  Store. 
Hitchcock  U  \V,  hotel. 
Kendall  C  M,  teal  estate. 
Law  T  iM,  hotel. 

Love  John,  railroad,  cxp  and  tel  agt. 
McGlinn  James,  cranberry  grower. 
McNcel  J  S.  physician. 
Mt'XtTl  WaKon,  Drtigg. 
Peterson  A.  slioemaker. 
Remingtim  11  \V,  saw  mill. 
Reilly'j  J,  meats. 
Scribiier  A  0,  cranberry  grower. 
Scriliner  J  B.  cranberry  grower. 
SIioii    \^'   J,    General  Store   and 

berry  Grower. 
Stout  \Vm.  saloon. 
Ward  Louis,  cranberry  i/rcpwer. 
Welch  &  Tupp,  restaurant. 



See  Genoa. 

Vernon  county. 

BADGER.  A  country  postftlice  in 
Portage  county,  SG  milcH  .Moiithrnst  of 
Stevens'  Point,  tlie  county  seat,  and  V 
southwest  of  Wiuipaea,  the  nearest  rail- 
load  station  and  banking  point.  Stages  to 
Waupaca  and  Plover  triweekly.  Mail, 
tri-wtekly.     James  Swan,  postmaster. 

BADGEH  MILLS.  A  station  on 
the  C.,  M.  it  St.  P.,  the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  & 
O.  and  on  the  Wisconsin  Central  road.s,  in 
Chippewa  county,  C  miles  southwest  of 
Chippewa  Falls,  the  county  seat  and  near- 

Chicap  &  Grand  ]mi  By. 

est  banking  point.     Population.  BOO. 
daily.     T.  G.  Butler,  postmaster. 

Badger  State  Lumber  Co,  general  st 
Ciiii>ie  E  EC,  General  Store. 
Gorton  Jasp'er  E,  railroad,  e.\p  and  ti 
Hansen  James,  millwright. 
Lealand  J  W,  meat  market. 
Miller  Frank,  justice. 
Souj^hworth  A  II,  blacksmith. 
Stallord  J  L,  cariienter. 
Yates  J  V,  broom  niufr. 


1  agt. 

BAD  EIVEE.  Ashland  county. 
yiuw:  rhangcd  to  Murse. 

BAGLEY.  On  the  MLssissippi  river 
and  on  the  C.  B.  A;  N.  liy,  in  Grajit  coun- 
ty, 20  miles  northwest  of  Lancaster,  the 
seat  of  justice  and  7  from  ]5loomington. 
the  nearest  banking  point.  Tel,  \V.  U 
Exp.,  Am.  Population,  ICO.  Bernard  F. 
Ketler,  postmaster. 

Bagley  Bros,  general  store. 

Raglev  i.fc  Readv,  meat  market. 

Boldt  Gustav,  blacksmith. 

CJalkins  A,  grain  and  general  store. 

Day  James  '1',  n.a.son. 

Glass  Lewis  it  Son,  .staves  and  lie:idii:i.'. 

lifflor  El(criiar<l  F,  Insurance  Agent 

and  Printer. 
Keeler  John,  barber. 

Keeler  &  Glass  Bros,  hardware  and  impls. 
Parker  W,  carriagemkr. 
Radtke  W  F.  railroad,  exp  andte!  agt. 
!^l:iSiiiaii   Elfiiry,  Grocer. 
StHLiinan  Leonard,    harnrj-s. 
Thie>sa  Wm.  hotel. 
Walser  Gubert,  wagonmkr. 

BAILEY'S  HABBOR.  A  village 
on  the  shore  of  Laki- Michigan,  in  Door 
county,  '2')  niik/s  northeast'  of  Sturgeon 
Bay,  the  county  seat,  anil  ?■">  northeast  of 
Green  Bay,  the  nearest  railway  station. 
Sturgeon  Bay  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Id  summer,  goods  should  be  .shipped  direct 
by  water.  Stages  to  Stur.£reoii  Bay  and 
Ellison  Bay;  fares,  ,<1  and  ,'0  cents  respec- 
tively. Population,  100.  Mail,  dailv,  F. 
WoliltmanD,  postmaster. 

Braun  Andrew,  saloon. 
Kraiiii  .lavoh.  General  Store. 
Carrincton  Miles,  carpenter. 
Eitaiigh  RnL'er,  farm  impis. 
llendnek  Mrs  Adam,  hotel. 
Jakobson  Andrew,  cigar  mnfr. 
Jams  Adolpli,  saloon. 
Kriskern  John,  saloon  and  justice. 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 


New  York  Lile  insurance  Co,,  ^:^r':  '"::r:r:  ^o^r/^r"; 

M.,  -n  «  li  V.A  IKKJC,  AVIS.     W.  S.  CAM1>KK,  Stale  Aeent.     WALKKU  Iil(  ICNKli,  i:, 





JlcCullougU  T  W,  hotel. 
OUlciilJcr;;  XVin,  Shoemaker. 
Spring  11  G.  groct-r. 
Stepben  .1  K,  justice. 

Toseland  Wtn  &  Co,  tlnur  and  saw  mills. 
Weiss  Jloritz,  blacksinith. 
Wellhngen  Louis,  blacksmilli. 
AVoliUinaiin  F,  General  Store. 

BAKERY  ILIiE.  A  postollire  i 
■Wood  county,  {VA  miles  northwest  of  Gran 
Rapids,  the  county  seat,  and  5  southwest 
of  Marshfield,  the  nearest  railroad  station 
and  b.inking  point.  Stages  to  Jlarshlield. 
and  Nasonville.  Population,  50.  Mail 
tri-weekly.  John  P.  Kraenier,  postmaster. 

Evans  S,  railroad  and  exp  ngt. 
Fleckenstein  Michael,  telegraph  agt. 
Heckle  J  &  Bro,  hotel 
Heusler  Anton,  cheese  ranfr. 
Kraenier  .John  P,  gen!  store  and  hotel. 
Linster  Ikos,  flour  and  saw  mill. 
Kuber  Joseph,  blaeksmilli. 
Pfeifer  Krhard,  carpenter. 

BALDWIN.  A  prosperous  incorpo- 
rated villaje  in  St.  Croi.x  county,  on  the  10. 
division  of  the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  tt  O.  Uy,  20 
miles  east  of  Hudson,  the  count}"-  seat,  and 
27  west  of  Menoinonie.  It  has  ICpiscopal, 
Congregational,  Piesbylerian  and  Lutheran 
churches,  a  graded  pui)lic  school,  a  public 
hall,  a  tire  department,  a  bank,  which  does 
the  banking  for  several  surrounding  towns, 
R  flouring  mill,  2  creameries,  cheese  facto- 
ries, special  and  general  stores,  and  a 
Weekly  newspaper,  the  IJniUtiii.  Ships 
Rrain,  live  stuck,  jiroduce,  lies,  piling,  etc. 
Population,  SCO.  Tel.,  \V.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
Henry  Anderson,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Henry,  lawyer. 

Aphelcn  &  Ikurock  (Louis  Aphelen,    T  O 

Brurock),  saloon. 
Arverson  Rev  N  (Lulhrran). 
Baldv.-in  Bulhtiii,    Ferd  PiMchman  editor. 
H'ddwin  Cornet  Hnnd.  i;  C  Tanberi:  Idr. 
ItaiiU  of  Kiildtviii  (Capital,  s2.-i.000; 

Surplus,  ^ls,750),   Ojcar    I'teiller    Pros, 

J    A   Decker    Cash,    Tlioodore    .Ii.-ssup. 

Asst  Cash,  Banking,  Insurance  and  Real 


wekus  Andrew  J,  jeweler  and  exp  agt 
Borchsenius  Hans,  lawyer, 
l^orchsenius  W"\  C,  real  estate. 
|!ur-eh  Charles,  .^aloon. 
l|iirlt  Rev  B  11  (Coni;reffational). 
t-'ave  &  Sampson  (Edward  J  Clave, 
^^  Sampson),  proprs  Park  Hotel 

MiileiTerR,  f 


I  to  a 

Christensen  A;  llaarlow  (Lauritz  A  Chris- 
tenseu,  Wm  Haarlow),  druggists. 

Colpitis  David  A,  railroad  agt. 

Colts  Benjamin,  carpenter. 

Dahl  Christian  O.  mfieliaut  tailor. 

Weclier  Jaiiie.>)  A,  Cashier  Bank  of 

Ellertsou  llathias,  saloon. 

Foster  Dauie!  J,  justice  and  carpenter. 

Foster  JIrs  H  S.  milliner. 
1    i    Franks  lienjamin,  confectioner. 

Freeman  C  F  it  Co,  Wra  Sav.age  agent, 
grain  and  flour. 

Qaustad  John  R,  shoemaker. 

Grasli  A;  .Moe  (James  Grasli.  John  lloe), 
cheese  mnfrs. 

Uaageusen  Herman  A,  barber. 

Ilagestad  Ilermau  A,   agt  Adolph  liirsch. 

Hanson  Mrs  I,  general  store. 

liiirri't  BEaroUl  <>,  Saloon.  Billiard 
Hall  and  Ice  Dealer. 

Hawley  Harvey,  telegraph  agent. 

lledemark  Andrew  Jl,  saloon. 

Heebink  Bros  (Ldward  B,  Gerliard  II  and 
Herman),  general  store,  brick  mnfrs,  hay 
prcssers,  ties,  etc 

llelgerson  Ole,  jewelers. 

Henke  -Airs  Augusta,  confectioner. 

llenke  Wra,  justice. 

Hill  &  Hawkins  (James  Hill,  AVm  Haw- 
kins), creamery. 

Ilirsch  Adolph,  II  A  Hagestad  agt,  gen- 
eral store. 

Ilolle  it  Wikerink  (Fred  Holle,  John 
^Vikerlnk,IIe!lry  Te  Haar), cheese  mnfrs. 

SE<>liiic<4  ^<;llllllel  S.  General  Store  and 
Farm   Produce. 

Holmes  Wm  L,  physician. 

Jensen  &  Anderson  (Paul  A  .Jensen,  Henry 
Anderson),  furniture. 

Jorstad  Peter,  grain  and  produce. 

hn  Page  Joseph,  harnessmaker. 

Larson  it  Johnson  (Joseph  P  Larson. Smith 
Johnson),   blacksmiths. 

Lee  Ole  S.  Idacksmith. 

McDoiialil  .Mrs  A  C,  physician. 

Melgord  &  Norman  (Isaac  M  MelgorJ, 
Jacob  Norman),  general  store. 

.Atusic  Hall,  V  G  Seribner  propr. 

Nelson  I5erl  C,  harnessmaker. 

Nelson  Lewis  1',  general  store. 

Olson  Sisters  (Laviua  and  Regina),  dress- 

Ostensen  Ole,  general  store. 

Park  Hole!,  Cave  it  Sampson  proprs. 

Patrick  Jos.'ph  B,  physician. 

Peachman  l''enlinaud,  ed  Baldwin  Bulletin. 

Peterson  Geortre,   prin  public  school. 

Rickerd  &  Olson  (George  Rickerd,  Albert 
Olson),  livery. 

Dydahv  Brothers,  ^  Pork  and   Beef  Packers, 

.•Ylll,AVAli£EK,   WlsfONraX.     \  AND    PROVISION    DEALERS. 






Rider  Homer,  stock  breeder. 

Rider  &  ^liner  (Louis  X  Rider,  WmMiijer), 
feed  mill. 

Ring  Jaine3  ^V,  live  sti.cli. 

Rosenquist  Rev  II  (Lutheran). 

Saugestad  Oliif  A,  druETsist. 

Setlergren  &  Pittraan  (Frnali  E  Seltergren, 
Georjxe  il  rMtlmati'i,  hardware,  coal.  etc. 

Snoe3'enbos  Christian,  general  store. 

Start  Romeo  II,  lawyer. 

Stone  Ole,  mason. 

Stronks  &:  Kappers  tEdward  Stronlcs.  .Jos- 
eph 0  Kappers).  hardware  and  coal. 

Swfinson  Swan,  carpenter. 

Thompson  Bros  (Thomas  and  John),  wag- 

Tremoiit  House,  J  B  AVakeQeld  pronr. 

Vaudunieulcu  Rev  J,  (Presbyterian). 

Wakefield  James  H.  propr  Tremonl  House. 

Warren  Mrs  L  A.  milliner. 

"Wilford  Bros  (Edward  and  ..Tohn  O),  meats 

and  live  stock. 
JWoolsey  C'Hrdiual  J,  flour  mill. 

Woolsey  Walter,  city  mar.<:hal. 

Zillmer  Gustav,  blacksmith. 

.  BALDWIN'S  MILLS.  A  postoffice 
on  the  south  branch  of  iiittie  Wolf  river, 
iu  Waupaca  county,  TJ  northeast  of  Wau- 
paca, tiie  county  seat,  nearest  railroad 
station  and  banking  point.  Stages,  weekly 
to  Weyauwega  Population,  'JOO.  !Mail, 
weekly.     'A.  South,  injstmaster. 

Baldwin  C  P,  creamery  and  live  stock. 

Bliss  Daniel,  dairy. 

Dunliar  George,  carpenter  and  mason. 

Dunbar  .lauie.'i,  mason. 

Faulks  W.  dairy 

ESoil<<c  ISc'iirj',  Blacksmith. 

House  W  J,  cari'enler. 

Mather   Dainel,  tanner. 

Roniori  E.  dairy. 

Soiilii  Z,  D:.iry. 

AVarren  E  W,  blacksmith. 

BALMORAL.  In  Richland  co\mty, 
11  milt.s  from  Riclihir.d  (.Center,  ilie  ju- 
dicial scat,  and  ;i  from  Muscoria,  its  bank- 
ing and  shipping  point.  JIail,  semi- 

Bair  n  A,  machinist. 
Ewing  H,  nuisic  ti  acher. 
Ifliiin\«3iriii;;  '1'  C.  General  Store. 
Rowells  J  K,  clieese  mnfr. 

BALSAM  LAKE.  A  post  village  on 
tlie  Balsam  brunch  of  Apiile  river,  in  Polk 
County, CMl  miles  nortlie«slof  Osceola  Mills, 
the  county  seat,  and    12    from    St.     Croix 

Falls.  ^linn.,  the  nearest  railroad    statioD. 
and  banking  point.    Stages  semi-weekly  to 
Turtle  Lake  and    St.  Croi.x    Falls.     Popu- 
lation,   To.     Mail,    semi-weekly.     J.    W. 
Park,  postmaster. 
Davidson  N  A,  town  clerk. 
Ely  James,  justice. 
Freeman  J  S.  carpenter. 
Ciibsoii  &  Elin^reii,  Surveyors. 
Lapp  John,  blacksmith. 
Leeding  John,  mason. 
Murphy  Wm.  livery. 
Overman  E  W,  town  treasurer. 
Park  J  W,  General  Store,  Saw  and  Grist 

PickleRev  J  J  (Methodist). 
Shephard  John,  hotel  and  meats. 
Toby  Wm,  blacksmith. 
Tuttle  I^ros.  hotel. 
Whitlock  John,  saw  mill. 
Whitlock  Wm,  painter. 

BANCROFT.  On  tlie  Wis.  Centra! 
Line,  in  Portage  county,  Ui  miles  south  ol 
Stevens'  Point, t!ie  county  seat,  and  7  north 
of  Plaintield,  th(!  nearest  l)anking  ])oinl. 
Stages  dailv  to  Keene  and  Long  Pine. 
Populalion,'50.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Ed.  Mclntee, 

.llcliilce  Kdwnrrt,  General  Store. 
Plummer  W  W.  railro'ul  and  tel  agt. 
Radcliffe  I  harles,  saw  mill. 
Ragan  M,  mason. 

BANGOR.  A  prosperous  village  lo- 
cated on  I  lie  1/a  Crosse  river  and  on  the 
G.  &  N,  W.  and  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Rys,  in  La. 
Crosse  county,  15  miles  northeast  of  La. 
Crosse,  the  judicial  seat  and  10  southwest 
of  Sparta.  Has  a  bank  and  a  weekly 
newspaper,  the  Ii,ilc]ii:ndt-nf.  I^xp.,  .^ra. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Population,  .000.  G.  Darling, 

Anderson  A  P  &  Co.  drugs. 
Baebler  Zarharias,  saloon. 
P.aehler  Z  jr.  railroid,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Bangor  Exchange  Bank,  John  Kupp  propr. 
BanL'iir  Swiss  Chiese  Co.  mnfrs. 
Itcckiiiaii   Wm  .1.  Grocer. 
Bosshard  John,  flour  mill. 
Cassidy  J  H,  rai'roa.l  agt. 
Cavadini  Dominick,  mason. 
Chase  Henry,  nursery. 
Coats  A-  Giltillan.  lumber. 
DarliPL'  Georce,  livery. 
tinrlius  <»r"«it,  Confectioner. 
Davis  Rev  H  (Congreeatioual). 
Deutehes  Gafth.ius.  F  Habe!  propr. 
Dow  Hcnrv,  tailor. 

ChJcego  &  Gmnd  In 

sS/  n 


The  Favorite  Route  East 

VIA    M.VG.llt.l    F.\L.l.S. 

Rofriuor^trirQ  '"''"'"  '"'^^^''^^SKR  MSFG  to.,  Mannfacturers  of  MEAT  P.EFRKJEUATOKS 
nblllguiCilUIO.  MKAT  ItdCkFIiS,  EI.EVATOUS  of  all  kinds,  PIMIN,  BlitWEIlY  "! ACI!ISI.>!Y, 
1M>0IN0  JACKS,  HOlbTI.Nii   iaACill.NKUV,  Etc.     oli-iH  COailERCE  SIKEET,  Mll.UAl'KEE,  WIS. 





Draper  AE,  saloon. 

Kvans  Jliss  Libbie  E,  milliner. 

Evans  Ricliard  11,  drugs. 

Fox  JoiiD,  coQt'ectiocer. 

Fritz  Henry,  moats. 

Hahtl  Ilenr}',  pmii  Deutcbcs  Gasthaus. 

Ilaines  J  A,  publr  Independent. 

Hussa  Joseplj.   brewer. 

Independent,  J  A  ILiines  publr. 

Jenkins  Joliu  G,  muliinist. 

JuukinsMrs  Mary  F,  artist. 

Jenkins  W  G,  citrars. 

KoeblerEmil,  biacksmitb. 

Kupp  John,  gen  store  and  banker. 

McCain  J  &:  Sun,  livery. 

Malbcson  S  it  Co,  general  store. 

ilengel  .Vlfied,  pcccral  store. 

Merle  Eugene,  black.'-milh. 

Metenberger  \Vrn,   birber. 

Jlorgan  ]'ierce,  biacksmitb. 

Netvtou  Alexander  1>,  filiysician. 

Fiigb  Rev  11  :\I  (MeUiodisI). 

Kadtke  Vi'm  J,  barber  and  jevceler. 

Reisedorf  Earney,  I'ainter. 

Robert  E  li,  grain  and  live  stock. 

Schuhmaclier  George,  sboemaker. 

Siiiitli  W  Ck  A, Furniture  and  Hardware. 

Starr  J,  creamery. 

Stinze  Josejib,  wagnnmakor. 

Vaugban  Kihvanl'W,  carpenter. 

Vanghan  J  I),  uudertaker. 

Walls  Jobn,  bold. 

Weber  J  15,  taloon. 

WbeldonJobn.  justice. 

Wolfe  Andrew,  barncss. 

BANNER.  A  poslc  tlire  in  Fond  du 
lac  county,  l-l  miles  ta.-t  of  Fond  du  Lac, 
tbe  county  seat,  .'j  sontli  of  St.  Cloud,  tbo 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  12  west  of 
Plymoulb,  tlie  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  7,j  Mail,  triweekly.  II. 
Meyer,  postmaster. 

Dautermann  Henry,  shoemaker. 

Greve  Henry,  tailor, 

lliun  George  it  Co.  clieese  rnnfrs. 

I.anserM.itibiw,  boicl. 

Meyer    W    K,    Grocer   and    Collection 

Moriarity  Maurice,  justice, 
liammel  S,  sbooniakcr. 
Thuermcr  Jo.=eiib,  biacksmitb. 
\\alsclimldt  Jacob,  justice. 
WcrmckeC  F  G,  justice. 

BARAEOU.  The  judicial  seat  of 
lauk  c(.unty,  is  an  Important  and  tlourisb- 
'^f-'  city,  located  on  the  m.uin  line  of  Ibe 
^-  *^N.  W.  Ry.,  17.J  miles  from  Cbicago 

!  119  from  Milwaukee  and  230  from  St. 
Paul.  It  is  headquarters  for  the  .Madison 
division  of  the  great  !Xorlbwestern  system, 
and  the  round  house  and  machine  shops 
for  the  division  are  located  here.  Some 
four  or  five  hundred  railroad  men  ami  di- 
vision ofiiccrs  are  residents,  and  the 
amount  paid  them  averages  ^S'l.OCO 
monthly.  The  Earaboo  river  runs  through 
the  city,  and  furuishesabundant  power  for 
driving  minierous  manufacturing  estab- 
lishments. Tlie  city  contains  11  churches, 
2  banks  (one  national),  2  flouring  mills,  a 
woolen  mill,  a  fouiidry,  3  planing  mills, 
1  first-clasa  hotel,  a  court  house,  3  com- 
modious public  school  buildings,  a  linely 
appointed  opera  house,  llie  second  largest 
in  the  State,  a  well  equipped  and  ctlicieiU 
fire  department,  and  the  Baruboo  Water 
"Works  Co.  supply  water  to  the  public 
through  a  series  of  pipei  extending  to  all 
parts  of  the  city.  It  is  litdited  by  gas.  and 
the  Edison  method  of  electric  lighting  iias 
been  succe.-^sfully  introduced.  'J'lie  pre-s 
is  represented  by  the  Jl.irah'Xi  Jifpul^ir, 
the  Si-iuk  Cuuntij  Di  mocrat  and  the  Jiiralmo 
Xcirs^  all  enJ!iyiug  a  good  circulation 
throughout  Sauk  and  adjoining  counties. 
Baraboo  is  built  on  a  series  of  hills,  1,05'J 
feet  above  sea  level.  The  scenery  around 
is  very  beautiful.  The  celelirated  Duvil's 
lake  is  3  miles  south,  and  the  weird  and 
delightful  dells  of  the  Wi.'ccjnsin  are 
within  a  short  drive.  During  the  summer 
season  thousands  of  touiislsand  pleasure 
seekers  pass  through  the  city  in  going  to 
and  from  these  famous  reports.  A  new 
.Masonic  hall,  to  cost  :j;HO,000,  will  lie 
erected  in  the  near  future,  and  a  !jIO,0tiO 
Y.  ,M.  C.  A.  building  has  recently  been 
built.  For  a  place  of  its  size  and  popula- 
tion there  cannot  be  found  one  anywhere 
in  which  the  people  are  mi^e  alive  to  their 
higher  interests,  and  in  which  the  neces- 
saries, comforts  ami  luxuries  of  life  in  alt 
conceivable  form",  are  more  easily  olitain 
able  than  they  are  here,  and  no  fither  citv 
oilers  greater  inducetuents  to  honest  capi- 
tal and  honest  latior.  Tel..  W.  U.  Exp., 
Am.  Population,  0,000  David  E. 
Welch,  postmaster. 
Abbott  Harry  .M,  millinery. 
Acott  Harry  M  clothing. 
Albrech  &  Schlag  (Herman  Albrech,  John 

Q  Schlag),  proprs  Wisconsin  House. 
AUpeter  August,  cooper. 
Andrews  W'm  W,  physician. 
Ashley  Jedediah  B,  laundry. 
Aton  James  G,  sewing  machines. 
Avery  Frank,  boots,  shoes  and  in-'urance 


10,   12  aiKl    14   Follrlli  St.,   Foiiddii  I,ar.   WPs., 

is  tte  Place  to  Bay  PARLOR  SETS,  over  200  Styles. 


ILLiiOIS  ^m  I 

n    Short  and  Direct 
Hi         Route  from 

mm,  souTi 





Baer  Alfred,  photot^rapber. 

Bailc}'  John  F,  pliyiiciim. 

Baklwiu  Reuben,  ylove  ranfr. 

BsiiiK  of  Ciaraixxt  (Capita!,  s.jD.OOO; 
Surplus,  .slj.OOO),  George  .Merteiis  Pre3, 
Jacob  Vaa  Orden  Cnsli. 

Baraboo  City  Brewery,  Ferdinand  Efflnger 

BaraUoo  Cold  Sioraffc  Co,  Mun- 
roe  &  Tecl  Pro|)r;:;  C'a->lj  Dayersot  Grain 
and  Produce;  t'nal  and  Fi'At-clas?  Cold 
Slorage,e  of  C  &  X  \V  Hy  Freii:;lit  Depot. 

Baraboo  Gas  and  Electric  Lighf  Co  (capi- 
tal, §30,000),  1!  H  Cowan  pres,  .M  A 
Warren  sec. 

Baraboo  Hoop  Mnfrr  Co,  K  A  JliUer  projir. 

Btiraboo  groii  U'orks.Wra  F  Wack- 
ier Propr;  Architocluial  Iron  Work, 
Foundry  and  Machiuo  t^linp. 

Baraboo  Lii^lit,  Ileal  and  Power  Co  (capi- 
tal, $10,000),  M  A  Warren  pres,  L  E 
Iloyt  .sec. 

Baraboo  News,  .J  V&  G  A  Kartack  proiirs. 

Baraboo  Iti.-pnblic,  John  II  Powers  editor 
and  propr. 

B.iraboo  Iljller  Mills,  L  E  Iloyt  &,  Co 

Baraboo  Hoofing  and  Paving  Works,  J  F 
Sncatlien  jiropr. 

Baraboo  Savings  Bank  (capital,  .s-:!,5,000), 
P  T  Brewster  pres,  U  15  Griggs  ca=li. 

Baraboo';  Water  Works  Co  (capital,  ^100.- 
OOOj,  J  F  Moflett  pres,  C  A  ilollelt  sec. 

Barlow  &  "Wright  (Stephen  S  Barlow.Jobn 
E  Wright),  lawyers. 

Barney  S  P,  county  surveyor. 

Barstow  I']  iward.  Hour  and  feed. 

Bender  Frank,  propr  Bender  House. 

Itciillcy    IVloiiroo,    Attorney-at-Law. 

Benlley  &  Palmer  (Monroe  Bentley, Horace 
L  Palmer),  insurance. 

Block  Henry,  uieat  market. 

Brewer  Mrs  Benjamin,  music  teacher. 

Brewer  lienjamiii  \V,  cii-'ars. 

Brewer  Frank  E,  boots  and  shoes. 

Brown  Chauncey  H,  livery. 

Bryant  O  W,  painter. 

Buckley  J  E,  clerk  of  circuit  court. 

Buliineyer  Daniel,  cigar  uinfr, 

Bulimeyer  John  J,  salcroii. 

Bull  Arthur  F,  agent  American  E.xpress. 

Burnham  Ida,  mus^ic  teacher. 

C'allalian  Mr.^  Mary,  saloon. 

Calvert  JIIss  Emma,  dressmaker. 

Capener  Opera  House,  George  Capencr 

Carow  Alfred  J,  carpenter.  A  M,  saloon. 

Case  H  J,  horse  breeder. 

C'liambeilin  Dan,  saloim. 

Chapman  Eliza,  hair  goo  Is. 

Cliicago  iUakery,  K  A  Nation  Propr; 
Bakers'  Goods,  Fruits.  Canned  Goods, 
Confectionery;  Oysters  and  Ice  Cream  in 
Season;  First-Class  Lunch  Counter.  (.S'cV 
c(f?li,  opp.) 

Claradatscher  &  Co  (Tobias  and  Nicholas 
Claradatscher,  J  P  Witwen,  Peter  Kind- 
scbi),  dry  iroodg. 

Clark  E  :51,  State  Agent  AV  W  Kimball 
Co,  Pianos  and  OfL'ans. 

Coleman  Charles,  pension  agent. 

Cordes  George,  furniture. 

Cowdrey  Rev  Samuel  B  (Epi-^copal). 

Cramer  George  L  G,  physician. 

CrosS  Hiram  E,  pU3'fician. 

Cj'<ssicI«    liCvi,    Attorney    and     Stone 

•    t^uarrics. 

Crouch  Samuel,  livi'vv. 

Davis  J  W  <t  Co  (.1  W  Davis,  C  W  Whit- 
man), general  store. 

Dickie  James,  harness. 

Donovan  J  B  &  Co  (J  Beach  Donovan), 

Dor  ward  Rev  (Catliolic). 

Doty  B  S,  city  marshal. 

Elkinton  John  E,  cariuige  ranfr. 

English  John  E,  physician. 

L:vatis  tSU-liari!  I>,  Attorney-at-Law 
and  Collections,  cor  4ih  and  (^ak. 

Evcuion  Charles  II,  druggist. 

Ewing  Jasper,   lirerv 

Sirit  Xalional  JSiuik  oC  ESara- 
boo  (Capital,  S;V),noO;  Organized  In-:i;i. 
T  M  Warren  J'res,  Carhis'  Bacon  Viee- 
Pres,  Wra  A  Warren  Cash,  Charles  A 
Dyke  Asst  Cashier. 

Fi-^chcr  Bros  (.-Vugust  F,  Ernst  A  and  Her- 
man A).  druL's. 

Fowler  John,  physician. 

Gaskell  i»v:  Peck  (Frank  Gaskell,  Delana 
Peck),  hardware. 

Gibbons  George  B,  coroner. 

Gihlions  Philip,  lilacksmith. 

Gillett  Allen  H,  dentist 

Gulilf'uli  Satnuel,  confectioner. 

Gollmar  E  T  &  J  C:  (Edwaid  T  and  Jacob 
C),  wagonmakcrs. 

Goodnougli  Arthur  D.  grocer. 

CJorsi  (.lliarles,  physician. 

Gould  ct  Engelmann  (Odell  B  Gould, 
Emil  Engelmann).  barber.s. 

Graf  &  Netcher  (Henry  Graf,  August 
Netcher).  builders. 

Griggs  J  S  ct  Co  (John  S  and  Richard  B 
Griggs),  clothing. 

Grotophorst  Herman,  district  attorney. 

Grotophor^t,  liemington  &  Buckley  (Her- 
man Orotiiphorst,  Arthur  Remington, 
James  A  Bncklrv'),  attorneys. 

North  Star  Iron  Works. 
PiBisii  MA^ul•■.ic■n■KI^(i  CO. 

Ashland,    -     -     Wisconsin. 

rnpBritj,.Minli;ind'i-KnclnP(-r»,  >I.i"Mni.sts.  Koiinder,*,  lir.llernmkKri. 
MillMrij,-hl«,  suiT.llliniarhinery,  Jlinins  Mnrliii.rry,  CurlUs  ami  IILU 
Speed  Knginea,  UolUrs,  ronerTrausmlUliis  JIacliiuer)  ,  etc.   Seep.  C 



-PIBIFVIXG:     INVKiORATIXf. ;    STI!K\(iTllEM>fi: 

The    JANESVIiiCE    XnSKISir    BAXiJS    ADorU   liiTalids  Superior  llemedial    AjTantases. 





Gust  Adolph  D,  sah.on. 

Gust  Aut'u?l,  meats. 

Hacker  JMicbael  C,  bookbinder. 

Uerfort  Autrusl  F,  county  clerk. 

Kerfort  Joseph,  boots  ami  shoes. 

Hiergins  George  T,  deutist. 

IIofMnttor  John  It,  Dry  Goods  and 

Grorerie.*.  cor  Oak  and  :jd. 
Iloldcii  i^y.rii  O,  JIarbie  Monuments, 

Hook  Albert,  musical  md>e. 
Ho(ti><3  <?ii<i)i<>,  C'lolhiusand  ilerchanl,  ;;-^0  Oak. 
Horr  Otis  S,  propr  Pratt  House. 
Horstmatin  Louis  J,  meats. 
Hoyt  L  E  it   Co   (Lester   E   and    "rt'm   H 

Ho}  t).  proprs  Haialioo  Holler  Mills. 
Humphrey  Ira  L.  IjarJware. 
Hurd  Artiiur  .J,  dyer  and  scourer. 
Island  Woolen    Cu,    Kicli,    McFetridge   & 

Hopkins  proprs. 
Jaok<ioii      illaii.XiOiii,      Dry      Goods 

Crockery  and  Urocerieb. 
Jacobs  Lewis  M.  Ijarber. 
Johnson  Amos  P,  Hour  and  feed. 
Johnson  it  S'ln.  jl  jur  mill-'. 
Jones  Herbcit  P,  chilhinir. 

;   JuDge  tliarles,   barlier. 

1   Junk  Joseph,  restaurant. 

!    Karlack  J  P  &  G  A  (John  F   and    Gustav 

I       A),  proprs  Baraboo  >Cews. 

Kasiska  Carl,  harness. 
■    KasUka   llormaii.  ilercbant   Tailor. 

Ke3-ser  Philip  H.  grocer  and  seedsman. 

Kilian  Ausust.  blacksmith. 

Koch  Theodore,  physician. 

Kohu    it    Schiff    (Dorris     Kohn.    Henry 
ScbifT),  clothing. 
,    Krech  Jiernbard,  meats. 
:   Ladon  Bros  (Nathan  and  Simon'),  dry  gds. 
j    Leeg  Bros   (Benjamin   H   and    Henry    B), 

!    Lciiv.  A<lol|>ll,  S.iloon. 

Link  John  0,  jjweler. 

Little    \Vm  it   Sin   (Wra    and    AVm   M), 

Locke  Amos  G.  baker  and  confr. 

Lonymatc  Georjo.  llour  and  feed. 

S.ueJii  r  f.  A;    Son  (Pnderick    C  and 
Edward),  Bakery,  Uestaurant  and  Fruits. 

Luther  Jolin  F,  saloon. 

JIcFarland  Irving  A,  builder. 

.AIcFarlaud  Heubeii  W.  builder 

.AIcNalh- James,  sal'^on. 

R.  A.  NATIOr^J, 

'ilOI'KIETi>K   ' 


1  \'-.    :,nr'-  liakers'  (.'oods,  Fniit.  Caiiniil  Goods. 

Si't  tuiiferlioner). 


Bridge  SIree), 


U^  .j^^  C3  C3  im.     C>'  ^^'  ^W'9: 




Binders'  Twiue  a  Specialty.     Road  Carts,  Agricultural   Implements  of 
All  Kinds.     Hardware  and  Cutlery. 

Roofing  of  All  Kinds  Done  on  Short  Notice. 



Cliicap,  fviil-muke  !i  SI,  Pa«i  Rj,  l;;,?;;;:  M  and  Jloi&i'/est 

?IAM  I'ACrt'IlKili.S    OF 

WISCQ-ISIH  VEnETIAN  BLInO  CO..  ,  .    ,  ,  , .     .     p,.  , 

OfficeA  Factory,  JSi  Lake  St..  .■'IIUVAIELE,  WIS.     LfllBSt     jnijifriVSn    iSPlStlan    Uilr.DS, 

€^    154 




ilarriolt  Bros  (Henrj-anii  Wni),  hardware. 

JIarriott  Edward  G,  boots  and  shoes. 

Marsli  EiU-j-nrd  X.  Real  Estate.  Loans 
atid  Coliectioua;  Land  Agent;  Carriages 
and  Wiicons. 

^Mathews  Uerman,  general  store. 

Mercer  W  11,  coiiniy  treasurer. 

Miles  James,  sheriff. 

Miller  Bros  (^Charles  and  Valentine),  sa- 

Mills  li  F,  physician, 

Mocller  A  Thuerer  (Henrj-  Moeller,  Chris- 
tian Tbuerer),  wn'jonmkrs. 

Moore  "\Vnn,   general  store. 

Jlould  M  II,  mayor. 

Mould  yini  I.  photoirraphcr. 

Mould  &  Buckley'  (.Mathcw  II  Mould, 
Alexander  G  Bucklevi,  stationers. 

Jtlnnroc  «V  Tcel  CWard  Muuroe,  Frank 
D  Tfel),  Flour,  Feed,  Lime,  Cement  and 

Murray  .lohn.  flour  and  feed. 

\'3t(i(>i]  StolXTt  A.  Propr  Chicago 
Bakery.     iN,  adt;  p  l.JT.) 

OvlivrsU-AUoKV  .itI^li^(,  Tinsmith 
and  City  Treasurer. 

<Ht  .Bj»o«il»,  (Carpenter;  .Mnfr  Patent 
Wa.shing  ^I.ichints  and  Dealer  in  Hard- 
ware,   [Ste  mic,  p  153.) 

Paliodie  Gcore:e  A,  propr  Railroad  Ealing 
House  and  Hotel. 

Putleison  .M  L,  register  of  deeds 

Peck  it  Cramer  (Samuel  H  Peck.  Phillip 
I)  Cramer),  proeers. 

Peck  iV  llerferl  (Fremont  C  Peck,  Frank 
Herftrl),  general  store. 

PohliiiaMu    iV    Schroedcr     (Fri-ilerick     \V 
Pohlmaun,  Henry  Frederick  .Schroeden. 
cigar  mnfrs. 
'  Porter  A:  G.jrks   (Alonzo  W  Porter,  "Win  J 
Oerks).  furniture 

Powers  W'm  .1,  merchanl  tailor. 

Powers  John  11,  editor  and  propr  Baia 
boo  Republic. 

Pratt  House,  Otis  R  Ilorr  propr. 

Prenio  Thomas,  hotel. 

Railroad  Ealing  House  and  Hoti.1,  George 
A  Pabodie  propr. 

Ram.'^eyer  Gottfried,  jsweler. 

Rasclicin  Mrs  B,  milliner. 

Reiiiking  Aiii;usl.  dry  goods. 

Reul  George  M  &  Son  (George  M  and  Ju- 
lius AV),  iilauiiig  mill. 

Ueuland  Malhias,  blacksmitli. 

Rich,  31cFetri(!gc  A;  Hopkins  (Henry  Rich, 
James  A  MeKttridi;e,  W'm  11  Hnpkins., 
proprs  Inland  Woolen  Co. 

Riese  Joseph,  meat  market. 

Ringliug  Bros  (Albert.  Otto,  Alfred  T, 
Charles  and  John),   circu;. 

Chicago  &  Gfand  Trool:  Rf. 

Ruhland  George,  brewer. 

Runge  E  August, jiropr  Sauk  Co  Democrat. 

Ryaii  Charles  E,  jeweler. 

Ryan  Mary,  dressmkr. 

Sauk  Couijty  Democrat,  E  A  Runge  propr. 

Scbadde  Peter  J,  photogragher. 

Schlungbaum  John,  harness. 

ScboeufeUi  Henry,  gun  and  locksmith. 

Schultz  Wm,  shoemaker. 

Schulz  W  H.  county  supl  of  schools. 

Seeker  Charles,  brick  mnfr. 

Selleck  Edwin,  insurance. 

SoHeck    &,  .Siifobs    (Edwin   Selleck, 

W  II  Jacobs),  Ab^tracts  of  Title. 
Sharp  AVestern,  painter. 
Shepherd  George  H,  saloon. 
Slade  Mrs  F  T,  dressmkr. 
Slye  Alfred  E,  jiistice  of  peace. 
Slye  Lawton  C,  physician. 
Sneathen  John  F,  dentist. 
Snodgrass  Rev  T  J  (Methodist). 
Stanley    &    lioag  (Wm   Stanley,    Edwir^ 

M  lloae),   general  store. 
Stewart  James  L,  lumber. 
Slillbon  Lorenzo  D,  sewing  machines. 
Stone,  Miss  Florence,  dressmkr. 
Strong  Henry  C.  rtgt  C  A  X  W  Ry. 
Thomas  &  Prentice  (Wm  Thomas,  Wra  H 

Preuticei,  meats. 
Tobler  Frederick,  saloon. 
Trestrail  R  Lawsou,  mngr  Western  Union 

Tel  Co. 
I'rban  David,  barber. 
Urban  George,  [iropr  Urban  House. 
Vanderveer  James  N,  planicc  null. 
WiK'klcr  \'fiti  V,  Pr(ipr  Baraboo  Iron 

Waite  JI  C,  insurance, 
\Valli-rs  Frank  .\  ,  phvsician. 
\^':illun  AliDiSiaiil,  Mnfr  ami  Dealer 

in   Tight  Barrels,  Slaves,   Heading  and 

■\Vili-rc'ii    lltMijiC,    Warren  A;    Watson 
WiiiTcii    &-    Walton  (Thompson    It 

Whrren.lMwaid  C  Watson), Proprs  NVar- 

ren  House. 
Walt  Cyrns,  painter. 
Webster  Hiram  H,  horseshoer. 
AVeiiich  Brus  (Louis  and  Emii),  mcat.=, 
Welch  Daviil  E.  oostmaster. 
Welch  &  Erswell    (O  H  Welch,  E  S  Ers- 

well),  furniture  and  undertakers. 
AVf  ymau  Jacob,  cigar  mnfr. 
While  Alliai  C.  barber. 
Whilman  Frank,  druggist. 
Wild    t'lmrio*,   Fiirnilure    and    Wall- 
paper :  'I'lie  Leading  Undertaker,  312  od. 
Wild  .Mrs  Charles,  milliner. 
Wilkinson  I'etcr,  livery. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Chicago  S  Crand  ]m\i 

Palace  and  Dining 





■Wilson  James  P,  attoriiey-fit-law. 

Winrich  Rudolnh,  saloou. 

Wisconsin    House,    Albrech    &     Schlag 

Wood  licv  J  A  (CoDgregational). 
Woolcolt  Wni  X,  cabinetmaker. 
WordelmaiiD  Herman  H.  saloon. 
Worth    &    Swan   (Daniel    Worth,   Albert 

Swan),  ma3(jU3. 
Worthman  .lames  .S.  city  c'crk. 
Wright  .)(ihn  }'.,  insurance. 
Young  Ephraini  ^V ,  county  judce. 
Young  Jileu'3  Christian  Assu,  L>  A  Lewis 

Young  Thomas,  lumber. 

BARBER.  A  postofljce  in  Iowa  coun- 
ty, 15  miles  east  of  Dddgevillc,  the  county 
seal  and  nearest  bankirt;  point. and -1  Eoutii 
of  Blue  Mounds,  on  the  C.  ^t  N.  W.  Ry, 
the  nearest  railroad  station.  Stages,  semi- 
weekly  to  Blue  Moundy  and  Ilullandale. 
Population,  15.     .XIail,  semi-weekly. 

BARNEVELD.  On  the  C.  .t  N,  W. 
Ry,  in  Iowa  couuly,  10  miles  uorthcast  of 
Dodgeville,  the  county  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  A  nev/.'papor,  the 
Itegister,  is  publi.-hed.  Population,  SOU. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  E.\p.,  Am.  T.  I.  Williams, 

Aspinwall  W  W,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Cunncen  ]\lichael,  carpenter. 
L)avis  Washington,  hardware. 
Enimel  Anton,  slioenialccr. 
Foulkes  lV.  Pridou.  blackMnllhs. 
Grifliths  f)  C,  biark-mith. 
Jones  II  J,  publr  Ri  gi.-ter, 
Jones  J  P  it  Co,  geiirial  store. 
Ostenbcig  Charles,  hardware. 
Reese  James,  livery. 
Reese  John  I),  grain. 
Register,  J  11  Jems  iuil)lr. 
Roaeli  R  J,  groceries  and  drugs. 
Roach  \-  Jones,  farm  impts. 
Rol)erts  John,   carptiit^r. 
Shide  &  Ostenbcrg,  general  store. 
Starry  F  F,  hotel. 
Williams  Thomas  I.  general  store. 

.  .BAERE  MILLS.  On  Lustwick  creek, 
in  La  Crosse  comity,  lo  miles  northeast  of 
La  Crosse,  the  county  seat,  and  .5  from 
West  Salem,  the  nearest  shipping  and 
banking  p,,int.  Population,  iin)  Tri- 
■Weekly  mail  stage  to  West  Salem. 
Broitsman  F,  tlour  mill. 
Filter  Wm,  wajonmnker. 

Mann  C.  eenerai  store. 
RuugeWm,  general  store. 

BARRON.  Is  located  in  the  central 
portion  of  county  of  same  name,  arnl  is  a 
thriving  village  on  the  .M.,  St.  P.  it  S.  Ste. 
il.  Ry,  and  on  the  Yellow  river,  'i'i2  miles 
northwest  of  Milwaukee,  S  west  of  Came- 
ron, and  12  southwest  of  Rice  Lake.  It  is 
the  county  seat,  and  contains  a  bank,  saw, 
stave,  grist  and  woolen  mills,  3  churches, 
good  schools,  and  an  opera  house,  capable 
of  seating  5oO.  Two  weekly  uewsp.apers, 
the  Barron  County  ShUhi  and  the  l''p>ih'i- 
can  are  published.  Land  is  worth  •'i'2..")0 
to  fflO  per  acre.  Population,  1,000.  K.'ip., 
Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Jonathan  J.  Smith, 

Bader  Joseph,  merchant  tailor. 
Bank  of  Barron  (capital,    s"jO,000),   Frank 

J  McLain  pres,  Clinton  1)  C(.'C  cash. 
Barron  County  Shield,  C  S  Taylor  propr. 
Barron  Hou?e.  Thomas  Munro  propr. 
Barron  Republican,  Williams  A  Son  proprs. 
Barron  IMler  Mills.  J  \V  Taylor  propr. 
Barron  \\'ooleu  Mills  Co,  C  S  Taylor  pres, 

Libbie  Taylor  sec  and  trcas. 
Brandt  Wm  H,  drugs  and  books. 
Breen  Louis  J,  county  clerk. 
Burns  Mrs  Jennie,  meat  market. 
Carr  Mrs  G  K,  milliner. 
Carver  N  E,  county  .supt  schools. 
Chrisleson  Simon,  propr  Quatlerer   Ilouse. 
Coe  Clarence  C,  law)-er  and  insurance. 
Coe  C  D  A:  J  F,  abstracters. 
Coe  Jerome  F,  lawyer. 
CoUmiiiiii  J-:  V.  Ai  Co  (Edward  C  O^le- 

man),    Oenersil    Store,    Wood    Ties  and 

Collingwood  John,  carpenter. 
Corastock  Henry  S.  county  judge. 
Conner  John  N,  general  store. 
Oubetz  Samuel,  dry  goods. 
Ellis  ^Vm  H,  physician. 
Ellsworth   Henry  G,   lawyer   and    district 

Englcrt  George,  propr  Farmers'  Home. 
Farmers'  Home,  George  Englert  projir. 
Fink  August,  meat  market. 
Galviu  Jolin  J,  grocer. 
Grover  &  Johnston  (Woodbury  F  Grover. 

Sylvester  Johnston),  general  store. 
Heiniz  Nicholas  P,  salocm. 
Hood  Wm  U,  general  store. 
Horning  James,  shoemaker. 
Horstman  Wm  F,  furniture, 
llulbert  Azro,  well  borer. 
Ilursman  J  E,  county  treasurer. 
Jenks  Charles,  physician. 
Juve  TorL'er  O,  trr.o,  r. 

iiLiiiois  mm  I  p, 

I  to  all  POINTS  in 

lORIHttiil  ioyis, 

IlLlilOIS  M\M\.  I  e 

Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 







Kinsley  Fred  B.  lawyer. 

Knudson  Chriiliau.  boardicsj  house. 

Lee  &  Dickinson  (Tliomas  IJ  Lee,   Dwight 

L    Dickinson),    saw    mill    and   siiingle 

Lemma  Field  E,  agt  Cross,  Badger  &  Co.of 

JIcDonald  Charles  H,  grocer. 
McKee  David,  blacksmith. 
McKee  ^Vm  A,  barber. 
McKesson  J  W,    saw  mill  and  stave  mnfr. 
McThurston  Mamie,  milliner. 
Muiiro    Thomas,  tailor  and  propr  Barron 

Murdock  A  T,  livery. 
Kortlirup  Fred  W,  iivery. 
Pace  David  D,  barber. 
Park  Hotel,  P  W  Pratt  rropr. 
Parr  MnfgCo,  George  Parr  pres,  Mrs  F  B 

Kinsley  sec,  general,  store  and  saw  mill. 
Pierce  Eugene  \V,  city  marshal. 
Pierce  &   Breda  (Eugene  Pierce,   Otto   A 

Breda),  painters. 
Poist  liro*  (.John  and  DeWitt),   Hard- 
Pratt  ]'  Wiley,  propr  Park  Hotel. 
Quatltrer  John,  longer. 
Quadtrcr  House,  .Simon   Christeson  propr. 
liadermaclier  Henr^-,  c'.erk  circuit  cmirt. 
Rowley  Cliailcs  R,  pumps,  etc. 
Russell  D  A,  county  surveyor. 
Schroder  Charles  C,  saloon. 
Sill  Harvey  .1,  lawyer. 
Skinner   tt  Beckwith   (\Vm    A    Skinner, 

James  R  Beckwith),  general  store. 
Small  Wm,  coroner. 
Smith  James  C  F,  dentist. 
Smilli  Jonathan  J,  postmaster. 
Smith  R  D,  blacksmith. 
Speed  Silas,  sheriff. 
SpillcUe  Caesar,  photographer. 
Stevens  AVm,  gaideuer. 
Stone  J   W,  register  of  deeds. 
Taft  &  Knudson  (Gerlrudu  Taft,    Hannah 

Knud^on),  dressmaker. 
Taylor  Charles  S,  Stale  senator  and  publr 

Barron  County  Shield. 
Taylor  Cortex  P,  general  store. 
Tayli.r  Jeremiah  W,  propr   Barron  Roller 

Tindilan  I  B,  apiarist. 
Waldion  Charles  C,  pbysici-in. 
W'endling  Jactib,  railroail  and  exp  agent. 
Whitlemore  Ijaf.iyelte  F,  jeweler. 
W'hittemore  Mrs  L  F.  milliner. 
Williams  &  Si'.n  ( lames  U  and  Jay),propra 

Barron  ItepuLiliran. 
Wold  Christian,  saloon. 
Wold  &  Aune  (Lnui-!  Wold,   John  Aunc). 


Wood  F  F,  priu  public  school. 

BAERONETT.  A  villace  on  the  C, 
St.  P.,  M.  &  (.1.  Ry,  in  Cumberland  town' 
ship,  Barron  county,  is  miles  northwest  of 
Barron,  the  county  seat,  and  7^  north  of 
Cumberland,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Settled  in  18S0.  I'opulation.  2.50.  Te' 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Mail,  daily.  C.  b! 
Morrow,  postmaster. 

BarroiieU  J.,iuiil»cr  C<». 

BARTEL  STATION.  A  da-  station 
on  the  M.,  L.  S.  it  W.  Ry,  in  Ozaukee 
county,  9  miles  south  of  Port  Wa-shincton, 
thejudicial  seat  and  banking  jioint.  Mail, 
daily.     G.  Timpel,  postmaster  and  farmer. 

BARTON".  A  town  on  the  C.  &  X. 
W.  Ry,  in  WiT-hinirton  county,  1}  miles 
northwest  of  Wc.^t  Bend,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
47.5.  E-xp,  Am.  Peter  Eraser,  postmas- 

Boden  Adam,  saloon. 
Boden  John,  carpenter. 
Eiscnmann  M,  sa'.pou. 
Endwig  John,  carjienter. 
BlirscliboccU    I>aiiU-l,    Bjots    and 

Huntington  &  Ne'son,   llour  mill. 
Kapfer  John,  hotel. 
KeenintTs  Gerhard,  saloon. 
Siirolier  lac-nry.  General  Store. 
Kircher  Henry  jr,  hardware. 
^Martin  Charles,  mason. 
Neigh  J  R.  railr()a<l  and  cxji  agl. 
Rogenbauer  Anton,  blacksmith. 
Saeman  J  M,  general  store. 
Saneressig  Henry,  hotel. 
Van  Bree  Gerhard,  saloon. 
Wiltinann  M,  saloon. 

BASCO.  On  the  I.  C.  R.  R.,  in  Dane 
county,  14  miles  from  Madison,  the  judi- 
cial SL-at  and  banking  point.  Exp.,-  Am. 
Tri-«eekly  stage  to  blory.  Mllo  Saunders, 

Duncan  I  F.  railroad,  exp  anil  tel  atrent. 
I. mull  \  II',  General   Sti>re. 
^iiiiiiuUT'*  .tlil<»,  Carpenter. 
Saunders  >'  G.  music  teacher, 
Viney  A,  mason. 

BASTIAW.  A  postoffice  in  Burnett 
county.  lU  miles  east  of  Grantsburgh,  the 
county  sent,  and  10;  west  of  Shell'  Lake, 
the  nearest  railroad  station.  Stages  week- 
ly to  Shell  Lake  and  Clam  Falls.       Popu- 

It  t\JVi, 

W  ..i  ,J  aUXjO  l,iu-i,t.  C«taluguM  free.  J  Hi  \Y.  Water  Street,  MIIAVAl  KKK. 

The  Green  Bay  Business  Collags  T™ 


fil  for  its  Kxcelleiit  I'arililies  ami  Tliorounhn 
ANMAL    CATALOUUt:    FHKE.     Address   GiilCEN    liAV,  1^  I 





lation,  CO      Muil,  weekly.      Geurgu  Mont- 
gomery, postmaster. 

BASSETT.  A  village  on  tlic  C.  &  N. 
W.  Hy,  in  Keuo-ilia  county,  2-  mik's 
southwest  of  Keuotha,  the  countj'  seat, 
and  13  south  of  Burlington,  the  banking 
point.  A  cheese  factory  is  sustained. 
■i^)pulation,  00,  Exp.,  Am.  !Mail,  daily. 
K.  L.  Bassett,  postmaster. 
Bassett   Si  I>,   Railroad   and    Express 

HofEmau  M  L,  prDiiure. 
Karcher  Adam,   bhiLksraith, 
Suiter  Wm  A,  pcueral  store. 

BASS  WOOD.  A  postollke  on 
Jlill  creek,  in  liichhind  county.  fU  miles 
souihwest  of  Kichland  Centre,  the  county 
seat,  and  7  north  of  JIuscoda,  the  nearest 
railroad  station  and  bankiuj:  point.  Stapes 
to  Muscodaand  Viroi[ua.  Population,  40. 
Mail,  tri-weckly.  N.  W.  Bennett,  post- 

Aneer  Jolin,  live  stock. 
Itciiiicll  .\   \V,  Blacksmith  and  Haul- 
Cornwall  Charles,  cheese  mnfr. 
Henry  Orin,  justice, 
.lohuson  O,  carpenter, 
.lohnson  Lewis,  carpenter. 
Lucas  ,J  S.  live  slock. 
Peters  \V  S,  CJeneral  Store. 
I'iekerinc;  .John,  live  slock. 
Powell  Joseph,  mnfr. 
Siirnim  Nicholas,   blacksmith. 
Troxwell  Frank,  constable. 
Wells  Newton,  justice. 



Sheboygan  county. 

BAY  CITY.  A  postoffico  on  the 
fhoreof  Lake  I'epin  and  on  the  C,  B,  iV. 
-V.  l{y,  in  Pierce  county,  13  miles  soulh- 
i-ast  of  ICllsworlh,  the  county  scat,  0  by 
ian'l  and  .IJ  by  water  northeast  of  l!ed 
Wing,  iMlnn.,  the  nearest  bankint,'  point, 
^'hges  daily  to  Ellsworth,  Esdaile,  Iler- 
'x'rt  and  Clay  lit  Id.  Papulation,  loO.  Tel., 
>V.U.  Exp..  Am.  W.  E.  Tucker,  post 

Anderson  C  W,  liotel. 
''iirrie  J  N,  carpenter. 
>l!-lm(piist  S  L,   ;i^h. 
•^lililei-sU'iii,  Saw  Mill, 
■^lornn  .1  P,  real  esSate  and    iutlici'. 
^"'t  L,  railroad,  c.xprci-,'^  and  ttl  accent. 
="l'ii.eRlo  Wm  P,  Carpenter. 

Tiiciter  W  !■],  Grain  and  General  sion 
Tyler  Bros,  wooil  and  lumber, 
Tyler  Charles  H,  real  estate. 

BAYFIELD.  Is  located  at  the  ter- 
minus of  the  northern  div.  of  the  C  ,  St. 
P.  M.  &  O.  Uy,  in  the  northern  part  of 
Buj  field  county,  of  which  it  is  the  judicial 
seat,  306  miles  northwest  of  Milwaukee,  21 
north  of  Ashland  and  12  north  f  f  Wash- 
burn. It  contains  Catholic,  Episcopal, 
Methodist,  Presbyterian,  German  Luiherun 
and  Norwegian  Lutheran  churched  2  pub- 
lic schools,  one  public  hall,  a  handsome 
and  commodious  court  bouse,  a  steam  saw 
mill  and  a  large  lish  packing  establish- 
ment. A  live  weekly  newspaper,  the /)'•','/■ 
j!'kl  County  Pr(.is  (Pep.),  is  published. 
The  water  works  are  controlled  by  I  he 
Bayfield  Hydraulic  (Jompany,  and  were 
erected  at  a  cost  of  slOOUO.  The  Lake 
Superior  Brown  Stone  Quarries,  in  the  vi- 
cinily,  yield  a  superior  (jualily  of  building 
stone,  (/f  which  several  of  the  principal 
buildings  are  built.  Fish,  lutnbrr  and 
building  stone,  are  the  jirincipal  ship- 
ments. Telephone  connection  with  Wa'-b- 
burn  and  Ashland.  E.\p  ,  Am.  anil  U.  S. 
Tel  ,  W.  U.  Popululion,  l,4i)0.  Currie 
G.  Bell,  postmaster. 

Anderson  .lohn,  sherilf. 

Andreas  Cbauncey  T,  jeweler. 

Atwood  John  W,  Mngr  A  Booth  Packing 

Bnvlield  Box  Factor}',  M  Downey  mniir. 
liajtield  Cornet  Band,  Fred  Ildle  leader. 
Bajlield  County  I',  C  Vj  Dell 
Uii]liel4l    I'oiiiily  Title  .\l>slrit<-t 

Co,    W   W   Downs    Propr.      (Sif  ai,',-,  p 

Bayfield  Fuel  Co,  Hobert  Inglis  mngr. 
Baytield    House,   Hokinson    it    Anderton 

]5a.Vfield  Hydraulic  Co,  A  Tale  prcs,  F  W 

Denipon  sec,  C  G  Bell  supt. 
Baj  field  Public  Library,  Miss  E  M  Silver- 
nail  librarian. 
Bell    Currie    G,     propr    Bay  lield    County 

Booth  A  Packing  Co,  J  W  Atwood  mngr, 

Boutin  Frank,  general  store, 
(^asey  ICdward,  shoenraker. 
('hapman  James,  general  store. 
City  1  Intel,  Andrew   Farrow  propr. 
C;iay  Harry,  mngr  Lland  View  ILitel. 
I>o\vii>>   Will    W,  Attorney  at-Law  and 

Propr    Baytield    County   Title   Abstract 

Co.     {Sec  adi',  p  15S  ) 

Chicago  &  Grand  Iml  % 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


MI;TI70fl    TJFSTin  nn^Tr>M       -run  rkvaxt  a  stjcatton  rm- 
Js''ia1    nb'n,(i;i  nJ.)     r.vco    !jj-.S!m:ss   coi^li.uv.   i«   ti,„ 





JEccles  K  F,  faloou. 

Etsell  Diuiiel  J,  hardware. 

Farrow  Audrew,  propr  City  Hotel. 

Feliiliauseu  >Iat,  propr  Fountain  House. 

Fischer  Frod,  general  store. 

Flanders   &    Herrick   (Orl.Tndo    Flanders, 

Frank  .M  Herrick),  afeneral  store. 
Fouutain  House,  Mat  Feidbausen  propr. 
Fox  Lizzie,  dry  troods. 
Freeman  ii'jv  C  E  (Presljyterian). 
Oafron  Itev  John  (C'.itbuiic;. 
Grains  <>-»crii  ESou«ie,  Allan  T  WW- 

liaras  Mii'.',r. 
Haniiuiii  IJeiiry.  physician. 
Ilsti'lxti-   <'!«y  33ou«it>,  John  Hopkins 

I'ropr;   Ceiitrally  Livcatud. 
Hcll.stiom  Frank,  liarber. 
Ilokinson    &   Anderson  (Peter  Hokinfon, 

Oarar  Anderson),  proprs  Bayfield  House! 
ISoplciiis   .Bo9iii,    Propr    Harbor   (Jity 

Hoube;  Conlrully  Located. 
Howley  Patrick,  restaurant. 
Hoyt   it  Connor   (Charles   Hoyt,    Charles 

Connor),  .saloon, 
[nglis  Hobert,  insurance  and  c.^p  agent. 
Island  View  Hotel,  Harry  Clay  mngr. 
Kinney  Thomas  H,  baker. 
Kinlz  'J'  F,  meat  market. 
Knight  Alonzo,  county  treasurer. 
Lambert  Mrs  Ellen,  ilressmaker. 
Leonard  W  T,  coroner. 
Lumlterman's   Dank,    \Vm   Knight 

W  W  Downs  cash. 
McCamis  Kobcrt,  saloon. 
Jlillor  Andrew  B,  merchant  tailor. 
Jtoran  Thomas   W,    railroa'.l  and   tel  a:,'i. 
Morgan  l{ev  W  H  (.\Ietliodist). 
Nourse  Jo.^cph  H,  general  .-.lore. 
Noyes  Cliailos  H,  circuit  court  clerk. 
O'Malley  Mrs  Grace,  propr   Union   HoUl. 
Packard  \V  II,  district  ut,torney. 
Parks  Kodney.  furniture. 
Paulson    &    Ernest    (Theodore    Paul.soo, 

Theod(U'e  Ernest),  carpenters. 


Pike  Robinson  D,  saw  mill. 

Pike  &  Drake  (11   U  Pike,  E  P   Drake). 

stone  quarry. 
Pine  Georffe  A,  barber. 
Ruggles  A  L,  county  supt  schools. 
Ryder  Morris,  dry  goods. 
Shaw  Frank,  grocer. 
Silvernail  John  B,  baker. 
Stark  Frank,  grocer. 
Stuart  John,  grocer. 
Tate  Andre'.v,  druggist. 
Union  Hotel,  Mrs  Grace  O'Malley  propr. 
Valley  Edward,  boat  builder. 
Van  Xest  \Vm,  supervisor. 
"Wachsmuth  Henry,  boots  and  shoes. 
Waehsmuth  tt  ICrnest  (Henry  Wachsmuth, 

■^rbeodore  Ernest),  saloon. 
Warden  A  M,  county  .judge. 
V/illey  K  P  A;  Son  (Nelson  P  and  Calvin), 

Wiliiuins    Allan    T,    County    Clerk, 

Dei)iity    Circuit    Clerk,    Police   Justice 

and  :\Ingr  Grand  Opera  House. 
Wood  Alfred  H,  livery. 

BAY  SETTLEMENT.  A  village 
on  the  shore  fif  Grcin  ba}'.  in  Scott  town- 
ship. Brown  county,  il  miles  northeast  oi 
Green  liay,  the  county  seat,  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  banking  point.  Stages  to 
Green  Ray  and  Sturgeon  Buy.  Popula- 
tion, SO.     ]\Iail,  ilaily. 

Bonduin  J  B,  saloon. 
CrstiU'li  V,  General  Store. 
Denis  Gregolre,  general  store. 
Greenwood  Frank,  meats  and  saloon. 
Malliet  John,  shoemaker. 
Moeller  Bros,  blacksmith. 
Nerille  John,  saloon. 

BAT    VIEW.       Door    county. 

will! am  w.  downs, 




Proprietor  of  Bayfield  County  Title  Abstract  Co. 

ILLIIIOIS  rtiiTPiiil  I P, 

Short  and  Direct 
ll  Route  from 


Cliicap  (6  Crafid  Tfijn 

The  Favorite  Route  East 





BAY  VIEW.  :Milwaiikee  rounly.  A 
staiion  of  tlie  Milwunkee  postofiice.  For 
biisicess  names  see  MiUvaakee. 

BEAR  CREEK.  A  pott  village  on 
the  iM.,  L.  S.  it  W.  ]!y.  in  Outii!;amie 
county,  30  miles  northwest  of  Appieton, 
the  county  seat,  anil  0  norlli  of  New  Lon- 
don, tte  nearest  banlciutr  point.  Poniila- 
"  "    '   ■    K. 

Exp,   U. 

lion,  400.     Te!.,W.  U 
Griudel,  postmaster. 
Abel  C,  blacksmith. 
Dimpsey  Philip,  salivm. 
I'rccinaii  T  &  A,  General  Store. 
Ilaase  Wm,  'waKonmaker. 
JIackman  Charles,  general  store, 
llililebrandt  John,  harness, 
llvcle  F  ;\I,  ceneral  store. 
Iljdc  A;  !l£a$$.ler,  Saw  Mill. 
..lepsoj  W,  live  stock. 
Kitfer  John,  general  store. 
Larson  K,  hotel. 
L'T^'e  Julius,  blacksniilh. 
Murphy  P  D.  general  store  and  justice. 
I'ilkc  1»,  Meat  Maiket. 
."^cbroeder  Charles,  ins  and  farm  iinpts. 
Thilkey  Charles,  genl  store  and  saloon. 
Thorn  D  P.,  laud  agent. 
Tillman  I,  wagonmaker. 

BEARS.  On  the  C,  .M,  &  St.  P.  Itv, 
in  Wood  county,  lo  miles  from  Grand 
liapids,  the  judicial  seat. and  lo  from  Con- 
t'alia.  G.  IJ.  Scott,  postmaster  and  sup- 
erintendent cranberry  marsh. 

.  BEAR  VALLEY.  On  Pear  creek, 
in  Kichland  county,  l-I  miles  southeast  of 
Hichland  Centre,  the  county  scat  and  bank 
h'Ciition,  and  10  north  of  Pone  Hock,  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  Daily  .-lagus  to 
I'l'ne  Hock  and  Lavalle.  Populalion,  'JOll. 
Mail,  daily.  Nathan  O.  Waddell,  post- 

Clniuller  Oeor-e,  chec.=c  mnfr. 
'cidi-rieli  Anthony,  goneial  store. 
I'eidciich  Peler.  wagonmaker. 
<«ro»'iilicc-U  <-,  Clietse  .\Infr. 
■Miullor  Jo-eph,  carpenter. 
OcliQiior  Joseph,  ll.iur  mill. 
•^Himitz  Joseph,  lilacksmilb. 
»>  luliUH  \a(iiiiii  <),  General  Store. 

v^pAVER.  A  po.^tofflre  on  the  M.  .t 
•'■  '!■  K.,  in  Marinette  eountv,  27  miles 
UDtllnvest  nf  Marinette,  the  location  of  the 
learest  bank.  Population.  1.^,0.  IC.vp. 
^\r'i.  Tel.,1V.  U.   M.  J. Bi.^hop. postmaster. 

Armstrong  Lumber  C^'.  saw  mill. 
Kelley  II  O,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

BEAVER  CREEK.  A  postoffice  in 
Jacksou  county,  Iti  miles  southwest  of 
Black  River  Falls,  the  county  seat,  and  8 
south  of  Taylor,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion. Black  Iliver  Falls  is  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Stages  weeklv  to  Black 
Itiver  Falls  and  Ktirick.  Mail,  weekly. 
Gabiiel  Anderson,  postmaster  and  insur- 
ance agent. 

BEAVER  DAM.  A  prosperous  and 
enterprising  city  on  the  N.  div.  of  the  (.'., 
M.  it  St.  P.  Hy,  in  Dodge  county,  9  miles 
northwest  of  Juneau,  liie  judicial  seat,  and 
G3  northwest  of  .Milwaukee.  It  is  a  favor- 
ite resort  for  tourists  during  the  summer 
months,  and  is  located  in  the  center  of  a 
wealthy  agricultural  district,  en  joying  every 
advantage  of  climate,  fertility  rif  soil  and 
beauty  of  situation.  The  different  relii:- 
ious  denominations  are  namcroiHy  repre- 
sented, and  the  majority  possess  handsome 
and  imposing  places  of  worshin.  The 
educational  facilities  are  of  a  superior  or- 
der, in  additiou  to  an  excellent  public 
school  sjstem.  it  is  the  seat  <pf  the  Way- 
land  uiiiversily,  and  the  city  is  l)ec(}niii"ig 
notably  prominent  for  the  libel  al  and  care- 
ful manner  in  which  such  matters  arc  sup- 
jiorled  and  sustained.  It  contains  cotton 
niiils,  breweries,  pump  factory,  llouring 
mills,  grain  elevators,  soda  water  works, 
•woolen  mills,  a  foundry  and  mac:hine  sliop, 
a  tannery,  a  national  bank  and  iiumrious 
large  and  well  stocked  S])ecial  and  general 
store,  handsome  residences,  etc!  The 
press  is  represented  by  one  daily  news- 
paper, the  lleiirrr  Dj/ii  ]>,u7'/,  and  ;i 
weekly,  the  Biai-(r  Diini  TFctA/y,' the  J),u!f;e 
C'lnnf;/  ('/l/:e!i  iinii  the  Aiyi.-i.  The  city 
is  lighted  by  electricity  and  gas,  lias  an 
excellent  system  of  water  works,  a  well 
eciuipped  and  cllicienl  11  re  department,  first- 
class  hot<'ls,  telephone  exch.inge  and  ail 
the  facilities  and  appointments  uf  a  pro- 
gressive business  center.  Grain,  livestock 
and  the  products  of  the  various  factories 
comprise  the  shipments.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel., 
W.  IT.  Populalion,  4,300.  James  P.  Mc- 
Gill,  postmaster. 

P.abcock  Joseph  11.  physician, 

Pasklfeld  .fohu,  harness. 

Peaver  Dam  Argus,  Sherman  &  Ilutchins 

Beaver  Dam   Business  Men's   Assn,  G    C 

Congdon  sec  ami  treas. 

I  n.j  Popular  11 

Line  to  the 



ll  to  «U   POlTxITS  in  i 






Beaver   Dam    Cottou    .Mil!s,  J  J  WiUiauis 

pres,  J  T  Smith  sec. 
Beaver  Dam  Daily,  \\'ep.Ter  Bros  publrs. 
Beaver  Dam  Fair.  J  T  IL-.nd  mn^r. 
Beaver  Dam  Milling  Co,  Peter  P^otdl  pres, 

Fred  S  Lewis  sec,  flour  mill. 
Beaver  Dam  Water  Works  Co,  J  II  Pouley 

Beeljc  Crais;  B,  Pres   Wayland  Uni- 
versity and  Furniture  Dealer. 
Beers  Georee,  carpenter. 
Beers  J  &■  Co  (Jobu  Beers, Edward  Liebig), 

Beers  JIrs  Mary,  genera!  store. 
Bell  Piev  Allen  fPrcsbjteriaii). 
Bellov.'s  Alonzo  W.  agt  C,  M  &  St  P  By. 
Beule  Peter.  dru_22iil. 
Bickner  Miss  Mary,  dressmaker. 
Binzel  John  P,  brewer. 
Bludau  Matthew,  bo(.>kbinder. 
Boebm  Charles  A,  harness. 
Booth  Iliram.  merchant  tailor. 
Bo\vC!5  Eiobcrt  T'l,  Hardware.  Stoves 

and   Tinware,   Plumbers'  and   Brewers' 

Supplies,  etc.     (-fe  uih\  opp.) 
Brad:ey  George  W,  photographer. 
Brauick  .los'jpb,  saloon. 
Brazell  James,  cabinetmaker. 
Breivogel  Philip,  blacksmith. 
Bromley  Mrs  John  II,  dressmaker. 
Brown  Peter,  pumps. 
Buckley  Kev  J  (CatholicV 
Burke  Michael  E.  ju'^tice. 
Buttcrbroill  C;harle3  h.  blacksmith. 
Carroll  Samuel  T,  mason. 
Casparle  Joseph,  blacksmith. 
Caspary  Adam,  saloon. 
Chicat'o  Uoase.  A  C  Hastings  propr. 
Clark   EBoii'i',  Lawrence  Bros  Proprs. 
Colmau  Rev  H.'iirv  (..Methodisl). 
Congdon  i.t  Chumiler  (George  C  Cougdoii, 

Wm  II  Chandler),  drugs. 
Daniels  Victor,  saloon. 
Davis  Kev  Newell  J  (Methodist). 
DeQolyer  i.\;  Son  (Everard  W  and  Norman 

T),  machinists. 
Dick  James  J,  lawyer. 
Ditz  John,  meat  market. 
Dodge   County  Citizen,  Thomas   Hughes 

Domiiiy  Miss  Ahivia,  milliner. 
Donovan  James,  harnessmaker. 
Doollltlc  Silas  P.  carpenter. 
Drake  Ilollis  B,  cattle  breeder. 
Dries  Kev  J  ^CatholicV 
Driscoll  Bros  (James  and  J(Jin),  barbers. 
Eggle.'-lield  Genriie,  blacksmith. 
Elwell  i.t  15urke'(Edward  Elwell,  Michael 

E  Buike),  lawyers. 
Ernst  Henry,  saloon. 

Fairbanks  Ebeiitzer,  shoemaker. 

Farlow  A.  horse  breeder. 

Farlow  Simeon,  horse  breeder. 

First  National  Bank,  J  J  Williams  iire-,  .T 

E  McClure  cash. 
Fischer  Henry  A.  shoemaker. 
Fisher  Aliss  Addie  M,  milliner. 
Foo  Jap,  laundry. 
Gaton  H  Charles,  llour  and  feed. 
Gaudynski  Anton,  saloon. 
Geutzen  Christian,  saloon. 
Geoggerle  Anton,  blacksmith. 
Gcoggerle  John,  brewer. 
German-American  State  Bank,  L  E  Rock 

Goklhammer  Bev  C  F  (Lutheran). 
Grains  Henry,  tailor. 
Grant,  Scherubel  ct  Co  (John  Grant,  John 

B  Scherubel,  Andrew  AVillanl),  genera; 

Griffls  Wm  C  &  Co  (Wm  C  Grillas,  Milton 

M  Erway),  drugeisf". 
Groliiig  Charles,  masoa. 
Grover  Lyman,  hor^e  breeder. 
Hammer  Mat,  saloon. 
Hand  John  T,  mngr  Fair. 
Hannemanu  Julius,  Hour  and  feed. 
Harder  John,  soda  water  mnfr. 
Harvej'  Chester  W.  meat  market. 
Hastings  A  C,  hotel  and  baker. 
Heiiler  Max,  bl.'icksmith. 
Heiiiig  Charles  W,  sewing  machines. 
Hensler  Mrs  Charles,  mi<lwife. 
Hen.^ler  Conrad,  carpenter. 
Heuskr  John  F,  miat  market. 
Herkert  Bros  (Frank  C  and  Adam;,  cigar 

Herr  .lohn,  planing  mill. 
HolTeibert  A-  I'.dehl  Crheodore  HolTerl>eit, 

Richard  BeichI),  hardware. 
HoUiiiL'Sworth  George,  horse  breeder. 
Hop  F  Charles,  saloon. 
IIoiJ;ins  A  B,  liuhtning  rods. 
Iloppi;  Chailes  F,  siUoou. 
Hortori  George  W,  photographer. 
Hosmer  James  E,  justice. 
Ilumnul  Annie,  saloon. 
Hulh  Theodore,  meat  market. 
Iro  John,  salnon. 
Johnson  Piev  T  S  (Presbyterian). 
Jonas  Kev  Edward  (Lutheran). 
Jones  Wm  L,  lieutist. 
Juillian  Baptistc.tailor. 
Justice  H  N,  horses. 
Kalb  Mrs  Carrie,  milliner. 
Kei'Iey  Wm  E.  lawyer. 
KIrchmann   Wm,  saloon. 
Kiitmann  Paul,  baker. 
Knaup  Uev  F  i  .Methodist). 
Knorr  Frank,  livery. 

Chicap  &  Gfand  Trunk  I] 

Tlie  Favorite  Route  East 


Gk-f  •        \rf  For   I'lifirr  AVriu- c     priilVrP    V'f'C    Pf) 

il'l  JUi  IseO     VV  I  iC3v2s  20-1  WE.sT  v.-.vricsE  vr.,  ?iii.\\  xvkile,  Wks. 





Lftmbcck  Lorenzo,  barber. 

LanJer  John  C,  general  storo. 

Lauder  &    Lander  (Henry  W   and  Henry 

11),  lawvers. 
LauTOnc'C  Bros  (Tliomas  D  and  Wm 

H)    Proprs  Clark  Hnuse. 
Lawrence  &   Co  (Abel    P   and   Frank  E 

Lawrence),  grocers, 
Lehman  Adam,  wagonmaker. 
Leibig  Edward,  blacUsraith. 
Livermore  L  D,  s\irveyor. 
Londergan  .John,  fruit^f. 
McClure  Joseph  F,  physician. 
^IcDermott  .lohn,  saloon. 
Mc!>onaia  Edward  M,  phvsician. 
ilcDufflc  DLV,-ill  C,  exp  and  tel  agent. 

McKinstry  John  &,  Son  (John  and  Wm  D), 

-Martin  Jacob,  saloon. 

Martin  Jacob  .jr.  cigar  mnfr. 

Jlarvin  Arthur  L,  carpenter. 

Matthews  iic  Schleward  (Ernst  Matthews, 
Ferdinand  Schlewardi,  blacksmiths. 

jrenke  Fredeiick  \V,  merchant  tailor. 

Miller  fcharles  C,  stationery. 

Milwaukee  Iloll^e,  Anton  Seifert 
Propr;  Commercial  Travelers  and  Thea- 
trical Trade  Solicited. 

Mirlach  A  F  it  Bro  (Andrew  F  and  Joseph 
F),  jewelers, 

Moe  Abraham  D,  ratisical  instruments. 

Moon  Ossian  C,  dentist. 

R.  M.  BOWES, 


ll[iF(!wi!i'e,Slovos;rii>lTi!i\vai'i;    | 





V'i"»,j„^«<«i>"   '  ~^'''        ^^'5:;, 


Veterinary  Surgeon 


SoloMaiiiifaclur.T.if  the 

Phelps  Condition  Powders 

Known  as  tbr  ApF'*^ti2er  atiJ  lilucKl  PurUier. 
Correspondetice  Solicited. 

I3S.    CS.    XE^I52,^ei.*lir"'JL''j, 
Attorncy=al-La\v,  iXotary  Public  and  Justice  of  Peace. 
Proiui)t  Atloiitioii  t;ivoii  to  Collodions.    IJEAYER  1)A3I,  WIS. 

Harfl'.VarP  rion     MtnitiTll     ^^''••"'    '""'■    «»"    Cntalosne.     JOHN    .lIi:iMi;u 
\»Uo(.imi„.     .\-outs  for  sVC.\?IOHH  Sl"i;ri.\I.  Tlt.VI*  PO^VUEIt. 

|^«Lj.3vf  Ih^^y^^Y  f>.  C'f,ii-Q  INTERIOR  DECORAl 

liyiJul  I    BaCii-JiJl     i^    CiJaiOq  Sq.,  Milwaukeo.     WALL 



4ir.  Kast  Wjt^ 







o  <= 

Z   o 


D  J 



O  c 

«>   <D 




2  S   Music  Hall,  C  C  3Iil!er  mcgr. 

.-g   !Xeuruhr  .ToliD,  saluoa. 
S  g   iNewtou  Theodore  L,  horse  breeder. 

~   Newton  it  ^Venz  (Tboinas  L  ><'ewton,  Ed- 
ward C  Weuz),  general  store. 
Nicohxus  Ilermau  0,  ci;,ir  nuifr. 
Ordway  A  F  &  Sons  (Alvin  F,  Guy  II  and 

Edward  A),  mill  furnishers. 
Peacock  M  B  II,  grain  elevator. 
Peck  Chester,  feed  mill. 
Pfeiffer  Frederick,  pumps. 
S*!ieIfJ?<  Xorisian  '8,  Veterinary   Sur- 
gcoi]  and  JIaiiufacturer  of   Phelps'  Con- 
dition Powders.     (Sre  fi(lr,,p  IGl.) 
Plank  Charles,  agent  P  C  Hanford  Oil  Co. 
8*r«tl  E«lM«f«l  4J,  Justice   of, 
Lawyer  and  Xotary ;  CoUectiona  Prompt- 
ly Attended  to.     (.f-'-r  atlv,  p  IGl.) 
ria'-:?man  Frederick,  hardware. 
Rodfield  &  Hawley  (Geerge    E  Redfield, 

H  II  Ilawley),  insurance. 
Uissmau  Bros  (Edward  and  Theodore  A), 

^    IJoedl  Frank  jr.  saloon. 
CO   SJj>e<H,  J;ifOt)s  iS.  BJall  (Peter  Itoedl, 
.'^lichacl  A  Jacobs,  John   \V  Hall),  Lum- 
Howell  J  S  Mnfg  Co,  John  S  Howell  pres, 
Theodore  B  Powell  supt,  farm  impls. 
_        St  Charles  Hotel,  Jacob  Zepn  propr. 
„  ^    Schemmel  &  Schade   (Eniil  A   Schemmcl, 
S2  2        ^^'^"'  Scliadc),  general  .store. 
*-        Schettler  Win  &  Co  (\\u\  Schettler,    Otto 
^gBi^     Ziniiurr),  general  store. 
j~j   Scluller  Edwin  A,  grocer. 
frt   Schluckebier  &  Thomas  (.Henry   SchUick- 
j=«j       ebicr,  Helen  Thomas'),  general  store. 
^SS".Schmadebeck  Louis,  barber. 
is  Schmidt  John  J,  tjoots  and  shoes. 
^3   Schnctzler  Jacob  U,  physician, 
g^  Schumaclier  Joseph,  shoemaker. 

Schutle  Carl  F,  insurance. 
C13  Seara  Harry  B.  physician. 
CJl  Scircrl    iViil oil,    Propr    Milwaukee 
CS       House;  Good    Accommodations  for  the 
CO       Traveling  Trade. 
a—  Sekelski  Pev  J  F  (Catholic). 
S3  Sellen  it   Selleu  CSicholaa   and   Wm   P), 
C/^      saloon. 

gS  Shepard   &    McFadycn  (Wm  B   Shepard, 
■"*"       Neil  McFadycn).  dry  snoods. 
CO  Sherman  it  irutchin.s'(lie!ijaniin   F   Sher- 
^~       man,  Frank  A  Hutchinsi,  proprs  Argus. 
^33'  Shipman  Uzal  O,  carriages. 
"q5  Sloan  A  Scott,  circuit  .iudge. 
^j.  Smith  Noah,  hides. 
^M  Snortz  Mias  Mary,  dressmaker. 
\       Speic'n  Kev  Peter  (  Lvangelical). 
■  Staab  Philip  II,  livcry. 

'  Starkweather  Courtney,  lumber. 

Stolz  it  Heisler(GustavusStolz,  Ferdinai, ; 
Ileisler),  general  store. 

Striebel  Conrad,  coal  and  wood. 

Sweets  Rev  Wiutield  S  (Baptist). 

Tague  Thomas  N,  sewing  machines. 

Taibert  George  E,  pliysician. 

Tegelmann  C^hris,  baker. 

Thomas  John,  saloon. 

Thomas  II  E  &  Sou  (Richard  E and  George 
H),  blacksmiths. 

Thorp  Wm  H.  jev.-eler. 

Tippeuhauer  Frederick,  confectioner. 

Tracy  !^lIrs  Orinda,  dressmaker. 

Triecher  Mrs  Louise,  dressmaker. 

Turner.  Miller  &  Blumeuthal  (Wm  R  Tur- 
ner, John  W  Jliller,  Herman  M  Blumen- 
thai),  marble  works. 

Veling  Amlrew,  furniture. 

Veling  Bros  (Peter  and  Charles),  photogrs. 

Veling  J  it  Bro(Johu  and  Wm),  saloon. 

Vesper  Artemus,  horse  breeder. 

Vettcr  Oscar  C,  farm  impts. 

Voorus  Clark  W,  physician. 

Wade  Wm,  livery. 

Wagner  Joseph,  tlt.rist. 

Wuldiek  Henry,  saloon. 

WayUmd  SJiiivcrxily,  C  B  Beebe 
Pres . 

Weaver  Bros  (Ray  and  Edwin  L),  publrs 
Beaver  Daiu  Daily. 

Webb  Win  B,  physician. 

AVebb  Wm  H,  ph..toi;raphor. 

Westfall  Frederick,  barber. 

Whitmore  P  &  Son  (Philemon  and  E  P), 

Wilk  Bros  (Herman  and  Isadore),  clothing 

Williams  it  Davics  (Owen  R  Williams, 
Wm  II  Davies),  geniiral  store. 

Wilson  Jlisses  :\lary  M  it  Sarah  JI,  dress- 

Wiltke  Roljert,  creamery. 

Woolen  Mnfg  Co,  Calvin  E  Lewis  pres,  G 
W  Chandler  sec. 

Wright  Cyrus  E.  and  doors. 

Yager  Staninlaus,  blacksmith. 

Zander  John  C,  general  store. 

Zanwcll  Wm,  shoemaker. 

Zenk  Philip,  cooper. 

Zepp  Jacoi),  propr  St  Charles  Hotel. 

Zweck  Michael,  mason. 

BECKER.  A  village  on  the  M.,  L.  S. 
it  W.  Ry,  in  Outagamie  county,  VV  miles 
northwest  of  Appleton,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
50.  JIail,  daily.  John  Knapstein,  post- 

Crun/.er  John,  mason. 
Deschler  Wm,  shoemaker. 
FeUlschmidt  Sebastian,  hotel. 




l.H    WICST   AV.VTi:il   NT.,  ?II  LIV.V  lliliU,    WIS. 


Pianos  odOnpos,, 

,  Oneiiia  nud  Milnaubc! 


lIILWArKEE.   See  l':u.-i?  5 





Kroclich  Rev  ,7  B  (Catholic). 
t!raubea:jeifer  Htnry,  wagiminaker 
<;riil>cr  Jolm,  Cheese  .Mufr. 
Kleiuhan3  Rev  A  (Lntherai ). 
KiiHpbteiuJdhu.  hotel. 
I,(ischmidt  Adolph,  cooper. 
Meyer  L  &  Co,  wagoamaker8. 
JNeahans  John,  feed  mill. 

BEECHV/OOD.  A  village  in  She- 
boygan couLty.  '2')  miles  southwest  of  She- 
boygaa,  the  county  seat,  5  uorilieast  of 
Xewfane,  the  neare:>t  railroad  station,  and 
1-")  soiilhwest  of  Plymouth,  the  nearest 
hdukint;  point.  Population,  40.  Mail, 
daily.     Charles  Koch,  postmaster. 

Drescher  Frederick,  blacksniith. 
GessnerEmil,  carpenter. 
K'ein  Frank,  mascjn. 

lioeii  CliarScs,  General  Store  and  Ho- 
Koepke  Fred,  ■v\\ap;onmaker. 
O'Conuell  J  U,  cheese  mnfr. 

BEEP  SLOUGH.  Is  located  cu  the 
Mississippi  and  I!ei  f  rivers,  and  on  the  0. 
15.  ^t  N.  R.  R  ,  in  Buffalo  county,  3  wiles 
uoilh  of  Alma,  the  county  scat  and  near- 
est banking  imiut.  Stages  to  Gilniantowu, 
fire.  ^l;to  .Moiidovi,  fare,  .^L.-jO;  and  to 
Miidena,  fare,  50  cents,  Tel..  W.  U.  Exp., 
Am.  Population,  .500.  George  acolt. 

Beef  Slough  Mnf,',  Booming,  Lngdriving 
and  Trans|iorl,-itlrin  Co  (eapilali  ^100|- 
•100),  F  'Weyerliaouser  prcs,  T  Irvine  sec. 

I!urgess  .John,  lumber  inspector. 

n.apman  J  F,  loggers  .agent. 

Chippewa  Logging  Co,  F  Weyerhaeuser 
pres  and  treas,  p  G  Chichester  sec. 

Ii-iinc  AU'xiiiKler,  General  Store. 

Irvine  Artlnir,  r:ii:,ing  pin  mnfr. 

»rvini-  Ik'iiiamin.   carpenter. 

:fli«si«^ip|t]  5?i»fr  B>o;;sinu  Co 
(Capital.  sl.OTo.OOO),  F  Weyerhaeuser 
Prts,  T  Irvine  .-^ec. 

•^oott  «i('<.i-;,r<>.  Cashier  Mississippi 

Wi'Uly  US  ({,  Rubber  Stami>^  and  Rail- 
read  .\gi'nt. 

Worth  Henry,  blacksmith. 

BEETOWN.  In  Grant  countv.  10 
miles  southwest  of  Lancaster,  the  juilicial 
Stat,  9  northeast  of  Cassyille,  on  the  C.  B. 
"^  ^'-  H.  R,  the  nearest  shipping  pi. int. 
f»f  a  7  from  lil(jomiiigtou,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Staixes  daily  to  Cassvillc;  fare, 
■iOj:ents,  and   triweekly  to    151o(.minLrtoii 

and  Lancaster;  fares,  .50  and  75  cents,  re- 
spectivelj'.     Population,  300.    Mail,  daily. 

Alderson  James,  general  store. 
Bonham  F  M.  grocer. 
Burch  S-imuel,  blacksmith. 
Callaway  \Vm,  saloon. 
Fleckner  V,"m.  saloon. 
Jack  August,  wagunmaker. 
Jameson  John  A,  blacksmith. 
Kern  C,  wagonmaker. 
Stevens  \Ym  B,  general  store. 

BELDENVILLE.      A  station  on  the 
C,  St.  P.,  .^L  d;  0.  Ry,  in   Pii.-rce  county, 
4  miles  northwest  of  Ellsworth. the  county 
seat.     Population.  12"..  Tel.,  W.  U.   Exp". 
Am.     George  E,  Doollttle,  postmaster. 
Baker  Cassius,  blacksmith. 
Beliieoville  [jiiniber  Co,  veneer  mnfrs. 
Brimmer  ^\'  I),  genl  store  and  stave  mill. 
Davis  Sbubel,  carpenter. 
Oooliltle  CiC'or:je  E,  General  Store. 
Goldsmith  C,  countable. 
Goldsmith  it  Wilson,  blacksmiths. 
Hail  Jerome  A.  justice. 
Larson  Bros  &  'NV'ood,  genl  store  and  saw 

Mills  JI  B.  saw  mill  and  handle  mnfr. 
Minneapolis  Biirrel  Mnfi;  Co. 
£iee«l  f.i<;M>i';;<'  ^V,  Veneer  Mnfr. 
Kounce  \V'ra,  saw  mill. 
Severence  Frederick  A,  lumber. 
Suydam  Charles,  live  stock. 

BELGIUM.      A  postoffice  on  the  M., 
L.  S.  ik  \V.  fiy,  in  Ozaukee  county,  s;  miles 
north    of   Port   Washington,     the   county 
seat  anrl  nearest  banking  p.jint.       Popula- 
ti.)n.  .jO.       Tel.,  AV.  U.      Exp.,  U.  S.      J. 
N.  Ellenbecker,  postmaster. 
Antone  Adolph,  cheese  mnfr. 
Bitlner  Philip,  blacksmith. 
Dahm  M,   bl.-icksmith. 
i:il4Mii>oi-kt,-r  Jl  .V,  General  Store   and 

Freyling  John  P,  shoemaker. 
Oroll  John.  ,ceneral  store. 
Hamm  J  P.  blacksmith. 
Hirlel  R  J,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
IloH'man  John,  blacksmith. 
Krier  J  B,  hardware. 
Pirron  iV  Co,  cheese  mnfrs. 
Sclilitz  P,  saloon. 
Schmidler  Frank,  bolel. 
We\  ker  ,^1,  general  store  and  grain. 

BELL  CENTER.  A  village  on  Kick  river,  in  Cr\wford  county.  S~>  miles 
northeast  of  Prairie  du  Chien,  the  count)' 

Chicago,  m;i!i}ki  fi  St,  Paa!  Rf,;-Lr:West  and  M^;m 

luf"Go!i  Seal"  »er  Goods 

Of  GOODYEAR  RUBBER  CO.,  Milwar.!; 

THEY    ARE    THE    BEST. 





seat,  and  16  north  of  Boscobel,  the  nearest 

U.  H. 

railroad  station  and  b-mking  point 
ulation,  400.  Mail,  tii-weekiy. 
Lewis,  postmaster. 

Buckmastpr  John,  grist  mill. 

Cameron  J;iracs,  shuem;iker. 

Campbell  J  N.  %v.Tioumaker. 

Cnini>l)L-tl  iv  tri.  Lawyer. 

Clark  J  11,  physician. 

Ellis  Albert,  dentist. 

Funk  Jlorgan,  cooper. 

Gay,  Onley  &  Co,  flour  mill. 

Huffman  Charles  A,  ins  and  collections. 

Kast  C  S,  saloon. 

Kast  J  2n.  la'.vyer. 

Lewis  F  \Y,  Live  Stock  Breeder. 

Mastia  Malt^hew,  druggist. 

Miller  Ira  N,  mason. 

Peck  Jlclvin,  machini.=t. 

Porter  W  H.  cabinetmaker. 

Posy  John,  hotel. 

Purlngton  A  B,  physician. 

Richards  A  B,  physician. 

Kotan  James,  restaurant. 

Rounds  L  A,  carpenter. 

Rounds  O  I'  &  Co,  silver  mines. 

Smith  Seymour,  shoemaker. 

Stowell  Arthur  L.  blacksniitli  and  justice. 

Strong  George,  haruessmaker. 

Strong  Jeremiah  B,  lime  nnd  brick  mnfr. 

Tate  W  \V,  saw  mill  and  lie.'^. 

Tate  ^y  W  &  Co,  fff-neral  .store. 

TlKMiip^oii  J'ol!"er'<'.»!i,  Wagonmaker. 

AV'hitaker  Bros,  meat  market. 

Whilaker  Thomas,  hardware. 

Wood  O  A.  saw  mill. 

Young  Wm,  hotel. 

county,  ]'J  milcs  norlbr;i,^i  of  Pnrtas^e.  the 
county  seat  and  nearest  banking  point, 
and  .5  from  Pardeevillf,  the  iieare.-t  rail- 
road station.  Popul.ttiou,  100.  ^lail, 
semi-weekly.     E.  C.  Wtst,  postmaster. 

Cuff  Henry,  feed  and  sorghum  mill. 
Lovell  John,  stone  mason. 
West  iu  C,  Broom  ^Infr. 

BELLE  PLAINE.  On  tluM.,  L.  S. 
&  W  By.  in  Siiawano  county,  .'j;  miles 
southwest  of  Shawjino.  the  county  seat 
and  neiirest  banking  pmnt.  I'l'iuihiiion, 
50.  Mall,  dally.  F.  C.  Schewe,  post- 

Bomke  Adolnh.  farm  impts. 
Hudtloff  Ikv  Wm  a.ulheiaa). 
Kalbow  A,  f."-rm  impis 
Peterson  Alrwndcr,  general  storp. 

Rouse  L  >S,  land  agent. 
Schewe  C,  Ijlacksmith. 
Sfliewe  F  C,  General  Store. 
Webster  F  C  &  Son,  saw  mill. 

BELLEVILLE.  A  village  on  Sug.u 
river  and  the  C,  il.  &  X.  R.  R  ,  in  Dant 
county,  :;0  miles  southwest  of  JIadisou. 
the  County  seat,  and  15  northwest  oi 
Evansville,  the  nearest  banking  point.  1' 
contains  2  churches,  a  school  and  a  weekly 
newspaper,  the  S'lO'ir  Juver  l!,cord.  Slagt-- 
daily  to  Uavtdu,  .Montrose  and  Primrose. 
Population,' y.:0.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp., Am. 
J.  U.  Gould,  postmaster. 

Belleville  House,  E  Gaffacy  propr. 

Best  George,  grocer. 

Blunt  it  Bennett,  clothing. 

Brittenham  i  Hixon.  lumber. 

Caldwx'll  W  X,  General  Store. 

Derrickson  Charles  W,  hardware. 

Fuller  A,  mason. 

Gaffney  Edward,  prnpr  Belleville  House 

Goodenow  Henry,  propr  I'arlc  Hotel. 

Goiitd  .Siiinc''  Eil,  Grocer. 

Gray  A  A,  builder. 

Haag  Andrew,  shuemaker. 

Harmon  F  P,  meat  niaiket. 

Kane  ^V  J,  constable. 

Laml)oley  Louis,  luirber. 

Lamore  \V  B,  livery. 

Leuelisinger  Fred,  liutter  and  cheese. 

Leuchsinger  &  Caldwell,  cheese  mnfrs. 

Lawrence  D  L,  harnc-s. 

JIanson  A  P.  pb';tographer. 

Meachara  IJ  C,  masim. 

XorUui  JJ  \\,  Flour  Mill. 

Oliver  K  A,   blacksmith. 

Park  Hotel.  II  Goodenow  propr. 

Smith  D  S  it  F.  grain  and  live  stock. 

Stevens  C  E,  railroad,  esp  and  tel  agent. 

Story  E  C.  confectinner. 

Story  H  E,  grain  and  feed. 

Story  &  lloi-kins,  general  store. 

Sugar    River    Recorder.    J    M    Wiiliami 

Sullivan  James,  painter. 
Targesim  J,  wagonmaker, 
Uleiich  H  J,  furniture  and  undertaker. 
'W'heelwrisht  W  S,  physician. 
AVilliams  .1  .M.  ins  and  publr  Recorder. 
^yiiliaiiis  \%-  T,  Drugs. 
Wood  D  X  it  Co,  creamery. 

BELLEVTJE.  A  country  postollkr 
in  Shawano  county,  8  miles  southwest  ui 
Shawano,  the  seat  of  justice  and  banking 
p^'int.  and  ^^^  norlli  i>!"  Embarrass,  th-' 
nearest  shipping  point.     Dailj-  mail  si    "' 

Chicago  &  Grand  Tfyril(  Ej, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


fl      .,\If„hl',i-,    3iioii-n«nr>  Pn       Cash  Assela,  $110,000,000.  I  AorUnvostcrn     Ilvaiu" 

.-lItl.\V.H.f£i;K,  A^  !S.     w. 

Stnto  A^-cnt.     «AL.KKIi  lill  K.Vi;!i,  i 




to  Embaira.55.  Populatiou,  3o.  3Ury  A. 
reterson,  postmaster. 

Beedle  George,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent 
I'c'tcrsoJi  -VIoxHiiiJci',  General  Store. 
Sanders  11,  hotel. 

BELMONT.     A  villa >;e  on  the  C,  M. 
&  St.  P.  Ky.  in  LaFayelte  county,  10  miles 
northwest  of  Darlington,  the  judicial  seat, 
and  S  from  Platteville,  the  nearest  banking 
point.     E.xp.,  U.  S.     Tel.,  W.  L\     Popu- 
lation, 400.     G.  Hemphill,  postmaster. 
Barrett  John,  hanlware. 
Cartels  John  II.  tailor. 
I?elImont  Creamery  C'o. 
Brown  Oeorre,  Iiiinl)pr, 
Krou-ii  Euobcrl  *V,  General  Store. 
Biidloi'g  Charles  A,  railroad,  exp  and  tel 

•Corbis  Mrs  E,  dressmaker. 
De  Witt  Charles  T,  physician. 
Dougherty  &  Simmons,  grain. 
Doyle  Mrs  Michael,  notions. 
Garden  it  Minor,  gen  store  and  drugs. 
Glassou  Mrs  Lavina,  restaurant. 
Goble  ifc  Cliesleitield,  s-aloon. 
Ilamlily  W'm,  hlack^mith. 
Iietii|>iiill  Uros,  Harness, 
llemiiliiil  .John  .1,  eariieater. 
nines  August,  blacksmith. 
HuDtincton  &  Trevarlhen,  lime. 
.Tones  D  ,T,  mason. 
Klatt  Itev  (Ijutheran). 
Klalt  T  W,  prin  of  school. 
Krascho  August,  shoemaker. 
LiUick  P  T,'  feed  mill. 
Luce  ]{  ]{,  prin  school. 
^^IcGuigen  F  &  Co,  saloon. 
Mappes  Charles,  propr  St  Charles  Hotel. 
JIappes  Louis  N.  ice. 
Mi<-li:iclis     Theodore,    Boots    and 

Morris  K  A,  physician. 
Noilolf  \Vm,  wac'onmaker. 
Olmstad  Nathan  T,  justice. 
I'elton  Chapin,  carpenter. 
Pritclmrd  &  Webster,  general  store. 
Kapp  George,  meals, 
itehmstedt  tlenry  F,  propr  U  S  Hotel. 
HlclianK-  Kichard.  mason. 
Ij.obbins  .Tames  C,  farm  impls. 
Ivolliiis  ,1ohn,  constable. 
St  Charles  Hotel,  C  .Mappes  propr. 
SiiiibrortU  I'eter,  (icnera!  Store. 
Simmons  Wm,  carpenter. 
Stein  Samuel  I.  general  store. 
Terrill  ,Tamea  R,  barber. 
Irevarthan  Kate,  dressmaker. 
Inited  Sta'es  Hotel, U  FKehmstedl  propr. 

Vail  Wm  B,  insurance. 
Webb  Frank  H,  blacksmith. 
'%Ve!(*icr  Mrs  S  S,  Milliner. 
Wickmann  E.  carpenter. 
Willey  Ivev  (.Methodist). 

BEIjOIT.  Is  built  on  both  banks  of 
Ruck  river,  which  is  spanned  by  three 
biidues,  from  wliicli  a  delightful  view  may 
be  obtained,  and  is  a  thriving  incorporated 
city  on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  P.y,  at  the 
crossing  of  the  C.  it  N.  W.  Ry,  in  Rock 
county,  81  miles  southwest  of  .Milwaukee, 
and  14  south  of  Janesville,  the  seat  of  jus- 
tice. The  excellent  water  power  here  ob- 
tainable has  been  one  of  the  main  factcjrs 
in  the  pros]ierity  of  the  city.  Beloit  now 
contains  a  wind-mill,  pump  and  tank  fac- 
tory, 3  wood  working  machine  f;>.ctories, 
a  clutch  pulley  numufact  iry,  the  Williams 
Engine  ^Vorks,  2  paper  mills,  the  Beloit 
Iron  "Works,  agricultural  implement 
vforks,  a  scale  factor^',  a  sash,  door  and 
blind  factory,  paint  and  carriage  shops, 
planing  and  tlouring  mills,  a  foundry  and 
machine  knife  factory,  a  piper  pail  fac- 
tory, glove  and  mitten  factory,  overall, 
shirt  and  pants  factories,  a  shoe  factory,  a 
number  of  cigar  factories,  etc.  The  pro- 
ducts of  the  above  form  the  principal 
shipments.  The  educational  facilities 
comiirise  Beloit  Colleg<^  covering  an  area 
of  "Si  acres,  wilh  s  buildincs,  including  a 
library  (l-'J.OOO  volumes)  and  a  gvni- 
nasium,  and  good  public  schools,  the  latter 
employing  30  teachers.  Eleven  churches 
minister  to  the  religious  want-i  of  the 
people;  they  represent  the  following  de- 
nominations: Ccuigrcgational,  EpisCo)ial, 
Melhoiiist  Episcopal,^  Baptist,  Christian, 
Catholic,  Presbyterian,  German  and  Nor- 
\ve^;ian  Lutheran,  and  German  Presby- 
terian. Two  newspapers,  the  l^rc:  I'l-esm 
(daily  and  weekly),  and  the  Cilizeii  (daily 
and  weekly),  are  [lublished.  Tlie  city  ;s, 
lighted  by  electricity  and  gas,  has  an  ex- 
cellent system  of  water  works  and  an 
ellicient  fire  department,  3  banks.  2  L'-'iod 
hotels,  an  ojicra  house,  and  seviTal  smaller 
balls.  Bonded  debt,  .■^.'iG.UOO.  assessed 
valuation  of  real  and  personal  propertv, 
^2.000,001).  Exp.,  Am.  and  U.  S.  Tele- 
phone Exchange.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Popula- 
ti(.>u,  7,000.     Cham.  IngersoU,  postmaster. 

Abbott  ,1  AV  &  W  H  (.Tames  W  and  Wm 

H).  dry  goods. 
Abraham  lOmanuel,  barber. 
Ackley  (Jeorge  F,  marble  works. 
.Vddler  iV-  Co,   dry  goods. 

IIIIOIS  CEilTFulL  1 1 1 

to  all   POINTS  in  !l 

umu  mi 

Cydahy  Brcthek'Sy^Hams,  Shoulders,  Bacon, 

inil.WAl  KEE,  WISCONSIN.      \  Pork,    Lard,    Beef,   Sausage,    Etc.,  Et-, 

ferj  166 







©  h 



Allen  ifc  McEvo_v  iW  Ilenrv  Allen,  Joseph 

C  McEvoyi,  muchiDists. 
.America  Heating  Co  (capital,    $300,000), 

George  A  Houston  pres,  Fred  K  Hous- 
ton sec  and  treas. 
Amcricfin  Hotel,  A  L  TTood  propr. 
Anderson  George  H,  agt  Am  Exp  Co. 
^Appleby  George,  barber. 
'Appleby  &  Hawkins  (\Vm    U    Appleby, 

Patrick  ,J  Hawkins),  barbers. 
Austin  "\V  L,  city  treasurer. 
Axtell  W  S,  supt  public  schools. 
Ayer  Robert,  electrician. 
Babbitt  Clinton,  lire  stock. 
Bailey  Thomas  B,  grain. 
Baker  David, mngr  Minnesota  Lumber  Co. 
Ball  tt  Goss  (Win  T  Ball,  Arthur  F  Go^s), 

farm  implements. 
Harlow  &  Co  (F.d-wnrd  B  and   Harry 

Barlow),    Proprs  Eureka  Laundry,  43-1 

Barrett  S  E  Mnfg  Co.   Samuel   E  Barrett 

prts,  building  paper. 
Katt's  J    W,"  Altorney-at  Law,    330    E 

Baumes  Wm  H.  dry  goods. 
IJell  Samuel,  phy.-^ician. 
ISeloll  Brewery,   Mrs  Augu.4ina  Schleuk 

I'eloil  Carpet  Co,  .7  JI  Carpenter  mngr. 
Beloit  City  Band,  Frank  Collar  director. 
Beloit  Coilece,  Edward  D  Eaton. D  D,  L  L 

D,  pres,  Kev  Henry  P  Higley,  D  D,  sec. 
Beloit   Co-operative    Loan    and    Building 

Assn.  Edgar  S  Greene  sec. 
Beloit  Electric  Light  and  Power  Co,  "W  A 

Ivnapp  pres,  W  O  Patterson  mugr. 
Beloit  Free  I'ress.  Ch.nm  lugersoll  propr. 
Beloit  Improvement  Co  (oapitnl,  ;j;lO,000), 

J  P.  IVrlpres,  W  H  Wlieeler  sec. 
Beloit    Iron   Works  iratMial.   .■^■•Ci)  000),    A 

Aldrich  pres.  K  J  Burd-e  see, 
]!eloit  Paper    Woik-,   C    A    Hathbuu 

sec  and  sec. 
ri<'loil    ^aviii:;*  Uank,   IJ  J  Dowd 

Pie-.  .1  A    Iloiiiu'^  N-c  and  Treas:  The  Ucul  Savings  Bank  in  the  State. 
Beloit  Straw  Hoard  Co  (capital,   !<00.000). 

Samuel  E  Barrett  pres,  Elmore  .1  Adams 

Beloit  Gas  Light  and  Coke  Co,  Thomas  C 

Hopper  pres,  Joseph    Ilindley  sec  and 

Beloit  Swing  Saw   and   Posettc   Machine 

Co,  Thomas  Piirves  pres.  l]Lipmansec.  Water  Works    fcapit'il,  iOO.OOO),  J 

B  Peet  pres,  C;  B  Salmon  sec. 
liennett  Lewis  F.  phvsieian, 
Berlin  ?ilacliine  AVcrks  (capital,  iflOO.OOOi, 

Porter  B  \ales  pre*,  .io-eph    Yates  see. 


Beslcy  C  H  ct  Co  ^Charles  U  Besley,  F  \ 
Gardner),  machinists. 

Bestor  Kev  O  P  (Baptist). 

Bisshopp  Harrv  E.  llmr  mill. 

Bittel  Mrs  Adam,  blacksmith. 

Blazer  "Wm,  meat  market. 

Blodgett  Wm,  flour  mill. 

Bois  A  Frank,  tailor. 

Bort,  Bade  V  &  Co  I  Albert  X  P.ort,  Fred 
erick  J  Bailey,  "Wm  H  Greeuman\  dry 

Bowling  J  Henry,  barber. 

Bradley  L  B  &  Son  (Lent  B  and  James  A) 

Branigan  Thomas,  hotel. 

Bredeson  Halvor,  shoemaker. 

Brown  Kobcvt  11.  constable. 

Brown  Wallace  C.  propr  Citizen. 

Buckeridge  A  L  it   Co   (Alfred   L 
eridge),  meat  market, 

Buckeridge  Edwin  K,  meat  market. 

Buckeridge  Isaac,  physician. 

Buckley  Cornelius,  lawyer. 

Bullock  Albert  W,  crocer. 

Bullock  C  II.  city  assessor. 

Burdge  llichard  J,  lawyer. 

Burger  Edward  W.  lueat  market. 

Burger  John,  meat  market. 

Burpee  Charles  L,  photographer. 

Cadman  Isaac  P,  modelmaker. 

Cahn  Abraham  M,  notions. 

Calvert  Wm  II.  hardware. 

Campbell  Mrs  Ellen  .1.  hair  goods. 

Cannon  Carl  W,  barber. 

Carpenter  iNathan  A.   restaurant. 

Carr  Mrs  Julia  E.  milliner. 

Central  House.  C  F  Jackson  propr. 

Chamberlin   I  F.  ice  dealer. 

Citizen  Piibli'liii!;:  Co  Tlio,  O  H 
Orton  Pre.?.  F  F  lyivermore  S.c  anil 
Treas,  C  B  Mead  Mngr,  PublrsTlic  Cit- 

Clark  &  Howard  (James  Clark,  Anthony 
HounrdV  saloon. 

Clarke  Elijah  X.  dentist. 

Clarke  George  II.  dry  roods.  1^ 

Clifford  Harvey  S.  seeds. 

t'oatrs  ^tcaiii  l^miiuirj'.John  Coates 
Propr;  a  First  Cla^s  Bith  iioom  is  Con- 
nected with  the  Laundry. 

Cohn  Abraham,  notions. 

Coiei  Hodman  (Wm  A  Cole.  Phineas  C 
Rodman),  barbers. 

Colehour  Frank  E,  photographer. 

Colwell  Charles  A,  carpenter. 

Conner  James  B.  restaurant. 

Conzet  Rev  Jacob  (Presbyterian). 

Corcoran  Timothy  D.  act  Adams  E.vp  Co. 

Cormauy  John  H.  blacksmilli. 

Cornelius  Mrs  O  .\.  restaurant. 

Chicago  &  Grand  Trun!:  P.j, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 




Steam,  Ilydraiilic  and  Han«l-l»o\vor 
and  l"rii;;i)l  KLSCVATOIIS,  \VareIioii»-e 
ICto.     C.I2-0U  Comrneroe  Street,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 





Cowles  it   Meaoham   (\S'atson   L  Cowles, 

Milts  S  Jleacham)   grocers. 
Crahen  Patrick  H,  cigar  mnfr. 
Cram  George  H,  boots  antl  shoes. 
Croft  James,  act  C.  M  ifc  St  P  lly. 
Cunningham  I'emard,  carpenter. 
CuuniDfrbatii  Bros  (Lawrence  E  aniljohn), 

Daljlberc  Edwin  T,  jeweler. 
Daniels  Sisters   (Amantia  I  and  Mary 

E),    Milliners    and     Dressmakers,      4'40 

School.     (See  ndt.  IduiD  ) 
Darling  Austin  L,  slioemaker. 
Day  &  Andrews  (Edward   A   Day,   Fred- 
erick Andrews),  confectioners. 
Do  Groll  Lorenzo,  Hour  and  feed. 
Dow  Joel  P>,  lawyer  and  insurance. 
Dowd  I'ex  J,  machine  knife  riuifr. 
Dudley  Misses  (Adeiia  and  Flora),  llorisls. 
Dulhanty  Timothy,  restaurant. 
Dunn  "\Vm,  tailor. 
Eclipse     tiutoli     Works,      W    II 

Wlieeler   Pres,    (J  1-^,    \Vhee)er    Sec    and 

Treas,  Mnfrs  of  Friction  Clutch  Pulleys, 

Eclipse  Wind  Engiuc  Co,  Charles  II  Morse 

prcs,  George  W  Sparks  sec. 
Enaerson  Charle.s  A,  drUL'gist. 
English  Wm,  const  able 
£rraiilM-ii<-U  I' J,  .Mnrr  Grand  Hotel, 

opposite  C  .M  A:  St  P 
Esplin  Mrs  .Mary  A,  milliner. 
r.urfliii     B.,:tiiii<lr}',     liarlow    ik    Co 

Proprs,  431  School. 
Evans  Kvan  J,  grocer. 

Eveiett  Frank  C,  photographer. 

Everett  Mrs  Mary,  hair  goods. 

Fallon  Frank,  saloon. 

Farr  L  U,  physician. 

Fera  Sisters  (Amanda  and  Ida  M).  milli- 

Fischer  Louis,  merchant  tailor. 

Fitzgerald  AVm,  stone  mason. 

Fitzgibbons  Thomas,  saloon. 

Flint  Charles  H,  cooper. 

Floker  John  C.  barber  and  b.aths. 

P'lorey  Sylvester,  cigur  mnfr. 

Fluekiger  Edward  D,  grocer. 

Fluekiger  Ernest  J.   boots  and  shoes. 

Fluker  John  C,  barber. 

Foss  John  F,  carriageinaker. 

Foster  Frank  S,  drupirist. 

Foster  JIoliii  A:  Co  (John  Foster,  Wm 
D  Hall),  JInfrs  of  the  Finest  Shoes  in 
the  World. 

Foster  Joseph  B,  jeweler. 

Foster  Wm  A,  iia|icr  Ijo.x  mnfr. 

Frederick  A;  Beach  (George  Frederick,  Wm 
H  Beach),  hardware. 

Gammon  Edward  M,  symphony  orchestra. 

Gammon  iV;  Peynolds  (Edward  JI  Gam- 
mon, A  E  Ueyiiolds).  painters. 

Gardner  Frederick  N.  supt  Charles  H 
Besley  it  Co. 

Gardner  Is.aac,  v.-<i<.l  ^nd  produce. 

Garlick  George  L,  n  slatirniit. 

Garrlgan  Dennis,  boots  and  shoes. 

Gaston  N  B  it  Son  (Xathau  B  and  Augus- 
tine J),  scale  mnfrs. 

The  Goodwi 

HARRY  M.  HAYS,         -         Proprietor. 



Fine  Large  Sample  Rooms.     All  Modern  Improvements. 


Hats  and  Bonnets  Made  to  Order.    All  the  Latust  Novelties  on  tand. 

P^*,p*.%9  P"  ■  JO,  12    niid    11    Fourth  St.,  Fond  dii,  \V\h. 

Obfe.  S  rE? 5*5 Carriages, Hacks, 'Busses and SleiShsforSale Cheap 

CfJ^'^^n^     Fd    ■^'^T^^'^rrririnfl  .?/.  f,n     Manufacturers, 





Gcslcy  33aiiiifjit!ijri!is  t'o,  Torris 

Gesley  Prts,  Charles  O  Millett   Sec  anil 

Treas,    Agricultural  Implement  llnfrs, 

217  WBriilLje. 
Goodall  Ira  E,  notary  public. 
Goodall  Miss  Luella  F,  artist. 
Goodwin  Opera  House,  R  II  Yi'ilson  mnsr. 
Goodwill  Tlie,  H  M  Hays  Propr.    (Sje 

adv,  p  167.) 
Gordon  Jolin  B,  hardware. 
Gordon   A   HcJioiiiicy  (Charles  E 

Gordon,  George  II  .'>UKeDneyi,  Pianos, 

Organs,  Sewing  ilucUines,  Tuning,  etc, 

431  School. 
Gowing  AV'ni  H,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Graves  Oscar,  secondhand  ijooJs. 
Gray  Jliss  Carrie  E,  priu  public  schools. 
Green  Isaac,  tailor, 
Greene  Charles  C,  grocer. 
Greenwood  .John  T,  washing  machines. 
Greenwood  &  Martin  (.lolm  T  Grijeuwood, 

John  Martin),  paint  mufrs. 
Gregory  Cnrr.ill  S,  plumb-T. 
GrovclfOii  SI  V  iV  Son  (IlowlandV 

and   George   M),  Wholesale   and   Retail 

Paper,  lU  State. 
Guernsey  Lucius  T,  printer. 
GiliMlllow   Clsarlos    A,    Livery   and 

Dealer  in  all  Kinds  of  Farm  ilachinery, 

W  Bridge  opp  N  W  Uepot. 
Halliday  Andrew  .1,  dairy. 
Halls  John  l-",  grocer. 
Hamlin  Rev  Cyrus  (Congregational). 
Hamlin  Mrs  Cyrus,  rausic  teacher. 
Hamlin   &   Race   (\Vm    Hamlin,  Frank  E 

Race),  jewelers. 
Hansel!  John,  dairy. 
Hansen  C  &  Sons  (Charles,  Edward  F  and 

\Vm  O),  plow  niufis. 
Hansen  Eiiward,  city  clerk. 
Haskell  Mrs  A  .X,  dressmaker. 
Hausi^r  .Ifihn,  grocer. 
Haynes  Mi'.a.Iulia  A.  milliner. 
IIa}>  Slurry  SS,  Propr  The  Goodwin. 

{,See  a,lo,  ;>  li>7  i 
Helm  Bros  (Arthur  C  and  Ernest),  phys. 
Higley  Rev  Henry  P  lC(Uiirrt!.'Htionali. 
Hiil   &   Fuller   (.Joseph    II    Hill,  James  O 

Fuller),  merchant  tailors. 
Holcomb  Urns  tt  Co  (Cliironl  A  and  Wm 

H  Ilolc(imb),  plumbers  and  pumps. 
Holloway    M   A   ifc   Son ',.Mira  A  and  Ed- 

waid),  SLCondhanil  go.-„!s. 
Holmes  John  A,  sec  and  treas  Beloit  Sav- 
ings Bank. 
IloicI    <;r:itid,  Wiildo  A   Sou  Proprs; 

Sliictly  First  Cla^-s  [[..teh  R.-ites,  \-l  per 

Day.  opp  C,  .M  .'o  St  P  Drput, 
Houston  John  E,  furniture. 

Houston  Milling  Co,  Edward  P  Salmon 
pres,  Charles  B  Salmon  si-c,  flour  mill. 

Howell  Edgar  A,  agt  C  &  N  W  Ry. 

Hyde  L  Cct  Brittan  (Louis  C  Ilydc,  Wal- 
ter M  Brittan),  bankers. 

Ingersoll  Cham,  propr  Free  Press. 

Jackson  Alvin  S,  marble  works. 

Jackson  Charles  F,  propr  Central  House. 

Janvrin  Frederick  E,  ice  dealer. 

Johnson  Mrs  Caroline  W,  carpet  weaver. 

Johnson  Corrie  D,  saloon. 

Johnson  Henrj'  B,  physician. 

Johnson  Ole  J,  blacksmith. 

Johnson  Orlando  II,  live  stock. 

Johnson  Parsons,  justice. 

Johnson,  Smith  ic  Co  (J  T  Jnhnson,  Simon 
Smith,  Frank  Vallce),  paintei'S. 

Kehoe  Martin,  saloon. 

Kellogg  Wm  De  W.  lawyer. 

ricFUJaS!  C!iarle>i,  Justice  of  Peace 
and  Insurance  .Vgent. 

Kendal!  Luther  W,  photographer, 

Kenne}-  John  S,  carpenter. 

KetchuQi  I.S:-  Russell  (.M  C  Ketchum,  II 
Russell),  merchant  tailors. 

Key  Wm  II,  hardware  and  toliacco. 

Kinsley  Edwin,  carriagemaker. 

Kline  John,  saloon. 

Kline  Stephen,  saloon. 

Klingberg  Fritz  R,  borseslioer. 

Knapp  .Maurice  S,  glassware, 

Kosche  Rev  I)  (Lutheran). 

Kraiise  Karl  H,  music  teacher. 

Lnramy  Thomas  W.  live  stock. 

Lee  Mrs  Helen,   music  teaclier. 

Leeson  Thomas,  machinist. 

Leonard  H  .1  Mnfg  Co  (Horace  J  Leonard, 
Edward  J  Pierce),  glove  mnfrs. 

Lipmaii  Ernest,  dry  go(jd-i. 

IJverniorc  I"r:«iiU  1\  Sec  and  Treas 
The  Citizen  Publishing  Co. 

Loewi  A  &  Co  (Adol|)h  Loewi,  iloses 
Reitlei).  clothing. 

Longcrofl  Ivlward  G,  jeweler. 

Loomis  i;,iwaiil  A.  clothing. 

Love  .lohn  A,  assessor  4tli  ward. 

layman  Leroy  W,  dry  goods. 

McCoy  Harvey  E,  jeweler, 

McCrimmon  Wm  A,  carpenter. 

McDonald  Charles,  livery. 

.Alcdavock  Hugh,  grocer, 

McGinn  A:  Burns  (Thomas  McGinn,  John 
Burns),  saloon. 

McOuire  Bros  (Charles  and  Albert),  res- 

Mcintosh  J  Carey,  real  estate  and  ins. 

Magllton  Wm,  lilacksmilh. 

Malone  Booth  .M,  district  attorney, 

JIartin  John,  grocer. 

Martin  Josi^pb  A,  meat  market. 

North  Star  Iron  Works.  1  ( 'aparltr,  .".OO  Imnrtn-  Knclnccrs,  JU.-hinl»ts.  Kounde i«.  lioileriiiakerH. 
I'AUIMl  lH.MKAni  UlMi  <0.  .  31ill>triL-liti,  Sun  JliiniK.hiner)  ,  Mlnlnf -11.irl.ilif  r,  ,  (  orlKs  and  lllirli 
Ashland,    -     -    Wisconsin.  )  Speed  Lni^ii.eK,  Boilers,  PonerTranimiltlng  Machlnerj', etc.  Seep.  I> 


I  U'.i.ihj'ii  ^^\  i  L 


Are  indorRnl  and  reoommenried  by  the  hest  Medical  antliorities 

and  hy  thp  leadiiil  l'l)i-ic:ans  of  all  Sriiools  of  Jlodirine.    There 
ore  SO  UEirtK  IJAlilS  anyrfliere  than  at  JASt'iVlLLE,  ms. 





Martin  Zalmon,  grain. 

}ilaynard  Georce  B,  harnepsmaker. 

Mead  Charles  li,  mngr  Citizen  Publishing 

Meehan  it  Conlia  (John  Jleehan,  Thomas 
J  Conlin),  grocers. 

Jlellen  Willis  A,  physician. 

3Iendsen  Jamts  II,  caniauo  trimmer. 

Ulciizie  Silas  W,  City  Attorney  and 
Lawyer,  SOU  State. 

Jlerrill  Rev  Charles  D  (Presbyterian). 

Merrill  George  1!,  cniislabie. 

Jlerriman  Charles  \V,  physiciaa. 

]Merrimau  Chester  C,  tlenlibt. 

Mevers  J  A  \V,  dentist. 

Middlebror.k  &,  r>irnes  (George  H  :\IiJdle- 
brook.  Samuel  1)  Parnes),  stationers. 

Jlillen  Frank  L,  barber. 

Miller  C  &  Co  (Chauocey  and  Leonard  "W 
Miller,  Harry  A  Adunis,i,  grain  and  live 

Miller  David  P,  livery. 

^Minnesota  Lumber  (:o,  David  Baker  mngr. 

Moran  George  F,  saloon. 

Morning  Citizen,  \V  C  Brov.'n  editor  and 

Moses  Lansen,  blacksmith. 

JIungcr  (,'harles  W,  wagonmaker. 

Jlurray  .lames,  string  baud. 

Murry  Hugh,  feed  stable. 

^^ichols  .lohn,  boots  and  ihoes. 

Nielsen  Pros  idle  and  Eigil).  grocers. 

North  Charles  F,  city  marshal. 

Xortliron  i^  f>tc>(  (Thomas  P  North- 
rop, K  Byron  Estes),  Painters,  Paper- 
hangers  and  Decorators,  427  State. 

Nye  Frederick  T,  physician. 

Oliver  Charles,  cigar  mnfr. 

O'iliordan  J  &  Bro  (Jeremiah  and  Michael), 
dry  goods. 

Orton  Ollio  BS.  Attorneyat  Law: 
Loans.  Patents,  J'ensions,  Collections 
and  Notary  Public.  "."iT  Bridge. 

Peejl  I.V.  Keeier  (.loseph  B  Peel,  Chauncey 
Kceler).  lumhfr. 

Pentland  &  Harmon  'Henry  Penllaud, 
Wm  D  Hftimon),  grocL-rs. 

Perkins  James  L,  hardware. 

Pevrin  S  E,  bridge  builder. 

Perry  Frederick  C,  carpenter. 

Perry  Janies  A.  cooper. 

Pierce  Philip  ,M,  pianos  and  sew  macha. 

Pierron  Josei>h  J,  carpenter. 

Piersnn  Ambrose,  carriage  painter. 

Pollock  UH  .t  Co  (David  U  Pollock, 
Charles  M  Brown),  drugs. 

I  owers  Michael  J.  harness. 

1  owers  Thomas,  ins  and  restaurant. 

Piirves  Thoma?,  cigar  mnfr. 

<julna  Wm  H,  carpenter. 

Kandall  Wm  T  (agl).  paper  mill. 

Kau  Charles  F,  furniture. 

fiau  C  W  &  Co  (Charles  W  Ptau,  G  Jlilan 

Northrop),  furniture. 
Raubeulieimer  Louis,  boots  and  shoes. 
Ueed  Wm  A,  physician. 
Reese  August  F,  horseshoer. 
Reitler  JIatilda.  clothing. 
Keitler   M  &  Co   (.Moses  Reitler,  Adolph 

Loewi),  clothing. 
Reynolds  E  A,  constable. 
Higgs  George,  dyer, 
lliordan  Simon  T,  confectioner. 
Ritsher  John,  meat  market. 
Robinson  Bros  (Charles  R  and  Walter  L), 

transfer  line. 
Robinson  Charles  R.   saloon. 
Hock  I.'iver  Paper  Mills,  W  T  Randall  ngt. 
Rood  Mrs  Farmer,  artist. 
E&o<>eitiilit(t  ES  &  .Soii>  (Henry,  Louis 

and  Moses),  .Mufrs  of  the  Badger  State 

Overall,  Pants  and  Shirts. 
Rouse  &  Trostle  (Wm  C  Rouse,  Allen  S 

Troslle),  meat  market. 
Royce  Rev  Fayette  A  (Episcopal). 
Ryan  Michael  L,  restaurant. 
Ryback  &  AVest  (Oswald  Ryback,  Willard 

C  West),  merchant  tailors. 
Samp  Wm,  stone  quarry. 
Sanford  Lizzie  P.,  baker. 
Sanger  George  E,  grocer. 
Sargent  John  E,  musical  instruments. 
Sclilenk    Mrs    Augustina,     propr     Beloil 

Second  National  Bank   (capital,  :<;50.000). 

Albert  N  Borl   pres,    L  Ilolden  Parker 

Seeley  Miss  M  E.  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co. 
Sharp  Henry  M,  wagonmaker. 
Shea  Dennis  J,  merchant  tailor. 
Shervin  Rev  L  (Lulheran). 
Sliue  Ira  10.  barber. 
Shumaker  &  McCabe  (F  W  Shumaker,  W 

F   JlcCabe),  pubirs  Beloit    City    Direc- 
Shumaker  &  Middlebrook  (Frank  W  Shu- 
maker, George  II  Midiilebrook),  books. 
Smiley  Archibald  L,  laundry. 
Smith  C  A  &  Co  (Charles  A  Smith.  Sarah 

M  Strong),  druggists. 
Smith  Edward  J,  dental  goods. 
Smith  Edward  R,  druggist. 
Smith  Girdea  E,  gracer. 
Smith  O  P  &  Co  (Oliver  P  Smith,  .John  A 

Love),  grain. 
Snyder  Albert,  livery. 
Snyder  Bros  (Frank  and  Charles),  livery. 
Spawn  M  G,  R  II,  physician. 
Stevens  ^Vm  E,  architect 

CMcap,  Mili73u[;ee  &  St,  Paul  flj,  l":';;ri"lest and  ilorihwesi 

W!SGO:iS!?]  VEf!ET!":]  CL''!0  CO.,  ,  ,   ^IA^  op 

omce  A  Factory,  isiLako  St..  MiLwiiiiEE,  WIS.  latest  imiirovsii  vsnstian; 





Stevens  ifc  Hendricks  (Frank  C  Stevens, 
Wm  C  Ilcuiiricks),  harness. 

Stiles  &  Rogers  (Oliver  J  Sliles,  Louis  J 
Rogers),  crocers. 

Still  Charles  A,  stiitioner. 

Stone  Bros  (Wra  A  and  Ivlwin  C',    livery. 

Sumner  Eros  (0  E,-M  A  and  P  L},  jewelers. 

Swcnningson  Knute,  carpenter. 

Swennincfon  !Mrs  Knute,  carpel  weaver. 

Thomas  Rev  John  (Afiican  M  E). 

Thompson  Albert,   physician. 

Thompson  J  &.  Sons  (Limited), John 
Thompson  Rres,  Oscar  T  Thomp.son  Sec 
and  Treas,  Proprs  2S"orwenian  Plow 
Works;  Steel  Walking-  Plows,  Three 
"Wheel  Sulky  and  Gang  Plows,  Riding 
and  Walking  Cuitivntors.  Corn  Planters 
and  Harrows,  Tongiiekss  Cultivators. 

Todcl  Saimicl  J,  Attorney-at-Law, Sal- 
mon Block. 

Turner  R  Maurice,  mason. 

Union  Brass  Arcliitectural  Works  (capital, 
f  100,000),  AN  Bortpres,  W  G  Chand- 
ler sec. 

Valo  Ciiarlcs  J.,,  Baker  and  Confec- 
tioner, ;j^"3  Bridge. 

Voorliccs  JiiiJics  .B,  Carpenter  and 
Builder,  -1.31  State. 

Wiiltio  «.V  Son,  Proprs  Hotel  Grand, 
opp  C,  M  i  St  I'  D./pot. 

Ward  RevMiihael  ,J  ((Jatholic). 

AVarner  C  O  li  Son  (Corydou  O  and  Ar- 
thur P).  patternmakers. 

Waterman  Anson  .1,  insurance. 

AVatson  &  Andre  (Edward  S  Watson,  Al 
hrrt  AI  Andre),  hardware. 

AVells  Edward  H,  barb.-r. 

Wells  Mrs  Lettie  .1,  drc^imaker. 

Westgate  Forrest  E,  grocer. 
1  Wlicekr  It  A,   hi>rse-hoer. 

White  RevGiorL'c  W  iMcthndist). 

Wiekhtm  .larms  G.  lawver. 

WiilinniH  Ilii.iSno  %VorU*.  W  H 
Wheeler  Pres  ami  Mnt;r,  C  E  Wheeler 
Sec  and  Treas. 

Williams  Frank  H.  vrterinary  surgeon. 

AVilson  James,  surveyor, 

Wilson  Robert  IL  inner  opera  house. 

Winslow  it  Rosenbi-rg  0'''ari(s  1 1  "Wins- 
low,  Goorfc  tl  Rosenhi  r;;),    liardwiuc 

Wisconsin  Telephone  Co,  B  A  Oliver 

Wood  Albi(jn  L,  propr  American  Hotel. 

Wood  L  Belle,  music  teacher. 

Young  Men's  Christian  Assn  Library,  G 
1 1  Swasey  .sec. 

Ziegler  Sisters  (Carrie  and  Gussie),  mil- 

BEM.     A  postollice  in    Green   county, 
20  miles  iiorlhwe.'-t  of  .Monroe,  the    co\intv 

seat,  and  oi  from  New  Glarus,  the  nearc;r 
railroad  station.  Monroe  is  the  nearest 
banking  point.     Mail,  daily. 


Same  chai,ycd  to  l'ctk\ 

Baylield  county. 

BENTON.  A  village  on  the  C.  &  K. 
"W.  Ry,  in  La  Fayette  county,  20  miles 
soutliwest  of  Darlington,  the  county  seat. 
and  10  west  of  Shullsburgh,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Stases  daily  to  Shulls- 
burch.  New  I)i^'gins,  Etna  and  Lead  Mine. 
Pop'ulalion,  40O."  Tel-.  W.  U.  Exp.,  i\m. 
J.  Buchan,  pottmaslor. 

Aldersou  Joseph,  grocer,  boots  and   shoes 

Beck  John,  grain  and  justice. 

Blades  Alton,  barber. 

Brainbridge  Anthony,  meat  market. 

Huclinn  .5 osi'|»li.  General  Store. 

Buxton  James,  grocer. 

Calvert  Simon,  furniture. 

Conley  Owen,  hotel. 

Cottingham  Timothy,  Hour  mill. 

Davison  John,  cari)enlcr. 

Dent  Richard,  saloon. 

BJcnt  ilSiss  ESulti,  Milliner. 

Froggett  Ttiomas  J,  harness. 

Gelluig  John,  painter. 

Godfrey  .iotcph,  physician. 

Grey  Wra  S.  live  stock. 

Grotkin  Henry,  saloon. 

Hauley  Josepli,  mason. 

Kearns  Jaine^,  grocer. 

Leggctt  Mrs  J  E,  milliner. 

j^IfCarly  IJmiiol.  General  Store. 

JIcDevitt  Patrick  J,  justice. 

Metcalf  Francis,  meat  market. 

Metcalf  T  A.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 

Miller  Edward,  drugeisl. 

Munday  Jolm,  shoemaker. 

ATiirpliv  Maithew.  lawyer. 

Nails  W   M,  liardware. 

Nicholas  Mr^  Kdward,  milliner. 

IVtflioInx  .Onnn's.  General  Store. 

Piquett  Gusluv,  lilacksmith. 

Pi((uctt  Moses,  wag(mmaker. 

Savory  Charles,  wagonmaker. 

Temple  Joseph,  carjienter. 

Whaley  Fraid;,  saloon. 

Whaley  Patrick  H,  general  store. 

Wiseman  Christopher,  saloon. 

BERLIN.  A  prosperous  incorporateu 
city,  located  on  Fo.v  river  and  on  the  C, 
JL  ifc  St.  P.  Ry,  in  the  northeastern  por- 
tion of  Green  Lake  county,  !l(j  miles  north- 
west of  l\Iilwaukce,  10  north  of  Dartford. 
the  countv  seat,  and  22  so\ithwe~t  of  (     - 

Chicago  &  Gfand  True!;  Ey, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



\  Foil   Course  of   l.evfcons    in    I'LAIN    VICNUIANSUII'  clvcu  by  ITlail  for  ?10. 
Tenolicrs' CourNO,    /-.yc^      it  '       /^  -if  1  AMIS.  AND, 

$1.".       Addros  0  bulhvan  s  Commercial  Academy,      ^vi^.. 





kosh.  It  was  incorporated  as  a  city  in 
1857,  is  steadily  ircrciiiug  In  size  and  im- 
portance, and  cow  contains  a  boot  and  shoe 
factory,  saw  and  planing  mills,  a  Ijrewery, 
a  cigar  factory,  a  washboard  factory,  wiiip, 
plovc  and  mitten  factories,  machine  works, 
flouring  mills,  briclc  and  tile  woiks,  tan- 
neries, butter  tub  and  egg  case  factories, 
also  a  new  creamery  and  electric  light  and 
power  plant,  1  bank,  a  hand?onie,  com- 
modious and  well  appointed  opera  liou^e, 
telephone  exchange,  a  well  equipped  and 
■efficient  fire  department  ami  numerous 
large  and  well  stacked  special  and  general 
stores.  Its  religious  and  educational  facil- 
ities are  excellent,  its  schools  having  an 
enviable  reputation  throughout  the  btate. 
Valuable  granite  quarries  are  in  the  vicini- 
ty, yielding  durable  and  beautiful  rnalerial 
for  building  and  adding  considerably  to 
the  business  of  the  city.  Berlin  is  one  of 
the  principal  cranberry  shipping  points  in 
Wisconsin,  great  attention  lieing  paid  to 
the  culture  of  this  much-sought-for  fruit. 
The  press  is  represented  bj'  the  O-urii.ul, 
Journal  and  the  l>tii}'i/titt/i's  E.rrhuniie. 
During  the  season  of  navigation  steamers 
make  daily  trips  to  Oshkosh;  and  stages 
run  to  AVautoma.  Pine  Itiver.  (), 
riaiii(ield  and  \VHnpHCft.   Kxp.,  Am.   'IVl., 

W.  U.     Population,  4,100.     A.L.Tucker. 


Andre  John,  furniture. 

Aplin  Frank,  nurseryman. 

Basselt  Edward,  tinsmith. 

Bassett  Seth  0,  fur  coat  mnfr. 

Bassett  Thomas  S,  harcessmaker. 

Belcher  Huston,  well  borer. 
I    Bellis  House,  Hathaway  v.V-  Bellis  proprs. 
i   Berlin   Business   Men's   Association,  A  L 
I        Buell  treas. 
;   IScrliu  Coiiraiit    (Weekly),    Louis   E 

Uuvis  Etlitor  and  Prupr. 
I   Berlin  Creamery  Co,  C  S  Jlorris  pres.  FH 
[        Tucker  sec. 

■    Berlin  Granite  ('",  Wni  Bannerman  supt. 
i    Berlin  .lournal,  Chnrles  G  Slarks  propr. 

Berlin  Light   and    Power  Co,  Hiram  Sted- 
I       man  pres,  John  ,T  Wood  sec. 
'   Berlin  Telephone    Exehjnt;e,  G  P  Charles 

Berlin    Whip   Co    (.lonathan    N    Morri,-, 
I        Henry  D  Slaytou,  Ouane  Doty) 

Berlin   and    Moiitello    Granite   Co,    J    U 
SliPpard  pres,  C  B  Beach  sec. 

Bice  Asher,  carpenter. 

Bigeert  .lames  A,  justice. 

Boellge  (.:harles  M,  liaker. 

Butz  Clemens,  meat  market. 


Practical  Horseshoer. 

WAG(tN;ilKl'AIUIN(i  .1M>  .I0I!1'.IN(;  OF  All,  Kl.MIS 




Machinist,  Gunsmith, 




(or.  Uroadway  ami  I'icrec  sis., 

lUIIOiS  CEIiTliilL  B,  I 

to  all  POINTS  In  iU 

lIliEEll  1011 

RLiEiois  mm.  I 

DIRECT  ROUTE  »inr)T!J[n'! 

I   ill  to  all  POINTS 







Bratscli  Aii^ii^l,  Hhicksiniih.  {See 
ads,  p  171.) 

Brockett  \V  E  &  Co  (Wm  E  Brockett), 
metallic  pnckiim'. 

Brouk  AntoQ.  ciocer. 

Browa  James  P  2s',  pumps. 

Browu  John  li,  (lru_u':iist. 

Brucs;;;er  Oei)rj;c  B,  Saloon  and 
Kestaufttiit;  Best  Brands  of  Wines, 
Liquors  and  Cigars  Alwaj'S  on  Hand. 
{Sec  adr,  opp.) 

Brummann  Arnold  H,  barber. 

Brzeski  Frank  ,J,  dry  goods. 

Buck  Charle.';,  cranhfrry  i;rovrer. 

Buell  Ardin  L,  merchant  tailor. 

Buhler  Edward,  breis'ers'  agent. 

Burns  Patrick,  liorseshoer. 

Campbell  R  0  it  Sou  fltjbert  Q  ami  Man- 
son  R),  marble  works. 

Carey  Bros  (James  and  Richard),  cran- 
berry grov.'crs. 

Carlej-'lliraiu,  cooper. 

Carter  J  U.  it  Son  (James  II  and  Frank  L), 

Chamberlain  Edgar  T,  proccr. 

Chase  John  S,  paiuts,  oils.  etc. 

Chase  Perley  G,  real  estate. 

City  Hotel,  J  A  JMaitland  propr. 

Clemens  Henry,  barijer. 

Clink  Jnhn  C,  meul  market. 

Collins  Hugh  J,  proiluce. 

Collins  Wm  W,  dry  goods. 

Coolcy  11  C  r<\  livcrv. 

-Curtis  Bros  CLucius  11  and  Elizur  E),  gro- 

D  ill  r  y  III  o  II 's  l^xcIssiiiEC  (Semi- 
IMontlily),  Louis  K  Davis  I'ropr  and 

Dallon  E  James,  household  goods. 

Davis  l.,oiiis  i;.  Editor  and  Propr  Ber- 
lin CoiirMcl.  and  Dairymen's  f.'xchanL'e. 

Decker  it  .Alacholl  (Gertrude  Decker.  Kath- 
erine  A  .Marholi).  milliners. 

Dcibler  N  it  Son  (Nuthaii  and  Edward  C), 
wagnn  iiinfrs. 

DiNoU'lt  Will  .\,  Slu'ct  Iron  Works. 
(fi.cadr.  ..pp.) 

Dtidsiin  llciijiniiii  F",  pbviician. 

Dod.'^on  Cbarli-s  .M.  dnig"i;ist. 

Dodson  M  Jluurnr,  jilivsieian. 

Dresser  Eros  (John  G  and  Thomas  F), 

Ellis  Samuel  J.  chief  of  police. 

Ellis  Samiif  1  J  jr,  constable 

Elmer  W  II.  cranlierry  grower. 

Engelbraclit  Fred  \v'.  saloon. 

Estabrofik  Arthur,  tailor. 

Fadncr  Henry.   pho^.^rupIuT. 

FeabelUorn  Ferdinand,  furniiure. 

Finch  Albert  H,  sewing  machine  repairs. 

Finger  Rev  A  C  (Lutheran). 

Ford  Alsworth,  clotlium. 

Friberth  Peter  D,  propr  Friberth  House. 

Gates  Georee  E,  musical  instruments. 

Gerlowski  Thomas,  saloon. 

Good  Templars'  Hall,  Reese  block. 

Graves  George  W.  agent  Am  E.\p  Co. 

Hamilton  Joseph  F,  general  store. 

Hamilton  Thomas  AV,  shoes. 

Hammond  it  Thiel  (Ilattie  Ilammoad, 
Gusta  Thiel),  dressmakers. 

Harmon  Louis  J,  clothing. 

Hathaway  it  Bellis  (Edward  Hathaway. 
Clyde  E  Bellis),  proprs  Belli'  Uouie. 

Ilawley  Myron  S,  photographer. 

lieauey  John  M.  jeweler. 

Ueazlit  James  F,  cranbL-rry  grower. 

Hicks  George  C,  printer. 

Hicks  Mrs  George  C,  stationer. 

Hintz  Pauline,  dressmaker. 

Hitchcock  James  F,  dentist. 

Hoinecki  Stanislaus  T,  saloon. 

Horton  Burl  W,  saloon. 

Jenkins  Isaac,  boots  and  shoes. 

Johnson  Christian,  grocer. 

Johnson  Nelson  S,  blacksmith. 

Johnson  Xiels,  machinist. 

Johnson  Win  II,  sewing  machines. 

Jones  John  W,  drayman. 

Jones  Wm  I,  confectioner. 

Kells  &  Culver  (Robert  Kells,  Wm  Cul- 
ver), saloon. 

Keunedy  David  A,  grocer. 

King  Wm  D,  meats. 

Kingsley  George,  boots  and  shoes. 

Kitowski  Edward  J.  merchant  tailor. 

Kleiber  Rev  G  (.Methodist). 

Klein  it  Schneider  (Albert  Klein,  Jacob 
Schneider),  meals. 

Knutson  Christie,  waL'ons. 

Koch  it  Groffman  (Julius  F  Koch,  Wm 
Groffman),  dry  L'oods. 

Koshnick  Joseph  F,  grocer. 

Lannen  .Miss  C^laia  L,  drL-ssmaker. 

Lesher  Mrs  Julia  S,  dressmaker. 

Lewis  Joseph  H,  carpenter. 

Library  Opera  House,  C  M  Dodson  uiu^r. 

Longcroft  Edward  G,  jeweler. 

Lounsbiir}'  George  W,  harness. 

Luka.'zewicz  it  Somionka  (F  A  Lukasze- 
wicz,  Adam  Somionka)    saloon. 

I..iitiiCM'  IIenr.v,.\Iufr  Washboards,  Egs 
Cases,  Butter  Tubs,  Cot  Beds,  Camp 
Stools  and  Work  Tables. 

Luther  J  P  &  Co  (Jn-^tus  P  Luther,  Flet- 
cher B  Ta'lcott),  glove  mnfr<i. 

JlcCh'llan  John,  cider  mid,  o  miles  s  e. 

McCulloni  Arcliiliald,  quarry. 

Melntyre  G  W  it  (."o  (tieorce  Wand  Mary 
J  Mclntyrn    srcneral  store. 

P.ip»fr-''^0  '^r'A  '^•-^t'r.ti'^o   Catalogues  fULiUS  AIMDRAE, 

yiOybiUO   UJ!il   OattJUJOl  Free.         j  o.,^  w.  Wator  Stre.t.HIL-.V.U'KI.E. 

Learn  Shorthand  and  f^rpon   Pay   RiipiiTaj^e   flnllPffP     ^ho  icaiiins  commemai 

_               ...              .     ,,  sqIColl     i,'uV     LLlolIioDo     UilMCSC,    Irniniiii.-   school   of   ^^  is- 

Typewriting     St     the  y      lonsin.      'j.  .\.  2KIU>N,  Presi.lent.-      E.  F.  (JII.MAL,  secretary. 

BER  AND    BUSINESS   DIRECTORY.             ]>ER                               173 






V""^-^   vvf  Extra    Hardy   Ap[ile,   Grape    Vines    and    Blight-Proof 

%()'''  Oriental  Pears  a  Specialty. 



H.  H.  OLSEN,  Proprietor. 

This  House  is  Convenient  to  Depot  snd  Goat  Landing. 

Rates,  $1.50  per  Day.  Special  Rates  by  the  Week. 

BE^^3L,II^^,  -  -  ■v;7-x3aox^si2^T. 


Tin  Joljliing,  Foriuice  Work,  3Iil!  Buckcis  acd  lilevalor  Work. 

All  kinds  of  Repairing  Done  on  Short  Notice.  CORNICE  WORK  A  SPECIALTY. 

WKttl.B\,  .  -  -  UlSCOXfiJ.V. 



WINES,  LlfllOliS  .4ND  CKi.UiS.  4|r 

Tho  finest  .utnck  of  'MVet  (Joods"   in  Ihn  .''  I  ' 

City.    Mixed  Uiinks  All, 1  LV.L-ki.uls  ^ — '' 

a  specialty.  Travehn^MiMi  a  1. 

patrouage  soiicict'il.  \^^ 

KKUHX,     -      U'ISC'OXSIX. 


"7,       r)V'' 



Cliicajo  &  Grand  Iniiii(  Ey, 

Hu   The  Favorito  Route  East 



outranks  them  all.  ItlstheGren? 
Business   University   of  America. 

•^  174 







McKinuey  Thomas,  carriaee  painter. 
MrLuughliu  ilrs  J  E,  milliner. 
.Maiiland  .JoLin  A,  propr  City  Hotel. 
Maaoaic  Hall,  Masonic  bik. 
.Mertz  Albert  C,  barber. 
Jktzig  Gu&tav,  horscshoer. 
Miner  Horace,  books. 
.\Iinsky  August  G,  grocer. 
Mi.x  Mile?,  phvsiciao,  3  miles  s. 
'.Montague  J  Edward,  agt  C,  M  &  St  P  Ry. 
Morman  Henry,  insurduce  and  justice. 
Jlorris  Cbailea  S,  Hour  and  feed. 
Morton  George  '\V,  oaloon. 
Moulton  IForace  C.  loan  broker. 
Mowe  .Iiilin  S,  dentist. 
;iaiir[>JiV  Ji'oIbii  S'],   Mnfr    White   xVsh 

Ibitter  Tui)S  an<l  Cheese  ]!o.\es. 
.'Murray  James,  ph;>  sici;tn. 
Nichols  James  L),  jiainter. 
Ni^keru  Perry,  lawyer. 
O'Brien  James,  .saloon. 
Odd  Fellows'  Hall,  Keese  blk. 
O:;ilvio  ^V  n,  yet  surgeon. 
<l>l>ieii  B5<Miry  SI,  Propr  The  Western. 

{&'en(l>:  p  17J.) 
Owens  it  Owens  (Wra  and  George), livery. 
Palmeter,  Fitch  &  Co  (James  H  Palmeter, 

George  Fitch,  F  W   fcjtanlcy),  cranberry 
'     f;  rowers. 

I'cik  Covell  A.  hardware. 
Prtruschke  Ernst  F,  laundry. 
E'liflps     Oeorgc     S>,     Propr     Phelps 

K'lit'lps     House,     George     S     Phelps 

Pipher  .Mrs  i\[ary  J,  milliner. 
P:|iher  Wilson,  restaurant. 
Poller  >t  Potter  (Robert,  LD  and  Sherman 

G),  lawyers. 
Putnam  Shoe  Co  (eaiiital.  .'?.">0,00n),H(,raco 

Putnam  prcs,  'W'inlji.-ld  .S  Putnam  sec. 
Ranous  Wm  (J,  mugr  W  U  Tel  Co. 
Reese  Jteese  T,  grocer. 
Rist  Lester  F,  blacksmith. 
Rogers  Asa,  carp. enter. 
Rose  Allmon  E,  jeweler. 
Rowlatul  Milton  1!,  carpenier. 
Ku-^sell  Bros  ifc  Co  (Frank  H,  Wm  C  and 

Charles  11  Hiissell),  grocers. 
Ryan  Ri:v  Timothy  (Catliolicl. 
Siickel  George  B,  rranberry  grower. 
Saeket  Holiart  S,  hardware. 
Saeket  &  Fiteh  /capital,  ,-;;2.j,0OO),  George 

B  Saeket,  George  Fitch),  bankers. 
Sall'orti  .Mahlou,  produce. 
Salate  Michael,  boots  and  shoes, 
Schaefer  &  Styer  (Joseph  C  Schaefer,  Cal- 
vin W  Slyer),  cigar  mnfra. 
ScheniansUi  John,  boots  and  shoes. 
Schmidt  Edward,  horseshoer. 

Schmidt  Gustav,  grocer. 

Schumekosky  John  ]M,  grocer. 

Schunk  Louis,  brewer. 

Sears  Henry  D,  tanner. 

Shaw  George  E.  boots  and  shoes. 

Shepherd  Oramet,  painter. 

Slater  John  W,  druggist. 

Slayton  Hiram  R,  grocer. 

Smith  James  W,  produce. 

Smith  Richard,  hog  breeder. 

Starks  Oiarles  G,  propr  Journal. 

Stedman  Hiram,  lumber  and  coal. 

Stedman  IloUis,  live  stocl;. 

Steele  Joseph  D,  baker. 

Stewart  Frederick,  city  treasurer. 

Stewart  ^Vm,  real  estate. 

Stubbe  Gustave  A,  grocer. 

Swelling  Frederick  P,  boots  and  shoes. 

Swelling  J  Volney,  lawyer. 

Taiiiit-r  &  Lewis  (Xathano  R  Tan- 
ner, James  A  Lewis),  Nurserymen. 
(&e  adv,  p  ITS  ) 

Taylor  Carlo  R,  undertaker. 

Temme  Herman  W,  harness. 

Thomas  G  L  &  T)  W  (German  L  and 
Davenport  W)   grocers. 

Thomas  Harvey  J3,  live  stock  breeder. 

Tomclty  Wm,  agt  Singer  JInfg  Co. 

Truesdell  Uarry'C,  merchant  tailor. 

Tucker  AlfixMl  S.,,  Postmaster  and 

Tucker  F  H  &  Co  (Frank  H  Tucker, 
.Vbiram  Sliipman),  furniture. 

Turner  Jospph  11.  iusuianee. 

\Valbridge  Joljii  S,  physieian. 

Walcott  b'rank  15,  photographer. 

Walker  ?>nst  J,  phv.sician. 

Walter  Sihis  W,  bla'ck.smilh. 

Waruke  Charles,  carpenter. 

Watson  James  C,  drayman. 

AYataon  yivs  J  0,  dressmuker. 

Wawrzynii'k  Andrew,  blacksmith. 

Weber  Bros  (David  and  Gu.^tavi,  dry  gds. 

Welleusgard  Christian  C.  farm  impts; 

Weslcrn  Tlie,  H  H  Ol.sen  Proi)r.  (&f 
ado,  p  i:j.) 

Wilkes  Freud  O.  paper  hanger. 

Williams  John  J,  live  stock  breeders. 

Williams  Wm  D,  cranberry  grower. 

Will's  Cliarles  JI,  physician. 

Wilson  Lewis.  Pictures  and  Frames, 
Sporting  Goods,  Gunsmith  and  Machin- 
ist.    (.SVt-  ,idi\  p  171.) 

Wooil  Charles  S.  fruit  grower. 

Wood  Frank,  painler. 

Wood  .Soliii  .t  .Ji',  Attorney  al-Law; 
Collections  I'romptiv  Attended  to. 

Wood  T  W  &  Son  (Thomas  W  and  Bert- 
ina),  grocers, 

Woodworth  Warren  W,  saloon. 

ILLIilOIS  CEilTBIL  R,  1 1 

to  ail  POINTS  in  \i\ 

mim  101. 

Chicap  &  Grand  ]mi  Rj, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 






W'ojk  Dixon,  cranberry  grower. 

^VriiJbt  Stillmau   it  Co  (,?t;ilmaa  Wriijhl), 

dour  mill. 
Ziemer  August,  lumber. 
;C;emer  A  &  Co  (August  Ziemer),  shoes. 

BERNHAED.  Oq  the  C.  &  X.  W. 
Ry  (Hclenville  ttalioni,  in  Jcfierson  C'jUd- 
ty,  6  miles  from  Jeffurson,  the  judicial 
"^eat  aud  banking  point.  Population,  150. 
Zxp.,  Am.  Tel.,  ^\.  U.  J.  L.  Keller, 

Kollor  .1  B/,  Geo  Store  and  Creamery. 

Keller  Paul  G  ^V,  news  aijeut. 

Lylle  Janu-.s,  grain. 

.liaple  Grove  C'rcaiiierj",  J  L  Kelkr 

Reul  A,  lumber. 
Pieul  Henry  (agl),  ngrl  impts. 
Schneider  L  F,  poultry  aud  stock. 

BERnYVILLE.  A  posloCice  in 
Kenosha  county,  on  the  C.  cV  is.  W.  I!y, 
.")}  mile.s  north  of  Kcnnsh.i.  the  judicial 
seat.  Mail,  daily.  !Minnie  E.  Peck,  post- 

PccU  ^litiiiit'  81,  Grocer. 
Tliet'kler  »•'  W,  A-ent  C  &  N  W  Ry. 

BESSEMER.     Sauk    county.     Kame 
changed  to  JS'orlh  Freeduta. 

BIG  BEND.     A  country  postoffice  on 
Little  Fox  river,  in  Waukeska  county,  10 
miles  southeast  of  "Waukesha,  the  countv 
seat,  nearest  railroad   station  and  banking 
roint.      Pu|iulatiou,    SO.     Mail,    dally.     I 
ilcKenna,  jiostmaster. 
Radie  Wra,  carpenter. 
Clianiherlain  G  1,  Iniilder. 
Clark  .J  A,  live  slock. 
Ciark  \\m  I!,  live  stock. 
Uii^l*  iV  ^tnitli.  Creamery. 
GrilHD  I)dniel  A  Smi,  saw  and  feed  mill. 
(iro«<;  Fred,  live  :  lock. 
rtlcKoniiit  Bsuju',  General  Store. 
I'eBcock  P.enjaniii),  blacksmith, 
^niilh  D  K,  justice  and  notary. 
Sir.ith  James,  blacksmith. 
1  bomas  Daniel,  wheelwright. 

.,  BIG  P.A.LLS.  In  Waupaca  county, 
j-i  niilcs  from  V/aupaca,  the  judicial  .seat, 
V  fr'im  Marion,  the  nearest  shipping  point. 
^»d  1(J  from  Cliulonvillc,  the  nearelt  bank 
locution.  Population,  25.  .Mail,  .semi- 
Weekly.  George  H.  Fox,  postmaster. 
^VliUootsjh  vV  Tox,  Saw  .Mill. 

BIG  FLATS.  A  pnstoilice  in  Adams 
County,  11  miles  north  of  Frienilship,  the 
county  scat,  and  16  northeast  oi  Xecedali, 
the  nearest  railroad  station.  Piainiield  is 
the  nearest  banking  point.  Stages  semi- 
weekly  to  Friend'hip.  Population,  15. 
Mail,  semi-weekly. 

BIG  PATCH.     A  postotSce  in  Grant 
county,  iO  miles  southeast  of   Lancaster, 
the  county  seat,  aud  5  south  of  Platteville, 
the  nearest   railroad  station   and  banking 
point.     Stages  daily  to  Platteville  and  Du- 
buque.    Population.  50.     Mail,  daily.    D. 
Wilkinson,  postmaster. 
Cabiness  G  E,  carpenter. 
Fox  Goorije,  Rlacksmith. 
Harper  John  T,  justice. 
Jones  John  L,  carpenter. 
Kopp  Christopher,  wagonmakcr. 
Kopp  John,  blacksmith. 
Rawson  Jones,  live  stock. 
■\ViIUiii>><»ii  O  &.   Co,  General    Store 

and  Flour  3Iiil. 

BIG  RIVER.  A  postoffice  on  river 
of  same  name,  in  Pierce  count}",  10  miles 
west  of  Ellsworth,  the  county  seat,  aud  9 
south  of  River  Falls,  the  nearest  railroad 
station  and  banking  point.  Tri-weckly 
stages  to  Ellsworth  and  Prcscott.  Popu- 
lation, 25.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  JohuGillig, 

xVinsworth  F  P,  railroad,  exp  aud  tel  agt. 
Armbnister  Joseph,  barber, 
j'.rackiu  Aaron,  justice. 
Frey  John,  carpenter. 
(•illi;;  Jloliii,  General  Store. 
Jones  C,  grist  mill. 
Kusilck  E,  shoemaker. 
Hock  Michael,  carpenter. 

BIG  SPRING.     Also  known  as  New 
Haven,  is  a  villaL'e  in    Adams  county,  31 
miles  sfjuthcast  of  Friend>hip,  the  county 
seat,  and  U  north  of  Kilbourue  City,    the 
nearest  railroad  station  and  banking  point. 
I'opulation,  150.     Mail,  daily.     John  Rus- 
sell, postmaster. 
Campbell  George,  flour  mill. 
Chaiupliu  Rev  O  P  (Congregational). 
Hinds  P  J,  general  store. 
Kii:i(>foii  Joltii.  Wagonmaker. 
Mason  II  H.  justice. 
Phillips  C  n,  blacksmith. 
Pierce  E  S,  genera!  store. 
Pr.wcrs  O,   carpenti.'r. 
Iiii>«oil  John,  General  Store. 
Vdtt  Wm,  blacksmith. 
Ward  J  C,  thiur  mill. 

Chicago,  f/ii!My!(8e  &  St,  Paoi  Hj.ll'rWsst  and  i!oilh:;esi 


ILLIiiUiO    uLii  i  iiiiL  ill  111  to  all  POINTS 

in  nUililKitii  llll;/!, 





BIG  WAUSAUEEE.  On  the  M  & 
N.  n.  R.,  in  Marinette  county,  '.j1  miles 
nortliwest  of  Mariuctte,  the  location  of  the 
nearest  bank.  Population,  130.  Esp., 
Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  John  S.  Jlonroe,  post- 

Allen  Thomas,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Beach  &  Bishop,  lumber  innfrs. 
Bird  &  Wells,  lumber  mufrs. 
Boldt  Paul,  meat  market. 
Cady  G  E,  railroad  and  exp  iiijent. 
Cliriol  Oenry,  General  Store. 
Uelpha,]ohn,  saloon. 
Button  C  n,  real  estate. 
Fredenberg  Abe,  saloon. 
Gaein  Frank,  general  store. 
Hoff  John,  general  store. 
Lafaber  0,  carpenter. 
Lemere  A,  saloon. 
Jliller  John,  mason. 
Monroe    .SoIeii    S,     Blacksmith    and 

Cedar  Posts. 
Monroe  J  W,  justice  and  notary. 
Monroe  &  Merrill,  real  estate. 
National  Iron  Co,  charcoal  mnfrs. 
O'Neil  M  E,  hotel. 
Patient  N,  saloiju. 
Ploof  Thomas,  shoemaker. 
Tnbarden  .Irmnph,  shoemaUcr. 
\Viii;lit   tSron  &  tJo,  General  Store. 

BINGHAMTON".  On  Bull  Dog 
creek,  in  Outagamie  county,  14  miles 
north  of  Applelou,  the  county  seat,  an<l  -11 
soutlnvest  of  Black  Creek,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station.  Apiiletcm  is  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  100.  Jlail, 
semi-weekly.  M.  A.  Wickesberg,  post- 

Becker  Charles,  mason. 

Braincrd  C!  M,  insurance  and  justice. 

Eiclimau  Itcv  (^ 

llopUiiiM  V  \\,  Hotel. 

Huhu  Joseph,  carpenter. 

Manser  Henry,  shingle  mill. 

Reilz  Edward,  physician. 

Sipplcr  Jacob,  carpenter. 

Smolk  L  A,  live  stock. 

Slclller  0,  cheese  mnl'r. 

Strasbiirger  F  W  jr.  cheese  mnfr. 

'Wlclu.'.klu'i'i;  Julius,  General  Store. 

WisthotT  Fredeiick,  blacksmith. 

BIRCH,  (^n  Chippewa  river,  in  Chip- 
pewa county,  2.J  miles  north  of  (Jbippcwa 
Falls,  the  scat  of  justice,  and  It'  from 
Bloomer,  the  shipping  and  banking  point. 
Population,  lOO.  Mail,  semi-weekly. 
M.  Firth,  postmaster. 

Ctiicap  &  Gracd  ]mi  % 

Bell  .Tohn  D,  lo-ger. 
u^irUi  ^i5iifc'iiii«i.  Logger. 
Kelly  James,  hotel. 
King  Thomas,  lumber. 
Smith  Charles  L,  hotel. 
Stickney  L,  hotel. 

BIRWAMWOOD.  A  post  village  on 
the  il.,  L.  S.  it  W.  Kj'.  In  Shawano  county, 
•10  miles  northwest  of  Shawano,  thecountr 
seal,  and  10  south  of  Auligo,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population.  500.  Tel.. 
W.  U.  Exp.,  U.  S.  C.  U.  lleisner,  post- 

Asber  Louis,  carpenter. 

Brown  John,  saloon. 

Cady  B  A.  saloon. 

Cardinal  S  J,  physician. 

Cole  George  L,  lumber. 

Cole  iV  iJricr,  General  Store. 

Hedges  Isaac,  fruit  and  nuts. 

Hunter  Wra,  railroad,  e;.p  and  tel  agt. 

Jcwson  B,  hotel 

Petty  J  C,  pbysiriau. 

Pocpltc   i-t   'loisiier.  General   Store 

and  Saw  'S\i\\. 
Postler  John,  mason. 
Boberts  i;van,  blacksmith. 
Sprague  H  A.  mason. 
Stacy  W  H  &  Co,  saw  mill. 
Sloueman  George,  carpenter. 
Van    Uoreu    &   Andrews,    saw   mill   and 

Van  I'atlcn  S  .J,  Hotel. 
Young  Jacob,  carpenter, 
Zuehike  A  W,  shoemaker. 

BLACK  CREEK.  A  po.stofHce  on 
the  G,  B.,  W.  >t  St.  P.  H.  K.,  in  Outagamie 
county,  17  miles  north  of  Appleton,  the 
county  seat  and  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  -li»X  Tel.,  \V.  U.  ;Kxp.,  U.  S. 
H.  Peters,  postmaster. 

Burdick  A  E,  blacksmith. 

Corhill  Thomas,  raUroad  and  exp  agent. 

CoklesCail,  hotel. 

Ila;;eii  <'Iiarlrs,  Agricultural  Impts. 

Itugi.-n  Hernum.  Iilaeksmilh. 

Heinlz  J  1'.,  saloon. 

Herman  Henry,  saw  mill. 

Loope  ];  A.  physician. 

B^cltTS  51,  General  St^re  and  Grain. 

I'ribe  Julius,  wagonmaker. 

liietz  E,  iihysiciau. 

Weidorf  \Vm,  bl.i.'ksmith. 

Wilson  :?ili's  I.  it,  Flour  Mill. 

Zwerg   H,  Saluou. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



-        .JQQ     Pine   V,l,itii  _.     _     ... 

W  J  £GSw«^I  294  AVKST  WAXliK  ST.,  .~»Hl, WAliliEHi,  WIS 

E.  POLlf.lER  VliriE  CO., 





BLACK    CREEK   FALLS,     ilnra- 

tUon  county.     JS'iunr  cliarinr.d  to  Athcnx. 

BLACK  EARTH.  Dane  county. 
Fcir  descriptive  fkto:h  aiid  B'l-ii/ie/fS Dire'-lvn/ 
lie  names  received  too  late  for  ugular 
insertion,  pasel^l. 

BLACK  HAWK.  A  post  village  on 
Honey  creek,  in  Sauk  county,  25  niik'3 
fouthwest  of  Biiraboo,  the  county  seat, 
and  13  west  of  Sauk  City,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  banking  point.  Stages 
tri-weekly  to  Sauk  City ;  fare,  25  cents. 
Population,  50.  Mail,  triweekly.  Otto 
W.  Hahn,  postmaster. 

Bernhardt  Chri-stopher,  grist  mill. 
Flnmnie  Freilerick,  blacksmith. 
Ilaliii  Otto  W,  General  Store. 
Lindner  II.  cheese  niufr. 
Osterheld  G,  railro:;d,  e.\p  and  tel  agt. 
Querliammer  &  Kugatz,  blacksmiths. 
KiedelJ  A,  shoemaker. 
Witteven  Bros,  flour  mill. 

dicial scat  of  .Inckson  cnuuty,  ia  a  pros- 
I'tTous  incorporated  city.  l(>euled  on  the 
K.  div.  of  the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  &  O.  liy,  and 
on  Black  river,  at  the  falls,  from  which  it 
lakes  Its  name,  171  miles  northwest  of 
-"^lilwaukce,  and  150 southeast  f)f  St.  I'aul. 
It  contains  a  sash,  door  and  blind  factory, 
a  large  plow  and  wagon  factory,  foundry 
nnd  machine  shops,  a  carding  mill,  a  jilan- 
luff  mill,  a  patent  medicine  manufactory 
"lid  the  iron  mines  and  works  of  the  York 
Iron  Co.  are  1  j  miles  from  the  city,  and 
K've  employment  to  a  large  number  of 
nicn.  There  are  churches  of  the  Baptist, 
CHlbolIc,  Episcopal,  Methodi-vt,  Presby- 
t'.'rmn  and  Universalist  denominations, 
!-'raded  and  high  schools,  a  free  jiiiljlic  li- 

brar}',  an  opera  house  with  a  seating  capa- 
city of  750,  a  volunteer  lire  department 
and  2  banks,  with  a  combined  capital  of 
.'J7G,200.  Three  weekly  newspapers,  the 
lliidf/cr  State  II" nner,  Jackson  Coimti/  Jour- 
nal and  the  Frid^nj  Eccnimi  Pust,  are  pul.> 
lished.  Cranberries  and  blueberries  form 
a  very  important  feature  in  tlie  shipments. 
Thousands  of  jiickers  are  employed  during 
the  season,  the  Iron  .Mound  Cranberry  Co. 
alone  having  over  2,0110  pickers.  Stages 
run  tri-v,eekly  to  North  Bend  and  semi- 
weekli'  to  Cataract.  Telephone  connec- 
tion with  surrounding  points.  TeL.W.  U. 
K.xp.,  Am.  Population,  2, ;iOO.  Iver  Tor- 
kelson,  postmaster. 

Amundson  Gilbert,   saloon. 
I  Anscth  A,  gunsmith. 
Badger  State  Banner,  Cooper  &  Co  proprs. 
Baker  Levi,  notions. 
Bakkan  John  I,  shoemaker. 
Batcheller  Nelson  A,  furniture. 
I5enson  John  K,  farm  impts. 
Best  Fred  E,  meal  market. 
Best  John  &  Son  (.John  and  Adam),  meats. 
Black  Kivcr  Falls  Free  Library. 
Black  Kivcr  Falls  Lumber  and  Jlcrcantilc 

A.'sn,   E   A   Homslead  pres,    Gilliert  G 

Jlelbye  sec. 
Brackett  ITerbcrt  Q.  district  attorney. 
Brockway  E  L,  surveyor. 
Brockway  L  J.  surveyor. 
Brodcrick   &  Felt  (Mrs  L  Broderick,  Mrs 

E  Felt),  dressmakers. 
Cappen  Richard  H,  justice. 
Caslle  &  '\\'alilo  (Bryant  J  Castle,  George 

G  Waldo),  lawyers.  Lcander  L,  pension  agent. 
Clieiiey  Erastus  1),  e.xp  ami  telephone  agt. 
Chickerlns-  dc  Brainerd  (Farnum  Chicker- 

ing,  L  F.  Brainerd),  druggi-ts. 
Cole  Henri  B,  physician. 


FREEMAN  &  SIMPSON,  Proprietors. 

IS-^TES,  $2.00  IF-IEIS  JDj^-ir. 

Steam  Heat  and  Electric  Lighting.    BLACK  RIYER  FALLS,  Y/IS. 


PAINTERS.  44G>:.  Water  St 


Si.k  5I;iilpt  S,;.. 

II   Papers. 

®  ^ 

w  a 

O    9 

.  a 






Ccle  J  W  vfe  Co  (Jerome  Vv'  and  F  W  Cole), 
medicine  mnfrs. 

Cooper  &  Co  (George  F  Cooper), 
I'roprs  Eidijer  State  liauner  arid  Pub- 
lishers Legal' Blanks. 

Crosb}'  .JfUiies  P.  carpenter. 

Darwin  Oliver,  logger. 

Dell  F  B,  coiiuty  siij)l  of  schools. 

Dimmick  Ludsvick  L,  harness. 

Eckern  John  A,  jewelry  and  book.s. 

Ehuore  W  &  buns  (Warren,  Theodore  B 
and  Charles  W),  far;n  impts. 

Ericks.on  A  &  Co  (Absalom  Ericksou), 

P>icksou  Iver,  shoemaker. 

.■•'alls  House,  Mrs  Susan  Gebhardt  propr. 

Finch  Mrs,  dressmaker. 

First  National  Bank  (capital,  s.50,000),  W 
T  Jlurray  pres,  W  II  liichards  cash. 

S'rfeinaii  iJoiise,  Freeman  tt  Simp- 
son I'riMirs.     [Scl'  'nio,  p  j?7.) 

Freoinmi  &  Simpson  (John  W  Free- 
man, J  T  Simpson),  Proprs  Freeman 
[louse.     {Sec  ado,  ji  177.) 

Friday  Evening  Ellis  Rogers  editor 
and  piiblr. 

Gebhar'dl  Bros  (Fred  W  and  Henry), 

Gebhardt  Henry,  cranberry  crovrer. 

Gi  bhardl  Mrs  Susan,  propr  Falls  House. 

Gelihardt  Susan  iV  Son  'Susan  and  Fred 
W),  cranberry  growers. 

Ooo(lenoujjh  Francis  31,  baths. 

[his^cn  Anilrew  H,  tailor. 

Hall  it  Son  (James  and  Harvey), carpenters. 

Hanson  Kuud,  tailor. 

Hanger  Hans,  saloon 

lUf.'f^'cn  Neils,  register  of  deeds. 

iieUilinL:  Frank,  saloon. 

llendiicks  Wm  W,  barber, 

H.iiinian  Henry  J,  marble  works. 

HolTmau  P  H,  justice. 

H'.llenbeck  .t  (>rmsby  (Charles  E  Hollea- 
beck,  Henry  J  (.)rmsbvi.  insurance. 

Ho[sv\'ill  George,  'bus  line. 

Ibittraw.ser  l^dward,  livery. 

Hyter  (Jeorgc,  liarher. 

Jackson  County  Bank  (capital  .s-Clti.iOO),  T 
11  Mills  pres,  \V  K  O'Hi-avn  cash. 

Jackson  County  Journal,  NVellsifc  Kobbins 

Jackson  County  Jlilling  Co,W  R  O'EIearn 
pies,  J  H  Mills  sec  anil,  ilour  mill. 

Johnson  Frank,  clerk  nf  court. 

Johnson  John,  saloon. 

JiHies  Euniber  and  Mercantile  Co,  S  P 
.lones  pres,  John  H  YorK  sec. 

J. 'lies  Warren  C,  groeer. 

Junes  &-,  M.arsU  (Lewis  C  Jones,  John 
Marsbi,  clothing. 

Jones   &,  Murray  (Rollin    B   Jones,    \V  T 

Murrav),  hardware. 
Kinley  W  B,  laundry. 
Le  Clair  Edgar  A,  hardware. 
Livingstone  James,  county  clerk. 
Locken  Edward,  shoemaker. 
Long  Edward  F,  dentist. 
Lyons  Henry  F,  barber. 
McGillivray  James  J,  sash,  doors,  etc. 
Marsh  John,  mayor. 
Matchet  James,  boarding  house. 
Mcinhold  Abraham,  general  store, 
3Ierchants'    Hotel,    Charles     C    Peterson 

Mikkelson  Lorenz,  saloon. 
Moran  ^larlin  J,  station  agent. 
Nelson  Nicholas,  furniture. 
Nelson  Thomas,  saloon. 
Nichols  Thomas  H,  barber. 
Oderbolz  Ulrich,  brewer. 
Odey  Henry,  boarding  house. 
Ogden  John  R,  n<itions. 
O'Hearn  Oliver  C,  grocer. 
Olsen  Peter  R,  blacksniitli. 
Parson  John,  insurance. 
Perry  G  M,  lawyer. 
Perry  J  D,  county  judee. 
Perry  &  Bracken  (G  M  Perry,  H  I  Brack- 

ett),  lawyers. 
Peterson  Charles  C,  propr  Merchants'  Ho- 
Peterson  &  Nolop  (John  Peterson,  George 

H  Nolop),  livery. 
Pope  Carl  C,  lawyer. 
Pophau  Joseph,  suine  'piarrv, 
I'oslwciltr    SJouse,  AVindline    Post- 

weiler  Propr. 
Poslw«'iU'r  \)  iiHlliiio,   Propr  Post 

weiler  House. 
Prestenioen  Andrew,  steamship  agent. 
Price  Hugh  H,  lumber. 
Price  xAIufg  Co,  W  T   .Murray   pres,  R   B 

Joues  sec,  machinists. 
Robie James,  physician. 
Roddy  Patrick,  grocer. 
Roddy  Win,  livery. 
Rogers  Ellis,  publr  Post. 
Roiseland  Aaucn  J,  photographer. 
Rcjscnber;:  P.ros  (Isaac  and  Bcnl,  dry  gds. 
Sanrope  Edward  J,  jeweler. 
Schnur  Julius,  irrocer. 
Spaulding  Dudley  J,  plow  muir. 
Squires  Ransom  D,  restaurant. 
Stebbins  Mrs  .M  F.  milliner. 
Thompson  Emma  ]{,  grocer. 
Torkeison  Iver,  postmaster  and  stationer. 
Troen  Hans  C,  saloon. 
Van  Gordea  P  W,  county  treasurer. 
Van  Schaik  Charles,  photographer. 
Weber  .Michael  restaurant. 


1j4    ^l  I^MT   AV.VXliU   ST. 


?iiL\v.vri!Ct;i;,  km^. 

.eioo-^  ^^■ 

V'f  je'fnfsii  Architects  and  Superintendents, 





iViller  Fiedt-ricK,  blackjinilli. 
'A'uIIer  G  Oweu,  wagonniiikcr. 
•,Vi:!Is  &  Robbins  (Will  X  ^Vells.  Leslie  M 

Hobbins),  publrs  Jackson  Co  Journal. 
Werner  Arthur  F,  cluthiag. 
White  E  A,  phy.-iciaii. 
ATiiliams  J  D,  sbeiiir. 
WittiDg    &    Long     (Adolph    E   'Wittiug, 

Frank  A  Lonz),  druggists. 
Wright  Theodore,  meat  market, 
York  Iron  Co,  Horace  Burt  mngr. 

BLAINE.  A  postolfice  iu  Portage 
onuuty,  2.0  milts  southta^l  of  Steven.s' 
I'nint,  the  county  scat,  and  14  southwest  of 
\Vaupaca,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
b.iuking  point.  Sti.gcs  semi-weekly  to  Al- 
;iiond.  Fopiilaliun,  30.  ilail,  senii-week- 
ly.     L.  D.  Scott,  postmaster. 

Madsen  W  C,  blackMiiith. 
.-Zanders  AValter,   feed  mill. 
SyniX  I>  8>,  Farmer. 
Taylor  Albert,  sorijhum  mnfr. 
Taylor  Lunuiu,  general  store. 

BLAIK.  A  station  on  the  G.  I!.,  ^\ . 
k  St.  P.  K.  R  ,  in  'J'TCMijiealcau  county,  7 
niiles  southeast  of  Whitehall,  the  county 
feat  and  nearest  banking  point.  Popula- 
tion, 300.  Tel.,  W.  Vi.  E.\-p.,  U.  S.  E. 
L.  Immell,  postmaster. 

I'lellevue  Alliert,  druL'-gist. 

Ceiii-iMl  Oic   B5,  General  Store. 
Hcrgsing  Evan,  jiropr  iilair  Hou.^e. 
lilair  Trading  Assn,  general  store, 
ihuj^e  "Mi.^s  M,  photographer. 
Cliristianson  Hans,  harness. 
I'c  Bow  John  L,  lawyer. 
I'.iiehson  Jolin,  blackpinith. 
I'fiincj-   It  X,    Hardware    and    Imple- 
Gilbert  John  O,  geul  store  and  meal  inkt. 
Gilbert  Miss  Sadie,  milliner, 
•iiiliert  T  I  ^  Co,  general  store. 
Gietne  E  S,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Hanson  tlharles  (),  furniture. 
Hanson  Lars,  blacksmith. 

'"L^an  it  Lien,  lumber. 
HiKide  Piev  B  (LutheraiO. 
J'>bnson  Hans,  shnemaker. 

•oliiisoii  Sk.  r.vnrinX,  Hardware. 
Lokken  Ole  H,  painl-r. 
-'l.iyer  A-  Peterson,  hardware. 
<^lwn  0  L  ifc  Co,  wagonmakers. 
1  cterHon  Evart,  tai'.or. 
^I'linickson  Jena  P,  physician. 
>trutu  o  P,  restaurant. 
1  hompson  Mrs  J  M,  dressmaker, 
"ipson  T&  Bro,  furniture. 

Young  H  A  &  Co,  grain  and  flour  miil. 

C.  K.  II..  and  on  the  Pecatonica  river 
in  La  Fayette  county,  '30  miles  northeast 
of  Darlington,  the  judicial  seat  and  near- 
est bankiutr  point.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  Vs. 
V.  Population,  300.  C.  Vickers,  post- 

Abby  &  Ilaldeman,  meat  market. 

Arenson  Barbara,  dressmaker. 

Baker  John  G,  justice. 

sSEitiit'iiard    Alviii,     Hardware     and 

Brew  John,  hotel. 
Clegg  Heur3',  photographer. 
CiiiTey  JiJin,  blacksmith. 
Cullen  liridget,  dressmaker. 
Dean  E,  carpenter. 
Hanson  John,  shoemaker. 
IlHrdyiiiiiSi  8',  Livery. 
Harris  ilenr3',  insurance. 
Harris  John,  carpenter. 
Hendrickson  Bros,   painters. 
Hobland  Peter,  shoemaker. 
Huwland  F)  P,  mason, 
.lolinsou  John  A,  hardware. 
Joiinson  Thomas,  carpenter. 
Ivnorr  F  M,  live  stock. 
Jjovcjoy  A-  Richards,  lumber. 
I.,(iii<l  Ci  B',  Griii'L-r. 
McKeller  A,  physician. 
Mason  .S  L.  general  store. 
j\[illiou  &  Spears,  meal  market. 
Menson  Martin,  general  store. 
Jlunsou  John  L,  furniture. 
Murer  I'  J,  grocer. 
Olson  (;  C,  live  stock. 
Porter  J  loss,  carpenter. 
Rislej'  Win.  crocer. 
Sar<lf«oii  4;<-orge,  Grist  ;Mill. 
Sillers  O  T,  furniiure. 
Smeedsrud  E  O,  blacksmith. 
Swansou  A,  mason. 
Vic'Ist'r*  <',  Grocer  and  Restaurant. 
AVickler  H.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
AVilson  Miss  Emily,  dressmaker. 
Wren  John  J,  hardware. 

BLANDING.  A  pnst(,ffine  in  Bur- 
nett county,  Jl  miles  souiheast  of  Grants- 
burg,  the  county  seal  and  nearest  shipping 
point.  Jl.iil,  semi-weekly.  Lewis  Ander- 
son,  postmaster. 

Aii4lrr«.oii'l^,  General  Store  and 

Dhlilin  J'. ho,  saw  mill. 
Johnson  Jnim  .V,  carpenter. 
Lindhoim  Eric,  saw  mill. 

Milwautes  &  St,  Paul  Rj/i;:;:,r  I'/est  aii(l  !!oiliV;,'est 


or    ¥!i;sT    fJX-.VtlTV,    foi-    5.-,if,    , 
«.<>«»[>VI!;A  It    1£IH3?!.J£    <  !) 

-IS  1 1,  \VA  5.  RE-;!:,       -  \1  ilMON  i";  N 





BLENKER.  On  the  TTi'icoasin  Cen- 
tral Line,  in  Wood  county,  io  miles  north- 
west of  Grand  Ilfipids,  the  judicirtl  sent. 
and  14  east  of  Mur.-hfield,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
Population,  CO.  John  Bleuker,  postmas- 

JGSIciiUcr  Joliii,  General  Store  and  Ho- 
Brandt  Andrew,  saloon. 
Friscli  Ignatz,  SHloon. 
liaiiiiii  l..orfiiz,   Blnck.smilh. 
Mangold  L  .1.  nclary. 
Tallmadge  V\'  H,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

BLODGETT.  A  po.-toffice  in  "\Yau- 
keslia  county,  3<  miles  novtlioHst  of  Wau- 
kesha, the  nearest  baukius;  point,  and  3 
southwest  of  BrooktJL-ll.  on  llic  C,  M.  & 
St.  P.  Ky.  Population,  SO.  3Iail,  tri- 
weekly.   Frederick  Goerkc,  postmaster. 

Glitz  August,  crocer. 
CJoerke  E'rciivritk,  Saloon. 
Lutter  F,  black.^iuith. 
Meiniuger  L,  saloon. 

BLOOM  CITY.  Formerly  known  as 
lion,  is  located  on  the  west  branch  of  Pine 
river,  in  Richland  eounty,  15  mik-«  north- 
west of  Richland  Centre,  the  county  seat, 
nearest  banUing  and  shipping  point,  on 
the  C,  M.  &,  Si  P.  P>y.  Stajcs  to  P.ich- 
land  Cr!:tre  and  AVest  Lima.  Population, 
300.     Mail,  daily. 

Blakcly  it  Albaugh.  general  store. 
Cass  J  W,  general  store. 
Grear  F  A,  grocer 
Householder*  Mc.Nelly,  furniture. 
Houts  Jolin, 
McXclly  ricnrj".  '-iencral  f^lore. 
Slianibuufih  A,  frcneial  store. 
Stoefer  W  W,  Larnt-^ 
Thornburg  \V  B,  blncksmilh. 

BLOOMER.  .\  llouri.<^hinc  villase  on 
theC,  St.  P,  M  &,  ().  Ry,  and  on  Dun- 
can creek,  in  Chip;iewa  coimly.  15  miles 
northwest  of  C'liipiiewa  Falls,  the  eounty 
seal.  Settled  in  ls5(i.  it  contains  a  bank, 
4  churches,  a  public  school,  u  biewery,  a 
creamery  and  cheese  factory  and  a  week- 
ly newspaper,  the  Adcnicc.  Grain,  lum- 
ber and  produce  are  shipped,  and  land 
ranges  ic  prici^  from  iJlO  to  $30  per  acre. 
Population,  yuO.  Tul  .  W  .  U.  Kxp.,Am. 
Mail,  daily.     Frank  "\V.  Stees,  postmaster. 

Adler  Mrs  Carrie,  jjeneral  store. 

Anderson  Louis,  tailor. 

Auitiu  Floyd  .M,  constable. 

Bjnk   of   Bloomer   (capital,  §15,000),  Ti: 

liughast  &  Marsluall  i>roiirs, 
Barcume  Joseph,  farm  impts. 
Berg  Charles,  carpenter. 
Berg  &  Brown  (Otto  Berg,  Ada  A  Browi. 

general  store. 
Blaschkc  Rev  John  A  (Catholic). 
Bloomer  House,  S  L  Gaylord  propr. 
Blooruer  Advance,  E  N  Bowers  editc^r. 
Brooks  George  I.  placing  mill. 
Brown  Simon  ]i.  station  au'ent. 
Coofi    Win    H,     Lumber,    Lath    anc 

Cottington  Robert,  physician. 
Crouse  ^Vm  G,  jeweler. 
Cuttinu  Frank  JI.  general  store. 
Dierks"*  Otto  (W'm  Dierks,  Fhilip  Otto 

hardware  and  undertakers. 
Dreger  Adolpli.  propr  L"nion  House. 
Emmerton  E  M,  cirpenter. 
Fessendeu  Edward,  painter. 
Fisk  A  C,  nursery. 
French  1  C,   physician. 
Gaylord  Samuel  L.  propr  Bloomer  House 
Gibson  J  F,  piin  of  scliool. 
Hathaway  James  R,  gen  store  and  drug^. 
Jackson  Andrew,  lawyer  and  in-;. 
Jarvi.s  Willard,  chief  clerk  We,;,  Hotel. 
Joel  Benjamin,  carpenter. 
Kehl   &   liarcume   (John  B  Ki'hI.  Joseph 

Barcume),  grain  and  produce. 
Kelley  F  A.  creamery. 
Kelly  Samuel  J,  general  store  and  cheest 

mnfr,  3  miles  u  e. 
Kenyon  Gould  A,  blacksmith. 
Kidder  Rev  A  (Concregatioual). 
Kluud  Frederick,  ^hocnuiker. 
Klund  John,  wagonmalier. 
Krau/felder  Loui.'^,  hardware. 
Krenz  Fred  C,  saloon. 
Langren  John,  painter. 
Lefllngwell  A-  Ingram   (.Miranr  H  LefliDg 

well,  James  T  Ingram),  harness. 
Lie  lie  &   Koepp   (Charles  Liebe,  John  F 

Koop])).  lirewers. 
Liidgaard  Jens  J,  photographer. 
Lund  Isaac,  saloon. 
Jilanderson  John,  propr  West  Hotel. 
jMiles  John,  livery. 
jMooreAdam.  eroeer. 
Morri.^on  it  McAVithy  (E  J  Morrison. Depi' 

I'j  .Mc^Vltlly),  farm  impts. 
Oeiimis  H  D,  veterinary  surtreou. 
Opera  Hall.  F  W  Stees  mngf. 
Olio  Mrs  Carrie,  milliner. 
Peter,^on  Peter  S.  saloon. 
Prill  John  C,  dentist. 
Pr\iher  Loran/.,  saloon. 

__  1 

Chicap  &  Graod  Truol;  Pif, 

The  Favorite  Route  Ea; 



^'ew  York  Life  hisnraiioeCCsrn,, 

«sets,  $11(1,1100.000.  i  >'ort1iif\rstern     Kvniich 
|.lus,     -        u;.0()0.(HH). '  Otllce,   416    JllUvaiikoe 
St.,  .IIILIVAtlvIiE,  V.IS.     W.  S.  lAMUEK,  ^*tatc  asent.    AVALKKK  BlCKXKli,  (ien"!  Jianassr. 





;;H>mus  ifc  CUristiansuu    (MarUn  liasmus, 

Ulo  Cbristiansou),  grain,  etc. 
Ksymond  A  E,  carpenter, 
lingers  Elliet'on  M.  physicifin. 
?chroeder  Henry.  Qfiur  and  feed. 
Srailb  George  II,  feed  niUl. 
Smith  Judson  W,  .ipiarisf. 
Spencer  Cliarles,  justice  of  peace. 
Stees  Frank  W,  po.stmaster  uud  barber. 
Stec3  Mrs  Rosetta  J,  dre.ssmaker. 
Stticheu   &  Martin  (Jlicliael   J    StticLen, 

Henry  Martin),  black.smillis. 
Stewart  Harold  -M,  carpenter. 
Tillinghast  Cb.irle.s  D.  lawyer  and  ins. 
Tiiliudiast  &,  Marfliall  (Cliarles   I)  Tillintr-,  Henry  ilarthali),  proprs  Bank  of 

Trankle  Conrad,  general  .store. 
Treat  Leonard  \V,  city  marshal. 
I'nion  House.  Adolph  Drcs-er  propr. 
Van  Dalsem  Rev  H  A,  lecturer. 
Wagner  Peter,  conbctioner. 
Wtiidlandt  .loliu,  _t;(;neral  .sli.rc. 
Werner  A;  :Martin  "(Henry  M'erner,   Louis 

Martin),  hardware. 
^Vebt  Hotel,  ,John  .Meniler.son  propr. 

BLOOMING  DALE.  On  the  West 
'viikapoo  river,  in  Vernon  county,  10 
miles  northeast  of  Virrqiia,  the  seat  of 
justice  and  nearest  banking  point,  and  4 
from  Wcstby,  its  nearest  shipping'  point, 
'"pulation,  1,-jO,  .Mail,  Iri-weekly.  E.  E. 
liustad,  postmaster. 

Appleman  .Jesse,  saw  mill. 

''"liken  A,  furniture. 

'';•'•' m  C  W,  i;eneral  store. 

<;ililc  ei  A,  Blacksmith. 

JbuiMin  Henry  A.  tutmer. 

Mn^iT  Bros,  saw  mill. 

^I'Ttcrud  (;  A,  gen  store  and  hotel. 

"■horn  M,  Hour  mill. 

"tiislatl  S:  Ji:,  General  Store. 

>*eNthy  E  T,  furniture. 

HLOOMINGTGN.  Located  on  a 
ftam-li  of  (Iraiit  river,  in  Grant  county,  M 
I'di  s  norlhwesl  of  Lanoislor,  the  county 
'■ti'.iuiil  12  southeast  of  Bridj^eport,  Ihe 
•!'':'.rest  shijiping  point.  Has  a  bank  and  a 
^I'-'-ly  newspaper,  the  Itcronl.  Staires 
"iidy  to  Bridirennrt  and  tri-wcckly  to  Lan- 
'■'."'•'er;  fure,  s;l  to  cither  place.  Popula- 
""'.  «00.  .M;ul.  ,Iaily.  Georg(.  AV.  Xev- 
'"*.  postma'^tfer. 

"^'linline  Bros,  live  stock. 
Hariioy  liro*,  Dentists. 
:;>f'^".V  1'.  lawyer. 

''uett  U'm,  hou.'-e  mover. 

Bloomington  House,  ■]  Donnelly  propr. 

Brady  John,  saloon. 

Brooks  Ernest,  propr  Record. 

Brooks  Je-^.se,  justice. 

Itrow'ti  I>aiiiel  8',  General  Store. 

Burgess  &,  Auel,  saloon. 

Chambers  John  M,  photographer. 

Chambers  .Mrs  Mary  E,  milliner. 

Chandlers  Thomas  II,  physician. 

Crabtree  A  N,  general  sturc. 

Donnelly     Joseph,     propr      Bloomington 

Ecke  Herman  C,  harness. 
Fox  Ira.  meat  maiket, 
H^rjiy.ior  .4l!Vt'«i,  General  Store. 
Garthwaite  Edward,  produce. 
Glasier  ]\Irs  Jliua  B,  physician. 
Glasier  "Willis  II,  physician. 
Greer  Frank  L.  general  store. 
Hampton  .James,  painter. 
Hutcli  Silas  A,  general  store. 
Heckniasler  &  U'Xeil,  creamery. 
Hickok  ik,  Angore,  saloon. 
Holfdrd  Lyman  D,  gen  store  and  justice. 
Gfi4>^UiIlK  l>  «Sl.  feoii,  Furnittire. 
Johnson  John,  shoemaker. 
Kitlo  Samuel,  hardware. 
Lewis  James  M,  jiliysician. 
Lumpkin  George  W,  live  slock. 
MeNameo  Barn.ard,  tailor. 
..Mailer  GcorLTC  \V,  L'rocer. 
.Tbisii^joi'  >Vm,  Blacksmith. 
3Iuiio(,iiey  &  Lynass,  saloon. 
Parkins  U,  barber. 
Peacock  James,  barber. 
Pennock  John,  meat  market. 
Pitts  11  10,  wagonmaker. 
Record,  E  Brooks  propr. 
Sala  Orlando  P,  physician. 
Smith  Thoma.s,  sliueraaker. 
Stone  Charles  \V,  live  stock. 
Taylor  Gei.ige  E,  Hour  mill  and    foundry. 
Taylor  Hilb.  rt  E,  jeweler. 
Tornowski  Gustav,  wagonmaker. 
Vv'oodliiiu-e  Clinton  B.'hardware. 
\Voc>4lluMi>c  iV  BJnrlioy,  Bankers. 

BLOOM VILLE.    Apostofficeln  Lin- 
coln county,  VZ  iiiiks  nurlheast  of  .Merrill, 
on  the  C,  .M.  &  St.  P.  Ky,  the  seat  of  jus- 
tice, shipping  and  banking  point.     Popu- 
tion,  GO.     Tri-vreckly  mail  stage  to  Merrill. 
H.  Scovilie,  postmaster. 
Jasteii  Valley,  saloon  ami  grocer. 
Meioingei  Simon,  saloon  and  trrocer. 
So<»villt;  Sloiirj,  Carpenter. 
West  Win,  logger. 

IHIilfllS  C[i]TP,/U 

BLUE  MOUNDS.    A  post  village  on 
the  C.  it  N.   \V.  I!y,    in    D  ine    county,   £-< 

p   DIRECT  ROUTE  I'nnTiirnni  !n'.'!/l 

il.  toaiIPOINTSir.iiUllllii:lllllljyfl, 

Cudahy  Brothers/;  Pork  and   Beef  Packer? 

Mll^  SiKi;,   wsscoNMN.     \  AND    PROVlSIO>J    DEALERS. 




^  I  miles  southwest  ol    Mad;soii,   the  county 

._  '.  seat,  and  Ifi  eust  of  l)ud;:eville,  the  netirL-tt 
*=■  Z  banking  point.  A  weekly  newspaper,  the 
S.«  Pccis,  ispubli-hed.  Population,  150.  Tel., 
©  S  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  C.  llclmeustine,  post- 
fc»  p  master. 

Q^  M  Bancroft  Dr  H  V,  drutts  and  justice. 

5  EJi'.Ic  cV  Loiick,  Lilacksmitlis. 

Bs^  Brockenwa'.'eu  F.  hotel  and  livery. 

^    •■Clifgard  &,  Torhoug,  livery. 

^  g  Evers  Carl,  hotel. 

02  Pauls  F  C,  meat  market. 
K  llauson  it  Ole,  gen  storr  and  furniture. 
Q  U  EScliiioii«tiiic  CliarU's, General  Store. 
''^  ^  Kendrick  Bros,  hardware. 

y5  Lovejoy  &  llichards,  lumber. 
^       McKiuzie  Jolm  B,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
^  f"  Olden  A  A,  shoemaker. 



2  Olscn  G,  harness 

Press,  11  V  Bancroft  Publr. 
Smith  Thomas,  wagonma.ier. 
Zechmann  Elias,  genera!  store. 

BLUE  RIVER.  A  post  village  on 
the  C,  .''>[.  &  St.  P.  liy,  in  Grant  county, 
;jO  miles  northeast  of  Lancaster,  the  county 
seat,  and  8  northeast  of  Boscobe),  the  usual 
banking  point.  Population,  Vo  Tel., 
W.  U. '  Exp.,  Adams.  C.  JI.  Callahan, 

('al!:ililiii  C  r?3.  General  Store. 
Parker  Grant,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 


BLUFF.     A  pnst  village  on  the  C.  & 

N.  W.  Uy,  and  on   Su:,'ar  riv(  r,  in    Dane 

county,  20  miles  southwest  of  .Madison,  the 

county  seat  and  nearest  liankiug  point. 
,Slagt.s  Iri-weekly  to  I'inr  BlulT.  Populn- 
'tion,  oO.     Exji.,  Ain.     Tel.,  \V.  U.     A.  K. 

Sorenson,  postmaster. 

Anderson  1\I,  live  stock. 

Donahue  T,  livestock. 

Graves  C  1,,  r.viinrid,  rxp  and  tel  agt. 

lilevi'ii  I  Aim  !i.  Hotel  and  Lumber. 

Moen  1'  11.  blucksniilh. 

Ness  Christopher,  earpt^nter. 

Ny.i^ood  Li!wis,  carpenter. 

Scott  W  M.  live  stock. 

Sorciisoii  X  li.  General  Store  and  Jus 

Thompson  L  O,  live  stock. 

BOARDMAN.  A  post  villaire  on  the 
C,  St.  ]'.,  .M.  .t  O.  By.  in  St.  Croix  coun- 
ty, rJiuilesnoitlieast  of  Hudson,  the  coun- 
ty seat,  and  OJ  southwest  of  Xew  Hich- 
mond,  the  nearest  banking  jioint.  Popu- 
lation, 100.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E.vp.,  Am. 
A.  O.  Spencer,  postma.'-tcr. 

Beebe  Miss  Dora,  music  teacher. 
Boardman  Chee.-e  Factory. 
Davis  S.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Fsirraiul  Win.  Barber. 
Jolinston  Bros  ^t  Virgin,  rlour  mills. 
Rogers  Gcorce.  cooper. 
Spcisccr  &,  'i'cml.  General  Store. 
^Vert  Ephraim,  blacksmith. 


BOAZ.     A  village  on  Eagle  en  ek, 
Richland  county,  0  miles  west  of  liiel.!; 
Centre,  onthe'C,   M.  &,  St.   P,   By. 
county  seat,    nearest  railroad   static 
banking   point.     Population.    lOo. 
daily.     D.  A.  Jacobson,  postmaster. 

Barnes  Wm  >L  flour  and  saw  mill. 

Rcrry  3S  H,  General  Store. 

Briggs  Jav-  W,  genl  store  and  cheese  inDi" 

Cosgrove  F'rank.  blacksmith. 

Evans  John,  hotel. 

Garner  Dr  E  S,  drUL^-ii^t. 

Pleidbrink  Mrs  J   >;, milliner. 

Kiserman  August,  meat  market. 

Seward  Christ,  saloon. 

Starr  C  BS,  Harness. 

Surrem  John,  blacksmith. 

Templeton  Stephen,  general  store. 

BOB  CREEK.  In  Chippewa  coucy 
10  miles  northeast  of  Chippewa  Fails,  i.. 
county  seat,  rjearest  railroad  station  i.r  : 
banking  point.  Population,  lo.  .Mni-, 

BOHRI.     In    P,i,lTalo  county.  20  mil 
from  Alma,  the  judicial    S(  at,  and  7   fi;  : 
Fountain   City,  its   banking   and  shipp;r.. 
l>oint.     Mail,     w,ekly.     G.     Boliii,    ]■■ -' 

Baertsch  George,  carpenter. 

Jiohri  C  Emil,  c.irpenlt  r. 

It(»liri  <;i»((Si('!i,  Hotel  and  Grocer. 

Egbert  Geihart,  meal  market. 

Scheidegger  Jacob,  mason. 

Yochem  John,  blacksuiilh. 

BOLT.  In  Kewaunee  county,  17  niii. 
southwest  of  Krwaune(.',  the  judii  ial  fi  • 
and  nearest  banking  point,  and  I'i  iiP'- 
Two  Rivers,  the  nearest  shipping  p>'i!| 
population,  50.  .Mail,  tri-weekly.  N-  -'' 
Knudson,  postmaster. 

Knudson  N  ,M.  l)lacksmith. 
Knudson  iV  Heidman,  saw  mill. 
SjK-wasck  Frank,  gen!  store  and  saloou- 

BOLTON  VILLE.  A  villa  ;:e  : 
"Washington  county.  'J   miles  northea-l  ■ 

Chicap  £  Grand  Trunk  h> 

The  Favorite  Route  basi 


nncr'CDC    the  nieoDKssDit 

DhLiSCnO.  i.N(i  jAtKS.  i  to  11  Tod, 

?I>FC;  CO.  Mnnofactnre  BRKnEHY  M  VCIIINEBT.  WIND. 

rowK!!  iioisTixf;  tucHiXERr.  tick  ks.  K.LEYATOHS, 

AiroilATlC  STE.I.M   BOriLE  COUKEllS,   Etc.     512-514    tOMULIICE   STKEET,   aiLWAlKKE,  '.VIS. 





West  Bend,  the  count}'  sefi'  sml  nearest 
biinkiuir  point,  and  7  from  Kewa^kum,  its 
usual  shipping  point.  It  is  on  tiie  daily 
mail  stage  route  from  KeTvasliiim  to  Fill- 
more. Population,  SoO.  Walter  Bolton, 

Backus  JI,  shoenuiker. 

Bolton  A-  £>h'rl>:tiiin.  Gen  Store. 

Uoltoii  t't  !»ciiiiliT,  Flour  ^liil. 

Dieslerkampt  J,  I'rick  iiiufr. 

Duncan  Bros,  saw  mill. 

Goeler  d,  slioemaker. 

ISat'iilzc  a  A,  Hardware. 

Lanibreclit  M,  meat  market. 

Licht  J,  harness. 

ilorgenrolli  Edward,  Micksmith. 

Xigh  J  li.  railroad,  c.\p  and  tel  arreat. 

Scboetz  John,  wagonniaker. 

■Wittig  Cliariea,  saloon. 

Woog  Peter,  saloon. 

BOiN",  Ricbland  county,  ^^''tmc  chinrjed 
to  Bloom  City. 

Larriaun  Cliarles.  brick  mnfr. 

Lebmann  Fred  W,  hardware. 

ilabl  C  F.  saloon. 

.Mej-er  Philip,  haruessmaker. 

Xeuman  A,  blacksmith. 

Poppe  V,  physician. 

Baduge  Fred,  blacksmith. 

Samp  AVm,  blacksmith. 

Spciisler  irars  A,  Hotel. 

AN'aguer  M,  blacksmith. 

Wagner  tfc  Meyer,  saw  mill. 

West  fall  John,  carpenter. 

Zernicke  Fred,  carpenter. 

Zuelilke  C  &  Co,  hardware  and  impts. 

BONDUEL.  A  postonire  in  .^hawano 
county,  9  mile.s  southeast  of  Shawano,  the 
county  seal  and  bank  location,  and  5  from 
Cecil,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  Stages 
tri-weckly  to  Shawano  and  Green  Buy. 
Population,  loU.  Mail,  triweekly.  Wm. 
F.  Bonnin,  postmaster. 

Boeher  L,  general  store. 

]5netteher  Carl,  mason. 

Jioiiiiiii  (',  General  Store  and  justice. 

Brummels  G,  cheese  luafr. 

Fullerton  F  A;  .Son,  feed  and  saw  mill. 

Gripp  A,  lime. 

Jensen  Fied,  wagonniaker. 

Ivaiiii  ^o!<iiti<>ii.  General  Store. 

Ketter  Peter,  blacksmilh. 

Klein  John,  sal.n.n. 

Klemp  ct  Boche,  saw  mill. 

Krueger  Win  F,  farm  imj'ts. 

Kuhl  Gnllfried,  sal<;ou. 

BOSCOBEL.   A  progressive  and  flour- 
ishing incorporated   city,   located   on    the 
C,  M.  it  St.  P.  By.  in  Grant  county.  2.j 
miles  north  of  Lancaster,  the  judicial  seat, 
160  v.'est  of  Milwaukee.  70  from  .Madison, 
and  25  from  Prairie  du  Chien.     The  ei!y 
is  rapidlj'  growing  in  wealth  and  import- 
ance, and  contains  Baptist,  Catholic,  Con- 
gregational   and    Methodist    churches,     a 
graded  public  school,  stave,   heading  and 
plow  factories,    flouring  mills,  a  b;inl:.  a 
concert  hall  with  a  sealing  capacity  of  tlOII, 
and  large  and  commodious  business  blocks, 
and   handsome   residences.     Land    in   the 
vicinity  is  well  wooded,  and  the  shipiiienls 
comprise  grain,   produce,  hoop-poles   and 
livestock.     Stages  semi-weekly  to  Homer, 
Castle   Kock,    ;\[illelt,     Haney.     liurlbun 
and  Wheatville.     Exp.,  U.S.     Tel..W.  U. 
Population,  1.700.     Telephone  connection. 
Gustav  .Meyer,  jiostmaster. 
Ableiter  ISIelcbior,  blacksmitli. 
Anderson  Sever,  shoemaker. 
Anscheutz  Leo,  photographer. 
Armstrong  Charles  A,  physician. 
Armstrong  Lcroy  G,  physician. 
Bank  of  A  J  Pipkin,  A  J  Pipkin  propr. 
Bartholomew  Stmiiel.  deimiy  sheritf. 
Bolit'l  Joiiii,   Propr  Central  House. 
Bold  Adam.  L'roccr. 

T.  J.   BROOKS. 


Ij-^^"^7-   orF^x^ioE;   ciF" 


wk  practice  in  all  the  courts,  collections  a  specialty 




iLLIilS  m^ii  1 1 


to  all  POINTS  in  isUii  \  WLWii 






Bomaster  Jliss  Liziiie,  milliner. 

Boscobcl  Agricultural  and  Drivin!r  Park 
AsaociatioQ,  J  11  Sarles  pres,  Kdwurd 
Mc3-er  f  cc. 

Bo>tco9>e{  I>ial,  George  W  Goldsmith 

Brookins  Eugei)e,  carpenter. 

Brooks  li;  ESIiiiit-Jsar*!  (Thomas  .J 
Brooks,  R  D  Blanchard),  Lawyers. 
(Seeadi',  p  1S3.) 

Brown  Miss  JIattie,  dressmaker. 

Brown  Ar  Edwards  (Chtirles  F  Brown, 
Ucrbert  B  Edw.inls),  lluur  mill. 

Bryan  Edgar  C,  prnpr  Grant  House. 

Bushhausen  Henry,  shoemaker. 

Callaway,  Walker  .t  Miller  (Millard  H 
Callaway,  .Tudson  1'  Walker,  John  X 
Miller),  dry  goods,  etc. 

Cailey  David  \V, 

Carrier  T  &  Co  (Terrence  Carrier,  Micliael 
McSpaden),  hardware. 

Central  83<nn»c,  John  Bobel  Propr. 

City  Hotel,  Michai'l  Lenahan  propr. 

Comstoek  Jesse,  meat  mrirket. 

Comslock  Mrs  John  X,  confectioner. 

Cook  Wm,  painter. 

Cruiner  Frank  J.  baker. 

De  Lap  Myron  W,  monuments. 

De  Witt  Jlartin,  confectinuer. 

Ei.^feldcr  Frederick  V.  jeweler. 

EllingNon  &  Lindelien  (Nels  Jilllingson, 
Jolm  O  Ijindelieii),  grocers. 

Enright  Mr.s  M  C,  confecliouer. 

Erdenberg  Geoige,  saloon. 

Giiropunii  Calai-rli  I'liro,  A  Never 
Failing  Kemedy  for  Catarrh  and  All 
Diseases  of  the  Head  and  Throat;  Up- 
borne S:  Huppeler  Pmprs;  also  Mnfra 
of  European  Tocjlhiiie;  for  Sale  liy  All 

Funb'rer  Mrs  Henry,  reslnnraiit. 

0<>l<i''tt)illi  fjJcort;^  W,  I'rojir  Bosco- 
bel  ])ial. 

OooUl  Herbert  J,  furniture. 

Goold  Mrs  if  J,  milliniT. 

Grant  Jliss  Annie  I!,  dressmaker. 

Grant  House,  ]■".  C  J5ryan  propr. 

Guenlzel  Gustav,  llarne^ls. 

flaney  John  W,  barlier. 

Hanson  I'  L,  carpenter. 

llayman  Ijuciua  If,  iiliysieian. 

Henktl  John,  tailor. 

Hinriehs  Paul  L,  r.ailroail  and  e.\p  agent. 

Hunuuel  &  Hof  (Henry  Hummel,  Phillip 
J  Hof),  meat  market. 

Illircrs  <>j»ora  SBoii'io,  W  T  Hurd 
Propr  and  Alngr;  Six  Hundred  Ca- 
pacity; E.|nipped  with  Square  Grand 
Piano  and  I'.est  I'laj'  House  in  County. 

Kurd  Wilson  T,  dentist. 

Hurlbut  Henry  S,  jeweler. 

Jenkins  Frederick  C,  clothing. 

Kane  Joseph,  saloon. 

Kratchowill  Frank  A,  stationer. 

Kratchowill  Vandy  J,  shoemaker. 

Kretsch  Mrs  Lena,  confectioner. 

Lawrence  Daniel,  livery. 

Lenahan  Michael,  propr  City  Hotel. 

Lewis  Frank,  jeweler. 

Light   Guard   Baud,  Horatio  W  Hubliei; 

McGraw     &    Gurnsey  (Isaac  N  McGraw. 

Charles  O  Gurnsey),  meat  market. 
jMcGraw  John  1?,  meat  market. 
JlcLoughlin  Jacol),  lawyer. 
jMcMullen  Charles,   painter. 
Meyer  Edward,  stave  factory. 
Meyer  Gustav,  postmaster. 
Miller  Xorman  B.  restaurant. 
iMullley  Frank  C,  insurance. 
rtSulIlcy     Saoa».o,     Jacob     Trautman 

Muflley  Jolin  U,  furniture. 
Murley  Timothy,   city  marshal. 
Nauert  Bros  (Wm,  Jacob  F  and  Joseph  B), 

Ness  Kev  O  (Lutheran). 
O'Connor  Miss^fary  E.  dressmaker. 
Opera  House,  Lou  1!  Kuka  mngr. 
Oswald  Daniel,   saloon. 
Palmer  itBuiiis(W  G  Palmer,  E  E  Burns), 

Parker, HiUlebraiul  &  Co  (Theodore  Krons- 

hage,  George  F  Hildebrand),  gen  store. 
Pike  it;  Van  Allen  (Edwin  Pike,  J  W  Van 

Allen>,  aiiiari'-ts. 
I'iaiiiau'  .'iSalt  J!  &.  Son  (Matt  B  and 

\Vin  H),  I^riigs,    Gruceries   and  Ginseng 

Pitlbh-y  Mrs  )5  H,  laundry. 
Powell  Itoseoe  l{.  denlistl 
Ueigc  1  Frederick,  tailor. 
IJice  Benjamin  E,  apiarist. 
Uitter   &   HubbelltWm    Bitter,  Theodore 

N  Hubbell),  hardware. 
Bodgers  Wm.  mason. 
KiiUa    lEros    i^Jiif^  Co  (,Iohn,    Louis 

and  Lou    II),     Hardware,    Farm    Impts. 

Wagons,   Carriages.     Sleighs,     Lumber. 

Founders   and     Machiuiata   and   Broom 

Sanger  Geortre,  blacksmith. 
Sani'er   it   .Martin   i-lohn  F  Sanger,  Jacob 

Martin),  wagon  mnfrs. 
Sarh  !  John  11,  lumber. 
S<ii\f><'r  \.  S'avor  (Moody  A  Sawyer, 

Hiiam  \V  i'''avor).I)rui;gists  and  Griicers. 
Scheinpllug  Frederick,  furniture. 
Schmid  George,  livery. 
Selimitt  Frederick  W,  marble  dealer. 

North  Star  Ironworks.  )  inMrit)-,.-,iwii,in,l8-i  n?iii»o 

rAKlMI    .1HM  h.t(   1  I   KIM;  (  O,  '-  .Hill  »  ri:;hts.  S;ni  .Mill  MilrllilK 

Ashland,     -     -    Wisconsin.  )  ^I'fi'ii  Kni;iiic»,  Boilers,  ToMPr 

liinkts.  FolinderR.  lioilf  rninker^. 
Oni;  .lliirliiner),  (  orlis'l  and  llk-ll 
Hitting-  .llarliliH-ry,ctc.   Seep. 

MITHCU     D^TUC     '"  finnection  TTith  llie  JANESVILLE  THERMOTHERAPEUTrc  BATHS 
Unftion     DalfiO     .Norcro^s  Block.  South  lii 

ilc'-»t  e^iuippeii  curati 

r  St..  .Inuesiilk.  Wis.    Jhe  nio'.t  e^clfiisivp  nad 
Wiicousiu.      .12.  A.  .VOitlJJN,  .Uuua;ier. 





S.C'!?  Mrs  Lucia  E,  milliner. 

,<u.i:li  Ptiillip,  livery, 

."^pltKclber^  Bros   (E  O  and  R),  gen  store. 

Supbtus  Frederick  \V,  barker. 

T'llf  -Mrs  Mary,  n-encral  'l^re. 

Traiitiniin"    Jacolt,    I'ropr    MuiUcy 

L'i'liome   &   Huppeler,    Proprs   European 

Ciitiirrh  Cure. 
Wtilker    Bros   (David    R    and  Jonathan), 

farm  impts. 
\V:ilers  Jeliiel,  physician. 
Wilion  John  D,  lawyer. 
Wilson  AVm  H,  gardener. 
Wi.^cODsiQ   Iloufe,    Mrs   Fredericka  Fritz 

W  ouzor  Mrs  >rary,  barber, 
Wuriter   &   Keller  (Cioltlieb   C    Wurster, 

John  I  Keller),  coopers. 



St.  Croix   county.    &v 

BOVEE.     A  recently  established  post- 
otlice  in  Portage  county. 

BOYCEVILLE.  A  postollice  on  Tiff- 
suy  creek  and  on  the  Wisconsin  Central 
I.iiie,  in  Dunn  county,  15  miles  norlhwe.'-t 
<A  Menomonie,  the  county  ,ceat  and  nearest 
b'lnkiBg  point.  Statres  to  Meiioraouie  and 
Pnirie  Farm.  E.\p.,  Am,  Tel.,  "W.  I'. 
I'cpulation,  200.     E,  Bricklcy,  postmaster. 

Harton  Q,  builder. 

jil.ikely  N  L,  justice. 

j!"Weron  C,  general  store  and  livery. 

Krlfkloy  A,  General  .Store, 

Il'own  ^ly:  Bradslmw,  "general  store. 

<  Tvl  .Vn?el  D,  broom  ninfr. 

<  link  MiifK  Co,  Spokes 
<:"rk  S  D,  lumber, 

Diekcr  &  Brickley,  apiarists, 
'•rutt  Charles,  mason, 
"ay.*  A  A  &  Bro,  saw  and  grist  mill, 
l;'.vis  J  C,  meat  market, 
^•irlett  John,  mill. 
■■! later  August,  shoemaker. 
K-ed  W  .V,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  ac;t. 
1-lort,  Fl,&.)  (.,  ^eii.T.d  st,)re, 
"  rulnor  J>r  KiUr  S,  Dru£r'nst. 
•■'^I'.ir  Kalpli,  billiards, 
>M.--ant  Charles,  blacksmith. 

:  ^P^D.  On  the  Wisconsin  Central  Line, 
a  I  liimicwa  county,  ]s  miles  ea^t  of  Cliip- 
|"--v«  i'all,^,  the  county  '^cat  and  bankin- 
I'"'";     It  was  settleil   in    1S-<1. 

saw  and  shiD;;le  mills  and  a  number  of 
general  and  special  stores,  etc.  Weekly 
stage  to  Cox,  Population,  COO,  Tei., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  N.  P.  Mail,  dally.  Jacob 
Jloore.  postmaster. 

Adams  Ellery  X.  justice, 

Adams  Herbert  S.  musician. 

Allie  David  J,  lawyer. 

Arehambcault  Eugene,  propr  Commercial 

Baer   II   &    Co  (Herman     Baer,    Adolph 

Kann),  general  store. 
Boyd   Cooperage     Co  (capital.  ^^C'inOi,   F 

Gunderson  pres  and  mngr,  W  P  tissons 

Iliitsclicr  Alborl,  General  Store. 
Carabin  Koek,  lilack.-mith. 
Cirkel  J  W  ^t  Sons  (John  W,  Au</ust  and 

Theodore  ,11,  stave  and  heading  innfrs. 
Commercial  House, Eugene  Arehambeault 

Cooper  C  E,  logger. 
Curtis  C  V,  livery. 

I)e  Both  Felix  .1,  cooper  and  restaurant. 
Fucrst  Frank,  shoemaker. 
Ganzal  ChriFtopher  II.  lioarding  house. 
Gciat  Peter  G,  meat  market 
(?reen  Shcpard,  liverj'. 
Gustafson  J\Irs  Christine,  milliner. 
Hanson  Jacoli  IT.  hardu-are. 
Harding  John,  wagonmaker. 
Ilebbard  Joseph,  saloon. 
i9einiaiiii  A;  Coo!i(Herman  Ileimann, 

Harry  W  Cook),   Drujci-ts. 
Iloilman  ]\nchael,  shoemaker. 
Ickstadt  "Wni  J,  hardware,  etc. 
Kleiner  Frank  X,   furniture. 
Kobb  Louis,  brewers'  agt. 
Loomis  J  J,  barber. 
Luebstorf  Henry,  saloon, 
Lund  Bros  (.Myron  and  Edson  O.saw  mill. 
McDonald  Alexander  H,  physician. 
Martin  Warren,  wagonmaker, 
Moore  Jaoi/b.  postmaster  and  harness. 
Murray  Michael   (estate).    Charles   Xelson 

ningr,  stave  and  heading    mnfr, 
Xelson  Charles,  mngr  J[  .Murrray's  estate. 
Olsen  Ole,  saloon. 
Patten  Robert,  general  store. 
Richie  Samuel,  blacksmith. 
Smith  George  W,  carpenter. 
Thompson  Ezra  H,  jeweler. 
"Weber  Mathias  B,  .saloon. 
Yager  Frank,  saloon. 
Zimmermanu  Stephen,   poultry  breeder. 

BOYDTOWN.  A  ;etHemcnt  on  the 
north  bank  of  ilir- "Wisconsin  Craw- 
ford conuty,    25   miles    from  Prairie   du 

<Y^'':'in,s  .Methodi.-t  Epi.^ci.pal  and  Catholic 
.iiJtcLes,  2  slave  and  heading  factories, 

Chicago, Milmykee  SSL  Paul  P,j,"Lr:\'/esiafld  UM^ 

oince*lactu^>,:;.lI,ake.t..aIL^vALKKI:,^vls.  L3lsst  lni:)royeo  veiiciiaii  Bijiids, 





Chien,  the  judicial  sua'..  6  froui  Bojcobel, 
Uie  nearest  baak  location, aud  jfrom  ^Vau- 
zcka,  the  ueare=l  shipping  point  Pdpuh'.- 
tion,  50.  K.  W.  Boyd,  postmaster  and 
general  store. 

BOyiNGTON.  Also  known  as  Boy- 
ington  Mills,  is  on  the  Tomorroi\'  river,  in 
Purtiige  countj',  K'j  miles  northeast  of  Ste- 
vens' Point,  the  county  seat,  and  r-2  north 
of  Custer,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Stevens'  Point  is  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Stages  tri-i;veekly  to  Stevens'  Point 
and  Alban.  Population,  40.  .Mail,  tri- 
■weekly.     A  D.  lioyiugton,  postmaster. 

Boyington  Mills,  Y  P  At'.TcU  mngr. 

BRACKETT.  A  farmers'  postofBce 
in  Eau  Claire  county.  11  miles  southeast  of 
Eau  Claire,  the  iudicinl  seat,  Mail  by  spe- 
cial supply.  Ibbert  Parker,  postniaster 
and  farmer. 

BRACY.  A  posloffice  in  Burnett 
county.  U  miles  northeast  of  Grantsuurgh, 
tlie  feat  of  justice  and  shipping  point. 
Bank  at  Ku.'.li  Cuy,  Jliun.  .Mail,  semi- 
weekly.     J.  B.  Uoberts,  postmaster. 

BRADTVILLE.  A  po.stollico  in 
Giant  county,  21  miles  northwest  of  Lan- 
caster, the  couuty  seat,  5  from  Oasley,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  10  from 
Bloomingtou,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  .semi-weekly  to  "Wyaiusing.  Popu- 
lation, 3f)0.  Mad,  serai  Weekly.  Sopliia 
Day,  postmaster.    . 

Anderson  A,  blacksmith. 
I  Bossi  ,1  A.  bro;)ni  iiiarr. 
Itriull  ISei'iiaiMl,  Hotel. 
Calkins  V.  ju^,tiLr. 
Ciaik  K  W,  cari>enler. 
Clark  John,   builiier. 
Day  J  .M,  mason. 
Day  ,1   r,  lawyer. 
Day  .1  S,  masnn. 
ttny  Sopliiii,  GeiK  ral  Store. 
Green  !!••?  (.MnlHuli^l  i 
Palmer  II  M,  meat  market. 

BRADY'S.  In  Hichland  county,  is 
miles  west  of  Kichland  Center,the  judicial 
scat,  usual  banking  and  .^hipiiing  p.iint. 
Population.  S.")  M  lil,  semi-weekly.  .James 
Brady,  postmaster. 
Ellsworth  D,  saw  mill. 

BRANCH.     A  post  village  on  the  M.. 
L.  S.  it  W.  Ky,  in   Manitowoc  county,    7 

miles  northwest  of  Manitowoc,  the  county 
seat  and  nearest  banking  point.  Popula- 
tion, loO.  Exp.,  U.  S.  Peter  Hermann, 

Bahr  Charles,  cheese  mnfr. 
Carbon  John,  blacksmith. 
Erdlitz  .Tosei-iii,  tailor. 
Ilalverson  Hans,  well  driller. 
Ilcrinanii   Peter,  Hotel,  Flour   and 

Saw  Mills. 
King  C  L,  agent  M,  L  S  it  W  Ky. 
Koener  Joseph,  pump  mnfr. 
Kunz  Charles  L,  saloon. 
Reif  A  &  L.  ilour  and  saw  mill. 
Reif  John,  broom  handle  mnfr. 
Schatler  Frank,  general  store  and  saloon. 
Schneider  A,  carpenter. 
Sheldon  D  W,  justice. 
Voelder  Louis,  vet  surgeon. 
Windhauser  M,  boots  and  shoes. 

BRANDON.  A  village  on  the  N. 
div.  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ky,  in  Metomen 
township.  Fond  du  Lac  county,  10  miles 
from  Fond  du  Lac,  the  county  seat,  and 
76  from  Milwaukee.  It  contains  a  sleigh 
and  carriage  factory,  a  butler  tub  factory. 
2  grain  elevators,  planing  miil,  cheese  fac- 
tories, 4  churches,  a  gocul  scliool,  a  harrow 
and  laud  roller  factory.  Odd  Fellows"  Hall, 
capable  of  sealing  :lOO.  2  good  liotels  and  a 
weekly  newspaper,  the  Bnih'  Tini''S. 
Land  is  worth  from  .'?oO  to  siJO  per  acre. 
There  are  several  quarries  in  the  vicinity 
which  3deld  a  superior  quality  of  granite. 
Telephone  communicalion  with  all  sur- 
rounding ixdnt.s.  I^earest  bank  at  "Wau- 
pun.  Population,  700.  Tel..  'iV.  U. 
Exp.,  Am.     Frank  C.  Brown,  postmaster. 

Bennett  Bev  Wm  (Methodist). 

Bornscheiii  Albeit  F,  i:;rain  I'levatnr. 

Brandon  'J'imes,  Martin  C  .short  propr. 

BrinkerlidlT  (■'rimk,  livestock. 

lirowu  Frank  C.  barber. 

Brown  Horace  L,  harncssmaker. 

Burkhani  Ib-v  John  (Luthernn). 

Cheney  Benjamin,  apiarist. 

Cole  Alamanda,  pumps. 

Cede  Mr.i  Louise,  dressmaker. 

Coll-  Willis,  grocer. 

Corastock  Edward,  painter. 

Ellis  it  Foster  (Charles  K   Ellis,  Frederick 

K  Foster),  hardware. 
Ellis  it   Olive   (.Mary   Ellis,    Anna  Olive), 

I^ltKJ^ii   il4>ii«e,  D  C  Keynolds    Propr. 
Feriju^on  L' ander,  i;eneral  Ktnre. 
Fo-itrr  F  11  it  Sou  (  b'rederick  B  and  John 

Wi.  bankers. 

Chicap  k  Grand  Tront  % 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 



Ctiicap  fi  Giand  Tfuni  Pij, 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 

ON    ALL   THf?OUCH    TRAiKS. 





Geidel  E  &  C  (Edward  and  Churle^),  wag- 

Graliiuii  Bros(Wm  and  John  E),  But- 
ter Tub  jMiifrs  and  General  Cooperage. 
i&e  iidv.  Uhic.) 

llallS  ISolol,  Levi  J  Hall  Propr. 

Hall  I>cvi  J,  Propr  Ili.irs  Ilntul,  .Tu'^- 
tice  of  Ptacc.  >;otary  Public,  -Mn-r  Tel- 
ephone, Insurance  Agent  and  Livery 

Hazen  Chester,  live  stock. 

Ileckendorii  Kcv  Gcorie  M  (Congl). 

Hermann  Charle.'J,  furniture. 

Hillmau  David  II.  live  stock  breeder. 

Hobbs  Bros  (Alvin  and  Walter),  cheese 

Hogle  Gilbert  SI,  wall  paper. 

Irwin  Bros  (\Vm  and  Samuel),  cheese  bos 

Jatncs  Edwin  A,  jeweler. 

Knapp  Charles  P,  hardware. 

Knapp  Mit-s  Gertie,  uiu.sic  teacher. 

Knajip  Mrs  L,  Jiiilliner. 

Koebler  &  Vcdder  (August  Koehler,  John 
Vedder).  grain  shiiipers. 

Lanphcr  Charles  C,  grocer. 

McClelland  Jauies.  shoemaker. 

Marquard  Bros  (Kerdiiiand  E  and  Freder- 
ick AV),  meal  market. 

Moore  Mark  L,  farm  inipts. 

O'Leary  Benjamin  A,  inngr  ^\'  U  Tel  Co. 

Paine  Lumber  Co,  George  F  Wheeler 

Pleuss  Henry  C.  saloon. 

Pleuss  Misio.Hfilatlieaiid  Leiia),dressmkrs. 

Randall  Walter  !S,  railroad  and  exp  at'ent. 

Itc-)'iiul4l<«  lie  Will  V,  Propr  Bn.'-igQ 

Root  ,1  n.  physi'-ian. 

SclioelfU'r  I'r:iiil4,  Saloon  and  Pro- 
duce Dealer. 

Schueler  Ileiirv  J.  boots  and  shoes. 

Sherwin  Edward  C,  rollers  and  harrows. 

Sherwood  Mrs  F),  grocer. 

Short  Martin  C.  propr  Brandon  Times. 

Silber  A;  Stelsel  (Jacob  Silber,  Aaron  Stel- 
sel),  general  store. 

Turner  James,  physician. 

Turner  &  ^Var(lrobe  (James  Turner,  "Wal- 
ter G  Wardrolie\  drucs. 

'^Vcin«.loc-k  <>ii!icrl  B, General  Store. 

Wheeler  George  F,  mngr  Paine  Lumber 

White  Howard  D,  musical  instruments. 

"Williams  Robert  M.  mason. 

Wilox  Lewis  A,  farm  impts. 

Zell  Frederick,  carpenter. 

BRANT.      A   postoHice   ia    Calumet 
county,  5  miles  northwest  of  Chilton,  the 
county  seat,   nearest  railioad  station    and 
banking   point.     States   daily    to   Chilton 
and  Stockbridije.     Population,  2.5.     Mail, 
daily.     P.  Mclvenna,  postmaster. 
McCabe  Ji:>hn  R,  cheese  mnfr. 
McCole  P,  cheese  mnfr. 
Kic'Kiciiiiii  !*,  General  Store. 
Snyder  John,  cheese  mnfr. 

BRASINGTON.     In  Pierce   county, 
12  miles  southeast  of  Ellsworth,  the  judi- 
cial seat  and    banking    point,  and  i>  from 
Maiden  Rock,  the  m  are-,l  shipping  point. 
Populati(^n,  200.     Stage   daily  to   Maiden 
Rock,    carrying   mail;  fare,  25  cents.     J. 
11.  Brasington,  postmaster. 
K^a^^^l::toIl  J<iliii  II,  General  Store. 
Mabin  \\  ni.  carjienter. 
Mcj'eis  Henry,  carpenter. 
Olin  August  B,  justice. 
Park,  Nelson  kX.  Co.  lumber  mnfrs. 
Peterson  Andrew,  grist  mil] 
Seeley  Josepli,  boarding  house. 
Thompson  Waiter,  l>l;irk-mith. 


General  Cooperage 

r^^m   WMiTii  AS^s  BUTTEr^  tubs 

^sl^^^t?     BRA\DO\,  ....  WISCOXSI.V. 


j     n     DIRECT  ROUTE 
ll   III  to  all   POINTS  1 





i    Short  and  Direct 
1         Route  from 






BRIARTON.  In  Sh.itvano  county, 
18  miles  southeast  of  Shawi^nn,  the  couutv 
scat,  and  10  north  of  Black  Creek,  the 
nearest  railroad  Etution.  Sejmour,  11 
miles  distant,  is  the  neatest  banking  point. 
Population,?.').  Mail,  tri--wcekly.  G.II. 
Qoldrick,  postmaster. 

Becker  J  T,  hotel  and  saw  mill. 

Dear  E  C,  .justice. 

Cioldric-k  Gcori;c   !I,  General  Store 

and  Lumber. 
Ilerriman  Henry,  saw  and  shingle  mill. 
Hoeft  \Vm.  blacksmith. 
Mielke  Wm,  carpenter. 

BREED.  A  country  postolBco  in 
•Oconto  county,  2'i  miles  northwest  of 
Oconto,  the  ^judicial  .seat,  and  15  from 
Gillelt,  its  nearest  shipping  point.  Slail 

Breed  A  W,  hardware  and  trroceries. 

BRIDGEPORT.  A  village  on  the 
Wisconsin  rivtr  and  on  the  C.  M.  tt  St. 
P.  Ky,  in  Crawford  cf]unty,  7  miles  south- 
east of  Prairie  du  Chicn,  the  county  seat, 
.and  nearest  bankinir  point.  Stnges  daily 
to  Bloomingtou  and  I'atcli  Grove;  furi-s, 
$1  and  SO  cents  respectivelv.  Poptilaiimi. 
100.  Tel.,  W.  r.  E.xp.,  Adams.  Carrie 
A.  Matthews,  postmaster. 

Ballentine  J  W,  live  stock. 

Beeseeker  A  .T,  hotel. 

Bieloh's  Orchestra. 

Cavanauch  I)  L,  railroad,  exp  and  tcl  ajt. 

Garrow  \V  A,  saloon. 

Horsfall  D  F,  saw  mill. 

Lewis  .J  F,  saw  mill. 

Lewis  Wm,  live  stock. 

Lumpkin  G  W,  live  stock. 

Jlclvcr  S,  live  stock. 

nEaUlieti's  fiirrie  .\,  General  Store. 

Mayuard's  Brass  Band. 

Orr  Joseph,  live  stuck. 

Stone  C  W,  live  stock. 

Strayber  Jacob,  carpenter. 

BRIGGSV.tI,IjE.  A  vilhitre  in  .Mar- 
■  quelte  county,  ~~  miles  southwest  of  .M,,.u. 
tello,  the  county  =tat.  and  11  northwest  crf 
Portage,  the  usual  baukins  point,  and  li 
from  Lewiston,  its  shipping;  point.  Pop- 
ulation, 120.  Mail,  tliiiiy.'  P.  K.  Peter- 
son, postmaster. 

Barlow  T  L,  wajonmaker. 
Champney  J  &  Son.  liour  mill. 
Dean  A  (>.  luanos  and  orcaus. 
I>fnii  II  T,  Harness. 

Prer  H  H,  hotel. 
Gray  E  C,  millwright. 
HaLS  .n  Evan,  boots  and  shoes. 
Hanson  Lars,  mason. 
Kimball  F  J  it  "W  C,  general  store. 
Mclntyre  J.  carding  mill. 
O'Connor  Thomas,  blacksmith. 
Pclcrsoii  P  K,  General  Store  and   Im- 
Tennisou  A,  general  store. 

BRIGHTON.     A  post  village   in    Ke- 
nosha county,  10    miles   northwest  of  Ke- 
nosha, the  county  seat,  4V   south   of   Kan- 
sasville,    on    the  C,  iL   A-   St.  P.  PiV,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  10  southeast 
of  Burlington,  the  nearest  banking  ]ioint. 
Population.  .jO.    .Mail,  send-weekly.    John 
H.  "Wiesmann,  postmaster. 
Daniels  Jacob,  general  store  and  saloon. 
Etschmann  I'ev  F  X  (Catholic). 
Jackley  Herman,  carpenter. 
Jackley  V^slentine.  saloon  and  livery, 
Kiirperi  J7ao<»i>,  lilacksmilh. 
Leinen  John,  mason. 
Mich  Jacob,  carpenter. 
Jlich  Peter,  shoemaker. 
Poss  ilathias,  hoarding  house.    . 
W'iesmann  ^Mjs  Henrietta,  general  store. 
Wicsmann  Henrv.  inwvi  r. 
Wicsiiiaiiii  John  El,  Veleiinary  Sur- 
Zeien  Hubert,  barber  and  shoemaker. 

BRILLION.  A  prosperous  incorpo- 
rated village  on  the  .M.,  L.  S.  it  VV.  Ky,  ia 
Calumet  couuty,  1.)  ndles  northeast  of 
Chilton,  the  county  scat  and  nearest  bank- 
ing point,  22  from  Manitowoc,  47  from 
Sheboygan  and  09  frcm  Milwaukee.  It 
was  lirst  .settled  in  l.'>7:!,  and  now  conlnins 
flour,  grist,  planiug  and  saw  mills,  a  fur- 
niture factory,  large  lime  worlis  and  2 
carriage  an<l  wagon  shops,  good  schools,  ;'. 
churches  and  2  hotels.  Fire  protection 
consists  of  1  hand  engine,  a  hook  and  lad- 
der and  800  feet  of  hn=e.  Tel.,"\V.  IT. 
Exp.,  U.  S.  Population,  050.  Peter 
lleulher,  postmaster. 

Allraann  Holiert,  wasonmaker. 

Acdrews  A  k  Sons  vAbraham  and  Dale), 

Tbunard  Charles  A,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Barnard,  Thompson  &  Co  'Samuel  T  Bar- 
nard, Sanuiel  and  Charles  Thompson), 

Beck  Abraham,  saloon. 

Behnke  Bros  fCharles  \V  and  Albert),  flour 

li-HuiKl     Whcr 

li-.     lutulogues  Fro 

'  -Ji.j  W.  Water  Street,  UILW.U'KE}:. 


BOOKKICWIPFns,  STENOfJK.VPiir.RS,  TLTvIlKS  ami  all  kiudK  of  wcll-irnined 

Otil.o  Hell.  Fi.rni,i.o<l  Sti>>l„,.»«  J!,^  Prn-^i   Tr,,,  Cuolpnoo  Pnljn-rn    f^ree..  liaj, 
Mill    Free    of  C'{iar;ic.     Aiidrij 






Boetclier  ifc  Co  (Charles  Boetclier,  Conrad 

Brasch).  fiirm  imp's. 
Brilliou    Furniture    Co   (capital,    S6.000), 

Isaac  M  JlcComb  pres,   Charles  Tesch 

Brufs  &  ThoniPcn  (Charles  Bruss,  ^Mathias 

Thoniteu),  general  store. 
Enders  1'  C  &  Sou  (Philip  C  and  Joseph 

F),  hardware. 
Farmer  Alfred  A,  railroad  and  exp  agent. 
Fro5t  H  10,  drui'trist. 
II aim    Will    B',   Propr   Koithweslern 

House;  llntes,  sl.i50  per  Day. 
Hamlin  JIrs  A  li,  mu.9ic  teacher. 
Hayn  Julius,  shoemaker. 
Heinke  Wm,  carpenter. 
Hirsch  G  A,  cheese  mufr,  2  miles  s  e. 
Holthusen  August,   apiarist. 
Jesse    &    Luecker    (John    Jesse,    George 

Lueckcr),  farm  impts. 
Jodar  Hermann  F,  shoemaker. 
KlenkeAVm,  carpenter. 
Krause  Charles  J,  meat  market. 
Kruecer  Otto,  cheese  mnfr. 
Lau  Ernst,  planin;;  and  saw  mill. 
Lintner  Wm,  cheese  mnfr,  2  miles  w. 
Luecker  J  ik,  Hro  (.Jacob  and  GeorL'e),fara. 
ilcAUiater,  Janlz  &  Co  (Hllcry  S  McAl- 
lister, Edward  Jautz,  Charles  F  Davis), 

McComh  Isaac  N,   physician. 
McMullon  Wm  V,  justire. 
Meyer  Henry  G,  blacksmith. 
Meyer  Philip,  cheese  nuifr. 
Miller  Charles  A,  havnessnuiker. 
Moeller  Ailolph,  jdiysician, 
Muinm  Win.  snloun. 
Xovllnvo»(crii   IB<nist',  Wm  F  Halm 

}'ropr;    Special    Alteiilion     Paid   to  the 

Traveling  Public;  Hates,  .'Jl.-'iU  per  Day. 
Ormshy  l,iriie  Co. 
Petty  Wm,  justice. 
Rank  Fraidc,  saloon. 
Ueuthcr  Peter,   postmasler. 

Riedel  Frederick,  cheese  mnfr,  2  miles  e, 

I!\ippcnthal  Henry,  saloon. 

Kusch  Albert,  blacksmith. 

Sachse  Edward,  boots  and  shoes. 

Schlei  C  i-t  Bro  (Chalks  and  ^Vm),  hard- 

Schneider  George,  hotel. 

Schwaller  Anton  F,  barber. 

Tesch  Charles,  general  store. 

'S'li«>itiitsoii  Tyler,  3Infr  Carriages, 
^VagOllS,  Sleighs,  Etc.     (See  adv,  bcluic.) 

Toll  John,  masou. 

Trier  John  J,  cigar  mnfr. 

Werner  Peter,  general  store  and  grain. 

Wiogiiiul  <>tt<>.  Dealer  in  Choice 
AVines,  Liquors  and  Cigars. 

Zuike  Kudolph  H,  saloon. 

BRISTOL.  A  station  on  the  C.  &  N. 
W.  l!y,  in  Kenosha  county,  12J  miles  west 
of  Kenosha,  the  county  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  Poimlatlon,  12.j.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  F.  K.  Lavey,  post- 

Di.xon  Joseph,  carpenter. 

Eddy  F  O,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agent. 

Hunt  Wm,  general  store. 

Ljivey  rrank  SE,  General  Store. 

Murdock  Bros,  blacksmiths. 

Nixon  George  K,  miller. 

Perrigo  Wra,  carpenter. 

Hichards  V  R.  flour  and  feed. 

Rowbotton  J  A,  shoemaker. 

SliollilT  Bros,  blacksmiths. 

Shotlill  E,  hotel  and  liver}'. 

Sleviiis  F  E,  physician. 

Tliay(  r  Refrigerator  Co,  butter  mnfrs. 

Tunier  W  R.  general  slure. 

Whitcher  C  H,  meat  market. 

Worth  A  M,  painter. 

BRISTOW.  Li  Vernon  county,  10 
miles  soutliwe't  of    Viro(|UH,  the  seat   of 


Fine  Carriages 


BPilLLlOri     -     Wis. 

Chicago  6  Grand  TrunI  fiy.  ^^i^T..^^]l 

d  Dining-  Cars 


O  M         \  I     I         \J^  ,,„mi.Ul..„.-..,n,r;„i„:..  : 





justice  and  bankicg  and  shipping  point- 
Popnialion,  30.  Albert  T  Fortun,  post- 

Fortiiii  Albert  T,  General  Store. 
Riniselt  Bros,  Hour  nnll. 
Thompson  Uros  ifc  Co,  creamery. 

BRITISH  HOLLOW.  A  post  vil- 
lage in  Grant  county,  10  miles  south  of 
Lancaster,  the  county  seat  and  bank  lo- 
cation, and  2  miles  north  of  Potosi,  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  Mining  is  exten- 
sively carried  on.  Stages  daily  to  Lan- 
■casler  and  Putosi.  Population,  120.  JIail, 

Blindert  Peter  .J,  general  store 
Oerriug  P,  saloon. 
Harris^Mrs  E.  niiilinery. 
Melcher  Win,  saloon. 
Peddler  E,  blacksmith. 
SliiCfman  .1  \V,  shoemaker. 
■Stephens  .lohn  B,  hotel. 
Vogelsberg  Thomas,  wagonmaker. 

county.     A-e  I'lcasant  Valle;/. 

BRODHEAD.  Dating  it  settlement 
from  IKoG,  and  incorporated  in  1^70,  is  a 
prosperous  village  located  on  the  C,  .M.  & 
St.  P.  Ky.  and  on  Sugar  river,  in  Green 
county,  IG  miles  east  of  Monroe,  the  judi- 
cial seat,  30  south  of  Madison,  and  '.'0 
south-west  of  Milwaukee.  It  contains  B'lp- 
tist.  Catholic,  Congregational.  Methodist, 
Evangelical,  Episcopal  and  Presbyteri'iu 
churches,  good  schools,  a  bank.  2  opera 
houses.  3  lirst-class  hotels,  largo  plow  and 
agricultural  implement  works,  carriage, 
omnibus  and  hearse  factories,  a  flour  mill. 
a  creamery,  machine  shop  and  the  usual 
number  of  stores,  etc.,  for  a  place  of  its 
size.  The  press  is  represented  by  2  week- 
ly newspapers,  the  fn''' i»  niJfiit  and  the 
Register.  Good  farming  lands  surround 
the  village  and  can  be  purchased  from  .■J.'iO 
to  :?75  per  acre.  Sugar  river  furnii-hes 
especial  interi'St  here  as  being  the  tirst 
place  to  fnrni.sli  the  wonderfid  fre.-<h 
water  pearls  of  Wisconsin,  and  this  indus- 
try is  successfully  prosecuted  here.  I>arge 
quantities  of  hogs  are  raised,  and  with 
butter,  cheese,  grain,  llour,  tobacco  and 
the  products  of  the  above  mention  factor- 
ies form  the  shipments.  Brodhead  has  a 
good  fire  department  and  the  city  is  light- 
ed by  electricitv  and  has  a  public  telephone. 
Population,  t,30O.  Exp.,  Adams.  Tel., 
W.  U.     lli-nry  P.  Clarke,  postmaster. 

Adams  Elijah,  painter. 

Amerpohi  Chrisli^n,  restaurant 

Bank  of  Brodhead  (capital,  s4.5,000i,  Cor- 
nelius ^;  Carpenter  pres,  C  W  Carpentc' 

Barr  Orson,  carriagemaker. 

Bartlett  &  Sons  (Luke  C, Eugene  and  W"m., 
carriage  mnfrs. 

Beck  Martin,  carriage  mnfr. 

Bement  George,  jeweler. 

Bennett  Edwin  G,  physician. 

Billings  ifc  Adams  (George  Billings,  .Jay 
Adams),  carpenters. 

Breyvogel  Conrad  P,  baker. 

Broderick  Bros  (Michael  aud  James),  fur- 

Brodhead  Independent,  E  A  Charlton 

Brodhead  Mercantile  Assn  (capital,  :<10,- 
500),  J  Emory  Doolittle  mngr,  gen  store. 

Broughton  Bros  (.John  A  and  Kussell  Ei, 
druggists  aud  groc.-rs. 

Rroii^'Iitctii'i;  \t'\vO[i<Ta  l3oi!«c, 
Broughton  Bros  Proprs,  All  New;  Seat 
ing  Capacity,  SCO;  First  Floor;  Reason- 
able Terms  to  the  Profession. 

Broughton  Kussell  B.  physician. 

Brown's  Orchestra,  Wellington  Brown  Idr. 

Bucklin  Bros  (Frank  J  and  Rodney  J.i, 
meat  market. 

P.urrdiam  Mi.-s  Cyrene.  milliner. 

Burton  Richard,  barber. 

Bush  Jacob,  shoemaker. 

Charlton  Edwin  A,  propr  Independent. 

Clarke  Henry  P,  drugs  and  postmaster. 

Clawsou  Bowen  R.  wool  buyer. 

Cl.-iUhOii  :7!r«i  ES  <",  Propr  .'Marshall 
Ilou-e;  The  Traveling  Tratie  is  Respect- 
fuih-  Solicited. 

Cleveland  Sylvantis,  barber. 

Cooley  Walter  E,  jewelry-. 

Dodge  &  Stephenson  (Edward  J  Dodge. 
Charles  J  Slepheuson),  grain. 

Dugan  Rev  Thomas  (Pre^byleiian). 

Evans  Miss  Sarah  J,  milliner. 

l'''islier  Loring  S.  boots  anil  shoes. 

Fleek  Wm  .M,  leaf  tobacco. 

(lardner  Burton  G,  insurance. 

Glass  Charles  F,  photographer. 

Go-Iiu"  A  O.fc  Co  (.C  D  Gosling,  Maaly 
A\  illiainsi.  well  drillers. 

Graham  Elliot  E.  horse  dealer. 

Green  Bros  (Isaac  S  and  Wm  O).  billiards. 

Ilahn  Ernst,  merchant  tailor. 

Hamilton  .Mr>^  (George  W,  milliner. 

Hainm  Mrs  Mary  E,  dressmaker. 

Hand  Mrs  IZniily,  telegraph  agent. 

Ilaitman  Xorvel  W,  harnessmaker. 

Ilelierud  Knud,  saloon. 

Iligley  Archer  S,  veterinary  surgeon. 

RLIliaiS  C['iiT[i/iL  I  e 

I  to  all   POINTS  in 


3go  S  Gfaod  ]mi  Pij, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 






iliU  &  GraLauuWm    W   Hill,  Jesse   Gia- 

ham),  lutnher. 
Hulcoiub  liandolpli  J,  founder. 
Home  .lames  11,  jeweler. 
H}de  W  B  F,  auctioneer. 
Kelly  Hev  Christopher  (.Catholic). 
Keppler  Wm,  shoemaker. 
Kirkpatrirk  fl  D   it   Co  (Hector    D   and 

.Tames  Kirkpatrick),  general  store. 
Ktudtson  Levi,  stock  breeder,  .5  miles  s. 
KoUer  John  A,  barber. 
Lake  Jacob,  cold  storage. 
Laube  Charles,  saloon. 
Laube  &  Durner  (Sebastian  Laube,  Anton 

Durner),  carriage  ninfrs. 
Laube  &  Hahn  (Joseph  M  Laube,    Ernest 

Hahn),  hardware. 
Leng  Oscar  C,  grocer. 
Loomis  Samuel  1!,  painter. 
L  lUcks  Elick  J,  bill  poster. 
Lucas  Charles  W.  photographer. 
Lyons  Edward  M,  dniggi.Mi. 
-McGovern  F  E,  prin  of  sciioola. 
McNair  Cbarlea,  tobacco  buyer. 
>Lack  Mi^^  Kellie.  mu.sic  teacher. 
Mack   A.-  Holf  (W'escott    Jlack,  Jiyron    L 

liolf),  carpenters. 
Mecomber  Isaac,  shoemaker. 
-Manager   Opera  Housi',    Charles   aud   Se 

biislian  Laube  jiropr.i. 
Jtlnrsliiili   ti<>n<^c,  Mrs  R  C   Claw.con 

I'ropr  ;   i'^irst-Clas^  Acconimndatioiis  to 

the  Commercial  Trade  ;    Simple  Kooms 

on  Ground  Floor. 
Maschler  Jlichael,  clotliimr. 
Moore  Peter  T,  meat  nnikct. 
iloore  it  Moore   (Frank  I  aud  Harvey  C), 

general  store. 
Moran  George  F,  saloon. 
Jlurdock  lloss  C,  hardware. 
Nicholson  Mrs  Alice,  dressmaker. 
Niles  Frederick  lO,  .stationer. 
Nuzuni  ifc  Richards   (Thomas  W   Nuzum, 

John  B  Ricliards),  pbvsieiaus. 
Ohenshuin  John  T,  grocVr. 
O'Cavana  it  EmminL'er(  Thomas  O'Cavaua, 

Xelson  Emmins'er),  livery. 
Owen  Edward  ]?,'"'deutist. 
I'almer  Newton,  cattle  breeder. 
Fttulsoii  .Miss  .Margaret,  dressmaker. 
Pierce  Mrs  Arthur,  music  teacher 
Pierce  Frauk  F,  foundry. 
Pierce  George  M.  plow  mufr. 
Putnam  Henry  C,  lumber. 
Randall  Archibald  N,  lawyer. 
Uindall  A  Charles   harnessmaker. 
Kctd  Russell  U,  hotel, 
liegan  Miss  p>nse.  dressmaker. 
Hegi.^ter  Publishing  Co,    Lucius  E  Towne 

pres,  C  W  Carpenter  sec. 

Pioaulree  &  Holcomb  (Wm  Roautree,  Wm 

F  Holcomb),  llour  mills. 
Roderick  Wm  ^y,  general  store. 
Root  Mrs  (;harles  U,  dressmaker. 
Root  ^Miss  Edith  I.  milliner. 
Ross  Edwin  A,  meal  market. 
Sargent  Elbridce  G,  produce. 
Schenipp  Mrs  Mary,  milliner. 
Searles  josiah  B,  farm  impis 
Sheldon  lluv  Wm  (.Vdventist). 
Siii!tiion>^  C3ijirlt'»  I^, Ice  Cream  Mnfr. 
Skinner  ^Vm  R,  railroad  aud  exp  agt. 
Spaulding  George  T,  farm  imiils. 
Spencer  it  Swan  (James  W  Spencer, Ta}  lor 

Swan),  billiard  hall. 
Sprague  Edwin  R,  Insurance. 
Stair  Henry,  general  store. 
Stair  ,Iebu,  restaurant. 
Ten  Eyck  Ally,  livestock  breeder,  3  m  w. 
Terry  Bros  (Lewis  W  and  0  E),  gen  store. 
Thompson  Joseph,  justice. 
Tilley  &  Mitcheltree  iCliristopUer  Tilley, 

Scott  Mitcheltree),  cigar  mnfrs. 
Towne  Lucius  E,  physician. 
Twining  Milo  S,  justice. 
Usher  it  Co  (Eilward  P  Hasslugcr), grocers. 
Utke  Charles,  harnessmaker. 
Warn  Bros  (Fred  and  Frank),  livery. 
AVurn  Wm,  cliief  of  police. 
West  Samuel,  horse  breeder, 
Wi'^consia     Woman's    Relief    Corps,   Mrs 

Eleanor  W  Stone  sec. 
Wood  Alfred,  town  clerk. 
I'ouiiS  SEoiisc,  J  A  Young  Propr. 
Yoiiii^  Joiiii  .\,  Pro)ir  Young  House. 

^  BROOKFIl'lLD.     On    the   C  .  M.    it 

St.  P.  Ry,  ill  W.iukesha  counlv,  0  miles 
northwest  of  AVaukeslia,  tlie  county  seat 
and  nearest  b'lnking  r>oint.  Population, 
I'OO.  Tel.,  \V.  U.'  Exp..  Am.  G.  W. 
Brown,  fioslma^ler. 

Allen  Wm,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
lirowii  G  W,  Gen  Store  and  Lawyer. 
Ifios  t.'arl,  live  .stock. 
Scholl  Win,  meat  market. 
Thatcher  John,  mason. 
Wadsworth  H,  carpenter 

BUOOKLYN.  A  village  on  the  C.  it 
!N.  W.  Ry,  in  Green  county,  30  miles 
northeast  of  Monroe,  the  county  seat,  and 
(Ji  northwest  of  Evansvill,-,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  -IdO.  Tel., 
W.  I'.  Exp.,  Am.  A.  L.  Axtell,  post- 

.\ndrew  Bros,  produce. 

Andrew  I!  (),  hardware. 

Axtell  nr§  n  .•«,  General  Store. 

Cliicap,  f^lilr/auke  S  St,  Paol  Pj/itXl'/estaiid  loiteest 

iLLiiiois  mm 

ill  Ri 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 

cyiciGO,  so'Jir; 





Bell  J  S,  livery  and  farm  impts. 
Brooklyn  Cornet  Band. 
Conradson  T  B,  blacksmith. 
Crahen  vfc  Tripp,  live  stock. 
Dick  John,  slioemaker. 
Duplex  "WindniiU  Co,  windmill  mnfrs. 
Ellis  A  G,  druffsist, 

Ellis  J  R  &  Sou,  G  I  Tripp  mngr,  cream- 
EvansvilleJIercantile  Assn,  general  store. 
Graves  E  H.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Hankinsnn  H,  builder. 
Haydeu  ^Vm,  hotel. 
Hudson  A  L,  carriagemaker. 
Lcnch  H  C,  hotel. 
Leonard  J  A,  blacksmith. 
Lovejoy  &  Iticliards.  lumber. 
JlcCoomb  Samuel,  hotel  and  livery. 
Main  II  P,  barber. 
Monroe  W  B,  physician. 
Roberts  Owen,   meal  market. 
Turner  Rev  C  W  (Metho.'ist). 
Turton  C  K,  liarne=sm?.ker. 
AVeisiiTiV  I>iir!ier,  Blacksmiths. 
\Vhite  J  S,  tobacco  nud  justice. 
Wilder  L  J,  general  store. 

BROOKSIDE.  .\  village  on  the  Pen- 
sauUee  river,  in  <_)couto  countj',  10  miles 
southwest  of  Ocouto,  the  county  seat,  and 
4  east  of  Abrams.  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion. Oconto  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  semi  weekly  to  Peu.<iaukee.  Popii 
lation,  150.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  0.  L. 
"Warner,  postmaster. 

Bitters  ;\I,  blacksmith. 

Churchill  .1  T  II,  ju.':lice. 

Delano  \V  W,  hind  agent. 

Minnick  E  B,  justice. 

Pari  Ion  Henry,  Hotel  and  Builder. 

Shen  Ijoran,  barber. 

Trautmau  liev  J  (Lutheran). 

Trijiii  David,  meat  market. 

Tuttlc  S,  carpenter. 

"^IVsjriier  V  !>,  General  Store  and  Grain. 

■NVellington  M  C,  !-hocmaker. 

BROOKVILTjE.  a  village  on  ]:.ui 
Galle  river,  in  St.  Croix  county,  30  luile.s 
soutlieast  of  Iliidsnn,  the  county  seat,  and 
4i  south  of  Woodville,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Baldwin  is  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population.  l.jO.  ]Mail,  daily. 
O.  H.  Kimball,  postmaster. 

Daniels  .John,  saw  and  feed  mill. 
Jenson  Ole,  saw  mill. 
Jcnson  t^'  Strand,  ireueral  store. 
Kimball  O  II,  Notary. 

Thomp«ou  Wm   saw  and  feed  mill. 
Wood  Ann,  hotel. 

BROTHERTOWN.  A  post  village 
on  Fox  river,  in  Calumet  county,  10  mile; 
southwest  of  Chilton,  the  county  seat  ar.c 
banking  point,  and  7j  from  ^Malone,  the 
nearest  shipping  point.  Stages  daily  tc 
Malone.  Population,  100.  ilail.  daily. 
J.  li.  Ilaight,  postmaster. 

Amel  James,  saloon. 

Dick  E  M,  saloon. 

Eliii^-lit  J  B!,  General  Store. 

Moyer  Andrew,  blacksmith. 

Phillips  Bros,  cheese  mnfrs. 

Phillips  George  it  Son,  general  store. 

BROWN   DEER.     On  the   M.  &  N 

R.  R.  and  on  the  ."(lihvaukce  river,  in  Mil 
waukce  county,  7  miles  north  of  l^Iihvau 
kee,  the  seat  of  justice  and  nearest  bank 
ing  point.  Contains  Catholic  and  Luth 
eraii  churches  and  a  district  schonl.  Pup 
ulation,  oO,  Mail,  daily.  F,  Q.  .Milbrath 

niibralh  rcr4li!iun<l    G,  Hotel  and 

Telephone  Manairer 
Radke  Otto  II,  blacksmith. 
Stein  Henry,  saloon. 
Voland  Robert,  wagoamaker. 

BROWNSVILLE.  On  the  C'M.  i 
St.  P.  Ky,  in  Dodge  county,  20  mile= 
northeast  of  Juneau,  the  county  seat,  ami 
13  south  of  Fond  du  Lac,  I  he  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Tol.,  \V.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
Populr-tion,  100.    G.  J.  Wolfe,  postmaster. 

Bauer  Frank  11.  shoemaker. 

Brown  Alfred  L.  general  store. 

Burge  Thomas,  grain. 

Christ  N  C,  sewing  machine  agent. 

Klkiiigton  !M  P,  lailroad.cxp  and  tel  agent. 

I'Jkinitiin  Mrs  M  P,  dressmaker. 

B'liMli  Jlottti,  Meats. 

(Kcrgen   Peter,  saloon. 

Nezen^er  Peter,  hotel. 

Kaa.-cli  A,  wagotunaker. 

KnaM-h  V,  harness  and  barber. 

Radei-  LV'V  L  (Lutheran). 

Richard  II,  blacksmith, 

Sanip.son  Amos,  justice. 

,^chull7,  .\ugiist,  blacksmith. 

\V«»ir<'  <ii'orso  ,!,  Farm  Implements. 

Wollc  «.V  Si'linurc,  General  Store. 

BROWNTOWN.  On  the  C.,M.&  St. 
Ry,  in  Green  county,  8  miles  west  of  Mon- 
roe, the  county   seat    and   bankins   poin:. 


.go_&_Greiid  Trunk  Ry. 

TliB  Favorite  Ro'.ne  East 

VI.V    .M.VG.\I£.V    F.VLI-S. 


Celifcrnio  V/ii 

-SQ  Pure  \Ji;.j:5    to    t.  I  Ui,i!.!!:n  'n'i!:  Lu,, 

li#*/J  29i  WEST  WATIill  .ST.,  ?IjriVA  LlililC,  I'i  IS. 





K\p.,  Adams.     Tel.,  W.  U.      Population, 

oOO.     B.  C.  Curtis,  postmaster. 

liiDger  Sol,  wugonmaker. 

IJioom  J  S,  luniljer. 

Dale  &  Kelly,  Genersil  Store. 

J)osson  it  Tomlinsnn,  s^rocers. 

Fr3-slie  Bros,  general  store. 

Griffith  B.  Wfliion maker. 

Hardy  &  Allen,  Grocers. 

Ktlly  Charles  A,  druggist. 

Kclli'ifc  Diven,  cenen.l  store. 

Kelly  ifc  Tyler,  saw  mill. 

Kidd  George,  prist  mill. 

Lathrop  £1,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Michaels  George,  justice. 

lihodes  JI  P,  saw  mill. 

Tr.ylor  K,  b:irl)er. 

Trickle  8^<Jivar<l,  Hotel. 

Trickle  K  \V,  rtstauraut. 

Tyler D  D,  justice. 

^Vicks  Benjamin,  saloon.  • 

BRUCE.  A  post  settlement  on  the 
Chippewa  river,  and  on  the  il.,  St.  P.  & 
.?.  Ste.  JI.  H_v,  in  Cliipjiev.-a  county,  4s 
iiiilca  north  of  Chippewa  Falls,  t)ic  loca- 
tion of  the  nearest  bank.  Population,  150. 
E\-p.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  S.  J.  Johnson, 

Blackburn  Du-nl  W,  hotel, 
li'irhydt  1)  P,  saloon. 
Holmes  John,  blacksmitli. 
■Ioliii«o3i  Samuel  .3,  Hotel, 
"rcutt  O  xM,  railroad  and  exp  agt. 
Page  Hay,  justice, 
lieeves  Win,  saloon. 
S:iwyer  Thomas,  saloon. 
'^laiiley  3  i;,  General  Store. 
^'.ewHrt  Jolin,  saloon. 
TymonJohn,  farmer. 

BRULE.      On    the   N.    P.    R.  R.,    in 

nouglas    county,    2lU   miles   southeast  of 
^uperior,   tlie  judicial  seat,    and  o7   from 
-\sldand.       Population,  00.       Exp,,  N.  P. 
-Mrs.  Mary  Jliller,  postmaster. 
Agnew  Patrick,  loi,'ger. 
''"■II  Upton,  hotel. ^ 
Bishop  George,  blacksmith. 
Coui;h]iu  Robert,  hotel. 
Crockitl  >fathan,  grocer. 
IJodL-e  Orrin  I.  saw  mill. 
Junn  Janus  P,  con.-.table. 
"uliou  Horatio,  land  agent. 
"uter.o.^-Jirown,  lng5. 
llvi,..s  Puirick.  lo'.'"cr. 
;"IU-r  .Viulrew,  Saw  Mill. 
.'■■M'hy  Matthew,  logger. 
''■'!»jtts  Prsink,  saloon. 

BRUSIIVILLE.  On  Spring  creek, 
in  Waushara  county,  i!2  miles  northeast  of 
"Wautoip.a,  the  county  seat,  and  16  north  of 
Berlin,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
hanking  point.  Stages  daily  to  Tustin, 
West  Blocmfield  and  Pine  Riyer.  Popu- 
lation, 300.  ilail,  daily.  Wm.  Godson, 

Colaiich  I  A.  creamery. 
Oo<I«(>ii  \Vi»,  Insurance. 
Peterson  Aliiert,  meals  and  live  stock. 
Walter  C  J,  cheese  mnfr. 
Wendt  John,  meats  and  live  stock. 
Wendl  Richard,  blacksmith. 

BRUSSELS.  In  Door  county,  l.>  miles 
southwest  of  Sturgeon  Bay,  tl'ie  county 
seat  and  nearest  Ijauking  point,  and  30 
from  Green  Bay,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion.    Popidation,  75.     JIail,  daily. 

De  Camp  Mrs  P,  gen  store  and  cheese  fac- 

Eversird  &;  Cro,  General  Store. 

Pierre  Frank,  hotel. 

Pierre,  Virlic  &  Co,  general  store,  flour 
and  saw  mill. 

BRYANT.  A  poitoffice  ou  the  M.,  L. 
S.  &  W.  I{y,  in  Langlade  county,  10  miles 
northeast  of  Aulii.'o,  tlie  seat  of  "justice  and 
bank  location.  Population,  150.  Mail, 
daily.     J.  H.  Glllcn,  postmaster. 

Clegg  E  A,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Oiilei)  J  SS,  General  Store  and  Saloon. 
Hutchinson  S  .V,  hotel. 
Summer  Mi^s  J,  music  teacher. 
Wolrath  C,  justice. 

BUCKBEE.  A  station  on  the  M.,  L. 
S.  it  W.  Ry,  and  on  the  soulh  branch  of 
Pigeon  river  in  Waupaca  county,  3'3  miles 
northeast  of  Waupaca,  the  seat  if  justice, 
and  i  from  Clintonville,  the  location  of  the 
nearest  bank.  Population,  ;;0o.  Mail, 
daily.     R.  Jackson,  postmaster. 

Appleton  Furnace  Co,  charcr>al  burners. 
Bennett  G  P,  broom  handle  mnfr. 
Gulleii  Fred,  saloon. 
.Jaelisoii  t{,  B.  aiding  House. 
Jonc>*  O   't\   A:  Co,  General  Store. 
McNeil  Juiue.-.  ju?tice. 
PronkoOtto,  blacksmith. 

BUCK  CREEK.  A  postcffice  on  Pine 
river,  in  Richland  county,  T  miles  north  of 
Richland  Ciiiire,  the  county  scat,  nearest 
railniad  .'-fation  and  bankinc  point.  Stacks 
daily  to  Ricliland   Centre  and  i; 

AtMn»o.<>   I   O'li-  Slock   of   I50XI 
'  ^  «  m  VJ  I  Cj  O   a    JOU.\  .IIEL.MUK  1. 

NO  f;i,<»vj;s 

l~<»II,N,  Usi,.i. 

v>  to.,  L';j 

INDIAN    CKilHS.     nf"»T5J 

-  an.5  .^In»k«  i-. '.  fwii;) 

Eht  M  atcr  street.  Uilnaatce.  Mlm 

hr\  Pr^T^'r^Yhr'.^.mn^q  At  Robert  Harpgr  &  Sons,  Mft li-reS"^?lt't l^ 



d:  * 





Pupuhitioc,    SO.       Mail,  daily.       .Mrs.   E. 
Stevenson,  postmaster. 

§fcvcii§oii  Mrs  Eiizabclli,  General 

Stevenson  F  JI,  paw  mill. 
Thompson  John,  carpenter. 

BUENA  VISTA,  A  postofflce  in 
PoitnLie  county,  11  miles  of  Ste- 
vens' Point,  tlie  founty  and  banking 
point,  and  7  southeast  of  I'lover,  the  near 
est  railroad  station.  Population,  To.  3Iail, 

Clarl4  S,  General  Store. 
Huntley  F,  general  sfrire. 
Kramer  . I  II,  blacksmith. 


BUFFALO.  An  incorporated  cily  on 
the  Missi.^sippi  river,  in  I'ulTalo  county,  8 
miles  southeast  of  Alma,  the  seal  of  jus- 
lice  and  nearest  bankina:  point, and  H  v.^est 
of  Cochrane,  the  nearc'^t  railroad  station. 
Population,  275  ilail,  daily.  N.  "Wei- 
nandy,  postma.ster. 

I'andli  Michael,  carpet  weaver. 

P.randl  .lulius,  shoemaker. 

Ilr-ub^ch  iVnton,  shoemaker. 

I!<K'1'<'I  .^oliii,   Liverv. 

Hoeft  I),  wau'iiuinalier. 

Iluber  liuhert.  hotel  and  saloon. 

Meunch  .M.-ittliew.  livery. 
,  ?i3ucll<'r  ^^iisKtii,  IMacksmith. 

Keady  Fred,  poultry. 
'  Schneider  .loseph  N,  painter. 

Tolachek  Uev  (Lutlieran). 

BUNCOMBE.     On  the  C.   &  N.  W. 

Ky,  in  I,a  Fayette  county,  I2."j  miles  scnith- 
west  of  I)arIin;;tou,  the  county  seat,  and 
10  nortli  of  Galena.  Ill  ,  tlic  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  JIail,  daily.  Population,  1G5. 
K.vp.,  Am.  J  A.  Gillette,  postmaster. 
t'arler  ItJiiry  .>,  General  Store. 
Uobbius  James  M,  General  store. 


BUNGERT.  In  OulacHiuie  county, 
IS!  niilits  uorlhwtst  01  Aiiphlon.  lire  coun- 
ty Heat  and  nearest  b.HnkuiL'  p. .int.  and.") 
from  Becker,  its  nearest  aln|)pinir  point. 
Population,  20.     Mall,  serai-weekTy. 

BUNYAK.  In  Polk  county,  32  miles 
norlheasl  of  (»>reola  .MiU.s.the  countvseat, 
and  '20  rr(uii  St.  Croi.x  Falls,  the 'usual 
bankini;  and  shipping  jioint.  Population, 
12.  .Mail,  weekly.  George  Crane,  post- 
master and  geucral  store. 

BURKE.  On  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  P,y. 
in  Dane  county,  G  miles  from  Madison, tlie 
judicial  seal  and  nearest  banking  point. 
Tel..  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Population,  itj. 
J.  "W.  Berwick,  postmaster. 

Berwick   J  AV,   General  Store,  Grain, 

Railroad  and  Exp  Ac;eut. 
Berwick  Leonard,  tel  aut. 
Gilman  Ilenr}',  general  store. 
Iverspu  &  Heirndal,  creamery. 

BUEKHARDT.  A  postoffice  on  the 
C,  St.  P.,  M.  &  O  l{y,  in  St  Croi.\  coun- 
ty, 6+  miles  northeast  of  Hudson,  the  seat 
of  justice  and  banking  point.  Population, 
75.  Tel.,  W.  U.  C.  Uurkhardl,  post- 

Anderson  James,  blacksmith. 

P>fer  Pros,  general  store. 

niirkii:ir<  (  CIiri<.ii:iii,  Flo\ir  ilills. 

llartmann  John,  hotel  and  saloon. 

Sowle  G  F,  railroad  and  tel  agent. 

BURLINGTON.  A  flourishing  vil- 
)age  on  the  H.  ifc  S  \V.  div.  C,  .M.  '&  St. 
P.  Ry,  and  on  the  "Wisconsin  C.'entral  Line, 
in  Racine  county,  at  the  conlluence  of  the 
Fox  and  ^Vhite  rivers,  27  miles  southwest 
of  Racine,  the  county  seat,  42  southwest 
of  Milwaukee,  and  72  ti.irthwesl  of  Chics- 
go.  Splendid  water  power  is  obtained, 
but  is  little  utilizcal.  The  industries  com- 
prise a  large  il.iur  mill,  brick  and  tile 
works,  a  planing  mill,  a  sorghum  mill, 
farm  im|)lemenl  and  machine  sluipa.  a 
brewery  and  a  cheese  factory,  and  the 
products  of  the  above  with  grain  and  live 
stock  constitute  the  shipments.  ISaplist, 
Cimgrcgalional,  (Jerman  Methodist  Episco- 
pal, Catholic,  lOiiiscopal  and  2  Lutheran 
chuiches,  Lutheran  and  German  Catholic 
schools  ami  a  public  school  with  si.x 
teachers  are  sustained.  The  Catholics  are 
prepaiing  to  build  a  church  which  to- 
gctlier  with  the  par^onatre.  will  cost  in  the 
neighborhood  of  .■s02,0O0.  Two  weekly 
newspapers,  the  Sl.uulnrd  Democrat  and 
the  Fi-fc  Press,  are  published,  a  bank  is 
located  here,  and  3  holi:l3  cater  to  the 
wants  of  the  traveling  public.  It  has  a 
bonded  debt  of  iJil.OOO,  which  was 
voied  in  order  to  put  in  a  water  plant, 
and  water  is  now  secured  from  an  arte- 
sian well  whose  analysis  proves  stronger 
than  the  famous  Waukesha  Water.  As- 
sessed valuation  of  real  and  personal  prop- 
erty, .si, 500, COO.  Staije  dailv  to  Wat.r- 
ford.     Population,    2,200       tel.,    W.    U- 

L^aa  tl  J  I 


].■>(  w  i;sr  M  \'«":"  st.,  miLAi  .vi  iti;ij,  wis. 

3U  never  }iavo  to  l)uy  a  -ood  PIANO  or  ORGAN  l>ul  . 
oiiej'  can  l>e  ^a^od  !>>' "%!  riiiiiir  n     ^    '  *,!*    0    '^     ,,  ^  *'     ♦     *''5" 

be  saved  l)>  x\rilin;;  ->  '      1'     0    "  >'     »     I'lyinoutl.  lll.i,l 

.is.t    aad    Terms     to     U6c»rriull    Ci    DOiiSUlCl,  AVi«o.,-.ia.     t^ 

t  laht4  a  llfetinK 

outl.  ltl.1,-1,.  51il».mikf 
See  rate 





Exp.,    Am.    !iB<l    N.     P.     Tt-luphone    ex- 

cbange.     Francis  Reuschleiu,   postmaster. 

Aljbens  Barney,  carpet  weaver. 

Alku  Mrs  Frank,  dressmaUcr. 

Banks  John  F,  marsliiil. 

Beller  Adam,  shoemaker. 

Beller  Frank,  propr  Western  Union  Hotel. 

Bullow  Ctiarles,  carpenter. 

Bower  John  H,  pli\'sician. 

Brehm  Barney,  express. 

Brehm  Jacob,  junk  dealer. 

Briody  Patrick.  I'orse  dealer. 

Buell  Frederick  J,  hardware. 

Burlington  Brick  and  Tile  Co,  Edwin 
Brook  pres.  Wra  Meadows  sec. 

Burlington  Kdison  Electric  Liulit  Co,  Hu- 
bert Wagner  prcs,  John   li  W.igtier  sec. 

Burlington  Free  Press,  Wm  A  Colby 

I    SJiirlii9i^toii    E&iiitlx-r   ^tuiiip    Co, 

Wurms  Bro^  Prnprs.     [Scr  itdr,  hiloip.) 
I   Buschman  &  "Wilbur  (JSenj-imin  J  Busch- 
I       man,  Frederick  C  Wilbur),  grain. 
!   Butter  Rev  Xalhan  ^Balltis^). 
!   Campbell  &  Smith  (Oeorge  R  Campbell, 

Charles  F  Smith),  general  store. 
j  Cciilr:el  EJoiiso.'Xieholas  Gill  Prnpr; 

Livery  in  Connection.     {See  (uh;  below.) 
Christien  Joseph  .M,  shoemaker. 
I   Colby  Wm  A,  propr  Free  Press. 
I   Crandall  Caspar  L,  physician. 
!   Cunningham  .Miss  .Mary,  dressmaker. 
,   Damrow  Piev  F  \\'  (Lutherani, 
'   Denniston  Relnardy  ifc  Co  (George  C  Dcn- 
;       niston,      Sim     JI  -Reinardy,      Nicholas 
I       Wtiler),  drugs. 

]   De  .''tellun  Miss  Alice,  music  teacher. 
i    Dichlofen  P.eruard,  wooden  shoes. 

^V.-^^   J 


ae  ijeniFai  Mouse 

PIIC    GSLL,    Proprietor. 

Livery  in  Connection  with  House 



F.  G.  KLKIN.                                         F,  X.  KLi:i\. 

F.  G.  KLEIN  &  CO., 


\VIJK?IS  IIICU.S.,  l'roi>r». 

maniifactdhehs  ,if 


Vichy  Spring  Ciiiger  Ale, 

Rubber  and  Metal  Stamps 

Birch  Beer.  Cream  Soitn,  Sndaaii.l  WatiTs, 

Flavoriut;  Extracts,  Kniit  Svnivs 

and   Bottlers  .jf 

Burlington  Artesian  Well   Walor. 

BURLINGTON,          -          -          WIS. 

Printing  U  liepls.  St,neils,  ami  Solid  KuL.ljerTypc. 
.\^euts'  Novelties,  KU-. 

.4g8nt8  Wanted.    Send  for  CataloRue. 


I'lne  St.,    BURLINGTON,  WIS. 


Livery.  'Bus  Linn  and  Hnrir.linir  Slal,l„.     .\  lull  lin,_>  of  rigs  aUvavs  ou  liaad  for  th.< 
use  of  TraTchiiK  Mon.     C'orn'Spondeuce  Solioit,-d. 



Cliicap,  Milaaylee  fi  St,  f  ay|  Ry,":::.:;:' I'lest  and  hMi 


For  <iale  bj- GOODYEAR  RUB  BE! 
1  CO?IPA-\r,       -      Jlilwaukee,   "nV; 

BCB.        — iscoyjii-  £7^-2 

Dick  Cfiarle*  II.  JrTipr^Djii  -£^.ii 
Dick   li^ouse.  -iir:=i  ^  -.i;^  "-:" 

Bites'^  r^sTl-ij.' 
DicieriLii:  John  ^  colt's. 

Fiuse  Wi-  J  .r  Co  .  •■.  zi  J  x  :->;.  .7:lr  H 

CksTlLCST  Hill  cs=L. 

Follz  CnLrler  G,  crj  r:: i=. 

Gsanej  Divid.  h:ris  -^--^er. 

GehebChrlstiiii,  3;:=^;  i^irieL 

Gii:  Jicc:.,  liTerr. 

GiUJobiiP.  iL:::i_^  _ 

Gill  XiclioIa«.  i-ziz:  Ce-iril  r^iuss. 
(&«  ait.  p  J.--5  I 

Glesj^rs  Br.i:?.  c-s-'ilLlis:. 

GoDC-ini:  Liirlss  A.  rsilrc-id  i^f  exr  Lg:. 

Grshsm  Ciir'.es  S.  ci:r?e^'.eT. 

Gry>-m  .=  Ki£=  Ci-ir:e=  S  Grtli-.  An- 
drew Ei— 5  .  cirr-si-'-iri. 

Green  5  P.  £-;^r:=:- 

Grof  J  T  >='C3  JiiiTl  T  iLC  Jcserh  T 
Grof  ;r.  erg  p::ik-e--=. 

H&as  Joiii.,  f-uii'.-re. 

Hais  Rcdclf  h  J,  la-z-ir.-.  _ 

Hsitz  Joca  <z  Go    -Jilr  Esilr.   ±.cre'r 

HaU  &  Ajcr  .Cla^irceT  Ei".  £=:i:;  ::   il 

L  ATgr^''.  mil:  hci^ii-s. 
Halch'&  TVLiie  AIi-Lcns:  Z  Eitch.  Leila 

B  "Whitt',  rLctc  ~=risr£. 
BeldReTAr:-    ~ 
Heifrici  Adclrl..  fr-s-eler. 
H€ssL:re:LZ  ^ai-.^ce. 
Hicks  Leri  IS;  rlijilcls^. 
Hoth  JcstrL.  ir.iS'ia. 
Holmes  E-£i.eJ:cl.  clcir  Tn'.'r. 
Hem  Wit,  c:':  pc-r. 
Huse  Alr«l,  clrsi  crfr. 

Jacob  Kev  Tie  .  1 :  7=  ,  C  j:;'_  ;l:r . 
Joiie»  Char!c>  A.  Llrrrx.  'ST;?^L:r:-. 
ItiSiirirce.  IN'  ".^-t  Fullfc.  Eei.1  x.:-_i:e. 

(A*  0-2T.  p  -■.-'.) 

Karcher  Jc-h::  H.  si'xlrz  macilres. 
Kayser  A=.:.- tt  C.  ii".  r_  _ 

I».carnej-  A;  Dyer     i^r-i?  TI  i^e=r- 

rey.  .lofeya  R  JJyer  .  L'.^Ters. 
Kettlehut  lir  Pcrkini  .A'.ber:  C  Eetllilhn:, 

Gerrce  Perkini  .  intiits. 
Ke:r*T  (  ;.firl>=  F.  r=r^^-.::;l:h. 
Klciii  F  t;  iV;  Co   Fr=r.ii  G  i-d  Fr-.::- 

C!i  X  K:-,:zK  Sis.  "iViter  iliiri      i<^ 

ndr.  ■:■  IcS. : 
Kilne  ile-iv'M.  side-:-. 

lAbii  Gctr'rlrd  3,  --  -.^~  v^- 
HcCanna  C  B  4:  to    ~ 

HHirr  j'S'sdV  i.jti^  i^r 

M-i  jI::!."  gric^! 

Peirie  '^"'C:' '  ^lirlTi^  P£--l; 

"V^eTCird'.  r-T-^T-^'-"  --. 

Perdb'j-e  ReT  L  A   C;- — erir; 
Pieler=  Jce-er'ii,  ■wir"-7£Lk=' 
Piste  Henry*.  sidccB. 

H&Kdi  G  C  i  Sro  "  G-iMV^  C 

Rikdi  ■^rm.  lire  st-ck. 
Rein  TTn:  E.  ll^rdii^d-d: 
Renschlem  Arr^z,-:.  gricer. 

P.e-B-add  Henrv.  csj-penter. 

F^rl  Tie,-.d'^.'''^=IPIl  K:rs. 

F^  Fr£=k.  rnaici 

R:iir  LotiIs  E.  liVyer. 
Rose  Joiiz:  G.  t-iker. 


Chicago  &  ^mi  Jm  h 

Palace  and  Dining-  Caj 


New  York  Life  insursnce  Co.,Lt'r'l' 

,  $110,000,000.  /  N"ortli«ostern     Kranclt 
Ifl.niJD.OilO.  r<>«loi-.   41G    nillwniik.'e 
St..  .1111. \V AUK i;ji,  V.'JS.    Vi.  S.  CA;(I)EI;,  state  Agent.    ITALKEU  ULCKNEU,  Gen'l  llanaier. 





tmilli  &■  CunuiuL'liam  (Leonard  Smith, 
JIatlhew  Cunningham),  dry  !:;ood3. 

Smithers  it  Janj'  (Louis  Smitliers,  Betjja- 
min  Jany),  coal. 

Standard  Democrat,  Henry  E  Zimmermann 

StangKros (Valentine  and  Laurence), shoes. 

Slang  Laurence,  bill  poster. 

Stetter  Louis,  cabinetmaker. 

Stoel  Wra  N,  mason. 

Swan  Chester  J,  cleutist. 

Tomlinson  Miss  .iVlice,  music  teacher. 

Yalelh  John,  mason. 

Voorhees  EUas  S,  lire  marshal. 

Voorliccs  &.  Jlit'iior  (Eliaa  S  Voor- 
hees, Cl'.arlcs  ^V  Diencr).  Contractors 
and  Builders  and  Snr.rhiira  Mill. 

AV.ackerman  Josejili,  furm  imfils. 

Wagner  Bros  (Hubert,  John  15  and  Wm), 

Wagner  Chailcs  B,  hardware. 

"Wehmlioll  PJugene,  jeweler. 

WcbmhclT  Mrs  Eiiseiie,  millhier. 

Western  Union  Hotel.  Frank  BcUer  propr. 

Wejgand  Bicbard,  painter. 

White  Ellas  N,  wool. 

Wilbur  l.,iiiiiUorro,  Royal  P  Hough- 
ton I'res,  .loscpli  Ktrwer  Vice  Pres, 
George  H  Wilbur  Sec  and  Treas.  {See 
adp,  in  Wa'iha/ia.) 

Willboft  Frederick  H,  furniture. 

Wilson  John  O,  auctioneer. 

Wilson  Mrs  John  G,  milliiifr. 

Wisbauer  liev  .Michael  (Catholic). 

■Wiirms  EJrox  (Frank  J  and  Wm), 
Proprs  Burlington  Rubber  Stamp  Co. 
{fee  aih',  p  105.) 

Wurms  Frank  J,  merchant  tailor. 

Zeincke  Gustav,  mason. 

^Immer  Jacob  L,  chimney  .sweep. 

Zimmermauu  Henry  E,  editor  Standard 

Zwiebel  A  A;  Sons  (Anton,  Joseph  A  and 
Frank),  machinists. 

BURNETT.  In  Dodse  countv,  6 
miles  nortbuist  of  Juucau,  the  c()unty 
seat,  21  southwest  of  Burnett  Station,  the 
nearest  railroad  point,  and  7  northeast  of 
Beaver  Dam,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Slail,  daily. 

BURNETT  STATIO.N.  A  villfl--e 
on  llie  C,  M.  .t  St.  P.  By,  at  the  iuncfion 
of  'lie  C.  &N.  W.  By,  in  Dodge  county 
«  iiules  north  of  Juneau,  the  county  .<:eat 
and  y  south  of  Wmipun,  the  nearest  bank' 
'Dg  point.  Population,  2.50.  Tel.,  W.  U 
'^^P  ,  Am.  F. 

A.    Sutherland,      post 

Allen  Fred,  painter. 

Borden  Z  O,  liay. 

Bundy  John,  builder. 

Cole  J  B,  railroad,  e.\p  and  tel  agt. 

Cole  \V  S,  Hotel. 

Keyes  L  &  D.  feather  renovators. 

Lawrence  F  E  &  Co,  lumber  and  grain. 

ilayhew  G  B.  hotel. 

Mayhew  W  W,  carpenter. 

Merrill  G  W,  general  store. 

Peachy  James  H,  grain  and  impts. 

Bedilerson  "Wni,  shoemaker. 

Boll  U  II.  general  store. 

Sandow  E  A,  waconmaker. 

^islliorlaiKl  I're<l  A,  Saddler. 

Sutherland  W  H,  c:!rpenter. 

Winkie  Wm,  blacksmith. 

BURNS.  A  postofTlco  on  Burns  creek, 
in  La  Crosse  county,  20  miles  northeast  of 
La  Crosse,  the  county  scat,   4i   north  of 
Bangor,  the   nearest   railroad   station  and 
banking  point.     Population,  To.     Edward 
Tritton,  postmaster. 
Bowen  L  R,  flour  mill. 
Burns'  Cheese  Factory. 
Kcafe  Bros,  feed  n\ill." 
TrilKui  E<Hviird, General  Store. 
Vaughau  D,  flour  mill. 

BURR.  A  postollici)  in  Vernon  couaty, 
3.5  miles  northeast  of  Viro(ma,  the  county 
seat,  15  southwest  of  EIroy  the  nearest 
railroad  station,  and  8  from  Hillsboro.  the 
nearest  banking  point.  Stages  serai-weekly 
to  Elroy  and  Viroqua.  Population,  50. 
Mail,  semi-wcfckly.  John  Lynch,  post- 

Bunker  Rev  M  (Methodist). 
Clin-  <;  ftS,  Attorney. 
Lnthrop  .lobu,  saw  mill. 
Moore  Chester,  justice. 
Tripp  D  N,  saw  mill. 
Whitney  Rev  A  (United  Brethren). 

BURR  OAK.  In  La  Crosse  county, M 
miles  northeast  of  La  Crosse,  the  county 
seat,  and  18  north  of  West  Salem,  the 
nearest  railroad  station  and  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  AVest  Salem  and  .Melrose. 
Population,  li)0.  Mail,  daily.  C.  Xew- 
land,  postmaster. 

Dahl  .lolin  II,  general  store. 
Farwell  M  M,  feed  mill. 
Coodenou'.'li  Tlicodi.Te,  well  driller. 
ESiivciis  ii  W,  Physician. 
Krahenbill  Samuel,  feed  mill. 
Krenimer  George  W,   Iilacksraith. 
Meyer  Rev  ,1  j'(Lutlieran'). 

lUIIIOIS  CEllTR/iL  I  i 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 


Oudahv  3B'©thers,?Pork  and   Beef  Packers, 

ITiil>AVArjri;i;,   Avi^CONMN.     \  AND    PROVISION    DEALERS. 


■i  C  U'S 

Q,  c'  ivewluiid  CliarJcs,  Hotel  and  Justice. 

3    Q  Rumlnll  V!::'!.  masou. 

tt)    y  lib',  m  A.  carpenter. 

4J   (fi  Williirtl  J  U  A;  Co,  General  Store. 

O  '"^  Younff  Jubu  A,  coustaijle. 

p  BURTON.      A  village   on  the   Grant 

"  rivtr,  in  Grant  countj-,  14  miles  southwest 
of  Lancaster,  the  county  seat  and  banking 

^TM,  point,  and  3  from  McCartney,    the   nearest 

«£™  railroad  station.    Stages  tri-weekly  to  Lau- 

^^  caster  and  intermediate    points.       Popula- 

•JSS  tion,  50.      ilail,  tri-weekly.      E.  B.  Keed, 

A™  postmaster. 

^^  Allen  C  G,  -wasonmaker. 

h.£yr.  I><)<J;;c  r»'irs  S>,  Dressmaker. 






Joseph,  lawyer. 

.»«c=.  'Elwell  James,  hotel 
"TSi    Miuk  W  V,  general  store. 

S-=    E^.CC'd  E  B,  General  !^tore. 

f3    Keed  Urias,  blacksmith. 

te.Q  Ward  AV,  contractor. 

e3   Yager  John,  justice. 

L>5«5       BUSSEYVILLE.     Jefferson  county. 
c.»  Name  chnngtd  to  iimiDicr. 


O^  BUTLEH.  A  ■piUag'j  in  Milwaukee 
S§  county,  0  miles  northwest  of  Milwaukee. 
CVJ  tbe  county  seat,  and  ■!  north  of  KItn  Grove, 
2P"  on  the  C  ,  M.  vk  St.  P.  Hy,  the  nearest  rail- 
■"^  road  station.  .Milwaukee  is  the  nearest 
^»  banking  point.  It  contains  a  church  and 
••^  school.  Population,  lOU.  Mail,  tri-weekly. 
Fecrick  H  "\V.  ueneral  store. 
Froemming  Charles.  Ijlacksmilh. 

BUTTE  DES  MORTS.  A  village 
on  Fox  liver,  in  Winnebago  county,  9 
miles  ni;iUhwest  of  Oshkosh,  the  county 
seat  and  bank  location,  and  -1  east  of  AViu- 
neconne,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Slaces  daily  to  Wiuneconne  and  Oshkosh. 
Population,  lllV  P.  C.  Peterson,  post- 

Pcclcer  .Matt,  boat  builder. 
P.I  ..;k  Kdw.rrd.  .-uln.ui. 
(ill  iiiiin  .\<lol|>li.,Ch(ese  Mnfr. 
Xeubirrt  GMllliied.  blacksmith, 
ddell  >  L,  i,'ri,.Tiil  slore. 

Odell  ^Irs  S  1.1.  music  teacher. 
I'ctcrsoii  J*  <-',  General  Store. 
Petford  T  B.  hotel  and  justice. 

BUTTERNUT.     On   the  Wis.    Cen" 
tral  Line  and  on  Butternut   creek,  in  Ash- 
land county,  54   miles    southeast   of   Ash- 
land, the   judicial  seat,  and    10   north   of 
Filield,  the  nearest  bankinsj  point.     Exp., 
Paciiic.     Tel.,    W.    U.     Population,    TuO. 
II.  Besse,  postmaster. 
Adams  Wm  M.  propr  Commercial  House. 
Baldwin  Gerrge  E,  physician. 
Bcs<<e     Ificiiry,    Postmaster,     Genera! 
Store  and  Piopr  Butternut  ilousi.     \iie 
adc,  p  bcljj'i-  ) 
Besse  Henrv  L.  saw  mill,  1  mile  n  e. 
BiiUei-iiiit      laoiisc,     Henry     Bessc 

Propr.     {S'-cadv,  p  Ul-itc  ) 
Chase  Daniel,  constable. 
Commercial  House,  W  M  Adams  propr. 
Cream  Cilv  House,  F  Luellwiiz  propr. 
Draeger  AVm,  jeweler. 
I    Felsch  August,  furniture. 
I    Gibbs  Uichard,  railroad,  tel  andesp  ajt. 
j   Hefty  M,  carpenter. 

Heidera  Frank,  baker. 
I  Herrick  W  C.  justice. 
i    Hurd  Daniel,  saloon. 

Katzenmeyer  2ilatlhew,  saloon. 
I    Jilciiislcibcr  CSiiirlC!*,  Saloon. 
Kuelil  Julius,  meat  market. 
Liicbkc   SJerumn,  Jeweler  and  :Mer- 

chant  Tailor. 
Luellwitz     Frederick,  propr   Cream    City 

McE>oi!jU«1  >Itlloii  J,  Drtiggiit 
Martb  Albert,  meat  market. 
Nohl  Wni  G.  town  treasurer. 
Kowadnick  Fred,  blacksmith. 
Kandt  Kev  F  (Lutheran). 
Kaschke  Charles,  saloon. 
Kaschke  Frederick,  blacksmith. 
Scliulz  August  \V,  blacksmith. 
Seibert  Josejih,  carpenter. 
Siremayer  Michael,  tl  )ur  and  feed. 
Taggert  James,  barber. 
Vanderhoof  Joseph  A.  general  store. 
Wehe  A  M.  ceneral  store. 
Viiiikce   Tlicod«MC  It,   Saloon   and 
Town  Clerk. 


Oprositi-  WisooDsin  Central  R.  R.  IVpot. 


-  Hates,  $1.50  Tor  Day.  ,U1!S.  U.  BKSSK,  I'ropr.,  IJL'TrKIINUT,  WIS. 

riiipofrn   9,   Pronfl  Triin'^  Pii   Palace  and  Dining"  Cars 

iniCap     01      mm      llllllA     lljfl  OH    ALL    THROUGH    Tr^AINS. 

n  t  ■  m-^^nro  THE  BROPF'^SEU  ^I>"F(5  CO..  Manufacturers  of  HEiT  EEFRIGEBATOR'^. 
llBiriRSrCjIUlS.  JjtAT  liOCKKKS.  KLKVATOUS  of  ull  kinds.  PtMl'S.  BKKWEltV  JlAl  III.\K1:V. 
ITI.XDING  JACKS,  IIOISTI.NU    31AClll.\Et!V,  Etc.     ol':-ol4  CO.MMEIiCL  STKEET,  SU.V.  ACKEE.  ^VIS. 





Ziewert  Gii3tav,  w.igonm;vl;cr. 
Zot^ch  Hermau,  general  store. 

BYRD'S  CEEEK.  In  Richland 
county,  18  miles  fmiii  IJicliland  Centre, 
the  county  seat  and  S  from  Muscocia.  its 
banking  anil  shipping  point.  Population, 
s.     JIail,  daily.     D.  Dewey,  postmaiter. 

Deivcy  Riivi<l,  General  Store. 
Johnson  G  B,  carpenter. 
Welliott  C,  stone  mason. 

Doiviicr    I>tivi<l,     Tuxlilerinist     and 
:    Haskins  C  W,  general  store. 
I    Ha.<=kins  I  W,  hotel  and  liaiber. 

McDonald  Angus,  lumber. 

Merrill  J  S,  hotel  and  livery. 

Thomas  M,  general  store. 

BYRON.  Also  known  ns  llarailton 
Station,  is  a  poi-toflice  on  the  Wis.  Central 
Line,  in  Fond  du  Lac  county,  9  inilc? 
south  of  Fond  du,  the  county  seat  and 
nearest  banking  point.  1:,\\\,  Am.  Ti-I., 
W.  U.  Population,  70.  W.  K.  .McCready, 

Baldwin  Miss  Maud,  music  teacher. 
Baldwin  AVm,  blacksmith. 
Binsky  August,  mason. 
Bradford  Gilsou,  carpenter. 
Brown  O  P,  cheese  mufr. 
Buerger  John,  grain. 
Bush  Thomas,  mason. 
Fisher  S  M,  railrond,  exp  and  tolfigt. 
McCrcjuly  \V  D,  Genernl  .Store. 
Hoherson  Kt-v  F  ( 
Taylor  Thomas,  well  l.ioier. 
'Wilson  H  W,  physician. 
Zoch  Frank,  carpenter. 

CABLE.  A  postoflloe  in  Ravtield 
county,  on  the  C,  St.  P.,  ^L  <'z  O.  liy,  CO 
miles  Eoulhwest  of  15a)  field,  the  sc-at  of 
justice,  and  IS  northeast  of  ilavward,  the 
location  of  the  nearest  bank.  F.xp.,  Am. 
Ttl.,W  U.  Population,  'Jo.  D.  Dowucr, 

Cook  A  B,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  iigt. 

CADIZ.  On  Honey  creek,  in  Green 
county,  10  miles  soutliwe-t  of  Monroe,  the 
county  seat  and  banking  point,  and  4i- 
southeast  of  Browntowu,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station.  Stage  triweekly  to  Brown- 
town;  fare,  2  cents  per  mile.  Pojiulation, 
To.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  B.  C.  Curtis,  post- 
Curtis  K  C,  Insurance,  Collections  and 

Johnson  R  M,  builder. 
Leek  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Smith  Samuel  J,  general  store. 

CADOTT.       A  fiourisblng  village   on 
Yellow  river  and  on  the  Wisconsin  Central 
Line,  in  Cldppewa  county,  1~  miles  east  of 
Chippewa  Falls,  the  county  scat  and  near- 
est banking  point.     Sellleil  in  1879,  it  con- 
tains grist,  saw  and  planing  mills,  a  stave 
factory,  a  hub  and  spoke   Victory,   and  a 
sleigh  and    wagim    factory.       .Methodist, 
Presbyterian   and  Catholic  eluirches,  and 
a  district  school    are    sustained,     and    a 
weekly  paper,   the   Cad'di  litcurd,    is  pub- 
lished.     Stages   weekly  to  Drywood  and 
Estella.     Population.  1/JOO.     Tel.,   W.   U. 
Exp.,  Xoithern  Pacilic.  Mail, daily.   Hugh 
Wilson,  postmaster. 
Bain  Charles  D,  feed  mill. 
Bates  Timothy,   blacksmitli. 
Bidson  R  O,  carpenter. 
!    Cadott  House,  George  Gilbert  propr. 
Cliabot  Ambrose  B,  saloon. 
Cirkcl  Wm  F,  stave  and  heading  mnfr. 

,#'lf?  i^  v^    ?;?^''-^'^'<        MRS.  J.  H.  DOWNING, 

'km-'Wy  ^^  MILLINERY 

\  ;"■  ^'1^,    '^1-''/.,     ;p-";;^^.;^  DRESSMAKINa, 

-i.:=^V^_g^^;]3i=__-       LADIES'  FURNISHING  GOODS. 

.^_^^         ^  10,   1'2  mill   11  I'-oiirtli    St..  Fond  dii,  Win. 

•5gI      ^^^  B  ^  _    '*  "'"'  ■*'»''<■  •"  '»">■  f'HAIIIJI   It  SI'.T.S,  Pl.VNOS, 

*"  ^ItSICWI.      CNNI'ISUMENX!:'. 

st^s  Fairs  :;.;^;j;^r".:;y' 

Go  to  FD.  Asrcir.R:»IAN\   A;   CO.  if    yon   \vn-,: 

L.lIEor  HH.W't. 


t  •      I    R  ^»  »■  !    Go  to  FD.  Asr£ir.R:»I.\NN   A;   C«l 

nOf!*^!     "ittOpjSfr^l  I      CHiAllN  uiuirr  VOUK   OWN   MA.l 





Clark  Dar.iel.  grocer. 

Clark  Mufg  Co,  K  C  Clark  rai)i:r,  niafrs 
wagon  hul)3  iimt  sonkes. 

Coniineroiiil  ilolcl,  A  K  Lintz  Propr. 
{&e  adr,  oj,p   classified  Hotels.) 

Couey  James  ,^1,  bnarciing  house. 

Dake  Ulysses  G,  jeweler. 

De  Wilt  Jauies,  barber. 

Dietrich  Mathew.  furniture. 

Dietrich  &  Son  (Bernliard  and  John),  gen- 
eral store. 

Downiiii,'  '»3«'s  J  SJ,  :\Iilliner,  Dress- 
maker and  Ladir-i'  Furnishings.  (See 
ado,  p  ICiO. ) 

Fielding  Thomas  H,  confectioner. 

Frasl  Henry  N,  hdware,  furn  andliarness. 

Gilbert  George,  prnpr  Cadolt  House. 

Jackson  Levaud  E,  liver}'. 

Kaiser  Solomon  K,  general  store. 

Kanouse  George  \V,  justice  of  peace. 

Kveen  Loui.s  II,  shoemaker. 

Lamke  Cail,  saloon. 

Lewis  James,  justice  of  peace. 

Liiiitx  Alexi'iiKlcr  K,  Propr  Commer- 

-    Dial  Hotel.  (See  i'd'\  opp  ehty^ijUd  HoUU^i 

Lockwood  A  J,  justice  of  peace. 

Longstall  JIrs  F  J,  druggist. 

McCrackcn  Mrs  J  h.  music  teacher. 

McDonald  Archie,  blacksmith. 

Munroe  James  H,  general  store. 

Munroc  Wm  S,  lumber  mnfr  and  grocer. 

Nelson  Martin,  shoemaker. 

Pride  Kalph  \V,   restaurant. 

Ragan  M  W  &  Bro  (..Michael  W  and  John 
H),  general  store. 

Rosseau  Charles,  saloon. 

Schermcrhorn  Jamts,  confectioner. 

Selb  Ma.x  &  liobert,  meat  market. 

Spohn  .fohn  W,  wagonmaker. 

Stone  Fred,  barber. 

Watts  Clarii,  physician. 

Watson  Edniuiul,  Hour  and  feed. 

Watson  Frank  F,  lawyer. 

Williamson  Mrs  S,  llorist. 

Wilson  Hugh,  poslmuster. 

Woods  J  W,  carpenter. 

Young  L  M,  druggist. 

Zimniermann  Frank,  flour  and  feeil. 

CADY  MILLS.  A  postollice  in  the 
southeastern  cormr  of  St.  (.iroix  county, 
30  miles  southeast  of  Huiison,  the  county 
seat,  and  3i  south  of  Horsey,  the  nearest 
railroad  station.  Baldwin  is  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  150.  ?i[aii, 
daily.  ■ 

Caily  ItlllN  I. and,    Farmiiu 

Live  Stock  Improvement  Co. 

North  StarlronWorks. 

Astiland,    -    -    Wisconsin. 


CAINVILLE.  A  postollice  on  the  r, 
&  N.  W.  Hy,  in  Pujck  county,  13  mil. ,, 
northwest  of  Jancsvjlle,  tlie  county  .'cat 
and  5  soutlieast  of  Kvansville,  the  neart-i 
banking  point.  Population,  2.j.  Exp.. 
Am.  :Mail,  daily.  W.  P.  Stiles,  post- 

CALAMINE.  A  village  on  the  C, 
M.  ct  St.  P.  P.y,  and  on  the  Pecatonic:. 
river,  in  La  Fayette  count}',  0  miles  from 
Darlington,  the  judicial  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  It  contains  a  water  power 
grist  mill.  Exp.,  U.  S.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
Population,  100. 

Ca.ssidv  M,  blacksmith. 
Fink  F,  general  store. 
Johnson  &  Sons,  flour  mill. 
Piooney  P,  shoemaker. 
Sollinger  Mrs  C,  hotel. 
Tierney  James,  general  store. 

CALDWELL.  A  viilaie  in  Racine 
county,  30  miles  northwest  of  Racine,  the 
county  seat,  13  uorlh  of  Burlington,  the 
nearest  banking  point,  and  4  from  Muk- 
wanago  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Population,  2:30.  Mail,  daily.  Mrs.  A. 
iL  Perkins,  postmaster. 

Bayley  A.  live  stock. 

Clark  Bros,  live  stock. 

Craig  Perry,  live  stock. 

"McCanna  C  1!.  creamery. 

Jliller  C;  S.  live  stock. 

I^crkins  i?Sr«i  A  iVf,  General  Store. 

Potter  Rev  T  (.Methudist). 

Smith  John,  blacksuuth. 

Utter  D,  live  stock  and  justice. 

Van  Vaiiu  O,  live  stock. 

Wyburg  J,  carpenter. 

cine county,     yame  changed  to  Caldicell. 


-Sf  lUidfuhl. 

Waupaca     county. 

CALEDONIA.  A  postofflce  on  the 
C,  M.  it  St.  P.  Ry,  in  Racine  county,  10 
mile-t  northwest  of  Racine,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  I'opulatiori, 
75.  Tel.,W.  U.  E.\p.,Am.  11.  V.  Funk, 

Belaud  J  II,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Erbe  Christian,  justice. 
Frank  Charles,  feed  mill. 
Goebel  .bihn.  haruessmaker. 
GocSn'I  .loUn  Jr,  General  Store. 
Goeiifer  C,  (lainter. 



r.oo  1 










rmakfrs,                    , 


n  ri:; 

ii^,  K 

IV  .11 




.  11 

111  UK  .11  no  111 




aDdlli:;i>                   4 














beep,    li 

TUBKISH  BATHS  ':!!^n: 

t  TIU:    r.ATIiS    AT    JA>ESVI 

Pos-iess  B  Oreater  liance  ofCorntlve  Action  than  any  other  remedial  flsent. 

cv  aro  especially  beDdk-ial  in  K1I>.NKY  ami  LIVKR  TIlOlBLEs. 







Ilofellz  Hev  (Catholic). 
Jordan  Joseph,  blacksmith. 
Kittinger  '\Vm,  creamery. 
Marscii  Peter,  ceneral  store. 
Monhardt  RevH  (Lutheran). 
Schnitz  Thomas,  physiciau. 
gchroeder  Wm,  carpenter. 
Shumway  "Wui,  farm  impts. 
Tesch  Frank,  carpenter. 
Webber  Henry,  wagon  maker. 

CALHOUN.  On  tlie  C.  &  N.  W.  Ky 
In  Waukesha  county,  51  miles  east  of 
Waukesha,  the  county  seat  and  ueaicsl 
banking  point.  Population,  7.j.  Tel,, 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  C.  P.  Kellogg,  post- 

Boice  C  S,  carpenter. 
Calhoun  George,  live  stock. 
T'lcknian  John,  mason. 
Elger  Toney,  saloon. 
Hollenback  George,  live  stock. 
Kell<>f,'jj   t'liai'lfs    I*,   Railroad,    Ex- 
press and  Telei'raph  Aucnt. 
McGivern  James,  l)lacki-milh. 
SchilTman  Wm,  shoemuUer. 
Stark  August,  mason. 
Ulrich  Wm,  physiciau. 
Wlckoff  John,  carpenter. 

CALUMET.  A  village  in  Fond  du 
Lac  county,  1  mile  from  Lake  Winnebago, 
bend  mail  to  Calumet  Harbor. 

CALUMET  HARBOR.  A  settlo- 
ment  on  Lake  Winnebago,  in  Fond  du  Lac 
county,  12  miles  noitiixvest  of  Fond  du 
Lac,  tlic  county  seat,  and  4  north  of  Ma- 
lone,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  Fond 
du  Lac  is  tlie  neatest  banking  point.  Stages 
daily  to  JIalone,  Jericho,  Jnhnsburi'-h  and 
Brothertown.  Ponid.itiou,  2oU.  Mail, daily. 
G.  Reichcrt,  postmaster. 

Fuhrman  Henry,  hotel. 

Kalt  Anton,  carpenter. 

Krug  George,  general  store. 

Mandcrehield  Frederick,  saloon. 

Meorsch  Mutliias,  creamery. 

Minahan  Uoljert,  physician. 

Ueiclierl    «;e«»rse.  Blacksmith    and 

Pchussman  Bros,  carpenters. 
Stephany  Joseplr,  carpenter. 

CALUMETVILLE.  In  Fond  du 
Lac  County,  U  miles  from  Fond  du  Lac. 
'be  judicial  seat  and  l)anking  town,  and  7 
from  .^Ialonc  its  shipping  point.     Popula- 

tion, 300.     Mail,  daily.     A.  ilahner,  post- 

Bock  Wm,  lumber. 
Gathier  Charles,  saloon. 
Hubert  Adolph,  harnessmaker. 
Jacky  Anton,  shoemaker. 
Jacky  Bros,  general  store. 
Koenig  Henry„liardwaro. 
Kocnig  Jlartin,  -wagonmaker. 
Idaliner  AllterJ,  General  Store. 
JIandershield  Tlieodore,  saloon, 
^luskat  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Xorth  Albert,  general  store. 
^Veisgerbe^  Wm,  saloon. 
Zweille  T,  meat  market. 

CALVARY.  A  post  village  on  the 
C.  A.  N.  W.  Ky,  in  Fond  du  Lac  cotinty, 
13  miles  northeast  of  Fond  du  Li;c.  the 
county  scat  and  nearest  banking  point, 
Population,  120.  Tel.,  W.  U."  Exp., 
Am.     Frank  Beau,  postmaster. 

Bean  Frank,  Genera!  Store,  Produce 

and  Cheese  3[nfr. 
Behle  Bros,  cheese  mnfrs. 
Borst  Z  E,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Bourgeois  Mat  hew,  general  store. 
Fritz  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Hildebrand  A,  hop  grower. 
Petry  .Vrnold,  tinsmith. 
Si'hmidtkofer  Andrew,  farm  impts. 
Sclimitz  Peter,  shoem'dier. 
Steffers  George,  justice. 

CAMBRIA.  A  prosperous  village  lo- 
cated on  the  N.  div,  of  the  C,  >L  it  St.  P. 
Ky,  in  Columbus  countj',  IS  miles  ea.^t  of 
P.irtage,  the  judicial  seat, and  80  northwest 
of  .Milwaukee.  It  contains  ii  cbtirehcs. 
good  schools,  an  opera  house,  a  feed  mill, 
and  a  live  weekly  newspaper,  the  CTni/iiia 
JS'f'i-s.  Grain  and  livestock  are  the  i)rliict- 
pal  shipments.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  \\.  U. 
Population,  000.     E.  O.  Jones,  postmaster. 

Albee  &  Cornell  (Alice  Albee,  Cora  Cor- 
nell), dressmakers. 

Bank  of  Cambria,  Edward  Harris  propr. 

Beyer  George  H,  hardware. 

Cambria  House,  Isaac  I^arry  propr. 

Caiiil*ria  .\c«'!i,  Owen  V  Williams 

Crosix  l-'reiiioiil  J,  Jeweler. 

Cro8s  Mrs  F  J,  dressmaker. 

Currio  Robert,  lumber. 

Davis  Edwin,  wagonmaker. 

Edwards  John  A,  furniture. 

Edv.-ards  J  J  &  Son  (John  J  and  Edward 
W),  general  store. 

Cliicapi  Milsaykee  &  St,  Payl  RjatXl'/esl  and  U\im\ 


«ffl«&Factory,  eSlLake  St.,  JIILWAIKEF,  WIS.     L3l8ST    inijirUi'SQ    VSnOllun   d!(!1[)3. 

^fZf    202  CAaI  WISCONSIN'    8TATK    GAZKTTEEK 

^P*  Emsperecr  Cecil  H,  g;  nc-ra 




Evaiis  Kooch.  drii:rgi: 
fc>»3,   Evaus  ;^[iss  Jentie.  dressmaker. 
^^  Evans  I'ev  Kowlaiid  11  (Methodisl) 

Harris  Edward,  propr  Bank  of  Cambria. 
^„^  Harris  &  Kowlartds  <Kd%V'ird  Harris,  Mor- 
^3a       ris  J  Kowlandi),  lumbjr. 
m=^-^   Hughes  John  E.  luirncssmaiier. 
'^^=^  Hu;:;hes  Mrs  Rosa,  Iiarber. 
62S  In£;leliart  Mrs  Elmira  T,  luilliner. 
g^  .foues  D  R,  arcliit'.ct. 
I  «      Jones  Evan  O,  ]io-tmaster. 
^S  Jones  E  O  A;  finu  (Evan  O  and  Kuh- 
,„^       ard  E  O),  Farm  I>r, 
(gjT"  Jones  2^ichoIas,  aucti 
f^  ^  Jones  Samuel,  ma.-on. 
^'^  Jones  Wm  A  P,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Lloyd  Ednaid  t),  meat  mari;et. 
(^a   Lloyd  Jfdin,  drnyman. 
•^'j??   Martin  Wiri,  salonr:. 
•^^  Newhall  ^MrsT? J,  dicssmaker. 
^".^  JSlewluill  >fc  Wiiliams   (Euirene  J  ~.Ne\vball, 

David  J  Williams),  muats. 
f»^   Parry  Isaac,  propr  Cambria  House. 
m>i.csm   Parry  John  Hj  waironmaker. 
^.-^  I'arry  Wm  H,  iiTp  J'tock. 
f^xi^   Prees  Griffitlr  VV,  physician. 
^°=°*  I'rice  David,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Hausch  Gustav,  lively. 
FfX   I'iflmrds  Lazarus,  Lnncer. 
P|=i   Robert  Evor  O.  produce. 
t.,«3   Roberts  David  O,  L'rocer. 

Roberts  John  E.  druggist. 

Rowc  Rev  A  L  (Com^retrational). 

Panders  Wm  H,  fchoemakor. 

Scharf  Jacob  jr.  saloon. 

Schemniel  Mrs  Mary,  milliner. 

Schlicsmann  Ailam,  boots  and  shoes. 
0Si^  Seager  iirs  Liljbie,  dressmaker. 

Slinger  &,  Carson   (Jolin   Slinger,   George 
BN      W  Carson),  live  stock. 
B  Tliomas  &  Lloyd  (ilugli  W  Thomas,  Evan 

C-^-%       W  Lloyd),  general  store. 
'^   True  Ed.ixar  C,  prin  schools. 

Vaughn  David,  blacksmith. 

Wagner  Henry,  blacksmith. 

Walker  Tlioma.s,  grocer. 

Williams  .Mrs  Uarliara,  saloon. 

Williams  Eliiis  R,  harnt-ss. 
g^f^   U'tlliains   Oueii   «.',   Publisher  Cam- 
K'.^       bria  JN'ews. 

Williams  Owen  J,  hardware. 

Williams  Mrs  Perry,  books. 

Williams  Wiw  E,  iihysiciau. 

Zander  John,  waijonmaker. 



CAMBRIDGE.  A  village  in  Dane 
county,  '^i  ni'lcs  east  of  Maiiison.the  coun- 
'^"'^  ty  seat,  and  o  siutli  of  London,  on  the  C. 
J^^  iV.  N.  ^V'.  Ry,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 

Settled  in  ISiJS.  It  contains  a  water  powf-r 
flouring  mill,  a  creamery,  1  cliurcbes  and 
a  district  school  A  weekly  newspaPL-r 
the  JVcirs.  is  published.  Stsges  dally  tn 
Ft.  Atkinson,  London  and  Sioughton.  I: 
is  in  the  centre  of  an  excellent  section  ^  f 
country  specially  adapted  to  tnbicco  rais- 
ing. Population,  700.  Telephone  con- 
nection. JMail,  daily.  Thomas  Oversoo. 

Adam  AVm,  meat  market. 

Allen  Amos  J,  flour  mdl. 

Amundson  A  C,  physician. 

Bilstad  Ole,  drugs  and  jewelry. 

Buskirk  Lew.  barber. 

Cambridge  Hotel,  Wm  Ki'iizler  jiropr. 

Cambriilge  Lumber  Co,  Thouias  Overson 
pres,  A  J  Allen  sec. 

Cambridge  Kews,  EL  Ho\vepublr,.Vugu5t 
E  Olson  editor. 

Cambridge  Tobacco  WarL-lionse  Co  (limi- 
ted), Chris  Olsen  pres,  Knud  G  (Dlsen 

Clachan  Miss  Elizabeth,  milliner. 

Clark  L  W,  physician. 

England  Jens  A,  furniture. 

Glimme  Anders,  general  store. 

Hanson  Kiels,  shoemaker. 

Hanson  Oscar  U,  general  store. 

Hess  Bro3  (-lohn  and  Charles),  stage  line. 

Irwin  Robert,  blacksmith. 

Jacobsen  01c,  sabmn. 

Johnson  Maas,  tailor. 

Kenzler  Wm,  propr  Cambridge  Hotel. 

Legreid  Chris,  blacksrailh. 

Lillesand  Severt  L,  grocer. 

Lundberg  Adolph.  boots  and  shoes. 

McCredie  liros  &  Co  (Thomas  and   R.-bert 


McCredie,  AVm  Hinize 
Ohman  Rev  (Mtthodist). 
Olsen  Chris,  leaf  tobacco. 
Olson  Hans  .V,  hardware. 
(^Ison  Jest,  harness. 
Ovcrsoii  Tlioinax,  Hardware.  Stoves, 

Carriages  and  ^lusical  last-rumeuts. 
Prcscott  Andrew  A,  general  store. 
Scobie  David   W,  wagoum.aker. 
Slagg  T  C  &  Co  (Thomas  C  Slagg,  Samuel 

H  Butler),  general  store. 
Thompson  Joul,  livery. 
Ubiuger  August,  saloon. 

CAMERON.  On  the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  & 
O.  and  .M.,  St.  P.  &  S.  Sle.  M.  roads,  in 
Barron  county,  6  miles  from  Barron,  the 
judicial  scat  and  banking  point.  Popu'n- 
lion,  oOO.  E.^p,Am.  Tel.,W.  U.  A.  D 
Stacy,  postmaster. 

Borrtz  John,  wagonmaker. 

Chicago  &  Grand  ]ml  % 

Th9  Favorite  Route  East 


U  OlIlllYdll  b     LpUlllliluIuIal   riliUUdliiy}   school    in   Uie   .NOKTUUKST  for  a 
IJimtOVGH    liUMNKSS    KD  IC.VXION,    AT    ."TIOKlCIlATIi    TElt.^lS. 





l?urton  Richard  A.  exp  and  tel  act. 

Cameron  flciuse,  N  Jarvis  propr. 

Diinbara  &  McLean,  grocers. 

Fox  C  it  Son,  liVL-ry. 

llessel  Henry,  soda  water  mnfr. 

Howard  il  C.  livery. 

Jarvis  Napoleon,  propr  Cameron  House. 

Johnson  John  P,  ealoon. 

Kanimers  N,  saloon. 

McNaughton  >l,  hotel. 

JIosherD,  hardware. 

>i'e!son  A,  saloon. 

I'eese  &,  Anderson,  general  store. 

Shipman  it  Hoplpy.  ireneral  store. 

Stacy  A  1>,  Flour  and  Feed. 

Wilson  A,  livery. 

CAMPBELLSPORT.  A  post  vil- 
lage on  the  V.  A;  2s.  W.  Ky,  in  Fond  du 
Lsc  county,  IG  mile.s  southeast  of  Fond  du 
Lac,  the  county  seat  and  usual  banking 
point.  Exp.,  Aiu.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Popula- 
tion, 350.     P.  Durand,  postmaster. 

Baecher  Jacob,  waponmaker. 

Becklinger  Lydia.  milliner. 

Boeckler  M  H,  a^t  0  &  N  W  Ry. 

Degenhardt  Jacob,  hotel. 

Degenhardt  .Michael,  livery. 

Diiraiul  iV  l'aa>,  Orugs,  Paints   and 

Erfelt  Nicholas,  saloon. 
Farrell  Michael,  live  stock. 
Findeisen  F  M.  grain  elevator. 
Hafuer  August,  wagonmaker. 
Hansom  C  C,  justice. 
Hoffmann  Cornet  Laud,    P    A    Hoffmann 

Ilofrinniiii  I*  A,  Physician. 
Jones  l!ev  Richard  (Methodist). 
Ketter  John,  carpenter. 
Kicrig  Chris,  mciit  market. 
Koepke  (Charles,  cheese  mnfr. 
Kohler  Lorenz.  shoemaker. 
IjoppcrVan,  painter. 
McCullongh  Jame?,  general  store. 
Marrion  John,  mason. 
Maitin  E  F,  lumber  and  planing  mill. 
Malteson  S  C,  lawver. 
Michaels  ct  Klotz,  'farm  impts. 
Moore  &  Galloway,  lumber. 
I'aull  A  S,  exp  and  tel  ai;t. 
I'iohl  Fred,  tailor  and  barber, 
jihodes  Leland,  pump  mnfr. 
Richter  Bros,  harnessmakers. 
Roesler  Ernest,  mason. 
SuckettHF,  mnfr. 
^aeman,  Loelistt  Knickel,  general  store, 
f^clilaefer  Jacob,  jeweler. 
•Vhlaefer  Jo.-epb,   builder. 

^^oiiiiiidt  .loliii  CMusical  Instruments. 

Schools  Gerhart,  hotel. 

Van  Dczaude  Charles,  photographer. 

Wedde  U'm,  hardware. 

Wicker  Truman,  biacksmith. 

Yankow  Fred,  live  stock. 

CAMP  DOUGLAS.  A  post  village 
on  the  C,  St.  P.,  JI.  A  U,  and  the  C.  and 
N.  W.  Rys,  at  the  intersection  of  the  C...'\I. 
&  St.  P.  Ry,  in  Juneau  county,  1  ±  miles 
northwest  of  .Mauston.the  county  seal, and 
6j  north  of  New  Lisbon,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  250.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
E.xp.,  Am.  George  Frohmader,  postmas- 

Coates  W  E,  ?rain. 
FroIiiiiiKlcr    &     Bla<>kiii'<,    General 

.Store  and  Live  Stock. 
Hint^m  T  J.  notary. 
Horton  C  H,  hardware. 
Johnson  \Vm  C.  general  store. 
Kingtlauc  O.  carpenter. 
Lane  J  D,  telegraph  act. 
Lynn  James,  general  store  and  hotel. 
Olmstead  "W  L,  insurance. 
Phillips  C  J,  railroad  ngt. 
Singleton  John,  general  store  and  hotel. 

CAMP  LAKE.  A  summer  resort  on 
the  Wisconsin  Central  Line  and  on  Camp 
Lake,  In  Kenosha  county,  is  miles  south- 
west of  Kenosha,  the  judicial  seat,  and  13 
from  Burlington,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Daily  stnsQ  to  Wilmot;  faro  25 
cents.  Exp.,  Pacinc  Tel.,  W.  U.  Pop- 
ulation, 100       J.  H.  McVcy,  postmaster. 

Cniii]>  I.,akc    EIoiisc,    J    H    McVey 

Enzenl)acher  A,  tobacco  and  cigars. 
Jordan  Jarae.s,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Lichtcuberg  C  W,  dentist. 
Lincoln  Ice  Co. 
Ludwig  it  Reicterfeldt,  ice. 
Ble^'ey  .1  il,  Propr  C.'amp  Lake  House. 
Odell  G  E,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Phillips  House.  C  Phillips  propr, 
Wolf  A,  tobacco  and  ciuars. 
Yaw  House,  Henry  E  Yaw  propr. 
Yaw  Noah,  poultry  breeder. 

CANTON.  A  postniliccon  the  M..  St. 
P.  &  S.  Ste.  M.  Ry,  in  Barron  county.  11 
miles  northeast  of  Barron,  the  seat  of  jus- 
tice. Rice  Lake  is  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  4S.  E.xp  ,  Am.  Tel.'^ 
W.  U.     J.  F.  Lutz,  postmaster. 

Belle  it  Locke,  gen  store  and  saw  mill. 
Edcbert  it  Rnnisdeil,  lumber. 



Short  and  Direct 
Route  frorii 



I  to  all  POINTS  in  iiUfl 

m  mi 





Fisk  J  B,  hardware. 
Locke  John,  black^lIli•b. 
Packard  Jay,  railroad  andexp  agt. 
■White  II' J,  General  Store. 

CARLTON.  A  post  village  in  Kewau- 
nee couuty,  5  miles  south  of  Kewaunee, 
the  count}-  seat  and  bank  location,  and  20 
north  of  Two  Rivers,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Stages  daily  to  Two  Kivers.Ahna- 
pee  and  Kewaunee;  fare,  -t^LuO  and  ."iO 
cents  respectively.  Pop\ilation,  00.  Mail, 
daily.  Fred  Bacb,  postmaster. 
Bacli  Fred,  Telegraph  Agent. 
Bach,  Kiev.ig  &,  Co,  general  store. 

CAROLINE.  A  postoince  on  Embar- 
rass river,  in  Sljawano  county,  20  miles 
southwest  of  Shawano,  the  county  seat,  3j 
north  of  Marion,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion, and  S  from  Ciintonville,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Stages  daily  to  Marion 
and  Pella.  Population,  125.  E.  J.  Iloeft, 

Ahl  Hev  SV  D. 
Braun  Fred,  wagonmsker. 
Breidenfelt  August,  -hnemaker. 
Buettner  Theodore,   tlour  mill. 
Builder  Herman,  farmer. 
Ebert  &  Kaasch,  blacksmiths. 
Frankow  \Vm,  mason. 
Iloeft  E  M,  Hardware. 
Laatsch  Albert,  carpenter. 
Moenkc  August,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Nctzel  Julius,  furniture  and  justice. 
Schmidt  August,  mason. 
Stier  Charles  11.  general  store. 
Tlilcic  K  tV  IJro,  Saw  Mill. 
Zell  Fred,  hotel  and  saloon. 

CARRIE.  In  Washburn  county,  10 
miles  from  Sbtll  Lake,  llie  judicial  seat, 
and  13  from  llayward.  the  usual  Ijanking 
and  shipping  point.  Population.  -"lO.  ^[ail, 
by  special  supply.  ^Irs.  S.  Kunsman, 

Abrahamson  N.  lumber. 
Dobie  Pros,  lumber. 
England  >V:  Thomas,  lumber. 
Kunsman  C,  carpenter. 
liiiiiMiiaii  Strsij  (.\geut),  Patent  iledi- 

Lampman  G,  blacksmith. 
TerriU  J,  carpenter. 

CARTWRIGHT.  A  flourishing  set- 
tlement on  the  C  ,  St.  P.,  M.  &  O.  Uy,  in 
Auburn  towaship,  (.'liippcwa  county,  23."> 
miles  northwest  nf  Milwaukee,   22  north- 

west of  Chippev,-a  Falls,  the  county  «_:;■ 
and  9  northwest  of  Bloomer,  the  neart  ■ 
banking  point.  Stages  daily  to  S-.-  : 
Creek:~fare,  rjO  cents.  Population.  -  Vi 
Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  B.  F.  Marsu, 

Cartwright  House,  11  Hine.^  pronr. 
C'artwrislil  &  t'liiniiiinss,  Saw  &t;  1 

Planing  .Mill. 
Dimmell  \V  J,  meat  market. 
Efickson  Arnt,  general  store. 
Golden  Wm,  jnason. 
Hawley  A  B,  general  store, 
nines  O,  propr  Cartwright  House. 
Kluiid  Andrew,  blacksmith. 
McLaren  Fred,  blacksmith. 
JIack  F  T,  railroad,  exp  and  le!  agent. 
nlarsli   8J  P,  General  Store. 
Jloshcr  O  K,  hardware. 
Putman  J  P,  boarding  house. 
Robison  George  jr,  brick  mnfr. 
Smitli  S,  wagonmaker. 
Stadler  John,  wagonmaker. 

CARYVILLE.  A  post  village  on 
the  C,  M.  tt  St,  P.  Ky,  in  Uunn  county. 
20  miles  southeast  of  Menomonie,  the 
county  seat,  and  11  southwest  of  Eai; 
Claire,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Sl.ages 
daily  to  liock  Falls,  and  .Mondovi.  Popu- 
lation, 80.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E.xp.,  Am. 
P.  O.  Strande,  postmaster. 

Fry  Frank,  live  stock. 

Johnson  L  C,  tailor. 

McDonough   W  J,  railroad,   exp  and  tel 

Mill  .r  n,  grain  elevator. 
Xess  Wm,  hotel. 
Snow  Kev  Ptiifus  (Adventisll. 
•itraiule  Peter  O,  General  Store. 
^Vygant  Victor,  blacksmith. 

CASCADE.  On  the  Milwaukee  river, 
in  Sheboygan  county,  ly  miles  southwest 
of  Sheboygan,  thecoimty  seat,  3^  west  ot 
Waldo,  the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  7 
southwest  of  Plymouth,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Stages  twice  a  day  to  Waldo  : 
fare,  25  cents.  Population,  2,50.  Mail, 
daily.     L.  U.  Bartlett,  postmaster. 

Aklln  M  R  &  Co,  general  store. 
Ambelang  Morris,  shoemaker. 
Ballliiirn  Frederick,  haruessmaker. 
Eiarllett  I.,  C,  Drtigs  and  Groceries. 
Bartlett  .Mrs  L  C,  miliiner. 
P.urke  Rev  B  J  (Catholic). 
Copley  Cl'.arles.  carpenter. 
Ooell  .Tohn  B,  waj:onmaker. 

Electric  Light  and  Llotor  Plants  r;:;y"''«K  Ti:;!'"^ 

Ki-i;cTitir.\i,  MP- 

J»I!:sCKIl"TIONS,       <  .lln- 
losacs   i-'rce.      Ji:t,I!;vi    .IM>11AE,    225     West    AValer    Streel,    .iIIL\r.VlICi:ii. 

Urilc  to  J.  N.  ?IcCrN.\',   Croeu  Bay,  AVis.,  for  ANNIAL   CATALOGi;E  of  Mie 

Green   Bay  Business   College. 

of  Eminent   Iiidorseineut. 




Puberty  P  n,  hotel. 

ilutTbuel  Uev  C  (Lutheran). 

lliiffmtister  ifc  Meyer,  shoes. 

ILirrlt'an  David,  grocer. 

li  lU-iMre,  niilliaer. 

IlollenlJolt  iJt  O'llrani,  Furnitur 

Hulee  Edward,  generni  store. 

kratzsch  A  W,  physician. 

Lamers  A  J,  Hour  mill. 

Lau  Fred,  hardware  and  harness 

Lau  Mrs,  general  store. 

Ix;wke  E,  tailor. 

Maloney  Rose,  grocer. 

Miller  Henry,  carpenter. 

Nicemann  Charles,  watronmaker 

Noll  Wm  t^c  Sons,  hardware. 

O'llcam  E  H,  hotel. 

I'tterson  David,  veterinary  surgeon. 

riper  Eliuer,  barber. 

Undkie  August,  blacksmith. 

!£ogci'Si  A  C,  Physician. 

!>chulz  John,  blacksmith. 

Solei  David,  cooper. 

Timm  John  AV,  hotel  and  £!our  mill. 

Wolf  A,  cheese  factory. 

Zslm  Hermann,  hotel. 

CASCO.  A  village  in  Kewaunee  coun- 
ty, 13  miles  west  of  Kewauneee,  the  county 
scat,  23  northeast  of  Green  Hay,  the  near- 
est railroad  station,  and  11  southwest  of 
Ahnapec,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  Ahnapee,  Green  Bay  and 
Kewaunee.  Population,  1.50.  iMail, daily. 
E.  Decker,  postmaster. 

Barta  F  J,  harnessmaker. 

liHrta  John,  wagon  maker. 

Carl  John  M,  school  teacher. 

I>fc-kor  Iv,  Saw  Mill. 

Doyle  Wm,  blacksmith. 

Mlnahan  H  A  A;  Co,  general  store. 

Minahau  J  K,  physician. 

CASHTON.  On  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P. 
Uy,  in  Monroe  county.  19  miles  south  of 
i^parla,  the  county  scat  and  bankins point. 
Population,  300.  Tel.,  "W.  U.  Exp., Am. 
11.  Orofr,  postmaster. 

liaseDach  Peter,  lumber. 

H'.iver  Matthias  L,  saloon. 

jit-rg  E  A,  brick  and  stone  mason. 

Howen  Oscar,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

I'oyd  David,  stone  mason. 

Brey  p  Ay,  jeweler. 

liver  AVm,  boarding  house. 

dates  W  E.'c  Co,  grain. 

IranierC.tJ    =a':.M,n. 

Cnuier  C  II.  phv^  cian. 

Culv,;r  C  M,  hoi;-!. 

Custin  E  A,  saloon. 

Dill  Fred,  general  store. 

Dolan  Patrick,  general  store. 

Du  Neuz  A  A,  druggist. 

Gains  E  E,  physician. 

Groir  SEciiry.  Hoots  and  Shoes. 

Hanson  P  J.  haulware. 

Holverson  P,  carpenter. 

Jackson  Martin,  grain. 

Jensen  E  >.\:  E,  meat  market. 

Johnson  Louis,  shoemalier. 

Kissell  Wm,  hardware. 

Milb}'  P  Lt  A,  Saloon. 

Xelson  &  Campbell,  general  store. 

Xice  James,  barber. 

Olson  G,  furniture. 

Perkins  L  B.  wacronmakcr. 

Iloe«.ler  A,  Planing  JliU. 

Senz  Thomas,  blacksmith. 

Smith  H  II,  blacksmith. 

Wang  Martin,  carpenter. 

CASSELL.  A  postofflce  on  the  Wis- 
consin river,  in  Sauk  county,  25  miles 
southwest  of  Baraboo,  the  county  seat, 
and  3  northeast  of  Arena,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  baukint'  point.  Popula- 
tion, 1.50.  Mall,  tri-reeekly.  Wm.  S. 
Pierce,  postmaster  and  farmer. 

CASSVILLB.  A  village  on  the  Mis- 
sissippi river,  in  Grant  county,  20  miles 
fouttiwesl  of  Lancaster,  the  county  seat, 
and  3  east  of  Turkey  Uiver,  Iowa.  It  is  on 
theC,  15.  ct  X.  Ry.  Has  a  bank  and  a 
weekly  newspaper,  the  Index.  Stages 
daily  to  Bectowu  and  Turkey  River.  Pop- 
ulation, 1,000.  Tel.,  AV.  U.  Exp  ,  Am. 
D.  Williams,  postmaster. 

Harney  IlroK,  Dentists. 
Barrow  George,  brick  mnfr. 
Baumgartner  Julius,  tailor. 
Beach  .Mrs  R  F.  dressmaker. 
Beilharz  Fred  II,  blacksmith. 
Beilharz  F,  hoop  factory. 
Bernbard  Mrs  (,)ltilie,  general  store. 
Bernherd  Jacob,  boots  and  shoes. 
Binkert  Fridolin,  general  store. 
Bishop  M  A,  propr  Deuuiston  House. 
Burgess  Henry,  iiistice. 
Chase  Edward  \V,  photographer. 
Creglow  Charles,  jeweler. 
Crculow  A;  Oko3',  General  Store. 
Cronin  F  M,  physician. 
Currau  M  J,  general  store. 
Deuniston  House,  M  A  Bishop  propr. 
Dericlis  &  Geiseu,  brewer. 
Dietrich  Frank  J,  confectioner. 
Dietrich  G  P,  cainentcr. 


Cliicap  &  Gfand  ]mi  Pij 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 


BETTER  THAil  nOMY.^Hf via 

Iiplpriil   ail    111 

&  STRATTON   Clli, 

(N    iraiiiiiii!:    T!iat    i, 
;li   lire. 









































Eckstein  Frank,  furniture. 

i:»Iilj  T!ioina'»  v.,  Diatiit. 

Enslcr  JIrs  E,  booTs  aud  thot-=. 

Fir-t   Commercial  Bank,   L  jI  Okey  prcj, 

Charles  Creclo'^-  cs^li. 
Foley  James,  flour  mill. 
Foley  John,  propr  Index. 
French  U,  blacksmith. 
Grimm  Aloys   druo'sist, 
<ii'iniiii  liroii,  General  Store. 
Grimm  Ilerman.  grain. 
Harper  Charles  L,  prin  of  high  school, 
llenkel  Mrs  Minnie,   boarding  house. 
Holt  it  Barrows,  brick  masons. 
Index,  .Tohn  Foley  prwr. 
Ubn)aers  Orchestra. 
I>liniael  &  Eneler,  saTor>n. 
Kleiupeil  Bros,  saw  mill. 
Kleinpell  Eugene,  harnessmaker. 
Kkiupell  II  i;  Co,   li!;rd\Tare. 
Eikliiiiil,  Gciger  &  Co,  General  Store 

and  Creamery, 
Kraft  Alliert,  physician. 
Kuchenljerg  JIrs  Gfil-Jrude,  milliner. 
K'uohenl.ierir  Matt,  saloon. 
MtCHmish  .Airs  N  A,  insurance. 
McCord  tfe  Lenzendorf,  meat  market. 
M.anuinir  E  S,  tel  agt.  ' 
.■Mueller  ]5enj:imiu.  saloon. 
>;iemcr  .John  W,  meal  market. 
Ortscheid  .John,  confi:ctioner. 
Ortfcheid  ,1  B,  baker. 
Oehmer  Peler,  iiarlier.  ■ - 
Prior  Gotlfried,  genera!  store. 
Rossliach  Eev  A^(Cathnli,'i. 
Sandrook  Kev  (ieorge  I'Lulheran). 
^oliarlt'iistt'iii    II    C    Uro  &   Co, 

Gevieral  j^lore. 
Scluiniaclier  H  Jl,  saloon.    ■ 
Schwerin  Frederick,  slioemaker. 
Sneclode  J  II  C.  fruit  gr.jwer. 
Slivens  Rev  G  D  (Baptist). 
Trollope  &  Cook,  cigar  mufrs. 
V.igel  Herman,  general  »te're. 
Viii;rlit  IVter.  lime  kiln. 
^'i'illiaiiis  Ouvi<t,  Stationer  and   Con- 

Witlierb.'e  liev  H  .1  (,. 
■\yood  GeorL'e  W,  r«ilro;,d,  cxp  and  tel  agt. 
Young  .Martin,  wagonniaker. 

CASTLE  ROCK,.  A  village  on  Blue 
river,  in  Oranl  euuniy.  ?0"  miles  northeast 
of  Lancaslir,  the  county  seal,  and  9  north- 
west of  Mnntfort,  tl;e  nearest  railroad 
station  anci  blinking  point.  Populatinu, 
50  .Mill,  semi-weekly.  John  Johnson, 

Ellinger  Gu.s,  justice. 

Johnson  John  S,  bkacksmith. 

Johnson  S  C,  carpenter. 

Joliii^oii    «^    Vail    Biiroii,    G.nera; 

Nelson  Xels  S,  mason, 
Nundal  Sever  O,  mason. 

CATARACT.  In  Monroe  county,  11 
miles  norlli  of  Sparta,  the  county  seat. 
Dearest  railroad  station  and  banking  point. 
Stages  to  Sparta  and  Black  Uiver  Fall;; 
fares,  50  cents  and  ^1  respectively.  Pop- 
ulation, 12.5.     E.  B.  Greene,  postmaster. 

Codey  O  S.  sta-e  line. 
Daws  R  A,  notary. 
Dunham  B  M.  hotel- 
Gibson  .\  D.  bkcksmilh. 
Grcfiio  K  B,  Town  Treasurer. 
Grecuo  &  Jnnes,  general  store. 
Johnson  C  W,  general  .'tore. 
JIcLain  T  P.,  b.^acksmilh. 
Jlinglet  Chris,  carpenter. 
Moilatt  &  Scantletnn.  liour  mill. 
Reynolds  A.  carpenter. 
Scantleton  J  T,  general  store. 
SlJirkcy  \Viii',  Meat  Alarket. 
Wasliburn  C  H.  constable. 
Woodworth  A  G,  lawyer. 

CATO.  on  the  M.,  L.  S.  & 
AV.  Ry,  in  ]^Ianilowoc  county,  12  miles 
northwest  of  Manitowoc,  the  count}-  seat 
and  nearest  banking  poi-nt.  Stages  daily 
to  Clark's  Mills.  I'opulation,  200.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  U.  S.  JIail,  daily.  John 
Killen,  postmaster. 

Clark  Bros,  mnfrs. 

Frencli  Georsre  A.  meal  market. 

liilll-ii  Joliii,  General  Store,  Hay  Press 

and  Clieese  Box  Mnfr. 
Merrill  Frank,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Morgan  it  Sweeting,  cheese  mnfrs. 
O'Conneil  R  S,  physician. 
Pelka  Simon,  blacksmith. 
Stoehr  T  Anton,  'aloon. 
Strande  Knud,  shoemaker. 
\ViIlielm  Peter,  wagonmaker. 

CAVOUR.  Ou  tlie  M.,  St.  P.  it  S. 
Sto.  M.  Ry,  13  miles  from  Craniinn.  the 
judicial  seat.  Population,  1.50.  Exp., 
-Vm.  Tel.,  W.  U.  M.  S.  Barker,  post- 

CAZENOVIA.  A  village  on  Little 
Baraboo  river,  in  Kielilund  county.  24 
miles  northeast  of  Richland  Ceii're.  the 
county  seat,  and  7  southwest  of  Eavaile. 
tlie   nearest  railroail  station  and  bacrciug 

ILLIilOIS  CEllTPiiU  B,  d 

Slnort  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 


Phippt/n  ?!,  Rranri  Tr^'n':  El'f  Ttie  Favorite  Route  East 





roint.     Stages  daily  to   Richlaud  Centre, 

Ironton    and    Liivalle.     Popuhitiou,    175. 

Mail,  daily.     C.  Tierce,  postm.ister. 

r>!'iV;erafin,  blacksmith. 

liobn  C  E,  saw  aud  slave  mill. 

Burdick  Mrs  E,  milliuer. 

Bussman  Henry,  boots  aud  shoes. 

Ciark  E  B  &  Co,  general  store. 

Conley  John,  grocer  and  saloon. 

Cunningham  David,  blacksmith. 

Diiercii  Will,  baw  Jlill. 

Farver  li,  wagonmaker. 

Fix  &  Jax,  stave  mill. 

Grosse  Rev  Herman  (Catholic). 

Herlihy  Dennis,  justice. 

Jewelt  H  E,  flour  mill. 

.Tube  J  M,  hotel. 

KItson  T  F,  saloon. 

Klang  Theodore,  carpenter. 

LIreoln  O  B,  blacksmith. 

^loon  C,  meal  market. 

Nelson  N,  wagonmaker. 

Nelson  &  Jarvis,  livcrj'. 

Stockfelth  Martin,  physician. 

Vergcrout  George,  gi.'ncral  store. 

Wenkcr  >jt'l»:i'>liiiii.  General  Store. 

Zerwis  John,  boots  and  shoes. 

CECIL.     A  prosperous  village  on  the 
M.,  L.  S.  &  W.  liy,  in  Shawano  counly,  S 
miles  northeast   of   Shawano,  the   seal   of 
justice  and  banUini;    point.     Population, 
3nO     Tel.,  \V.    U.  ^Exp.,    U.    S.     T.    S. 
Mc.Murray,  postmaster. 
Beerbaum  J  H  H,  lumber. 
Bender  Pliillip,  wagonmaker. 
liocker  Herman,  linrd\var(^ 
Crosby  H  E,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Dickey  Rev  P  H  (Lntiieran). 
Freeborn  John  A,  propr  Lakeview  House. 
Grabe  Joseph,  shoemaker. 
Ilaiineinaiiii,  iXarliow  iV  Co,  Lum- 

_ber  and  Shingle  Mill. 
Kempf  John,  bUicksmith. 
Lakeview  House,  J  A  Freeborn  propr. 
Lenike  Adolph,  real  Cotate. 
Lemke  John,  caipenler. 
Leuike  Wm  Jr.  carpenler. 
^Ic'!'Siiri-aj'  'V   >,  Notions  and   Patent 

_  Medicines. 
Nailer  Herman,  real  estate. 
Nichlaus  15  &  Co.  general  store. 
S.tnip  Qustav,  haruessmaker. 
Seefeldt  Uoberl,  saloon. 
Warrington  Mi*s  C  T,  dres.smaker. 
}Viiiter  David,  hotel. 
Zichow  W  C  &  Co,  geoeral  store. 

CEDARBURGH.      An    cntcrprisim: 
leorporated  city  ou  the  M.   iV:  N.  R.  1!. 

in  Ozaukee  county,  23  miles  north  of  Mil- 
waukee and  9  southwest  of  Port  Washing- 
ton, the  county  seat  and  nearest  banking 
point.  A  progressive  weekly  newspaper, 
the  yews,  is  published.  Telephone  con- 
nection. Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Popu- 
lation, 1,500.  L.  E.  Jochem,  postmaster. 
Ambruster  John,  jeweler. 
Anschuiz  &  Co  (George  A  and  Peter  An- 

schutz),  lime  kiln  and  stone  (juarry. 
Asher  Frederick,  mason  and  plasterer. 
Barthel  Charles,  jiainter. 
Beck  Henry,  baker. 
Beokmann    Fiedcrick,    propr    Wisconsin 

Behnisch  Henry,  harnessmaker. 
Bender  Henry,  cuoper. 
Boclo  Huu'o,  druLTgi-t. 
IStKlftnlocrlVr  .\iiilrc\v, Flour  Mill, 

1  Milese. 
lloerticr  Bros,  General  Store. 
BotUclier  Albert,  cigar  mnfr. 
Boeltcher  Charles,  saloon. 
I'ohrtz  August,  blncksmitb. 
Bruss  Bros  (John  F  and   Gottfried),   farm 

Buch  C  II,  meat  market. 
I'uch  Mrs  Emile,  milliner. 
i:o<larl»iiryli  Clcv.ilor  Co,  Alexan- 
der lierger  ,\lngr. 
Cedarburgh  House,  Henry  Kuether  propr. 
Cedarburgh  Military  Band,  A  Weber  Idr. 
Cedarburgh  Woolen   MiKs  (capital.   ^lUO,- 

000),     Diedrich    Wittenberg    prcs,    J    F 

Wittenberg  sec  and  treas. 
Dietrich  Conrad,  shoemaker. 
Dreier  Herman,  iiainter. 
I'jiigbiiiig  Wm.   foundry. 
Ernst  it  Licsenberg,  carpenter. 
Erll  Tony,  barber. 
Finley  Rufus,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Friedrich  Robert,  shoemaker. 
Froehlich  Jacob,  boots  and  shoes. 
Gleitzman  Adam,  cooper. 
Gotlschalk  Oiarles,  livery,  coal,  etc. 
Groth  Henry  G,  hardware. 
Groth  John  F,  lime  ranfr. 
llackfeldt  Mrs  J,  dressmaker. 
Haflerman  Mrs  D,  milliner. 
Hart's  ig  Theodore,  phj'sician. 
Herzigcr  Emil,  saloon. 
Hilgeu  J   H.  summer  resort. 
Hilcen  Mnfg  Co  (capital,  AsO.OOO).  John 
Winner  pres,  James  H  Hilgen  sec,  sash, 

doors  aud  blinds. 
Hoehu  Louis  M,  furnilu'c  and  undertaker. 
HolTman  &  Son,  meat  market. 
Horn    I'lTileriok    ^V,    Lawyer    and 

Propr  N.'WS.      'S--:  ..■■!r.  p  S  'l'.} 
Horn  Wm  H.  railriiad  and  tel  agent. 



■'mo  rCMTDfl!  D  D  DIRECT  ROUTE  MnnTurnM 

iiUlo    LbilhiU   Hi   liitoal!  POINTS  in  liU  ll  1  ii  Chii 





Jaehnert  Herman,  meat  market. 

Jaucke    Frederick   J,   prupr   ■Washington 

Joc'licm  Leoi)old  Tl.  General  Store. 
Jocliem  Wia  P,  propr  Norliiera  Uailroad 

Kaiser  Mattliias,  cooper. 
Kannenberg  Samuel  H,  blacksmith. 
Kanney  Cornelius  F,  notary. 
Knuppel  Albert,  carpouter. 
Knulh  Carl,  watciimaker. 
Krauso  Theodore,  barber. 
Kuether  Henry, propr  Ccflarburgh  House. 
Kuhefuss  .1  C  tt  Son,  proprs  Union  Hotel. 
Lang  liev  Vv'm  (Lutheran). 
Langhtinrich  Edward,  furniture. 
Lau  Ciiarles,  priu  high  fchonl. 
Lau  Eggeit,  -wagonmaker,  1  miles  s  c. 
Lauer  John,  saloon. 
Laulerbach  Justus,  clothing. 
Lehman  C  W  &  Bro.  hardware. 
Lemke  Charles,  brick  and  tile  iiinfr. 
Luedtke  J  A:  Son  (John  and  Frank;,  black- 
Lutz  Charles,  cisar  mnfr. 
McGovern  &  ^Moras.  physicians. 
News,  Frederick  W  Horn  Propr.      (See 

adv,  opp.) 
Northern  Uailroad  Hotel,  Wm  P  JocUem 

Pahl  Mr.s  Anna,  milliner. 
Propp  Charles,  photographer. 
Roth  Henry,  saloon. 
Koth  John,  .saloon. 
Ryan  Kev  F  C  (Catholic). 
Salter  Henry,  farm  iinpts. 
Schroedcr  J  &  Son  (Ourgen  and  ^Vm   H), 

general  store. 
Scliroeslcr    Sc    Trcntiii-.nui     (Wm 

Schroeder.JosephTrottmunu), flour  .Mill 
Scliuelle  ]'"'rcderick,  city  clerk. 
Schwautcs  Angust,  blackBmilh. 
Strassbcrger  Utv  E  (Lutheran). 
Sunderrniinn  August,  apiari:^t,  2  miles  3  e. 
Thiel  AVm  it  Son,  barley  mill. 
Toll  Bro.M  (Frank  and  Wm),  marble 'works. 
Turners'  Hall.  Turners'  Society  proprs. 
Union     Hotel,     J    C    Kuhefusa     it     Sun 

Voigt  HcDiy,  liaruessniiiker. 
Washington  House,  F  J  Jaucke  propr. 
Weber  John,  brewer. 
Weber's  Hotel,  Burghard  Weber  propr. 
Wicsler  Cunrnd,  saloon. 
"Wlrtli  llfos  (Charles  C  and  Gustavo  Hj, 

Genijral  Store. 
Wisconsin    House,    Frederick  Beckmann 

Wtirthman  E  Gerhard,  paints. 
Zauin  Jacoli,  ll  )ur  mill. 

CEDAR  CRH:^K.  a  postoffice  ;;: 
Washintrton  county,  S  miles  southwe.^t  -: 
West  Bend,  the  county,  and  3^  frc;n 
Jackson,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  Wc.-: 
Bend  is  the  nearest  banking  point.  Stagf.? 
daily  to  Jackson;  fare,  2'>  cents.  Popu:  i- 
tion,  75.  Mail,  daily.  H.  J.  Gumm,  po;t- 

Baer  Jacob,  carpenter. 

Oiiiiiiii  61  J,  Hardware  and  Blacksmith. 

Heppe  C  J,  general  store. 

Ilyppe  Henry,  saloon. 

Jliixon  Dow,  creamery  and  insurance. 

Piitow  Fred,  shoemaker. 

Turck  B  &  Co,  saw  mill. 

Voght  Fred,  carpenter. 

Vuuk  Edward,  justice. 

CEDAR  FALLS.  A  villasie  on  Eel 
Cedar  river  in  Dunn  county, .'5  miles  noitu- 
east  of  .Menomonie,  the  county  seat,  near- 
est banking  and  shipping  point.  Daily 
st»^  to  2\Ienomonie;  fare.  25  cents.  Pop- 
ulation, 400.  Mail,  daily.  E.  C.  Plemou, 
Bailey  Frank,  livery. 

Cedar  Falls  Brass  Band,  Levi  Caldwell  Idr. 
Crawford  May,  music  teacher. 
Glidewell  James,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Knapp,  Stout  A:  Co,  general  store. 
Leach  Thomas,  barber  and  harness. 
Perry  P  W,  carpenter  and  wagonmaker. 
Pleiiioii  E  €,  Grocer. 
Plemon  L  O,  grocer  and  livery. 
Konneberger  B  P,  meal  market. 
Taylor  Hiram,  stone  mason. 

CBDAR  GROVE.     On  the  :\I.,  L.  S. 
vt  \V.  liy.   In    Holland    township,  Sheboy- 
gan county,  3S  miles  north  of  .\tilwaukce, 
and  14   southwest  of   Sheboygan,  the  seat 
of  justice  and  u.sual  banking  point.     Esp., 
U.   S.      Tel.,    \V.    U.       Population,    buO. 
G.  Slronks,  postmaster. 
American  House,  Frank  Wilson  propr. 
Balkins  Miss  Releu,  dressmaker. 
Braucr  Frederick,  wagonmaker. 
Btecht  Henry  J,  blacksmith. 
Daana  ,1  E,  cheese  mnfr. 
I»c  Muslcr  .loliii.  Agrl  Implements. 
De  Smith  Peter,  blacl-smith. 
Heuver  Aiibert.  cheese  mnfr. 
Hirn  Frank,  saloon. 
Hollo  Christian  W,  tinware. 
Hopi;lkamp  Kev  J  W  (Reformed). 
Hyink  W'ni.  live  stock. 
Kolsto  John  W,  shoeniaker.]iiiiers  OarreU,  Cheese  Mnfr. 
Mcengs  Dirk,  carpenter. 

Klicap  &  Graoil  ]ml  liy 

Tlie  Favorite  Route  East 


Csiifornia  V/inosJv 

^iv;,  WIHES  "'V;^*'^  F.  POHftiEH  MM  CO., 

AVEST  MATEIt  I-T.,  .?i  IL.  \V  Al^K  Ki:,  MIS. 





^Il  I'll £;3  Henry,  general  store. 

I  j'Crlne  James,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

I'rtlmer  Joseph,  creamery. 

Kiniiiker  John  11,  harnessmaker. 

Hotli  Rev  J  W  F  ([-"resbytcrian). 

IlufUnk  Henry,  harnessmaker. 

Scbiereck  August  H,  propr  Union  House. 

Smitli  G  H  &  Sons,  fishermen. 

Mi-oiiU§    O,    General    store   and   Real 

Te  Gantvoort  James  A  H,  furniture. 
Tcrncs  John,  cheese  mnfr. 
Union  House,  A  H  Schiereck  propr. 
Van  Altena  Louis,  physician. 
Van  I)e  Waal  Ed'.Tard,  general  store. 
Van  Do  Waal  John,  cheese  ranfr. 
Van  De  Waal  Ptler,  cooper. 
Van  De  Waal  Miss  Sasan,  dressmaker. 
Verdouw  Abraham,  harnessmaker. 
Voskuil  Henry,  boots  and  shoes. 
Vrteman  John  U,  tailor. 
iValvoord  Anthony,  cheese  mnfr. 
Wulvoord  Anthony  C.  general  store. 
Walvoord  Miss  Hannah,  milliner. 
Walvoord  Henry,  cheese  mnfr. 
Wilson  Frank,  propr  American  House. 

cial  seat,  and  8  from  Marion,  the  nearest 
shipping  point.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  F. 
Leisner,  postmaster. 

Clapps  &  5IadsoD,  saw  mill. 

CEMENTVILLE.     On  the  C.  Sc  X. 

AV.  Ry  in  Milwaukee  county,  i  miles 
north  of  Jlilwaukee,  the  judicial  seat, 
banking  and  shipping  point.  Population, 
50.     Exp.,  Am.     Tel.,  W.  U. 

Maechtle  J,  saloon. 
Milwaukee  Cement  Co. 

CEDAE  LAKE.  A  postotlice  in 
\Vansliara  county,  20  miles  northeast  of 
Wautoma,  the  courty  seat,  8  south  of 
Waupaca,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
I'snking  point.  Stages  daily  to  Berlin  and 
Waupaca;  fare,  5  cents  per  mile.  Popula- 
tion, 50.  Mail,  daily.  P.  B.  Mumbrue, 

Hutton  J  A,  justice. 
Christensen  R  P,  carpenter. 
James  George  H,  saw  mill. 
Muiiilirne  I'  It,  Farmer. 

CEDAR  EAPIDS.  In  Waupaca 
<"  >'iiily,  20  miles  from  ^Vaupaca,  the  judi- 

CENTER.  A  postofUce in  Rock  coun- 
ty, 'J  miles  west  of  Janesville,  the  county 
seat,  and  4  northeast  of  Foolsville,  the 
usual  shipping  point.  Janesville  is  the 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  7j. 
Mail,  daily.     J.  W.  Norton,  postmaster. 

Conrad  J  S,  general  store. 

Crow  John,  cooper. 

Fisher  C  C,  justice. 

Fisher  John,  carpenter. 

Graves  C  S,  r  lilroad,  express  and  tel  agt. 

Hanser  Rev  (Jsear  (Lutheran). 

Lowery  David,  carpenter. 

Reli_'  \Vm,  carpenter. 

Il<>>s  «.^  I'Ulior,  Meat  Market. 

S(h\ieller  Rev  John  (German  Ref  M  E). 

Snyder  Fred,  baiber. 

Thomas  Rev  (Methodist) 

CENTRALIA.  A  prosperous  incor- 
porated city  advantageously  located  on  the 
west  bank  of  the  AVisconsiu  river,  dinclly 
opposite  Grand  Rapids,  the  judicial  seat, 
and  on  the  C,  M.  .V'  St.  P.  Ry,  iu  W.iod 
county.  It  contains  a  hub  and  spoke  fac- 
tory, 2  planing  mills,  a  saw  mill,  2  wood 
pulp  mills,  a  llouring  mill,  a  bank,  a  gra- 
ded school  and  au  electric  light  plant 
which  furnishes   lia:ht  for   the   two  cities. 


CtDAIim  K<i,  -  -  U  ISCOXSIX. 

FRED  W.  HORN,  Editor  and  Proprietor. 

Publislieci    ]£\-er>'    Wi^^di^emlay. 

Ti;i{?is,  $!..>(»  i»i;ii  VE.vii. 

!s  Considcfed  bf  Um[\im  to  be  the  Best  Medium  in  this  Section  of  ttie  State, 

Guns  Rep 

ir  In  licrfl  of  Hop 

^IfOfl     f'I'okc   Rorlii-  n    SpoclaUy.    JOHN  ^IKINII'II 
W-:ll  UUl  to.,  il'i  AVcfcl  Water  Street,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 



?  KJ'JilCt   4IG  last  Wal 

Hi  J ) 


JllL^TAlKKE.    leleiihone  IJI,. 

0)  " 


CD  S 

-M     - 

CD  ^ 

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13  1 







A  live  weekly  newspaper,  the  E::tcrpvUe 
and  Trihuiie,  is  pabiisiied.  Tiie  WiscoQ- 
sin  liver  at  this  poiut  is  verj'  rapid  and 
cnuld  be  utilized  for  a  larse  amount  of 
manufacturirg.  Tlse  principal  shipments 
are  the  products  of  the  above  mills,  and 
lumber  and  craoberrits.  Tel.,W.  U.  Esp., 
Am.  Population,  1,J.J0.  Mail,  daily.  J. 
\V.  Natwicii,  postmaster. 
Railey  \Vm  D,  glass  and  tinware. 
Jiandelin  August  F,  propr  Ceiiiralia  House. 
]!ank  of  Centralia  fcapital,  ^i-T.OOO),  Jerre 

D  'Witter  pres,  Irving  E  Phiileo  cash. 
Rarney  Jliss  Josie  D,  dressmaicer. 
Boormau  Curtis  A,  physician. 
Houcher  Napokoa  J,  harnessmaker. 
Bremer  Frci  W,  machinist. 
Briere  Cliarles,  saloon. 
Brown  W  H  <k  Co  (Wm  11  Brown, Edward 

C  Ketchuiii),  ice. 
Bruderli  Gottfried,  shoemaker. 
Burcliell  Mrs  Hannah  31,   milliner. 
Casber^  John,  saloon. 
Centralia  Enterprise  and  Tribune,   liossier 

&  BrundaLjc  proprs. 
Centralia  ] louse,  A  F  Bandelin  propr. 
Centralia    Pulp    and    Water    Power   Co, 

Frank  Garrison  pres,  G  F  Steele  sec. 
Chamberlain  James,  saloon. 
Cochran  J  Wilber,  lawyer. 
Colcord  Albert  II,  marble  worker. 
Commercial  Hotel,  Damai=T!  Katelle  propr. 
Cooj.ier  Tliomas  J,  justice. 
Corriveau  Georsre  A,  tjeneral  store. 
Daly  C  E  cl-  Co  iChatles  E  and  John  Daly), 

meat  market. 
Daly  Frank  E,  jeweler. 
Demeroe  Joseph,  carpenter. 
Denny  Onczne,  .saloon. 
Dickson  &  CaryOValter  J   Dickson,    Wm 

H  Cary),  livery. 
Dudley  Frank,  iiarber. 
Duncan  Charles  L,  chief  of  police. 
Dustin  A  L.  carpenter. 
Parish  John,  planinir  mill. 
Fort  Edward,  Centr.alia  iV   Xorthcrn  liail- 

road,  Walter  Scott  pres,  T  B  .'^rott  sec 

and  treas,  Eii  Sarf^ent  chief  engineer. 
Gerard  l-ra  H,  lumb'.'r. 
Gog(;ins  Bernard  K.  lawyer. 
Goidsnutli  Mrs  Hann.ah  E,  notions. 
Oreeul)enj  wXiilttUsm,  general  store. 
Havenor  Uobcrt  A,  priu  of  scliool. 
Hotel  Lyon,  Clark  Lyon  propr. 
Jackson   ."Millini;   Co,    G   J  Jackson  pres, 

Charles  Mathuwa  sec,  flour  mill. 
Johnson  Claus,  saloon. 
Joliu^nn,  flill  A-  Co  fXels  Johnson, George 

M  Hiil.  Jtrre  D  Witter),  general  store." 
Ivellner  Erne-t.  treneral  store 

Ivellucr  Frederick  E.  saloon. 

Kellner  F  E  &  Co  (FredL-rick  Kellner.  J,., 

seph  Lamadeliue),  general  store. 
Lamadeline  Joseph,  saloon. 
Lemlcy  Charles  D,  carpenter. 
Lyon  JIiss  Esther,  pianos  and  organs. 
IfiaoEiiuiioii    r"  rtlnf;;?  Co  (Caoitii 

■slG.OOO),    >;els   Johnson'  Pres,    F  '.Ma^^- 

Kinnon  Sec  and  General  Mngr,  Hub  an. 1 

Spoke  Mnfrs. 
Mason  Garrett,  saloon. 
Zileunior  Emery  In. propr  Universal  House. 
Metmier  Joseph,  saloon. 
Sloore  John  F,  waconniaker. 
Xash  L  31  i  Co  (L  M  Xash,  W  T  Jones,, 

hardware  and  farrji  machinery. 
Sal^'iclt  Jiiiiio.'t  W,  Postmaster  and 

Kelson  Oscar,  tailor. 
Nisson  Mrs  Dora,  milliner. 
iSyvill  Pev  J  W  (Lutheran). 
Pattis  in  J  31,  agt  C,  31  A-  St  P  Ry. 
Peeso  Wm  A,  dentist. 
Peterson  31rs  3Iary^  uiiUiuer. 
Predion     £trus    t^S.iu!     and     George). 

Blacksmiths  and  Wu^oninakers. 
Patelle  Damasz,  propr  Commercial   Hotel. 
Ratelle  Frank,  livery. 
Reeves  U  H,  teleirraph  acrent. 
HcDiiii^toii  Eloni-y  ^V,  Lawyer  and 

Ridgmau  Arthur  L,  physician. 
Piossier  k,  Brundage  (Emil  P.  Rossier,  Eii 

win  B  Brundage),  proprs  Enterprise  ami 

Routel  3Irs  Jo.sephine,  photographer. 
St  Amotir  Trtlley  C,  general  store. 
Sickels  Arthur,  barber. 
Universal  House,  E  X  3Ieiinier  propr. 
Van  Slate  3Iis3  Lillie,  dressmaker. 
"Wisconsin  \Vood  Pulp  Co,  George  L  Wil- 
liams pres.  Waller  E  31ack  sec. 
AVitter  A-  Taylor  (J  D  Witter,T  A  Taylor-, 

Wolmuth  Frederick,  merchant  tailor. 
Worthiugton  Ralph  C,  drugs  and  exp  ag' 

CENTREVILLE.  In  Trempcaha;: 
county,  ;:iO  miles  southwest  of  Whiteli.ul. 
the  county  seat,  and  0  southwest  of  Gale-- 
ville, the  usual  banking  and  shipping  point. 
Population,  200.  3rail,  daily.  John  L- 
Sanderson,  postmaster. 

Atwood  3Iiss  Carrie,  music  teacher. 
Gibson  W  H,  jUNtice  and  farm  Impl.^. 
Johnson  E  R,  blacksmith. 
Johnson  H  E,  feed  mill. 
3lHrtin  E,  barber. 
Rlimlrs  K  R,  physician. 

I  li   u 


1J4   AVliSX  AVA'ri-;U  ST.,  MILWAl'KEE,   ^»  ' '■ 

\  oinnlfl  Pj  V/iQVnpi!  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

LClUUdU   LJ     %J   li^tlUuiaj  N.  W.Cor.  ofUrandanJ  \f.  Uater>,ts..  JlIUVAUKKi:,  WIS. 




•Miiitlorsoii  J  I^  iV  !*>oii,Gt;aer,il  Store. 
Siewcrt  Cliarles,  Hour  mill. 
Tobey  Q  B,  carpcutcr. 

CHAMBERLIN.  Id  "Waukesha 
couuty,  10  miles  southeast  of  Wauke-slia, 
the  juilicial  seat  aud  banking  point,  aud  7 
from  Mukwanat;o,  the  nearest  shipping 
point.  Mail,  daily.  Ann  E.  Chamberliu, 

Lconni'd  Jlarlin,  Hotel  and  General 

Pelty  B,  blacksmith. 

CHANDLER,  Burnett    county. 

K'2me  changed  to  t^pooner. 

CHAELESBCJRGn.  A  village  in 
Calumet  county,  4i  miles  so\ith\vest  of 
Chilton,  the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad 
station  and  banking  point.  Population, 
200.     N.  Mahlberg,  postmaster. 

Bersch  John,  hotel. 

Decker  Kev  .John  (Catholic). 

Hoffman  Joseph,  shoemaker. 

Kreamer  Matlicw,;  mnfr. 

Leitner  Joseph,  blacksmith. 

Mnlilbci-K  Mtlioliiiis,  General  Store. 

CHASE.  In  Oconto  county,  0.5  miles 
southwest  of  Oconto,  the  judicial  seat. and 
•S  from  Little  Suaniico,  its  shipping  point, 
and  18  from  Green  Bay,  Po[iulatiou,  20. 
Hail,  semi-weekly. 

Knudson  J,  general  store. 
Ladd  B  <t  K,  general  store. 
Sellitz  R,  bhacksmiih. 

CHASEBURGH.  A  postoffice  ou 
Coon  creek,  in  Veinoa  county,  I'J  miles 
northwest  of  V'iroipja,  tlio  couuty  seat,  15 
southeast  of  LaCrosse.the  nearest  banking 
point,  and  S  from  .Stoddard,  the  nearest 
sbippjng  point.  «lage<t  dally  to  La  Crosse 
«n(l  Viruqua;  fare,  70  cents  to  either  point, 
'opulation,  140.  Mail,  daily.  C.  L. 
•f  I'Jstad,  postmaster. 

Baker  C  "W,  phv.'^ician. 

Brown  J  M,  hotel  and  justice. 

^.•"■y  R  F,  saloon. 

tlifis.-burgli  Creamery. 

""yt  &  Aiken,  lio\ir  mill. 

Jfiisen  Kev  K  (Lutheran) 

•r»r.sfii  A;  riii«l:i<l,  Blacksmitlis. 

-NHlmiek  11  O,  saw  mill. 

-  tison  Stephen,  lurabermeu's  supplies. 

Oerdmg  I'.t^v  C  K  (Lutherau). 

Patzke  Robert,  harnessmakcr. 
Peterson  Andrew,  shoemaker. 
Rannetsberger,  -wugonmaker. 

CHAT.  A  postoffice  in  Lincoln  coun- 
ty, lUj  miles  north  of  Merrill,  the  seat  of 
juslice,  shippicir  and  banking  point.  Pop- 
ulation, 1.5U.  JIail,  tri-weekly.  Richard 
Town,  postmaster. 
Monro  S  W  &  Co,  fruit. 

CHEESEVILLE.  On  Lake  Michi- 
gan, in  Door  county,  C  miles  southeast  of 
Sturgeon  L!ay.  the  judicial  seat,  nearest 
banking  and  shipping  point.  It  contains 
a  church  and  a  district  school.  Tri-weekly 
mail  stage  to  Ahuapec  and  Sturi.'eou  Bay. 
Population,  lOO.  F.  McDermott,  post- 

Eldred  John,  fisherman. 

Gjyere  Kev  U  (Lutheran). 

^lackey  John,  lislierniau. 

Madoclic  A:  McOerinolt,   General 

Store  aud  Cheese  Mnfrs. 
Mathison  ifc  Xygard,  general  store, 
Nelson  Ole,  blacksmith. 
]{oberts  George,  fisherman. 
Woodard  L  F,  IJsherman. 

CHELSEA.  A  iirosperoua  village  on 
the  Wis,  Central  Line,  in  Taylor  county,  12 
miles  north  of  Medford,  the  judicial  seat 
and  banking  point,  Kxp, ,  N.  P.  Tel,, 
W.  U,  Population,  500.  A.  II.  Young, 

Ashley  E  L.  justice. 

Itar<Uvoll  iV  Toiing^  (Sherman  Bard- 
well,  .VIbeit  H  Young),  Gener^il  Store. 
Chelsea  House,  C  H  Gearhart  propr. 
Diamond  House,  W  II  Haight  prupr. 
Elliott  J,  saloon. 

Gearhart  Albertus  A.  general  store. 
Gearhart  Charles  II.  propr  Chelsea  House. 
Haight  \Vm  H.  propr  Diamond  House. 
3ior^  fSoberl,  Grocer  and  Hotel. 
Mclliigli  .Mi,ss  Jennie,  teacher, 
Madison  W  II,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Mulz  George,  shoemaker. 
Penny  John,  barber, 
Schroock  Charles,  bluckcinith. 
Slifar  Uoiirj',  Cattle  Breeder. 
Star  Hotel.  Robert  Kecs  propr. 
Tiefenbiicher  John,  eroceries  and  meats. 
Van  Dusen  O  D,  saw  mill. 
Wasehotka  Peter,  .saloon. 
Williams  T  F,  physician. 

^CHESTER.     A  postoffice  on  the  C.  v,t 
N,   W.    Ky,   in    Dodge   county,    15    miles 



Of  Coociyear    Rubber    Company,    r.lilwaukee,   V/isconsin. 






from  Juneau,  the  judicial  seat,  ami  'Jj 
from  AVaupuH,  its  liankinii  point.  Zxp., 
Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  D.  L.  Boyle,  post- 
master, railroad,  telegraph  and  express 

CHETEK.  A  pleasantly  situated  vil- 
lage on  lake  of  the  same  name  aad  on 
the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  &,  O.  ny,  in  Carron 
county,  2-lv!  miles  northwest  oi  Milwaukee, 
13  southeast  of  Barron,  the  county  seat, 
and  14  southeast  of  Rice  Lake,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  !?etT'ert  in  1>T0,  it  cotjtaina 
grist  and  planing  mills,  Lutheran,  German 
Catholic,  Jlethodist  and  Presbyterian 
churches,  a  district  school  and  a  public 
library.  A  weekly  paper,  the  C'lrtck  Alert, 
is  published.  It  is  a  favorite  summer  re- 
sort, and  theie  is  good  hunting  andJisiilng 
in  the  neighborhood.  Grain,  lumber, 
shingles  and  hardwood  are  shipped.  Pop- 
ulation, -10(1.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Lip.,  Am. 
Peter  Swansby,  postmaster. 

Baier  Adam,  harnessmaker. 

Bailey  Abel,  physician. 

Blutchford  .Samuel,  mason. 

Bull  Isaac,  real  estate  and  ins. 

Burnham  Warren  J,  furniture. 

Butler  B  F,  railroad,  cxp  and  tel  agt. 

Butler  Ilaltie,  milliner. 

Butler  Isaac,  gardeacr. 

Carver  M  K,  county  supt  schools. 

Cbappel  Thomas  K,  barber. 

Chase  T  C,  furniture. 

Chetek  Alert,  'Walttr  Speed  editor. 

Chetek  ILjusc,  D  C  AVond  propr. 

Chetek  Public  Library,  Walter  Speed  li- 

Dixon  Ilf'nry  J,  tbiur  and  feed. 

Eighray  15  L,  lawyer. 

Eversou  Ole,  guuMuitli. 

Flinn  W  W,  uursiry. 

Gansky  Michael,  meal  market. 

Gilbert  Fiaid;,  carpenter. 

Gilbert  .lo^epli,  justice. 

Goode  Kev  Wm  L  i.Unitcd  Brethren). 

Gransky  Michael,  meat  market. 

Hanson  Fredericl<,  gen  store  and  ImpLs. 

Harris  Kdwin,  grocer. 

Harri.s  Ilniner,  )ihotographer. 

Harris  Simeon  11,  gunsmith. 

Hazeltine  L  II.  gardener. 

Huckzler  Jacob,  painter. 

Hulberl  Miss  ilatlie,  milliner. 

Kleve  John,  blacksmith. 

Klinger  .foscph  P,  shoemaker. 

Knapp,  Stout  it  Co  Ci-nipauy,  J  W  ?ilun- 
nell  rangi,  genera)  .^ture  and  tlour  mill. 

Lousley  Philij),  deputy  .shcrilX. 

iloe  Bernard,  steamship  ticket  agent. 

.Moe  i^eter  A.  general  store. 

Moore  Charles  W.  gen  store  and  lumber. 

^Mueller  R,  prin  school. 

Munnell  James  W,  mngr  Knapp,  Stout  o; 

Co  Company. 
Museus  Charles  F.  saloon. 
Nichols  Lucien  H,  physician. 
Olson  Andrew,  drugs  and  baloon. 
Olson  Stephen,  saloon. 
Oike  Rev' A  J  (Lutheran). 
Peterson  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Phoenix  Rev  (Presbyterian). 
Price  George  ^\',  barber. 
S£oiir<!cii   Tlioinas  \V,    Grocer  and 

Regulator  House,  Victor  Woolcutt  prot^r. 
Rickerd  House,  George  B  Uickerd  propr. 
Kobbins  Wm  U,  physician. 
Slilor  Korraan  H,  lawyer. 
Slocum  Rcv  C  A  (Adventisl  i. 
Southworth  Fred  A,  hardware. 
Speed  Walter,  editor  Alert. 
Strong  Dewitt  C,  physician. 
Swan  Charles  H,  livery. 
Uves  John,  bricklayer. 
Wood  David  C.  propr  Chetek  House. 
■W'ooiciilt   Victor,     Priipr    iiegulator 

House;  also    General  .Store,   Liverv   and 

Meat  JIarket. 

CHILTON.  An  iucorporaiod  cily  on 
the  Mnnitinvi.c  river,  and  on  the  M.  &  N. 
U.  R  ,  in  Calumet  county,  of  which  it  is 
the  county  seat,  79  mile;  uorthwett  of  .Mil- 
waukee. It  contains  2  tlour  mills,  a  plan- 
ing mill,  a  chair  factory,  2  machine  shops. 
2  grain  elevators,  a  brewery,  a  malt  house. 
a  bank,  2  weekly  newspapers — the  H7s- 
koiisia  Viiaokrat  and  the  Vhiltfoi  'Tlmas — 1 
churches — 2  Catholic,  1  Evangelical  and  1 
Congregational — good  schools,  a  public 
library  with  400  volumes,  and  a  volunteer 
fire  department  with  hook  and  ladder  trucl; 
and  hand  cugiue.  The  manufacturing  of 
cheese  is  the  principal  industry  of  tl'.e 
farming  community.  Land  ranges  i" 
price  from  xlO  to  -STo  per  acre.  D:.i:y 
stage  to  Stockbridge.  Bonded  debt.  -^T.- 
GOO;  assessed  valuation  of  real  and  pergon- 
al property,  $47-").000.  Population,  1.4J"i. 
Exp.,  Am.  Ttl.,  W.  U.  George  V. 
Breed,  postmaster. 
Alves  Hermann,  cheese  mnfr. 
Arnold    Henry,  publr    Wiskonsin    Demo 

Haier  ('aspar,  shoemaker. 
Bass  Martin,  mason. 
Hechleu  \Vin,  merchant  tailor. 
Bell  Anton,  wagonmakcr. 
Bereus  Theodore,  carpenter. 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 


Vr<\u\nrl/  l\^n  lncni-"nriO  Pn  Cash  Assets,  $UO,OOO.noO.  l  Norllivicstern  Brniicli 
neWlOlKLlJS  inSlilOniiG  UO.,  Surplus,  .  lO.OOO.noo.K.mce.  4  1G  ■TiiUva„k..c 
M.,  ?JIl,\VAt :K!;1:,  IVls.     \Y.  S.  CA.M)I:E,  Slato  Agent.     WALKKU  ItlCK-NKlt,  t.en'l  Manager. 





Bersch  Joseph,  propr  AViscotsiu  House. 

Blake  AVm,  milk. 

Boll  ^MIss  Auna,  coufeclioner. 

Boll  Valentine,  saloon. 

Bossliard  John,  paiiiler. 

Bowen  "Wm,  stone  quarry. 

Breed  Georjje  D,  chcLse  mnfr. 

Carter  Frederick,  brick  mnfr. 

C'ciilrill  lloii-iCiCliarles  Koiuke  Propr. 
{See  adc,  beloic.) 

Cliilton  House,  .lacob  Jaekels  propr. 

Chilton  Times,  Hume  Bro.s  proprs. 

City  Hotel,  ^Vm  Ester  propr. 

Commcford  Thomas, propr  ^Vestern  Hotel. 

Connelly  Mrs  Mary,  carpet  weaver. 

Dignin  Fannie,  dressmaker. 

Doljratz  Fritz,  coojier. 

Dorschel  Lucas  D.  m,;yor. 

Dorschel  L  D  &  Bro  (Lucas  D  and  Greg- 
ory), i^eneral  store. 

Borstliti,  Scliiill/:  iV  Co  (Win  Dor- 
echel,  Thu(idore  tSchultz,  Gei>n;e  Wip- 
permann,  Georj^c  ^teiulell,  PJauing  Mill, 
Contractors  and  JJuiUlers. 

Dougherty  Harney,  blacksmith. 

Dumke  Ernst,  milhvriglit. 

Dumke  Fritz,  saloon. 

Durnke  iSlsters  (Misses  Uose  and  Clara), 

Egerer  Frank  .T,  saloon. 

Lrdniann  &  Kersten  (Henry  Erdmann, 
Theo  J  Kersten).  meat  market. 

Ester  AVm,  propr  City  Hotel. 

Feind  Julius,  real  estate  and  loans. 

Feldt  Adolph,  painter. 
Fields  L  it  Son  (Lemuel  au 

Fischer  Joseph,  shurilT. 
Flatley  Thomas,  general  store 
Forkin  5Irs  Anna,  mdliner. 
Forkiu  JIartin,  general  store. 
Fox  Francis,  justice. 
Freund  Otto,  cliewe  mnfr. 
Freyer  Albert,  brewer. 
Gauche  Kev  James  K'alholic) 

d  Henry  W), 

Geisse  Lawreuce  D,  machiuisl. 

German  Exchange  Bank  (capital,  )?10,o)0), 

Theodore  Kerateu  pres,  Henry  Kersteu 

GleuQ  Truman  J,  blacksmith. 
Goessling  Charles  A,  blacksmith. 
Groeschel  Josepli,  apiarist,  4  miles  n. 
Groetzinffer  Charles,  marble  works. 
Gatheil  Ferdinand  U,  saloon. 
Gutheil  Mrs  Helen,  confectioner. 
Hall  Edward,  livery. 
Hal!  Philip,  carpenter. 
Harder  Fred  J,  cheese  mnfr. 
Harper   &   Crawford  (Justin  Harper,  An- 
drew Crawford),  wood. 
Heil  Isicholas,  grocer. 
Heyraer  Aruo.  saloon. 
Hoffmann  Peter,  blacksmith. 
Hugo  Cliristopher  JI,  cigar  mnfr. 
Hume   Bros  (\Vm  A  and  John   P),  proprs 

Chilton  Times. 
Jaekels  Jacob,  propr  Chilton  House. 
Jensen  Emil,  auctioneer. 
Jenss  Adolph,  marble  and  granite. 
Jones  David  T,  physician. 
Kemps  Carl,  wagonmaker. 
Kerker  James  D,  express. 
Kersten  Gerhard  >r,  poultry  breeder. 
Kersten   Henry,  cash  German    Exchange 

Keisteu  Theodore,  pros  German  Exchange 

Kirwan  &  Wippermana   (James  Kerwaii, 

Hermann  Wippermann),  lawyers, 
Klotz  John,  saloon. 
Knauf,     Juckem     &     Berger     (Nicholas 

Kuauf,    Peter   Juckem,    John   Berger), 

general  store. 
Koinke       Clinrlcs,     Propr     Central 

House.     {See  aili;  In'^'W.) 
Kraua  Hubert,  propr  'Washingtoa  House. 
La  Count  David,  physician. 
Liudemutli  Richard,  wagonmaker. 
Lindermann  Peter,  cheese  mnfr,  3  miles  s. 
Luce  Joseph,  iiliysician. 


CHARLES  KOINKE,  Proprietor. 

Good  AccofflDiodatioiis  for  Coaiiiiercial  TraYelers  and  Boarder; 


>«'ear  the    Depot.  -  -  CHILTOM,    WISCOiS'SIM. 

Illinois  CEflTRflL 

I   111  to  all  POINTS  i 

n  liORIHEPitl  lOl'M. 

Cydahy  Erethers,lPork  and   Bsef  Packers, 

—     ONSIN.     \  AND    PROVISION    DEALERS. 



























Luelh'je  P  F  ifc  Co  lErnit  LSruhn),  bottlers. 
Luther  Charles,  shoemaker. 
Lutz  George,  shoemaker. 
!McCabe  John  It,  cheese  mnfr. 
McCabe  Miss  Mary  J.  dressmaker. 
JlcCoale  John,  book  agent 
McGovcrn  Patrick  H.  priii  high  school. 
McGrJilli     I'ranU,     Mnfr    Carriaces, 
Wagons,    Sleighs    and    General   Black- 
smiihioe;  Ilorsesboeinsr  a  Specialty. 
IMcMulleii  John  E,  lawyer. 
Jlartin  Piov  h  (KvaDielicai). 
?Icinardiis  ICiiiil,   Teacher  of  Vocal 
and  Instrumental  Music;  Lessons  Given 
on  Piano  and  Urgan. 
Jleyor  \\m  P,  cheese  mnfr. 
!Mi!es  \Vm,  blacksmilh, 
^Miller  Adam,  harnessmaker. 
Miller  Joseph,  barber. 
Moonoy  Edward  J,  register  of  deeds, 
^toore  Kev  George  E  ((.kaigregational). 
ilulcahy  M'm,  county  clerk. 
^Murphy  Miss  Katie,  dressmaker. 
>;ellessen  Egedius.  blacksmith. 
Xellessen  Kicholas,  ice. 
2\icholaon  George  &  Co  (George  Niciiol- 
sou   jr,  Frank    Lepper,    John    F    Sell), 
gODCral  store. 
Xoth  All)ert,  mason. 
O'Donnell  Sisters  (Margaretta  and  Annie), 

Paulsen  Miss  Bertha,  rau■^!c  teacher. 
Paulsen  Wm,  general  store. 
Petersen  it  Jensen  (Peter  iVterseu,   Y.mW 

JensiMi),  meat  market. 
Phelps  Edward,  mason. 
Pingle  liros  (Ucury  and   Edwardi,  cheese 

Piper  John,  cheese  mnfr. 
Porter  ^Vallace  A,  railroad  and  exp  agent. 
IJeblilz  Eros  (George  and  John),  fluur  mill. 
Held  James,  boots  anil  shoes. 
Ikightley  George,  painter. 
Peynolils  Joseph  B,  district  attorney. 
Itocckcr  Wm.  merchant  tailor. 
UoUmann  Henry,  drugs  and  wall  paper. 
Rolhman  Wm,  grocer. 
Kyan    r>ros    (Dennis    and   John),    cheese 

Schabach  Henry,  mason. 
SchaclTer  Wm  F,  farm  inipts. 
Scblichting  Reinhard,  brewers'  agent. 
Schneider  Frederick  G  R,   harnessmaker. 
Schneider  Jolin,  saloon. 
Sfliicbcrl  fSros  (Paul  O  and  Frederick 
W),'  I'hotographcrs:    Life-Size    Crayons 
and    Children's    Pictures    a    Specialty, 
Kiel  and  Chilton. 
Schwar/.  John,  baker. 


Schweitzer  tt  Broeker  (Plnllp  Schwtilze 

Edward  Broeken,  farm  impts. 
Scott  Sirs  >;ellie,  dressmaker. 
Severin  Henry,  county  sujU  sciiools. 
Severin  Jacob,  county  surveyor. 
Steinke  Jlichael  J,  saloon. 
Stephany  Joseph,  county  treasurer. 
Strassburger  Bros  (August  and  Wmv 

Sturm  Bros  (Joseph  and  Edward),  meats. 
Sturm  &,  Limburg  (Casper  Sturm,  John 

Limburg),  livery. 
Tecks  John,  clothing. 
Tousey  Charles,  barber. 
Trebus  Wm.  bouts  and  shoes. 
Turners'  Ha!!,Tiun  Verein  Society  proprs. 
Vahldieck  Andrew  H.  muchini'^t. 
Verbcrk  Rev  Anthony  J  (Catholic). 
Vincent  Samuel,  cleik  of  court. 
Wacuan  Otto  F,  plioloiirapher. 
Washington  House,  Hubert  Kraus  propr. 
Weius  John  P,  cheese  mnfr. 
Western  Hotel,  Thomas  Corameford  propr. 
Wippermann  IJros  (Charles  and  Wm), chair 

Wippermann  Charles,  furniture. 
AViscousin  Ho\ise,  Joseph  iSersch  propr. 
Wiskonsin      Demokrat,     Henry      Arnold 

Zech  Bros  (Henry  and  John),  flour  mill. 
Zech  Bros  &  Blau  (Henry  and  John  Zech, 

Nicholas  BUnO,  grain  and  coal. 
Zeillcy  Henry  E,  physician. 

CHIMNEY  ROCK.  A  viTa-e  in 
Trempealeau  county,  13  miles  northwest 
of  WliilLbail,  the  c  lunty  setit,  antl  0  north 
of  Independence,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion .  AVbilehall  is  the  nearest  banking 
(loint.  Stages  to  Whitehall  and  Eau  Claire. 
Population,  om.  Mail,  daily.  H.  O. 
Ilaagensen,  postmaster. 

Guldseth  Rev  O  ilailheran). 
ESiiMKCii'"*'!!  II  O,  (ieueral  Store. 
Hangeusi'u  John,  justice. 
Holstad  T  (),  insuiaiicc. 
Jacobsen  Jacob,  carpenter. 
Matson  Bent,  carpenter. 
Oisen  Qonuf,  blacksmith. 

CHIPPEWA  CITY.  On  the  Chip- 
pewa river,  in  Cidpiiewa  county,  15  miles 
north  of  Chippewa  Falls,  the  county  seat, 
nearest  railroad  staliim  and  banking  point. 
Stages  Iri-weekly  to  Cliippewa  Falls.  Pop- 
ulation, 2.50.  Mail,  triweekly,  F.  0- 
Stanley,  postmaster. 

Chippewa  Orchestra. 
Ferguson  Seth,  machinist. 

Cliicosio  k  Grsnd  Trunii  Ry.  Ths/ararite^jctitejasi 


TIIK    URODESSEU  ?I-NFG  t  «.,  Manufnolarfrs  of  Iljdraulic.   Steam 
inpr  anil    Frek-ht    F.LtVATOllS.  Pumps.  AVurehnuaii   and    Si 
ntic  Meiit  l!orker§.  .Heat  Uefrk-erators,  Ktc.     oli-ol4  Commerce  St.,  Milnaukee,  1 





Henienenway  D,  bliicksmitb. 

McGill  Will,  carpenter. 

Schroeder  Wni,  lintel. 

Slaiilcy  F  O  iV  t;  A,  GcneriU  Store  and 

Saw  Mill. 
Swan  Albert,  carpenter. 

county.     See  Glidden. 

CHIPPEWA  PALLS.  The  judicial 
seat  of  Chippewa  co;inty,  is  a  prnsperou.'^, 
incorporated  city  Incited  on  the  Chippewa 
river,  the  Wi?.  Central  Line,  the  C,  il.  & 
St.  P.,  and  C,  St.; P.,  M.  A:  O.  Hys,  318 
nii!e3  (air  line)  northwest  of  Jlilwaul;ee 
and  11  northeast  of  Eaii  Claire.  It.  was 
platted  bj'  11.  S.  Allen  in  ISGIi,  and  incor- 
porated as  a  village  the  same  year.  The 
city  contains  Baptist,  Catholic,  Knlscopal, 
Kvans^elical  Lutheran, Mel liodistJiIpiscopal 
and  Picsbyterian  churche.i,  good  irraiied 
schools,  an  opera  hou?c.  3  banks,  a  brew- 
ery, 2  sash,  door  and  blind  factories.  2 
lioiirlng  mills,  a  woolen  mill.  2  hospitals 
and  one  of  the  lar!:;csl  lumber  mills  in  the 
Northwest,  and  numerous  well  stocked 
special  and  general  stores,  etc.  The  press 
is  represented  by  1  daily  newspaper,  the 
Indepcndenl,  and"  3  weeklies,  the  Tinus-Ia- 
dcjtendcnt,  Ikrald aniX  the  Cilhnlir.&uiiiul. 
The  city  is  lighted  by  electricity  and  ijas, 
has  an  cxccllenl  system  of  water  works,  a 
well  equipped  and  t  llicicnt  lire  deparlmeul, 
and  telephone  exchange.  Lumber  is  large- 
ly shipped.  Stages  tri-weckly  to  Flambeau; 
fare,  $2.  Tel.,  W.  U  Exp.,  Am.  and 
Northern  Pacific.  Population,  !),00(i.  L.  F. 
."^lartin,  postmaster. 
Abel  Anton,  mason. 
Adams  &  Goyette  (Nelson  Adams,  Emilu 

E  Goyette),  barbers,  3  E  Sprinjr. 
-Vndarl  Lawrence,  saloon,  TiUS  Bridt'-c. 
Andersen  Evald,  hardware,  9  E  Canal. 
.'VndcrsoQ  .John  A,  co  judfe,  l(i'.)  Biidfe. 
Anderson  &  I5owe(,lolin  A  Anderson, Wm 

M  liowe),  lawyers.  109  liridce. 
Apmacn  John  D,  s.iloon,  12-1  Bay. 
-Srmstrdiii;  Harlow  C,  grocer,  721 
Avard  Aliss  Mary  C.  drcsnikr,  3UT  Bridge. 
Bailey  iM  S  &  Co   (Melbourne    S   Baili-y, 

A   Hoffman),    real  estate.    Metropolitan 

Baker  \Vm,  county  surveyor. 
Ballard  Eveline  M,  jewelery,  0  Sprinsr. 
Ballard  Sanford  C,  harlicr.  2(i  Sprin,'i.' 
liarrett  Edwin  .1,  llorist,  211  E  Vine. 
B'lrtlett  Wm  B,  dairyman. 
Bastien    Ludi;er,    boaraing   house,  201   W 


Belair  Adolph,  gen  store,  624  Bridge. 

Berard  Felix,  meats,  ."102  Bay. 

Bergevin  Adelard.  saloon,  13  W  Spring. 

P.ergovin  Peter,  cinthing,  105  Bridge. 

Bernilt  John  F,  boarding  house,  1  Bay. 

Bigler  Adolph.  baker,  302  Bay. 

Bish  Alfred  A,  photogr.  Central  nr  Dun- 

])ishel  Lorenz,  meats,  522  Bridge. 

Bishop  Ileury,  photogr,  .Metropolitan  blk. 

Blancheite  Napoleon  P,  confectioner,  1  E 

B'umhardt  Christian,  saloon,  3G  Spring. 

Bonnier  Isaac,  propr  Grand  Mailre  House, 
36  ^V  Central. 

Boucher  Amcde,  hotel,  523  Briilge. 

Boucher  Charles  P,  saloon,  21  ^\'  Spring. 

Bowler  Powhatan,  barber,  33  \V  Spring. 

Box  Francis  L.  sewing  machines,  101  ^\' 

Box  iMrs  Maltha,  boarding  house,  lOt  W 

BtriKllurcl  IJoberl  E,  Pension,  In- 
surance and  lical  Estate  Airent,  Notary 
and  Justice  of  Peace,  9  W  Central.  {&'e 
ado,  p  i:l.) 

Brewster  Bros  {\\m  A  and  George  E),  ice, 
AV^oodward  ave. 

Brewster  George,  dairy. 

UrcAvsltT  J>«>rcii  l>.  Heal  Estate  and 
Lumberman,  Union  Block  (Sec  ado,  }) 
CIO  ) 

Broadhurst  Rev  W  A  (Presbyterian).' 

Brooks  Henry  L,  marble  works,  111  E 

Brooks  John  !M,  livery,  115  W  Spring. 

l!i-iihliuir  John,  tailor,  1  Bridge. 

Bunt/,  Charles,  engineer  water  works. 

Burk  John,  boarding  house.  201  L'tutral- 

Burt  George,  furniture  repairer,  32  E 
Grand  ave. 

ButteiUeld  Walter  E,  saloon,  Stanley 

Bu7/,ell  Francis  M,  agt  N  P  Exp  Co,  19  E 

Casar  Charles  J,  harness,  21  W  Spring. 

Ca  ;iar  Gustav,  jeweler,  ^  W  Spring. 

Camcstral  George,  barber.  11"^  Bay. 

('ardiiial  Felix,  saloon,  220  Brid'.'e. 

Cardinal  Frederick,  shoemuker,  000 

Cardinal  Simon,  hotel.  118  River. 

Carroll  Kod,  saloon,  324  Bridge. 

Cary  Edward,  real  estate.  202  Bridge. 

Catholic  Sentinel  Publishing  Co,  Kev  C  F 
X  Gold.smith    pres,  David    C    Chisholm 
sec  ami  treas,   publrs  C'atludic  Sentinel, 
3G  E  Grand  ave. 
Caulkins  Kev  T  Vassar  (Baptist). 
Cherrier  Moses,  saloon,  30  .Main. 

t^S  FaiTj  is  the  Place  to  Buy  PARLOR  SETS,  over  200  style,:. 

llUliOlS  CtllTML  P.,  a, 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 

CrliCiGO,  SOU 









Chippewa   Club,    B    F   .Milkr   prc-s,  F  M 

Hichardsoa  fc-c,  2i2Brid:;e. 
'Chippewa  B'alls  Art  Assn,  llrs  II  H  Rowe 
prcs,  Miss  Jlamie  Kicliardsnn  sec. 

Chippewa  Falls  Dusiuess  CoUeire,  Charles 
H  Howieson  propr,  503  Brid>^e. 

Chippewa  Falls  Cemetery  Assn,  II  II 
Todd  sec. 

Chippewa  Fails  Pioneer  Cornet  Band, 
Charles  Huppe  leader. 

Chi|ppewa  Fall.1  I'lambiiiff  and  Supply  Co, 
iM  F  II  livaii  mnt;r,  lOy  W  Central 

Chippewa  Falls  Waterworks  und  Light- 
ing Co,  J  B  Kehl  pres,  II  B  Shamp 

Chippewa  Health  Club  (capital.  ^-50, 000), 
Thaddeus  C  Pound  pres  and  treas,  M  6 
Bailey  sec. 

Cliipp<-'\-.:i  Slcrald  'i'lie.  Herald 
Piinting  Co  Publrs,  K  Oiitiiwaite  Mngr. 

Chippewa  Logginsr  Co,  Frederick  Weyer- 
haeuser pres  and  treas,  Horace  Q  Chi- 
chester acting  sec. 

Chippewa  Lumber  and  Boom  Co.  Freder- 
ick \Veyerhaeu--er  pres,  Win  Irvine  sec 
and  mngr. 

Cliiii|»c«ii  Valley  i^Zort'niililc I'o, 
Leslie  Willson  I'res,  Jolm  1  AVillsou 
Vice-Pres,  H  D  Post  Sec,  A  J  Post 
Treas,  Wholesale  Grocers,  'J  and  11  E 
Central.     (&<?  adx,  p -19.) 

Chippewa  Valley  I'ublishiiig  Co,  pul>lra 
Daily  Independent  and  Chippewa  Times, 
17  F  Central. 

Chisholm  &  Kennedy  (David  Chisholm, 
Robert  Kennedy),  flour  mills,  OIU  Jeffer- 
son ave. 

Christopherscu  JIarie    mbroidery,401  Bay. 

Clark  Knbert,  mngr  Sunday  Creek  Coal 
Co,  112  Bay 

Clouticr  Charles,  saloon,  2(12  liiver. 

Coderre  Lntii^,  justice.  IIG  Bridge. 

Coleman  Dudley  G.  insurance. 

Coleman  Kdward  H,  clerk  circuit  court. 

Coleman  &  Gormley  (Bernard  Coleman, 
Brj-au  Gormley),  carpenters. 

CoUette  Fiedi-iick,  .saloon,  2o  Bay. 

Collettc  .t  Trudell  (,I  E  Cillette,  .lohn  II 
Trudell),  furniture. 

Collette  Urgel,  drugs,  212  I'.ridL'e. 

Collins  George  .1,  Hour  and  feed,  51  E  Cen- 

Coudit  Frederick  T.  judge  municipal  court. 

Conners  Chipuian  B.  logijer. 

Connor  Thomas  .l.di.-triet',  Bridtre. 

t'oiiwa)  tV  SatnU't  i  Win  E  Conway, 
Christoplier  Sundetl,  Piaimsand  Crgaua, 
8  Spring. 

Cooley  Sjienrer  H,  lime,  19  Bay. 

Copeland   Miss  Minnie,  newspaper  corr. 

pondent,  19  W  Central. 
Cosgriir  Richard  H,  loirger. 
Cote  .loseph,  propr  Cote~House.414  Brid,' 
Craig  John  "\V,  restaurant.  US  W  Sptii:„ 
Cuddy  Joseph  F.  lawyer,  Union  Ijlk. 
Cumminss  Matthew  J,  lumbjr,  cor  Hi,-;; 

and  Birch. 
Dalton  Wm  T,  register  of  deeds. 
Daly  John  F,  grocer,  92(j  Pearl. 
Darling  George,  dairy. 
Davis  John,  saloon,  2^  miles  n. 
Deaux  Joseph,  dairy. 
De  La  Molte  Joseph  V  B,  saloon,  17  W 

Dettloff  Herman,  drucs.  120  Bridge. 
Dickolt'  Uev  P  (Ciiholic). 
Di.xon    &    Son    (Jacob    and     Walter    D), 

bLicksmitlis,  Island. 
Dodds  Wm  P,  carpenter. 
Donovan  Edward  R,  shoemaker,  Bay. 
Dresco  .John,  grocer,  Allen. 
Dugal  Joseph,  logger. 
Dukel'jw  Thomas,  cooper,  118  E  Cedar. 
Duncan  John  A,  general   store,  cor  Maia 

and  Canal. 
Duncan  Richard  B.  painter,  14  W^  Birch. 
Dunigtin  Beru.ard  F,  county  clerk. 
Early,  Bi.nvn  &  Brewster'  Henry  W  Early, 

James  V   and    Heiirv  r.rov,-n,   Loreu    D 

Brewslen,  real  ctate,  123  Bridge 
S",Hrlv  Oc'orsc  15,  Real    Estate,    13  E 

Karly  ISfiiry  ^V,  Mavor  and    Dealer 

in  Lands  and  Lngs,  ];;  E  V.'illow. 
Early  &  Brown  (Henry  W  Early,  Jnmes  I! 

Brown),  lumlier,  13  E  Willow. 
Iv.'gan   luireliiiirht  T,  jTopr  Skandinavian 

'll..ii<e.  V)  V,  liiver. 
ii)li('iisoii   Bmi'.h'IU'  S,    JIhlt  C   &    J 

Michel  Brewing  Co,  near  Omalia  Depot. 

(.S<-  .idr,  p  :ji.) 
Erinaiinger  Alexander,  logger. 
JOverett  Elmer  H,  hor.>-o  breeikr.  r,H  E  Elm. 
Favell  Preston  T,  miigr  W  U   Tel  Co,  VJ 

E  Central. 
Felix  Paul,  logger. 
Ferguson  Wm  S,  saloon,  207  Bridge. 
Fink  Josiah,  blacksmith,  cor   Prairie  and 

First   National    Bank    (capital,   §100,000  ; 

surplus,     .'fo0,000),    Lemuel    C    Stanley 

pres,  Lorenzo   M    Newman    cash.    111 

Flandcr.s  Edward,  logger, 
Fl.iriu  Florian.  saloon,  121  Bay. 
F(>iii)e  Rev  J  A  (Catholic) 
Forcier  Noel,  saloon,  2  Main. 
Forcier  Peter,  meats,  10  ilaiu. 
Ford  Arthur,  sheriff. 

North  Star  Iron  Works. 

rAUI-.H   31AM  lACri  l;iN(^  ((). 
Ashland,    -     -     Wisconsin. 

nrilY,.">001mdilH-  Ki.irlni'ers,  Mactiinists.  Founders,  I!oileriu.ll^eni. 
In  re-Ills,  S,HT  Mill  Miichhipr)  .  Jlinlnt'  Jhichiiier),  CorlKl  and  HI,--li 
t.'cl  Eugines,  Rollers,  rov.erTransmlltlug  }Iachluer}',etc.  Seep.  U 

-r-1  IC3ir  IC*!J     Frpnaentlvininieillateljrreliev»»ncl  •ipee'lily  cure  many  stubborn  ilNenses  which 
TURrviSM     f,,iitovieldre.i.lilvtoonlinarvn.e.Iicul  treatment.     Tllli  B.UllS  AT  JANKS- 

. BATHS —  villi;,  >M-<to>>i.\.  Atbo'iiii  mpekiou  adva.maces  to  iuk 




GeDcral  Assortment  of  PlauLs  aud  F-ull'S.    Dealer  in  Real  Estate.    Piuo  and  Hardwood  Lands  BougUt 
and  Sold  on  C'anmisbion. 

CHIPPEV"/A  FALLS  A?3D  EAU  CLAIRE.     -     WlSCOriSSn. 

^^p,4*  ^^m  Oiii'  iostsyrBiil, 

wt-i^^H'TJiviK    ,      E.  SIEOEIST,  Proprietor. 

,  U/_l>3.  __. 

pfSTERS.l      -?il  t    X\A    U\l    \    i   ^^ 

.  .  ,    .  -  -  ,  _^    Meal.'i   Served  at  All  Hoiir.s  of    the  Daj-  or 

„    .^-z-Y^.       ',      )    '       '       'f^  NigW.    SleepiuKKooinsii.ConQL-o 

^C.-Ir-'J    .}      .       //■^,     ^'    ^-~  tion.    Also  Di.-ak.rm 

Fina  Wines,  Liqaors  auJ  Cig.irs, 

:r'-i^.;'-/  -  c  ^     22  Eisl  Sjrin:  St„  Chi::::^!  Falls,  Wis, 


PETEE  L3G0  &  SOH,       ,_j,  „^  /.i^^r— ■     ..  , 

Livery  and  Sale  Stables  (^';^"g^ 


S I'RCI.VL  AT T  1:M  ION  iaVHN   TO  TU.Wl-l.lNft  MKN. 

7  East  Spring  street,         CHIPPEWA  FALLS,  WIS. 

Chicago, L!ilHo!;ee  &  St,  Paul  !1|,  t:::t:M and  Mbd 

WISGOnSIN  VENETIAN  BIINO  CO..  ,  .   ;»^-rPAc.TrnKHs  op    ^ 

Omcea^Fuctory, -JSlLaio  St..  .IIII-WALKKE,  WIS.     LElcSt     liilprQVCU    '^  8il  B  liBIl    D  il  PiUS. 





Forster  &  Andrews  (Miss  Anna  M  Forstt^r, 
Mrs  Gussie  L  Andrews),  milliners,  :203 

Fortier  Joseph  J.  ph}'siciaii,  004  Bridge. 

Fos3um  Ole  J,  shoemaker.  217  Bridge. 

Foiirnier  "Wenceslaus,  music  teacher,  r^.5 
W  Central 

Fradet  j'Mrs  F,  confectioner,  llil  Bay. 

Frederickson  Tosteu,  shoemaker.  18 --W 

French  House,  Tiburs  Lebouef  propr,  22 

French  Lumbering  Co  (capital,  !j.'53.000), 
Joseph  Mandelett  pres,  Charles  ^landel- 
ert  sec  and  tresis,  gen  store,  lOi  Bridge. 

Frenettc  Joseph.  b"irl)er.  'JJ  lia}'. 

Frlcdcrifli  Jacol)  t'j,  ILiriiessmnker 
22  W  Central.     iScf  adc,  p  -J'Jl  ) 

Gale  Jo'iiu  '^\',  Dentist,  Brid^'e  and 

Gallaher  Jerome  B,  photocr,  100  Bridie. 

Gallaher  Mrs  M.'uuart  t  J.'l.ird.s.liKiBridge. 

Gardiner,  JSiUrlieldt-f  A;  Welles, 
Lumber. "\lnfrs  and  Dealers,  Lyni,s.lowa, 
James  f I  Vrooman  Agent.  I'J-  Bridge. 

Gardinicr  Barney,  dentist,  121  Bridge. 

Gartman  House,  Leonard  Gartman  propr, 
32  Spring. 

Gaynor  it  Williams  (Thomas  Oaynor,  Cle- 
ment C  Willianu),  proprs  Uiverside  Ho- 
tel, 12S  Kiver. 

Gillmore  George  A,  money  broker. 

Gilman  Helen  C,  physician.  212  Bridge. 

Globensky  John,  saloon.  12  Main. 

Goddard  Henry  J,  agt  Am  Exp  Co,  12  W 

Goethel  Bros  (Charies  F,  .\lbert  P  and 
Herman  O).  L'r.  ,^ers,  512  Bridge. 

Goldsmith  liev  C  F  X  (Cathnlic). 

Good  Luck  Drug  Co  (capital,  .-;aO  000). 
Edward  M  Stapleton  pre.s  and  sec. Louis 
W  Stapleton,  ?,  W  Spring. 

Gormley  Frank,  grocer,   7~'4  E  Grand  ave. 

Gondii  .-Vrllmr,  Attorney  at-Law  and 
Collection  Agency,  over  Lumbermen's 
National  Bank. 

Grand  Mailre  House,  Isaac  Bonnier  propr, 
30  W  Centra!. 

Grand  Opera  House,  ^.'ewniau  A;.  Coleman 

Graves  Mrs  Mary  J,  restaurant.  13  Bay. 

Greenwood  \V'm  R,  crockery,    107  Bridge. 

Gregoire  Adolph,  saloon,  110  Hivcr. 

Gross  Eugene,  general  store.  Oil  Bay. 

Grossman  Edwanl,  tailor,  1.5  W  Central. 

Guldan  Joseph  G,  wagonmkr,  ."^  E  Grand. 

Hackett  Davis,  pine  lauds,  cor  Central  and 

Haley  D.iuiel,  saloon,  23  \V  Ceritral. 

Hainberger  Joseph,  shoemkr,   110  Kiver..    i 

Chicago  fi  Grand  Trunk  % 

Hamlin  Frank,  register  of  deedi. 

Hamlin  I>ailore,  biksmilh,  ix  W  River. 

Hanks  Walter  S,  photogr,  30  Cedar. 

llftrloff  Wm  E,  painter. 

Hayes  Charles  A,  physician.  Union  bik. 

Headquarters  Giocery  Co,  H  W  Le  Clare 
pres,  Louis  A  Boucher  sec.  10  Spring. 

Hearty  Miss  Hannah  A,  milliner,  0  W 

Hegemauu  Rev  Theodore  (CalholicV 

Hennemann  Frederick,  farm  impts,  .jlS 

BJernNl  Priitliiiy:  Co, George  CGinty 
Pres,  Lycurgus  J  Ku.-k  Vice- Pres,  Ed- 
ward Outhwaite  Sec,  Publrs  The  Chip- 
pewa Herahl,  13  )i  CoUunbia. 

Hering  Carl  &  Bro  'Carl  and  Giistavi, 
blacksmiths,  18  W  Willow. 

HiU  &  liussell  (Samuel  Hill.  David  Rus- 
sell), wagonmakers,  Bridge  and  River. 
I  Himmelsbaeh  Bern.ard,  saloon,  023  Bridge. 
j  iEoiJire  !;!i.  Wholesale  and  Rtfaii 
I  'Wines,  Liquors  and;  Pure  Goods 
j       a  Specialty,  12  Bridge. 

Hoenig  Brrs  A;  CoiO'Jo  and  Albert    Hoe- 
I       nig),  hardware.  111  BridL'e. 
j    Holler  Jciliu  C,  apiarist.  W    liiver. 

Hoffman  Charles  F,  tailor,  luO  Bay. 

HoITman  Samuel,  arli^t. 

Hojikius  Johu  A,  blacksmith,  cor  Central 
and  High. 

Honpe  Ch.arles,  cicar  mnfr,  .TIH  Bridire. 

Howard  &  Gillette  (Mi-:3  Margaret  How- 
ard, Miss  Cora  Gillette),  bleachers,  1> 

Howie.- on  John  W,  Iiouse  mover,  702  Bay. 

Hoyt  Wm  R,  lawyer. 

llurd  Heiberl  H,  "physician,  3  W  Spring. 

llusted  Sylvester  D,  jiine  lands. 

lllion  Rev  F  (Methodist). 

Inlrowitz  Frank  G,  gunsmith,  31.j  Bridge. 

Jameson  Amos  J,  dyer,  13  E  Grand  ave. 

Jenkius  Bros  iSaraiiel  and  Uufus  A),  dry 
goods,  123  Bridge. 

Jenkins  George  P,  shries.  117  Bridge. 

.leiiliiiis  A;  Ji'iiTii!i«.  (Walter  W  and 
John  J),  Attorneys-at-Law.  HI  Bridge. 

Joas  Frank,  gents'  filings,  ].")  W  Spring. 

Johnsiui  ,\lcxander,  saloon,  cor  Bridge 
and  Central. 

,loiiiis4tii  \cls.  Pianos,  Organs  and 
Sewing  Machines,  215  Bridge. 

Jones  it  Stone  (Sim  Jones,  Frederick 
Stone),  barbers.  21  1  Bridge.  "Z 

Kahu  &  Jacobs  (Isaac  R  Kahn,  Abraham 
Jacobs),  dry  goods,  cor  Bridge  and 

Kalk  Bros  &,  Co  (Charles  E  and  OttoKalk, 
Auffust  P  Dipple),  meats,  020  BridL'e. 

Kehl  John  B,  propr  Roller  Mi.l-. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Chjcap  fi  Grand  Tfunfc  Fij 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 



I  lSI  IE  WILLSON,  President.  JOHN  I.  WILLSOX,  Vice  President,  Winona. 

■   -  ■  H.  p.  roST,  Seoretaiy.  A.  J.  POST,  Treasurei 


&   a.r:.d.    11   lEast  Cer~-tra,l  Street, 

HALL.  E.  J.  SF:Y.MOUi;.  A.  P.  DAHL. 


S|iscinl  MteiitJoii  Given  to  CollGclions  of  all  Kinds. 


Solicitors  of  chiima  before  all  lU-partmeuts  of  the  U.  S.  Government.     Sleamsbip, 
Surveyiug,  Loud,  lusuniuce  and  Ileal  Ebtalc  Agency. 

Office  in  f/ietropolitan  Block,       -       CHIPPEWA  FALLS.  WISCONSIN. 


Guns,  Ammunition,  Cutlery,  Stoves,  Tinware,  ^s^-^^tcsssBBosBBSr-  \ 

House  Furnisiiings  and  Lumbermen's 

Nos.  119  and  121    Bridge  Street,  CHIPPEWA  FALLS,  WIS.      L_ J"-^5^S:=^5 

^=^'^--^,  L.  1).  BREWSTER, 


'L-''7;.\/..-.:'i       ^  PINE  LANDS. 

■C:^--        /  .     *      0'  /ir-  Uuiou  IHock,  1L*3  IJridu'C  Street, 


rj^i^      CIIIIMTW.V   r.VM.S,         -         WIS. 

luiiiois  c[iiTCi\L  K,  R,  fo':,fp;rN°Ts"  wm\  wa. 


ILLIilOIS  CtlllS.U  I 

n    Short  and  Direct 
ill         Route  frorn 

ceiciiGO,  soy 






Keblnhnfer  Joseph,  shoes,  lOG  Bridge. 
Kibbee  Ira  C,  farm  impts,  IS  E  Sprinii. 
Kind    ticiiry,  Gunsmith,  413  Bridge. 

{See  adv,  opfi.) 
King  .John,  county  surveyor. 
King  Mrs  Sarah  JI,  Qre5smkr,14  E  Vt'illow. 
Kirk  David,  city  surveyor. 
Kiltleson  Ole,  saloon,  15  E  Central. 
Knouf  Jlichael,  propr  Susquehanna  House, 

18  Bay. 

Knox  Leonard  K,  dentist,  ll.j  Bridge. 

Kopp  Tell,  saloon.  -iT-i  JJridge. 

Kremer  Rev  P  (Catholic). 

La  Jleier  Joseph,  plasterer. 

La  Jlotte  Josepli  G,  saloon,  17  W  Spring. 

La  Jlotle  Louis,  p;iinter. 

Lance  Bros  (Gustav  J  and  Louis  C),balier3, 

19  W  Spring. 

Lanoir  Alexander,  laundry,  1."  E  Spring. 
La  Kocque  Adelard  B,  mngr  Silver  Sprmg 

Larrabee  Mellen  P,  pine  lands,  124  Bridge. 
Larson    Andrew,    Propr  Normanna 

House,  224  Duncan. 
Lashvray  Lewis,  city  clerk. 
Lebouef  Tilnirs,  propr  French  House,  cor 

Spring  and  Bay. 
Le  Cl.'iire  Greg^'ry,  s;iloon,  .Til  Bridge. 
Lee    it    Kousella   (U    M    Lee,    l-'r;iuk    A 

Konsella),  meats,  CO  E  Columbia. 
LoGault  L'rgel,  saloon,  401  Crid.,'C. 
Lcfjo  I*  A;  Son  (Peter  and  Max), Livery, 

7  E  Spring.     (Sec  (iilv.  p  :i:.) 
LcinenUugei  Jacob,  grocer.  JelTerson  ave. 
Le  May  Henry  F,  propr  Le  May  House, 

420  Bridize.- 
l^conard  Thomas  B,  County  Clerk. 
Leslie    John    V*'.    Inidge    contractor,    cur 

Willow  and  Inland. 
Letourneau  Philip  H,  jiliys,  212  Bridge. 
Libbev  Mis  '\\   F,  lio'irdint;  house,  7  Bay. 
Liudley  Philo  H,  phys,  120  Bridge. 
Loewe  Philip,  clo'hing,  104  Bridtre. 
Lord  Charles  C.  iu.-urance,  124  Bridge, 
Lumbermen's    >;ation'il      Bank     {(vipital, 

$100,000).  Alexander  B  3IcDonell  pros, 

Samuel   B   Nimmons   cash,  cor   Bridge 

and  Sprinc. 
McCord  \V  K  &  Co  (Warren  E  Mc- 

Cord),    Loggers    and    Dealers    in    Pine 

McCnr«l3-    CliarU-n,  PriPiir    Southern 

flotel,  cor  Bav  and  Central 
McDonald    Alexander   A,    saloon,    19   W 

McDonald  Hugh  D,  propr  Nicollet  House, 

434-  Bridge. 
McDonald  John  H,  harness,  413  Bridge. 
McDonald  '.Vm  D,  wagonmaker,   Duncan 

and  Grand  uve. 

^IcDonald  Wm  J,  lumber  inspector. 
McDouell   Miss  Sarah,  dressmaker,  20   ^'• 

McDonell     &    Irvine   (Alexander    B   y. 

Donell,    Thomas     Irvine),    real    estate 

Bridge  and  Spring. 
McGilvray  Ad^us  J, real  estate. 202  Brid  j, 
!!1IoGnire    S'rancN   'fJ,    Livciy,  Uj. 

and  Transfer,  13  to  17  ^\'  Grand  ave. 
McGuirk  ]5ros  (Arthur  and  Michael),  ciLrar 

mnfr.",  "W  Columbia. 
JIcHfiCie  Thomas,  blacksmith.   10.5  Ma;u. 
J[ci\ay  Duncan  G,  pine  lands.  Central. 
McKeniia  i^Irs  Kate  D.  milliner,  Bridge. 
McLeod     lioderick,    blacksmith,    15    W 

McMfthan  Barney,  street  comnr. 
Iflc'I'iiai!  Frank,  'Wines,  Liquors  an^l 

Cit';.r=,  00  W  Spring. 
JIc'iLSae    HI    C  »V.  son  (Hector  C  anii 

John    A),  lical  Estate  and  Abstracts  of 

Title,  Court  House. 
JlcHae  John,  blacksmith,  S  K  Grand  ave 
Magee  Miss  Katie,  dressmkr,  11  W  Spring 
^Malor  Florian,  baker,  !■'>  E  Birch. 
Malorky    Peter,    elouj    quarry,    Duncan 

^larsliall    Roujet    D,    circuit   judge.     111 

Marlin   I..evi  11\   Hardware,  Farm  Im- 
plements,  Furniture,   Undertaker,    Car- 
pels, etc,  7  and  9  W  Spiiug. 
]Marlin  Wm.  coroner. 
.Mason    &    Co   (August    Mason,  Eiuil   A 

(joethel),  loggers. 
Masters  Harry  C,  carpenter. 
Maj'  J  Frank,  mngr  Wisconsin  Tel  Co,  104 

Meeban  John,  logger. 
Jlcrchanta'  Supply  Co,  Morris   Olicksman 

]ires,  Aaron    H    Heller    .sec   and    treas, 

whol   grocers,  IS  E  Spring. 
Jlever  Aniund.  tailor,  20  E  Central. 
:Tl!<-litl    C   A:   J  EJrowinu'  Co,  E  J 

Elleuson    ^Ingr,     near    Umaha    Depot. 

^lilos    O   t'^.  Timber   Lands   and  Logs. 

202  Bridge.     (See  adi;  opp.) 
MiUs  l-;useliiii3  M.  real  estate.  3  W  Sprini: 
Iflillard   ECunjaniin  B%  Florist.    Real 

Estate,    I'inc  'and     Hardwood    Lauds, 

13  W  Grand  ave,     (See  <n!n,  p  :i7.) 
Misfeldt  John  H.  grocer,  14  Grove. 
Mississijipi    River  Logging  Co,  Frederick 

Weyerliaeuser  pres   and   treas,  Thomas 

Irvme  sec. 
Mitchell  .lohii  A,  confectioner,  2"-!  Spring. 
Moe  Tobias  P,  j.-welcr,  209  Bridge. 
Moehrke  Hugo  R,  saloon,  409  Bridge. 

lecirica!  SiipolJesSn 

Teli-i))innc,     Tele. 
Cutalogups  free. 


'  L'SOAV.  Water  SI  reel,  llILAVilKKE. 

Tl  •  r>i>nr>M    Poll  Diiolnnrp    Prilnrn   Is  noted  for  Its  Excellent  Facilities  and  Tliorouchness 

The  Green  bay  dusiiibss  LOiiegs  „f  work,  expi^kt  tic.vchehs  i„  ^vory 

Kcpartnicnt.    ANXtAli    CATALiOtiLE    FKEE.     AddrCHS    GKEEX    BAY,  1VIS. 




M.iBiil  it   Brown   (.Miss  Louisa  li  Jlonnt,  ;  Jtorey  Pettr,  saloon,  29  \V  Spring. 

.Mi.-3   ilary  J   Brown),  dressmakers,  18  i  Morgan  Edson  A,  apiarist,  16  Superior. 

\v  Central.  Morgan  llr.s  E  A,  milliner,  18  Spring. 

Morency  &  Lefebre  (Erne?t   Morency,  Oc-  !  Moriu  Pascbal,  shoemaker,  30  Spring. 

tave  Lefebre),  saloon,  -117  Bridge.  I  Morris  Jobn  A,  undertaker,  30o  Bridge. 



General  Agent  for  Northweatera  ^Visconsin, 




D.  E.  MILES, 


Timfcer  Lands  and  Logs. 


Over  Seymour's  I'.ank. 



Gun  and  Locksmith 



Repairinj;  of  all  kinds  done  to  order.     Sat- 
isfaction Guaranteed  or  No  Pay. 

413BridgeSt.,  CHIPPEWA  FALLS,  WIS. 

Late  SeiKtant  ICih  Oliio  Battery. 


Juilicc  of  (lie  l'e;iic  and  Notary  Pul'lie. 

!Vo.  9  AV.  Central  .Stiofl. 

ciiiri'Kw.v  rvLLs,   •  Wisconsin. 


22  VJ.  Central  Street,  -  CHIPPEWA  FALLS,  V/IS. 


C.  &  J.  MICHEL  BRS¥/ING  CO.  of 


DBALERS     IN     HOPS    AND     jVIALT. 


E.   J.    ELLENSON,    Manager. 

C!iic3p  &  Grand  Trunk  Ey. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


-  n 


Tills  firm  conilncts  in  rhicflao  lli^ 
Tr^iinine  Srliool  tor  Iliiiiness/  Vir\ 
m«caill.-ci!t  i:.italiirtoe  of  1  1  2  ii.-i,-e- 
send  10  cents  to  pay  cost  of  postage. 





lIorri3  Phtrick,  {rrocer,  3o  Spring. 

Morrow  Kdward,  saloon,  Soutb  side. 

Morse  Cjrus  B,  jcweltT,  1  W  i^pring. 

Morse  JIi-3  lone,  rou^ic  teucher. 

Moses  Edgar,  pumps. 

Moses  Martha,  notions,  118  Bridge. 

Mulligan  Dennis  J,  barber,  Stanley  House. 

Mu!lil<an  C  A,  plumber,  5  Bridge. 

Murphy  John  H,  real  estate. 

Murphy  iV-  Bigler  (Luwrence  P  Jlurphy, 
Adolpli  Bigler),  meats,  12i  Bay. 

Jlyer  Andrew,  tailor,  lo  W  Sprioe. 

Kein  George,  barber,  12'2  Brid^-e. 

Newman  A  De  Witt,  music,  teacher. 

Newman  it  Coleman  (A  T  Nev.iri'm,  D  Q 
Coleman),  mngrs  Grand  Opera  House. 

Nickel  Ernst,  saloon,  (jl'j  Bridire. 

Nicollet  House,  Hugh  D  McDonald  propr, 
424  Bridge, 

Nolan  James,  grocer,  308  Bay. 

A'orniaiiiin  8i<u;se,  Andrew  Larson 
Propr,  224  Dunoan. 

North  Hotel,  O  S  ^-hcrvey  propr,  cor 
Duncan  and  Columbia. 

Xordiweslcrii  riJiiUial  Ui'c  In- 
surance Co,  J  L  TowDsend  (.ier.eral 
Agent  for  Northwestern  WLsconMa. 
{S(C  adv.  p  C'31.) 

Norway,  Alexander  Wiley  propr, 
23  W  Grand  ave. 

Nunko  Albert,  soda  water  mnfr,  Jellerson. 

O'Hara  James,  plasterer. 

Oleson  Christ,  tailor,  411  Bridge. 

O'RourUe  John,  barber,  410  Bridcr. 

Orthniau  Thomas,  engineer,  222  K  iMill. 

Ottawa  House,  Moses  Sarrasin  propr,  122 

OtteUev  Frederick  (Lutheran). 

Oiilliwaitc  l^<iuar<>,  JIngr  Chippe- 
wa Herald. 

Palmer  Jerry,  grocer,  113  Bridge. 

Pannier  Ernest  G,  carriage  niufr,  1)08  N 

Paradis  ICdward.  10  E  Columbia. 

Pftrkhuri-t  Win  E, musical  nid.~e,ll-"i  Bridge. 

Parrott  Charles  H,  rest.  31  VV  Spring. 

Palnoad  Miss  Rose,  dressmaker,  cor  Cen- 
tral and  Biidge. 

Patten  Robert,  cmmtv  tren.surcr. 

Patten  Mrs  Johanna  .M.  .shoes,  214  Bridge. 
Paul  John  B,  saloon,  2:>5  River. 

Pearson  Wm,  carpenter. 

Phillips  Martin  A.  books,  213  BridL'e. 

Phillips  Thomas  W,watclnnkr.21")  Bridge. 
Pierce  Allien,  chief  (ire  department. 
Pierce,     Brewster    &  (Jo   (Albert    lMerci>, 
George   E   Brewster.  Robert   D  \Vhitte- 
more),  meats.  223  Bridge. 

Pierce  J  li  A-  Co  (James  L  Pierce),  woolen 
mills,  N  Prairie. 

Pittz  Miss  Catherine,  dressiid<r,120  Br]! 
Plant  Anton,  saloon,  .515  Bridge. 
P'ehn  Rev  George  (Lutheran). 
Plumb    Philip,    stone     quarry,    Dunc'..r. 

Poole  Henry  S,  sale  stable,  14  W  Will  .v. 
Pound's   Farm    (capital,    Js.jO.OOO),    Thr.  1 

deus  C  Pound  pres  and  treas,  Albert  ;; 

Pound  sec  and  supt,  live  slock. 
Pound   Thaddeus   C,  real   estate,    Metro 

politan  blk. 
Poznanski  l-^dward.  gen  store.  12  Spring, 
Proudlock  James  H,  phys,  33  E  Coiumb;-. 
C^uinn  ^VIn,  saloon,  lU  Jefferson  ave. 
RaLdall  John,  lawyer. 
Raycraft  Joseph  T,  architect,  010  Island. 
Raymond  George  S,  bavlier,  11  Bay. 
Raymond   ik   Gore   (Mvron   J    Raymond, 

Arthur  W  Gore),  confoctrs.  312  Bridgu. 
PJcb.'irdson  Hollon,  lawyer.  111'.  Bridge. 
Riddeil  Sanford  S,  phys,  13  'W^  Central, 
Riddell  -Mrs  Sybil,  boarding  house,  121  AV 

Ritzinger   Brothers   (Enos   and   Ladwig', 

meats,  34  Spring. 
River.Jide     Ilniel,     Gaynor    &    Williams 

proprs,  12S  River. 
Rogers  liarvej-  N,  physician,  120   Bridge. 
Rondeau  Mary,  grocer,  .524  Briilge. 
Ro-»sitoi'  <c    StossiU-r  (Emanuel   and 

.Myra    W),    Proprs    Stanley    House    c.^r 

Bridge  and  Graud  ave. 
Rounds  MisL  V,  boarding   house,  134  W 

Rowan  Charles  H,  restaurant.  11)   River. 
BEowc     SHarry     II,    Jeweler,    .5    \V 

Rusk  A  Bolaud  (Lycurgns  J  Rusk,  Wm  F 

Bolaiid),  lawyers.  Bridge. 
Ryan  &  Glynn  (Thomas  A   Rvan,    James 

Glynn),  saloon,  KIS  Btidgc.  ' 
St  .fosepb's  Hospital, conducti'd  by  the  Sis- 
ters of  St  Fr,\ncis,  'J12  I'earl. 
St    Luke's    Hospital,  John   Huud,    M  D. 

propr,  cor  .Macomlier  anil  Huron. 
Samson  Edward,  saloon,  23  BridLTC. 
Samson   John,  gen   store,    cor  .Main    ami 

Sarrasin  Moses,  propr  Ottawa  House,   122 

Saperslon  H   A-   Co   (Herman  Saperston', 

clothing,  23  W  Spring. 
Schmidt  Fretlerick,  cooper,  E  Spring. 
Schneider  Rev  David  (Evangflical). 
SchiielTel  Henry,  furrier,  11.5  Bay. 
Sch.ill  Stephen,  dairy,  2  nules  s. 
Schuniek    Mrs  P2milj',    dressmaker,  .57  E 

SeybertD.ivld  W,  barber,  16  E  Central. 

ILLIflOlS  C[i!Tei![  1 1 

Short  and  Diioct 
Route  from 

Ctiicairo  S  Grand  ]ml  a} 

The  Favorite  Route  East 






f^eymour's  Bank  (capital  and  surplus,  n50,- 
''  01IO),   Daniel  K    Seymour  pres,  Wm  L 

Seymour  cash,  '202  Uridine. 
Shamp  W  D,  poultry  breeder. 
SU:irp  Jesse  U,  bardwaie,  2i4  Bridge, 
j^bcrman  Adin,  physician. 
Sbervey  Ule  S,    grocer  and  propr  Xorth 

Uotel,  cor  Duncan  and  Columljia. 
Shervey    Store    Co,   Andrew    Shervey  jr 
pres,  F  A  .Johnson  sec  and  treas, general 
store,  211  Bridu'c. 
•>iesri>.l  KmaiiucI,  Saloon  and  Restau- 
rant, 22  E  Spriui;.     C^Vd  ado,  />  ~'ir.j 
Silver  Sprliia   f'juli  A«;»ocliHioii, 
D  E  Seymour  Pres.  L  C   Stanley  Vice- 
Pres.B  D  Vilcs  Sec, Edward  Cory  Treas, 
D  E  Miles   iMngr,  Pleasure   and    Health 
Simmons  Meyer,  house  furng3,307  Bridge. 
Sinclair    Edward,    boarding    house,    225 

Sinett  Oliver,  boarding  house,  133  W  Cen- 
Skandinavian  House.  I  T  EiTgan  propr,  16 

E  River. 
Smith  C  Frederick,  grocer,  204  Bridge. 
Smith  Edward,  poultry  breeder. 
Snyder  Samuel, architect,  .Metropolitan  blk, 
Soiitlierii    Eiolcl,   Churles  ^IcCurdy 

Propr,  cor  Bay  and  Central. 
Spence  Wm  G,  drugs.  1  W  Spring. 
Squires  John  W,  meats,  2o  W  Siiriug. 
Stafford  A  K,  logger. 
Stafford  Wm  II,' lawyer,  113  Bridge. 
Stanley  F  G  &   C    A  (Frederick    G  and 
Cliarles  A),  lumber,  cor  High  and  Birch. 
Sliiiilcy   Eloiisf,   Rossiter   i\;   Rossiter 

Proprs,  cor  Bridge  and  Grand  ave. 
Stanley    Lemuel     C,    capitalist,     107     W 

Stoddard  AVm  11,  in?.  Union  blk. 
Strong  Seymour  B,  leas,  y  Bridge. 
Stum  Frederick,  sheriff. 
Sunday    Creek    Coal    Co,    Robert    Claik 

mngr,  112  Bay. 
Smutet    CIiri>U»|>Iier,     Sewing    Ma- 
chines, S  Spring. 
Susquehanna  Iluuse,  ilichael  Knouf  propr, 

1-^  Buy. 
Swift  Nelson  O,  plumber.  9  "W  Central. 
Tallmadge  Wm  E,  agent  C,  M  &  Si  P  Ry 

and  W  C  Line. 
Tarrant  Ananias,  furniture,  19  W  Central. 
Taylor  Edward  C',  printer,  13  Bridge. 
Thaler  George,  saloon,  92.1  Prairie. 
Therlaull  John  B.  saloon,  301  Bridge. 
Thonia.^  Oclavius  C.  drugs,  .")02  Bridge. 
Thompson  Rev  D  F  (Epi.^copalian). 
Thompson    Ebc-hart,     s>hoemaker,     18    E 

Thoraldson  Rev  I  (Lutheran). 
Thornton  John  J.  supl  tire  alarm 
Tierney  Patrick,  grocer,  U  E  Central. 
Todd  Henry  II,  ins.  Metropolitan  blk. 
Toepfer    Henry    J,    cigar    mnfr,     18    W 

Grand  ave. 
To\vii$,ciid  Jaiiics  L.,  General  Agent 
for  Northwestern   Wisconsin   of  N'orth- 
western  Mutual  Life  Insurance  Co.  (.it'e 
adi\  p  221.) 
Transue  JlrsMary,  dressmkr,  25  W  Grand. 
Trudell  Joseph,  painter,  23  Duncan. 
Tuohy  John,  grocer,  223  Grove. 
Tuohy  John  T,  saloon,  12  E  Sjjring. 
Turcolte  Peter,  shoemaker,  114  B;iy. 
Uchren  Edward,  shoemkr,  20  W  Central. 
Velic    &    Galley  (Alvin  E    Velie.   Robert 

Gailey),  second-hand  store.  19  r^ridge. 
Verdon  Noah,  biksmilh,  29  W  Giand  ave. 
Viles  Bradford  D,  pine  lands,  212  Bridge. 
Viles  Joseph,  pine  lands. 
Vinette  Amanda.  =hoes,  102  Spriu;:. 
VrooiiKiii  .5  Cf ,  Agent  Gardiner,  Batch- 
elder  &  Welles,  122  Bridge. 
Wall    John    I',    City    Attorney,    124 

Walratii  Alvin  E,  real  estate,  Sletropolitan 

Wauds    Albert    E,  boarding    house,    235 

Waterman  Leslie  E,  pine  lands,  1-1  W  Co- 
Waterman  &  Early  (L  E  Waterman, George 
B  Early),  propra  Grand  Opera  House,  16 
W  (Columbia. 
\Vcl>l>    rrc<l,    Propr    City  Hack,  208 

Grand  ave  w. 

Wol»l>iV.  SI aii^lMirj- (Francis  C  Webb, 

Edmond  J  Siansbury),  Hardware,  Stoves, 

eto,  119  and  121  Bridge,    i^ce  ude,p  nCi.) 

Weinberger  JIrs  Carrie,  dressmaker,  15  W 

Weinberger  John,  saloon.  Central. 
Weiner  ^t  McCormick  (John  Weiner,  Ed- 
ward McCormick),  livery,  219  Bay. 
\Vrissonborn  Mra  Louisa,  dressmaker,  214 

W  Sjirincr. 
Weyenberg  Bros  (Wm  and  Martin),  shoes, 

n  W  Spring. 
Whalen  James,  chief  of  police 
Whittemore  R  D  &■  Co  (Robert  D  Whllte- 
more,  Albert  Pierce, George  E  Brew3te^^, 
harness,  221  Bridge. 
Wilco.\  Albert  J,  drugs,  209  Bridge. 
Wiley   Ale.xandcr,  propr  Norway  House, 

23  W  Grand  ave. 
WUcoiisiii      Collection     Aa:eiifj 
(Michael    Hall,  Edward  J  Seymour.  An- 
thony   P    Dahl),    Metropolitan    Block. 
(&■«  adv.  p  219. ) 

thicap,  mmki  fi  St,  Paul  li  r:;r  M  ad  floithv/esi 

iLLIilS  CEilTOI.L  !1, 

i     DIRECT  ROUTE  5] 
I  to  all  POINTS  in  W 






Wisconsin    Tulephone   Co,  J  Frunk   Muy 

mngr,  10-i  I5ridi:e. 
Wolford  Tavlor  il.  reporter  circuit  court. 
Wright  Rev'F  H  (Methodist). 
Yates  J  V,  broom  mufr. 
Yep-ah-Puiie,  laundry,  o  Bay. 
Yep  Wine  Kee,  laundry,  412  Brids^e. 
Young  Men's  Christian  xVssn,  George  H 

Timmings  sec,  213  Bridse. 
Zesiger  John  G,  hotel.  20  W  Central. 
Zimmerman    Louis    J,    cigar    mnfr,    607 


CnmSTIE.  A  vUIago  in  Clark  coun- 
ty, Smiles  north  of  Neillsville,  the  couuty 
seat,  nearest  station  and  bauking 
point.  Stages  daily  to  Greenvrood  and 
Neillsville;  fare,  'M  cents  to  either  place. 
Population,  300.  Mail,  daily,  E.  D. 
Hatch,  postmaster. 

llalfli  K  I>  Jr,  General  .'^tore. 
Hyslip  C  W,  lumljer. 
Jones  II,  carpenter. 
Robinson  James,  blacksmith. 
Zanders  L  V,  justice. 


Crosi  J'!ai>i«. 

Dane  county. 

CITY  POINT.  A  postoltice  on  tlie 
G.  B.,  AV.  &  St.  P.  H.  R..  in  Jacl.:?on 
county,  27  mde.s  northeast  of  Black  lUver 
Falls,  the  county  seat,  and  2.')  southwest  of 
Grand  Rapids,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  80.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E.xp.,  U.  S. 
W.  E.  Breakey,  postmaster. 

BrciJkcy  \V  r;.  General  Store.  Railroad, 

Express  and  Telegraph  A^jcut. 
Edsou  R  S,  ho..l. 
Graithcr  J,  cooper. 
Hancock  J,  cranberries  and  justice. 
McDonald  Bros,  iougers. 
Nelson  t;hrist,  cranberry  grower. 
Nelson  Ingeval,  carpenter. 
Olson  Hans,  cranberry  grower. 

CLAM  FALLS,  A  village  on  the 
south  fork  of  Clam  river,  in  IVdk  couuty, 
40  miles  northeast  of  Osceola  Mills,  tlie 
county  seat,  and  22  southwest  of  Shell 
Lake,  on  the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  vt  O.  Ry,  the 
nearest  railroad  station  and  bauking  point. 
Settled  in  1S.j7.  It  contains  a  water  power 
saw  mill.  Stages  tri-weekly  to  St.  Croix 
Falls  and  Shell  Lake.  Population,  ."iO. 
Mail,  semi-weekly.  Maggie  Lund,  post- 

Fischer  II  C,  justice. 
Lund  Louis  C,  staire  line. 

!.i!ii<I  «.V  S'liiiNo;)!,  General 

Smith  D  F.  saw  mill. 
Smith  Mrs  Sarah  J,  hotel. 
Wetherby  W  E,  hotel. 

CLARK'S  MILLS.  A  village  on 
Manitowoc  river,  in  .Manitowoc  countv,12 
miles  we.'it  of  .Manitowoc,  the  county 'seat 
and  bank  location,  and  3  south  of'C'ato. 
the  nearest  railroad  station.  Stases  to 
Cato  daily;  fare,  25  cents.  Poou:ation 
100.  Mall,  daily.  R.  W.  Burke,  post- 

Kiirkc  K  W,  General  Store. 

Clark  Ira,  llour  ami  saw  mill. 

Gehbe  Frhiik,  hotel. 

.Moe  Theodore,  siioeriaaker. 

Morgan  John,  hotel. 

Olson  Riley,  justice. 

Sccor  Frank,  blacksmith. 

CLAEKSON.  In  Dane  countv.  17 
miles  southeast  of  Madison,  the  judicial 
seat,  and  01  from  Stoughton,  it.s  hankini 
and  shipping  point,  ilail,  triweekly.  JC. 
K.  Juve,  postmaster  and  farmer. 

CLARNO.  Oil  the  CM.  .t  N.  R.  R., 
in  Green  county,  U  miles  from  .\fonr()e,  the 
juilicial  seat  and  banking  point.  Popula- 
tion, GO.  Tel.,W.  V.  B.  F.  Wolf,  post- 

Leavitt  I.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
P.ainter  Emaunel,  lilacksmitb. 
Pondoe  End],   blaclismith. 
Smartz  G  A,  justice. 
Trumpy  ilcnry.  saw  mill. 
Wolf  B  F,  General  Store. 

CLAY  BANKS.  A  village  on  the 
shore  of  Lake  Michigan,  in  Dnor  countv. 
9  miles  south  of  Sturgeon  Bay,  the  county 
seat  and  nearest  banking  point.  Sla:;e3 
tri-weekly  to  Stur:;eou  Bay.  L'opulation, 
GO.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  J.  H.  Tuft,  post- 

Braunsdorf  Chris,  general  store. 

r>c;  Lille  Theodore,  tishermau. 

Fellner  J  A,  insurance. 

Finan  Patrick,  mason. 

Fritz  Menzo.  lisherraan. 

Gjevse  Rev  G  J  (Lutheran). 

llitt  C  .1  &  Bro,  hotel  and  fishermen. 

Ilitt  \V  AV,  cnoper. 

Markey  Chauncey,  fisherman. 

Millard  Orin.  carpenter. 

liickaby  G  M,  justice. 

Chicap  &  Giand  T[uol{  ny. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


>\\\nrm  Wines. ^'-'^s^^'<"-  p^'--^^  ^-''^  f^^- 




liobcrts  George,  fisbcrmau. 

Sjifronick  John,  black'milh. 

Schnvler  A  J,  justice  and  vet  surg-eon. 

TLayer  George,  lisberman. 

Tufts  S  M,  seneral  store. 

Tufts  &c  I5raiins<lorf,    Lumber   and 

Shingle  ^lill. 
Woodward  Lee,  -n-aijonmal^er. 
■\Voodward  ic  Freeman,  fishermen. 

CLAYFIELD.  A  difcontinued  post- 
office  in  Pierce  county.  Send  mail  to 

CLAYTON.  A  post  village  on  the 
C,  St.  P.,  M.  &  0.  P>y,  in  Polk  county,  SO 
niiies  ea.'t  C'f  Osceola  Mills,  the  county 
'(•at,  and  IG  from  Cumberland,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  250.  Tel  , 
W.  U.  Esp.,  Am,  W.  A.  Prentice, post- 

Hansche  George  F,    railroad,  cxp  and  tel 

Hiiiiiliird  &  Co,  Lumber  Mnfrs. 

CLEAR  LAKE.  A  village  on  the  N. 
iliv.  of  the  C,  St.  1'.,  M.  &  O.  Rv.  in  Polk 
ci.ULty,  30  miles soulliea.'.t  of  Osceola  ^lills. 
the  coimty  seat.  Settled  in  1M78.  it  con- 
iHins  3  churches,  a  hall  capable  of  seatinn; 
■•'  0,  a  graded  school  employing  -1  teachers^ 
i-tid  a  number  of  special  and  eeneral  stores. 
Lumber,  wood,  ties  and  poles  and  farm 
proJuce  are  shipped.  Xew  Richmond  is 
it.e  nearest  banking  point.  Tel.,  W.  V. 
Kxp.,  Am.  Popvdation,  500.  James  J. 
Kavanagh,  postmaster. 

liriggs  Albert  M, 
Butdick  Peleg,  notary  public, 
t'liiirch  Earl  A,  wagonnuiker. 

<  Inirchill  Alphonso  T,  editor  nerald. 

<  'vir  Lake  Herald,  A  T  Churchill  editor. 
;>iC  Herbert  E,  prin  school. 

Ciurlwright  Seymour  E,  livery. 

owles  Charles,  tinsmith. 
I  roe.s  Win  M,  vcterlnarv  surgeon. 
I'e  \Viu,I„l,nC.  carpenter.   ^ 
h  nbtrg  Krithiof  F,  boots  and  shoes. 
;!"''■■*  ''•  Ptiysiciiin. 
l>.  Mt  it  De  Garmo  (David  Gillett,  James 

J'  De  Garmo),  grocers, 
t.'.js  Webster,  lawyer. 

I  ';*■"  I'eter,  propr  Merchants'  Hotel. 

''•V'^T^^  McCarty  (Peter  Herber,  "\Ym  C 
,,,1'"^"*.V),  saw  mill. 

'■I  ,,"'  "•  li'X'Pmnfr. 
!;  '..^.Ir^Wli,  milliner. 
!'   i'lday  David,  furniture. 
'■  >  'ns  \\  ni  U,  lundxr. 


Jerdee  A  P,  live  stock. 

Jones  Oliver  D,  harnessmaker. 

Knvaiia;,'!!     Jtiiiivs    J,     Boots    and 

Korn  Kev  "W  A  (Congregational). 
SJercliaiits'    Hotel,    Peter    Herber 

Mygatt  Wm,  railroad  and  express  agent. 
Nillson  L  Steen,  druggist. 
Peterson  Kev  M  i Congregational). 
Heed  Charles,  hay  press. 
Ridenger  John  \V,  hoop  mnfr. 
Robinson  Rev  H  I.Methodist). 
Savery  "\Vm,  carpenter. 
Sav.-yer  James  H,  groceries  and  hardware. 
Srliiilzc    Sleiiry    A.    General   Store, 
^  Hay,  AV^ood.  Tits, etc. 
Stout  Thomas  jr,  general  store. 
Tanner  Mrs  G  A,  dressmaker. 
Warren  John  L,  justice  and  confectioner. 

CLEMANSVILLE.     A  po.Moffice  in 
Winnebago  county,  G  miles  northwe.~t  of 
Oshkosh,  the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad 
station  and  banking" pc^int.     Stages  to  Osh- 
kosh,  Vineland  and  Winncconue.     Popu- 
lation, 70.     Mail  tri-weekly.     D.  Kannen- 
berg,  postmaster. 
IJaiz  Rev  (MethodkstV 
Ross  Christopher,  cheese  mnfr. 
Boss  S,  chc.">e  mnfr. 
Grcenwald  Wm.  cJieese  mnfr. 
It:wiiiriilMTif  !>,  General  Store,  Clack- 
smith  and  \\'agoumaKer. 

CLEMOKT  LANDI]N"G.  A  settle- 
ment on  the  east  1/ank  of  Lake  St.  Croix, 
in  St.  Croix  county,  G  miles  south  of  Hud- 
son, to  which  point  mail  should  be  sent. 

CLEVELAND.  On  the  M.,  L.  S.  & 
W.  Rv.  iu  Manitowoc  county,  14  miles 
from  .Manitowoc,  the  judicial  seat,  ami  Hi 
from  .Milwaukee.  Population,  loO.  Tel., 
W.  V.  Exp.,  U.  S.  A.  Stoltenberg,  post- 

Doersch  G  JL  wnnon  factory. 
I'ajike  L.  exp  and  tel  aet. 
.StoUfHberj;  Adolpli,  Genera!  Store. 

CLIFTON.  A  postcffice  in  Monroe 
county,  L'S  miles  southeast  of  Sparta,  the 
county  .'eat,  G  southwest  of  Camp  Doug- 
las, liie  neare,-t  railroad  station,  and  10 
west  of  New  Li.^bon,  the  nearest  hanking 
point.     Population,  00.     Mail,  tri-wcekly. 

Krolzniaii  I  X,  General  Store. 
Linds  John,  feed  mill. 
Slender  Gustave,  blacksmith. 


;i~.V<;ii\TS    FOlt    SVC.17I 

John  Llsiinisr  Gun  Co.^M.^;^^!^^?J, 

oiti;  si'i;ci.VL'  i-oAVDiiii. 

Eoameled  Lettsi 

KOBKUT    IIAKPUR  A:  SONS,  446  E. 

^1  ai.r  M.,    i;a«t   Side    ilarkpt  Squai-o. 
?IlLM'Ai;jij;i:.  Tilophone  31  S. 

";/ail  Pai 





S  s  CLINTOIs'.  A  prosperous  incorpor- 
g  fttod  village  in  the  souiiieastern  pan  of 
{/)■  Rock  county,  situated  no  the  R.  &  S. 
Ul  g"  W.  div.  C,  yi.  &  Sr.  P.  Rv.  at  thecrobsing 
O  fe  of  the  Wiscoubiu  div.  of  the  C.  &  X.  V\. 
J  1  I^y.  ^■i  miles  southws!^t  of  Milwatikte,  and 
Q  o  lO  southeast  of  Janesville,  the  couul}-  seat. 
CL '^  It  contains  a  bank,  2  hotels,  an  opera 
,  "S  bouse,  o  graiu  elevators,  a  feed  mill,  a 
t  t-  ixvaded  public  school.  Baptist,  Conjrega- 
Ijj  ^  tional,  Jlethodiit  Episcopal  and  German 
Q  1  Lutheran  churches,  a  iiijrary,  and  numer- 
ous large  and  veil  stocked  special  and 
general  stores,  etc.  A  weekly  newspaper, 
the  Clinton  ILral'l  (Kep.),  is  published. 
^  Exp.,  Am.  TeL,  "\V.  U.  PopulalioD, 
1.000.  R.  W.  Cheevcr,  postmaster. 
Ames  FA  &  Co  (Franklin  A  and  Thomas 

A  Ames),  cigars. 
Ames  3Irs  Thomas,  artist. 
_  __    Anderson  Henry  A,  general  store, 
t.  ff    llaese  Kev  E  i  Lutheran). 
g         Bradley  FrauK  C,  dray  and  ice. 
^t£  I''Udlong  ilr«  Emmet  B.  music  teacher, 
■o  liJ    Burt  Giles,  live 
Busli  .lacob,  carpenter. 
Campbell  .lanies  II,  liiU  poster. 
"  o    Ciitc  .lohu,  stone  nii.son. 
S^    C!ico>iiiiaii    licnry,     Propr      Taylor 
Z"^       House. 

»^,^    Cheever  lialph  W,  I'ropr  Clinton    Herald. 
^^C;hurcli  Harry  G,  general  st^re. 
^^   (;hurch  .Tared  V,.  grijin  and  live  stock. 
£^  Citizens'  Hunk  if.'anital. 25,000),  Arch- 
£2a     ibald    \Voodnrd    Pres,    U'm  Jones  Cash, 
f^       Bankers,  CollectlowS  and  Insurance. 
Clarli  Rev  AV  J  (Congregational). 
Clinton  Cornet  Bund,  L  .)  .Merrill  leader. 


(O  o 



Clinton  Herald,  It  W  CUieevcr  propr. 

^5  Colegrove  Harry  B,  harness. 
ej\  CoUiver  Clarence  W,  dentist. 


^~2  Couleyit  Conry  (Henry  W  Coniey,    Bern- 
M«       nard  Coury),  cheese  mnfr. 
}^_^  (!oruwell  Wui  II,  harness. 
JJ^'^  Covert  George,  physician, 
(y^  Craniiall  Joseph,  physician. 
SVS  Cronktiie  H  X,  justice. 
■»~~  Crosby  Phineas.  ins  and  fruit  grower. 
ff^  Crosier  Arthur  B,  i.-eiieral  store. 
5^  Crotscnburg  J.ihn  .M,  .•;!!' etnaker. 
^3   Dickernian  I'eiry  1).  vi'l  i^r^  rruMee. 

IB " 

Dobbin  Hugh,  general  store. 

Drake  Charles  P,  hardware. 

Earle  George  \\ ,  street  comnr. 

Eldridgc  George,  carpenter. 

Engbertson  Adney,  tailor. 

Engbertson  Mrs  A.  milliner. 

Estes  Samuei  M,  village  trustee. 

Estes  Stephen  yi,  wagonmaker. 

Everhardt Jacob,  tailor. 

Gilmore  Charles  O,  watchmaker. 

Green  John  C,  well  borer. 

Guest  Samuel  yi.  florist. 

Hanson  Charles  L,  blacksmith. 

Happen  l!ev  Henry  (Baptist). 

Harden  Miss  Callie,  milliner. 

Hardeu  Wm,  barber. 

Harden  it  Follz   (Orlin    Harden,    Heuiy 

Foltz),  meat  market. 
Hartshorn  John  W,  mnfr  railroad  trucks. 
Hartshorn    &    Simmons    (Washington     1 

Hartshorn.  Steven  J  Simmons),  genera. 

Heron  Samuel  A,  barber. 
Hinman  Charles,  carpenter. 
Hoover  I  L,  stock  farm. 
Irish  James,  hay  and  coal. 
Ishnm  &,  Vv'akerurd  (Albert  S  Isham,  Ebe- 

nezer  J  AVakeford),  hardware. 
Jerman  Edward  W,  farm  impts. 
Jones  John  "\V,  physician. 
Jones  Win,  cash  Citizens'  Bank. 
Larson  Louis  N,  village  trustee. 
Larson  &  AVilkins  (Lewis  N   Larson,   Al- 

vah  J  Wilkins),  general  store. 
Lougley  Thomas  H,  confectioner. 
McMichael  .losepli,  auctioneer. 
JIarsli  David  O,  village  marshal. 
^lajliow  W  A  A  <:<»  (Win  A  and  V. 

M  Mayhew).    Druggists  ;  Toilet  Goods. 

Books,  Stationery  and  Xotirms. 
Merrill  Leander  J,  wagonmaker. 
Minnesota  Lumber  Co.  K  J    Van  Valzal' 

Mortran  Alfred  F,  painter. 
l?I<>r;;iiii    :»Sr.«   AllVctl    F,   :\Ii!!ineiv 

Fancy  Goods  and  All   Kinds  of  Ladi.; 

Supplies.     I  St'  ndo,  bebnr  ) 
Morgan  A  II,  police  justice. 
JIurray  John,  horse  breeder. 
Myers  John  H,  blacksaaith. 
Oimsled  IMr-i  S.^.rah  P.  dressmaker. 

Is-dll^S.    .£i^. 



TTT.T.TTT'^-rs-^r       1=7 



(13  H All:  (UlollS,  Kr.OMEllS  am)  STA)iri>0  a  ,SI'K( 

_£^    AH  Kllliln  or  riiillt's-  Slipplic'X.  t'LI\TO.\  JL'.NCXIOV,   \VI'«- 


lai  \vi:sT  Av.vii;ft  sr.,  .uilm  .viKi^i:,  \\i^' 

■>Ir.  Bencillot  makes  scjal-annnal  trips  to  New  York,  Boston,  Etc.,  to  select, 
ri:US<>N-Vl.IiV,  PI.VNOS  and  OllOANS  for  our  Stock.  20  years'  experience. 
Our?Iotto:    "Square,  lioiiorable   Uialliis."     Dcarliolt   A:    Heucdict.    See  1'.  5. 





F'ingborn  James  L,  hoots  and  shoes. 

Ptterson  Hev  P  "W  (Metbodist). 

Phillips  Daniel  il,  livery. 

lioberts  James  E,  wagonmaker. 

IJobicson  Pbranda  A,  general  store. 

KocU  County  Banner,  George  it  L  S  Wil- 
cox publrs. 

Salisbury  Frank,  billiards. 

Scboepski  Freii.  shoemaker. 

Sherwood  Clark  L,  villnize  trunee. 

Silsby  Luther  H,  as;t  C,  M  &,  Ht  P  Ry. 

Smith  Mrs  Ju'ia,  dressmaker, 

Smith  J  I?  it  Sons  (James  B,  Leon  and  L 
H),  fruit  growers. 

Siicil  Josepli,  Watches,  Clocks,  Jew- 
elry, Books  and  Stationery. 

Soper  John  11,  ngt  C  ^z  X  W  Ry. 

Taylor  Arthur  K,  photugraplier. 

Taylor  llou>e,  H  Cbecsraan  Propr; 
Kates  $C  per  Day;  the  (Jld  Pitlialile 
Hotel;  Has  Been  Refilled  Tlircticrhout; 
Good  Sample  Rooms  and  All  Jlodern 

Teeter  James  II,  meat  market. 

Tinker  John,  nurseryman. 

Treat  II  P  &  Co  (Milton  P  Treat,  Ellek 
Bruce),  Turniture. 

Van  Valzalo  Robert  J,  nmgr  Minnesota 
Lumber  Co. 

Van  Velzer  Ancil  JI.  borseshoer. 

Walsli  C  Allen,  Projir  Wyinaii  Hotel. 

Weaver  ]\Iortimer  G,  cattle  breeder. 

West  Wm,  veterinary  surgeou. 

Wheeler  Robert  A.  blaeksmilli. 

Wilcox  George  ».t  L  S,  publrs  Rock  County 

Willis  George,  fruit  grower. 

Winlilej-  Darius  D,  cattle  breeder. 

Woodard  Archiljald,  pi.'S  Citizens'  Bank. 

Woodward  Orin  L,  drucci^t. 

Wriglit  Henry,  stone  niasun. 

A^'jliian  EEolcl,  C  Allen  Walsh  Propr; 
Kales  S3  per  Day:  Lanre  Sample  Rooms; 
Free  Baggage  to  and  from  'I'rains:  (.'ini- 
trally  Located;  Good  Stablini:  ;  All 
Newly  Furnished  January  1,  ISDO. 

Wyman  Opera  House,  Wm  Wynian  propr. 

CLINTONVILLE.  A  nourishing 
tillage  in  llio  norlhctsiein  part  of  Waii- 
raca  county,  on  the  M,,  L.  S.  :v  \V,  R.  R 

and  on  Pigeon  river,  loO  miles  northwest 
of  llilwaukee,  38  northeast  of  Waupaca, 
the  county  seat,  and  1(3  southwe.-^t  of 
Shawano.  It  contains  2  Luther.iu,  Baptist, 
i  Congregational,  Adventi.^t,  I\Ielhodi.-!t  and 
i  Catholic  churches,  a  graded  public  school 
and  high  school,  2  flouring,  2  planing  and 
2  saw  mills,  a  bank  and  o  weekly  newspa- 
pers, the  Dual-Cit;/  Tribune,  CUntonvilU 
l^imes  and  Lake  IShore  Wacchtcr.  Lumber, 
wood,  ties,  liemlock  bark,  shingles,  posts 
and  flour  are  shipped  in  lartie  quantities. 
Population.  1,500.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp  , 
U.  S.     Henry  Giebel,  postmaster. 

Anderson  &  Co  fOle  C  and  Adolph  Ander- 
son), watchmakers. 

Augustine  Otto  G,  furniture. 

Bank  of  Clintonville,  R  G  Gibson  propr. 

B^ckman  Frank,  saloon. 

JJcliliiig  Tlicotlorc,  Propr  Ward 

Bentz  Joseph,  genera!  store. 

Brady  Frank  H,  publr  Dual-City  Tribune. 

Bucholtz  Bros  i,Charles  and  Frank)  gen- 
eral store. 

Bupsian  Wm.  saloon. 

Cily  "MkhX  ITInrket,  W  ANebls  Propr. 

Clintonville  High  Sehool  I,ibrary. 

Clintonville  Times,  Times  Co  publrs. 

Der  Mott  Edward  h,  carpenter. 

Dittberncr  Wm,  tailor. 

Dual  City  Tribune,  Frank  H  Brady  publr. 

Finney  John,  physician. 

Folkraan  Bros  (Theodore  C  and  F  Charles), 
general  store. 

Fuhrman  Rev  Henry  (Lutheran). 

Gansen  Charles,  druggist. 

Gib.-on  Robert  G,  propr  Bank  of  Clinton- 

Giebel  Henry,  po?tn;astcr. 

(ioellnger  Ferdinand,  blacksmith. 

Goldberg  Benjamin  M.  lawyer. 

Goodrich  Geortre,  physician. 

Guernsey  &,  Doty  iFraiik  M  Guernsej', 
Charles  J  Doty),  brick  mnfrs. 

Hess  Henrj'  AV,  grocer. 

HoiTmann  AVm,  haruessmaker. 

Humm  Gustav,  meat  market. 

Ka[  liingst  (;hristi'in,  .■•aloon. 

Kaplnnt:bt  John  C,  livery. 

K-aczc.vski  Jolm.  ciL'ar  ninfr. 

1^  ^3ic  ,4^  rs:!^  3^/s:  j%^  03 1:  ^  "w  ? 

And  Uealer  In  HOOKS,  \V.\I,I,  r.VIM:it,  F.\N(  Y  GOODS,  lilc. 

top,  Milmufeee  k  St,  Paol  fl'/,\;:.,r;n^est  and  lloithi'/est 





W.  V/ALLIS,   Manair. 

uil   m   East   Watei   .Street,   aiLWAlK 





Knutli  Albert,  saloon. 

Korb  &    Wilke    (Richard   Korb,    Henry 

Wilke),  furniture. 
Lasihs  M,  blacksinitli. 
Lade  Fred,  propr  Xorlbwc^teru  Hoiise. 
Lake    Shore    "Waechter,    B    il    Goldberg 

Lawson  &   Shaver  (P  V  Lawson,  Silas  J 

Shaver),  flour  mill. 
Luebke  Frank,  blackEraith. 
WcCorisou  George,  grocer. 
JIadel  Alarcus,  coulectioner, 
Marks  George  W,  propr  Stillman  House. 
Meggers  Peter,  boot.?  and  siioes. 
Meier  J  J,  watchmaker. 
Meilike  Hasso,  physician. 
Meisner  John  F,  general  store. 
Metzner  Robert,  cheese  mnfr. 
Nclils  "Win  A,  Piopr  City  Mealilarket. 
Netzel  Albert,  .saloon. 
Northwestern  House,  Fred  Lade  propr. 
Nosek  Frank,  saloon. 
Oviatl  Wm  U,  jiliysician. 
Paschtu  'Wm,  ndllinery. 
Perry  Luc}',  milliner. 
Plopper  An  man  E,  pump  dealer. 
Plumb  Frank  H,  railroad  aient. 
Railroad   House,   Bcruhard  A  Schemmer 

Richardson  Jlonroc  E,  ice. 
Rohrer  L  tt  Sons  (Lcoiihard  and  Leonhard 

O),  lumber  mofr.s. 
Rosnow  (Jharle3,  s-aluon. 
Ruddy  VVm,  saloon. 
Ruth  Gustav,  general  store. 
Schauder  Wm,  boots  and  shoes. 
Schimkc  AVm,  drayman. 
Selir<>f<U'r    Ciiaiios     iF,    Hardware 

and  Irisuruioe  Agent. 
Schultz  Adolph  H,  harncssmakiT. 
StMl^wiflt    I'j'iiiik    .\,    DrUiTs,  Toys, 

Fancy  Goods,    Looks  and  "Wall   Paper. 

{Se  aiJp,  p  S37.) 
Spenrbraker  Charles  C;.  ineat  market. 
Spicer  CliH'ord  A,  photographer. 
Stacy  Wm  H,  general  .More, 
Stein  liros  (George  AV   and   Charles   'W), 

Stewart  Jolin  A,  wood. 
Stillman  House,  Geori!;e  W  JIarks  propr. 
Taepke  Fertiin.and.  saloon. 
Tliurii  »V  «>iit'rii>oy(Gcrritt  TThorn, 

Frank  M  Guernsey),  Atlruin^ys-at-Law, 

Collection  and  Insurance  Agents. 
Thorne  Henry  H.   blacksmith. 
Times  Co,  publrs  Clintonville  Times. 
Ullmeu  J  vt  Co,  livery. 
Uttoniark  George  it  Co  (John  and  George 

Uttomark),  liardware. 
Wall  Thomas  H,  saw  mill. 

Ward  IS oiise, Theodore  Eehling  P:r,:  - 
AVeiland  Theodore,  blacksmith. 
Werner  Henry,  barber. 
■Willou^hby  t'lmrlfs  E,  Dentist. 
Winkel  Edith,  milliner. 
AVinter  Henry,  hardware. 
Wisconsin  Telephone  Co,   P  A  Sedgwicl: 

CLYDE.  In  Iowa  county,  14  mi'r- 
northwest  of  DodgcviUe,  the  seat  ofiuslic.; 
and  bank  location,  and  0  southeast  ni 
Avoca,  the  nearest  shipping  point.  Pup;: 
lation,  1'j.  Semi-wtekly  mail  stase  l" 
Dodgeville;  fare,  50  cents.  D.  Shannon, 

Bourgeault  Bros,  flour  mill. 
.Tenks  M  )!,  justice. 
Kinzie  E  E,  justice. 
Laud  E  N,  blacksmith. 
Pcarcy  John,  flour  mill. 
Sliiiiinoii  !!>cii!ii*.  General  Store. 
Shannon  J,  justice. 

CLYMAN.  A  postoffice  on  the  C.  i 
><.  W.  ]ty,  m  Dodge  county,  7  miles  south 
of  Juneau,  the  county  .seal,  .and  d  north  ol' 
Watertowu,  the  nearest  bankin'j  point. 
Population,  80.  Exp.,  Am.  J.  T.^Walsh. 

Bub  Leo,  grocer  and  saloon. 
Bunnell  James  A,  farm  impts. 
Coler  P  P,  <  cer  and  "aloon. 
Collins  E  J,  blacksmith. 
Hierlihy  Wm,  saloon. 
Jauisch  H  A,   black.smith. 
Mara  P  O,  carpenter. 
I'innow  Herman,  mason. 
■\Val»!i  Jfamt's   T,   Coal  and  Railroad 

and  Exp  A-ent. 
Wynn  Rev  M  (Catholic). 

COBB.  On  the  C.  &  N.  W.  Ry,  in 
Iowa  o<ninty,  10  miles  vvpst  of  Dodgeville, 
the  judicial  seat.  A  l)aidc  is  sustained. 
Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Population. -.50. 
AV.  J.  Kapson,  postmaster. 

Billings  W  N,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 

Piray  W  H  &  Co.  meats. 

Ccdib    Bank,    Eastman,    Willard     &    Co 

Dicl'/.iiiaii  Slary,  Milliner. 
Dolphin  .lames,  livery. 
Doyle  M  F,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Eastnum,    AVillard     &    Co.    lumber    and 

pro]ir3  Cobb  Bank. 
FUlbach  John,  general  store. 
Fox  C  R,  hardware. 
Goldthorp  J  C,  justice. 

Chicago  !i  G^and  Troo!;  Fsy, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


;i       .  V«vlf  I  ;{n    htrMirnnnn  On      Cash  Assets.  Slin, 000.000.  I  Nortliwcxterii 

ilewiorKLiio  Insiirsnca  10.,  Surplus,  -  ic,ouo,w.H..!«.iacr, -no  ym 

St.    7III,\VAI'Ki:i:,  WIS.     W.  S.  C  INDEE,  Stalp  Aeent.     WALKLU  lilC  KNKI!,' 





HirveyCifc  Song,  grain. 
I'.rnt  James,  grain  and  salt. 
Manning  Patrick,  slioeraaker. 
Manning  Richard,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Miller  tienry,  blacksmith. 
I'rdicim  W  li,  ]iarnei=sraaker. 
Kiipsoii  W  J,  Horse  and  Cattle  Breed- 
H^br  Samuel  &  Son,  wagonmakcrs. 
>exton  T  II,  general  store. 
Sjute  Peter,  general  store. 
Spang  &  Qoldtborp,  bl.ackfmiths. 
Spencer  Hugh,  builder  and  justice. 
Thomas  Edward  P,   furniture, 
/.legler  Dr  E  J.  druggist. 
Z:uimer  Daniel,  justice. 

COCHRANE.      On   the  C,  B.  &  N 

U.  K. ,  in  Buflalo  county,  8  miles  southeast 
!■'(    Alma,    the    county   seat    and    nearest 
(linking  point.     K.\'p  ,  Ara.     Tel.,  ^V.   U. 
Population,  70.  G.  JI.  Uohrcr,  postmaster. 
Cochrane  Cheese  Factory  Co. 
I'limm  R,  constable. 
GiiTord  C  J,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agt. 
Il'jfcr  John  B,  hotel  and  saloon, 
lluefner  Paul,  graiu. 

Lane  Fred,  lumber. 
Itolirer  Uiu).*,  Hardware. 
Kunkel  J  G,  feed  mill  and  gen  store. 
Schnug  J  P,  general  store. 

COLBY.  Is  situated  on  the  boundary 
line  between  Clark  and  ^larathon  counties, 
but  is  accorded  to  the  former  by  the  postal 
authorities.  It  is  a  station  on  the  Wis. 
Central  Line,  3o  miles  northeast  of  Xeills- 
ville.  the  seat  of  justice.  Lumbering  is 
the  principal  industry,  .several  saw  mills 
being  in  operation  In  the  vicinity,  and  the 
village  also  contains  a  fanning  mill  and 
olUce  and  saloon  fixture  factory,  bitters 
factory,  a  n>achine  shop,  a  planing  mill,  a 
bank,  5  churches,  a  public  school,  a  hall 
capable  of  seating  .VJO,  a  public  library  and 
a  weekly  newspaper,  the  Phonogmph. 
Lumber  is  the  principal  shipment.  Popu- 
lation, 700.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E.xp.,  N.  P. 
J.  D.  Wicker,  postmaster. 

Bartell  Wra  11,  real  estate. 
Ik'cherer  Albert,  shoes. 
Blanchard  Horace  J,  grocer. 
Bleichroth  Traugott,  jeweler. 



•  uTitij  i,j,p„  i.iifjatri'J  in  tlie  maiiufacturiiip:  ot  Lo}r;;in!;  SI. 'iRhs  and  T.umhprmen's  Outfits  for  the  la-st 

.w-nty-nve  year.-,  I  am  fully  up  to  the  times.    Wo  do  nut  (ail  to  five  satisfnction.  nnd  can  furmsll 

rt'ifrenoed  to  that  etTect.    Correspoudence  solicited.    Send  for  price  list  and  circular. 

COLBY.  _  _  _  _  _  WISCONSIN. 

llilOIS  CEJlTlit 

j  DIRECT  ROUTE  nnnTll[nM  in"fi 

il  to  all  POINTS  in  HUlllllLmi   IUr:i 

Gudahy  Brothei'S, (Hams,  Shoulders,  Bacon, 

MlLWALKliE,   WISCONSIN.      \  Pork,    Lard,    Beof,   Sausago,    Etc.,  Etc. 







(Andrew    H   Bootb), 
general  store. 


^^  Booih   A  H    >t 
j^     general  store. 
S>a.   Bredemeyer  Frtiiericl-: 
^3   Brebm  Herman,  boti-1. 
r*"   B>rou  W  T,  railroad  ami  express  agt. 
Q3   Collij'  House,  John  iMar,a:vaf  propr. 
^^^(^o\hy  Lumber  Co,  II  P  Graham  pres  and 
»=-5       mngr. 

Colby  Public  Lilirary  A?En,  .7  F  Sims  pres, 

C  ii  Taylor  .«ec  and  hljiariaa. 
C'omnicrchil    iJoii>iC,     N    J    White 
Propr;  Good  Lively  in  Connection. 
G3   Daily  George  F,  justice. 
^"^   Exfl!aii;;o    l^nsik    (Capital,    $8,000), 
••^-'^       Andrew  Flaig  Pr('pr. 
•  Firnstalil  Frank,  shnemsiker. 

^         Cliii?  .^JKJrtMV,  Propr  Exchange  Bank; 
Q  Insurance,  Loans,   Real  Eatate  and  Fur- 

t\  eign  Passage. 

Harvey  Jame.s  P,  saloon. 
{£  m^  Hecker  Albert,  meat  market. 
Q  J^  Henkle  Philip,  carpenter. 
U.  ^  Hollzliausen  Charles,  blacksmith. 
-  tm  Joeres  Rev  A  J  (Catholic). 
^        July  &   Wolf  (.lohn  July,  Julius   Wolf), 

~;       saloon. 
^  *^  Kaudy  M  &  Son  (.Mathcw  Kaudy),   mnfr.s 
bar  iixtiires,  etc. 
Kaudy  Nicliiilas  L,  altar  builder, 
Kiiebel  Christ,  meat  market. 
it^iioltl  .lli^'ll^l.  Mercliant  Tailor. 
Kueiitz  Adaiij,  hanlwarc. 
Lamont  Ani;us,  saw  mill. 
Margraf  John,  propr  Colby  Ibiuse. 
.Mirrilt  Henry,  Jour  and  feed. 
Neuiuti'  ter  H<'rinan.  harness. 
l'flci>on   XcN    I*,    Wauonmaker  and 
■J       JInfr  Logging  Sleighs.     {Sie  'idi\  p  ^C'J.) 
J"""   Plionograph  The,  Sliafer  Bros  proprs. 
hSsmi   ] 'inter  I'etcr,  blacksmith. 
f~<«"   Potts  Alexander,  general  store. 
(^^   Piplinger  Frank,  turn  and  planing  mill. 
■v^ia   Uotli  Frederick,  b!acj;smith. 
-•*-   Salter  Frank  J,  druLrgift. 
^         Salti;r  Richard  B,  counlv  jiidi'o. 

Salter  R  B  &  Co  (Richard  I?   Salter,  An- 

dn.'W  H  Booth),  lundier  mnfrs. 
Shafer  Rros  (Samuel  J  and  Joel  J),  proprs 

The  I'honograph. 
Sherman  Edwin,  physician. 
.Shdrlell  Richard,  mineral  waters. 
Slielz  George,  barber. 
Swan  Perry,  saw  mill. 
Taylor  Ch.arles  R.  furniture. 
Umhofer  Paul,  lumber  mnfr,  5  miles  e. 
Wailak  Jacob,  bitlers  mnfr. 
AValbridcre  George  J.  hardware. 
While  Bros  &.  Co  (N   J  and  J    L  While), 

luuibrr  mnfrs. 
While  J  Puluam.  saloon. 





Wliilc  XiitlMinifl  J,  Pri,|ir  Comm.-r- 
cial  House:  Good  Livery  in  Connection. 
'^V'iokor  J  ii.  Groceries  and  Cigars. 
Woodbury  Levi,  Ilour  and  feed. 

COLD  SPRING.  In  JelTerson  coun- 
ty, 8  miles  southeast  of  Jeilersou,  -.-^i 
county  seat,  and  .0  southeast  of  Fort  Atkin- 
son, the  nearest  railroad  station  and  bank- 
ing point.  Stages  tri-weekly  to  Fort  At- 
kinson; fare.  2.i  cents.  Population,  lU!>. 
Mail,  tri  weekly.  Harriet  A.  Hammond, 

ilammond  S  B,  iuslice. 
flaiiiiiKMxJ  \V  W,  General  Store. 

COIiEBROOK.  A  postollice  on  Wil- 
low creek,  in  "Waushara  county,  8  miles 
east  of  Wautoma,  the  county  seat,  and  11 
northwest  of  Berlin,  the  nearest  railroad 
station  and  banking  point.  Stages  daily 
to  Berlin  and  W'auloma.  Po[iulation,  75. 
JIail,  daily.     S.  Uearstine,  postmaster. 

Anderson  M,  blacksmith. 

Bendixon  iJenjamin.  carpenter  and  masoti. 

Ooar.sliiic    ^tiiiiiiicl,   Savi'    and    Feci! 

Giinderson  Gunder,  carpent«  r  and  mason. 

COLEMAN.  On  the  M.  .t  .N.  R.  R  . 
in  Marinette  county,  25  miles  southwest  ot 
Marinette,  the  judicial  seal  ami  nearest 
banking  point.  Tel.,  \V.  U.  ?:.ip..  Am. 
Population,  Sr.O.     A.   .M.  Otis,  po.-,tmaster. 

Beaiidry  August,  general  store. 
Billings  F  V,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  airt. 
BoUes'E  E  &  Co,  gen  store  and  saw  mill. 
Brauel  Bros,  saw  and  Lnist  mill. 
Oodet  A.  blaoksinilli 

Olis  A  .^I,  Justice,  Cedar  Ties  and  Po5l=. 
Selboch  Rev  J  A  (Catholic i. 
Trottier  Lucius,  builder. 

COLFAX.  A  postollice  in  Vv.r.v. 
county,  on  the  \V.  C.  Line,  IS 
northeast  of  Menominie,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  Populatu:!. 
850.  Exp.,  X.  P.  J.  D.  Sim.ons,  p"--- 

Corwin  O  P,  physician. 
Grimesnide  J  L,  general  store. 
Hill  &  Kinney,  grain. 
Kinney  (*  G,  f.irm  impts. 
Kinney  &  Fjelsted,  general  store. 
Jlathews  W  W,  jusTice. 
Nelson  Ole.  general  store. 
Uoseul.crg  Peter,  blacksmith. 
Running  Peter,  wagonmaker. 

Ctiicap  (&  fjfaiid  ]mi  Ej, 

The  F?-vorite  Route  l^ast 

VIA   r-JIACARA   FALLS.      _ 






MinoJls  Joliil   J>,    Genera!    Store   and 

Klour  Mill. 
juUJ  Cliris,  meat  market. 

COLGATE.  On  the  "Wisconsin  Cen- 
tral Line,  in  "\Vaul;eslia  county,  lU  miles 
Dorlh  of  "Waukesha,  the  judicial  seat  ami 
i;earesl  banking  point.  Tel  W.  L. 
Esp.,  N.  P.  Population,  100.  A.  13. 
Hens'chel,  postmaster. 

Bancroft  P  D,  watchmaker. 
Duerwarchter  Bros,  saw  mill. 
Uuerwarchter  Christian,  hole!. 
Duerwarchter  Win,  builder. 
Garden  G  A,  railroad  and  express  agent. 
llensoliel  Ausu-t  K,  Grocer. 
Kasper  Clirist,  lilacksmith. 
Mngner  Thomas,  saloon. 

COLLINS.  La  Fayctle  county. 
Xame  chaii'jed  to  South  lia,y;«;. 

COLOMA.  A  villase  in  "Waushara 
county,  18  miles  west  of  AVautnma,  the 
county  seat,  13  south  of  Plainlield,  the 
nearest  banking  point,  find  3J  west  of 
C'oloma  Station,  its  shippins;  point.  Stapes 
daily  to  Coloma  Station.  Popul.ation,  4G. 
Mail,  daily.     J.  F.  Spalding,  postmaster. 

Crowder  C,  carpenter. 

Crowder  Pvev  F  .1  (Congregational). 

Follett  FJias,  general  store. 

Manley  George,  music  teacher. 

Smith  J  AV,  fed  and  saw  mill. 

Smith  T  15,  h'.tfl. 

^•piildiiiU  .B   »■'    Genera!  Store. 

Twist  Genriie,  justice. 

Wilkinson  F  li,  physician. 

COLOMA  STATION.  A  post  vil- 
lai^e  on  the  Wisconsin  Central  Line,  in 
Waushara  county,  18  mdes  west  of  Wau- 
tonia,  the  county  seal,  and  K3  south  C'f 
Plainfield,  llie  neare-t  tiankini;  point. 
Mail,  daily.     Mrs.  F.  Smith,  posimaster. 

Rasselt  Frank,  hotel. 

Hulin  S,  general  store. 

Durgin  lliraiii  vV;  Co.  lumber. 

Iaiiit  U.  I'L-ni-ral  store. 

<iil>l>s  li   U',  Ilarne-s.-maker. 

Inudes  S  B,  carpenter. 

Lowe  Thomas,  shoemaker. 

MeLaUL'liliu  Mrs  Jane,  dressmaker. 

McLaughliu  J  H,  saloon. 

■Mueller  Win,  furniture. 

Uobber  II  "W,  grain  and  produce. 

P>0Rer9  C,  justi'e. 

Koyce  K  C,  blacksmith. 

Schmudlock  C  P,  hardware. 
Sherman  George,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Smith  Bros,  ceneral  store. 
Siilitli  :*Irs  J  A,  General  Store. 

COLUMBUS.      A   flourishing   incor- 
porated city  on  the  C-,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ly,  m 
Columbia   county.  2^   miles  soutaeast    ot 
Portac'c   the  county  seat.aO  from  Madison 
and  i;:!  from  Milwaukee.     Settled  in  lt^4iJ, 
it  now  contains  a  lariie  flouring  mid,  ope- 
rated by  power  obtained  from  Fall  creek, 
carriage  and  wagon  shops,  2  banks.  Bap- 
tist   Presbyterian,  Universahst.  Comrrega- 
lional,  Methodist  Episcopal.  Welsh  Metn- 
odist    Episcopal,  German   Lutheran,   Ger- 
man   Methodist   and    Catholic    churches 
good  schools,  a  public  hall  seating  CoO,  and 
2  weekly  newspapers,  the  JUp'  and 
Bemorrat       Live  stock  and   produce  are 
shipped.     Tel.,  AV.  U.     Exp.,  Am.     Pop- 
ulation, 2,500.     J.  It.  Decker,  postmaster. 
Adams  Micliael  C.  real  estate. 
Allshwager  U  i.'ic  Bro,  meat  market. 
Anderson  Ole,  produce. 
Annis  II.  Vflerinary  surgeon. 
Babcock  Cyrus  M,  piiysiciau. 
Bauchle  P,  cigar  mnfr. 
Berdoll  Louis,  saloon. 
Binubam  Bros,  creamery. 
Bi«s"elt  Nelson  C,  tailor. 
Bissell  Mrs  X  C,  milliner. 
Bolilmai\  .V,  propr  Kaniinm  House. 
BoIU-  H  tV:  ««oii,  Books  and  Stationery. 
Bradley  Wni,  stuck  breeder. 
Brauchle  Peter,  saloon. 
Bresee  Mrs  AV  G.  dressmaker. 
Breuning  Gustavus,  boots  and  shoes. 
Briese  Carl  A,  wagonmaUer. 
Briesen  E  V,  lawyer. 
Butler  Wm,  contractor. 
Churchill  &  Maxwell,  dentists. 
Churchill  &  Sexton,  grain. 
Coles  Win  G.  lawyer. 
Cobinihus  Mill  Co,  Hour  mill. 
Copman  A  D,  railroad  agent. 
Cook  Amusa  G,  lawyer. 
Davies  David  C.  physician. 
Davits  Lutlicr.  umeral  store 
I    l>Ofkfi-.I  IS,  Propr  Uepublican. 
Democrat,  Parkinson  &  Eaton  proprs. 
Dering  ^Irs  S  .1.  milliner, 
Devsenrotb  A  Yauman,  furniture. 
Dodt'e  Gilbert  T,  dry  goods. 
EarU  Miss  llattie,  arti-t. 
Earll  Robert  W.  physician. 
Eicbberg  "Wm  .M,  shoemaker. 
Erb  John,  jeweler. 
Erhart  .John  A,  harnessmaker. 

'OSt'S  Fai  r,  Carrirgesilads/BTs'sesaMSklS^ 

Ii  hS! 



Cli  bi 

Carry  a  full  line  of  Fresh  KEY  WtST 
h  (Clear  Havana,)  CIGARS.    Milwaukee. 





Evans  S  W  A  Son,  live  block. 
Everson  C  \V  ic  Co,  meat  market. 
Farmers'  Home,  C  K  Minnick  prnpr. 
Fanner!.'  and  ;*2erf5i!»iU<<'  I'liion 

Bank  (Capital,  sIO.OlOi,  J  E  Wheeler 
Pres,  R  S  Kockwell  Casb. 

Farnham,  Allen  <k  Co,  lumber. 

First  National  Eank  (capital,  C-50,000),  S 
W  Chadbouru  pres,  J  R  Qoff  cash. 

Foley  J  II,  livery. 

Fuller  Bros,  general  store. 

Fuller  Mrs  D  S,  music  teacher. 

Gehrke  Otto  IJ,  barber. 

Goodspeed  &  Birdsey,  srorers. 

Griffith  Miss  A  E.  millmcr. 

Griswold  Eugene,  general  store. 

Hachett  Charles,  carpenter. 

Hall  Hugh,  pumps. 

Hannemann  A  J,  carpfnter. 

Hannemanti  Wm,  blacksmith. 

Harding  Wm,  painter. 

Hein  Albert  L,  blacksmith. 

Hewins  S  E  it  Son,  hotel. 

llowartl  J(aii!C>i .!,  Fliysician. 

Ingalsbe  Anton  W,  live  stock. 

Jackson  J  A-  Co,  wagonmakera. 

Jones  liev  J  It  (.Methodist). 

Kanipen  House,  A  Bohlman  propr. 

Katterhorn  Miss  Eliza,  dressmaker. 

Kelly  Mrs.Iulia  P,  pliysician. 

Kelsey  David  I),  Ijlacksmith. 

Koblitz  C,  city  mar.-hal. 

Koch  Rev  0  H  (Lutheran), 

Krause  August,  cigar  mnfr. 

Krueger  Frederick,  baker. 

Lavery  Jliss  Biidget,  dressmaker. 

Lefflngwell  John  \V.  st.jck  Ijreeder. 

Limper  Rev  \,  0  (^fclhodist). 

Linrk  C,  boots  and  shoes. 

Liliick  <if<>rt,'0.  General  Store. 

Litz  Miss  .Sarah,  dressmaker. 

Long  H  T,  liunber. 

Loomis  Harvi'y,  shoes  and  grocer. 

Loomis  Milford,  contractor. 

Lowlh  Edwin,  justice. 

Lueders  &  Krause,  produce. 

WcCouncll  Jiimes,  tailor. 

Manning  J  S,  Hour  and  feed. 

Jlanning  Samuel,  farm  irapts. 

Maxwell  .John   S,  lawyer. 

Meyers  AVm,  conper. 

Minnick  C  R,  [iropr  Farmers'  Home. 

Mohring  Jlichael.  tailor. 

Moll  Christian,  restaurant. 

Xcwloii  Me<!iiiaii  S,  JIuslcal  Instru- 

Parkinson.  A-  Eaton,  proprs  Democrat. 

Pieper  Carl  F,  black.^milli. 

Piutzner  Louis,  watronmaker. 

Prien  Charles  F,  S'wing  machines. 

Prien  John,  general  store. 

Ranger  AV,  bill  poster. 

Reese  Aaron  J,  photographer. 

Hi'juiblicaii,  John  R  Decker  Propr. 

Riste  Robert  T,  dentist. 

Roacbe  Rev  Henry  J  (Catholic). 

Roberts  &  Thiede,  blacksmiths. 

Rowell  Harvey,  model  maker. 

Royce  Bros,  stock  breeders. 

RudlolT  Gottfried  A,  barber. 

Sawyer  Lewis  J,  hardware. 

Schendel  Reinhard,  milliner. 

Sherman  Bert,  saloon. 

Smith  Jacob,  tailor. 

fsicphcijs  Oe<»rs.TC  W,  Lawyer. 

Stevens  George  C,  hardware. 

Sutton  John  .J,  lawyer. 

Swarthout  &  Ciuickenden,  druggists. 

Thomas  Charles,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Thompson  Warren  A,  farm  impts. 

Topp  John,  mayor. 

Topp  John  &  Bro,  general  store. 

Turner,  Blumenthal  &  Miller,  marble  wks. 

Vanakan  Richard  D,  contractor. 

Vogl  Franz,  saloon. 

Von  Briesen  Ernst,  lawver, 

AVahio  Albert  S,  clothing. 

Wilier  O,  saloon. 

"Williams  J(jhn,  druririst. 

WilliaitiM  <>  6S,  Faruiture. 

AVilske  Frank,  produce. 

Winter  Anton  J,  harness  and  trunks. 

Winter  Mrs  .Matthias,  hotel. 

Wiight  Jj  A,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Woolnertou  Rev  I  V  (.Methodist). 

Zick  Louis  F,  blacksmith. 

COMMONWEALTH.      A     stirring 
town  on  tlie  C  &  N.  W.  Ry,  in  Florence 
county,  1  mile  south  of  Fh.rence,  the  coun- 
ty seat,  and  12  from  Iron  Mountain.  .Mich., 
the   nearest  banking  jioiut.      I'ljpulation, 
.WO.      Tel.,   W.    U.'    E.xp.,    Am.       J.  H. 
Kenncy,  iiostmaster. 
Anderson  John,  saloon. 
like  George,  saloon. 
Carr  W  F,  justice. 
Champagne  Joseph,  saloon. 
Commonwealth  Iron  Co,  O  C   Davidson 

8upt,  miners. 
Hind  L  H,  builder. 
Iloltcns  A:.  Conner,  contractors. 
Kciiiicy  .1   II,  Railroad,   Express  and 

Telegraph  Agent. 
Knight  R  C,  machinist. 
Lundwell  Andrew,  carpenter. 
McCraw  Prosper,  cigars.                        '  ' 
JIcKenna  Patrick,  saloon. 
Noall  Wm,  general  store. 
Odcll  R  W,  physician. 

North  Star  Ironworks.  )  •.nn  li.ind«-KuL-in..Ers.  Jla.Mni.ts.  Knnnders.  l!oileriMul>ers. 
I  Alilsll  3I.I.M  Kiel  1  lilM.  (O.  [-  .llill"lii.-lit~,  .Mill  JliU'lliiiiT) ,  Miuliie:  .Mn.lihuT) ,  CorlK.s  auJ  lli--l' 
Astiland,    -     -    Wisconsin.  )  Sj.eeJ  iDsines,  EoilerN,  I'oiierlrananilttiug  .Machlner),  etc.   Soi- p.  ti 

&~Ti  1 1  p  ff  E  Q  M     R  .'^  T  !=a  f^       an.l  Turkish  Baths  nlone,  are  tlin  only  that  can 
liJ     BD.i  MIATlti..    Sufferers  fro?ii  llit-jL- alllictions -houiil  ll'.l   liiL  iiAlUS  AT  J  A.NL.'iX  ILl.K,  >V1S. 




rarmcnter  A  M,  sLerlir. 
IVthliuan  Victor,  bUicksmith. 
liriiiicLand  A,  saloon. 
Trip;inier  George,  saloon. 
White  F,  blacksmith. 
Wolz  Samuel,  mason. 

COMSTOCK.  On  the  C,  St.  P.,  M. 
iC  O.IJy,  in  liarron  county,  12  miles  uoith- 
ViC^t  of  Barron,  the  county  seat.  Bank  at 
Cunibcrland,  G  mile':  distant.  Population, 
lno.  Mail,  daily.  .^Irs,  Christina  Daggett, 

CiiUvell  E  M,  carpenter. 
C'aihvell  James,  carpenter, 
llo'.ve  Andrew,  shoemaker. 
Jftckson  Thomas,  live  stock. 
Jnrgcnson  Andrew,  carpenter. 
Ulson  C  J,  live  stock. 
Stahl  Frank,  cooper. 
^llp^CJ•  JoHcpIi  r.  Grocer. 

CONCORD.  A  postofflce  in  Jefferson 
county,  1,1  miles  norlheasl  of  Jefferson,  the 
county  seat,  and  -Ij  north  of  Sullivan,  the 
nt-arest  station.  Oconoraowoo  la 
'.lie  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
I'-K).    JIail,  tri-weekly. 

Concord  Dairy  Association. 
I'upke  Charles  F,  ceneral  store. 
Forticrook  Henry, 'Macksniith. 
S'nier  L,  wagonmaker. 
>tol|  p_  blacksmith. 
S^iko  Charles,  blacksmith. 
}\  iggington  n  ii,  farm  impts. 
/istrow  E"\V,  saloon. 

CONNERSVILLE.  A  postofflce  on 
i'».vrivcr,  iuDuuu  cuunly,  23  miles  north- 
^"'e-t  of  Menomonie,  the  countv  seat  and 
■'^m  location,  and  8  north  of  P.oyceville, 
'rie  nearest  railroad  station.  Stages  lo 
Menomonie  and  Prairie  Farm;  faies,  .si 
nml  .,ij  cents  respectively.  Population ,,ni). 
■  'an.  weekly.  F.  L.  Koberts,  postmaster. 
'',■' '^  L,&  Bro,  saw  mill. 
•t<»l>cr|s  r  J.,  General  Store,  Saw  Mill 

«nd  lihicksmith. 

COOK'S  VALLEY.     A  poslofflce  in 

v...|,p,.\va  county,  IS  miles   northwest   of 

I'llTewa   Falls,    the  county  seat,   and  7 

''■■Uiwest  of  Bloomer,  the  nearest  railroad 

..i.ion  and   banking  point.     Stages  semi- 

\'i-.y  to  Chippewa  Falls;  fare,  si.     Pop. 

\. ',■,.'.'';  ^•^"^-     -^lail,  semi-weekly'.     H     E. 

"  '^  "iiy,  postmas'er. 

lUi-.nn  p^.,|-.r_  general  store. 

COOKSVILLE.  A  village  on  Bad 
Fish  river,  in  Uock  county,  20  miles  north- 
west of  Janesvillle.  the  couuty  seat,  and  7 
northeast  of  Evausvillu,  on  the  C.  &.  \\'. 
Ry,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and  bank- 
ing point.  Stages  daily  to  Evansville  and 
Edgerton;  fare,  4  cents  per  mile.  Popula- 
tion, 150,  Mail,  daily.  C.  H.  ^Voodbury, 

Graves  Wm  G,  blacksmith. 
Leedle  W  II  ;.t  Lloyd,  (lour  mill. 
Morgan  Thomas,  carpenter. 
Porter  W  jM,  justice. 
Preston  &  Searles,  broom  mnfrs. 
Robertson  John  O,  general  store. 
Vanvleck  J  P,  corn  planter  mnfr, 
^\'oodl)ury     Churlos      li.     General 

AVoodbury  Mabel  C,  music  te.acher. 

COOLIDGE.  A  postoffice  on  the  N. 
P.  II.  R  ,  in  Price  county,  '.)  miles  north  of 
Phillips,  the  county  seat,  and  5  south  of 
Filield,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Pop- 
ulation, 22.'..  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp..NP; 
V.  P.  Alwell,  po.stmasler. 

Boyiii;;loii  &.  At  well,  Saw  and  Plan- 
ing .Mill. 
Felch  J  P.  saloon. 
Harding  II  T  &  Co,  jewcler.s. 
Seigler  P  F,  railroad,  cxp  ami  tcl  agt. 

_  COON  VALLEY.  A  village  on  Coon 
river,  in  Vernon  county,  !'>  miles  north- 
west of  Viroqua,  the  county  seat,  and  9 
northwest  of  Westby,  tlie  nearest  railroad 
station.  Stages  daily  to  Viroqua  and  La 
Cro.s3e.  Population,  CO.  Mail,  daily. 
S.  P.  Lier,  postmaster. 

Enscbrelson  John,  tailor. 
Jensen  Kev  E  (Lutheran). 
1/ier  Ole.   iuslice. 
B.icr  iV  llile.  General  Store. 
Marlhiiison  Nicholson,  shoemaker. 
Xeprud  N  II  &  Co,  Hour  and  saw  mill. 
Paulson  Fred,  general  store. 
Stumke  John,  blacksmith. 

COOP.ERSTOWN.  A  postoffice  on 
Xi'sliota  river,  in  Manitowoc  county,  18 
miles  northwest  of  .Manitowoc,  the  count}- 
si-at,  nearest  rallroail  station  and  hanking 
P'lint.  Stages  tri-weekly  to  Green  Bay  and 
Two  Rivers;  fare  §1  to  either  place.  Pop- 
ulation, 2:)0.  Mail,  tri-weeekly. 
Alice  Moses,  hotel. 

AroiK  ,\ll»or«.  General  Store  and  Hotel. 
Barleliue  John,  meat  market. 

Chicago,  ilwaoke  £  St,  M  ev.rr;  Best  and  lloitliaesl 

mm:m:i  mm\m  bliiid  go.,  , ,  ^^^vxr^Acx^u.^s  o^ 

OfficeiFactor,,.^SlLakcSt.,:iIUVAlKU:,V,:s.     LBldSl     InlprOYSlI    iienBi!:!!!    BIIULIS. 




Geimer  John,  cbetse  mnfr, 

Golfredsou  Bros,  farm  impts. 

Ileise  II  F,  mnfr. 

Kolocljtski  TLiiirap.5,  hotel. 

Metz  Martin,  l'':ick  =  mi;h. 

Orrtins  C!aii'<,  Grocer 

Pilgur  Adolph,  blacksmith. 

Scballeru  B,  phy.ciciau. 

Seklegemilch  E,  Hour  mill. 

Shimeck  J,  shosiuaker. 

Stoinhrccker  f-'Siarlcs,  Saw  Jlill. 

Wanish  Frauk,  geu  store,  saloon  and  impts 

Zcdiea  Fred,  hotel. 

COEBETT.    Chippewa  county.  Ka„ie 
clianred  to  M'arnci'. 

CORNING.  A  pobt(,ffice  in  Lincoln 
county,  12  milt.^  southwjsl  of  Merrill,  the 
county  beat,  nearest  railroad  stalitm  and 
banking  point.  Population.  50  JIail, 
weeklj'.     Carl  Klebeuow,  postmaster. 

CORTLAND.  A  country  pottoffice 
in  Tri-rnpealfau  county,  2.5  miles  from 
■Whilcball,  the  judicial  seat,  and  0  from 
Arcadia,  the  nearest  banking  and  sliip- 
ping  point.  A.  W .  llensel,  postmaster 
and  farmer. 

COTTAGE  GROVE.  On  tlio  C.  & 
N.  \V.  I{y,  in  Dane  county,  12  miles  cast 
of  Madison,  the  county  seat  and  7  from 
Deertiild,  the  nearest  banking  imim.  Pop- 
ulation, 120.  Tel,  W.  U."  i:xp.,  Am. 
Julius  F.  iSeefe,  jioslmaster. 

Ariiislr4>ii;;r  iV  <'<>,  Grain. 
Brown  l!er(,  p.iulir^-. 
Gaston  V  C,  live  stnck. 
*  Gibbons  II  li,  lunihur  and  farm  imnt.i 
Hacker  T  L,  cattle  breeder. 
Kanouse  \\  li,  general  store. 
I.eiiiUiurg  J  J,  cuienier. 
Necfe  Frank,  justice.  , 

.Voclc    .liiliiis    i.'.    General    Stoic  and 

Cheese  -Mnfr. 
North  J,  live  st(  ck. 
Xorth  ^iiss  Venice,  dressmaker. 
Olnian  O  S,  general  store. 
Peterson  (Jsborn,  blacksmith. 
Hatmau  Martin,  laundry. 
Reynolds  D  W,  hotel  and  farm  impts. 
Travis  A  L,  physician. 
L'lilioff  Kmma,  tele'^rraph  atrcnt. 
Uplioff  W'm,  railroad  and  e.\p  agent, 
"Waif  Jolin,  live  stueii. 

COX.  On  Yellow  river,  la  Chippewa 
county,  31  miles  norlhea.-t   of    Chipjiewa 

Falls,  the  county  seat  and  usual  banklnj 
point,  and  16  from  Boyd,  the  nearest  ship- 
ping point.  Slatres  to  Bovil  ;  fare,  .^l. 
Population,  100.  'Mail,  weekly.  G,  \V. 
Wilcox,  postmaster. 

Aasetli  L  11,  blacksmith. 
Rii<i!sell  J  J,  Justice. 

CRAFT.  On  the  Wisconsin  Central 
Line  in  Chippewa  county,  7i  miles  from 
Chippewa  Falls,  the  county  stat  and  near- 
est banking  point.  K\-p,,  Am.  ilail. 
daily.  Population,  50.  E.  B.  Craft,  post- 

CRANDON.  The  judicial  seat  of 
Forest  county,  is  located  on  Lake  .Malon- 
ga,  17i  miles  northeast  of  Pelican  Lake,  7 
from  AVall  and  C-  from  Crandon  lioad,  on 
the  M.,  St.  P.  vt  .S.  Ste.  M.  Ry,  Bank  at 
Antigo.  Settled  in  L'^Sl,  it  now  contains 
a  church,  a  graded  school,  a  saw  mill,  c. 
court  house  and  2  weekly  newspapers, 
FortM  Lc'ivcs  and  the  /■'■trixi  Jicpiifjli'ir. 
Stages  semi  weekly  to  Pelican  Lake;  fare, 
ijl,  .and  daily  to  Crandon  ;  fare,  jO 
cents.  Population,  2j0.  Mail,  dady.  M. 
S.  Barker,  postmaster. 

Bailey  G  H,  pronr  Park  House. 

BarUfi-  .TS  S  tV  Co,  General  Store. 

Booth  B  S,  blacksmith. 

Burgess  \Vm  R,  cnunty  surveyor. 

Champion  Ideu  G,  insurance. 

(>ook  Frank,  justice. 

DeLoug  (.;iosson  C,  coiuily  clerl;. 

Forest  Leaves,  Wm  J  Xew  projir. 

Forest  Republican.  Samuel  Shaw  propr. 

July  Rev  Father  (Catholic). 

Laugesen  ICrik  P,  blacksmith. 

Marquardt  >t  Laugesen,  general  store. 

^lasbaum  John,  hotel  and  drugs. 

Masbaum  J  M,  county  ju(i!;e. 

^Lat;'.fcl(it  Louis,  county  Iri-nsurer. 

Xew  Wm  .r,  propr  Forest  Leaves. 

I'arli  Skoiisc,  G  H  Bailey  Propr. 

Kiggs  C  ]'"'  II.  justice. 

Roljcrls  Steiihen  B.  saw  mill. 

Shaw  Samuel,  propr  Forest  Republican. 

Shay  P,  register  of  deeds. 

^Vebb  R  S,  clerk  circuit  court. 

"Webb  ^Viili3  E,  drayman, 

Wilson  Rev  James  S  (Presbyterian'). 

Woodbury  Edwin  O.  sheiiil. 

Wyman  Egbert,  law  and  absttncts. 

CREAM.  In  Buft'alo  county,  9  milts 
from  Alma,  the  judicial  scat,  bankini:  at)  1 
shipjiing  point,  ilail,  tri-weekly.  F.  -Nick- 
el, jiostmaster. 

Chicago  &  Giad  Tfyni;  Ej,  "^"^f.^.l^r^riL 


YOCNG    and    :inDIJI.K-AOT;D    ^lEN 
aiKl   «"0:illf:\'    Tlioroiiulily    «'re 
for  BtSSNJiSS    l'll£>M'rs  at 

.ufr^oS  H'SiiHivan's  Commercial  ^.cadeniy, 





Haigh  D,  apiarist. 

Jabii  Chris,  juslice. 

Kemp  "\V  E,  farmer. 

K'lenrig  Julius,  slineniaUer. 

Lliieolii  Co-«>|»cr«l!ve  Creamery, 

F  Nicliel  Sec  and  Mogr. 
M;iier  "W,  butter  ivinfr. 
Slirncder  H,  carpeuter. 
Sliullz  J  F,  meat  market. 
Zrozow  A,  town  clerk  and  justice. 

CRETE.  A  postoQlce  on  the  ^yiscon- 
sin  Central  ;Line,  at  the  crot.sing  of  tht 
M.,  L.  S.  &  W.  Ry,  in  Winuebat;o  county, 
IC  miles  of  0-hkosh,  the  county 
seat,  and  9  norlhwest  of  Neenuh,  tlu;  near- 
e^-t  banking  point.  Poimlation,  10.  fixp., 
U.  S.  Ttl.,  W.  U.  II.  II.  Hanson,  post- 

Gurdes  ,T  B,  railroad,  cxp  and  tel  agent. 
IIIllM^Ull  Ci  >J,  G.-neral  Store. 

CRIVITZ.  The  railroad  name  for 
which  is  Elli.s  .Junction,  is  in  IMarinette 
county,  on  the  :\I.  &  >f.  K.  U.,  2'i  miles 
northwest  of  Marinette,  the  seat  of  justice 
and  bank  location.  lVi[iulation,  ilOl).  E.xp., 
Am.  Tel.,  \V.  U.  W.  T.  Uogers,  post- 

.\lcotl  A,  telegraph  atrent. 
iJartels  F  J,  notary  public, 
lieisker  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Butler-Mueller  Co,  general  store,  saw  and 

planing  mill, 
nrexicr  jo.cppb,  blacksmith. 
Dunn  Robert,  aotel. 
llawtrey  K.  railroad  and  e.xp  agent. 
Holland  Tiraolhy,  liotcl. 
Mclver  John,  hut;'!. 
UoKcrs  W  T,  District  Clerk. 
t^chllck  George,  hotel. 
?chliemann  Charhitte,  general  store. 
tk'hliemann  F  J,  physiciau. 

^\  iscnnsiu  river,  in  I'ortage  county,  IJ 
miles  northwest  of  Stevens'  Point,  tlie 
Judicial  seat,  and  Tj  soiilheast  of  Knowltoii, 
0"  tlie  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Hv.  Banking 
facilities  at  Stevens'  P.dnt,  or  at  Musinee. 
lOj  miles  distant.  Mail,  weekly.  P(.pu- 
lalloD,  1,50.    S.  G.  il.  Crocker,  postmaster. 

Crocker  Daniel  I  &  Bro,  general  store. 
♦  'roclivr  St;   J|,  Grocer,    Blacksmith 

and   \Viig,)umaker. 
Crocker  Vet,  dentist. 
Manan  J  L.  g,,.C(:r. 
n/dlhce  .V  Ht..adford,  saw  mill. 
^M'lieFM,  justice. 

CRONK.  In  Brown  county,  11  miles 
south  of  Green  Bay,  the  judicial  seat,  and 
7  from  De  Pere.  Mail,  b}-  special  supply. 
C.  A.  Morrison,  postmaster  ami  farmer" 

CROSS.  Buffalo  county.  Xame  chaugeil 
to  Bohri. 

CROSS  PLAINS,     On  the  P.  du  C. 

div.  C,  il.  A;  St.  P.  Ky,  ia  Dane  county, 
15  miles  \\esl  of  Madison,  the  county  seat. 
The  villages  of  Foxville,  Christiini  and 
Cross  Plains  are  within  a  shoit  distance 
of  each  other,  Chrisliua  being  the  business 
centre  and  Cross  Plains  llie  postoliice. 
Population,  500.  Tel.,  \V.  U.  Kxp.,  Ad- 
ams.    F.  X.  Fredrick,  postmaster. 

Baer  Julia,  general  store. 
Brendler  Charles  A,  blacksmith. 
Ifi'CiKilcr    Kloiisc,   Michael    Brendler 

Broph}'  Juhu,  justice, 
demons   &   Hall,    Henry  C   Repp  mugr, 

Conner  John  D,  railroad,  exp  and  tcl  agt. 
Dahmen  Herman  J,  gen  ttore  and  saloon. 
Ehrman  Joseph,  meat  market. 
Esser  .Jacob,  brewer. 
Faust's  Brass  Band,  J  F  Faust  leader. 
Faust  Joseph,  carpenter  and  furniture. 
J->o<l!-ioli  r_\,  Haruess.Trunks, Sewing 

JIachines  and  Pumps. 
Frederick  U  ]!,  printer. 
Hartman  Rev  Joseph  (Catholic). 
Hering  Gustav  it  Son,  flour  mill. 
Jacobs  Herman,  mason. 
Kerl  Edward,  blacksmith. 
Koch  Philip,  blacksmith. 
Koein  Jnhn,  blacksmith. 
Jjapph-v  Bros,  musical  instruments. 
.Marx  \Vm  it  Joseph,  blacksmiths. 
Mi-yiT  Carl,  shoemaker  and  barber. 
Prien  I[  &  Co,  geneial  store. 
Rolfs  Henry,  Hour  mUl. 
Ri>=i'bHeh  Mrs  Gertrude,  druL'L'ist. 
Seaman  fjouis.  lumber  and  live  stock. 
SIriekfj-  .'f3iciia«'l,  General  Store. 
Trager  KMbert  (J,  S'lluou. 
TJehfrsezlch  Christian,   undertaker. 
UclHrs(  zich  Engelliert,  saloon. 
Uebersi  zjch  Mrs  Mar)',   milliner. 
Valentine  John,  shoemaker  and  grocer. 
Virnig  A  A;  Son.  saloon  and  harness. 
"Wigant  B. 
Wolbert  Geurge,  junk. 
Zehnpfenig  John,  justice  and  shoemaker. 

CRYSTAL  LAKE.     A  postoliice  in 
Waupaca   county,    s   miles  siaithwest    of 

lUIIIOiS  C[l!TEAl  P„  I  fo" 

all  POINTS  in  isl 

mm  mk 

iLLiiiois  mm  I  ?i 

I  to  all  POINTS  in  h 


!-  Mr: 






Waupaca,  the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad 
station  and  bmkinc;  point.  Stages  dail\- 
to  "Waupaca  and  Saxeville;  fare,  .jO  cents 
to  either  place,  Population,  2.j.  !Mail, 
daily.     Sumner  Packard,  postmaster. 

Eaton  W  S,  justice. 

CRYSTAL  RIVER.  A  villase  in 
Waupaca  county,  :)  miles  so\itU  of  Wau- 
paca, tlie  seal  of  justice,  to  whicli  point 
mail  shonld  be  sent. 

CUBA  CITY.  A  village  on  the  C.  & 
N.  W.  Ky,  in  Grant  county,  2^  miles 
southeast  of  Lancaster,  tlie  county  seat, 
and  11  south  of  Plattpville,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  400.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  J.  n.  C'ottinsham, 

Andrew  A  B,  Ijarber. 

Berryman  Henry,  lumber. 

Brewer  &, Jeffrey,  hotel. 

Brown  Mrs  George,  boarding  house. 

Conlon  James,  justice. 

Conlon  M,  plasterer. 

Conlon  Philip,  piiinter. 

CoHiDuJiain    ilrox.     General     Store, 

Jlilliuery  and  News  Agents. 
Cuba  City  Band. 
Eustice  Bros,  general  store. 
Fiedler  Bros,  snloon. 
Fusch  II,  builder. 
Grinim  Philip,  shoemaker, 
llarker  Frank,  harne^smaker. 
llarkcr  .lohn,  meat  k. ^rket. 
HawleyA:  Co,  grain  elevator. 
Hendricks  &  Harris,  general  store. 
Iloskius  Wni,  luniber'aud  lime. 
Jeffrey  Bros  &  Blight,  general  store. 
Keiiier  Christ,  carpet  weaver. 
Kivlalmn  Bros,  saloon. 
Kivlahan  T,  feed  mill. 
Knobe  H,  hotel. 
Bemeaux  :Miss,  dressmaker. 
IjUvc  J  O,  Physician. 
McFarlane  Bros,  druggists. 
JIankev  \V  H,  jewelrr 
Jlitchell  Thomas,  blicksmith. 
Jlitchell  Wm,  wheelwright. 
Nash  &  Co.  livery. 
Palmer  &  McBride,  hardware. 
Peacock  Miss  11,  music  teacher. 
Beifsteck  &,  Han  is,  live  stock. 
Richards  J  F,  plasterer. 
Schmidt  J  A,  cooper. 
Smith  W  T,  saloon 
Stephens  Johu,   justice,  railroad  and  cxp 


Slej»lioii§  Samuel,  Printer  and  Tele- 
graph Agent, 
Wagner  Jacob,  saloon. 
Walsh  John,  builder. 
Walsh  &  Kenney,  furniture. 
Wilson  li  A  i&  Co,  general  store  and  grain. 

CUMBERLAND.  On  Beaver  Dam 
lake  and  on  the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  &0.  I!v, 
iu  Barron  county,  18  miles  northwest  of 
Barron,  the  county  seat.  It  v.-as  tirst  settled 
in  1870,  and  now  contains  6  cliurches,  a 
graded  public  school  employing  .")  teachere. 
2  public  hails  capable  of  "seating  500  and 
400  each,  si  public  library,  a  ban!:,  l!  steam 
saw  mills,  a  grist  mill,  a  shingle  mill,  and 
a  number  of  well  stocked  special  and  gen- 
eral stores,  etc.  A  live  weekly  newspaper, 
the  Adroca;,:,  is  pidilished.  Exp.,  Am. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Population,  1,000.  Thomas 
M.  Purtell,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Frank-,  meat  market. 

Kalioook  Isaac  «,  Physician. 

Bank  of  Cumljerlnnd  (capital, .■?2..'i00).  John 
F  Miller  jires,  Charles  F  Kaik  cash. 

Baxter  John  E,  carpenter. 

Beaver  Dam  Lumber  Co,  Cb.auncey  W 
Griggs  prts,  Aildison  0  Foster  treas. 

Becker  Adam,  confectioner. 

Bennett  Charles  E,  lumber. 

Beiitson  &  Johnson  (.Martin  Bentson,  Rob- 
ert Johnson),  saloon. 

Bigelow  Frank  P,  jeweler  and  books. 

Bonett  C  E,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Broellle  Jacob  I,  eeneral  store. 

Cole  Jlr.s  I)  II,  milliner. 

Commercial  Hotel.  Mrs  SE  Thomas  proj.r. 

Comstock  Henry  S,  county  judge  and  law- 

Constance  George  I,  grocer. 

Corbett  John,  blacl;=milh. 

Cumberland  Advocate,  F  F  Mor_'an  cdtr. 

Cumberland  Band.  Thomas  I.),irli\'  lender. 

Cumberl.and  Milling  Co,  ()  A  Bit'an  ores. 
Frank  Algo  sec  and  mngr. 

Darby  Thomas,  shoemkr  and  leader  baud. 

Decker  .Tohu  J.  grocer. 

Donatellf  Wm,  grocer. 

Doolittle  Henry  C,  meats  and  justice. 

Foote  Charles  E,  dentist. 

Foote  JIra  .May,  music  teacher. 

Frissell  George,  billiards. 

Fuller  James  II,  barber. 

Fuller  John  F,  general  store  and  drucs. 

Fuller  Wm  N,  lawyer. 

Goodman  it  Corcoran  (.Tohn  Gooilman, 
James  Corcoran i.proprs  Sherman  House. 

Hall  Wm  A,  clolliuig  and  shoos. 

Helms  Henry,  millwright. 

Rjr\/r!nq  riPf]  Q^fpth?^   catalogues  SISLSUS  AT^DKAS, 
yil^j  UiuO  Uiid  X^uiUhis^t       Free.      j  -.w. , rater  succmilw.viW. 


The  Green  Bay  Business  Cciioge  ir^o^v'"'' ^x 

D.-Iuirtmcllt.     ANM  AL    f  AT  V  I,0<;  IE    rfttCE 

txcellent  lacilities  and  TliorouKhnMs 

yr.itr  ■ri:A(  ttrus  in  Kvory 

Iddress   GnEEN    BAA',  AVIS. 




llevland  Cliarles  ^Y,  baker. 

nines  Jlary  C,  confectioner. 

Ilopkius  Win  B,  physician. 

Hold  Cumberland,  .J  H  Kabler  propr. 

Hufibes  ]\Iatbe\v,  carpenter. 

Hunter  Wm  L,  saw  mill. 

HynJman  JIabel,  mus'c  teacher. 

Irwin  George  U,  stoclv  breeder. 

Jacobson  Peter  D,  furniture. 

Jobnson  Peter  A,  photocrapher. 

.lun^blut  Hev  C  L  (Catbolic). 

Kabler  John  H,  propr  Hotel  Cumberland. 

Kalk  Charles  F,  cash  Bank  of  Cumberland 
and  insurance. 

Kellerman  August  II,  hardware. 

Kerby  Lafayette,  carpenter. 

Keyes  David  II,  general  store. 

Lonqiiist  Joliu,  drufrgist. 

I.nff  George  L,  railroad  agent. 

.McDowell  A  L,  painter. 

.Merchants'  Hotel,  Tewksbury  &  Page 

Morgan  Fred  F,  editor  Cumberland  Advo- 

^torris  George,  blacksmith. 

-"^Iiirphy  Hev  T  F  (Congregational). 

O'Brien  Kale,  milliner. 

I'eabody  Hev  A  B  (Episcopal). 

IVase  VValter  C,  phyirician. 

Peck  Sidney  H,  mason. 

Pnitell  Thomas  II,  postmaster. 

Kilnn  0  A  &  Co  (Oic  A  Hitan,  Samuel  W 
Hines),  general  store  and  saw  mill. 

I'.oberta  Wm,  saloon  and  livery. 

"'•rhultz  Clara  .J,  drcsniaker. 

Srhultz  Henry,  saloon. 

N-hultz  Wni,  justice  of  peace. 

Sherman  House,  Goodman  &  Corcoran 

"^hipherd  Henry  P,  tinsmith. 

Shlpherd  H  Z,  justice, 

^lone  Ivcr  E,  merchant  tailor. 

^^one  liev  John  (. Methodise. 

1  ewksbury  A-,  I'age  (Samuel  J  Tewksbury, 
Christopher    Page),   proprs    Merchants' 

'Hi'imas  Mrs  S  K, propr  Commercial  Hotel. 
'^_alsli  Thomas,  city  marshal. 
\\  Hletman  Ficd  D,  livery. 
-\iN(.y  HcvL  A  (Methodist). 
>\oltr  August,  harnessmaker. 
\\  oodeock  Mrs  G  L,  grocer. 

_  CURRAN.     Jackson  county. 
'»ised  t:  .iich'.eriille. 


CURRAN.  A  postofflce  in  Kewaunee 
r.'unty.  H]  inji^g  goulhwest  of  K.'waiinee, 
•  ■'■judicial  seat,  and  18  southeast  of  Green 
"*y.     .Miiil.  tri-weekly. 

CURRY.    A  recently  established  post- 
offlce in  Ashland  county. 

CURTISS.  A  post  village  on  the  Wis- 
consin Central  Line,  in  Clark  county,  41) 
miles  northeast  of  Xeillsville,  the  county 
seat  and  S*  from  DnrciiP'^ter,  the  usual 
banking  point.  Population.  'JdO.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  X.  P.  A.  X.  Virch,  post- 

ArensoD  Amund,  hotel. 
Bass  A  D,  general  store  and  saw  mill. 
Dorlhljerg  John,  carpenter. 
Hanson  J  'SI,  caijienter. 
Kademan  Richard,  mason. 
Lang  Herman,  mason. 
Maxam  L  L,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agent. 
Mechlett  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Olson  Andrew,  sahinn. 
Viroli    .4,   X,    General    Store,    Hay  and 

GUSHING.  A  postotlice  in  Polk 
county,  20  miles  north  of  C'sceoia  Mills, 
the  county  seat,  and  11  from  .St.  Croix 
Falls,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
banking  point.  !Mail,  daily.  £.  A.  Smith, 
postmaster  and  farmer. 

CUSTER.  On  the  Whsconsin  Central 
Line,  in  Portage  county,  8  milts  east  of 
Stevens'  Point,  the  county  stat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  Popul'ition,  00.  Tel., 
W.  U.     11.  W.  Manslield,  postmaster. 

Klinski  Frank,  proilucc. 
Kluck  Joseph,  hve  stock. 
Kokovitch  Stephen,  blacksmith. 
Krouth  A,  railroail,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Lukasavage  George,  blacksmith. 
Lukasavage  J,  produce. 
Mauslield  Henry  W,  hotel  and  grocer. 
Peaurla  L'  J,   grocer. 
Slniartzmyi-r  Hev  J  D  (Catholic). 
"W'inslow  Mark,  justice. 

CYLON.  A  postoftice  on  Willow 
river  and  on  the  Wisconsin  Central  Line, 
in  township  of  same  name.  St.  Croix  coun- 
ty, 28  miles  northeast  of  Hudson  the  coun- 
ty seat, and  9  northeast  of  Xew  Kichmond, 
the  nearest  Isankiug  point.  Eip.,  X.  P 
Tel.,  ^V.  U.     Population,  T.". 

Adgate  L  J,  general  store. 
Beebe  F  M,  feed  mill. 
Breckenridge  11,  grocer. 
Goodrich  E.  wagonmakcr. 
LeeThoiTias  J,  hardware. 
JlcGrath  Wm,  blacksmith. 

^feEgfl  &  Giand  ]mi  P.|, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


iUUilU  iiii-i     iirlitiijJu        Hs  >!n;i  OS  ai'  vol  \<;  ^iicn  jn  i.x. 

1 101.  t.  :->•»■  MTlA'riONS. 




McXamara  J  F,  shoes. 
■  I\IoshcT  &,  Co,  train. 
riaiith  L  A,  saddler. 

DACADA,  A  post  villase  in  Sheboy- 
gan count}-,  o4  miles  north  of  ^Milwaukee, 
20  southwest  of  Sheboygan,  the  county 
seat.  "3  east  of  Kandom  Laiie,  the  nearest 
railroad  slatiou  and  12  northwest  of  Port 
» U'asbiiigtoH,  the  nearest  bankinj;  point. 
Pi^pulation,  2.j0.  ifail,  tri-weekly.  JI. 
L.  Schmiuler,  postmaster. 

Dahm  Matthew,  blacksmith. 
Dt'picsse  .Facob  P,  ^'eaeral  store. 
Crasser  ^Nicholas,  cheese  mnfr. 
Jungcrs  J,  wagonmaker, 
Uiesterer  Joseph,  shoemaker. 
Sclii!ii<Ucr    J,    General    Store,    Hotel 

and  Furniture. 
Schons  Peter,  blacksmith. 
Weller  Louis,  shoemaker. 




DAKOTA.  A  village  on  the  Mechan 
river,  in  Dakota  towniliip,  Waushara 
County,  8  miles  southwest  of  "Wautomu, 
the  county  seat,  10  southeast  of  Colonia 
Station,  the  nearest  railroad  point,  and  10 
from  Princeton  the  nearest  Ijaiiking  point. 
'Slaves  semi-weekly  to  Hichford  and 
C^>loina  Station.  Populatiou,  ."lU.  .Mail, 
semi-weekly.  Mrs.  L.  .T.  Crandall,  post- 

Criii:<Iull  I^Zrs  ff..  J,  Grocer  and  Hotel. 

Graiiisc  .iuliu--.  sa'v  and  feed  mill. 

Gult.che  Edward,  general  store. 

Hill  V  G.  justice. 

Huberts  W  L,  general  store. 

Tetsla\ifL'  Herman,  .saw  milt. 

DALE.  A  viiliige  on  the  Wisconsin 
Central  Line,  iu  township  of  sinne  n  mie, 
(.)utaganiie  county,  1:^  miles  west  of  Ap- 
pleton,  the  coimty  seat  and  usual  hanking 
point.  PopuUitiou,  12-5.  'i'el.,  W.  U. 
I'^xp.,  N.  P.     John  Leppla,  postmaster. 

Bottrell  Tiicluird,  justice. 

("annon  Samuel,  cheese  mnfr. 

(.'lemons  Fred,  f:.ini  unpts. 

f'ean  D  W .  rlieoe  bu\er. 

Delong  W  W,  carpenter. 

Drews  Albert,  cheese  mnfr. 

Grossmaun  .\ugiisl,  carpenter. 

Orossmann  Henry,  mason. 

Heni.'r  \Vm  H,  carpenter  and  mason. 

Iluellle  Ferdinand,  wagonmaker. 

llurth  Peter,  hotel. 

ICueliul  A  F,  saloon. 

Lawrence  Ertt,  shoemaker. 

I.<C|M>I:(  .Joiili,  General  Store  and  Farr.; 

Lobdeli  John,  blacksmith. 
Blayer  Joseph,  notary  puljlic. 
Nelson  B  &  A.  cheese  mnlrs. 
Otis  George  W.  saloon. 
Otis  W  E,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Schuyder  Joseph,  cheese  miifr. 
Speugler  W  H,  geneial  store. 
Wittlintrer  Charles,  cheese  mnfr. 

DALLAS.  On  Pine  creek,  in  Barmn 
county,  1-1  nules  south  of  Barron,  the  jii- 
dicial  seat  and  usual  hanking  point,  and  1.' 
from  Chetek,  the  nearest  ship|>ing  poiut. 
Population,  To.  Tri-weckly  mail  stage  to 
Chetek.     K.  Espeseth,  postmaster. 

Anderson  James  A,  llour  and  saw  mills. 

Christianson  Ole,  shoemaker. 

Kspt's-L'lli  EkiiiKit,  General  Store. 

Foster  W  S,  general  store. 

Freeing  Ole,   tailor. 

Gilstadt  &,  Durand,  general  store. 

Grauum  M  O,  cabiuctnial;er. 

Hoj't  Bros,  wagonmakers. 

PkUisell  I)  A,  county  surveyor. 

Sevtrson  Samuel,  blacksmith. 

DALY.  On  the  C.  M.  &  St.  P.  Kv. 
in  W'fiod  connlv,  21  miles  southwest  '1 
Grand  Hapuls.  tiie  seal  of  justice  and  usu  u 
banking  point.  Population,  oO.  Mail, 
daily.     H,  A.  Sampson,  postmaster. 

Balcli  Jiihn,  cranberry  grower. 
Cross  A  N,  cranberry  grower. 
Cumniin!;s  Mrs  C,  cranberry  grower. 
Daly  iV   Hilliipsoii,  General  Store  aiiii 

Saw  and  Planing  .Mills. 
Ingrahani  J  E,  cranberry  grower. 
Kline  Charles,  cranberry  grower. 

DANCY.  Formerly  known  as  Hutch 
inson,  is  a  lumiiering  settlement  on  I  •■ 
Wisconsin  Valley  div.  of  the  C  ,  M  ct  :: 
P.  Uy,  in  I^Iaralhon  county,  21  miles  pi"--,, 
of  Wausau,  the  judicial  seat,  and  7;  frOfr" 
Mosinee,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Exp 
Am.  Tel.,W.  U,  Population,  oOO.  E.J 
Welland,  postmaster. 

Altenburg  A  Stoddard,  saw  mill. 
Bampton  Frank,  justice  of  peace. 
Bearss  F  E,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Dinwoodie  D  C,  grocer. 
Kittleson  Rev  0  (CongrcgatiMnalt. 
KuoUer  George  G,  saloon  and  lumber. 
La  Du  Willis,  grocer. 
Leitz  August,  saloon. 
Marion  John  L,  general  store. 

ILLiilOIS  CLllTflAL  R 


ll  iil  to  all  POINTS 

DIRECT  ROUTE  linOTl'L'^'' 

in  iiuuiniiiui 

[km  fi  'Gtanii  Tmnl 


The  Favorite  Route  East 




DA  11 


>,cgclUc,  Petsy  A;  Co,  Saw  .Mil 
WLeiiton  L,  ties,  posts,  etc. 
Wood  A  J,  saw  mill. 

DANE.     On  the   C.   &  N.  W.  Hy.  in 

Dine  county,  16  milep  northwest  of  Madi- 
son, the   county  seat   and    usual    banking 

point.     E.\-p..    Am.     Tel.,  W,  U.     Popu- 

lalloD,  200.     M.  O'Dwyer,  postmaster. 

Acker  George,  saloon. 

Aiilialt  JF,  Ilarnc.ssMiaker. 

Ilevirri  Peter,  Faloon. 

Chrlstman  Mrs  Fannie,  saloon. 

Clemens  Bros,  carpenters. 

Glomes  5Irs  J,  milliner. 

Coward  F  C.  railroad,  e.'cp  and  tel  agt. 

Dickart  A,  meat  market. 

Dobm  W  A,  live  stock. 

Grettinger  Picv  M  (Catliolic). 

Heir  A;^Statz,  windmills. 

.Tacobson  Ole,  slioemakcr. 

Karls  M  B,  general  store. 

Knuteson  A^  blacksmith. 

Kolbes  Bros,  general  store. 

Laur  Nicholas,  saloon. 

Lockwood  John,  produce. 

Meek  George  A,  WHgonmaker. 

Moran  D  I),  iiliyticiaii. 

O'Dwjcr  ri2,  General    Store   and   Jus- 

Stalz  Bros,  saloon. 

Iowa    county.       See 



DANVILLE.  A  post  village  on  Craw- 
fish river,  in  Dodge  county,  IG  miles  south- 
west ot  .Tuncau,  the  county  seat,  1  from 
Elba,  its  railroad  alation,  and  li  from  Co- 
lumbus, the  bai  klui;  point.  Populatiuu, 
-jO.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E.  U.  Walker,  post- 

Brainaril  Rev  J  C  (Metliodist). 
Breyer  C.  carpenter. 

Dongau  fj,  railroail,  express  and  tel  agent. 
Orueneberg  W,  carpenter. 
Henry  C  M,  saloon. 
Lang  Henry,  wagonmaker. 
Marquette  A,  blacksmith. 
Murphy  E,  justice  of  peace. 
K'Klvleman  it  .Jaenors,  ilour  mill. 
Miilker  A;. *.'<».  General  Store,  Lumber 

and  Planing  JUU. 

DARBELLAY.  In  Kewaunee  couu- 
'y,  '-.'1  miles  uorihwest  of  Ivcwauuee,  the 
couuty  Seat,  and  20  from  Green  liay,  the 
neartst  railroad  point.  Ahnapce  is  the  near- 
_t  Idiuklng  point  Mail,  daily.  .Toscph 
ery,  postmaster  and  general  store 

DARBOY.  A  postoflice  in  Calumet 
county,  24  miles  northwest  of  Clinton,  the 
county  seat,  and  4j  southeast  of  Applelon, 
the  nearest  railroad  station  and  banking 
point.  Settled  in  LSIO,  it  contains  a  Cath- 
olic church  and  Catholic  and  district 
schools.  Population,  400.  Mail,  tri-week- 
ly,     Henry  Von  Vorst,  poslmasler. 

Hopensberger  Peter,  saloon. 
Schoell  Kev  M  (Catholic). 
Schumacher  .Tohn,  saloon. 
Schwalbach  Gi^'irge,  justice  of  peace. 
Villi  Voi>l  Blciiry,  General  Store. 
Wirtz  George,  cheese  mnfr. 


DARIEN.  A  stirring  village  on  the  R. 
&  S.  W.  div.  C,  M.  it  St.  P.  Ily,  in  town- 
ship of  same  name,  Walworth  county,  9 
miles  southwest  of  Elkhoru,  the  county 
seat,  and  4  southwest  of  Uelavan,  the  near- 
est banking  point.  It  contains  3  churches, 
a  school,  2  clevatois  and  a  creamery. 
Shipments,  butter,  cheese,  liay,  oats  and 
barley.  Population.  500.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
Exp.,  Am.      E.  E.  Park,  postmaster. 

Barker  Lumber  Co,  H  E  Seaver  mngr. 

Bassler  .Tudson,  harnessmaker. 

Bassler  Mrs  J  S,  milliner. 

Chrislie  George,  suiiervisor. 

Clongh  Bros  (Darwin  P  and  Wm  E),  live 

Clough  D  P,  supervisor. 

Clough  Wm  E,  town  treasurer. 

Cronan  Jerry  L,  blacksmith. 

Dykeman  Henry,  shoemaker. 

Fisk  John,  mason. 

F.ii^el  John,  harnessmaker. 

Frank  Henry,  tailor. 

Gale  James,  carpenter. 

Gile  U  Austin,  agent  C,  M  .t  St  P  Ry. 

Hastings  L  E,  supervisor. 

Heyer  jMiss  Emma,  music  teacher. 

Hcyer  J  Jacob,  hardware. 

llullister  Lorenzo  I),  constable. 

Hordir  A-  Heed  (August  H  Ilortler,  George 
L  Heed),  meal  market. 

Johnson  Mrs  Frank,  physician. 

Johnson  Juseph,  as^-'cssor. 

Joliii>oii  .1  a  A.  Son  (John  B  and 
Fianl;),  (irainand  Feed. 

Juhnson  J  J  it  Co  (John  J  Johnson,  B  II 
Welch),  general  store. 

Johnson  Seth  T.  propr  Saxtrm  House. 

Jollll^Oll  iV  CiilluTt  (Joliu  15  John- 
son, John  Gilbert),  Baled  Hay  and 

Jones  Abijah,  constable. 

Lathrop  George  F,  general  store. 

LIuderaaun  Charles,  saloon. 

IhicapiMilmu'see  tUt,  Paol  Ry/Lt'It'Westaod  Mmi 

iLLiiiois  mm  fi 

I  ih  to  all  POINTS  i 





Miserez  Peter  J,  shoemaker. 

Mulks  G  Washintr'iOQ,  justice. 

Munsou  Charles  11,  blacksmith. 

Miskern  Fratik  C,  apiarist. 

Odell  Eugene  D,  ji:ilice. 

Owens  John  II,  Ciirpeuter. 

Park  Edwin  E,  postmaster. 

Peebles  A;  Gilliland  (James  S  Peebles, 
Andrew  W  Gillib.ud),  cheese  mnfrs. 

Rood  J  F,  physician. 

Saxton  House,  S  T  Johnson  propr, 

Saxton  Isaac  L,  horse  breeder. 

Seaver  Bros  (James  E  and  Kodneyj,  gro- 

Seaver  Horace  E,  mngr  Barker  Lumber 

Smith  Edwin  IT,  justice. 

Stariu  Jlrs  O  C,  carjiel  weaver. 

Strjdicr  James,  con?tal)le. 

Thomas  Lewis,  mason. 

Vanderhoot  John  M,  smiu  and  feed. 

Waite  Isaac  X,  carpenter. 

Waite  Lucius  C,  liarber. 

Williams  David,  ju.stice. 

Williams  D  &  Co  (DeLosa  Williams,  Hiley 
S  Young),  drur;g!sts. 

Winters  Lorenzo  D,  overseer  of  highways. 

Wright  Mrs  Ilullie,  millini/r. 

Wright  .Merrick,  farm  iinpt,. 

Young  Kiley  S,  town  clerk. 

DARLINGTON".  The  juddcia!  scat 
of  LaFayette  county,  in  the  ceulur  of 
which  it  is  situated,  is  an  important  .'=tatioa 
on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  liy,  loG  miles 
southwest  of -Milwaukee,  0  southeast  of 
Calamine,  10  northwest  of  Gratiot  Junc- 
tion, and  I'lO  southwest  of  Madison,  Ex 
celleut  water  power  1^'  afforded  by  the 
Pecatonica  river,  and  tlie  city  now  con- 
tains several  large  flour  mills,  a  foundry 
and  machine  shop,  'i  banks,  j'.aptist.  .Meth- 
odist, Catholic,  Congregational  and  lOpis- 
copal  churches,  good  sciiools  and  Ij  weekly 
newspapers, the  lu'/iiiblirun, Ihc  Democrat — 
Register  and  the  Jo'ii-jutl.  Tlic  city  Ims  a 
fine  mineral  spring.  Gooil  liotel  accom- 
modation, the  Meehan  Kotel  being  iirst- 
class  in  its  appointments.  Darlington  is 
SUrro\ind(d  by  an  cxcfcllent  farming  coun- 
try. Wheat  and  live  stock  are  the  piin 
cipal  shipments,  and  land  i.s  worth  from 
^20  to  s^liO  per  acre.  Stages  semi-weekly 
to  Argvlo  and  Monroe.  Poindation.  1.700. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  U.  S.  James  Driver, 

Anderson  J  Wesley,  dentist. 
Barlow  P  D  &  E  G  (Pheris  D  and  Edward 
G),  general  Storc. 

Chicap  k  Gfand  Trun.^  H 

Barnes   Bros   (pjdward  T  and  Henry  AV!. 

proprs  Democrat-Register. 
Berglund  Olaf,  b.arlier. 
Blackbitrii    .Soliii,     Justice    of    the 

Peace     and     Insurance  ;     UepresentioL' 

First-Class       Companies;      Collections 

Blair  John  C,  physician. 
Blakely  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Bottomly  Charles,  drayman. 
Boyle  Miss  Mary,  milliner. 
Boyle  Peter,  hotel. 
Boyle  ifc  Collins,  lumber. 
Breen    &    Schartz  (John    Breen,    George 

Scharlz),  saloon. 
Brown  Henry  L,  propr  Darlington  Journal. 
Brown  John,  shoen-od;er. 
liruce  James  H,  hardware. 
Buche  Gu?tave,  saloon. 
Burns-Clegg  Mrs  ilary  A,  photngrapher. 
Callahan  Bros  (Patrick  and  Johni,  saloon. 
Carey  Chailes  H,  physician. 
Churchill  Jlalcnlm  S,  jeweler. 
Citizens'  Isalional  Bank  (capital,  s.")0,0001, 

James  Judge  i>res,  George  '^  West  cash. 
Clementsou  George,  circuit  judge. 
Cone  Ilarrj'  J.  meats. 
Conley  Michael,  grocer. 
Coiilcy  tV  BEi'<sok'i  (Patrick  IT  Conley. 

Thomas  J  Brooks),  Lawyers   and   Xota- 

ries   Public:  Collections   Prompily    At- 
tended to. 
Connel!  Timothy,  boots  and  shoes. 
Cornelius  Frank,  furniture. 
Darlington  House,  Joseph  Proctor  propr. 
Darlington  Journal.  II  L  Brown  propr. 
Darlington    Rejiublican,    J    G    >Ionahan 

Democrat-Register,  Barnes  Bros     proprs. 
Demutb  John,  saloon. 
Di.xou  .Mrs  Charles  A,  milliner. 
Driver    Bros   (Kobert   H  ami  Joseph    B), 

general  store. 
Driver  James,  jiostmaster. 
Driver  Joseph  B,  druggist. 
Driver  Jo=ci>lius,  tailor. 
Duncan  Frank  (',  general  store. 
Farmer  John,  saloon. 
Farriugton  John  B,  general  store. 
Ferguson  Frank  L,  dentist. 
First   National    liank   (capital,     .■550.0001, 

Philo  A  Ortou  pres,  George  S  Anthony 

Gallagher  John,  carpenter. 
Giiberlson  Gilbert,  mason. 
Gleasou  Thomas,  auctioneer. 
Gordon  Frank,  jjhotographer. 
Gray  Henry  H,  real  estate. 
Gray  Warri-n,  nursery. 
Green  Rev  Henry  M  i^Kpiscopnl). 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


''^Hrnm  ^'^^51Po  ^n?;  V'1:!ES  ^.^!"  E.  POLITER  WIHE  CO., 





Greeu  Zimri  B,  grnrcr. 

Green  ifc  Foolit  tZiraii  B  Green,  Cluis 
Footit),  poultry. 

Guhl  Chris,  restaurant. 

Halloran  Edward,  Ij.ardware. 

Hamilton  Bobert,  lire  stocl:. 

llannon  Rev  M  (Catholic). 

Harrison  &  Yeager  (John  Harrison, Charles 
Yeaser), blacksmiths.  ] 

Hebenstreit  George,  carpenter. 

Hofniann  Matthias,  furniture. 

Holway  liarry,  livery. 

Hooper  "Walter  ,J.  lawyer. 

Hotel  ^SccSiiHi,  Jolin  I\Iee)iftn  Ptopr; 
the  Only  First-Chis.s  Hotel  in  the  City. 
(>Ve  ado,  hclow  ) 

Huntington  Myron  L,  physician. 

ilurd  Rev  A  (Congregational. 

Iiigraliam  Nathaniel  I),  plasterer. 

Ketfe  James,  grocer. 

Ktyes  J  Ezra,  carpenter. 

ICydd  \Vm  II,  veterinary  .surgeon. 

f^umb  Frederick  A,  barlier. 

LriDgford  Charles,  barber. 

Law  WilBon  H,  notion.^. 

I^each  Thomas,  dry  goods. 

Lee  Mrs  GenrL'C,  (Iris.-maker. 

Lewie  Philip,  Larbt-r. 

-McAllistur  Andrew,  re!,taurant. 

McGlnley  John,   insurance. 

-■^IcOuigan  Robert,  saloon. 

MeManuis  Sylvester,  boots  and  shoes. 

Mann  Henry  L.  car)i(;uler. 

Marshal!  t.t'orKC  A,  I^awycr,  Ab- 
stracter and  Justice  of  ]'eace;  "the  Only 
Complete  Set  of  Abstracts  in  La  Fayette 

Mnr«!iiill  ^t  r.  Notary  P\ililic. 

Martin  James,  city  marshal. 

;\[artin  ]\Ir3  J  H,  milliner. 

Martin  &  Wil,':on  (Harrj^  C  Martin,  Robert 
Wilson),  I  aw  vers. 

niecliaii  Joliii,  Propr  Hotel  Meehan. 
{See  adc,  btluic.) 

Meyers  Samuel,  clothing. 

Miller  August,  tailor. 

Miller  Everett,  grocer. 

Jlonahan  James  G,  propr  Darlington  Re- 

Morris  AVni,  jeweler. 

Mosher  &  Corey  (Abrain  Mosher,  Robert 
Corey),  saloon. 

Nash  Llenry  C,  ciirpenter. 

Nichols  Richard,  livery. 

O'Neil  Thomas,  blacksmith. 

Orton  &  Oiborn  (Philo  A  Orton,  Charles  F 
Osliorn),  lawyers. 

Peck  Walter  W ,  physician. 

Pierce  k,  Brooks  (Charles  L  Pierce,  Henry 
Brooks),  meals. 

Polkinghom  John,  music  teacher. 

Proctor  Joseph,  propr  Darlington  House. 

Reed  John,  blacksmith. 

Roberts  Jliss  Ella,  milliner. 

Robinson  John  G,  feed  mill. 

Roy  John  B,  lianlware. 

Russell  Charles  !I,  )>hysiciau. 

Schreiter  David,  harness. 

Seaile  T  H  Sz  Co,  lumber. 

Smith  Asliburj-  Y,,  physician. 

Smith  !Mrs  Morris,  dressmaker. 

Stevens  Ellie  R,  grocer. 

Swtarcnfren  Edward  R,  R  R  and  exp  agt. 

Swift  V,  druggist. 

Turner  George  W,  blacksmith. 



(rornicrly   M'liiiiiiaii    FBoiisc.) 

JOS^r^   LIEEHAjJ,  Proprietor. 

RATES,  $2.00  PER  DAY. 

The  o.nly    First-Class    Hotel   in   the    City.      Hot  and 
Cold  Baths.    Good  Sample  Rooms  in  the  House. 



"I'll    IJllllJi)    diiU     lldjj    OllUUltiib!     LOADKl.  Slll;l,I.S.i;io..Writotoor(,.lloi,.I.>II\  iiKr- 
■  lill  (.IN  CO.,  -z-.i  Woit  lYiiter  Street,  Uilivaukee,  Win.    Ageuts  for  Sjcaraore  Special  Trap  TonJer. 

Signs    r^^U.-^yt    M--^"'^'-35'     "•'     Q'^'^r.     t^^  ^." «   -Water   St,.    iSast   Ei  ■  . 

^  k-jniw-TT    .".^'islPr    if''.    «'rnnQ     Marliet   Square,   MILWAU  r-::- - 

—  at—    SlULoaJ.    fiii^Sy^ji     %.'J    V-  w  l  i  O  J  W.^IL  PAPEES.  Telerhoie  1: 1  ^ 





o  =  » 

o  s  e 
o  s  o 

Van  Wngenen  James  II,  grocer. 

Van  'WsL'enen  &■  Son  (Henry  and  Everett), 

Wallls  \Vm  B,  wagontnaker. 
Weaver  11  J,  drayman. 
Welsh    ifc    Doylr;     (John    Welsh,    James 

Doyle),  livery. 
Wiesel  Philip,  baker. 
Williams  Richard  II,  farm  in;pts. 
Williams  Wm  N,  vragonmaker. 
Wilson  Roliert  J,  county  j'lidse. 
Woodlmrj-  Alfred  0,  apiarist. 
Wood  Robert,  tailor. 
Wren  Michael,  shoemaker. 
Wuuderle  Frank,  bottler. 
Yeagcr  Isaac,  blacksmith. 

DARROW.  A  postotlicG  in  Jackson 
county,  17  miles  northwcFst  of  Black  River 
Falls,  the  county  seat,  and  6  northwest  of 
Merrillou,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Black  River  Falls  is  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  .'jO.  Mail,  semi-week- 
ly.    John  Jl.  Patlridge,  poslmaster. 

Judldus  Klbrii'i.'-o,  justice  of  peace. 
Pallridye  John  M,  Constable. 



DAETFORD.  A  beautifully  .situated 
village  lui  Green  lake,  in  Oreeu  Lake 
county,  of  wliich  it  is  the  judicial  seat,  Tf! 
miles  northwest  of  Milv.'aukee,  and  0  west 
of  Ripon,  the  nearest  bankiiig  point,  and 
H  fr(ua  Green  Lake,  on  the  C.  &  >i'.  AV. 
Ry.  Pupulation,  >100.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp., 
Am.     J.  II.  Brooks,  postmaster. 

Rildwiu  Thomas  A.  meat  market. 
Tieckwilh     Sandfiird,     propr      Sherwood 

Hoycu  Mrs  Lydia  S,  laundry. 
Hriggs  \\'illiam  C,  general  store. 
lii'ooliM    Joliii    II,  .Mngr  Telephone 

Brooks  Jolni  R.  steamboat  owner. 
Brooks  M  \V  A  J  '.'  (Milo  Waud  John  R), 

general  store. 
C'liapel  J  M,  rcgisl:T  of  derils. 
Clark  Cienr'je  L,  eiuar  nini'r. 
Clark  &  IJiooks  (C4  L  Clark,  ,1  li  Brooks), 

steamboat  owners. 
Crablree  Thomas  J,   black=milli. 
Kversz  Rev  M  L  (Methodist). 
Ila'^elliue  Charles  P.  pr^pr  The  Oakwood. 
Hill  Itazo  R.  propr  Spring   Orovc  House. 
Ilofl'  liilian,  county  supt  of  schools. 
lIo\yard  Alban  Z,  physician. 
Kiesel  Carl,  .oaloon. 
l>!iUo  S3oi]«r,  DeloR  Morris  Propr. 
Long  j;dwiii  A.  general  store. 
McConnell  .John  C,  lawyer. 

^IcDoaaid  Alexander,  county  surveyi.r, 

^McDowell  Julius  A,  town  clerk. 

Jilalcolm  David  J,  justice. 

Millard  J  Edmund,  county  judge. 

Millard  J  L,  district  attorueV. 

SJorris  I>eIo<i.  Propr  Lake  House. 

Oakwood  The,  Charles  P  ila/.eltine  propr. 

Olin  Lorenzo  D.  boots  and  shoes. 

Osborn  Isaac  H,  blacksmith. 

Peterson  Walter  A,  boots  and  shoes. 

Pleasant  Point  House,  Q  A  &  J  L  Ro;i 

Reilley  Daniel,  billiards. 

Hoot's  Hotel,  V  Root  propr. 

Ross  G  A  &  J  L  (George  A  and  James  L'. 
proprs  Pleasant  Point  House. 

Sarcent  C  L,  coroner. 

Schuebly  H  &,  Co  (Hiram  Schnebly, Wash- 
ington Libby),  millers. 

Sherwood  Forest,  Sandford  Bcckwitu 

Sherwood  John  D,  sorghum  mills. 

Smith  E  C,  member  Assemblv. 

Smith  Wm  J,  railroad,  exp  aiid  te!  agent. 

Spring  Grove  House,  H  R  Hill  propr. 

Swotting  .1  V,  clerk  circuit  court. 

Teske  GustaV,  county  treasurer. 

Thrall  Leverett  G,  barber. 

Warnke  JIartin,  sheritT. 

Weudtland  E  J,  county  clerk. 

AVhecler  Mrs  Lydia  (;.  drufgisl. 

'Wliitiiiir  J>>.r:i  T,  Livery  and  'Bus 
Line;  Patentee  AVhitinc's  Hot  Air  Drum 
(.Vtv  arte,  oj'p  chi.^^ijh.l  litnhcare.) 

Yahr  F  T,  Slate  senator. 

DAVIS.  In  Dunn  county,  7  miles 
nnrlhwLSt  of  Meuomiuie,  the  judicial  E>'a: 
and  nearest  buidiiiu';  point,  and  -1  fro':; 
Kuapp,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  Mail, 

DAY.    A  farm  house  postolTiee  in  Clark 
county.  ;U  milts  south  of  Neillsville,  the 
Cciuntj'   seat,  nearest  railroad  station   aaii 
l)anking    point.       Sta;;e.s  semi-weekly    to 
Keillsville.     Populaticui,   l.'.").     ^lail.  semi- 
weekly.     Daniel  C.  Nell,  postmaster. 
X('i!'S>asiit'l  (',  t'armer. 
iNelV  ,Mnv,   genend  More. 
Preaher  Pharos,  blacksmith. 

DAYTON.  A  village  on  Sugar  river, 
in  Green  county,  '.}2  miles  northeast  ol^ 
Monroe,  the  judicial  seal,  12  northwest  ol 
Evansville,  the  nearest  banking  point,  and 
3  from  Belleville,  the  neare.-t  shipping' 
point.  Stage  daily  to  Belleville.  Popula- 
tion, 225.  Mail,  daily.  James  Root,  post- 

r -»  r^  --'  1731  >r\  f 





^JoVnn^!  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

J  iWjtyyillj  .N.  >V.  Cor.  of  G 

id  Vr.  AVuter  Sts.,  JllH*  All»i;K,  WIS 





Course  "WarreD,  carppiiicr. 
C'ubben  Fred,  cheese  miifr. 
I'liDniDghara  Jerry  P,  cjeueral  store. 
Dayton  ^Jercaiitilo  Association, 

General  Store. 

Faulkes  Kdward  O.  harness  and  barber. 

Friday  Samuel,  cheese  mufr. 

G.^sselt  J  L,  creamery. 

Jackson  Joseph  &,  Son.  flour  mill. 

Jordan  &  Co,  cheese  mnfrs. 

O'Oonneil  Jlohn,  Mnijr  Dayton  Mer- 
cantile Association. 

Voegly  F,  hotel. 

Wackman  &  Piutty,  blacksmiths. 

Welch  M  F,  stone  mason. 

DEANSVILLE.  A  village  on  the 
CM.  ifc  St.  P.  Uy,  in  Dane  county,  ly 
miles  northeast  of  Ma  iison,  the  county 
s.'at,  and  G  from  Waterloo,  the  nearest 
hanking  point.  Population,  1.':.0.  Tel  , 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am,  U.  P.  Smith,  po.-t- 

Il'igman  U,   railroad,  exp  andtel  agt. 
>'iiiilli  H  I*,  Genera!  Stoic. 
\Va!ertown    Elevator    Co,     Wra    Jlc^ieal 
rnugr,  grain  dealers. 

DEBELLO.  A  postoUice  in  Vernon 
county,  41  miles  east  of  Viroqua,  the 
cni'.nty  scat,  and  10  miles  southwest  of 
\Vonevi-oc,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
banking  point.  Population,  .50.  ilail, 
Iri-weekly.  Ellas  Kegley,  postmaster  and 
general  store. 

DECORA  PRAIIUE.  In  Trempea- 
leau county,  IS  mi,r,^  snutii  of  Whitehall, 
the  juilicial  seat, and  :!f  from  Galesville,lhe 
ueare.'it  shipping  and  banUinij  point.  Stages 
I'l  Galesville  and  Xoitli  Pend;  fares,  "P.O 
cents  iind  70  cents  respectively.  Popula- 
tion. •>(![).  Mail,  semi  weekly".  S.  Butauui, 
P  'stmaster. 

■\'!uusN.>ah,  blacksaiitb. 

(Ciiiiiiini  Stnrlv,  .fusiicc,  Uorsc,  Mule 

"lid  Cattle   Breeder. 
J  '"jU  Mary  J,  dre<^-m.Hker. 
'•  .vi.-ciii  John,  farmer. 
I>;ek  \V,  ^eteIinary  surgeon. 
J^-rwiu  John,  miner, 
r  isber  U,  carpenter  an<l  wagonmaker. 
<i.iv,.r  Uoben,  traiiper. 
•-'ini.'OQ  James,  miner. 

DEEBBROOK.     Formerly  known  as 
"•■'■ve,  i.s  hualed  on  the  Eau  Claire  river 
'.   it   W.    ]iy,    in    Lan- 
s  northeasi  of  Antiuo, 

the  judicial  seat  and  nearest  bankinc  point. 
Tel.,W.U.  Exp  ,  r.  S.  Population, 
'iw.     D.  Dexter,  postmaster. 

Chadek  Bros,  wagonmakers. 

5><'xlcr  S>  cV,  to.  General  Store. 

Fisher  John,  justice. 

Gillas  D  &  J,  saw  mill,  '.?|  miles  n  e. 

Hafner  T,  hotel  and  saloon. 

Hardie  II,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 

Ilarlow  tfc  Luce,  saw  mill. 

Ileuil  Frank,  general  store. 

Sawyer  T,  hotel, 

Schotte  Charles,  blacksmith,  2i  miles  n  e. 

DEERFIELD.     On  the  C.  &  N.  W. 

By,  in  Dune  county,  17  miles  east  of  Madi- 
son, the  county  seat.  It  contains  2 
churches,  a  bank,  a  steam  feed  mill  and  a 
creamery.  Population,  300.  Exp.,  U.  S. 
Tel.,  W.  U.     S.  G.  Andrus,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Mrs  Christ,  milliner. 

Anderson  Jens,  flour  and  feed. 

Andrus  Sylvester  G,  postmaster. 

Bank  of  Dcerfield  (capital,  slO.OOO),    I    O 

Brictson  pres,  II  B  Fargo  cash. 
Brictson  Ingebrict  O,  leaf  tobacco. 
Brictson  John  I,  dry  goods. 
Brictson  Jiilin  O,  druL'L'ist. 
Deerliekl  House.  H  1;  i(.)W  propr. 
S)o!iiy. tunics  !■;,  Hardware. 
Ei'.'hmy  House.  George  Eighmy  propr. 
Ge^ricke  Otto,  blacksmith.  ' 
Grinde  Peter  B,  justice. 
Grinde  it  llolman  (Peter  B   Grinde,   Nels 

llolman),  lumber. 
Ilelgeson    Bros    (Hubert    and     Thomas), 

meat  market. 
Ilelmick.s  it  Uodby  (fjdwin  Ilelmicks,  01c 

C  Bodhy),  general  store. 
How  Henry  B,  propr  Deertield  House. 
Kirkland  James,  painter. 
Klinefelder  Henry  G.  lesif  tobacco. 
Ivnudsen  Andrew  H,  barber. 
Kuudseii  Bros   (Knud  II  and  Andrew  H), 

Larson  Is'els  0,  hardware. 
Moscl  Frank,  harness. 
Nelson  Aleck,  general  store. 
Nelson  AS'm,   lawyer. 
Prescott  Bros  iWm  and  John),  tailors. 
Kesland  Nels  L,  leaf  tobacco. 
Boach  &  Seeber.  crean'.ery. 
Butlin    &    Kesland  (John"  J    and   Knud  J 

Rullin,  Nela  L  Kesland),  leaf  tobacco. 
Simonsen  Simon  E,  leaf  tol)acco, 
Skaar  Andrew  O,  shoemaker. 
Spallord  Ernst,   barber. 
Sponbol/.  Herman,  tailor. 
Thompson  Ivnud,  wa!;oiimaker. 



Buf  Goodyeaf  Syno^es.^'^Goodiear  Mk\  Co 

I)    Wisconsin. 





Voog  K  M  ifc  Co  (Knud  M   Voog,  Andrew 

Christiausen),  general  ftore. 
White  E  AV,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Williams  Neis  E,  feed  mill. 

DEER  PAEK.  A  stirring  village  on 
the  C,  St.  P.,  M.  &.  O.  R3-,  in  St.  Croix 
county,  24  mile?  northeait  of  Hudson,  the  i 
county  seat,  nnd  10  northeast  of  New  Rich-  I 
mend,  the  nearest  bankint;  point.  Popu- 
lation, 100.  Tel.,W.  U.  E.xp.,  Am.  A.  il 
Larson,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Anton,  meat  market. 

Helleson  Paul,  physician. 

Larson  A  HI,  General  Store. 

Larson  Julia,  milliner. 

Larsoa  Martin,  painter. 

Olson  J  C.  grocer. 

Rickmire  iTlv,  grocer. 

Sakrisou  Charles,  groceries  and  shoes. 

Sakrisou  E,  harness. 

Thompson  Charles,  waconmaker. 

Vinnson  S,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Walby  T,  blacksmith. 

DE  FOREST.  Also  kno-n-n  as  North 
Windsor,  is  a  village  on  the  C.  JI.  &  St. 
P.  Ry,  in  l)aue  county,  1-1  miles  north  of 
Madison,  the  county  seat  and  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Stages  tri-weekly  to  East  Bris- 
tol and  semi-weekly  to  Norway  Grove. 
Population,  300.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E:;p.,  Am. 
George  Durkee,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Jolin,  carpenter. 

liakev  John,  mason. 

Bertram  J  II,  jihysician. 

Boelim  F,  cencral  stcjre. 

Brue  Nels  U,  tree  a^rent. 

Culler  II  B,  livestock. 

Dahl  N  L,  general  store  and  hotel. 

Durkee  F,  pouliry  bn  tder. 

Durkcc  iivfi;,',v.  Insurance  Agent. 

Engeselte  .1,  h.iiil'.vare. 

Grinde  II  S,  railroad  agent. 

Ilafford  John,  ciieese  mufr. 

Hanson  Anna,  dressmaker. 

Hanson  J  E,  feed  and  planing  mill. 

Holum  ()  S,  notary' 

llolum  Mrs  O  S,  niu.sic  teacher. 

Holum  Peter,  blacksmith. 

Kletth  Joliu  .V,  sliocmaker. 

Knutson  Hans,  machinist. 

litiiilsoii  8»,  Blacksmith  and  Hotel. 

Mack  Genrtr  .1,  harncssmaker. 

^lalstfad  -Vtidrew,  general  store. 

Peterson  Su::ie,  dressniHinr. 

Tobie  Walter,  exp  and  tel  agent. 

DEKORRA.  A  postotBce  in  Colur.-. 
bia  county,  tj  miles  south  of  Portage,  i!  .-• 
count}'  seat,  and  2+  west  of  Ilartman.  ;!,►■ 
nearest  railroad  station.  PortaL's  is  t!.u 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  'd~>. 
Jlail,  semi-weekly.  David  JlcCulioch. 

Fulton  .John,  general  store. 
^IcCiillocii  B>avi4l,  Blacksmith. 
McKenzie  John,  flour  mill. 
Pearall  S,  hotel. 

DELAEIELD.  A  village  on  B.irk 
river,  in  WnuUcslia  county,  12-  miic^ 
northwest  of  Waukesha,  the  judicial  sea;, 
24  from  Xashotah,  on  the  C,  M.  ifc  St.  P. 
Ky,  the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  .j  from 
fJconomowoc.  the  nearest  liankinc  pnict. 
Population,  o.JO.  Mail, daily.  J.  Kiilmer. 

Gillespie  &  Jacques,  millers. 

Halfer  J  J,  hardware. 

llahn  Jacob,  meat  market.     . 

Heuges  Charles,  boots  and  shoes. 

Jacriues  Wm  .M,  justice  of  peace. 

fiiiliiior  .Soliii,  General  Store. 

Kunz  Louis,  hotel. 

JCunz  W  E.  hotel  and  livery. 

Lugviel  Christian,  lilaeksmith. 

Nolbohn  Wm,  miller. 

Perkin^^  &  White,  hotel. 

St   John's    ^Military   Academy,  Rev   S   T 

Smythe  head  master. 
Smith  Martin.  carj>enter. 
Vanderpool  Bros,  general  store. 

DELAVAN.  A  prosperous  incorpor- 
ated villaire  in  ^\'alwortll  countv,  on  the 
It.  &  S.  W.  div.  C,  .M.  &,  St.  P.  P.y.  '> 
miles  southwest  of  Elk  Horn,  tlje  county 
seat,  and  (32  southwest  of  ^lilwaukee. 
Delavan  Lake,  2  miles  southeast,  is  a 
favorite  summer  resort  for  boating  and 
lisliing.  with  handsome  residences  and 
ample  hotel  accommodation.  First  settled 
in  1830,  it  now  contains  Baptist,  C  atliolic. 
Congregational,  j;pi.-copal  and  IMellioiii-t 
Episcopal  churches,  a  high  .school,  a  lloiir- 
isiung  dental  college,  2  Inmks,  2  hotels,  tlie 
Wisconsin  Institute  for  the  Deaf  atd 
Dumb,  2  wind -mill  and  jiump  factories,  a 
Dour  mill,  a  grain  elevator,  a  fi.uudry.  a 
creamery,  a  tack  factory,  2  weekly  news- 
papers, the  JRcpiibliriin  and  the  En'/erpri^t : 
also  the  ll'i.vfl/'/i  Tinun.  pul)lished  during 
the  school  sessii>n.  The  products  of  the 
above  mentioned  mills  and  factories,  witli 
grain  and  live  stock,  are  shipped.  Laini 
in  the  immediate  vicinity  averaires  s;?-")  I'er 

Ctiicap  S  Gfand  ]ml  i]y, 

The  Favorito  Route  Ec 



New  York  lifs  Insurance  Co.,  :;:ttr'::  *':::: 

ijOno.OOO.  1  Nortliivostorn     Uran 
1.0(10.(100.  '  Ofiloe,   -IKi    ?Ill\i:iiik 
St.,  .IIILWAl  Stliii,  IVl.s.     >V.  S.  CA.^UEK,  State  ^gi;nt.     WALKKU  liltKNEi:,  (jen'l  Jiuuag 




acre,     Exp,  Am.     Tel,  ,A\'.  U.     Telt-phnne 

cxcljange.       Popiilati(Ti,     2,0(10.       H.    T. 

.•^l(lrp.  postmaster. 

AtlHins  '^V  (i,  Cigar  JInfr. 

Andrus  Jliss  Nettie,  coufcctioner. 

Barlow  Silas  V,  farm  inipts. 

Boruer    &    Jlemliiis    (Ferdinand    Borner, 

Herman  ^Meiidius),  creamery. 
Briggs  Harmon  A,  horse  breeder. 
Burns  Matbew  X,  harness. 
CiliKons'  ISaiik  of  il>olnvnn  (Capi- 
tal, $25,000 1,    y  liees    Lal.:;r  I'res,  T  I' 

James  Vice-Pres,  FA  F  Williams  Cash; 

Collections  a  Spccinltv. 
Cochrane  "W  A,  prof  Wis  School    for  the 

Collins   Greenleaf   W,  rangr  Slrow   Park 

Collyer  Fletcher,  act  Am  TCxji  Co. 
Delaiiy  John    I?,,  Propr  l.,ake  Lawn 

Delavaii   KiitcrinUe  Tlic,   Hiram 

T  Sharp  Propr. 
Delavaii  CI<nisc.  E  M  Strow  Propr. 
Delavan  Mill  Co,   Morris  Horton,  Levi  B 

Hicks,  George  H  Sa.\tori  proprs. 
Devendorf  Daniel  B,  physician. 
Dinsmore  &  Holmes  (James  H  Diusmore, 

Jonatlian  B  Holmes),  grocers. 
Fiizer  Isaac  Y,  marshal." 
Cavett^Iartin,  clothing. 
Hi.'gins  Uoherl  C,  carriage  piinter. 
Ili^lilaiul  I'ark  IIoU-l,  Sage  A  Co 

HoUister  Kinner  X,  hardware. 
Hollistcr  Jlilton  L,  village  trustee. 
Hollister  Selh  H.  farm  impts. 
Hollister   &,   Calkins   (Henry  G  Hollister, 

Alviu  B  Calkin.-j,  livery. 
Hughes  Wm,  painter. 
Irvin;;uo<ul      SSolcl,      E     .McBane 

Jackson  gledman  L,  villui'e  trdntee. 
Johnson  Hiivrv  C,  tcwii  tn-as. 
Keudrick    A   H,    cash  E  Latimer  &   Co's 

'-altf    I^awii   IIo-iNC  (Delavan  Lake), 

■1  li  D,lany  Proi-r. 
•-aliaier    K     A:     C<»     (Be'.ponsibility, 

^uOO,000),  E  I,atimer  I'res.  James  Aram 

N  ice-Pres,  A  U  Kendrick  Cash,  Hankers 
I.ecch  George  W,  wagcnmaker. 
'•ecch  G  Edward,  veteriuarv  surgeon, 
l.etteer  Mclvin  D,  mncliinisl. 
■"We  A  fr,  village  clerk. 
l.tK,^  T  (J,  street  comnr. 
^'"•ISaiic  i:,  Propr  Irvingwood  Hotei. 
-;;''-''n  Alfred,  lj,irl)er. 
l^in-h  Frederick  A,  honks. 
Lj"'l<  llolfl,  C  T  Williams  Propr. 

Prosser  Frank  A,  horseshoer. 

Reader  Amos  H,  horse  breeder. 

Bodman  Andrew  J.  physician. 

Bunkle  &  Fahr  (D  W  Kuukle,  H  P  Fahr), 

t*at'c  A:  Co  (H  W  and  C  A  Sage), Proprs 

Hi-lihind  Park  Hotel. 
^iiarp    Iliraiii    T,     Postmaster    and 

Propr  The  D(jlavau  Enterprise. 
Shulz  Charles  IL  village  trustee. 
Siiulz  J  C  (estate),  harness. 
Spooncr  Alfred  S,  lawyer. 
Stariu  Beniamin,   horseshoer. 
Strow    i;<li;ar     M,     Propr     Delavan 

Strow  Park  Hotel,  G  W  Collins  mugr. 
Sturtcvant  George  II,  lilHCk4(nilh. 
Siiniiifr  C'liarlos  E5.  Attorncy-at-Law. 
Swiler  John    \V,  supt  Wisconsin    School 

for  the  Deaf. 
Thompson  Ingman  T,  \\agonmaker. 
Van  Velzer  'Washington  C,  cigar  mnir. 
Webster  John  P,  physician. 
V/'illiaiim    ClaiX'Siee   T,  Propr  Park 

Williaias  K«l   F,  Cash   Citizens'  Bank 

and  Village  Trustee. 
Williams  H  H  ■k  Son  (Henry  II  aud  How- 
ard), jewelers. 
AVisconsiu  School  for    the  Deaf,   John  W 

Swiler  suDt. 
Woodford  Chaunccy  D,  justice. 

DELL.  A  postoHIce  in  Vernon  coun- 
ty, LS  miles  northeast  of  Vircqua,  the 
county  seat,  and  10  east  of  Westby,  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  Viro(iua  is  the 
nearest  banking  point.  Stages  to  Viroqua 
Iri  weekly ;  fare,  50  cents.  Poptilalion,  30. 
Mail,  triweekly.  A.  A.  Calhoon,  post- 

Calliooii  A  A,  Oeneriil  Store. 

Caller  G  J,  ciirpeuter. 

(:ia(k  Bros,  coopers. 

Clark  F  .M,  cooper. 

(Mark  Robert  ct  Son,  coopers. 

McKee  Wm,  cooper. 

DELL  PRAIRIE.  A  postofllcc  in 
Adams  county,  'Jo  miles  south  of  Friend- 
ship, the  count)'  seat,  and  .o  northeast  of 
Kilbdurn  City,  the  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  point.  Stages  daily  to  Kil- 
bourn  Cily;  fare,  '2')  cen'ls.  Population, 
35.  Mail,  daily.  Miss  JIary  N.  Fowier, 

Baglev  Jackson,  b'acksmith. 
Rich  S  K,  justice. 

lUlIlOIS  CEiiTRfiL  P„  R 


in  uOliThl 

I  to  all  POINTS 

il  ! 

Dydahy  Brothers,  ^  Pork  and   Beef  Packers, 






De  P 

DELTON,     A   villaoie  on  Dell   river, 
in  Sauk  county.lO  miles,  north  of  liaraboo, 
*a  2  the  county  seat,  and  Gi  southwest  of    Kil- 
&(0  bourn   CUy,  the   nearest  railroad    station 
Q  S  and  banking   point.     Stages   daily  to   Kil- 
t»  O  bourn  City  and   Barahoo;  fare,  ?j  and  75 
f|^  ^  cents  re?peolively.     Population, 200.  Mail, 
Zr.  daily.     F.  L.  Hulbert,  postmaster. 
^S^  Fraser  E  P,  cooper. 
*»»3    « Fraser  L.  groceries  and  notions. 
^  K  Gordon  HJv  ,1  C  (^lethodist). 

Q2  IMulI»crt  F    ffj.  Drugs,    Groceries    and 
C:     Justice, 

all!  Hulbert  J  M,  guide  and  boatman. 
^  Jones  A,  physician  and  dentist. 
3  Keyes  G  G,  justice  and  insurance. 
■       Koppkee  Bros,   treneral  store. 
*  H  Newman  A,  tiour  mill. 
W  Sarrington  O,  propr  Queens  Flour  Mills. 
^  w  Sumner  Mrs  Millie,  summer  resort  hotel. 
•  -^  >  Thomson  A  H.  blacksmith  and  wagonmkr 

DENMAEK.     In   Brown  county,   l.'i 
miles  southeast  of  Green  Bay,  the  judicial 
seat,  nearest  banking  and  shipping  point. 
Stages  to  Green  Bay  and  Two  Piivers;  fare, 
P    ;<1  to  cither  place.    Population,  r,UO.    Mail, 
.,._    tri-weekly.     John  ]3artelme,  postmaster. 

Q    Anderson  Niels,  wagonmnker. 
Benecke  David,  general  store. 
^iJ    SScyer  GSaits  S,  General  Store. 

Olleugel  Peter,  stone  mason. 
Hesse  Franz,  justice. 

Klaman  Rev  J  (Lutheran). 

Koslusky  Frank,  general  store. 

Mortcnsen  Christian,  carpenter. 

Peterson  A,  music  teacher. 
^^^Pcterson  Julius,  cartienter. 
'^^^Pctersou  Peter,  carpenter. 
f^    Peterson  Ilasnius,  black.smith. 
^*^    Hasmussen  F  \V,  justice. 
^*    Hasiiiusfcn  James,  shoemaker. 
le*   Thompson  N  F.  saw  mill. 
WW    WiUf  Fer()iniiii<l,  General  Store. 
's**   AVitte  iV:  Buckraan,  sirv  and  grist  mill. 
«p3   AVooden  Christopher,  shoemaker. 




DENNY.  On  th^  .-Vlibotsford  &  North- 
eastern Ky,  in  JIarathon  county.  40  miles 
west  of  Wausau,   the  judicial  scat.     Bank 
at  Colby.     Po[)ulation,  ."iO.     K.\p.,  Pacitic. 
Charles  S.  Oiuiuotte.  postmaster. 
Denney  James  AV,  black.'=mith. 
Henk  Casper,  farm  impt.s. 
Hodge  Kaaman.  constable. 
Jacob!  Henry,  carpenter. 
Oiihticlte   <'h!»rIo<i  S,  General   Store 

and  Justice. 
Salter  H  B  A  Co,  saw  mill. 

DENOON",  A  settlement  on  lake  of 
same  name,  in  Waukesha  county,  lii 
miles  south  of  Waukesha,  the  seat  of  iu,"- 
tice,  to  wtiich  place  mail  should  now  be 

DENZER.  In  Sauk  county,  IG  miles 
southwest  of  Baraboo,  the  judicial  seat, and 

10  from  Prairie  d>i  Sac.  its  shipping  point. 
]yfail,  semi-weekly.  li.  Alexander,  post- 

DE  PERE.  A  prosperous  and  enter- 
prising incorporated  city,  situated  at  the 
bead  of  lake  navigation  on  Fo.v  river,  and 
5  miles  from  its  mouth.  The  river  pre- 
sents a  magnificent  power  of  from  o.OOO  to 
4,000  horse  power  at  this  point,  imd  gives 
I  factories  the  uniijue  advaut.igc  of  a  cheap 
I  power  at  one  end  and  lake  navigation  at 
I  the  other,  with  water  communication  with 
all  lake  ports.  The  C.  .t  N.  W.  and  the 
C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Rys  pass  through  De  Pere. 
November  11,  l.-^'JO,  the  Shaliurk  A  Bab- 
cock  Co  (capital  stock  !^."iOO,OuO,  John  A. 
Kimberly,  C.  B.  Clark,  and  F.  (;.  Shat- 
tuck  incorporators),  jiaid  s;lOO,000  for  the 
greater  part  of  the  water  power  and  at 
once  began  preliminary  worii  on  the  lari:- 
est  mills  in  the  West  for  the  manufacture 
of  the  finer  grades  of  paper.  The  ;)hiut 
includes  soda  and  sulphite  pulp  mills  and 
employs  from  oUO  to  5o0  ht-uds. .  hi  tlie 
spring  of  1^-91  the  C.  ^t  N.  W.  Fy,  built 
side  tracks  from  the  east  to  the  we.-t  .~ide 
of  the  river,  at  a  cost  of  iJ.IO  Ono.  Three 
flowing  artesian  wells  furnish  an  aliinnl- 
ance  of  pure  water  fur  domestic  ust^  and 
lire  protection,  and  the  city  is  well  provid- 
ed with  sewers.  De  Pere  [lo.'-scsses  -1  news- 
papers the  AV)r.«  n{ep.),the  Sfunihnn-i/ 1  Hol- 
land), the  VM:-~tem  illoUandt,  and  the 
Brown  Count;/  J'cinon-at.  The  city  con- 
tains two  high  schools,  diploma^  fr(un 
which  entitle  graduates  to  admission  to 
the  State  university  without  examination; 

11  churches,  4  hotels,  2  public  halls,  'J  ele- 
vators, 3  Hour  mills,  1  charcoal  blast  furn- 
ace, 1  foundry  and  machine  shop,  1  sa'-h. 
door  and  blind  factory:  (5  brlckyard.-i.  ;-! 
lime  stone  ijuarries,  1  tile  factory,  1  vase  and 
flower  pot  factory,  1  saw  mill.  1  pump  fac- 
tory, 1  pleasure  boat  factor}',  1  cooper  shop, 
1  hay  press  and  warehouse,  i  cigar  facto- 
ries, 1  cabinet  shop,  and  the  mammoth 
paper  mills.  The  products  of  the  above 
mentioned  factories,  and  brick,  draft 
horses,  country  pnaluce,  grain  and  b^v 
constitute  the  shipments.  Duriiis  1^'") 
100,000  tons  of  coal,  salt  and  gener,.!  n'..r- 
chandise  pi.=si-d  thrnuih   the  eovcrnnv  !.l 

Chicago  fi  Grand  Trunk  h 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Tl       n„^Ar.^^,^r  On       7Iiifr«    of    SIcam,     Hydraulic    and 
TII8  BrOCCSSer  Liing  Co.,    Fa-s.„sc.ra„<lFroisl..i;LKVATOH 

id  store  Trlioksi  of  all  Uiiid»,  I'uilipiit  lit 

of   SIcam,    Hydraulic    and    Hand-Power 

s,  AVaroJiouse 

oli-:H  Cuuimerce  Street,  Jlilitaukee,  Wis. 



De  P 


lock    at  De  Pere.      Sbipraents    of    1S90 : 
Lake,    2,071    tons;  rail   shipments,  ^6,400 
tous;  receipts,  oG,7'^3   tons.     Assessed  val- 
uatioDof  ami  personal  property,  s731,- 
733.     Bonded  debt,   .■<19,000.      E.xp.,  Am. 
Tel.,  W.  U.     Population,  3,003.     Distance 
to  Chicago,  203  miles;  to  Milwaukee,  lOS; 
to  JIadisoa,  lol;  to  Green  Bay,  0.     \Vm. 
Armstrong,  postmaster. 
Altmaycr  Nicholas,  propr  Union  House. 
.Armstrong  Wm,  pn.stniaster. 
I'aeten  .John,  brick  mnfr. 
ISikUen  Christian,  slioi  maker,  W  D. 
Baldwin  D  E,  civil  en^nntcr,  W  D. 

I    Beaver  JIrs  Mary,  milliner. 

j    Herendsen  Lainhert  J,  cignr  mnfr. 

I   niii:ili:iiii  Webster  A,  General  Store, 

I     wn. 

j   Bock  Rev  Henry  (Lutheran),  W  D. 

j   Boehm  John  A,  shoemaker. 
Boeykeus  Isadore,  propr  Hiilroad  House. 

I   Bowring  Thomas  D,  photographer. 
Browit  Comely  EJetiioersit  (Week- 
ly),    Heyrman     &     Kuvpcrs     Editors, 
Democrat    Publishing    Co    Publishers. 

I       (See  ads.  hilnc.) 

!   Burnett  JIatthew,  grocer. 

j    Business  Men's  Assn,   Eugene  Smith  pres. 

J.  S.  DL'NH.\M. 

B.  F.  SMITH 

M.A.NT'P\ACTl'r.Ei;S  I'lF 

DUNHAM  &  SailTH, 


Shippers  of  Grain  and  Mill  Stuffs.    Wholesale  Hay  Dealers 
and  Hay  Pressers. 

Flour  Mill  at  East  End  of  Bridge.     Elevator  and  Hay  Press  on  M,  k  N.  R.  R.  Track,  opp,  Depot 



Brown  County  Oeniocret  end  Oe  Volkssieni. 

J.  B,  HEYRMAN  and  J.  A.  KLVPEKS,  Editors. 

j^L  ivir<Da  OP"  Job  Prilltilll^'  Ei!'-:aied  ffuli  .'ieamess  anil  D:?r3i:li, 

.{-v-5^    irr 

10,   \-l  and  11    I'oiirili  .St.,  Fond  du  l.a.-,    Ul* 


ILLlilOlS  KliTfit  R 

1  li!  to  all   POINTS 





De  P 


Dk  P 



I5yers  David,  city  clerk. 
C'arrow  Mrs  Jane,  curpet  weaver. 
Clark  &  Dawreaz  (.Jame=i    E  Clark,  Fred- 
crick  C  Lawrenz),  clnUnn!^. 
CoUette  Henry,  luir.ber  mnfr,  W  D. 
CoiiHitcrfiaS    iiiulcl,    John    Wolske 

Cook  John,  mercliant  tailor. 
Cook's  Opera  House,  John  Cook  propr. 
Coopiuan  John,  saloon,  "\V  I). 
Counihnn  Patrick,  meat  market. 
Crabb  Frank,  saloon. 
Dart  Felix,  blacksniiih. 
De  Both  Frank,  salr.on,  W  D. 
Do  Bruin  Louis,  grocer. 
De  JODghe  C'jn'^laiilir'.e.  !i:iker. 
Democrat  5*ii5»)i»i:iMSj   C"«,  John  B 
Heyrman  Prcs,  Jolin  A  Ivuypers  Treas, 
Henry    Heyrman    Sec,    Publrs    Brown 
County   Democrat   and    De   Volkt-stera. 
(See  adv,  p  247.) 
Demro  Joseph,  coniicr. 
I>c  S'cpo  News  THio  ("Weekly), Proctor 

&  Halhnc  Pnlilrs  and  Pioprs. 
I>c   J°OJ-e    SlntMSiirs!   (Holland  Week- 
ly),   Edv.-ard    Van    De    Casteele    Publr 
and  Propr. 
Dickinson  iMrs  Aniui.  dre.s'smaker. 
Doms  John  A,  boots  and  shoes. 
Donnelly  Mrs  Jlary,  carpet  weaver,  W  D. 
Dousuian  John  1',  Hour  mill. 
Duaiu  Louis,  millwrijrht,  W  D, 
D\i  Bois  Vim  J,  restanrant. 
£$iiit!iH(ii  &  SitiiJIi  (.leremiah  S  Pun- 
liani,  Beiij-jmin   F   .Smiihl,    Flour  !Mill; 
Wholesale  Flour,  Feed,  Hay  and  Grain. 
{Scsadr,  p  :i7.) 
Durin  Kev  J  F  (Catholics  W  D. 
\  Duvale  7'jnianuel,  hotel,  W  D. 
Falck  Jacob,  saloon. 
Felicow  August,  blacksmith. 
Franc  Emanuel  J,  meals,  W  D. 
Francken     Bros    (Peter    and    Cornelius), 

Francken  Christian,  plasterer. 
Francken  Ceraril, 
GixkU-II  <'ilini'lt''«  a-^Ai-enl  Milwaukee 

&  Norlheiu  Pailroad. 
Gowey  Archill  dd  B, pumps  and  windmills. 
Gregory  Daniel  H,  plijfician,  AV  I). 
GrohndoitT  Charles  F,  grocer  and  e.Kp  agt, 
I       W  D. 

Guifon  Louis,  blacksmith,  "W  ]). 
I    Hahn  John,  saloon. 

Hendricks  Peter  John,  meats. 
I    Hermes  Hubcit,  saloon,  W  D. 

Hermsen  Christian,  milk. 
1    lleyrmrtii  <.t  Siiij  ner«i-Iohn  B  Hcyr- 
1        man,  .Iiilin  A  Ivuypers),  Editors    Brown 
County   Denuii-rat   and  De   Volksslem. 

Hobbins  Patrick,  city  marshal. 
Hockers  John,  brick  mnfr. 
Hoks  Wm,  general  store,  W^  D. 
Jackson  Frank  A,  furniture. 
.Jacksou  Thomas,  blacksmith,  W  D. 
Jackson  A-  Sons  (Robert,   Charles  W  and 

Robert  jr).  general  store. 
Jacobs  Theodore,  cigar  mnfr,  W  D. 
Jansen  Peter  J,   saloon. 
Janssen  Wm,  grocer.  ^V  D. 
Jensen   &   Krause  (John   Jensen,     Juliu; 

Krause),  brick  mufrs. 
Jones  Uaudolph  A,  painter,  W  D. 
Kellogg    Banking   Co    (capital,    s2o,000i, 
Kufus  B  Kellogg  pres,  Wm   E   Kellogg 
Kersten  Alphous  y\,  physician. 
Kidney  D  it  Son  (Daniel  and  Wm  E),  boat 

builders,  W  D. 
Krause  Julius,  boots  and  shoes. 
Lange  Eberhardt  A,  druggist,  W  D. 
ILriwtoH  <,'li;irles   A,    Founder,    ^la- 
chinist   and  JInfr  Saw  .Mill,  Biast  Fur- 
nace and  Kiln  Castings. 
Le  Clair  David,  carpenter. 

Le  Clair  Joseph,  contr:ictor  and  builder. 

Lee  Patrick,  blacksmith. 

Lindner  August,  bve  ;  tock. 

Lorn  Herman  J,  livery. 

Lueke  3Ls  Louisa  S,  lircssmakcr. 

McCabe  Patrick,  confectioner. 

JlcCormic  John  V,  mngr  \V  U  Tel  Co. 

McGeehan  Itubert  J,  farm  iniplls. 

JlcVey  Charles,  b'acksinilh. 

.Mailer  Andrew  C,  physician. 

Marshall  Simon,  general  store. 

Jlnrtell  Miss  Matilda,  cirpel  weaver.  W  D. 

Martens  Jlathias.  grocer. 

JIathews  Wm  1!,  grocer. 

Meyer  Miss  Christina,  restaurant. 

Meyer  }{udolph,  shoemaker.  W  D. 

Miller  Pev  W  T  1  M.thodisl>. 

:73il\vaulit<r  A-  Xoillitrii  II  U, 
Charles  F  Gooded  .\gent. 

Minieli  Li'wis,  meiehaut  tailor. 

JlotVall  l^dward  E,  wagoumaker. 

Mui/.ers  John  H,  tailor. 

Mularky  J.-dui  C,  wagonmaker. 

Mularky  Patrick  H,  wagonmaker. 

National  Furnace  Co  (capital,  .'JSO.OOO', 
Eugene  Smith  sic  and  geul  mngr,  mnfrs 
charcoal  pig  iron. 

Nelson  John  W,  barber,  W  D. 

Neubauer  Frank  J.  meat  market. 

Nicollet  Sash  and  Door  Co  icipital.  sOl,- 
000),  John  WJohann  pres,  Enos  \V  Per- 
sons .sec.  W  D. 

Norton  Ml:s  Fannie  .1,  milliner. 

Nuss  Pvev  M  (Metliudi.-t). 

Oldlield  Thomas  iL  photographer,  W  D. 

North  Star  Iron  Works.  )  C.Mmriiy.  .VtO  In.rnis-Kncinpcr.s  .lla.-IiiniMs.  roiniUorH.  lioilonn^iKiTs. 
rAHIMI  M  VM  KVCTli:i.'.c;<'().  '.  .11  ill. Mi:;  1. 1,.  Sun  .lliinia.hinciv,  M  inil,;;  Miirhiii.r),  Corliss  aad  llii.-li 
Ashland,    -     -     Wleconsln.  \  >'I'<'i''l  Knuiiies,  Boilers,  ronfrTransniilthij  Jlaclilnery, etc.  Seo  ii.  6 


liUOsl   L; 

!9     T^,   'X  "-"f'O       Korcross  r.Iopk,  South  Ki 


niWT.CLASS  APl'01M21i.MS.    i  iClLITlLS  I  >M  lil'ASM;D. 

De  P 


De  S 


Oi'.'.liwnite  John  C,  jeweler. 

r.uker  Elijah  F,  lawyer. 

I'lrfoas  Miltou  V,  mayor. 

i'lielps  Cbarles  H,  bnrljer. 

I'ralsch  Gustav  G,  liardware. 

I'roctor  tV  ESalliiic  (Harry  II  Proctor, 
Paul  L  UnlliQe),  Piiblrs  ami  I'roprs  De 
Pcre  News. 

I'rua  Charles,  farm  impts. 

I'.ailroad  House,  Isadore  Boeyken  propr. 

ItoUl  Aiulrcw,  Postmaster  West  De 
Pere,  lusurauce  Agent,  Justice  of  Peace 
ncd  Notory  Public. 

Kice  P.evW  J  (Catholic) 

llitcLie  John  S,  livery,  ^V  D. 

Hriffers  John,  grocer,  W  D. 

^.ilmon  Public  Library-,  JIrs  J  S  Dunham 

^canlan  Thomas,  justice,  W  D. 

tcliirmcr  Frederick,  junk,  \V  D. 

^ciilcgel  Julius,  hardware,  "W  D. 

Schmidt  A  Philip,  brewer,  W  D. 

Sihr.eiiug  Paul,  spiaribt.  AV  D. 

Scidecglanz  Joseph,  bhitksmith. 

Sharp  'I'homas  E,  furuiture. 

shaltuck  A;. Babcdck  Co  (capital,. s.lOO.OOO), 
jiaper  mnfrs,  W  H. 

Smith  D  &  E  (Dwight  and  Eugene),  gro- 

Smith  Eugene  &  Co  (Eugene  and  Fred  L 
Smith),  coal. 

Siiiilli  ESoB-iu-c  .1,  Bookkeeper  Dun- 
ham &  Smitli. 

^iiiilli  Jctlsii,  Lawyer  and  Collections  ; 
Steamship  ami  Insurance  Acency;  Deal- 
er in  Toys  and  Confectionery. 

Sniits,  John  M,  barber. 

Smilz  liev  A  D  (Catholic),  W  D. 

steckart  John,  meal  market. 

S!f  infeldl  Fritz,   pump  mnfr. 

Thlljiit  Kev  Howard  A  (Pre-bvterian). 

i;a.vh.r  Frank  W,  agt  C  &  N  W  Uy,  W  D. 

Kuws  Michael,  boots  and  shoes. 

lI'Hle  &  Hnndeyside  (August  Thiele,  Wni 
Ilandeyside),  liver--. 

Touiier  Pcicr,  blacksmith, 
loiiliey  James,  propr  Transit  IPiu^e. 
Inu.-,it  House,  James  Touhey  propr. 

|,.i:ch  Jacob,  hardware. 

I  ril.M,  House.  I^ichclas  Allmayer  prnpr. 

»Hii  Ue  CusKm-Io  lldwiir*!,  Kiiitor 
Hiul  I'ublr  De  Pcre  Standard. 

\  .in  Her  Zanden  Henry,  jeweler. 

\in  De  Walle  Paiil, baker  and  crocer,  W  D. 

\  an  Dyk  Cornelius,  irrocer.  AV  D. 
■■'11  Sustteu  &  Son  (Garrett  and  Matthew), 

,>'UTiil  sti>re,  W  D 
\«:i  I'reek  Herman,  saloon.  W  D. 
'■  "nen  Cornclivs,  feed  mill. 

Vtrberkraoes  Louis  &  Co  (Louis  and  Jen- 
nie Verberkmoe.?),  general  store. 

Vcrstegeu  liev  John  i Catholic). 

Villiesse  John,  blacksmith,  \V  D. 

Volks'.ioiEl  lie  (Holland,  Weekly), 
Heyrnum  it  Kuvpers  Editors,  Democrat 
Publishing  Co  Publrs.     {.'•cc  adv.  p  -47.) 

Voller  JIrs  Joseph,  carpet  weaver. 

■Wassenberg  John,  grocer,  AV  D. 

Weiland  JIrs  Henrietta,  farm  impts  and 
blacksmith,  W  D. 

Weiss  Joseph,  harness. 

Wells  Allison  G,  general  store. 

Weter  James  P,  dentist. 

AVeyeuberc  Kenier,  insurance. 

Wheeler  Herbert  I,  druggist. 

Whileside.i  llrs  Margaret,  milliner,  W  D. 

Wilcox  Chester  G,  harness. 

AVillers  AVm.  pump  mnfr. 

Williams  Bros  (Henry  W  and  Eugene  H), 

Wisconsin  Telephone  Co,  A  C  Mailer 

Wolsltc  JloSiii,  Propr  Commercial  Ho- 
tel and  Cigar  Mnfr. 

Woodward  X,  painter,  AV  D. 

AVoodward  Wm  H,  baker. 

AVorkmaii  \\'m.  druirtrist. 

AVrighl  Millard  F,  barber. 

Zabrosky  it  Son(\Vm  and  Alex),  wagon- 
makers,  AA'  D. 

Zegers  Hubert,  saloon. 

DERONDA.     A  station  on  the  M.,  St. 

P.  &  6.  Sle.  M.  Hy,  in  Polk  county,  IT 
miles  from  Osceola  Mills,  the  judicial  .--eat. 
Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  AV.  U.  Population,  oU. 
A.  W.  Sylvester,  postmaster. 

Price  Z  O,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
SJ•lv^.•^Ic^  A  \V,  General  Store. 

DE  SOTO.  A  post  Tillage  on  the  C, 
I  15.  .V-  N,  R.  H.  and  on  the  Missis-ippi  rivi'r. 
)  in  Vernon  county,  20  miles  southwest  of 
Viroqua,  the  county  seat,  and  o  north  of 
Lansing,  Iowa,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  tri-weekly  to  \'"ir04Ua.  Population, 
f)00.  E.xp.,  Am.  Tel.,  AV.  U.  B.  D. 
Lane,  postmaster. 

Babcock  John,  grain  buyer. 

Banks  Mr.s  AVm,  music  teacher. 

ltiirlii<iU>i:u-\v  S'olcr,  Livery. 

Brown  JIrs  K  M,  milliner. 

Clark  Z,  mason. 

ColUu  George,  hotel. 

Cole  A  A\\  lishcrman. 

Collins  D  B,  cattle  buyer. 

Davidson  P  S,  general  store. 

Dunlevy  J  M,  cariienter  and  furniture. 

Chicago,  Miwki  S  St,  Paul  fiv.l-l'rtWest  wi  Mm 

OfliceA!actorjv:.liakc«..3UMVAlSKE,V,lS.     LSLBSt     ini:]r0y3a    VSiielian    b!i!12S. 


I)k  S 



Edmonds  C,  baiber. 

Ewers  Dr  O,  diugi^ist. 

FrencL  A  McDowell,  grocers. 

Green  Miss  Jsellie  B,  music  teacher. 

Hemenway  Mrs,  carpet  weaver. 

Kalhar  Robert,  Jteanaboat  naent. 

Laiio  li  S>,  Groceries  and  Provisions. 

Loftus  Martin,  Lntel. 

McDonell  A  D,  inason. 

McDowell  Charles,  waijonmalier. 

McEvoy  Miss  Nellie,  milliner. 

Mossholder  George,  carpenter. 

Mueller  0  L,  slave  and  lumber  mill. 

Owen  B,  carpenter. 

Owen  C,  marshal. 

Rogers  J  H,  general  store  and  druj;?. 

Stamp  Rev  F  W  iMethod:-t). 

StinsoQ  Lewis,  .'hoemaker. 

Terhune  T\'ra  F,  lawyer. 

Tucker  P  W,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  ait. 

I^piinill   Cii5>rlf.!i,  Tinner  and  General 

Van  Zandt  Jarae»,  meat  market. 
White  A:  Kloak,  blacksmiths. 
Woodbury  Clmrlfs  L,  general  store. 

DEUSTER.  A  postolHce  on  the  P.  & 
W.  div.  of  the  C.  it  N.  W.  Ry,  in  .luneau 
county,  21  miles  northwest  of  Mauston,  the 
Ecat  of  justice.  Bank  at  New  Li^ljon.  The 
railroad  name  is  Cranberry  Centre.  Pop- 
ulation, 100.  Mail,  daily.  Wm.  Evans, 

Evans  V,  cranberry  prower. 
Kvaiis  Will,  Cranberry  Grower. 
Evans  it  Cody,  coopers. 
Gillson  C,  cooper. 
Kruschke  G  11,  cranberry  prower. 
Kruschke  II  O,  cranberry  grower. 
!Megow  W  E  iV  Sons,  cranberry  growers. 
Megow  ^V  L,  justice. 
Winer,  Baker  A;  Co,  cranberry  growers. 
Wering  G  I),  cranberry  grower. 
Werriuce  J  O,  cranberry  grower. 

DEXTERVILLE.  Situated  at  the 
junction  of  the  Q.  B.,  W.  .t  St.  P.  and  tlie 
W.  v.  it  S.  Rye,  and  on  Yellow  river,  iu 
AVood  county,  M-'  miles  norlliwest  of  Mi!- 
wauUce  and  l.jsr.uihwe=t  of  Gi'ind  Rapids, 
the  county  seat  and  nearest  bankinn  point. 
It  contains  2  hotels  and  a  general  store. 
Mr.  George  Iliks,  of  Jlilwaiikee,  lias  built 
two  branch  railroads,  the  W.  P.  it  S.  and 
the  JI.  D.  it  X.,  which  are  now  owned  1]V 
Ibe'O  ,  M.  &  St.  P.  system.  The  principal 
shipments  are  lumber  and  cranberries. 
Mail,  d.aily.  Tel.,  W.  U.  K\p..  U.  S. 
and  Am.  Population,  4tio.  Wm.  Down- 
ing,  postmaster. 

Baker  Charles  O,  lawyer. 
Cruger  Charles  J,  cranberry  grower. 
Cruger  Rudolph  A,  cranberry  grower. 
Downing     Solomuu     A,    propr    Down;- 

I>o\vnii)!;  Will,  Postmaster  and  Gui 

era!  Store. 
Farley  it  Keenan  (.James  Farley,  EJwr,: 

Keenan),  saloon. 
Fielder  G  W,  barber. 
Hiles  George,  lumbtr. 
Ililes  Samuel,  general  store. 
Lewis  Myron  ];,  railroad  agent. 
Tuttle  House,  Charles  Tutlle  propr. 

DIAMOND  BLUFF.  On  the  C.  V. 
&  N.  R.  1;.,  and  on  the  .Mississippi  river.  ;■. 
Pierce  county,  H  miles  southwest  of  E,!-- 
worth,  the  county  seat,  and  10  northwc-' 
of  Red  Wing,  Minn._,  the  nearest  bankir-- 
point.  Pojiulation,  100.  E.\p  ,  Am.  Te:  . 
W .  U.     L.  C.  Burke,  postmaster. 

Burke  I>  <',  General  Store. 

Coulter  E  S,  justice. 

Dill  :\IT,  eriin. 

Gartland  F  P,  r.ailroad,  exp  and  ttl  act. 

Hardy  C  C,  hotel. 

Hildeu  J  F,  justice. 

Hope  .J  F,   ju.stice. 

.lerL'i-'usou  lians,  shoemaker. 

Leighton  T  L,  hotel. 

Mero  A  C,  livery. 

,Mero  A  R.  live  .stock. 

Peterson  Robert,   blacksmith. 

Quinby  E,  justice. 

Willey  H  O,  hotel. 

DICKEYSVILLE.  In  (Jrant  r, 
ty,  20  miles  from  Lancaster,  the  jud: 
seat,  8  from  Cuba  City,  the  nearest  s 
ping  point,  and  12  from  Dubufiue  P^. 
lation.  82.  .Mail,  tri-weekly.  R.  A.  L' 
botham,  postmaster. 

Haas  Frank,  blacksmith. 
Heinze  F,  saloon. 
Kowolski  A,  undertaker. 
Kowolski  L.  carpenter. 
I.,oii;:liotlitiiii  J  tV  Co,  General  St 
Weiderhold  t.i,  saloon. 

DILLMAN.  A  postotfice  on  the  >! 
L.  S.  it  W.  Ry,  in  Milwaukee  county, 
miles  north  of  .Milwaukee,  the  county  ?•■  '• 
and  nearest  banking  point.  Populali''".. 
150.  Mail,  daily.'  Otto  J.  Valkman:;. 

Bielefeld  t,  wagon  maker, 
liorchardt  Giislav,  blacksmith. 
Brooks  Pecv  (lloUanil  K.  formed). 

Ctiicap  fi  Grand  \ml  Rf, 

Palace  and  Dining  Car 


ikm  fi  Grand  Tfuoli  Rj. 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 






l!ru?s  Henry,  cocstalile. 

HiiUles  AusoQ  \V,  justice  and  town  clerk. 

Uibbert  John,  wagonmaker. 

Cc-iger  Gustuv,  Larness.naker. 

Habcrlicn  George,  shoemnker. 

Hanimater  KevVobn  (Evangelist). 

Lr.uis  Jacob,  carpenter. 

iieuschel  Kev  Cliristian  (Lutheran). 

■k-llman  Fred,  tlour  mill. 

Tphoff  Rev  (Evangelist). 

Viilliiiiaii  Ott«,  Grocer. 

Vogt  Charles,  blacksmith. 

We'lzel  Alvin,  saloon. 

DIXON.     A  postoffice  in    Bear  creek, 
iu  Richland  county,  12  miles   southeast  of 
Hichlanil  Centre,   the  county  seat,  and    it 
north  of  Lone   Rock,  ihe  nearest  railroad 
station,      Richland  Centre  is  the   nearest 
banking    point.     Stages   daily  to   Lavalle 
and  Lone  R.ock.     Population,    SO.     JIail, 
i.lally.     Helen  'M.  Eaton,  poetmaster. 
Beckwith  A  &  D.  cheese  mnfrs. 
Dfivis  \y  J,  farm  impts. 
Thomas  J  iM,  cheese  innfr. 

DOBBSTON.  On  Wolf  river,  in  Lan- 
glade county, '28  miles  east  of  Aniiu'o,  the 
county  seat,  tlnpping  point  and  bank  lo- 
cation. Population,  10.  iMail,  semi  week- 
ly.   A.  Bell,  postmaster. 

Hell  A,  Real  Estate. 

Htll  W  B,  cigars  and  tobacco. 

liramer  Frank,  lawyer. 

Burns  Douglas,  farmer. 

Dempster  C,  live  sturk. 

Jenkins  R  \V,  lumberman. 

Pllee  John,  farmer. 

Potts  Wui,  farmer. 

WUeelcr  K,  lumberman. 

Whltehouse  J  L,  hotel  and  carpenter. 

DODGE.     On  the  G.  B.,  VV.  &  St.  P. 

R  R.,  in  Tiempt'aleau  county,  27  miles 
.'oiithwest  of  ^\'bUe'\all,  the  county  si'at, 
?.ud  9  from  Winona,  Minn.,  the  nearest 
hanking  point.  Population.  200.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  U.  S.  J.  Baumgartner, 

Itauiiimirtiicr  J,   Railroad,    Express 
^  an.l  Tel  Agent. 
P>annigartuer  R,  justice. 
C'u^simore  Charles,  l)lacksmith. 
li"sley  Fred,  hotel. 

and  banking  point,  and  5  from  Mukwon- 
ago,  the  nearest  rail  approach.  P(.puia- 
tlon,  SO.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  L.  E.  Jack- 
son, postmaster. 

Bailey  T  F,  pumps  and  justice. 
Thomas  A  E,  physician. 
Thomas  E  B,  horticulturist. 

DODGE'S  COBNERS.  A  farm- 
hr'U'ic  postoflice  in  Waukeslia  county,  12 
"Hies  south  of  U'a  ikes'.ia,  the  county  seat 

DODGEVILLE.  A  thriving,  incor- 
porated city,  near  the  center  of  Ii>wa  coun- 
ty, of  which  it  is  the  judicial  seat,  is  an 
important  station  on  the  51.  div.  of  the  C. 
&  N.  W.  Ry  and  on  the  I.  C.  Jty,  of  which 
it  is  the  terminus.  Its  settlement  dates 
from  1^20,  incorporated  as  a  village  in  1858 
and  as  a  city  in  l~-'--'J.  It  is  located  17 
milts  -west  of  JPidison,  129  southwt-l  of 
Milwaukee  and  8  from  IMineral  Point. 
The  city  contains  3  banks,  an  excellent 
high  school  and  good  public  schools,  and 
churches  of  thef-jllowing  religious  denom- 
inations; Methodist, Congregational.  Prim- 
itive Methodist,  Presbyterian,  Ba))tist, 
Evangelical  and  Catholic.  Three  weekly 
newspapers  are  published — -the  Chroniiit, 
\.heSan  and  the  Ki/e  mul  Star— had  keep 
the  citizens  well  informed  on  all  current 
topics  of  interest.  The  manufacturing  in- 
terests consist  of  agricultural  implement 
and  wagon  works,  llouring  and  planing 
mills,  a  creamery,  and  a  snieltiiig  funiare. 
Land  in  the  vicinity  is  worth  from  sI'.O  to 
§05  an  acre,  and  lariie  quantities  of  grain, 
live  stock  and  dairy  products  are  shipped. 
Considerable  attention  lias  lately  been 
given  to  the  rearini.'  and  breeding  of  line 
stock  in  this  locality,  and  this  industry, 
notably  lliat  of  trotting  stock  is  rapid- 
ly advancing.  The  city  has  excel- 
lent hotel  accommodations,  is  well  repre- 
sentcil  iu  well  slocked  stores,  etc. 
Lead  and  zinc  minis  arc  in  the  vicinity, 
and  ciuidiice  <iuite  maleiially  to  the  gen- 
eral inieiesis  of  tlie  city.  Stages  daily  to 
Mineral  Point;  fare,  50  cents.  Exp.,  Am. 
Tel,  W.  U.  Population,  1,800.  Albert 
S.  Ilearn,  postmaster. 

Arthur  Nicholas,  dry  goods. 

Arthur  Thonuis  II.  carp  and  surveyor. 

Baker  Rev  (Methodist). 

P.urtle  Frank  C,  furniiiire. 

Bell  Benjamin,  chief  of  police. 

Bennett  Edwin  J,  grocer. 

Bennett  Joseph,  smelter. 

Bilkcy  Bro;;  (Charles  and  Henry),  meats. 

Bishop  Will  A,  druggist. 

I'.ishop  Wm  X,  livery. 

p.lotz  John.  Ilour  mill.  4  miles  s  e. 

Blolz  Leonaid,  liarness. 

Illinois  CEIITRAl  P„ 

to  all   POINTS  in  li 

ORTHEPiil  lOUi 

Illinois  C[i!T[liil  Pi,  R 

Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 






Briggs  &  Hoskins  lM  J  Brigg^?,  James  J 
Hoslviiis),  lawyers. 

Carter  Jliss  Jennie,  dressmaker. 

Cartwright  Joseph  H.  jeweler. 

Chandler  Henry  11,  dr^'  goods. 

Citj'  E>uiik,  David  H  Williams  Propr, 
Wm  Parry  Cashier,  J  J  iloskins  Asst 
Cashier  ;Prom  pi  Col  lections  ;Piem  it  tauces 
at  Lowest  Baulv  Kates;  Headquarters  for 
Fire  Insurance,  Williams'  IS'ew  Block. 

Clark  Dan  W,  dentist. 

Clarke  L  L,  prin  public  schools. 

Clayton  Tlinmas,  painter. 

Cosens  Richard,  pliysician. 

Cosens  Mrs  llichard,  physician. 

Curry  Wni  II,  county  treasurer. 

Cutler  Thomas,  live  stock. 

Dale  J(jhu  !M,  rest.-turant. 

Davey  Samuel  M,  Hour  and  feed. 

Davey  Samuel  M  jr,  restaurant. 

Davey  Wm  J,  ]iainter. 

Davis  llichard,  carpenter. 

Dietrich  Harvey  W. county  supt  of  schools. 

Dodgeville  Band.  James  Leetcber  leader. 

l>o<lBeviIlt;  JIuuk  (Capital,  §25,000; 
Surplus,  slO.Cno),  Samuel  W  Ueese 
Propr,  Ui(  hard  T  Parry  Cash:  Oldest 
Bank  in  South  wcitern  Wisconsin; 
Special  Attentinn  Given  to  Collections. 

Doili;<>villo  <  iiroiiirlc,  Alliert  S 
Hearn  Propr;  (.Mtc  illation  L'pwards  of 
1,900  per  Week  and  Still  OrowiriL'; 
Steam  Presses;  Good  Job  Printing  at 
Fair  Prices. 

Dcxijicvillc  Elotel,  Josepli  Mitchell 
Jr  Prnpr.     (&va'?r.  .■///<  ) 

Dodg(^ville  Sun,  A  McArthnr  propr. 

Elliott  Wm  A,  b.irber. 

Elliott  &  Sons  (W'tn,  Wm  U,  Edward  and 
Joshua),  masons 

Elvod  John,  salium. 

Elwood  Bros  (rii;imas,  Joseph  aud  Isaacj, 
fruit  growers. 

Engels  John,  sidnon. 

Eye  and  Star,  M  1)   Pi'avy  publr. 

Ford  John  II,  hardware. 

GriflUhs  David  J  I,  live  stock. 

Griffilhs  iX;  Owens  (John  O  Grilliths,  John 
11  Owens),  general  store. 

Grimm  Bros  (Conrad  and  Peter),  tailors. 

llahn  Charles  ,\  ,  barber. 

Hahn  John  A,  cigar  ninfr. 

Halverson  Henry,  county  clerk. 

Harris  Wm,  hlacksniith. 

Harris  Wm  B,  poultry  brooder, 

Hazeltiue  Lviumh  A.  jiianosand  organs. 

Sllearii  AIIktI  *?,  Prnpr  Dodgeville 

Heft'erman  ^Vm  S,  fei'd  mill. 

Hocking  James  C,  general  store. 

HockioL'-  Joseph,  propr  Wisconsin  Iln,. 
Hocking  Wcsle}',  plji.>tiigrapher. 
Home  Orchestra,  Frank  W  Schell  mnsr 
Hosking  it  Son  (James  and  Wm  C),wago:. 

Hoskins  James  J,  lawyer. 
Hughes  Thomas  H.  pliy.'-ician. 
Iowa    County  Agricultural   Society,    Ec. 

Thomas  sec. 
Jonks  Aldro,  district  attorney. 
Johns    Bros   (Thomas  and  John  F),  black 

Johns  John  F,  cattle  and  poultry  breed.-: 
Jones  Daniel  G,  grocer. 
Jones  John  D,  marble  works. 
Jones  John  T,  county  judu'e. 
Jones  &.  Owens  (Hugh  \V  Jones,  liobeit  G 

Owens),  general  store. 
King  Owen,  lumber. 
Lindscy  Wm  W,  apiarist. 
Lovejoy    it    Pieliards,    Charles    Boule"c 

agent,  lumber. 
McArthnr    Archiliald,    propr    Dodgevi.'.L 

MclCihosc  Edward,  photographer. 
^MctiilliL'Hn  James,  meat  market. 
?i^o!!ii!ila}'    ESi-(><i    (Daniel,   John  an-' 

Jam(s),  Carpenters   aud  Builders.     (.S- 

adi:  ..;'/'■  > 
nSarUs   JJoiisr,   lieubcn  ^larks  Prop:; 

Be^t  lln'.i'l  ii)  tiieCity.     iS.-i:  I'de.  ohj:  i 
^I;irks   Roiiltoii,  Propr  .Marks  Hon. -• 

Tr.iveling    Trade    Solicited.     (&e    ad.. 

!Marr  James,  furniture. 
Martin  James  H,  eeneral  store. 
Merrylield  Rev  Geon/c  (.Methodist). 
Jleucr  it  Otter  (Peter  Mcuer,  Charles  U- 

tor),  saloon. 
Meyer  Bros  (,lohh  C  and  Samuel  H),  hav 

I72il<'iicll  JoHCitli  .)!r,Propr  Dodgevillo 

Hotel  and  I.ivrrv.     (St'  mJi-,  (-/';'■) 
JUlclioll  .t  OriiUlhs  (John   iMllchell,  Sam 

ucl  Urillitbt),  creamery. 
Mundy  Thomas  R,  jeweler. 
Parson  George,  meat  market. 
Pearce  Wm  J,  physician 
Peavy  Mablon  D.  pro]ir  Eve  and  Star. 
PengcUy  it  Bro  (Henry  aiul  Jolm),  livery. 
Perkins  Thomas,  h.irdware. 
Peters  James,  carpenter. 
Peters  Wm  P,  grocer. 
I'hillips  Rev  S  (Congregational). 
Pierre  Piev  Cheshire  (BajitLU). 
Priileaux  Wm  I),  city  clerk. 
Prideaux   it    Hooper    (Francis   Prideaux. 

AVm  Hooper),  general  store. 
Prideau.v  it  Kelly  (Henry  Prideaux,  John 

Kelly),  blacksmitlis. 

.\11  lUiKlB  iiiKl  I»riri-«. 
'thQ      Sc.oti.l-ICiii.l    VllirolB 

<iu»v»/ll  lor  Sale,     tiitulogues  Irep. 

,?  2ii  \\.  tVatcr  Street,  31ILW.VI  KFK- 

Learn  Shorthand  and  ^pon   RaV   RM'^IPP*?'^   Cn!!f5SP     V'l^^-^'^^^rru^TJ^e'W'^'' 

Typewriting     at    the    y     ronsln.        J.  >.  licCU.XX,  rresiaeut.        E.  F.  OLI.MAL,  Secretary. 

i'ryor  it  Williams  (James  T  Pryor  jr,  Wm    ;    Itcesc  Samuel  'W,  Maynr. 

K  Williams),  drugs  j    Reese  &  Carter  (Samuel  W  Reese,  Richard 

Ilrt-^e  Mrs  Jennie  A,  milliner.  !       Carter),  lawyers. 

Traveling  Trade  Solicited. 

Best  $1.00  a  Day  Hitel  in  Ecdgev: 

.IOSi:i'lI  MITCin:LL,  jr.,     =     I'ropr. 


.(■A       M      _,V    tl/.''         -,'~-^^  i. ..  1    /./  '.V  M  M     Or~,.       .' ^ 

vrr-x  «,-^ 

REUBEfJ    RrlARtlS,   Propr., 

DODGEVILLE,      =      WIS 


With  All  Modern  Improvements.     Hot  Air  Furnace. 

~~^^  Me  KIN  LAY   BROS., 

r:^  '  ■  ^'-^^':'^:     'W'^'S      m?um?^s.  builders 




Shops  at  Miaeral  Pant  and  Dadseville,  Wis, 
(^tliCap  S   Grand  ]mk  h,  P^'^ceand  Dining  cars 

£)^J     W      UIUIIU      ia!!!\     \lU  ON    ALL    THROUGH    TRAINS. 





CAGo     5:isiM»i     <oli,j:/.i;    I 

l>i±Te^   yoiiii;;   !ai:i<-.    lo    .lo  atcipiii 
work  III  i>!isliif»s  oulocs. 





Rubblns  it  Thoniii«i  (Arthur  L  P.ob- 
bins,  Benjaniiu  Thomas  .In,  Insurance; 
Jlembers  of  McKillop,  Walker  cc  Co's 
Mercantile  Ac;eucy. 

Roberta  ]\[rs  J  K,  propr  Western  Hotel. 

.Roberts  &  Jones  Ulenr}-  F  Roberts,  I)en- 
jamin  E  Jones),  tlruagists. 

Rodila  Jliss  Jennie,  dressmaker. 

Rogers  Joseph  V,  .s;rocer. 

Rogers  Thomas,  stationery  and  exp  agent. 

J^ogcrs  "Wm  II,  general  store. 

Rohr  Christian,  painter. 

Rohr  George  W,  painter. 

Rowe  II  &  J  (Ilenrj-  and  Joseph),  general 

Rndersdorf  John,  hotel. 

J{yp.ll  Louis,  hardware. 

Sands  J  M,  agt  C  &  N  W  Ry. 

Sands  "\Vm,  boots  and  shoes. 

Schell  &  Scbell  (Frank  J  and  Frank  W), 
boots  and  shoes. 

Sherman  Nichola.?,  carpenter. 

Sims  Thomas,  carpenter. 

•Smelkcr  .?es>>e  P,  Lawyer  and  Ab- 
stracts of  Title,  Real  Estate  and  Loans; 
Collections  a  Specialty. 

Smelker  >.*c  Ilahn,  proprs  Spaug's  Opera 

Smith  Oliver  C,  justice. 

Souden  Henry,  t.-dlor. 

Spang's  Opera  iiouse.  Smelker  A;  Hahn 

Stratman  Frederick  W  jr.  farm  impts. 

Stratman  F  W  &  Co  (Frederick  W  Strat- 
man, Richard  Lane),  wasjon  mnfrs. 

Strcclcr  J  r.  Rubber  Stamp  Mnfr.  {Sec 
ado.  ill  cl'it'^irl'l  R<i'j'i,:i-  l^i.nur-^  ) 

Slroiitf's  dtiiU  (Capital  and  Surplus, 
^4.^,00(1),  Orville  Slnmu'  I'ropr,  James 
'Cleminson  Cash;  Collections  Promptly 
Attended  to. 

Tapjiins  .Matthew  J,  circuit  court  clerk. 

Temby  John,  general  store. 

Thomas  Mrs  (T'h  .rl'-s  J,  dressmaker. 

Thomas  "\\m  H,  register  of  deeds. 

Thomas  Wm  J,  grocer. 

Trensch  John,  .neat  market. 

Tresedcr  Mr.s  Stephen,  milliner. 

Vallee  Antlionv  R,  dentist. 

WhllfordA  Kelly  (Chris  Whitford,  John 
Kelly),  m  icons. 

Wickbam  Win  J.  t'rocer. 

Williaiils*  tUiil.  I)  H  Williams  Propr. 

Williams  &,  James  (John  Williams.  Henry 
James),  livery. 

Wisconsin  Iiouse,  J  Harking  propr. 

Zimmer  Daniel  jr,  sheriff. 

DOELLE.      .\    c(.untry   pottolViee  in 
Buffalo  county    IS  miles    from  Alma,  the 

county  seat,  and  9  from  Arcadia, its  i-i: 
ing  and  shipping  point.     Mail,  semi-wetr. 
ly.     E.  Doelle,  postmaster. 

Danciser  J,  farmer. 

Doelle  A,  farmer. 

Doolie  i^nu't'lliiirt.  Farmer. 

Doelle  J  H,  farmer. 

Herold  Andrew,  constable. 

Male?  M,  farmer. 

Weicherpbenick  John,  mason. 

Winger  C,  farmer. 

AVinger  Wra,  farmer. 

Wolf  Henry,  farmer. 

Ziegler  M,  "farmer. 

DOOR  CREEK.  A  po.sioffice  in  D  ■.:: 
counl\',  12  miles  southeast  of  Madison,  \:, 
county  seat,  oi  south  of  Cottage  Grnv' 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  7t  U<'V. 
DeerfielJ,  the  nearest  li.anking  p.i!;' 
Stages  tii- weekly  to  Deerfield.  Populalin-. 
70.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  Harvey  Campbei: 

Caiiipttcil  Kliirvcy,  Physician. 
Rvmerson  Ole,  shoemaker. 

DORCHESTER.  .V  prosperous  vi: 
lage  located  on  the  AV'iscon^in  Cenlr.i. 
Line,  and  on  a  branch  of  the  Popple  rivir. 
in  Clark  county,  40  miles  northeast  o: 
Xeillsville,  the  judicial  seat.  It  was  tir-i 
settled  in  1^74. and  now  contains  .5  church- 
es, a  graded  public  school,  a  bank,  2  hote;-. 
2  creameries,  a  tannery,  a  broom  hari  •- 
factory  and  1  steam  saw  mill.  F.\"  . 
N.  P.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Population,  .->  . 
Mail,  daily.  August  ilomstedt,  yo--l 

Rery  Amund  K,  blarksmilh. 
Dahlberg  O  Abraham,   tanner. 
Distelhorst  Frederick  A,  general  store. 
Falconer  Frank,  general  store. 
Fessler  Charles  .\,  shoemaker. 
Frank  Conrad,  carpenter. 
Oiitu-asser  Frederick,  hardware. 
Hansmann  Wn>,  meat  market. 
Iloeller  .Vndrc'v.  carpenter. 
t3<Miisio<lt  Aii^ii>l,   Postmaster    a:.*. 

Jensen  Mrs  A  F  F,  general  store. 
EtleiiVnaim   ^larlin,  Saloon:  Wli''---' 

sale  Farm  Produce.    Hay   and   Potalot- 
Koernrr  John,  saloon  and  hoop  mnfr. 
liiioiilr,    i'ro<Ici'ioU,    Saw    Mil!  a:-'- 

Jlufr  Kroom  Handles. 
La  Bossier  Henry,  general  store. 
La  B  .=sier  H  A.  Co   (Henry    La  Bossier,  ;■ 

H  Winchester),  h.ay  pres.sers. 

iiLiiiois  mm  1 1 


I  to  i\\\   POINTS 

i^  m\im  w:.i 

;ap  6  Gfand  Tfunl(  Pif, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 





.•»It!iiicr  EcliHuiuJ,  Iloiise,  Sign.  Por- 
:rait  and  Scenic  I'liater  and  Photo- 
.T-.pljer,  Postoriice  I5ux  109.  (See  adv, 
.  ■„(•  ) 

^:  ;,:imore  Bros  (Bradl)erry  G  and  Jobn  A), 
.••ycral  store. 

."     ;ry  Henry  M,  physician. 

'     -  rhillii:  Peter,  wagoiniiaker. 

I.  ■•.dan  Daniel  E,  prin  school. 

l:  .sfiukranz,  Ilaii^niann  A:  Stoelzel  (Anton 
liiiFenkraDZ,  Wm  Hausmann,  T  Stoel- 
:i\),  creamery. 

~.  .lafer  John,  propr  l^rnvelers'  Uonio. 

^  hafer  Peter,  general  store. 

scliiiildf  A  r  iV;  t'o  (August  F 
.•^chmidl),  Broom  llnndle  and  Base  Ball 
liat  -Alufrs.     i&e  ddf.  hdmc.) 

^  lineller  Bdward,  iirinler. 

.'■i-:ulcr  David,  black^milh. 

."'•i-vens  Milton  n,r!iilioad,e.\p  and  tel  agt. 

.-warthout  E  L,  land  agl  W  (.'  Line. 

I'ruvelers'  Hojne,  John  Schafer  propr. 

Winchester  Edsvanl  II,  propr  E  H  Win- 
chester's Bank  and  insurance. 

'iVhichester'a  E  II  Bank  of  Dorchester 
icapital,  ft.5,000),  P^  II  Winchester  propr. 

V.  intlmeisler  Joseph,  harness 

^Vol[  John,  jeweler. 

DOTYVILLE.  A  post  villa-e  on  the 
Sheboygan  river,  in  Fond  du  Lac  county, 
10  mile's  southeast  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the 
county  seat,  nearest  railroad  station  and 
banking  point.  Population,  100.  Mail, 
Bemi-weekly.     James  Lallerty,  postmaster. 

Baldauf  I\I,  carpenter. 

Busse  Philij),  carpenter  and  apiarist. 

Dautennan  II,  shoemaker. 

Engles  II  M,  feed  mill. 

Fastbender  Matt,  black.-nilth. 

Gardlhous  Rev  A  (Catholic). 

llollerbach  Joseph,  hotel. 

B>al!"cr!y    Janice,    General  Store  and 

Leonard  ii  Baldorf,  cheese  ninfrs. 
JIayerhojf  Jt-jv  ]'2  (Lulheraui. 
O'Brien  T,  physician. 
Ueis  John,  general  store. 
Richardson  Jilary  ]i.  dressmaker. 
Richardson  P,  blacksmith. 
Rinewond  Leonard,  hotel. 
.Schneider  Peter,  feed  mill. 
Taft"  \V  0,  cheese  raufr. 
Thueruer  Joseph,  bhicksmith. 
Web!)  &  Leonard,  string  band. 

DOUGLAS  CENTRE.    A  postofflce 

•^  *'  "  ii!  li  I 

i  II'  W   til    Ii  ^^1  R 

A.  F.  SCHMIDT  &  CO., 


I  '^R     flrnn^o    rt^iTF'Q  "ficvinp   \'^.\^ 

,    11  I'MU     ''L''^)  yJ  wUiSS  liiLiSlUJwiJiL'dwy  bull  biulO 


VI  1 

Qrnan^Enlal  Wood  (burning 

A  SPEClAI.Ti'. 


House  and  Sign  Paintsr.  ,' 

Havd),  S(l;\EUV,  K.INCV  (illAIM.Nli,         / 

'■     ■  :  f  iitid  all  kinils  of  Ornampntal  Worl<,  ^• 

'PTliiiugine,  KahoiuiniuKa'i'l  House  „•; 

i  -i.inig.     Strict  ntt^iition  Kuvii  to  £ 

nil  urJtTH,  ami  WVjrl;  done  on  ^-  ' 

Short  Notiot-.  r  ,  ; 

'''^tograplier  and  Portrait  Painter.  "^  ,   /;/ 

'»<>iuuKvn;K,      -     WIS. 




f  . 

Ciiicap,  MMm  h  St.  Paul  Ry/uL  tTttel^est  and  llorthy/est 

ILLIilOIS  CfiilliSL  I  i 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 

mm,  mi 





in  Marquette  county,  13  rniles  south  west 
of  lloiite'.lo,  the  county  seat.  7  southwest 
of  Merrill's  Lanilincr,  the  nearest  railroad 
sthtiou,  and  14  northeast  of  KilbournCity, 
the  nearest  baniiing  point.  Population, 
30.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  W.  H.  Jloore, 

McMahon  P  n,  farmer. 
McTier  Jaines,  constable. 
Mills  S  O,  justice. 
Moore  \Vm  II,  Farmer. 

DOUSMAN.  A  post  village  on  the 
C.  &  :N.  \V.  Hy,  In  Waukesha  county,  13 
miles  west  of  Waukesha,  the  county  seat, 
and  8  south  of  Oconomowoc,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  150.  Tl-I., 
TV.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Wm.  Keid,  Jr.,  post- 

Casper  B,  hotel. 

Clause  Herman,  harliessmaker. 

Grupp  G  A,  wafroDinaker. 

Ilardic  A  G,  Grain. 

Henry  .1  L.  iirocer. 

Jones  Hugh  G,  blacksmith. 

IMartiu  p^rauk.  carpenter. 

Martin  ,Tohn,  carj)euter. 

Moore  Dr  George  E,  drucr<;ist. 

Morris  W  T,  saloon  and  li?cry. 

Neff  O  11.  blacksmith 

Pagel  Ferdinand,  shoemaker. 

Quentu.s  .1  C,  jiainter. 

]Cci<I  Villi  .Ir,  General  iStore. 

Kobb  \Y  ,1,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Thomas  G  H.  general  store. 

Walters  U,  meat  market. 

DOVER.  On  the  C,  :M.  &  St.  P.  Ky, 
in  Uaciue  county,  21  miles  west  of  liacini'. 
the  county  seat,  and  (!  cast  of  ISuiiintrtou, 
the  nearest  baukinE:  point,  l-'oiiululion, 
70.  Exp.,  Am.  Mail,  daily.  Mlehaul 
Ginaiue,  postmaster. 

Ginaine  Susie  C,  railroad  agent. 

DOWNING.  In  Dunn  county,  on 
the  \V'is.  Crnlral  Line.  22  miles  northwest 
of  jMenonionie.  the  ciumty  seat  and  I  atil. 
ing  point.  IC.xii.,  X,  1'.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
Population,  42.).   W.  11.  Park,  postmaster. 

Berais  A,  machinist. 
Coleman  C  B,  lawyer. 
Collin.5G  M.  li.uel. 
Crosby  Seth,  barber. 
Dalloii  K  ^t  Sons,  clothing. 
Powdcii  Shelby  M,  hotel. 
I>o\inini;  .TSiiC;;  Co,  Saw  Mill. 
MeCabe  A  II,  general  store  ami  notions. 

Miller  A  A.  railroail.  express  and  tel  s 

;Moyer  A.  blacksmith. 

Jloyer  Henr}-.  restaurant. 

ZS'oicross  W  H.  furniture. 

E^ark  I>r  W   !U,  Druggist. 

Proper  F  C,  justice. 

Rice  L  C,  lawyer. 

Phernetton  C  C,  Hour  and  feed. 

Stewart  Wm,  livery. 

Stoddard  A  K  &  Sons,  cheese  mnfrs. 

Weed  K  A,  constable. 

DOWNSVILLE.  On  the  C,  M.  i- 
St.  P.  Hy,  in  Dunn  count}-,  S  miles  south 
of  ilenomonie,  the  county  seat  and  neai.,;! 
banking  point.  Population.  400.  Tel 
W.  U.  .Mail,  daily.  II.  Thomas,  post- 

Brown  Fred,  livery. 
Coats  John,  feed  nn'll. 
JI>r!ikc  ii  K,  General  Store. 
Graven  Joiin  P,  railroad  anil  tel  agent. 
Knapp,    Stout   &   Co    Company,    general 

Shirley  John,  watronraaker. 
Sin/,  John,  hotel. 
Tibbetts  A  J,  justice. 
Varuer  K  C,  carpenter. 

^  DOYLESTOWN.  On  the  C,  .^I.  .'c 
St.  P.  liy,  in  Columbia  coiiniy.  18  inile.- 
southeast  of  Portage,  the  judiei.'i!  seat.  a"d 
'.».;  from  Coluiabus.  the  nearest  bankinL' 
point.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Popu- 
lation, 100. 

Freeman  F  M.  wagonmaker. 
Hartzingor  bl'irk-mitli. 
<>tiiiiii  JJ  :^3,  General  Store. 
I.'obertson  A:  .Morris,  grain  and  lumljer. 
Sei-i'rson  S.  triuieral  slore. 
Williams  G  II,  hotel. 

DRESSER    JUNCTION.     Ou   the 

M.,  St.  P.  .t  S.  Sle.  .M.  Hy,  in  Polk  enu^-,- 
ty,  r,  miles  northeast  of  Osceola  Mills,  the 
county    seal    and    usual    banking    point. 
T.I.,  W.  U.      Exp.,  Am.     I'opulalion,  ■>'. 
i?.  P.  Pitman,  po^tlnHSter. 
Clark  Charles,  carpenter. 
Chirk  Charlotte,  music  teacher. 
Dresner  Nellie  A,  music  teacher. 
Farley  J  C,  railroad,  exp  and  le-1  agent. 
Xelson  Jennie  .M,  music  teacher. 
I'ittiiaii  li  i'.  Grocer. 

O!]ioogo_&  Grend  Im 

DRUECKER.  On  Sauk  creek,  and 
on  the  M.,  L.  S.  &  W.  Hy,  in  Ozaukee,  A  miles  north  of  Port, 
tlie  C'Minty  Seat  anil   banking  point.      P'J]; 

u  Tli8  Favorite  Roiiia  Eqsi 

§8  Vl.i    .M.VG.VIl.V    IL  .\iL,I..=^. 


ifnrn^^  ^'^n^^  ^'^'im'^^rL  PcnnER  wif!E  CO.. 





■:  iiiiD,    800.     Mai!,    dfdly.      Hugh    Mc- 
urjDC,  pObtruiislcr. 

Iiruerker  J  &  Bros,  lime  nmfrs. 
McGrane  llugli,  grocer. 

DRUMMOND.  Ou  While  river,  and 
■  n  the  C  St.  P.,  }il.  ik,  O.  liy,  in  Daydeld 
.riinty,  50  miles  southwest  of  Bayiiekl,  the 
HUiity  seat,  and-G  northeast  of  Ilayward, 
'.he  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
"lO.  Tel.,  W.  U.  E.xp.,  Am.  F.  II. 
Linimmond,  postmaster. 

DriiiiiinoiHl  F  Bff,  Vice-President 
iiid  Jlogr  Uust-Ovv'en  Lumber  Co. 

I,  iDd  Ole  0,  shoemaker. 

r::ile  II,  hotel. 

I'.iitell  D  C,  express  agent. 

i;i.'i,'s  .John  G,  lumber  mnfrg. 

Uii^t  Owen  Lumber  t'o  (limited),  John  S 
Owen  pres,  Frank  II  Drummoad  vice- 
pres,  Ralph  E  Itust  sec  and  treas. 

DRY  BONE.  lu  Grant  county,  28 
n-.iles  from  Lancaster  courl  house  and  3 
.'r.ira  Jlonlforl,  it.-t  banking  and  shipping 
1  'int.  Mail,  tri-weckly.  C.  Guthrie, 

('roll  &■  Dax,  general  store 

IJIing  IT,  saloon. 

(!:illowKy  J  S,  justice  of  peace. 

Oiuhric,  Topp  &  Co,  General  Store 

and  Miners 
.h'liDson  M,  blacksmith. 
M_UD7.  A,  constable. 
'A'elcli  &  lieagels,  .saloon. 

DRYWOOD.  A  village  in  Chippewa 
C'.unly,  10  miles  northeast  of  Chii)pewa 
i'dis,  the  county  scat,  and  8  north  of  Ca- 
''■'lie,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  (Jhip- 
i'Wa  Falls  is  the  nearest  bankiiv.^  point. 
j;i|pulalion,  50.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  \V. 
'  'iiit,  postmaster. 

['■urrovrs  G  B,  lumber  mufr. 

"rywood  Lumber  Co. 

Mint    Wai-i-eii,    Saw    Mill,     General 

^lorc  and  Salo  >n. 
'•  ■■'dnian  Bro.i,  (jcneral  store. 
1  diljurd  S  L,  justice  of  peace. 
•McKay  D  0,  saw  mill  and  real  estate. 
^^  i'cliell  James,  lumber. 
■Mitchell  Miles,  hotel  and  saloon. 

DUCK.  CREEK.  Formerly  known 
?''  \  elp,  is  ou  Duck  creek,  the  C.  >.t  X.  W. 
!■>■  and  the  G.  B.,  W.  &  St.  P.  R.  R.,  in 
'■•■>JWn  county,  .5  miles  from  Green  Bay, 
•^■<-  J'ulicial  .seat  and  banking  point.    Tel., 

W.    U.     Exp.,    Am.      Population,    1,2."j0. 
A.  llussin,  postmaster. 

Athey  James,  carpenter. 

Bciiilfj    TSiOinas    II,   Propr    Duck 

Si  Creek  Stone  Quarry. 

Buikel  Henry,  saloon  and  general  store. 

Buraette  M,  stone  quarry. 

C'orbeil  L,  carpenter. 

Delorm  Anton,  hotel  and  saloon. 

E5jicK  Creek    Stone  ijiiarry.  T  R 

Bentley  Propr. 
Finncgan    Wm,    brick    tnnfr    and  stone 

£9ii!<'>i!i  -Vle.T,  General  Store  and  Justice. 
Hussin  J,  saloon. 
Reiuhart  L,  blacksmith. 
Rious  L,  stone  quarry. 
Roder  August,  saloon. 
Steins  "\Vm,  saloon. 
Ullmcr  J,  blacksmith. 
Van  Ex  L,  general  store. 
Walker  Arthur,  general  store. 

DUDLEY.  A  postofHce  on  Prairie 
river,  in  Lincoln  county,  10  miles  northeast 
of  Merrill,  the  county  seat,  nearest 
station  and  banking  point.  Pi.pulation, 
20.  JIail,  tri-weekly.  C.  II.  Biauchard, 

EJIniieSiitfcI  ('  II.  General  Store. 
Dudley  Henry,  hntel  and  farmer. 
Smith  it  Cummiiig,  sawmill. 

DUNBAR.  In  Marinette  conntv,  on 
the^L,St.  P.  its.  Ste.  M.  Ry,  CO  miles 
northwest  of  .Marinette,  the  judicial  seat. 
Nearest  bank  at  Iron  Mountain,  Mich. 
Exp  ,    Am.     Tel.,  W.  U. 

Evans  C.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Girard  Lumber  Co,  saw  mill. 

DUNBARTON.  A  station  on  the  C  , 
M.  it  St.  P.  Ky,  in  LaFayetle  county.  Si 
miles  south  of  Darlington,  the  seat  of  jus- 
lice,  and  0  cast  of  Shull.sburgh,  the  loca- 
tion of  the  nearest  bank.  Population,  IIO. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Adams.  J.  L.  Mat- 
son,  postmaster. 

Blackbourne  F,  general  store  and  grain. 
Lloyd  P  E,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
mat>>oii  A  1j,  Blacksmith  and  Machinist. 
Matron  J  L.  jirodiice  and  printer, 
^lunson  Mrs  Sarah  C.  thnver  seeds. 
]\Iunson  it  Lord,  wind-mills,  etc, 
Russell  J  B,  mnfr  chemical  dehorner. 

DUNDAS.       A  post  village  on  the  M.. 
L.  S.   it   W    Ry.   in   Calumet   county,   14 

iasG  Call 

and  Lawn  TennI 

^  JQiin  ysiinier  Gmi  Co.,  -\^  ^r 

«^iJiO    WliUUt^tS    ItaaUvJ    iU    UlUwl    WALLPAPERS.   TeUphoaeiii-:: 












































miles  north  of  Chilton,  the  county  scat, 
and  0  southeast  of  Kaukauna,  thu  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  150.  Esp., 
U.  S.     P.  Endres,  postmaster. 

Beach  Samuel  C,  hotel. 

Bruecker  J  W,  cheese  mnfr. 

KaitJrcs  Peler,  General  Store,  Piailroad 

and  Express  Ai^ent. 
Sauter,  Peter,  saloon. 
Schneider  Henry,  hlacksniith. 
Woltinger  Josepli,  cheese  bos  mnfr. 

DUlf DEE.  A  Tillac^e  on  the  ."ililwau- 
kce  river,  in  Fond  du  Lac  county.  :.'J  miles 
southeast  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the  counts-  .seat 
and  banking  jioint.  and  7  northeast  of  New 
Cassel,  the  nearest  railroad  sta;inn.  Stages 
to  New  Prospect,  'Waucousta  and  Xew 
Oas=el.  I'opulation,  100.  Mail,  daily. 
James  Murray,  postmaster. 

Arimond  Jacob,  general  store. 

Arimond  &  Bowser,  flour  mill. 

I'arr}-  L  L,  cooper. 

£«r4tu'i)  AOatsi,  Farm  Implements. 

Brown  &  [lenning,  cheese  mnfrs. 

Daliege  ./ulius,  tailor. 

Gallagher  P  AV,  hotel. 

Jlontag  B,  shoemaker. 

Murray  Patrick,  blacksmith. 

Schenck  Jjaniliert,  blacksmith. 

Schcuck  JIatUiftS,  wagonuiakcr. 

DUNNVILLE.  A  rost.-ffice  on  the 
Ciiippewa.  river,  Dunn  coiintj-,  :3:;0  miles 
northwest  ot  Milwaukee,  14  fmni  Menora- 
onic.  the  county  .seat,  and  7  finm  Dnrand, 
the  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
100.     Mail,  daily. 


DUPLAINVILLE.  A  post  village 
on  the  C,  "M.  Ot  St.  P.  Ry  and  the  Wis- 
rousiu  Central  Line,  in  Waulveslia  county, 
i5  miles  from  Waukesha,  the  county  seat 
and  banking  point.  Popuhuiou,  7-j.  E.\p., 
Am.  Tel.,  \V.  U.  J.  Cuganski,  post- 
,  master. 

i>iit;iii)«ki  .7nliii,  General  Store.  Hotel 

and  JCvprcss  Aeent, 
Fi:Ji  h)  T,  railniiiil  and  tel  agent. 
.M-tgedanz  Kd,  wagonmaker. 
.Magedanz  Wm.  blackaraith. 
^  Sehniuil  M,  shoemaker. 

DUPONT.  A  village  on  Pigeon 
river,  in  Waupaca  county,  ii  miles  north- 
east of  Waupaca,  the  county  seat,  and  4 
south  of  Jl.-uion.  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion.    Cliiiloiivillo  is  the  nearest  banking 

point.  Stages  tri-weekly  to  Symco  a^  I 
Marion.  Population,  300.  !Mail,  tri- 
weekly.    F.  il.  D,;vand,  postmaster. 

Clapps  &  JIad=on,  saw  mill. 
Cleveland  G  F,  blacksmith. 
I>evatJd  V  M,  Land  Agent. 
Devand  L,  produce. 
Nohr  i-  Sons,  saw  mill. 

DURAND.  A  nourishing  incorpor- 
ated city  ou  the  C.  V.  br.  of  the  C,  yi.  c,: 
St.  P.  Ry,  in  Durand  township,  Pepin 
county,  of  which  it  is  the  c<iuDty  stat.  It 
contains  a  bank,  a  creamery,  a  furniture 
factory,  2  weekly  newt-papers,  the  Pepii 
Co'/nO^'  Co'trirr  and  the  JDiinind  '/.  Itup'j,  a 
museum  of  natural  history.  0  chuiches,  a 
graded  school,  a  basket  factory  and  a  ma- 
chine shop.  Grain,  pork,  live  stock  and 
country  produce  are  tiic  principal  ship- 
ments. Stages  to  Arkausaw  and  Eau 
Galle.  No  bondeil  debt.  Assessed  valua- 
tion of  real  and  personal  proper! v,  i'-.jO,- 
000.  Population,  l.l.VJ.  Tel.;  W.  U. 
E.^p.,  Am.  Jlail,  daily.  W".  L.  liachel- 
dcr,  postmaster. 

Alkire  Isaac  D,  nursery. 

Atkins  AVillis  B,  city  marshal. 

Auer  Jacob  J.  sahion. 

Bachelder  Wm  L,  pistinasler. 

BailofI  August,  hainoss. 

Bank  of  Durand   I'rapital,  .'52.1,000),    John 

iIolvcr:on  pres,  II  fj  Smith  cash. 
Barney  (Jilberl  It,  railroad  and  express  sgt. 
Barney  '.Mrs  Julia  A.  milliner. 
Barton  Elmer  !>,  saloon. 
Bauer  Rev  J  :M  (Catholic). 
Bauer  A;  Brenner   (Frederick   Bauer,   An- 
ion Brenner),  wagoiimakers. 
Bauer  iV  Engeldini^er   (Frank  Bauer   and 

Peter  ICngeldinger)    saloon. 
Blach  Albert,  shoemaker. 
Boehn  Jiphn.  store. 
Boehm  A:    Kraeft   (Louis    Boehm,  Robert 

Kruefl),  saloon. 
Breuuig    &    Kathouseu    (Jacob   Breunig, 

Henry  Kathou'^en),  saloon. 
Bruenu  Christian,  wagrmiuaker. 
lirunuer  Anthony,  blai  ksniith. 
Cji><lcr  iloii!*!.-,  -M  M  Farr  Propr.     {&e 

ach,  <Jpp.) 
Coflin  Alexander  G,  abstracts  and  loans. 
Crosby  Iliram  .^L  sorghum  mnfr. 
Davis    &    Starr  Lumber    Co,    George  V\ 

Bishop  mngr. 
Dorchester  Jamcs  T,  brick  yard. 
Dor  win  Aul'usIus  R.  cenernl  store, 
Dorwiu  V  W  .MillCo(Vivns  ^X  and  Wm 

Y  Dorwin),  planing  mill. 

,  r-^  !■■■:■' 

r*>H  s-'."- 

'  Liza  U  w  tj  k^ixi  i^ 


15  J    AVICST    IVVf';!'"    ST.,  :iiIL'\\  AIKICK,   Vv  IS. 

r  r.orils  are  pnrchaseii  for  <'usli. 

lyhkh  all 

iin.l   Ti>r 

ilin  Orija 

ery  low  prices.    See  our  $175  Pian 

Dearholt  &  Benedict.  ^' 





Uunltip  ifc  McKce  (George  W  Duulap,  Al- 
freti  E  McKee),  geueral  store. 

l)i;raud  Basket  Works,  PH  6h;ifer,  II  C 
Mueller,  M  P  Peter^nn  pmprs. 

l>iir.ind  Brass  Bund,  F  G    pf'jiffer   leader. 

I>;irand  Zsitung.  Uobert  JIor.--bacli  editor. 

Dyer  Slcrbcrt  I>,  Coui;t3'  Clerk  and 

I)j  IT  4.V  Bofliror  (II  D  Dyer,  Frank 
il  Boebret),  Watches,  Clucks,  Silver- 
ware and  Jewelry  ;  \\'atcli  Hcpairiug  a 

'.  .Iridue  Job  D,  cuiinty  .judge. 

;\i't  .Mathiasjr,  sorLjhum  mut'r. 

TaiT  :^iorri.«>  TjS,  Prnpr  Casler  Ilduse 
und  Livery,     (.'riendc,  hLl>'0.) 

r'nrd  it  Browne  (Cliauncy  B  Ford,  Gil- 
ford D  Browne  jr),  bl  ick.smitlis. 

r'lrsier  House,  Jo,=opli  Forster  propr. 

;■"  \  Frank,  cotifeclioner. 

rra*cj'  .Sohii,  Lawyer. 

V:,\/.  Jacob,  furniture  and  undertaker. 

'.'■.iller  Koduian,  furniture. 

(i:i/ely  Josepb,  carpenter. 

■"■rlicr  Geoigo.  carpenter. 

'I'.bar  Dr  Frank  ./.  coroner. 

^■"Nilricb  Miss  .leniiic  M.  county  sup!. 

<M>o<lriflj  a'liiio  W,  Dealer  in  Fur- 
niture, Wall  Paper,  Carpel',  Winilow 
t'urlains  ami  Fixtures  and  Undertaker; 
Trunks  and  Valises. 

';:'^.drich  I'c  Smith  (  Wm  Goodrich,  Charles 
H  Smith),  crocer.s. 

''"-s  Richard  B,  ireneral  store, 

•'■■  A  It  Hall.  Geor-c  Gerlier  uropr. 

<'iil!i!i  tilurlf«*  ISn,  Dealer  in  Staple 
and  Fancy  Groceries,  Ci.cais,  Tobaccos, 
('■mf.-cticjnery,  Fruits,  Ovsters,  Flour 
ami  Feed. 

•'titin  Francis  V.  -vvagonmaker. 

''"'Mien  W  .V,  painlur. 

'I  uiunond  .\n.5ei  W.  in.-urance. 

Hammond  A:  Smith  (Wm  C  Hammond, 
Wm  Smith),  hardware. 

Hardv  Perry  E,  stone  Cjuarrv. 

Hill  Bros  (Albert  Band  WmEl, machinists. 

SlilHiird  t'uloh  '3,  Lawyer,  Collection 
Agent,  Ueal  Estate  and  Insurance. 

Hocsor  F  August,  boots  and  shoes. 

Hoeser  &  Pomassl  (F  A  Hoeser,  Sylvester 
Pomassl),  saloon. 

Holt  Rev  John  (Methodist). 

Horner  Frank  E,  barber. 

Huleatl  Thomas  P,  county  treag. 

Humphrey  Mrs  Lucy  D,  drusgist. 

Huntington  Vv'  H,  propr  Pejiin  County 

ESiiloliinsnsi  !>r  &  Son  (G  S  Hutch- 
inson, N  H  Gobari,  Druggist.'^,  Books 
and  Stationery,  Fancy  and  Toilet  Ar- 

Ingram  Scj  Engeldinger  (Charles  A  Ingram, 
John  Engeldini;er},  farm  impts. 

Jellison  Samuel  L,  marble. 

Jensen  3Irs  y[  L,  farm  impts. 

Kees  G  W  ^  Co  (George  W  Kecs,  John 
Quixtncr),  meat  market. 

Knapp  Henry  A,  farm  impts. 

Knight  Milelus,  farm  impts. 

Lafavetle  Hall,  Yaulri>t  Bros  proprs. 

Lawrence  Philip,  brewer. 

Liefl'ring  ^  Mary  i.t  Kate  M,  dress 

Looiuis  Mrs  Charlotte  M.   milliner. 

JIcKee  Albert  E.  city  trea-^. 

ililes  Henry  N,  register  of  deeds. 

Miller  A  W,  civil  engineer. 

^^Jody  John  G,  barber. 

Morsbarh  Robert,  editor  Dur.and   Zeitung. 

Morne  liev  ]■>  L  (Congregational). 

Murman  Henry,  elk  circuit  court. 

Nes')it  J  \\\  ]irin  high  school. 

Nicklas  Henry,  tailor. 

Xilrs  Mrs  Mary  1.  milliner. 

(f%  A  (T3^  f]     T^  !"^     f\^y\  --"*"■ 

^^  L-A  VV^  Lisa  L.^  LJ  d 

U        tJl      Vr^ 


^•r:^  nsa 

M.  rvi.  FAFiR,  Proprietor. 

'•teenlly  refitted  and  refurnished  and  under  a  New  Management.     Only  one  block  from 
the  L">epot.     Reasonable  Rates  for  Boaril  Ijy  the  Week  or  ilonth. 

_  R.\TE.*»i,    $1..10  E»E':SB  I>.^Y. 

Large  Sample  Rooois  and  First-Class  Livery  in  Connection. 

A  Sliare  oC  Palilio  I'atronaKe  is  lie.sp-cttully  Solicited. 

DURAr^D,  -  -  WISC0^3Slf^. 

ffeag^llwaublSL  Paul  Rj,^:;xf  est  d  Mfflst 

MiLVyAUKEE.  Only  Store  in  \A'iscon-ir> 
connected  with  GOODYEAR  Rubber  Co.' 





>Jiiiimo  it   Kflton  (Alexandfr  D  ^^immo, 

Adara  G  Ktltoo),  fHrni  impts. 
Nortliwe6tern  Lumber  Co,  ?iiarliu  ?ilaxwell 

Nusberger  Conrad,  lime. 
Orcbeslra  Band,  F  G  Pfeillen  leader. 
Osterreicber  Kiisjelbrtclit,  live  slock. 
Ostcrreicher  tt  Ketlner  (Anton  Otterreich- 

er,  Joseph  Kettner),  meat  market. 
Parkburtt  James  II.  restaurant. 
Peck  Alexander  A,  dentidt. 
Pei'iu  County  Agricultural  Society,  II  W 

Hammond  sec. 
Pepin   Couiity  Courier  Tbe,  W  II  Ilunt- 

iugton  editor  and  propr. 
Percy  Bros  (Jribn  and  James),  draymen. 
Plumraer  Nathaniel,  county  surveyor. 
Phimmer  Win  E,  district  attorney. 
Pocscbl  Frank,  saloon. 
l'  John,  via£;onmaker. 
Kailt  k  Par<ou.s  (Tliomas  G  R^itt,  Tlomiis 

S  Pe.rsons),  pbotrigrapbers. 
Hamu.9    &    Tlionias    (Adolpbus     Ramus. 

Charles  Thomas),  liveiy. 
Raymond  Nelson,  blacksmith. 
Knebm  Frank  A,  grocer. 
Root  Kussell  U,  boat  builder. 
Ituelile  A^l^'ust,  blacksmith. 
Sabiii  iV;  Belden  (J^zra  N  Sabin,  George  W 

Belden),  barnesa, 
SchUimpf  Aujj;ust  F,  saloon. 
Scblumpf     A;     Nickhis    (Miss    Louise    ;\l 

Schlnmpf,  Miss  Annetie  Xicklas),  dress- 
Schurr  Walter,  drayman. 
Seeley  Wm,  carpenter. 
Selbach  i  .1,  )ihy>ii.-iaii. 
Scinplc    .K!;tJii'<i,    Agent 

Brewing   Co  of  La  Cro;se. 

Scmple  Itobert,  saloon. 

Shaw  Myron  A.  physician. 

Siinjikio.s  Jolui  10,  painter. 

Sinclair  John,  Inmljer. 

Skinner  Rev  (lilando  (Universalist). 

i^iiiiMi  SSfsu-.v  ti.  Propr  Tontine  House. 

Stulloid  John  J,  carpenter. 

Stewart  Parker,  ma^on. 

Stille  Charles,  tj.oriff. 

Tarrant  Georu'e  k  .Son,  store. 

Tonliiic  I3<>ii«c,  ilenry  K  Smith 

Topping  Pe  Witt  C.  general  store. 

Vautrot  Alpliousf.,  liardwarc. 

Voil  ^I'uriiiiici  .liiCMtb,  Harness  and 
Saddles,  Trunks  and  Horse  Furnish- 

Walker  Jlartin  P,  restaurant. 

AV'eiper  Henry  B,  pliysician. 

Zeisingcr  Loui.s,  furniture  mnfr. 

John    Gund 

(■Sie  adc  in 

DURHAM.  In  Waukesha  county,  lu 
miles  soutlioast  of  \Vauke.sha,  the  judicitti 
seat,  and  9  west  of  Oakwood,  the  nearest 
shipping  point.  Population,  1.5.  M^iil 
tri  weeklv.  Albert  Vecneudaal,  poslmaj 

Derkson  Barney,  carpenter. 
Hay  Joseph,  justice, 
Haj'  Joseph  jr,  constable. 
Huckstorf  John,  mason. 
Piiegal  August,  mason. 
Veei!cit«lji!si  Alhorl,    General  S:ore- 
Blucksmith  and  Fanner. 

DtrVALL.       A    recently 
postoffice  in  Kewaunee  county. 


DYCKESVILLE.  On  Green  B^x-, 
in  Kewaunee  county,  Ji)  miles  novlU'.vc-'st 
of  Kewaunee,  the  county  seat,  and  l-"- 
northeast  of  Green  Buy,  tbe  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  bankini-  point.  It  con- 
tains a  church  and  ilistiiet  school.  Mail, 
daily.  Stages  to  Green  Bay,  Sturgeon 
Bay  and  Almapec.  Population,  fiO.  Jo- 
seph Stage,  postmaster. 

Barrett  Wm  &  Son,  general  store. 
Boulauger  Desire,  general  store. 
May  Leonard,  l.ilacksmilb. 
Sliij;c  .E<»!<ci»li,  Hotel  and  Saloon. 

Chicago  S  [mi  Jml  P.;, 

EAGLE.  A  village  on  the  C.  M.  it 
St.  P.  By,  in  Waukesha  county.  ]ii  mili.s 
southwest  of  Wau'icsha.  the  coiintv  seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  A  weekly  new.s- 
pnper,  the  Sini,  is  published.  Population, 
:.0t>.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Iv.  Y. 
Salisbury,  postmaster. 

Baidster  Cbailes  B,  physician. 
Bielham  ,'\Iatliias,  stone  mason. 
]?ossinL'bnni   Iviward.  tailor. 
Botbrell  .Mrs  K,  dressmaker. 
IS«»vi'C  E'^<!w!ir<!  }..,  Grocer. 
Bovee  Mervin,  barber. 
Clemous  Harvey,  grain  elevator, 
demons  Horace,  railroad  and  exp  agl- 
Clendeuing  Kev  R  C  ( 
(;iohi.Hy  Bros,  blacksmiths. 
Cox  Charles,  livery. 
Crank  Wm.  saloon. 
Devere.'Uix  Thomas,  saloon. 
I)iam<uid  Hotel,  J  P  Schneider  propr. 
Eagle  Cornet  B.ind,  E  Lius  leader. 
Faestel  .Fobn,  carpen'er. 
Foster  .Mrs  L,  dressmaker. 
Gray  Dr  W  P,  dentist. 
<«ro)«Mc|n»UI,  General  Store. 
Haje  Samuel,  apiarist. 

Palace  and  Dining-  Cars 



1.000.000.  I  IVortUwcetern     3i-ai)cli 
;.Oi>0.onii.  1  a>a!f<-,  41G    ."'Jilv.aiskpe 
i  H.W.VI;KI:i;,  V.SS.     W.  S.  CANUEE,  state  Aeent.     n.VLia;;:  UlCILStU,  Ooa'l  ■lan-i-er. 




lltiiuescy  W  B,  publr  .Sun. 

Henry  Ecic;!ir,  paiuter. 

Ilnswell  Nathaniel  J,  wagonmaker. 

llulibard  Wm  E,  hardware. 

.I.iycox  Mrs  Louis,  milliner. 

I,v'wandowsl<e  Otto,  harness. 

f.ins  Charles  E,  drugijist. 

I,i!i9  Edmund,  saloon  and  meats. 

Lins  .John  A,  general  store. 

Lins  it  Cumlntrs,  live  stock. 

McKeon  J  II,  blacksmith. 

noWilliauis  Walt'-r,  Dru-iist. 

News,  G  A  ]{odgers  editor  and  publr. 

Parks  Francis  G,  real  estate. 

Parsons  Mrs  E  \V,  carpet  weaver. 

Pischery  Rev  Wm  (C:itlii.'lic). 

Kodijers  G  A,  publr  New.?. 

'iiUUimry  EtiUe  Y,  :\Iilliner. 

Sihneiiler  J  T,  propr  Uiumoud  Hotel  and 

SLarp  0  E,  physician. 
SiL-ad  Henry,  confectioner. 
Sun,  W  15  Heunesey,  editor  and  publr. 
Thomas  Henry,  carpenter. 
Tyler  Nicholas,  .shoemaker. 
Wambold  L,  flour  mill, 
■^'inster  Will,  telffjraph  ac:cnt. 
Vcrke3  George  W  &  C'o,  lumber. 

EAGLE  CORNEHS.  A  hamlet  in 
Kicldund  county,  M  miles  southwest  of 
Hiehland  Centre,  the  couritv  seat,  and  ."> 
n.jrlhwesl  of  Aluscoda,  the' nearest  rail- 
road station  and  bankiui;;  point.  Popula- 
lii'u,  00.  .Alail,  daily.  Frederick  .Smith, 

.^Iruin  Aaron,  waconinaker. 

>»inlni  rrt.'<!cri<-k.  General  .Store. 

\Nare  Wm,  blacksmith.: 

EAGI.S  POINT.  A  postoffiee  on  Ihe 
<-•.  St.  P.  M.  &  ().  l{y,  in  Chippewa 
county)  7  miles  north  of  Chippewa  Falls, 
the  location  of  the  nearest  bank.  Popu- 
lation, y.j,  Mail,  ,iaily.  John  Eates,  post- 

I";r:lctt  W  n  &  Sons,  siork  ffrm. 
•{"Ic*  .John,    NoPiry,    Insurance    and 
^  Lumber. 
<  leaves  F.  A,  pine  land  inspector. 
>\il«on  H,  cheese  mnfr. 
louDi;  Grant,  Uour  and  feed. 

EAGLE  KIVER.  A  prosperous  town 
"n  nvir  of  the  same  name,  and  on  the  .M., 
''■  S.  vt  W.  \{,',  in  Oneida  county,  CO  miles 
'"rlheast  of  lihinelander,  the  juilieiid  seat 
"!"!  noiirost  baiikinL;  point.     Tel,  W.  U. 

E.\p.,    U.  S.      Population,    1,,500.     G.   P. 
Dickinson,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Erwin  W,  blacksmith. 

Avery  O  W,  saw  mill. 

Bane  G  A,  grocer. 

Cochran  David,  saloon. 

Deckert  Joseph  F,  meat  market. 

Denton  Albert  A,  hotel. 

Dern  John,  barber. 

E>ifkin'>oii  iV  Cook,  General  Store. 

Docker}-  Wm,  boarding  house. 

Downs  11  S,  railroad  and  telegraph  agent. 

Eaden  Carnej',  saloon. 

Eagle  liiver  Review. 

Forrester  Wallace  W,  shingle  mill. 

Garity  ^Michael,  saloon. 

Gerry  Lumh^;r  Co. 

Goucher  John  \\'.  jeweler. 

Graham  Daniel,  stationer. 

SIiMlily  E>r  (^eoi-ijo  81,  Drugs. 

Hal!  Fred,  merchant  tailor. 

IHr/.e!  Mart,  saloon. 

Hchert  Mrs  J  P,  hotel. 

Howard  A  Frani;,  confectioner  and  barber. 

Johnston  A:  Co,  lumber  mnfrs. 

Knox  Wm  H,  grocer  and  saloon. 

Kuehue  John  II.  meat  market. 

.McCloud  K.  hotel. 

:?ac<:<Miiioll  <;  S'  &.  Co,  Grocers. 

-AIcGill   Hartley,  saloon. 

Mclnlyrc  A.  general  store. 

M.'ick  H  J.  hardware. 

Manes  &  Slattery,  saloon. 

Jloon   Orrin  B,  lawyer  and  publr  Vindi 

Jlorrison  Bros,  meat  market. 
O'Connor  Henry,  confectioner. 
Persolin  Wm,  harness  and  shoes. 
Richiaon  A  G,  express  agent. 
Richmond  Merrick,  saloon. 
Sheridan  laimber  Co. 
Stannard  .Miss  Lucy,  milliner. 
Thibbfcls  Rev  K  J  (Congregational). 
Thomp'-on  G  II,  restaur-mt. 
Tofiley  A  Merickle,  saloon. 
Vindicator.  O  B  ."\Ioon  publr. 
Wa!f!i  T   15,  fJeueral  Store. 
Wark  Miss  .Annie,  milliner. 

EAGLETON.  A  postofSce  on  O'Neil 
creek,  in  Chippewa  county,  [)  miles  north 
of  Chippewa  Falls,  the  county  seat,  near- 
est railroad  station  and  banking  point. 
Stages  semi-weekly  to  Chippewa  Falls  and 
intermediate  points.  Population,  ooO. 
-Mail,  semi-weekly.  Charles  Liche.  post- 

Harthieume  Leon,  saloon. 
Jones  ^t  Sticknev,   black.^raUh^. 

iiniiois  mui  1 1 



Oisdahy  SrcthersJ.  Perk  and   Beef  Packero, 

MII-WAl  iiliK,    \vi>c«>NNIX.     (  AMD    PROVIPICr^    DEALERS. 



"\VISCO^!SI^f  state  gazetteer 


Lielic  Charles,  General  Store  and  Saw 

Scboewe  G,  music  teacher. 
Stickncy  Charles,  hotel. 
YouDg  3Ieu'3  Silver  Band. 

EAST  BEISTOL.  A  postofflce  in 
Dane  county,  20  miles  northeast  of  Madi- 
son, the  county  seat,  and  8  soutliwest  of 
Columbus,  the  nearest  shipping  and  bank- 
ing point.  Populaiion,  75.  Mail,  tri- 
weekly.    George  Thein,  poitmaster. 

East  Bristol  Creamer}'. 

Goelzingcr  L,  blacksmith. 

Ilauser  Jacob,  i'cneral  «tore. 

Hillenbrand  Ernest,  carpenter. 

Jauish  Julius,  nvison. 
'Murlz  John,  sal'ion. 

Scisey     EJciiry,     Agricultural 

Schmitt  II  A,  justice. 
SSpshn  Valentine,  shoemaker. 

Steigerv,-alk  Frank,  carpenter. 

Stien  ^Michael,  saloon. 

Slrakcr  Jlichael.  justice. 
. Thciii  George,  General  Store. 

Thcin  John,  shoemaker. 


EAST  DELAVAN.  In  Walworth 
county,  3  miles  sontli  of  Elkhoru,  the  ju- 
dicial seat,  >isual  banking  and  sliipping 
point.  Tr!-weeltly  sta-.;e  to  Elkhoru  anti 
Ilarvanl.  Popn.hition,  §■").  .Mail,  tri- 
weekly.    L.  Dc  Lap,  poslruaater. 

JJradt  Win  L,  carpenter. 

Hull  &  Son.  carpenters. 

Ilie  Iai\»  Lo«ison,  Grocer. 

Dodge  Ciiarles,  constable. 

Ilarris,  Stubbs  Jt  West,  cheese  mnfrs. 

Jones  Uev  W  lo'Eaptist). 

Eii>.iiiicr  Ilejiry,  Hotel. 

Morey  I.  ina.--on. 

Williams  C  -M,  general  store. 

Williams  F.dward,  rarprntcr. 

William,s  T  F,  justice  and  nal  estate. 

Woodford  Walter,  blacksmith. 

EAST  FARMINGTOrg'.  A  villagf; 
in  I'olk  county,  5  milts  "^outh  of  O.-cci'l  i 
ilills,  the  counly  scat  and  ne?irest  railmad 
station.  Blink  at  New  Kiclimond.  Pop- 
ulation, '350.  Mail,  daily.  John  J.  Koch 

Abbetsmeier  Re.'  Carl  (Lutheran). 
Behling  Walter  A,  harncs.^niaker. 
lieyl  Aligiist,  steamboat  agl  and  justice. 
Erhorn  Joh...  cheese  mcfr. 
Keller  Kev  C  (Catholic). 

Kueli   Bros,  Genera!  Score  and  Cat 

Koch  £  W,  saloon. 
Krenz  Herman,  book  and  news  agent. 
Krumrey  Edward,  tailor. 
Madden  H,  barber. 
Maxwell  E  It,  book  and  news  ncent. 
SJillcr  J5r«.-i,  Hrick  :Mnfis. 
iNeuman  A,  feed  mill. 
Peters  Charles,  carpenter. 
Schmidt,  meats  and  live  stock 
Schwan  Mai  tin.  shoemaker. 
Schwartz  Carl,  blacksmith. 
Siggelkow  Herman,  carpenter. 
Ttske  Fred,  stone  mason. 
Zorn  Emil,  stone  ma-son. 
Zorn  John,  stone  mason. 

Chicap  l^  Gfaod  Ifunl:  R 

EAST  LINCOLN.  On  the  M.,  .St. 
P.  it  S.  Ste.  .M.  Ky,  in  '.Polk  c..unty.  C:J 
miles  east  of  Osceula  Miil,<;,  the  county 
seat.  New  Kichm.ond  is  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  1.50.  Mail,  daily. 
Luther  De  Golier,  postmaster. 

I>e  CiJolier  I^iillicr,  Grocer. 
Seekins  Pros,  meals  and  liay. 

EAST  MADISON.  A  station  on 
the  C.  M  ..t  Si.  I'.  Uy.  in  Dane  county,  i 
mile  northeast  of  Madison,  the  judicial 

EASTMAN.  A  village  in  Crawford 
count}-,  14  miles  northeast  of  Prairie  du 
C'liien,  the  county  seal,  u.sual  ship]iinij 
atid  banking  point.  Po]nilation,  '-0O. 
Mail,  tri-weekly,     J.   F.   Pier,  pustmastcr. 

A.strander  John.  Carjienter. 
Hurque  llubert,  blacksmith. 
ChfiTier  Bros,  black.smiths. 
Fisliers  .James,  justice. 
Keral  Alb?rt,  mason. 
KohoiierJo.=eph.  saloon. 
JIartan  Wm,  blacksmith. 
Pier  J   1',  General  Store. 
Pokorney  ,Iohu,  grocer. 
Speck  (.'  II,  .'■ahum  . 
Wallcn  Thomas,  li.iur  mill. 
Winegar  L  H,  Hour  mill. 

Palace  and  Dinin.o-  Cars 



THE    r.nODE«SER    JlXFfi  CO.,    Manufacturers   of    MEAT    REFRIOEEATORS. 
Ifjoiuiijiij.    MIMT  KOtKEUS.  ELEVATOItS  of  nil  kinds,  PUMPS,  BKK^VEKY  JI.UIIISEKY, 
ISUINO  JACKS,  HOISTING   MiClU.VKIiY,  Etc.     612.ol4  COSCiiEnct  STIIF.ET,  JilLnACKEE,  WiS. 





EAST  MIDDLETON.  A  r"5tofiice 
.:,  Diiie  couuty,  8  iiiiks  west  of  Maaison, 
■: ,1  ciiucty  seat,  anil  2\  south  of  Middle- 
:  !i,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  JIadison 
.>  ihe  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
■I  ■).     Mail,  tri-wecldy. 

llnfmann  F  L,  grocer. 

EASTON.  On  AVhite  creek,  in 
A  !ams  county,  10  miles  iouth  of  Friend- 
•;.ip,  the  judicial  scat,  and  18  from  Kil- 
liourn  City,  the  usual  bankina;  and  ship- 
pin?  point.  Population,  !J0.  3Iail,  semi- 
weekly.     J.  A.  Henry,  postmaster. 

':'-'.dy  W  A,  blacksmith. 
'.'  Illy  AV  D,  carpenter. 
Ilc'iiry  J!  A,  Gontial  Store. 
'.,'i.;ton  John,  grist  mill. 

EAST  PEPIN.  A  postoffice  on  Rock 
r'-'.k,  in  Pepiu  county,  22  miles  east  of 
.\rkansaw,  the  county  scat,  and  0  from 
'I  'iidovi,  the  nearest  banking  and  ehip- 
pui  point.  Stage  daily  to  Mondovi. 
r-pulation,  100.  Mail,  "daily.  Alfred 
l';y.  postmaster. 

'  '  "pe  Charles,  justice. 
«>iiy  Ain-od,  Justice, 
■^lurnian  Henry,  sorghum  mnfr. 
Ij'ick  Creek  Cheese  Factory. 
H'er.-cheibe  Andrew,  mason. 

EAST    TROY.      A    villace    in    East 

iT'iy  township,  V.'ahvorlh  county,  12 
•  Its  northeast  of  Elkhorn,  the  county 
■  ;'I,  and  4  cast  of  Troy  C-enlre,  Uie  neaf- 
'-'■  railroad  .station.  Eikhoru  and  Eurlmg- 
'•'"  are  the  nearest  banking  points.  Stai,'es 

•■'■ly  to  Muliwanago,  Troy  and  Troy  Cen- 
'"••     Population,  ",500.     Jlad,    daily.     P. 

•  Criste,  iiostmasler. 
-.yi-^lin  Henry  H,  general  store. 
I  ■••ey  .Jonafliau,  grocer, 
i  .>ycr  J  C,  harness. 
];■  "lis  Mrs  M,  carpet  weaver. 

--(■h  Frederick  If,  tailor. 
?'laiuliiird  Caicb  S,  ,\piarist. 
.•■■liiulniiiirr  Louis  D,   tailor. 
i.r..wnleu  Itichard,  11. .ur  mill. 
•;'.^enavista  House,  .1  F  ,Jude  propr. 

.:'"wripht  0  S,  physician. 

.i-ftia  Jobn  P.  hardware. 
J^  '|u;  m  Miss  Sa-ah,  dressmaker. 

■nhlln  it  Dickinson,  painters. 
.'"■;^  Aiiani'C,  harness. 
Ill'  'i'"''  ""^^  "^  r-utheran) 
.   "•kcnnaii  flarry.  Planing  }ilill. 
:.:l:J_|^  House,  H  "  Uogers  propr. 

10,   12 

Eberts  Ferdinand,  mason. 

Field  Stephen  F,  apiari=t. 

Gilbert  H  D  S:  Co,  furniture. 

Gleason  David,  tailor. 

Graves  Simeon  K,  photographer. 

(Srisle  I*  O,  Drugs  and  .'M.aioncry. 

llabernicht  Eudolph,  grocer. 

Harris  J,  cheese  mnfr. 

Hayner  Eev  A  J  (Congregational). 

Healey  Bros,  grocers. 

Hiiliard  Charles  31.  carpenter. 

Jude  James  F,  propr  Euenaviata  House. 

Keats  Wm  G,  town  clerk. 

Kessler  liev  ^\'  U  ^Ctttholic). 

Kuhl  Charles,  mason. 

Slarliu  Daniel,  live  stock. 

Meehan  James,  cariiatre  painter. 

iTScehai!  Mrs.  J,  .Milliner. 

Monaghau  James,  blacksmith. 

jMouaghan  &  Tramor,  saloon. 

Morrisey  ]Mary,  drc-^maker. 

Potter  K'jv  Thomas  (.Methodist). 

Rector  D  W,  physician. 

Piigas  James,  barber. 

Rogers  Harold  11,  propr  East  Troy  House 

and  livery. 
Rogers  O  H,  grocer, 
i^chaub  Adam,  live  stock. 
Scott  D  C,  physician. 
Smith  Cbarlis  A,  Hour  mill. 
Smitli  C  \V  Ac  <.'<>,  General  Store. 
Slebbics  Alva,  dentist. 
Trainor  .^Ir3  Nora  F,  dressmaker. 
Tiiellar  Sidney  E,  justice. 
Wilttnbaeker  Eruest,  shoemaker. 

EAST      WRIGHTSTOWN.       In 

Blown  county,  I.O  miles  soulhwest  of 
Green  Bay,, the  county  seat.  2  from  Green- 
leaf,  the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  1(» 
south  of  DePere,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  ."50.  JIail,  Iti-weckly. 
N.  G.  Grant,  po:.tmasti;r. 

Dyer  J(>hn,  blacksmith. 
Grant  N  G,  eggs. 



EATON.  In  Manitowoc  county,  14 
miles  southwest  of  Manitowoc,  the  county 
seat  and  nearest  banking  point,  ami  7  from 
Cato.  the  nearest  shipping  point.  Popula- 
tion, oO.  Mail,  Iri-weekly.  E.  Anderson, 

Aiider.soii  F,  Jeweler, 
Boelhler  Charle.s,  hotel. 

EAU  CIjAIRE.  Is  a  nourishing  city . 
beautifully  located  on  both  sides  of  the 
C'hipprwa  and  Eau  Claire  rivers,  in  the 
central  portion  of  Western  Wisconsin.     It 

rid    I  I    I'oiirtli    St..   FoiKl  Uii    L;io,    V.  Is. 

\vr  i.>  irii)  <  !JA  II  ici;ic  si:t.s,  i»i  anos. 

lo  ED.  ASrHErt7IANN    A:    CO.  if    you    \vri,;t 
GAR>  iindiT  I'orii  0«"N  N  A.^1  K  or  list  A  ^  ii. 

l,v.'ai'Ki:e,  -  -  "tvi>s(  oNsis. 






is  the  seat  uf  justice  of  the  county  bcariug 
the  same  Dame,  and  is  321  luil-js  northwest 
of  Chicago  anii  S4  east  of  St.  Paul. 
Its  name  is  of  French  derivation  and  siirui- 
fiea  "  Clear  Water."  The  main  portion  of 
the  city  is  about  31  feet  above  low  water 
marlc  of  the  Chippewa  river,  the  latter  is 
180  feet  above  Lake  Micliijan.  which  in 
turn  is  .589  feet  ab'ive  the  sea,  making  the 
situation  of  the  city  700  feet  above  the 
level  of  the  ocean.  Its  area  is  lOJ  tquare 
miles.  The  soil  is  a  sandy  and  is 
formed  for  the  most  part  of  di.'siuteerated 
potsdam  sandstone,  with  veiretable  mold  in 
its  composition.  It  is,  as  staled  in  an  Am- 
erican supplement  to  Chambers'  Encyclo- 
pedia, the  center  of  traffic  for  a  radius  of 
75  miles.  The  C  ,  St.  P.,  M.  &  O.  liv, 
the  C,  L.  M.  &  St.  P.  Hy,  and  the  Wis- 
consin Central  line,  which  is  now  a  part  of 
the  Northern  Pacific  system,  all  having 
branches  extending  in  varif  us  directions, 
including  those  of  the  pine,  hardwood  and 
mineral  reirious  of  the  North,  afford  traus- 
portational  facilities  possessed  by  but  few 
cities.  The  chief  water  power  is  supplied  by 
the  dam  across  the  Chippewa  river,  giving 
eighteen  feet  head.  The  d'.rn  on  the  Kau 
Claire  river  supplies  the  linen  and  other 
mills  with  power.  The  Eau  Claire  river 
empties  into  the  Chij^pewa  river  at  thi.s 
point.  These  river=,  spanned  by  ten 
bridges,  are  thickly  studded  with  uuiuer- 
ous  manufacturini;  institutions,  con.-ii.'ting 
principally  of  a  dozen  large  saw  mills,  c! 
foundries,  a  pulp  and  paper  mill,  a  refrig- 
erHtor  factory,  a  sash  and  door  factory,  a 
linen  mill,  a  factory  for  the  mauufiicture 
of  dj'namos  and  other  electrical  appliances, 
a  furniture  factory  which  places  1,S00 
suites  a  month  on  the  market,  a  brewery, 
grist  mill  and  brick  yard.  The  following 
statistics  will  convey  in  most  a  concise  and 
definite  form,  Information  conceruinL^  the 
status  of  business  of  Eau  Claire  during 
the  past  year: 

A^sHfist^l  of  propLTIy fri.T^s  r.'ri 

Bondrti  <1  ■!..; $3-15  000 

rublie  .-^clioo!^ 14 

Atcnit;,-  -  -.Inrv  "f  n-.alf  t-'aohiTM ?Otl  Oil 

AviTa„'.  s  lUiv  cf  f.-nKlii- ti':i(.-l)r.-3     $111  .W 

'..  '    -  >  n  I. ■■ml  •,•0  year.-i). .         i,l:;'J 
•  I    ,      -  V  .hools 

^len  eniployed  in  fouudrie.sand  macii 



(vatp  pchool.-i 

.vai:os  per  moDth . 


AoiOUlit  uf  n.Lri 
MeniMiipIoyt,!  i 
Amount  of  luni' 
Amount  "f  thiM 
Mfu  omplorfd  i 

wn  fe.-t in.'i.Oin.cXiO 


i]p  iriills 47 

Operatives  enipioyed  in  sash  and  door 


In  pulp  and  paper  factory 

lu  ref ri.^erator  factory 

In  furniture  factory 

la  electric  factory 


Amount  of  paperinadetpoundsi 

Value  of  liimiier,  latti  .and  shingles 

Value  of  planing  mill  works 

Value  of  f'-'Undrv  and  machine  shops. .. 

Value  of  sash  aiid  doors 

Value  of  ijaper  and  pulp 

Value  of  Iiirnirure 

Value  of  refrigerators 

Value  of  linen 

Value  of  electrical  appliances 

Eau  Claire  Brush  Electric  Company- 
City  circuit,  ■22  nii!f-s;  Commercial  circuit. 

15  miles:  7.5  city  ligiiti  and  .'iS  private 
lights,  2.000  candle  power;  tj  men,  wages 

Eau  Claire  Electric  Light  and  Power 
Company — Two  men,  wages  s3,000;  o'J 
lights,  2.000  camlie  power,  12  miles  cir- 
cuit; alternating  incandescent  lights,  1,020; 
10  candle  power  licrhts,  10  miles  circuit. 

Citizeus'Eiei^tric  Company — Allernatitiq 
incandescent  lights,  OUG;  10  candle  power, 

16  miles  circuit. 

Eau  Claire  Street  Railway  Company- 
Four  and  ore-half  miles  traci<.  lo  cars, 
operated  by  electricity. 

Water  Works  Company — Four  mt:i. 
wages  ^3,200;  2.3  miles  pipe  and  UJo 

Telephone  Exchane:e — Five  employee 
wages  .s2,400;  22')  miles  of  line  and  '-.yj 

Gas  Company — Ten  employes,  wages 
§0  UOO;  12  miles  of  mains. 

Total  earnings  of   railroads,  $700,000. 

Six  cemeteries,  2  owned  by  the  cily  and 
four  by  various  religious  bodies;  an  opera 
hou.'-.c  costing  ;sOO,000,  with  a  seatiu^' 
capacity  of  1,000.  Eau  Claire  is  said  tJ 
be  the  largest  lumber  manui'icturi:!-' 
center  in  the  world.  It  manufacture - 
annuallv  300  Olio. 000  feet  of  lumber,  t!;c 
bulk  of  which  is  llouted  down  In  rafi> 
from  the  mills  to  Chippewa  river  to  point- 
on  the  Jlissijsippi  river.  It  has  25  miles 
of  water  mains,  3  electric  lii'ht  compauie-. 
electric  fire  alarm  syatem. 3  !ir=t<.'l  ass  hott.^l. 
3  public  parks,  a  sewasre  system,  paveo 
streets,  numerous  beautiful  churches,  an'', 
excellent  schools,  a  tine  hospital  under  tli- 
care  of  the  Sisters  of  Mercy  which  has  ji!-' 
been  compklei!,  free  [lublic  library,  a  li-''-' 
exposition  tmilding  and  race  track,  pleu'y 
of  water  power  which  can  bo  had  on  !:'• 
vorable  terms.      It  has  telephone  connec- 

Notth  Star  Ironworks.  )  rapacity,  .-,001.;.ni!»-K.n;lnp 
PAIilMI  JU.MKACHKINi;  10.  . 'Ml"  rl-liN.  Va.i  ^1  ill  »1iii  liii 
ftshiand,    -     -    Wisconsin.  )  Spe.jd  tnL;ine».  Itoilers,  I'oiit 

,  Machinists,  Founders.  IJnllcriiiakpr-- 
..  Iliniii?  Harlilnery,  (Mrll-*  r.i..l  H'  " 
ransmiltiuB  3iacliinery,rt<:.   Seip.   o 


iisii  Bsflis 

lanhle  Tor  restorin:r  anil 
ri'lievirii;  Internal  Coast 
;  Dlood.     The  Bnths  st  J 

nniiituiniii?  a  healthy  action  of  the 

(tliins,  (  oiil^,  lial::ria,  ami  li.r  Puri. 
uesville,  Wis.,  art'  amoui;  the  Uest. 






tioDSvritli  ftUsurrniuidint;  towus.  A  notrd 
churacleristic  of  this  cliinate  is  its  ciiy, 
nure  sUmospUcrc,  which  for  lii-iltlifuhie.-s 
13  unesctlled,  sind  is  especially  favorable 
to  those  affected  with  cousumption  and 
other  pulmonary  troubles.  Tlie  soil  is 
porous,  and  the  street  griules  are  good  but 
r.ot  precipitous,  which  t;ives  tlie  city  uu- 
surpsssed  natural  drainage.  There  is  an 
abundant  supply  of  line  water.  Popu- 
lation, according  to  IT.  S.  census  in  1>^80, 
was  10,118;  according  to  U.  S.  census  iu 
1S90,  17,401.  Tlie  city  of  Altoooa,  a 
mile  and  a  half  from  the  western  limits  of 
the  city,  has  a  popidation  of  7!i9,  and  the 
suburban  villages  of  Forterville  and  JJad- 
gcr's  Mills  a  poptilalioti  of  7.j0,  making  a 
total  of  19,000.  'Die  free  carrier  system  is 
In  vogue.  The  Chippewa  river  is  tlie 
second  largest  river  in  the  State,  and  its 
great  valley,  with  its  numerons  streams, 
proffers  an  inexhaustilile  and  readily  ac- 
cessible supply  of  all  kinds  of  hardwood 
timber  for  manufacturing  puriioscs.  There 
are  the  difTerciit  varieties  of  maple,  oak, 
birch,  elm,  hemlock  and  bass,  all  iu  bound- 
less quantities.  Freight  rates  on  manufac- 
tured articles  are  as  favorable  as  those  of 
any  cit3-  in  the  Northwest,  not  excepting 
St.  Paul  or  C.'hicago.  The  advanliigeoiis 
natural  location  of  \^Mi  Claire,  its  favor- 
Tible  condition  from  a  sanitary,  social  and 
commercial  point  of  view  render  it  .singu- 
larly adapted  for  tlic  investment  of  capi- 
tal for  manufacturing  entcrpri.-ies.  Tlie 
city  makes  steady  progress  every  year, 
and  within  the  few  years  tliere  lias 
been  built  the  .McDonoiigh  IMaiiufac- 
luring  Company's  fijiindry  the  Kau 
Claire  Sash  and  Door  Company's 
factory,  the  Pioneer  Furniture  Com- 
pany's factory,  the  Eau  Claire  linen 
mill,  the  Eau  Claire  l!efrit;erator  Com- 
pany's factory,  the  National  Ii:iectric  .Man- 
ufacturing Company's  factory,  all  insliiu- 
lions  founded  on  a  solid  basis  and  paying 
large  returns  njion  the  investment.  The 
<^ily  has  more  capital  invested  in  manufac- 
turing and  ships  more  freight  by  rad  aud 
"ater  tliaii  juy  other  city  iu  the  state 
*Sf(  pt  ;Mil5\-c,iiUcc.  Lilieral  inducements 
■"^'ill  be  made  for  the  locution  of  mauutac- 
tutliig  enterprises.  Tliose  desiring  furlber 
PWticuIars  are  requested  to  correspond 
with  H.  C.  Putnam,  President  of  the  Eau 
Claire  Ctimmcrc.ial  Syndicate  atid  Presi- 
<l-nt  of  Ihe  Chippewa  Vallev  Hank.  Tel.. 
^' .  P.  Exp,  Am.  aud  Noitbeiii  PacilicT 
>>■  W.  Winterbotham,  postmaster. 

Aanstad  Ole  O,  grocer,  .jlG  Water. 
Abercroml;ie  John,  news,  207  S  Barstow. 
Acme  ]\Iilling  Co,  Ira  Westcolt  pres,  jNIil- 

ford  E  Britten  sec,  '241  Water. 
Adler  Frank,  saloon,  il'i  Ikllitiger. 
^l::tn:i  iSiiiltiiisu  «V  S..»:iii  .\«sOfia- 

tion    (Authorized    Capital.    s.j.uOO.OUO). 

Dr  Cliarles  Alexander  Pres,  1  heoilore  N 

Porr  Sec,  Allen  Burditl  Treas,  J  F  Ellis 

Attorney,    Ofiice  Opera    House    iilock. 

(Rxado.  1)273.) 
Alber  Charles,  clothing,  218  S  B.irstow. 
Alderman  Cliarles  A,  county  surveyor. 
Alexander  Charles,  pliyslcian.  Soil  Lake. 
Allen  Edward  W,  jManos,  102  Kelsey. 
ASkki  IVSiiliii?  €o,  E  L  Pond  Agent, 

20:i  N  Dewey. 
American   Bible  Society  Pli'posilory,  E  II 

Piayter  agent,  115  Bridge. 
American  House,  Ferdinand  Droegc  mngr, 

401  N  Barstow. 
Ames  Edvin  L,  dentist,  112  Kelsey'. 
Andersen  Bros  (Hans  and  Anton),  proprs  Hotel,  ."i02  Galloway. 
Anderson  A;  Co  (Nils  G  Anderson,   John 

Carlslrom),  meals,  ."ill  Franklin. 
Andrews  II  Nelson,  saloon,  20.")  S  Barstow. 
.Vrirar.l  Martin  .1,  whol  Hour,  442  Water. 
Ash  Mrs  .Ma:.':gie.  dressmaker,  1:32  S  River. 
Aslibough  Henry  C,  propr  Free  Press,  ol\) 

S  iiiver. 
Aslium  David  W,  phys,  yOSV  S  Barstow. 
.llkiwioii   B*cr4'y  <J,   Sec  The  Leader 

Co.  200  S  Barstow. 
AtUiiisoii  Wbh  li,  Vice-Pres  and  Treas 

The  Leader  Co.  200  S  Barstow. 
Aubert  Frank,  saloon,  018  Galloway. 
Atistin  i\Irs  May.  dre3smak<'r,  117  Bridge. 
Avery  Thomas  VV,  sew  machs,  421  Water, 
liailey  House, G  E  Gilkey  jjropr.oOiJ  Water 
Bailey  Wm  F,  lawyer,  u20  S  Barstow. 
Jjaken  it  Moe  (Thomas  P.aken,  Thomas  .1 

Mor),  saloon.  207   Madi.son. 
Ball:ir<!  8'i  ."i ,  Drugs.  Medicines,  Fancy 

Gonds,     Surgical     Inslnunents,     Phy-,i- 

cinns  Outtits',  Etc,  110  Ivelspv. 
ElasiU  of  I^au  <:lairi"  'B'hc  (Caiutal, 

.*;'.0.000  ;    Surplus  .$.oO,000),    W  A   Ku-t 

Pres,    11    H    Hayden    Vice  Pres,    C     W 

Lockwook  Cash,  J  T  Joyce  .Vsst  Cash, 

:U3  S  B.arstow. 
I3ar  Uev  Carl  A  (Lutheran),  1213  Ist  ave. 
liarker  Charles,   livery, 
Barland  (5eon;e  C.  grocer,  110  Bridge. 
Barland  ilev  Thfunas  (Presbyterian). 
Barnes  Charles  F,  coufr,  122  S  Barstow. 
Barnes  Horace  J.  grocer,  417  Water. 
Birtletl  ivlward  .M,  municipal  judge.  313i 

S  Barstow, 
Barlleit  \Vm  P.  lawyer,  4I0i  S  Barstow. 

Ckap,  I,]ifeao[;ee  fi  St,  Paul  e?,rr:;rSes!  aod  Mkiid 

v/loCUJiiu  VcutllAij  uL!:;U  LI).,  .  ^    .  i,^„„  j  .,    „.•„    n,- 

_^   Office  A  Factory,  iil  Lake  St.,  MILWAUKEE,  fl  IS.     LdlBSI    iniprOtSU    kBHclicn   bi! 






Beecher  Merriu  S,  grocer,  409 'W .iter. 
Bebnke  Mrs  Mary,  Ijaker,  317  X  Barstow. 
Deisiing  Mrs  Ji'lio,  cigar  mnfr,  G21  >\  Bar- 
Bclcbcr  Wra  S,  barber,  -419  Franklin. 
Buiisen  ifc  Johu-Sfin   iCbris  Bensen.   Frank 

Jobnson,!,  proprs  Union  Hotel,  652  JIaJi- 

Siiu'.cr  Abrani,  Liver)',  Feed  and  S.ile 

ytablfc,  60-'  S  Hiver.     {&e  adc.  p  ?SL ) 
i^iiidcr  ^SoUory,  Pronr  Binder  House, 

710  S  Barstow. 
Bjnrkamler  &,  Olson  (Gustav  Bjcrkander, 

Oiaf  Olt(jn).  Ebccmakers,  41.')  Franklin. 
Blackwell   Frederick,    bookbinder,   Music 

Hall  blk. 
Blai<^ilell  Andrew,  confectioner,  207  Price. 
ISEsni'-ieiii  EJros  (Louis  and  Sol),  Junk 

Hcaltrs.  115  P.audail. 
Block  Luiil  F,  tailor,  209  N  Barstow. 
Board  of  Education,  C  K  Gleason  see,  310 

Kelsey.  ' 

Boberg  Otto,  druses,  312  X  Bnrstow. 
Bock  Gust,  liarber,  005  S  Barstow. 
Bodinc  George  ^V,  painter,  Jliin  and  Far- 
Bot'bm  ]'ev  F  J  fC'albolin,  410  Putnam  av. 
Bobn  Christian,  saloon,  411  B'liinger. 
Bonell    Bro.s    (James    and    ^Vm,^    wagon 

mufis,  C07  S  Darstow. 
Bonell    Frederick,    photographer,  202^    S 

P^oppre  Chailes  B,  blacksmith.  100  Bridge. 
P^'uighl  llonici?.  hotel,  Mtnorainie. 
ESoslwiolt  .\rl!uir.5,  Blacksmitli  and 

Wagon  ilnfr,  214  Ilobart.     {See  ndc,  p 

Bostwick  Arthur  S.  register  of  drrds. 
Bowser  0  &  Son  (diaries  and  Henry  C), 
»     livery,  512  Wiscon-ln. 
I?oyd  JIoI'L-rt  K,  real  estate,  204S  Barstow. 
Boys  Baud,  IVtcrsou  Hall. 
Brace   Letnan  A,  insurance  agent,  s  w  cor 

Farwell  and  Summill  ave. 
Bradford  Henry,  barber.  :.!04  AVater. 
Brager  Olaus.  restaurant.  OOo  >,'   Barstow. 
Brancel  Christian,  rest.  12'j  X  Barstow. 
Brook.M  SaniMc  1  (',  lupvarf.  :;00  .S  Bar.^tow. 
tlrow?!  {'iiiiiwfllor  B.,.  .Vrcl  i'cct  and 

Superintendent,  ]!  0  Wil.-ou  Block. 
Brown    iV    Joluisuu    (Charles    K    Brown. 

Martin    P   Johnson),  real   estate,   loO  S 

Bruhn  Kmil  F,  ciizar  niiifr,  510  Galloway. 
Brun/.el  JuliU'^,  barber,  703  S  Barstow. 
Buck  George  \,  fiour,  400  S  liiver. 
Buck   Norman   L,  pension   agent,  ol3j   S 

Bullard  &  Potter  (Lorenzo  Bullarrl,  Her- 
bert U  Potter),  shoes,  111  Kelsey. 

Burkart  Emil,  propr   Central  House,  .:: 

Burns  Moses  W,  photogr,  116  Kelsey. 
Burnsen   John,   propr    Wisconsin    ilcu;  . 

302  Wisconsin, 
Busiell  Charles  E,  civil  engineer. 
Cahill  :Mattin  T,  saloon,  247  V,"ater. 
Cain  Michael  M,  s.ilnon,  225  X  Barstow. 
Calvert  Charles  M,deutist,303--  S  Barstow 
Campbell  Andrew,  confr,  310  Bellinger. 
Campbell  J  P.  comu,  407  Galloway. 
Carlson   Hardware  Co,  Christian  Cirl-  ■■■. 

prcs,  ^I  J  .\rgp.rd  uuilt,  442  Water. 
Carlson  John,  propr   Svcu  Hotel,  010  W;- 

Carpenter  Horace,  grocer,  110  Bridge. 
Carroll    House,    John    Carroll   propr,   31; 

Eau  Claire. 
Carrol i  John,  Propr  Frawlev  Hou=;, 

311  X  p.  u'-tow.     (.Sv.jrfp.  p  ^7u.) 
Clirsoi!  1'i'iii,  Vice  Pres  Eau  Claire  Xa 

tional  Bank. 
Cass  Drug  Co,  Josiah   E  Cass  pres,  305  ."^ 

Casutt  Anton,  confectr,  321  ^ladisou. 
Central  House,  Emil  Burkart   propr,  510 

Central  Lumber  Co,  John  Ure  and  John 

Ure  jr  proprs 
CcrUMuliJiii  TllOiiliis  .A,  Liverv  a::  1 

Healer  in  Heavy  Otaft,  S.tddic  and  C  ir- 

riagc  Horses,    cor  FarwcU  and   Gibsou. 

(SiC  ridr,  opp.) 
Chales  Charles,  shoemaker,  532  Water. 
Chambers  .lames,  barber,  504  F'.elling'.T. 
Cliambers  Laurence,  meats,  53G  Water. 
Chappell  Addison  D,  real  est,  lO'J  Kelsey. 
Chappell   Charles  W,  jeweler,  207  Kei.-cy. 
Chappell   Concrete  Co  (Charles  W  Chap- 
pell, J  K  Ellis),  207  Keljey. 
Charland  Miss  Millie  A,  dressmaker.  HC 

Cha^e  Ualph  H,  phys.  307^  S  llar^tow. 
I'iiijipowii    Valley    HSiiiik   (Capital. 

sSOimo;  .--Surplus.  iilo,500),  H  C  Pair.:'.::'. 

I'res.  George  T  Thompson  Ca--hier,  £  1> 

I'utnam  Asst  Ca-^hier.  Oo.-j  Kelsey. 
C"lii|»j>c\va  Vallfj  K«ultr  Work-i. 

David  Ga-,ton   Propr,  110  and  112  Madi- 
son.    (Ste  <iilr.  p  ■^:9.) 
Christiansen  .M  &.  Son  (Martin  and  Hjal- 

mar),  tailors,  421  Price. 
Churchill      &,      Hammond      (Charles    W 

Churchill,  Eleazor  S  Hammond),  eleva 

tor,  313  Kelsey. 
Citizens'    ?:ieetric  Co,   David    Drummond 

pres.  H  A  Formansupt.  31s  Gibson. 
Citizeus'  Loan  and  Building  A-sn,  Charles 

B  Swift  sec,  113  Kelsey. 
Clements  James,  livery,  213  River. 



Trdnl<  % 

The  Favorite  Route  East 









'   1 

HeayfDfaughi,  Saddle  ao[!  Fine  Caf[iag8  Horses 


LIVELY  STABLE   Itl    GOrJ["^^ECTiOri3. 

First-Class  Turnouts.    Traveling  Men's  Trade 
Especially  Solicited. 

Corner  Farwell  and  Gibson  Sts.,  opp.  Galloway  Hold,  EAU  CLAIRE,  WlSCOIiSm. 

lllinniQ  fC^lin,^!  n  n  DIRECT  F^ouTE  MnnnjpM  mcj. 

ILLIilUio    ULll  llti-iL  111  ill  to  all  POINTS  in  ilUillnLlilJ  lUJ;!, 





Collil!  ^*'ltl  ?i.  Cafliier  Eau  Clare  Ka- 
tiondl  iKiiik.  302  6  U  irstow. 

Cole  Samuel  H,  cuustabK',  '207  S  Baistow. 

■Cole  &   Brigffs  (}Ienry    E  Cole,  Edtjar  E 

Griggs),  collcclions,  207  S  Barstnw. 

College  of  Commerce,  Rudolph  O  StoU 
prin,  304  N  Barstow. 

Coltou  James,  fire  wardeu,  citybldg. 

Commercial  Bauk  (capital,  $00,000),  .lame3 
tl  Allen  pres,  Frank  C  Allen  cash,  205  N 

Compo  Ephraim,  shoemaker,  3:-i4  Water. 

Congdou  Fred,  liverv,  cor  2d  avc  .and 

Coidcy  Bros  (.lolin  and  Chaile,'),  saloon, 
12S  S  Barslow. 

Converse  Royal  W,  confectr,  319  S  Bar- 

•Cook  Mrs  Cordelia  A,  miliiuer,  120  S  Bar- 

Cook  Wm  P,  marlilr,  .720  S  Barstow. 

Cooify  BSoiiii'i'  J>,  Lawyer, 113  Ke!st:y. 

C!o(in  Nelson  I),  musical  insts,  3-42  Water. 

Cooper  rMrs  Rehecca  il,  confectr,  203  Mad- 

Co-operative  Tdercantilc  Assn,  .John  Mc- 
Inuis  pres,  Henry  Selover  sec,  grocers, 
205  Price. 

Couture  Alfred,  saliion,  202  Water. 

Couture  Alphonsc,  saloon.  Hii  \V'aler. 

-Couture  Jolin,  saloon,  211  Water. 

Couture  Joseph,  saloon,  s42  Water. 

Cox  Mrs  Lora  A.  bleacher,  710  1st  avc. 
■Co.xcn  Charles  II,  painter,  312  .Alain. 

Crabbe  &  Peterson  (David  V  Crabbo, 
Even  Peterson),  furniture.  300  Ivelscy. 

Craft  Mrs  E  A,  dressmaker.  220  4lh  avc. 

Cramer  Pt  ter.  saloon,  J'J.'i  River. 

Cromwell  rtanford,  agt  Am  E.\p  Co,  501  S 

C'llll>crl»oii  .Il:iiiie<>  15,  Atloineyal- 
Law,   Loans  and  Real  E^tnle.ll;l  liiiilge. 

Culver  Mrs  Eliza  'I",  notions,  Air,  Water. 

Culver  Joseph  (;,  real  est,  313}  S  Bnrstow. 

Culver  it  Ellison  (Knos  S  C'nlver,  A  Fow- 
ler Ellison),  shoes,  30G  S  Barstow. 

■Cutler  IliramC,  phvsician.  312  N  Barstow. 

Cutter  Addison  A,  shoes,  301   S  Barstoxv. 

Cypreanseu  A  Soley  'Gilbert  Ovpreansen. 
Martin  O  yoley),  "meats.  410  N   Barstow. 

Dabl  Christian  A,  ins,  IIM  S  Barstow 

Daly  &  Cofgrovc  (James  C  I'aly,  Michael 
Cosgrnve).  saloon,  SIO  lIoi)art. 

Daniels  Geor;.'c  If,  saloon,  cldef  lire  dept. 

I>il\'j>^  ^■;o«ry;c  S,  Vice  Pres  The  Wis- 
consin RefriL'irator  Co. 

DavisJIenry  1).  K.L'ger,   12IS  S  Farwell. 

Davis  A:  Stair  Lumber  Co  (capital,  •'1250.- 
000).  Wm  J  .Siarr  pres,  George  y  Davis 
sec,  320  S  Barstow. 

^>iiy  !>ivitj!il   W,  Physician,  305i  ai:  : 

3074  ti  Barstow. 
Day,  Lyman  Sc  Pinkerton  (Henry  L  P;i',-, 

J  V  R  Lyman,  W  T   Pinkerton),  pbv;; 

cians,  114  Kelsey. 
Dells  Lumber  Co,  George  W  Jlason  pn  ^ 

Fred  B  Dubach  sec,  west  end  Madis.ij 

Street  bridge. 
Dells  Water  i'ower  Co,    James   Mclnlire 

pres,  C  R  Gleason  sec.  312  Kelsey. 
Deraarest  J  Burnett,  as,-t  postmaster. 
Dcramler  Olto  R,  florist,  435  Jefferson. 
Derge   J   &    Bro   (Julius  and  Ferdinand;, 

cigar  mufrs,  124  S  Barstow. 
Derouki  Jo.seph,  saloon,  S3^  Water. 
Devine  Abe,  saloon,  202  Kelsey. 
Devino  James,  saloon,  102  Price. 
Dovitt  Terence,  justice,  3bs  Water. 
SJcwt'y  t;  A,  Steam  Laundry,  202  Gray. 

(Stv  ioId,  p  CSS.) 
Dickersou  John,  broom  mnfr,  220  5th  ave. 
Dickson  ,lohn,  grocer,  420  Bellinger. 
Doherty  James,  saloon,  232  Water. 
Doolittic  Leion  A,  lawyer,  313  S  Barfto-?r. 
Doolittle  Pi  Edsou,  lawyer,  310  S  Barstow. 
Douaherty  Daniel,  saloon,  w  end  Bridge. 
Dowllug  Thomas  F,  s:doon,30n  S  Barsluw. 
Doyle    &     Brady    (.lohn    Doyle,    Michael 

Bradj),  blacksmiths,  237  Water. 
Drabaut  Ausust.  grocer,  1120  Menominee. 
Droege  Feiilinand,  nincr  Ameiic:in  lluu-e. 

401  X  Barslow. 
Drumu'iond  Bios  (David,  J(din  and  Dnn- 

can  J),  packers,  411  Giillowav. 
Ducker  Mrs  .[  C.  dressmaker,  040  4th  ave. 
Ducommun   Julius,    jeweler,  120  S   Bars- 
Dugannc  Mrs  Chira  G,  cilerer.  2IM  4th  av. 
Duncan  GeoiL'i;  F,  jeweler.  100  Kelsiv. 
Dunn  Rev  A  B  C  (Cutliolici. 
i;:i;.jlo  Iron   ^^'ork-i,   N   Shaw  it  Co 

Pioprs,  Sh.awtowu. 
lOastein  Alaska  Mining  and  .Milliuu  Co.  -1 

T  Heath  pres,  L  QOlcolt  sec.  lO'J  Kei^ 

Knii  <"lair«'  E*«»<»k  jiikI  Sljiliosiery 

Co.  (4  C  Witlieibv  Pres  and  Treas.  II  !i 

Walmsley  Sec,  310  S  Barstow.    (Ac  "<-!~. 

Eau  Claire  Brush  Electric  Co,  H  H  Har- 
den prea,  A  A  Formau  supt,  318  Gib- 

Eau  Claire  Business  College,  L  Shaver  pnn. 
2113  Kelsey. 

Eau  Claire  Cornet  Band,  John  Hanck  Idr. 
414  S  River. 

Eau  Claire  Free  Librarv,  Miss  Jessie  !• 
lloyt  librarian,  Postolliee  bidg. 

Eau  Claire  Fre-h  Fish  Co,  A  L  Anderson 
ningr,  20S  Gilison. 

Electric  Light  fiFsd  Llotor  Plant 

lotxiies   Free 

siiHCiiieit   <'<>nM.icio.    !:i,j:cTEt irAi,  >!  ■'■■ 
•5  i*!,ii:s  <>!.•   .\i.j.   j>b:s<  iju' l•g«>\^,    *uu\- 

JILICS    AMJSt.Vl^:,    -i'i:,     \l  et.t    ■\Vator    SIrei-:,    .^III,  W.VIK  tl- 




Has  constautly  on  band  for  s^ale  a  large  numljer  of  the  choicest  bred  Per- 
chcrons  from  sucklings  up  to  tive  vears  of  a^.  Also  choice  vanety  of 
voung  trotting  bred  Colt3  and  Fillies.  Breedius  Farm  located  at  Truax  bwitch, 
fnur  miles  "West  of  Fan  Claire. 

i  o 
-  r 

§-  ^ 

='  Pi 

Telemariue  I -.KM -0192  Dark,  Iron  Gray  Stallion,  weight  IDSO  pounds. 
»--"t  by  Honn-lo-Bl  mc.  4.Vi-:  24:1;;,  he  tiy  Uustique— Dam,  Poulc,  772'J  by  \  leux 
iJtcide,  4560.     Address  all  communications  to 






CAGO   itrsiMCSis   coL,jn:f;i-;   is   i 

standard.    XUo   IjarKOt  and   liQut. 





CO  0 

■*-'  < 


Eiiu  Claire  Fijriii'.iire  Co,  (J  J  Len- 
mark  Prus,  O  O  Aanst^d  Vire-Pres, 
Andrew  SteusaassSec,  Jacob  Amuudson 
Treas,  Csirpets,  Furniture  and  Wall 
Paper,  Undertakers  and  Einbalmers,  112 
and  114  Bridge.     (.S>:  "dc,  p  ;S3  ) 

Eau  Claire  Gas  Co,  Michael  GrilUn  pres, 
David  Druaimond  sec,  409  Galloway. 

Eau  Clairt  Grocer  Co,  B  A  Buffiiigton 
prcs,  John  Huuner  sec,  417  Galloway. 

E>;i(i  Claire  House,  Parkinson  &  .Mc- 
Gillis  Proprs,  s  e  cor  Barstow  and  Eau 
Claire.     (See  ado.  opp.) 

Eau  Claire  Ice  Co,  J  J  Kelley  propr, 
BridLje  and  Union. 

Eau  Claire  Lineu  Co,  IT  C  Putnam  prcs, 
J  H  Keyes  sec,  e  end  Eau  Claire. 

Eau  Claire  Lumber  Co,  Joseph  G  Thorp 
pres,  \Vm  A  Bust  sec,  cor  Eau  Claire 
and  Dewev. 

Eau  Claire  Mill  Supply  Co,  Ilirara  P  Gra- 
ham pres,  Conway  B  Daniels  sec,  Sus  S 

Kail  Claire  TValioiia!  ^$»iil(  (Capi- 
tal, .'JIOO.OCO;  Surplus,  sl.5,000i,  <)  H 
Ingrain  Prcs,  Wm  Carson  Vice-Pres, 
Wm  K  Coffln  Cash,  C  A  Slouch  A^st 
Cash,  302  S  Barstow.     (Sec  ad'\  p  ^73.) 

Eau  Claire  A'ews,  Eau  Claire  >;uwa  Co 
publr.s,  30S  S  Iliver. 

ICau  Claire  >;ews  (,'o  (Fred  W  A  and  M  A 
Pauly),  publrs  Eau  Claire  News,  303  S 

Eau  Ciaire  Opera  House,  J  E  Cass  rangr, 
400  S  Barstow. 

Eau  Claire  Pulp  and  P!i]ier  Co,  fl  H  Hay- 
den  pres,  S  11  Wilco.x  sec.  c  s  Cliipnrwa 
river  near  C,  SI  P.  M  A:  (>  H  B  tiri.lire. 

Eau  Claire  UoUcr  .Mill  Co,  D  P  Simons 
pres,  M  S  Stein  sec,  flour  mill,  Shaw- 

E.iu  Claire  Sash  and  Door  Co,  J  S  Owen 
pres,  Gcorcje  Merrill  sec,  ■-  mile  e  nf 
Union  DejHit. 

Eau  Claire  Savings,  Loan  an(i  Buildintr 
Assn,  Jlilo  B  Wyraau  sec,  iJOl  S  Bar- 

EaiiClairc  Slreel  Railway,  lAaiit 
Hhd  Power  Co,  Weston  Lewis  I'res.  .V  F 
Gerald  Vice-Pres  and  fien  .Mni;r.  W  G 
Ma.\cy  Treas,  L  N  Clausen  Sec.  S  1 
ilulchinsou  Asst  Jlngr,  II  B  Kowell 
Supt,  318  Gibson. 

Eau  Claire  Water  Works  Co,  O  11  Liaram 
pres.  C  A  Sharp  sec,  302  S  Barst<iw. 

Eau  Ctaire  and  Chippewa  Kall^  Ilcrold, 
Joseph  Weiss  &  Co  publrs,  Dewey  near 

Elberl  Daniel  L,  printer,  201  S  I$arstow. 

Elbert  Mrs  Malina  A,  miUiner,  311  S  Bar- 
EIIeEi<40ii   Ehscjic    J,  Mnj:r  C  &  J 

Michel  Brewiup:  Co,  n  w  cor  Fulton  and 

.5th  ave.     (See  adv,  p  ^21.) 
E'lis  John  F,  civil  euijnr,  210  S  Barslow. 
El!i<*  Sasuuel,  Livery,  cor   Eau   Claire 

and  Biver. 
Ellis  .fc  Allen  (J  F  Ellis,  Charles   L  Allenl, 

lawyers,  10-i  Kelsev. 
Ellis  &  Tuskcn  (Pitt's   B   Ellis,   Frank  II 

Tusken),  flour,  705  S  Barstow. 
Empire  Lumber  Co  (cai)ital,    .■?'-0O,000),  0 

II  lucrara    pres,     Charles    llortoa    sec, 

Erikson  Cliarles,  saloon,  421  Wisconsin. 
Erity  3Irs  Ilaltie  A,  dressmaker,  -jU  Gal- 
Evans  Mrs   Binuie,  laundrv,  312    S    Far- 
Eveniu^^  Free  Piess.ll  C  Ashbau^h  propr, 

aiO  S  Biver. 
Faast  Albert  J,  shoemkr,  .'ilO  S  Barstow. 
Faasl  Mrs  Frances,  confectioner,  318  Eau 

Falk,    Jun<r    &.    Borchert     Brewing     Co, 

Charles    llerziger   agl,  cor    Ilobart  and 

Falsi  ad  (Jle  A,  meats,  cor  Main   and  Tal- 

Farr  Brm  (t^iank  H  and   J    Fred),    drugs, 

201  X  Barstow. 
Farr  Edv.-in  .1,  physician,  113  Bridire. 
Earwell   Blouse,  J  JI  Forbes   Propr, 

310  S  Farwell. 
Felire  (Conrad,  cigar   mufr,  cor  Gray   and 

Fcrber  ilichard,  music  teacher,  414    Wis- 
Ferry  John  G.  jeweler,  207  S  Barstow. 
Fintrer  Kev  F  C  (Lutheran). 
Finnessy  Thomas,  grocer,  1C2  Ferry. 
Fish    E   M    .t  Co\Ernest    il  Fish,   Ferd 

Folsom,  Ole   Arnslad),  contractors,  40'? 

S  River.  Valentine,  rest,  414  Water. 
FlemiuL'   Bros  ijohn    H.  Thoiuas    II  and 

Edward  K),  jewelers,  220  S  Barstow. 
Fleu\ini;  Mrs    Catharine,  boarding  house, 

420  Galloway. 
Fleming  Johu  H,  sheulT. 
Fletche'r  Albert  F,  phys,  420  Chippewa, 
Fletclier  Asa, livery. cor  ,"jlh  av  and  Water. 
Eorhes  .f  ereiiiiali  iVJ,  Propr   Farwell 

House,  310  S  Farw-ell. 
Fort  Mr.s  D  II,  dressmaker,  2112  Gibson. 
Towler    ^liaiiiuel  L,    Grocer,     lo;    S 

Fowler  A.  Klieinhardt's  Orclieslra,    Josiah 

Fowler  mngr. 

iLLiiiois  mm  1 1 

Sliort  and  Direct 
Route  from 







Ann   ff*  n  a  n  "^^  '^  M  if^  n  n  ©  rr 

iM  *^^        ^^^  Lira  Ir-A  y  U  i\  t.;zg       U  U  '^ii^  vi^^  W  Uss 

Rates,  $2  per  Day. 


1/  - "  ?  ----•^ 

;  ^1^'^ftii--  ^■■■^^' 

-■;-•;'■ 'ig:^%?i^ 

5^1  Located  in  Business  Center 
of  tlie  City. 

First-Class  Sample  PiOoms. 



Cor.  S.  Barslow  anJ  Eaa  Claire  Sis,, 

-       WISCONSIN. 

1=  YOU  iniKNT  7K 

Buy  tli8  BEST,    It  is  Economy, 

1^  tlic  most  perfect  cvi^r  made.  Walls  liUeil 
^"■itli  Mineral  I'ibrc,  the  most  perfect  non- 
'•  nituctor  Uiiowii,  and  .so  psickcd  thnt  it 
^•■'i:!  never  ehnke  down  or  sieve  Ibrout;!! 
like  charcoal.  Pulented  Clciiiialde  Flue 
^^liicli  keeps  the  Refrigerator  foi ever  sweet. 
^  <''Mistiinl  Circulation  of  I'liro,  Cold, 
"r.v  Air  guariiiiteeJ.  Gives  tlie  lowest 
I'liiperatiire  with  the  Smallest  Coiisnuii)- 
""II  of  Ice.  Made  in  Oak,  Asli  or  Bircli, 
~:i  !  handsomoly  linished.  All  sizes  earried 
•':  "itoek.  Hefrigerators  for  the  llotiseliohl, 
"olel,  Grocer  or  i;..tclicr. 
'  ••'  C'!itulo.;ue  and  prices,  address 

The  Wisconsin  Refrigsraior  Co., 

EAU  CLAIRE,  \V!S.,  U.S.  A. 




I  to  all  POI 

^ouTEMnpjnrn'i  [n,M» 

XTS  in  hdii  1  nCi;,;  lUi?>i; 




Fox  .J^n  P.  plr.mber,  lOJ  Bridge. 

Fox  It'lcliioi',  saloon  and  iitstaurant, 

111  "  Baihtow.     (Set:  ad-,  p  iSl.) 
Franz, ugust.  saloon,  41'J  :  Baritow. 
rraAtcy  Ilou»e,  John  Carroil  Propr, 

311    Ddrsto'.v.     (S:e  'i  !v.\opp.^ 
Frawi'  MicLael  S,  prin  h\/ii  sciiool,  CjO 

Frawlf  Wm  11   district  attorncT. 
FrnMcy  &:  :»Iiiior  (Wm   IlFrawley, 

Fre.iick    .M    Miser;,  Lawyers,    131     a 

Bart  .V. 
Frcclericsoa    Aa'lrew,    erocer,    327  Bel- 
Free  i-s  Anua  E.drcfsmiir.  iiS  Niagara. 
Frc;ncU:tlniuiid  C.  di.-iiU.>l.'.219  .<  Birstow. 
fVizxc.Mi.-s  K  1 1:1.  uotiiris;,  G'.iO  \\'aler. 
Fiirtey  j1;i!,  -aloon.  110  Ki-^c-v. 
Gallntir  John  M.  s-iionn.  7  !0  \Iadi3oii. 
Gaircs-ay  House, W'iiile  BroiProprs. 

Fred    Wljilf  yLWzr,  cor    Farwell  aud 

Galiuv./  it  Tolles  (Wm  K  Galloway,  De 

Will  Tol'itS),  iu.^urance,  o"2  S  B.iritow. 
Galvin  itricl;,w:;gonrakr,  ;^i-'  Cnippcwa. 
Ganske  dnard  Jj.'luilor,  121  :<  !3iriiow. 
Gardu(  Kobort  V,  contractor.  '.yC}  ?»oav..-r. 
Gnrdnc  Mrs    Saruu    E,  dresiiu^ker,  oi)'j 

Oiiklo  I»avUI,  Pronr  CLIppcwa  Val- 

kv  l;.c-r  W..rks,  IIU  and  112  M.,disou. 

Gallhci  Jen?,  jeweler.  U'j  AValer. 
Ganlbitt^imoD,  propr  Uliawa  House,  C02 

Oclcii)  (.'.  .salo.Ki,  ;>i)2  X  Burst'.w. 
CJfrnl  A  r,  VirePr--.-  aud  GonI  Mnjr 
Khu    liiite  Street    Knilwav.  Li-'ht  and 
Pi.wei'o,  318  Gilwuu. 
Gessner  ii.stav.  ouunly  trc^.-urer. 
Oiaver  ?ts  Curl  G,  imi.'ic  !■■  n-hcr. 
Gib.Jijn  'i.b:il-i  B,  dver.  7'JM  1-r  .ivi;. 
Gilbert  Is  (I  U-^h's  G  and  < 'rl  >i.  dyers 

101  N   ;r.-to-.v. 
GilUey  C.iige  K.  propr  B liley  House,  303 

Girnaii  .  D.ibrrniii  d'eler  Giraaii.  Albert 
W  l>i  'inani.  \vai.'i)ii  ntnfr.<,  1 1-^ :?  Kivcr. 
Goetbel   if.^  i.Mliert    P  an.l  Cljarlo   F), 

meat.-..  t'J  Bridj','. 
Good-ell  fv  He'iry  i'Met!iodist). 
Goodwii.  .Irs   Kllen    1',  dressmaker.  405 

Goodwill  icub  H.  painter,  222  4tli  ave. 
Goodwin   rs  .1  H.  dressmkr,  222  4i1j  ave. 
Goi:«>!4  J>liii  f,  Lawyer, i:j3s  Cirstow. 

(•S-,-  (1-;   ,.  iSl  ) 
Oorl  Con  I    saloon.  ,5U  G  illoway. 
Gorl    ^  doou.  123  N  Bar.Mow" 
Go.^peder  .lin,  .caloon.  Sll  Germania. 

Goyce  Pierce,  flour.  214  S  RivL-r. 
Graham  Fraal:  L.  black-miu.  765  !-■  --t- 
Gracd  L'ai.m  Tea  Co.  Xile  E  Abel  ml  — 

Grauer  Hey  O  C  (CoDeregationaii. 
Gray  Wm,  mason.  447  Bridire. 
Gredig  Joshua.  confecUoafcr,  w  eui  ili.Ji- 

son  Street  bridge. 
Greene  Miss  Alice  M.  music  teacher,  9:.3 

olU  ave. 
Greene  JIIss  Sophia  E,  hat  bleacher,  7i,.'5  S 

Grejf.ire  Fr.-ink.  blacksmith.  210  S  Bivr 
GrWIlri  ^3i<-lmel,  Attorney-atLaw,  Op 

era  House  Bock. 
Groundwater  John,  tailor.  .'542  Water. 
Gu'braa?eti  licv  .M  i  Lutheran  i. 
Gunniim  .Mi;.-ei  Lizi  cc  Mmv,  dres-a-r; 

100  Bandail. 
Flaiieu  (;i:ar.e?.  .saloon.  32!)  N  Diwey 
Hainer  K-.-y  W  X  (V.etli.-dist). 
Halvor.-on  it  Syver.^on  (Albert  Halvors;.-. 
Edward     Syverson).     grocers.     42?     N 
Hamley  Wm.  harne.'^s,  244  Water. 
Hammer  .lacol'.  shoemaker.  3Ji.i  .^ladison. 
Uarnmoiid  Archelaiis  S.  shootiu;^-  i:a,;e:v. 

s  end  Bar^tow  Mrcet  bridi;e 
Hankc   C  F.   chairiuau   board  of   CjUDty 

Haiiek  J'.hn.  tailor.  122  S  E  irstow. 
Hanson   Ever,  boarding  lioiise.  413  M-il- 

Hanson  Hans,  barbc-r,  203  N"  Bar-tow. 
Han^o^  Hans  C.  Lrrocer.  323  X  B.r--  )w. 
Hanson  Herman,  saloon.  43*5  WatT. 
Han-..n  Martin  H.  barber.  41(5  W.,-or. 
Han.-^i.n  A:  ()l.-on  (Pet.r  Hanson.  M  ir:;n  G 

Olson),  groixrs.  412  Water. 
Harlow  Di-Witl  C. millwright, Gi)'  Xinjira. 
Harnii.-,.n  I-:ihc.  bitttr.<  mnfr.  yjO  W.iter. 
Hinii.s  .Mrs  Bosa.  In.ardinL' iise.  32S  Wat-.r. 
Harrijan    Tiia.,>lliy   A,,  s  v.-  c  :  Far- 

wi-ll  and  Ei'i  t;;aire. 
Harriiu't'iii   Miss    Loretta,  music  teaciier. 

310  IV.ity. 

Hart    Hoiisc.  Peter    H-irt   propr.  c .r  Eiu 

Claire  and  Farwell. 
ILtrt  it  Larson  iGcorcc  Hart.  Charles  Lir- 

son),  tailors.  yo7  Gib-on. 
Harvev  .T  iinc;  X.  palternmkr   212  -"/.h  ay. 
Ilay<l(ii   A:   rraulcy  (Henry  H  U^v- 

deu,  Tiiomas  F  Fr.iwley),  LawVers.  -i.' 

6  Bar-tow. 
Hayes  Edward  S.  phy?.  2!9  S  Barstow. 
ILiyes  .James.  haek3,'413  Kelcev. 
Heeckstadt  it  iloe  (Charles   Heeck=:adt. 

Andrew  Moei.  pluuiliers.  411  Kelsey. 
HelL'esen  Kniit,  barlier,  107  Bri.i.-e. 
IK-iiricks.ia  Edward.  croccr.Ool  B..b:!C.-i- 

C!]icag  &  Grand  ]ml  fly, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


npli'nrnii  I'^inp'?  i^iv;  wi'iES  "v::'^  e.  POf-inEH  wine  co., 





|Ierzi|:or  Cliiirlcs  f,  Sec,  Trtas  and 
General  iMngr  Jlilwaukee  lieer  Bottling 
Co,  cor  Hcbart  and  Gallowav. 

Ilr  ssel  Anton,  saloon,  307  S  Barstov?. 

IIibI>nr<!  E«t\var«l  il.  Lawyer,  10 
and  11  Wilson  Block. 

lliggius  John,  chief  of  police. 

Hill  George  C,  carpenter,  o"C>  Water. 
Hi!vor?en  Samuel,  plow  mtifr,  5-0  Water. 
Hinriciis  Daniel,  cigar  mnfr,  20G  Kelsey. 
Hinrichs  Henry,  saloon,  3'J2  Gib.=on. 
Hinricbs  Onno  J,  saloon,  400  S  Barstow. 
Holiart   House,    E  E  Skamser  propr,   222 

»!•  wu  iK^  E^n 

311  XorlU  Uarsiow  St.,  EAl'  CMIEtE,  WISCOXSIX. 

Refurnished  and  Refitted.      Largest    Hotel  and   Finest  Rooms  in  the  City. 
Centrally  Loci^ed.      First-Class  Sample  Rooms. 



Liberal  discounts  given 
%   to  theatricil  parties  and 
•   '  person!,  wishing  board  by 
the  week  or  month. 

,    .  ;^      Fine  Haraiid  IMI- 
■.>:>  liard    Itooni 

'  ^  Attnelied. 

"1    "- 
.\     ,: 

:     -'  Don't  Forget  the  Location, 

4  2  Squares  North  of  C,  M. 

.. ;  ;^  &  St.  p.  R.  R,  Depot 

.;1  on  Barstow  Street. 

-jjg/    JOHM  CARROLL, 


''    H.  IN-aR.\M,  PresiMeiit. 

"  H.  CAKSON,  Vice-Pro«dfnt. 

W.  K.  COFTIN,  r.xshiir 

C.  A.  .STOUCU,  As3't  Cashier. 

CAPiTAL,  $100,000.00. 

EAU  CE^AIESB':,  \Vlsei;OX8IX. 


la. porters  &  Traders'  National  Bauk,  New  York. 

OontiDental  Kutioual  Bank,  Chicasro. 

National  Exchange  Bank,  Milwaukee. 

liist  National  Bank,  St,  Paul, 

RECTORS:    TI.  8.  Stein,  O.  II.  Ingram,  Wm.  Carson,  Eugene  Shaw,  W.  K.  Coffin. 

FishJli'^  Trr'riQ   •^oun  pjieuheer  cur^  co., 

wmi.Q      I  UUaCtJI    2  73  V.'c^l  Water  strict,      -      MILW.Vl  KliK,  AVIS. 


iUSJ    |.:J°1^^     East  \Vater    Str.o;.  East  Side 
■'  UawiUWI  Sci.,  MILWAUKEE.     Telephono 

Market'     i  ^l\     l-J^,r»riVr: 

10  SIS,  wi;  4^11 1   s  Lljjij, .,. . 

K3  „' 





Ilodffe  An(1re\7  M,  laundry,  '.'104  l?t  avc- 

IIoGman  Thuodore,  gen  store,  40o  "Water. 

Holcomb  Mrs  Mary  E,  boardiug  house, 
307  S  Farwell. 

Hollen  Andrew  H,  clothing,  132  N  Bar- 

Holm  Nils  &  Co  (Nila  Holm,  W  W  Winter- 
botham).  clothing,  204  N  Barstow. 

Holm  ik  Thompson  i  AmJrew  Hnim,  Gun- 
dct  Thompson),  dry  goods,  20G  N  Bar- 

liolt.Tohu,  jeweler,  40?  Galloway. 

Horns  Michael,  saloon,  i:31  N  Barstow. 

Horan  John,  street  comnr.  City  bldg. 

Horrigan  &  Son  (.Johu  and  Joiin  jr),  tail- 
ors, 108  Kelsey. 

llotchkiss  David  B,  hurnoss,  20S  S  River. 

iJolvedt  Charles,  saloon,  118  S  liarstow. 

Hougon  O  Hansen,  tinner,  118  Bridge. 

Hoyem  Siveit,  propr  Jiora  House,  oOT  Bel- 

Hoyme  Rev  G  (l^utheran). 

Hojt  Riiel  G,  grocer,  2U2  Chestnut. 

llu'jbard  Martin  B,  lawyer, ;jOO  S  Birstow. 

lii'.ddleston  James  C,  saloon,  cor  Mill  and 

Humes  Louis  S,  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co,  314 

Hunner  John,  mayor. 

llutchensou  JI,  harness,  ;i22  Water. 

Hutchinson  S  1,  mngr  Eau  Claire 
Street  Ry,  Light  and  Power  Co,  31s  Gib- 

Hvambsahl  Carl  M,  drugs,  130  S  Barstow. 

B^lcisl  l.,!isj«l  siiul  B^o:«ii  Co,  George 
A  (Jvale  Pros,  Alfred  Cypreausen  Sec 
and  Treas,  Lands  and  Loans,  300  J  S 
Barstow.     {Si'c  adv,  opp.) 

Ihle  Flank  X,  muisic  tchr.  :;21  Madison. 

Iii^riiin  OriMii  Eu,  Pres  Kau  Claire 
INational  I!aiil<. 

Jackson  Andrew,  jeweler,  \2'J  S  Barstow. 

Jackson  Gordun  C.  mngr  Standard  Oil  Co, 
Madison  nr  Xoith. 

Jackson  O  F  v.t  Son  (OdCar  F  and  Willard 
G),  in3\irance.  Opera  Hou~.t'. 

Jdlianncs  John  M,  saloon,  7T(i  Iht  ave. 

Johannes  Jl.vtiiias  jr,  confectioner,  w  end 

JloEiiisoM  CiiiirlC!*,  Dairy,  218  Wiscon- 

Johnson  Charles  W,  saloon,  109  Madison. 

Johnson  Christ,  grocer,  401  liL'Uinger. 

Johnson  C  &  flo  (Christian  Johnson,  W  W 
Burnett),  grocers,  340  Waler. 

Johnson  George,  baker,  107  \Vater. 

.loiinson  (ieorgo,  cnnfei'tr,  303  X  Barstow. 

Johnson  liaivor,  shoemaker.  Galloway. 

Johnsor  Henry,  watchmaker,  102  X  Bar- 

Johnson  Jans   ('.   blacksmith,  cor   M..:. 

minie  and  Water. 
Johnson  John  .M,  saloon,  210  ."jth  ave. 
Johnson  Sever,  saloon.  420  Water. 
Johnson  Wm  C,  drugs,  411  Vv'ater. 
Johnson  &  Lange   ((ieorge  Jobnion,  H- 
man   Lange),  confectioners,  203  Kelr   . 
Jones  Albert  B,  agt  C,  JI  ifc  St  P  P.v  a- 

W  C  Line,  X  Barstow  and  railroaa. 
Jost  Peter,  confectioner,  31.T  X  Bartow. 
Joyce  John  L,  grocer,  204  Kelsey. 
JucI  Iver  \,  Physician.  i:;o  S  B:i.r=tr.v, 
Jurden  ^^'m  K,  ph3'sician,  207  S  Earst'  v. 
Kahn  Alfred,  dry  goods,   n  e  cor   Barstu". 

and  Gibson. 
Kahn  Jacob,  saloon,  132  S  Barstow. 
Kane  Wm  E,  painter. 
Kaunn  Rev  Wm. 

Keays  Daniel,  saloon,  331  S  Barstow. 
Keller  A  A;  Co  (Alexander  and    Wm   Ki . 

ler.  Isaac   IJolhstein),  in<^lalraent  goo  1-, 

211  S  Barstow. 
Kelly     Kdwsiiul    i>,     Propr     Pac;:2- 

House,  702  W'afer. 
Kelly  Frank,  saloon,  309  Gibson. 
Kelly  Rev  F  A  (Catholiel. 
Kelly  John,  grocer,  303  S  B^lr^'tow. 
ICemp  Thomas,  hardware,  3i»."i  X'^  B:irstov; 
Kepler  &  Co  (Wni  L,  Sylve.'iter  S,  ami  V. 

Jasper  Kepler),  drj-gnods,  107  Kelsey. 
Kidder  Rev  A  (Congregational). 
Klnnear  Wm  A,  drugs',  4U1  Water. 
Kilzmann  Adoliih  J,   meats, .')U8  Belling';; 
Kjorstad    Mrs  Mary,  boarding  house,   til'. 

Kleiner    iiros    (Frederick,     Rudolph  an  1 

Wm),  meats,  40G  Water. 
Kleiner  Jacob,  meats.  111  Bridje. 
Kleinschuid/.  George,  grocer,  722  Main. 
Klofanda  Adolph  J,  drugs,  422  Belllru.'er 
Kneeland   EUwm   C,    farm   impts,   501   •" 

Kneeland  Wm  H,  grocer.  417  S  Barsio^' 
Knecr  House,  Mathias  Kncer   propr,    H 

S  Barstow. 
Knouth  Joseph,  notions,  32i  X  T.  u.sto'v 
Knulson    it     Cl-uison     (Kii\it      Knu:.- •: 

Charles  K  Cla\i9on).  meats,  oO.S  .Madis.  : 
Koenia:  Frederick,  gunsmith,  727  2d  av.? 
Koiilhepp  Wm,  liarness,  4U1  Bellinger. 
Korn  Wm  H,  cit'ar  ninfr.  414  S  Barstow 
Kosing  Charles,'2d-hd  gds.  2:0  N  Barst.r- 
Kublman  August,  grocer,  501  Bellinger. 
Kurz  Johu,  saloon,  512  Galloway. 
Lalonde  X'apoleon,  saloon,  413  Water. 
Lalonde  (Jnesime,  barber,  2U9  X  Barstow 
Laml)  Mrs  ^V^m,  music  teacher. 
Lange  Charles  G,  confectr,  liOSBarstow 
Lanphear  Mrs  M  J,  shorthand  school.    -'■ 

S  Barstow. 

'  iaOB 


15  1    AVi;s'Jl"  AVATEK  ST.,  I'lIL.A'J'.Vl  KKi:,   VVl" 


;ko  w.  smith. 




LampB,  Silver-plated   \7are,   Stonev/are, 
Table  Cutlery  and  Fancy  Goods. 

312  South  Barstow  Street, 


iiCORQE  A.  QVALE.  President. 

ALFRED  CYPREANSEN,  Secy  and  Trcs 


1  f^im  nrr  i  ^n^ 


{SQCccssors  to  SIGVALD  A,  QVALE. 

GEORGE  A.  QVALE.  Pre.-;i.lent. 

LEWIS  LAK.SON,  Vice-President. 

Secretary  and  Treos. 

Wisconsin  River  Land  Co. 


iiougbt  an("    Sold    in   Wisconsiu,    Minnc-   j 
sola,  Iowa  and  Dakota. 



irA  X  '4  AbJ  \^  ^ 

200,000  ACRES. 
^-VU  CLAIKF,    -     WISCONSIN.     E.\U  CLAIRE,     -     WISCONSIN. 

.      .  .    !   R     t  L.  n  J      Of  EVERY  ni^sruT 

>l  jf'S'^ii'^sWU     i!6»i»*irfj|    t..»Juiiw  .iiiiWAi  Ki;i:, 


PTJON,  for  S; 
\l  1S<  UNM 





La  Rose  ifc  L'luavale  (Wm  La  Kjse,  Joliu 

Lanavale),  saluon,  2.3")  Cd  nve. 
Lnr»oii  Aitsnst   <,',  Counly  Judce  and 

Attorney  at-Law,  Music  Hall  Block,  220 

S  Carslow. 
Larson  Frank  N,  grocer,  304  N  Barstow. 
Larson  G  &  Co  (Gilbert  Larson,   Lorenlz 

Thompson),  clotliinp;,  42^^  Waler. 
Larson  Lewis  R,  lawyer,  3QG  S  Barstow. 
Larson  Peter  C.  dairy. 
Larson  it  Johnson  (Andrew  Larson,  Otto 

JohnsoQ),  grocers,  410  Putnam. 
Latimer  Levi  E,  real  estate,  302  S  Barstow. 
Laundry  Tiioma?,  saloon.  034  Water. 
Lawler  tt  Biandstad   (Joseph  A  Lawler, 

Paul  r<randstad),  undertaliers,  317   Wis- 

L,H\vr<_-EK'c    Gcon^c    W,    Sec   and 

Treas  The  Wisconsin   Refrigerator  Co. 

Bellevue  ave  and  McDonough.    {!>ee  uch\ 

p  211.) 
Lawson  Brady,  propr  Nicollet  House,  324 

N  Barstow. 
Lender  Co,    David   Drummond   Prcs, 

Wm  K  AtViinsou  Yice-Pres  and  Treas, 

Percy  C  Atkinson  Sec,   Publisliers  Eau 

Claire  Daily  and  \\'etkly  Leader,  200  S 

Lee   Arulh,    agent    Northwestern    Watch 

Club  Co,  204  Kelsey. 
Lee  Mathias  A,  saloon,  432  Water. 
Leineukugel    Joseph    JI,    saloon.    314    N 

Leiuenkugel  &   Rhcin  (Henry  J   Lcinen- 

kugel,  Louis  Rhein),  cigar  mnfrs,  10;t  N 

Lennie  George,  saloon,  421  Franklin. 
Lcnz  George,  harness,  308  Eau  Claire. 
Leonard  AValter,  confectioner.  427  River. 
Lessard  George,  saloon,  2-)S  Water. 
Lett  W  II,  civil  engineer. 
Leubkeman  Theodore,  physician,  1 IG  Anu. 
Lev5'  Louis,  dry  goods,  2'H  S  Barstow. 
Linton  George  W,  sewing  niacbiiics,   41.') 

S  Barstow. 
Lockwood  Charles  W,  cash  ]3ank   (jf   Eau 

Claire,  313  S  liarstow. 
Lock  Wood  Ufcv  W  II  (I're.sbyterian). 
Lund  Sigvirl  A,  meats,  502  S  Iwirstow. 
Lyman  John  \'  U,  iijivsiciaii.  101  ICi.'lsey. 
McAllester   Bros   (D.^'iiiel  and   Re\  aolds), 

hotel,  075  Wisconsin. 
nieltuiii  lEeury,  Clerk  Circuit  Court, 

Court  Ilou.^e 
McDonough  Mnfg  Co,  Frank  lIcDonough 

pres,  .Enimet  Horan  sec.  founders,  1000 

McGregor  J   hn  K,  supt  city  schools,  440 

Mcintosh  C  Craig,  gunsmltii,  300  S  River. 

Melntyre  Neil  J.  grocer.  210  N  Burslow. 

:McKeon  Misses  Mary  A.-  Susan,  restaurant 
630  Water. 

JIcKillop  Rev  AV  A  (Baptist). 

McKnighl  Sumner  T,  sec  and  treas  North- 
western Lumber  Co,  405J  S  Barstow. 

McMasters  Hugh,  dry  goods,  219  S  Bar- 

McMillan  Mort,  jeweler,  214  North. 

JIcNair  John,  grocer,  \'A')-i  Meuominie. 

McPheeters  Miss  Claudia,  music  teacher, 
225  Hudson. 

McQuillen  Hugh,  gen  store.  713  Madisos. 

McRae  Robert,  agt  N  P  Exp  Co,  20S  Ke! 

ilcSorley  Alexander,  confr,  N  Barstow. 

McVicker  Archie,  real  estate,  209  S  Bar- 

?5iierv5arliii  Jiiiiie«i,  Blacksmith;  and 
Horseshoer,  cor  Gallowa)'  aud  Dewey. 
(&e  adT>,  p  SSJ.) 

itIa«!ison  Eloii*;'-,  James  C  Quigg 
Propr,  210  to  220  Madiaon. 

JIadison  Street  5tnfg  Co,  Samuel  C  Con- 
verse pres,  Edward  (burchill  sec,  sash, 
doors  and  blinds,  cor  Forest  and  JIadi- 

!Maerk  Eugene,  cutlery,  210  N  Barstow. 

JIarkman  John,  second-hand  goods,  207  N 

Marsh  Albert  J,  lawyer,  218  S  Barstow. 

Marslon  Stephen,  real  est,  117  Marston  av. 

Mason  Hans,  grocer,  ."ilS  Bidlinjer. 

Mason  &  Bun'iitt  iGeorgo  W  Mason.  Allen 
Burditl),  elev.ator,  cor'Oth  ave  and  Broad- 

Masonic  Temple,  105  Kelsey. 

Matteson  Wilbur  O,  lime,  Ist  ave. 

Jlattison  Andrew,  blacksmith,  314  Gallo- 

Mayhew  August  V,  furniture,  3t>2  4th  ave. 

Meggett  Alexander  A,  real  estate.  318  S 

Mcnde  Frank  A.  meats.  313  N  Barstow. 

Mergerner  &  Beck  (Nicholas  Mergerner, 
Fred  A  Beckl.  .saloon,  124  N  Iliirctow. 

I?lcrriiiiaii  <.cor^e  ^V,  Notary,  Real 
Estate  and  Pension  Agent,  109  Bridge. 
(■^i-cadi\  p  err.) 

Merriman  tirvllle  G.  photo,  307+  I'.arstow. 

.M(:t/I,e  A\'jii,  general  store,  320  'j;e!'ini:er. 

niieliol  C  &  .1  Crewiiiu  «  <»,  E  J 
Elleiison  Mngr,  n  w  cor  oih  ave  and 
Fulton.     (.ScL-'ajf)',  ;)  C-;i.) 

Miley  Michael,  erocer,  700  Madison. 

Millard  B  r,  Florist,  941  Main.  {&-' 
adc,  p  :ji:.\ 

Jliller  Frederick  W. saloon, 215  N  Barstow. 

Miller  Joseph,  saloon,  60S  AVisconsin. 

Chicago  &  Grand  \m\  I 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


I'rMi.  Vftrl/  '  If  1  i-T-iic'iiinQ  Pn  C3«h  Assets,  $110,ono.OOO.  I  Northwestern  IJrancli 
ilSlY  lOlK  LllJ  liiitlldnbC  UU.,  Surplus,  -  lO.OUO.Oau. 'Olllco,  4  1«  ?IiUva.,li.o 
SI.,  ?IILAVAl"KlilC,  «IS.     W.  S.  CAMDEK,  State  Agent,     fl  ALKtU  lilCKXKIi.  Gen'l  .Manager. 






A  full  line  of  SIntiou 

an. I  DruKgists'  Sundries  kept  constantly  in  stork. 

PRINTERS'  SUPPLY  flOllSE  i:!nj::i^':^:::\ri^::^]::^i^::^"^l^:^:;ri:u^^l:: 

l!,.:irdB   and    i»rl  iKtro'  St.xU    of   all    lifxiri  I'     f  ortlmestirn     iL-enry    J.     li . 
AVUIGUT   A:    CO.'S    <'olc  i)rnl<-<l     I'rinrili-    Iiikv.     I>ubli»lierH    W  i!,i'oilRill    Le-al 

Itlallks.     CataloKUO  anJ  I'lice  mailud  on  ai>i>licaUun. 




Ceorge  VV.  Rlerriman,   Late  Sergt.  of  Co.  C,  67th  new  York  Vol.  Inft. 

I  practice  before  all  departments  of  the  Koverniiient.  Coiiirades.  ^ive  me  your  Pension  and 
Bounty  Claims,  and  I  will  give  them  prompt  ati.-ntion.  I  also  do  a  GE.N'EHAL  KEAL  ESTATE, 
NOTARY  PUBLIC  and  COLLECT  lOX  business.    Call  upon  or  address 


\o.  100  Ilridsc  tilrt-ct, 





Office  and  Factory,  Pricoand  S'.lillStg.,  EAU  CLAmE,  WIS. 


FARP.I  and  ROAD      p 


Biacksmithingi.,  all  its  Branches. 


lUIIIOlS  CEIilRAL  1 1  ^: 


all   POINTS  I 

„  !IORTy[Si!  mL 


Cudahv  Brothers,  ^ Pork  and   Beef  Packers, 

MlLWAlliED,   ^visco.N^^lN.     \  AND    PROVISION    DEALERS. 

iT — . 

O    •  ; ' — 



2-  K  I?2fi\vauUce    Boer    T!nttlitis    Co,  Moessner  August,  shoema'Ker,  309  Kel=fv. 

3   O  Fred   Borchert   Pres   (Milwaukee),  (J  t'  iloldeQiiaucr   &    Damm  (Wm  A  Molden- 

<0   O  Ilerziger   £cc,  Trcus  and  ilut:r.  Bottlers  ^       bauer,  Carl  J  Damm),  wagon  mnfrs,  l':. 

■^  .—  of  Fark.  JuDi:  «fc  Borchert  s  Jlilivaukee  !       Main. 

S  E»  Beer,    Mineral  Water,  Ginger   Ale,  etc,  '■   Jloutena  Jofepb,  barber,  409  Rellineer. 

^  •*  cor  Hobart  and  Galloway.  itf oilljioiiiory     Alcxiiiulcr.     Physi- 

S  Jlinck  George  L,  blUsraith',  3i!9  'Water.  cian,  100  Bridge. 

"^^  Ming  George,  laundry,  30'J  Madison.  :?Soiitrcal  liivcr  I.uinlier  Co,  D  I; 

^^  Mississippi   River   Logging  Co,  Frederick  Moou  Pres.  .lames  }iIcCrosseuVice-Pres. 

^^  Weyerbftcuser  pres,  Thomas  Irvine^sec,  Alexander   Stewart  Treas,    J   T   Earlrr 

"T^  131  North.  Sec,  Mn{r.<;  Lumber,  Lath  and  Slunclei. 

.  Hi  Moe  Ole  J,  propr  St  Olaf  Hotel,  615  AVis-  •       Mill  and  Yard   at  Gile  on  West   BrencL 

ES  consin.  '        Montreal  Hiver;  Ollice   40-T+  S  Barstov. 

^;^  Moon    John    II,  grocer,  cor   Barland   and  Moon  Mrs  Clara,  tailor,  238  Water. 

S3  Talmadue. 

uu  — 

^5!!»jriR.  CIIAS.  ALEXAXDI;R,  rresidtnt.  PETKll  nAN.SOK,  Vice-President 

•^^    TIIEO.  N.  PORK.  Secretary.  ALLEN  BUUDITT,  Treasurer.  J.  F.  ELLI:^,  Attorney. 

§3 Aetna  Laiicliii<i>;  and  Ivoan  Association 

^»^  AUTHORISED  CAPITAL,  35,000,000. 

^      Incorporated  Under  the  Laws  of  the  State  of  "Wisconsin.    Lowest 
^  Eates,    Easy  Terms. 

^?  There  are  establisheil  regular  commercial  acencics  conducted  for  the  purpose  of  ratiiii.' 
^~™  all  classes  of  bu^iucf,  who  furnish  iiiformiliou  on  application. 

^^  We  refer  you  to  any  ur  all  of  these. 


fi  Home  OOIcr,  Opera  House  Hlock, 

C^  EAU  CLAIRE,  -  -  -  WISCONSIN. 

Agents  Wanted  and  Correspondence  Solicited. 

^^f^  , _— . 

^         -^nT".  :e3:.  -^<r:E:lD:EZ2^z-.E:1^:Ez:E^^ 

g  >l'^'%'^(h<J  .r^   ilarfiessnialiefandCafnapTfiiii^sf 

~^   i     •.)        (/■'•^'  '■  li   ri  --'-^  And  Lumbermen's  Supplies 

'  ...Iji  I  Tents  and  Awnings  Made  to  Order. 

by  "^Vv/jll  o  "0>^  "^-  '--  '^'""'' '"'"  -'""• 

pI  HAU   CLAIRE,  -  -  -  WISCOriSlN. 

Chicago  &  Grend  Trcii';  Ry.  T'iA..fa™ite,.Ro;;tej33! 

DnCl(tnO.  I\fi  JA(i;-..  2  to  1-2  Ton,   POIVKU  110I>TI>(,    MAC  IIINKr.T.  TRK  KS.    KLEVATons. 
illOilATU'   STEAM    UOllLE    COliKIilS,    Etc.     oli-Oll    COMaKItCK    STItEhl.    IIILWALKKE.  IViS, 







and  Fancy  Groeeri 

311  Kclsey  St.,  onc=half  Square  East  of  Barstow  St. 

"  HENRY  T.  TRfGGS, 

Plumber  ^  and  ^  Gas  ^  Fitter. 

Gas  Fitting,  Ventilating,  Sewerage,  Etc.  Estimates  on  Work  Furnished  on  Application. 

414  South  River  Street,       -       EAU  CLAIRE,  WIS. 

J.  II.   WlKXAMl. 

W.  E.   WAUL. 

rs.  Wli.r 

sale  and 

'  ,..,?    Theatrical  and  Sample  Trunk,? 
-'I  and  Cases  a  Specially. 

.Z^    EAl)  CLAIRE,    ^     WIS. 


Orders    for  Repairs  receive  (j 
prompt  attention  and 
early  shipment. 



"P5  V  M-  -r^— ,        •  '"'  1-  ""-<1  1'  F"""!!  St.,  Fond  da  l>nc,  'U'lfl., 

x^OSi^S  iraiTj  is  tbe  Place  to  Buy  PARLOR  SETS,  over  200  styles. 


Illinois  mm  B 

n    Short  and  Direct 
I   III         Route  from 

wrm  soiiTii 




Moou  De'.os  U,  pies  Xorthwestern  Lumber 

Co,  -IO.J7  BaritoTv. 
}^Iooney  Thomas,  saloon,  216  S  Barstow. 
Jlorrisoa  Frauk  L,  iaxvyer.  212  S  Barstow. 
Morrisoa  liev  Peter  B  (Episcopal). 
Mosher  Leslie  .J,  rest,  127  S  Cirstow. 
Mullen   Miss  "Winnie  A,  dressmaker,   204 

jiundea   Edward   M,    farm   impts,  413  S 

ilunns  Johu,  baker,  531  Franklin. 
Macsou  Oscar,  internal  revenue  collector, 

220  S  Barstow. 
Music  Hall,  n  w  cor  Eaistow  a'jJ  Kelsey. 
31i3(iial  rirc  Asssi  of  Ean  Cliiire, 
George   B   .-^Iiaw   Pre?.   Joiir!    S    Owen 
Treas.  J  A  Sniilli  .?;c,  i05  S  Cirstow. 
Mvhre  Erek,  shoemaker,  410  Gallowav. 
Nhliona!  Kicctric  'Iiifsf  Co,  H  H 
Hayden  Pres,  Fitch  Gilbert  VicePres, 
K   E   Piust   Sec,    George   T    Thompson 
Treas,    George  B  Sbaw  General  ilagr, 
'      cor  Broadway  and  9th  av.?. 
^\eher  John  C.  drugs,  314  iMadison. 
Xeil  Edward  F,  painter,  cor  Galloway  and 

Nelson  Annie,  laundry, '407  Water. 
Xclson  .John,  tailor,  217  N  Barstow. 
Nelson  Lars,  shoemaker,  409  Bellinger. 
Neussr  Adolph,  meats,  422  Franklin. 
Newell  Mrs  Lena  C.  dressmkr,  10(3  Kelsoy. 
Newell  AVm  J.  dentist,  203  Kelsey. 
Newell   Lfc   "Wiagen   (Lh   Forrest    Newell, 

.John  W  AVingen),  grocers,  402  Water. 
Nichols  .lohu.  coufectr,  S24  .Madison. 
Nicollet  House,  Brady  Lawson  propr,  324 

N  Barstow. 
Noble  J;inies  H,  phys,  220  S  Barstow. 
\'olan  &.    !litii«>oii  1  Benjamin  Nolan. 
Hans   Hsrison),    .Siloon    and    Boarding 
'^      House,  417  Wisconsin. 

Nora   House,    Sivert  Uovera    propr,    507 
'        P.cUinger. 
Noriiiauaa  Band,  Lund's  hall. 
Northern  Pacific  Express  Co.  Robert  ilc- 
Uic  agent,  2'IS  KeNey. 
I    N'irtliv.i.-.'-eiu  Fair  Asso,  C  II  Dunn  see, 
,        312  K.J^fV. 

\orlIi\i  e.«lcrii    l..mulior   Ct»,  D  U 
I        .Moon    Prcs.  .J  T  Baroer  VicePres.  S  T 
'        McKniirht  Sec  and  Trtas.  ilnfrs   Lum- 
ber, Lath  and  SLing'e~.  4'ijj  S  Barstow. 
Northwestern  Stjwer  Pipe  Co,  John  Proc- 
I       fi.rprcs.  .V  W  Jones  sec.  nr  C,  i[  &  St 
P  By  depot. 
NtTwsy  House,  C  Skaniser  propr,  514  N 

I  Ij:ir.st0W. 

I    Nvqvist  A  .sust,  l>ii!.T.  341  Water. 
.    Oilrien  P  H.  StJoou,  310  Gi'v-on. 

I    Oleson  li;.  ro»*  (George  Oleson,  M^:-;- 
A   Foss),  Livery  and  Saloon,  310  V,';,- 
Olsen  Charles  O,  furn,  301  N  Barstow. 
I   Olson  Rev  C  J  1. Methodist). 
1   Olson  Mrs  Mary,  laundry,  417  Madison. 
I   Olson  Ole,  saloon.  424  Water. 
I   Olson   O    B,  iMngr  Reform  Publishing 
j       Co,  oO'^  S  River. 

Opheim  Gust  K,  saloon,  414  Galloway, 
i   Ottawa  House,  Simon  Gauthier  propr,  C  J^ 

i   Owen-  Win  l^I,  City  Clerk. 
I   Paciiic  House.  E  L  Kelly  propr,  702  W^itrr 
Palmer  Mrs  Nellie  A,  dressmaker.  GOO  S 

Parker  Edward  IL  ?hys,  214  S  Barstow. 
Parker  Lewis  C,  saloon.  Eau  Ciaire  House 
Parker   Robert,    colleclion    sgent,   310  5 

Parkinson   A  jJcGilli*    ^Robert  E 

Parkinson,    Daniel     McGillisi,    Pror;rs 

Eau  Claire  House,  s  e  cor  Bardow  azi 

Eau  Claire.     (See  adr,  n  071.) 
Piiuly  Anthony  M,  real  estate.  316  Gibsoi;. 
Pauly  Mrs  A  M,  hair  goods.  316  Gibson. 
Payne  Rev  C  A  (Presbyterian). 
Pederson  Ole,  tailor.  40S  Galloway. 
Pellelier  Charles,  grocer,  200  Chestnut. 
Pepper  John  W,  drayage,  107  N  Barstow. 
Peterman  Isaac  N.  bariier,  210  S  Bxr^tow. 
Peterson  Charles,  shoemaker.  .j20  Water. 
Peterson  Hans,  grocer,  ii42  Water. 
Peterson  John,  saloon.  221  N  Barstow. 
Peterson  Mrs  Miry,  dry  srood.  40&  Water. 
I'clerson    Otlo.    .\;reut    John    Guni 

Brewing  Co  of  La  i.rosse.  311  Galloway. 

(,.<^r  ad",  in  La  C-^.t--- ) 
Peterson  .Airs  P.  grocer,  1121  5th  ave. 
Pfeifer  .Vuton,  confeclr,  211  N  Barstow. 
Phillips  Beutlev  S.  citv  treos. 
Phillips  Timothy  E.  ii-t:ce.vo7  S  Barstow. 
Phtenlx  Manufactan:;:;  Co  (;;^;)i'-.i.  riov'.- 

OoO),  H  P   Graham   pres.  C  B  Daniels 

sec,    furniture    mnfrs,  cor    Forest   aca 

Pickin  George  W,  physician.  314  W:.ter. 
I'ioiieer     I'uriiiliirc    Co    iCap::^. 

:i-7o.L'U0i.    D.ivid    Drumm  'mi    Pres  au-i 

Treas.    W   H   Watson   VicePres,    D  0. 

Calkins  Sec,  cor  Price  and  Mill,     t-^'- 

(id-,  p  CT7.) 
Playter  Ebenezer  H,  drugs.  115  Bridge. 
Pollev   Wm  J,  confectioner,   cor  ilappa 

and  Price. 
PoikI  riiirfiie  I..  Aecnt  Alma  Milling 

Co.  ■:■■;:  N  I>_--.vey. 
Porr  Xlicodorc  IV.  Sec  .\.etna  B'l;  > 

ing  and  Lo^n  .Vss jciatirm.  '>;n.ra  Uo"--- 

Block.     {.•>:■•  ndv.  p  i7S' 

North  Star  Iron  Works.  )  CaparitT,  ■'ers,  Hidiinists.  Foiindtrs.Eoilemiaksn. 
•        Sill.iri.-ht..  >a"  ?liimachinfry.}!icin2  >I3.•lli^?^l^■i.>^Bji^-•■• 
lncHacbincrv,ttc.  s-ser-'-' 

PiBlSlI   HIM  (ACH  i;l^(i  CO 
Ashland,    -     -     Wisconsin.  ^ 

.  Boilers,  PoncrTr 

mTTri  -^TfCTT    "n  n  mfTn     ark  a  safe.  I-LEVSANT  and  IJELIABLK  CIRATITF  AGENT. 

1  UXliA^Xt^xl    AJSJi-JL^^O    — pirifiing:   inti(;0!;  ;   miikm.tiiemng: — 

I'm   JA?.'ES\"ILLL;    TL'IIKISII    BATiSS    iflord   Invalids  Superior  Kenicdial   IdTuutages. 




Powell  Thomas,  grocer,  707  S  Barstow. 
I'owers  John,  sale  stables,  126  S  liiver. 
Prtston  Nathan  A,  photo,  C'-'-t  -itU  ave. 
PreitoQ  Jlrs  N  A,  milliuer,  Q04  4th  ave. 
Przybjlski  Igaatz,  tailor,  010  Galloway. 
Pulle  FrauU,  saloon,  670  Wisconsin. 
Putnam  Henry  C,  pres  Chippewa   Valley 

Bank.  28o  Kclsey. 
(Juick  Michael,  saloon,  214  N  Barstow. 
<{iii£?S  Jjiiiic*  C,  Propr  Jladisou  House, 

21G  to  220  iMadison. 
Kadenslebeu  v.t  Schroeder  i Herman    Rad- 

eusleben,  August  Schroeder),  tailors,  oil 

S  Barstow. 

Hainbarter  Albert  J,  barber,  Galloway 

Randall  Edsar  H.  painter,  118  S  River. 

Rankin  Edward  D.  tailor,  214  S  Barstow. 

Reeknagle  Rev  .J  G  (Lutheran). 

Itt'crf  Gcorsc  M,  Grocer,  311  Kelsey. 
(See  ,!(!.■,    V  C:9  ) 

Rcfojiu  I>ubli$Iiiii:;  Co,  O  B  Olson 
Mngr,  Publr.s  The  Reform,  cOS  S  River. 

Rehnstrand  Charles,  saloon,  uOS  N  Bar- 

Rebnstrand  John,  saloon,  20ii  Barstow. 

Rekstad  John,  shoemaker,  103  Bridge. 

Keslock  Peter  P.  shoemaker,  50'.)  Bellinger. 

Richardson  George  E,  carp.  414  S  River. 

liaii  (  Inire  Niilloiial  Bniik. 
Clili>|)e»va  Valley  Oiiiik. 

T-    C„    O-C 



I  RESTAtJRAnTr'v-^' 

2sa:.  ze^oh-z. 


C^i^v),      Popular  Dining  Hall 

^_,  _     ^  .1,. 


?,P""   MEALS    AT   ALI^    HOURS.      OYSTERS 
'">,  IN     SEASON. 


/  ^  111  N.  Barstow  St.,  opp.  Milwaukee  Depot. 


y\  ^P5a»»  wKfxm  «•^^..  sms  mvl  uu^  Kr*'i»-^  M'-Lfn^ 

Liverj,  Feed  aud  Sale  StaWsJ:-,,- l  "^a 



ti;i.i;phom;  is. 




■VsT-IS  c  olsrs  IInT. 

Cliicap,  Mmki  S  St,  Paul  Rj,  u:.r;i'esi  and  floir/esf 


Wisconsin  ve^ietian  011:^0  co., ,  .  ;--—-;--« «- .  , 

Office*;  Factory,;-!  Lake  St.,  .1111.^  AlEKK,  WIS.     LSlESI     i!llprOV3il    tfillBllSn    UiiriSS. 




Rieliard-^oei,  EIob!>s  &c  <_'<»  (James 

I  liichfirdson.  \Vm  H  Hobbs,  C4eoree  ^V 

Churchill),  Hardware,  Stoves,  Tinware, 

Etc,  213  SBarstow. 
Riclinrd  &  Bolles  (Arthur  H  Rickard,  Wm 

C  Bolles),  piano  and  organ  repairers,  5li2 

Rilzinger   George,    real    estate,    310    Eau 

Robertson  George  W,  vrhol  liquors,  318  S 

Robertson    Smith,  sEreiit   Cornell  Univcr 

sity  Lands,  306  S  Barstow. 
Roonej-  James  H,  news  stand,  C,  St  P,  M 

it  O  depot. 
Root  Wm  G,  electro  plater,  -110  S  River. 
Rosenquist  Martin,  mngr  Sincer  ilnfg  Co, 

312  Gibson. 
Roseth  Nicole}'  O,  general  store,  222  oth  av. 
Ross  Elisha,  cooper,  Dodge  nr  Eau  Claire 

Ross  Joel,  confectr,  704  Kelsey. 
Rolhstein  I   it  Co  (Isaac  Rothstein,    "\Vm 

Keller),  notions,  311  Eau  Claire. 
Rowan  Edward,  dnics,  405  Galloway. 
Rowcll  IScrbt-rt  E3,  Supt  and  Elec- 
trician Eau  Claire  Street  Railway,  Light 

and  Power  Co,  318  Gilnon 
Ruhc  Edv.-ard,  saloon,  3--J 1  N  Farwell. 
Rust  Hans,  saloon,  102  Bridpe. 
Rust,  Owen  Lumber  Co,    J  S  Owen   pres, 

R  E  Rust  sec,  301  S  Barstow. 
Rust  Wm  A,  pres  Bank  of  Eau  Claire,  313 

S  Barstow. 
Rustcn  Hans,  barber,  408  Bellincer. 
Ryan  John,  boardimiliou.ce,  "iOS  \Visconsin. 
Rydell  'Wm,  saloon," 208  N  Barstow. 
Sacred  Heart  Hospiial,    Sister  /osima  in 

charge.  Putnam  avc. 
Sacred  Heart  School,  Sister  JI  ;j[ericl  prin, 

410  Putnam  ave. 
St  Olaf  Hclcl,  0!e  J  .Moe  propr,   015  Wis- 
Sampson  Thomas,  grocer,  510  Franklin. 
Sanders  James  S,  carpenter,   115  Whipiile. 
Sather  lioberl,  county  clerk. 
Sather  &  Kog-^tad   (O'le  Snthar,  Erirk  Keg- 

slad),  saloi'u,  Nicollet  House. 
Saupe  Frederick,  harness,  210  S  Barstow. 
Scallou  Ihigh  V,  phys,  i'OI  N  Jiarstow. 
Scandinavian  Itolel,  Andersen  Bros  propr, 

502  Galloway. 
Schaefer  Henry  J  A,  clothing,  218  N  Bar- 
Schaefcr  Henry  T,  cigar  mnl'r,  n  end  liod- 

Sclileuclinil<'li    Ilcriiiiiii    f,  Unrd- 

ware,    Bjirbed    Wire,     Binding  Twine. 

Steel  and  Wire  Xnils,  Glass,  Pamts,  Oils, 

Etc,  217  S  Barstow. 

Ctiicap  &  Gfaod  TfunI 

Schlosser  Bros  (Chri=tnpher.  !Mathias  and 
Peter),  hardware,  303  S  Barstow. 

Schmidt  Mrs  Angeline,  dressmaker,  CIO  S 

Schmidt  Louis,  saloon,  204  S  Barstow. 

Schmidt  Peter,  saloon,  324  BellinL'er. 

Schultz  Hermann,  confctr,  304  Wisconsin. 

Schullz  Oscar  A,  barber,  30ij  N  Bustow. 

Schutte  Macnus,  confectr,  w  end  BrlJiie. 

Schwahn  Albert  F,  meats,  212  N  Barstow 

Schwahn  Bros  (Henry  and  Frederick), 
meats,  412  S  Barstow. 

Schwahn  iiudolph, harness, 213 N  Barstow. 

Schwahn  Wm  A;  Co  (Wm  Schwahn.  Vl\- 
chael  E  O'Connell),  harness,  403  b  Bar- 

Seney  Wm  J,  blacksmith,  318  S  lUver. 

Seyberth  Leonard,  meals.  522  P.cUir.ger. 

Shaw  Annetta  J,  phys,  004  S  Barstow. 

Shaw  Daniel  Lumber  (^'o  (capital,  s500,- 
000),  Charles  A  Bullen  pres,  George  B 
Shaw  sec,  Shawtown. 

S!»;t\v  ?i  A;  Co  (Noah  Shaw,  George  II 
Hopper).  Eagle  Iron  Works,  Shawtown. 

Sherman  01  uf,  shoemkr,  132  S  Barst.iw. 

Sime  Tliomas  I?3,  Physician  and  Au- 
thor of  Treatise  on  Typhoid  Fever, 
Pneumonia,  Etc,  JIusic  Hall  Block.  ySa 
ndv,  opp  ) 

Simonds  Alexander,  grocer, 701  S  Barstow. 

Simons  Daniel  Page,  pine  lands. 

Singer  Mnfg  Co,  Martin  K'isen(|uist  raugr, 
Sewing  machines,  312  Gibson. 

Skamser  Christian,  propr  Norway  House, 
514  N  Barstow, 

Skamser  Eric  E,  propr  Ilobart  House,  222 

Sloan  Uev  W  N  (Presbyterian). 

Smith  Andrew  S,  saloon,  224  N  Barstow. 

Smith  Miss  Anna,  county  supt  of   schools. 

Smith  Arthur,  grocer,  200  S  Barstow. 

Sndth  Calvin,  liv.'ry.  312  Bellinger. 

Smith  Christian  A,  barber, rear  342  Water 

Sniilh  Francis  \,  plnUo^'^r,  101  Kel'ey. 

^•lIlitll  <Joors<'  W  iV  Urn  (Georce  W 
and  Arthur),  China,  Crockery,  Glass- 
ware, Lamps,  Stoneware, Cutlery,  Fancy 
Goods,  Etc,  312  S  Barstow,     (Sc  .idi',  p 

Smith  John  A,  grocer,  020  S  Barstow. 
I  Smith  Stillmau  J,  grocer,  113  Bridge. 
!    Sniilh  Wm  H,  genl  store,  420  S  B:ir-;ow. 

Smitii  ik  Browing  (Herbert  W  Smith,  'Win 
H  Browing), candy  mnfrs,4i}2  K:i\i  Claire. 

Soli  Anton,  llour,  310  N  Bir:-tow. 

Sommeimeyer  C  S  E,  clothing,  210  S  Bars- 

Spooner  Mrs  Jlagsie,  dressmkr, 538  Water. 

Standard  Oil  Co~  Gordon  C  Jackson  mngr, 
JIariison  and  North. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Ctiicap  I  Gtaod  Tfunl;  Rj,  ^^Jr.tJ 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 







General  Blacksmittiiiitl  and  HorseshoeiDg,  Plows  Repaired  on  Short  iloiice. 

Cor.  Calloway  and  North  Dewey  Streets, 

By  THOMAS  M.  S!ME,  M.  D. 

A  Treatise  on  Typhoid  Fever  1  Pneumonia 


Sold  by  subscription;  iiu\cleiip  iro]ii  onrcful  notes  tiikPiihy  tliL-aciilir  rin  Twenty  Voar.s'  K.vperl-- 
ciico  in  au  aotivf  pracuce.  In  T;  [>hoiil  VV'ver,  the  ildctor  ^'ivc^  _'-  ciiuicai  CM'ifS  \vitli  tho  tenipfraturo, 
state  of  tlie  pwIsL'  anJ  tlii<  nie.lii-ines  ailniini^t.-reil  foih  day  durin,-  the  j.ati.-nis'  illnc  •■?  The  same 
course  is  pursued  in  treating  I'ueunionia,  and  the  doelur  ti.ows  l.v  tliese  elinieal  cases  tliat  he  eais 
avert  eitlicr  of  those  diseases  and  restore  the  patient  in  perfect  heailli  in  from  CO  to  tO  lio\;rs.  The 
book  isa  verilaUe  lYi*'  m/ri!,,,  and  almost  intlispensal)le  to  a  faniilv.  Tlie  prjelieiri;  plivsicinn  will 
also  find  it  vnluahle.  I'ricc  ill  «'l<il)l  ^:i.  .'>  0  ;  4'l<>l  la  hKIi  I,f:Hlier  »t;i<-U,  S  1. .■,<».  W  dl  he 
sent  on  receipt  of  )irice  to  any  point  ni  tlie  United  States  or  Canada,  posta{;ti  or  expre.^sajje  fully  |iaid. 

Address  T.  M.  SIME,  EAT  CEAIIM;.  WIS. 

C.  J.  LEN'HAltK,  President. 

0.  O.  AANSTAU,  Vieo-1'resident. 




Ui\l>KIiTAIiI\0  A    STKC  SAI/rV. 

Telephone   No.  36. 

Nos.  112  and  114  OridgeSt,,  -  EAU  CLAIRE,  WIS. 



DEALEIi.     IN' 

Peils,  FuiSi 


Salt,  Tallow,  OiUiiiie,Ce[neot,htc, 

A  Specially  lade  c!  I'lrst-Class  Buggies  and  CDliers. 

Telcphono  UA. 

314  S.  River  St.,  EAU  CLAIRE,  WIS. 




TEiiEI'irOlTE     Si. 

202  Cray  Street, 
EAU  CLAIRE,         -         WISCONSIN. 

lUlllOlS  CEilT^M  1 1  riVo^°rJ!:  llOHTIiEei  IO';,'i!., 

ILLI!!0!S  CtllieaL  1 1 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 






Stauton  Elraer  E,  la'.ryer,  3'j9  Kelsey, 

Slaikcs  \Vm  H,  bnrbtr,  olo  X  LJarstow. 

Starr  ^\'in  J,  Pres  The  Wisconsin  Re- 
frigerator Co. 

Stein  Maximilian  S,  clothing,  202  S  Bars- 

Steitfeldt  Albert,  barber,  Eau  Claire 

SCcveiis  A  II,  Lime.  Coal,  Etc,  31-i  S 
River,     (i^ce  «ih\  p  JSJ.) 

Stockliausen  Herman,  saloon,  130  X  Bars- 

■Stoiicli  diaries  A,  Asst  C.isbier  Eau 
Claire  National  Bank,  302  S  Barstow. 

Strand  &  Nelson  (C)laf  Strand.  Christopher 
Nelson),  grocers,  312  JladisoD. 

■  Stumm  .Tacob,  farm  iinpts,  olO  S  River. 

Sullivan  F  D,  aL'l  C,  St  P,  M  &  O  and  C  & 
N  \V  Ry.-*. 

Sutherland  A  Judson,  lawyer,  203  S  Bars- 

Svea  Hotel,  John  Carlson  propr,  212  Wis- 

Svensou  August,  saloon,  .532  N  Barstow. 

Swasey  Jliss  Carrie  B,  music  teacher,  814 
S  River. 

Swift  Charles  B,  real  estate.  County  bldg. 

Swift  Elijah,  pine  lands,  over  PostnfHce. 

Syvcrson  Casper,  senl  store,  22.5  N  Dewey. 

Tcall,  J-'asiit-.s'  &  Tciill  (George  C 
Teall,  Vincent  W  James,  Fred  A  Teall), 
Lawyers,  101  S  Barstow. 

Teall  Wm  A,  insurance,  220  S  Barstow. 

Tebo  Charles  H.  groc«r,  117  Briilie. 
"Tecples  David  J,  restaurant,  JUO  Gibson. 

Thomas  liichard  J,  boiler  works,  s  3  Me- 
nominie  nr  E;i2;le  Iron  ^V'orks. 

'Thomas  Thomas  W,  insurance,  113  Kelsey. 

Thompson  George  T,  gents'  furnishings, 
211  S  Barstow. 

Thom[)Son  G  Tabor,  drugs,  21.5  S  Barstow. 

Thompson  "\\'m,  fruits,  s  end  Barstow 
Street  bridge. 

Thompson  ifc  Arnson  (I'aul  Thompson, 
Martin  Arnson),  .--hoes,  21G  N  Barstow. 

Thrane  Arthur  D  H,  physician,  3u3i  S 

Thwiug  Joseph  W,  painter.  109  3d  ave. 

Timbers  Patrick  H,  saloon. 122  X  Harstow. 

Tinker  John  T,  house  mover,  (i02  S  Far- 
"Tonia-bck  Joseph,  grocer,  i^-K  Madison. 

Ton^;  it  Pov,  laundrv,  212  S  River. 
■  TriuK"*    Eloiiry  T,    Plumber  and   Gas 
Fitter.  114  S  Riv.-r.     (.v^  adr.  p  S'rS) 

Trousilril,.  Uev  S  \V  (MetliodisH. 

Triiax  l'cl<T,  ISreeder  and  Dealer  in 
Full  l'.lo  d  P.-rrheron  and  TroUing  Bred 
Horsus;  also  Dealer  in  Lo:;s  and  Lumber, 
814  21  ave.     (S'--' udt',  p  -''J'',) 

Tumpowsky  David,  saloon.  321  Madison. 
Ulrich  August  E.  tailor,  127  N  Barstow. 
Union   Hotel,  Bcnsen  &  Johnsen  proprs, 

052  JIadisoD. 
United  Stales  Land  Office,  L  P  Hotchkjss 

register,  Frank  R  Farr  receiver,  cor  Eau 

Claire  and  Dewev. 
Unruh  Mrs  Martha  E,  milliner,  603  S  Bars 

Valley  Lumber  Co  (capital,  s2,jO,000»,Wm 

Carson  pres,  T  G  Foster  sec,  028  Menotn- 

Van  Hovenberg   Do  Witt   J,    grocer.   lOD 

Vinton  ^Vm  F,  propr  Windsor  House,  202 

S  River. 
Volkman  Christ,   soda  water  mufr,  .812  1st 

Volleudorf  Frcdeiick,  shoemaker,  404  Bel- 
Voss  Charles  F,  saloon,  310  N  Barstow. 
Walmsley  Horace  B,  sec  EauCiuire  Book 

and  Stationery  Co,  310  S  Barstow. 
Walter  J^liu  c";  Co  -John  \Valtcr,  Mrs  John 

Eichert,  Jacob  Doerrer),  brewers,  Hobart 

and  Elm. 
Walters  Mrs  Harriet  E,  confectioner,  TO"; 

S  Barstow. 
Wang  Andrew,  saloon,  .50o  Galloway. 
Wang  Tver,  saloon,  310  Madison. 
Warness  Sisters  (Isabel  and  Anna),  dress- 
makers, 42,5  Forest. 
Warren  Georce  J,  meats,  401  S  Barstow. 
Washington  Mill  Co,  Seth  Fish  pres.  C  F 

Mayliew  sec.  tlour,  etc,  411  S  Barstow. 
WecSenieyfr    Win    EI,    Saddle    and 

llarnessmaker.  Tent  and  Awning  JMnfr, 

122  S  River.     (.Set'  ««/(•,  p  ,-?6'.) 
Weekly  Free  Press.  II  C  Ashbaugh  propr, 

310  S  Rivt-r. 
Wehrle  Mrs  Mary,  saloon,  214  North. 
Weiss  .Joseph   it    Co   (Joseph  ^Vei--3,  Leo- 
pold   Kortsch).    publrs   Eau  Claire  and 

Chippewa     Falls    llerold,    Dewev   near 

Weizcuegger  Anton,    shoemaker,    130    S 

Weizenepger  ,1  George,  grocer,  220  Manle. 
Wells  Homer  D,  confectioner,  IKJ  Bridge, 
Wist  Charles  F,  ciL'ar  mnfr,  770  1st  aveT 
West  Eau  Claire  Ice  Co,  John  Anderson, 

Joseph  J  CV.'^  proprs,  n  w  cor  9tb   ave 

and  Hudson. 
West  Eau  Claire    Mill    Co,    John  S  Owen 

pres,  Ralph  E  Rust  sec,  304  S  Barstow. 
West  Superior  Lundjer  Co.  II  M  Stocking 

pres.  R  E  I\u.'t  sec,  304  S  Barstow. 
West  Wisconsin    Board   of   Underwriters, 

I  II  Seelye  mngr,  111  Kelsej'. 

klUUli  lUUI  W»i4Up{«UWLi?ht.  Catalogufsfree./  225  W.  Water  Street,  MILWUKKF- 

■  to  J.  N.  ?IcCtJNX,   Green   Kay,  AVls.,  for  ANM  AI.   CATALOfitE  of  rlic 

Green   Bay  Business   College.  «rji,uii.e...  indorsement. 




Wtttern  Union  Telegraph  Cu,  L  S  llumc-3 

aiDgr,  31-1  Gibson. 
WestluQcl  John,  gen  store.  TjG-  Frnnklin. 
We^tville  Lumber  Co,  John  il  liu^l  pres, 

1?  E  Kuft  sec,  304  6  Barstnw. 
"iVliisler  Ernest  11,  mugr  Wis  Telephone 

Co.  315  S  Barslow. 
■\\  liialer  Miiss  Grace,  music  lenclier. 
Wtiite  Bros   (Fred   8   and  Gaston  D). 

I'roprs  Galloway   Uouse.    cor   Farwell 

and  Gibson. 
■\Vickluim  it  Farr(.James'.Wiclibam,  Frank 

H  Farr),  lawyers,  13'2  S  Larstow. 
^Vie^and     &     Steiuhaucr    (i^cderick    AV 

■\Vieuaud,    Louis    Steiuhauer),    grocers, 

•:2-2  Vine. 
Wieiiand  &■  Walil  (.John  II  "Wienand, 

^Vw.   E    Wahl),    Trunks.     "Va!ise.<;.  Etc, 

ucder  Postotfirc.     (St'  adc,  p  ..TO.) 
Wilcox  N  C.  cicars,  Kau  Claire  House. 
Wilder  Abbott  i\  optician,  317  S  Barsiow. 
Wilk  &   Kohliicpp  (Charles  AVilk,   ILirl- 

iiian  Koblhtpp).  croccra,  402  BelliiiL'ir. 
Williams  Georei;  \\',   propr    \Yorkui!in's 

Gazette,  4'23  Water. 
AVilliams  L,  lumber,  201  S  Barstow. 
\Villiams  ilrs  W  IJ,  mus-Jc  teacher. 
Williams  &   Lang    (Lucius   L    Williams, 

James  F  Lang),  furniture,  310   S  Bar- 
Wilson   Kichard   F,    real  estate,  312  Kcl- 

\\  inherg  A  W  &  Co  (Andrew  AV  V/inbcrg. 

Charles   E   Brov.'n,  Slartin  I'  Johnson), 

real  estate,  130  S  Bar  slow. 
Windsor  House,  W  F  Vinton  propr,  202  S 

V.'inslow  George  F,  drugs,  113  Kelsey. 
\\  interbotbam'Wm  W,  postmaster. 
Wisconsin   House,  John   Burnsen    propr, 

302  AV'iscousin. 
Ulseoiisiit  Kcfripcrsitoi-  I'o  (Cap- 

iul.  $50,000),  W   J    Starr  Pr.js,   George 

S  Davis  Vice-Pres,  Geori'c  W  Lawrenoe 

l^ec   and  Treas,  cor   Bellevue   ave   and 

McDonougb.     (.Sv  ad.-,  p  j.Ti. 
^Vlst-oimiu  £ii\A-r  I.iiiial  <'o,  George 

A  Qvale  I'res,  Lewis  Larson  Vice-Pres, 

Alfred  C'ypreansen  b'ec  ami  'l"reas.  Pine, 

Hardwood,  Cedar  and  FarmiiiL'  Lands, 

_300i  S  Baratow.     (See  adi\  p  ;',\i  ) 
»N  iscousin  Telephone  Co,  Ernest  11  Wbis- 

ler  mngr,  315  S  Barstow. 
\\  L-cnum  John  F,  confectr,  41  y  AVater. 
*>  itherby  George   C,    pres  and   treas  Jilau 

Ciaire   Book  and  Stationery  Co,   310  S 

^\  iihers  George  M,  pension  agent,  &0.j  S 

^\  ilbie  .lohn,  barber,  120  N  Barstow. 

AVoif  A'ictor,  'bus  line,  307  Wisconsin. 

AVoif  Wm  J.  livery,  410  and  412  Galloway. 

Woltersdorf  Fred  AA',  barber,  220  S  Bar- 

AVoltersdorf  Herman  AV,  barber,  132  S 

AYomen's  Christian  Temperance  Union 
Home,  Mrs  C  M  Barrows  matron,  513 
S  Barstow. 

Wood  Daniel,  dairy,  3  miles  s. 

AVoodland  Frederick  C,  saloon,  20S  S 

AVorkmau's  Gazette,  George  W  Williams 
propr,  422  AV'ater. 

AA'rigglesv.'orlh  Thomas,  veterinary  surg- 
eon, 4o9  Gibson. 

Wright  Lbenczer,  grocer,  020  Kel.scy. 

York  Thomas,  coroner. 

Young  Men's  Christian  Assu,  John  Cold- 
well  fcc,  203  Kclscy. 

Youneliaucr  AVm,  saloon,  414  Bellinger. 

ZinHi:erman  Frtiuk  O,  carp,  bl(i  Doly. 

Ziinujerman  Frederick,  tailor,  411  Wash- 

Zimmerman  John,  harness,  513  ]?ullinger. 

Zimmeininn  Peter,  saloon,  423  Bellinger. 

EAU  GALLE.  A  post  villace  on 
river  of  same  name,  in  Dunn  count}-,  1> 
miles  southwest  of  Menominie.  the  county 
seat,  and  6  norlhwcsl  of  Durand,  the  near- 
est railroad  station  and  bunking  point. 
Population,  250.  Mall,  daily.  E.  M. 
Drake,  postmasttr. 

Ahlefeldt  Theodore,  blacksmith. 
Caldwell  David,  slioemaUer. 
Carson  &  liand,  general  Blore. 
B>rj!kc  E  M.  General  Store. 
I'uller  Clark,  hotel. 
Glope  Bros,  wagonmakers. 
Kaburu  .James,  blacksmith. 

EDEN.  A  postolVicc  on  the  C.  .<.-  N. 
W.  By,  in  Fond  du  Lac  county,  7  miles 
southeast  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  banking  jioint.  Population, 
210.  Tel.,  AV.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  31.  Fay, 

Bai;er  Henry,  general  store  and  grain. 
]5i>|/en  John,  and  saloon. 
Crcll  .lulius,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
F»y     Itiii-liacI,    Hainess,    Boots    and 

Flannigan  Edward,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Hcgner  AV'm,  meat  market. 
Hildeljrand  A'alentine,  wagonmakcr. 
Lvn-i  L  H.  cneral  store. 
;'3arl>lcht'«<l  I^lnio  i'fu. 
Murray  John  i',  blacksmith. 

Cfeap  &  Gfaod  ]mi  Pij. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



outranks  them  all.  ItlstheGrea' 
Business   University   of  America. 





Rinehardt  J  ,1,  live  stock. 
Williams  D  T,  flour  mill. 

EDGERTON.  Dating  its  settloment 
•from  18;jC,  laid  out  as  a  villasie  in  lN"Ji,nuil 
incorporated  as  a  city  in  IsSo,  is  situated 
on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  V.  liy,  iu  Puick  coun- 
ty, 12  miles  north  of  .Tanesville.the  county 
seat,  8  northwest  of  Milton  .luucliou,  2') 
southeast  of  JNIadisou.  and  7!  southwest  of 
Milwaukee.  It  contains  .Methodist, Catho- 
lic, Baptist  and  German  Lutheran 
churches,  German  and  public  schools.  1 
bank,  2  good  hotels,  2  large  halls,  a  well 
equipped  fire  department,  and  2  weekly 
newspapers,  the  Wisconxin  Tah'V'-Q  Il'> 
porter  and  the  Edrirtun  InfJc.r.  The  ship- 
ment of  tobacco  is  the  principal  industry, 
nearly  half  of  what  is  raised  in  the  State 
being  shipped  from  this  point.  Live  stock, 
grain  and  brick  are  aho  exported.  Pojiu- 
latiou,  2,000.  Tel.,  \V,  U.  Eip., Adams. 
6.  L.  Lord,  postmaster. 

Arthur  John  II,  general  store. 

Babcock  Emilus  \V,  general  store. 

Band    of     Kdgerton'    (capitul.      .■?.")0,000), 

Thomas    UuIhou    pres,  G    L  liurnham 

Banks  Charles  II,  drugs  and  grocer. 
Bates  E  K  &  Co  (Kdwin  E   Bates,  Wallace 

S  Brown),  jewelers. 
Bonn  Philip,  leaf  tobacco. 
Bowe  Rev  .James  F  (Cathnlic). 
Brittinghaui,    Hi.xoii    i-    (_:<>    (Thoma-;    E 

Brittingham,  .Joseph  Jl  Ui.vou,   Willard 

S  Huddles-),  lumber. 
Brown  C  Lee,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Brown  I!  U  &  Sous  (Peuuel  C  and  Wallace 

S),  grain  and  leaf  tobacco. 
Buuzel  J  it  Sous,  E  A  Wildman   agt,  leaf 

Burdick  Burrows,  physician. 
Burns  Miss  ICate,  dressmaker. 
■Campbell  Alex  U,  harneis. 
Carnell  Wm,  meat  market. 
•Carv  Mrs  Pho'Iie,  farm  inipts. 
Chiid  Wm  W,  leaf  tobacco. 
Clark  Spcneer,  eorghum  mill. 
Clarke  Wm  II,  furniture. 
Clalworthy  Henry,  tailor. 
Commercial      House,     George    Mableson 

■Conn  Joseph  W,  general  store. 
Coon  Fred  W,  propr    Wisconsin  Tobacco 

•Co.\hcR(l  George,  atone  quarry. 
Croft  James,  dry  goods. 
Culton  (iiarlesL.   leaf  tobacco. 
Davis  Wm  J,  barlier. 

Dawe  John,  mayor. 

Dickinson  Charles  fl,  paints  and  oils. 

Dickinson  Hubert  H,  propr  United  States 

Karle  Thomas  B,  tobacco  inspector. 
Edgertou  Cornet  Band,  Andrew  Mcintosh 

Edaerton  Index,  J  Q  Patterson  propr. 
Edgerlon  Tobacco  Mnfg   Co,    O   P  Saun- 
ders pres,  John  Dawe  sec. 
EliiDg.son  &  Barnes  (Thomas  A  EUiugson, 

liien  J  Birnes),  leaf  tobacco. 
FIngg  A  S  &  Co  (Abner  S  Flagg),  hdware. 
Ford  Michael  IT,  boots  and  shoes. 
Frank  Charles  P,  saloon. 
Gove  Spjncer  E.  leaf  tobacco. 
Greenwood  James  I',  llour  and  feed. 
Ilaiu  James  D,  hardware. 
Hakes  Wesley,  black -iiiitb. 
Ila.skins  Mrs  Mary,  milliner. 
Herit.age   ifc   Ash    (.leremiah   A    Heritage, 

Harry  Ash),  harness. 
Hopkins  Edward  C,  agt  C,  M  &  St  P  Hy. 
Horton  John,  quarry. 
Howard  Ira  M,  saloun. 
Humphrey  Silas  C,  livery. 
Jeuson  Andrew,  leaf  tobacco. 
Jesbup  Lewis  K,  painter. 
Johnson  Henry,  insurance. 
.Johnson  Jacob,  shoemaker. 
Johnson  .Mrs  J  A.   milliner. 
.I«>tlil><<>ii  Olc  K,  Cii^ar  .Manufacturer. 
Joyce  Bros  {Patrick  and  James),  blksmtbs. 
Keegan  Mrs  C  A,  dressmaker. 
Leonard  George  B,  insurance. 
Lidicker  Herman  1{,  confectioner. 
Lindley  &    ,Morrisey    (J.-r(.iniah   Lindley. 

Wm  II  .Morrisev>.  hardware. 
IJi)lve<ll      Eiulvor    O,     Blacksmith. 

('arriage   and     W'agonmaker   anil   Mnfr 

Toliacco  AVarehouse  Tools. 
Lord  .lames  A,  physician. 
Lord  Simon  L.  postmaster. 
Lyon  Darius  E,  shoemaker. 
Mi-Cbesuey  Willard,  physician. 
McGilllu  Mrs  D  J,  dressTuaker. 
McGillin  H  Stuart,  cigar  mnfr. 
Mcintosh  James,  tailor. 
Mr.Munus  Warren  C.  physician. 
Mablit  tt  Charles  F,  farm  imiita. 
^Tnlilcfton     George,      propr      Commercial 

BlarUliam  &  Fletcher  (Thomas  Markhani, 

.Mills  B  Fletcher),  reneral  store. 
KEnrsitcn    &.    U'liillct  (Henry  '  Mars. 

den.  James   I)    Whittel).     Liuulier  and 

Coal  and  JInfrs   Tobacco,    Sash, 

Doors,  IMinds,  Etc. 
Nicholson  Arthur  P,  dentist. 
Palmer  Hendrick  A,  d(?ntiFt. 

■iLLiiiflis  m\m  I  p. 

Short  and  Direct 
ll         Route  from 


Chicap  6  Giand  TrunI  Rj,  Pll?";!A".!Jc'2i"J?&,S''^ 




J'arr    &■    llesidersoii    (IJoyal   Parr, 

James  O  Hcnderton),  Brick  jlnfrs. 
Patterson  Jesse  G,  propr  Index. 
Pauline  Pottery  Co  (capital,  siO.OOO),  C  F 

Mabbitt  pres,  O  I  Jacobus  sec. 
pcuse  ifc  Pyre  Bros  (Frank  H  Pease,  Frank 

and  James  I'yre),  leaf  tolj:icco. 
Perry  it  Doty  (T)ieodore  A  Perry,  Georse 

W  Doty),  general  store. 
Pollard  Joseph  jr.  saloon. 
Pomeroy  O  U,  leaf  tolncco. 
Pomerny  &,  Pelton  (^Vm  T   Pomeroy,  ]Mii- 

ford  Pelton),  leaf  tobacco. 
Price  George,  carpenter. 
Price  \Vm  11,  carpenter. 
Rsasch  Rev  V\'m  F  (Biptist). 
liobinsou  H  Grant,  city  treasurer. 
Root  Charles  I),  cii;ar  mnfr. 
Rowe  Harry  K.  baker. 
Scliroeder  '&   Bon    (Frederick    and    E    A 

Schroeder,  I  X  Bon,  W  J  llazlewoodj, 

leaf  tobacco. 
Shannon  C  O, 
Shelley  Win  A,  clothing. 
Sherman  Fred  C,  stationer. 
Shumer  it  Brown  (.Vlfred  W  Shumor,  Ar- 
thur Brown),  bai  hers. 
^Illicit   B-2«S\var<l   11,  Lawyer,    Justice 

of  Peace  and  Collections. 
Son  Harry  C),  e.\press  and  insurance  aL't. 
Spencer  John,  jeweler. 
Stilhnan  Thomas  L,  wagonmaker. 
Summers  Alfred,  carpenter. 
Tallard  Charles,  leaf  tobacco. 
Tallard  p^lward  C,  leaf  tobacco. 
Tnlmadgc  Frank  A,  photographer. 
Taylor  Nel.son,  leaf  tobacco. 
Tointon   vV   Barnes  (Henry   Tointon,  Wm 

Barnes),  meat  market. 
Towne  John  P.  lawyer. 
Towne  I^ouis  H.  lawyer  niul  insurance. 
Toynton  John  T,  groo.  r. 
X-'uited  Slates  Hotel,  Hubert  H  Dickinson 

Vaughn  Bros  &  Ayers  (Orson    and    Byron 

Vaughn,  Frank  Ayers),  livery. 
Vivian  Rev  (Methodist). 
Vollmulh  John,  shoemaker. 
^\  citheimer  Benjamin  L,  leaf  tobacco 
Wesendonk  Henry,  cigar  mnfr. 
AVestlake  Thomas,  blacksmith, 
"\\ildermulh  Bev  George  (rjUtherani. 
'^Villson  Bros  (Benjamin  C  and  Dexter  I), 

Wilson  George  H,  meat  market. 
AVi.^consin   Tobacco   Reporter,  F  \V  Coon 

EDMUND.     A  postoiTice  on  the  C.  & 
-^-  W.  By,  ill  pnva  county,  S  miles  -west  of 

Dodgeville,  the  county   seat,  and  5   north 
of  Linden.     Stages  daily  to  Linden;  fare, 
25   cents.     Population,    ''>.     Tel,  'W.    L'. 
Exp.,  Am.     A.  Charles,  postmaster. 
Baker  &  'Williams,  crc.imerr. 
Cfiiirlos  AlfrocI,  General  Store. 
Crase  James,  carpenter. 
Patterson  Pi  T,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Vincent  &  Baxter,  lumber  and  bankers. 

EDSON.  A  village  on  Hay  creek,  in 
Chippewa  county,  ^0  miles  east  of  Chippe- 
wa Falls,  the  county  seat,  and  IJ  south  of 
Boyd,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  Chip- 
pewa Falls  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  300.  Mail,  daily.  D.  L.  Mohr, 

Chubb  EJson.  saw  mill. 

Chubb  H  C.  flour  and  saw  mill. 

Foster  Joseph,  shoemaker. 

Hartz  Michael,  hotel. 

Klein  Nicholas,  blacksmith. 

Mohr  A  P,  tinware. 

WSolir  I>   I^,  General  Store. 

Rodgers  George,  railroad,  txp  and  tel  agt. 

Sorg  Tliomas,  handle  mnfr. 

Tucker  John,  shoemaker. 

Vager  Peter,  saloon. 

EDWARDS.  A  postofflce  on  Pigeon 
creek,  in  Shelioygan  county,  11  miles 
northwest  of  Sheboygan,  the  judicial  seat 
and  bank  locution,  and  5-  from  Centre- 
ville,  its  shipping  point.  Population,  Oj. 
Mail,  Iri-weekly.  ICdward  Newhouse, 

Bauer  Peter,  blacksmith. 
Birsch  Peter,  hotel. 
Kaniann  Henry,  ehcejie  mnfr. 
Lerain  .Morit/.,  cheese  mpfr. 
XcwJuMiso  ECdivtii'd,  General  Store. 
Olt  August,  cheese  raufr. 
Papke  L  (',  railmad  antl  exp  agt. 
Boeder  Henrv,  cheese  mnfr. 

EGG  HARBOR.  A  village  on  G  reen 
Bay,  in  Door  county,  18  miles  northeast  of 
Sturgeon  Bay,  the  county  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  Staixes  daily  to  Sturo-eon 
Bay.  Population,  2i}\).  Mail,  daily. '  T. 
A.  Thorp,  postmaster. 

Baraboo  Levi,  hotel. 
Eaiin'«  l>r  JI  Si,  Druggist. 
FlyuQ  John,  blacksmith. 
Lamere  Jerry,  wagoumaker. 
Larenche  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Lyman  il  E.  justice. 
Minor  Nelson,  meat  market. 

Cfeap,Mi!waykee  &  St,  Paol  fij,  r,:::;'';,'estand  l!ci';;es! 

ilLlilS  CE!JTR4L  I 

\     DIRECT  ROUTE  l\ 
ll  to  all  POINTS 






Tliorj}  Ll  !>  I'z  !i»«!ii.  General  fciore  and 
Steamboat  Agents. 

EIDSVOLD.  A  postoffice  in  Clark 
county,  on  the  Wis.  Central  Line,  Z-i  miles 
northwest  of  Meillsville.  the  seatof  justice. 
Bank  at  Thnrp,  3  miles  distant.  Exp., 
N.  P.  Tel.,"\V.  U.  Population,  200.  O. 
C.  Tronstadt,  po.stmaster. 

Corn-well  ll,  fruit. 

Dedrick  F,  carpenter. 

Donahoe  I)  F,  carpenter. 

FerdoQ  John,  blacksmith. 

Krupp  C  A,  jnstice. 

Xyi',  I>ii<.k  &.  llud^oll,  Saw  Ulill. 

AVarncr  1!  >t  Co,  Looks. 

Warner  Klijah,  livery. 

ELAND,  On  the  >r.,  L.  S.  A  W.  Ry, 
in  Shawano  county,  ISS  miles  northwest 
of  Milwaukee,  30  west  of  Shawano,  the 
county  seat,  and  20^  south  of  Antigo,  the 
nearest  banking  point.  PoDulation,  200. 
Tek,  W.  U.  Exp.,  U,  S.  W.  J.  Ilaften, 

Kranklin  E  H,  general  store. 

Franklin  Jerome  F,  real  estate  and  ins. 

Fuller  House,  W  U  Fuller  propr. 

Fuller  W  II.  general  store. 

Ii;i;,;csi  IV  J,    Lumber   Inspector   and 

Insurance  Aj,a'nt. 
Hamlin  J  H,  saw  mill. 
Hayden  E  J,  hotel. 
Ingcrsoll  ik  Son,  saw  mill. 
JIcLauphlin  AV  A,  CHrpcntcr. 
MfNair  John,  Saw  :*Ii!l. 
Pickering  AV  C,  railroad  and  cxp  agent. 
Rideout  W  K  &  Son,  saw  mill. 

ELCnO.  On  the  M.,  L.  S.  .t  W.  Ry, 
in  Langlade  county,  22  miles  north  fif  Anti- 
go,  the  county  seat  and  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  10"i.  Mail,  daily. 
T.  Solberg,  postmaster. 

Badger  D,  builder. 
Buckler  E,  blacksmith. 
Edwards  Thomas,  music  teacher. 
Frost  VenciT  Seating  Co. 
Hart  II  AV",  general  store. 
Slolbcrg  'r.  General  Store. 

EI.DEHON.  a  new  poslotficc  in 
Jlarathon  county,  27  miles  sotitheast  of 
Wausau,  the  county  seat,  and  7  froiu  Xor- 
rie,  the  nearest  railroad  [-lation.  liank  at 
Wausau.  Pnpulation,  'J.l.  .'NIail,  semi- 
weekly.     C.  P.  Day,  postmaster. 

Day  CiilviEi   r*.  Land  Act  ami  Justice, 

Ingersoll  &  Sbarey  Lund  and  Lumber  Co 
Moses  John,  saw  mill. 

EL  DORADO.  On  ;the  C.  &  X.  -,V 
Ry,  in  Fond  du  Lac  county,  10  miles  wt-ci 
of  Fond  du  Lac,  the  county  seat  and  near- 
est bankiag  j.oint.  Population,  'JoO 
Tel,,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  W.  K.  Ander- 
son, postmaster. 

Aii(ecr>^on  W  SI,  General  Store. 
Anderson  it  Roblee,  hardware. 
Carpenter  W  H,  tailor. 
Carpenter  Mrs  V,'  II,  dre':smaker. 
Dilks  Lyle,  cooper. 
Duel  Hiram,  money  broker. 
IJliel  J!o2ill,  CooiK-r. 
Fuller  ]),  shoemaker. 
Griffith  E,  live  stock, 
llenning  Auuust,  biacl;smith. 
Scribner  J  K,  flour  mill. 
Ziilie  Wm,  mason. 

ELEVA.     Also  known  as  New  Chica- 
go, is  a  village  ou  the  S.  Sle.  U.  &  S.  \V. 
Ry.     >Q    Trempealeau    county,    2.j    miie= 
northwest  of  Whitehall,  the  seal  of  justice, 
and   20  south   of   E  lU  Claire,   tlio  nearest 
banking   point.     Population,    100.     Exp., 
Am.     .Mail,  daily. 
F.abcock  C,  harness. 
Eleva  Creameiy  Co. 
Gilbert  &  llalliuger,  general  store. 
Qodard  U  P.  general'store. 
Ilsilvcrsou"  A;  Tiioiii|><iuii,  Genera! 

Jensen  K,  blacksmith. 
Marxer  II  J,  tinner. 
Odcll  D  J,  hotel. 
Olsen  Thomas,  general  store. 
Ruesling  II,  Hour  mill. 
Snoegcnbo.'is  O  II,  hardware. 
Waterbury  Miss  Ida,  nnlliner. 
Yeomana  C  E,  diugiiist. 

ELK  CREEK.  Aponofflco  inTrcm 
pcalcau  county,  0  miles  northwest  'i 
Whitehall,  the  coimty  scat.  Iian!;ing  anii 
shijiping  point.  Stages  to  Eau  Claire  and 
Whitehall.  Population,  40.  .Mail,  [tri- 

Peterson  O  C.  general  store. 
'WhUncy  M  r.  Hold  and  Blacksmith. 

ELK  GROVE,  .v  village  in  LaFay- 
ctte  county,  IG  miles  west  of  Darlington, 
the  county  scat,  a  northeast  of  Elmo,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  8  southeast  of 
Platteville,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  80.     Mail,  tri-weekly. 

Chicago  &  Grand  Trunk  fiy, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


UQ.Hwii  liiU        W.    UllvJiWg  294  "WEST  1-/A'r£:)l£  S't'.,  JilL  VV  At;jii.i.i:,  Wis. 





Kiinpl'x"'"  .^itliii.  General  Store. 

M'i'e  Or  W,  justice. 

Murphy  A  C,  lawyer. 

IViicock  Joseph,  justice. 

Il'clmrJs  ,)nhn  F,  mason. 

TiLrrell  R  E,  blacksmith. 

TlioiJias  JaHics,  Hotel. 

Thomas  \Vm,  geiipr;il  store. 

Wiley  Hev  John  (Methodist). 

ELKHART.  On  the  M.  &  N.  R.  R., 
in  Cheboygan  county,  17  miles  northwest 
( f  sheboyijan,  the  county  seat,  and  7  north- 
west of  riymoulh.  tiie  nearest  banking 
point.  Tel.,  W.  U.  I';Xp.,  Am.  A.  O 
Goliiammer,  postmaster. 

I!ralz  Charles,  shoomal;cr. 

Br(it7,raann  Leo,  physician. 

llriekbauer  John,  farm  impts. 

i'.rickheimer  Peter,  wai^onmaker. 

flaatle  George,  meat  market. 

G'  rliirdt  J,  meat  market. 

<><>I(liiinit!Ci'  A  (i.  General  Store. 

Griuiu  C  n.  general  store. 

lirifsback  Theo.  caipentcr. 

ll'iljn  Joseph,  blacksmith. 

Hotel  JIuensterhind.  Otto  Osthoir  propr. 

Kllugspornc  Samuel,  grain. 

Kriienier  George  A,  railroad,  exp  and  fel 

I.ii  E^iiddn  O  A,  Hardware. 
Lake  View  House,  J  Schwarl/,  propr. 
Laun  Bros,  grain  and  fuiuilure. 
I-'His  AVm,  carpenter. 
.^Iiiirer  Casper,  saloon. 
■Maiirer  Peter,  livery. 
MhzE,  black-smith. 

"-UiofTOtto,  propr  Hotel  Mnenstcrland. 
Vtlibone  C  V,  hotel, 
l^.'iler  Val,  carpenter. 
•  ttliU'Ok  Will,  Creamery. 
'■■'-•'*  August,  general  store  and  justice. 
'■  -r'.l  Hiuise,  E  Tallmaili'c  propr. 

Rustic  House,  T  C'  Sharp  propr. 
Sattler  Hugo,  hotel. 
Schmal  Wm,  shoemaker. 
Sehii!>crt  SJro.x,  Photoeraphere. 
Sharp  T  C,  propr  Rustic  House. 
Tallmadge  E,  propr  Rural  House. 
Wittkopp  Fred,  livery. 

ELKnOEN.  First  settled  in  1837,  is 
a  flourishing,  inccjrporated  villace  in  the 
center  iif  ^Vahvorlll  count}',  of  which  it  is 
the  judicial  seat,  41  miles  southwest  of  Ra- 
cine and  .50  from  Jlilwaukce.  It  is  an  im- 
portant statiou  on  the  R.  br.  R.  &  S.  \V. 
div.  of  the  C,  M.  &.  St.  P.  Ry.  The  vil- 
lage is  the  center  of  a  fruitful  farming 
district,  and  ships  all  kinds  of  produce. 
The  village  contains  an  elevator,  a  lumtier 
yard,  a  bank,  2  feed  mills,  brick  and  tile 
works,  a  mnchiuo  shop,  a  cigar  factory,  i 
good  hotels,  Luther»n,  ConLTegaticinal, 
Methodist  Episcopal,  Universalist.  Catho- 
lic, Episcopal  and  Baptist  churches,  a 
graded  public  school  and  a  cheese  factory. 
A  weekly  newspaper,  the  W'lliroil.'i  Co'inly 
Independent,  is  imblislied.  Stages  daily  to 
Harvard  and  ^Vhite  Water.  I'oiiulntion 
1,408.  Telephone  c.-cchaiige.  Tel.,\V.  U 
E\p.,  Am.     Henry  Bradley,  postmaster. 

Allen  Levi  E,  jien'iion  claim  agent. 

Alictt  E»lin.v  \V,  Abstract  Ullico. 

'Arp  Otto,  blacksmith. 

Railow  Richard  H,  photographer. 

Barnes  Calvin,  insurance. 

Barrett  it  Byington  (John  E  Barrett,  Clar- 
ence E  Byington),  general  store. 

Barton  Clarence  W.  barber. 

ISaueimau  Jacob,  slmcniaker. 

Bauerman  Jacob  jr,  carpenter. 

Beals  AWin,  house  mover. 

Blodgelt  Bros  (Wilber  H  and  Harrison) 
meat  market. 

Hove(>  Hubert  S.  barber. 

T.  H.  O'BRIEN,  Proprietor. 




Hardware  \^zw,  Alteiilion!  "rx  ro?:.^"  «v:;"u'~;:^;  sf""' 

>>.i,m„.    AkoiHn  for  SVCA.IIOIIU  SJl'ECIAl,   rHAl"  PO^VDEU. 

erl  Hsrpsr  &  Sons 


I  Sii.,  Jniwauiee.     WALL  i'i.Pi:i;s.     lelephuit  i^'s- 





"o  ui 

0)  re 

2  g   Bradley  Henry,  poelmastcr. 

.-^   Brady  .Mrs  Amy,  milliner. 
S  g    Brooks  ,T  Frauk.  livtry. 
rr:    Button  Byron,  bill  poster. 

•^    Buzz.'ird  itfcv  Henry  (Bi'-ptUt). 
tjj  oT  Carswell  Xathaniel,  real  estate. 
TT  g    Carawell  OrUind.  grocer. 

—  E    Church  L  C,  county  treasurer. 

g  E    Conger  AVm  H,  ca^h  First  Xalional  Bank, 
^o    ConceriS:  Goutrh  (\Vm  H  Conger,  Sidney 

eg        CGous^li),  feed  mill. 
f~  °   Cowdrey  I;_ver  L,  county  clerk. 
^_g    CummiDL's  John,  carrjau'e  trimmer. 
Q  E    Desing   li;   Gaylord   (Augustus  F  Desing, 

—  il        Chailcs  C  Ga}  lord  i,  blacksmiths. 
^"    Dewing  Ely  B.  clerk  of  court. 
2s    Hewing  Melva,  dres-maUer. 

Hodge  &  f^punus,  cigar  mufrs. 
O  -t-^  Edwards  &,   Preston  '(,J   Lyman  KJ wards, 
g  g        Dwight  Picston),  dry  good.-i. 

-  w  J^lkhorn  Cornet  Band,(;  C  Gaylord  leader. 
ify  "^    J'orris  George  W,  grocer. 
ca  o   First    National   Bank    (capital,     s."iO,000), 
— "^       Julius  L  Edwaidd  pits,  \Vm  U  Conger 
Flack  J  G  .t  D  L  iJohu  G  and  David  L), 

Frii/.er  Bev  C  H  (Congregational). 
Fuller  James  E,  justice. 
Ci.lT  S  Clayton,  dentist. 
„  "    Graff  Antlionv,  boots  and  shoes, 
"^    (;rall  Frank  C,  jeweler. 
^         Halienbeck  LiiU,  apiarist. 
^SJjIIare  John  ifc  Son  (John  and  John  jr),  gro- 
S^       cers. 

p-j^    llarriman  Rufus  D,  meal  market. 
,f^l»j^ Harris  it  "West  (John  H   Harris.  AValter  A 
psa       ^\"esl),  butter  and  elieese  nmfrs. 
t^   Hatch  Jojjn,  pliislerer. 
O   Hayes  John  W,  agent  Am  ICxp  Co. 
gj^   Humphrey  Benjamin  B,  iusuiance. 
Huntress  Gideon  (.',  harne.'"-smaker. 
S3   Huilbul  Wm  II,  phvi.ician. 
e,3    Ingalla  John  P,  jiL.t'ice. 
S:^   lugalls  Wallace,  lawyer. 
its   M>am  Fred  W,  druggist. 
^  ]\acliel.    West  &   Co,   Walter  "West  pres, 
»->»*        Win  Kaciiel  si  c,  dairy  supplies. 
S'S   Lang  Jolm  F,  carpenter. 
CS   Latham  Edward  >L  carpenter. 
'    '"'   Lathrop  AUri'il  H,  carriagcmaker. 
€/3  J-ee  Xalban  Ji,  saluon. 
I^~»  Liiidow  Charles,  furniture. 
^^3  Lyle  George  A,  cattle  breeder. 
Qj  Lyon  Charles  L,  coroner. 
»^B.  Lyon  Jav  F,  vd'agc  clerk. 
p^   l.joii  .losrpli    !■%  Justice  (.f  Peace. 
j^   li,j  on  .B  a'  iV  Son  (Joseph  F  and  Jay 

I F).  Lawyi-r.v 

MeKey'sCpera  Hou'je,  W  G  Weeks  mngr. 


McJIanus  Peter,  merchant  tailor. 
Mallory  Henry  L.  farm  impts. 
rHathciOU  P>ros  (John  Matliesou),  lumber, 
Matheson  John,  merchant  tailor. 
Matheson    Trading    Co,    John   ilatheiiO; 

pres,  lumber  and  jiroduce. 
Mayhew's   Opera   House,    Calvin    Barn? 

Medbury  JIrs  David,  music  teacher. 
Medbury  Jerome,  mu^ic  teacher. 
Meigs  John,  hardware, 
Jlitchel  &  Beamish  (.-famuel  Mi'.chel,  JoL;. 

Beara'sh),  general  store. 
Jloredeid  Thomas  W,  grocer. 
.Morrissey  Daniel,  stone  mason. 
Jlorrissey  Edwaid.  stone  masou. 
Morrissey  John,  horseshoer. 
Morrissey  'Wm,  stone  mason. 
Nciuast  Julius,  wag'mmaker. 
liiifkef-i'iaJc    £luii«e,  T  II  0  Brii:i 

Propr.     {i-te  n'le,  p  cVS.) 
Nicholas  Piev  James  (Catholic). 
NicEen  Joseph  ^l,  painter. 
Noriis  Harlev  C,  hardware. 
O'iJricii    T    It.     Propr     Nickel-PiaU 

House,     (fife  a'ii\  p  J.y.'V  ) 
Opilz  Frtderick,  blacksmith. 
C)tto  George,  baker. 
Park  Hotel,  G  H  Sperberk  propr. 
Park  ifc  Kenny,  publrs  Walworlli   Counly 

Partridge  Amos  S,  marble  cutter. 
Pett  Edward  J,  harnessmaker. 
Preston  O  it  Son,  clothing. 
Uussell  Bros,  feed  mill. 
Sawyers  Bev  Timothy  (Lutheran). 
Sheward  tt  Co,  milliners. 
Slattery  Bros  (John  J  and  Thomas),  gro- 
Slattery  Michael,  saloon. 
Smith  &  Pett  (Henry  J  Smith,  EdmouJ  J 

Pett),  furniture. 
Snyder  John  IL  live  slock. 
Spencer  Marj-,  milliner. 
Sperbeck  George  H,  propr  Park  Ilote!. 
Sprague  Edward  G,  lawyer. 
Sjirague  G  B  A-  Co,  brick  ninfrs. 
Stanford  Squire,  carpenter. 
Stratton  Wm  J,  druggi.t, 
Thomas  Miss  Kittle,  music  teacher. 
Tubbs  L,  surveyor. 
Wales  Charles,  justice  of  peace. 
AValc".  Waller,  Livery. 
Walworth   County  Independent,    Park  ^ 

Kenny  pulilrs. 
Walerburv  Aulher  F,  carpenter. 
Weeks  Wilbur  G,   mngr  .McKey's  Opera 

Welch  Georiie  E,  boots  and  shoes. 
"Wheeler  J  B.  county  judge. 

V^sa  b  \J  i 

'IT    M 


"\vi;sT  av.vxi:k  sr. 


?iiLWAiKEi:,  «iy. 


Illllo  room,  1' 

ir  O 

ill  A  MS  1 

ukce  kept  in  Tune  3  j-pai'*  FRKE.     Our 
7liL^VAi:ii;!;j;,  wis. 

»  x:.:v:  Osarliolt  ^  e2ne[ficl, 





■.\iliiftin3  Ij  a,  county  sujit  schools. 
Wint;  Cooley  T,  dry  goods. 
'.Vi^contin  Hall,  MalucsoQ  Cros  proprs. 
Wrench  John,  carpenter. 
Young  George  H, 
Young  Geoie  H  jr,  piiycicinn. 
Young  Jjicob  n,  groceriea  and  drugs. 
Zwcibel  Wm  A,  machinist. 

ELK  MOUND.  On  the  C,  St.  P.,  M. 
■k  0.  Ry,  in  Dunn  county,  12  miles  east  of 
Mtaotuiuie,  the  county  and  tisual 
. fluking  point.  Populalion,  1:2.3.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Henry  Ausmau, 

.\.'bert  Fred,  ranson. 

.Vir-!ii:tii    SJciirj',   General   Store   and 

i;>:press  Agent, 
lionsua  Louis,  grocer. 
ii;:rcgrccn  C'aii,  shoemaker. 
C'liig  J  X,  railroad  and  tel  agent, 
.'lauson  Nelson,  wagcumaUer. 
.'•I'irguth  Christ,  carpenter. 
Martiboy  E  ,T,  feed  mill. 
l;'".^enberg  Anion,  blacksmith. 
.Niner  George,  carpenter. 
'\  inger  Peter,  carpenter, 

ELLA.  On  the  Chippewa  river,  in  Pe- 
rin  county,  8  miles  south  of  Durnnd,  the 
county  scat  and  baukini;  point.  It  is  i 
i^iiiefrom  the  line  of  the'C,  M.  &,  St.  V. 
iiy,  but  goods  sliould  be  shipped  to  Du- 
'■Jci!  Populnliou,  80.  Mail,  daily.  C. 
l-'i-DStable,  postmaster. 

f-ch  Ch.nrles,  music  teac-ber. 

yUv'.i  .IS  G,  Geuend  Store. 

ij'.iti.-table  S  L,  -wind  mills. 

'^■ilitrom  Nicholas,  builder. 

^''iibasha  Mining  Co,  gold  and  silver  min- 

ELLENBOnoUGH.     A   village   in 
'.fKut  county.  S  nilles  soiilhcast  of  L.-incas- 
■•■■Mhe  countv  .seat,  neare.<-t  railroad  station 
f-nd  banking  point.     Stages  daily  to  Platte- 
^"■e  and  Lancaster  ;  fare  00  cents  to  either 
',' '"^f-  „  Population,     40.       ilail,     daily 
"  •  U  Burr,  postmaster, 
j'-^ker  N.  hotel. 
'•;adley,Tr,hn,  justice. 
"HIT  W  U,  General  Store, 
f'lni  Andrew,  llour  mill. 

ELLIS.  In  Portage  county,  S  miles 
;--ftliHast  of  Stevens' '  Point,  the  seat  of 
V  i""',  "'"^  ^.'^  "or'li  f'f  Custer,  on  the 
l]j^  '  •  1^  It.,  iis  shipping  point.     Bank  at 

Stevens'   Point.     Population,    150.     Mail, 


nninbciicEl  &.  Co,  General  Store. 

Chenviscky  J,  saloon. 

Cychoz  .M,  general  store. 

Eiden  John,  general  store. 

Eideu  Peter,  general  store. 

Gallagher  C,  saloon. 

KashUng  .T,  general  store. 

Xorloch  L,  saloon. 

Omerink  A  &  Bro,  general  store. 

Palobicki  J,  saloon. 

Wysocki  J,  general  store. 

ELLISON   BAY.      A  village  on  the 
shore  of  Green    ba_v,   in  Door  county,  -lO 
miles  northeast  of  Sturgeon  Ray, the  coun- 
ty seat  and  nearest  banking  point.     Stages 
to  Sister  Bay,  Bailey's   Harbor,    Sturgeon 
Bay  and  other   points.       Population,  "500. 
Mail,  daily,     ilatilda  E.  Hunt,  postmaster. 
Beyer  Carl,  carpenter. 
leke  Aiht'i-t,  General  Store. 
Johnson  Alexander,  blacksmith. 
Johnson  Hans,  general  store. 
Nelson  Andrew,  general  store. 
Ohlgart  l{ev  Caii  (Bai)tisl). 
Pttersou  Frank,  saloon. 
Keichurst  Levi,  Justice. 
Uuehi  rt  CLailes,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Strandell  Andrew,  carpenter. 

^  ELLISVILLE.        A    postofflce     ou 
Spring  creek,  in  JCewauuce  county,  'J  miles 
west  of  Kewaunee,  the  county  seat,  near- 
est banking  ami  t-hipping  point.     Popula- 
tion, 100.     Mail,  daily. 
Mleziwa  J,  saloon. 
Siolli  .lI<>>.oph,  General  Store. 
Scholl  A,  general  store  and  cheese  mnfr. 

ELLSWORTH.  A  prosperous  incor- 
porated village  lorated  at  the  terminus  of 
the  Uiver  Kalis  tiivislon  of  the  C,  St.  P., 
M.  tt  O.  Ky,  in  Pierce  county,  of  which  it 
is  the  Judicial  seat,  -ti  mib;s  southeast  of 
.'it.  Paul,  aiid~>T.5  northwest  of  ."Milwaukee. 
It  contains  a  jMothodist  Episcopal  church, 
a  graded  public  school,  a  bank,  3  steam 
.saw  mills,  2  basket  factories,  3  hotels  and 
numerous  large  and  well-stocked  special 
and  general  stores,  etc.  A  progressive  and 
ably  edited  weekly  newspaper,  the  Puree 
County  Iki-ald,  is  published.  Grain,  lum- 
ber, live  stcck,  ties,  piling,  etc.,  are  ship- 
ped. Stages  duiiy  to  liay  t'ity,  tri-weekly 
to  Pre=cott,  and  semi-weekly  to  Hock  Elm. 
Tel.  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  Population,  bOO. 
Christopher  Manser,  postmaster. 

Chicago,  MilMuise  !<  Si,  Pay|  Pij/uL^ri'/ssland  Uikid 

luf  "Gold  Seal"  Piybb  Goods 


THEY    ARE    THV^    BEST. 





Bank  of  Ellsworth  (capital,  PC!o,CiOO),  II  B 

AVarcer  pres,  Oriii  Lord  cash. 
Bateman  Charles  W,  justice  and  confectr. 
BatemaQ  Samuel  G,  barnessniaUer. 
Borresen  Ilelga  A,  jeweler. 
Bowers  Geort'c,  apiarist. 
Bowers  Jolin  T,  county  treasurer. 
Boynton  &  Stevens,  K  W  Thurber  mngr, 

Breckner  Charles,  cabinetmaker. 
Brewer  Charles  J,  princiiial  school. 
Bryan  Kev  J  T  Oletliodist). 
Buckley   J   &   Co   (.John   Buckley,    John 

Lokkc),  general  store. 
Cairns  George  W,  county  surveyor. 
Canfield  Bruce  P,  barlicr. 
Canfield  Richard  L,  justice  and  painter. 
Close  Solomon,  carpenter. 
Coinliadvcr    AiJjcrl,    Lawyer    and 

District  Attorney. 
Copley  Johu  S,  coroner. 
Davit  Iviv  ;ird  B.  rreni-rnl  store. 
I>(Ml!ii>)ti>!i  John  {',  Abstracter,  Real 

Estate,  Insurance  and  Notary.     {&'cadv, 

Doolittle   Eugene   S,  mngr  Pierce  County 

Doolittle  Ida,  music  teacher. 
Elliott  N  S  B.  general  More. 
Ellsworth  ;^Infi;  Co,  Adelbert  Taylor  mngr, 

lumber  and  basket  mnfrs. 
Fedderly  Klla,  milliner. 
Fink  Andrew,  saloon. 
Fitzgeralil  Edward  .1,  clerk  circuit  court. 
Fort>t  EIousc,  N  A  STnith  Propr. 
Foss  Aloirzo  4»,llardw,ire, Stoves,  Tin- 
ware,    Faiin     Implements.     Carriages, 

AVagons,  I'uinps,  Wiud-mill.s,  Etc. 
Freese  August,  transfer. 
Gardner  Andrew  J,  blacksmith. 
Gerber  Frederick,  .shoemaker. 
Goodell  Sadie,  music  teacher. 

GrafT  .Joseph,  brewers'  agent. 

Hageman  August,  meat  market. 

Hancock  Dr  J  W,  county  judge. 

Harris  Sylvester,  hides  and  furs. 

Hastert  Peter,  saw  mill. 

Heidelberg  Leonard,  basket  mnfr. 

Helmake  johu  C,  saw  mill. 

nines  Frank,  lumber. 

Ilines  Fred  W,  grain,  wood  and  sale-  : 

Uolstopple  Milton,  well  borer. 

Ilorstkatto  Emil,  wagonmaker. 

liubcr  Charles  II,  livery. 

Huber  Henrj',  well  borer. 

Huber  Ilenry  R,  pianos  and  sew  mad: 

Huber  House,  Louis  iluber  propr. 

Jenson  Jens  B,  county  clerk. 

Karbarle  Frank  J,  general  .store. 

Kempe  Charles  J,  jiainter. 

Klingensraith  David,  city  marshal. 

Kllngcnsmith  George,  livery. 

Lane  Herbert  W,  phy.'-ician. 

Lempke  Johu,  well  borer. 

Lokke  Jolin.  grain. 

McDermott  I'cter,  meat  market. 

McLeod  Johu,  lumber  and  ties. 

JIallou  .lames,  apiarist. 

JIanser  CJiristoplier,  postmaster. 

Mapes  Chailes  F,  railmail  agent. 

Maynard  John  B,  furuUurc. 

!Moe  Olc  A,  creamery. 

Jloody  Johu  L, 

JIuggah  Albert,  carpenter. 

Slurphy  John,  sheriff. 

Nelson  A  J  &  Co  (Andrew  J  Nelson,  / 

Jerensen^  general  store. 
Nelsou  Thomas  L,  propr  Nelson  llou;.' 
Peterson  Andrew,  saw  mill. 
Peterson  Charles  I,  grocer  and  brick  in 
Peterson  John,  bluck.--niitU. 
Pierce  County  Herald.  Herald  Priulii.- 

Pierce  I'erry  D,  lawyer. 


bslFaoi,  Real  Ssiats  OffioL 


Pull  Set  of  Abstract  Books  for  Piorce  aud  St,  Croix  Counties,  I 


Ciiicap  &  Grand  ]ml  Ry 

,    The  Favorite  Route  E- 


Vnrl/Wfa  IncIiranOQ  Pn  t'asli  Assets,  SnO.OOO.OOO.  I  Xortl»-«-c9tern  Brancli 
iV  lOlK  LllC  lliOliluiioO  UU.,  Snriaus.  •  lO.OdO.iiOa.  '  Offlce,  410  r^IiKvaukco 
ilII-W.llKKK,  "tVIS.     W.S.  CA.IlIKi;,  State  icent.    >TALKKli  lil  ( IINEK,  IJen'l  ]lanJv-er. 





,e,  Ottman  &  Co  (John  Ileeve,  Cljailes 

■  o'ttman,  Arielbert  Taylor).  gcQ  s'.ore. 
:ikT  Emil  W,  lumber  auil  tits. 

V  .John,  live  slock. 
'  Tls  S  W,  veterinarj'  surgeon. 
.;ice  Joseph  S,   dentist. 
i.rsou&Co  (Mark  il  S:inderson,  EJ- 

•  iFtl  L  Davis),  general  store. 

■  ;..u  Franlc  B,  hardware. 

ilie  H  L,  physician. 

■h  John,  saloon. 
iiilli  Xicholas  A, Prop  Forest  House. 

.V  Edward,  barlier. 

;■> lid  Charles  M,  carpenter. 

.iiD  Adolph,  drugs  and  books. 

nip'sou  Andrew  L,  county  supt  schools. 

auiT  R  '\\^,  mngr  Boymon  tt  Stevens. 
.•!:ow  Louis  II,  haruesjuiakcr. 
.i-r  \Vm,  under  sheriff. 
.in  Orlsan,  plasterer. 

rtCD  AV alter  E   register  of  deeds. 

•  'ihaus  Joseph,  tailor. 

-cad  Valentine,  live  stock. 
:>or  Rev  Irving  (Daptist). 
I'd  C  B,  carpenter. 

'dworth  Dr  D  W,  cheese  mufr. 

dworlh  Milton  C,  physician. 
ing  Michael,  linlel  and  saloon. 

ELM  GROVE.  On  the  C,  M.  &St,  P. 
'■■:.  iu  Waukesha  county,  0  miles  northeast 
■  '  U'Hukesha.  the  judicKil  seat  and  nearest 
'  -'iking  point,  'iel,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
1'  [Illation,    75.       Johu    Reinders,    post- 

•  liMed  Frank,  saloon. 

'I'L'I  Matthew,  wai^'onmaker. 

:l4nski  Chris,  niusnn. 
•wen  Itlai-iiii,  Blacksmith, 
itks  Matthew,  carpenter. 

■f  hell  P  J,  railroad  and  telegraph  agent. 

-It-r  John,  wagonmaker. 
>i:-.stack  Frank,  saloon. 

■   ■l:!ek  John,  saloon. 

•Iiiilcfi  .S«)!tii,  General  Store. 

■'hrs  Charles,  blackimsth. 


-LMlIUnST.      On    the   jM..  L.  S.  & 
^'!y,  ill  LiiuL;liide  county,  0  miles  south 
•  'Migo,  the  seat  of  justice  and  nearest 
•■;iDg  point.    Exp.,  L".  S.     Tel.,  W.  U. 
i'UlHiiou,  1.50.     F.  Spoehr,  postmaster. 
''<iTman  P.  saloon. 
'"""  M  n,  justice. 
>!9  L  W,  rhilroad,  express  and  tel  ag,. 

■•_nck  (Jusliiv,  blacksmith. 
*^l"iTluMii:m,  Hotel. 

.1  .1 

Chris,  -hn-niaker. 

Sliuh  -M.  saloon. 

Spoelir   F  &   Soil,  General  Store  and 

'^Vunderlich  J  S  &  Son,  saw  mill. 

ELMO,  On  the  C.  &  N.  TV'.  Hy,  in 
Madison  county,  46  miles  southeast  of 
Lancaster,  the  judicial  seat,  and  S  from 
Platteville,  the  nearest  bank  location. 
Stages  tri-weekly  to  Elk  Grove.  Exji,, 
Am.  Population,  20.  Charles  Leslie, 

Iticliards    ]TIilton    O,  Railroad   and 

Express  Agent. 
Whitham  E,  hotel 

ELTJOEE.  On  the  Milwaukee  river, 
in  Fond  du  Lac  county,  IS  miles  south  of 
Fond  du  Lac,  the  judicial  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point,  and  2  from  Xew  Cassel.  its 
railroad  station.  Population,  lUS.  JIail, 
daily.     F.  Kleiuhaus,  postmaster. 

Denz  Wm,  cheese  mnfr. 
Fleischman  Charles,  meat  market. 
Han'-niann  V,'m,  physician. 
Ilunderrnark  Gus,  carpenter. 
Eiic'iiiiM)il<i   E'l'iliiU,  Blacksmith. 
Klumb  Wm,  general  store  and  saloon. 
Legler  Ulrich,  llour  mill. 
Litscher  ( 'hristi.^n,  carpenter. 
Litscher  Jliehael.  nursery. 
iioiiiliart  'tl'tti,  Drugs. 
Schinalz  Chri.sUan,  shoemaker. 
Schmitt  John,  caipenter. 
Schrantt  Andrew,  saw  mill. 
AVunsch  IMmund,  carpenter. 
Zuehlke  Charles,  waL'onmaker. 
Zutavtrn  George,  barber. 

ELMWOOD.  A  postolilce  in  Pierce 
county.  -0  miles  northeast  of  Ellsworth, 
the  seat  of  justice,  and  15  south  of  Wilson, 
the  nearest  shipping  point,  to  which  u 
stage  runs  semi-weekly;  fare,  -10  cents. 
Populutinu,  50.  .Miiil,  semi-weekly. 
Nathan  H.  Utter,  postmaster. 

BriiTht  J  T.  physician. 
IJrj  aill  i-  8>,  Grocer. 
Cunuiiiugs  W  J,  bli'.cksraith. 
Kelley,  Curtiss  &  C.'),  saw  mill. 
Ullcr  Xatliuu  II,  General  Store. 

ELO.     On   the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ry.  in 

AVinntbiigo  cnunty,  10  miles  southwest  of 
Oshko.-ih,  the  county  seat  and  nearest 
banking  point.  Population.  20.  Tel., 
W.  U.     ^I.  JI.  Drew,  postmaster. 

Bowles  J  T,  justice. 

Linois  ceiTOfli  1 1 


to  all   POINTS  in  i'iUll 

]Mi  \m 

GydaEiy  BrotherSj^Hams,  Shoulders,  Bacon. 

MBLtWAUIiKE,  %viscoNSlN.      \  Pork,    Lard,    Beef,   Sausage,    Etc.,  Ztc 







I>rc\v  :?!  :^I,  GeiienU  Store. 
, Lowe  .Toho,  live  stocU. 
I'liL'h  Jolin,  carpc-uter. 
Turner  Wm,  constable. 
"Warner  Rev  W  (Methodist). 

EL  PASO.  A  postoffice  in  Pierce 
county,  SV  miles  from  Ellsvrortii,  the  judi- 
cial scat,  banking  and  shippint:  point. 
Populution,  SO.  J.  M.  Johnson,  post- 

AiKlcr.soii  ^Vni,  Genoral  Store. 
Anderson  &  King,  grist  mill. 
C'livey  John,  sidoon. 
JSoliiisoil  .J  Til,  Farmer. 
Lnnger  Jo.=!eph  C,  shoemulier. 
McDonald  Hurdi,  L'cncrul  store. 
McDonald  II  P.  carpenter. 
PiuUichlas  \V  P,  blacksmith. 
Piukty  it  Shcldrew,  saw  mill. 

ELROY.  A  flouriaijinir  city  on  the 
C,  St.  P.,  M.  &0.  and  C.  ^.t  K.  W.  l;ys, 
in  Plymouth  town.ship,  Juneau  county.  14 
miles  southwest  of  ]\I;uist;)n,  the  count}' 
scat  find  the  location  of  the  nearest  b'ink. 
Uaraboo  river  supplies  power  for  2  flour 
int;  mills  and  a  saw  mill.  It  containfl  C 
churches — German  Lutheran.  Congrega-  Seventh  Day  Adventist,  Baptist, 
Methodist  and  Catholic — a  hiffh  school  em- 
ploying .J  leacijcrs,  and  '.i  w(^ekly  news- 
papers, tlie  A'/;v>)/  J'rihune  (Rep.).  Klroy 
Chronide  (Dem.),  and  the  ^Vi1l•J'u.sin 
Rtatrsman  (Pvo\\\h).  Livestock. grain,  lum- 
ber and  X)roducc  are  shipped.  Stai;(H  semi- 
•(\'eekly  to  Viroqua.  K.\p.,  Am  Tel,.A\'. 
U.  Population,  l.SOO.  Fred.  \Vightmau, 

American  irouso,  Frank  O'Boyle  propr. 

Avery  Frank  "\V,  painter. 

Raines  JJessie,  dressmaker. 

Balfrauz  JVederick,  <Jakion. 

Bank  of  Elniy  (capital,  sIO.OOO),  Kdmiind 

llirt  propr. 
Blakc.'.h'e  E  .t  Co    (Ki.hraim    Blakeslee.i, 

general  .store. 
Boyd  Charles  A,  baiber. 
Rruwn  Webb  A.  aijl  U  >t  N  W  Ry. 
Biitman  Lewii,  hardware 
Campdell  Rev  James  ((.'atholic). 
Chaffee  II  E,  farm  inipts. 
Conway  .Tnhn,  saloon. 
Conway  Alichael,  dr}-  cood.5. 
Cooney  Patrick,  saloon. 
Coiam  Rev  A  J  (.Methodist). 
Corrii'an  James  B,  saloon.  Orlando,  a:.'t  C.,  St  P,  M  .t  O  Ry 
Di\- Jndso.;  M,  druggist. 

Dougherty  John,  restaurant. 

Duniap  A:   Dix  (Joseph    W   Dunlap,   A  . 

Dix),  CHrpeuters. 
Diiiiii  Tii;itl<!cii«i  li,  Proprietor  Elr- 

Eagle  Roller  Jlills  John  Flutchinson  pror- 
Elroj-  Chronicle,  M  S  Parker  editor  an  ; 

Elroy  Cornel  Band,  ,T  M  Dix  leader. 
Elro3'  Opera  House,  John  Conway  prorr. 
Elroy  Itaiiroad  House,  CS  Huntley  prr,ir 
KIroy    Trilmiic    Tlie,    T    K   Dia-.. 

Erickson  Eric,  shoemaker. 
Field  Alvarado  W.  clothing. 
Field  Ferdinand  T,  physician. 
Fowler  Charles  .M,  justice. 
Fowler  Mortimer,  barber. 
Giffo'd  Harvey,  saw  mill 
Goude  James,  bl-icksmith. 
Grimes  Timothy  J,  j^eueral  store. 
Orirashaw  Bros  (John  and  Henry). hdwire. 
Haas  Christopher,  shoemaker. 
Hart   Edmund,  propr  Bank  of  Elroy  aca 

live  stock  dealer. 
ITayden  Cliarlc'^,  wagoumaker. 
Hoth  Charles  W .  meat  market. 
Huntley  C  S.  propr  Elroy  Ridlroad  Eou'e. 
Hutchinson  John. propr  Eagle  Roller  JI'.'.ls. 
Johnson  Mary  .S,  milliner. 
Knutz  Charles,  tailor. 
Kilbame  JanuM.  saloon. 
¥iitlt'!so8i  i'ii:irl<'>i,  T/ivery,  Side  a"i: 

Boarding  Stalile.  iS"-<ulc.  <"'/'/i.1 
Krauslier  Mi^s  Lizzie,  drt  -sniakcr. 
Leisl  A-  Senly  (\Vm  Leist,  :\Iartin  Si.-c!y;. 

meat  market. 
Loveland  E  X,  farm  impts. 
Loveless  Cuarles.  dravman. 
McWilliams  Charles T,  agt  Am  Express. 
Masters  J  Wesh-v,  wagoumaker. 
Millard  C  M,  furniture. 
Moo  <&  S>oiic  (Lar:;  L  Moe,  J  W  Lone), 

General  .Store. 
Nerud  t'liarlcs,  blaeksmitli. 
O'Boyle  Frank,   propr  American  Hou'e. 
Parker  Marion  S.  publr  Elioy  Chrouitie. 
Peabody  II  E,  phi^'ercr. 
Pervey'Misses  (Minnie  and  Nettie),  mlnrs. 
Phillips  Charles,  drayman. 
Phillijis  Gaines,  blacksmith. 
Ratzman  Ilenr}',  saloon. 
Roseerantz  Fra'nk  B,  telegraph  agent. 
Sanb  irn  Orrin  C,  livery. 
Searls  Bros  (Warner  J  and  Will  G),'cooi>- 

Seymour  Dewitt  C,  propr  Seymour'Hote': 
Sliekles  F  ]^I,  propr  AVisconsiu  House. 
Sherin  Brrt.  salocjii. 
Sherwood  James,  restaurant. 

Cliicago  01  Grand  Tfuol{  ^ 

The  Favorite  Route  Ease 



TIIK    IsnODKSSnR  ?I>'FG  CO.,  .Manufacturers  of  njdranlic,   Slcam   nnd 

iro"er    Passenger  and    Freiilit    ELEVATOliS,  Pumps,  Warehouse   and    Store 

Btic  Heat  liofUers.  Meat  KefriL-erators,  Etc.     31-J-314  Commerce  St.,  Jlilnankee,  Wis. 





-;  'imker  J  R,  principal  liigli  schf-ol. 
mhUU  Benjimiu  C,  lawyer. 
Siaith  C  S,  physician. 
>:iiilh  J  Ufirry,  fnrm  impts. 
-;cer  Arthur  D,  restauriint. 
-|K;er  Lorenzo  M,  general  store. 
>[irague  Ernest  F,  silicon. 
^;^■s■ens  Epbraim,  jeweler, 
.-vvcrson  &  Edwards  (.Mark  Syverson,  Ben 
'Edwards),  general  store 
Tslbot  Rev  David    C  (United   BretLreiii. 

propr  Wisconsin  Statesman. 
Thompson  Benjamin  B,  insurance, 
'Miompson   B   B   &,  Co  (Benjamin  B  and 

Winfield  S  Thompson),  Iraljr  and  brick. 
Town  Milton,  photo2;raphcr. 
Warden  Corbiu  F,  harness. 
^\'l'lrden  John  J,  harness. 
NVightman  Fred,  postmaster. 
W'igl'tmau  .John  G,  general  store. 
'iMghlmau  James  W,  dniciist. 
Wisconsin  House,  F  ^1  Shrklcs  propr. 
^Vijconsin  Statesman,  I)  (J  'I'alliot  propr. 
■Work  Robert  M,  furniture  and  undertkr. 

EL  SALEK.  A  postoffioe  in  Pidk 
(  uinly,  9J  iniles  east  of  Osceola  Mills,  the 
c  'unty  teat.  G  from  Ueronda,  the  ut  arrst 

.Taqua  Setb,  constable. 

Knudsou  &  Anderson,  saw  mill. 

Otis  Bros,  saw  mill 

Ra§lilii<i§cii  r  II,  Veterinary  SurLfcon, 

Town  Clerk  and  lii.'al  Estate  Agent. 
Shortsvani;  Rev  (Lutheran). 
Smith  Rev  Wm  (United  Brethren). 
Strong  Jame5  E,  justice. 
Territl  -AI,  blacksmith  and  Hour  mill. 
Warman  E,  carpenter. 

f  iilroad  station,  and  13  from 
Ftdls,  the  nearest  banbinp-  point. 
Hun,  100.  Mail,  tri  weekly.  F 
mussen,  postmaster. 

(\\n  Rev  L  (Baptist). 
<  a^pereen  L   blacksmith. 
I'lc'telu'i-  L  V,  .Justice. 
iliiUii-rg  I'irick,  constable. 
Ilubeit  F  A,  carpenter, 
ilubtrt  I'eter.  carpenter. 

n.    Kas- 

ELTON.  On  EverRreen  creek,"  in 
J.anclade  county,  1.5  miles  from  Antif^o, 
the  judieial  seat,  shippiui;  and  banking 
point.  .Stages  semi-weekly  to  Ivaajilade 
and  Antigo.  Popidation,  lio.  JIuil,  semi- 
weekly.  ?ilr8.  B.  Smith,  postmaster. 
Bunten  J  F,  justice. 
AVorzer  John,  shoemaker. 

ELVEES.  In  Dane  county,  2?.  iniles 
west  of  Mtiuison,  the  county  scat,  5i  from 
I51ack  Earth,  the  nearest  shipping  point, 
and  8  from  JIazo  Manic,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  25.  ^lail,  semi- 
I><>licr.>i  John,  General  Store. 

EMBARRASS.  On  river  of  same 
name,  and  on  the  M.,  Ij.  S.  dc  W.  Ry,  in 
Waupaca  county,  4.")  iniles  northeast  of 
Waupaca,  the  judicic.l  seat,  and  4  nurth- 
cast  of  Clintonville,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Exp.,  U.  S.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Popu- 
lation, 300.     J.  N.  Palmer,  postmaster. 

Allen  Frank,  carpenter. 

Beedic  O  pj,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agt. 

Berndt  (',  shoemaker. 






Gooil  Teams  nnd  Trusty 
Driv.TS  al«  avs  in  rer..lines.s 
to  ConvfV  l'dssi*ni.'prs  to 
any  part  of  tin'  Country. 

lintes  l!e:isonable. 

-=''™    ELROY,      -       WIS. 

Pf\0>,Ji3^  f?"  "  '"'  '-    "'"'    ^*    Foiirllt  St.,  Fond  d<i  I,nc,  1Vi«, 

U  SI  S  L'"  £1 B  1*9  Carriages,  Hacks,  'Busses  and  Sleighs  for  Sale  Cheap 

h  b  iO%fii'ji  '.■tilliiii    i,J 







Breed  J  E,  ph)-j'.cian. 

Brows!  MJ-is  V,  Milliuer. 

Caugbill  H,  hotel. 

Crabtree  Jliss  L,  music  teacher. 

Decker  &  SmiUi,  s:iw  mill. 

Fritz  Chris,  arciiitect  and  builder. 

Henry  Alexauder,  meat  market. 

Jaeckal  Johu  G.  tarm  impts. 

Keern  Peter,  paiuter. 

Liaclcwijj  OUo  cV  Co,  General  Store. 

Leitzke  Louis,  justice. 

Nicholas  Thomas,  paloon. 

Palmer  .J  X  &  ."5011,  Flour  Jlill. 

Palmer  &  Barkow,  ^'eiieral  store. 

Perry  A  ]\1,  linrdware  and  furniture. 

Schroeder  A,  blacksmith. 

Wendl  Charles,  wajoumaker. 

Wilfniarlh  A  \V,Dru-s  and  Groceries 

AViswall  James  A,  carding  mill. 

S.  E. 

EMERALD.      A    postomcc     in     St. 
Croix  couuty,  on  the  ^Vis.  Central  Line. 
30  miles  norihcast  of  Flud-on,  the  county 
seat,  and  15J  southeast  of  Xew  Uichmoud, 
the  nearest  banking  ])nint.      Stages  semi- 
weekly  to  Ilempel  and  lulct.     E.i'p.,  N.  P. 
Tel.,    W.    U.       Population,    100. 
Lindetield,  postmaster. 
Emerton  Kev  L-a  (Methodi.^t). 
Fleming  \Vm,  saw  and  fied  mill. 
Grimes  Elias,  saloon. 
Grubcr  ,T  I'.,  riilroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Liiii(lcticl<!  S  K,  General  Store. 
Lowrie  AVm,  carpenter. 
McPherson  .James,  hotel. 
Sherman  AVm,  wood. 

EMERALD  GROVE.  A  village  in 
Rock  county,  .S  liiiles  east  of  .Tancsville, 
the  count}'  seat,  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  point.  S'ages  dnilv  to, Tunes- 
■vine.  Population,  100. "  .Mail,  daily.  \V. 
J,  Jones,  postmaster. 

CiiilioM  iV  Jones,  Gencial  Store. 
Gilson  Z.  wiig.'nni:iker. 
Grovcr  liev  1)  K  (Congregational). 
Grover  (hin  }[.  idiy.sician. 
Heller  Kli:is.  hlacU-mUh. 
Krc-i;;  B'  Si.  Ib.ttl. 
McGrct'or  Alexander,  feed  mill. 
Ross  l;-,v  T  ,\1  i,MuIhodist). 
BtoUer  C  II,  live  stock. 

EMET.  A  postofflco  on  the  Chippewa 
river,  in  Chippewa  county,  40  milei  north 
of  ChippeTi'a  Falls,  tiio  county  '^e-it  and 
banking  point,  and  S  south  of  Piruco,  on 
the  M.,"St.  I'.  &  S.  Ste.  M.  Ry,  the  near- 
est   railroad    st-  lion.      Slages  semi-weekly 

to  Bruce;  fare,  oOcents.     Population,  lOO. 
Mail,  semi-weekl3'. 

Brainerd  B  F,  general  store. 
Johnson  S  J,  hotel. 

EMMERICH.  A  recently  established 
postollicein  ^Marathon  county. 

EMMONSVILLE.  Marathon  couuty. 
A  postotlico  established  February,  1891. 

EKOS.  Waukesha  county.  Xame 
chaiigcd  to  llid'rt. 

EPHRAIM.  A  village  ou  the  shore 
of  (rrefu  bay,  in  Gibraltar  township,  Door 
couuty,  149  miles  northeast  of  ^lilwaukee. 
and  36  northeast  of  Sturgeon  Tkiv, the  couu- 
ty seat  and  bank  location.  Goods  should  be 
shipped  to  Anderson's  steamboat  lauding. 
i  mile  distant.  Green  IJay  is  the  nearest 
railroad  approach.  Two  ciiurches  are  sus- 
tained. Stases  to  Sturgeon  Hay,  Fish 
Creek,  Fsg  Harbor  ami  JuddviKe.  Popu- 
lation, 200.  Mail,  daily.  11.  P.  Jacobs, 

Abr.ahams  Ole  H,  cooper. 

iinder.'on  A,  genera!  store. 

Aiulcrsoit  £3  ,\,  Hotel. 

Hagen-on  F,  carpenter. 

Ilansou  A  O,  shoemaker. 

Hanson  James,  general  store. 

Lofving  J  K.  watchmalver. 

Olson  Rev  J  (Lutheran). 

Olsen  M,  shoemaker. 

Oiieseii  A:  8,ni'>oii.  Bu.ilders. 

|-'eters(ui  Mrs  A.  music  teacher. 

]\-tcrson  Ri'V  A  iMdhndisi ). 

^iBiidi  &.  ValciiliiBO,  General  Store. 

ERFURT.  On  Bark  river,  in  Jeffer- 
son couuty,  1-1  miles  east  of  .JelTerson.  the 
county  seat,  12  fiom  Oconomowoc,  the 
nearest  banking  point,  and  2§  from  Sulli- 
van, it.s  nearest  railroad  station.  Popula- 
tion, CO.  Mail,  daily.  A.  Scheuber,  post- 

Orlh  Philip,  grist  and  feed  mill. 

Kuriyard  Owen,  ltoct. 

Solu'iibcr  Atloipli,  General  Store. 

ERIN.  In  St  C'roix  county,  22  miles 
northeast  of  Hudson,  the  count}-  seat,  S 
from  iN'ew  Hiciimond,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point,  an.l  2J  from  Jewett  .Mills,  the 
nearest  sliipping  point.  Population,  10. 
!Mail,  daily.     P.  Parden,  postmaster. 

Connelly  J  A,  wagoumaker. 

North  Stnr  !l-onV/cr!<S.  "1  r.lpiioltr,  ."jOOIianus-Eaclm-ors,  Jladiinists.  Kciiincior»,  Huiljri.inl.irx. 
rAlilMI  MA.MF.VCTl'Hl.VU  t(>.  ^  Jiillivriphts,  Saw  :tllll  .1I»ohinery,  Minini;  ll.ioliiuer) ,  Corlisf  atil  llL-li 
Ashlnnd,    -     -    Wisconsin.  )  SiieodEnsincs,  Boilers,  PoirerTransmiltluB  JIaoIilnerj.etc.  bee  p.  •• 


ET3  I  !  P?  ff  a  fa  H     R  ^  T  E-3  C,       ""'l  TnrkKI.  Biitlis  (ilonP.  are  the  only  Hint  cfin 

^     Uatli4.!iOri     Ljfr-%   <    liiO;     |,e  dp,,|.„,ieJ  upon  to  cure  (iout.  KlieuinatNm,  >piirnl?ia 

3     aad  SCIATICA.    Sufferers  from  the.u  alllictions  sl.ould  THY  THE  BATUS  AT  JANLSVILLE,  nlS. 




I'Hrdcn  Palricis,  Genei^il  Store. 
I'oweis  N  F,  justice. 

ESDAILE.  A  villarjo  on  Isubella 
creek,  in  Hartland  towasjiip,  Pieice  cotm- 
ty,  253  miles  tiorlhwest  from  Milwaukee, 
iVsoutbeast  of  Ellsworth,  the  coiiuty  seat, 
a  from  Bay  City,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion, and  9  northeast  of  Red  Wing,  Minn., 
the  nearest  banldns  jioint.  Slaijes  daily 
to  Ellsworth  and  B.iy  City.  Population. 
300.    Mail,  daily.    O.  J.  Olson,  postmaster. 

Betcher  Charles,  ecu  store  and  saw  mill. 

DarriaiTton  Jliss  ilaggie,  nulliuer. 

GillcSpic  .Boscpli,  Hotel. 

Hanson  Lars,  shoemaker. 

Johnson  S,  mason  and  plasterer. 

Lonlie  Lars  A,  cabinetmaker. 

Lusk  C  II,  blacksmith. 

Olson  Chris,  blaeksiuilh. 

L'lviii  &■  Oison,  General  Store. 

ESOFEA.  A  village  on  Bad  Ax  river, 
in  Vernon  county,  S  miles  northwest  of 
Yiroqua,  the  judicial  seat,  nearest  bank- 
ing and  shipping  point.  Population,  oO. 
Hail,  iri  weekly.  Eliaa  O.  Tefl're,  post- 

Ericson  Jacob,  carpenter. 

Johnson  Jacob,  ju-:lico. 

Joliii«.oii  XeU.  Shoemaker. 

Marsh  W,  constalile. 

Bcntz  Michael  it  Bro,  farmers 

Tu.xton  A  B.  justice 

TelSrc  JCIi]i>i  *>,  Gen  Store  and  Justice. 

ESTELLA.  In  Chippewa  county,  -27, 
miles  northeast  of  Chi|ipevva  Falls,  the 
C(>unty  seat  and  nearest  bankint;  jioint, 
RCid  17  from  Cadott,  on  t)ie  Wisconsin  C:eu- 
Iral  Line,  the  nearest  shijipiii?:  I^"int. 
Semi-weekly  mail  stase  to  Cadott.  Popu- 
lation, 170.     AV'arrcn  Flint,  postmaster. 

Barnhart  David,  lot-c;or. 

Billbnck  Frank,  wiL;oumaker. 

Brown  J,  shi.emaker. 

I'llill    iX'isiTCJi,    General    Store,    Ileal 

Estate  and  Saw  Mill. 
Hcnderkson  (Uiailes,  lopger. 
lli-nderkson  K,  Ijlacksraitb. 
llibbard  S  T,  builder. 
Ji'imilc  £1  K,  Hotel. 
Kelley  Thomas,  logijer. 
J'cCann  J  J.  justice, 
sillier  CF,  blacksmith. 
jJ'Tbert  Daniel,  builder. 
1  .nr.-ons  H.  justice. 
P'>rter  Edwavo,  locrijer. 

Wilkins  S,  l..>.'ger. 
Young  Joseph,  builder. 

ETNA.  A  post  village  in  La  Fayette 
county,  17  miles  southwest  of  Darlington, 
the  county  seat,  3  east  of  Benton,  the  near- 
est railroad  station,  and  5  west  of  Shulls- 
burgh,  the  nearest  lianking  point.  Stages 
daily  to  Benton,  New  Dicgins  and  Shulls- 
bureh.  Population,  OOO.  ilail,  daily. 
P.  H.  Emerson,  postmaster. 

Allen  T,  miner. 

Bu.xton  T,  miner. 

Cherry  Tliomas,  miner. 

Clarksou  J,  dairy. 

Dunn  M,  miner. 

S^niiL-ixsn  E*  II,  General  Store,  Quarry 

and  Flour  Mill. 
Hales  &,  Phillips,  miners. 
Harker  J,  miner. 
Heath  Freeman,  blacksnntb. 
Horsley  &  Farry,  miners. 
Leary  P,  miner. 
Looney  H,  miner. 
!McKeunii  P,  mason. 
Pedelly  P,  miner. 
Shafer  John,  miner. 
Side  W,  miner. 

Stanley  J,  car|ienter  and  mason. 
Toi>IK>i  .E4>>>iitii,  Blacksmith. 
While  John,  miner. 
^Vieskircher  J,  miner. 

ETTEICK.  A  village  on  Beaver 
creek,  in  'I'rempe.ileau  county,  I'J  miles 
southeast  of  \Vhitcliall,  Ihc  coimty  seat, 
and  'J  northeast  of  Galesville,  llie  nearest 
railroad  station  and  banking  point.  Stages 
ilaily  to  Galesville;  fare,  ."lO  cents.  P(ip\i- 
latiou.  n.j.  .Mail,  daily.  I.  Pedersou, 

Blue  J  .T,  woolen  mill. 

Cance  J  E,  liardware  and  drugs. 

Cliristianson  Hans,  shoemaker. 

Edmunds  E.l.  blackMuilh 

Kilricli  t'reatiu'ry  A<isociatioii, 

Folkenilahl  1a\,  carpenter. 

HaytHlUil  11  ,1,  geueial  store. 

Huff  Peter  J,  hotel  and  blacksmith, 

Knudson  ]vcr,  furniture. 

Markernd  llalvor,  wagonmaker. 

Pedeisiin  Evan,  woolen  mill. 

8*i'<U'i-M<iii  tver.  Flour  Mill. 

i>04i<.-i>ou      Ivci-     &.      C'<»,     General 

Pcdcrson  M  T,  confectioner. 
Ronestrand  K  E.  carpenter. 
Sorenson  D  .M,  l.ilacksraith. 

Chicago,  [yliiKayliee  &  St,  M  [ly.ltX'.'.'estand  !Ioithr;esi 


WISCOnSif]  VEflETiAN  BUHO  CO.  ,  ,   ,  ,         ,  •.     ,-     o,-  . 

OfficeiFactorv,  iSlLako  St.,  .MIL^AlEEi:,  MIS.     LSIcSl    im[jrOl'8li    y6!18li3ll    DiinilS, 

O    298 




EUKEKA.  A  tbriving  village  in 
Winnebago  county,  17  miles  southwest  of 
Osbkosb,  the  count_v  peal,  '1  west  of  Wau- 
kau,  the  nearest  railroad  sttition,  and  7 
from  Berlin,  its  banliint;  point.  Staines  to 
Oraro  and  Berlin.  Telephone  connection. 
Population.  I34G.  JIail,  daily.  L.  E. 
C'bapelle.  postmaster. 

Allen  Edmund,  cooper. 

Austria  &  Dahlke.  Hour  mill. 

ClsiipciSc   r.,  !■:,   DrncTixist. 

Kioyd  ik  ll'icknev,  clicese  and  butter. 

JuddKev  J!  ,J  (.Aietliodiit). 

Loope  T  E,  I'hysician. 

JIcGoorty  Wni,  saloon. 

McLaughlin  W  G,  hardware. 

niSHUcrsftsi  A.  General  Store. 

Hounds  Jl  .1,  barber. 

Timann  0  E.  bl  irksmith. 

Walpot  A  II  L,  furniture. 

Wendl  Carl,  boots  and  shoes. 

EUREN.     A  postoffice  in  Kewaunee 
county,  18  miles  northwest  of  Kewaunee, 
the  county  seat,  and  0  west  of  .Vbnapce, 
the   nearest  sluppinu;  and  banking.'  i)nint. 
Population.       100.  '     Mail,       Iri-weekly. 
Michael  Bottkol,  jiostmaster. 
Bank  ,Tolin,  cotistable. 
I'arta  Joseph,  miller. 
Uotlkol  f«e<»!'uo  &  !Jros,  Saw  and 

Flour  .Mill  and  (.'nce^e  .Mufrs. 
Oieol  .1  B,  notary  and  justice. 
Grimmer  J  P,  m\isic  teacher. 
llerrick  .1,  wafronmaki'r. 
I..«fortimo  .H  A,  I'hysician. 
Loo/.e  A  .1,  notary. 
Vliesel  Eniil,  blacksmith. 

EVANSVILLE.  Incorporated  rm  a 
village  in  1871  and  reincorporated  8  yeais 
later,  is  an  enterprising;  viliage  in  the 
nortliwestern  portion  of  Kock  county,  i>n 
the  C.  it  N.  W.  Ky,  3'.3  miles  south  of 
Madison,  12  northwest  of  Hanover  June 
tion,  IG  uortliv.est  of  Jancsville.  the  coun- 
ty scat,  and  10.")  southwest  (d'  .\[ilwnukeo. 
Amongst  the  principal  industries  may  be 
mentioned  tlie  large  i)umi)  and  wiml-null 
works,  catri.'ige  and  wagon  manufactory, 
tack  works,  creamery,  lh)ur  mill,  etc. 
There  are  also  o  churches,  a  good  graded 
scliool,  a  .seminary,  a  liank  and  a  pulilic 
hall  capable  of  sealing  .000.  Tliiee  weekly 
newspajiers.  the  J-'nterpn'ne,  the  Tn'lnnif 
and  tlie  yiViiV"-,  are  published,  and  are  ably 
edited  and  popular  sheets.  Live  slock, 
tobacco,  liuttir  an<l  cheese,  bides  and  farm 
produce,  witli  the  products  of  tlie  afore- 

mentioned mill3  and  factories,  comprise 
the  bhipmeut.s.  Stajres  daily  to  Fulton, 
Cooksville  and  Edccrton.  E.\p  ,  Am. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Population,  1,700.  P.  C. 
Wilder,  postmaster. 

Antes  Robert  M,  printer. 

Antes   it   Smith   (\Vm  il  Antes,  Solon  .J 

Smith),  furniture. 
Anthony  Jolia  E,  dentist. 
Apfel  JIrs  Catherine,  carpet  weaver. 
Backcwsloe  George  A.  painter. 
Baker   F  A   >fc   Co   (FA  Baker,  Edward 

Sargent),  hardware. 
Baker   Mnfg  Co   (capital,  .slOO.OOO).  L  M 

Mygatl  prcs,  Wm  S  Smith  sec,  pumps 

and  wind-mills. 
Ballard  E  J,  j'-weler. 
Ballard  J  :M,  constable. 
Bank  of  Evausvllle  (capital  and  surjilus, 

S.'jO.OOO),    L  T   PuUeu   pres,    George   L 

Pullen  cash. 
Barnard  E  D  &  .Sons,  leaf  tobacco. 
Beebe  Lewis  B.  dentist. 
Bemls  Asa  D,  grocer. 
Benney  vt  Herbert  (J  II  Benncy,  II  E  Iler- 

bctl),  hardware. 
Bigelow  \V  F  A  Co,  farm  impts. 
Blakeley  Evauder,  harness. 
]}lass  Jolin,  baker,  books  and  stationery. 
Bowen  Thomas  W,  lilacksniith. 
Brewer  L  C.  propr  Evansville  House. 
Brink  &  Fessenden,  farm  inipts. 
Briltinjliani  &  Hi.^on,  lumber, 
lirodrick    JIathew,     livery    and    deputy 

Budlong  Clara,  notions. 
Bullard  I'.lmer  i-  Co  (KImer  and  A  D  Bui- 

lard),  live  stock  and  grain. 
Bufk  Wm,  painter. 
Calkins  Judson  W,  grocer. 
Cinipliell  it  Son  (Bvr.ui  and  Wm),  meats. 
Carman  ^V  W ,  stage  line. 
Carpenter  Wm  II,  coal,  grain  and  stock. 
Central  House,  Wood  &  Kendall  propr:. 
Clill'.ird  Isaac  D,  blacksmith. 
Cnare  Godfrey,  tailor. 
Coles  S  H  i  Co,  drut's. 
Combs  E  E.  idiotographer. 
(.'ommercial  House, Josluia  M  Cwen  propr, 
Conine  Charles,  crockery  and  coufectry. 
Cook  J  C  it  Soils,  11  air  mill. 
Copeland  Jliss  S  L.  milliner. 
Cummings  &  Clark  ((,:  E  Cummings,  W  J 

Clark),  dry  goods. 
Dooley  AVin  '!',  auctioneer. 
JOiilcriM-i-it',   C  .V  Lib!}y  Editor.      i  &<; 

Evans  [)r  John  M,  dru;:gist. 
Evans  Jolin  M  jr,  physician. 

Chicago  &  Grand  ]mk  Pij, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



O'SLiliii'aii's  Gommerclel  Acedsniy  i 

s  the   Best. 

SIILAND,     -      WIS. 





Evans  &  Sou  (JoLn  uuJ  John  A),  -wagon- 
Evausville  Creamery. 
Evansville  Ilouse.  L  C  Brewer  prnpr. 
Evansville  Lumber  Co,  W  M  Dnvi^  irmcr. 
Evansville  Mufg  Co,  Caleb  Snasball  mngr, 

Evansville  ^Mercantile  Assn,  6  F  Spencer 

prcs,  Y  Holn)e9  sec.  peneral  store. 
Evansville   E*iil)li<>iii!iu   Asmi,  lion 

JI  V  Pratt  I'res,   Publrs  Knli-ri  rise  and 

Tribune.     (Sw  wli-,  bJ.oi".) 
Evansville  Seminary,  J  E  Colemau  prin. 
Fielder  E  II,  barber. 
Finnane  I)  F,  auctioneer. 
Franklin  F  A,  painter. 
Getlle  L  II,  prin  pulilic  scbool. 
Gibbs  Alien  F,  painter. 
Gillman  Fay,  clotbini;. 
Grratsinger  Daniel,  Ijlacksmith. 
Grcatsingcr  Mrs  Olivia  .1,  milliucr. 
Griffin  IJau.som,  groceries  and  notions. 
Gunn  Mrs  Sarah  A,  milliner, 
ilamner  Ftiv  ^\'m  (Free  Methodist). 
Hanover  Major,  painter. 
Higley  II  ^\"  &,  Sons,  veterinary  surgeons, 
llolisler  t^harles  A,  railroad  agent. 
Uoiie  I  A,  propr  I!evji;w. 
Johnson  John  11,  btirlier. 
Lamont  .Vlfred,  concrete  walks. 
Lee  Caleb  E,  luirness 
Liliby    C    A,     Editor    Enterprise    and 

Tribune.     {Sec  ndr,  heloic.) 
Libbey  Wm,  carpenter. 
Libbcy  &^Volf,  meal  market. 
Lucas  Thomna  E,  veterinary  surgeon. 
McEwen  M,  drivini:  paik. 
McGce's     Hall,    Wm   v.t     George    McGee 

McKinney  ^Mrs  Mary  A,  dressmaker. 
-Martin  EcvR  N  (Il.iptisl) 
Ma.xon  Mr.i  Sarah  E,  dres=m:iker. 

Jlonsheu  Henry,  harness. 

^Morgan  Joel  W  it  Co,  carriage  mnfr. 

Owen  Joshua  .M,  prcpr  Commercial  House. 

Phillips  ^V  K.  lawyer  and  justice. 

Plaisted  George  S,  shoemaker. 

Potter  Homer  &  Son,  undertakers. 

5*rntt  JJarliii  V,  Storage  and  Pro- 

Quivey  Wm  L,  physician. 

Peed  George  H,  druggist. 

Peview.  I  A  Unxie  propr. 

Richardson  Anthony,  bariier. 

Roberts  "Wm  P,  phy-ician. 

Ross  "Wm.  supt  public  schools. 

Runnicill  George,  leaf  tcbacco. 

Scholleld  Rev  .J  (Congretrational). 

Sherger  Jlrs  Jennie,  milliner. 

Shurrum  Theodore,  mason. 

Simons  Harley  N,  lawyer. 

Smith  Charks  M,  phy.^ician. 

Smith  ifc  Eager  (AV  S  Smith,  Almeror, 
Eager),  leaf  tobacco. 

Smith  ifc  Son,  coal,  wood  and  ice. 

Snasball  Albert,  carpenter. 

Snow  Beraen  F,  carriage  jiainter. 

Spencer  Charles  H,  boots  and  shoes, 

Spencer  G  F,  iihyslcian. 

Spencer  Henrietta,  photocrapher. 

Stair  Theodore  F,  physician. 

Stevens  Rev  W  W  (Methodist). 

Stevens  &:  Co,  grain. 

Taggart  Almon  1,  j'.-weler. 

Tories  F  \V,  real  estate,  ins  and  justice. 

Triluiiii',  C  ALiliby  Editor. 

Van  Patten  »*c  Morse,  meat  market. 

Wainright  Henry,  painter  and  paper- 

Wilder  !X  D,  mnfr. 

AVinston  Fred,  e.xprtss  ai^ent. 

Wiu.'^ton  John  II  carpenter. 

Wood  "Wm  U,  shoemaker. 

T"Tr^  ir^     ^'w^  '^  T  r^T^  "^'i™'!  '•^?"^.  ^°>i  '^t^  t  '•■^  ''^^^^^ 
M    y'      iU^   kk\  'ir  -:4^  i^   hJ  \^K^   F  '^^  H 

C.  A.  Lll^liV 

Eclitor  tincl   XIanafrer. 

Official  Paperi  publisLed  every  Friday  Mornir.g  by  the 


MUECTORS— M.  V.  Piurr,  rr.>-i.iH!it  :  J.vmes  R.  West,  Seoretarv  ;  L.  .Suiveley,  Vice  rrc-sident ; 
J.  M.  Evans.  Tri-.-\snrer  ;  C.  -V.  Liujv,  piruetor. 

.  AI>VritTI«>l\G   l?ATr,.«i  <>\  AlMTBCiTIOX. 

luiiiois  mm  I 


I  m\m^  mi 

iLLiis  c[i!Teii[  B,  e,  s:^n%ii^^  i! 





FA  I 

Wood  &  Kenilall  (C  E  Wood,  N  J  Kcu- 

dall).  proprs  Centn.l  House. 
Woodbury'  Ryland  F,  general  store. 
Young  Prank  C,  livery. 

EVERGREEN.  In  Door  county,  3i 
miles  east  of  Sturgeon  IJay,  the  judicial 
seat,  banking  and  shipping  point,  Daii}' 
stage,  with  mral,  to  Sturgeon  Bay,  fare, 
25  cents.  Population,  40.  George  i'iuney, 

Di.Koii  L,  soldering  wire. 

Knudson  Hans  M,  c.irpenter. 

Ornamental  and  Forest  Tree  Grower,  J  J 
Pinney  publr. 

Pinney  C  C, 

Piiiiicj-  (Jc«!r^c,  Grocer  and  Isurser}-. 

Pinney  Joim  .],  puljlr  Ornamental  and  For- 
est Tree  Grower. 

EXCELSIOR.  A  village  on  Knapp's 
■creek,  in  PJehluud  county,  2u  miles  south- 
west of  Iiichlaud  Centre,  the  count}'  scat, 
and  IG  northwebt  of  Jiluscods,  the  nearest 
railroad  station  and  banking  point.  Singes 
daily  to  !M\i«oi)da  and  IjOez.  and  .semi- 
weekly  to  Soldiers'  Grove.  Population, 
300.  Mail,  daily.  John  Brown,  post- 

Campbell  Wui.  meiit  market. 

Coates  J  T,  jihysieian. 

Commercial  House,  W  McDou^-a!  propr. 

I>osfJi  Mrs  IE,  Dressmaker.  " 

Ellsworth  yi  D,  saw  mill. 

Ford  Kev  John  (Methodist). 

IlttinilloTi  C  S.  hardware. 

Jones  II  H,  wagnnmaker. 

Jones  J  D,  lioiri. 

Larson  Ole,  shoemaker. 

jMcDougal  W,  propr  Commercial  House. 

Slc-liiltliey  .5  ♦«,  Furniture. 

Rosemeyer  M  H,  harness. 

Ross  Bert,  b.arber. 

Ross  O,  physician. 

Smith  i;«!\viu-<l,  Oeueral  Store. 

Stratton  ,\  M,   Hour  mill. 

Tate  AS'  W  A:  Co,  general  store. 

Washburn  B  F,  general  store. 

Wright  J  C,  physician. 

EXILE.  In  Pierce  county,  18  miles 
cast  of  Ellsworth,  the  county  .fcnl,  and  12 
from  Durand,  the  nearest  "banking  and 
shipping  point.  Wm.  11.  Person,  post- 
master and  farmer. 

Dryer  M  &  (.'o,  saw  mill. 
Partridge  tt  Co,  saw  mill. 
Rockwell  &  Co,  saw  mill. 

FAIRCniLD.  A  vilhceon  tbeC, 
St.  P.,  JI.  i.t  U.  Hy,  in  Eau  Claire  county, 
33  miles  southeast  of  Eau  Claire,  the  coun- 
ty seat  and  Of  from  Augusta,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Popnialinn,  .?00.  Tel., 
W.  U.    Exp.,  Am.    J.  Ewald,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Bros,  blacksmiths. 

Arnold  Ralph  E.  druggist. 

Biddlecom  G  &  .M,  barliers. 

Bounat  Z  P,  saloon,  -i  mile  s  w. 

Calkins  Charle.s  B,  meat  market. 

Cole  E  G,  ]ihysician. 

Cole  Vinton,  painter. 

IC\T'al<I  .S,  Justice  and  Insurance  Agent. 

Faircliild  House,  G  W  Yakom  propr. 

Foss  Edward,  r.iilroad  and  express  agent. 

Fi'Sler  Nathan  C,  saw  and  planing  mill. 

Foster  rv  V  iV  Son,  General  Store. 

Hewitt  H  JI,  hardware. 

Hobarl  James  jr,  constable. 

Ji'bnscin  Sever,  shoemaker. 

Kimmel  Henry,  wagonmaker. 

Kim:  E  A,  physician. 

McKiuney  Samuel,  hotel. 

JIarviu  J  C,  lawyer  and  insurance  agent. 

Peterson  I'eter,  cabinetmaker. 

Price  AV  T,  cigars. 

liivard  J  ?.[.  general  store. 

Stahl  Wm.  grocer. 

Straight  AVm,  jeweler. 

Walsh  Walter,  telegraph  a-rent. 

Yakciiu  G  \V,  propr  Fairchild  House. 

FAIRFIELD.  A  villaee  on  Turtle 
creek,  in  Hock  county,  1.5  miles  southeast 
of  Janesville,  the  county  seat,  and  ii 
northwest  of  Dai ien.  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Clinton  is  the  usual  banking 
point.  Stages  daily  to  Janesville  and 
Emerald  Grove.  Population,  ■Ju.  .M.iil, 
daily.     11.  A.  Loomer,  postmaster. 

Coney  &  Coney,  butter  mnfrs. 

Kane  D  L,  bliick'smitb. 

i.ooiiicr    Jtarvej-    \,  General  Store 

and  Insurance. 
Rokenbrodt  J,  feed  mill. 

PAIR  PLAY.  A  village  in  Grant 
county,  30  miles  southeast  of  Lancaster, 
the  county  seat,  and  ,1  northeast  of  East 
Dubuque,  111.,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Dubuque  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages,  daily  to  East  Dubuque  and  Platte- 
viile;  fare,  .50  cents  and  s;J,  respectively. 
Population,  100.  Joseph  JVIurray,  post- 

Allison  Pnbert,  liotcl  and  justice. 
Ddvle  Mrs  ^largaret.  general  store. 

ipt/r-  nq  9=^r  K^h'^lO^   catalogues  ^ULSliS  A  FLORAS, 

JUyUlUO  SUiiU  V»t«ibjiiwOl        Free.        /  2i;.5AT.  water  street,  miuvilkle. 

Tli8  Green  Bay  Business  College  Imv 


oted  for  Its  Excellent  I-'BCilities  anj  ThorOD^hneit 

ETiPliKS'  -Jl'  til  Kvpry 

VNM  AL,    CATAI-iXiUK    FISEE.     Address   GREEN    IJAV,  AILS. 





IHurpViy  John  P,  saloon  and  justice. 
Miirraj"  Josoi>Ii,  Farmer. 
Smith  H  R,  notary  and  insurance. 

FAIR  "WATER.  A  post  village  on 
the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  ]?y,  in  Fond  du  Lac 
county,  20  miles  west  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the 
county  seat,  and  Oi  soutliwest  of  Uipou, 
the  nearest  banliino;  point.  Telcplione 
connections.  Population,  12'>.  ^Mail,  daily. 
Exp..  Am.  Tel.,  Vv'.  U.  15.  ,J.  Wikker- 
ick,  postmaster. 

Bai:i«c  John,  Carpenter 

liock  G  A,  hardware. 

Brown  John  il,  groceries  and  notions. 

Dohne  Wra,  saloon. 

Illldtbrandt  C4,  .^aloon. 

Jackson  Kev  U  K. 

Koehler  &  Vedder,  prain. 

Laper  Jcliu,  nour  mill. 

Little  C  M,  piinip  mnfr. 

Locchelt  Wm,  blacUsmith. 

McCune  ]l  K,  wagonmakcr. 

Naab  Peter,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 

Stelter  G,  cheese  mnfr. 

Wikkei-iiik    Beiijiiiiiiii  J,  General 

Zelmer  AVm,  shoemaker. 

PALL  CITY.  A  posLiffice  on  Mud 
creek,  in  Dunn  county,  ]H  miles  .southeast 
of  Menomouie,  the  county  seat,  and  3 
norlh  of  Meridian,  tlie  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion. Stages  lii- weekly  to  ilenomonio; 
fare,  40  cents.  Population,  CI).  3Iai!, 
tri-wcekly.     Wm.  J.  Yates,  postmaster. 

Bradford  G  H.  blackfmith. 
Vanne.^s  J  M.  Dcur  mill. 
Yiitfs   Wm  J   it    Vaiiiics.s,  General 

FALL  CREEK.  A  nourishing  villa.'O 
on  theC,  St,  P.,M.  &0.  Ky,  in  Eau  CI  liie 
county,  12  miles  southeast  of  Enu  Claire, 
the  county  seat  and  u.^ual  banking  point. 
It  contains  a  tloiiring  mill  and  a  saw  and 
planing  mill,  operated  by  power  obtained 
froni  Fall  creek.  Two  churche.i  and  a 
district  school  are  sustained.  Population, 
500.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  C.  J. 
Lissack,  postmaster. 

Bariz  Bros  it  Zempel  (August  and  Qustav 

E  Bartz,  Daniel  M  Zenipeh,  genl  store. 
Baumbuch  Rev  Carl  (Lutheran'). 
Koerger  P.ev  Fiitz  (Lutheran). 
Boernkc  Mrs  E  T,  hardware. 
Boernke  Herman  A,  photographer. 
Bnieske  Ernst,  harness, 

Brueswitz  Ferdinand,  flour  mill. 

Faber  Henry,  propr  Lincoln  Valley  House. 

Friedrich  Rev  W  J  (Lutheran). 

Gessner  Gus,  saw  mill. 

Haase  .Albert,  blacksmith. 

Hackett  Bradley  H,  principal  schools. 

Ilacske  Gustav,  carpenter. 

Harke  Julius,  saloon. 

ITarke  Mrs  J,  dressmaker. 

Kromrey  Fred  ^\^,  farm  inipts. 

Kunz  Herman,  meat  market. 

Leidicer  Wm  E,  live  stock. 

Lincoln  Vallej'  House,  Henry  Fabcr 

Lindenthaler  Bros  (George  ami  Philip  .■^), 

^..^-safk  f'listrlc*  .S,   Postmaster,  No- 
tary and  Town  Cleik. 

Mittelstadt  JHs  Augusta,  propr  St  Charles 

Niebuhr  AVni,  furniture. 

Polinske  Gustav,  carpenter. 

St  Charles  House,  i\Irs  Augusta  Jliltclstadt 

Schultz  Albert,  barber. 

Schwartz  liudoljih,  carpenter. 

ShulzLoui.s,  saloon. 

Sitgler  August,  general  store. 

Stolp  Gottlieb,  ice  dealer. 

Stolp  Herman  J,  farm  impts. 

Stolp  AV'm,  live  stock. 

Thiel  August,  saloon. 
Votitxke  Ali>erl,  Hardv.'arc. 

Voechling  Bro.s  (Frederick  and  Ernest  A), 

"Weiss  Charles,  shoemaker. 

Williams  Leon  E,  railroad  and|exp  agent. 

Williams  'J'honias  E.  pltysicii.u.  &   Xiebuhr     (Stephen    Wise,     Wm 
Kiebuhi).  general  store. 

Zempel  it  Swankc  (Gustav   Zempel,    Her- 
man Swanke),  saloon. 

Zenke  Mrs  Ji^liza,  dressmaker. 

Zelzman  Julius  E,  justice. 

Zet/.nian  J  A  it  Co  (Julc  A  Zetzmau.  Stein 
it  Levy),  general  .--tore. 

Zet/.man  iMre  J  E,  milliner. 

Zimmerman  Herman  J,  saloon. 

FALL  RIVER.  A  stalinn  on  the  C, 
AL  it  St.  P.  Ry,  in  Cohnnbia  county,  2i 
miles  southeast  of  Portage,  the  county  seat, 
and  oj  north  of  Columbus,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  275.  Tel,, 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  G.  P.  Stanton,  post- 

Baily  O  C,  Physician. 
P.altle  A  .M.  shoemaker. 
Bendi'r  H  M,  farm  impts. 
Bywater  Miss,  milliner. 

Cliicago  &  Grand  Troii.^  [iy. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



E   nnVANT   .V-   STRATTON 

A«;o  iu:njm-:ss  <  <iLi.j:f,{.- 

acoin|.l.f  j.r«M>anit!o:i  lor 
business,  iiK'luUiii^  MiorCbnnil. 





















Chatlelle  L  A,  carpenter. 

Fo^te^  JoiiQ,  live  stocl;. 

Hicks  John,  hotel. 

Ilollii'.vay  ».t  Sauders,  flour  mill. 

Lnshler  G  6,  grocer. 

Loomis  W.  harness  iind  wngoninaker. 

Martin  M  W,  farm  impts. 

Miller  George,  carpenter. 

Xewuhara   H,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent 

and  lumber. 
Prime  0  B  &  Co,  general  store, 
liice  George  D,  contractor  and  lumber. 
Russell  Z  13,  grocer. 
Seewin  &  Foster,  creamery. 
Sharp  Rev  Thomas  (.Methodist). 
Shinville  A,  black.smith. 
SizcrAiSon,  blacksmiths. 
Smith  F  L,  barber. 
Smith  J  A,  •wagonmaker. 
Smiih  Lewis,  hotel  and  livery. 
maiituii      <i;c«>rse     !*,      Stationery, 

ISdtary,  Justice  ami  Collection  A  sent. 
Sweet  Rev  X  L  (ILiptisl). 
Taylor  C  A,  CQUst:iljlc  and  live  stock. 

FANCY  CREBK.  A  postotUce  in 
Riclilaml  county,  luf-  miles  uortliwest  of 
l{ioliIand  Centre,  on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P. 
,  Ry,  tlie  judicial  scat,  banking  and 
shipping  point.  Population,  100.  ilail, 
Iri  weekly. 
Saltman  Wm,  general  store. 

FAKMEES'  GROVE.  A  farmhouse 
postoUice  in  Green  county,  12  miles  north- 
west of  .Monroe,  the  county  seat,  and  7 
from  Moniicello,  the  nearest  shipping  and 
banking  point.  .Mail,  semi-weekly.  Ezra 
Rlumer,  postmaster. 

Uliiincr  JZv.rn,    Farmer   and  Ilolsteia 

Cattle  Breeder. 
Blumer  &  Co,  cheese  mnfrs. 

FARMHILL.  In  Pierce  count}',  16 
miles  from  Ellsworth,  the  county  "seat, 
b'luking  and  shippinir  point.  Population, 
.Mail,  tn-wcekly.  Wm.  H,  Young,  post- 

Cliidester  Z,  saw  mill. 
Knder  N,  saw  mill. 
Roth  I.ouis.  carpenter. 
Shoeder  J  X,  blacksmith. 
Weif  S,  carpenter. 
Voiiii;^'  Wm  SI,  General  Store. 

FARMINCtTON.  .V  po't  village  in 
,Ti  IV.  r^ion  c^^imly.  Hi  miles  northeast  of 
.JilTerson,  the  county  seat,  4  from  Helen- 
ville,  the   near-^st   railroad   station,  and   9 

south  of  Waterlown,  the  neirest  bankia;' 
point.  Population,  .50.  M.  L.  Piper^ 

Bauer  Emil,  feed  mill. 

Concord  and  Farmington  Cheese  Co. 

Hoeft  "Wm,  blacksmith. 

Hungcrford  II  E,  music  teacher. 

]\Iaiisaeld  G  C.  creamery. 

3Iohr  John,  mason. 

Moore  H,  sorghum  mnfr. 

Pi5»or  11  5j,  Lawyer. 

Schotiuld  A  A;  Co,  coopers. 

Weber  C  L,  saw  mill. 

FARE'S  CORNERS.  A  farmers' 
postollice,  in  Columbi.i  county,  So  miles 
southwest  of  Portage,  the  C'junty  stat,  and 
4  from  Prairie  du  Sao,  the  ueaiest  banking 
and  shipping  point.  3Iai!,  tri-weckl}'.  J. 
L.  Furr,  postmaster. 

FAYETTE.  In  La  Fayette  county,  8 
miles  northeast  of  Darlington,  the  county 
seat,  uearest  railroad  station  and  banking 
point.  Population,  70.  .Mail,  semi-week- 
ly.    E.  L.  Worrell,  postmaster. 

Abraham  Charles,  hotel  and  justice. 
Abraham  Dr  C,  druggist. 
Calahan  Dr  .V,  druiigist. 
Fisher  O  .^I,  blacksmith. 
Henry  ^Martin,  wagoamaker. 
Hunt  ,1  C.  saw  mill. 
Le  Barron  Rev  (.Mclhodisl). 
Martin  George,  constable. 
Richards  O  .M.  carpenter. 
Worrell  11  L,  General  Store. 

FAYETTEVILLE.  A  post  village 
on  the  C.,  .M.  .fc  St.  P.  Ry,  in  Walworth 
county,  0  miles  north  cf  Elkhorn,  the 
county  seat  and  uearest  banking  |)oint. 
Populati.jn,  70.  E.\p.,  Am.  W.  H. 
Coombe,  postmaster. 

t;o<»!iiI>o  W  If,  General  Store,  Railroad 

and  Rxprc's  .\L'ent. 
Foster  .lay,  justice  of  peace. 
Harris  it  West,  butter  and  cheese. 
Peck  C  J,  lumber  and  grain. 
Voss  August,  blacksmith. 

FELLOWS.  On  the  C.  &  N.  Vi.  Ry, 
in  Rock  county,  11  miles  northwest  of 
Janesville,  the  judicial  seat,  and  .T}  from 
KvansviUe,  the  iiearest  banking  point. 
Population,  no.  E.\p.,  .Vrn.  Tel.,  W.  V. 
\V.  J.  Whitmore,  postmaster. 

Turner  Watson,  grain  and  live  stock. 

iLLiiiois  mm  I R 

I  to  all  POINTS  i 

I  mm  mL 

Chicago  &  Grand  Trunk  Ey, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 






■Wliitiuoi'c  Bro-S   General  btore  and 

■\Vi!cox  George  B,  railroad  and  tel  agent. 

FENNIMORE.  A  village  on  the  C. 
vt  X.  W.  Hj',  in  Grant  county,  12  miles 
northeast  of  Lancaster,  the  county  se-xt. 
Settled  In  ISJO,  it  contains  a  steam  llouring 
mill,  a  creamery,  a  weekly  newspaper,  the 
Times,  a.  bank,  4  churches  and  a  di.^trict 
school.  Stases  triweekly  to  Mt.  Ilniie, 
ilt.  Ida  and  Millville.  Population,  ■rOU. 
Tel.,  \\'.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  AV.  J.  Wright, 

Allen  John  C,  furniture. 

Bailey  Abner  B,  physician. 

Baiter  C  U  &  Son  "(Charles  II  and  George 
11),  general  store. 

Biiderman  Bros  (Wm  and  Leonard),  ma- 

Biederman  i  Ruchti  (Leonard  Biederman, 
Hemy  Ruchti),  saljon. 

Billig  Charles  V,  live  stock. 

Billig  H  C,  dentist. 

Bohl  Wm,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Brechler  Bros  (.lohn  and  Charles),  hdwre. 

Brockway  JIrs  I,  milliner. 

Comstock  Vrallace  M.raih'uad  and  exp  ngt. 

Crouch  &  Govier  (.John  Crouch,  George 
Govier),  saloon. 

Curtis  John,  carpenter. 

Doan  John  E,  harness. 

Dyer  George  \\",  druggist. 

Earl  Wm,  carpenter. 

Fennimore  House,  S  W  Rogers  propr. 

I'enDiraore  Times,  F  L  Howe  ;iropr. 

Farnham  Mrs  Addie,  drugs. 

Fritsch  Louis,  shoemaker. 

Fritz  Peter,  saloon. 

Gelvin  James,  grain  and  live  stock 

Gilbertson  l^ete'r  C,  furniture. 

Gravenbiock  Ed,  haruessmaker. 

Griihth  John,  blacksmith. 

Gulliford  Farley,  restaurant. 

Hampton  Henry  H,  meats  and  groceries. 

Hawlcy  Theophilus  C,  grain, 

Hayes  Lafayette,  carpenter. 

lliun  Bros  (Charles  P,  Joseph  and  Chri.->, 
flour  mill. 

Dinu,  HiUlerbrand  .*e  Co  (Charles  P  Ilinn, 
George  P  Hilderbrand).  general  store. 

Howe  K  L,  propr  Fennimore  Times. 

Jewel  Edward,  meat  market. 

Johnson  Jliss  Josie,  dressmaker. 

Lsthrop  Wm  E,  general  store. 

»-<-'ui<(  lli-iiry  15,  Propr  Lewis  House; 
Fir.-t-Cla^s  Accommodations. 

I-eui!*  ll<>lI^e.  H  B  Lewis  Propr;  Trav- 
eling Trade  Solicited. 

Linton  Wm.  blacksmith. 

McDermutt  Thomas  E,  physician. 

McDowell  C  Lucicn,  wagonmaker. 

Miller  Jacob,  carpenter. 

^^iehaus  Beiijamiu,  wagonmaker. 

Peterson  i.t  Gunderson  (Thomas  Peterson, 
George  Gunderson),  general  store. 

Pickard  Daniel  O,  pln.sician. 

Pickard  iira  D  O,  milliner. 

Richards  Guy,  livery. 

Roach  li  Perkins  (Frank  Roach,  Thomas 
Perkins),  hardware. 

Roitrs  &.  Morse  (Joseph  Rogers,  Amos 
^lorse),  livery. 

Rose  Wm  H,  cooper. 

Sarles  John,  lumber. 

Scanlon  John  J,  lawyer. 

Snider  John,  live  stock. 

Stephens  Ward,  saloon. 

Stevens  Joseph,  barber. 

Weaver  'Wm.  shoemaker. 

Welier  Albert,  jeweler. 

Weber  Limis.  bools  and  shoes. 

Wliiting  D  J  Rev  i Methodist). 

'Willisoii  Charles  A,  banker. 

Wi-i-^'Ut  ^\'  J,  Confectioner  and  Photo- 

PENTON.  In  Ashland  county,  1  mile 
frMin  Cornell,  ilsslatlon  on  the  Wis.  Central 
div.  X.  P.  R.  R.,  and  33  miles  southwest 
of  Ashland,  the  judicir.l  seat.  Population, 
50.  Exp.,  N.  P.  G.  L.  Rogers,  post- 

\VitiolK'>tcr,    Ivnigsbtirj- 

Saw  .^H11. 

&    Co, 

FEBRYVILLE.  A  village  in  Craw- 
ford county,  on  Ibe  Mississippi  river,  and 
on  the  V..'ii.  A;  X.  R.  R.,  23  miles  north 
of  Prairie  du  Chien.  the  county  seat,  and  d 
cast  of  Lansing,  Iowa,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Stages  seiiu-weekly  to  Freeman; 
fare,  oO  cents.  Population,  40.  Tel.,  W. 
U.     Exp.,  Am.     Wm.  Davis,  postmaster, 

Adams  David  C,  boarding  house. 

Diivis  ^Vni.  .justice. 

lli.-bdcrson  Henry,  general  store. 

(.•Isou  .liiseph  S,  general  store. 

Swan  E  E.  railroad,  express  and  tel  agent. 

Thompson  Thomas  T,  hotel. 

FIFIELD.  Is  located  on  the  south 
fork  of  Flambeau  river,  and  on  tlie  Wis- 
consin Central  Line,  in  township  of  saine 
name.  Price  county,  14  miles  north  of 
Phillips,  the  ju<ii(ial  It  is  in  the 
n-iiter  of  the  lumbering  district  of  Xorth 
Wisconsin,   as  well  as   l)eing   surrounded 


I  Line  to  the    U  uOl  UllU 


ILLIiiOlS  CEIIM  R,  R,  S:a;f'^r^S  llSeT^Ee'!  iflUi 





by  good  lands  for  farniini^  purposes,  is 
steadily  incresising  iu  weiiltU  and  iinpor- 
tanco,  and  contaius  Catholic  aud  Methodist 
churches,  a  graded  school,  a  l^iinl;,  a  public 
hall  with  a  seatiufx  capacity  of  COO.  and  an 
ably  edited  weekly  newspaper,  the  Adro- 
cate.  Ties,  lumber  aud  tan  bark  are 
shipped.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Pop- 
ulation, 700.     Johnson  Tarr,  postmaster. 

Anderson  John  A,  shoemaker. 

Atwell  \Vm  F,  dniegist. 

Baum  Philip,  supervisor. 

Beaulne  Philip,  saloon. 

Birtels  John,  tov.-n  treasurer. 

Brosnan  Jliss  Anna,  county  supt  schools. 

Brosnan  John,  livcrj'. 

Brown  Jloses  \V,  saloon. 

Buttner  Adolph,  dnip".'ist. 

Clifton  House,  J  F  Scliillinc  propr. 

Cocltrjiii   Eros  (^Samuel  aud  Thomas  i, 

Saloon;  Fine  \Vines,  Licpiois  aud  Cigars. 
Cohen  Finney,  general  store. 
ComrntTCljil    S3ou><«?,   Peter   Vinctte 

Propr.     (Sec  adc,  helow  ) 
Diriraple  George,  general  store. 
Donoghue  Daniel,  propr  Filiilil  Ilou'ic. 
Feely\fc  Hurd  (lames  K  Feely,  K  L  llurd), 

meat  market. 

Fitield  Advocate,  G  E  t^ackett  propr. 
Filieid  House,  Daniel  DonoL'hue  propr. 
Fiileld   riSainifat'liiri'is;  Co,  "o  \^ 

Van  Dusen  Pres,  J  Arnold  Vice  Pres,  P 

D   Arnold   Sec,   W  F  Ilinz  Trea=,  G  (> 

Van   Du^en   Supt,   Lumber  Mnfrs   anii 

Planing  Mill.     [Sec  ad.\  hehnp.) 
Gardiner  Tdartin,  propr  Tremout  House. 
Uinz  Frederick  C,   hardware. 
EliliX    V*'   F,    Chairman    Town    Board. 

Treas  Fifield  Mufg  Co,  and  Pres  Price 

Count}'  Bank. 
Kcene  Delaware,  blacksmith. 
Kennedy  Patrick,  saloon. 
Leonard    P   II  &   Co  (Peter  II  Leonard, 

Henry  D  Davis),  general  store. 
McDonald  \V .alter  C,  saloon. 
Matthews  L  Z,  saloon. 
Mullen  Michael,  city  marshal. 
Murray  Charles,  saloon. 
Murra}-  John  B,  saloon. 
Perrin  Najioleou,  saloon. 
8'rioe  <'<»uniy  ESimliiCapital.-'^O.'J.OiXi., 

W  F  Hm/,  PrL-s,   O  1)   Van  Dusen  Vice- 

Pres,  a  F  LLonard  Cash. 
JJemer  J  !!,  furniture, 
liogness  &  Tatro  (K  N  Ilogness,  Abrani 

Tatro),  saloon. 
Sackett  George  E,  propr  Fitield  Advoc 'lie. 

O.  D.  VAN  DUSEN',  I'rcsident.  G.  O.  VAN  DL'SEN",  fciiu  ■  riiU.'ii.lfiit.  F.  I>.  AI:NOI,ti,  StcrLl.iry. 

J.  AHNOLD,  Viee-l'ri-siJent,  W.  F.  HINZ,  TrL'asuri-r. 



(I  r- 

7      FIFIELD  !,l;i;iUFSCTyEl!fiG  CO., 

'1  Princiiiul  Olllce  an»I  Milln  at  FHl-Id. 


\  Liiiiiber,  Sliiiiirte.  bill  ami  lloiildiiiii^ 

Special  Attention  Given  to  Ctjstom  Work, 


New  House  and  New  Furniture  Throuehout 




Good  Sample  Room  for  Commercial  Men.     nates,  Reasonable. 
P.  VINETTE,  Proprietor. 


Chicap  &  Graod  Triinl(  \ 

The  Favorite  Route  East 



UtSSHsJ!  iiiiA       Vt/  ItsUWI  294  M'KS'I'  WATER  ST.,  I'llL,  K'At  KliiC, 

cc  Write  r    pr)'"""';r:D  i-fsnc  nn 




;-l  Jfitiies  Hotel,  A  Tiitro  propr. 

schilling  Johu  F,  t^eneriil  store. 

Scbreiner  John,  saloon. 

SiuicB  Wesley,  barber. 

Shcehnn  John,  saloon. 

j^ingleton  illcliael  A,  saloon. 

?!acge  Frederick  A,  photographer. 

Sutrrue  f)  L,  lotrffer. 

Swhzey  Walter  T,  painter. 

TiUT  Jolni§oii,  Postmaster  and  Con- 

Trttro  Abrani,  propr  St  James  Hotel. 

Trcniout  House,  Martin  Gardiner  propr. 

\liicltc  £*etor,  Propr  Commercial 
House.     {Sec  ado.  p  0O4.) 

Wallier  George,  caloon. 

Weikman  Kev  Charles  (CatholicV 

Weiss  Rev  George  (Congregational). 

Wilnj-  Abram,  saloon. 

Wilson  Arthur  C,  railroad,  exp  and  tel 

^Vood  George,  barber. 

Woodruff  Jlrs  Jeauueltc,  milliner. 

FILLMOEE.  A  village  on  the  north 
Ir.'inch  of  the  ililwaukee  river,  in  Wash- 
•I'glon  county,  10  miles  noitheustof  West 
iVnil,  the  county  seat,  and  .'j  northwest  of 
Kndonta  Station,  on  the  :^1.  &  >i.  H.  U., 
•li';  nearest  railroad  station.  West  I!end  is 
'■i-i;  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
-'0.    Mail, daily.  Carl  Wittig,  postmaster. 

(joss  Philip,  blacksmith. 
fVlmore  Band,  Wm  Cross  leader. 
l"'Hiik  liev  Julius,  (Lutheran). 
'"-Kiel  Alvln,  cigarmalier. 
'•;uhle  ^lax,  justire. 
'■ruhle  K  A,  general  store. 

inning  T,  veterinary  surgeon. 
!llt^libeek  Joseph,  shoemaker. 
^.IiolleTraugott,  fruit  trees. 
Aoouig  Jidiu's,  ■n'ngoniiiaker. 
j;' 111  Paul,  shoemaker. 
•.:eke  Henry,  carpenter, 
'•^idolph  ]■:,  blacksmith. 
'♦I'll};    <;jiri.    Carpenter    and   Undcr- 


FISH  CHEEK.  On  Green  bay.  in 
^  ■•'■r  cormty,  I'O  miles  nortlieast  of  Stur- 
;"n  l!ay,  the  judicial  seat  and  nearest 
■,  •!;iuig  point.  Population,  3<i0.  Mail, 
'■■"'y-     6.  Churches,  po3tm,ister. 

!'■""■"  -'"Im,  justice. 

";ir<lio»i  *iamiiol.  Justice  of  Peace. 
I'l  •  1.'"'       '*■  f'eneral  store. 
Mill   Uros  Fish. 
J   '••n-on  Daniel,  meat  market. 
--y-.\H'Tg  Bros,  general  store. 

Lundberg  Charles,  cooper. 
Noble  Alexander,  blacksmith. 
Plec'k  SSeitrj-,  Cheese  Mnfr. 
Stevens  M  U,  lawyer. 
Thorp  A.  hotel. 
Yorous  Levi,  general  store. 

FISK.     On  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ry,  in 

Winnebago  county,  9  miles  soutliwe^t  of 
Oshkosh,  the  county  seat  and  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  7o.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
]Mail,  daily.     Ezi'a  .Miller,  postmaster. 

iniSJcr  Ezra,  General  Store. 
JIoos  J  II,  wagonmaker. 
Patridge  C  15,  crain  and  salt. 
Peacock  M  B  M,  grain. 


FITCHBURG.  On  the  1.  C.  R.  R.. 
in  Dane  county,  10  miles  from  Madison, 
the  county  seat  and  nearest  bankimj  point. 
;\Iail,  dailj'.  Populatiou,  7.  Thomas  Pur- 
cell,  postmaster. 

Grace  George,  blacksmith. 
Koyle  T  H,  cheese  mnfr. 
Nevin  James,  supt  Wisconsin  Fish  Hatch- 
Purct'll  Tlioinns,  General  Store. 
Urie  G  AV,  railroad  and  exp  agt. 

FIVE  POINTS.  In  Richland  coun- 
ty, M  miles  west  of  Richland  Cenire,  the 
judicial  seal,  banking  and  shipping  point. 
Mail,  daily. 

FLAMBEAU.  A  pO!-t  village  on  the 
Chippewa  river,  in  Chippewa  county,  rt2 
miles  northeast  of  Chipiie'^ra  Falls,  the 
county  seat  and  banking  point,  and  18  from 
Warner,  the  most  conveiu'cnt  railroad  sta- 
tion. Population,  lllO.  Mail,  eemi-weekly. 
K.  J.  Sand.s,  postmaster. 

Berthniene  J  B,  saloon. 

Britton  Samuel,  bhiCkamith. 

Rulley  A,  carpenter. 

H'rltz  »V  Si(inl»,  General  Store. 

Gourdeaux  Alex,  justice. 

Langlois  C,  saloon. 

Norton  .lolin  G,  general  store. 

Parron  Gus,  carpenter. 

Prasso  F,  carpenter. 

Valois  Oliver,  saloon. 

Wood  C,  saloon. 

FLINTVILLE.  A  postofHce  on  the 
Big  Suamico  river,  in  Brown  county,  12 
miles  Dorthwc-t  of  Green  Bay.  the  county 
seat  and  banking  point,  and  21,  from 
Tremble,     the     nearest     shipping     point. 

■JVU\f^  Sirict,  .■'lUwaiikco,  VVIm, 


b  x^i 

PATMEIiS,  440  T..  Watfr  St.,  Kast  Side  Market  "5., 

iis.  IJal!   Papers. 

y  9  Telepliuue  1 





0)  ^ 
^  t3 



P.ipulRlion,    100.       Mail,  daily.       C.    E. 
Ivftnute,  postmaster, 

C'T'ok  \Ym,  farm  implements. 

Ikaiintic  C  S-^,  General  Store  and  Flour 

LMiib  L  R,  phycieian. 
Warkenriter  Cliarles,  physician. 

FLORENCE.  The  judicial  scat  of 
Florence  county,  is  a  prosperous  lowu  of 
2  500  iiihibitauts,  located  on  Fisher  lake 
acd  on  Iho  C.  ct  N.  W.  Ry,  217  miles 
northwest  of  Jlilwnukee.  It  was  settled 
in  ^larch,  1S30,  and  contains  o  churches, 
a  school  house,  a  bank,  blast  furnaces,  a 
live  weekly  new.spapcr,  the  Mining  Kfirs, 
and  numerous  larjre  and  well  stocked  spe- 
cial and  general  stores,  etc.  Iron  mining  is 
extensively  carried  on,  and  iron  ore,  lum- 
ber and  hardwood  form  the  principal  ship- 
ments. Tel.,  W.  U.  E.\p.,  Am.  F.  R. 
AVhiltlescy,  postmaster. 

Abbott  James  E,  lawyer  and  insurince. 

Albright  Gustav,  meats. 

American  House,  .lolui  R  -ynnlds  propr. 

Andrews  II  G  &  Co,  cigar  mnfrs. 

Arnold  Fiank,  gardener. 

Avenue  House,  T  C  Tully  propr. 

£;aird  <«tM»r};c  W,  Grocer. 

lj;tker  F  .1,  barber. 

I'.eauchamp  Joseph,  baker. 

liigelow  Jcscph,  saloon. 

Boirie  Rev  H  T  (Methodist). 

I'.oreman  &  Houlmot,  painters. 

lireckenridge  Mrs  Kate,    propr   Travelers' 

Hriere  O,  livery, 
lirinicombie  Rev  E  (Methodist). 
Clminey  &  Godiu,  groceries  and  crockery. 
Cliam[>aiL'n  Joseph,  propr  National  Hotel. 
Cludetle  Kli  H,  saloon.' 
C'lark  Win  H,  lawyer,  real   estate  and  col- 

Cullino  tllement,  saloon. 
Coleman  Charles  O.  lawyer. 
Corrollo  Martin,  saloou. 
Curry  Win  A.,  barber. 
Dooley  it  Kerr,  saloon. 
I'^bar  Freileiif-k,  slu'etnaker. 
I'jrickson  E  W,  painter. 
E:^!till  Jf  J,  I'holographer. 
Fiaher  H  D,  real  e!.tale. 
Florence  Iron  River  Co,  ndnes. 
Forlier  C  A,  physician. 
Foss  JIrs  A,  milliner. 
Franklin  Mrs  W  A,  milliner. 
Frazer  I)  A,  pine  lands. 
Godin  Joseph,  saloon. 
Godshall  A  K,  agent  Am  IDxp  Co. 

Goa^hall  A  Co,  furniture. 

Gordon  .5:ifo!>,  Div  Goods. 

Greenwood  Alfred,  lumber. 

Guensburg  A  E  k  E,  dry  goods. 

Ilaberkorn  Wm  C,  justice  and  tailor. 

Hanson  Hans  A,  grocer, 

Ilillberg  G  O,  baker. 

Hillyer  it  Simon,  grocers. 

Hocking  W  J  it  Co,  drugs  and  jeweler. 

Huff  (^nier,  county  judge. 

Jenkins  \Vm,  saloou. 

Johnson  C  A,  jeweler. 

Johnson  Frank,  propr  Scandinavian  House. 

Judge  Wm,  sheriff. 

Keyes  Kdvi'ard  E,  county  treasurer. 

Kneeboue  R  J,  meat  market. 

Lapie  &  Dori,  saloon. 

Lar.-on  Peter,  botlier. 

Le  Paige  Louis,  confectioner. 

Leroj-  Frank,  livery. 

Ludingtou  House,  John  Simon  propr. 

JleDevilt  Ferdinand,  saloon. 

McDonald  Ronald  A,  saloon. 

McGovern  Peter,  lumber. 

Fvl'iilicw  Ij,  Grocer. 

Marc[uard  it  Jjangesou,  hardware. 

jMiele  Emil,  saloon. 

Miller  Isadore  A.  meat  market. 

Millett  John,  restaurnut. 

Mining  News,  Young  Cros  proprs. 

Molloy  John  W,   livery. 

Mullinder  Rob.;rl  T,   plasterer. 

National  Hotel,  ,Io.  ep!i  Champaigne  propr. 

Norton  Nels,  agt  C  it  N  W  Ry. 

Noyes  Wm  W,  grocer. 

Cdell  R  W,  physician. 

<Min  A  A,  Dry  Goods. 

Oltersou  AV  P,  tontraclor. 

Parry  Joseph  E.  county  clerk. 

Peltier  Alphona,  hcjtel  and  .saloou. 

Pemberty  John  S,  druggist. 

Polderraan     Hmihe,     Abram     Polderiuau 

Pontbiiand  Mrs  M,  dressmaker. 
Reynolds  John,  propr  American  House. 
Rieliter  A,  cicar  mnfr. 
Ritler  John,  dairy. 
Rogers  liev.VP  (Catholic). 
IJl»*Uy  1.  Dry  Good.s  and  Clothing. 
Rynder  Wilson  T,  blacksmith. 
St  Onge  Joseph,  blaeksnnth. 
Scandinavian  House,  F  Johnson  propr. 
Simon  Hardware  Co,  C  Peterson  mngr. 
Simon  John,  propr  Ludington  House. 
Simpson  Charles,  county  surveyor. 
Sinilli  A:  l>out;lirej',  General  Store. 
Soderbi.rg  Isaac,  hotel. 
Staherg  Rev  T  A  (Swedish  Lutheran). 
State  Hank  of  Florence  (capital,  S30,000,\ 

E  E  AVilcox  cash. 

I  U  J  ij  Lsa  U  J     Hi 


154   ■\Vi;sX   AV.VTKK  ST.,  MIIiAVAfKEE,  WIS. 

'    i  P'r^nlfS  P^  ^'fk'Vfirf'  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

t.ulliyi'ii  **'^    V»   iveiUblig  N.W.Cor.ofGraiidand  W.MatcrSis.,MILWAL'Ui;K,WlS. 




S';llivan  £'atrick.  saloon. 

S.iiKlqiiist  Oluirlos,  sliocmaker. 

Swift  E  P,  I'liysician. 

T;itT  George  A,  niacbiuist. 

Tuff  W'm  E,  saloon. 

'I'liiljert  John,  saloon, 

Tobin  James,  capiiulist. 

Travelers'    Home,    !Mrs    K    Dreckenridgc 

TalK'  T  C,  propr  Avenue  IIou=e. 
Tully's  Opera  House,  T  C  Tully  propr. 
Vau  JIarler  J  C),  contractor. 
Ware  K^v  E  N  (Presbyterian). 
Waring  Frank,  clerk  of  court. 
Weber  George,  paloou. 
\^'liiUle-«oy  F  JI,  [,uinber. 
Winckler  Louis,  saloon. 
Winegarilen  .John,   lumber. 

FOLSOM.  A  farmers'  postollice,  in 
Vernon  county,  10  miles  soutb  of  Viroqna. 
the  judicial  seal,  nearest  bankins'-  and  ship- 
Jiiog  point.  Mail,  .semi- weekly.  A.  A. 
.Morkri,  postmaster. 
Itcrgc  &  ^lorltri.  General  Store. 

FOND  DU  LAC.  Tbe  judicial  seat 
of  l\)iiil  du  Lac  cnuuty,  is  pleasantly  lo- 
(nlcd  at  tbe  soutiieiii  extremity  of  Lake 
Winnebago,  GI3  miles  norlliwcsl  of  Milwau- 
kee, and  l-JS  norlhwe'-t  of  Cbicago.  It  is 
passessed  of  exceptional  fa- 
cilities,^ uncqiialed  by  any  city  of  iis  si/.e 
in  the  State;  it  bas  communication  by  wa- 
ter through  Lake  'Winnebago,  down  tbe 
Vox  river,  and  thence  into  Green  ISay,  con- 
necting it  with  the  wliolu  chain  of  lakes. 
It  is  on  the  C.  it  N.  W.,the  C,  .M.  it  St.  1'. 
)!ys,  and  Wis.  Cen.  Line,  which,  cenlering 
here  and  radiating  to  all  parts  of  the  United 
State.H,  give  it  all  the  advantaje-i  of  its 
Western  sisler  cities  in  the  sale  of  ils  mauu- 
laolures  in  tbe  eastern  markets,  lliecompe- 
lilion  affonied  by  tbe  steamboat  lines  being 
ineirumental  in  regulatuig  ami  reducing 
riit^is.  This  cily  wa'i  one  of  the  carliei-t 
lumliering  towns  in  IheStati;,  and,  iiltbou^h 
the  supply  of  pine  has  l)een  exhausted 
there  is  a  large  quantity  of  valuable  bard- 
|vood  limber  in  the  vicinily,  wldcb  is  now 
being  uliliztjd  for  njanufaeturing  purposrs. 
Jhe  city  contains  foundries  and  machine 
ijops,  wagon  works,  plow  works,  sash, 
door  and  blind  factories,  large  lumber 
'"ills,  large  yeast  factories,  molding  and 
Iraine  factories,  boiler  works,  planing 
nulls,  agricultural  implement  works,  car- 
['"ge  and  wagon  factories,  carriage  and 
'■UL'gy  top  factories,  llourinii  milln,  woolen 
i:id,9,     breweries,    tile    woiks,     drain    lile 

works,  chemical  works,  steam  bakery  and 
cracker  factory,  ]iaper  box  and  furniture 
factories,  etc.  There  are  4  banks  (2  na- 
tional), a  handsome  and  commodious  court 
house,  erected  at  a  cost  of  .sSJ.OUO,  flrst- 
chiss  hotels,  2  public  halls,  telephone  ex- 
change, efficient  police  and  fire  depart- 
rnent,-*,  a  free  library,  2  opera  bouses, 
churches  representing  tbe  leadinc:  religious 
denominations,  excellent  schools,  hand- 
some business  blocks  and  private  resi- 
dences, and  all  the  facilities  and  appoint- 
ments of  a  first-class  city.  The  streets  are 
wide  and  well  paved,  and  are  lighted  by 
electricity  and  gas.  Among  tbe  great  ad- 
vantages popse>sed  by  Fouil  du  Lac  is  its 
pure,  soft,  deep  fountiiu  water,  which  is 
i>y  m:iu_y  considered  to  equal  the  famous 
Betbe?(la  Spring.  A  water  works  com- 
pany is  in  full  opcratiou,  the  waler  being 
drawn  from  artesian  wells,  which  afford 
an  iuexlKUi=;til)le  supply.  The  press  ia 
represented  by  3  dady  newspajiers,  the 
lie.j/vr/i'f  and  the  VinnvinnirnilOi.,  and  5 
weeklies,  the  Siii/rda//  HepirUi;  the  li'tr.W// 
ConnnnnwcalUt,  the  Cornier,  the  Journal 
and  the  Volks  Ziitnnrj  ■  Exp.,  Am,  aiul 
N.  P.  Tel,,  W.  U.  "and  Postal-Cable. 
Populali.>n.  1:3,000.  James  T.  Greene, 

Abbs  Wm  E.  llorist,   137  W  Division. 
Abel  Carrie,  dres.-^maker,  02  Doty. 
Abel  Frederick,  wagcjnniaker,  00  Doty. 
Abel  Hunry,  saloon,  n,j  W  Division, 
Abel  Heuiy  A,  machinist,  2u  E  1st. 
Ackernian  James   O,  physician,  oOD  .Main. 
Aheru  David,  plumber,  i^'i  Main. 
Ahem  T  E  &  Co  (Thomas   E  Aheru,  Wm 

W  Collins),  clothing,  407  Main. 
-•\ldrich  James  F.  wool.  37!)  .Main. 
Allan!  E  Inuuid  C,  t'iocer.U7  \V  Division. 
AUcii  iV  'rs-flcvoii  (K  F  Allen.  Danl.-l 

D  Trelevenj,  Proprs  C\ly  Holler  ^Mills, 27 

Ailing  &  P.owe  (Cornelius  L  Ailing,  Wra  H 

Howe),  insurance,  523  Main, 
.-VUison  Samuel,  music  teacher,  .>">  W  1st. 
Altpasa  Henry,   hats,  490  Main. 
Amory  (.)pcra  llouso,  P  B  Haber  mugr,446 

Anderson  Jtobert  H,  pianos,  .584  Main. 
AiiilrewB  Joseph,  Electric  Light  Works,  16 

■W  2d. 
Annis  S  E,  dairy,  2  miles  c. 
A  pel  Carl,  feed.' 2s0  Main. 
Atkins  Kdwiu  F,  iiliysiciun,  4S7  Main, 
Aucliue  Joseph,  shoeud^r,  b7  W   Division, 
Auelster  liev  F  W  (German  Evangelical), 
liabeock  David,  lawyer,  0  Forest. 

Cliicap,  f^ilwauies  l^  St,  Payl 


"  fi  S    "  _       J   «S  or   Ki:sT    fH'AMTY.    for    Salo   i,- 

lit-—    6    f-^-'-3i"-  -.   LlliM    NtS»»'4J  .^[liLWArKKli,      -         H'ISCONSIX. 

S    dCji 





Bailey  Charles,  conlraclor,  oO  Marr. 
Baldwin  Truman  II,  glovemUr,  13  K  3d. 
Barrett  Miss   Grace   6,  music  teacher,   12 

Barrett  jrose.^,  grocer,  302  JIain. 
Bartletl  Charles  15,  hay,  Brooke. 
Bartletl  i- Carsteus   (Chailea    D    Bartlett, 

August  L  Carsteu.";),  meats,  545  Main. 
Bassett  Israel,  harness,  21  Court. 
Bates  Clement  JO,  bee  hive-s,  Jlacy  cor  2d. 
Bechaud  AQ  &  Bros(Ad(>lph  G,  Frank  11 

and  John  B),  brewer:;,  435  Main. 
Beesou  Edward  B,  physician,  15  Forest. 
Beesou  &  Reesim  {Edward  and  Edward  B), 

publrs  Journal. 
Beincrt  Hev  John  (Methodist). 
Bell  John,  paper,  lJ5j  Main. 
Benjamin  Gilbert  L,  undcrtkr,  543  Main. 
Bennett  Frank  E,  stoves,  312  Main. 
Bcnsel-E^ow  <"<>  TSic  (Albert  A  Ben- 

sel,  Charles  K  Low),  Directory  Publish- 
ers, 113  Western  ave. 
Bernau  Julius,  bookbinder,  4G3  Main. 
Berry  Ezra  0,  livery,  204  Main. 
Berry  Wni,  dairy. 
Besn'ah  Joseph,  saloon,  4  mile?  s  w. 
Bicbel  Anton,  propr  Union  Hotel. 
Bii-dsnll  «.:<>  Tlic,A  C  Dallmann  Stale 

Agt;   Portaljle  and  Traction   Farm  En- 
i  ^gines,  20-23  3d.     {See  ndi'.  p  S13.) 
Bischoff  Wm  H,  .saloon,  4(;a  .Main. 
Bishop  Ansel  A,  billiards,  4^0  Main. 
Bishop  Llewellyn  A,  physician,  03  Marr. 
Blacsius  Edward,  table  mufr,  \V  Scott. 
Blair  Andrew  i\I,  lawyer,  510  .Main. 
Blankenburg  Albert  C, furniture, 5.58  Main. 
Blankenagtl  Jlev  Augustus   (Evangelicui), 

3  Kuggles. 
Blewett   Martin    T,  county  supt  schools, 

Court  lli'Ufe. 
Block  Gottlieb,  grocer,  403  Main. 
Bloedtl   Henry,  grocer,  Hickory  cor  Jlili- 

Bloedel  Ificliard  J,  blacksmith,  40  W,  1)1- 

Bonnell   &  Harris  (Oscar  A  Bonnell.  E  D 

Harrii),  carpenters,  37  Fore^t. 
Bo^(<tll     SSoiisc     fi'lll'lli>iiiliu    ^'(>. 

Wm    H    I'    I'ropr.    Geor-e    W  Post 

Mngr,  440  and  412  .Main.     (S,e  rinhl  hot- 

torn  lints  iiifl  iiili:  cpp.) 
Boucher  JlfV  Charles  (Catholic),  Bannister 

cor  Fulletl. 
Boucher  Frank,  wagonmaker,  21   W  2d. 
Bowe  Wm  H,  real  estate,  523  Main. 
Bowen  k  .^on   (Tyler  JI  and  TyK.rMjr), 

barbers,  4!^5  Main. 
Bowers  Samuel  S,  physician,  450  Main. 
Boyle   IVos    (Henry   and   John  T),  yeast 


Braig  Edward  .S.  lawyer,  3  Forest. 
Brastat  E  E,  oculist,  .'^'li  cor  Ellis. 
Brasted  Francis  A,  shoes,  477  -Main. 
Braylou  Mrs  J  J,  cheese  mnfr. 
Breister   Wm,    broommaker,    Sibley    cor 

Main.  j 

Bieiteugrosse  Tlichard   II,  carpet  weaver 

33  E  tub. 
Breiteugrosse  Theodore,  carpet  weaver  411  • 

E  41  h: 
BreitengroBse  Wm,  carpet  weaver,  Center 

cor  10th. 
Brennan  .Mary,  dressmaker,  40  (Jilbjt. 
Bristol  Emni.i  G,  news  depot,  I'  1 1. 
ESroflicr  Slro-i  (Henry  and  Hirman). 

Brick  and  Tile  .'SInfrs  and  Feed  ilill,  cor 

W  lltli  and  Seymour. 
Brocker  Charles,  grocer,  58  Vresteru  ave. 
Broker  '\Vm,  sewing  machines,  4(.>';  Main. 
Brown  Wm  II,  restaurant,  437  -Main. 
Buchholz  B  &  Co  (Benno  Bucliholz.  Se- 
bastian Eudenmiller),  drucs,  422  ."\Iaiu. 
Buerger-Iteinig  Co  (capital,  sl00,000i, John. 

Ueiuig  pres,  W  C  Heinig  sec,  maltsters, ' 

]\Iaiu  cor  .Merrill. 
Bullis  it  Buckless  (Nelson  L  Bullis   John 

E  Buckles:-),  livery,  27  W  Division. 
Burger  John  F,  music  teacher,  54  Olh. 
Burglmrdt  Gustav,  county  iiurch.isiug  agt. 
Buike  Jeremiah,  livery.  Hi  li  4l!i. 
Burke  K  it  -M  (^Kate  and  Mary),  dressmkrs, 

5y7  I\Iain. 
Burntou  -Mrs  E  H,  news  depot,  21  Forest, 
Burrow.s  George  S  it  Co  (George  S  Bur- 

row.a,  James  H   Smith),    cariiage   tops, 

Division  cor  Macy. 
Burtch  Abrani, cigar  ninfr,  ,'~'.)  W  r>ivi-ion. 
Bush  Henry  A.  stenoj.T,  Court  llnu-e. 
Bu».!l  t^  BJill  (Henry  E  Ba>h.  I'iiarles 

L   Hill),  Carriage  Trimmers,  35   W  2J. 

(&,•  iHh\  p  311  ) 
Business  -Men's  Assn,  S  D  Wyatt   pre^,  .5 

T  Greene  sc^c,  450  Main, 
Buss  Herman  J,  iiliolngr.  575  Jlain. 
Bussewitz  Ferilinand  J,  saloon,  014  -Main 
Cameron   it  Co  (Walter  H  and  Francis  S 

Caineron),  dry  goods,  152  .Main. 
Campbell  Hul;u  J.  saloiui,  55  W  Scott. 
Cnroy  E'tiuiii   .\,  Pres   First  National 

Bank  and  Propr  Palmer  House,  cor  She- 
boygan and -Main.     {See  lulo.  11  ,^;^.] 
Carpenter  Charles  E,  woolen  mills,  4  ra  e. 
Carr  Calvin,  livery.  20  pj  Division. 
Carrier  David,  blacksmith,  cor  Scott  and 

Carroll  Mrs  Masruie,  dressmakr,  215  Main. 
Carstens  Okie,  baker,  101  Hdrn.-v. 
Cautield  Patrick,  shoemaker.  555  Main. 
Chadbourno  Cyrus,  photogr,  ;iS  Macy. 

Cliicap  If  GfaoQ  Tfunli  Fiji 

The  Favorite  Route  East 








Sos.  10,  12  and   14  Fourth  Street, 

:e=  o  s  QT'S 

i  UiiC    d  I  i 

KOS.  61G  AND  618  MAIN 


r  )  5  :■;  '-■  S  V'   }.' 

NOS.  440  AND  44  2   ?IAIX  ST., 

(3  B  i  i  'a  t  ^  d  n  ''J  ^ 

FOrJD  ©L5  LAC,  WiSCO^•JSB§^3. 

Which  of  itself  is  oiia  of  the  Largest  Houses  of  ttie  kiiiil  in  the  State,  with  large  wnnhoiiscs  In  iliffer- 
<-M  parts  c£  the  city,  the  eutire  area  beinc  over  four  ncres  of  floorase,  iu  wliich  to  store  and  display 
K<.ods.  In  these  stores  will  be  found  the  greatest  variety  of  goods  on  earth.  There  is  harily  a  thin;^ 
tliatcan  be  mentioned  but  what  is  to  be  found,  and  each  aud  every  article  will  be  solil  for  -.'J  per  cent. 
!•  s^  than  the  re;?ular  vliolesale  price  of  other  dealers.    To  buy  elsewhere  is  to  lose  money. 





Tniuks  and  V.ilisi-s— tlie  c^-eatest  assorliu"nt  in  111.-  S'ate.;;e  stock  of  decorated  China  and  Glass- 
ware, Portier  and  Lace  C'urtain^;,  a  fine  display  Window  Sharles,  «.  dilTcreut  desisns  of  Hacks, 
"Busses,  Carriages,  Buggies,  Road  Carts,  Culter.s,  Slti.:.'hs— the  largest  stock  to  select 
from.    Pianos,  Or^^'ans  and  JIuRicai  Inslrnmenis  vt  all  kinds.    Hardware 
Tools.  Dry  Goods,  Oroceri.-;.  Notions,  Fancy  Good.-s  in  Kreat  variety. 
Please  call  and  be  conviuted  for  yourselves. 

PORTING  GOOOS  of  Ail  Kinos  A  SPEOiALTY. 


.A.   C^I^ID. 

To  Merchants  and  Manufacturers  we  w.>uM  .-.ay,  wh.'u  in  need  of  money  aud  you  want  to  realize 
'■  IV  ^tock,  you  will  always  find  W.  H.  POST  ready  to  buy  and  pay  you  SPOT  CASH  tor  any  kind  of 
*'"'  '^  '^■hleh  you  may  have  for  sale. 

fST'  Itemen\ber  and  keep  this  in  your  mind.  Remember,  also,  goods  will  have  to  be  sold  at  a  dis- 
'■  u:t  from  regular  prices.  Correspondence  solicited  from  any  one  wishing;  to  dispose  of  goods,  which 
*'  '  '■'■'^eive  prompt  attention. 

Very  Respectfully  Yours, 

AV.  II.  POST. 

Oudahy  Brothers, 

mil.\vai"k.el:,  ivisconmn. 

Pork  and    Beef   Packers 







Cliapieiiii  T!io:i)ii«i,  Saloon  and  liest- 

auraii!,,  o57  Main,  res  4  Elm. 
Chiipman  Almon  W,  bottler,  47  W  John- 

CLase  AYm  11,  organs,  4G3  Main. 
Clieney  Seymour  11,  stoves,  418  Main. 
Chica;:;o,  .Mihvauliee  &,  Si  Paul  liy,  JoLn 

C  Heitlmhn  agt,  98  Forest. 
Chicago  &  Northwestern  Ry,  F  W  Crapsey 

act,  W  Division  cor  Brooke. 
Cliristian.'-cu  Iltnry,  liarlier.  424  Main. 
Church  Anson  I',  uiihoiblerer,  14  E  Divi- 
Cilj'  "Sollcr  ^iJills,  Allen  &  Treleven 

Proprs.  '27  Forest. 
Clancy  Tboinas  ,1,  dry  goods,  o'JG  Main. 
Clark  Linus  \V,  dairvman,  444  .Main. 
Clement  Charles  L,  biksmitli,  .Macy  cor  2d. 
Cleveland  Chiirles  O  lire  marshal, 2:i7  Main. 
Clish  Louis,  saloon,  S7  Uosendale  ave. 
Colo  \Vm  E,  banker.  Main  cor  Forest. 
Coh'naan  Thomas  E.mufrs'  nst.lOli  Forest. 
Collins  A  Frank,  carpenter,  10  ^V  Cd. 
Colnian   Eliini,  U  S  di.Mrict  atty,  cor  Jlain 

and  Forest. 
Colman  ]!ev  11  K,  100  E  Division. 
Colman  it  Sulherlauc!  (Eiihu  Colman,  Dan- 
iel D  Siithcrlaml),  lawyers,  3  Forest. 
CoiiinK'Dwealth  Printing  Co,  O  C  Slcen- 
berg  prcs,  P  IJ  Ilaber  sec,  piiblrs  Com- 
monwealth, 18  Forett. 
Conauhton  Philip,  saloon,  370  >4ain, 
CoiiKtiil  ^"S'lti  l>,  Lawyer,  City  Justice, 
Court  and  U  S  Coniniissioner,  401  Main. 
Convent  of  .Mercy,  Mother  Alovsius  super- 
ior, i;9  E  2d. 
Convent    of    St    A.s;ncs.    Ai^ncs    IleZothe 

motlier  superior,  ICO  Division. 
Cooke  &  Ilass  (Charles  S  Cooke,  August  F 

Ilasr.),  llnur  and  feed,  ,'52.")  Main. 
Corbeille  P  T  .t  Bn  i; Peter '1'  and  Xapolcun), 

meals,  84  Brooke. 
Coicorau   ifc   Rvan   (Edward  F  Corcoran, 

Thomas  \V  Ryanl,  sah.on,  04t)  Main, 
Cornwcll  Charles  S,  hardw>ire.  'yM  .Main. 
Coughliu    Bros   (Wni  H  and  Edward  L), 

meals,  17  Forest. 
Courtney  ^Vm,  harness,  419  Main, 
(.'raig  \Vm  H,  confectioner,  ."jHO  Main. 
Crescent   Opi  ra  House,  P  B  Uaber  mngr, 

Jlarr  cor  2d. 
Crippen  Daniel  O,  vet  surgeon.  41  Macy. 
Crowley  Bros  (Patrick  and  John),  saloon, 

3S9  Main. 
Dahlem  Frederick,  baker,  .OOl  Jlain. 
Dairy  Biiard  of  Trade,   Henry  Bush  pros, 

J  R  Bloom  sec. 
Ii>nlisii:iii  Aiit;i9»t  <',  State  Agent  The 
Binlsall  Co,  20  and  22  3d.     (Sie  adv,  p 

Daly    i^    Hovey   (Chailes    Daly,    MicLa,. 

Hovey).  saloon,  5'iC)  Main. 
Dana  George  P,  hardware,  o32  Main. 
Dana  James  T,  drugs,  .j;;0  JLain. 
Daniels  John  A,  baths,  11  Sheboygan. 
Danks  George  D,  painter,  W  Division  coi 

Danks  Harvev  D,  carpenter.  21  E  Scott. 
Danks  Wra  H,  painter,  I'J  E  Scott. 
Davis  it  Co  (Eli  C  Tompkius),  grocers,  2.> 

Decker    Andrew    J,    dairy    supplies,    .567 

De  Gol3'cr  John  JI,  carpenter.  11  "\V  1st. 
De  Groat, Giddings  &.  Lewis  (Charles  H  Di; 

Groat,  George  Giddines,  On  in  F  Lewisi, 

machinists.  Duty  cor  Bees. 
Debuert  \Vm  F,  Inick  mnfr,  12  Griffith. 
Delany   Edmund,    city   clerk,    Forest  cor 

Do  Sombre  Herman  0,  jeweler,  4S3  Main. 
De  Sombre  Karl  L,  physician,  4S2  Main. 
Diamond  Yeast  Co,  Henry  Hastings  pres^ 

C'  L  Hastings  sec,  701  ^lain.  '■* 

Dick  A<lain,  carpet  weaver,  18  Jlorris. 
Dick  Peter  G,  barber,  ."i.-,4  Main. 
Dickinson  Cbailes  E,  ('ei;tist,  10  Forest. 
Dillon  John  "\V,  photographer.  493  Main. 
Dins  Julius  II  F,  grocer,  (j05  Main. 
Oiltituir  BSciH')-  <',  Dyeing  and  Scour- 
ing; Feathers  Renovated;  Cleaning  Done 

on    Short  ^Notice,  29  V/  Division^     (&f 

iulD,  p  313.) 
llobricdt  Jose)>h,  und.erlaker,  ;!21  Main. 
Dockcvty  Duucan  B.  ma^ou,  150 
Dodi^e  Ivdward  F,  pbvsician,  4"i0  Main. 
Dougherty  John  W,  horseshoer,  11  E  3J. 
Dreis  Jacob,  tailor.  309  Main. 
Driiikwine  John  D,  b.iiber.  91  ^V  Division. 
Druinniond  Robert,  wool,  1  1th. 
DnlVy  &  McCrory  yVixu  cis  F   Duffy,  J.'bc 

H  MeCrorj),  lawyers,  4iJ3  Main. 
Duslin  John,  laundry,  P  ()  l.ldg. 
Dyer  Andrew,  carriages,  13  E  4th. 
F^Mslinan  Rev  Gt'orgc  B,  54  2d. 
Eaton  Hiram  W,  bottler,  20  E  9lb. 
Eberbardt  Jacob,  blacksmith,  13  E  4th. 
Ebert  Rudolph,  loans,  390  .Main. 
C<l!>«Mi  »V  Son    (Willard  and  Solon  "iVi. 
Stair  Kuihlers'     Supplies      and     Chunh 
Furniture.  57  Western  ave. 
Edwards  &  Burch  (Wm  11   Edwards,  Guy 

C  Burch),  painters,  41  5th. 
Egclhon'  Wm,  shoes,  507  M.ain. 
Eirgers  Frank,  meats,  CCS  Main. 
Eegers  G,  cheese  mnfr. 
EL'gert  Jc4in  E,  grocer,  612  Main. 
Fillers  PetiT  J,  wagonraaker.  33  \V  2  1. 
Ebrbart  Philip  C,  saloon,  599  .Main. 
Eickmever  Bertlia.  dressmaker,  770  Main. 

Ctiicap  CI  Gfafid  '[mi  % 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


I.    •  n  +  «K«     THE    CKODE'.HER    -ilXFr,  CO.,    Mannfuctiirers    of    MEAT    RCTRIGEGATOES 

i'enlhSrcTOrS.    mkaT  KOCKKK*.  KLlVAIOliS  of  all  kinds.  riUl'S.  BISKAVEItY  >IA(liIM;Ky, 
lUMH.Mf  JACKS,  ROlsllSQ   JIACSUNEliY,  Eto.     ol-2-.514  CU.HaERCK  blKKKT,  MIUVAIKEE,  WIS. 





Carriags  Triimars  and  Upliolstersrs. 


■r"^''     y 



js  / 

v  - 



■  —       / 

eysi;iQ;is.  falls. 


35  West  Secoiid  St. 

M.  D.  MOORK,  rr.-si.l.-iit. 

C.  A.  OAI.r.OWAY,  Vi 

G.  N.  MIHILI.S,  S.XTetary. 


MOOEE  ^  GALLOWx^Y  LU2,IBER  CO,  Limited, 


OF    AND    DKALERS    I.N 

Lath,  Shingles,  Dressed  Lumber,  Sash,   Doors,  Bliuda  and   Mouldinfrs, 
Brackets,  Window  and  Door  Frames  made  to  order. 

(j'nfrnl  <.mn.,Ynr,!.ir.,l  Mill.  cor.  l-„.krran.MIMVilli;.,nsSts.,        T^nTJT)   T)U    T,  A  P.     WT*^ 
Krilndi  (inicf  nii.1  Var.l,  cor.Uiiiii  :in,l   .)!errill  Ms.,  i  U  i1  JJ    U  U    Ul\\J^     VVIO. 




Lo<^<>,ing,  Mining,  Farm  or  City  Use. 

•  B.  F.  &  H.  L.  SWEET,  Sole  Manufacturers, 

Also  builders  of  improvod  freight  wagons  and  veliicles  of  all  kinds. 
FOMD  DU  LAO,  -  Vlf ISCOS^SirJ. 

V  ,^_^         ^  10,  12  niid  It  Fonrtli  St.,  Fond  du,  VS'U. 


mm  c[;;ieiiL  i  fi, 


to  all  POINTS  in  h 

iJliliiUill  lb. in, 





Eldrcdge  Charles  A,  lawyer,    36   Sheboy" 

Esickii!^    CliJirlcs    I^    Real   Eslntp, 

Loans  and  Abstracts,   407  j^Iain.     {f^ee 

ado,  opp. ) 
Eadicolt  Kev  George  W  (Methodist),  63  W 

Engel  Albert,  carpenter,  7  W  Follctt. 
Errard  t'alicc   E,   Groceries,    Crock- 
ery. Flour  aad  Feed,  Notions,  Etc,   103 

and  lOo  W  Scott.     (&e  adv,  p  317.) 
Esterbrook  C  F,  chee'-c  mufr. 
Etir<(i>o:ii!   BSoipi,  Lot    S   Townaend 

I'ropr,  n3  W  Diviri.jn. 
Evaus  Kdmund  S,  meats,  Morris  cor  Mili- 
Ewer  Mrs  \,  carpet  weaver,  40  W  1=1. 
Exchange  Hotel,  Tipple  &  Cook   proprs, 

3G7  Main. 
Fargo  Martin  V,  house  mover,  17  E  John- 
Farnum  Mi?s  Mary  E,  notions.  .'J21  Main. 
Fehrlng  A  Henry,  saloon,  505  Main. 
Ferber  Wni  11,  county  surveyor. 
Fergu.=on  Uvvcn, county  clerk, Court  House. 
Fesiler  Uev  Josepli  (Catholic),    107  iLir- 

Finncgan  &  JIcLain  (Matthew  Finnogan, 

Jerome  It  McLiin),  grocer.'.,  258  ."^Liin. 
Fijay.clbPi'i;  Cfc  55 ax  (Fri\l   Kinzelberrr, 

John  L  ll.i.'.i,  .Saloiiti.  515  Main. 
First .\itli<):iaj  J*a;ik  «>r  FojkI  citi 

Lac  (C'liiilal,    .■jl-J5,()Ua;    .Siir))lu.',    870- 

000),    i;dv,-in   A    Carey  I'rcs,   James    15 

Perry  CJasli,  u  w  cor  ;\I  lin  and  Forest. 
Fitzgerald  Michael,  blacksiniib,  M  K  1st. 
Pitzslramons  M  it  Son  (M;iurice  and  M.iu- 

rice  jr).  slioeg,  510  Main. 
Flynn  Nora  E,  drcs.sniaker.  10  \\  i;  cs. 
Foelach  Charles,  grocer,  i:9S  .Main. 
Folkers  I'eler    P,   medicine  mnfr,  yd  cor 

Folkers  Mrs  llosa  A,  drrssniakfr,  77  M  :id. 
Fond  da  Lac  Cil)'  Hand,  Charles  Itiilzke 

Fond    do   C.irnet    Bull,   E   F    Luhn 

inngr,  177  \V  l)ivi-ii>n. 
E<»ii<l    till    !!.,!ii"   <out!ti'    .^hstract 

Ollice.   C  L  Encking  TrnVr,  -107  Main. 

(Sec  add.  npv.) 
Foiwl   4lii    l!,ae  S'ilo  A%'i»rli>i,  Henry 

Soberer    I'lopr,    lii    W    Johnson.       (.Stc; 

ado.  p  SI'k) 
Fond  dn   Lrc   Free   Public  Library,  Miss 

Emma  Rose  librarian.  4:58  ]^liin. 
Fond  du  Lac  Gas  Light  Co.  Joseph  .\n- 

drews  pres,  John  Rogers  mngr.  10  W  2d 
Fond  du  Lac  Iron  Co,  Joseph  15  Coolidge 

pres,  James  15  Perry  sec,  n  w  cor  Main 

and  Forest. 

Fond  du  Lac  Journal.   Beeson  &   Beesoa 

publrs,  15  Forest. 
i'oiid    «iii    Jaw    National     Bank 

(Capital.    ;>100,000  ;    Surplu.^,    ^20.000, 

C  A  Galloway  Pres,  O  A  Knapp  Caih 

471  Main. 
Fond  du  Lac  Paper  Box  Co  (capital,  $10.- 

000).    L   F    .\IcLeaii    pres   and   sec,    cor 

Division  and  Portlaml. 
FoiKl  <lu   Eloller  ^liMs,  O  L 

Helmer  Propr,  591  Main. 
Fond  du  Lac  Water  Co,  Th.imas  F  Flagler 

pres,  Wm  Kelnicke  sec,  10  \\  Roes. 
Fontaine  Nelson,  grocer,  80  Brooke. 
Fouclier  Miss  A.  carpet  weaver,  OS  Brooke. 
Fountain  Cit}'  Hotel,  Jo.seph  Kayser  pronr, 

407  :Main. 
Fox  Francis  N,  hals.  473  Main. 
Fo.'*:  Jo-CDh.  grocer,  17  H  4tb. 
Fritz  Wu'i,  saloon,  Oil  .'Main. 
Fuller  Aaron,  shirt  mnfr,  SOS  Main. 
Furstnow  Charles  A,  haruc^';,  410  .Main. 
Furstuow  A;  Co  (August  H  and  Charles  A 

Furstnow),  jewelers,  405  .Main. 
Gallov.-ay  E  .V,  creamery. 
Galviu  Joseph  F,  shoe.s,  401  M  nn.~^ 
Garner  Paul,  shoemkr,  112  \V   Division. 
f^arviii  Jt'«so  S*,  Dentist.  •151  ALiin. 
Gary  !Mary  E.  dressmaker,  4S0  .Main. 
Gault  Irving  L.  farm  imp's.  50!  Main. 
Gerhard  Jacob  \V.  baker,  3'.I4  .Main. 
Gibion  iMis  Mary  L,  grocer.  547  Main. 
Giciow  Mrs  Herman,  ciolhing.  552  Main. 
GilUa  Nathan  C.  lav.'vcr,  IS  Fore-t. 
Gdlett  George  M.  phys,  1.53  E  Division. 
GiUelt  T  K,  clerk  of  court,  C  uirt  House. 
Cilsou  Norman  S,  circuit  juilgi>. 
Q laser  &.  McCurmick  (Louis  G  Gla'rr,  Wm 

II  Mct'iirmick),  groeers   575  .Main. 
Glasow  Wni,  grocer,  756  Main. 
Gober  ."\Iary  A,  grocer.  270  M-iin. 
Goldstucker  Louis,  ju-:lice.  Main  cor  She- 
Gores  John  11,  grocer,  200  Maiu, 
GouL-b  Thomas,  grocer,  302  Main. 
Goulermnut  Charles  dairy,  14  Cynthia. 
Gouli  rrnoiit  \Vn\.  cheese  mnfr,  7  miles  n  e. 
Gracsile   Julius   ifc   (^l  (.Julius  and  Julius 

Graessle  ,ir).  publr.s  Volks  Zeitung. 
Grafto;i    Rev    Charles    C   (Episcopal),    15 

Grandt  John,  mnfr.  19  \V  Rces. 
Grans  Wendeliu,  saK.ou,  2rs  Main. 
Graves  Leroy,  general  store,  '.ij  W  Scott. 
Grebe   C   it    Co   (Charles   Grebe,  Peter  J 

\Vickert),  meats,  301  Main. 
Green  xVnnie  S,  dres-m  iker,  14  W  1st. 
<j;ri'<'iio    .Saiiio    'l\  R"al    Estate,  In- 
surance  and  Postmaster,  cor  Macy  and 


North  St  n  r  Iron  Works.  )  Cnimrity,  .">00  hnnds-Kmineers,  .Mnrhinists,  Fonnders,  noilcriiinkiri. 
1M«!MI  Jl.OlF.mi  i;iN(i  CI).  -.lUll«rlL-hts.  su.v  Mill  }1h.  I,i„er.v.  Mininv- ■>I,i,ia,i..ry,  Corll-H  33.J  llk-h 
Ashland,     -     -     Wisconsin.  )  S|ieod  tuginen,  BoIUt^,  I'ovtrTraasmiltlng  .Machliierj, etc.  See  p. 

nmB^tfi'B  r'^  'S'TMf*  AreiuiJorjfJnnii  rtconmi»nd«d  by  tlie  best  Meiilcal  RothoriHes 
Uj\  3"-  '  J  '  •  i  B  i  1  "^  and  by  thn  leadine  riiisiciansof  all  Sclioolsof  JlciJirine.  Ihcrt 
tJUllVl'ii     bJi  3  2   V  i%i>    fire  KO  BEITtli  BATli^  anynhcre  Iliau  at  J.'.Si^VlI.L;;,  WIS. 


MANUFArrrnrrs  or 
^                                          PORTAIil.i:,  STATIOXAliV  and  TiiACTION  FARM  ENflI\V:S,  CIKCULAR 
/;                 ,),                                SAW  3IIILS.  riBHATIKG  AI'ROX  Si;PAI!AT01!S.  STKA31  IIEATINO 
,   ■       •'''^';^                                   BOir.KliS  and  IiADlAT01;S.   FACTOBt,  ArBUKX.  X.  V. 
'■-''■'            ■        ."^v         Belting,  Hose  and  Steam                   ^-^^^  ., 

V  ■    Vi^         Fitting  Kept  in  Stock.  '   '^"-^  ^ ■*■' 

r^i^ol         -..M     A.  C,   D'\LLMANN,    -"^V^ 

VZ.^W.  .-  vX^^-^N;/  State  Agent,  y^/\ 

--^'liii-ll^^       20  aid  22  Ttiiril  SI,,     ^~^. 
FOXD  DJJ  L,A€,     -     WIS€0^8SX. 

E.  A.  CAEfiB^Y,  E»roprie««r. 

First-CIass  in  all  its  Appointments. 

Comfort  of  Guests  a  Specialty. 

COItlVHIi  SIIKI?4)V«;  AX  .4M>  .1IAI.\    STill:j:!S, 


<tC^^-:-  --^-  ^4,  F  O  SJ  W  T  A  i  r-.!   C  S  T  Y 

z^/^l:^,  '"^<l  Sleam  Byeiim  aiii  Scoariiiff  Eslalteitaeiit 

/         '■;.■..',•  .  'X  B8,  <'.  JUTr^aAlJ,  Pro!>riolor. 

/   ;      ~:^:--.  ...     "  \ 

{     ;       '■•.■;;■     \  j  29  West  Division  Street,  -  .  FOND  DU  LAO,  WIS. 


Silks,  \V,itilcii.>^,  Crapes  im.i  jMerinoe.s  Fcoureil  ami  dyeil  nil 
colors  iu  llk^  style.    Halt  Cotton  (ioods  dye.l  phiin  coL.ra. 
,       .  .•..-  Also,  C.entlemoirs  Clotliin?-,   Laili.-s'  clonks  nn.i   Mantillas  aud 

\  ^  Kid  Gloves  cUancl.     C)M  velv.-t  inide  up  lit^e  ii-w. 

\,:.     „     .'v,'-  Cleaning  Done  on  Short  Notice. 



'■l'»ctiniis  of  all  iironiinlv   attend.-d   to.     Kxi-li,lii--(>,  Pas^a^-e  and  Transportation.     Hav.)  the 

t'Uly  comj.l.jte  Abstract  nf  '1  jtles  to  all  IVopertv  in  I-Viii.l  I)u  County,     tip't^ial  Atcrntiou  civen 

to  Conveyici?  Property,  IHav.-ins  li.-f.N.  ?I.irlff:it;-js  Leases,  I'ower.s  of  Attorney,  and 

other  Inatranients,  Makinj  Abstracts,  Si-aretinir.:  Jiidjiii.'nts  and  Taxes,  Paylnc; 

Taxes  and  Ne^otiatinji;  Loans  on  Fir-tCla-s  s.vnrjty  on  Ileal  Kstate. 

<*>^  Main  St.,  on).  First  National  liaiik",  FONl)  DU  h\(\  Wl's. 

WiSCOiiSlN  VEhET!A[]  BLIND  CO..  ,.,   ;-^'--<^™--r  «-,. 

On;csA  Factor),  2S1  Lake  St.,  JIlL'.iAlKEE,  MIS.    LgL83I    jLilprGVSG    V0l!2l]8n    uiiiiDS, 





Griffin  E  L,  [.liysician,  29  t^bebnygJiu. 
Grueuhfrrk  it  (t'BriL-a  (..John  FGrueoheck, 
•a--,,       ThoDi'is  H  O'Bricni.  dry  irooi!i,ol4  Main. 
^j5i>  Giieiillier     GottlrictI,    Saloon,    587 

^xi»  Guile  Solomon  S,  veterinary  sure;,  30  E  3d. 
^^&   Haas  Lniiis  F,  v,-a50nmkr,  WidcorMacy. 
•«>»i3   Haber  Phintlan  B,  printer,  18  Forest. 
*^'S  llal^fi'l^cra   L   &   Co  iLouis  and  Johanna 
^A=j       HabEikorni,  tailors,  431  Main. 
^3  Hadlock  .Mrs  D  E,  dressmaker,  26  W  1st. 
1^^  Hadlock  Mrs  M  A,  dressmaker.  26  W  1st. 
icansa   Haenssen  John  H,  tinsmith,  '-'Ai  Main. 
,j^j^   Haentze  Ernest,  lloritt,  72  Linden. 
^^3"  Hall  Kobert  V,  music  teacher.oS  W  Colton. 
P^   H.all  Wm  G,  music  teacher,  ?,.'.  W  CoUon. 
'^^  Hall's  Ban.l  and   Orchestra,  K  V  Hall  di- 
rector, 33  W  Colton. 
g^a  Hamfllou  Alfred  K,  lumber  mn/r,  113  W 
Hamilton  Henry,  loans,  8  E  1st. 
Handt  Chailes  L,  insurance,  43.5  Main. 
Hanson  Henry  .1,  confectioner,  .019  ^lain. 
5  Harns  Patrick  W,  marblewkr.  I'J  Forest. 
„   Harrison  Postal    Ba^  U.ack    Co.  F  B  Hos- 
J       kins   pres,  C  R  Harrison  genl  mngr,  24 
n       Shebovo;an. 
^  Hartmai'iX'harles  O,  stoves,  400  .Main. 

Haskell  Charles  \\ ,  shoes,  4.")y  Main. 
3   )Iaf3  Herman  G,  brick  mnfr,  71  .Morris. 
J   Hastings  Henry,  meats,  433  Main. 
rf   Hatcher  M.ary  Ann,  probate 
"  llazen  Loren  E,  physician,  23  E  6th. 
^   Heber  Chailes  H,  saloon.  :)>)  W  Scott. 
_  Heider  Mai^dalena,  dre.5=maker,  77  4th. 
a   Hein  Charles  F,  .saloon.  13  Forest. 
2  Helmer  0  U  &  .M  B  (Cyrus  D  and  Merrilt 
=•       E),  grocers.  ■'iSO  Main, 
i   CSeStnoi-     i>JcSvin     i!5,    Flour,    Feed, 

Grain  and  .'^n  d-.  .j'.U  .Main. 
Ds  llt^'litior    Orriii    B^,    Pri'|ir   Fond   dii 
Eac  Holler  .Mills.  .j'.U  .Main, 
Henniii.Lj  C  J,  brick  mnfr,  16  Greenwood. 
Henry  Bros  (Clarence  \V   and   George   A), 
'\       Hour  and  feed,  .'j.53  Main. 
•J?   llildrcth  GeoiL'e  A.  denli.t.  .j38  Main. 
'^^   Hiner  Joseph  \V,  lawyer,  P  0  bMir. 
L^   Hochel  Uev  Philip  (Lutheran),  r,-2  E 
*^   Hooy  Thomas  J,  lawyer.  ,517  Main. 
'if\    Hope  tieorge.  eonfrciioner,  41(i  Main. 
■iso    llubcr  I'.ros,  Jacob  (;  lhil)er  pres  and  sec, 

drui'cists.  -ir,0  Main. 
^  Hnber   A;  Fnhrman  Drn.g   Mills   (capital. 
/^       $2.),00o),   J  C   Huher  pres  and  ,scc,  cor 
ggg       Mai(|Uette  and  Sibley. 

Huelsmaiin  Gt-orije  A,  grocer,  '21^  Main. 
',3   Hughes  &  Co  (Ira  \Y  HuLdics),  laundry,  17 
E  1st. 




Otis),  hardware,  4G(.)  .Alain. 

Icko  Mrs  Mary,  midwife.  123  Marr. 
Ja.gfeldl  Casper  H,  saloon,  03  Forest. 
Johnson  Charles  it  Son  (Charles  and  Fred- 
crick  C).  ice,  W  Arndt  nr  river. 
Johnson  \Vm.  barber,  543  Main. 
Jones  David  D,  cheese  mnfr,  7  miles  s. 
Jones  Edward  H,  .crocer,  430  Main. 
Jones  Airs  Jennie  E,  music  teacher,  00  E 

Jutbert  Joseph,  saloon,  23  Court. 
Juvenile  Band,  David  Boiidry  director,  ,>.; 

Kaler  B  F  .t  Co  (Benjamin  F  and  Wm  C 

Kaler),  photographers,  .j30  Main. 
Kalt  Michael,  saloon,  462  M>iin. 
Katz  liaphael.  clothing,  ISl  Main. 
Kaufman  M  &  Co  (.Michael   and  John  F 

Kaufman),  tailons,  4^7  Main. 
Kavanagh  John,  cooper,  60o  Main. 
Kayser  John,  grocer,  425  .Main. 
Kavser    Jo>.eph,     propr     Fountain     City 

Hotel,  407  Main. 
Keenau  Uev  Joseph  J  (Catholic),  7  E  Fol- 

Keil    .Matthias,   cooper,    ^[cWiHihm?    nr 

Kelly  Anthony  A,  lawyer,  464  Main. 
Kenney  (.)iven,  hotel.  21  E  4th. 
Kent  Edward,  >;ents' furui';hin;;s.  ('.'2  .Main. 
Kent   it  Gei-se  (\Vm  F  Kent;   Charles  F,  drugs,  .522  .Main. 
Keyser  Christopher,  blacksmith,  31  W  2d. 
Kidder  Uev  Samuel  T  (Congregational),  03 

Kienow  August,  tailor,  131  W  Division. 
Kilmer  ^Irs  Louise,  carpet  weaver,  .5S4tb. 
King  ifc  Schmcling  (Xavicr  King,   August 

SclinKlinL'1.  saloon,  415  M;>.in. 
Klee  Jo.ipU   C.  saloon,  .517  .Main. 
liiiopHc  .\l!ifi-t,  .Meats,  505  .Main.opp 

Court  House.     (Hce  cn/i:.  p.:l5.) 
Kobs  C  Julius,  saloon,  597  Main. 
Kobs  Ernst,  saloon,  412  .Main. 
Koerner  .Mrs  Catherine,  grocer,  513  ."\Lain. 
Kolb  Edward,  shoes,  6('.(')  Main. 
Kolb  Peter  J,  tailor,   17  sth. 
Konz  Fredi-rick,  saloon,  (3  Western  ave. 
KopkaT.  cheese  mnfr. 
Korrer  Edmund  X,  saloon, 84  W  Division. 
Korrer  Wm,  hotel,  23  W  Division. 
Krause  Theodore,  shoes,  262  .Main. 
Kretlow  Gsistav  A,  cigar  mnfr,  544  Main. 
Kninime  Frederick,  drugs.  408  Main. 
Ivnimme  Simon  A,  physician,  400  Main. 
Kuenne  August,  baker,  182  Main. 
Kuenne  Giistave,  jeweler,  470  Main. 
Kuhn  .A[  it  C  (.Mary  andChristine), milliners, 

583  Main. 
Kulcks  Henry  P, grocer, Forest  cor  Brooke. 
Kummerow  Henry, pottery  mnfr, 24  South. 

Chicap  S  Gfand  Truck  lij, 

Palace  and  Dinin.o-  Cars 


t\\\m  fi  Gfand  Truol  h 

Palace  and  Dining:  Cars 







Galvanized  Iron  Pipe  and  Cornice,  Sewer  Pipe,  Etc. 

^^-'  lJ 

S)«i'ial  attention  to  the  littins;  up  or  Hot  Air  Funiaoes,  Batli  Kounis  and  Water  Closets.    PLUMB 
ING  in  all  its  Hi  aiiehes.    All  Work  Warranted. 


E33    ItvdlciiK.   Street, 

I^OInTI^    XDTT    Xj-^O,   ^v^^ti; 


gs&a  CKZ  fBfac^sca  M>  c^u  l:';^:^  kJ:4  >J     Vo^  siaii      r?Jiaa»iii  riani  »y 



Form   DEJ    LAC, 


FOND  DU  LAC  FILE  WOfiKS,   -    Henry  Scherer,  Fropr. 


Files  and  na-p?  "f  everv  d.-snrii)tion  manufactured  and  r.-rut.    Send  l"or  price  list. 
No.  32  W.  JOKHSOfJ  STREET,  -  FOHD  DU   LAC,  VVIECOf 


Undertakers  and  Emba!iTi8rs(  \ 




A  Select  Line  of  i:etallic  and  Clolh  Caskets.  .:^-ii^i 


And  all  the  e'luipriieiit.s  of  a  first  class  undortakinfr  establiKhuient. 

Maoagemt-nt  of  fuuerals  given  special  attention.     Orders  attended  to  In  the  country,  as  wt-ll  a; 
city.     Open  day  and  uij^lit. 

ILllilOiS  CEllTBsL  P,,  R 

I  to  all  POINTS 

7!:  mm  w:iL 

ILLIilS  CEiilB/iL  P„  I 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 

mmi  mi 





Kurlis  &  Doyle  jlis.-cs  (Loui.=c  .7  Kurlis, 

Anna  M  Doyle),  milliners,  4G3  Main. 
Lafore  John,  grocer,  \\'niipun  cor  Rosen- 
dale  avc. 
Lainouche  Miss  Mary  D,  music  teacher.lOo 

Lauge  Louis  A,  publr  Reporter,  postofllce 

jLaueustein  F  &  Son  (Franz  and  Franz  II), 

liquors,  -193  Main. 
Lauglilin  lliraiii  K,  dry  !Tooi1.-j,  2~  Forest. 
Lauson  Felix,  funiiture,  17  W  Divi-ion. 
Leonard  L  D,  flour  mdl,  :1  miles  e. 
Level  Samuel,  ccal,  .M.Ht  M.iiii. 
Level  &  Hunter  (Siimucl  A  Level,  John  P 

Hunter),  meats,  50i1  Main. 
Lewis  House,    Slepheu  Obcrreich   propr, 

401  Main. 
Ley  Julius,  carpenler,  7C"2  M^iin. 
Linseumej'cr  Gottlol),  phys,  -iOS  Main. 
Little  Egliert  11,  grocer,  4")  \V"  Scott. 
Loschcr  &  Wagner  (Wui  li  Lonelier,  John 

AVagncr),  livery,  21  Sheboygan. 
Louis    it    Lapidus    {llirsh  Louis,    !Meyer 

Lapidns).  fruits,  o^il  Main. 
Lowell  Julius,  transfer,  4G  IC  Si. 
Lulhe  Henry,  w.ngonmliv,  40  W  Division. 
jMcCourt  ik  "C'udworth  (Ifeury  S  .McCourt, 

Joel  L  Cudworth),  real  est,  50'i  Main. 
JlcC.'rory  John  H,  disl  atty,  4013  Main. 
3IcDerinolt  I!erniird,clntf  police. S>i  \V  1st. 
WcDermott  Wm,  insurance,  4;!S  Main. 
McDonald  Alexander,  lumber,  9  Forest. 
lUcGinley  ]\Liry  Jj,drcssad-Lr,47  Sheboygan. 
McGowan  Maurice,  photogr,  453  .Nlaiu. 
JIcHugh  Mrs  Mary,  .saloon,  yU7  Main. 
McKenna  JIaurice,  hiwyci-,  ol7  Main. 
WcLaiu  Daniel   \V,  undertal^er,  olM  Main. 
McLaughlin  I'inrick.  saloon,  41    Vv'  Scott. 
McLean   t'harlcs,  wagonmkr,  20  \V  '2d. 
McLoughlin  E  Iward,  phys,  579  Main. 
McMill m  Mrs  Jane,  grocer,  341  Main. 
McXccl  J  Henry, physician.  33  Sheboygan. 
Main  Nathan,  carpenter,  17  \V  3d. 
B£:i!:i  tV  Zuciiorl  (.Martin  Main,  Louis 

Zaclierl).  Undertahers,  D".8  JMaiu  and  cor 

Main  and  .Ichnson.     (.Si(;  lu/r,  v  ,-?X5.1 
Maloney  j\Ir3  Anna,  grocer.  IRl  \\f  Scott. 
Maloney  Kdward  L,  ins,  404  Main. 
Jtann  S-ilein  D,  liusiness  college.  543  JIaiu 
Marcoe  Francis  Fj.  saloon,  531  Main. 
Slarsh  Ourdon,  carpenler,  33  Center. 
Marshall  CljarlesH,  rooting,  9  Oak. 
Marshall  Mrs  Mary  \V,  medicine  mnfr,  14 

Martin    Edward  C,    poultry  breeder,    453 

Main.    . 
Martin  Hugh  E.  undertaker,  3S5  Main. 
Martin  Patrick  II,  cily  atty,  4ijG  .Main. 

Jlason  \V  i^.  J  E  (Wm  and  John  E), crock- 
ery, 491  Main. 

Mason  tt  Bodine  (Frank  E  'Mason,  Frank 
Bodine),  painters,  33  W  3il. 

]\I.itson  tt  Ingram  (Theodore  JIatson,  John 
Ingram),  livery,  20  E  3d. 

Matteson  t'lark  S,  lavfyer,  49-1  !\Iain. 

Matthews  George  W,  baker.  SiiO  Main. 

Mayliam  Thomas  F,  pliysiciau.  518  Main. 

:Mea  Mary,  dressmaker,  38  Gillet. 

Mears  George  V,  physician,  532  Main. 

Merryninn  Joseph  A,  clothing,  453  Main. 

Metroiiolitau  Band, Frank  J  Raiilt  director. 

Meyer  John,  saloon,  30t)  JIain. 

Michler  Herman  A,  carriage  mnfr.  31  F. 

Mihills  Wm  11.  lumber,  23  WeMern  ave. 

Miller  Albert  \V,  harbor  master,  3S  Tern 

Miller  Calvin,  carpenter,  102  Doty. 

:\liller  Frank  F.  saloon,  403  .Main. 

Miller  &  Eberharl  (Henry  S  Mider,  Chris- 
tian Eberhart)  photographers.  513  Main. 

Jlills  Cliarles,  confectioner,  4^0  .Main. 

Milwaukee  Uousc,  Julius  >last  pri;pr,  15 
E  4th. 

Mitchell  Irving  N,  cily  suiit  schools. 

Mitchell  &  Pfeil  (Jo.M-ph  M  Mileliell,  An- 
ton Pfeil),  45  (  .^[ain. 

„Mogeusen  Mrs  Mary,  dressmaker,  531 

Morgensen  AVm,  saloon,  14  E  2 !. 

Molitor  Bros  (.Michael.  Peter,  Malhias  and 
J  I'sepb). carriage  mnfrs,  cor  Johuson  and 

I?!«»orc  &i  <;ii!!<»\vjsj-  g.mtilu-r  Co 
(Liuiiied).  M  M  .Moore 'Pre^.  C  A  Cado- 
w.ay  Vice-rres  and  Trcas.  G  N  Mi'iills 
Sec,  II  W  Mt.ore,  Mnfrs  aad  D  -ilers  in 
Lumber,  cor  Packer  and   Me  \V'illi:'.nn. 

(Sir  ,t<!i',  p  sn.) 

Moril/.  .io.^eph    P,  wagonm-iker,   ^[iiilary 

nr  Hickory. 
Morrill  Isaac  C.  propr  WMnds-vr  House. 
Morris  Joseph  J,  nio.ils.  343  M  on. 
Morris  liichard  L,  dairy,  119  Morris. 
Mi>-h(r  Mertou  F,  meats.  43  W  Scott. 
MncciT  .John  L,  grocer,  503  .Main. 
M'li'iit'T  [..onis,  countv  tri'as.  471  .Main. 
SJiiir  Oiivid,  C  A  "While  Mngr,  Cheese 

Warehouse,   \V'  Division  cor  .Moore. 
.Mullen  Thomas,  millinery.  500  Main. 
Murphy  Allen  Jl.  carpenter.  3.3  .Morris. 
Murjihy  John,  live  sloi'k,  14  I'jdou. 
Musgat  (Jrson  H,  harness,  5H  Mdn. 
>;.aKl  Juliuj,  propr  Milwaukee  Hou-?o,  15 

National  Food  Co,  Robert  //nke  prcs,  L  J 

Zmke  sec  and  treas,  13  W  Divi.-mn. 
ISJaughton  Miss  Kate,  dressmkr,  5S5  Main. 

7  W  a  W  >ii('  B  lor  Sail-,     ti 

Catulogties  Free. 

'•  ii-^  W.  Water  street,  MILWAIKEE. 

The  Green  Cay  BusiiiGSS  Co'Iogs  [\T: 

irtmeiit.    A>"Xt"AI.    CA'i 

is  notod  for  its  txcf  !lcnt  Fucililies  soil  Tliorou~line«» 
EXPEKT  TliACtlliiSS  ill  Every 
IE    FllKE.     Address   GUEEN    liAY,  AVIS. 





Ntwton  Horace  "SV,  city  eoffinter. 

Nichols  John,  arcbitect,  07' E  2i]. 

Nietmaou  Wm,  harne?s.  573  Miin. 

Nobie  Henry  L,  restaurant,  475  ]Maiu. 

N(ir(l\vcsllicl)er  Courier,  \Vm  F  ^Veber 
publr,  25  Forest. 

Nnrtliern  Pacific  Express  Co.  J  J  Car- 
berry  figt.  Forest  cor  Macy. 

Norton  Kate,  dressmaker,  5S7  ;\Iain. 

Nowell  Thomas  S,  borsetlioer,  12  E  3(1. 

Oberreich  Stephen,  propr  Lewis  House. 
401  Main. 

O'Connell  Thomas,  carpenter,  2G  E  1st. 

O'Connor  Seeley  F,  well  linrer,  4  Goiiid. 

O'llallarsn  JIary  A,  drc=sni:iker.  120  E  1st. 

Olinger  Mary,  dressmaker,  120  1st. 

U.-dway  Charles  T,  saloon,  4t-">  Main. 

i"te  Adolpli  A,  notions,  riiO  Main. 

rainier  Jffoiise,  E  A  Carey  Propr,  cor 
Main  and  Sheboygan.      (>Ve  ndc,  p313.) 

Palmer  t^penccr,  printer,  545  Main. 

I'atizo  Josepli,  gen  store,  OG  I'osendale  av. 

Parkinson  George  H,  saloon,  13G  15rooke. 

['arsons  Francis  F,  coroner,  517  Main. 

Patclien  Terah  J,  pbj'sician,  24  E  Ist. 

P.Ut  Ferdinand,  saloon,  100  \V  Scolt. 

I'.ilten.nill  Rev  W  W  (DaptisI). 

PiTkin.s  George,  lawyer.  517  Main. 

Puters  Charles  A,  plumber,  15  Forest. 

Petitrs  Herman,  carpenter,  121  Doty. 

Peltilione  C  J  ifc  C^o  (Cljiiuncpy  J  ami 
Chauncey  V  Pettiboce),  dry  goods,  448 

Phelps  Edward  W,  lawyer,  514  Main. 

Phelps  Mrs  Helen  P,  mdliner,  500  Main. 

I'iirce  Charles  L,  plow  mnfr,  Macy  cor 

Pierrnn  ,Iohn  C,  boilermaker,  \\  Arudt. 

I'inkham  Calvin  AV,  yeast  mnfr,  72G  Main. 

P'-.di)Isky  Jo'-epli.  clothinff,  450  JIain. 

I'om's  Fair,  Wra  II  Post  Propr,  Whole- 
sale and  Uetail  Furniture  Store.  Tin- 
ware, Jewelry,  Walcbes,  Guns,  Saddles, 
llarccss,  Pianos,  Or<:aus,  Cariiaces. 
Wagons,  Crockery,  Glassware,  Trunks. 
Notions,  Etc,  10  lo  14  4tb.  (.Se  right  lot- 
!""i  lineg  (iiul p  509,) 

l*ost  Win  H,  Propr  Post's  Fair,  616 
and  618  Main.  10  to  14  4lh  and  440  and 
442  Main.  {See  right  bottom  Inus  ami  p 

Postal  Telegraph  Cable  Co,  W  E  Cole 
mngr,  470  Main. 

Powrie  J'ihn,  painter,  11  W  1st. 

Powrie  Kobert,  marble  worker,  20  She- 

Prefontaine  Andrew,  meats,  130  W  Divi- 

Prefontaine  Ludger,  meats.  54 i  W  Scott. 

Priest  De  Witt  C.  lawyer.  4':'4  "Main. 

Pritcbard  O  E  &,  Sons  (Ow-en  l-J,  Wm  E 
and  John  E),  grocers,  Prooke  cor  Arudt. 

Puis  John,  saloon,  571  .Main. 

Purdy  Albert  G,  livery,  14  IC  1st. 

Putnam  G  AV,  farm  impls,  Forest. 

Qucntin  Peter  N,  grocer,  450  ^lain. 

Kaiiliil  George  S,  dairy,  2  miles  s  w. 

Kadue  Barney  E,  music  dealer,  495  Main. 

Hank  J  C  A,  saloon,  212  Main. 

Katz  John  J,  grocer,  173  .Main. 

Kay  Isaac,  carpenter,  52  W  Follett. 

Reed  Rev  E  15  {.Methodist). 

Reeves  &  Son  (\Xm  H  and  John  E),  druM.. 
27  W  Arndt. 

Rcilly  Thomas,  grocer,  427  Main. 

Reimcr  Henry,  barber.   113  Main. 

Pieinig  John,  stoves,  433  .Main. 

Remington  La  Barre  J.  drnys.  4S0  .Main. 

Repoiter.L  A  Lani;epid)lr,  PostoHice  bid?. 

Riehey  Rev  T  S  (Episcopal),  11  W  Follett. 

R'cbter  Aug\ist, county  judge, Court  House 

liidgewsy  .Joseph  &  Sou  (Jo=eph  and 
Joseph  H).  die  mnfrs,  114  W  Division. 

Robbins  Alfred,  livery.  31  Forest. 

Rogers  John,  saloon,  10  W  Division. 

Rook  Andrew  &  Son  (Andrew  and  Ar- 
thur), dairy,  2  miles  s  e. 

Rose  Henry  F,  lawyer,  452  ^Main, 

l{ossncr  Frank,  maible  work--,  358  Main. 

Roltmann  John,  shoemaker,  10  E  2d. 

Rucpiug  Wm  A;  S.-)n3  (Frederick,  Louis, 
Charles  and  Henry),  tauneis,  102  Doty. 

I'lVder  Qnstavu9  A.  grocer,  53  \V  Scott. 

Sackett  Howard  T.  dentist.  491  Main. 


Groceries,  Crockery,  Glassware,  Tinware. 


i'.*ii.ii  pitoinTi:  .V  M'i:riA LTV. 

'03-105   Scott    Street,  Cor.  Temperance,  FOND   DU   LAC,  WIS. 

C&ap  fi  Gfaod  I[uii.^  Pii 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 

Oi^    ALL   THROUGH    TRAINS.  ■ 


hclpriil   all   llirouali   liiu. 





St  Jlonica  IScliool,  Sifters  of  Si  Monica  in 

charge,  13  Sopbia. 
.S!indt.T  Frederick,  furniture,  494  JIain. 
Sanders  Philip,  salonu,  65'J  Main. 
S.iup  Cliarlea  A,  meats,  413  Main. 
Schaefer    C'hiislian,     saloon,     Arndt    cor 

Schaefer  Louisa,  dressmaker,  1  Waupuu. 
Schaefer  Micliacl,  saloon,  Wimlaor  House. 
SfSlcrcr  ISciiry,    Propr  Fond  du  Lac 
File  Work.s,  32  \N'  .Johnson.     (Seeadi),p 
Schmidt  .Tacob,  i)xinter,  ."OTMiiii. 
Schmilz  Max,  music  teacher,  Portland  cor 

Sclioculaub  Louis,  mason,  40  .Marr. 
Scholl  Jacob  L^,  saloon,  -'t'lO  >Liin. 
Scholl  Peter,  shoes,  ."iTT  .Main 
Schorr  .John  ,J,  siiloon,  333  Main. 
S^■llll^'S^St'I■  SJros  (Arthur  and  Albert), 

Brewers,  173  Hickory. 
Schulzs  A  Wm,  baker,  703  >rain. 
Scribaor  .T^imes  Iv.  flour,  39)  Main. 
Sealy  Wni  F  jr,  well  borer,  37  7th. 
Secley  &.  Morse  (Edward  A  See!ey,  Aaion 

ISi  Morse),  carpenter.s,  o.i  \V  2  1. 
Seifcrt  Charles  >[,  harness,  11  K  3d. 
Seresse  Nicholas,  saloon,  li'-o  Jban. 
Serv.e  House,  Christopher  Serwe  propr,  350 

Serwe  Mathias,    regist':r  of    deeds.    Court 

Se.xmitjj  Hodman  F,  tinsmitli,  ■'j20  Main. 
Shepard  Frank  R,  coal,  43^3  Main. 
Shepherd   Augustus    A,   real   estate,    Olo 

Sberzinger  Germain,  ic;weler,  40G  Maia 
Simmons  ^Ylltr)n  U,  notions,  r,m  .Main. 
Smalley    U    it    A;   Co  (Delos  H  t^nialley), 

school  furniture,  P  O  block. 
Smith  Charles  U,  lawyer,  4;iOMriin. 
Smith  Mrs  .1  U.  st  jvei,  oJo  Main. 
Smith  l{ev  S  (Methodist). 
Smith  it  Fl  iwer  (Oiville  S  Smith,  Charles 

W  Flower),  jewelers,  41.')  Main. 
Sonntag  Louis,  barber,  io.l  Main. 
Speuce  A  &  Son  (.Vndrew  and  James  A), 

crockery.  4!iO  Main. 
Slack    Stephen  S,    jihysician,     Main     cor 

Stanton  George  D,  pension    claims,    P  O 

Stauber&  Froehling(Tohn  Stauber,  Charles 

Froehling),  cigar  mnfrs,  511  Main 
Steenbcrc  Orrin  0,  sash,  doors  and  blinds, 

45  McWilliams. 
Stenz  J5ros  (('liarles  and  Joseph),  grocers, 

585  Main. 
Stevens  James,  coufectr,  516  Main. 

><tno<i  &,  Givciis  Co  (Incorporat.- ! 
lSi3;  Capital,  .•5; '20, 000),  P  M  Given- 
Pres  and  Supt,  J  F  Aldiich  Sec  i:.: 
Treas,  Mnfg  Pharmacists,  Laborato^v 
5S1  Main. 

Strauss  John  M,  grocer,  430  ^Liin. 

Sullivan  John  K.  wood,  4Gij  Main. 

Sullivan  John  E  d:  Co  (.lobn  E  Sulliv^.n 
James  F  Aldrich),  merchant  tailors,  4'  ; 

Sullivan  Midiud  O,  harness.  303  Main. 

Sullivan  Michael  V,  hats,  4ljij  Main. 

Susan  &  Lewis  (George  A  Susan,  Alans::: 
II  Lewi.'-)    firm  imi>ts,  ."Ji'J  .Main. 

Sweet  B-ju)  iMiin  K,  mayor,  4J  W  Arcdt. 

Sw-ft't  EJ  F  &.  II  f.,  (Bjnj  imin  F  and 
Hannibal  L),  ^dnfrs  of  C'unmon  Scnvj 
Sleighs,  Lnproved  L^nderdrawand  Com- 
mon Wag(ni.j,  Mining  and  Mill  Carls, 
Log  Trucks,  Etc,  Arudt  cor  Satterlee. 
{Stf  aitr,  p  .ni.) 

Tanner  Mrs  ILiry  L,  physician. 20  Rusgles. 

Taugher  Kev  Michael  J  (.Catholic), 05  .Marr. 

'fi'iejlor  .4zi'<9  S>,  Stoves  and  Tinware, 
Plumbing  and  Galvani/.-;il  Iron  Work, 
Sewer  I'ipe,  L'.c,  533  ilain.  (S^e  ado,  p 
SI':.)  ~ 

Thence  Ijorenz.  brewers'  agt,  130}  Brooke. 

'I'hom  Louis,  sIojumakiT,  13  South. 

'i'lii>mpson  llirani  P,  architect,  13  Forest 

'i"l!«>ni<«<'tl  .Biiool>,  Frcscoer,  Hou-e 
and  Sign  P.aiuler  and  l)ecorator,  30  V,' 
Division.     I'.v^  ado.  hclnr.) 

Frescoing,  Decorating, 

House  and  Sign  I'slutiiis, 

-\30W.  Division  St.,  Fond  du  Lac.  / 

Tlbbett  Wm,  elevator,  W  Division. 
Tii>ple  A  Cook  (Cas--ius  D   I'ipple.  J.ihn  >t 

Cuok).  proprs  Exchange  Hotel, 3'i7  Jlain. 
Titus  Joseph,  baker,  019  .Main. 
Tompkins  JjCvi  M.  grocer,  503  Main. 
Tovi'Iisoim!    !.ot    S,    Propr  European 

Hotel,  ^3  W  Division. 
Treleven  D   D   iV  Co  (Daniel  D  Treleven, 

John  E  Holland),  meats,  50.">  Main. 
Treleven  I^evi  T,  clothing,  513  Main. 
Trever    Rev    George    U  (Methodist),  \-i 




ll  to  all   POINTS  in  !i 

mMi  lei'/j, 

icap  &  Gfand  ]mi  Pijf, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 

VIA    rjlACARA    FALLS. 





•Iripp  John  B.  carpeulcr,  U^AV  2(1. 

T  TMUt  John  AV,  piauoi,  -i-!.""!  ZLdu. 

I'liion    House,   Anton   Bicliel   propr,  619 

V.iu  Dresar  Jlilford,  Sd-bd  goods,  l-^  E2d. 
VLone  Louis,  shoes,  484  JLiio. 
VoL'll  Anlou,  carpenter,  7  E  .Tolinson. 
V(>it  Hev  Puilip(Cdtliolic),10T  Marquette. 
Volk.5  Zeitung.tluiius  Graessle  ic  Co  publrs, 

Macy  cor  Forest. 
',Vade  SylvHuus  E,  dentist,  030  Main. 
Wiener  M  &  Co  (Matthias  "Wagner,  Fred 

Kuepingi,  dry  goods,  .028  Main. 
WtiUier  &,  Ward  (Edward  .S  Walker,  Al- 
fred E  "Ward),  barbers,  Windsor  liouae. 
Wallichs  Heniy,  grocer,  4'-20  Main. 
Warn  Simon,  grocer,  ')(]C<^  Main. 
Wfttlie  Albert  F,  Ealoon,  il:5  Main. 
Watson  James  W,  lawyer,  FoslcHlccbldt;. 
Watfon  Thomas,  justice,  4C5  Main. 
W.-aver  Jolin  Iv,  music  teacher.  587  Main. 
Weber  Adam,  hotel,  279  Main. 
AVtber  John,  tailor,  42;j  Main. 
Weber  Wni  F,  publr  Is'ordwes'.licber  Cou- 

Weeks  Thomas  S,  sportiuc  2ds,  434  Main. 
Wegntr  J  F  &  Co  (John  F  \Ve;?ner),  hard- 
ware, 4C5  Main. 
Weiss  Maximilian,  meats.  .')2  Western  ave. 
Weilzel  &  Trier  (Louis  11  AVeil/.el,  John  J 

Trier),  baibers,  417  Main. 
Wells  A  J,  music  teacher,  ."i2.')  Main. 
Wells  John  C.  banker,  r,\l  .Main. 
Wells  John  ]M.  cooper,  8  "Western  ave. 
Wells  Owen  A,  lawyer,  ioi  .'\lain. 
^Vcrner  Charles  F,  street  commissioner. 
ASerner  Frank,  carpenter,  2;i;!  Main. 
Werner  Hcnr}-,  slioemaUer,  12  W  I)ivi^ion. 
Wothrook   Miss    Mary,   hair   goods,   .j30 

"Western  Union  Telegraph  Co,  :Miss  M  B 

Coyne  mngr,  437  ^laiii. 
Wever  Frederick,  saloon,  38  "W  Division. 
M'hiofield  lleury  T,  grocer.  .534  M.iin, 
^Vhitc  €  A,  Mner  David  Muir,  Cheese 

Warehouse,  W  Division  cor  Moore 
^\  hitman  JIrs  Pho'be  li,   music   teacher, 

I'nion  cor  Isl. 
Whittelsey  A-  Co  (Tohn  C  Whittel,ey),  dry 

goods,  4SS  Main. 
Whitton  David,  sheriff.  Court  House. 
^\  u-liert  I'cter  J,  meats,  401  M.iin. 
^J.ilbor  Mrs  Isabella  IJ,  milliner.  4."j7  Main. 
^\i!bor  Jiihn  U,  stationer.  457  Main. 
»MUl   K    Faotorv   ("f   ib-^   American 

LiscultMnfg  Co),  B  AVild  .Mngr,  G7-i;y 

K  1st. 
■^Vild    n    &    Co    (Benjamiu    Wild,    John 

Heath),  bakers,  509  Main. 
»>  iley  Frank  S,  physician,  490  Main. 


AYiley  Wra,  physician,  49G  Main. 
Wilke  Charles  A,  cigar  mnfr,  3bl  Main. 
Wilkie  "W"  &  Son  (Washington  and  James 

A),  hardware,  518  Main. 
■Wilkins  Reuben,  blacksmith,  19  "W2J. 
AVilliams  John  U,  saloon,  54  Western  ave. 
Willson  Purvis  O,  vet  surg,  39  E  3d. 
Windsor  House,  Isaac  C  JlorriU  propr,  c  ir 

JIain  and  Court. 
Winnebago  Furniture  Mnfg  Co  (capital, 

f;300,000),    C   V   McMillan  pres,    E    11 

llerreu  sec,  35  Western  ave. 
Wisconsin  Lee  Line  &  West  Superior  Uy 

Co.  C  D  Smith  pres,  J  H  Bl  jom  sec,  490 

"Wisconsin  Central  Lines,   John   Hamilton 

agent.  Forest  ur  river. 
■RMsconein  Central  Slock  Growers'  and  lu- 

dusiii  d  Association,  G   N  Mihills  pres, 

J  yV  Watson  sec. 
AViscousin  Furnace  Co,  E  A  Hyde   pres, 

J  F  Forsvlh  see,  head  Main. 
Wisconsin  :MidI'ind  It   H  Co,   D   C  Lamb 

sec  and  general  agent,  510  Main. 
WHscousin  Telephime  Co,  Anna  M  Wiley 

mngr,  92  Main. 
AVoli  Sun  &  Co,  laundry,  425  Main. 
WoUl'  Joseph,  (dgar  mnfr,  429  Maiir^v 
Wurzburger  Joseph,  gnicer,  755  .Main. 
Wyntt  Daniel  B,  p'ly.  1-i  Sheboyiian. 
W"3'att  Simeon  D,  insurance,  479  Main, 
"^'ers  Charles,  Biiloou,  577^  JIaiu 
Youmaus  Charles  F,  shoes,  455  Main. 
Zaclierl  George,  furniture,  257  .Main. 
i!:fttiii  Will,  Saloon,  003   Main,  res  25 

Zeuiier  George,  grocer,  733  Main. 
Zinke  Bros  (Herman  and  Louis  J),  grocers, 

041  Main. 
Zinke  Carl  G,  grocer,  .579  Main. 
Zinke  Kobert,  grocer,  11  W  Division. 


FONTANA.  On  Lake  Geneva,  in 
Walworth  county,  10  miles  southwest  of 
I'^lklioru,  the  seat  of  justice  anil  banking 
point, and  4  from  Williams  15:iy,ils  sliipi)ing 
point.  Stiiges  daily  to  Harvard,  Ilk,  and 
Klkhorn;  fare.  50  cents  to  either  place 
Population,  250.  5Iail,  daily.  C.  S. 
lass,  postmaster. 

Beebe  J  I),  architect  and  biulder. 

I>avi§  .S   IS.  Insurance. 

Ijiivis   &    l>oiii;lii««,    General    Store, 

Hardw;ire  and   I'arriages. 
K»<>ii;;;lu»M  Curios  S,  Xotary. 
Douglass  C  L  &  Son,  saw  mill. 
Fairband  vt  lyelters.  lish  hatchery. 
Godfrey  H  Y,  wagonmaker. 
Marlott  «.t  Jaskosky,  blacksmiths. 



n    Short  and  Dii-ect 
I  III         Route  from 

CHICAGO,  soy 






Porter  &  Son,  hotel. 

Puttman  J  2>I,  saloon. 

RcIdGM,  hotel. 

Ripley  11  I),  liverj-. 

Rockwell  J  C,  hotel. 

Van  Dortn  E  C,  railroad,  exp  and  tcl  agt. 

Ward  W  S,  cooper. 

Welsher  W  A,  meat  market. 

FONTENOY.  A  postomce  in  Bro^vn 
county,  15  miles  southeast  of  Greea  Bay, 
the  couDt3-  seat,  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  point.  Population,  30.  Hail, 

Berneke  U,  general  store. 

FOOTVILI..E.     On    the   C.  &  N.  W. 

Ry,  in  Kock  county.  10  miles  west  of 
Janesville,  the  county  seat,  and  8  from 
Evansville,  the  nearest  bankine  point. 
Population,  ;iOO.  Tel.,  W.U.  Exp.,  Am. 
Wm.  J.  Owen,  postmaster. 

Austin  II,  notary. 

Bailey  A,  lumber. 

Becker  11  D,  carpenter. 

BrinSou  I>,  Physician. 

Braden  Joiepli,  justice. 

Buck  S  F,  barber. 

Chipman  S  M,  shoemaker. 

Dann  T  J,  painter. 

Dunbar  Einery,  live  stock. 

Ferguson  C  II  &  Son,  blacksmiths. 

Fisher  &  Owen,  meat  market. 

Garlick  F  M,  railroad,  esp  and  tel  agt. 

Lacy  S  W,  phy.iician. 

Jlellott  Rev  W  R  (MethodiM). 

Ogden  TlMiina<<,  pumps  and  wind-mills. 

Owt'll  Vi'itl  J,   General   Store. 

Ross  ^\'m,  county  .'^upt  schools. 

Silverthorn  O  D,  general  store. 

Strang  S  J.  grocer. 

"Wells  11,  hniel. 

Wicgin.s  Alexander,  live  stock. 

Wilcox  L,  carpenter 

FOREST  JUNCTION.  A  village 
on  the  -M.,  L.  S.  it  W.  liy,  at  the  junctiou 
of  the  .M.  \,  ,\.  R.  R..  in  Calumet  ermnfy, 
13  miles  ni  rlh  (.f  Chilton,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  bankinL'  j'oint  Population, 
125.     Tel.,  W.  U.     Exp.,  U.  S. 

Alien  W  C,  general  store. 
Brochm  .Jacob  &  Son,  farm  impts. 
Bruss  John,  wngnnniaker. 
Bruss  Philip,  blai-ksmitli. 
Eichinau  H,  hotel. 
Fran/,ke&  Orael/.,  general  store. 
Haesc  F  G,  general  store. 

Harris  k  Williams,  saw  mill. 
IIuls  '\\'m,  saloon. 
Lemke  Wm,  harness. 
Lindow  Fred,  cheese  mnfr. 
Rust  Fritz,  shoemaker. 
Schneider  John,  hotel. 

FORESTVILLE.  On  the  Ahnapee 
river,  in  Door  count}-,  11  miles  southwest 
of  Sturgeon  Bay,  the  county  seat,  p.nd  i 
northwest  of  Ahnapee,  the  nearest  ship- 
ping and  banking  point.  Tri-weekiv 
stages  to  Almapee  ami  Sturgeon  Bay. 
Population,  150.     .Mail,  tri-weekly. 

Roardman  tt  Co,  shingle  mnfrs. 

Duwe  Wm,  hotel. 

Fetzer  .Tohu,  general  store. 

Felzer  tt  Young,  llour  mill. 

JIarth  .John,  shoemaker. 

Schmidt  M,  hotel. 

Schneider  J,  blacksmith. 

Ullsperger  J,  gen  store  and  cheese  mnfr. 

FORT  ATKINSON.  A  prosperous 
city  on  Rock  river,  and  on  the  C.  ^'.■.  X.  W. 
Ry,  in  JelTers^on  county,  4S  miles  south- 
west of  Milwaukee,  and  0}  so\UhweVt  of 
Jeffersfin,  the  county  seat.  It  contains 
Catholic,  Congregational,  Methodist, 
Lutheran  and  Uuivcrsalist  churches,  a 
high  and  3  public  schools,  2  banks,  wagon 
and  furniture  factories,  foundries  and  ma- 
chine shops,  a  number  of  special  and  gen- 
eral stores,  and  a  public  hall  sealing  SOO. 
The  surrounding  counlrj-  has  several 
cheese  factories  and  creameries.  Cornish, 
Curtis  &  Greene  have  an  extensive  manu- 
factory in  dairy  goods  and  do  shipping  all 
over  the  Union.  Two  weekly  newspapers, 
Hoard'.iDainjmaji  and  ihc .LjTcnon  Co'iruii 
i'tti"n,  are  imblishcd.  Stages  daily  to 
Whitewater,  and  weekly  to  Hebron  and 
]?ussfyville.  Population.  2.."i00.  Te!., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  M.  II.  Taylor,  post- 

Abbott  Charles  II,  pump."!. 

Alien  GeoriTO  JC,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Allen  George  M,  hardware,  etc. 

Andra  John  G,  saloon. 

Arnold  &  Rradt  (Adolph  Arnold,  Nicholas 

D  M  Bradi),  confectioners. 
Arnold  it  McAriliur.  general  store. 
Bachraann  Josep'i  F.  iiorseshoer. 
Bardeen  Henry  L,  cigar  mnfrs. 
Bassett  Miss  I'olly,  dressmaker. 
Becker  George,  mason. 
Becker  John,  mason. 
Black    &    Lane    i Lemuel    Black,    Frank 

Lane),  billiards. 



T(]3  Favorite  ncyts  East 

VIA    M.VG.ilt.V    F.\L,LS. 

UOulwl  iii'U       SB  iliisiii  294  AVEVr  WAXKIl  ST.,  ?i 

^nnER  mil  CO., 

.-siit,\VAlJKliK,  WIS. 





i:  .-x.Iiardt  Andrew,  boots  and  sliois. 
liL'weu  Mrs  31  E,  propr  Piia'aix  House. 
IJrtidl  N  D  M,  leal  estutc. 
Krnndel  Henry  G,  general  store. 
IJtandel  &  liichards  (Heury  G  Brandel,  N 

I)  Richards),  tobacco  packers. 
BraixU  Vi'tn    £3,    Saloon,    Keslaurnnt 

Hud  Billiards. 
KrctI  James,  boots  and  shoes. 
Kiewer  Jlrs  Kosette  C,  ladies'  furngs. 
liridges  Orsan,  carriaaemaker. 
I'.ridgfcS  Samuel  A,  carriagemaker. 
Brown  G,  blacksmith. 
Brown  Vt'arren  O,  Livery.  Sale  and 

lioardiug  Stable.     (See  adv,  p  3l'~.) 
i'-iick  Ella  L,  pholo,r;rapher. 
t  aswell  Lucicn  B.  lawyer, 
(base  &  Co,  lock  mnfrs. 
Citizens'    State    Bank    (capital,    AO.^.OOO), 

L  ician   B   Cas-.veU  pres,  Chester  A  Cas- 
well cash. 
City   Hall   Opera  House,  Wra  H   Rogers 

Cornish,  Curtis  &  Greene  (0  S  Cornish,  D 

W  Curtis.  AV  S  Greene),  dairy  supplies. 
Cornisli  O  f»,  Mayor. 
Craig  Drumiuond  G,  real  eslate. 
Crosby  Sheldon  R,  hides  and  tallow. 
<  urtig  Carlos,  meat  market, 
Dawes    E'i'e<I,     Bakery,     Restaurant, 

Fancy   Groceries,    Canned   Goods,  Etc. 

iSee  adv,  btloiv.) 


Bakery  and  RGsieyreii! 

Fancy  Groceries. 

Conned  Good.s,  Fruits,   Confections,   Tobaccos. 

Cigars,  Etc.     Oysters  and  Ice 

in    Season. 

FORT  ATKiEK'illlM,     -     \VISCr(:!S!fJ. 

■>''\heirQ(jrH  J  A;  Co  (Henry  J  and  George 

W  l)exheimer),  druys. 
jowning  Alvin  H,  undertaker. 
Ibirkee  Edward  L,  sewing  machines. 
Kmery  ^Irs  Bee  A,  milliner. 
r_elU'l  Mrs  Susan,  general  store, 
f  irst  National  Bank,  J  D  Clapp  prcs,  L  B 

Caswell  jr  cash, 
J_0(.te  Asa,  drugs  and  shoes, 
'■'•rt  Atkinson  Cornet  Band,  S  A  Bridges 


Fort  Atkinson  Creamery  Co,  A  R  Hoard 

Fort  Atkinson  Electric  Light  and  Power 

Co,  W  S  Greene  pres,  G  L  Cole  sec. 
Fretls  Rev  J  R  (Methodist). 
Fritsch  John,  blacksmith, 
Ganoug  U  A.  stationer. 
Gaiiszmann  I'hillii),  shoemaker. 
Gibson  Kc!:?ar  J,  Phyriclan. 
Haase  Rev  Julius  (Lutheran). 
Hackbarth  Charles,  baker. 
Hake  Hiram,  general  store. 
Hansen  Edward,  barber. 
Hausen  George,  saloon. 
Hawkins  Wm  M,  meat  market. 
Head  C-'harles  R,  physician. 
Heger  Fred,  cooper. 
Ueger  JIrs  Fred,  carpet  weaver. 
Heger  ct  Fitch  {Vtrcd  Heger,  James  Fitch), 

meat  market. 
laiyBjcc   Alplteiis   T,    Propr    Higbee 

B5i!;t>t'e    House,    Alpheus  T   Higbee 

Hilton  John,  dentist, 
Hilton  Rev  J  (UnWersalist), 
Hirth  Andrew,  harnessmaker.  ..^ 

Hoard  Arthur  R,  creamery. 
Hoard  Wm  D,  publr   Hoard's   Dairyman 

and  the  Jellersou  CJouuly  Union. 
Hoard's  Dairym an,  W  D  Hoard  publr. 
Hopkins  Norman  F,  drj'  goods. 
Hull  Elmore  P,  marble  works, 
Jackson  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Jefferson  County  Union,  W  D  Hoard  edi- 
tor and  proi)r, 
Kennedy  L  &  M  (Lizzie  and  Mary),  milli- 

Kleiu  George,  horse  l)reeder. 
Klein  George  P,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Lalda  Leonard,  hardw.ire. 
Lalk  Phillip  H,  merchant  tailor. 
Landgraf  (^eorge  A,  wlieelbarrow  mnfr. 
LangiioliT  Ferdinand,  blacksmith. 
LanghollI  Oustavus,  saloon. 
Learned  (Jharles.  jeweler. 
Le  Hou.x  Theodore  E,  boots  and  shoes. 
Uebmi.n  Mrs  JyOU,  milliner. 
f.ohmaii.T  VVm,  saloon. 
.McCombe  Thomas,  mason. 
^IcCradie  \Vm.  cheese  mnfr. 
JfoMillcii    ISros    (Levington    C    and 

C^eor;;e    \V),    Meals.   Tobacco   Growers, 

Hides,  Furs  and  Pelts. 
Mack  Abraham,  hardware. 
Marirh  Char]i;s  11,  grocer. 
May  Mrs  Libbie.  milliner. 
Mayno  I)  O,  prin  high  school. 
Melzner  Charles,  wagonmaker. 

Atklrt*(^«  I  <>"'■ '<to<'i«  <•<    no,xi\«;   r;i.ovii:s,   rLl'lis.   i>ir,ii!« 
llll!    iPSl    '    'S';S't''<i   J''I",N<  I\«;   ro«l,>;,  Uijpiorw  amt  .■'I.aKkn  Ifc  t'oini.Iotc. 
>il\t\>^%J   I    jotiix  I?IElMi:it  tiO   CO.,  il-i  West  Water  Street,  Milnankee,  Wis, 

Art  ?eoerlienf?ii:^3 

At  Robert  Harper  ^  Sens,  ^iSl^^^^t. 

MILWAUKEE.    Telophouo  3 IS. i 


K5  = 





MelzDer  &  Smith  (\Vm  Melzner,  Herman 
tjmitii).  blacksmiths. 

^lerriiEiasi  S^ros  (A  D  auJ  A  L),  Farm 

Meitelmeyer  Frederinl:,  ?alnna. 

N^iizel  liev  Chris  (Methodist). 

Xorthwettern  ilnfi;  Co.  D  ISiillock  pres, 
Lucien  B  Caswell  sec,  carriages. 

Nojes  Adelbert  H.  photographer. 

Oguen  A.  physician. 

f)gden  Hcury,  physician. 

Peirce  Kiigene,  general  store. 

Ptrkics  John  T,  confectioner. 

Perry  J''redcrick  J,  pln^.^ician. 

Pettil  &  liolTman  (lleury  P  Pettit,  Ru- 
dolph G  HolTman).  dry  goods. 

Pbu'ui.v  Uou'-e,  .Mrs  ,M  E  Doweu  propr. 

Piiiger  V/m,  barber. 

Pollock  D  &  Co  (David,  David  G  and 
Kllcn  Poliock).  grocers. 

Porter  Herman  A,  grocer  and  justice. 

Pounder  George  H.  harrow  mnfr. 

Pratt  Geoige,  »gt  C  &  N  W  Ry. 

Preston  .lames  L,  hotel 

Ralph  Chailes  O,  grocer. 

Rheineck  Charles,  restaurant. 

IiicUard  S  D.  hiiles  and  pe]l.><. 

Kock  River  Hall,  F  Mertelmeyer  propr. 

Rogers  W'm  H.  lawyer  and  insuiaucc. 

Root  Vi'hilney,  carpeuler. 

Rutzen  Charles,  merchant  tailor. 

^chempf  Hcury,  produce. 

Sclieiikenbcrg  Fred,  harncssmakcr. 

Schirmer  Miss  JIatia,  dressmaker. 

Scliriener  George,  boots  aud  shoes. 

Se:ivert  Herman,  barber. 

•?!ii-!<l<in  ]i:a'>var«l  E,  Druggist. 

Murman   Mdlon  T,  jirciduce  and  coal. 

Sherman  ?^Irs  M  T,  (Ircssmaker. 

Simonds  Henry  W,  furniture. 

Smith  H  C  I'c  Co  (.Henrv  C  Smith,  Krnest 
F  Shufcr),  furniture. 

Smitli  \Vm  ."\1,    iihysicim. 

Smutzler  Rev  Wm  (iiUlheran). 

Snell  Sisters  (Mattie  and  Lihi). music  Ichr.s. 

Spaeth  Wm,  brewer. 

Slabnow  A-  fleuchel  (Wm  Staboow,  FitJ 

Heuchel),  grorers. 
Stafford  George  H,  Justice. 
Stair  U  P,  physician. 
Strong  Ernst   R,  hardware. 
Ta}  ior  :?i!Ul!iew  IS,  Postmaster. 
Taylor  T  T,  jeweler. 
Tilden  W'm  II,  furniture. 
Tousley  Charles  B,  jeweler. 
Vickery  F  M  tt  Son  (Frank  Hand  Herbert 

S),  grocers. 
■Watkins  &  Taylor  Olavia  .At  Watkios,  Im 

ogene  Taylor),  milliners. 
"Wesleilield  Mr.s  K.  die^smaker. 
IVilfOK  A   I>  &:  Co  (Alonzo  D  and  P. 

W  AVilcox,  L  B  Boyce,  X  D  Piichard,,, 

V/ilcox-l'.ichTrds     Co,    Alonzo   D    Wilcox 

pres,  N  D  Richards  .'ec,  lumber. 
Willing  Wm,  ma.soii. 
Wilson  C'eorge  W,  dry  coods. 
Wolf  John,  city  marshal. 
Wolf  &  Smith  (John  Wolf.Fremonl  Smith), 

Woolverlon  Max,  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co. 
W^right  J  B,  painter.  " 
Wunschel  C  .1,  baker. 
Zcuguer  Frank,  painter.  '^ 

Zeugner   &    Hollnian   (Herman  Zeugacr, 

Frank  Hoflman),  lumber  and  grain. 

FORT  HOWARD.  An  incorporated 
city  on  the  west  b;itik  of  Fox  river,  in 
Brown  county,  opposite  Green  ]5:iy,  the 
judicial  seat,  with  which  it  is  connected  by 

1  railroad  aud  '6  wau'-Ui  briilires.  The  ciiv 
has  good  6hip]iiufr  facilities,  tlie  G.  li.,  ^V. 
&  St.  P.  R.  R.,  tli..^  C.  &  N.  W.  Rv  and 
the  M.  &  N.  R.  R.  all  touching  here, while 
the  Goodrich  and  Hart  steamboat  liius 
make  regular  trips  to  all  ports  north  on 
Green  bay.    The  city  contains  2  i>\v<  mills. 

2  planing  mills.  3  boiler  W(/rks,  a  furniture 
factory,   -J    .-liip    y^nls,    2    r/iilroad     iii'.'iir 



am  especially  prepared   to  take  the  travoUu;; 

puhHc  across  the  country.    Giro  lue  a  caU. 



y  <.'  ^  \ 


15  1   AVi;ST  AV.VT':!'.  ST.,  HIILAV.VlKDi:,   \VI><. 

:ln  either  Vornl  or  Inafrnmeutal  I.esBc^iis  FREK  with  every  Piano  or  Orirun  sold, 

I'KH>(1N.II.  tuition.     Adj  Instruiueut  uot  BlTiUL-  sati»laitioi.  nill  he  ixclin'mej 

lVei:ii:ir:iiitei-  iu  "ritini,- our  sales  for  i  jears.  Deariioll  .^.  Henediet.     See  j).  .J. 





-hops,  2  grain  clevtitorp,  2  foundries,  a 
IhiilJ,  macbiDO  shops  r>inl  uumerous  hand- 
tnme  and  siibstantinl  business  l)!ocl;s  and 
ilcL'ant  residences.  Theicarcchurchesifthe 
l^iptlst,  Catliolio,  C'otic:rcgatioual,  Mellio- 
Xi,l,  Moravian,  Xorwe^ian  Lutheran  and 
I'resbyterian  denomiiiatioM.o.  and  KUcliouls 
imployiu^  20  teachers  and  haviui^an  aver- 
i!;e  attendance  uf  O'jO  pupils  A  weeiily 
r:ewspaper,  the  lltvtt'w  (Kep.),  lieeps  the 
nnblic  well  posted  on  local  events.  Ample 
protection  against  lire  is  assured  by  a  well 
(ipiipped  volunteer  lire  department  and  an 
fxcellent  system  of   water    worUs.     iiay, 

grain,  vegetables,  lumber  and  the  products 
of  the  various  factories  comprise  the  ship- 
ments. Stages  daily  to  Sturgeon  Ha\'  and 
Iri  weekly  to  Bonduel,  Shawano,  Ahnapee 
and  Kewaunee.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
Population,  3,800.  James  Tiernan,  post- 

Andersen  Snren,  grocer. 
Anderfou  Albert,  citv  clerk. 
fSai'liliiiU'vvn  A:  SSulliiiivay  (Henry 

A     liarkhaustn,     O.-car    C     llatliiway). 

"W'holesale   Coal,   Salt,   Grain,   Hay  and 

Bennett  House,  Samuel  W  Bennett  pronr. 

W I  LL  I A  i\l     I-I OO  D, 

Notary  Public,  Justice  of  the  Peace,  Insurance  Agent, 
Collecting  Agency,  Real  Estate  Agent, 

Di-awing  Deeds,   Mortgages,    Bills  of   Sale,  Etc. 

Cor.  Broadway  and  Main  Street, 
FORT  HOWARD,  -  -  -         WISCOrJSS.M."' 

General  Commission  Merchant 

Pension  and  Claim  Agent, 

Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Real  Estate  Dealer. 
PORT  HOWARD,  -  -  WSSC0^5S! r*J. 

■  Uf  '1^  '.r,^  ■'"   ■■■7 


PETER  KROUSE,  Proprietor. 

:,:;,;;;  o^ip-tirv^;":',!:^;:!;^,:;::  ft.  ikiwahd.  win. 

■i  i'^ 

This  House  is  Conveniently  Located,  and  has  been 

Placed  in  First-Glass  Order  and 

Newly  rurcished- 

nlarulliiiii^n  r^iM  l..;,!l  <  ,.ir-!s:,[i.l  Hi.- Tr; 
wUl  UmllW  ..  j.l.  avniil  \U.t.-l: 
lost..|.  wliU,'  lutlieCuy. 

uicap,  Mil?/aijkee  &  St,  Paul  Ey,":::.r\yest  and  h±d 

Pure  P.y!]be[  Scots  aod  Shoes 

For  Salo  by  GOOf>YEAU  UlLTKBru 
]  COlSIMiXl',       -      r.Iilwaiikt'c,   IVi^. 





Bergmann  Julius,  street  commissiouer. 

Bitter  Mrs  M,  midwife. 

Black  James  J.  liverv. 

Black  Kolierl  J,  meat  market. 

Bowser  Fred  A,  livery, 

Brebme  Auton,  plumber. 

Brclime  Uerni^u  E,  grocer. 

Brebme  it  Kattcer  (August  Brehme,  Carl 

Kattncr),  -svagonmiker!-. 
Brevig  luebrecht.  shoemaker. 
Brevig  Peter  E,  shoemaker. 
Broadway  House,    Coustautiue  McGlncis 

Brunctl  Emanuel,  stone  quarry. 
Burmeister  Henry,  tailor. 
Burns  David  JI,  boilermaker. 
Burns  Thomas,  saloou. 
Burns  Thomas  II,  hardware. 
Callaghan  Bros  (Wm  and  Henry  J),  grocers. 
Camm  Thomas  ?il,  grocer. 
Cargill  AV  AV  &  Bro  (Wm  "\V   and  Samuel 

D),  grain. 
Carlisle  James  H,  confectioner. 
Cathersal  Frank,  grocer. 
Chicago  it  >'onhwcsteru    Jiy,    Henry   A 

Ranous  agent. 
Cody  John,  city  assessor. 
Corhett  Michael  J,  .grocer. 
Crocker  Ephraim,  livery. 
Crole  Frank,  laundry. 
Cusick  John,  vessel  owner. 
Devroy  Peter,  grocer. 
Dockery  John  11,  saloon. 
Duncan  John,  machinist. 
Eldred  Anson  &  Son  (Anson  and  Howard 

S),  lumber  mnfrs. 
Ellsworth  I^rank  H,  shoes. 
Farreli  liicliard,  i^roiir  MrOinnis  House. 
Finncgan  AVni,  biick  innfr, 
risk  ik,  Tayler  (Wilbur   1)    Flsk,    Joseph 

Tayler),  insvirnuce. 
Fort  Howard  Lumber  Co.   Gec>rge   Beyer 

prcs,  John  W  Allgire  miigr. 
Fori  Howard   Review,  James  Kerr  &  Sou 

Fowlcs  A\'m  E,  carpenter. 
Frank  George,  jeweler. 
Funkhauser  Hev  H  0  (C^ongregational). 
Garlock  I!enj:\min  F,  carpenter. 
Gilsdorf  E  W  iv  C:o  i.Edward  \Y  Gilsdorf, 

Herman  Ludlkc),  meat  market. 
Glass  John,  ice. 
Gray  Albert  L,  dry  ccods. 
Grcon   SJay,    ^l  iiioiiii  Ac  St    Ptiul 

R  H,  Frank  A'  Hoefs   Agent.     (6Ve  udv, 

Grocnfielt  P.ev  John  J  (Moravian). 
Gross  Fred  P,  .'^a^lOu. 
Gross  John,  saloon. 
Halboch  Albert,  machinist. 

Chicago  &  Graod  Iml  R;, 

Hale  Albert  N,  dentist. 

Hannou  Feli.K  J,  drugizist. 

Hanrahan  House,  Michael  Hanrahan  pre  pr. 

Hansen  Christian,  milk. 

Hansen  Jorgen,  blacksmith. 

Hartmann  Sylvester,  grocer. 

Haslara  Wn,  confectioner. 

Ileidgen  Mathias,  wagonmaker. 

Henderson  James,  painter. 

Henderson  Robert  &,  Co  (Robert  Hecdtr- 

son.  Ephraim  Crocker),  paint  mnfrs.  , 
BSoftV  Frank  A,  Agent  G  B, W  &  st  ? 

R  R. 
Ilnod  'IVm,  Real  Estate,  Insurance  ami 

Collection  Acencv,    cor  Broadwav  acd 

Main.     {Sceadr.  ji s:j.) 
Hoppe  Otto  F.  saloon. 
Hoiteiisen  K.irl.  baker. 
ES(!!i'iBiaiB  E!«Mi«.c,  Peter  Krouse  Propr. 

(Hif  adv,  p  323.) 
Hughes  James,  founder. 
Iverscn  Thorwald,  news. 
Jensen  Hans,  shoes. 
Johnson  Andrew,  vc.-sel  owner. 
Johnson  Charles  &  Co  (Charles   Johnson, 

Edwin  Nelson^,  cigar  mnfrs. 
Jorgensen-l>le?rli    Co   ilimiled),     John     L 

Jorgensen  pres,  Frank  T  Blcsch  sec.^h'y 

Jorgensen  Rasmus  A,  grocer. 
Juenger  John  1',  saloon. 
Kemuilz  Theodore,  furniture  mnfr. 
Kerr  James  it  Son  (James  and   diaries  S). 

proprs  El  Howard  Review. 
King  Edward  ]!,  druggist. 
Kirkmeyer  Henry,  ^tovo  ri'pairer. 
liroiise  I'olor,  Propr  HulTman  House. 

{See  ndr,  p  S~'.:.) 
Kuehl  John  H,  milk. 
Kuhaupt  Henr\-,  barber, 
liandberg  Malcolm  J,  blacksmith. 
Larnicr  Rev  .lohn  ((.'alholic). 
Larson  Christopher,  tailor. 
Laisen  (^)tis  R,  prin  high  school. 
Larsen  Wm.  wholesale  fruits. 
Lcirlit  Theodore,  chief  of  police. 
Lindenborn  George,  carpenter. 
Lomas  Charles  W .  lawyer. 
Lovejoy  Edwaril  F,  shlinlins  ffallerv. 
Met  iirlMC>'s     Kxfliaiijjc      SSaitk 

(Capital,     s'J.-).0(10i.     Pavid      .McCartney 

Prcs,  Joseph  11  Tnvlcr  (Jash. 
McDonald  &   Bdlings  Lumber   Co,  Alex- 
ander .McDonald  pres,  Hugh  McDouaii! 

JIcGinuis    Coustantine,    propr   Broadway 

51cGinnis  House,  Richard  Farreli  propr. 
JIars  Jules  V,  grocer. 
Jlarshall  Mrs  ilary  A,  triilllncr. 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 



Ifi.mtO.ddl).  '  ■•>«>!ii'.    -iHi    rMjiv.a 
.  If  It,\VAi:ti3;£i,  V.I.S.     W.  S.  CASlitK,  state  igent.     V.ALIiCl;  iiltKNEI!,  licn'l  lia 





lltiilcr.iaiis     J^ouis,      Dry      Goods, 

Groceries,    Provisions,  Flour  and  Feed 

and  Saloon. 
Milkklesou  Jacob,  milk. 
Miliar  I{ev  Webster  (Methodist). 
Miller  C  P  &  Co  (Cirl   P  Miller.    Henry 

Erby,  \Vm  F  McOloskey),  grocers. 
■\Iilltr  Nicholas,  .salo.-.u. 
M. Telle  Eleazer,  Imrlier. 
Mircan  Edwnrd  B,  plumber. 
Morley  P  L.  milk. 
.Morris  Re%-  Frank  M  (Daptist). 
.Murphy  Patrick,  grocer. 
Nanscawen  ChIuIj  II,  physician. 
.Velson  .Toha  J,  propr  Union  House. 
Northwestern  Hotel,  Patriclj  Sbaiighnessy 

Oldenburg  G  &  Co  (Mrs  Margaret,  0   and 

Olio  Oldenburg),  furniture. 
O'lx-ary  Bros  (.Micluiel,  Daniel,  .lohn.Wm, 

Himiphrey  and  'I'imolliy),  butlennaker':. 
Olson  Lais,  vessel  owner. 
Orioiby  George  \V,  hotel. 
Ivierson  Kev'Adolph  (Lulberani. 
I'tterson  Thomas,   blacksmith. 
I'eterson  Wilbur  H,  livery. 
I'!;iuert  August  G,  slioes." 
riatteii  Bros  (Anion  Gand  Peter  F), meats. 
ruerner  Olio  F  \V.  b  irber. 
I'.ioux  Louis,  .^toue  quarry. 
.>alvo  Arthur  .1,  barln-r. 
Sclitfe  Fritz  T,  lueiit  market, 
.'^cliwarz  Christian,  contractor. 
Sellers  ?9iiic(>liii,  Commission  ilerch- 

ant.    Justice    of    Peace,     Pension    and 

Claim  Agt  and  Heal  Estate  Dealer.     (Ae 
_  ikIc,  p  S23. ) 

Sliaut^hnessy  John  E,  city  trcas. 
^hfiughuessy  Patrick,  propr  Korth-.vcstcru 

^liullz  Charles  E,  architect, 
^kytte  Niks  P,  tailor. 
>orensen  John  A,  grocer. 
^'Piin  John.  !:rocer. 
'rii)UT.S«('<.ej>l«  EI,  Cash  :\tcCariuey'3 

Lvch'ing.j  ii:iuk  and  .Mayor, 
"iji  'nan  .lumcs,   drugL;ist. 
1  i.l.'u  House,  John  J  Nelson  jiropr. 
.\anDeulnrg  Albert,  aroccr. 
San  Herrick  Charl.'S  Iv  apiarist. 
\''lgt   Joliu  iM  Mufg  Co,  John  JI  Voig'. 

pres,  Fred  A  Dickiuanu  sec,  sash,  doors 

and  blinds. 
^Jallenfang  Henry,  dioemakcr. 
^>  altc-rs  Jiicob,  ixrocer. 
^Ileox  John  L.'harii"-- 
}}iKon  Wm  Y,.  nnlk. 


liter.?  Wm  L,  Hour  and  feed 

^'•"hifanh  Frederick  C,  clothing. 

FORW^KD.  A  poslotEoe  on  Mud 
creek,  ia  Dane  county,  24  miles  southwest 
of  Madison,  the  county  seat,  and  10  south 
of  Jdt.  Iloreb,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
JIadison  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stage  daily  to  Blue  Jlounds;  fare,  2.5 cents. 
Population,  GO,  Mail,  daily.  E.  E.  Hel- 
laud,  postmaster. 

Ericksou  Erick,  carpenter. 
Ilcfiiind  E  V,,  General  Store. 

FOSCORO.  A  village  on  Stony  creek, 
in  Eewaunec  county,  bi^  miles  northeast  of 
Kewaunee,  the  c(;iinty  seat,  and  0  north- 
east of  Ahucpee,  tlie  nearest  banking  aud 
shipping  point.  Stages  to  Abnapee  and 
Sturgeon  Bay;  fares,  .oO  cents  ard  si 
respectively.  Population,  2.^0  Mail, 
tri-v.eekly.     C.  L.  Fellows,  postmaster. 

Pillows  Bros,  ceneral  store  and  saw  mill. 
S't'itows  "CljJirlcs  S>,   Farmer. 
Post  C  B,  hotel  aud  blacksinilh. 


Baron   county.     &:i    Bar- 

FOUNTAIN  CITY.  A  nourishing, . 
incoriiurated  city  on  the  C.  B,  S:.  N  By 
and  on  tlic  Mississippi  river,  in  BulTalo 
county.  ]s  miles  southeast  of  Alma,  iho 
eeat  of  justice,  and  0  northwest  of  Winona, 
Minn.,  the  nearest  banking  point.  First 
settled  in  bS.OO.  it  now  contains  .Methodist. 
Catholic,  Lutlieran  and  German  Ueformeii 
churches,  saw  and  planing  mills,  a  cream- 
ery, 2  breweries,  a  llouring  mill,  a  pul)lic 
hall  capable  of  seating  !;00.  lodges  of  the 
various  secret  and  benevolent  societies,  and 
2  weeklj'  papers,  the  Bujl'nh  Coui,';/  lie- 
pvUikaner&w\  the  Alma  filaetter  (C,v\mB.n). 
The  educational  wants  are  supplied  by 
two  go(id  schools.  A  steamer  runs  daily 
between  this  poir.l  aud  Winona,  Stau'es 
scmi-weeklv  to  Montana.  ,  Am. 
Tel,  W.'U.  Population,  1,2(.'0,  J.  B. 
Ocnning,  postmaster. 

Aliiiii  i5l:M'Hfr,  John  Schmilz  Propr, 
Paul  F  Mueller  Editor  and  r^Imrr, 

Bechmann  it  Sou  (Henry  aud  Charles  R), 

Beck  Jacob,  marshal. 

]?ehlmcr  John  P.  hotel. 

Beblmer  &  Bitter  (Henry  Bcblmer,  Fred 
II  Bitter),  general  store. 

Bitter  Fredeiiik.  mayor. 

Bodenslal  GeorL'c  H,  physician. 

Bohri  Bros  (Christian  and  Frederick),  gen- 
eral store. 

Brusholl  Herman,  baker. 

ILLillOlS  C[i!T[!/iL 

i    Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 




Ciidahy  Brothers, (Pork  and   Beef   i-'acKerG. 

^rn^w.niisis:,   -wjsco.nsi:,-.     i  AND   PROVISION    DS/'iLERS. 

©  2 







tiittTiiUs   Cotiiily  RepiiUh'kiiiier,  i 

John    Scbmitz    Propr,    Paul  F  Mueller  i 
i;ditor  find  Muur.  j 
Central  House,  Juliti  SpeliD  propr.  1 
Clarke  John,  miichiniit.  I 
E>rcs>iCU<Sorrc8'    tt    I>lvcr    (Andrew  '• 
Dresfendnrfer,  John  Liver),   Mufrs  Ma- 
chinery,   'WaErrins    and    Plows:    Plack-  | 
pmithinc;  and  Ilorsr-shncintr.  | 
E:iirlc    ESotcl,   Qehrlich    &    Xiemann  | 
Pioprs.  j 
Erhardl  &  Co  (Wm  Erhardt,   Hugo  Kuehl-  I 
limn),  saloon.  | 
Peicl  Richiird  W,  saloon  and  justice.  ', 
Feij;l's  Hall,  11  W  Feiul  propr. 
Fiedler  Henry,  ment  market. 
Fiedler  John,  tailor.  I 
Fiedler  jMicliacl,  drayman.  I 
Fiedler  WiJi,  bool.s  and  sbnes.  j 
Fitzgerald  Michael,  grain  and  hide?.  [ 
Fountain    City   Brass   Bind,    John    Liver 


Fountain     City     Brewincc      Co,      Georse  j 

Schwocbel  prvn,  John  II  Utermoelil  sec. 
Fountain   City    ."^lilliuL';    Co,   JB(.)euriug  , 
prcs,  Christ  Floiin  sec.  ' 
Fountain    City  jMutual  Farmers'  Fire  In- 
surance (.'o,  John  B  Oenning  pres,  John  ! 
J  Senu  sec.  j 
Fried  Ulrieh,  farm  impts.  | 
Fugina  J  vfc  M  (Joseph  and  Marcusj,  gen-  | 
eral  store.  i 
Ganz  J  C,  meat  market.  | 
Caciii'lic!)  .V  Xif!!iann  (Fidelis  Gelir- 
lich,     Clirislopher      Miem-inn;,     I'roprs  i 
Eagle  Hotel. 

Geriiia;iia  IIoji^c,  Darid  Thalici 

Gift'ord  Robert  "W,  railroad  and  exp  agt. 

HackncrRev  Theobald  (Calbolic). 

Ilahn  Casper  F  G,  slioemaker. 

Hofer  Mrs  Mngcie,  carpel  wr-wer. 

Huber.  vfc  lluefner  (George  lluber.  Pan! 
Huefner)   flour  mills. 

Huefner  Paul,  farm  imp's. 

Juon  Christian,  furniture. 

Kirchner  Alljort,   general  store. 

Knoup  Martin,   barber. 

Koschitz  John,  brewer. 

Kropp  John,  shoemaker. 

Kruer  Henry  W,  saloon. 

Landwehr  Frank,  barber. 

Leiuiutrer  Benjamin  F,  jeweler. 

Mauz  Miss  Uarlpara,  milliner. 

Matt.ausch  Fiank,  meat  packer. 

^litlaufcb  Joseph,  blacksmilh. 

IViiiollcr  E'aii!  E\  Justice  of  Peace  and 
Edilir  and  .Mngr  Buftulo  Cotinly  Ke- 
publikancr  and  the  Alma  Blaetttr. 

Murr  Wm,  harness. 

Nic.daus  Rev  Augun  F  (Lutheran). 

Xicmaun  Charles,  saloon. 

Oennin<r  John  B,  brick  miifr. 

Rahm  Conrad,  harnessmaker. 

Rath  John,  mason. 

Richter  P'rcd,  saloon. 

Rutltiger  Fretieriek,  tailor. 

Roettiger  Henry  jr,  cily  treas\irer. 

Koettiger  &  Co  (Henrj'".  Henry  jr  ami  Fred- 
erick liocttiger).  planins.':  mil!. 

Scberer  Albert,  piopr  t^cherer's  Hotel. 

P'M    Ji 

FOlir\3TAEr4  C5TY,  V/ES. 

:vtANUFACTUi;H;u  of 
AM)  ^v^o^.E.sALE  ukaeek  is 

Havana  and  Bomestic  Cigars, 



5c  C20AKS. 

Chicap  &  Gisnd  Iiyo^  %  ^^^'^^^^li^'^gRi 


I  lib  blUilC^OCI    i.i!/lj3  i;U,,    l>aKv,.nocrnii<l  FroiKhl  1:LJJVAT<)US,  M 

clis  <>(  nil  Uliidh,  I'liiiips,  l;it 


Stri'et,  .llihtaukee,  V(  is. 




?>cl!iiiilz  JoliFi,  Propr  IJulIalo  County 

lii'publikaner  and  Uk-  A!mn  Bl;u.tter. 
Sclinfi<U'r  «»c«>r;,'C   flJ,  Cigar   Miifr. 

(.'ve  rt(/ii  0^-;)  ) 
.'^cljneider  tt  fleck  (Pelor  Scbntidor,  Wm 

Ileck),  vessel  owners. 
Scliuster  &,  Bro  (Heraiiin  and  ?kIrs-Adrtra 

:^cliuster),  general  store. 
Schwark  Fred  M,  sidnon. 
^chwaik  &  Clausen  (Louis  Scliwark), carps 
Sclnvoebel  George,  farm  inipts. 
Senn  Jobn  J,  insurance  a^enl. 
Sfsauer  Jacob,  wiigonmakcr, 
jn.illi  &  Faber  (Slerling  Smith,  Jolin   P 

Faber),  coopers. 
Sr.chn  John,  propr  Central  Flouse. 
Moll   J    tV   Co  (Jacob   Sloll,  Christian 

Floriu),    Dealers  in    llaidware.    Stove;, 

Tinware,  Cutlery,  Fence  Ware  and  Iron! 
Teokcnbur.L'  Henry,  [general  store. 
Tharicr  S>:ivi*l,Pn)prCermnnia  House 
'rhoeny  David,  creamery, 
ririch  Conrad,  winemaker. 
I'lermoehl  John  L,  prin  of  bcbool. 
Waterman  Moses,  plivsioian. 
Westerkamp  liros  (Tbury   and  Gerbani), 

Wltdmann  Miss  Adolpbina.  milliner. 
AVunderlich  &  Schw(iebfl  fJ;,ei,h  Wonder- 
lich,  Peter  Sehwoebel),  in;jM.ns. 

FOUKMILE.  In  Fond  du  Lnc 
county,  4  miles  southwest  of  Fond  du  Dae 
tlie  county  seat,  nearest  bankin- and  nhip- 
I'lDR  point.  1;  is  on  Ibe  tii  weekly  .Marc 
rfHite  from  Fon<l  du  Lao  to  Drandiui 
1  opulation,  2.3.     Mail,  triweekly. 

FOX  LAKE.  Is  pleasantly  located 
»  llie  outlet  of  Fo.v  Lake  and  ou  the  C)  , 
>'■  *t  St.  P.  Ky,  in  Diidue  countv,  17  miles 
Ironi  Juneau,  the  county  seal,  and  t;.") 
liorthwesl  of  .Milwaukee.  Il  is  a  fiourish- 
iBf;  incorporated  villaije  iu  llie  of 
>^  nch  agricultural  section,  and  C(.ntains 
'iaptist,  Calholic,  Com,'rei;ational,  Dpi.sco^ 
l'!»l,  Methodist  and  African  churches,  - 
JTaded  public  school,  the   Wisconsin  F. 

ale    S 

uiiuary,    a    brewery,    a    national 

•""ik,  2  11ourin'<.;  mills,  a  grain  elevator,  a 
!'"'''"•  hall  and  a  live  weekly  newspaper. 

the  J!fpreneiilalive  (Rep.)  Fo.\;  lake,  in 
the  viciuit}',  is  a  favorite  summer  resort. 
Tiie  shipmenls  comprises  grain.  Hour.  li^b, 
live  stock  and  produce.  Exp  ,  Am.  Tel  . 
W.  U.  Population,  1,100.  Hobert  T. 
Lewis,  postmaster. 

Adams  John,  shoemaker. 

Ashley  Cooper  X,  boarding  house. 

Ashley  ?[iss  Ilattie,  artist. 

Bank   of  Fox  Lake  (capital  and  surfilus, 

$20,000),    W'm    Ilolgale    pres,  Frank    I 

Davison  cash. 
Banta  Arie,  justice. 
Barron's  Ibjlel,  11  Radell  propr. 
Beule  John,  general  store. 
Blaekwell  Rev  K  J  (Catholic). 
Blifcoilis  C  -M,  apiari.M. 
Bump  George  \V,  pumps. 
(Jlausen  Henry,  grain  elevator. 
Clement  Slepiieii,  carpenter. 
Cochrane  P,  jeweler. 
Collins  James,  blacksmith. 
Coman  S  T  it  R  iliichard  Coman),   Hour 

Davies  James  C,  cilv  marshal. 
Eggleston  Charles  II,  lumber. 
Fanshaw  Aaron,  i-tone  quarry. 
Ford  Leonard  10.  insurance. 
Fox  Lake    Representative,     llotcbkis3    ^t 

Son  proprs.  '^ 

French  S  C,  physician. 
Gernuiiii  Barney,  apiarist. 
Haase  Frederick,  hardware. 
Ham  A\'  A,  cheese  mnfr. 
Mamil'ou  F&  Son  (Francis  and  AVm  X) 

Hammond  Andrew  J.  live  t-l.ock. 
Iligbee  Rev  A  \V  (lOpiscopal). 
Ilillier  Daac  1',  groerr. 
Hoag  Rev  Cliarles  AV  (.Methodist). 
Ilolchkiss    &    Son    (John    and     i:)ean    J), 

propis  Fnx  Lake  IJepre'^eutative. 
Houston  Kmory  J.   live  stock. 
Hughes  Edward  ,1,  dentist. 
Hunter  Robert  S,  'z-eneral  store. 
Johnson  Bros  (S  D  and  F  C),  vaccine  virus 

.lohnaon  Frank  C,  poultry  breeder. 
Johu.son  Solomon  D,  physician. 
Jones  jMorgan  E,  dry  goi'>d3. 
Jones  Thomas,  tailor. -Class  Worl;  ( 
A«ia'«tUcllc«  AdiiilulMei-cd. 


st^B  Fair. 

10,    12  and   I  t 

K  tliv  t>In< 

OKCi.VNS       .\.N!>      .niMCAL      I  NSTlit  U.^JtENTS. 

Ml  du,  W.'x, 



Go  to  KD.  ASriTT;K7IAN"N  A:  CO.  If  you  \sj.i'- 
CtOAlts  under  VOtlt  OWN'  NAMK  or  JJIl  A  N  i. 
MILWAt  IvKE,  -  -  WISCON.siN 





Kiiiiiej-    EHulltcrt   E,   Dentist;    Piue 

Work  a  S^jtcialty.     {'^ee  adv,  p  327.) 
Lewis  Kobert  T,  postala^ter. 
Lewis  &  llorris  (Robert  T  Lewis,  Wm  ^Y 

Morris),  coal. 
Liebcastein  Frank  A,  brewer. 
McCsii'lby  John,  agent  Am  Exp  Co. 
Mahone}'  Jobn,  saloon. 
Slarrow    <t    Co   (L'eter    FT    Marrow,    Mrs 

Kaphael  L  Parker),  druggists. 
Maltliew-s  Mrs  Richard,  dreismaker. 
Medley  John,  restaurant. 
Mescrby  Levi,  carpenter.] 
MonisoD  Walter,  summer  resort. 
Mullen  ■Mrs  Hilary  V,  milliner. 
Murphy  Timothy,  livery. 
North  Joseph  A,  farm  imp's. 
Ohly  Uarlmau,  meat  market. 
Pardee  Ch  irlcs  J,  railroad  agent. 
Pardee  .Malcolm,  railroad  and  tel  agent. 
Parker  W  M,  principal  of  schools." 
Parkinson  Carrie,  artist. 
Parkinson  J  Leroy,  photographer. 
Purritt  George  T.'wagoumaker. 
Philipson  Thomas,  wagoninhker. 
Philipson  iz  ychlitzberg  (John  Philipson, 

John  SrhlilzberL'),  furniture. 
Poetter  Krnbt  F,  blacdcsmith. 
Potts  Albert  II,  druggi-t. 
Radell  Herman,  pro;ir  Dirron's  llolel. 
Rausch  Nic,  saloon. 
Roberts  .Airs  Margaret  M,  f.irm  impts. 
Root  Lyman  N.  mu.^ic  teacher. 
Sage  Nelson  0,  pumps. 
Sager  Charles,  barber. 
Sanborn  E  &  Co  (E  Sanborn),  hardware. 
Saner  Charles,  meat  market. 
Sawyer  I  lev  F  S  (Congregational). 
Saxe  John,  harness. 
Schuchardt  Charles,  mason. 
Schumacher  Peter,  shoemaker. 
Seward  John  B,  restaurant. 
Shiep  John,  saloon. 
Smith  Wm,  stone  quarry. 
Stone  Simon  J,  con  feet  ioner. 
Tarrant  John  E  &  Co  (John  E  and  JIar- 

garet  >[  Tarrant),  cencral  store. 
Tarrant   &   Short   (S  W  Tarrant,   Dennis 

Short),  general  store. 
Tliomas  Davil  D,  lawyer. 
Thornton  Jcdin,  flour  mill. 
Tyrrell  Miss  Clara  F,  physician. 
AVallace  Frederick  A,  physician. 
Warren  George  it  Sons  (George.  Walter  E 

and  Frederick  CI,  live  stock  breeders. 
Watts  Rev  A  C  (liaptisl). 
Wel.'.h  I'.ros  (.Michael  and  Wm"),  saloon. 
Willett  John,  veterinary  surireon. 
Williams  Moses  E.  eeneral  store. 
Wisconsin  Female  College. 

Woodhead  Rev  J  S  (Methodist). 
Woodruff  John  B,  physician. 

tion  on  the  C. ,  ^I.  it  St.  P.  Uy,  in  Dod;.; 
county,  3  miles  south  of  Fo.^  Lake,  iu 

FOX  RIVEK.    On  the  C.  A-  N.  W 

Ry  and  on  river  ni  the  same  name,  in  Ke 
nosha  county,  30  miles  west  of  Kenosha, 
the  judicial  seat,  and  9  from  Burlington, 
the  nearest  banking  point.  Exp..  Am. 
Tel.,W.  U.  Population,  -{'>.  !Mail,  daily. 
J.  II.  Roberts,  postmaster,  railroad,  exp 
and  tel  agent. 

FRANCIS  CREEK.  A  post  villsge 
in  Jlauitowoc  coimty,  10  nules  northwest 
of  .Manitowoc,  the  county  scat,  uid  .i  north 
of  Branch,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
JIanitowoc  is  the  neatest  banking  point. 
Population,  l.jO.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  F. 
Stastny,  postmaster. 

Chloupek  N,  justice. 
Fogltunz  Toma,  shoemaker. 
Hrudka  Frank,  blaek-niitb. 
Ilrudka  Joseph,  wairouniaker. 
Civlliier  I(3ieliael,  Grocer.  Flour  pjjd 

Saw  Mill. 
Munilowoc  Pilot. 
Novak  Jo.seph,  mason. 
Pankralz  Ignalz,  saw  mill. 
Schleger  Jo^-eph,  meat  market. 
Stastny  John,  saloon. 
Teserik  Joseph,  thresher. 
Wacck  W,  c.-irpenter. 
Wit  Emil,  general  store. 

FRANK,  In  Wu.-hingloii  eouuly.  1'- 
mih'S  southwest  of  \\'est  BcliI,  the  judi- 
cial seat  and  banking  point,  ntul  4  fr.ini 
Jackson,  it.s  shipping  jxiint.  Population, 
100.     l\Iail,  daily.     A.  Frank,  po.->linaster . 

FniiiSv  AutMi'-la,  Dressmaker. 
Frank  J  G,  general  store. 
Ilahmann  August,  blacksmith. 

FRANKLIN.  A  post  villace  on  the 
Sheboygan  river,  in  Sheboygan  county,  11 
miles  norlhwest  of,  the  ci<i;uty 
seat,  and  ('.  east  of  Elkhart,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station.  Sheboygan  is  the  uearc:! 
banking  pomt.  Population,  ZTiQ. 
tri-weeiily.     C.  Reineking,  postmaster. 

Arpke  Frederick,  saw  and  cider  mill. 
Buyer  .Fiicob,  Mason. 

North  Star  I  ron  Works.  )  CapncitT,  .-,nO  Imiuls-Knclneprs,  Msrl,inktR.  K(.nndi>r..  )i.iil..riM:-.!i'> 
i'AKIMi  JUMlAt  rri:l.\(i  to.  '.  3Iillnrii;iiU,Sa«  .mil  Jlachii.ery.  ninii.i->ln,!iinpr.»,  (orlissan.nn 
4sh!and,    -     -     Wisconsin.  )  '^P®*^*^  ^"'s''*^'*' ^O'***"^*  l'**'^*''^ran«niiltiii:i  ^lacliinfrj.ctc.  Seep. 

'UfiKISH  B^THS  ;- 

ijac.t  ctiuipped 

in  connection  Trith  tlie  JANESVILLE  THERMO-THERAPEUTIC  BATHS, 

Hlork.voulh  Iliter  St.. -lanesvllle,  \\U.     The  iMO^t  cxton-.ive  unii 

rative  institution   in  Soutiiern  Wisconsin.      .«.  A.  NOKlilS,  .lliiua^er. 


ajnd  business  disectoey. 


}':cbeijbprger  John,  shoemaker. 

;:i;;ir  Adam,  blacksmith. 

(Jrelsch  August,  wagonmaker. 

Hfver  Adolph,  shoemaker. 

ICi-iit  AntOD,  carpenter. 

I.uiigeijberg  Conrad,  potter.' 

I.nlimana  Bros,  ger.eral  store. 

Mi-':ioti  House  College. 

Muchats  Hieronyraus,  cooper. 

Kibm  Adolph,  cheese  mnfr. 

1,'rinekiDg  Simou,  clieese  mnfr. 

Koiiiekiii?  €*<•:  Grci!>e,  General  Store. 

il'  -eburg  Louis,  saloon  and  cheese  mnfr. 

S(  tiaper  Charles,  physician. 

S.hneicier  Carl,  harnessmaker. 

Sthweiin  Joachim,  mason. 

^liker  Wra,  farm  Irapts. 

FKANKSVILLE.  A  prosperous  vil- 
Is.::e  OD  the  C,  M.  •J:  Si.  P.  ]ly,  in  Itacinc 
cotinly,  7  miles  northwest  of  Racine,  tliu 
'••at  of  justice  and  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  lijfl.  Tel.,\V.  U.  E.xp,,  Am. 
!!.  il.  Baldwin,  postmaster. 

ISiiidwiit  l£  SS,Gcnl  Store  and  Livery. 

riiristiansen  Andrew,  shuemaker. 

<'iaue  Henry,  meat  market. 

nifdeiich  John,  lilacksmith. 

)".rb  L  A,  lailroad,  e.\'p  and  tel  agt. 

Iliiulnn  A\'m,  saloou. 

•b'liiison  Chris,  carpenter. 

l>'i  cling  Rev  J  11  (Congregational). 

l.iwrcnce  John,  feed  mill. 

-"•IcEachron  F,  carpenter. 

-Mulliiran  James,  hotel  and  saloon. 

Nimits  liev  F  A  Olethodisl). 

Owens  E  \\' ,  carpenter. 

Owr-ns  U  L,  veleriuarv  surgeon. 

lluiiinel  Bros,  llax  mill. 

l;'>berls  n  B,  hor^.  breeder. 

Mlminerlon  J  !!?,  Justice. 

I'li'imas  Peter,  hotel  and  saloon. 

Wideheck  &  Lark,  general  store. 

FRAZEH.  A  iioEtollicc  in  Shawano 
<iuiJity,  IS  inile.s  southeast  of  Shawano, 
11. (•  touuty  scat,  and  13  north  of  Seymour, 
'lie  nearest  railroad  station  and  l)anking 
t^int.  Stages  triweekly  to  Shawaito, 
•"■retii  Bay  and  Galesburg'h.  Population, 
'-'•     -Mail,  Iri  weekly. 

K(  smichi  J  M,  general  store. 
^';rerisou  M  O,  general  store. 
^»  Aguer  ct  Gardner,  feed  mill. 

FREDONIA.  The  postal  name  for 
U  nulieka  village,  is  in  O/aukee  couutv.  >! 
;ni''-s  northwest  of  Port  Washmi:ton."the 
^''"(  "f  justice,  and    U   northwest  of   Fre- 

donia  Station,  on  the  M.  &  N.  11.  R  ,  the 
nearest  railroad  approach.  Port  Washing- 
ton is  the  nearest  banking  point.  Pojiula- 
tion,  300.  Mail,  daily,  B.  R.  Burrell, 

Borchardt  August,  tailor. 

Uiti-i-ell  BNhop  il.  Broom  Mnfr. 

Cassel  Miss  Ida,  millmer. 

Cigrand  Xicholas,  blacksmith. 

Cooley  Charles  F,  justice. 

C'ooley  W  \Y,  cheese  box  mnfr. 

Cooley  &  Patsh,  lime  innfrs. 

Cramer  R,  photographer. 

Fintzen  John,  saloon  and  insurance. 

Frederick  August,  cheese  mnfr. 

Gaigl  Frauz,  harnessmaker, 

Grotelnescher  Fred,   blacksmith, 

Hahn  Matthias,  saloon. 

HSeidiicr  !)j'  (i  A,  Drugs. 

llemmes  John,  mason, 

Janke  Gus,  builder, 

Katie  J  W,  railroad,  expand  tcl  agt. 

Keille  Theodore,  cattle  breeder. 

Kendall  John  B.  cal)iQetniaker. 

Klcasig  Julius  H,  general  .store. 

Knepiiie  Frederick,  saloon. 

Krctch  P  [I,  painter. 

Kurtz  John,  wagonraakcr. 

Leucliinever  Georce,  shoemaker. 

minor  n  85,  Pump  ."\Iiifr. 

Xeuns  ,M  T,  general  siure. 

Pallancb  J  B,  llour  mill. 

Pauliis  Maltliias,  shoemaker. 

Peterson  C,  brick  mnfr. 

Kal/.er  John,  mason. 

Rudolph  F  E,  carpenter. 

Ruilol|ih  Herman,  bniUler. 

Schaueble  J  B.  flour  mill. 

Schreiber  Bernard,  painter. 

Schumacher  N  D.  hotel  and  auctioneer. 

Simon  Pbiliii.  live  stock. 

TjiriUT  SJii^-li.  Hotel. 

Wadewil/,  otto,  meat  market. 

Waswiler  Julius,  general  store  ami  tailor. 

^Vit/.ig  Fred,  hardware  and  tinsmith. 

FIIEDONIA    STATION.     On    the 

yi.  Sl  N  R.  R.,  In  Ozaukee  county,  ciO 
miles  north  of  Milwaukee,  and  7  northwest 
of  Port  Washington,  the  county  seat  and 
neatest  banking  point.  Sla'je  daily  to 
Fredouia.  Population,  40.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
Exp.,  Am.     C.  H.  Witt,  postmaster. 

Bash  Heuiy.   musician. 
Cooley  A:  ISaeo,  Saw  Mill. 
Franzi.n  B,  insurance. 
Frederichs  A  F,  grain. 
Froederet  Bros,  i;rain. 
Gabn  Gcoige,  bi  icksmith. 

!;hicap,MilMul<ee  S  St,  hi  Pii,;r..'r;n'/eshnd  Mbd 

wisconsi:]  yEnEiiAi]  Biino  co., , ,  ^^^  ..vcxrK.«s  or 

OfficoAFactory,  iSlLako  St.,  JlILWAlKEi:,  WIS.     LSIGSI    IlflprOVSU    llBIieilSn   DiinCS, 





Gain  Jacob,  ■vvaijoumaker. 

Hiltjen  Joseph,  tiiloon. 

Kant.'  J  W,  railroad,  express  and  tel  agt. 

Kidel  Theodore,  live  stock. 

Kraus  F  X.  Ehoemi-ker. 

Jjauters  John  W,  hotel  and  irapls. 

Neuens  M  T.  general  Etore. 

AVatry  Andrew,  saloon  and  impts. 

AVatry  &,  Frazeu,  hardware. 

AVieseJohn.  cerpeuler. 

Win  C  I!,  General  Store. 

FREEMAN.  In  ('ra-\ford  coiir.ty, 
40  ndles  north  of  Prairie  du  Cbien.  the 
judicial  .sent,  14  of  Lansiutr,  Iowa, 
the  nearest  baukincr  point,  and  "i  from 
Ferryville,  its  nearest  siiippinL'  p  ■int. 
Semi  weekly  mail  stage  to  Ferryville. 
Population,' 3C0. 

Davenport  NA'm  II,  blaeksLoith. 
Tci\vcr«.»:  Son,  General  Store  and  Flour 

FREISTADT.  A  posloffice  in  Oziu- 
kee  county,  l:_!  niile.s  southwest  of  Port 
AVashington,  Ihc  county  seat  and  ut  aresl 
banking  point,  and  4  froju  Granville,  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  Population,  ~~i. 
J.  P.  Sehoenhalss,  postmaster. 

Geirach  F  jr,  carpenter. 
Mintzlaft  .Joseph,  mason. 
Mueller  Pliilip,  shoeinaker. 
Pipkoru  Fred,  'wsgonnuiker. 
Ilamtliun  Henry,  carpenter. 
Schoenlialss  J  i',  general  store. 
AVagenknecht  Otto,  bhiricsniith. 
Wendl  Samuel,  carpenter. 
AVetzid  Chris,  blaoksmilh. 
'  AVishmann  I!ev  T  II  (Lutheran). 
Zuebke  Herman,  wagonmaker. 

FEEMONT,  An  incorporated  villa-e 
on  AVolf  river,  in  AVau()aea  county,  10 
miles  southeast  of  AA'aupaca,  the  couniy 
seal,  3|  from  Fremont  station,  the  neare:  t 
shipping  point,  and  l!j  from  \A'eyauwe;:a, 
the  nearest  bnidiing  point.  Stages  daily 
to  AVevauweca;  fare.  C^contn. "  Popula- 
tion, :i;iO.  IMail,  daily.  J.  C.  Kinsman, 

Arndt  Herman,  blacksmith. 
Dergstrcsser  George,  farm  impts. 
P.ergstresser  &  Sons,  l)oat  owners. 
Eddy  Caleb  1),  physician. 
Fremont  House,  Byron  f.  Whitman  propr. 
Ilicknuin  Jeremiah,  cheese  mufr. 
Hildebran.l  Charles,  saloon. 
Uildebraiid  John,  saloon. 

Kiiisiiiaii    T     \,  Geacral    Store    aj  ; 

Kinsman  A:  Sherburne,  general  store. 
Kundiger  A\'m,  shoemaker. 
Lawler  D  C,  saloon. 
Pitt  George  W,  boat  builder. 
liandall  Henry,  general  store. 
Springer  AVni  A,   nurseryman. 
Steiger  Albert,  general  sioie. 
Steiger  Jacob,  saw  mill. 
Steiger  J  J,  cheese  mnfr. 
A\''aketield  De  \\'itt,  cabinetmaker. 
AVukfclield  Joseph,  lawyer  and  insurance. 
AValder  Adam,  wagonmaker. 
AA'hiluey  AA'm,  painier. 

FRENCHVILLE.  On  nearer  creek. 
in  Trempealeau  county,  b'^  miles  south  of 
AVhiteball,  the  judicial  seat,  and  0  north- 
east  of  Galesville,  the  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion and  l);.nking  point.  Population,  40. 
Mail,    daily.     J.  L.  Slancsby,  postmaster. 

Pederson  01c,  blacksmith. 
!tlanc>.I»j-  Jt  l>.  General  Store. 

PEEYA.  In  Burnett  county,  8  mile= 
east  of  Graulsburph.  the  jtidiciaf  siat  and 
shipiiing  point.  Mail  by  S[>ecial  supply. 
E.  iN.  Kriekson,  ]x>9tmabter. 

FIUENDSHIP.  A  village  ou  the 
Little  Knelu'  a  Cri  creek, in  .-Vdams  county, 
of  which  it  is  the  judicial  scat,  115  mile? 
nortliwest  of  .Alllwaukee,20  from  Coloma, 
on  the  AVisconsin  Central  Line,  the  ni>are=C 
railroad  station, "and  3t  north  of  Ki'bourne 
Cit3',  the  nearest  banking  piint.  A  news- 
paper,the  A'/iiiiia  I'mint);  /'/v>s,is  published. 
Stages  daily  to  Liberty  LlulT.  tri-weckly  to 
Portage  and  iN'eeedab,  and  semi-weekly  to 
Beatrice,  Point  Blull.aud  ("^uincy.  Populi- 
tion,  200  Mail,  daily.  ,1.  AV.  Gunning, 

Adams  (lounty  Press,  S  A\'  Pierce  publr. 
Atcher^on  AV'li,  hotel. 
Cljnlmers  James,  general  store. 
<.«ii«i:iiiic -ti  W,  Real  Estate.  Loans  am; 

Gunning  <V.  Hamilton,  jewelers. 
Harri.'^on  K  S,  tlour  mill. 
Hill  A  F,  general  store. 
II<vian  J  A,  harnessmaker. 
Jones  N  M,  hardware. 
Keyes  ,)  B,  county  judge. 
Lawreiue  .M    meat  market. 
McGov,en  A\'  E,  physician. 
Nilcs  A  J.  hotel. 
Older  H  ^t,  prin  high  school. 

Chicago  &  Gfand  Tfuo!(  % 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


\J    b _— \J'U mhuUi\Ji^A.i    JlivJllliUiiiJ,    HY    ISCSINIiSS    .HEN. 





fierce   S  W,    Dlflrict    AUnruey    and 

I'ublr  Adnras  County  I'ross. 
Staples  KevP  R  (Cous''>i'r'^l'onal). 
Waterman  G  W,  general  store. 

PULTON.  A  village  on  Catfish  river, 
I:]  liock  county,  12  miles  northwest  of 
.lunesvillc,  tilt;  county  scat,  and  4  south- 
west-of  EdgiTtou,  the  nearest  railroad  ?Ia-  and  bauUiug  point.  Population,  160. 
.^Iail,  daily.    Howard  \V.  Lee,  postmaster. 

I'cntley  &  Scofleld,  carpenters. 

liipger  Wm,  wagonniaUer. 

lirown  S  C,  mafon. 

CliiUgb  Alfred,  restaurant. 

Ci.jiigh  James,  justice. 

i:ilef3on  Andrew,  shoemaker. 

Lee   Iio\vsir«l    IsV,   Town   Clerk  and 

General  .Store. 
Martin  C  F,  grist  mill. 
Merwin  George,  blacksmith. 
I'trise  &  Pyre,  leaf  tobacco. 
I'Kinccr  Suing  liand. 
Held  Rev.A  ti  (Congregational). 
Humrill  G  II,  leaf  tobacco. 
\Vhite  Samuel  L,  carpenter. 

FUSSVILLE.  A  village  in  Wauke.'^ba 
county,  17  miles  northeast  of  Waiilce--ha, 
l!ie  county  seal,  4  southwest  of  Granville, 
tie  nearest  railroad  station,  and  10  from 
-■lilwaukee,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
I'opulation,  12.3.  Jiail,  tri-weekly.  Con- 
tad  Schmitt,  postmaster. 

Aldorf  JIathias,  mason. 

Avercamp  Joseph, carpenter  and  constable. 

r-^cher  Chi  is,  cii;ar  mnfr. 

luden  QenrL'e,  hotel. 

I'OVf.  Anton.  Hl;icksmith. 

Mflder  11. my  AV.  saloon. 

Minlen  AVm,  general  store. 

Hoiili  Peter,  justice, 

>eiiaaf  Uev  (C«tliolic). 

■■"Cliumaelier  Henry,  jewelrr  and  ins. 

•'iierth  .Joseph,  broom  mnfr. 

\>ick  Peter,  carpenter. 

GAD.  A  postollice  in  Taylor  county, 
J  mdes  east  of  .Meilford,  the  jiidirlaKH-ai, 
iH-aitst  railroad  station  and  Imiikincr  point. 
■'"''•  weekly.  Joseph  Dietzler,  postmaster. 

I>lfl/.lei-,B<m<|>Ii,  Farmer, 
j^-jadekiii-  l''r,ai.'iick.  rarpcnter. 
\"''^i  ilathi.i^  blark-initb. 
•iPhaniisen  Paul  .M,  tinsmith. 

GAG  EN.     On  the  M..  L.  S.  &  W.  an 

lUiilS  CEllljl  I  I 

county,  20   miles   northwest  of  Crandon, 
the    seat   of  justice,  and  15  from  Kliine- 
lander,  the   nearest   banking  point.     Tel., 
W.U.     Exp.,  U.  S.  and  Am.     Population, 
100.     H.  A.  Vcnnc,  postmaster. 
Bravman,  telearajih  agent. 
<^ill:tlil  .3  W,  Uaiiroad  and  Tel  Agent. 
Miller  W  L.  saw  mill. 
Nelson  Ernest,  saloon. 

GALESBURGH.  Formerly  known 
as  Xavarino.  is  in  Shawano  county,  IS 
miles  south  of  Shawano,  the  judicial  seat 
and  nearest  banking  jioint,  and  1-J  from 
Black  Creek,  on  tbe^  G  B.,  A\^  &  St.  P. 
IJ.  1!.,  the  usual  sliipping  point.  Popula- 
tion, 50.  J^Iail,  tn-weekly.  A.  Vang, 

Bentsen  John,  carpenter. 
HilUker  'i'ruman,  hotel. 
Johnson  Isicludus,  sho^'maker. 
Kutsen  Louis,  live  stock. 
Poppe,  pb_\sieiaii. 
Vaii^'   AiKircv.',  Saw   and   Flour  Mil; 

and  Justice. 
Vang  JI  &.  Co.genl  store  and  cheese  iiinfrs. 

GALESVILLE.  First  settled  in  IS.'iT, 
is  an  incorporated  villasje  on  the  Gab  svillc 
br.  of  the  Madison  div.'c.  tt  N.  W.  I!y,  in 
Gale,  township,  Trempealeau  county,  1><S. 
miles  northwest  of  Milwaukee  and  2.5 
south  of  Whitehall,  tlie  county  seal  It 
contains  a  batik,  a  water  p.ower  llouiiiig 
mill,  3  churches,  a  district  school  ami  the 
Galesvi'le  University,  with  quite  a  iiniiiber 
of  students.  Tliere  is  also  a  public  ball, 
seating  .100  peofile.  and  a  weekly  r.ew  pa- 
per, the  O'alemil/i'  Indepfiidc/il.'S  pnblisli.'d. 
Live  stock,  grain  and  Hour  are  the  princi- 
pal shipments.  Stages  dally  trj  Ettrick, 
Frenchville  and  Centervilie.  Population, 
t;.nO.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  L.  L. 
Odell,  postmaster. 

Adkins  Edward  F,  bewks, 

Andersfui  Alfred,  re;;taurant. 

Arctic  Sjiring  Cteameiy  Co. 

Areiis  iV  Zieel.T  (Cliailes  Arens.J.diu  Zu-; 
ler),  wiiL'onmakers. 

.Vniold  Alexander  A.  cattle  bleeder, 

C::ill  'ri'iiinan  t\  I'ublr  IiideiH  ndent. 

Bank  of  (ialesville  (capital,  :<:;0.iMin),  Isaac 
Clark  pres,  C  M  KelloL-g  ca;h. 

Beck  Andrew  A.  ice. 

Beecher  Henry  W,  barber. 

Benton  1)  .\1  >t  Son.  electric  light  [dant. 

Boulin  C  .t  K.  blaek-mith. 

liiiwman  Mark  E,  prof  Galesville  Univer- 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  frorii 


1 0 


|[Li;!0!S  CEOTeiL  B, 

P    DIRECT  ROUTE  l\J\r) 
III  to  all  POINTS  in  1 

mmi  m 






Bretall  Wm,  meat  market. 

Brooks  ifc  SrnitLi  (A  W  Urooks,  II  B  Smith), 

marble  and  granite  works. 
Brophy  ilichaei,  mason. 
Buun  ilenrj"  L,  justice. 
Buusen  Charles,  pbvbician. 
CaiitcrJuiry  ,5ai!!C>«  B5,  Grain. 
Chri^tcnsen  IJerinan,  shoemaker. 
Clark  Eugene  F,  town  assessor. 
Commercial  Hotel,  D  T  Magee  propr. 
Crump  A  L,  railroad  agent. 
Czepnll  A  Herman,  haruess. 
Dale  D'njaraiu,  lime  mnlr. 
Davis  AVilson,  lluur  mill. 
Karracd  Chailes  W,  lawyer. 
Fairing  L  H  &  Co  (Lars'll  Feiring,  Ilaus 

L  Klandruil),  saloon. 
Freeman  George  Y.  lawyer. 
Fnnslon  Theodore  F,  saloon. 
Galesville  Cornet  Baud,  S  C  French  Idr. 
Galesville  Univeibily,  .J  M  Itogers  prts. 
Gilliert  Chailes.  carpenter. 
«i!l)Cl-l'.ou  A.  MylifC  (Gilbert  O  Qil- 

bcrlton,  Ole  F  Mylirc),  General  btore. 
Gipple  B  F,  dry  goods. 
Ilolmberg   &  Myhre  (Oustav    Holmberg, 

Gilbert  F  I^Ivlire),  druiui^ts  and  grocers. 
Independent,  t  F  Ball  piiblr, 
Jacobs  George,  veterinary  svirgeon. 
Jordon  &  Hammer,  dry  goods. 
Kellman  Charles  A,  livor3'. 
Kellrnan  John,  jeweler. 
Kellman  it  Co,  furnilure. 
KiiigT  W,  saloon. 
KiicolaiKl   /Kldison    II,    Drugs  and 

IC.xpress  Agent. 
Krihj  Aaron,  hardware  and  im.pls. 
Lanpenobl  Fredei  Jck,  boots  and  shoes. 
Lausen  David,  bhicksudlb. 
Luce  George  S,  millinery  and  notions. 
McAdam  Thomas  T,  photographer. 
McAdam  Mrs  T  T,  milliner. 
JIcKeelh  .lohn,  propr  r(iver.->;de  Hotel. 
51ncarlney  li  J,  barlu-r. 
Magec  1)  T,  jiropr  Commercial  Hotel. 
Jlatz  August,  tailor. 
Nichols  C  H  Lumlier   Co,   Ira  8  Farrand 

I'Utci-  W  V,  General  Store. 
Qiiinii  .Iciliii.   pum|is. 
Kail  Georr.'.  apiarist,  10  miles  e. 
Kaymond  Win.  rarpenlEr. 
Hiverside  Hotel,  .1  McKeeth  propr. 
IJose  .lohn,  fariii  iin]iis  and  seeds. 
Scai-.«iflli  IVSrs  (kalK'l,  Grocer. 
ShraUe  Frede'i.k  T,  caipenler. 
i^lensby  .lolm,  gri  cer. 
Tliompson  Wm  li,  live  stock. 
Tibbells  Arlhiir.  carpenter. 
Wood  F  A.  mason. 

Wright  Isaac,  flour,  feed  aud  meats. 
Young  Wm  il,  physician. 

GARDNER.  In  Door  county.  !•', 
miles  southwest  of  Sturgeon  Day,  the  •';■ 
dicial  scat,  banking  aud  shipping  point. 
Mail,  daily. 

GARFIELD.  A  postofiice  in  Portage 
county,  l":!  miles  northeast  of  Steven^' 
Point,  the  seat  of  justice,  and  y  from  Am- 
herst Junclion,  its  shipping  [joiut.  Bank 
at  Stevens'  Point.  Mail,  tri-wcekly.  Pop 
ulation,  2^>.  S.  T.  Foxeu,  postmaster  and 
general  store. 

GARTH.  A  recently  established  post- 
ofiice iu  Oneida  county. 

GENESEE.  In  Waukesha  county,  ^ 
miles  southwest  of  Waukesha,  the  county 
j  seal  and  nearest  baid<ing  point,  and  Ij 
from  Genesee  Depot,  on  the  C.  M.  &  St. 
P.  B.v,  its  railroad  slution.  Mail,  daily. 
Population,  -01).  JI.  Bowman,  postmaster. 

Blauchur'l  Albeit,  carpenter. 

ESoivinaii  tSviiry,  General  Store. 

Dyer  it  Hopkins,  creamery. 

Finney  .1  J,  jiainter. 

Jones  C  It,  railroad  agent.  \ 

Kilbourn  Hev  James  (Congregational). 

Owens  John  AI,  carptnter. 

Proctor  B  H.  cariieiiter. 

Rj'an  John  J,  blacksmith. 

Western  George,  Hour  mill. 

Williams  O  T,  general  store. 

GENESEE  DEPOT.  A  village  on 
the  C,  M.  A-  St.  P.  Ky,  in  Waukesha  coun- 
ty, 8  miles  of  Waukesha,  the 
county  seat  anil  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  o.")0.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Bxp.,  Ad- 
ams.    E.  C.  Evaus,  postmaster. 

Currie  Wm  &  Co,  general  store. 

Edwards  I)  L,  general  store. 

Kvaim  E^viiii  C,  Hardware  and  Black- 

Evans  O  D,  carpenter. 

Finlel  Bros  tt  Patton,  lumber,  grain  and 
exp  agt. 

Goll  Ludwig,  wagonmaker. 

GriflUh  James,  meat  market. 

Heugiu  Jacob,  sliocmaker 

Jones  C  K.  railroad  and  tcl  agt. 

Proctor  James,  woolen  mill. 

Schwinn  Mr,s  Gei.rge,  hotel. 

Steckles  G,  saloon. 

Weston  G.  Hour  mill. 

EleciriG  Lij^ht  snd  iJotor  Plants  li'^l';'st^''"'^r;;,,:;';:^^^:^::'^  r' ':: 

loKins   Free.      jri.,Il>    .\.Mj:.J.\f:,    2v!j     A\ >•.!    A 

Mreel,    ."llII.,V.'AriiS;i: 


Shorthand  and  f^j^ggn  gay  Busjness  CallGgs,  V::^:^^'^>^t:^'^^ 

rnting     at    tne    Ij     cousU.        J.  .N.UcCL.NN,  rreslileut.        K.  F.  OIISTAL,  secretary. 





GENEVA.    Walworth  count)', 
\.:i.ijid  to  Luke  Gctieca. 

GENOA.  A  village  ou  the  C,  R.  & 
N.  liy  and  on  the  ^Mississippi  river,  form- 
,rly  known  as  Bad  Ax  City,  iu  Yernoa 
t  unty,  25  miles  west  of  Viroqua,  the 
I'lunly  seat  and  nearest  bankins,'  point. 
ropufutioD,  400.     E-tp.,  Am.     Tci:,  W.  U. 

Cailola  B,  saloon. 

Iloyt  &.  l^iiliisier,  General  Store. 

.'■U.iiti  J  P,  saloon. 

^I.irelli  F,  blacksmith. 

Muiidsack  C,  waL'oninaker. 

Ndtdrura  Ole,  shoemaker. 

1  Mt  Charles,  grain. 

liiley  Wm,  grocer. 

Williams  D  il,  coal. 

iiabolio  A,  general  store. 

GENOA  JUNCTION.  A  villr,.i;c- on 
the  C.  it  ?!.  \V.  ]{y,  in  Walworth  county. 
■-'0  miles  southeast  of  Elkhorn,  the  county 
Mat,  and  9  southeast  of  Geneva,  the  near- 
('■l  hanking  jioint.  Population,  J.'jO.  Tel., 
\V.  U.  Exp.,  Aiu.  .1.  I.  Copjicrsmilh, 

.Vllen  W  H,  insurance. 

H&ckcr  M  M,  blacksuiith. 

lUcker  J  O,  carpenter. 

Benson  B  S,  cheese  mnfr. 

liergerj  M,  well  driller. 

liestedcn  Wra,  live  stock. 

Hill  B  J,  physician. 

liorck  Fred,  builder. 

Ihirgett  Fred,  blacksmith. 

Carey  J  M,  general  store. 

Carey  J[  B,  harnes.cinaker. 

Catey  &  Besteder,  Hour  and  feed  mill. 

•'rofs  Bev  (.Methodist) 

'>t'luiiaii  <;  C,  Priipr  Junction  House. 

IJ.etrich  Charles  II,  carpenter. 

Faulkner  .John,  mason. 

Fitzgerald  Mrs  Guslava,  milliner. 

y-ntr  C  R.  justice. 

<-;ilTord  R  L,  flour  and  feed. 

Gluver  J  1',  luHiber,  lime  and  ccid. 

''I'etz.e  W  C,  druggist. 

Uermance  Bert,  barber. 

liuhnes  Bros,  livery. 

•Journal,  Luther  G  Riggs  Editor. 

•luiicliou  House,  C  C  Deliiian  propr. 

KqWit  Barney,  blacksmith. 

^"'1  P  11,  blacksmith. 

'•'"her  P,ros.  coopers, 

^'tidder  X  P,  carriagemaker. 

>  iiiior  Eli,  general  'store. 

•J  liler  Edward,  car|ienter. 

-^liHCr'fi  AV  .1  Sons,  waL'onnmkers. 

.Moore  Jnhn,  justice. 

Moorehonse  Geoige,  live  slock  and    hides 

Xelsois  .S  C,  Hardware. 

Oalman  Bros,  creamery. 

lU-cd  H  L,  hides  and  pelts. 

Rigcs  Luther  G,  editor  .lournal. 

Boliow  Lewis,  shoemaker. 

Simpson  Mrs  ilattie,  dressmaker. 

Spellman  Rev  II  O  (Conureiiational). 

Sl>ic'e  ^V  J,  Meat  Marker. 

Symonds  A  T,  general  store. 

Torrance  F  N,  hardware. 

Troniblee  Albeit,  meal  market. 

Trow  W  E,  justice. 

Trow  it  Eastwood,  furniture. 

■Welton  F  II,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  (igt. 

GEOKGETOWN.  A  post  village  iu 
Grant  county,  21  mik-s  southeast  of  Lau- 
caster,  the  county  seat,  3V  from  ivnio,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  13  south  of 
Plalleville,  the  nearest  hanking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  East  Uubuoue  and  Platte- 
ville.  Population,  200.  Mail,  daily.  ,1. 
II.  Cabanis,  postmaster. 

Cahaiiis  ;Mamie  E,   music  teacher. 

<'altaitiM  it  Jones,  General  Store. 

Curtis  C:  A,  handle  mnfr. 

Eplelt  .lohii,  wagniinialier. 

Epielt  Mar)-,  diessmaker. 

Floriue  JSichola.s,  shoemaker.  v 

JelTery  James,  general  store. 

Nash  ]\Irs  ^^leli.ssa.  dressmaker. 

Pinch  Joseph  T,  hotel. 

Sallzman  B  F,  blacksmith. 

GERMANIA.  A  village  oa  the  Me- 
cau  river,  in  .Maii|uetle  county,  .^  miles 
northeast  of  Jlontello,  the  count)'  seat, and 
8  northwest  of  Princeton  the  nearest  rail- 
road station.  Banking  facilities  at  IMon- 
tello  and  Princeton.  Slau'CS  daily  to 
Princeton  and  Monlcllo:  fare,  .'JO  cents  to 
either  place.  Population,  2T.5.  Mail, 
daily.     R.  W.   Parker,  postmaster. 

Cook  Henry,  hariie^smaker. 

Germania  Co.  L-cncral  store  and  live  stock. 

Farkrr  II   W,  Real  Estate  and  Land 

Philliiis  E  J,  hardware. 
Scovel  S  W,  engines  and  threshers. 
Scovcl  iV.  Phillips,  farm  impts. 
Tcske  Herman,  bhu-ksmilli. 
Warnke  Bros,  tiour  and  saw  mill, 

GERMANTOWN.     Washington 

county.       .St'f  Hnrklu'd. 

Ctiicap  fi  Grand  Iml  Ry, 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 





nil   rondncts   In  f  hitnao  tlin  5 
Srlui.jl    for   liuilne^s/    Hrlto 
put  (Hlal.iTue   of  112   ;i2i.-ps, 
cents  ;o  iiaj-  co^t  of  [iostUL:e. 

TO  w 








-♦-'  < 

GEKMANTOWN.  lu  Juneau  couu- 
tv,  '.I  niiies  nortiic;ist  of  Mausloii.  ou  the 
C,  .M.  ifc  St.  r.  Hy,  iho  county  tesit.  neiir- 
est  Imuking  and  sliippiusr  V'0"it.  P:ipula- 
tion,  7J.     iliiil,  semi-weekly. 

Priesuil/.  V,  blacksmith. 
RuDJ-Ltl  Wm.  saloon. 

GIBBSVILLB.  A  postoffice  oa 
r)iiioti  river,  in  SheboyeHU  county,  9 
iTiilts  south  of  Sheboyiiau,  the  count}' seal, 
3J  northwest  of  Of  siburL'l!,  the  nearest 
lailroad  station,  ami  0+  south  of  Sheboy- 
iJHii  Fall.^,  the  nearest  l.anUini;  point. 
Population,  l.jO.  Mail,  triweekly.  G. 
Leiisink,  postmaster. 

Brurc  George,  carpenter. 

]_)e  Bey  Kev  D  G  (German  Reformed). 

Iloenink  II  J,  wooden  sho"m>iker. 

Kuowles  John,  cooper. 

Knowk-s  S,  justice. 

Luinmer-i  G  J,  tlour  and  saw  mills. 

C>fnuii)Ii   a,  Generid  Store. 

f..iniiiis  II,  liotcl  and  blacksmith. 

liO-3  Bros,  carpenters. 

Tc  llonde  J,  slioeiuaker. 

AVeusink  S.  wooden  sliof-mnker. 

Wisselink  J,  cheese  mnfr. 

GILE.  (In  the  M..  I,.  S.  .'i  W.  and 
Wis.  Central  roads,  in  A'-hl.'iiid  county,  40 
iiules  southwest  of  Aslilaud,  the 
seat,  and  Si  from  Hurlev,  the  nearuat  bank 
hieati.jn.  Population,  .'.00.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
E.  \V.  ijteven.s,  postmaster. 

Carrigan  T  E,  railroad  and  tel  agent. 

(■lark  J  \j,  boarding-  house. 

Fifleld  &  Johnson  Lumber  and  Improve- 
ment Co. 

^IcNcff  Michael,  boarding  h  ui^e. 

rS3<ni!rc;i!  SJiver  S-!ii!»I»er  <;o, 
Geiicral  Store  and  Saw  Mill. 

Uoborlson  0,  saloon. 

Rogers  II  T,  lioardiuir  house  and  saloon. 

Ro\iso  Alcvander.  saloi>n. 

i^levCMsl-;  W,  Ca.diier  Montreal  River 
Lundier  Co. 

Swauson  A:  Curloon,  saloon. 

Tlionuis  I'",  saloon. 

Ulveu  L  P,  general  store. 

!  LU 

GILLETT.  A  village  ou  the  M.,  L. 
S.  ifc  \V.  Ry.  in  Oconto  county,  'ZO  miles 
west  of  Oconto,  tlie  county  scat,  and  ~0 
from  Shawano,  the  nearest  lianking  point. 
Population,  -MO-  Tel.,  W.  U.  Kxp.,  U.  S. 
II.  J.  AValts.  postmaster. 

Borgraau  Ernest,  railroad  and  exp  agent. 

Burke  James,  physician. 

Finnecan  .Mfittliev?,  justice. 

f''oeIker  E>a)iii.«,  Saw  Mill. 

Gale  J  U,  justice. 

Gillett  Albert,  constable. 

Gillttt  R,  lumber. 

Hunter  2iichol;'s,  sali>on. 

JSoliii   V  \V,  Hotel. 

Klemp  John,  biacksP-iitli. 

Laterman  Louis,  mason. 

Lvkee  IIan.s  P,  meal  market. 

IiSfSieiirie  4J  ft.  Grain. 

Ohiu  >.t  Ileasley,  saloon. 

Swtin  Joseph,  ciieesc  mnfr. 

Wagutfit  Laincr,  blacksmitli.s. 

^VnllN  U  .1,  General  Store. 

Weber,  Ruukle  tt  Co,  general  store. 

GILLINGHAl^I.  Ou  Fancy  creek, 
in  Richland  county,  S  mile.s  uortli  of  Rich- 
land Centre,  the  county  seat,  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  banking  point.  Stosres 
tri-weekly  to  Viola  ttnd  Richland  Ceulre. 
PopulutionlOO.  Mail,  triweekly.  J.  0. 
Truesdale,  postmaster. 

Benton  Joseph,  justice. 

Francis  .S  .M,  phyTioian. 

Jauney  it  Son,  feed  mill. 

Jones  ,fohn.  blacksmith. 

Pickham  H,  justice. 

Rineliart  .lacoli,  .^aw   mill. 

'Friif*<Iulc  .»<►!(!!  <>,  General  Store.  \ 

GILMAN.  A  postoffice  in  Pierce 
cotiuty,  15  iidlcs  northeast  of  Ellsworth, 
the  county  .seat  and  nearest  banking  jioint. 
and  10  south  of  Woodville,  the  nearest 
railioad  slatiiMi.  Population,  TjO.  Mai:, 
tri-wcekly,     Elias  .leuson,  postmaster. 

ri.irman  ])  C,  justice. 
J'fii^on   15,  Bliiclcsmith. 
Kji.'Imo  E  J,  carjicnter. 
M.idsou  C.  mason. 
Mathi^on  Bros,  saw  mill. 
Ma\i;ood  J  B,  justice. 
Vanosc  Peter,  saw  mill. 

GILMANTOWN.  A  village  on  Elk 
creek,  in  Bulfalo  county,  'JO  miles  north- 
east of  .VIma,  the  county  seat,  and  8  from 
Mondovi,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
banking  point.  Stages  daily  to  Alma  and 
2\londovi  Population,  loO.  Mail,  daily. 
J.  W.  Howard,  postmaster. 

Clark  E  H,  druggist. 
Cody  G  E,  blacksmith. 
Cody  James,  justice. 

ilLlllfllS  i[imL  s,  s 

Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 




i  '■"""■  




;;-ohenbach  A  J,  shoemaker, 
.i.'.ccy  Georjre  E,  geDtral  store. 
lioAvard  J  %V, General  Store  and  Flour 

'.,i  Duke  Charles,  blacksmith, 
i  iiiicer  Chris,  hotel. 

GLASGOW.  On  Black  river,  in 
innipealeau  county,  28  miles  southeast 
t  \\'hileliall,  the  county  scat,  and  'J  cast 
I  I  Galesville,  the  nearest  sbiiipios  and 
'  Hiking  point.  Population,  In.  .Mail, 
■  .mi-weelily.    11.  !M.  Crorahie,  po.straaster. 

('rouil)ic    II    JI5,    Aijricnltural    Implc- 

lueiits.  Wagons  and  Sorghum  Mufr. 
''  lin.son  Hans,  painter, 
is'imperud  Jl  O,  slioeniaker. 
i;;bby  Richard,  soryhum  mnfr. 
^■uib  Die  O,  sorghum  nnifr. 

GLEWBEULAH.  A  prosperous  vi! 
.ii;e  on  ilullet  river  and  on  the  C.  iV;  2s. 
W.  Ity,  in  Sheboygan  county,  -0  miles 
■jiirthwest  of  Shcl;oygaD,  the  county  scat, 
iiid  G  from  Plymouth,  the  bank 
'  cation.  It  contains  Catholic  ami  .Mi-IIi- 
••-list  Episcopal  churches, a  high  school  and 
'I  L'rist  and  sorghum  mill.  E.xp..Aui.  Tel., 
*\  .  U.  Population,  2.JII.  .James  J'..  Weaver, 

Arnold  Itndolph  G,  shoemaker, 
i'lrher  Milford,  carpenter. 
Harbor     iTBjrosi    .g.    Carpenter    and 
School,   Ollice   and    Cliurch    Fiirnilure; 

_  School  and  Ollice  Snpplie.f. 
i'.iuinan,  meats  and  live  stock, 
'■jeiicdict  Joseph,  blacksmith. 
'I'ahl  Gustav,  harnesMmaker. 
'■'dull  Thomas  S,  general  store. 
<'atr  Louis,  cheese  mnfr. 
;'<ilil  Louis,  blacksmith. 
''"ley  ,1  F,  railroad,  e-\p  and  tel  agent. 

ii'.h  AVui,  cheese  mnl'r. 
';i'-;niau  Peter,  shoemaker. 
'■^I'n  House,  Leitrh  G  lIunihM'  pronr. 
'•lenbeulah  Cornet  liand,  Jh"ron  j"  Barber 
'    leader. 

Graves  Men itt  W,  apiarist. 
'[■yn  Khvard,  hotel. 
^  ek'i  Frank,  apiari-l. 
Iloelireiii      BBoiiry     IB,    Hardware, 
Stoves,    Tinware,    Paints,    Oils,    Glass, 
Lim\lier,  Sash,  Doors,  Blinds  and  Cirain. 
"I'I'le  L,  pocket  book  and  bruMi  mnfr. 

'u'ltley  Leigh  G,  propr  Glen  Hou.^e. 
I •••denberger  Fred  D,  farm  inipls. 

I  •'uer  &  Weber  (Herman  Mauver,  Henry 
•  ^Vfcber),  general  store. 

Metzger  Albert  U,  station  agent  C  &  N  W 

Jletzger  Michael,  flour  oiill. 
Monk  Mrs  liatlie,  milliner. 
O'Dell  Otto,  wagonraaker. 
Rockwell  John  T,  carpenter. 
Rockwell  Mrs  John  T,  dressmaker. 
Rodden  Michael,  house  mover. 
Russell  R  C,  physician. 
Schactler  Mrs  George,  carpet  weaver. 
Shunke  Miss  Anna,  dressmaker. 
Sinz  Wm,  saloon . 
Stone  JIrs  Silas,  carpet  weaver. 
Sultze  Hermann,  furniture. 
Syron  Edmund  K.  CHrj>enler. 
Thackeray  Joseph,  cheese  mnfr. 
Volquarlz  Helena.  dre.~smaker. 
Weaver  Charles  ii,  jihysician. 
Weaver  Mrs  ('■  II,  nnis:c  teacher. 
Wcinor  .H:iiue-«;  K,  General  Store  and 

Woodv/ard  Hev  J  V,'  (Methodist). 

GLENCOE.  In  Buffalo  ccmnty,  2.-; 
miles  southeast  of  Alma,  the  judicial  seal, 
and  7  from  Arcadia,  the  nearest  banking 
and  shipping  point.  Population,  75.  ."Mail, 
semi  weekly.     P.  Waters,  postmaster. 

Faulds  Hneh,  justice. 
Jackson  Walter,  blacksmith. 
McCabe  -lohn,  carpenter. 
SaiUT  Will  U,  Flour  Mill. 
Smith  John,  carpenter. 

GLENDALE.  A  postoffice  on  the  C. 
&  N.  W.  Hy,  in  .Monroe  county,  29  miles 
soulhia't  of  Sparta,  the  county  seat,  and  4 
uoitbwest  of  F.liov,  its  banking  point. 
Populaiiou,  IGO.  E.xp. ,  Am.  ilail,  daily. 
T.  P.  Lyon,  postmaster. 

(^hceney  J  IJ,  liarnessmaker. 

(,'url  D  A,  cooper. 

.lohnson  Leonard,  lawyer. 

t^j'oii  .Biii'U"«  BJ.  General  Store. 

Moon  H  J,  iu..tice. 

Kiiiold  AmlVew,  blacksmith. 

Richardson  t.'harles,  carpenter. 

Street  A,  carpenter. 

GLEN  FLORA.  A  village  on  Deer 
Tail  cieek  and  on  th(!  :M.,  St.  P.  &  S.  Ste. 
SI.  Ry,  in  Chippewa  county,  ,jO  miles 
northwest  of  Chippewa  Falls,  the  judicial 
seat.  E.\p. ,  Am.  Population,  .';.'i.  E.  A. 
-McLennan,  postmaster. 

Brand  Bros,  charcoal  innfrs. 
Buck  E  E,  saloon. 


Q      The  Popular  ri^ 
iiVl  Unclothe    liG 

stand  iloithuesi 


to  all  POINTS  in  iil 

um  m. 





Glcii  riora  yitifix  Co,  General  Store 

and  Saw  Mill. 
Otis  O  K,  hotel. 

GLEK"  HAVEN.     A  village  on   the 
Mississippi  river  and  on   the  C,  B.  &  is'. 
Ry,    in   Grant  county,    22  miles  west    of 
Lancaster,  the  counlj'  scat,  and  3  norllieast 
of  Guttenbcrt;,  Iowa,  the  nearest  bankini; 
point.       Population,    200.       Tel..  W.   U. 
Exp.,  Am.     J.  C.  Knai>p,  postmaster. 
Barr  Frank,  liverj'. 
Baumer  J  H,  blacksraith. 
Bennett  A  II,  jiislico. 
Bcrge  K  A,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agent. 
ISkSwell   J   W,   Grain  and  Steamship 

Craig  C  G,  hotel  and  livery. 
Dortland  Bros,  lumber. 
Ennor  John  T,  Suloon. 
Grandrath  Henry,  saloon. 
Graiil  11  II,  hanie-smaker. 
Ileiza  Chris,  shoemaker. 
Hcnning  Con,  constable. 
Kaiser  L,  blacksmith  and  wat;onmaUer. 
Kldd  Joocph  S,  carpenter. 
Kipper  M  E,  general  store. 
Klindt,  Geigcr  it  Co,  ,i;enoral  store. 
Kiiapp  John  C,  Geucial  Store. 
Jlok  Henry,  saloon. 
Jlok  ik  Barr,  machine  agents. 
Bamsey  Jlrs,  hotel. 
Tate  Frank,  grain. 
Willras  Joseph,  painter. 
Young  T  M,  nurseryman  and  justice. 

GLENTrlOEE.    A  pnslollice  in  I'.rown 
county,  12  miles  south  of  Green   Bay,  the 
count}'   seat,  8  southeast  of   De  I'ere,  the 
nearest  railroad  station  and  banking  iioiut. 
Stages  semi-weekly  to  I.)e  Fere  and  Mani 
towoc.       Population,    (10.        Mail,    semi- 
■woekly.     John  Dougherty,  postmaster. 
Boclk  Wm,  carpenter. 
Doherty  Cornelius,  lawyer. 
l>oi!t.-hcTly  .^oJiii,  Gem-ral  Store. 
Sangcrnian  Charles,  geni;ral  store. 
Seeverson  Olc,  carpenter. 
Zimdara  Ferdinand,  carpenter. 

GLENWOOD.  On  t!io  Vv'is.  Central 
Line  and  on  TilTany  creek,  in  St.  Croix 
county,  3fi  miles  nortiicnM  of  Hudson,  the 
seat  of  justice,  and  20  from  New  Hieh- 
inond,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Popu- 
lation, 1,500.  K.\]..,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
P.  Gates,  postmaster. 

Ayers  &  Taylor,  livery. 
UuUlwiii  il  J.  Real  Estate. 

Billingsley  Mi.'-3  A,  stenographer. 

Booth  ifc  Co,  meat  market. 

Cliff  M  y,  hardware. 

Ddwley  E  K,  booi;s  and  stationer}-. 

Ellis  J  V,  meats  and  justice. 

Fickes  II  C.  physician. 

Flemmiagtou  A  J,  barber. 

Gates  F  1,  druggist. 

Gates  E*,  Pby.sician. 

Glenwood  Cornet   Band,    John  Ro'unsot: 

Glenwood  Mnfg  Co,  hub  and  spoke  mafrs. 
Goodwin  M  P,  physician. 
Henderson  J  R  it  C'l.  general  store. 
Johnston,  Syme  ic  Baldwin,  general  store. 
Johnston  Wm  jr,  hotel. 
Knowltou  G  F,  justice. 
Lantz  C  T,  furniture. 
Nourianca  House. 
Pettit  &,  Zak,  tailors. 
Phillips  House. 

Pittard  &  O'Donnell,  meat  market. 
Salscheider  P,  carpenter. 
Schuster  John,  hotel. 
Simons  Bros,  hotel. 
Spencc  W  B.  restaurant. 
TuUlc  &  t.'ooUi,  Livery. 
Wheeler  J  H,  furniture. 
Whittakcr  F  C,  railroad,  exp  and  tei  agt. 

GLIDDEN.  A  village  on  Ihe  Wiscon- 
sin Central  Line,  In  Ashland  county,  -It 
miles  southeast  of  Ashland^  Jbt.  ^ii:>-la! 
scat,  and  20  from  Fil!eld,the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  .Mineral,  hardwooil  and  farm- 
ing lands  of  the  best  grade  are  in  abund- 
ance in  this  section,  and  are  being  nipidly 
settled  up.  It  contains  Baptist,  Caiholic 
and  Lutheran  churcln-s  and  a  i/iaded 
school.  Exp.,N.  P.  Tel.,  W.  U."  Pop- 
ul.atiou  as  per  census,  225.  George  .'^l.ll, 

Baker  House.  ^Irs  J  R  Swan  projir. 
Bradley  Charles  M,  druggist. 
CliijipcwH  House,  H  S  Taylor  propr. 
Dcnuirs  Jerry,  jiroor  Hotel. 
Fries  Joseph,  blacksmith. 
Oerhardt  Peter, 
(ilidilen  House,  .lames  Havton  propr. 
(rlidden    Lumber  Co   (G  il    Kern,  Edwin 

Foster,     Charles    JlcCuHi',  Georce  ilc- 

Gohring  Fred,  meat  market. 
Hart  Lawrence,  saloon. 
Hart  Michael  J,  justice  and  hardwari'. 
Huyton  James,  jmipr  Glidden   House. 
£Si!r4l  Or.siii  W,  Dealer  in  General  ller- 

Jensen  Charles,  sec  school  board. 

Shicap  &  Grand  ]ml  Pij, 

The  Favorite  Route  E?.st 

VIA    reiACARA    FALLS. 



idi.LO      to       C,    I  U.  iiiLii     ,1..!.    UJ., 

flrlQQ     Hurc    i 

•J  liii^w:  JO 4  "v\  EST  wATKit  >r.. 





;arn  George H.cgt  Val  Blaiz  BrtwinL'  Co. 

;;:nL'  Josiah  A,  generai  store. 

iiliiie  Cliaric*  W,  Salooc. 

Le  Velle  Kock,  saloon. 

I.Hwler  &  Becker   OVm  Lavrler,    Joseph 

Becker),  meat  market. 
I.oiselle  John,  liarber. 
?-IcQtieeri  Thomas,  saloon. 
Nc'.son  Price,  pvopr  Union  Hotel, 
rkhatzka  Frank,  raiiroid,  esp  and  tel  a^t. 
xhwemhftgea  Adoiph,  restaurant. 
.~.);  Carl  L,   tailor. 
Sell  GeoT'jc,  Postmaster  and  Surveyor; 

Dealer  in  Itebl  Estate.     i-Ste  'idi\  liloic.) 
.-:ar  Hotel,  Jerr)-  Demars  propr. 
>wan  Mrs  J  K.  propr  Baker  House. 
T£.j!or  Henry  5,  prcpr  Chippeiva  House. 
T  vrn  Hall,  Corceliiis  Gilles  mnsr. 
I'nion  Hotel,  Price  >-'elsou  propr. 
''Veibler  Jolin,  saiion. 
^Ving  Nelson  J,  shoemaker. 

GLOBE.     A  reccnth-  established  post- 
cHce  in  Ciark  count}'. 

GOLDEN  LAKE.  A  postoiScc  in 
Wsuktsha  county,  10  miles -vvest  of  Wau- 
'<-:sha,  the  county  seat,  4  northwest  of 
I'ousman,  the  nearest  railroad  station,  and 
^  south  of  Ocouomowoe,  the  nearest  bank- 
ire  point.  Stages  to  Oconomowoc;  fare, 
T5  cents.  Population,  90.  ^lail,  daily. 
L.-Dst  Schwager,  piostmaster.  Cheese  Co. 
>i.liilliijg  Rev  (Lutheran). 
''flnv!';jcr     Kriisl,    Blacksmith    and 

GOOD   HOPE.      A  postofBce  on  the 
^!   it  N.  ]{.  K.,    ill    Milwaukee  county,  .3 
".I'es  north  of  .Milwaukee,  the  county  .-eat 
"''d  nearest   liankinc  point.     Population, 
•■'3.    Slail,  daily.     K.  Laun,  postmaster, 
•'•-uer  Wm.  blacksmith. 
J.iuiii  triKloIpIi,  Farmer. 
-'•'i-~o\v  Hcnrv.  saloon. 
^:M''i'lon  .J  U"  juitlce. 

GOODTEAE.  On  the  C.  M.  .■;  St. 
P.  and  G.  X.  it  N.  roads,  in  -jacksoa  coun- 
ty, 2?  miles  from  Black  Eiver  Falls,  the 
iudicial  seat.  Zsearest  bank  at  Tomah. 
Pupulation,  250.  Mail,  daily.  Charles  A. 
Goodyear,  postmaster. 

Barrel  I. James,  justice. 

Blair  Hueh,  supt  G  ^"  A  N  K  R. 

Decker  W.  engineer. 

Gahe  Adam,  supt  iOeging. 

Goodyear  Cljarles  A.  General  M^i^a- 

ger  G  N  i.t  X  n  R. 
Goodyear  D  A  ..t  C  A.  sa^v  mill. 
Hanson  Xels,  blacksmith. 
Johnson  Peter,  hole!. 
Jlueller  Frank  J,  senera!  store. 
Peck  AVm,  supt  est  mill. 
Kiley  T  O.  railroad  a.re3l. 
Yackel  Philip,  constabli. 

GOBDON.      On  the  C.  St.  P.,  M.  A 

O.  By,  in  Douglas  county,  at  the  conliu- 
tncc  of  the  Eau  Claire  and  Upffr  St. 
Croix  rivers,  41  miles  south  of  Superior, 
the  county  seat  and  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  100.    Tel.,  W.  l".    Esp.,  Am. 

Gordon  A.  ceneral  store. 

GRAFTON.  A  prosperous  villsce  on 
thi;  .M  it  N.  K.  R..  and  on  tijc  Milwaukee 
river,  which  furnishes  excellent  power,  ia 
Ozaukee  county,  2.")  miles  from  yiilwaukee  / 
and  8  southwest  of  Port  "SVashicjlon.  the  ' 
seat  of  justice  and  location  of  the  nearest 
bank.  Population.  500.  Tel.,  \V.  U. 
E.xp.,  Am.     F.  L.  Adams,  postmaster. 

Ahlers  John,  town  clerk. 

Ahlers  Nicholas,  apiarist. 

Back  tiforuc,' Boots  and  Shoes. 

jJehrcns  llcrinan,  apiarist. 

Broda  AVm.  tailor. 

C^ausinj  Gustav,  carriagemaker. 

Cr.-iuier  Joseph,  photoirrapher. 

Dcrwald  &,  Co.  general  store. 

Dickerman  C  L,  Justice. 

Edwards  Sherman,  prin  public  school. 

Egey  Miss  Frcilericka,  milliner. 

GeriHch  Chaiius,  cheese  mn::. 

County  SO  Five  YO^Jcr  Ashland  County 

I'ealtT  in  Viilase  Lots  .-iDd  luipmvff!  V=r 
•' "•'•nsTiuie  assured.    Piue  Laui-....  .'•  r  Sh>.    .w::.^,.   ...,,..„:■.,.  trL.i. .-.:  r.^:, 
"..-Ill  ohet-rfunj- aa.-wert'.     A.i.!r-.>;.  <;LIDDKN,  .\>Iilniid  Co..  W'Ss. 

Ican-?:ea'i  aid  S'.;i:?  Lar.,!s  l^atec.    Lo^  Pri.-'>« 
■?.!  Ka:!road  L:ind<.    Inquiries 

llM/»    ri  ^  ■  I      11  In  need  of  Itviialrliii:.  our  Facllitiei  are  ilic  lifi.1. 

iUn^     hf^n^THn      Choke   llorin^    :,     J"  H  N    TX  ITM  r  !l  C.  C  N 
-Wllw    lllu[iaM  wUl  CO.,  -7.:    Wc^l    Uau-.-  Mrcot,  .mlwaukeo,  Ul.. 

Rnhrrf  ^'irn^rA^pn^  !:.iPG^TEns  of  paper  HftNGifios, 

S  338 




Grafton  Milling  Co,  flour  aud  grist  mill. 
Griiftoii  ■\Yorslc  i  Mills. 
Graml  C'uutr;il  Hotel,  Mrs  Huebschen. 
Ilalilcli  Mr^  A,  fruit  :inii  confectioner. 
e9iiriii><  lYctlerk-U  ly,  General  Store, 

Iiisunuice  anil  Notary. 
Huebscheu  Jlrs.propr  Grand  Central  Hotel 
.lanscn  !Mrs  Anna,  saioon. 
.luiip  Valentine,  prupr  'iViECOiisin  House. 
Kalli  Alberl,  blacksniitl:  and  hardwfire. 
Koeiiiij  .John,  news  dlr  and  carpet  weaver. 
Koelterer  George,  mason. 
IColilwey  Frederick.  ai>iarist. 
Koldwey  Henry,  blacksmilli. 
J^Ieyer  Anllinuy,  builder. 
iMeyer  Oscar,  meal  market. 
WiUviHiiice   Falls   Iviiiie  <;<>,  Lime 

HUnlzlair  Cliarks  P,  apiaii^l. 
Mueller  Kdward,  L;i/neral  store. 
Peters  Clnrles,  blacksmith. 
Ploejjer  AuL'USt,  barnessmaUer. 
ScUeft  Louis,  carp.enter. 
Scliinidt  Ferdinand,  linner. 
Schmidt   I'rank  Ji,  railroad,    express   and 

tel  atrent. 
Schmidt  Mrs  U  H,  general  store. 
Niiiioii''«  BBolfl,  .J.ilin  H  Simou  I'ropr. 
\'ot'i;  Kev  Phili|)  iCatholic). 
WeliL-r  Wm,  brewer. 
Wci'iicr  Gotlhilf,  \vai;oamakcr. 
Wesemann  Kev  Frederick  (I>ulheran). 
Wieplving  Christopher  E.  painter. 
Wisconsin  House,  Valentine  .lunc;  propr. 

GRAND  MARSH.     A  post(.tUce   in 
Adama    coiinty,    10    mih-s     .=oulbcast    of 
Frien(Nhip,    the   county    .seat.  10  ^vest  of 
Wcslfield,  tlie  nearest  railroad  station,  aud 
19  north  of  Kilbnjrue  City,    the   ni:arest 
bankinR   point.     Population,     100.     JIail, 
triweekly.     Andrew  PatiicU,  postmaster. 
C^avanaiiLdi  Charles,  blacksmith. 
Gletiiier^l  W.   carpeDt(!r. 
Eiii|>!i)i>!>  V.'iji,   lb;tel. 
McClicsncy  Kev  .]  H  lOmgregational). 
Smith  E  1>.  cooper. 
\Voodard  S  S,  watronmaker. 

GRAND  RAPIDS.  A  prosperous, 
incorporated  city  in  Wood  county,  of 
wliich  it  is  the  judicial  seat,  on  the  G.  C  , 
\V.  A  St.  P.  Ky.  The  Wisccmsin  river 
divides  it  from  Centralla,  which  is  imme- 
diately opposite,  and  is  connected  with 
that  city  by  a  tine  bridge  which  cost  the  two 
cities  uliout  S'JO, OOO.  The  city  contain.s  a 
flouring  mill,  a  wuod  pulp  null,  a  fuundrj' 
and  machine  shop,  a  brewery,  a  bank,  a 
ncwspajH'r,  the    Vi'>0'i    C'^iintif   li,-ror!,:T.  a 

firaded  school,  2  churches,  of  the  ^Meth  ■ 

dist  and  Catholic  denominations,  and  ■.'■>.■: 

hotels.     The  principal  shipments  are  flour 

farm    products    and    cranberries.      St.ip' - 

serai-weekly  to  Friendship.     Tel.,  W.    L' 

E.\p.,  Am.     Telephone  connections.     P, -, 

ulatiou,  1,800.    Fred  W .  IJurt,  postma-te'r. 

Arpin  John,  lumb:-r. 

Baker  George  W,  furniture. 

Beadle  Miss  Cora,  dressmaker. 

Belauger  Mxs  .Mary,  dri-ssmaker. 

Berrard  .lohn,  sahmn. 

Bcyerle  Kev  Charles  (Catholic). 

Billmcier  Fred,  saloon. 

Bitner  Kev  (Lutheran). 

Bodetle  Edward  T,  shoemaker. 

P.o;;oi;er  ."\Iicliael  A,  furniture. 

Eo.;u--!awsky  K  &  Co.proprs  Central  Hoi;se 

Bookhin  .John  Y,  laundry. 

Bri./.i-ioi  Stephen,  barber. 

Brown  Wm.  house  mnver. 

Brown  &  Ketcham  (Wm  Brown,  Edward 

Ketcham).  ice. 
Kurt  ri't'il    \V,  Postmaster. 
Calveit  Tiio}uas,  iiainter. 
Centra!  H<'use,ll  Boguslawsky  &Coproprs 
Compton  Henry  H,  proccr. 
Complou  Xallum  L,  bill  poster. 
Copehind   k   Vaui^hau  (Cecil  A  Copelaad, 

Byrde  M  Vaughau),  lawyers. 
Coicoran  Wm,  siurveyor. 
Crawford  Albert  B.  dentist. 
Crotteati  .Tasiier,  ret;ister  of  deeds.  ; 

Dahlke  Win  F,  masou.  ' 

Dahlkeit  L)amil7.  iGustave  Dahlke,  Charles 

Damitz),  saloiin, 
Daly  C  E  Sc  Co  (Charles  E  and  John  Da!y\ 

meat  market. 
Daly  John  E  it  Co  (.Tohn  E  Daly,  Daly  & 

Sampson),  drui;;!;isls. 
Daly   &   Sampson"  (John  Daly,   Henry  A 

Sampson),  lumber  mnfrs. 
De  Grandpre  Henry,  physician. 
Donaldson  .Mrs  Abbie  E.  milliner. 
Dueas  .losepb  L,  evp  and  Icl  aL'euf. 
Edwards  Hc-nry  &-  Son  (Henry  and  lleniv 

jr),  livcrv. 
li^mraous  >;el.=on  E,  jeweler. 
Farrish  John,  lumbtr. 
Farni.h  K.bert  &  Bro  U^obert  aud  Jl-Iic). 

general  store.  * 
First  Nati()  Bank  (capital,  .■s.lO.OOO),  J  H 

Witter  pres,  F  J  Wood  cash. 
Fontaine   Albert   L,    publr  Wood  County 

Fournier  Louis,  b.irber. 
Freeman  Josepli  W,  grocer. 
Fritz  Bros  (Herman  and  Louis),  saloop. 
Galiler  .Vus,  plasterer. 
GahUr  !'"'ri'd,   plasterer.  

"1  fTa 

Loa  k  W  t;i  Lai 

r^^"^7     MILWAUKEH   CEMENT  CO. 

U   J      J     »l     15  1    AVLSX   A\  ATi:it   ST.,  ItIII.AV.Vl  Ji.i;E,    U  IS. 



Architects  and  Superintendents, 

X.  n.  tor.  of  Grand  nud  V..  M^iter  Sts.,  illLWAUKLL.^TIS. 





jiartliier  !>.^  Gaynser  (Georse  H  Garil- 

;ar,  Jobu  A  Gaynor),  Attorneys-at-Law. 
(Ir.uwiich  [leiiry  F,  saloon, 
i;  rdoii  Jliss  A  Miilvina,  milliner. 
;  iiii^LT  Charles,  cranberry  dealer. 
Cianil  Unpids  Flourinc  ^lill  Co. 
Jrund  Uapids  House,  JIrs  Jlicliael  Slattery 

;;My  Orrio,  clerk  of  court. 
•'^T^iii  Wm,  cunfecLioner. 
M:iMra  Mrs  John,  general  store, 
l!  i^l)roiick  .loiseph  U,  blacksmith. 
Matliiiwny  8-«(rcii'xo,  I'ropr  Witter 

IIi'jso  ;   First-Class   Livery   in    Couuec- 

lion;  Three  Lanje  Sample  itoums. 
'I'.ljert  J  Orson,  photoi^rapher. 
Mcr.-chlfcb  11  August,  baker. 
.in.>pL-r  \Vm,  county  clerk, 
!I"U!,'en  Ole  T,  iiliysieiiin. 
HiHiiinstoi!   Oti'i^fiU  i»a.  Ilardwnrc, 

Sewing    Maciniie.?,     Cutlery,     Sportiiig 

Goods,  and  Gun^nulU. 
1  U  0  F  Public  Library,  II  A  Herachleb 

;vy  \Vm  F,  ci;;ar  mnfr. 
.'Cline  John,  blacksmith. 
Kiomer  KIlis,  pliotop;rapher. 
Kniger  Fred  W,  grocer. 
KijMlz  Henry,  sheriff. 
Auniz  II  ct  Co  (Henry  Kuntz,  Jacob  Ariz, 

Cliarles  Smith),  rar.^l  impls. 
I.ahreche  James  D,  shoemaker, 
■l.'iaouette  Zoticpie,  saloon. 
Lord  Jliss  Louise,  dressmaker, 
l.ove  Thomas,  propr  Union  House. 
I'Uiz  Jacob  &   Bro   (Jacob    and    David), 

'•ynch  Edward,  real  estate. 
Lynn  Marvel,  'bus  line. 
l-v,)ii  Robert  W,  horseshoer. 
''•I'Caniley  I'eter,  mavor. 
Mc('artby  John,  blacksmith. 
jl'Uiiih  Matthew  J,  merchant  tailor. 
jKnrold  Louis  J,  county  treasurer. 
^'ii>ttni  John,  carpenter. 
•'iI/Ljcr  Burt,  wagoumaker. 
"■liller  James,  tail.Vr. 
^1  tI  David,  tanner. 

-Ni^sou  C  II  1%  Co  (Chris  II  Nis!;oD,  Jeuc  D 
._  \'»'itter),  fieneral  store. 
|'^riHau  Charles  E,  general  store. 
1  itrick  .t   Mahonty   (Jolm   Patrick,  Ed- 
^  ward  Mahoney),  foundry. 
I '•-■arson  Harry  K,  books. 
P|  >neer  Wood    Pulp   Co,  G  E  Iloskinson 

[Tcs,  F  JIacKiuuon  sec. 
' -l-eh  Charles,  grocer. 

Vmke  John  F,  carpenter. 

,   iiiainville  i'rauk,  liuuors. 
_!''  ^''"''  ^-  district  attorney. 

Ueardon  Mrs  Mary,  dressmaker. 

Ueiland  Nicholas,  meat  market. 

llowland  George  T,  county  supt  schools. 

Hurascy  Albert  W,  confectioner. 

Tiyckmen  Mrs  Wm  H,  notions. 

Scott  Wm,  city  treasurer. 

Silber  B  rnhard,  clothing. 

Slattery  .JIrs  Jlichael,  propr  Grand  Rapids 

Spafford,  Cole  &  Co  (Seth  A  Spafford. 
David  J  Cole,  Theodore  A  Leipke),  gen- 
eral store. 

Staid  Frank,  city  marshal. 

Stohl  ^  Kuntz  (.Frank  Stahl,\Ym  Kuut?.), 

Sweeney  Horace,  livery. 

Thomas  &  Kuntz  (Xicholas  Thomas,  Wm 
Kuntz),  saloon. 

TurubuU  Andrew,  carpenter. 

Union  House,  Thomas  Love  propr. 

Wagner  John,  undertaker. 

Webb  Charles  M,  circuit  judge. 

Webb  Miss  Jennie,  music  teacher. 

Wheeler  Benjamin,  saloon. 

Williams  George  L,  county  judge. 

Witter  George  F,  physician. 

Wiltor  SEoiisf,  Lorenzo  Hathaway 
propi ;  Three  Large  Sample  Kooms;  First- 
Class  Ijivery  in  Coiuiectlon. 

Wood  County  Hejiorter,  A  L  Fontaine 

Wood  George  N.  real  estate  and  ins. 

Wood  Waller  W,  druggist. 

Woodwoilh  AUner  C,   harness. 

Wright  Henry,  mason. 

Zenier  Alexander,  music  teacher. 

GRAND  VIEW.  La  Fayette  county. 
See  Lis!U:  

GRANITE.  A  di.'continucd  po:4oiru;c 
In  Wood  county.  Send  mail  to  Dexter- 

GRANITE  HEIGHTS.     On  the  C. 

M.&Sl.  P.  Ily,  in  Miralhon  county.  U 
miles  from  Wausaii.  the  judicial  seat  and 
l)ankine  point.  Poiiulation,  100.  E.\p,, 
Am.  Tel.,W.U,  T.  H.  Thornton,  post- 

Colin  .V  Uoliertson  Granite  Mnfg  Co. 
Tlioriiloii  T   E!,  General   Store,  Piail- 
road,  E.xpress  and  Telegraph  Agent. 

GRANTSBUHGH.  The  county  seat 
of  Burnett  County,  is  pleasantly  situated 
on  ^Vood  river,  at  the  terminus  of  the 
Grantsburgh  br.  of  the  St.  P.  tt  D.  K.  K., 
17  nules  east  of  Rush  City,  Minn  ,  the 
nearest  banking   point,    and    72  from    St. 

f^ilMul{8e  SSL  Paul  Pij,  r;;r:'Uesl  and  lloilh 


Of  Goodyear   Rubber    Company,    r,1iiwaukee,   Wisconsin, 





Paul.  Il  Ims  6  chuicbes,  a  graded  school,  I 
flouv  and  lumber  mills,  a  grain  elevator, 
starch  factor}',  a  weekly  newspaper,  the 
Burneti  Cuv.nly  Senthifl.  special  and  gen- 
eral stores,  etc.  The  shipments  are  grain, 
produce,  cranberries,  etc.  Tri-weeklj' 
mail  stage  to  St.  Croix  Falls  and  semi- 
weekly  to  Wood  Lake, Trade  liiver,  Alstatl 
and  Bracy.  Population,  JiJU.  Exp.,  Ad- 
ams. Tel.,"W.  U.  Simon  Thoreion,  post- 

Alilstrotii  &  Co.  General  Store. 
Anderson  Andrew  A.  resrister  of  deeds. 
Anderson  A  ^I,  blacksmith. 
Anderson  Canute,  county  commissioner. 
Anderson  John  C,  blacksmith. 
Anderson  ^Vm,  justice. 
Bradford  James  J3,  saw  and  flour  mill. 
Burnett     County     Agricultural     Society, 

Francis  O  Oisou  sec. 
Burnett  County  Sentinel. G  A  Olson  propr. 
Butlrick  \Vm  G,  cranberry  grower. 
Byrnell  August,  blacksmith. 
Cassel  August,  county  commissioner. 
Chambers  it  O'Xed  (John  Chambers,  Ar- 
thur O'Neil),  masons. 
City  Hotel.  W  >1  Uumery  propr. 
Dahlberg  F  G,  county  commissioner. 
Erdtman  Axel,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Grantsburgh  Cornet  Band,  C  J  Wold  Idr. 
Grantsburgh    Starch  Factory,  Ole  Ander- 
son trcas. 
Grtttum  Ingebregt.  l!i\Tyer. 
Oii<ltn!in><uii      Adoljiti,      Cranberry 

JIalland  Kev  II  II  (Methodisti. 
Hanson  Barney,  livery. 
llickerson  I  Xewtou,  clerk  circuit  court. 
Hickerson  Perry  D,  propr  jlerchauts'  Ho- 
IlU'korsoii    &.   An<lcr«oii,    General 

Store  and  Lumber. 
Hovdc  ]Michael  J,  hardware. 
Jacob-on  C  ,1,  lunilior. 
Jacobson  Louis,  carpenter. 
Jensen  Janu'S  C,  painter. 
Johnson  John  A,  vilbige  clerk. 
Johnson  John  G,  county  ilcrk. 
Johnson  Hev  Paul  (li;iptist). 
Johnson  Samuel,  livery. 
Kerliud  &,  Barter,  livery  stable. 
Leighton  Ephraim  F,  photographer. 
Lindquist  Louis,  furniture'. 
Lund  Kev  A  (Svv'ediih  Lutheran). 
Jlaxwell  Wm  li,  lawyer. 
Means  Daniel  E,  meat  market. 
Jlerchauts'  Hotel,  P  D  Hickerson  propr. 
Nelson  Miss  Tena,  county  supt  schools. 
Xewgard  John  C),  county  judge. 
Olson  Canute,  justice. 

Olson  Francis  O.  county  coranr. 

Olson  G  A,  propr  Burneti  County  Sen!  irc 

Olson  Thorstcn,  druggist. 

<>!soii  &,  Sla^cii,  General  Store. 

Peterson  Andrew,  liour  null,  4  mile;  e. 

Peterson  C'harles  F,  carpenter. 

Peterson  John,  waironniaker. 

B'cttTsoii  i'ctcr  E.  Furniture.  Fli'.ir 

and  Feed. 
Peterson  A-  Johnson,  tailors. 
Rice  Thomas  &  Son,  logs,  poles  and  po.^;- 
Robcy  iilarion  L,  phy.-ician. 
Rumery  Wni  .M,  propr  City  Hotel. 
Sheldon  C  M  &  Co,  saloon. 
Sjerbloni  Ole,  mason. 
Slenborg  Alexander,  blacksmith. 
Stevenson  Charles,  craidierry  grower. 
Slultz  Rev  Charles  C  (Lutheran). 
TSi<>r«'>><)ii  i«ii)ioii.  General  Store. 
Torni'lom  John.  carpenli.T. 
Trotiiiulcr  EJros  tV  Wliitc,  Lumber 

Mnfrs.  4  miles  s  e. 
Willianjs  T  H.  railroad  and  tel  agent. 
Wold  Carl  J,  painter. 

GRANVILLE.  A  postoUice  on  Hit 
C,  JI.  A  St.  P.  Uy  and  on  the  C.  &  ^'.W. 
Ry,  in  Milwaukee  county,  10  miles  north 
of  JIdwaukee,  the  county  seat  and  ne-ire,-'. 
banking  jioint.  Popul.itiou,  loi).  Tl'1.. 
^\'.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  J.  E.  Standi.-h,  post 

Badger  State  Brick  and  Tile  Works 
Baroat  ,1  G.  wngonraaker. 
Bliesener  Frederick,  blacksmith. 
Bliesener  John,  painter. 
P>eligen  A,  undertaker. 
Entrel  W  G,  Am  Exoress  asent, 
Graff  it  Sucke,  blacksmiths. 
Krueger  Albert,  notary. 
SliiiKiish   J    Si,    Flour   and 

Railroad  Agent. 
Steinmetz  Jacob,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Tennesseu  J  J,  general  store  and  saioor 
AVaechter  David,  general  store  and  hot 


lage in  Milwaukee  counl\%  10  miles  nortii- 
west  of  Milwaukee,  thi'  ounly  S(;a!.  and  1^ 
from  Granville,  the  nearest  railri'ad  •■■a- 
tion.  ililwaukee  is  the  nearest  banUinsr 
point  Population,  lOO.  Jlail,  daily 
Thomas  Bulkr,  postmaster. 

Aounon  .\nton,  shoemaker. 

ICulIi'r 'riioiii:i<>,  Farmer. 

Gengler  John,  cheese  mnfr. 

HofTelt  John  P,  cheese  mnfr. 

July  Rev  (CatholJcV 

Klehr  Peter,  general  store  and  saloon. 

Ctiicap  S  Gfand  ]mi 

The  Favorite  Route  tast 



!(e\Y  York  Life  Insiirancs  Co.  jrX"- *""■"""■''''''■■'■"■■*''""''■'■" 

^l.,  .niLWAl'ItlJH,  1VI.S.     \V.  S.  CiMiKK,  Stale 


l«,Ol)0,iHH).  I  <»tilco,   -HO    ?lii««ukoe 
Agent.     WAI.KKU  liUCKNEU,  (ien'l  Manager. 





Aielir  &  Beaurefiud,  saw  mill, 
.-^linbert  Wm,  blacksmith. 

GRATIOT.  A  stirring  villac;e  ou  tlio 
("..  yi.  ifc  St.  P.  Uy,  in  tlie  sotiliieastcrn 
•i.irlion  of  La  Fayt'tte  cuiinty,  li  miles 
r'li'.liea-^t  of  Datiiui^toD,  tlie  stat  of  justics 
!.\)i\  nearest  IjaiiliiiiL;  point.  It  coutaiiis  2 
:!  itir  m''.!s,  2  cbiirclie?,  a  giadeJ  scliool  aud 
-iveral  stores.  ^Vnlf  cret.k  and  Pecatouica 
rivtr  farni^li  ample  water  power.  Exp., 
Aiiams.  TeL,  W.  U.  Population,  3o0. 
M,  P.  Kennedy,  postnia.ster. 

.\niondson  Loui.i  O,  lilaeksmitli. 

llnniparger  Martin,  slioemaker. 

Sioylc  l>CH!!i'»,  Restaurant. 

Iwiif;^  Samnel  G,  lioai diu;;;  lionse. 

Kache  Robert,  barber. 

Calvert  John  11,  railroad  and  exp  agent. 

<MaipbeIl  Burt,  prin  of  schools.  , 

(.'"bins  &   Doyle   (.lolin   Collins,  J^Iichael 

r>oyle),  general  store. 
<'n;;ia3&  Son  (.lolm  and  James), hardware. 
Croak  Piev  P  (Catholic). 
I'oring  Henry,  liverj'. 
U.iring  &  Co  (.lonas  notiiiir),  llonr  mill. 
(ilobe   i'Solel,    Mrs   Mary   A    Jerman 

I'ropr.     (See  cida,  Ulon:  ) 
llrutiot  Cornet  Band,  ,lobn  ."\Iarriolt  Idr. 
Gratiot  Cicnniery  Co,   Henry   Tipp   pros, 

.^Iichael  Doyle  sen. 
Hi  ton  Elmer,  barber, 
■iarvis  Marion,  apiarist. 
-loriiuiJi   flSrsi  ?3aicj-   A,  Propr  Globe 

Hotel.     {S,r  adr.  bil»>r_) 
•'"biison  Martin,  Hour  mill. 
Kelly  James  A,  blacksmith, 
iveimedy  Jlatbias  P,  postmaster. 
Ivenney  Hat  ley,  lilaekamilh. 
l.auterbach  Peter,  saloon. 
i'.L'ary  &  Leahy  (Michael   I.eary,   Michael 

Leahy),  s.doon. 
'•'■mont  John  W,  grain  and  lumber. 

Lund,  Quinn  &  Co  (Carl  Jf  Lund,  Tim- 
othy E  Quinn,  Louis  A  Rossing),  gen- 
eral store. 

McCauley  John  P,  grocer  aud  justice. 

Marriott  Joiin,  drui.:t;ist. 

Mills  Rev  R  T  (Melhodisi). 

IS'ixon  John,  restaurant. 

>"uble3  Richard  11,  physician. 

Paulson  Peter,  shoemaker. 

Powell  Jatnes  E,  harness  and  furniture. 

Rowe  &  Cain  (J  W  Rowe,  A  P  Cain), 
meat  market. 

Woolworth  Sylvanus  T,  apiarist. 

GRATTAN.  In  Barron  county,  20 
miles  fiom  l!;irroii,  the  judicial  seat,  aud  7 
from  Pace  Lake,  the  nearest  hankiiu:  and 
shijipiug  point.  Mail,  semi-weeekly.  P. 
Ilaughian,  postmaster. 

GRAVESVILLE.  A  village  on  the 
Manitowoc  river,  in  Calumet  couuti',  1 
mile  east  of  Chilton,  the  county  seat, 
nearest  railroad  station  aud  banking  point. 
Population,  200.  ,\Iail,  daily.  S.  .^L 
Crawford,  postmaster. 

Barber  W,  telegraph  accnt. 
Clieesemau  Rev  C  P  (.Methodist). 
Cook  C  F,  hotel. 

<'l'a\vl<»i'«l  S  M,  General  Store. 
Graves  Jame.s  A,  saw  mill. 
Guntber  Robert,  wagonmaker. 
Iio.^kill  .lohn,  ma^on. 
Luther  Charles,  shoemaker. 
Porter  W  A,  railroad  aud  e.xp  agent. 
Sprague  Henry  K,  justice. 
Stiansky  Anton,  blacksnrith. 
Sussenguth  F  &  Son.  bottlers. 

GREEN  BAY.  The  judicial  seat  of 
Brown  county,  is  located  at  the  conlluence 
of  the  Fox  and  East  rivers,  at  the  foot  of 
Green  bay,  llJl  miles  north  of  Milwaukee, 

MARY  A.  JERMAN,  Proprietress. 

'"iewly  Refitted  and  Refiiniislied.         First-Ciass  in  Every  Rsspsct. 


Ifsiralile  loeatii.ii  Hol.'l. '  .\Ni.,  -27  iicivs  of  pr.p'rty,  haji 
percius  are  oiTcred  at  a  l)ar«;iin.    Write  for  pariioulars  t.) 

l---!i  IVopc.i 

nil  Of  till'  iSluilkliiir-  ana  Wanv 
II  I  on  I  111-  f.'rati.lllea  Uivi-r.  and  is 
.i.oiiii'll  iiuprovtd.  at  e'linton,  \Vi 



luiiioirceiTPl  ii  z 


to  all   POINTS 

Olidahv  DrotSiere,  ^Pork  and   Beef  Packers, 

?lll.VvAli£EE,   T^ISCONMN.     \  AND   PROVISION    DEALERS. 

.2  i  342 




®   «fl  198    porth  nf   Cbicrhni,  185   northefi^t    of 
i^  ^   Madison,    anil   49   northeabt   of   Oihkosh. 
^   9  It  is  sepurateci  from  the  ciiy  of  Ft.  IIow- 
"j   yj  ard  by  the  Fox  river,  was  first  settled  in 
{J  ~  1GC3  by  French  mi.-sionaries  and   traders, 
O  ^  and  is  the  oldest  seltlement  in  the  State. 
§        It  became   a   U.  S.  garrison  in   1810,  re- 
n   ceived  n,  villasre  charter  in  1808  and  a  city 
■"SS   charter  in  18."J4.     lirown  county  was  or- 
f'3   gani  ;ed  in  \^2>'}.  when  the  county  seat  was 
„£^   located  at  De  Pere,  but  it  was  removed  to 
gj'g   Green  IJay  a  few  years  later.     The  vicinity 
has  developed  into  one  of  the  acricnl- 
tural   and   grazing  districts  in  tlie   State. 
The  business  of  raising  blooded  horses — 
Norman-Percheron — from  slock  imported 
by    I'.    P.    Kellogg,  has  been   larsjely   en- 
•^rgs^caged    in   by   him    and   others,    bolii   for 
"  "^    home   and   other  markets.       Exceptional 
,.»«   transportation  facilities  are  offered  liy  the 
^   51.  &  X.  i:.  U.,  the  C.  ^c  N.  W.  Hy  and 
tp   the  G.  B.,  W.  &  St.  P.  11.  U     The  city  !9 
tA^the  terminus  of  the  Goodrich  Transporta- 
d3   lion  Co  's  line  of  steamers,  giving  two  reg- 
T^^  ular   boats   per  week   from  Chicago  and 
bias   Milwaukee,  bringing   a   large   number   of 
c^ pleasure   s-cekers,    be.~idc    freight.     Hart's 
C?S   iSteamboat  Line,  owned   by  a  local  com- 
C/^   pany,  run  three  splendid  pa'^seiiL'iT  boats, 
^3   furnishing  a  daily  line  between   here  and 
G3   JIacUinac  and  intermediate  ports,  includ- 
JJ^i^   ing  yturgeon  Pay,  Mnrir.ette.  Mennmonie, 
Kscanaba,    Fayette,    Nahma    and    Garden 
*^   Bay,  and  connecting  wilh  p.'i>scnL'er  steam- 
'^^  crs  for  lower  lake  ports.     Another  line  of 
B^^   large    freiirhting   steamers   plies   between 
(SS^  here  and  IJulTilo.     The  city  enjoys  a  large 
^  wholesale  tnule  in  groceries,  drug-:,  crock- 
^^^j  cry,  fish  and  other  articles.     S  J.  ^lurphy 
&  Sons  have  here  one  of  the  larg'.st  lurn- 
ber,  shingle,  lath  and   planing  mill  estab- 
lishment:;  in   the  ,8late.      D.   \V.  Britlon 
enipl(i\  !i  about  I.'iO  n\eo  in  the  manufacture 
/'"  of  pork,  pickle,  syrup  and   fish  packages, 
his  coo|)erage  plant  being  one  of  the  most 
extensive  in  the  country,     rle  sliij'S  to  ten 
different   States,   induiling  Missouri   river 
points,   Minneapolis,  St.  Paul,  and  as  far 
south  as  New  (Orleans.     There  are  4  large 
breweries,   mainifat  turing   beer   which    is 
shipped   to   great   distances.     Two   sound 
•ESy^  ami  reliablebanks.  with  an  aggregate  oapi- 
^^  lal  of  •811)0.090,  have  universal  confidence. 
-01^  The    hotels    aie    exceptionally    tine    and 
E!.--«   numerous,  with  prospect  of  a  new  summer 
C^^  hotel  for  pleasure  seekers.  Several  mineral 
springs  located  here  are  becnminc   famous 
IitSsJ  for  the   curative  virtues  of   their  waters. 
^^  which  are  shifiped  bottled  and  in  bulk,  and 
[ir.iiii  in  the   form  of  various  pleasant  drinks,  to 



all  surrounding  places  The  city  and  F;. 
Howard  are  supplied  with  the  pures!  '  f 
water  for  domestic  use  andexlinguishmen; 
of  fires  by  first-class  water  works,  drawi;;.- 
their  supply  from  artesian  wells  aboi.t 
1.000  feet  deep  The  newspapers  are  !i;« 
S^'ite  G'jzitte  (Republican,  daily  and  week- 
ly ),the^ifro.v( /<?(  Democratic)  an  dX'£7-ii,-,/?,. 
rnann  (German),  both  weekly.  The  edu- 
cational facilities  are  the  very  best.  The 
public  schools  are  of  a  hi^h  character,  ar.d 
JilcCunn's  Business  Conece  is  the  leadi!;.' 
institution  of  its  kind  in  Northern  Wiscon- 
sin. It  draws  pupils  from  other  States 
and  has  a  hiLrU  reputation.  There  are  also 
numerous  parochial  schools,  under  Catho- 
lic and  Lutheran  mann'.'ernent.  The  ca- 
thedral and  bishop's  residence  of  the  Cath- 
olic See  of  Green  Bay  is  located  here,  also 
a  Catholic  orphan  asylum.  An  Odd  Fel- 
lows' Homo  has  recently  been  purchased 
and  fitted  up  in  good  style.  There  are  it 
churches,  embracing  almost  every  shade 
of  belief.  The  citv'ls  lighted  by  both  gas 
and  electricity.  Other  manufactures  are 
sa«h  doors  and  blinds.  i2  estabiishmeais). 
laundry  and  toilet  soap,  -carriages  and 
Bleiirhs.  maclnnery  and  castings,  2  tlourieg 
mills,  2  broom  factories,  spice  milU.  etc. 
Stages  in  the  winter  connect  with  Sturgeon 
Bay,  Kewaunee  and  other  places  off  the 
nulroad  lines.  The  as'-essed  valuation  ot 
real  and  personal  property  is  about  s2.o0(i, 
OOO.  Population,  10,r,00.  Tel.,  W.  !.'. 
Exp.,  Am.  and  U.  S.  Telephone  connec- 
tion.    A.  C.  Robinson,  postmaster. 

Adams  House,  llenrv  Watermolen   propr, 

209  N  Adams. 
Adrim'ens  Arsene  A  L,  jeweler,  320  Main. 
Allen    .Mi'S   Anne,  siipt   prejiaratory  dep!^ 

Green     Bay    Business    College,    222   >• 

AlloiU'i':  Iliiioi'itI  "sssi-isitr  t'o,  .Joiepn 

iloeilil   Propr,  .J.iseph  P  HoelTel   Mn^-r. 

302  N  NV'-i'.hiui.'ton.     (.'?-■  ndi:.  p  .;.r'.'.) 
American    Express   Co.   \Vm    C    Hinsdale 

agent.  224  N  Adams.  • 

American,  Frank  VanKessel  propr. 

u  e  cor  Washington  and  \Valnut. 
Anlmuser  PetiT.  carpenter.  714  Miin. 
Ansorjie    S'^nuciic  li.  Fire.  Life  and 

Accident  Irisuraure,  and  Steamship  Afft, 

Citizens'  A>ational  Back  BKig,  residence 

r)29  Pine. 
Ansorge  Kiliian,  music  tchr. 1001  Walnut. _ 
Arion  Orchestra,  Anton  Kemich  ningr.2li 

N  Adams. 
Authorson  Hans  P,  whol  meals,  1   mie  c. 
Bader  Jacob  J,  market   gardener,  2ms  e. 

liicogo  &  Omnd  I 

.it A   ii  J t 

Tli8  Favnrita  Rol'Is  East 

VIA    .N(.\U.41{.V    r.VLL^. 


,.   JL  \M  A. 


kjXjUi  J_jiii-iuri_j 

Of  bq  Oosciiplion,   Also,  State  M  lieading  fll, 


JJ  -  ,--       ,     "  D.V/.BRITTON. 

■'■■-7        :.  ,f' 





I         Orders  Solicited  in  Car  Load  Lots  or  Less. 



CREEM  BAY,  -  -  Vi/!SCOnSm. 



ILll!;CIS  CtllTFJiL  I P, 

Short  and  Direct 
!         Route  from 

mm,  mi 





Bader  Victor,  saloon.  fll9  Main. 

Baker  lEuiiry  15,  Cash  Kellogg  Xa- 
tional  Bauk,  SOI  X  Washington. 

Bnker  Janifs  S,  Abstracts  of  Laud 
Titles  and  Ueiil  Estate,  301  N  Washing- 

Bardouche  John  B,  wood.  509  Helm. 

BnrUiia>i<>eii  &,  Eintliawiiy  (Henry 
A  Bariiiiausen,  0-car  C  Hiithawa}'), 
Wholesale  Coal,  Salt,  Grain,  Hay  and 
Oil,  w  end  Walnut  Street  Bridge. 

Barlh  Alois,  whol  liquors,  103  N  Wash- 

Earth  llarlin,  .saloon,  014  Pine. 

Bartram  Wni  H,  phys.  'JIT  X 'Wavliictton. 

Baschc  Frederick  W,  nolions,  2'Jl  X 

Basten  Fmnk,  grf^cer.  IIOS  !\!iiin. 

Basteu  .loseph.  saloon,  VJi.'j  X  Waslungton. 

Bsiy  C'iJy  EHoiiso,  Konrad  Sillx-rsdorf 
I'ropr,  100  S  'Washington  cor  Walnut. 

Beach  George  J,  liarlier    11^'J  Muin. 

Bo:>;iitioiil  Tl>e,  .Tosejih  H  Githens 
Propr,  cor  Washington  and  !Main.  (See 
adv,  p  JIi7.) 

Beck  Hans  M,  drug.s,  "12  X  Washington. 

Bcerntsen  Henry,  general  store,  12'.31 

Befay  ct  Du  Chateau  (Dennis  Bef'.'ij'.  lieon 
A  U  Ou  Chateau),  pine  lands,  32'.)  X 

Bclauger  Xoe,  saloon,  214  X  Washington. 

Kell'  Elarry  r?J,  Supl  Milwaukee  & 
Northern  1{  K,  cor  Washington  and 

Beueng  Miss  .To^ie.  drejsmakr,  lll."i  Main. 

Bentheinicr  .Joliu  .^I,  meals.  M04  Ci'dar. 

Bereudsen  Bernard  M,  register  of  dei'da, 
Court  House. 

Berendsen  Henry  T  E,  ins,  314  Cherry'. 

Berens  Fred.]  F,  general  store, C'SjAValnut. 

Berllc'^  .!o3iii  S",  Fire  and  Bnr>;-l;ir 
Proof  Safes,  Vault  triors  and  Time 
Locks;  Safe  Opening  a  Specialty;  Sew- 
ing ilachines  and  Repairs.  107  S  Wash- 

Best~T  Lyman,  notions.  218  Pine. 

Beth  John  &  Son  tlolin  and  Conrad),  gro- 
cers, 31.J  X  \Vashinslon. 

Bidoul  John,  saloon,  714  Main. 

Blieduiig  Carl,  drugs,  2I.'">  Cherry. 

Boaler  Edwin,  whol  tish,footof  Washing- 

Bone:  G  i.t  Son  (Gerhard  and  Henry),  shoes, 
312  N  Washington. 

Bosse  Constant,  saloon.  201  X  Adams. 

Boucher  Conslant  J,  milk.  U  miles  e. 

Boucher  A:  Bellin  (Peter  J  Boucher,  Jules 
Bellin),  grocers,  cor  Main  and  ( Juinc}'. 

Boulet  Charles  J,  grocer,  431  Mason. 

Braa<;ch  Casper  X  veterinary  surgeon 
1200  Walnut. 

Bradley  Daniel  P,  hotel,  411  S  Washing- 

Brandenstein  Wm  A,  tailor,  311  Clierr}-. 

Braiiiis  Aii:;ii>il,  Architect  and  Super- 
intendent, Civil  JCngineer  and  Surveyor 
and  Insurance  Agency,  220  X  Washing- 

Bruuns&  Van  den  Break  (August  E  Brauns 
jr,  ICdward  Van  den  Braak),  grocers,  2U'i 
X  Washington. 

Brehnier  Otto,  mason,  0?1  Cherry. 

Brett  Misa  Annie  ]■],  music  teacher,  231  S 

Brcit  lieu  C,  Physician  and  Surgeon, 
Citizens'  Nalioaal  Bank  P.ldg. 

Ei'ice  <i»fl;ivU'n  js  i;*.  Fire.  Life  and 
Accident  In.-uranee;  Belgian  Consul  for 
\Viscousin  and  Minnesota;  Steamship 
Agent;  Real  I'state  and  Collections,  222 
X  Washington. 

Brinneman  ..V.  EaymnkcT  (Henry  Brinne- 
man,  Martin  Haymaker),  hhicUamiths, 
1311)  Main. 

iSri4Iiiclei  A  L  &  Sou  CMrs  Acnes  L 
and  James  W),  Breeders  of  Hick' Grade 
Jersey  Cattle,  Horses  and  Thorout;hlire.l 
Berkshire  Hol^s.  3  miles  s,  on  \)v.  I'ere 

Brill  on  J>avicl  «%  Mnfr  and  .'Ship- 
per of  Coopern^c  of  Every  Descripliou; 
also  Stave  and  Heading  .Mill ;  Siierialties, 
I'ork,  Pickle,  Syrup  and  Fish  i\ackagc3. 
517  N  Monroe  ave.     [Sec  aih-,  p  s;:-! ) 

I.irnmlcy  Van  Bureu,  lawyer,  121  X  Wash- 

Brown  t^ountj'  Fair  and  Park  Assn,  Oom- 
inick  W  Flatlcy,  220  S  Wa'-hiiu  Inn. 

Brown  (bounty  Li' ine  Asylum,  John  Cryan 
supt,  4  miles  e. 

Brown  County  Poor  Furni,  James  Jen- 
nings overseer,  4A  miles  e. 

Bruyere  August,  Hour,  324  .Main. 

Bruyere  Joseph,  grocer,  1132  Cherry. 

Budzis  Michael,  saloon.  A'-^^'t  Main. 

BuengenerifcBui(.Vugust  nH(ni'ener,Xich- 
olas  Bur  jr),  grocers.  117  X  Washington. 

Burkard  Joseph,  saloon,  217  Pine. 

liuschiT  Josua,  dyer,  330  S  Washington. 

Cady  FP'd  C,  lawyer,  20,5  N  WasliiiiL'tou. 

(■ampbell  II  Porter,  nursery  agt,  \'-\l  Van 

Caron  Ambrose,  broom  mnfr,  C07  Jeffer- 

Case  John  II  &  Co  iJohn  11  Case,  .losi-ph 
Callahan.  John  AnJracsen),  plumbers, 
212  I'ine. 

Ca-^ey  Wm  J.  Irav  auililor  G  B,  AV  it  St  P 
R  R,  cor  Adams  and  Pine. 

North  Star  Iron  Works.  )  rnpadtr,  .■.Onieuuls-Fnrlncers,  MaoliinMs,  Founders,  nuIlcniKiUen, 
PAHISIl  31ANIK,VCTI  rtlSliCO.  '  31111"  ri',-htf,  •sn«  Milniiuhinpry,  llinini;  Mnrliliif  r) ,  CarlKs  and  llii:h 
Ashland,    -     -    Wisconsin.  ^  Speed  Entjlnes,  Boilers,  I'oirerTrausnilUini,- Jlorliinerj,  etc.  See  p.  (; 



,  A.  STRAUBfX. 


iiiUiUildill    laiiluiO 

^■^SiresfD^.-.^  ~-i2£fC.^as^''  "*2ESiE:i»^  ^s>^ 

140  South  V'Jashin^ton  Street;        -        GKE^ETJ  BAY,  WIS. 


SETAU,  I)i;ai.i:i;s  in 

wiiolesad;  and  retail  I)i;ai.ei;s  in 




f  M 

Plastei  of  Palis 

f  HAIR 

-•-^EEisr   B..^-z-, 

:4-'i!     Oor.  Madison  and 
^        Cedar  Streets, 


Office .1 1 actor,v:^i  Lake  St.,  .MiMVAiKtE,  WIS.  [3163!  Irii!]rcv8ti  Veiistian  Blind's, 





f* ''. J   Cathedral  Scliool,  Sisters  of  Notre  Dame 

^^1,        iu  cliarcc,  IB?  S  Monroe  ave. 

-^>'    Cauwt-Dbtrgli3  Joliii  13.  grocer,  210  MhId. 

-f^  Cauwenberi^hs  .Ji'Seph  (Gustave  and  Jo- 
fs^s^  fC'pli  Cnuwenberghs),  drugs,  210  N 
^■^        "Wasbin^toD. 

3  Cluusipion  Sctli  IV,  Supt  and  Pur- 
^"^       cbiioini;  Auenl  Green  Bay.  Winona  A;  St 

Paid  K  U.  cor  Adams  and  Pine. 
■  oH    Cbarles  Desire,  erocer,  3111  Main. 
g^J   Cbnrlc.f  House,  Cliarles  W  Kederuan  propr, 
B2.,„        112  S  Washiuijton. 

j-'-^    CbiCii^o   &   Xortbivcstern   Ry,    Henry    .V 
'^-^°'        Raiious  agl,  w  end  ^Main  Street  bridt'e. 
tESoi    Cburcii  Mrs  Agres,  saloon,  117  S  "Wash- 
ET'a        iucton. 

^La    Cilizcst^'  IVsiiiniial    HsynU  (Capital. 

^.rs        .'jlUO.UOO:  Surplus,    ;,-13.0ML/),    Melzar   V 

RJ^  .     Mtricli  I'res,  J;iincs  11  Elmore  Vice-Pres, 

\Vm  I'  Waguer  Cash,  Citizens'  National 

Bank    Uldg,    123    N    Wasbiuctou,    cor 

B       Cbenv. 

(i|    City  llaU.  Ill  S  \Vashi;iLnon. 

_.     C'oel  Kabi:in,  salonn.  :i2l!  Main. 

Ql    Cue!    F    &   Si.n    (Fabian   and  .losepb   S), 

\^^        ciotbins,  olO  N  AVatiiinglon. 
«E«LJj    Coffeeii  AVellinL;tou  B,  phys.  913  Cberry. 

^>5    Cohen  Louis,  dry  goods,  207  N   W'a'^bing- 

■=*        ton. 

fgl    Cointe  Arislide  J,  plumber,  322  N  Wash- 

^        iugtoii. 

^*    Cons  Alexander,  saloon.  -Ill)  Mniii. 

t>^  Convent  of  School  de  Notre  Dame,  Sister 
BB!aa  ]\l  Leopoldine  supeiior,  IJiO  S  .Monroe  av. 
"^^  Convent  of  the  Sisters  of  the  Gunrl  Shcp- 
{f?=  herd  (French),  cor  Milwauliee  and  Madi- 
r     -^        sou. 

^=*    C«o!i-.s  BI<»leI,  P  C  Harlow  Prnpr.   cor 
^Vashinglou    and    Clierry.      {S,e   udv,  p 
^      34:1.) 
^fiv    ^O"^^  li  ^V  ■■^  l'''^'  (Robert  AV  and  .lames), 
^j|        saloon.  32;i  N  Washirs^'lou 

O    Cooke  "Wm  D.  hdwe,  201  N  "Washinirlon. 
Conch  Thr.mas,  transfer,  212  Clierr\ . 
Counard  G\iMave,  mason,  109  S  Qnincy. 
g».j^    Crane  C'barles  E,  phys,  207  X  ^Vaslungt()^. 
C'^    Crinimins  .lames,  gn  rer,  \]?,A  Main. 
Cup  George,  blaciismith.  U.Mil  Main. 
g^ft    Daenis  August,  baker.  220  Pine. 
ieSiJ    Dagen  Charles.  2d-hd  gils,  vr  end   Walnut. 
Dan/.     &    Busch    (llillmar    Danz,    .(acob 
rfirtv        Busch),  stoves  and  tinware,  318  Main. 
C^/3    Daul  Charles,  saloon,  820  Main, 
De   Both    JIrs    Mary   V,    milliner,  311  N 

fn  B  Decker,  IIoppeA  Di^ckry  (Edward  Decker, 

JrJ  Albert  lloppe  jr,  John  K  Dockry  .,propr3 

j^,,.^^^  Oreen  Bay  Advocate,  21(')  Pine. 

J-  T3  De  Cremer  Cbarles,  saloon,  223  N  Wash- 

«>3  inglon. 

Chicago  &  Grand  Tfunl(  By, 

l,*e  Crcitior  Florinn,  Who!e.=aIe  a:,,; 
Retail  Grocer.  Flour,  Feed,  Crockery, 
Eic,  316  N  AVashington. 

De  GrandtiasDage  Pascal,  mineral  paini. 
322  N  Washington. 

De  Greef  Joseph,  market  gardener,  U  tn  e. 
Di  g  oot  Hcnrj',  ."^aioon,  !)2^  .Main. 

Degroot  John,  blacksmith,  13112  Main, 

De  Laporte  Mrs  J,  clothing,  21S  N  Wash- 

Dervral  xVrnold  C.  general  store,  1000  Main. 

Desnojers  it  Du  Chateau  (Frank  J  Des 
noyers.  Frank  .7  B  Du  Chateau),  horse 
breeders.  32'.i  N  Washington. 

Destiehe  Theodore,  gen  store,  Robinson. 

Dewan  Mrs  Eugenie  J,  furn,  223  Main. 

Dickinson  Charles  M,  pianos,  231  Fine. 

Dickinson  Mrs  C  M,  arti't,  231  Pine. 

Dickinson  Miss  Mabel  C,  music  teacher. 
522  .Monroe  ave. 

Dielz  George,  barber.  Ill  N  'WashinEton. 

Dittmer  Ludwig  F  \Y,  saloon,  31',t  N 

Dittmer  Wm,  shoemaker.  1008  Main. 

Dobry  Adam,  saw  mill.  1)01  Main. 

Dorn  Aliinzo  L,  ningr  Standard  Oil  Co, 201 
N  Adams. 

DouviUe  et  Basche  (Charles  W  Zimmei- 
man),  shoes.  3i)9  N  Washinuton. 

I>ri!>«'r»!l  Jioliii,  AVholcsale  Lumber, 
Lalh.  Shingles,  I'osls,  Ties  and  Filing, 
2J'.»  S  W.i-hinglon.     (i'ec  adv,  p  353.) 

Ducharnie's  Orcliestra,  Gregwrie  Du- 
charme  leader,  2}  miles  s. 

Du  Chateau  A  (Mrs  Fellcite  and  Frank  J 
I!  Du  Chateau),  wholesale  liquors,  3C? 
N   W^ashiugli-in. 

Du  Chateau  Leon  A  R,  real  estate,  829  N 

Eckhardt  \t  Schunck  (Oswald  A  Eck- 
haidt.  Charli-s  Schunck  jr),  cigar  mnfrs, 
118  N  \Va.sliington. 

Ellis  Miss  Jennie  M,  music  teacher,  222  S 

Kill-  .V  :^Iorrill  (E!ea//^r  H  Ellis,  Carl- 
ton i\lerrill).  Lawyers,  301  N  Washing- 

Ellsworth  Albert  H,  dentist,  200  N  Wash- 

Elmore  James  II,  mayor,  229  Pine. 

Elmore  J  11  ic  Co  (James  H  Elmore,  James 
Delaneyi,  ties,  229  Pine. 

Engols  Edward,  city  treas,  City  Hall. 

Eugels  Wm,  saloon.  217  Main. 

Eniiels  >V  Mohr  (Edward  Engels,  Jolm 
Mohr),  .shoes,  20C.  N  WashinL'ton. 

Erdman  Albert,  barber,  210  Main. 

Fastry  Wm,  saloon,  329  N  Washinirlon. 

Feldliausen  Mary  A,  carpet  weaver,  ITiOS 

The  Favorite  Route  East 






C^   /€^^^    /^^^K    r?^^\  r=:^>    rsr^v     r\     /-^^    rsm 
p,  (\})  {(y^  *S  ^^    ^M  /^^\  (i^  i'^ 
^^.^  V'tasi/    Vi-t^    U  Lisa    ii     U  ^"^4  N^as^i    Lissa  B 

1    % 

Cor.  Jefferson  and  V/illow  Stf?.,        -        GREEPJ  BAY,  WIS. 

\i    ^ 

Corner  of  Washington  and  Main  Sts., 


Newly  Furnislied   Throughout 

2.00  PKR  DAY. 

J.  H.  GITHEriS, 


ILllilOIS  M\m  I  ?i 

Short  and  Direct  pijips  pn 
Route  from        ulJilmuUi 






Fenwick  Andrew,  master  mechnnic  G  B, 
W  &  St  P  R  I!,  cor  Adams  and  Piue. 

Person  &  Gibbs  (C  P  Fcrfon,  Chester  D 
Gibbs),  wholesale  lumber, Citizecs'  Bank 

Findeisen  Bros  (Louis  "W  aud  Leon),  hard- 
ware, 313  N  ^Va<^lli^2to^. 

First  it  Krdmann  (Edward  First,  August 
Erdaiann),  barbers,  313  C'lierrj'. 

Flatley  Dominick,  livery,  2i0  X  Adams. 

Fouimann  Miss  Lizzie,  music  teacher,  221 
S  Adams. 

Follett  ,Mrs  Rosamond,  propr  State 
Gazette.  IIU  X  Washinirton. 

Follett  AVm  W,  tinsmith,' Tltj  Main. 

Fontaine  B  &  Sons  (Benjamin,  Raphael  F, 
Albert  J  and  Arthur  Bj,  hardware,  218 

Fox  l{iver  Soap  Co  (Nicholas  Mover,  John 
Nick,  Lnreuz  Larscheid),  211)  Main. 

Frausscns  John  !M,  harness,  22i>  Main. 

Freimann  .Michael,  hotel,  401  Main. 

Fiemalcit  Bodcrt  (Frank  Fremale,  Henry 
Boderl',  lime,  702  JIain. 

Friesp  Gottfried,  saloon,  223  Pine. 

Fri.'-que  Flon'nline,  tailor,  222  3iain. 

Froi-mke  rrc'«I  W,  Ca.liier  aud  Aud- 
itor Green  Bay,  A\'innua  A:  St  Pdul  It  R, 
cor  Adams  ami  Pine. 

Gaffney  l-^dward,  .'■heriff.  Court  Ifou-e. 

tiusc"  AlfVo<l  U,  Chief  Cl.'rk  The 
Beaumont,  cor  Washington  and  .'Main. 

Gaiie  Colonel  Ormand.  "dentist,  221  N 

Oagnon  .>Iax,  barber,  12')  N  A\' istiinLrion. 

Gallagher  Edward,  saloon,  121  N  Wash- 

Gass  Loins,  restaurant.  202  N  Washinctou. 

Gehr  Frcilerirk-,  saioon.SlSN  Wavhini;ton. 

German  Comet  Bind,  Anton  Reraich  Idr, 
219  N  Adams. 

Getts  Jnliri  .V,  confectioner.  214  Main. 

Giirler  Jaco!),  cigar  mnfr,  312  Cheiry. 

4jiilliiMis  .9«>s<'i>!i  SI,  Propr  The  Beau- 
mont, cor  Washington  and  .Main.     (See 

Gonioii    Napoleon    H,    farm    impts,    413 

Goodrich  Transport.ation  Co,  31  J  McCor- 

niick  ugt,  220  Pine. 
Gotfredson  Bros  (fjawrence  and  Benjamin), 

baidware,  ll.j"",  .Mnin. 
Gotto  Joseph,  saloon,   110  N  Adams. 
Grand  Union  Tea  Co,  Albert  E  -Moger  agt, 

228  N  Adam... 
Green    B  ly   Advocate.   Decker,   Iloppe  & 

Dockry  proprs,  2I(',  Pine 
Green  Ji.iy,   Ahnapee  A-   Kewaunee  Stage 

Line,  Calligan  it  Pachmoud  proprs,  4Ul 


Gs'COti  Sliiy  B»»incss  i'oSleso,  Jo'ur: 

N   ilcCunn    Pres.    Edmund    F  Quin*/ 

Sec,  222  and  224  N  Adams.     i.Sce  rig!:' 

top  lines.) 
Green  Bay  Business  Men's  Assn,   Werden 

Reynolds  sec,  cor  Adams  and  Cherry. 
Green  Siiiy    Carrimjc    Co.    Alli.r 

"Weise    Pres,    Joseph    lleliort    Vice-Pri  = 

and  Genl  Mnir,  Henry  I!  Baker  Sec  ani 

Treas,  cor  Adams  and  Cedar.     I.S--,'  a'i-\ 

p  Jo  J  ) 
Green      Ba}'     Cornet^^  Band,     Florcntiat 

Frisque  leader,  222  Main. 
Green  Bay    Dairymen's   B  lard  of   Trade. 

Werden  lioyuolds  sec,  cor  Ailams  and 

Green  Bay  Dredging  and  Pile  Driving  Co, 

Cnristian  Seliwarz  pres,  Charles  Burner 

sec,  118  N  AVasldugton. 
Green  Bay  Gas  Light  :ind  Fuel  Co  (capital. 

:j20,000},    S.amnel    D    Hastings   jr  pres, 

Carroll  Collins  sec,  !lo  Elm. 
Green  liaj-  House,  Patrick  Penney  propr, 

cor  Main  and  Adams. 
Green   Bay  Musical  Journal,  G  it  R  Kus- 

termann  pubirs,  217  N  Washington. 
Green     Bay    Planing    .Mill     Co,     Charles 

Schwurz  pres,  Linus  B  Sile  sec,  cur  Ad- 
ams aud  Cedar. 
Green   Bay  Public  IJbrary,  S  D   Ha.;;ieg-. 

jr  pres.  A  If   lieyjinlds  sec,  cor  Adams 

and  (.'iierry. 
Green   Bay  Trombone  I'lnd,   Charles  Mc- 

Kenzie  learler. 
Green  Bay  Trunk  Factory,  Wm  H  Marvin 

mngr,  212  Main. 
riirceii     £S:iy,^Vii!<»n:i  A:   8!    f'ani 

R  R.Samuersioan  Pres  (New York). Theo 

dore  Sturges  Sec  aud  Treas  (New  York). 

Scth  W  Champion  .Supt  and  Pureh.asins 

Agent,  John    15  Last  Asst  Genl  Freitrht 

aud    Pa.ssenger  Agent,    cor  Adams   and 

Pine.     {S,e  nd<\  p  SI.) 
Green  Bay  &  Ft   Howard    Electric    Liiht 

Co  (caiiilal,  .'s20,uO0},  Charles  A  Brown 

pres,  Carroll  Collins  sec,  i\o  Elm. 
Green  Bay   &    Ft  Howard   Water   Works 

Co  (capital,  s250.0(l0),   Eli  Marvin  pre*. 

Artliur  (.'.  Neville  sec,    cor  Adams  and 

Green   B.ay  it  Shawano    Stage   Line.   Bay 

City  House,  KiO  S  Washington. 
Green   Llay  it  Sturgeon    Bay  Staue  Line, 

Joseph  i3auragartner  propr,  -JOI  Main. 
Green    Bay    it   Two    Rivers    Stage  Liae, 

Charles  B.aeon  propr,   1141  ?>Iain 
Greene  &.  ^'romjin  ((^-orL'-c  G  Greene, 

Chailes   E   Vroman).  Lawyers,   Keilogij 

National  Bank  Bldg. 
Greiuhagen  Ferd.   shoemaker,  12Ti'i  >Li!n. 


i"  fjr    Telpiili.ine, 

si<J<;-;Lii-ht.  Ijtiiloiue 

J  iio  W. -Water  Sirept,  .M  ll.Wil  Ki  F. 

i  ISOOKKEEPF.ns,  STENOGn.VPHT:ns,  CLERKS  and  all  hinds  of  wpll-tralncd 

.  , .111.0  Help  Fur.ii^ijod  B>i>in.»s  Tt,,  0;'t5nn  f:"!!  n^icinocc  Pnlhan    «""■"  I'«J- 

•;  nni    Free    ol    <liai;re.     Address    «'•"   i-iL^ull  iJci)    udwiiloiO  U  Jiio  jU ,  ivisconsii'. 

1  -                                                                                                                                                                          =^ 

I  GRE            AND    BUSINESS    DIRECTORY.             GRE                                340 

P.  C.  HARLOW,  Proprietor. 


Opposite  Cilizcns'  Xational  Bank. 

GREErl  BAY,  -  WIS, 

JOS.  .£^.   "^v^:E]IL.31j:E:bv£3, 


City  Saloon 

Thn  VInest  Dran.Is  of 


In  the  Market. 

224  i,Idin  Street,  GREEN  BAY,  WISCONSIN. 


-l-IIlST-(  I.Ass 

J  u 

-15  N.Adams  St., 

kvii  mn  m\^ 

hbii  mw  DUu 

1  ?\ 



C'lincn   /?(    fVanfl    Tri'n!/    P"    "^^^^  Favorite  Route  East 

^'Uloh^b     (y     UldlU       Mbllll     hv,  VSA   NIAGARA   FALLS. 



ct;jL,t.ii.\'r  .sixi'A'i'ioxs. 





Grignon  David  H,  justice,  311  2S'  Wash- 

Gronnert  Frederick,  pmIoou,  1273  Main. 

Grossen  Louie,  salooa.  315  Main. 

Hafr  Rev  Franljlin  II  (Episcopal).  419 
i  IlBSOiiici^tcr  Ki'cwiiis:  Co,  Franz 
H  Haiceraeister  pres,  Al!)erl  Ili-.gemeis- 
ttr  Vice  I'res,  Henry  F  ilageiiicister  Sec 
and  Treas,  George  Scliober  Supt,  310  X 
'  Ilogen  Frank  A,  stone  quarry,  217  N 

Hapgerty  Ijros  (Doniinick  and  James), 
livery.  Cf>r  Washington  and  \\''ilnut. 

llaH'Kzrii  I.,  Jeweler,  205  X  Wath- 
inptou.     iS't;  ri'lo,  p  o57.) 

Hambit'/.cr  Joseph,  stove.-;,  21S  Cli.jrry. 
■  Hancock  J  A,  prin  city  schools,  43U  S  Jeff- 

Handlen  John  J,  soda  water  mnfr,  520  S 
Monroe  ave. 

Ilannou  John  B,  sa]oon,  110)  ^laiu. 

Harder  Omar  L,  saw  repairer,  227  Cberry. 

Harlow  S'rc-Soii  i',  Propr  Cook's 
Hotel,  cor  Washington  and  Cherry.  {See 
adv,  p  S'lO.) 

Harris  T  E,  tinsmith,  125  S  Washingiou. 

Hart  H  W  &  ('  B  Hlenry  W  and  Clifford 
B),  grain  and  produce,  foot  Cherry. 

Hart's  J4tt'aml>oat  (Gieen  Bay 
and  Mackinac  Linei,  JIunry  W  and  Cli- 
fford B  Hart  Propra,  Dock  foot  Cherry. 
(Sec.  (ide.  p  350  ) 

Harteau  David  .M,  architect,  515  Mtiin. 

Harteau  JIrs  Emilie,  music  teachi.r,  cor 
JIadi!on  and  Chicau'o. 

Hartiing  Charles,  hardware,  105  N'  Wash- 

Hastings  Samuel  D  Jr,  circuit  judge,  810  S 
Monroe  avc. 

Haupt  George  &  Co  ((Jeorge  H  Haiipt, 
Charles  W  Uedemau).  furuilure,  loy  S 

Elebrri  Jo.'if|>lJ,  VicePre.H  and  Ctru 
ilngr  Green  Bay  Carriage  Co,  cor  Ailams 
and  Cedar.     (Sre  ad'\  p  .•-',;,?.) 

Hcnshall  Rev  James  G  (Moravian),  504 

Herrmann  John  k  Son  (John  and  Cail), 
bookbinders,  220  Pine. 

Hess  G  B  tt  Co  (George  B  Hess,  Herman 
A  Wulter),  flouring  mills,  2  miles  e. 

Hills  Mrs  Louisa,  harness,    112   N    Wash- 
ington . 
i  Hinks  Mrs  Katie,  dressmaker,  .328  Pine. 

Hochgreve  C  it  Son  (Mrs  Caroline  and 
August  jr),  brev,-eis,  3  miles  s  on  De 
Pere  road. 

lEociicI  JJro«  ^!ioc  Co  ('Joseph  T' 
and  James  I  Hoeltelj,  Bo(jls,  Shoes  a^J 
Pubbcrs.  302  X  WashinLrton. 

Hoffman  Robert,  notions,  125  X  Washicg- 

Hoffman  Wm,  clothing,  22 1  X  Washing- 

Hogan  Spencer  C,  barber.  The  Beaumont. 

S!oilin?js\vortli  J><5liii  >»,  Veterin- 
ary Surgeon,  111  X  Washington.  (.<V,- 
adv.  p  357.) 

Ilnlmes  Albert  G  E  (agKt>,dry  goods,  213  X 

ESojepe  tS(»!>crt  >V  I!,  Mngr  J  Hc.ppe, 
.Merchinl  Tailor,  227  Pine. 

ILiuse  of  the  Fathers  of  .Mercy  (V'rench 
Catholic),  413  Milwaukee. 

lluber  Bernard  M,  barber,  217  X  Ad  im=. 

Huertb  ,Ioliu  J,  cigar  mnfr,  220  Pine. 

Hummel  jMrs  Johanna,  gloves,  210  Pine. 

Huntington  Howard  J,  county  judge, 
Court  House. 

n\)rlbut  Frederick,  wholesale  oils,  foot 

Huybrechts  Ferdinand,  .«aloon,  720  .Main. 

Iverson  Alfred  M,  sewing  machine-,  320  N 

Jahn  Frederick,  wasonmaker,   1145  Main. 

^atlii  E^iiiiiiiKl  5",  I'rufessioual  Horse- 
shoer,  215  S  Washington. 

Jansseu  John  L  F,  jeweler,  22S  Cherry. 

.laster  August,  gardener,  3  mlle.i  e. 

JoatiiiCM  ISros  (Charles,  Mitchell  and 
Thomas).  Wholesale  Grocers  and  Proprs 
(_'liam|)iou  Coffee  and  Spice  Mills,  114 
IKJ  and  IP:!  S  Washington.  (.Stv  adv, 
"PP  ) 

Joannes  Felix  E.  roofer,  .nIO  Crooks. 

Jobeliua  John,  saluou,  1301  .Main  and  gen- 
eral store,  1374  Main. 

Johnson  Clarence  A,  saloon,  129  X  AVash- 

Jloiiiixon  Jolii!  S,  Whr,lc3;rle  Fresh. 
Salt  and  Sni.ikcd  Ki.^h  and  Oysters,  1213 
.Main.     iSy:  adv.  opp.) 

Johnsim  tt  Havens  (A  Wallace  Johnson. 
Edgar  X  Havens),  marbli;  works,  310 

Jorgeusen-Blesch  Co  (ltd),  Jolin  Ij  Jorgen- 
sen  pres.  Frank  T  Blesch  sec,  dry  good-;. 
305  X  Wasliington. 

Kalb  Louis,  meat  market,  107  X  Washing- 

Kasparek  Frank,  grinder.  IStu  Main. 

Kaster  Ca.stor,  tailor,  2o0  Pine. 

Ka.--ter  Joseph,  bookkeeper  Hagenieister 
Brewing  Co,  310  X  Adams. 

Katzer  Ui.  Rev  Frederick  X,  lil«bop  Gre-:n 
Bay  Diocese  (Catholic),  139  S  .Madi- 


Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 

cHiCiiGO,  soyii 










JOANNES  EROS,,  Wholesale  Grocers  and  Proprs.  CIiaiiipioD  CoUce  M  Sficc 

Ui,  lie  and  lis  South  ^Vnsliiimtoii  S(.,  tait^I^X  BAY,  WIS. 

T.    s.    jroz-zn:Nrso3:T, 


Fresli,  Salt  and  Sniolisd  Fisli  and  Oysters. 

J243  Main  Street,  CREEH  BAY,  WJSCOf^SIN. 


DIRECT  ROUTE  iinpTLjCpS!   10''^!/, 
I  to  ^li   POINTS  in  liU  ii  I  11  Lllll   IJiiri 





IteMok'ir  XaSioiiiii  ISaiik  (Capital, 
s60,0UU;  Surplus,  soO.OnO),  Rufus  B 
kellosg  Pies,  Wm  J  Fi^R  Vice-Pres, 
Henry  B  Baker  Cash, 30!  N  Wnshinston. 

Kellog.i;  Kufus  B,  pres  Kellogg  :X,-iliODal 
Bank  and  live  stock  breeder,  301  X 

Kersteu  Very  Rev  Norbert,  vicar  general 
Green  Bay  Diocese  (Catholic),  I'M  S 

Killian  John  A,  justice,  218  N  Washing- 

KiinSiall  ,lI<tny.o.  AVhole^ale  ITeavv 
anil  ^helf  Uardw:ire,  H'G-lUS-llO  >* 

Kimball  C  harles  T,  musician,  420  S  Jeffer- 

Kiitner  Edward  C,  wagonruaker,  127  S 

Klaus'  Hall,  Valentine  IClc^ges  tnngr,  22G 

Klaus  Mrs  J  &  Son  (Elizabeth  and  Louis 
C).  meat.*,  10:_',."i  Main. 

K[uii<!i  S»liilij>p,  Dealer  in  Real  Estate, 
Wall  I'aper,  Window  Shades  and  Fancy 
Goods,  SCiO  X  Washintrton. 

Klesges  Valentine,  saloon,  208  X  Wash- 

Knox  it  Wiiner  (Wm  Knox,  Henry  D 
Wilncr),  ?lioes,  200  X  Washington. 

Kocnig  Mits  Louisa,  milliner,  Mi  X 
Washington.  ' 

Kuehl  Bros  (Herman  and  Julius),  milk,  2 
miles  w. 

Kurz  &  Xuss  (Albert  C  Kurz.  Wm  W, 
Nuss),  photogrs,  21')  N  'Wa'hingion. 

Kustermann  G  &  R  (Gn.--tav  and  Robert), 
pianos,  217  N  Wasliin.;tiin. 

Kj'bcr  <;oorsc  f\  'I',  .lunico  of  Peace, 
Real  Estate,  Insurance,  Steamship  and 
Collection  Agency,  211  X  \V,i>hine:lon. 

La  Bart  Seraphim,  general  store,  :'.0."?  Main 

Lackawanna  Transportation  Co,  M  J  Jlc- 
Cormick  agent,  2211  Pine. 

La  Coquc  Felix,  plasterer. 

La  Court  Autoine,  sljo-s,  22^-  Main. 

Lander  Warren  J,  lawyer,  100  M  Wash- 

Lnnil^iiiann  Dcr,  Lchmaun  A'.  Robinson 
publrs,  222  N  Adams. 

Lust  J<»Uu  K,  Assistant  General 
Freight  and  Passenger  Agent  Green  Bay. 
Winona  and  St  Paul  U  R,  cor  Adams 
and  Pine. 

Lau  Pitv  Clement  (Catholic),  rector  St 
Francis  Xavier  Cathedral,  131  S  Mon- 
roe ave. 

Lau  J  A  Sons  (Jacob,  Herman  J  and  An- 
drew H),  milk,  Oak  Grove. 

Lawler  Edward,  saloon,  2-7  Main. 

Lawrence  Philip  W,  saloon,  3-17  S  Wash- 

Leach  Reuben  G.  vet  surg,  112.j  Main. 

Le  Clair  Charles,  ice,  cor  Chicago  and 

Leccciue  !^lrs  Mary  J,  saloon,  oOl  Main. 

Lefebvre  Augus;line,  grocer,  .000  S  Jeffer- 

Lefebvre  Leojiold,  grocer,  321  X  Adams. 

Lefebvre  &  Schumacher  (John  B  Lefebvre. 
John  P  Schumacher),  furniture,  327  X 
Washington.  '^ 

Lehmann  A  &  E  (Alfred  C  and  Eugene 
W),  stationers,  223  X  Washington. 

Lehmann  &  Rol)iuson  (:Vnton  C  Lehmann, 
Albert  C  Robinson),  ptdilrs  Der  Lands- 
mann,  222  X  Adams. 

Lcidel  Herman  L,  meats,  1149  Jfain. 

Leisch  &  Son  (Margaret  and  Frank  Cl, 
grocers,  cor  Main  and  (.,iuincy. 

Levris  Frank  L,  physician,  228  X  W'ash- 

Libbey  Oliver,  ins,  200  X  Wasliinglou. 

Liebman  Edwin,  saloon,  21  miles  e. 

Liesse  Gustave  O,  contractor,  421  X  Mad- 

Lindley  Samuel,  saw  repairer,  w  end  Wal- 

Lindner  Albert  A  E,  tailor,  127  S  Quincy. 

Lochniann  Peter  J,  shoemaker,  1205  .Main. 

Longueckard  Aliss  Margaret,  supt  short- 
hand auti  type-wrilini;  dept  Green  Bay 
Business  College,  222  X  Adams. 

Looze  &  Hoslet  (.(ohn  Looze,  Desire  Hos- 
let),  flour  and  feed,  230  Main. 

Luckenbach  John,  jeweler,  310  X  Wash- 

Lueke  AVm.  county  treas.  Court  House. 

Lumaye  Juks,  tailor.  228  .Alain. 

McComber  John,  millinery,  223  Cherry. 

McCormirk  Michael  J,  coal.  220  Pine. 

McCormick  &  I'^lalley  (Patrick  McCor- 
miidi,  Dominiek  W  Flatleyl,  coal,  220  S 

Itlot'iimr*  i'oiiiinri-4'ial  SMideiil 
(Monthly),  J  X  .McCunn  I'ublr,  222  and 
221  X  Adams. 

UlcCiiiiii  .Solin  X,  Pres  Green  Bay 
Business  (Jollege,  222  and  224  X  Adams. 

{S<fi  liir/it  top  luit'f.) 

AlcDaiuels    P    S.   supt   commercial    dej't 

Green    B.ay    Business    College,    222  X 

JIcFayden    Miss   C  Allle,  iiiuaic  teacher, 

219  N  Washington. 
McFaydon    Mrs   Finley, 

McGruer  'Alexander   D, 

McKone  James  L,  livery,  131  X  Adams. 

milliner,    219. ^t 
lawyer,    307    X 

Chicago  6  Grand  ]mi  Pij, 

The  Favorite  Roiito  East 


GRE         ANi>  iJUHiNKSs  nniECTOUY.         GKE 

^     Vjj/  ff-l.^!  '.^Uh  fJ^^Nj  ifiiiBj'tt'ja  WEJ^fflhi^  *«»' ^!s=«^eE£3=mdKE^^ 

I     10    INCH    •        /         TT  F      ¥    P\ 

\      CLEAB.      ;       f  H  []        i      I  W 

\  AM,  CI.KACS  IN.        ■_ 

-^-'^saaM      y^»af«Bi»>^ 

I  JOllM'ii'StOLI.  \ 

POUfJD,  WIS.    • 


M  iD  iC  ri 

SliiDgles,  Gsdar  Posts,  Piling,  Ties,  Etc. 




'"I'P  ami   Woik^,   corner  of    Adams  ami    lidar  Mrcts,    UKLEN    BAY,    WIS.     Eui'iiiring  in  ;ill  its 
•  '■"ii'liPs  iiroiniilly  attended  t'). 




Also  Sraokd  and  Salt  Fisli, 

ill  Orilcrs  I'roinptI)   lillcd.  ~'~^''''^°^'°"-''-^''«^^;.„^  'A 


Enameled  I  sltsfs.  H 

UOBF.RT    I5AKPEII  .V  SON*;,  4  10  E. 

,,    Knxt   SJdo  ?fnrki-t   Sfjiiarp, 
LW.VlIKIili,  Tilc|>lioiie  31S. 

^lall  hmi 






If)  _ 




O  c 

O  "' 


>    , 



^   JIahn  Vrni  C,  tailor,  109  S  \Va5lihi';ton. 
S    I^Iallory  J  H,  bill  postei-,   w  emi  ^Valuut. 
_  Jlaniiebach  John,  thocmlir,  22G  M  Adams. 
Mantliey  Carl,  marble  works,  w  enil  Wal- 
]\[ark]e  George,  harness,  337  Main. 
JIarston  Miss  Maude,  music  teacher,  827 

Monroe  ave. 
Martin  Constant,  real  estate,  216  N  Wash- 

JIarlin  Elie,  resi  est,  302  N  "Wasbiu,c;ton. 
jlartin  Patrick  H,  district  attorney,  201  N 

Martin  Xavier,  real  estate,  318  X  Wa;h- 

Marvin  W  II  &  Co  (Wm  II  Marvin,  Frank 
Crikelaii),  paints,  212  ^Main. 
■;.  {j3  Jlay  CJforge,  tLiasou,  1017  Walnut. 
"  '   Jlay  Henry,  painter,  ItiO  S  Washinglon. 
Slay  Peter,  mason,  1017  Walnut. 
IfStJyer   ISciiry,"Upliolslerer  and  Cabi- 
LelQiaker  and  ilnfr  Deer  Horn   Furni- 
ture, 330  Pine.     {See  adv,  oy.p.) 
Sleister  Charles,  carpenter,  12."i:i  Cherry. 
Meisler  Christcpher  ,J.  carp,  1131  Cherry. 
33criok     7ilvl'f,nr    F,    Pres    Citizens' 
National  iSank,  128  N  Washinuton. 
•-^    Merrill   Carllou  (Kills  &  Merrill),    301    X 
5^        Washia);ton. 

;  ^   Meyer  Xichola.s,  sroccr,  1200  Crooks. 
..^SJt'yer  Xic5iola>>,    Leather  and   Find- 
^^     im;«,  Hides,  Wool,   Pelts,  Furs  and  Tal- 
E^       loW,  219  Main. 

f3  Mlchaal  Adolf,  jewelcr,2Hi  N  WashiuL'lon. 
J^SiMilliT  Miss  Emily  I,  music  teacher,  121  N 
fS^       WashiuLjton. 

pr  I\Iiller  John  M,  uiusic  teacher,  121  N 
„  .?       Washin-lon. 

n™'  iTEil«}»!!fifO  »V  \«>rt!ior!i  St  !C, 
^g      James  II  Flatley  Agent,  cor  Washington 

P~.  I^I«Vj;or  T  A  Jr,  Fruils,  Confectionery, 

Z^       Butter  and  Ei^^s,  22^  X  Adams. 

rf  Mcihr  John  A.  saloon,  925  Main. 

;^  Mueller  Carl  W  E,  saloon,  220  X  Washin-- 

E^       ton. 

^  Mueller  Henry,  cmcer,   1200  Dot  v. 

J^   Mueller  Theodore  .t  Co  (Theodore' .Mueller, 

-^       ()lto  Meikel),   dry   t;oods,  311  N  Wash- 

ifi.       in.t;ton. 

q3  Muller  Peter,  general  store,  301  .Main. 

»~«-  Munro    Lawrence    J,    physician,    212    X 

03       Washinftlon. 

^  Murdick    Xewton    J,    candy    mnfr,    313 
Murpliy    Lund)er   C'),    .Simon   J    Murphy 

[ires,  Frank  E  Murphy  .-^ec,   1'  miles  n. 
Nau    George    D   &   Co'  (George    D   Nan, 
Charles  Felchow),  meats,   121  N  Wash- 


Nelson  John,  gardener,  3  miles  e. 
Xeuftld  Philipp,  tailor,  229  Cherry. 
Xeumann  ilrs  Eliza,  grocer,  221  S  3Igl- 

roe  ave. 
Neville  John  C  ifc  A  C  (John  C  and  Arthur 

C),  lawyers,  307  X  'Washington. 
Nichol    Uobert,  lumber,  11^  N  Washio,-- 

Xick  John,  whol  vinegar,  1201  Walnut. 
Xick  Joseph,  shoes,  222  Walnut. 
X'oehle  Theodore,  Ilorist,  223  X  Jefferson 
Nollz   John,    Hour  miM,    cor  Washingtoa 

and  Doty. 
Xorlhweslern     Evergreen      Co,     Wra    T 

Moger  mngr,  Adams  ,<iud  Pine. 
Xoithwesteni    Fuel   Co,  M  J  McCormick 

agent.  229  Piue. 
Nys   Eros  (A    Uavid   and   Siiinuel'),  cigar 

ninfrs,  31-1  X  "Washington. 
O'Brien  Timothy,  sahjou,  101  X  Washing- 
Olmsted  Austin    F,  physician,  cor  Adams 

and  Cherry. 
Osterlob  Frevlerick  W,  Hour  and  feed.  9iT 

Ostcrloh  J  11  &  Co  (John  H  0,-terloh.Wrc 
Schinidl),  planing  mill,  lOlh  and 
Parent  Uev  \V  H  (Presbyterian). 
Paret;teau  Wm  H.  saloon,  225  Cherry. 
B'itrisli    I'^dwiEi     1*.   .Mngr    Wiseon.^i" 

Teh  phone  Co,  202  X  Washington. 
Parkrs  .James  T,  slenogr.  The  ijeaunioiit 
Parmentier  Xavier,  grcjcer,  313  Main. 
Penney   Patrick,  proiir  Green  Euy  Uouje, 

cor  .Main  and  Adams. 
Peters  Lillian   A,   milliner,    122  X  Wa--'a 

I'l'oJciiliJUU'r   Clinrifs   Jr,   ?ain!>; 
Horon,  Wines,  Liquors  and  Cigars,  21 
Plnlips  Klisha  A,  boat  livery,  footCherrv 
Philips  ;\lrs  Jennie  E,  dr.-;mkr,721  Waleu: 
Pigeon  Pelcr,  grocer,  111-1  Main. 
Pirau\- Joseph,  grocer,  711   .Main. 
Pire  Felix,  saloon,  1375  .Main. 
Piike  Frank,  routractor,  Webster  ave. 
Planlekow  Ji'lin,  saloon,  819   Main. 
Poppe  UlrichFM,  physician,  221  S  Wash 

I'oi'lii,  Si'IiniiU  iV  Elitriiiaii  (llcnr;- 
Porlh,  Lemiard  Schniid,  Win  Harniati 
Mnfrs  Cooperage;  I'eer  Kegs  a  Speci.i!!y 
cor  Jefferson  and  Willow.  {Sa  ai: 
p  3.',:  ) 
Postal  Telegraph   Cable  Co,    Miss   Xell:- 

Lejipcre  mngr,  22-1  X  Washington. 
Poslollice,  A  C  Robinson    postmaster.  C': 

Adams  and  Cherry. 
Potts    .^lr3    Samuel    G,    milliner,   209    ■> 

U  b'  ti  t 

ijst  G 


l,".l    M  I:nT   AV.VTSlIt   ST.,  ?II  I.W  .V  I  Kl:!:.    Wl''. 







^•^ Fancy  !!Grn  Furniturer 

Hall  Tress  and  Hal  Backs 

PhotoKrnph  Catnloaue  Furnished  if 

330  ?m  St..     ■     GHEEil  BAY,  V/iS. 





C.  W.  STCECKEnaaCH  J./.:,  (c 

Wholesale  Fresh,  Salt  and  Smoked  Fish,  and  Oysters. 

Tcriin,  C;!-!!  on   l:.-ceipt  .pf  (:,,.i,ls.        N(.  KxchiiMse  .)r  K^^s   Cliarpes   Ulorte'l. 
833  Cedar  Street,  fJ.  VV.  Corrtor  of  Van  r.'uton  St..      CREEPJ  BAY,  WIS. 

Ailooez  ivlegnssia  tViiiiaral  SpringSj  wlsu) 



N'alural  Mineral  Siiriii:;  ^^  jter  ot  (lr--[i  I'.iy,  W 
:i"'l'lHasstronc-in  iu>n.,THl  i.rvi 


'■-■I-  ^  I'.'i.  r'-iH,  Kiln-vUis.-'sO'i  l.iv.Tl 
"  S.Ti.i  tr.r  panii'lll-'t  conluiniiK?  !.• 
.  '  '1"  ,■  c  iiv<i-iVeoted  by  thewHUT,  nnalysi 
■•''i'ui.iit  nn.l  liirtluT  iiilonuali  m, 

liottlea  WattT  Stiqipt^J  Erery whero. 
rUICF  LIST.— Alloupz  Jllneral  Ual 

■  I-  gallon  barrel 

;  fj      "       halt  barrel    

;''      ;•       keg 

;^      ;;       keR 

;  ,        ^^       galvanized  iron  can  crated 

KalvanizeiUron  Ciin  jacket 

[  "lionatdl  Water,  pf r  oa«<<.  50  liollles,  qua 

i  ?»ll0ii  bottles  I  plain  I,  1  >Ioa.,  per  case 


^^^ress,  Allonez  Hiacral  Sdiigs  C3.,  ';r;::i^^;,\]i: 

OnnHMqgf    5^MM".'5r    Pn     W.  W.  WALLIS,   Manager. 
Uy<Jy''ij3l         t«tlijJi.*Uj         WUlJ     3;i   nnii    J74    East    IVale.    StrL-et,    JIILlVAlKl.r. 





Qualsoii  Arnci'.il  D,  saloim,  '2'-i-i  Walnut. 

Qiiiiitiii  C^tlmniMll  S',  Sec  Green  Bay 
I5iiMnes3  College,  ~~i  and  2J4  N  Adams. 

Hatii's  Henry  Son*  (Henry  jr  and  Fred), 
brewers,  ly23  Main. 

liasimuseu  James  J,  supervisor,  Court 

Rayinaliers  Herman,  frardener,  4  miles  e. 

Rebcr  Henry  C,  city  clerli,  City  Hall. 

Kebor  <.'-^  I^solir  (Henry  C  lieber.  Louis 
C  Molir),  File,  f-ife,  Accident  and  Ma- 
rine Insurance,  'JIT  N  Adariis. 

Redeman  Charles  \V,  prupr  Charles  House, 
112  S  Wasliiiju'ion 

Uegau  Daniel,  liides,  119  N  Washington. 

ifeim-clic  <*£  IVemSoriS"  (Henry  M 
Ikir.tcko,  Herman  C  Weiidorff).  Flcr- 
isls.  112  S  ,]eil'erson.     (Nt-f  ,'di\  p  35S.) 

Reis  Andrew  jr.  hotel,  1 1  13  ?dain. 

Reis  Jacob,  cit^ar  mufr,  11-12  .Main. 

Reis  Leonard  L,  meats,  208  N  Adams. 

IJemich  Malhias,  barber,  :J14  N  Washing- 

Revere  BSoiise,  Strcckenbach  &  Sug- 
gitl  I'roins,  21)1-203  S  WasbiD.£!ton. 

Rhode  Henry,  lihys,  220  N  \Va.-Uington. 

Richard  Wni,  gardener,  2  miles  s  e. 

Robcitson  James,  saloon,  312  Main. 

Robinson  Frank,  grocer,  123  jS"  "Washing- 

Robinson  Jolin,  drugs,  228  N  Washington. 

Robinson  Mrs  Kate,  music  teacher,  412 
Monroe  ave. 

Robinson  A:  Tar,ner  (Jolin  Rubin.son, 
Herbert  E  Tanner),  wliuksalc  drugs,  lOU 
N  Wasbingtou. 

Rockstroli  Jolin  C.  baker,  204  >!  Adams. 

Root  Erastus,  printer,  225  Fine. 

Rothe  Feler  J,  saloon,  KMii  Main. 

Roihe  Wm,  blacksmith,  314  X  Adams. 

Ruf  &  Chiistman  (John  Uuf,  I'eter  Cbiist- 
man),  painters,  02^  Jlaiu. 

Rut.H4i  Henry,  blacksmith,  1140  Main. 

Rotten  Joseph,  cigar  mnlr,  1111  Crooks. 

Ryan  Faiiick,  county  clerk.  Court 

St  Jeseph's  Urphaii  A.s>lum,  Sister  M  Ale- 
lania  superioress,  cor  Cook  and  Webster 

St  Louis  James  .1,  hardware,  211  X  Wash- 

St  Vincent's  Hos|rital, Sisters  of  St  Francis 
in  charge,  (314  S  (Juincy. 

Sale  Lbiu-i  R,  lawyer,  Citizens'  National 
Bank  b!dg. 

Siilviifor  illineriil  Snriii:^,  .lohn  P 
C  Sehmit  I'ropr,  21.j  N  W  ii:  hington. 
{&;■  adv,  opp  ) 

Schellenbeck  Jacob,  leather,  :!liO  Main. 

Schcller  Louis,  taxidermist,  Monroe  ave. 

Schepcck  Frank,  broom  mnfr,  12.').3  Main. 

?«cEiillert\   "Wholpsale  Fresh,    Salt  an. I 

Smoked    Fish;    Packing      House     ami 

Freezer  foot    of    Jefferson.     (Sec  ailr   r 

Schmidt  Herman,  mason,  019  E  11th. 
Sehmit    JSolm     V    V,    "Wholesale   Li- 

i|U0i3    anil     Pr<si>r     balvator      Mineral 

Spring,  21.J  N    "\Vasbinglon.     (Set    -idc. 

Schneider  Frederick  AV,  photographer,  31C 

X  '\\'ashinglou.  .-^ 

Schober  Leonard,  cooper,  117  S  Quiucy. 
Sehroedcr  Carl  F,  phologr,  629  C^uincy. 
!seiiroe<8<"rs     3Sr«s  "  (Julius    J    "an."; 

Frank).  Wholesa]<'  Lime,  Brick, Cement. 

Etc,  cor  ^JLulison  and  Cedar.     (Sjc 'idi-.., 

Schuelte  Miss  C'laia,  music  Ichr.iilV  .Main. 
Schumacher    15ros   (Huli.^.it   and    t^'iirec', 

meats,  314  and  024  .M.'ii?'. 
Schwartze  ('  it'ail,   Herman  an.l 

Carl  it),  founders,  12o")  .Main. 
Seguin  Wm,  saloon,  22.">  I'ine. 
Seilert  Henrv,  saloon,  9u7  .Main. 
Seymour  Frank  15,  asst  supt  G  B,  W  I't  St 

P  R  R,  cor  Adams  and  Pine. 
Sbimonek  Stephen,  shoe,  ;;(i'.i  ,\  .\diims. 
Siemist  liev  Jai-fib  iLul li.-ran i.  IIO'.M  'luiiy 
)^iII>ers<I<M'r  Bioiii'iid,  I'morKaN  (liy 

House,  100  S  \Vashin.L'ton  eiu  Walnut. 
Simon  .Mathias,  blacksmith,  311   M.ain. 
Simon  Philipp,  general  store,  12'..ill  Main. 
Sipek  Jan  jr,  saloon.  322  .ALiin. 
!»mil!l  .■\i<Mi>-.o    S>,  Chii-f  Clerk  Cook's: 

Hotel,  cor  Wnsliington  and  (  lieriy. 
Smith  Bros  (lleury  C,  George  B.  Fiilmon; 

B  and  Silas  Si,  general  store,  1521  .Main. 
y9iilit>i  SSeriiliiil,  Carriage  an<l  A\".'igon- 

muker,     Lnggini:     Sleds     an.l     Gem  ral 

Blacksmilliing,  931    to  9;'.0   Main.     (Sfc 

.;!,;  pSoS.) 
Snavely   st    Follett   (George   A.    Suavely. 

Geoige  B  Follelli.  tinsmiths,  124.J  .M-iin. 
Sityjler    a'rjiiik.    Livery,     'Bus      an.l 

Transfer  Line,  215  X  Adams.     (>\e  adc, 

V  ■:?-!'^-) 
Sorensen  John  L,  hd\vr,30.S  X  \Vashinglon. 
Sorensou  Auilrew  .\L  carpet  weaver,  -'-''■ 

Spencer   Herschtl    F,    farm   iuipts,  w    eu'i 

Spragiic  Alexaiuler,  Veterinary  Sur- 
geon and  Dentist,  229  Washingliai. 
Spuliler  A  Co,  Adam  Spuhler  prts, August 

I'ireanx  sec,  drv  cds.23l  N  AVashint;t'"'ti 
Standar<l  Oil  Co,"a'  L  Dorn  agent,  21'4  N 

Sinska  Frank,  bbicksmith,  719  .Main, 
State    Gazette.     Mrs     Itosamond     FoJlell 

propr.  111)  X  AVashincton. 

Chicago  &  Grand  Truak 


The  Favorite  Route  h: 


Nsw  York  Life  Insurance  Go.,™:"'!: '';::; 

1.000.000.  I  N'ortliAVPSteru     Branch 

i.OliO.ooii.  '  Offlop,   -lir,    7Iii\i  aiilioe 
i|IL\VArKr;i:,  IVIS.     ^C  S.  fASDEE,  stale  AeeDt.     lYALKKI.  ]il(  KM:i!.  OenU  .il3n;i;--iir. 




Svnjer  George,  meats, :331  X  Wnsbingtou. 

S'raka  Joseph,  candy  mnfr,  120-"J  Maia. 

Mraiibcl  iV  KbeJiii.'j (11  August  Strau- 
l)f'l,  Jobn  H  Ebc-liag).  Flour  2iliIIs  and 
?21evator,  140  S  Wasbiugton.  {&e  adv, 

Slrcclicnlmcli  C  W  &.  Co  (C  harks 
W  Stifcc^itiiljicii,  Louis  C  S-cbiUiag) 
Wholesale  Frtsh,  Frozen,  Sm.iked  aud 
Salt  Fish,  aud  Oysters,  cor  Cedar  and 
Van  Buren.     {See  adc,  p  S55.) 

RtOISTtKEO         IL-b-r. 


niiieral  spring 


UiU.i-iv   Dm!,    lilobUiiOii'e, 
The  Vichy  Water  of  America. 

STlilCTl.V  ALKALINK  nATl!!. 

J.  P.  C.  SCHLIIT,    Proprietor. 


of  Green   Cay,  Wis.,  the 

Only  Veterinapy  Surgeon 

In  this  section,  is  prepared  to  treat  all  diseases 

/\    V.j  PEKTAIN-INr,    TO 

OFI'K  s;, 

111  North  Washington  St.,  Green  Bay,  Wis. 

^         TrjlloUiiiiisnorlli-sSp.liln  Cure  anil  lleatePomler 

1>F\I.KI!  IN  COM)  AM)  MJ.MU 


\  fine  Joiviilry,  IMaiuoiids  <J1<hUs, 

f  >^piH'taclt-,  Silverv.aro.  Etc.  . 

I     205  N.  Washington    Street,         ,^^-  \. 


-.X\'^f  W'AT-C/f. 





-r  \^  >■  .-^^^s^r^.^y- 

nilOlS  imw  1 1  fo'^^'^p'cTs"^  llORTHEPiil  mi 

GwdaJiv  Srct:he'/J5, [Hams,  Shoulders,  Bacon 

MltiWAiUiCEii,  Wisco^yiN.      \  Pork,    Lard,    Beef,   Sausage,    Etc.,  Etr 








SIrcckeiil»ac!i  it  £>u^sitt  (Fretlcrick 
,  "W  Streckenbr.cli,  Adam  ^u_'ait'.  •,  Proprs 
Ilevere  liouse,  201  aud  i:U.J  S  ^v';^slling- 

Taylor  Miss  Carrie,  asst  supt  preparator}' 
dept  Green  Buy  Business  College,  222 
,     and  224  2s'  Adams. 

Ttctsliorn  J>ank  E,  train  dispatcher'G  B, 
W  it  St  P  I!  l;,  cor  Adams  and  Pine. 

Tenner  Jacob  F,  saloon,  US  N  "Waaiiing- 

Teimis  Alexander,  saloon,  547  S  Washing- 

Teuui-s  Ileur}',  grocer,  (j2-j  S  Jt-lTerson. 

Tennis   Jolm    L,    cliief   of   police,  223  N 

"\\  RSllillCtOU. 

Tennis  Leonard  J,  railroad  ties,  1102  V\" . 

Tennis  Oliver,  grocer,  S20  Crooks. 
Thomas  Edward,   plumber,  J2U  2\  Wa;L 

Thompson  Rev  H  W  (Methodist).  500  CL 

Thrall  Preston  F,  ship  builder.  The  Ecf. , 

Tlllon     I'ruiili,     Editor    and     Xev- 

paper  Correspomlent.  1018  Cherry. 
Trieb  James,  saloon,  12.')9  JIain 
Tyrrell  Emerson  L,  jeweler,  22G  X  Wai.. 

United  State.s  Customs,    Cbark")   Ilartur 

deputy,  lO.T  N  V/nshiiiiitoji. 





A.  M.  kp:i.vecke. 

U.  C.  WENDOf:r. 


■>"''liill«' Finals  li! 


i  1 1 1 . 


y-.-i\  ALWAYS  ON  HAND. 

%  Designs  for  Funerals  and  Wedding  Partii. 
I  Promptly  Furnished. 




Orders  by  Telegraph  will 
Prompt  Attention. 



I  IQ  Couth  Jefferson  St., 

TF.T.H'iio.w:  >o.  i:io. 






>- w 


r^     > 

■s^  t- 


£?    i     t" 

5?>-  r-  §  -=> 

bl    a    ^ 



Chicap  S  Gfaiid  Tfi;a!(  Oy 

n,,   Tho  Favorite  Route  East 



IfK   ItR<>DF.*iSi;it    ?I\Ff;  CO.  Manunicture  iJRKnElfV  M '.CIIINERT,  AVINI*. 
JACKS,  -2  to  I'J  Ton,   POWKIS  ll01STIN(i    M.K  HIXK.RT,  TliVCKS.    KI.KVATOfiS, 
illOaATIC  &TEA3I   rOTIl.E   COnKi:i:.S,   Etc.     oli-iill   (.OJiaEIJCE  STIiEK'".,   mi.lVAl^KEE,  WI8. 





rmU-ii  Stales  Express  Co,  Frank  11  Fuller 

ai-ert.  229  Piiie. 
Uijilcil  t-lales  Internal  lii'veniie  .1  [I  I.cnn- 

arii  deputy   colltctor,   lOo   N  AVashing- 

tnittfd   States   Marine   Hospital   (St  Vin- 

ceul's  Hospitiil),  l)r  Ben  C  Brett  surgeon- 

in-cbnrge,  62G  S  Quiucy. 
I'tiled  States  Pension  Surgeons  (ISoarrl  of), 

Dr  Ben  C  Brett  pres,  DrFrank  B  Lewis 

Ireas,  Dr  Hats  M  Beck  sec  (meets  every 

Wednesday).  Citizens'  Nal'l  Bank  bUlg. 
Tnittd  States  Signal  Service  Weather  Bu- 

rca.  T  Frauklai  Schley   obi-erver,  213  N 

Vsu  Beck  John  L,  general  store,  201    S 

Van  Den  I3usch  I'eter,  scavenger,  2  miles  e. 
Van  den  Heuvel  John,  saloon.  221  Cheiiy. 
Van  Deuren  Henry,  saloon,  33U  Main. 
Van  Deuren  &.S"ii  (GniUlmus  J  and  I'cter 

J),  general  store,  y:)2  X  Adams. 
Van  deZande  John,  faloon,  231  Main. 
Vi'.n  Dycke  O  Brewing  Co,   Octavia   Van 

Dycke  propr,  718  Chicago. 
Van  Dycke  &  Lecomle  (.lilies  Van  Dycke, 

Charles  Leconite).  drugs,  22.")  Main. 
Van  Erbcck  Bernaril,  saloon,  21.")  M;iin. 
Van  Ernien  Frank,  harness,  229  Main. 

Van  Kessel  Frank,  propr  American  House, 
II  e  cor  AVashiugton  and  Walnut. 

Van  Kessel  John,  saloon,  1281  Main. 

Van  Hoosmalen  liev  Wui  (Catholic),  cor 
Doty  and  Adams. 

Van  Schandyl  ]\lartin,  grocer,  723  Main. 

Van  Schyndle  Mrs  Antoinette,  grocer,  1107 

Vcrmeyne  Eli  J,  clothing,  127  N  Wash- 

Vllim  Frank,  grocer,  12-1  S  ]\Ionroe  ave 

Vincent  Constantine,  cabinetaiaker,  328 

WilKJi«>«t'r  Will  IB,  Gen  Passenger 
Agent  Hart's  Steamboat  Line,  ].)ock  foot 
of  Cherry. 

WasiKT  Win  I*,  Cash  Citizens'  Na- 
tional Banli,  128  N  Washington. 

Walker  M  H,  real  estate,  11th  and  Pine. 

AVarren  Albert  A,  insurance,  cor  Adams 
and  Pine. 

Walermolen  Henry,  propr  Adams  House, 
20U  IS  Adams. 

Waulers  Peter,  saloon,  318  N  Adams, 

Weise  George  A,  ■wagonmaker,  BIO  S 

AVeise-Hollnian  Co,  Albert  Weise  pres, 
Charles  W  Weise  sec,  crockery,  3U4  N 


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»     <,,nlX,;    1,.VST,  li.iii.s  ciri.  n   l: 

WI->'r   |.  rnf^  I  Im  In.'  L-:iii  ■\rr\  M..n.|;i> 

1.1.1  X   A.SII  .\All.liA   UOUIK.     Tin-  Mi'aii 

^f^gt^m^  F'sa  ■  10,  12    and    14    Foiirlh  St.,  rond  clii,  AV!«, 

US  i  0  L"  B.  I  Tb  Carriages,  Hacks,  'Basses  and  Slci^lis  for  Sale  Clieap 

e  of  El>.  AS€IIF.nL?SA\'X  &  CO.'S 
rJXG    C3GAI£§,    .^iilwHUkce,   V*  i,. 




■VVeissmiicUer  Hiss  AD5ij;iue,mu>:ic  teacUer, 
721  "Walnut. 

Weissnuieller  Louis  P,  ciL;ar  mufr,  124  S 
Monroe  ave. 

Wclleisis  Jo>>epii  A,  Propr  City  Sa- 
loon, 224  Main.     {S'X'aih-,  p  o40.) 

Western  Union  TeU'ijraph  Co.  lli^s  Mina 
Strachi.n  ninijr,  ii2t!  X  AViitbinglon. 

Whilcomh  Walter  S.  carpenter,  231  S 

White  Ilriiiv  J,  livery,  Mii".  nr  DriJiie. 

White  Jiev  Loreiizo  .]  (Pre-sbylerian),  417  S 

Wicbt  I'f-y  Joseph  S  (Catliolic),  4io  Mil- 

Wifjman  Miss  KlLi  M,  steaograpber,  2!'il  X 

WiumjKi  *'4;  ;vSarli!i  (lolin  H  M  Wij;- 
niau,  rmrick  11  ilartiu.i.  Lav.  vers,  2Ul 
N  Wa-liinglon. 

Wilrael  Mi.-s  Uosalie,  miihyife,  1149  Wal- 

Wihon  Win  B.  milk.  2  miles  w. 

Winter  Tiioiaas,  sewing  macUiues,  220  X 

WIscoii-hi  Telci>!;«!yu!  Co,  Eil-.yin 
1'  Mngr,  202  X  \Va^hii!i;tnn. 

Woltur  llennan  A, physician,  21oX  \\'a=h- 

Tv'oodiawn  Ctmelery  Assn,  Fred  Iluilbut 
pre*.  Giistave  Kue-termann  sir.  Henry 
15  BaUer  treas,  Ileury  M  lleiuecke  supt, 
112  S  .leirer.^ou. 

Woodruff  11  AV,  milk. 

Zeise  Louis,  gardener,  2i  miles  s  e. 

Zf!Utziu«  Joseph,  saloon.  HUG  Main. 

Zilkoski  Loui.s  V,  barlier.  211  Pine. 

Zillcs  Jfilin,  K.iloon,  428  Pk-.asant. 

Zille,9  sab).in,  224  Pine. 

Zinimer  WaUkmar,  music  teacher,  214  N 

KiiDiiic-t'inaii  CSinrJos  V»  (r)ouville 
it  Piselic),  ISofts,  .-^hocs  and  Kubbers, 
809  X  Wasbiugton. 

GREENBUSH.  Avillaire  on  Mulktt 
river,  In  .■:'!iL-boy,L'au  county,  2i)  lUiles 
of  SheboyLvm.  the  county  seat,  2^  south- 
west of  (ileiiboulab,  the  nearest  railroad 
station,  and  7  iiortiiwest  of  Plymouth,  the 
nearest  baiikini;  point.  Slaia's  twice  daily 
to  Gleubeulab.'  Population,  20U.  Mail, 
daily.     George  liigt^ins,  postmaster. 

Franey  Thomas,  hotel  and  blacksmith. 

Ilerrlinp  Uudolpb,  saw  mill. 

Keafh  Kd.  music  teacher. 

Kojifh  cV  Tliat'krstj ,  General  ^^tore. 

lliikr  H  S,  v,!!L'onmaker. 

I'liel  Vab-nliue  G,  cheese  nuifr. 

V'.orth  Star 'ron  Works.  ) 
I  .ni^ii  M  l.•.^^  u  ir:;iM;  co. 
Ajlilan'.l,    -     '     Wisconsin.  ) 

Scbnave  Henry,  sboumaiicr. 
Sullivan  Daniel  T,  biucksmitb. 
Tbackray  Heury,  notary. 
Wade  H  C.  hotel  and  just'.ce. 
Welman  Pev  (Baptist). 
Woodward  Rev  J  .M  (.Methodist). 

GREENFIELD.    Jlilwaukee  coutitv, 
^'(tnle  c'.a;r-t'?  to  I\'jrth  Greenftld. 

GREEN  GROVE.  A  pistoffiee  ia 
Ci.Hrk  counts',  :j")  miles  northei>t  of  XeiUs- 
ville,  the  county  seat,  and  (j  vrest  of  Coil.y, 
the  nearest  railroad  station  and  bankiui; 
l>oint.  Stages  semi-^veckly  to  Colbr. 
Poj)iilatiou,  20.  M'lil,  semi-weekly.  K. 
C.  Meyer.s,  postmaster. 

?Seyors    lOsnil    <',    General    Store  and 

Cheese  Mnfr. 
Jlcyers  Henry,  hotel. 

GREEN  LAKE.  A  postoffice  in 
Green  Lake  county,  10  miles  south  of 
Dartford,  the  county  seat,  and  9  southwes: 
of  liipon,  the  nearest  railroad  station  and 
bankiiiii  point.  Stnji'S  tri-weekly  to  Uipon. 
Population,  100.     .Mail,  Iri-vreekly. 

I'ripgs  W  C,  general  store, 
ll.-iimlton  Pred,  general  store. 
Hid  II  U,  hotel." 


Lake  couutj'.     ..s'tt.  Pulhn-d. 

GREEl'TLEAF.  A  vill  .ge  on  the  M. 
k,  X.  K.  U  ,  in  Brown  county,  15  mi'.es 
soulhwt>t  of  Green  Bay.  the  county  seat, 
and  11  soulii  of  De  Perc,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  3"i0.  E.vp.,  Am. 
Tel.,  W.  U.     C.  F.  Wuergrr,   postmaster. 

Albright  Kdward.  wbeehviijht. 

Ijtevmann  H,  slioemaker. 

Blindauer  John,  constable. 

Day  Charles  W,  .sav.-  mill. 

Iliay  <-  V*'  iV  *io!i.  General  Store. 

Day  E  B.  livery. 

Day  Philander,  meat  market. 

Dillou  (^harles,  saloon. 

Jvlis  J  V,  wheelwright. 

Ferrington  J  W ,  blacksmith. 

F:eker  H,  railroad,  esp  and  tel  agent. 

Grant  >r  J,  pianos  and  organs. 

Johns  August,  blacksmith. 

Koehlcr  (jito,  mason. 

Korotea  0  C,  carpenter. 

Lawton  C  A,  lime  kiln. 

Lueke  Albert,  hotel. 

Lueke  C  F,  general  store. 

:in.l<i-Ki!~inciTi,  Miirhinkt?,  Soiiin 
«  Mill  ,'li..-hii'(Tj.  .•llionf  M.lrlihi.. 
B-jli^r-.  I'oncrlraD.'.n.iCln,;  ■|:i..lii 


I'lc.    S.fp-    l> 

Tl  I  C3  LC  I  ^  W    frfQieutly  imnisilintcly  rolieve  snd  ■intdlil)  cure  nmDj  stuWioni  dis?a«>ii  nliich 
UnrVl^n     f,,j|  ,„  ji^ij  rpii.iih  toorJinnrymMlir:!!  tr^".t.ncnt.     THK  r.lTllS  AV  J.\M;s- 

'BATHS —  viLLE,  \visto>>i.N,  AJFoi;i)  sii'i:i:iou  auvantagls  lo  tiik  ailinu. 




l::vke  AVm.  grain  elevator. 
\!tGiiwan  P  J,  insurance. 
Mvjer  II  F,  cheesemaker. 
S'o'rris  C  L,  justice. 
Siiliivan  James,  live  stock. 
Wilbsrms  Win,  flour  mill. 
Wuorger  C  F,  liesiaurant. 

GREENSTREET.  A  iio?tnnice  in 
.Vhinitowoc;  county,  10  miles  uorlliv,  of 
Manitowoc,  tlie  counlj'  seat,  and  10  north- 
•.vest  of  Branch,  tlie  nearest  railroad  st-i- 
ijiin.  ilanitoT.  oc  is  the  nearest  backinp; 
roint.  Stages  to  Manitowoc.  Population, 
jju  Mail,  semi-weekly.  Joseph  Z'jliuka, 

Iloubek  Wenzel  jr,  wap'onmaker. 
Koliek  &  Co,  well  borers. 
K'rejcarek  Joseph,  builder. 
>hrtl;  Frank,  blacksmith. 
Tcma '\\'cnz"l,  njiinrist. 
/cliiika  Jios«'|>Si,  Justice. 

GREENVILLE.  A  farmers'  post- 
(tlre  in  Outngamie  county,  10  miles  nortli- 
wcs!  of  Appleton,  tlio  county  .seat,  and  3 
<«ist  of  Jledina,  the  nearest  railroml  station. 
Aiiplelon  is  the  nearest  l)aukin!;  point. 
-Mail,  semi  weekly.  AV.  G.  Jamison,  post- 
master, farmer  and  millwright. 

GREENWOOD.  A  prosperous  vil- 
i'lte  on  Jilnck  river,  in  Clark  county,  10 
miles  north  of  Xeillsville,  the  county  scat 
Hnd  h :.nk  location,  and  K?  south  of  Witiice, 
llie  nearest  railroad  stnlii)n.  f^lai:;es  daily 
'<■'  Xcillsville  and  AVithee.  Population, 
■f'lO  Mail,  daily.  L.  W.  Larson,  post- 

Alton  Miss  Mellie,  milliner. 
■\ndersnn  T  A,  general  s'ore. 
.■\iidrewg  Gorge  C,  blacksmith, 
i^'uley  D  E.  furniture. 

•  teslcy  Win  U,  Hotel. 
Ihiland  G  L,  ph\.^ician. 
Carter  Mrs  F  M"  niilliuer, 
I^ingley  &  IJeplcy,  saw  mill, 
'jieeuwond  Creamery  Assn. 
Crecnwooil  Mcrcantdc  and  Jlnfi;  Co,  gen- 
eral s-tore  anil  slave  mnfrs. 

Hartson  A  A,  justice. 

Hunt  II  W,  general  store. 

Johnson  Henry,  barber  and  confectioner. 

jVlcrson  Eias,  boots  and  shoes. 

j'feifer  Frank,  meat  market. 

I'ratt  E  T,  grocer. 

^cliofield  Robert,  saw  mill. 

•  inith  F  M,  watronmaker. 
•'"•LVens  P  ,M.  hamessmaker. 

Syth  Thomas,  blacksmith. 

'il'lioiiias  IS  ,3,  General  Store  and  Drugs 

AVhite  A  M,  hardware. 

GREGORY.  On  the  M.,  St  P.  .t  S. 
Ste  M.  Uy,  in  Polk  county,  ::■'>  miles  from 
Osceola  Mills,  the  judicial  seat,  and  about 
4he  same  distance  from  Xev.-  Richmond. 
Population,  L'.j      Z,  R.  Ayres,   postmaster. 

Baurman  J.  L'r.^cer.      --^ 
5Jt'r!»cr  A;  .llcCui-f y,  Saw  Mill. 

A.    G. 

GRESITAM.     lu  Shawano  county.  IJ 
miles  northwest  of   Shawano,  the  county 
seat,  shipping  and  banking  ii.iin 
lalion,    70.      Mail,    semi-weekly. 
Schmidt,  postmaster. 

Dudeek  Ausust,  blacksmith. 
Fisher  Joseph,  sidoon. 
Herman  G,  blacksmith. 
Hoffman  ^Ma.x.  saloon. 
Hulin  G  J.  justice. 
Huhn  6c  Lielhen,  general  store. 
iMnder  Joseph,  mason. 
Marx  iS'icolaus,  wagonmaker. 
!*<-h!iiiiU    Aii!;:i»i    C«,    General 
and  Saw  Z^liU. 

GRIMM'S.     A   postorticc  on  the  .M., 
L.  S.  &  W.  Uy,  in   Maidtowoc  county,  1-t 
miles  northwest  of  Manitowoc,  the  county 
seat  and  nearest  b.inkintr  point.     Popula- 
tion. L'O.     Mail,  daily.     Exp.,  U.  S. 
Comey  O  H,  saloon. 
Cook  &  Bn.nvn  Lime  Co. 
Cooney  M  !,.  sa'oon. 
Baniich  H'oUT  J,  General  Store. 
Kalial  F,  saloon. 

GROVER.  A  postotlire  in  AfaKi'ictto 
county,  7S  iiidos  s:iuth  of  Montello.  the 
judicial  seal,  baid;ing  and  shipping  point. 
Mail,  semi-weekiy.  John  Foster,  post- 

ITostoi' .Soliii,  Farmer. 
Robichaw  Charles,  urist  mill. 
Strong  Lot,  builder. 
'rhom]is>ui  Bros,  builder. 

HADLEYVILLE.  On  Low's  creek, 
in  Eau  Claire  county,  10  miles  south  of 
Eau  Claire,  the  county  seat_  railroad  and 
bunking  point.  Staces  to  Eau  Claire  and 
Whitehall.  Population,  100.  3!ail,  tri 
Weekly.  A.  A.  G off. postmaster  and  grocer 

HAGER  CITY.     On  the  C.,  B    &  N. 
Rv.   in    Pierce    County,   1'2  miles  south  o! 



St,  Pai 

n,,   The  Po|)ubr  l'[ 
liVl   Line  to  the    «t 


wiscc::s!ii  minm  mm  oo., , ,  :T""Tl"rv  %.. , 

Office  A  I  actor),  LSI  Lake  St..  HIUYAIT.CL,  WIS.     LSlBSl     itllprC/SU    S6nGi!3n    DliriviS, 

^    3G2 




F  ^  3    EUsworJh,   tlie  judicial  seat,   snd   3  from 
r — 'j,    Ked   AVins,    :Miun.,    the   nearest   banking 




point.     Tel.,   W.  U.     Exp.,   Am. 
iation,  75.     .J.  Paik,  po=truasIer. 

Bruwn  S  L.  hotel. 

IIueEfrer  Paul,  grain. 

Lever  Xicbolas.  hotel. 
"^        Milton  J  W,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Pumplin  n,  taloon. 
Rp^    Scliac'hl    <JcJ!rsnl     R,    A^^ricultura! 
>-'r-.i       Impts,  General  Store  and  Grain. 
CT— J   Tha3'er  K  E,  groceries  and  crockery. 

^^^  HALDER.  On  Kennedy  creek,  in 
Marathon  county,  22  miles  southwest  of 
^1  Wausau,  the  judicial  seat,  and  9  we.'^t  of 
c^'S^  Jlosinec,  its  nearest  shipping  and  baiikinc; 
fj>c3  point.  Population,  100.  JIail.  senii- 
fc_isa   weekly.     Josephine  Ileissel,  postmaster. 

IIcInscI  John,   Saw  Jlill  and  Grocer. 

HALE.  A  postoflico  on  Elk  creek,  in 
Trempealeau  countv.  10  rnile^  northeast  of 
Whitehall,  on  the  G.  B.,  W .  &  St.  P.  P. 
H.,  the  county  seal,  nearest  banking  point 
and  railroad  station.  Population,  S.'j. 
Mail,  triweekly.  C.  ^l.  OUou,  postmaster. 

^_«   Ilovre  Ole  O,  general  store. 
C\)   OUou  V  S3,' Farmer. 


<j,  HALE'S  CORNERS.  A  post  villa^^e 

,^^  in  Milwaukee  countj',  7  miles  southwest  of 

>  132^  Milwaukee,  the   county  seat,  nearest  rail- 

r->^  road  station  and  hankintr  point.     .Stages  to 

t.-^  East  Troy,  Franl-.sville.  Caldwell  and  Mil- 

iaja  waukee.  Pupuhttion,  ."iOo.  Mail,  daily. 
J.  Drcyfuss,  postmaster. 

s^  Barker  AV  W,  fruit  srower. 
^"    I'ishop  Fred,  saloon. 
Cf/3   Ciiurad  Adam,  dairy. 

I^^J  l':i«i>i  .Susopli,  Propr  AVestern  Hotel 

Oand  Justice. 
Ilaack  Pev  John  (Lutheran). 

>fs  j<   Ilaly  fHto,  painter 
fjr    HartJosep' 

cjih.  mason. 
■*"   Ilartung  Andrew,  wagoumaker. 
f-^   Hicks  Kli,  carjienter. 
isiJ   Horn  Wm,  fluur  mill. 

Korber  Henry,  meat  market. 

J>audurn  AVm,  ina-ion. 
^   Xeussel  Otto,  hotel. 

Uuehle  Aueust,  blacksmith. 

Sale  ];  G.  phvsician. 

^icIiiiiitU  ISt'iiry,  Agricultural  Imjits. 

Scbuler  Henry,  shoemaker. 

Smith  James,  general  store. 

Western  Hotel,  Joseph  Dryfuss  propr. 

Younu  P,  harnes-makcr. 

Zechin.'>to  F,  shoemaker. 
Ziiiic  Sieiiry,  General  Store. 

HAMBURGH.  In  rNfarathon  cout^ty 
18  miles  northwest  of  Wausau,  the  countv 
seat,  usual  bankinir  and  shippin?  poitt- 
Population,  50.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  '"  ^ 
Voigt,  postmaster. 

Haschc  D,  saw  mill. 
Kun/.e  Herman,' btioemaker. 
Matz  F  T,  farm  impts  and  saloon. 
Sellin  Henry,  saw  mill. 
VoisI  Elcnry  K,  Land  Agent. 

a.  E. 

HAMILTOIST.  A  postoffice  on  Wil- 
low creek,  in  U'aushara  rouuly,  IG  miles 
Eoutheasl  of  Wautonia,  the  county  seat, 
and  y  northwest  of  Berlin,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  banking  point.  Stages 
daily  to  Berlin,  Sprimz  Lake  and  "Wauto- 
ma.  Population,  L'o.  >Lail,  daily.  Thomas 
E.  Decker,  postmaster. 

I>ecker  TSuimaH   K,    Dairy,    Black- 
smith and  .Saw  Mdl. 
Sprague  J!rs  K  L,  music  teacher. 
Wilcox  J  K,  checbc  mnfr. 

HAMLIN.  On  Beef  river,  in  Tiem- 
pcaleau  count}-,  IS  miles  northwest  of 
Whitehall,  the  county  seat  and  banking 
point,  and  3  from  Eleva,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station.  Stages  to  AVhitehall  and 
Ea\i  Claire.  Population,  250.  JI ail,  tri- 
weekly.    K.  Bov.-ers,  postmaster. 

Bush  .'-^,  hardware. 

Ilolicin^er  (■JiHscrl,  General  Store 

Howery  S.  l]lricksmith. 

Jenson  Knul,  hotel. 

Lainpman  A,  hotel. 

Odell  David,  hotel. 

Oleson  Tliomas.  tzrocer. 

Peadtield  John,  sorghum  mill. 

Iteadlield  "Warren,  carpenter. 

Kusliug,  flour  mill. 

Youman  David,  drucgist. 

HAMMOND.  An  incorporated  vil- 
lage on  the  east  div.  of  the  C,  St.  P.,  M. 
it  O.  Py,  in  townsliip  of  same  name,  St. 
Croix  county,  16  miles  east  of  Hudson,  the 
judicial  scat,  3  west  of  Baldwin,  the  near- 
est banking  point,  and  200  northwest  of 
Milwa\diee.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
Population,  500.  B.  E.  Grinnell,  post- 

Audress  Jerome  B,  propr  Gardiner  House. 
Anderson  Peter  C,  farm  impts. 
Boolhby  Eui'ene  L,  physician. 

Chicago  &  Gfand  Tfunl:  Rj, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


«n.  r.  i.  O'SULLITAN",  of  O'SCLLIVAS'S  C03IHKBCI1L  iCAPEMT.  Ashland.  TCi^ocsIn,  oblalned  Ihe 
•  ■  |.:pl'imaor  Honor."  anardeJ  liy  ti.e  ■■  t-rcle  Jc  la  Saile"  fir  llie  P.e-t  COMMKIUi AL  r.n.i  AKTIilTlC 
DNMASSHIP    IV    A    fu.JPL-riTiO"    WITH    ALL     CANADA.       HIGIIi;>T    POSSIBLE    IlISITISfTIOS. 




('arDey  Timothy  J,  'bus  and  di-ay  line. 

Csve  Frank  G.  livery. 

Cooley  &  Iticli,  Dru^;  and  Groceries. 

C  'jnimiugs  Ales£.ndcr,  blacksmith. 

Davis  James  P,  physician. 

Davis  &  Co,  hardware. 

Dean  Michael  F,  propr  IlaciujOEd  House. 

Deneen  Dennis,  shoes  and  groceries. 

Egbert  W  J,  ice  cream  saioon. 

Fithian  Joseph  B,  f.<irm  impils. 

Fitbian  Mrs  Sarah  J,  dry  goods. 

Francis  Geo'ge  L,  dentist. 

Gardiner  Bros,  meat  market. 

Gsrdlcer  Hou=e,  Jerome  B  Andress  propr. 

Griiiiiell  Bert  C,  Druggist. 

Jlsmmond  Brass  Band,  John  Wachendorf 

Hammond  House,  M  Dean  propr. 
Hanson  Bros,  bay  and  straw. 
Havekost  Mrs  Mary,  rirc=?maUer. 
Hill  it  Hawkins,  creamery, 
•'enness  Albert  G,  farm  machiner}'. 
Johnson  .Alclviii  K,  General  Store. 
Kean  Henry,  feed  miil. 
Kyes  Zidok  S,  hardware. 
Lee  J  F,  carpenter. 
ilcGovern  John,  general  store. 
McMabon  John,  lawyer. 
Miller  Edward  L,  furniture. 
Morris  Cejihus  B,  wagon  maker, 
.^luipby  r^Iiss  Colia.  music  teacher. 
Murphy  James,  live  stuck. 
O'Dunuel!  .Mrs  Bridget,  general  store. 
Patterson  .Melviu  H.  house  mover. 
Patterson  Pbinley  L.  barber. 
Pierce  Wm,  railroad,  esp  and  tel  agt. 
P'unib  Amos,  shoemaker. 
Ibley  Patterson,  carpenter. 
Hiug  Patrick,  hpiarii-I. 
Hobcrls  Creamery  and  Cheese  Co,  Hill  & 

Hawkins  proprs. 
Ib'Se  \Vm,  grain  and  lime, 
^abin  James  B.  pbototrrapher. 
Shaunou  Angus,  blaeksniilh. 
^miih  liev  Georre  W  Oleiliodijlv 
Tliajcr  Andrew  I*.  General  Store. 
1  haytr  John,  ju.-iire. 
Trickey  Bros,  masons. 
Wache'ndorf  John,  carpenter. 
^\  heeler  Jac<ib  S.  carpenter  and  mason. 
^\  Idle  Kev  Win  ^Cutbolic'., 
»>  right  Bros,  liay  and  straw. 

HANCOCK.  On  the  Wis.  Central 
diy.  >;.  p  ){  ]{  j„  Waushara  county,  15 
niiles  nonbwcit  of  Wautoma,  tiie  c-'untv 
'eat,  and  .Oj  from  PlaiuIiL-ld,  the  neares't 
JJ^nk  location.  Pupulation.  l.'jii.  Tel., 
^>l.".  Exp.,  X.  P.  C.  AV.  Moors,  pcst- 

Erley,  physician. 

Eubank  T,  hotel. 

Hales  B  L.  druggist. 

Hirst  "W  C,  blaJksmilh. 

Miner  S,  physician. 

Moors  Bros,  live  stock. 

Hloor*    Ilros    <V    Co,    General  Store 

and  Grain. 
Moors  G  E.  feed  mill. 

Moors  I,  justice. 

Ordws}'  J,  harcessmaker. 

Thomas  C  H,  justice. 

Wctmore  Mrs  J  P,  restaurant. 

AVile)-  J  F,  general  store. 

Wiley  O.  restaurant. 

Wiley  W  C,  railroad,  esp  and  te!  agt. 

■Wood  F  C,  General  Store. 

Yout  E  C,  billiards. 

HANEEVTLLE.  A  country  posf 
oiEce  in  Dane  county,  20  miles  southeast 
of  Madison,  the  couuly  seat,  and  .j  south" 
east  of  Stoughton.  its  banking  and  ship- 
ping point.  Population,  1-5.  Mail, 
J.  C.  Cannon,  postmaster  and  farmer. 

HANEY.  A  posloflice  in  Crawford 
county,  3^  miles  northeast  of  Prairie  du 
Chien,  the  couulv  seal,  and  10  nortiiv.cst 
of  Boscobel.  on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Hy. 
the  nearest  rai.road  station  and  banking 
point.  Population,  20.  Mail,  semi  week- 
ly.    C.  W.  Lathrop,  poslm;ister. 

Carlton  Wm,  mason  and  plasterer. 
Dowling  Janus,  notary. 
I..aiiiri>ii  C  W,  General  Store. 
Laliirop  P  A,  saw  miw. 
Taft  A,  carpenter. 

HANOVER.  A  post  village  on  the 
C,  -M.  iV  St.  P.  Uv,  ai  the  junction  of  the 
C.  A  N.  AV.  Uy.  in  Rock  county.  9  miles 
southwest  of  Janesville,  Ihe  county  seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  Popr.lation, 
13-5.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Adams  and  Am. 
E.  G.  Brown,  postmaster. 

Arnold  F  ifc  Co.  general  store. 

Beck  man  A.  grist  mill. 

Brokenhacen  C,  carpenter. 

Child  F  B.  express  agt. 

Damrow  C,  blacksmith. 

Dittmer  W  H.  carpenter. 

Ehrliaeer  E.  shoemaker. 

Klirliiiirer  <V  Ilrowii,  General  Store. 

Fechner  E,  shoemaker. 

Haight  George,  justice. 

Han-er  Uev  O  (Luilieran). 

Lei-.z  Wm  &  Son.  blacksmiths. 

LurktieM  C,  waj.on maker. 

luiiiois  m\n  I B 

I  to  all  POINTS  in  li 


iLLi[!0!s  [mm.  ^,  e 

DIRECT  ROUTE  MnpTurn*]  ini'I.i 

s  to  all  POINTS  in  ilUlt  I  IIlIui  iUi,'/i 




Scofield  E  J,  nursery. 
Wilcox  G  D,  express  agt. 
Zienow  M,  hotel. 

HANSEN.  On  the  Ileinloclc  river, 
and  oa  Mm  C,  31.  it  St.  P.  lly,  in  Worn! 
county,  11  miles  northwest  of  Grand 
R'lpids,  the  seat  of  justice  and  banking 
point.  Population,  3iJ0,  Exji.,  Am.  AI. 
K.  Hansen,  postmaster. 

II:iii«cil  M  ?S,  General  Store,  Saw  Mill, 
Kiihoad   Express  and  TeleiTuph  Agent. 
IJoeuins  &  Nehliny,  stave  mnfrs. 

HARMONY.  In  Vernon  county,  10 
miles  southwest  of  Viroq'ia,  the  judicial 
seal  and  bajikini;  point,  and  8  from  Genoa, 
the  nearest  shipping  point.  .^lail.  semi- 
weekly.     T.  I.  Steverison,  posliuaster. 

Oliver  Jjizzie,  physician. 
Stevenson  AVm  S,  blacksniilL  . 

Calumet  county.     .SV. 



HARRISON.  Oa  the  M.,  L.  S.  &  W. 
Ry,  in  Lincoln  county,  40  miles  northeast 
of  Merrill,  tin.!  county  scat.  Population, 
'^00  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  U.  S.  W.  II. 
Bissell,  postmaster. 

UJ^MCll    \\  JB,  MuL'r  Wisconsin  Valley 

Lumber  C^o. 
Oruber  F  .1,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  a^enl. 
Wisconsin  Valley  Lumber  Co,  gen  st(jre. 

HARRISVILIjE.  a  post  vilhige  on 
the  rHontello  liver,  in  .Manjurlte  county, 
8  miles  northwest  of  .Alonlello,  the  county 
sent,  an.l  5  east  of  Wes'tield,  the  nearest 
railroad  station.  Montello  is  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Statres  triweekly  to  West 
field.  Population,  100.  :\Iail,  tri  weekly. 
31.  J.  Farrington,  postmaster. 

IJIakley  Etlie,  mu=ic  teacher. 
Dee  Wm,  cooper. 
Deterl  liros,  t'  lur  mill. 
rarriiiKlon  "M.  .B.  (general  Store. 
Frank  Auf.u^t.  blacksmith. 
-Giiptil  I,  S,  hotel  and  siloiiii. 
Ranglet  ,1  A,  carpenter. 
Schmilz,  furniture. 
Schmii/.  Theodore,  blacksmith. 
Schultz  Oscar,  shoemaker. 
Suud  Rev  C  (Lutheran). 

HARTFORD.  Is  situated  on  the  C, 
>L  it  St.  P.  Ky,  in  township  of  same  name, 
Washington  county,  IS  mih^s  southwest  of 

West  I'end,  the  seat  of  justice,  and  ':,". 
northwest  of  ]\Iilwankee.  First  settled  ;• 
1844,  and  incorporated  as  a  city  in  l^;.j.  :. 
now  contains  Congregational,  Methodi-' 
Episcopal,  German  Methodist,  Catholic. 
Universalist,  German  Reformed  and  Ir;. 
theran  churches,  2  schools,  saw  and  flour- 
ing mill,  a  plow  factory,  a  turn  hall  ca;> 
able  of  seating  850.  a  collin  factory  and  a 
weekly  newspap-tr,  the  Ihvtfonl  Pi;  u 
(Hep.).  Pike  lake,  ?.  miles  east,  supplit.i 
large  quanties  of  ice,  and  the  Pike  Lnke 
Ice  C!o.  last  year  shipped  4  MuO  car  loads. 
Bee  culture  is  an  important  industry,  and 
grain,  produce,  wool,  live  stock  and  bee 
supplies  form  the  shipments.  Telephone 
communication  with  Pike  [..ake.  Exp.,  Am. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Population,  l,trOO.  Charles 
Smith,  postmaster. 

Alton  Michael,  hotel. 

Amidon  Bros(\Villard  It  and  Ur).  jewelers. 

Amidon  Chester  G.  apiarist. 

Anglecker  .lacob  A,  saloon. 

Arenbcrg  lli-nry,  saloon 

Barney  .Montgomery  L.  dentist. 

Beck  .Julius,  li'aeksmiih. 

Bergman  Frederick,  saloon. 

Bernhart  Miss  .Julia,  drtssinaker. 

Blum  Peter,  basket  mnfr 

Brink  Charles  L,  wli,.l,s:il,_.  eggs. 

Etiillorticlit    81    B.irlt,  Attorney  and 

Counselor,  and    Di-trict    Attorney;  Coi- 

lections   Proniptly    M.ule,     Ollice    Over 

Nanscrtwen's  Hrui;  Store. 
Clifford  lirojdienuis  \V  and  John),  marble 

Coerper   Bros   ( Ivi ward  .T  and    George  C). 

general  store. 
Cramlal    Bros   (Otlio    C    and    Oreou    B), 

fUandal  .'^eneca  T,  !'.|)i,irist. 
(.Crowfoot  Abel,  lliur  mill. 
Curjiliey  Wm,  carpenter. 
I)enilmgt;bristian,  propr  Wisconsin  House 
Dempsey  James,  slu'Oinaker 
Deunison,  Jackson  it  Co  CJolin  i'  Dennl- 

80II,    Dwight  Jackson,  John    G    Liver), 

genera!  stoic 
Denny  Miss  Len.a.   music  teacher. 
Foley  Timothy,  f.irm  impts. 
Frey  Mrs  Adam,  gener^.l  store. 
Frey  Bros  (Philip  and  John),  meat  market. 
rjia«.>>ar    Eloii<<c,     Adam     B     Mueller 

Propr.     {S,e  ndr.  opp.) 
Graham  .John,  farm  impts. 
Guilliaume  AVm,  b  irber. 
IKiillii  .'lilolitli.  Undertaker, 
llarember!;  11-nry,   saloon. 
Hartford  (_'ity  Band,  Wm  Coerper  director. 

jjp^T-'^^  Plir]  Q'^lf^fho   Ciitalogues  iULiUS  A^JDFJAfci, 
>iUy  Uii'^-Cii  UaS  J  V-^'US  uijw2>i       Free.      J  -i^r,  w.  >T„!..r  street,  3iir.-,\  wntx. 

Write  to  J,  N.  McCUP.'.N,  Green   Bay,  Wis.,  for  ANNIAI^   CAT.V  lyOGUK  of  Mie 

Green   Bay  Business   Coileg-e.  oi  lo.ui.,,-...  indor.e.nct. 




I!iirtfor«!    City     Breivery,     Jacob 

Porlz  I'ropr. 
Ilarlford  fress,  J  JI  Le  Count  &  Son 

l'ropr3.     (See  ikIb,  bilo>p.) 
llauser  CoDiad,  grain  buyer. 
ilccker  Miss  Bertba,  dressmaker, 
lleppc  Eugelbert,  saloon. 
Hess  George  N,  liiirilwurc. 
Hifks  Isaac,  liorse  tr.'iiner. 
Hollenstein  John,  buker. 
Ilosig  Nicholas,  shoemaker, 
llosterman   &   Batz   (.Mathias  Uosterman, 

Lortnz  ]3alz\  well  driller?. 
Jergens  Mrs  Eli^abc■U),  notions. 
Jchnson  Charles  C,  druggist. 
Jordan  Bruno,  drayman. 
Kaiser  Jliss  Berlha,  uiillincr. 
Kendall  J  O  &  Co  (Jamcb  O  Kendall),  flour 

Kissel  Louis,  hardware. 
Konrad  Bros  (Augiusl   and  Philip),    grain 

Kraniz  Peter,  saloon. 
Krocger  Herman  W,   barber. 
Laitbciitilciii  A  <«  A-  €o  (Adolph  G 

and  Julia  M  Laubenslein),  General  fcitore, 

Dry  Goods,  Groceries  and  Grain. 
Laverreiiz  Leo,  miiaral  water  mnfr. 
Liach  Mrs  Valorous,  dres.'imaker. 

3  05 

?jC  Count  James  M,  Real  Estate. 
Lc  C'4Atmt  J   .Ta  it  Soil  (James  M  and 

Frank  M),  Proprs  liarlford  Press.     {Su 

ach\  beloic  ) 
Lierlz  Peter  J,  wagonmakcr. 
Lohr  Charles  F,  general  store. 
Loos  George  L,  harnessmaker. 
Loth  Traucolt,  shoemaker. 
Mcintosh  JIrs  Frank,  dressmaker. 
Marston  Samuel  L,  physician. 
Jlenzel  Wra,  cigar  mnli^. 
^fnrgau  Lyman  C,  justice. 
i5SliCl!er     .'^(Sitiii     £5.    Propr     Caspar 

House.     (See  adv,  belnw  ) 
Mueller  George,  meat  marJiet. 
Mueller  Herman,  saloon. 
Muun  &  Co  (Eli  and    Mrs  John   Munu>, 

house  movers. 
Nanscawen  Bros  (Reginald  II  and  Wm  O), 

Nehrbiiss  Laurence,  saloon. 
Nehrbass  Tobias,  burial  case  mnfr. 
Pierce  Wm,  carpenter. 
PiUe    Lake  Ice    (.'o    (James    S   Sanborn, 

.Michael  J  Heisler). 
Place  Benjamin   ^\',    apiarist    and    glove 

I'orlz    JJafoli,    Propr   Ilaitlord   City 




ADATtl   B.  MUELLER,  Proprietor. 

!noynlyHrs!-!Jios3iloys3iii  lown. 


Tilt'  l'iilron;ige  of  the  Traveling  Piililie  Solieilcd. 


Copied   and    Enlarged. 


liARTFORi)  Press 



COUNTY  in  NEWS  and  CIPaCU- 


riAIK  AND  OENAMEUTAL  JOE  PKIIJTING  with  .\i-atiifss  and  Dlspatcli. 


J.M.  LeCOUNT  &  SON,  Proprs.,  HARTFORD. 

CliicajQ  k  Gfaod  Truo.^  Pif, 

I  he  havorite  Route  East 


STAR  r  KIGHTj"--:^:vM":^i^^^^^^ 











PrieQ  Fredericic,  saloon. 
Probst  Kev  C  (LuUieraL). 
Hadke    &   Hall  (Joiin    Kadke,   George  F 

Hall).  blacUsmilhs. 
Uaiie  Theodore,  jeweler. 
Uoilly  Mrs  B    milliDer. 
Reynolds  Frank  S,  druseist. 
IJdgers  Ezra  ]\I,  pliysician. 
Itogers  Frederick  VV,  physician. 
.Itoot  George  W,  jiislice. 
Rowell  Horace  V,  farm  impts. 
Rowell  &.  Co  (E  Gilson,   Dwiuhl  Rowell, 

J   Ross   Rice,   Smith    M   Seeley),    farm 

impt  mi  frs. 
Ruhl  15ros  (Adam  .T  and  John~i,  painters. 
Kanborn  Plumer  W,  railroad  agent. 
Sawyer     CHiritia     W,     Lawyer    and 

County  .ludge. 
Sayes  James  C,  saw  mill. 
Schennke  Miss  Lena,  dressmaker. 
Schneider  Henry,  carpenter, 
bchoeneich  &  Puekreus  (Theodore  Pchoen- 

eich,  Joliu  Bnckrciisi,  carpenters. 
Schumann  Henry  H,  dentist. 
Schwalhe  Wm,  wagonmaker. 
Shiuner  Patrick,  hotel. 
Smith  Charles,  postmaster  and  insurance. 
Stace3'  Ale.\and(-T  J,  livery. 
, Stacey  Kdward.  livery. 
Stark  Mrs  Adam,  grneral  store. 
^tiliMlci-laiiii!  nSrs  .5  V.    Portrait  and 

Landscape  Photugraiiher.      iSce  adD,  p 

Taylor  Henry  I!,  livery. 

Tiboosky  Flank,  boots  and  .shoes. 

Turner  Chester.  carpenli;r. 

Turn  Hall,  Turn  A'erein  proprs. 

UbiT  Bros  (Charles  and  ];ichardl,  tanners. 

Unghiub  Henry,  insurunce.  Wm,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Werner  .John,  blacksmith. 

Westenberger  Peter,  fiiriiilure. 

Wlieeloek  .Mrs  ( 'lara  E,  music  teacher. 

Wheeloek  Hiram  H,  apiarist, 

\Vilniot  Frank  P,  buok  agent. 

Wi.-^cousin      House,      Christian     Demling 

Wrensch&■\\'ap!''^fiss  Matilda C  Wrcnsch, 

HHss  Barbara  I)  Wapp),  dressmakers. 
Zimmer  Rev  Nicholas  j\[  (Catholic). 

HAHTLAND.     On  the   C,  M.  &  St. 

P.  Hy,  in  Waukesha  county,  11  miles 
northwest  of  Waukeslia,  the  countv  seat, 
Hud  8  east  of  *.)conomowoc,  the  nearest 
Ivmking  point.  Population,  ."iOO.  Tel,, 
W.  U.  E.\p.,  Am.  H.  E.  Salsich.  post- 

Andlcy  T  V,  &  Son,  elevator.         s 
Ba\i  1  ienry,  faloon. 

ILLlilOlS  C[ilTP,i^[  P„  I 

Blitsch  .Jacob,  tailor  and  barber. 

Burr  John  A,  Genera!  Store. 

Carpenter  C  E,  lumber. 

Chapman  Henry,  ph'jtographer. 

Davison  Rev  J  B  (Congregational). 

Donovan  ifc  Schwager,  blacksmiths. 

Gerbensky  Charles,  livery. 

Gorman  Thomas,  propr  Hawthorne  Hotel. 

Granger  W  J,  hotel. 

Halzer  M,  basketmaker. 

Hansen  Hans,  viiTiige  marshal. 

Hanson  Frederick  XV,  wagonmaker. 

Hawthorne  Hotel,  Thomas  Gorman  propr. 

Jacob  H,  carpenter. 

Jensen  Joppe,  mason. 

Jones  Wm,  well  borer. 

Kerr  Thomas,  boots  and  shoes. 

Kerr  W  B  H,  elevator. 

Krause  John  H,  saloon. 

Larson  Matthew,  blacksmith. 

I^c  Eloy  U'tii,  General  Store. 

Manigold  Wm,  lloiir  mill. 

Jlills  Frederick,  jeweler. 

Mount  JC'isha,  meat  market. 

Ni.xon  H  B  G,  physician. 

Xortou  liros,  painters. 

Norton  Jj  F,  gents'  furui.-hings. 

Norton  Joseph  I,  banicssmaker. 

Norton  .Sarah,  dressmaker. 

O'Brien  W  S.  notary  public. 

O'Uririi  W  S  .'t  %ou.  Hardware. 

Olson  E  W,  printer. 

Olson  H  O,  furniture. 

Ordway  Edward  C,  millwright. 

Panbtrg  A,  saloon. 

Pawling  John,  in.surance  agent. 

Ilea  Bros,  carpenters. 

Bobbins  Addison,  carpenter. 

Rowell  ,'\Iark  jr,  poultry. 

RumriU   Byron  ,1,  railruad  and  exp  asrent. 

Snisicil  il  E  &.  iU>,  Lumber  and  Coal. 

Simouds  V  W',  ccnfeclioner. 

Staps  Fred  A,  general  store. 

Travis  E  A,  druggist. 

AVarren  Daniel,  livery. 

Zaiser  G  W,  prin  public  schools. 

HARTMAN.  A  postolVice  on  the  C. 
51.  it  St.  P.  l;y,  in  Columbia  county,  9 
miles  south  of  I'ortage,  the  county  "seat 
and  nearest  banking  point.  Poimlalion. 
30.  MhiI,  daily.  J.  J.  Moungey,  post- 

Gray  Eli,  general  store. 
MoiiUK-fy  James  X,  Patent  Medicines. 

HARVEY.  A  postolllce  in  JeiTerson 
county,  4;  miles  west  of  Jtfferson,  the 
county  seal,  and  'i\  south  of  Lake  Mills, 
the   nearest   railroad   station    and  banking 

fll   ill  to  all   POINTS  in  ilUll 




Phipofrn   j?i   fir?nH    Trim!/   Ow   Ths  Favorite  Route  East 

yiCdp     Gi     malltj       llUllil     ilV,  VIA   lilAGARA    FALLS. 




noiut.  Stages  tri-weel<ly  to  JelTt-rsou. 
Population,  25.  Miiil,  triweekly.  H.  13. 
Smith,  postmaster. 

Harvey  Creamery,  Robert  Marshall  propr. 
Howard  1?  S,  cooper. 

Marshall  Kobert,  propr  Harvey  Creamery. 
!«iiiitSi  H   EJ  &■  SoiJ>*,  Livestock  and 

HATCHVILLK.  In  Dunn  county, 
12  miles  west  of  iMenomonie,  the  judicial 
seat  and  banking  point, and  SJ  from  Knapp, 
tlie  Dcare.'-t  rail  approach.  Jlail  liy  .special 

liiiniip  &  Soil,  General  Store. 

HATFIELD.  A  pnstotlice  in  .Tark- 
^on  county,  12  milts  from  IJlack  Itivcr 
Falls,  the  judicial  seat,  and  8  from  !Mer- 
'llon,  the  nearest  bank  location.  It  is  on 
the  G.  B.,^V.  &  St.  I'.  U.  I!.  K.  B.  French, 

^  HATLEY.  A  iiostolbce  on  the  M.,  L. 
S.  &,  W.  Hy,  in  Marathon  county,  10  miles 
southeast  of  AVausau,  the  conntv  seat  and 
nearest  banking  point.  t'oiuilation,  -10. 
Exp.,  U.  S.     E^O.  Jlitchell,  postmaster. 

Parcher  R  E,  general  store  and  saw  mill. 

HATTON.  Oil  Little  river,  in  Wau- 
paca county,  0  mik-s  southeast  of  Wau- 
paca, the  county  seat,  and  G  south  of 
AVeyauwega,  the  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  point.  Poimlation,  o.~).  Mail, 
stnii-wetkly.     E.  Dakin,  postmaster. 

I>akiti  V^'^.rn,  Fanner. 
Fuller  Oeorcp,  general  store. 
Roberts  &  Foster,  Hour  mill. 

HAUGEN.  On  the  ('.,  St.  P.,  Jl.  & 
0.  Uy,  in  liarrou  county,  l.'i  miles  from 
Harron.the  judicial  smt  and  bank  location. 
I'opulation,  o5.    James  Smith,  postmaster. 

Coon  Adolph,  general  store. 

HAWKINS.  On  the  M  ,  St.  V.  &.  S. 
Ste.  M.  Ity,  in  (JliM'peaa  cimnty,  -t  ndlea 
I'rnm  Ingram  and  70  from  (jhippewa  l'"alls, 
the  county  seat.  Fx|>.,.\m.  ■lVl..\\^^T. 
I'opulation,  4U.     H.  \V.  Tru(^  postmaster. 

Smitli  A  A,  railroad,  e\p  and  tel  agf. 
'rriie  II  \V,  (Juns  anii   S|iortiQg  Goods. 

HAWTHORNE.  On  Middle  river 
^iHl  on  the  ('.,  St.  P.,  .M.  &  O.  Ry.  in 
'Jonghis  county,  I'J  miles  southeast  of  Su- 

perior, tlie  seat  of  justice  and  liank  loca- 
tion. Population,  ICO.  Tel.,  W.  U.  S. 
Swanberg,  postmaster. 

Ackerman  J  H,  telegraph  agent. 

Anderson  O  P.  justice. 

Braters  Warden,  hotel. 

Clark  &  Dunda?,  saw  mill.  4  miles  s. 

Erickson  .John,  town  clerk. 

Hart  P  O,  general  store. 

]\[cKennen  &  Goodel,  saw  mill. 

Olson  ,Jolin,  emigrant  auent. 

Phillips  E  L,  taw  mill. 

Sauge  S,  general  store. 

SwanUcrj^  S,  General  Store. 

HAYES.  A  postoffice  on  Oconto  river, 
in  Oconto  county,  43  miles  northwest  of 
Oconto,  the  county  seat,  and  10  from 
Lena,  the  nearest  railroad  station.  Shaw- 
ano i.9  the  nearest  banking  point.  Staires 
tri-weckly  to  Lena.  Population,  200. 
Mail,  triweekly.  N.  llankwitz,  post- 

Armstrong  .)  'M,  justice. 

Lrowuell  T  \Y,  justice. 

liurent  Wm,  mason, 

Dickey  Henry,  justice. 

Frost  A  C,  justice. 

tSanliU'ilr.    EEeriuaii,  General  Store 

audSaw  .Mill. 
Hayes  Wm  L,  carpenter. 
Krusckke  Carl,  nia>on. 
Stralow  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Strutz  Henry,  wagonmaker. 
Suring  Julius,  saw  mill. 

HAYTON.  A  postottlce  on  the  M.  & 
N.  1{.  ];.,  in  C^alnmet  county,  '!'.  nulcs 
southeast  of  Chilton,  the  county  seat, and 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  250. 
Tel..  W.  U.  livp..  Am.  il,  F.  Connell, 

4'iMiiicll   ISr<>«,   General  Store,   Grain, 

Luudier  and  t'oal. 
Gephart  George,  wagonmaker. 
Gueutlier  &  A|iplebaktr.  Hour  mill. 
Hurst  J  A,  cheese  mnfr. 
Ilurst  John  1).  carpenter. 
.Johnson  G,  saloon. 
.Marble  Lime  Co. 
.Mutter  .jdsoph,  shoemaker. 
Ormsiiy  Lime  Co. 

Eincliiiei'  Jliilliis,    General  Store. 
Schwil.'er  Pliilip,  blacksmith. 
Sievert  1-^ilward.  lilaeksniilh. 
Sievert  (Justav,  harncssniaker. 
Wagner  Henry,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Wolir  Christian,  wagonmaker. 

Chicago,  li^ilmy!;ee  &  St,  Paul  P.j/^L^rtllest  aod  iloithr/est 

Ilin'Oi^  rn'Tnill  H  O  •^'''^^ct  route  ^innTifrn'imi'K' 
iLLIisUlO  bLiililf'L  ill  Ritoaii  POINTS  in  r?U!i  1  !i Lilii  10. /;4, 





HAYWARD.     The    judicial   teat   of 
Sawyer   couuty,  is  located  en  the  Nama- 
kagon  liver  uDtl  on  tlie  V..  St.  P.  M   &  O. 
Ry,    270   miles   northwest  of  .Milwaukee, 
and    58   south    of    Ashlund.       Settled    in 
1881,    it    has    had    a    steadily    increasing 
growth   aud  now  contains  Cutlioiic,  Con- 
gregational   and    Lutheran     churches,    a 
graded   public   school,    a   bank,  a   public 
library  and  reading  room,  a  hospitid,  saw, 
planing  and  feed  mills,  a  town  hall,  grain 
elevator    aud    court    house,   good   hottls, 
and    numerous    lar^e    and    well    stockecl 
special  and  general  stores.    An  ably-edited 
and    ])rogressive   weekly   newspaper,    the 
Journal-j\'eus   (Hep.),    is   published.     The 
city  is  lighted  by  electricity  and  has   an 
excellent  system   of  water  works.     Daily 
stages  to  lieservc,  Hound  Li'ke  and  Glover. 
Tel.,  W.  U.     E.xp.,  Am.     Telephone  con- 
nection.    Mail,  daily.     Population,  l,o(JO. 
Henry  Beal,  ))ostraaster. 
Alexander  AVm,  ealoon. 
American  House,  M  I)  J3uell  propr. 
Ames  Henry  H,  saloon. 
Anderson  .lonas,  saloon. 
Arnold  Ficetnan  \V,  tekgraph  agent. 
Ben!  tiBenrj-,  Poslmaoler. 
Beal  Philip,  baker. 
Bennett  Mrs  L  I\I,  milliner. 
BiC'^'ItT   Will,  Town  Treasurer,  Chief 

of  Fire  Department  and  Dealer  in  Meats 

and  Ice. 
Boyer  Chris,  shoemaker, 
Boyle  .lames,  mason. 

Itropiiy  JJoiiii   B\  County  ,Ju(li;e,  .Jus- 
tice of  Peace,  Ab.slracter  and   iteal  Es- 
Buchanan  Ed  N,  black-^mitb. 
Buck  Willis  F,  furniture. 
Biiell  Milton  D.  prn|,r  American  House. 
Itlilikor      'J'lii'o<i<>r«.-,       I'nderl-iluT, 

Court  Commissioner   and   Propr  (.)peia 

Ccrniiighan  James,  county  surveyor. 
Cliri.>>ti!)nMMi  <M(o,  Tiegister  of  Deeds 

and  Alwiracter.     oS-c  «(?,'.  oj^p.) 
Clapp  George  F.  SL^eiil  Am  Exp  Co. 
Clapperlon  C  H  &' Co  (estate  of  C  H  Clai>- 

pcrton,    John    B    Trowbridge),    dnig.i, 

booka,  etc. 
Clark  Fred  E,  deputy  U  S  ninrsloil. 
Connncrciai    Hold,  Orrin  T  Haley 

Cox  l>f  G^o-pitui  Tlio,  Dr  Joseph  P 

Cox  Mnt'r,  Dr  I'crry  E  Plumb  Supt  aud 

House  Physician. 
€o.v  I>i-  Jom-pii  E*,  ilngr  The  Dr  Cox 

DufTy  'I'lionia,':,  saloon. 

Chicago  &  Grand  Tfuofc  Ey, 

Dunham  J  H  &  Co  (John  H  Duuhum,  A 

leu  C  ^IcEenn),  meat  market. 
Eri<-k«.on  Jj'oliii,  County  Clerk. 
Pox  Avery  N,  saloon. 
Fritzscbe  Paul,  Indian  goods. 
Fuley  Plans  P,  town  clerk. 
Gilbertsen  Ole.  saloon. 
ESiiJuy     Oi-riii     T,    Lumberman    ai.ij 

Propr  Coinmercial  Hotel. 
Hall   &   Linden  .(rharles  F  Hall,  Gustav 

Linden),  painters. 
Hanson  Ole,  county  supervisor. 
Hanson   &  Simonson   (Christian  Hanson, 

Peter  Simonson).  boarding  bouse. 
Harrington  Mrs  Effle,  county  supt  scbf..,:?. 
Harrington  George,  justice  and  milk  dairy 
Hayward  Electric  Light,  North  'Wisconsi;: 

Ltimber  C'o  proprs. 
SBsiy\viu«t   Ercf  LiBujiry,  Miss  Car- 
rie Miner  Librarian. 
Hayward  Water  Woik.o,  Peter  Olsen  supt. 
Herman  John,  saloon. 
Hogue  Wm,  propr  Ivavell  House. 
Holberl  Ebcnczer  H,  cash  Sawyer  County 

Bank  and  insurance. 
Holt  C  T,  jeweler. 
Hul)bard  Charles  L,  county  Ireas. 
Hubbard  Uiehard,  supervisor. 
Igoe  jVIaurice,  general  store. 
Johnson  Fred  C,  tailor. 
Jordan  'Win.  constable. 
Joiirii:iS.\'cws  Thv,  Scott  &  Bunker 

Keyscr  Jesse  E,  railroad  agent. 
Kurth  Beniburd  F,  barber  and  batli.^. 
Larsen  &  Olsen  (Charks  Larsen,  Frei!  01- 

se.-T),  saloon. 
Lavill  Frank,  saloon. 
Lavell  House,  Win  Hogue  propr. 
Lfssard  Adolph,  county  flu]iervisor. 
iMcEIroy  George  H.  pholograidier. 
McGeorfe  Andrew  AV,  c(uifectioncr. 
McGeorge  Mary,  dressmaker. 
JlrOnibcr  O  George,  laundry. 
McWilliams  D  .t'  Bro  (David  and  Aicl;i 

bald),  i.ropre  N'amakagon  Hotel. 
Marquette  Wm   H,  carpenter  and  deputy 

clerk  of  court. 
.Mnrtinson  Cbrirle*.  carpenter. 
iMeltkr  .1  C,  meat  marktt. 
ITIilicv    E>iiiil«-I     B,    General    -Merchan- 
Misliler      I>oiii<4,      Wines.      Liquors. 

CiKais  and  Town  Assessor. 
Mockler  Pnlrirk  ]>,  carpenter. 
JIoi eland  Edward,  coroner. 
Moreland  .Tohn  E,  grocer  and  confeclr. 
Morelanil  Oscar  E,  saloon. 
Mosber  A:  Martin  (Orvcn  ^V  Mosher,  Jamts 

O  Martin),  grain  aud  feed. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


tlitlUc  IU'^1        SB   SisUWl  2'Ji   «S£sr  AVAXEK  ST.,  31 1 L  W.lMiiii;,  ^VIS. 





Murphy  James  H.  justice. 

Xriuirikagon  Hotel,  D  ^IcW'illiams  A;  J5ro 

XamakasTon  Lumber  Co,  R  L  }iIcCurmick 

prts,  E  11  Ilolbert  sec  and  trcas,  bbiuylo   i 

N'css  Christian  0,  under  sheriff. 
X't^s  &  Hubbard  (Christian  O  Ness,  Isaac 

Hubbard),  saloon. 
Xord  Rev  J  }■:  (Lutheran). 
North  "Wisconsin   Lumlu.-r  Co,  Frederick 

Weyerhaeuser   pres,   Uobeit   L   McCor- 

mick   sec   and   trtas,  general  store  and 

saw  mi'l. 
Dlson  Peter,  clerk  circuit  court. 
Ols.011  &  Johnson  (Ole  Olson,    Elias 

Johnson),  Wines,  Liquors  and  Cigars. 
Opera  House,  Tlieodore  Bunker  propr. 
Packard  George  A,  livery. 
I'tdersuu  Arne,  tailor. 
IViierson  Christian,  saloon. 
I'inii  Louis  J,  restaurant. 
Pliiiiil>  I>f  E't-rry  K,  Supt  and  House 

Physician  The  Dr  Co.\  Hr spital. 
Powers  Wm,  general  store. 
ItamsdellDewitt,  Ijlacksniitb. 
liice  Prof  O  E.  prin  public  scliool. 
Uiordan  John  F,  district  attorney. 
Roberts  Wm,  brewers'  agent. 
Salieau  "Wni,  constable, 
lawyer  County  Bank  (capital  and  surplu'-, 

¥70,000),    R   L    McCormick  prcs,  E   II 

Holbert  cash. 
Scott  it  Hunker  (Ellsworth  J  Scott.  Tbco- 
_  dore  Bunkei),  publrs  Journal-2New.s. 
^>hafer  Horace  D,  carpenter, 
>huc  Henry  B,  slierifT. 
Mevck  August,  bre'.vers'  act. 
Smilli  Charles  J,  b!ark«mith. 
Suiilh  Mrs  J  C,  matron  The  Dr   Cox   Hos- 
Siiekau  ICdwaril,  barnessniakcr. 
Thulia  Nels,  saloon. 
Tnnsliiil  Ole,  salocn. 

Trowbridge  John  B,  physician. 
VValsli  John,  mason. 
Wilco.x  :Mrs  E  C,  milliner. 

HAZEL  GREEN.  An  incorporated 
village  iu  Grant  county,  32  miles  southeast 
of  Lancaster,  the  county  seat,  .j  south  of 
Cnba  City,  on  the  C.  ifc  X.  W.  I!y,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  an<l  lU  north  of 
Galena,  111.,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  taX.'uba  City:  fare,  50  cents. 
Population,  JT'i.  3Iail,. daily.  J.  Edwards, 

Birkett  Juhn.  meat  market, 
Byruu  J  B.  live  stock. 
Corneliseu  Bernard,  hotel. 
Crav.'ford  Jefferson,  live  stock. 
E<I\var<'<t  Jsiine<*,  Hardware. 
Genz  Conrad,  hotel  and  livery. 
Gcnz  C  A;  Son,  farm  impts. 
Gringer  James,  harnessrnaker. 
Handloy  John,  shoemaker. 
Ilarker  6c  O'Brien,  livery. 
Jenks  H  J,  physiei.'in. 
Johnson  Ste]ihen.  general  store. 
Looney  John  J,  blacksmith. 
Mills  George,  druggist. 
Pcarce  Richard,  crocer. 
Reifstek  L  P,  cattle  dealer. 
Koljerts  R  D,   farm  impts. 
Smith  J  W,  l)lark,mitli. 
Thomas  .Do<<iiih.  General  Store. 
Thompson  F  G,  auctioneer. 
Trewariha  Frank,  meat  market. 
Udelhovcu  V/ra,  barber. 
York  H  D,   lawyer. 

HAZELnUEST.  On  the  C,  M.  vt 
St.  P.  Ry,  in  Oneida  county,  SJtl  miles 
from  Rhinelander,  the  judicial  scat,  and 
2l]S  from  .'Milwaukee.  Population,  300. 
E.xp.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  C.  C.  Yawkey, 



Abstract  of  Titles  and  Plats  of  Sawyer  County  Furnished  oa  Application. 

Gun  Clubs  and  Iran  Shooters 

If  In  lucd  orc.l'NS.  T.4Ii(.KTS.-\nd  TKVPS. 
I.OVIII  l>  SIIKM.S,,'\Vrit:>  toor  (  alt  on  .ToilV  VEI'. 
^'fll  t.fN  (().,  212 'West  ^Vater  Street,  Uilrtiiukee,  « is.    .irints  for  Sjcamore  Special  Trap  Po'ider. 

Signs  Hpli^jf  r 
—  at—  iiUUol  I  i 


P.  0. 

•140    East   'Water    St.     £:ast    S- ',, 

.larket    Sqiiar?,   MILXVAtnc-'  - 

ALLPAPBHS.  Telephone  Si'.' 





































Conrad  Selh,  constable. 
Manicr  John,  hotti. 
i;  .orcn  Orcar,  railroad  and  te!  aet. 
Viiw  key  cV  JLce  £iiiii)l)cr  Co,  Gen- 
eral Slore. 


HAZELTON.  A  postoffice  iu  Grant 
county,  2')  miles  northwest  of  Lancaster, 
thecounly  seat,  'j\  from  Wyalusini;  and  i 
from  Bridgeport,  tlie  nearest  shipping 
points,  and  10  from  Prairie  du  Chien,  the 
nearest  bank  location.  Population,  120. 
II.  C.  Jackson,  postmaster. 

Burns  C,  express  and  tel  agt, 
Day  .James  P,  mason. 
Day  Jerry  M,  mason. 
l)ay  it  Handy,  gate  mnfrs. 
Harvic  James,  builder. 
Jiifkviiis  E!  I'.Nursery. 
Shiake  Jacob,  justice. 

HEART  PRAIEIE.  In  V'al worth 
county,  lij  miles  nnrtliwcsl  of  Elkhorn, 
the  county  seat,  and  S  from  White  Water, 
the  nearest  baiiUin:i  and  shipping  iioiiit. 
Population,  20.  Jlail,  daily.  C.  P.  Beach, 

ISoat'li  C  8*,  Grocer. 
Cooley  II,  mason. 

HEBRON.  .\  villaL'C  on  Bark  river, 
in  Jellerson  county,  10  miles  southeast  of 
Jefferson,  the  county  seat,  and  a  east  of 
Fort  Atkinson,  the  usual  shipping  and 
bankim;  i)oinl.  Stages  ilaily  to  Fort  At 
kinson;  fare,  35  cents.  Population,  14:". 
Mail,  daily.     C.  C.  Brown,  postmaster. 

Aplin  Uev  X  J  (Methodist). 

Bark  ]!iver  Cheese  Factory. 

Barnes  F  J,  flour  and  saw  mill. 

IJrowii  V,  C,  General  Store. 

Brown  E  C,  stage  line. 

Cold  Spring  Cheese  Co,  creamery. 

Curtis  Mark,  justice. 

Excelsior  Cheese  Factory  Co.  creamery. 

Green  L  B,  general  store. 

Grogan  C.  blacksmith. 

Jones  A  W,  billiards. 

King  Ueulien,  cooper. 

Lewis  John  \V,  constable  and  painter. 

S^oivis   LifiliT  H,  General  Store. 

Miner  J  !!,  wagonmaker. 

CUto  Julius,  Hour  mill. 

Piice  G  A.,  physician. 

Westfall  H  C,  cooper. 

HEDGE  HOG.  A  postolllcein  Door 
county,    ItJ   miles   northeast   of    Sturgeon 

Bay,  the  seat  of  justice  and  nearest  bank- 
ing ]ioint.  Population,  oO.  JIail,  semi 

Tostenseu  H,  general  store. 

HEGG.  A  postoflice  in  Trempealeau 
county,  15  miles  Sivalbeast  of  Whiteha!], 
the  county  seat,  8  southeast  of  Bhiir,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  L'j  northeast 
of  Galesville,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  tri-weekly  to  Franklin  and  Ettrick, 
Population,  'i+«1.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  L.  J. 
Quammen,  postmaster. 

Bue  J  B,  blacksmith. 
Etlrick  M  A  it  Co,  general  stoie. 
Green  E  S.  railroad,  e.\p  and  tel  agent. 
Ilcrreid  11  X,  live  sto(dc. 
Hovelsrud  J  E,  music  teacher. 
Knudson  K  S,  pumps  and  farm  impts. 
Neshim  J.  shoemaker. 
Quallv  H  D,  stone  raa«on. 
<ti!:usii!icii  ?..  ,T,  Live  Stock  Breeder. 
Quammen  ..t  llallanger,  grist  mill. 
Undcrlieim  ]\  I,,  carpuuter. 
Waldeland  Kev  O  (Lutheran). 

HEIGHTS,     rjehland  county. 
changed  t,t  (Jruuite  llci^'ils. 


1  r-=«  f"  a 

Ltai  tl  'J  J  Lee  U 

HEIN.  In  Clark  county,  l^i  miles 
from  Mdlville,  the  judicial  seat,  biukiug 
and  shipjiing  point.  Population,  1")'J. 
Mail,  semi-weekly.  George  Scheckheim, 

Ariz  Jacob,  machine  agent. 

T'lown  A,  engiueer. 

ESoiii  .? oiiii,  Gi:neral  Store. 

Xiepert  E,  carpenter. 

Sclinudt  John,  blacksmith. 

Schomer  George,  biarding  house. 

■Walter  George,  iihysiclau. 

HELENA.     A  village  on  the  Wiscon- 
sin  iiv(r,  and   on  the  ('.,  JL  A;  St.  P.  Py. 
in    Iowa   county,    Is:   niiles    northeast    of 
Podgeville.  the  county   seat,   iind  .Tl  west 
of  Aiena,  the  nearest  banking  point.    Pop- 
ulation. 80.     Tel.,   W.  L.     E.-vp.,   Adams. 
C.  A.  McKcnzie,  postmaster. 
Clancy  T  J,  general  store. 
Culvers  it  .McKlnzie  Bros,  orchestra. 
Helena  Valley  ?ilills.  Hour. 
Joues  John  L,  llour  mdl, 
M<'i4.eii7.ic  C  A,  Railroad,  E.\pre.s3  and 

Tel  Agent. 
McKenzic  W  A.  live  stock. 
Villemnnte  Charles,  shoemaker. 
AVandsclineider  G  11.  general  store. 



lil   \*i;sT  A»  .VXlilt  sx, 

1  oinnlfl  ^f  VfJQ'fnnil  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

Lulfi^'is   «^     C  1/  IW.iL'L'hj  X.  TV.  Cor.  of  Grand  nnd  W.  Mater  sts.,  MII.WAIKKE,  WIS, 




HELENVILLE.  A  village  on  tlie 
C.  &:  ^-  W.  Ky,  ia  JetXerson  count}',  G 
miles  east  of  Ju-llerson,  the  county  seal  and 
notttest  baiiliiui;  point.  Population,  oOU. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Kxp.,  Am.  J.  S.  llaag, 

Barteld  J,  wagoumaker. 

llaag  A,  saloon. 

II au^  J  S,  General  Store. 

Haag  \V  0,  carp.-nter. 

Koepple  C  &  ,],  carpenters. 

Koeruer  llev  John  (Lutheran). 

Menzel  Paul,  justice. 

Moser  J,  black,'>mith. 

lieul  A,  lumber. 

Ricliermau  G  A,  general  store  and  saloon. 

.Schneider  L  F,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Schoellh  J  P,  blacksmith. 

Schubert  L,  shoemaker. 

Waltber  Andrew,  saw  mill. 

Weber  Mrs  31,  General  Store, 

HELLER,  A  speciiil  supply  post- 
ollije  in  Lincoln  county,  12  mile^  nojillcast 
of  ^lerrill,  the  judicial  seat,  banking  and 
shipping  point. 

HEMPEL.  A  pcsloQice  in  St.  Croi.': 
county,  uO  miles  norlheast  of  Hudson,  the 
seat  of  justice,  and  .5  from  Cj'lon,  on  the 
Wisconsin  Central  Line,  the  nearest  ship- 
ping point.  ALail,  semi-weekly.  G.  Ileni- 
pel,  postmaster. 

HENRIETTA.  On  Pine  river,  in 
Uichland  county,  l.i  miles  north  of  itich- 
land  Centre,  the  county  ^.eat,  nearest  rail- 
road station  and  banking  iioinl.  Popul- 
ation, 100.  .Mail,  triweekly.  Emma  Priest, 

King  H,  carpenter. 

IVie.l  i:  C,  Siirghum  and  Woolen  Mill. 

Hyuer  SI,  saw  mill. 

^ HENRYS VILLE.  A  postofHcc  hi 
Brown  county,  l'>  miles  S(mthcast  of  Green 
iiay,  the  county  seat,  nearest  railioad  .'^^ta- 
llon  and  bunking  point.  Stages,  Iriweek- 
ly  to  Kewaunee.  I'upulatiou,  40.  Mail, 

Buckley  D,  saloon. 

Buckman  A  Witti:;.  fljur  and  saw  mills. 

Kelley  K,  blacksmith. 

Osterlob  J  II,  general  store. 

HERBERT.  A  settlement  in  Fierce 
county,  'J  miles  southeast  of  Ellsworth,  the 
county  Seat,  b.ankmg  and   ^hippins  point. 

Population,    4,j.      Mail,    daily.      Andrew 
Herbert,  postmaster. 

Dodge  F  M,  saw  mill,  3  miles  n. 

Ilaessly  George,  cheese  mnfr. 

Ilaessly  Hugh,  general  store. 

ISerhcrt  AiuJrcw.Grocerand  Farmer. 

llomanse  C  S,  blacksmith. 

Strobel  P  J,  wagonmaker. 

HERMAN.  A  postoffico  in  DodM 
county,  10  milei-cast  of  Juneau,  the  coun- 
ty seat,  and  0  north  of  Rubicon,  the  near- 
est shipping  point.  Bmk  at  Hartford. 
Population,  10.  Mail,  tri-weekly.  Cbarles 
Ringle,  postmaster. 

Blank  Ausust,  shoemaker. 

Herman    Farmeii'  JIutual    Insurance  Co, 

Charles  Uin^'le  sec. 
T£iii$;Ie  t'luirles.  General  Store. 
Uingie  Wm,  justice. 

HERSEY.  A  village  on  the  C,  St. 
P.,  M.  >.'c  O  Ky,  in  Saint  Croix  county,  2S 
miles  east  of  Hudson,  the  county  scat,  and 
y  east  of  Baldwin,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  300.  Tri-weekly  stage 
to  Cady  Mills.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
Pilchard  Adams,  postmaster. 

.'Vdiiins    SiieJiard,     Confectioner   and 

Anderson  Nels,  shoemaker. 
Barnlsli  Jacob,  general  store. 
lireeu  James,  well  borer. 
Damran  August,  tailor  and  livery. 
Davis  D  C  it  Sons,  lumber. 
Durrin  W  A,  mill  lixlures. 
Felton  A  Y,  liliuber. 
Frunt/.  Cliarles,  lumber  and  wood. 
Franiz  lli'nry,  general  store. 
.S«mes  sylvc^ler.  Justice. 
I.aini)ort  C  1),  jir.lice  and  town  clerk. 
Xelsoii  Nels,  blacksmith. 
Pache  D  &  Co,  well  drillers. 
Peck  Richard,  barber. 
Piugrey  Myron,  saloon. 
Ross  &  Evans,  liay  pressors. 
Smitli  C  J.  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agent. 
Sinilli  J,  farm  impts. 
Snowden  C  11.  carpenter. 
Tcalv  Ilcrinan,  blacksmith. 
'fTlMUMi'soii  T  O,  General  Store. 
Trickey  Wni.  hotel. 
Whitclier  Henry  J,  wagonmaker. 

HEWITT.  A  station  on  the  Wiscon- 
sin Central  Line,  in  Wood  county,  30  miles 
northwest  of  Grand  P.apids,  the  seat  of 
justice,   and  4i    .southeast    of    .Marr-lirield, 

Cfeap,  f/,il';;aul;es  &  St,  Pay!  Pij,  r.'lt'West  and  ilori'iiwest 

Buy  Goodyeaf  SjnogeSi'JGoodjeaf  Mk\  Co 

i|    Wisconsin. 





the  location  of  the  nearest  bsinlt.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  N.  P.  Population,  230. 
Frank  Cramer,  postmaster. 

Cramer  Frmik,  Hardware. 

FetterB  D  H,  ruilroail,  express  and  tel  agt. 

Gerl  Joseph,  shoemaker. 

Kopf  Bartel,  saloon. 

JIarx  Gerhard,  saloon. 

Ruplinger  Bros  i-fc  Co,  stave  mnfrs. 

Schneider  Bros,  saw  mill. 

SeidelJoseph,  waaonmaker. 

Senkbeil  I'"'ie(i.  hotel  and  saloon. 

Taylor  J  B,  llour  and  feed. 

HICKORY.  In  Oconto  connty,  24 
miles  northwest  of  Oconio,  the  judicial 
seat  ond  nearest  banking  point,  and  'J 
from  Lena,  the  nearest  shipping  point. 
Mail,  tri-weekly.  Population,  50.  G.  H. 
Trccattin,  postmaster. 

Arveson  AutrusI,  general  store. 

Clapp  H,  carpenler. 

Dunham  J.  carpenter. 

Qilkey  11  \V,  general  store  and  justice. 

Glynn  James  A,  justice. 

Johnson  Henry,  black.-imilli. 

Lord  Harry,  general  store. 

Moyle  ,Miss  M,  music  teacher. 

Jloyle  Uev  \Vm  (Melhtdist). 

Peterson  Jliclmel,  saloon. 

Tre<'i!V(!ii  T!lioiii;i»,  C'Cueral  Store. 

HIGH  BEIDGE.  Formerly  known 
as  Silver  Creek,  i.-^  on  the  Wisconsin  Cen- 
tral Line,  in  Asliland  county,  b'-'  miles 
southeast  of  Ashland,  the  judicial  .'^cat  and 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  ■'JOO. 
Exp.,  In.  p.  Tel.,  W.  U.  J.  J.  McGee- 
han,  postmaster. 

Ashland  Iron  and  Steel  Co.  charcoal. 

Cnhill  Frank,  justice. 

Uilderbrand   Herman,  constable. 

Hotel  High  Iirid:,'e.  J  J  ilcGeehan  propr. 

Johnson  P,  shoemaker. 

Mergler.  phy.-ician. 

nSci.t'i'liaii   J    J,  General   Store    and 

Owen  George  L,  railrrjad,  e\p  and  tel  agt. 
Railroad  House,  Jijhnson  Woloott  propr. 

HIGHLAND.  An  incorporated  vil- 
lage  in  l<n\-a  county,  18  miles  northwest  of 
Dodgeville,  the  county  seat,  and  7  north 
of  Cobb,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
SU'Ulfort  is  the  nearest  bankinc  point. 
D.dly  Mage  to  Cobb.  Populatiun,  050. 
Mail,  daily. 

Aid  John,  harnessmaker. 

Berg  Sisters,  milliners. 

Blackney  Hotel,  Jacob  Fecht  propr. 

Bolster  Andrew,  painter. 

Bolster  John,  jeweler. 

Brinen  Miss  Jane,  dre.samakcr. 

Casper  Michael,  saloon. 

Chab  Mathias,  wagonmaker. 

Cholviu  M  A,  hardware. 

Collins  AV  P,  physician. 

Dempsey  Rev  T  (Catholic). 

Dodd  M,  jeweler. 

Dolphin  it  Guy"on,  milliners. 

Es;iill  ArJliur  J.  Lawyer. 

Feciit  Jacoli,  propr  Ulackney  Hotel. 

Fecht  Peter,  blacksmith. 

Frye  Wm,  meat  market. 

Geller. &  i;:inisdeu,  meat  market. 

Grant  P,  salion. 

Gunn  John  \V,  constable. 

Imhoff  Anna,  milliner. 

Kaiser  Joseph,  carpenter. 

Kasper  Jlicliael,  hotel. 

Kennedy  H,  Drugs  and  General  Store. 

Klingele  C  &  Son,  saloon. 

Kotte  Joseph,  saloon. 

Kreul  ]5ernhar(l  II,  general  store. 

Lampe  Henry,  general  store. 

Lewis  H,  general  store. 

Lynch  &  Co,  miners. 

Miehek  Fraidc,  tailor. 

Mix  Sir  U  P,  Druggist. 

Miebur  A.  saloon. 

Niebur  Geor-e.  hardware. 

Xiedemeyer  Sebastian,  boots  and  shoes. 

Nussbaiun  Henrv,  sahion. 

Paynter  T  J,  barber. 

Sullivan  Mar}-  K,  dressmaker. 

Thierer  Joscjih,  blacksmith. 

Wambold  ]{i;v  F  A  (German  Catholic). 

Washa  Fran  I;,  boots  and  shoes. 

Widenfellcr  W  O,  painter. 

HIKA.     A  village  on  the  M  ,  L.  S.  & 

W.  By  and  Centreville  creek,  in  Manito 
woe  county,  14  miles  south  of  Manitowoc 
the  county  seat,  and  12  north  of  Sheboy 
gan,  the  nearest  bankino:  point.  Popula 
lion,  300.  Kxp.,  U.  S.  Tel..  W.  U, 
ilail,  daily.     John  Sachse,  postmaster. 

Albers  AV  T.  justice. 
Bauman  George,  meat  market. 
Belilz  Bros,  hardware. 
Bewersy  ^Xicholas.  tailor. 
Centreville  Brewing  Co,  brewers. 
F-hrhardt  Christopher,  wagonmaker. 
Fischer  Carl.  barl)er. 
Heining  L,  knitting  works. 
Keune  Charles,  ilour  mill. 
Kielsmeier  F  A,  treneral  store. 

Chicap  S  GraoQ  Tfuot  il|, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


flew  York  Life  Insnrancs  Go.  j:::',*:: 

[  Aisefs,  $110,000,000.  I  N'orfliwosteru     Brandt 
U;,OOU,ii»li.  '  Ofcioo,   410    ?Ii!\vaukce 
M.,  7IIL,WAI.Ki:i:,  AVIS.     >V.  S.  C.\Kl>Ei:,  State  Agent.    >YAlKK!i  DlCKXEn,  lien'l  aanajer. 




Knoll  Atis;iii«t,  Gencr.Hl  .Store. 

KloM  August  jr,  farni  irnpts. 

Kohn  .Albert,  brick  mnfr. 

Kr,°.u5  .\lice,  liritel. 

Luecke  Fred,  cheese  mufr. 

LuecUe  Geome,  cirpenler. 

Mill  Gottlieb^  hotel 

Mill  G  it  Bro,  platiing-  mill. 

Jliller  !Mrs  Ernestine,  tlressmaker. 

Pratt  G  S,  riiilroutl.  exp  auii  tel  asent, 

Saolise  Toliii,  15  lots  and  Shoes. 

Schtnidick  Ernest,  harnessiiiaker. 

Tuerpe  Oswald,  hotel  and  saloon. 

Ungcr  Eull,  blacksmith. 

Witte  &  Fischer,  brick  mnfrs. 

HILBERT.  A  village  on  the  M.  &  N. 
R.  R,,  iu  Calumcl  county',  8  miles  north  of 
Chilton,  the  county  seat  ami  nearest  bank- 
ing point,  and  bG  noithwesl  of  3lilr,aukce. 
It  was  settled  in  Ib'il.  and  now  contains  a 
Lulheraa  church,  a  district  school  and  a 
cheese  box  factory.  There  are  .several 
cheese  factories  in  the  vicinity.  Produce, 
cheese,  lumber  and  grain  are  shipped. 
Population,  400.  Tel.,  \V.  V.  Exp.,  Am. 
J.  K.  Dayton,  [jostmaster. 

Ama  Hermann,  S'doon. 

zVplin  James  C,  juslii-e. 

Arodt  Carl,  blac'k-mith. 

Bier  Michael,  wasliing  machine  mnfr. 

Baer  ^licliuel  jr,  carjiet  v.eaver. 

Behrend  JIartin.  citrpenter. 

Bishop  David,  apiarist 

Blanchard  Mcrrilt,  apiarist. 

Broekmann  .(acob,  shoemaker. 

Buchniann  Louis,  meal  market. 

Carty  Jlrs  iMargaret,  milliner. 

Dayton  .lulius  K,  justice  and  insurance. 

Dorn  George,  auctioiu-er. 

Driessel  Henrv,  plivsician. 

Duvigneaud  X  L  '&  Co  (Xettic  L  Duvig- 
neaud),  grain. 

Ecke  .\u2a^t,  lumber. 

Ecke  Bros  (.lobn  and  Louis  C),  liardwaro. 

Ehrliag  \Vm,  mason. 

Flesch  Joseph,  silo m. 

Gage  L  D  it  liro  (Lawson  D  and  Clinton 
D).  proprs  Railroad  Home.  ■ 

Gilsdorf  Andrew,  blacksmith. 

Hilbcrt  Hotel,  John  Meirer  propr. 

Duig  Peter,  cooper. 

Jnrgens  L\idv.-ig  W,  physician. 

Klumb  Christopher  D,  railroad  and  exp 

Kruuse  nermann,  shoemaker. 

■•Iiirx  Josopli,  Wholrsale  Dealer  iu 
Grain,  Flour,  Feed,  Seeds,  Salt  and  Pro- 

Meier  John,  propr  Hilbert  House. 

Xelescii  .tJiirj',  General  Store. 

Olauder  Andrew,  propr  Wisconsin  House. 

Orphal  Theodcre.  saw  mill. 

Phillippi  Peter,  saloon. 

Railroad  House,  L  D  Gage  it  Bro  proprs. 

Reiter  Peter  G,  farm  impts. 

Roehrs  Rev  Henry  (Lutheran). 

Runte  Theodore,  general  store. 

Schumaker -Bxos   (Peter  and   Oustav   M), 

general  store. 
Sherwood   Cornet  Band,    Charles   L'llrich 

Slephan  Edward,  shoemaker. 
Thurmanu  Fredeiick,  haruessuiaker. 
Toms  V,'m,  cheese  mnfr. 
AVtlker  Henry  O,  saloon. 
Welkcr  Peter,  painter. 
"Wisconsin  House,  Andrew  Olauder  propr. 
Zimnier  Waldemar,  grocer. 

niLLSHOROUGH.  A  nourishing 
village  on  the  west  blanch  of  iiaraboo 
river,  in  Vernon  couuty.  4'>  miles  north- 
cast  of  Virofiua,  the  couuty  seat,  5  south- 
west of  Union  Centre,  on  the  C.  it  X.  W. 
Ry,  the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  121) 
northwest  of  Milwaukee.  Settled  in  l.S'i-l, 
it  contains  grist  and  saw  mills,  a  brewery, 
3  banks,  2  churclies,  a  school  and  an  opera 
house,  capable  of  seating  OOO.  A  weekh^ 
paper,  the  ^\'is.•„llsin  Senlrt/,  is  published. 
Staces  tri-weekly  to  Rockbiidge  and  daily 
to  Union  Centre.  Population",' 500.  ilail, 
daily.     T.  J.  Shear,  postmaster. 

Akiu  B  E.  pboti>urapher. 

Bank  of  Hillsborough  tcapital,  s4,OiiO),Wm 
Lind  piopr. 

Beranek  .loseph  B,  general  store. 

liezucba  Joseph,   brewer. 

B'ackburn  Thomas  11,  restaurant. 

Bulin  Jo-,rph.  saloon. 

Buidick  W'm  L,  blacksmith. 

Clark  VCm,  general  store. 

Cole  Jlis?  Mary,  dressmaker. 

Cosgrovo  Janies  A,  barber. 

Crary  >[  E,  shoemaker. 

Doaue  Isaac,  cooper. 

Exchange  Bank  (capital,  $20,000),  Thomas 
J  Shear  propr. 

Field  Albert,  sav,-  and  stave  mill. 

Fox  Eliaa,  apiarist. 

Hagenali  Henry,  saloon. 

Hamiiii-r  U  itCoi'Ribert  llammrr,  Charles 
F  Kaufman,  Robert  Armbru>ler),  hdwe. 

Hammer  it  Armliruster  (liobert  Hammer, 
Robert  ArmbriHter).  insurance. 

Heath  Charles  W  T,  propr  Wisconsin  Sen- 

lUlllOIS  C[i'!TML  e,  (1 


I  to  nil 

:cT  ROUTE  MnQmrp"! 

POINTS  in  UUii  1  nLiiil 

Dlldahy  Brothers,  ^  Pork  and    Beef   Packers, 

IHllAVvrivKi:,   V,  iscoxsiN.     I  AMD    PROVISIOM    DEALERS. 

O  • 

2 '« 

«j  o 

<j  (0 

©  5 








Ililhborouch  Creiiniery  (  (■,  Cbarlt-s  J  Lind    j 

pres,  Will  Linii  sec. 
nillsboroiigh   :\!ill   Co   (Mrs  J  Zollinger, 

Mrs   Otto   Ilauimcr,    !Mrs  Armbruster), 

flour  mill. 
Hillsboroiiah   Ttoller   Axle  Co,   II  Barney 

pies,  E  Hernur  sec. 
Jainesnii  Julia,  dressmaker. 
KoU)  John  C,  saloon. 
Kuelm  Thoiun.s,  tailor. 
Leuike  Freiierick  G,  bainess. 
Lind  KdTvard.  harness. 
Lind  Henry  P  C,  jjinera!  etnre. 
Lind  Opi  >■«  Hall,  \Vm  Lii.d  inner. 
Lind  W'ni,  general  store  .ind  insurance. 
Linke  AVm  H,  wagoumaker. 
ItSitilow    VEoii«^(f,    Augustus   Milcbell 

PiTipr.     (Sa-  n<lB.  hiloin.) 
ITIiloIicll    An!='ii!>(si«,    Propr    Mallow 

Hou^e.     {F,:c  mh,  .a A-'.-.) 
!Milclier  Andrew,  furniturp. 
Mobs  August,  general  store. 
Moore  Frank,  dfputy  s-herilf. 
Pincb  C  J,  pbysieiiin. 
Pinch  Francis  L,  dru^s  and  jewelry. 
Ueevcs  HA,  livery. 
Shear   Thomas   J,  general  store  and  propr 

Exchiuige  liaiik. 
Tracy  J  Frank,   farm  inipts. 
AVaile  Airs  L  L,  milliner. 
WcB»sCor  F.,eAvis  li'a  10,  Pension  Agent 

and  Juslice  of  Peace;  Cc  il  lections  prompt- 
ly Altcndc-d  to  and  Riiiiittcd.     (Sii:  iidv,    I 

bdow. ) 
Wcrnick  E  V,  refriger.ators. 
■Wiiislow   A   &    Sou    (Loring    Winslov.), 

Wisconsin  Sentry,  C  \V  T  Heath  piopr. 
\Voideii  &  Blystoue  (.fames  W'ordcn,  Wni 

Blyslone),  meat  market. 
Zimmennanu  Edward,  jiweler. 

HILLSDALE.  In  Dairon  coutty,  7 
miles  frciu  Earrou,  the  judicial  seat,  bank- 
ing and  shippint:  point.  Populalinn,  l.j. 
Mail,  tri-weekly.  Antoine  liollet,  post- 

Lee  tt  Dickenson,  saw  and  planing  mill. 
RoIIet  Anloiiic,  General  Store. 

HILLSIDE.  In  Iowa  county.  1.5 
miles  noi  th  'if  Dudceville,  the  judicial  seat, 
and  4  from  t^iiriiig  Green,  its  banking  and 
thipping  iioiut.     ^Inil,  daily. 





HIKGHAM.  A  post  viila<:e  on  Onifn 
river,  in  Sheboygan  county,  14  miles  sou'.h- 
west  of  Shebiiygan,  the  count}'  scat.  9  from 
Sheboygan  Falls,  the  nearest  bank  loca- 
tion and  2i  cast  of  Adell.  the  nearest  rail- 
road Elation.  Populaticn,  2lJ0.  Mail, 
daily.     Jlinnie  Keller,  instmaster. 

Baldwin  L  II,  justice. 

Bolzer  Eev  Wm  (Metiiodisi). 

Bucher  .John,  painter. 

Collar  L  'J',  iiliy.--ician. 

I>i'l(iViiii  iV  ><ll"<)!iir.  Flour  Jlilk 

Flain;  Cbrisl.ipher,  produce. 

HilfL  I),  CO.  per. 

Ilopenjau  Wm,  cheese  mnfr. 

Ingles  tFohn,  pumpmaker. 

Keller  Charles,  general  store. 

Knaus  G.  tinsmilh. 

Saeeker  A  J,  blacksinilh. 

Tibbitls  H,   ui  deitaker. 

Tibbits  U  .T.  plioiogiapbur. 

I'Un-ic-lil  ISflli-y,  Geiieral_Slore. 

Walsh  Michael,  meat  market. 

AValsli  P.  111. lei. 

York  M  C,  blacksmith. 

HIXTON".     A 

W,  .t  St.  p.  \l.  u.. 

r.lbiL-e   on    the  G.  B  , 
.i-nd  (in  the  Triui]  oa 

i    "cC 

L  M.  E.\fiEBSTEB. 

U,  S,  Pension  Claim  iipnl 


Collecliiin.s  Promj  l!y  Made  and  Eemitled. 


Lock  Bl-x  No.  v^i''. 


Fine  Sample  Room  for  Conimer- 
cial  Travelers. 


Chicap  S  Gfand  ]\[\\k  h 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


rTT"T                 n . 

^-  ~ 

IllJL             iVu    .n.  _  5Z! 


'--^^------           — -'-                            '-    '- 

^.,_    ,;-2.       =_     J-i_;i:.--     ,;::----        i:       ^ 

-  -__- 

-i^-'-'l    ■.i.l-Z         ^li^iilXi            -.-ri     L^ 

z:^i£:zt3^^  -j^iy:^    -p,  y. 


:i^:-  -  -c  - ii£«:  .i:^- v^r  ;•- ^t.      ■:  i^j- 

;.-jj~'  rr.-  ~'$'^-^"  '^^~^"-^-  "T^"'     -- 


-;L^""-VM,r  '::;'ii!:..,j^' "' 

^.  E-  Atio-^  tr^-r-.tfisr. 

-;.-..-=-  ^=,--.x   =,,.-=-3-,=  -:;-=-T-  — 

Abbott  W  E,  fern;  5.:rT. 

2.7 .rJLTrri  'Ejzzyf.  sij^.-i^aj. 


Tlartin  Amoiri,  H:"t1 

rinu  >'*  H,  carr^c^tiT. 

^-:s-j-j-'    "-.>-     '-  -.-.^"  .i-.-  i  - -.^ — ^  r.=^ 

F-==— :»-  3—-,  — .^.- — ---Vi- 

—^---^ — .,-  -T-'^r -,■,-'_-  jV,-^  _---. 

-:--^r  TTC,  "--^^iCi-.'li^irT. 

<^niiiinaii  JaJuc*.  Inrris'- 

.":'--=£-  7:'-'.  ■^-•— f«  '-  -  ■•-  :^-  -'■--- 

---."--=-."-,    -      — ; 1.--- 

7i^=s  A^  R.  ::t*  n :■  >. 

T-;--lrx  J.  zl:-^:£1 

Lrj^C^'-^-^Zr.  =;:-:.V=r-=  ^. 

"7t-   I  -^    ^">—  -    ^:  i_ 

J^JTijLn  RrT  J:  C:-rr^n.-::ci;. 

Tan  den  Bers  B.  Hl;ii  i:l;  ^^ii^il 

Killer  J  E  i  3r-.  L -.^iT^. 


*>ik€s  i_  T-i-.r-Ji-l.  e--  V- i  :rl  l-;-:. 

,  1.-:  fi-  jjiTi:  ^  ;. .  rz-Z^Ji  -,-■- "-- 

Priee  H  II.  ?::-r  ^'      G:-  -  >- 


~ir  ir  ~^-"r~-r  ~".  ii-rr ,±r "--ir. 


Ti"  Zr~.?t  ":_z_  Z'i^"— •T"'rT 

?«»i  Ge:-'  r.  :-     ■-   -- 

Vl-  II-l;-  ir    —  1  TT-xi;, 

xzler  1  1^  --.--  —.'  .. 

V«-    ^•"~ '             .-.;—  -J- 

Viz.  Gorier  S  3.  ?■:=-;. 

-—  ..      ,,      .      ,  .  -  -     -  .  - 

.•ts    pr\.\r-'-^    .-,.  1-.-S ,- 

■p-O'.T  i-'r^i-,—     - — ^•-  v-,--5- 

HOAF.T).     :-    ^'-^\r-^^    r-.--- 

P  zzi-riLir  -i  :c -r :   :    :.  :..  1^ 

Si.'js  ij:^".l-s-H.:  ::'  ~li"^jxv-.  :_±  -r. 


-.-  '  r   _:;—_--      ;-    ~~.~_-'"- — _7-'"'r=' -~7'J' 

5«al,  i::-i  -^r  :'---  '.-riir  "^r;-T     :"-=   il 


":'-_-" — '^j'zj'^^'—    '"  "T^" — ~-Z*'- — ~  ~-^ 

12:1  cLtiAi  --:r  Corey  C  T.   ^ 


EOPA  P.AF.h-.    :-  — .L-i—  --z-:t. 

_ — _      ,                   . 

^Ezksrrcci  ;_i^-:-.  1^-  -i:  1^  fi.-. 

""iii. — .i   ^  -:,.-."  ~- 


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^-"■;if.-"^  \-'-  :ii '^"- 

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£:•-!  0  -, .  n^S'i  :ctL_ir. 


Ko«tnicki   31   J.    '^^rdr-il    :^■.:^r    iri 

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.a. -r..^  ,;■%■: X-   ;ir-e:i:ir. 

Kn-?>!rT.  -fe-^-r-i;  K:rr. 

Lorkjnan  C  L    -  ir 


Xel  i=«r  E.  r^rJofr. 


HOGAKTTT.     •"  -  Z.L:i  Ciirt  r---.  - 

MrEi---:--  ,'  _>  "^r.:^. 


1  iii^wi^  .^---.i.  r-jj^>i^:= 

<*  L-.-^-trt     ---    ,-■'-";-■:"    ■=■-■-"     I"'     '■    --.-"-. 

r  fi*  ,^-  ^^r-ir.  i^_---i' 

»k:  •;:  Ar-^i.   -c  r;^-:  r^l: :  .  1  r^- 

•Ji inner  A:  Co.  i -.-:■: 

-•M-     Antii-;  U  lii  rc-ir--^". 't^i^ii:^  -,-1:. 

^c:^  -^  ,  :  _•  r.  -' :  x.t  z:  i^:  d 

^■■i^s  :.:  Wi-:.?:!-:  :irt_   i:.     P:t  Ci.::  r-r. 

>->^     — .i."     •••     "'         ri'-iTL. 

--■-      llii  ,   T~i-.      ,  :^^  '_-    ^;c:!.n~. 

i^-~T.>  z  _   -^r — Z:r.  . 



"ii-  G  •''.  r.-z^u.:  - 

i  _EOLIxA2fX).     Iz   r-:—    : :zz~     .:  HCUir^r. 

i      Post^s  i-aiFj  :n?i::  si::! :? :: 

iLLiiiois  mm  I B 

I  to  all  POINTS  in 

!OBTIi[E:i  Ki 





nearest  railroad  stalion.  La  Crosse  'S  tlie 
nearest  baiikin!!:  point.  Statres  tri-weeUly 
to  Jlidway.  Popul  ition,  lUO.  Mail,  iri- 
weckl3'.     A.  O.  Black,  piistmastc-r. 

Blat'k  Anion  <>,  General  Store. 

Cbristiansen  C,  flour  mill. 

Daily  H  H,  carpenter, 

Gunder  A,  meat  market. 

Hammer  Ole,  saw  mil!  and  blacksmith. 

Uolmen  Creamery  Co. 

Kettelson  John,  barber. 

Livingston  T  B,  railroad  agent. 

JIoDson  Jl  T.  hotel. 

Mowrey  George  P,  e.x-prcs.g  n^cnt. 

SjoJarulor  C  A,  General  Store. 

Sjolander  A;  Hammer,  feed  mill. 

^Yall  Olof,  hotel. 

kee  counl3',  o  mile.s  northwest  of  Port 
Washington,  the  county  seat,  and  o  east  of 
Fredonia  Stalion,  on  the  j\I.  it  N.  U.  H., 
the  nearest  railroad   station.     I'ort  ^\'a^]l 


ington  is  Ibe  nearest  bankin<;  po 

ulatiou,  30.     Mail,  semi-weekly. 

Anzia  Michael,  boots  and  thoos. 

Fraser  tt  M.ilir,  live  .'-took. 

Marshall  .]ose|ih,  groct-i. 

BJorIz  JJ«c<»S>,(.ieiicral  Store  and  Cheese 

Poull  Peter,  blacksmith. 
Wester  Henry,  suloon. 
Wolf  lira  C,  saloon. 

HOMER.  A  rural  |)n_ci,.|lice  in  (ivant 
county,  2L'  miles  northeast  of  Lancnstcr, 
the  county  scat,  and  0  soullieast  of  Bnsco- 
bcl,  the  nearest  slaiion  and  hank- 
ing point.  Stages  send-wei'kly  to  Bo:.<  o- 
bel  and  Castle  Kock.  Pojudalion,  ;!.'). 
Mail,  serai-weeklj-.  Henry  J^.Iaxam,  post- 

HOMEWOOD.  A  po=iomcc  in  Mon- 
roe county,  L';J  miles  southeast  of  Snnrl.i, 
the  county  seat,  4  north  of  Kendall,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  12  houIIi  of 
Tomah,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Mail, 
tri-wcekly.  Alexander  McCask(.'y,  post- 

HONEY  CREEK.  A  village  on  creek 
of  same  name  and  on  the  Wis.  Central 
Line,  in  WaUvorlh  county,  IG  raih-s  north 
east  of  Elkborn,  the  county  se-ar,  and  7 
northwest  of  Burlington,  the  nearest  liank- 
ing  point.  Population,  1:1.').  E\]->  ,  N.  P. 
Tel.,  W.  U.     J.  A.  Mcintosh,  postmaster. 

Beers  John,  blacksmith. 
Blake  C  A,  carpenter. 

North  Star  Iron  S'/orUs.  i  <  u"!--'!;, 

I'AKIsll   JUMtU'll  i;l.M.  (O.  '.  .Milln  riirh 
Ashland,    -     -     Wisconsin.  ^  ^I'ff'' tus 

Clark  A  F,  live  stock. 

Hnunmond  D,  stone  mason. 

Drummond  J  I),  shoemaker. 

Eiiward  S,  meat  maikot. 

Foote  A  J,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 

Fraser  Charles,  farm  impts. 

Gice  Otto,  boots  and  shoes. 

Hubbard  Pev  G  H  (Baptist). 

Kingston  Wm,  general  stoie. 

Kyburz  F,  feeil  mill. 

MeCanua  C  B,' cheese  mnfr. 

JMcHilosh  Mrs  C,  milliner. 

i^]5fFiiJo«.i!  J  .4, General  Store  and  Coal. 

Miller  F  A,  hardware. 

Minis  F,  painter. 

Scbadj'  John,  carpenter. 

Sohwart?.  John,  jiislice. 

Sidney  Kev  J  ]i  (Five 

Smith  Uufus,  lilacksmith. 

Vaughn  S,  pumps. 

\V!'.rniugton  Wm.  live  stock. 

Wilbur  Lumber  Co. 

HOPE.  A  postollice  in  Dane  county, 
9  miks  east  of  JIadisou,  the  county  seat 
and  nearest  lianking  point,  and-lj  from 
Cottage  Grove,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Mail,  tri  weekly. 

HORICON.  A  village  on  Rock  liver 
and  on  llie  .\.  div,  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ry.  in 
Dodge  county,  fi-I  miles  noithwest  of  Mil- 
waukee, (i  northeast  of  Juneau,  the  seat  of 
justice,  and  0  southwest  of  Miiyville,  the 
nearest  banking  point.  It  conlains  a  brew- 
ery, wagon  factory,  windmill  factory  and 
aericultural  implement  works.  A  news- 
pa|ur,  the  Ik'ilgi'  ('-'inifi/  fieporlcr,  is  pub- 
li.--ln'<l  and  4  cluircbes  are  sustained.  Shiii- 
ment'i,  ixrain  am!  farm  implements.  Pop 
ulalioii,  1,200.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Esp.,  Am. 
H.  H.  3l3rsh,  postmaster. 

Ailaius  Wm  S,  propr  Dodge  County  Re- 

Anderson  l\Irs  Susan  M.  milliner. 

I^iiier  Henry  F,  meat  market. 

15"ck  liernbard,  boots  and  shoes. 

lidS-iinann  Henry,  saloon. 

Broker  Wm,  sewing  machines. 

Chandler  Isaac  H,  mufrs  agent. 

Clement  AVebster  J,  physician. 

Cottrill  ^I  S,  railr'->ad  and  tel  agent. 

Day  Charles  B,  physician. 

Deferlein  ,!olin  Jj.  brewer. 

Derse  .tames  H,  prin  "-chools. 

Diet/,  Louis,  hardware. 

Dodge  County  Recorder,  AV'm  S  Adams 

Dowe  Carl,  grocer. 

^;lii  .Mill  -llui-hir 
8,  Boilers,  roMe 

»,  JlncliinUts,  Founders,  liollcrinaker*. 
ry.  Ilini.r,-  Mariiiiif  rj ,  (  orliss  nniJ  11I--U 
Iranbliiiltlu!,-  JlarhlnerfjClc.    Seep-  I, 

Norcross  Itlork.  South  Birer  St  .  JASESTILI.E.  Wlf.CONSIX. 

A.   n,  A    M.  X.  X<U:l!IS,    l»ioiiriotoi-.s. 






Drucskamp  Rev  Ilermau  I  ?iIcthodist). 

Kirelmmmer  C^harlc!!,  carpenter. 

-'■-clier  Jobn.  cornmissioii. 

\\-heT  liev  \V  J  (Melboi!i.-t). 

/"eL'ul  Aiisust,  paiuter. 

r'nrbell  Wilbur,  mason. 

Kerljes  Frank,  dentist. 

KrecmRD  Martin,  confectioner. 

Gis^ner  Cliris,  creamery. 

lajsner  Henry,  propr  Horicon 

'Jiamlow  Auj^iJst,  lilacksmilU. 

Uriitnlow    &    Steiiike   (.Vimust  Gramiow, 

Ferdinand  Steinke),  lilacksmitlis. 
r.riswold  Frank  B,  grocer. 
Croskopf  2Irs  John,  saloon.  ' 
Hurt  Golden  A,  Larncss. 
!i.iuff  Fred,  suloou. 
H.xmlein  Julius  jr,  blacksmith. 
;!ol5t  Rev  C  (Lullierau). 
iioricon  Hou.i^e,  Henry  Gcssner  propr. 
iloricon  Light  Guard  Ijaud,  David  Yor^ey 

Hnricon    Windmill     lliif;:;     Co,    Gubtav 

Kalies  pres,  H  F  Schult/.e  sec. 
ji-iie  Frederick  C,  barber. 
i-Ianimb  Cliurlrs  F,  shoemaker, 
iilcist  Win,  crocer. 
Koppilsch  5Iis3  Len.t.  milliner. 
KreLsclimer  Ecnil  A.  jeweler, 
ivrueger  F  W  A,  meal  market. 
I.rucger  Henry  F,  general  store. 
Krugel  Eliza,  dres;maker. 
Kruss  ncrniRLi,  shoemaker. 
I  itlle  John,  painter. 
>larsh  H  n.  poslma'-ter. 
•  '.'.-Icber  f>ed  A,  general  store. 
^It-nzel  G,  physician 
^1-iizel  L  Wm,  phvsician. 
.''Illlei-  A:  ITSfJjUyre  i  Herbert  C  Miller. 

■'nnies  F  Melutyre).  Lumber  and  Coal, 
"'lo  Ferdinand,  wagonmaker. 
'"-'-0  Henry,  barber, 
'•''lo  Henry  jr,  painter. 
I'.uck  Thomas,  saloon, 
l^'dolske  Augu'.t.  livery, 
r.nvcil  Kofcoc  ]{,  dentist. 

rtnzlow  Loul.s,  lumber, 
'iclz  Frank,  saloon. 
■■■|'feld  Charles  W,  iii'.urauce. 
J;'hfeid  Frederick  F,  farm  imptg. 
'■  't'er.s  Wni.  upholsttrer 
^'l\V)CT.B   {;«l,  Lawver. 
■~   I'l'tinuaiiu  M  &  Co  i.Moiitz  and  Samuel 

^hoenmami),  eeneral  store. 
;^''  luhze  Henry  F,  furniture. 

■  ''Wnrz  Carl,  tailor. 
■"■''Cks  Jobn  J.  LMain. 
'■  ''Z  Ouo  G.  druL'L'ist. 

H-i-IiTs  '^loi-r*.  L'ropr  Winter  House. 


■mas  John  L  L,  general  store 

Van  Erunt  it  Davis  Co,  Spencer  E  Davis 

pres,  Charles  L  Butterfield  sec,    mnfrs 

farm  impts. 
Van  Brunt  &  'Wiikins  Mnf?  Co.  Daniel  C 

Van  Brunt  pres,  Arthur  W  Wilcox  sec, 

mnfrs  farm  impts. 
Walfrom  Lawrence,  saloon. 
\^'ii!lfr  G£oii<>e,  Storrs  Streeters  Propr. 
Wood  John,  merchant  tailor. 
Yorgey  John.M,  agl  Am  Exp  Co. 
Young  Nicholas,  bed  spring  mnfr. 
Zedler  August,  carpenter. 

HORN'S  CORNERS.  Hi  Ozaukee 
county,  10  miles  from  I'ort  Wa■^■hington, 
the  judicial  scat,  and  -1  from  Ceilarbursb, 
its  shipping  point.  Population,  150. 
JIail,  daily.    IL  Schellenberg,  postmaster. 

Koepke  F,  shoemaker. 
Kreuler  George,  wagoumaker. 
Leopold  L  express  agent. 
Peinhold  Miss  L,  milliner. 
SfliellciiSterif     15,     General      Store, 

Cheese  J\lnfr  and  Justice. 
Schubert  Fred,  feed  and  saw  mill. 
Steiiiike  Frank,  wagonmaker. 
Wolluer  George,  saloon. 

IIORTONVILLE.     On  the  M.,  L.  S. 

it  W.  I!}',  in  (.)utagamie  county.  It  miles 
northwest  of  Appleton,  the  judicial  seat, 
and  ■;  southeast  of  New  London,  the  near- 
est banking  point.  It  was  settled  in  1^40, 
and  now  contains  Catholic,  Methodist. 
Lutheran  and  liaplist  churches,  a  graded 
school,  a  lb)uring  mill,  a  saw  mill  and  a 
syrup  factory.  L.vp.,  U.S.  Tel.,W.  U. 
Population,  -f.JO.  Charles  Baake,  post- 

Arlington  Hotel,   Louis  Jaequot  propr. 
Baake  CJi.arles  H,  general  store. 
Bartley  Lawrence,  Imrse  breeder. 
Benjamin  it  StelTen  (David  Benjamin,  Pe- 
ter StelTen),  well  hirers. 
Bigford  Henry,  railroad,  exp  and  tel  agt. 
Brown  JIartiu,  niasim. 
Buck  Audiew,  harnessmaker. 
Buck  j\nss  Anna,  music  teacher. 
Buck  Cbailes  F,  general  store. 
Buck  Herman  T,  insurance. 
Buekman  Ottomer,  shnemaker. 
Castlelon  Frederick,  apiarist. 
Collar  Webb,  saloon. 
Collins  Louis,   mason. 
Davis  Melvin,  masou  and  house  mover. 
Dawson  Josiah  C.  photOL'-rapber  . 
De  Ford  Itev  A  M  (.Metliodist). 
Diestler  Albert,  car|ienter. 

C^icsp,  mtwki  &  St,  Paul  i]j,i;:m^estaiid!lortiiMst 

omoeA Factor,, CM  LaLo  St.,  MiLWAiKEicuis.  Lalest  '!iiDrovs[i  venslian  Blinds. 





^^'^  Dicsllcr  C«>iiii»JHiy  (Herman  and 
•»««"  C'harl(.'S  Dicslleii.  Lumber  Mnfr.s  and 
^J>  BuiUlcrs;  Dealers  in  Bui'diug  Material. 
«j»-^  Duun  'I'bonia'',  ilray. 

Foiiiituiii    XSoilcr   ^liSN,  Loysen  & 
^^*       Grooleinaut  Prniir>. 
■iE«^  Gaiisen  Albert,  drugmst. 
"^  Gates  l^ortcr  .1,  propr  Gates  Ilouse. 
^^  Qilter  Woiiy.'d.  b!ack?mith. 
~^^  Givins  Miss  Ll'/zie,  dresiiniaker. 
tmS  Qraef  .■\nlon.  g'/neral  store. 
U:lai  Ilagen  Bros  (Cliris  and  Johiii,  meats. 
™»"  Hallcr  Adolpli,  Imniware. 
•t«j=S   Hardacker  Iltury  1),  piiysician. 
•g^   Ilorlonia  House,   .Mrs  Peter  .Miller  propr. 
g^^   Hull  Irviiii;  S,  niilliiKry. 

Hull  .lames  W,  syrup  inufr. 
focsf.  Jarquot  Louis,  propr  .Vrlmgton  Hotel. 
"^^   Klein  FrauU.  saloon. 
^^^  ^.,o>>oi!    .'c    O'loolfuisisil   (Peter   U 
_^       Loyson,    Jolin    G    Orootemaat),    Proprs 
^=^       Fountain  Koller  .Mills. 

Lyon  .James,  grain  dealer. 

^S  jfcMeekin  .lames,  b.arber. 
■""^  Mo.Munlo  .Jame-i  il,  sewmcc  maobines. 
^^  JIcMurdo  it   Hodgiiis  (liobert  JIcMurdo, 
^3       l)avid  HodL'iuK),'  stone  quarries. 

Miller  ^Irs  Peter,   propr  Uortonia  House. 
_  Miteliell  Mi-v  Win  (U.iptitt). 
03  Mueller  .Mrs  ,J(dm,  .st!oon. 
CS  >;asli  .t  Mc-MurJo  (Henry  Xash,  James  H 
«&^       MeMurdo),  live  slock. 
;^3  Osgoodby  .Melvm,  notions, 
pg  Peter  Conrad,  furniture, 
"x^.  Pelt  Itev  M  G  (Baptist). 
Js>  Pelt  Mrs  M  G,  mu-.ic  teaeber. 
r*J^   Kcinekin-j,  .lobn,  physiei.m. 
*2^  Iticbter  .Micbael,  wniinnmaker. 
«Sa=   Hideout  Albert  F,  drugaist. 
Uodgers  Kdwani,  ji.wiler. 
"^  Hool  Wui,  (uiiicipal 
■   Scliulz  Cliarles  A,  barnes-maker. 
O'J  Scliwebs  JCiidl,  b'acksndth. 

Scli\vei>s  Ciii^lav,  Propr  Schweb> 
Hotel  and  Livery  Stable:  First-Class  in 
Everything.     {S,.r  adc.  hehw.) 

Soliwel**''  EScttel,  Gustav  ScbwtVs 
Propr;  Everything  New;  Good  Samp:;- 
Rooms;  Fir.'-t-Cla.'ss  Livery  in  Concec- 
lion.     (Ay  mh-.  bih'W  ) 

Spalding  Edward,  blacksmith. 

Torrey  Samuel,  insurance. 

Ulsbcrger  Frank,  •=aioon. 

Waite  Frank  it  Co  (Fraid-;  and  Horice 
Waite),  well  borers. 

■Walton  Jesse,  restaurant. 

"Weis  Albert,  furniture. 

Wickait  Edward,  meat  market.    ' 

Zuehike  Gustav,  farm  machinery. 

HOUGHTON.  Is  located  on  the  C. 
St.  P.  >L  it  ().  Piv,  in  BajlieUl  county,  S; 
miles  south  of  Daytielii,  the  juilielal  sia;. 
and  ui  from  Wnshbiirn.  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  '.?00.  .Mail,  twice 
dailj'.     Wm.  Hartley,  pobtmastcr. 

Babcock  it  Srnilli.  quarry. 

52iirllcy     Stro*,     Stone    (Quarry    am': 

Stone  Saw  Mill, 
Prentice  Browustone  Co,  quarry. 

HOUIiTON.  A  postoflioc  on  the  St. 
Crox  river,  in  St.  t^roix  ruunty,  7  miits 
northwest  of  Hudson,  the  co\inty  seat,  ac  1 
5  of  a  nule  northeast  ot  Stillwater.  .Minn., 
the  nearest  railroad  station  and  bankin;: 
point.  Population,  400.  Mail, daily.  Alb'.-r; 
L.  La  Hue,  postmaster. 

Dreschler  W  M,  saloon. 

Fee  Wm  A,  meal  market. 

Fisher  J.  grocer. 

Qorri.'-s  P,  saloon. 

Jewell  O  .M.  blacksmith. 

I.n  CEuc  .VIIuTt  t..  General  Store. 

GUSTAV  SCHWEES,  Proprietor, 


This  Hotel  has  bctn  ree>'!illy  Itelniilt  an<l  R.-funiished  Throuf;!l 
out,  uri.l  raiitis  Firjt-Class. 

Good  Sample  Eooms  on  the  Ground  Floor. 


^'■'-^  -TlM-rroi.rM'lnrtal,-ps  p|..:,^iir,-  in  tl.;.  ar,  aii.l  hope; 
ES--^  to  n  slian-  .,r  th-  Truv.-hntr  Trn,l,-. 

ti-jj  I,oci«led  at  tin-  .11.,   1-.  N.  A;  W.  Ify  Uc'ixit. 

Cliicajo  &  Grand  Irani  P.i,  ^^ir.tA^Hf^i'^'V'IkS':' , 

Cliicap  &  Grand  Tryri!{  h 

Palace  and  Dining:  Cars 

ON    ALL   THROUGH    TRAifiS, 





Xasler  H  C,  saloon. 
St  Peter  G,  grocer. 

HOWARD'S  GROVE.  A  vUlaffe  on 
the  Pigeon  river,  in  Sliebojirun  counlj',  7 
miles  noithwtst  nf  Phtlioygun,  the  county 
seat,  nearest  railiosid  station  and  banl^ing 
point.  Stages  daily  to  Slu-huypuD.  Pcip- 
ulation,  2S.  JIail,  daily.  E.  ritolzenburg, 

.Vbt  C,  sboemaktr. 

H.irlz  Fred,  niason. 

Bodenstab  Fred,  jiisticp. 

Dedow  M,  barnessmaker. 

Fosterling  Herman,  Iiotul. 

Frome  Augu&t,  saw  niill. 

Fubrmanu  August,  carpenter. 

Gibbs  D,  express  agent. 

Kirckeck  Henry,  cl;ce=e  ninfr. 

Kohl  W,  general  store. 

Lahr  M,  general  store. 

Lcahermann  A,  telegraph  agent. 

Miller  Ilcnry,  saw  and  grist  mill. 

.Mulzbatier  George,  hotel. 

Xaumaun  Fred,  carpenter. 

Xeumeister  Louis,  wagonmaker. 

lUisch  Charles,  b!a<;k  =  milli. 

^(olzculmr^  ECmiE,  General  Store. 

>.nown  as  Franklin,  is  in  .Milwaukee  conn- 
'y,  lil  miles  soulhwe-l  i>f  Milwaiikc-c,  llio 
juJicial  seat  and  nearest  banking  point, 
Had  5  from  O:ikwood,  the  nearest  tail  a[)- 
proacb.     Population,  20.     Mail,  weekly. 

HUBBARD,       Formerly    known     as 
I'hipps,  is  a  posloflicc  and  Itig  station  on 
tile    C.,  St.  P..  M.  &  O.   liy.    in    Sawyer 
eounty,  3  miles  northeast  of  llaywani,  the 
county   seat   and    nearest    banking   iniint. 
I'opulation,  21.     JMail,  daily.     C.  L.  Hub- 
'  ard,  postmaster. 
Empire  Lumber  Co,  Iocs. 
Hall  cfc  Ai>p!e,  logs.       ^ 
McDonald  Allen,'  log.q. 
P;niloon  George,  cabinetmaker. 
Wfl.b  C  K,  Hotel, 

UUBBLETON.     Uu    Crawli-b    river 
and  on  the  C;  ,M.  ^t  St.  P.  P.y,  in  .lelTerson 
c  ainiy,   lij  miles  northwest  of   .U  ITerson, 
•he  county  seat,  and  'i}  east  of   Waterloo, 
the   nearest   banking   point      I'nouiaiion. 
;.''■'■      E.xp.,  Am.    '  Tel,  Vv',  U,'     J.    K, 
'■rii:gs,  postmaster. 
I;  ire  David,  opiaiist. 
■;lward3  \Vm,  sorsbum  ranfr. 
i.ii.'gs  C  G,  iieneral  store. 

Gri^S*  J  5i,  Justice  and  General  Store. 

Griggs  L  C,  constable. 

Hintz  C  F,  shoemaker. 

Honziker  John,  carj^enter. 

Kehone  F.  blacksmith. 

Repstine  J  H,,  e.\p  and  tel  areut. 

Sommerfeldt  G  F,  cheese  mnfr. 

HUB  CITY.  A  post  Tillage  on  Pine 
river,  in  Bichiand  county,  11  miles  north 
of  Hichland  Centre,  on  the  C,  M  iV  St.  P. 
Ky,  the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad  sta- 
tion and  banking  point.  Stages  tri- weekly 
to  liichland  Centre,  Hillsborough  and  in- 
termediate points.  Population.  Il'i.  Mail, 
tri-woekly.     E.  15.  Clark,  postmaster. 

t'lai-k  1-:  K  &  Co,  General  Store. 
Clark  H  G,  grist  and  saw  mill. 
Hult  Bros,  hoo]i  mnfrs. 
Koch  Bro.':,  hardware. 
Mellcwm  .John  E,  wagoumaker. 
Ray  it  Clark.  ]ir,ultry. 
Sprague  Daniel,  apiarist. 
Sutton  Robeit,  haidware. 

HUDSON.  i'.caiilifuHy  located  on 
the  St.  Croix  river,  in  the  v.'esteru  portion 
of  St.  Croix  county,  of  which  it  is  the  ju- 
dicial scat,  is  an  ineorjioniled  city  on   the 

E.  div.  C.  St.  P.,  .M.  &  O.  Ry,  on   the  R. 

F.  br.  of  the  tame  road,  Kul  miles  north- 
wc-t  of  Milwaukee.  It  contains  a  steam 
roller  mill,  a  saw  null,  a  largo  chair  and 
furniture  factory,  a  cooper  shop,  2  brewer- 
ies, a  broom  factory,  Baptist,  Jlethodist, 
Lutheran,  Presbyterian,  Congreirational 
and  Catholic  cburi  ln-s.good  gradeil  scliooia. 
a  Catholic  and  lijgh  school,  a  hospital,  3 
batiks,  the  First  and  the  Hudson 
Savings  Bank,  railroad  repair  shops,  an 
opera  bouse  and  a  muhic  hall,  capable  of 
seating  .")00  and  '100  resi>eclively,  water 
works,  an  electric  light  plant  wbieb  liglits 
the  city,  and  3  weekly  newspapers,  the 
Stiir  (j.'iiZ  Times  (Rep), and  the  True  I!,j"_ib 
liatu  (Deni).  ^^'heat.  flour,  live  stock 
(general  farm  proiluce  and  lumber  are 
.'^hipped.  The  city  has  an  <;xcelleul  volun 
teer  lire  department  of  2.5  members,  2  hose 
carriages  and  a  hook  and  ladiier  truck 
'lei,  W.  L'.  Exp,  Am.  Population 
G.OUO.     H.  F.  Dinsmore,  postma.^ter. 

Addison  Win,  'bus  pnd  hack  line. 
AinlrfiVH  \1in  15.  County  Treasurer. 
Ansli'v  Laii.:don,  dry  goods. 
Aninuist  U'lto  ^\^  clerk  circuit  court. 
Usilvor    iV.    E9cliii>i   (Henry  0    Baker, 

JMigene    W    Helms  1,    .^ttorncys-at-Law. 

(See  adi',  p  :k-:'i  ) 


1!   POINTS  ii 

;  mm  lou/i 

ILLIliS  C[:iM  B,  R, 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 

cuiCsGO,  soy 






HUDSON,    -    wiscowssri. 

Practice  in  all  Courts. 

Ball  Alkn,  Bhoiniuker. 

Balsam   A  it   Son    (Amos  aud  James  P), 

Carne}'  Rev  John  A  (Catholic"). 
Bartk-U  Jolin  E,  plaotcrer. 
Baphford   &    Disuey   ('John   M   liashford, 

Charles  A  Disney),  lawyers. 
Beard  Thomas,  furuitiire. 
Beggs  "\\'iii,  boots  and  .=hoes. 
Bench  Joseph,  clothiii;^. 
]3evier  Jacoh,  iniliiter, 
Birkmose  C  •!  &  Co  (Cliri.stian  J  Birkraosc, 

Gunerius  Koisiuir,  Klias  S  Larson),  gen- 
eral store. 
Bishop  3Ir3  II  S,  bird  dealer. 
Blichfuldt  O  P,  treneral  store. 
Borgc  .loliu,  saloon. 
Bowron  Mrs'Clara,  dicssmakcr. 
Boyden  I'hilo  n,  ,lnij-i-t. 
I>r:i<ir<>rd    Sviiiniicl    J,    Attorncyat 

La^\ . 
Bradley  AVni  C,  hog  breeder. 
Brown  Robert,   painter. 
Briiii>>wick     ISoii'^c,      Isaac     Flelt 

Propr.  • 
liiiiililM-  .Kniiies  \,  General  Insurance 

and  J  notice  (j1  Peac. 
Bnrnley  Kev  Charles  T  (PrcsbyterianV 
Butlei  .Miss  Macc;ie,  dressmaker. 
Caldwell  Wm  V.'dry  soods. 
Camjibell  A:  Schwarm  (.lames  II  Campbell, 

Adolpb  .1  Schwarni),  barbers. 
Carroll  I'atvick  H.  chief  of  police. 
Carroll  Terence,  barber. 
Central  House.  John  A  Mie  propr. 
Cliamplin  Horace  D.  livery. 
Clia|iiii    Hall    llniiso,    Kufus    Parr 

Christiana  House,  Ole  Christianson  jiropr. 
Christianson  Ole,  propr  Christiana  House. 
Clinc  <;o<»r;;o  J>,  Proiir  True  Kepubli- 

Coon  Calvin  P,  meat  market  . 
Coon  Daniel  W,  dairy. 
-Corballv  .Mrs  J  K.  dressmaker. 

Craudall  Lc'renzo,  mngr  Farmers'  Coo'i-.. 

ative  Union. 
Crary  Edward,  insurance  agent. 
Crosby  Henry  W,  fruits. 
C^ross  Charles  A,  stenographer. 
Crowe  Wm  H,  books. 
Dailey  James  G,  dair}'. 
Day  Charles  L,  sheep  broeiier. 
I>eiitii.><((>ti  Charles  V,   Real  EstaU 

Louis  ami  Abstracts. 
Dinsinore  Henry  F,  iioslmaster. 
Dinsniore  Robert,  iusiiiance. 
Dinsmore  it  Karras  (Robert  Dinsraore,  A 

bert  Karra<s),  farm  impts. 
Dinsmore  &,  White  (.Ribert  Dinsmore,  D; 

los  M  White),  iLsuraucc. 
Dippo  .Mrs  Elizabeth  A,  milliner. 
Drolsum  ICllinr',  pro;^r  Jlerchants'  Ilote! 
Egloir  Bros  (Frank  V  aud   Wm  A),  ci^,-.: 

Evans  Wm  S,  justice. 
Evans  &  Co,  general  .store. 
Farmers'    (;o-oiierative    Union,     LoreDZ. 

Crandall  mngr.  grocers. 
Fsirr  CSisfii",  I'ropr  Chapin  Hall  Housi 
Fineixuu  Mrs  Emma  L,  dressmaker. 
Firemen's  Library, 
i'ifsl   Xitlioiial    fSaiili   (Cainlal  an  i 

Surplus,  .-sT.j.llUii),  Jolin  A  Hubbard  Frc- 

D  C  Fulton  Cash,  ,J  R  Goss  Assl  Ca.-a. 
Fletcher  Mis  W  C,  milliner. 
E^loU  Isaaf,  Propr  Brunswick  House. 
Frear  James  A,  lawyer. 
Fulton  David  C,  cash  First  Xall  Hiiik. 
Fulton  D  G  &  Co  (David  C  aud  Marcus  A 

Fultonl.   real  estate. 
Fulton  Marcus  A,  wliol  teas,  etc. 
Gibson  Rev  George (EpiscopaH. 
Glover  John  E.  land  and  lund)er. 
Goodwin  Jlrs  ^5arah  W,  dressmaker. 
Goss  J  R,  a,sstcash  Fir^t  >'atl  Bank. 
Grant  Brothers  (Wm  iM  and  Renjaniin  L 

fruit  growers. 
Graves  John,  live  stock. 
Graves  .Tohn  W,  cattle  breeder. 
Greene  Garry  L.  Hour  mill. 
Gridloy  Mrs  L  J,  boarding  house. 
Hall  Alfred  W,  feed  mill." 
Han.sen  Christian,  blacksmith. 
Hanson  Cluirles  C,  saloon. 
Hanson  Chris,  boariHng  house. 
Hanson  Louis,  carpenter. 
Hartling  Frank  I),  books  and  auctioneer. 
Harrington  .losejih  II,  hardware. 
Harris  Andrew,  propr  <J!e>on  House 
Hatch  Wm  B,  grocer. 
Heggen  John  J,  tailor. 
Ilelt  L  B,  painter  and  bill  po>;;er. 
Ileuning  it  JaL'gar  (John  U  Heuning.IIenr; 
B  Jaijgar),  ilrucs. 


.VII  k4 

in.lMniul  I'rirrs.  SJBB  PH^l  A  P*^  H)  R  A  [?! . 
<(-ZJ;in.l  Wl.reU  ^'-'  to  t  U^O  A-ll  J  t^"  j-i/^—* 
"•      '    -iiloguei  froi.'.  ,l>  -i:;:  W.  Water  Street,  51II,W.«.L"-lii- 




^  -'v 

S;^,  4 


l!  '  \ 

1)    ^1     M 




'A    .■-'t' 

DR.  IRVING  D.  WILTS  OUT,  Founder, 

A  I'riv.Uf  WiLlri  and  Siiniin,-!'  I;e.-:.Trl  Exclii-iv.-ly  for  l!n'  Trta'jri.-nt  ..f 

DiEoases  of  iGe  Brain  M  Ilcrvons  Systsin, 

IiicIiidinE  Korvou-  Diseases  of  Childreu.  Kcvvous  Prostrntion,  Keurnsthenia. 

'■' ilov  and  Suiisoiy  Allectious,  as  well  as  all  forms  of  IlyMerii,   Pnriilysis,   JN'eurnlcia, 

Spinal  AfiVctions,  Chorea.,  Ijocornolor  Ataxia,  Sciatica,  Etc. 

<iyii;rci)l(mi(al  (';i-;t"^  tiiKoii  \vIi(Mi  Comiilicitted  by  Nervous  I'errtiisciMCiil. 


.■■-■  iiinM_>!i.|,Iictc(i  to  tliu  Opii  y.,  iJiu.'iKu,  ami  AuiiiMi.  1  lal.iis:  and  siicli  olln-r  forms  of  Mental  Disorder 
I'.iit  'ire  Positively  Cnral.le.     WE  nu  XOT  TAKE  EriLElTIi  '3.     I'atieiitj  pi-ojierly  Class-ifled. 

-■'  f'V.  FORMS   OP  T7;EATMP.NT  employed.    Phiin,  Electric,  Hussiaii  and  Turkish 
Baths,  MH^^3age  and  Movements,  all  forms  of  Electricity. 




■  l;,-lk,  liiiprov 


>  Fiinii^heJ;  Electric  1;.-Us,  Ijiiprov-,]  Elevator.  Verf.'ct  Hot  and  Cold  VVate 
Sy.stein:  V,  iitil.-iifd  by  a  Sleam  fan:  Ilcateil  Iry  Hot  Water. 


iufoniiati-n.  address 


Supt.  and    Pliys.-iiS-Ch.arKe, 






(9  t> 



















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.-.  ^ 

-  —  - 

i!i8  Green  Day  Ciisinoss  Collage  'X:X 

is  noted  for  lis  llsoeUeut  F'acililies  nnil  Tlinroc 
KXPKIfJ-  T!:A<  !ti;S5S  In  I 
rsinoiit.     ANM :AI<    CATALOeU/K    I'llKE.     AUdress    CKFCEN    I*AV, 



iil'yarrf  &  Mills  (James  Ililyartl,  Alvrado 

S  Mills),  poultry  breeders. 
Ilochstcia  A  it  J    (Anton   and    Joseph), 


:|..ffman  Deitrich,  grocer. 

i!ii!mes  Z  G,  mufie  teacher. 

IJ.i'mes  Orville,  trunsmith. 

|lo!>ror<l  tSt  Voiiu:r   (George   R   Hos- 

ford,   Theodore   F    Young),    Flour  and 

.;  iward  Timothy,  saloon. 
:;;!jbard    John    A,    pres    First    National 

■!i;dson    Furniture   f"o,    Calviu    R    Coon 

pres,  James  15  Martin  see  and  troa.'i. 
iludson   Savings  Bank  (capital,   .^-2.^.000), 

Alfred  Goss  pres.  Alfred  J  Go.'^^  casli, 
U  !j.«on  Saw   Mill    Co   (capital,    f;7.^,000), 

.lulius  G  Ingraiu  pres,  Geoige  V  De  Long 

ii'iilsnn  Star  ami  Times,  Byron    J    Price 


'  .inljird  John  A.  linnhfi-  mnfr. 
ItiiiiiiiMri-y   E94.'riu:]ii    By,    Altoiiiey- 

il}!ilop  ..TacncK  W,  Clothier  and  Mer- 

(liaul  Tailor. 
■  'y'lop  Samuel,  wagoninakcr. 

ticson  Frederick,  meal  market. 

HUD  383 

Johnson  J  S  &  Co  (John  S  Johnson, 
Ernest  E  Gatchcll),  druggists. 

Johnson  Samuel  (',  phT^ician. 

JoIilivOM  ^V  .J  &.  Co  (Wra  J  John- 
son, Calvin  R  Coon),  Livery.  {See  adv, 

Jones  Harvey,  printer. 

Jones  Jeptha  E,  insurance. 

Jones  Jerome.  I',  farm  impts. 

Jones  J  E  it  Bros  (Jeptha  E,  Horace  'W^ 
and  Henry),  notions, 

Karras  A  it  Co  (Albeit  ICarras),  harness. 

King  Charles  F,  physician. 

Ktnncy  Andrew  J,  law}-er. 

Kircher  Peter,  contractor. 

Ladies'  Librarj'  A.^soniation. 

Ejiitie  Tii'w  E!oii«c,  Thomas  Mona- 
lian  Prupr. 

Larson  Ausustns  P,  cooper. 

Lee  ]?ev  G  II  T  (Lutheran), 

Leister  Frank,  boots  and  shoes. 

Leslie  Rev  lioberl  (Baptist). 

Lewiston  Charles,  county  clerk. 

Lichtstern  Beruhard,  clothing. 

Ijindcn  August,  saloon. 

Liun  I'eler  P,  junk  dealer. 

Lowe  Orov<'r  S,  musical  instruments. 

Lucks  J  J  &  Son  (John  J  and  Oscar  J), 


'0'    ""'v       I  '      BREWER, 




Livery,  Sale « Boarding  StaWg 

A  very  Larj^e  Stock,  and  Rigfs  of  all  kind.s 
Furnished  Promptly. 

Barn  on  Third  St.,  rearof  Chapin  Hall  House, 
HUDSON,  V/8SCOrJSirv3. 

^^km  6   Grand  Tnjn!(  py,  P^'^'^ce  and  Dining  cars 

yu^U     Ui      UIUIIU      MUllfv     hjl  ON    ALL   THROUGH    TRAINS.^ 


YoufiG  Ladies';;  AiiTED 


C.MUt       HIMMCSS      r<>l,IjIi«iK      I'r.. 

iiiirc-*   3  on  III:   hu'ie*  %•>   do  at  cei>Ial>;i- 
work  ill  iSii'.iiiti.s  Ofilces. 





JlcClellan  James  A,  capt  f-jrry  boat. 

McCulcheon  Wm.  cattle  brtc-der. 

JIcDiarmid  \Vm  H,  cattle  Ijreeiier. 

McDonald  Mrs  Alexander, boarding  house. 

McGuire  Ik-roard,  propr  ferry  boat. 

Mclntire  Harvey  E,  physician. 

McNair   Jlinirg   Co,    J    A   AVilson    pres, 
George  W  La  Pointo  sec. 

Maguire  Frank,  saloon. 

Slalingreen  Andrew,  carpenter. 

Martin  Ciiarles,  plasterer. 

Martin  George  W,  cattle  breeder. 

Slenkey  Louis  T,  drug.iist. 

Merchants'  Uotel,  Elliug  Drolsum  propr. 

Meyer  Joseph,  junk  dealer. 

Miner  Charles,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Moe  John  A,  propr  Central  House. 

Moelter  Xicholas,  propr  Si  Cruix  Douse. 

MolTatt  John  S,  lawyer. 

IflosiiiIiKii  Tiioniim,  Propr  Lake  View 

Monlniiin  Wm,  brewer. 

Mosier  Mi<s  Ijovilla,  supt  schools. 

Moss  Thomas  F,  photographer. 

Mules  John,  ice. 

Munson  George  S,  horse  breeder. 

Kelson  John  J5,  saloon. 

Nelson  Martin,  piunler. 

North  ]jcmuel,  real  est  ite. 

Odenwnld  Charles,  carpet  weaver. 

Olds  Oliver  H  P,  broom  mnfr. 

Oleson  House.  Andrew  Harris  propr. 

Ollsh  Peter  S.  carpenter. 

■Oliver     tVciulfl     Holinci     Sani- 
tarium, Irving  D  Willrout,  M  D,  Propr. 
{St'e  adv.  p  3S1.) 
■  OUiud  L'udl.  mnfr  hoop  machinery. 

Olund  Mrs  Einll,  music  teacher. 

Opera  Ha' I,  Wm  H  Crowe  propr. 

Otis  Alvin  II.  wagonmiker. 

Otis   iV.   Sou  (Wm  2*1  and  Frank  P),  hard- 

Palmer  Moses  P,  grocer. 

Park   Hotel,  C  A  Pearlcy  propr. 

Pearley  Charles  A,  proi)r  Park  Hotel. 

Penman  James,  cistern  builder. 

Peterson  Olof  W,  jeweler, 

Phipps  \\'ii\  n,    laud   commissioner  C,  St 
P,  M  iV  t)  l!y. 

Price   Byron   J,  publr   Huiison   Star   and 


Randall  George,  justice  and  insurance. 
Reid  Hay  S,  ootinty  judue. 
Richardson  .Vlvin  D,  cattle  breeder. 
ICUmIoI  iicoriic  Lager  Ueer  Brewery. 

(,Sv  ,„lr,  J.  JSS  ) 
Roe  Uruben  S,  agt  C,  St  P  M  >t  O  ]!y. 
Roe  Samuel  ..t  Co   (Samuel   Roe,    Wra   H 

H  Crowe),  grocers. 

Ruseh  Julius,  milk. 

St  Croix  House,  Nicholas  Moelter  pro]ir. 

St  Croix  Valley  Band,  Charles  ilcDowt.l 

Scott  A;  Semple  (>riss  Sarah  L  Scott,  Mr- 
Cora  Semple),  dressmakers. 

Silliman  Dwight,  physician. 

Simmons  Horace  M,  veterinar}-  surgeon. 

Skousgard  Christian,  saloon. 

Sillier  <«eori;o,  Furniture. 

Slater  it  Hunt  iGeorge  Slater,  Simon 
Huntj,  undertakers 

Sitiitli  Jiiiiii>i  S,  Furniture  and  Un- 

Spooner  John  C,  lawyer. 

Streeter  Elias  A,  geueral  store. 

Strong  George,  count\'  surveyor. 

Taylor  Horace  A,  propr  Electric  Lialt 

Tre.-idder  PlCV  John  (Methodist). 

Trieb  Henry,  harness. 

Trudell  Frank,  barber. 

True  I£(>i>iiE>lieaii,  George  D  Clice 

Warner  Frank  M,  drayage. 

Warner  Wm  W,  musical  instruments. 

Watson  3Iiss  Sarah,  milliner. 

AVhile  Delos  M,  creamery. 

AVliite  Miss  Grace  E,  stenographer. 

Whitlen  .Meigar,  dentist. 

Widmeyer  Andrew,  barber. 

Williams  Thompsim  E,  hardware. 

Willow  River  Milling  Co,  John  Comstock 
pres,  Julia  R  Al'hbw  sec. 

AViN  >n  Jn--eph  \V,  reni«ierof  deeds. 

M'illrou!  Srviiiy^]!>,  Mayor  and  Propr 
Oliver  Wendel  Holmes  Sanitarium,  i^--- 
adv,  p  SSI. ) 

Wingender  John  H,  dentist. 

W  C  T  U,  restaurant. 

Wood  Wm.  gardener. 

Woodman  Edward  E  sec  C,  St  P,  M  ^^ 
O  Ry. 

Yoerg  Louis,  brewer. 

Young  Theodore  F,  sherill. 

Zimmerman  Albert,  saloon. 

HUIIiSBURCJH.  A  village  in  Dodgi 
county,  1.")  miles  east  of  Juneau,  the  coun- 
ty seat,  anil  'Si  north  of  Rubicon,  the  near- 
est railroad  station.  Hartford  is  the  near- 
est banking  point.  Population,.').').  Mail. 
tri-weekly.     Peter  Fleury,  postmaster. 

Batz  Charles,  lumber  mufr. 

Bernit  D.  carpenter. 

I^leiiry  l*<'Icr,  R  "its  and  Shoes. 

Fre-y  John,  cheese  mnfr. 

Galla=ch  Bros,,  founders. 

Keefer  >L  blacksnuth. 

IlllliOIS  C[!]' 



II  to  all  POINTS  in  !i 



otiicap  fi  Gfaod  Truol  Hj, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 





ICrubn  A,  -n-agonrnfiker. 
<|i  liiijdt  F  F.  farm  iinpls. 
j-'oiner  M,  cheese  mufr. 
Tuielke  August,  general  store. 

HULL.  A  po.stoffice  in  Portage  coun- 
IV,  ij  miles  norlheust  of  Stevens'  Point,  the 
seat  of  justice,  shiiipiug  and  banking  point. 
l'.j]iulation,  DO.  ^luil,  tri-weeUly.  Frank 
\V.  Muzzy,  postmaster. 

^lliizzj'  Frank    W,  Grocer. 
V^ughsn  A,  feed  mill. 
Wacigigh  JI,  saw  mill. 
Vi'alkush  A,  saloon. 

I  HUMBIRD.  On  Ilall'ecrcekand  on 
j  ;be  C,  St.  P.,  M.  &  O.  Ky,  in  Clark  couu- 
;  "y,  17  miles  suuthuett  of  >;eilsvillo,  the 
j  I  ^unty  seat,  and  nearest  banking  point. 
I  I'orulation,  SOO.    Tel..  W.  U.    E.vp.,  Am. 

•  A.  Alderman,  postmaster. 

i  .\l(Ierinan    .Vlhcrt,   Grocer   and  Sta- 

i     tioner. 

!  Austin  M,  slioeniaUer. 

j-Hoovrau  &  Watters,  saw  mill. 

I  Carbino  Henry,  grocer. 

I  Chaffee  A  L,  liariiets. 

j  Clark  W  H,  insur^uice  agent. 

•  Clinton  Dewitt,  photographer. 
;  Crandall  G  W,  general  store. 
jlJloden  M.'Uhew.  saloon, 
lllartman  U,  blacksmith. 
jHein  V,  flour  mill. 

ll)hn  Julius,  saloon. 
!  Houghton  F,  P,  notary. 
!iluhbell  A  W,  mason. 
iKendt  Gustav.  waL'onmaker. 
.Yimous   r  .1,  Hardware. 

^ires  0  D,  railroad,  e.\p  and  tel  agent, 

sparks  H  A,  constable. 
. Travis  Charles  I!,  furniture. 

}\ebiler  B,  hotel  and  livery, 
.iiimmcr  P,  shoemaker, 

;    HtTMBOIjDT,     Brown   county.     Sec 

!  HUNT.  Dunn  county.  Kame  chumji  d 
i- ii<d  Ctdar. 

\  HUNTING.  A  postoffice  on  the  M., 
i'--  S.  vt  W.  Hy,  in  Shawano  county,  I'O 
••^I'lis  southwest  of  Shawano,  the  cr.unty 
'**al-  Clintonville  is  the  nearest  liankiiu' 
I'-lnt.  Population,  r,<)  Mail,  daily.  L.  A. 
■l>essey,  postmaster. 

IJfs^ej-  L,  A,  Heal  Estate. 
_  I'l-Tman  Bros,  gcnernl  store. 

Ctiicap,  ibaoke  S  Si  Pai'l 

Turner  Pro=,  saw  mill. 

Wisconsin  Furnace  Co,  charcoal  miifrs. 

HURLBUT.  In  Crawford  county,  30 
miles  northeast  of  Prairie  du  Cliieu,  the 
count}'  seat,  and  10  northwest  of  Boscolid, 
the  nearest  railroad  station  and  banking 
point,  ilail,  semi-weekly.    Population,  00. 

Ilurlbut  J  R,  grocer. 

HURLEY.  Is  located  on  the  west 
bank  of  tiie  Montreal  river,  on  the  M., 
L.  S.  &  W.  By,  and  on  the  Wis. 
Line,  in  the  extreme  eastern  portion 
of  Ashland  county,  41  miles  southeast 
of  Ashland,  the  judicial  seat,  and  IJoO 
northeast  of  Milwaukee.  The  ^Montreal 
river  at  this  point  is  tlie  dividing  line  be- 
tween the  States  of  ^Visconsin  and  -Michi- 
gan, and  directly  across  the  river  is  the 
tov,-n  of  Iroiiwood,  3Jieh.  Since  it  was 
platted  in  lbs2,  the  growth  of  Hurley  has 
been  phenomenal  and  it  is  to  day  one  of 
the  foremost  business  centres  in  tlie  iron 
mining  district.  There  are  several  large 
iron  mines  in  the  immediate  vicinity.  The 
town  is  well  laid  out,  is  lighted  by  gas  and 
electricity,  has  a  well  niuippttl  fire  depart- 
ment, an  excellent  system  of  water  works, 
large  and  commodious  lirick  and  stone 
business  blocks  and  handsiime  residences, 
good  schools,  2  banks,  telephone  exchange 
and  2  week  ly  newsp.apers.Ihe  M-ifitrealRoxr 
Miner  and  the  Ooijibic  hon  Trihiinc.  It 
also  contains  a  brewery,  boiler  shop,  and 
a  machine  shop.  Lumber  and  Iron  ore 
are  largely  shipped.  Kxp.,  N.  P.  and  U. 
S.  Tel.,W.  U.  i'opulation,  2,500.  Mail, 
daily.     F.  B.  Hand,  iiostmaster. 

Adams  John,  saloon. 

Agnevv  Andrew  J,  hardware. 

Albin  Paul,  saloon. 

Al.iuar  Theater,  Charles  F  La  Clair  propr. 

Alexander  .Vlexander,  saloon. 

Alex.tnder  George  A,  justice. 

Audi  John,  saloon. 

Backus  Joseph,  saloon. 

Barbie  Henry,  confectioner. 

Barta.iso  John,  confectioner. 

Bartlat  Josepli  S,  saloon. 

Hartley  &  Adatns  (John  .M  Bartley,Wm  D 
Adams),  saloon. 

Beaupre  Win,  onilist. 

Ikcker  Jacol)  A.  meat  market. 

Hooker  I'liilip,  Pro[>r  Hurley  Brew- 
ery, Ulh  ave.     {Sc  adc,  p  -^Sy.) 

Bernhard  Philip  II.  druggist. 

Belta  Louis, 'saloon. 

p  ,  The  Popular  |f 
iljl  Line  to  Ihe 


Illinois  m\m  1 1 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  from 






Bigler  Herman,  brewers'  afjent. 

Bisliul  Andrew  &  Co  (Andrew  Bistiul, 
Charles  Clement.^),  blucksrailhs. 

Blackburn  James,  justice. 

Boriia  Plaits,  saioou. 

Brill  &  LangJon  (Louis  Brill, Robert  Lang- 
don),  dry  goods. 

Brown  Georiie  J,  barber. 

Biirloii  Sioiise,  George  II  Hopper 
Mugr.     (&«  adv,  opp.) 

Busliwctl  Sophia  B,  physician. 

Calirorniii  V*'lii«  SJoiiso,  John  B 
Lauglois  Propr,  Silver. 

Carlson  &  Peterson  (.Magnus  Carlton,  An- 
ton Peterson),  ."ahjon. 

Catauio  Joseph,  confectioner. 

Charbnnneau  Emanuel,  machinist. 

Chittenden  Elmer,  painter. 

City  Hotel,  AVm  llanna  propr. 

Clegget  W  S,  barber. 

Core}'  Wm  C.  dentist. 

Crocker  Charles  F.  salnOD. 

Darrow  &  Lucia  (Wm  il  Darrow,  Wm 
Luciii),  grocers. 

Day  Frederick  D,  general  store. 

Dion  J  T,  physician. 

Douglas  Arthur,  mnu'r  W  U  Tel  Co. 

Downs  Jliss  L  N,  milliner. 

Doyer  1%  Cusino  (John  Doyer,  Patrick  Cu- 
sino),  saloon. 

Dull}  Prank,  baiber. 

Duff}-  Henry,  saloon. 

Evans  Albert  B,  photographer. 

Faddeu  Frank,  saloon. 

Fedler  &  Loftus  (John  C  Fedler,  Peter  J 
Loftus),  clothing. 

Finncgau  Thomas, prnpr  Lake  Slmrc  Hotel. 

First  National  Bank  ((capital,  ^j-jO.OOO), 
Joseph  Sellwood  I'res,  '\^'  A  Burt  cash. 

Fohrman  Hiss  Gertie,  milliner. 

Fow  Charlie,  laundry. 

Fontana  Anton,  saloon. 

Frtolo  Martin,  saloon. 

Gallagher  ct  Yande  (Edward  Gallagher, 
Adolph  Yande),  saloon. 

Germania  Iron  Jlining  Co  (capital, si, 000,- 
000).  E  A,  Haye.s  pres,  W  P  Lyon  jrser. 

Gogebic  Development  Co,  A  J  Trimble 
gonl  rangr,  iron  miners. 

Gogebic  Electric  Light  Co,  C  W  \VoellIen 

Gogeliic  Iron  Tribune,  Frank  B  Hand 

Gogebic  Telephone  and  Electric  Co  (capi- 
tal, $25,000),  A  J  Trimble  pres,  \S  B 
Roberts  sec. 

Gowdey  &  Ooodell  (David  C  C.owdey, 
Samuel  D  Goodell),  publrs  Montreal 
River  Miner. 

Guest  Janjes,  surveyor. 

Hand   Frank   B,  publr  Gogebic  Iron  Tri- 
Hanua  AVm,  propr  City  Hotel. 
Harking  George  Vv',  saloon. 
Harrington  C  C  T,  tailor. 
Harrison  Sarah,  dressmaker. 
Hedmnn  01c,  saloon. 
Heinemann  Bros  &  Co  (Nathan,  BenjamiD 

and     Solomon     Heinemann,     ReinhoiJ 

Paul),  general  store. 
Herchenbach  Frank,  saloon. 
Ileymau  Albert,  clothing. 
Higgins  Charles  J,  railroad  agent. 
Uir.'rchheimer  Henry,  clothing. 
Hobday  Wm  A,  physician. 
Hohmann  it  Voigt    (Wm    F    lIohmaHD, 

Louis  Voigt),  hardware. 
Holm  it  Swanson  (Xels  Holm.  Xels  Swan- 
son),  saloon. 
iSerppcr    tfiJeofKO  .  !S,   5Ini,'r    Burton 

House.     {Sty  ad'-,  unp.) 
Hotel  IJoyd,  Hans  ()  Sevenson  propr. 
lEiirlcy     l?rc\v<'ry,     Philip     Be_cker 

Propr,  0th  Rve.     (Si.e  atlv,  opp.) 
Hurley  Cornel  Band,  Moses  Copple  Idr. 
Hurley  Opera  House.  Jolin  P.  Means  mc^'r. 
Iron  S^.v«'!iuiixo  ESaiiU  (Capital,  .^^-.1.- 

000),  J  C  l{eyn(jld3  Pres,  W  S  Keynokh 

(Jash  (.State    Bank,    Incorporated    L'^t^ji, 

Jackson  Thomas  1',  painter. 
Jacobsou  Mrs  Clara,  jeweler. 
Johnson  Andrew,  saloon. 
Jolinson  it  Paulsou  (Samuel  Johnson,  Wu 

Paulson),  meat  market. 
Johnson  it  Sampson  (.Matt  Johnson,  John 

Sampson),  saloon. 
Jussen  it  Trier  (Benjamin  E  Jussen,  John 

II  Trier),  cigar  mnfrs. 
Kcenan  John  J,  saloon. 
Keilly  Thomas,  saloon. 
Kelly  Edward  II,  physician. 
Keon  Lizzie,  notiooM. 
KioiT   »i;:<i«iIor.v    <"<».  Tlioma=i  L  ICcir 

Propr,  Harness  .Mnfrs  and  Livery  Stable. 

cor  4th  ave  and  Copper. 
Kostelink  Jo.'-eph.  shoemaker. 
Kulurini  Fred,  confectioner. 
La  Clair  Charles  F. prnpr  Alcazar  Theater. 
Lake  Shore  Hotel. Tiiomas  FiuncL'an  propr. 
I>iiiiil>  Al'illai'd  \V,  Lantlscape  Photo- 

gruplitr.  .Silver. 
r,amhrix  Michael,  boilermaker. 
I>iiiiKl<>i<<   J<»lm    B,  Propr  California 

\Vine  House.  Sdver. 
Larkin  it  Murphy  (Thomas  Larkiu,    John 

.Alurphv),  Irirber-. 
Larson  Minnie,  dressmaker. 
Lee-Sing,  kiundry. 
Lefevre  Joseph  (.),  saloon. 

Cliicsgo  &  Giuiid  Tr[in'(  Ry.  Tii6/a™',it?,,P;Bi!.ts,£ 


Uiiii^'i  eioii        t  '.    SJlUv'a  2y4  AVEST  AVATIifi  ST.,  ?US  L  WAT  Jviit;,  IVliS. 



'>1V   a   ^ 


THOIIAS  BARBOn,  Proprietor. 

GEO.  H.  HOPPER,  Manager. 

PEL  tlE€Bi!;K,  I'ropr. 



Orders  by  Miiil  or  Ttl^-plione  Pi 
Atteudtd  to. 





>«a  f  S 

i^   ."^ 

BlOQ  ^'^11  «"^  '-"^"  'conn\3  jQi^n  neiiiiiar  Gun  Co., ''^n7:.r 

t.Uv«W    i^Ual  Outfits.  y        street,   .UlUvaukoo,   XVI'-^^ouMi!. 

Sfora  Enedas  UMb  lo  oi 

At  A  Sons',  4  l«  E.  TTalel 
St.,  east  sidi'  Slnvknt  Sq..  Mll.WAlKEE, 
WALL  PAPERS.   Tolephone  31b, 




LeuDoa  .Jolin  II,  iosurauce. 

Leuunii  1%  Lenuou  (Michnol  E  and  Patrick 

G),  lawyers, 
i.'jvantlaslii  "ilicbael  F,  lailor. 
l.t-'wis  Ciisper,  oirlonu. 
McConiiell  Hardware  Co,  IIiiljIi  Richards 

pres,  Ricliard  L  McG'iUDoll  .=cc. 
McDiilli'j  Howard  C,  furniture. 
rUcGetlrin  MicliHel  G,  propr  Trausit  Hotel. 
McHal.-  JIartin  C,  saloou. 
iMcKcuzie  Tlioiiias  t?,  agent  N  P  Exp  Co. 
McNeil  Dauiel  P,  saloon. 
McNeil     it    Buslinell     (Linton     McNeil, 

Thomas  H  Ciishuell).  lawycr.-i. 
JIaccaiu  firillo.  saloou. 
Jleaus    .John    li,     iiingr     Utirley    Opera 

3l!chati  John  F,  lailor. 
Miller  Charles,  saloon. 
Moliiio  ,loseph.  saloon. 



2.  BJosJlrcsil  Uiver  'iliiifr,  Oowdey  & 
i       Goodell  Publrs. 
?  Moore  Thomas,  restaurant. 
-   JInrris  Thomas,  hi','hivay3. 
=   ri^mrrK  «.V.  l«i!l(Thoina3  .\Lorris,  Kobert 
~.       .M  Gill).  Livery, Copper.  {Si:e  ado,  p  3S7 .) 
I   Mulliris  Patrick,  saloon. 

Miisiel  Peter.!,  carpenter. 
[  Niebuhr  Frederick,  bottler. 
K   (_)ate3  Nicholas,  saloon, 
g  Ojo  &   Hill  (.lobn  Ojo.  August  Hill),  sa- 
y       loon 

,  01-ou  &  Norene  (Otto   OUon,  Algol  No- 
S       renc),  saloon. 
■^  Orr  Frank  I),  dynamite. 
^  0.--ela   ifc   Piani'.itli   (.James   Ossela,  John 
i!^        Piaufalti),  saloou. 
\ii  <_)/'.>llo  .lames,  saloon. 
<  I'aeske  (;harlc9  E,  general  store. 
IS   PaesUe  Erne.<,t  C,  flour  and  feed. 
ij,  Pacske  Paul  H,  confectioner. 
O  I'aUtzUe   A-,   Thomas   (Ernest   C  Pautzkc, 
I       Grifliii  Tliomas),  b.arbers. 
Ptiice   it   Snider   Development    Co,  A    .1 

'IVimble  grill  inngr,  iron  luiuers. 
Periin  \\n\.  saloon. 
Perron  O  S  it  Co  (Godias  S  I'etron,  John 

Lalond).  saloon. 
Peterson   &   Forsct   (John    Peterson,    Ole 

Forsel).  saloon. 
Peterson  it  Swan;.on  (Gus  Petersoa,  Alfred 

t^wan^oa),  saloo.a. 
Potter  Wm  T,  general  store. 
Power  Hamnel  J.  ;iliysician. 
Pva-an    Uros   (.Michael    W   and    John    R), 

R:ippe  Charles  F,  cnrpenler. 
Peilpatli    it    Peveridgc   (James   Itedpalh, 

F  D  ]!everidL'i-'i.  .<:aloon. 
lieiblc  Celestin,  news  deale'r. 

IJiatacio  Douienico,  confecti-iner. 

Hichter  Charles  JI,  dentist. 

Kiuke  Julius,  carpenter. 

Ross  Robert  &  Son,  contractors. 

Uubat  .John,  saloon. 

Schoenlel'er  Christian,  grocer. 

Schweb  Charles,  blacksmith. 

Scott    it    Stafford  (George    Scott,    Frank 

Stafford),  saloon. 
Sevenson  Hans  O,  propr  n(jtel  Lloyd. 
vShumwav  Wm  J,  insurance. 
Sleight  it  Fo.-ter  (Richard  Sleight,  George 

C  I-'oster).  lawyers. 
Slender  Julius  A,  tailor. 
Smith  Lester  C,  physician. 
.Smith  it  Knowles  (Nellie  A  Smith.  Leunie 

Ki;owle>).  (lres;niakcrs. 
Snyder  Frederick  AV,  saloon. 
Souther  John  I.  a^sayer. 
Staver  C  F  it  Co  (Charles  F  Staver.  W  E 

Poylngton,  Vernon  P  Atwell),  liimiier. 
Sullivan  Jiros  (Pliilip  and  0\vcn).  saloon. 
Swanson  it  Jleckstrom  (Sainuel  Swansou, 

Henry  I'.eckstroni),  saloon. 
Thai  Mrs  Jetlc,  clotliing. 
Thomas   it   McCabe   (Austin    II    Thomas, 

M  F  :McCabe),  druggists 
Trau-il    Hotel,     .Allchael     G     McGcehan 

Turner  Henry  A.  physician. 
Ullman    J    it    Co    (.loseph,    Amelia   and 

D.miel  Ullman).  live  stock. 
Walter  Wm  it  liro  (Win.  and  Jacob),  meal 

Water  Works  Co,  J  C  Price  snpl. 
Wetzler  Jlax  it  IvJuis,  meat  market. 
Whitman  A  C  Co.  A   H  HoUisier  pres 

AVintman  sec,  druggists. 
Whitsou  Alc.vander,  saloon. 
Wilcov  Walter,  j'rwi-ler. 
Winslow  Wm,  jinvelr. 
Young  Franklin  M,  railroad  agent. 
Ziuda  Joseph,  saloon. 

HURON.  A  postoflire  on  tlio  Yellow 
river,  in  (yhippewi  county,  30  miles  from 
Chippewa  Falls,  the  judicial  seat  and 
neareil  banking  point,  anil  )d  from  Boyd, 
the  nearest  shipping  point.  Staae  weekly 
from  Boyd.  Population,  30.  ]\[ail,  semi- 
weekly.     1).  IP  MeElmurry,  postmaster. 

.llcl'.lir.urry   I>  IS  A:  \V  J,  :Mnfis  of 
Lumber, .Shingles,  Dimension  Stuff,  Etc. 


nUEPiTCANE.  In  Grant  county,  G 
miles  soiUhwe''t  of  r,ancaster,  the  county 
seat,  nearest  railroad  station  and  banking 
point.     I'opulation,  .50.     Mail,  triweekly. 

Duncan  it  Brinkman,  general  store. 

Uss  B  u  k  u^a  'ii  \i     a    \ 


151  ^vi:sr  w.v'v  sr.,  ^iilwai  IvEi:,  wis. 

!  Bid  Yoy  sea  Pe^s 





HUSTISFOriD.  A  villac-c  ia  Dodge 
countj',  0  miles  southeast  of  .luiiL-iui,  tije 
counly  seat,  and  6  suuthvrestof  Win.illaiKi, 
the  nearest  railroad  statiun.  Watertown 
is  the  uearest  banking  point.  Kocl;  river 
famishes  power  utihzed  by  liouria^  mills. 
Stages  daily  to  Woodland.  P.ipulalioa, 
.JOO.  Mail,  daily.  P.  H.  -Malthcs,  post- 

Boling  Uobert,  jeweler. 

Branier  Henry,  harness. 

Brens'.rke  August,  -n-jgonmaker. 

Dehne  F,  sav?  mill. 

Dehne  \Vm,  Hour  mill, 

Dornfeld  E.  cheese  mnfr. 

Gruuiuen  K  V,  cliecse  mnfr. 

Guetcliow  Carl,  iiainoss. 

Huslisford  House,  Henry  Nienow  propr. 

Karracli  Otto,  blacksmith. 

Kellcnbenz  George,  meats  and  caUle  dlr. 

-Koch  John  F,  D'lur  mill. 

Koehler  IJev  I'h  (German  Lutlitran). 

Kuntz  Jfenrj',  wngonmaker. 

Leitzke  Bros,  cem-ral  store. 

::f!al(!ii-!<  r  &  €o,  General  Store. 

Mechelkc  E,  wheel  mnfr. 

Mertens  F,  contrafl/ir  and  l)uilder. 

iS'eider  "\Vm  H,  jiislire. 

NeuniHUli   Gu-tav,  barber. 

Nienow  Henry,  propr  Ilustisfurd  House. 

Pflanlz  H,  meats  anil  catlle  d'jaler. 

Plasiemaii  II,  physician. 

Kaiilutl  \Vm,  ch  thini:. 

KhiuU-II    A;    Triji-sU-H,    Farm    :vla- 

chinery  and  Wind-Mills. 
Bex  H-jnry,  druggist. 
Kueseler  August,  liardwnre. 
Boethke  Aug\ist,  shoemaker. 
Sehniidl  F,  meals  aud  cattle  dealer. 
Schmidt  Thco  J,  blacksmith. 
Schullz  Fred,  stone  mason. 
Seifcrt  Ludwig,  contractor  aud  builder. 
Stilz  V/m,  ju<tice. 
S^teinborn  F,  furniture. 
Vonelev  it  Hlnm-nl)erg,  blacksmiths. 
Zilisfh   F-;   2',  Genefal  Store. 
Z'li'--ch  i:  O.  hardware. 
Zillseh  F,  furnitiue. 
Zwicky  Johu.  cheese  mnfr. 

nUTCniNS.  A  couutiy  postofllce 
in  Sha\v;inii  countv,  40  miles  northwest  of 
Shawano,  the  county  scu,  12  noitheast  of 
Biruamwood,  the  nearest  shipping  point, 
aud  IS  fioni  Antigo,  tic  nearest'banking 
l"'i"t.  ..Mail,  semi-weekly.  Populalii>u, 
'0.     Frank  Wood,  postmaster. 

Cottle,  physician. 

JIalton  .\Infg  Co,  hotel,  saw  uiiil  auc 

eral  store. 
Peterson  Peter,  constable. 
Sbernick  .To.^eph,  Justice. 
Woo<l  Frank,  General  Store. 

HUTCHINS'OI'3'.     Marathon  county 
JSaitic  chmigtd  to  JJunci/. 

HYDE'S  MILLS.  A  village  on  Mill 
creek,  in  Bidgeway  township,  Iowa  coun- 
ty, 14  miles  northeast  of  Dodgeville,  the 
county  seat,  and  0  from  Arena,  the  u?ual 
banking  ;ind  shipping  point.  Stages  tri- 
weekly to  Arena,  i'opulalion,  lUl).  Mail, 
tri-weekly.  lijrlha  A.  Pinfold,  postmas- 

Collins  I{,  carpenter. 
Fee  Ole,  shoemaker, 
.loncs  Thomas  .1,   blacksmith. 
E'iiifold  r.JiTt'ia  A,  .Milliner. 
Pinfold  F  J,  i;eueral  store. 
IJeese  ,Iohn.  il  ,ur  and  feed  mill, 
lioberts  Frank.  sti,ck  buyer. 
Howe  Kev  (Congregational), 
lluggles  -Mrs,  music  teacher. 

INDEPENDENCE.  A  thrivin- in- 
corporali-d  village  on  the  G.  1!.,  W.  i".:  St. 
P.  U.  It.,  in  l>iirn^ide  townsliip,  'i'renipea 
lean  county,  G  miles  southwest  of  While 
lull,  the  county  seat,  and  b  uorlheu^t  of 
Arcadia,  the  nearest  banking  point.  It 
contains  2  water  power  tlourini;  nulls,  a 
brick  yard,  Presbyterian,  Catholic  and 
Norwegian  Lutheran  churches,  a  good 
public  school,  u  library,  and  two  -weekly 
newspapers,  the  ImlcperuUnLS  Xora  (Ind.) 
and  the  tl'dci' (Piohib)  ;  both  are  ably  edit- 
ed papers  and  enjoy  a  good  circulation. 
The  village  lia.3  an  ellicicnt  ami  well 
equipped  vulunleer  tiro  departnu-nt. 
AValer  works,  and  recently  a  Catholic 
school,  have  been  built.  Wheat,  barley, 
hay  and  live  st^ick  are  shipped.  Stages 
serai-weeklj'  to  Gilmantown.  Population, 
500.  Tel.,  W.  U.  B.\p.,  U.  S.  Mrs. 
David  Garlick,  postmaster. 

Bfibynski  Kev  (Catholic). 

Boutcli  Albeit,  farm  impts. 

Bramwell  Thomas. I,  confectioner. 

Brethauer  Birt,  jeweler. 

Broadfoot  Alexander,  physician. 

Cilley  1)  C,  sorshum  mill. 

Cooke  Samuel  P,  blacksmith. 

Coy  K  S,  nt'.-at  market. 

Danu^er  A  Liver    (Leonard    E    Danuser, 

Anton  V^  Liven,  hardware. 
Elslad  Bros  (.Juliu  and  Maih),  saloon. 

Cfeap,  yilway^e  &  St,  Paul  (l},;-:.'::;: '/lest  and  floith';;esl 




f^«,      MILWAUKEE.  Only  S'.ore  in  Wisconsir 

ia^/OUf  BillyyiJS'  t'Osj  connected  wiih  GOODYEAR  Rubber  Co. 





Garlick  Jlrs  David,  postmaster. 
Garlick  Miss  Dora.  dressinaUer. 
Gartbus  Amuud,  general  store. 
Getts  II  E  it  Co  i,Uenry  E  Gelts),  general 

Grau  Erail,  broommaker,  3  miles  w. 
Hanson  Henry,  f;eneral  store. 
HufF  ^Irs  ilaiiDiili,  restaurant. 
Independence    Ilay  Co  (.John  Sprecher,  !N 

I)  Conistock,  Thomas  Thompson). 
Independence  Library  A^^D. 
lil<li-{>cii<!cticc  !\ie\v«,    O   A   Mark- 
ham     Editor,     Markham    &     Simpson 

Prciprs.     (>Vi:  aih-,  li,l'»r.) 
Independence  Water  AVorks.  F  E  Sbappce 

International     House,     George     L    Liutz 

Jewett  J  P  A;  Son  (.Joseph   I'  and   Harry\ 

Kidder  Jesse,  stone  cjunrry. 
Larson  &  Hnff  (Simon  Larson,  Ole  Huff), 

Liniz  GcoriieL,  propr  International  House. 
Lockway  Michael,  grain. 
Markhanr  Gcori^e  II,  cattle  breeder. 
Markham's  Hall,  V/  E  Mnikham  propr. 
JIarkham  U'm  E,  re-iauranl. 
IflarliluiEii    &,    Siiispsoti    (Geor'.'e   A 

Maikliam,  Clnvrles  G   Simp5(jn'),  Proprs 

Independence    IS'cws    and    The    Wave. 

{See  ndi).  hrhur.) 
Mj  cr.H  S  i^a  A:  I'o  (Silas  M  ^^lyers),  Flour 

Mill.      (.'-W- »</)',  bilo^r.) 
Pratt  .James,  live  stock. 

I    Reed  James  H,  grocer, 

!   Pumpcl's  Hall,  Nicholas  Rumi)e!  propr. 

I    Rumpel  Nicholas,  saloon. 

I    Runkel  .Tolin  W,  furniture. 

Scholz  Mrs  Susan,  variety  store. 

Sbappee  F  E,  railroad  and  exp  agt. 
I   Sbappee  Mrs  F"E,  millmer. 

Short  Charles,  harness. 
I   §j)rcf!ier   Jiolni,    Grain,    Paled    Hay. 
Farm  Implements,  Lumber  and  Piivatc 

Sprecher     &     Schaefer    (.John    Sprecher,. 
Henry  Schaefer),  lumber. 

Taylor  James  C,  ilruftuiit  and  justice. 

Thompson  Thomas,  general  store. 

Toreson  Roberl,  barber. 

Torgerson  Chris,  saloon. 

Tubbs  Mrs  Belle,  mi  liner. 
i   Tubbs  Fraid;,  hrirsc  dealer. 
j    Wave    The,    G    A   .^larkhr.m    Editor. 
Markham  k,  Simpson  Proprs.     {S--c  adv, 
\        bfhu.) 
I   Wickbam  Andrew  T,  stone  quarry. 

I  INDIAN"  FORD.  A  village  on  Rock 
j  river,  in  Rock  count)',  lu  miles  northwest 
I  of  Jancsville,  the  county  seat,  and  2-  south 
of  E<lgertou,  the  nearest  railroad  station 
and  b.mking  poin(.  Fopulaliou,  'I'lO: 
Stages  to  Eilgciton  and  EvausviUe;  fares, 
10  cents  and  $1  icspectively.  Mail,  daily. 
George  Lackncr,  postmaster. 

Call  John  C,  wagonm.iker. 
Ca-son  T  P.,  Hour  !0;d  feed  mill. 

S.       1^^.       lv£ 


Flour,  Feed,  Bran,  Shoris,  Corn  niea!.  Graham,  Etc. 

ixi>8:pi:.\s>r;:^'CK,  wiscor<sii>;. 


I'iiIiUkIicU  ICvorv    I'liiii 

TERMS,    $1.50    PER    YEAR. 

Write  for  Adv.rlisir.-  K^itrs. 
It  is  In.l.-p.-i)«I..nt   iu  Politics  &u,\  A.|v,i,-al.'S 
Ri-diK-Ii.ui  ill  Ti  i-ilT. 

(5-niTal  niMi  I....-...I  N'-ns. 

(imi  of   til.-    l;>.,v    Advertising   ML.diiinis  iu   th 

H.\K  .lO'l   OITUT  IX  lO.N.NtCTlO.N. 
r.vo.  A.  Mu  KiMM,  l:.;il,r. 

MARKHAM   &    SIMPSON,  Proprs. 

OITicial   I'aper  for  tlie  Probit)ition   Party  of 
the  I'JiKhlh  tJongressioiia!  IMstriet. 

OIIR.CTTXj.^mOl-T,  3,000. 

Publisliod  S.iturday  Jloruings. 

TTBEM*;,  SI. 00  r'sin  vcm. 

Fine  AJvirtisin^'  M..>Jium. 

fii:M;i{.vi,  J<H5  niid  isooii  avouk. 

Write  for  Advertising  Terms. 

r;.  A.  M.1KK1HM.  Editor. 

MARKHAM    &   SIMPSON,   Proprs. 

Phin^Tn  A    RranH  Trim!/  P-   Palace  and  Dining  Cars, 

blliCdp     dl      bidflQ      lilllltv     hjl  ON    ALL   TKROUCM    ^UMnS. 

TIniif  Vn-'' !  !f-i  JnoiM-inPo  Pn  <'asli  Assets,  SllO.COO.OOO.  i  ?<ortli-ivo8terii  Ilranc!- 
ii6\/  luiA  LiiU  !:ibiildl!LU  1)1!.,  (,  -  lO.OyO.noo.i  office,  4!G  !viil«aiili.oo 
St..  .-'IIL,1VAi;iii:i:,  liJS.    W.  S.  CA:»r>EE,  state  Agent.    WALKLl!  BVCKSEIi,  Gcn'l  ilnnat'or. 





■f^iioiiiicr  <jieor;jt'.  General  Store. 
Itouers  Edward,  blacksmith. 

INGRAM.  Oa  the  M.,  St.  P.  &  S. 
Ste.  M.  Ky.  in  Cliippewa  county,  5i)  miles 
northeast  of  Chippewa  Falls,  tlie  judicial 
seat,  and  35  from  Phillips,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Exp.,  Am.  Popuhilion, 
75.     Jhiii,  dail)-. 

•GignOQ  L.  saloon. 
JCevin  A  W,  faloon. 

INLET.  In  St.  Croiv  county,  30  miles 
northeast  of  Hudson,  the  county  seat,  ;ii 
south  of  Clear  Lake,  the  nearest  railroad 
station,  and  18  northeast  of  New  Rich- 
mond, the  nearest  bankini;  point.  Stages 
semi-wickly  to  Kmerahl  ami  Clear  Lake. 
Population,  50.  Mail,  semiwcekly.  E. 
Kingman,  postmaster. 

Abbertson  John,  blacksmith. 
•Gray  J  P,  carpenter. 
Harmon  F  li.  jiislice. 
^iiii^lti  E  X,  Stage  Lino. 
Means  L.  jnslice, 
.Miller  A,  carpenter 

INTERWALD.  The  postolli.-e  for  a 
farming  community,  in  Taylor  C(juut_v,  IG 
miles  uortheast  of  .Metlford,  the  county 
seat,  and  1-1  from  Chehea,  the  nearest  rail- 
road station.  Mail,  weekly.  Henry  Voss, 
postmaster  and  farmer. 

lOLA.  A  post  village  in  AVaupaca 
county,  13  miles  northwest  of  Waupaca, 
the  county  seat,  and  4  north  of  Scandina- 
via, the  nearest  railroad  station.  Waupaca 
is  Ih'j  nearest  b.inking  point.  Population, 
300.  ^Mail,  daily.  J.  U.  Johusou,  post- 

Andrews  F  C,  t)arl>er. 
Anson  Han-y,  hotel. 
Dale  I)r  George,  drugs. 
Frogner  Bro.s.  wagonmakers. 
Gundersoi)  V  C,  .shoemaker. 
Hagcn  C  E    shoemaktr. 
Helgeson  II  P,  dentist. 
Hoyard  O  P.  general  store. 
Himu  .1  C'.  general  store. 
Hiinn  O  k  Co,  ger.cral  store. 
Joliii<i(Mi  .1  C, General  Store  and  Drugs. 
Nelsun  it  .Morrison,  cheesemakers. 
^<'o^l)y  Hans    pump-s. 
I'arks  \\  m  H,  jihotographer. 
Unljinson  Uev  James  (.Methodist). 
'  rnvTir  liros,  meal  market. 
TsylcT  K  B.  liverv.- 

Thompson  Thomas,  general  store. 
Torbensou  C,  general  store. 
WciilliSiiUil   -■%,  Furniture  and  Under- 
Wipf  .1  &  Co,  saw  and  Hour  mill. 
AVrolstad  John  O,  saw  mill. 

IPSWICH.  On  the  C.  &  N.  W.  Ry, 
in  La  Fayette  county,  CO  miles  west  of 
Darlington,  the  judicial  seal,  and  -1  from 
Plattcville,  the  nearest  bank  location. 
Esp.,  Am.     Tel.,W.  U.     Poiiulatiou,  25. 

IRMA.  Formerly  called  .Marietta,  is 
on  the  C,  M.  &  Si.  I'.  Ry,  in  Lincoln 
county,  13  miles  from  Merrill,  the  scat  of 
justice  and  banking  jioint.  Tel.,  \V .  U. 
Exp.,  Ara._  Population,  100.  S.  C. 
Stewart,  postmaster. 

Brotz  Theodore,  .saloon. 

Kennedy  B,  saw  mill. 

Jlunro  II  B,  saw  mill. 

SltiWJirl    IS  i;.  Railroad,   E.xpress    and 

Telegraph  Agent. 
Sullivan  it  Co,  general  store. 
Tronil.)ley  Louis,  blacksmith. 

IRONBELT.  On  the  W.  C.  div.  N. 
P.  R.  II.,  in  Ashland  county,  4i.)  mdes 
southwest  of  Ashland,  the  judicial  seat. 
PopuhUiou,  400.  E.'cp.,  N.  P.  C.  S. 
Wr.ay,  postmaster. 

Barker  Nat,  carpenter. 

Edgar  Thomas,  constable. 

Green  11,  cli  rk. 

Iron  Belt  Minintr  Co. 

.facksou  J  C,  general  store. 

Logan  House,  Frank  I^OL'.in  propr. 

jMcViciiie  I),  supt  Iron  Belt  Jlinmg  Co. 

Miller  C  \y,  physician. 

Savage  Patrick,  saloou. 

Shea  1)  E.  justice. 

Wriiy  C  S,  Cashier  Irou  Bilt  Alining  Co. 

IRON  MOUNTAIN.  On  the  C, 
M.  &  St.  P.  Ry,  in  ilubbird  township. 
Dodge  county,  9  miles  northeast  of  Ju- 
neau, tlie  county  seat,  and  5  south  of 
Mayville,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  in  winter  to  JIayville;  fare,  .'50 
cents.     Population,  73.     JIail,  daily. 

JIoo  33r«i  F.  II,  General  Store. 
"Winters  Metallic  Paint  Co. 

IRON  RIDGE.  A  villaire  on  tlie  C, 
M.  &.  St.  P.  Ry,  in  Hublunl  township. 
Dodge  county,  47  miles  northwest  of  Mil- 
waukee, and  19  cast  of  Juneau,  the  county 

iiiiiis  mm  I  i 

>hort  and  Direct 
Route  from 



jrs,  [Pork   and    Beef   Packers, 


















seat.  Mayville,  7  miles  il.istaut,  is  ihe 
nearest  banking  poiut.  Population.  200. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  i-xp.,  Am.  II.  Fleinming, 

Beiends  Peter,  farm  impt.'J. 
Brandt  Ilfrman.  wa:;onmaker. 
I'lennnUiji;  SScriniiii,  Creamery    end 

General  Store. 
Gatdeke  Ferdinand,  carpenter. 
GlueESer  Kd,  leleiiri.pU  agent. 
Gottsleben  F  E.  railroad  and  cxp  agent. 
Holder  Gottfried,  boots  and  shoes. 
.Tahr  Ernest,  livestock. 
Kloeckner  Jacob,  saloon. 
Otto  Jacob,  harnessmaker. 
Peacock  Jl  B  U,  grain  elevator. 
Heiulie  llerm':n,  tailor. 
Hobeits  D  r>I,  grain  elevator. 
Roberts  It  W,  notary  public. 
Ilodlin  Frank,  blacksmilli. 
Pdblinger  1',  ireneral  store. 
Koliliutjer  P  I),  hotel  and  farm  impts. 
SliiCHsor  C!!ri>itia!i,  Hardware. 
Voelkncr  Ferdinand,  hotel. 

IRON  RIVER.     A  poslollire   on   the 

B    N.  P.    and  the  D.,  S.  S.  &  A.  li.  K.'s.   in 

""^    Baj  field  county,  IS  miles  from   BaUleld, 

Othe  judicial  seal.     Pop\!lation,  ;'0.     Kxp., 
N.  1'.     Tel.,  \V.  U.     Francis  Lore,  pest- 
■P"   master. 

%^  Brookint;  W  H,  railro.".d,  cxp  and   tel  agt. 

p^g  I>orc  E^rssiili,  Boarding 

li  IVltingiU  G  L,  general  store. 

''■^  Pettiugill  J  A,  restaurant. 



IRONTON.  A  villa-re  on  tho  Little 
tliaraboo  river,  in  Ironton  tnwn'ihio,  .^.luk 
county,  21  miles  uoitliwest  of  I!arabi>o, 
till!  county  seat,  and  2.V  .'oulli  (if  Lav;d!e. 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  ami  7  from 
Ilecdiburgh,  the  nearest  bankiiia;  point. 
Stages  daily  to  Lavallc;  fare,  Or>  cents. 
Population,  ;.'.00.  -Mail,  daily.  E.  lilakes- 
lee,  postmaster. 

Andrews  S-aniuel,  boots  and  shoes. 

Anilrews  iV  Cc,  general  store. 

Bakntine  \Vm,  ma^oii. 

Bie'iOn  Jiihii  L.  saw  mill. 

E£liik<'.»!oe  i'^  A;  N'  U,  General  Htore. 

Blauchaid  iirin  C,  furniture. 

Blanchard  \V  II,  harness. 

Biiudy  J,  livery. 

Casy  .Mrs  John,  milliner. 

Crook  Peter,  hardware. 

Dennett  Alonzo,  jihysician. 

Fitzgerald  James  li,  druirgist.  ,  -  .      - 

Flrzgerafd  iirs  J,"  pr'opVlronton  House. 

Cliicago  S  Gfafid  ]mi  iij, 

Gray  L  G,  apiarist. 

Iron    ^Mountain    C>re    and     Furnace     Co, 

Francis  Burne  mngr. 
Ironton  Flour  Mill. 

Ironton  House, Mrs  John  Fitzgerald  propr, 
Loughney  Wm,  blacksmith. 
Macy  Thomas  J,  builder. 
JIalhews  "SYm  6c  Sou,  g(  neral  store. 
Osborn  John,  meat  market. 
Pickering  Ozrn,  carpenter. 
Sf  John  t'hsirlc^.  livery. 
Siuiih  J  ^\',  coiiilable. 
Steele  Rev  John  (.Melliodi-st). 
Sutton  &  Houzlik,  dressmakers. 
Thornton  Richard,  carpenter. 

IRONWOOD.  On  lied  Cedar  river, 
iu  Barron  county,  2.0  miles  northeast  of 
Barron,  the  judicial  seat,  and  9  northeast 
of  Rice  Lake,  on  the  C,  St.  P.  ,M.  .V  O. 
Ky  ,  the  nearest  shipping  and  banking 
point.  Semi-weekly  mail  st.igc  to  Rice 
Lake.  Population,  200.  Joseph  Lov-e- 
land,  postmaster. 

I>ovf!iliid  Jo'ie!>!i,  General 
Signor  Heuiy  >t,  guide. 

IRVING.  A  village  on  Black  river, 
in  Jack.^ou  county,  9  miles  foulhwest  of 
Black  River  Falls,  the  judicial  seal,  near- 
est banking  and  shipping  point.  ,Mai', 
tri-wei-kly.     Andrew  Davis,  postmaster. 

Bultom  Myron,  hf>tel. 
Davis  M  10,  druL'.Tist. 
Hale  Crter,<]:-inilh. 
Joiio>.  Ci  C",  General  Store. 
Kuaes  Sebastian,  general  store. 

ITHACA.  On  Willow  creek,  in  Rich- 
land county,  7  miles  ea:t  of  Richland  Cen- 
tre, the  judicial  seat  and  nearest  banking 
I'oint,  and  5  from  Twin  BluU's,  the  nearest 
shipping  point.  Daily  stages  to  Richland 
Centre  and  Cszenovia.  Population,  UO. 
Mail,  dailj'.     C.  W.  Davis,  postmaster. 

Benbow  B,  cooper. 

l>aiis  V  \V,  General  Store  and  Cream- 
Freeborn,  Son  &  Co,  nursery  and  apiary. 
Hatch  C  A,  apiarist, 
Jaquist  John,  hotel. 
Kollman  F  B,   tlnur  mill. 
Powers  A  J.  sheep  breeder. 
Shaw  J  R,  justice. 
Spickard  J  S  it  Son,  general  store. 
Spyker  II  II,  black-srallh.  -       "    '" 

Statser  John,  carpenter. 

Palace  and  Dinino-  Cars 

ON    AJ.L   THROUGH    TnAlfJS. 

RCl!l5CjC;lUlb.    SKAT  I!(l(K>.l;s,  V.I.KVAT01!>  of  all  kiD.N.  I'lMli-S,  lil:KlV!;UV  .':a(  :=:>F,;tv, 
TilXDlXJ  JACKS,  llOISllNCi    ;U1!1.M.UV,  tic.     6Ii-.il4  CO.'JllEnCt:  STl.KbT,  Sll.UAl  KhK,  ^ViS. 




IVES'  GHOVB.  lu  liiciDu  count}', 
10  miles  wt St  of  R;icine,  tlip  judicial  seat 
and  banking  point,  and  i  from  Franksvillo, 
tlie  nearest  railroad  stalion.  Population, 
40.  Mail,  iri-weekly.  James  F.  Green, 

Grccti  J^aiiies  F,  General  Store. 
Hansen  Jcljn,  blacksmith. 
Jones  Thomas,  mason. 
Lugg  James,  carpenter. 

IXONIA.  A  vill-:ge  on  the  C  .  M.  & 
St.  P.  Ky,  in  Jefferson  county,  -0  miles 
nortlica?t  of  Jtirtrfon,  the  county  scat, 
and  7  southeast  of  Watertown,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Population,  ."0.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  T.  Winger,  post- 

Bulib  George,  saloon. 

Hoft  \\'m,  phoemakor. 

Humj'hrcy  II  K, railroad  exp  agt  and  grain. 

Kleclikc  A,  shoemak'cr. 

McCrede  R  G,  creamery. 

Owen  J  E,  justice. 

Paul/.  Carl,  general  store. 

Sour  Alljeit,  wagonmiiker. 

WiEijrtr  Tlicculort',  General  Store. 

JACKSON.  Formerly  Kiceville,  on 
the  (J.  Sl  X.  \V.  Waj-Liington  county, 
7  miles  from  We?t  Bend,  t!ie  jiiiiicial  seat 
and  banking  point.  Population,  200. 
Tel.,  W.  v:  K.'sp,  Am.  Win.  II.  Froeb- 
lich,  postmaster. 

Blank  Henry,  physician. 

Euders  Nicolaus,  railroad,  exp  and  tcl  agt. 

Frank  Ghailcs,  harnes'^niaUer. 

Frank  Sanmel  jr,  blacksmith. 

Frank  it  FrucMich,  gen  store  and  grain. 

Fro«'lilicI«  X'ir.x  S3,.runice. 

Greve  Wm,  l)]acl. smith. 

Gumni  Peter,  Iuml)er. 

Held  Adam,  meat  market. 

Ilogc  ()  F  it  Co,  general  etore. 

Klundi  it  Mariiu.  dressmakers. 

Leich  I!tv  F  P  (Heformed). 

Mayer  it  Scljoenbeelt,  carp.'nters. 

Plieil  John,  sfwii'g  macliines. 

Proehnow  Fred,  sljoemal<i>r. 

Holhenmeier  Frederic!;,  flour  mill. 

Schoenbeck  F.  feed  and  planing  mill. 

SflioeiiljcfU  Ai  rrnnlt.  Li  dertakers. 

Schuenemann  .Mbcrt.  farm  impts. 

Zicgler  Peter,  taloou 

JACESONPOKT.  On  Lake  Michi- 
gan, m  J>oor  couniy,  17  miles  nortbe.'ist  of 
Sturgeon  Bay,  the  judicial  seat  and  icirest 

banking  poin'.  Stage  daily  to  Sturgeon 
Bay;  fare,  75  cents.  Populalion,  200. 
Mail,  daily.  Charles  Keynolds,  postnias- 

Bftgnall  J  T,  farmer. 
Bley  John,  live  slock. 
Brabazon  "\V  U,  jiistice, 
Dionne  A,  propr  ^\'i'(■onsin  House. 
Eureka  House,  L  H  Erskiue  prf  pr. 
Halstead  Ale.x,  live  stock, 
llugenrotb  Rev  B  (Catholic). 
Jones  Jared  A,  fish. 
Krock  J  C,  carpenter. 
I.e  .Mere  Joseph,  grocer  and  fish. 
MesseUiTcr  &  Welter,  blacksmith. 
Hi-jiic!«S^  tifaric*.  Red  Estate,  Gen- 
eral Store  and  Ties. 
Smith  Joseph,  poles  and  ties. 
Wisconsin  House,  A  Dionne  propr. 

JAMESTOWK.  In  Grant  county,  Qr, 
miles  southeast  of  l>ancaster,  the  judicial 
seat,  and  llj  from  I)ubui|uc.  la.  I'opula- 
liou,  .jO.  Mail,  daily.  E.  I).  Peake,  post- 

Bramlt  A.  J,  lead  miner. 

Burns  Ed,  builder. 

Burns  E  I'.,  lawyer. 

Clalvert  .Joseph,  'hreshing  machines. 

Fo'ts  F.  R,  insurance. 

Fobs  H  13,  horlicullurist. 

Haraes  Jacob,  wagonraaker. 

Koeple  B,  hotel. 

Lange  Joseph,  blacksmith. 

Liebling  Chiis,  saloon  and  liotel. 

Lystcr  Albert,  constable. 

May  C,  lead  miner. 

i*cak<'  10  6>,  .Vpiarist  and  Justice. 

Reiftleck  Louis,  general  store. 

Simon  C,  threshing  machine. 

Simon  Mrs  L,  hotel. 

JANBSVILLE.  Locateii  neatly  in 
the  geographical  center  of  Rock  cotiniy. 
First  settled  in  1S3.'),  and  incorporated  in 
IS.'i.S,  and  was  made  the  seat  of  justice  of 
Rock  county  in  ]8;]9.  It  is  91  miles  north-' 
west  of  Chicago  and  71  southwest  of  .Mil- 
waukee. Janesvide  is  on  the  rn.Hin  line  of 
the  Chicago  it  Northwestern  Railway  to 
St.  Paul,  and  is  the  end.  (,i  a  division  on 
that  road  which  also  has  its  michiue  shops 
located  at  this  point.  Janesville  is  also  on 
the  Mineral  Point  division  of  the  Chicsgo, 
Milwaukee  it  St.  Paul  Railway.  Tlie  ship- 
ping facilities  are  among  the  test  in  the 
State,  a  system  of  side  tracks  being  laid 
4<')-t,he  door  of  nc^nly  every  manufa<.'tiiiing- 
establishment.     The  city  is  provideil  nith 



■J  ninl  II   rosM-tli    St.,  t-oiKl  .III   I,ao,  \VI». 
{'lnci>  i.>  Etiiy  I  ;t.  nnii;u  s!:-rs,  s-i  wot;. 

<>lt'.^.V.\:s      .^.>! 



■"/r'^Q  Jlanufaotured    > 
ir-^tUi  i$  by  l> 

Aschermann  I 






fine  vfater  power  afforded  by  Rock  river 
which  flows  diagoiidlly  ;;crtis5  t'le  citj'. 
The  buildings  of  llio  city  are  mostly  brick 
and  are  solid  aud  handsome  structures.  A. 
first-class  sj'stem  of  water  works,  and  an 
efficient  fire  department  are  amjile  security 
against  fires.  The  city  has  gas  and  elec- 
tric light  works,  street  car  lines,  fire  alarm 
telegraph,  a  ivalitarj'  organization,  a  G.  A. 
R.  post  and  numerous  secret  aud  beuevo- 
lent  associations.  Prominent  among  its 
benevolent  institutiuus  is  the  city  hospital, 
attended  by  all  the  pUysicinns  in  the  city. 
Janesville  will  compare  favorably  with 
othsr  cities  of  like  population  in  the  num- 
ber, variety  and  quality  of  its  places  of  re- 
ligious worship.  It  has  1-  church  edi- 
fices, owned  and  occupied  by  the  vari- 
ous christian  denominations.  It  has  a  free 
public  library  containing  over  -3, 000  vol- 
umes. It  has  seven  public  schools,  a 
Catholic  school  (St.  josej'h's  Convent) 
and  a  Germaa  Lutheran  school.  To- 
bacco raising,  now  one  of  the  leading 
Industries  of  Rock  county,  is  of  iuimense 
value  to  the  city,  and  has  given  rise  to  llie 
establishiueut  of  numerous  wholesale  and 
jobbing  houses  in  leaf  tobacco.  Importing 
and  breeding  of  draft  and  coach  horses  is 
also  ore  of  the  features  of  Ihe  city,  lliere 
being  several  firms  engaged  in  this  busi- 
ness. The  manufacturts,  wlncli  are  e.\- 
Icusive,  comprise  tiie  .Taucsvillo  (.'otlon 
Mills,  employiug  over  -100  hands,  woolen 
mills,  Several  Hour  and  feed  mills,  agricul- 
tural implement  works,  furniture  fac- 
tories, knitting  works,  3  planing  mills,  2 
eoap  factories,  4  breweries,  several  car- 
riage and  wagon  works,  cigar,  lumber  and 
bn.K  factories,  machine  shofis,  a  ferlili/.er 
factory,  3  shoe  factories,  a  blank  book 
manufactory  and  many  more,  too  numer- 
ous to  racntnin.  Tiie  adj-ieeiit  prairie 
land,  which  is  extremely  fertile,  is  valued 
at  from  if.'jO  to  $100  piT  ,aere.  The  city 
contains  3  baidcs,  a  Turkish  bath  house 
and  several  public  hi.Ils.  'I'h,;  pre^a  is 
represented  by  the  Gazcitr.  and  the  /,'.  .•  .rf?.  c 
(daily  and  weekly),  the  si-jiud,  the  Journal 
and  the  7^4((cc.' ic.»_/' (weekly l.  ./auesville 
has  in  fact  all  tlieatlraclicns.  bustle  aud 
activity  of  larger  aud  more  iireli-nlious 
cities,  while  ils  uianufacturing  interest 
discount  those  of  cities  several  times  its 
size.  Stnges  daily  to  Rock  Prairie,  .Johns- 
town, Richmond,  Emerald  Grove  and 
FahfijUl.  'JVlephoue  connections  with 
surrounding  piinls  au^l  wi!h  Cliicago  and 
Milwaukee.  A.osesscd  valuatif.u  of  real 
and  personal  properly,  .^l.Kjl.lO:!      Road- 

ed  indebtedness,  $12,000.  Exp.,  Am., 
Adams,  aud  Wells,  Fargo  &  Co.  Te!  ' 
W.  V.  Population,  12.000.  Charles  e! 
Bowles,  postmaster. 

Abeudroih  .John,  shoemaker,  451  Western. 

Acheson  T  L,  city  marshal. 

Ad^ims  Express  Co,  S  E  Neighbors  agent, 
59  E  Jlilwaukee. 

Addy  -Airs  Ellen,  bleacher,  54  N  Franklia. 

Adier  ilalcom  L,  dry  goods,  27  W  ililwau 

American  E.xpress  Co,  C  P  McLean  agent, 
lOS  V,'  Milwaukee. 

American  House,  Mrs  E  llofmeistcr  propr, 
U3E  Milwaukee. 

Anderson  .lolm  S,  real  estate,  over  First 
National  Bank. 

Audersou's  String  Baud,  George  II  Ander- 
son leader. 

Anderson  &  Mosher  (Thompson  J  Ander- 
son, Eu.geue  iilosher),  barbers,  12  N 

Anderson  &  PowelU'Iohr.  S  Anderson,  Ed 
C  Powell),  real  estate,  over  First  ^'a- 
tional  Rank. 

Augell  I'lUsseil  R,  machine  shot),  203  S 

Asheraft  Harry  II,  b.irber,  109}  W  Mil- 

Ashcraft  Wm  II,  furnituio.  50  W  Milwau- 

Associated  Ciiaritie-,  WO  Pidrnerse:-,  nw 
cor  ilihvaukee  and  ."Main. 

Baack  F  H  A;  Co  (Prnnk  II  Baack,  A  C 
MeKinstry),  clolhinL',  22  \V  Milwaukee. 

liaboock  George  ('.  idie-rilT. 

Jiadger  State  House,  U  E  Sjuith  pr(jpr,  13 
N  Academy. 

Uaiify  Chester.  Jlnfr  Cotton  Batting, 
Twiue  and  Bags,  cor  X  River  a'nl  R'lce. 

Baines,  Ileddles"  &  Co  (Frank  S  Baincs, 
Sluavl  R  Heddles).  leaf  tobacco,  G2  N 

BJitkor  .\Ivhi  ,1,  Insurance,  Loans  and 
Real  Ennte.  5  Smilli  ISiock. 

Ballot  Bates  Mohn  H  Ball,  Oriin  T)  Bates), 
grocers,  7  X  Main. 

Barriage  George,  contractor,  7  X  Bluff. 

Barrows  Lviuan  J,  jihys,  Jackmau  blk. 

Basselt  it  Echlin  (Celadon  Bassett,  .Toseph 
C  Eehliu),  saddlery  hardware,  104  W 

Bates  Allen  C,  lawyer. 

Bates  George  A,  city  clerk.  City  hall. 

Ra'es  John  G,  sewing  maclis.  :)6  S  .Main. 

Raumaun  Mrs  .1  M,  saloon,  14  X  Main. 

Raumann  \;  ;\Iaine  (Ausru'l  Raumann, 
Elmer  .Maine),  saloou,  01  W  Milwaukee. 

Becker  Leod  H,.  shoes,  4  Milwaukee. 

HortliStar  tron  V/orks. )  rii|)!iritr,.-,ontrands-i:nsinr 

PAIilSII    MAMIF.VCinii.V!;  (().  ^  MIMini.-JiN.  ^:ui  Mill.Ma.hii 
<l!iHlnnd,    -     -     WiEConein.  )  i'Dociltii^iMf^,  Boil?r^,  I'une 

■s,  Marliinki;!.  Founders, lloiloraiakpni, 
ry,  .i;i:,in:,-.11:l.-li;nery,<.'o:Iivsandl!i::U 
Traii5):iiHiiis  .Machinorv.ilc.   .Seep,    n 








Fine  Imported  and  California  Wines,  Old  Kentucky 

Whiskies.     Imported  and  Domestic 

Gins  and  Brandies, 

WHOIwESAI.E    oriel     RETAIL. 

M  0.  Taylor's  Upselting  end  VJeiding  l;1ach!ne, 


Carriage  Bow 


':  '  r^.^t^  .-frt^^  _^-^"  it  /  •r''' 


General  w  Oik 

Boiliio  Oilier, 

Boiler.  KiiKiiie 

and  Macliinory 

Repairitis;  also 

.     Heavy     a  n  il 

/      Lii:bt    l'..ri;ini,-. 


-     Wagnn' IloNici' 



?IAM"FAt  TCrtEKS    OF 

W!SGO:;SiilVEi]ET!AN  OLiHO  CO,.  ,..^  ,  ,  .       , ,  ..  .  -  r.  - 

OmceAFsctoiy,  eSl  Lake  St.,  IlIUVAUK.Ei:,  IVIS.    LcilGSl    iinprOVSU    sSiiSUan    SJii'iQS. 

CD  396 




y«A  HccUftt  Wni  F,  9hoenial;er,  2  S  Franklin. 

\y  nt-dforci  Gtnige  F.veteriDarv  surgeon,  110 

^  E  Milv.Liulue. 

^^  BelircDcU  Anton,  propr  Union  House,  ?>  N 

=»=*    BfliroixU   rr:iiik  J^,  Propr  Windsor 

OUntel,  cor  Muin  Mnd  >'  lit, 
BeunetJ  B  A:  Co  (.Ii.liu   B  and   Jfccpbiue 
Htnoel),  notions.  8  ilil«i.u\-ce. 
^^   Bennitl  Clici-ter  C,  grocer,  lO.J  W  Miiwau- 

^^  Bennett  Franklin  A,  marlilc  works,  1.5  X 

V^  Franklin. 

csH  Bennett  ,)olin  R,  circuit  judL'e. 

«daa  Bmnett  Dniu    G,  dentist,  over  IS  E  Mil- 

f^%  waiikee. 

J^  Beinard  Mrs  Anu:i,  dressniuker,  14  Market 

b^a  £(iuare. 

e  ti  Bid  well  Henry  L,  barber,  515  W  jMilwau- 

Billiii?i«    IJavid    5?.    Prcs    .Janesville 
E       Construction  Co,  8  N  .Main. 
^   Bishop  ^Ve!I(  s'  Scliool,  Miss  .M  W  MrCbain 
^       prin,  lOr,  S  Main. 

OJ   Blair  &  Go-iTdcy  (.lames  Blair,  Samuel  A 
.  ,3       Gowde.v),  coal.  31-1  ^y  .Milv.-aviUce. 
ircli    Blanotiiird  Slcury  El,  Lav.^er,  Real 
c?3a        Estate   and   Loans,    10    W    .Milwaukee. 
cK^       (S<:e  adi),  opp.) 

«^    Bleasdale  .1  v'j.  .1  R  (J'oseph  and  Joseph  H), 
JJ^        f:r(iin,  l.")3  \V  Milwaukee. 
^>   IJ!is<(    &S<>iv:ir(i    V,   Mu.i^r    .Tanesville 
t4>        Gazette. 
«B=»i    Blunk  Henr\-,  chief  lire  department. 
s  E.3B    Boeehe  ^X]n,  meats.  4.")7   Western  ave. 
P".-HS    Boots  Ephraim,  brewers'  acint.  2.")G  Wall. 
^  >    Bort,  Bailey  &  Co  (A  X  Bnrt.  F  J  Bailey, 
L-jBffB       -^v  ji  Greenmar.),  dry  siood.s,  4  S  Main. 
Bostwiek  .J  :M   &  Sons  (Joseph  .^!,  K'ibert 
BN      M  and  .Tiwcub  L'l,  drv  t;oud3.  CO  S  Main. 
-^   Bostwiek  Robert  M.  clotiiintr,  10  S  .'VJain. 
COJ   Bower  City  IJaud,  .J  G  Bates  director,  ;;S  S 

C5^    Bowles  Charles  E,  postmaster,   10  W  Mil- 
^'        waukee. 

Bowles,  Hidden  &  Co  (Thomas  Bowles. 
fV."^  Wm  Haddcn.  .lames  Scott,  Thomas  H 
^^^''^       Moual).  horse  breeders,  cur  Blull  and -N 

Eil    Brices  Wallace  M.  liorse-boer,  r,(:<  W.all. 

Bronson   Orriu    B,    artilieial    limbs,  13  W 
^g:%.        >lil«aukee. 
%^^    Brown    Brod   (B   Tracy    and    Harry    W), 

shoes,  ]li  E  Milwaukee. 

"^^^    Brown  Carlos,  contractor.  109  4ih  ave. 
B  g  g    Brown  Charles  E,  grorer,  67 E  Milwaukee, 
fe^rj    Brown  .Mrs  C  H.  dre.=smaker,    113  W  Mil- 



Bic-wn  Milton  A,  publr  Xalioual  11  r.=  . 
Breezier,  31  S  ilain. 

Brown  Waller  R,  v.hol  cigars.  49  X  Main. 

Brown  Rev  Wm  F  (Presbyterian). 

Brownell  <k  demons  (Isaac  (;  BrosvntU, 
Fred  L  demons),  gn  cers,  40  S  Main. 

Brundace  Wm  H,  carpenter.  .53  S  River. 

I'runson  Orian'do  P.  ^Ui.emakr.  .10  ri  .^^lin. 

Bnthho'z  H  d;  Co  (Herman  Buchholz,  C 
W  Jackmanl.  carriage  mnfrs,  cor  .^[il- 
waukee  atid  Bluft". 

Buckley  Jlisses  Kale  &  Maggie,  dress- 
makers. 107  W  JFilwaukee. 

Buggs  August  W,  coid,'.;7j  W  Milwaukee. 

Buggs  Wm,  coal,  0  X  .Academy. 

Bump  II  &  Son  (Hiiam  and  P  H),  grain, 
101  High. 

liuob  .Tolin,  brewer,  :','i'.>  S  Main. 

J-.uob  Michael,  saloon,  (i  S  River. 

Burchell  Wm,  Hour  and  feed.  43  N  Main. 

Burdick  Alfonso  D,  counlv  treas. 

Burdick  E  E,  artist,  lOJ  ^V  Milwaukee. 

Buruer  &,  Sou  (Flank  and  .lolm).  meats.  (jO 
S 'River. 

Burnett  .Tolin  B.  saloon,  11  W  >Iil waukee. 

Buniliara  S  C  &  Co  (Samuel  C  Burnham, 
Wm  E  Kocbelin),  pianos,  18  E  Jlilwau- 

Burns  James  U,  carriagmkr,  IS  N  Frank- 

Burns  Miss  Julia  A,  dressmaker,  ir>  AV  Mil- 

Burns  Mrs  Mary,  dressmaker.  I.'ji  W  Mil- 

Burns  &  Bolaud  -Tbomas  Burns,  Win  M 
Bolandl,  dry  ffood^.  21  W  .Milwaukee. 

Burpee  Austin  E.  lumber,  w  end  .Milwau- 

Burpee  Frederick  C,  lawyer,  P>"nna,t  bik. 

Business  Glen's  Assn.  M  E  Northrop  sec. 

Calf  Edward,  locksmith,  !)  S  Franklin. 

Cai:arv  Wm.  sah.on,  410  Pleasant. 

Cannitr  John  A,  sec  hand,  18  X 

Carle  Levi  B,  leaf  tobacco.  C4  N  Franklin. 

Carle  iV-  Wilcox  (Wilbur    F    Carle.  Aibcit 
I       L  Wilcox).  grocer.<s.  GO  W  ?\til w:;ukee. 

Carlson  Nelson,  meals,  -"J  N  Main. 
I   Carpenter  Edwin  F,  lawyer,  s  w  cr  Main 
I       anil  Milwaukee. 

I   Carringlon   George    L  it   Sarah  A,  pubirs 
I       'i"ho  Home.  HO  E  Milwaukee. 

Cariingtori  Mrs  S  A,  ladica'  furnishings, 
10  \V  .Milwaukee. 

dirtcr  Slarry  G,  Livery,  S  and  10  X 

Ca^e  .Mrs  Louise,  carpel  weaver,  100  JetTer- 


Casey  &  Furrey  ijuhn  P  Ca=ey,  ^lichael 
Furre)  ),  salonn,   OUj  W  .Milwaukee. 

Ctiicago  &  Gfand  ]mi  % 

The  Favorito  Rente  East. 




O'Sullifan's  Ccssfcial  kdmrT' 


Daily  and  Y/eekly  Recorder 



Tlic  Only  ^TSoriiin;::  Xc\V!«puj>cr  in  Somiioni  WWcotfsiii. 

r5?"I|s  I,.irv-e  <  ^ImIp*  It  nn  rXfKI.I.KNT  JIKDIl  51  FOR  IslNC. 

:  Janesvilie  Steam  Laundry, 

SCHALLER  £i  STKICKLER,  Proprietors. 

We  Do  Nothing  But  Pirst-Class  Work. 

13  SOUTE!  rJlAlU  STREET, 

;    Janesvilie  Construetion  Company, 

i  D.  H.   BILLSFJGS,  President. 

j       Archi;cois,  Ooniroctcrs  end  Dyildsrs, 

i       Churches,  Dv/elhngs,  Bridges  and  Contracting  and  Adjusting 
j  Elevators  a  Specialty. 

j  I'liANS  AND  M'I'MIFIf'AIIONS   I'l  IJMMlIcn. 

ii.\\vvr.i«,  iji;\i.'AJi;  iiitoiiicit  .t.\u  loan  Ar;i;\T. 


i  Ai.,1  Ural  iNiiiler.f  „ll  Ivi.i.;..  K.-i'i-l.  r...,i--lit  i,,,.l  S..;.I:  r;.>i-,rs  r,.;:,-..te.l.  Taxrs  Pai.i.  r.-r.v,.yanc;i.5 

t  Dunf.  AbstniiMs  v!  TiM-  F.xniimi.  .i.  Mn„,-v  I.nar./.l.  .Xnl..<;  ,i,,l  Mortjnir.'S  NV-.-.lmte.l. 

}  Attention  glTi-n  to    l.tKill    Busint-w  ..f  iM   Uiii.i^i.    Terni-;  Kf.'i^..n«  an.i  r.a[i>f;ielii.u   GuaraMteeJ. 

i  OFFICE,  In  JefTries  Block,  JANESVIULE,  WIS. 

(  Business  Eeferkncfs  bv  Pni:5i;.'->if'X-Iir.   Ili'nry  I'.iinier,  Presiilput  iM^rc'nnnls  ai;d  Mfciianies' 

;  Pn^intrs  Bank:,  nisr.  l'r,-HW,-:it  J.iiif-vill.>  Cott-n  Milk  i  ■ntup.-iny,  .lanfswilH.  vVis.:  J.  B.  I'up,  Sr,,  C'nslii.T 

Fir^t  Nftii(,r»l  bunk-.  JiiiiesvjllL- :  (V  S.  Juckman.  Vi..-e.I'r..sKleDt  K.x't  County  National  Dank;  Wm.- 
1  l:i:i,-iT,  I.awy.T,  Jalii-.^viUe  ;  Miclia.l  naivbuii,  .Slc^-k  buyer. 

I  iLliiMcMlAi  1 1  ''"ir^zT  mm,  sooth. 

llir^niQ  PC'Tn?,!  n   n  direct  route  i.nntii!:n']|n"M 

ILLldUlO    bLiJ  lii^iL  111  Hi  toali  POINTS  in  iiU  il  !  ikliii   lU.iH; 


J  AX 



•Catholic  Cornet  Ciud, Thomas  F  McKeigue 

Cbild3  Elias  W,  marble  works,  IGO  W 

Chittenden  ifc  Son  (Geor^re  ^Y  and  George 
G).  physicians,  19  "\V  Alilwiiikee. 

Christman  P  A\',  trroccr,  11  S  Kiver. 

Clark  jMiss  Catherine,  milliner,  s  w  cor 
Main  and  ^Milwaukee. 

Clark  Charles  L.  phj-s,  73  W  Milwaukee. 

dark  Luther,  contractor,  "iG  S  River. 

Clark  Nathan  C,  grain,  174  N  liiver. 

Clark  Kobcrl  W,  cooper, Centre  and  River. 

Coburn  Jlrs  A  A,  dressmaker,  115  W  Mil- 

Coffee  Wm  O,,  8  SFnnklin. 

Cole  Nelson,  cirpcnler,  102  K  Milwaukee. 

Coleninn  Willard,  painter,  lo  Cinirt, 

Collins  Qeorire  K,  contractor.  10i3  N  ^Main. 

Colvin  Alexander,   llorist,  370  \V  ililwau- 

Colviu  Paul  R,  baker.  111   ^V  Milwaukee. 

Colvin  Itussell  h.  baker.  19  N  .Main. 

Concannon  David  J,  laundry.  -DC'iurt. 

Cone  Elb:;rl,  house  mover,  ;;1G  S  Main. 

Conger  David,  real  estate.  Postoiiice  bldg. 

Connors  Isaac  F,  saloon,  110  W  A\Iilwau- 

Conrad  Urns  (Charles  li  and  ^Vm  D),  leaf 
tobacco,  17  Court, 

Cook  Frank  C.  ji;we!cr,  17  W  Milwaukee. 

Cooley  F  W,  city  snpt  schaol,-,. 

Cooper  Arthur  VV,  dentist,  1U2  \V  Milwau- 

Cijoper  Henry  W,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Corliss  Mrs  Kale,  dressmaker,  Od  S  River. 

Corneau  ^^'ra  H.  pro[)r  HiL'hland  House, 
lOG  E  Mdwaukee. 

Costello  &  Rilcv  (Thonuis  Cn^lelbi.  .Tames 
F  Riley),  grocers,  007  \V  Milwauliee. 

Courtney  Bros  {John  and  Thum.ts),  meals, 

Co.v  ?!SiIi-«i  A,  Rropr  Franklin  Hotel,  ."iC 
and  .jl  S  Franklin. 

Crahen  it  Snyder  (Andrew  E  Cialien. 
Chailca  D  Suyileri,  saloon, .'57  IC  .Mdwau- 

Crosstlt  Forde,  Hour  mill,  rear  I'nst.iiriee 

Cunningham  David,  bakei,  I'il  \\'  MUwau 

Cunningham  .loseph  .\.  overall  mnl'r,  lUJ 
N  Fiauklin. 

C'unuini;liam  W'niM,  saloon, 07  \V  .Milwau- 
kee. " 

Curran  Mi-ses  (lennie  and  Mary),  dress- 
makers, 8  S  M jiu. 

Daverkasen  Harry,  fertili/.;r  mufr,  401  S 

Davies  A  P  ifc  Co  I  Albert  P  and  Iviward 
H  Davies).  grocers,  09  \V  Mihvanlvf.:. 

Davis  Alexander  H,  physician,  03  W  M":-. 

Davis  W'm,  livery,  111  E  Milwaukee. 

Day  Mrs  .lanet  B,  elocutionist,  l.j  W  Mil- 

Dean  Rev  H  15  (Christian). 

Dearborn  James  B,  leaf  tobacco,  CO  .^ 

Dearborn  Lorenzo  P,  cigars,  CUE  Mil- 

Dee  James,  saloon.  274  W  Milwaukee. 

De  Long  Homer  B.  leaf  tobncco,  261  S 

Denniston  James  A,  baker,  107  W  Mil- 

Dlngman  Byron,  leaf  tobacco,  1'27  Madisoa. 

Dodge  Wm'll.  dentist.  .lacknian's  blk. 

Doe  &  Sutherland  (-Toseph  B  Doe  jr, 
George  G  Sutherland),  lawyers,  14  E 

Dolan  Peler,  saloon,  1  Washington. 

DonahoeJ  &  Co  (loiin  Donalioe,  Mark 
Bridge),  saloon,  74  E  Milwaukee. 

JOolV  53  .-1  EJox  Co  (Limited),  (Capital. 
i?2,?)00),  R  B  Treat  Pros,  L  R  Treat 
Treas,  AV  T  Robinson  Sec,  Cigar  Box 
Mnfr.s,  117  N  Main. 

Douglierty  Mack,  siloon,  110  W  Mil- 

Drajier  John  L,  grain  elevator,  113  N 

Drew  Mi.-s  JIaggie,  dressmaker,  20  .S  Main. 

Drummond  C  O  it  Co  (Charles  G  and 
Thomas  U  Drummond),  soap  mnfrs,  47 
N  Main. 

Dudley  F  H.  physician,  V/  Milwaukee. 

Dauwiddie&  Goldin  (Benjamin  F  Duuwid- 
die,  Theo  W  Goldin,.  lawvers,  PC  bhlg. 

Ealon  Rev  E  L  (Methndist*.' 

Eddingtiin  Morris  A,  horsi'shoer,  53  Court. 

Eldiedge  Barnabas  B,  lawyer,  5  Jackraan's 

Eldrcdce  Wm  M,  drui-s.  M  S  Main. 

Eller  Wm,  blarksmith.  11  N  Franklin. 

EllioltR-vC  F((>aholic) 

Eutpirc  Cross  Spring  Co,  .T  "W  Richardson 
pvopr.  ."(5  S  River. 

Eiiro)ii>an  Hotel,  John  Kenyon  propr,  30.5 

Evan:i  R>v  5LithfW(:\telb  idi-t). 

Falter  ,)ohn,  simemaker.  G'.J  K  .Milwaukee. 

8'iirily  tV  Elobiii&oii  (Matt  M  F:irdv. 
X  B  Ibibinsnni,  Atnfrs  Tedd's  Celebfa- 
ti'd  Ale  and  Porter,  rear  10  ]:;  Milwau- 
kee.    [Sr  fi'ir.  ;).;.9,-T.) 

B'nrnicrs'  It!  ill,  Norcross  &  Doty 
Propr.'..  foot  of  Dodee. 

F:itlier=  Wm.  saloon,  27  N  :\rain. 

Father? ct  B.-irue.s  (.lames  .\  Fallurs,  .Vies- 
ander  H  Birnes),  meats.  52  S  .Main. 

loiiiios   I'rcc,      JII,ir.S    A.NWltAK,    2,'5 

sr  I'- 

ll atcr    ?.lre  KKD. 

Ill3  Uieen    Uay  UUtindOb   UUii^^o   „f  work.    EXrEKt-TS^VCSirKS  in  Every 
I),  puriuiout.     ANNlJAt    CATAE,0<;i;E    FUEE.     Adajt-Cbs   GtJIiEN"    BAY,  AViS, 

J  AX 




r\''.7.  Frederick,  tailor,  13  Market  fij. 
I'fllicrs,  Jeliris  i*<c  rilioJd  lOuiicii  U 

Fithers,  JIalcom  G  Jetl'ris,  Chi:rle3  L 
Fifield),  Lawyers,  10  ^V  Milwaiiliee. 

F:lield  Bros  S:  Co  (Frank  E,  .Tnmrs  S  and 
K'.bridge  G  Fifu  Id),  lumlier,  S  N  Jackson. 

Finch  Qardware  Co  (\V  P  Fl:,nt,  W  Mc- 
Couimins),  lOii  W  ililv.'aukee. 

Fir=t  National  Bank  (cupilal,  ^li."i,000). 
L  B  Carle  pres,  Jolm  G  Kexforil  cash,  'ri 
W  Milwaukee.    ' 

Forbes  Mrs  Eliza  P,  ilre.=smkr,  -lo  X  ^Main. 

Furd  Jonas  L,  lailor,  ."il  V/  .Milwaukee. 

Ford  &  Jlcyer  (Oliver  C  Ford,  ileiiry  W 
r^Ieyer).  flour  mill,  head  of  IJaee  way. 

Foster  Miss  Lottie,  dressmaker,  1  E  Frank- 

rrankliii  Blolel,  M  A  Cox  Piopr,  ,V3 
and  54  S  Fruid;lin. 

FrtJer.dall  John  C,  nmcer,  o?  S  Main 

Fredericks  Nicholas,  livery,  IjS  W  .Mil- 

j   Free  Puljlic  Library,  Mrs  Louise  S   Be^t 
I       librarian.  21  W  .Milwaukee. 
I   Prick  Herman  AV,  propr  Janesville  Jour- 
I       nal,  62  E  .Milwaukee. 
j    Fricke  &  Brockhausdienry  Frickc.Cbailos 
j       Brcekhaus),  dyers,  12  W  Mihva\ikee. 
I    Frink  Perry  E,  cigar  mnfr,  51  N  Mam. 
'    Fritz  Gustav  C,  rtstaurant,  .5  S  Franklin. 
Gacau  Jalnes,  feed,  4  W  Ceuter  ave. 
Gagan  Miss  Jennie,  dressmkr,  S9  S  !\Iain. 
Gaibraith  Bros  (Alexander,  Archie  U  and 
James),  horse   brecilers,  l'2'.i  E  .^lilwau- 
Garhul  Bros  (Henry  and  Wni), contractors, 
rear  3  S  Franklin. 
1   Gardner    Janu-s,    horseshoer,    rear    110  E 
,        Milwaukee. 

1    GiiJ-.vilc  (i'cii!li!i;:C«>,Nicho";s  Smith 

Pres,  Wm  IJladou  t^ec.  ilowanl  F  Bliss 

'Slnar.  Proi^rs  D.iily  ai,d  Weekly  Gazette, 

8  and  10  X  .Main. 

Gehrke  Au-ust.  baker,  113  E  Milwaidiee. 


fully  l.r.iarf.l  10  . 

Embalniing  and  Uiiclertakiog 

Our  stock  is  new  and  complete  and  prices  naMjiiable. 

First-Class  Livery  in  Conneclion  with  the  Business. 

Call  and  tiee  I's.      We  can  Save  you  Money. 

rJELSOE-3    BROS., 

Telephone  No.  50.    Open  all  iiours  uf  the  Ni.;ht.         Courl  Strepl,  J.ANKS  VI  LI.i:.  Wis. 

Liverv  ar^d  Board siig  Qtabie 

Tivo  Doors  South  of  I'ark  llotvl. 

Special  Attention  Givon  to  Tobacco  Dealers 
and  Horse  Buyers. 

Mi  rttrmslicJ  al  Kcascnatilg  Reies  anil  an  storl  Kctiee. 
W.    E.   SHOETtlAICER, 


21  S.  Bluff  Street, 

Pattern  and  Model  leaking  and  BiiilQi-r  of  Special  Machinery- 
Rear  |  6  S.  River,  -  -  -  JArJSSVlLLE,  W!S. 

ChirafTn  Pi   Pir5nr!  Triif^''  Pu   Palace  and  Dining  Cars 




Tills   flriii   fon.luct 

s   in  fhio.lgo  lli^  r 

1     !  i 

\  •■ 

Trniiiinc-   >rhonl    fni 

liu.iness.      »rite 

t  i  \ 

1 ,' 

,     lll;lL-cin.C"t    lillilli.iT 

..-   ..r  11-:   va^es, 

seoJ  lU  cents  lo  imj 

co>.t  of  iiostage. 



























George  B.'DJiimiD,  saloon,  119  W  Milwau- 

Gi.-h  Siinmel  II.  di;nti=t,  11  W  Milwaukee. 

Gl;i.=3  Cb:ules  F.plinlogr.ll  \V  Milwaukee. 

f.Itf'jc  Vi'orks.  II  ■]  RicUardsou  Propr. 
Mafrb  of  Wiud-JIills  and  Ptimps,  N 

Gollins  Alois,  rest,   \\i  W  Jlilwaukee. 

<j<r:in<2  Siotfi,  .1  F  Sweeney  Propr,  cor 
ili^h  and  \V  Milwaukee. 

Gr.iiii  Fr.incis  C   stenograjiber. 

iirnyc-  C  .^  &.  t'«>  (.diaries  S  Gravps, 
David  J  .lamesDU).  District  iManairers  for 
the  Norllii.vest-iin,\[utual  Life  Insurance 
Co  of  Milwaukee,  2'i  \Y  Jlilwaukee. 

Graves  Win  II,  spwidg-  maclis.  11  S  Main. 

Gray  C  C  Jo  Co  (Cliarle?  C  Gray),  mincial 
water  mnfrs,  5)  Locust. 

Green  Jopepli  15,  plaiiintr  mill,  4  X  River. 

(ilrocii  iV  .\i<'!i«lsoii  (K  ,1  Green,  J  II 
Kieholson).  Paper  and  .Stationcrv  Job- 
liers,  OS  S  itiver. 

Greene  Frank  C,  leaf  tobacco,  "W  BlufT. 

Gri.swold  it  S.uiborn  (Norris  GriiwoUl,  F 
Solon  Sanborn),  hardware,  2S  S  ilaiu. 

Grove  Wni  II,  liorsc-boer,  10  X  1st. 

Grubb  Pros  (Jolin  W  and  Stepben  Di, 
grocers,  154  AV  Milwaukee. 

Grundy  Samuel,  leaf  tob.icco.4.")o  Piea^ant. 

Ilali  A  F  &  Co  (Au-Ubtus  F  Hill,  Wni  P 
Savics,  Kdwin  Fit'i.lil),  ]eweler.s,  2  S 

Hall  Edv.-ard.  clolbing,  55  W  Milwaukee. 

Hall  Furniture  Cn  (capital, .'?35,i)00)  George 
L  CarriuL'tOM  pres,  A  E  I!ini:uam  sec. 

Hall  it  Son  (K  Ic.iond  D  and  \Vm  II),  har- 
ness, 3'J  S  .Main. 

HancbeUit  Slieklon  (Gerando  JI  Hanrliett, 
Alfred  H  Sheldon),  lidware.  17  S  .Mam. 

Ilanlaa  Miss  Mary,  dressmaker,  lO'.i  W 

Hniison  I'.urr,  shoemaker.  :i '\^'all. 

lilaiivoii  S'lii-iiiliire  <'<>.  J  W  Sales 
Pies.  ,1  E  Addy  S.c  and  .Mngr.  i;ai;road. 

Ilantborne  (i  ■orge.  coroner,  cor  Miltoii  :ive 
and  Prospect. 

Hardy  &  1' iiker  .  1",  Iward  .\I  llirdv,  Wni 
II  I'arker).  iniulers,  iil   S  .Maiii.  ' 

Harper  Ri.ibert,  B,  meats, :2')o  \V  Milwaukee. 

Harii.i  Juuie.s,  projir  Janesville  Pirb  AVire 
Co.  Janesville. 

Harris  it  Stiekney  (CImrles  L  Harris,  Al- 
bert H  Stickiiey).  «oap,  rear  IT  Court. 

IPiskill  Mrs  Auna  X,  drsnikr,  13  S  J!  liu. 

HaUh  Wni  M,  carpenter,  L'OO  S  Main. 

Hiyner  Silas,  real  est.  Jacknian'a  bik. 

Head  Bros  (fieoru'c  A  anil  Eiiwin  S),  leaf 
loliicro,  Myers  House. 

Heath  Carlton  C,  ihi'emaker,  4S  X  Main. 

Hiiinst'ree!   Edward  15.  dr\iL's.  •^  N  Main. 

Ileise  Win,  saloon,  7  X  Franklin. 
BScniinins;  Wni  A;  Siosi  ( Wm  and  Wm 

.1),  Brewers  of  Ale  and  Porter,  53  X 
Franklin;  Office  H3  W  Jlilwaukee. 

Henderson  Samuel,  meals,  SO  S  Main. 

Hibbard  Frederick  M,  tlour  and  feed,  10  5 

Ilibhard,  Godden  it  Erier  (P  M  Hibbard, 
E  \V  Godden,  II  L  L'rler),  leaf  tobacco! 
457  Pleasant. 

Highland  House.  Wm  II  Corneau  propr, 
103  E  Milwaukee. 

Hill  Wm  H,  lb,.rist,  101  Washington. 

Hiilabrandt  Lawrence  S,  awning  mnfr, 
155  W  Milwaukee. 

Hodge  Rev  M  G  Hiajdist) 

llodson  Charles  W,  Hour  uiill,  Race  way 
rear  Posto'dice. 

Hofmeister  JIrs  Ernestine,  propr  Ameri- 
can House,  tj'i  E  Jlilwaukee. 

Ilogan  ,Io!in,  city  marshal,  S  River. 

Iloldredge  Samuel  jr.  leaf  tobacco.  W  Bluff 

Holmes  Wm  C,  merchant  tailor,  9  W  Jlil- 

Holt  Adam,  propr  Railroad  Hotel,  52  X 

Home  Tue,  Gcirge  L  it  Sarah  \  Carring- 
toii  pubirs,  (j'i  E  Jlilwaukee. 

Ilopkiu.s  James  &  Son  (.lames  and  Samson 
Jl  horse  breeders,  cor  X  Academy  and 

Horn  Charles,  =alooa,  4  S  River. 

Horn  Robert  A.  jjweler,  14  S  JIain. 

Home  .^Irs  E  T.  employment.  32  S  JIain 

Home  JViu,  vet  surgeon,  10  Park. 

llowlaud  it  Son  (.lerome  and  Edward  J), 
lilack'-niiths.   Dodge. 

Hunt  Jlrs  Ciara  A,  school,  S  Jackson. 

Hunter  Bros  (Ale.\ander  and  Win),  horse 

Huttes  .ro.'pph,  uphois'.erei,  5  Court. 

Ide  it  Tifl't  i\Ullar,l  F  Ide,  Arnold  II 
Tiffl).  barbers,  i:j  W  Milwaukee. 

Jackson  it  Jackson  (Alfred  A  and  Frank 
D),  lawyers,  Postotlice  blk. 

James   Sheffield   L,  carriages,  52  S  JIain. 

Janesville  P.arb  Wire  Co,  James  Harris 
propr,  1.1^  S  River. 

JIa■lo^viIlc  ESiiHiiu'S'*  t.'ollosif,  J  H 
Kinmy  Priucilul.Coru  E.\chaDge,  Foun- 
tain Souire. 

Janesville  City  Hospital.  S  B  Smith  pres, 
E  B  Heiuisireet  sec,  15G  Jlineral  Pt  ave. 

Jiiiiovilie  C'on^lrl!eliall  Co,  D  li 
Biliings  Pres,  Archileets,  Contractors 
and  Builders,  (3  X  JIain.      (.fe   adc,   p 

Janesville  Cotton  Jlills  (capital,  $150,000i. 
..-Henry  Palmer  pres,  A  J  Raj' see.- cor  X 
Franklin  and  BIuiT. 

<!  I  I 

iiiiiflis  m 


n    Short  and  Direct 
I   ill         Routo  frotn 





Cj  OiidhO 


\UiiA  ki-h 

Tli3  Favorila  R^.iatB  Esst 

VI-V    NJAGAlr.A    FALLS. 





Jivnc«.vinc  E>jti!y  licj'ornk'r.Kecoi- 

dtr  I'riulino,  Cn  Proprs,  10-17  rf  Itiver. 
Junesville  Dally  and  ^Vtekly  (ia/.oUc,  Ga- 

ZL'Ue  PrinUiiy:  Co  proprs,  10  >,'  Mnin. 
Janesville  liny  Tool  Co  (capital.  slO.OOO). 

\V  T  Van  Kirk  pres,  A  II  SliuUloii  sec, 

263  W  Milwaukee. 
Janesville  Jourual,  II  \V  Frick  propr,G2  E 

Janesville  Jlachine  Co  (capital,  S10'),000), 

J  D  Itexforil  pres,  F  A  Taylor  sec,  cor 

S  Franldin  ttnil  Ceuler. 
Janesville  Sii;riul,GarreU  Veeder  propr,  10 

W  Milwiiu'kec. 
JiuicsviSIc  !»lcai!i  i>i»H!t«!r.v,  Scbal- 

ler&  Strickler  Proprs,  Id  S  Main.     (.Sfc 

(;(/(',  p  S'JT.) 
Janesville  Street  Kailway  Oo,  L  D  Kichard- 

son  sui)l,  11")  1-;  ililwuukro. 
,!;iiiC!>AJHs',  Tlici'ESKt-'a'horiissctJlic 

Ikllis,  A  li  it  jM   a  ^'orris   Proprs,  l.i 

and  17  S  liiver.     {See  ri'ijht  top  liiun  ) 
Janesville  Water  Co,  W  C  jMitcliell  .sec,  3 

N  Fraiililiii. 
JelTris  David  IC,  wliol  JelTiis  b!k. 
JoSiiiKOli    I'2<!«'ur«5    C,    Projir    Park 

Hotel,  9  S  liluir. 
Johosoa  llerinau  K,  station  ugl  C,  ^I  it  St 

P  lly. 
Jones  A  N.  leaf  toliacro,  4  Parli. 
Junes  Charley  J,  saloon,  4  JIarket  Eij- 
Jones  Frederick  H,  saloou,  71   K  Milwau- 
Jones  JoliM  II,  grocer,  08  E  Milwaukee. 
Jovce  HiiL'h  M," shoemaker,  1  S  Fraid;lin. 
Judd   Thoiwaldseii,  dentist,  lO'J    W    Mil- 

Judd  Win  II,  physieiuu,  0  N  Main. 
Kamptlrin  Itev  O"  {Lulliiuan). 
Kasiner   Geort;e   &   Co   (George  Kastiier, 

Wilbur  F  Carle)„!;rain.(lJ  W  Milwaukre. 
Kealinf;  Mrs  Kate,  dressmaker,  11  E  Mil- 

Keegan  Paul  T,  carpenter,  \Vall  nr  lli^li, 
Keeiian  Misa  liose,  dressmaker,  51  W  Mil 
__  Vfiukee. 
Kelty   Jliss   Maggie,    dressuiaker,    101   W 

Kendall  llurvey  W,  tiiismilh,7  S  Fraidiliu. 
Kennedy  it  linger  (Lucius  Kennedy, Frank 

.U  Paiger),  hides.  124  ^V  Mihv.iijkee. 
Kent  A  C,  cigar  box  lumber,  'M',  N  .Miin. 
Kent  ];  J  it' Co  (E.Uvard    J    Kent,    \V   F 

Airiz),  jminters.  IV-'i  W  Milwaukre. 
Kent  Silas. coiifecliouer, 201  W  Milwaukee, 
Kenyun  David  T.  carp,  22:!  Wa-bineion. 
Kenyoa   John,  propr  European  llolel,  205 

Kimball  Frank  D.  furu,  18  W  Milwaukee, 
King  Angle  J,  lawyer,  ly  W  .Milwaukee. 

King  &  Skelly  (Robert  W  King,  Wiilard  J 

SKelly),  slaliouers.  20  W  J^Iiiwaukee. 
Kiiiiivy  Joiiii  II,  Princi|)al  Janesville 
Business  College,  Corn  Exchange,  Foun- 
tain Square. 
Kirk  Thomas,  cooper. 
Kliest  George,  shoemaker,  11  S  Main. 
KnelT  it  Allen   (lohn   JI  Kneff.  Herbert  V 

Allen),  tailors.  111  E  Milwaidiee. 
Knipp  Louis  F,  brewer,  I\  Kiverand  Min- 
eral Point  ave 
Kronitz  Bros  (llenrv  A  and  Otto  E). meats, 

15  E  Milwauke.-.' 
Krueger  August  F,  meats,  2  Market  sq. 
Kueck  Carl  U,  meals,  C  .Market  st]. 
Lane  Wilson,  lawyer,  10  AV  Milwaukee. 
Lanphicr  George  A,  hardware,  tJ3  W  ilil- 

Lappiu  Thomas,  propr  Lappin'a  Ilall,  s  w 

cor  Main  auil  .Milwaukee. 
Lauer  Theobdd,  baker,  :j:j  S  !Main. 
Lawrence  Carriage  Top  Co.   John  Stally 

I)res,  F  Van  de  Water  sec,  X  Main. 
Lawrence  Fraidc  S,  books,  10  M.arket  sq. 
S>iiU'ri'ii<'C   CScrhorl  .F,  Job  Printer, 
Book  Binder,  Papier  Box  .Mufrand  Publr 
Kural  Messengr-r.  Hear  Posloiliee. 
Lawrence  it  Alwood  (Wm  A   Lawrence, 

Volney  Atwood).  hardware,  (10  S  Main. 
Lavton    I'jdwin    li.    music   teacher,    14   E 

Lee  Chang  W,  laundry,  (j  I  l^  Milwaukee. 
Lee  Charles  11,  carpenter,  i;2  S  Main. 
Lrllingwell  it  Liltlejohn  (Levant  L  Lelling- 
weli,  John  Littlej  ihn),  saloou,  55  E  Mil- 
Lewis  Knitting  Co,  Stephen  B  Lewis  pres, 

Fiaidiliu  F  Lewis  .':ec,  112  S  Main. 
Liebthizer  .Mrs   .Marian,   restaurant,   13  S 

Llovd     Edwin    C,  horsesboer,    rear    3   N 

Loeb  Jo-eph,  meats,  155  W   Milwaukee. 
Loomis  F.gliLTt  K,  pliysieiaii.  12  S  M  lin. 
Loudon  Bros  (Mayhew  V  and   James  W), 

shoemakers,  12  N  Franklin. 
Lovejoy  S  S  it  Co  (Sebastian  S  and  Allen 
P  LoVe.ioy),  lumber,  104  W  .AliUvaukee. 
Lowell  Eugene  AV,  hardware,  0  River. 
Luiz  August,  grocer,  "52  Academy. 
McAlpin  Alexander,  harness,  20  N  .M.iin. 
.\lcCau:-ey   George   II.  deulibt,  51    W    jlil- 

MeCrei  Georg",  saloon.  7  N  Franklin. 
.McCue    r.ros   (Edward  J    and   Ji)Iin    W), 

re-itaiiraiit.  1 1    N  Main. 
MelClroy    Horace,  lawyer,  21  W  Milwau- 
MeOinnily  Rev  E  M  (CatholieV 
JleGowan  ICmmet  D.  clerk  ciiciiit  court. 

I'aoKee  a 

Si,  Paol 

P      The  Popular ' 
ll]l  Line  to  the 


id  iloffeosi 

lllliiiiiN  rF!''TPM  R  R  °'RECT  ROUTE  npnTqrn'i  10'",^ 

iLLIisUiO  ULiiilinL  Hi  ili  to  aii  points  in  liUiniiLnii  lu.rH; 





McGregor   Altxamlc-r,    farm   impts,    51  a 

McGregor  Mi=s  May,  music  teacbcr,  3S  S 

McGregor  &  Co  (Alexander  and  ^[ay  Mc- 
Gregor), muiical  insts,  33  S  .'Main. 
McGuire  Peter  A,  coal,  101  N  Acailemy. 
McKeigue  TLoraas   F,    cigar  mcfr,  58  S 

McKey  GconjeM,  real  est,  Jackmaa  blk. 
McRinuej'  Ilonry    D,  live  stock   breeder, 

McKiuaey  H  II,  lawyer,  21  TV  Tirihvankee. 
McLean  Colin  C,  livery,  $  X  Franklin. 
McLean  James  B,  cigars,  loT  W  ^lilwau- 

McLean  Robert  \\',  drugs,  125  W  Jlilwau- 

McSliane  Patrick,  saloon, 2o6  W  Milwaukee 
Mackiu   T   vfc   Son   (Thomas  and  Wm  O), 

saloon,  151  W"  ^llilwaukee. 
Malone  Booth  M,  dist  atty,  7  Lappin's  blk. 
Martin  C  Loftus,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Marzhilf  F  ,M  &  Co  (Frederick  M  :\Iurz'uiT, 

Henry  W  ]{au,  John  GilelziaRyr),  shoe 

mnfrs,  rear  Postnilice. 
Malhev.a  Herbert  W,  confcctr,  ;"'.2  S  Main. 
Menzies  Hugh,  physician,   s  w  cor   ilain 

and  ;\IihTaukec. 
Merchants  and   Mechanics'  Saving-;  Bank 

(capital,    sjO.OOa),    Henry  Palmer  pres, 

\V  S  Jeffii.-,  ca>^h,  10  "\V  Milwaukee. 
Merrill    E3    K    tV    Co  (Harry  E  and 

Hiram   Jlerrill).    Plumbers,    Steam   and 

Gas  Fitters,  Shop  5  X  Franklin;  Oilice 

6  N  Main. 
Metcalf.*c  Croft  (John  C  Mi  tc:df,  Thomas 

T  Criifl).  in.-;,  over  10  E  Milwaukee. 
Mills  James,,  15   W  Milwaukee. 
Mills  John  W,  plumber.  51  S  River. 
Miner  Cyrus,  shoes,  G  S  Main. 
Miner  C  A,  physician,  104  .S  Hiirli. 
Minor  J  B,  shoes,  15  TV  Milwaukee. 
Mitchell  Charles  E,  music  teacher,  205  "\V 

Morgan  Mrs  Emma  E,  dressmaker,  73  W 

Morri.ssey   it  Rudiien    (Dennis   -Morris^,  v, 

PLilip  Rudden).  horseshoers,  102  E  Mil- 
Morrissy  Miss  Mary  A,  dressmaker,  10  AV 

Moses   Bros   (Levi  and  Frank),  furniture, 

60  W  Milwaukee. 
MoiiiU  I'  S,  .Miigr   Recorder   Printing 

Co.  15  and  IT  S  River. 
Moulter  Chailes,  leaf  tobacco,  352  S  1st. 
Muellenchlader  it  Beyers  (Herman  Muel- 

lenchlader,  Theodore  Beyers),  saloon,  5 

N  Academy. 

Muuger  Au:;ustus  C,  grocer.  30  S  Main. 
Murdock  Edwin  II,  harnessinaker,  6  Core 

Murdock  Floyd  D,  feed,  52  Wall. 
Murphy  .Michael,  city  treas.  Oily  hail. 
iliycr-s  li3oii.'>e,  Mrs  Peter  ilyers  Propr, 

Myers  Block  .Muin  and  .Milwaukee. 
Jlyers  Jolm  H,  grocer,  5  S  Main. 
Myhr  ic  Evenson   (Ole  H  ^lyhr,   Gilbert 

Evensoni.  shoes,  N  Main. 
Nash  Jonathan,  hay  presq,  252  W  Bluff. 
National  Horse  Breeder,  .Milton  A  Bruwa 

mngr,  31  S  Main. 
Needham  Bros   (Fred   L   and   Frank    P), 

laundry.  1  Court. 
Xel'iOBi    Bros   (John  M   and    Horatio), 

Iiivcry  and  Undertakin:',  cor  Court  and 

Park,     ^^-iiidr.  p  JUO  f 
New  Doty  .Mnf.i  Co,  VP  Richardson  pres, 

H  B  Richard, onsec.  she:uiug  machinery, 

N  Main  and  I'ease  Court. 
Xew  Gas  eJt'Eit   Co,    Ilirara   ."\Ierri!! 

Supt.  G  N   Mam. 
New  .AleLuiU  .Mufg  Co  (capital,    -sO-S,  000), 

A   P  Lovejoy  pres,  C   .S  Jackmau  sec, 

woolen  mil's.  Monterey. 
Nichols  John,  lawyer.  13  N  Main. 
Nichols  John,  shoes,  103  WMilwavikce. 
Nolan  it  Cunningham   (TIioma=  S   Nolan, 

John  Cunniniiham),  lawyers,  14  E  .Mil- 
Xorcro-s  &,    I>o(y    (Pliny    Xorcro-;s, 

Edward  P  Doty),  Proprs  Farmers'  Mill, 

foot  of  Do(i-e. 
Normington  VMra.  R.  phvs,   1^  S  TLiiu. 
Xorri«"  A  li  A:,  ilj  A",    Proprs    Janes- 

ville  Thernio-Thsrapeiitic  Baiiis,  15  and 

17  S  River,     i&c  riqhl  top  /rnrs) 
Nortlirop  &  Chase  (Marshall  E   Northrop, 

Stuart  A  Chase),  ins,  53  W  .Milwaukee. 
Nowlan  (Iscar  F,  contractor,  11  C.mrt. 
O'Brien  Leroy  0,  farm  impts,  w  end  Plea- 
sant St  bridge. 
Ott  .M  A  it  Son  (Michael  A  and  Arthur  A), 

harness,  151^  N  Main. 
Pabjl  Carl,  contractor.  0  N  1st. 
PrtluuT  Heurv,  phys,  53  E  .Alilwaukee. 
Palmer  Will  ll,  phvs.  53  E  Jlilwaukee. 
I'almer  it  Stevens  (Wm  C!  Pulmer,  Charles 

D  Steven'.),  drut's,  23  E  Milwaukee. 
B'arU   Elolel,  E  C  Johnson  Pronr,    9S 

Paileii  La  Fayette,  lawyer,  .Jackraan's  blk. 
Paulson  Ole,  tailor,  14  .\rarket  .;q. 
Pease  John  J  R.  lawyer,  Jackmans  blk. 
Peirce  Charles  T,  dentist,    27  W   Milwau- 
Pember  Frank,  physician,  8  Lnppin's  blk. 
Peterson    Peter  S,  sewing  m.achines,  15  N 


Slilcap  (Si  Gfciod  ]m\[  Piy, 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Celifcrnie  l7ioe 

^       For    UMMCP  AVrite  r 
Q      IMir,.    1,1;. to        to        t. 

W3  291  \vi;s>r  WATiiit  sr, 


,,   IlILiWAUIiKt;,   WIS. 





Pettric  &  StautoD  (Frank  E  Peliric,  Chiirlts 
A  Stanton),  meats,  21}  N  Main. 

iTeiiiii;;  S^nx,  licul  Estate,  Fire  and 
Life  Insurance,  Steamship  Agent,  and 
Notary  Public,  3  N  Academy. 

Pbelps  Milton  M,  lawyer,  s  w  cor  JIain 
and  Milwaukee. 

Pliclps  Spencer  II,  Patternmaker; 
General  ilachlne  Shop,  rear  10  S  Kiver. 
{Sec  adi',  p  SC'S.) 

Pierson  Franlt.F,  gunsmith,  17  N  Main. 

Plowright  John,  coal.  Centre  anil  Kiver. 

Pond  S  A,  U  S  mail  conlractor,  7  S  !v'..<;t. 

Prellar  Mis,?  Tina,  dressmaker,  14  S  .Main. 

Prentice  &  Evcnson  (Fred  F  Prentice,  Wm 
EEvcnsDii),  drugs,  19  \V  I\Iilwa\ikee. 

Prichard  Jloses  S,  lawyer,  1-4  E  Milwau- 

Quadc  Cbarlcs,  shoemaker,  357  Academy. 

liuilroad  Hotel,  Adam  Iloll  propr,  'yl  X 

Kamsdell  Georije  A.  boat  bidr,  7  Court. 

Hauous  Clark  E,  freight  aet  C  6c  N  \V  Ky. 

lltttheram  Edvrard.  conlrac  Jnr,  ."I'l  Linn. 

Uc't'«r«ier  K'riiitinr;  Vo,  Puldishers 
Daily  and  \^'c■ekl3'  lltcorder,  15  and  17 
S  Kiver. 

l!eddy  Andrew  W,  shoemaker.  2  S  Iliver. 

I'eid  Archie,  dry  goods,  12  E  ilain. 

lieid  IJroa  (Ucbi-rt  and  JIalthew),  horse 
breeders.  5  N  Elufl. 

Ileyuolds  &  .\LUlhews  (Henry  C  Reynolds, 
Thomas  Matthews),  barbers,  IJG  E  Mil- 

liichardsfiu  Lemuel  D,  mnc:r  Wisconsin 
Telepiione  Co  and  Janesvilie  Slieel  I'j' 
Co,  u  w  cor  Main  and  Milwaukee. 

Kioltai'dsoii  Kl  .B,  Propr  Globe  Works, 
.\  Main. 

liicLardson  .Shoe  Co.  Alexander  Pdchaid- 
.'on  pres,  C  W  Billings  sec,  2o  W  Mil- 

Kichardson  &  Norcro.ja  (Alexandei  Tticli- 
ardson,  L'liny  Xorcross),  shoe  mnfis, 
Norcross  hlk. 

'>ider  Albert,  grocer.  HI  W  .Milwaukee. 

UnboriN  A  lJic!!or  (Evan  I)  lioberts. 
W  Frank  Keller),  Veterinary  f?urgeons, 
12  S  BInir. 

li"binson  Mrs  O,  milliner,  107  W  Milwau- 

Uoche  Uev  U  J  (Catholic), 

"Ock  County  National  Bank  (capital. 
*100.000),  C  S  .Tackman  pres,  S  li  t-mith 
casb,  15  E  Milwaukee. 

'"'gers  &  Jlutcldnsori  (Henry  Hncers, 
^loaklcy  Hutchinson),  painters,  UiO  E 

Hoouf.y  Thomas,  live  stock,  1  mile  e. 

''053  \Vm,  county  supt  schools  Isl  district. 

Rowe  Oscar  D,  leaf  tobacco,  cor  Madison 
and  Wall. 

liuger  Edward,  county  surveyor,  1  N 

Ruger  Wra,  lawyer.  Jackmau's  blk. 

I£iiral  Mes«ciiKcr,  H  J  Lawrence 
Publr,  rear  I'ostortice, 

Ryan  Daniel,  livery,  23  S  .Main. 

Ryan  .James,  saloon,  114  W  Milwaukee. 

Saddler  Wtn,  harness.  15  S  -Main. 

Saddler  Mrs  \Vm,  milliner,  34  S  Main, 

St  John  James  W.phys.lOl  \V  Milwaukee. 

St  Joseph  Convenl  of  3Jerc}',  Sister  Mary 
Agues  mother  superior,  cor  Holmes  and 

Sale  John  W,  probate  judge, 

Samuels  Edwin  J,  ticket  agent  C,  ."^I  A,  St 
P  Ry. 

Sanborn  A  D  &  Co  (Asa  I)  and  Charles  A 
Sanborn),  grocers,  G5  \V  Milwaukee. 

Sanborn  B  '1',  pbys,  17  W  Milwaukee, 

SaiKicrs  Joiiii  ^V,  I'ropr  "iVi-consin 
Short-hand  L'nlversilj-,  01  W  Milwau- 

Sayre  T  E,  leaf  tobacco,  151  Ravine, 

Scanlau  Frank  Jl,  lawyer,  11  Vi'  J^lilwau- 

Scarcliff  George,  meats,  50  W  Milwaukee. 

Jsciiiiilcr  »V  f»tri<'lilcr  (Allicrt  Schal- 
ler,  Frank  B  Strickler),  Proprs  Jancsville 
Steam  Laundrv,  13  S  .Main.  {ik'C  ado,  p 

Scherer  Peter.  2il-band  goods,  85  N  Main. 

Sclimidlin  John,  cooper. 

Schmidt  &,  Bui'gs  (ll.-ins  C  Schmidt,  Atl- 
gust  G  Buirgs),  grocers,  458  Western  av. 

Scliool  of  Eclectic  Shorthand,  .Miss  E  L 
Williams  prin,  n  w  cor  Main  and  Mil- 

Pennett  James,  saloon,  213  \V  Milwaukee. 

Se:xton  Charles,  WBgonnikr.52N  Franklin. 

Shaw  Oinrgc  \V,  rest,  3  S  .lackson. 

Shrier  Frank   drugs,  101  W  .Milwaukee. 

SSKtoiuiikrr  Wni  K,  Livery,  21  S 
Bluir,     ( .^fv  ,;,/.•,  /,,;;/!>.) 

Siiophc-II  Kills.  Propr  I^lio'nis  I'laning 
.Mill  and  .Mnfr  Sash,  Doors.  Ijlinds  and 
Jackson  Refrigerators,  Race  iir  .Milwau- 

Shumwav  Arnold  E.  real  est.Jaokraan  blk. 

ShurtlilT 'George  A,  baker,  33  S  Main. 

Simon  Julius,  dry  goods,  i  S  Main. 

Sing  I-ep,  laundry,  10?.  ^V'  Milwaukee. 

Sisson  Wm  H,  restaurant.  4  S  Franklin. 

Skavelem  Halbos  L,  taxidermist,  157 
Prospect  ave, 

Skelly  G  'W  &  Co  (George  W  and  Charles 
Skelly),  grocers.  1  S  Jack,son. 

Slaw'son  Gcofce,  barber,  71  W  Milwaukee." 

Slawson  U  N,  barber,  32  S  Main. 

Giins  Repaired  J:rl3: 

Itipalriii:;,  our  l-aillitiov  nr.^  Ilio  l!<:»l. 
■z  n  S|.,-cl!il(y.  JOUN  'I  i:  T  M '•  rt  <;  PN 
5t  Water  Mretl,  .^Jllwnukc.-,  ^^  In. 

»Wt.'!  1    ^ii^i  Lul     ^J  ^^yiJwB    U(;  Ka'it  \\i\fr  St..  illl.V,  AT  !vKE.    Telo!,iioiie  ;;l« 







O  c 

O  Si. 

Slydell  r.t--v  James  (Episcopal). 

SmitU  Albert,  coDfectr,  2  E  .Milwaukee. 

Smith  A  Hyatt,  lawyer. 

Smith  Ella  P,  mu.-ic  teacher,  2G1  \\  Mil- 

Smith  Harvey,  wajonmkr,  106   Chatham, 
f  niith  Miss  Kate,  drsmkr.  Court  opp  Park. 
Smith's  Orchestra,  .Johu  il  Smith  leader. 
Smith  Otto  E.  propr  Badger  State  lIouEe. 

13  2s  Academy. 
Smith   fk   Gateley   (Daniel  P  Smith,  John 

n  Gateley),  coal,  ituder  1st  Natl  Bank. 
Smith   &   Pierce  (Vi'm   Smith,  Charles  E 

Pierce),  lawyers.  Postoflice  bld^. 
Snow  Wm  N,  barber,  109  \V  Jlilwaukee. 
Soulman  John,  cis/ar  nmlr,  13  Court. 
Soverhill   .Myron   O,    leaf    tobacco.    Wall 

and  Madison. 
Spear  Samuel  P,  barber,  63  W  Jlilwaukce. 
Spellman  Jacob  P.  ci.^'ar  mnfr,  14  S  River. 
Spoon  it  Snyder  (Frank  Spojn,  George  W 

.Snyder),  dry  tjood-;,  CI  ^Y  .Milwaukee. 
Spring   Brook   Improvement   Co  (capital, 

.s'O-'i.llOO),     Geori^e    L    Carrington    pres, 

Sarah  A  Carriugton  sec.  Carpenter  and 

Doty  1)1  k. 
Stanton   ik   Son  (John   C   and  George  II), 

grocers.  21  X  Jlain. 
Stearns  George  Vi,  carpenter,  104  S  Main. 
Stearns  iV  Baker  (Henry  C  Stearns,  Joseph 

P  Baker),  drugs,  73  \V  ^lilwaukee. 
iSteele   Bros  (Julius  and  Joseph  M),  crock- 
ery, 21  E  Jlilwaukee. 
Stevens   it   llolloway  (Frank    L  Stevens. 
,     Lcroy  F  IloUoway),  real   titate,    'Si  AV 
■    ililwaukee. 
Stevens  it  JIcKey  (Fenton  F  Stevea.s.'Wm 

D  McKey).  leaf  tobacco. 
Slillaou   Frederick   C,  saloon,  24    W    Mil- 
Stoddard  \Vm  B,  tinsmith,  203  N  Bluff, 
Stracbc  lJ-;rDhard,  hour  mill,  on  the  U.ace. 
Sutherland  J  it  Sons  (James,  James  A  and 

Oiiijn),  stationers.  12  S  .Main. 
Sutherland   Qiiincy   O,  physician,  101  AV 

Sutter   Bro;!,    E  .1  ('oilman  mngr,  leaf  t.)- 

b.icco,  2"i4  Wall. 
Swt'CllCV  J  F,  Propr  Grand  Hotel,  cnr 

High  and  \V  Milwaukee 
Tallman  Wm  II,  mnfr  druggists'  sundries, 

l.j>^  S  Academy. 
Tarrant  it  Osgood  (Charles  Tarrant, George 

H  Osgood)    'jTorers,  lOf)  W  IMilwatikee 
Taylor     i'.dwiii     T,    Architect    and 

BuilduiL'  (ontraftor.  7  Court. 
Tiiyloi-  iiaile*  1>.  Mnfr  Woml  and  Iron 

Working  ilachiuery,  121  N  .Main.     (St-e 

ado,  p  S:'5.) 

Taylor  it  Son  (Tunis  R  and  E.lwin  T., 
contractors,  cor  S  Franklin  and  Pleasant. 

Thorougbcood  it  Co  (John  Thoroughgood. 
Fenner  Kimball)  cigar  box  mnirs,  corX 
Main  and  3d. 

Throne  David,  county  supt  schools  2d 

Tice  Jacob  A,  pbotogr,  24  W  Milwaukee. 

Torncy  James,  upholsterer,  2  Vt'all. 

Trulson  it  Peterson  iStengrini  Trulson, 
Carl  C  Peterson),  shoes,  26  W  Milwau- 

Tuckwood  John,  restaurant,  6  S  Franklin. 

Tull  Bernard  H,notions,121  W  .Milwaukee 
I  Turner  Charles  F,  photographer.  57  W 
Wisconsin . 

Union  House,  Ant(pn  Behrendt  propr,  3  X 

Valentine  Charles  L,  register  of  deeds. 

Valentine's  School  of  Telegraphy,  Richard 
&  A  M  Valentine  proprs,  over  Rock 
County  Bank. 

Van  Kirk  Covert  X,  teas,  .j4  W' IMilwaukee. 

Van  Kirk  Frederick  A,  grocer,  123  W 

Van  Kirk  A\'m  T,  grocer,  18  S  Main. 

Van  Vrankm  John  I.  carpenter,  "07  Linn. 

Veeder  Garrett,  propr  JancsviUe  Signal, 
10  AV  .Milwa\ikte. 

^'on  Buerard  Bcrabard,  confr,  1.5  N  River. 

V/acgouer  Joseph  T,  2Jliand  store,  33  X 

Walden  F  D  it  Co  (Frank  D  Waldeu... 
shoe  innfrs.  Xorcross  blk. 

Walker  H  Byron,  contractor,  9  C'ourt. 

Wallace  Miss  .\una,  dressmkr,  50  X  Main. 

Walsh  Xicholiis,  carriaeemaker,  ii^  Wall. 

Waltz  Georire,  hotel.  River  cor  I'leasant. 

AVatsnn  John  II.  rest,  .'"jS  W  ]\Iil.v:iukee. 

Webb  Albert  W,  nu-atg,  12  S  River. 

Webster  it  Addv  (Frank  N  Webster,  Era- 
nictt  Addy).  tailors,  12  W  Milwaukee. 

Wcisend  Jcjiin,  clo'.hg,  152  W  Jlihvaukce. 

Welch  Thomas,  saloon,  276  W  Milwaukee. 

Wells.  Fargo  it  Co's  Express,  C  P  .^IcLean 
asent,  lUS  W  .Milwaukee. 

Western  Union  Tele-raph  Co,  I  II  Car- 
penter mngr,  22  AV  .Milwaukee 

AVIjalen  .Miss  Celia,  dressmkr,  11  S  River. 
j  'Wheeler  Wm  G,  lawyer,  a  w  cor  Main  and 
I       ^Milwaukee. 

Wheelock  Wadsworth  ,G,  crockery,  S  S 

Whiifen  Isaac  A,wagoumaker,ll  X  Frank- 

Whitehead  John  !M,  lawyer,  .Tackman  blk. 

Whilinir  Joseph  B,  phvs,  Jackman  blk. 

Whitmbre  it  Daniels  (.Sliss  Carrie  D  V/hit_- 
more,  Eva  M  Daniels),  dressmakers,  27 
A\"  Milwaukee. 

""■l    frxu  r'V 

1  i  'JI 


15  1  1V1.SX  Av.vTi:u  sf.,  ?in,M.vv  ivi;r,  \vi.s. 


C2f  iJ 

J  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

Ij  N.  AT.Cor.  of  (irauJaa.l  Vi,  V.ater  ^ts.,  31lI.\V.U'Ki:i:,  ",VIS. 





■\VhiUaker  James,  cigar  mufr,  217  \V  3Iil- 

Wickham  Alban  D  lawyer. 

■Wilbur  Mr3  S  H,  dressmaker,  67  E  Mil- 

"Wilder  Rev  S  G  (Coneregatioual) 

"WilkiBS  &  Stratton  "(;Vrthur  T  Wilkins, 
George  I  Strnttoa)  wall  paper, 6  X  .Main. 

Williams  Jay  L,  barber, IGo  AV  .Milwaukee. 

"William.^  Wm  F.  cramty  clerk. 

Wilson  .-Vdam,  blacksmhb,  IG  S  River. 

Wilson  David  O,  pianos,  40  S  .M.iin. 

Wilson  Miss  Julia  C, music  tclir,)jj9  Cnurl. 

Winana  <fc  Uyzer  (John  Winan.s,  Edward 
?I  Ilyzer),  lawyers,  37  W  .Milvraukee. 

Windsor  SJ«Jlei,  F  E  P.eiirendt  I'ropi, 
cor  Main  and  In  1st. 

Winslow  F  S  >.t  Co  (Fiederick  S  Win.^low, 
R  II   Pickeriii.O.  dry  c.hkIs.  .''.l  S  River. 

'Wisch  Charles  W.barber/Jli  \V  .Milwaukee. 

Wisconsin  Instltate  for  the  Rliiid,  Sarah  C 
Little  Eupt,  Lizzie  J  Curli:i  malron,  cor 
Beloit  road  and  G\ierr.-ey  avc. 

AVi«ooiis!ii^ii(>r(!iaii<l  6,'siiver«tity, 
J  "W  Sanders  Propr,  61  ^\'  .Milwaukee 

Wisconsin  Teleplione  Co,  L  D  Richardson 
mngr,  n  w  mr  .M  un  and  .Mdwaukoc. 

Wi5e  Geor::;e  '\V,ph.)tnL^r.(ir,  \V  .Mdivaukec. 

IVoocI  3']cliiiiiti<l  t'",l'!iysicip.n  and  sur- 
geon, 10  and  11  Carpenter  Block. 

Woodruff  II  S  \-  Co  (Henry  S  Wnodrulf), 
Saddlery  Ilardv.-arc,  llU  N  Franklin. 

Woodstock  Mrs  ]Mary  E,  milliner,  01  W 

"Worthiiiglon  Jame«  P,  sdoon,  1  N  IViver. 

"Wray  &  Elair  (Jam-=i  G  \Vray,  ■\^'m  il 
Rlair),  conlraclor.4,  Hi  N  Franklin. 

Wright  Christopher  'J',  carriage  Irimmer, 
00  S  River. 

^'rigUt  John  P,  contractor.  Irir,  Galena. 

Wright  JosiahT,  lenlher,  l;.'-!  W  .Milwau- 

Yahn  P.ros  {Gei)rge  W  and  John  F),  meats, 
117  W  Milwaukee. 

Yerg  Frank  X,  tailor,  0;i  E  Mdwaukce. 

Z.imzow  John,  .thocniaker.  S  S  P.iver. 

Zerska  I'"erdinand  II,  mcaln,  :j  -^  Franklin. 

Zieglcr  Thomas  J,  clothing,  n  e  cor  Main 
and  Milwaukee. 

Jr.DDO.  A  posiotllco  in  :\I;iriiuotte 
county,  7  miles  south  of  Montello,  the 
county  seat  and  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  jioint.  Stages  semi-weelilv 
to  Moutello.  Population,' 7o.  Mail,  semi- 
Weekly.     Daniel  J.  Diiou,  postmaster. 

I>ixoii  Dniiici  .1,  Farmer. 
Thompson  Ellis,  blicksmith. 

JEFPSIiSON.  A  flourishing  town 
located  at  ti;a  confluence  of  the  R.ick  and 
Crawford  rivers,  and  on  the  C.  &  W.  Ry, 
in  the  center  of  Jefferson  county,  of  which 
it  is  the  judicial  seat,  45  miles  v,-c?t  of  Mil- 
waukee, and  13  south  of  Watertown.  It 
contains  Hour  and  v.-oolen  mills,  foundries 
and  machine  shops,  a  large  boot  and  shoe 
factory,  a  packing  house,  a  furniture  fac- 
tory, an  agricultural  implement  factory,  a 
drain  tile  factory,  2  tanneries,  brick  yards, 
boiler  works,  a  washing  machine  faclory.a 
grain  elevator,  1  cigar  f.actory.  a  weekly 
newspaper  and  1  brewery.  Rudolf  lle- 
ger,  projjrielor  of  the  City  I'rev,'ery,  has 
quite  recently  erected  an  expensive  and 
commodious  brewer}'  and  mall  liou-e,  in 
order  to  nu-et  Hie  deminiis  of  his  increas- 
ing business.  There  are  also  a  number  of 
.special  and  general  stores,  mechanic  shops, 
2  banks  and  good  hotel  accomnioialions. 
Religion  is  re",>re."^enled  by  Catholic,  Lu- 
theran, IMelhodiit  and  Universalist 
churches.  Tlierc  are  good  public'schools. 
It  is  the  receiving  and  distributing  point 
for  a  rich  section  of  the  country,  and  is 
rapidly  grov.dng  in  size  and  importance. 
Tiie  city  is  pi-ot.ecied  from  fire  by  a  well 
equipped  and  etlicient  fire  brigade.  Popu- 
lation, 3,000.  Tel.,  W.  U. 'Exp.,  Am, 
Frank  P.  Kispert,  postmaster. 

Adams  G  J,  prin  high  school. 
Ambos  Otio  F,  machinist. 
Ammann  Barbira,  drc-smaber. 
Arion  Bund,  Richard  Hoc  leadi-r. 
Raireuthcr  Chiis  it  Co  (Chris  Raireulher, 

Georges  Froeger).  tanners. 
Baud  of  Hope,  Henry  C  Mansfield  publr. 
Pical  Will,  well  digger, 
liechaud  Armund  R.  druggist. 
Bellman  Henry,  jiiinter. 
Bender  John,  pro|ir  Wisconsin  House. 
Bender's  Hall,  John  Bender  mngr. 
Bennett  Henry  Iv,  county  clerk. 
Kerens  Adolph,  saloon. 
Etrg  Frank  J,  saloon. 
Bieber  Win,  clerk  circuit  court. 
Bienfaug  Chris,  saloon. 
Bienfang  Edward,  saloon. 
Bienfang   J  it  Sou   (John   and   John   jr), 

general  store. 
Bird  lia  W,  lawyer. 
Boll  Anton  W,  blacksmith. 
Breman  Charles,  bridge  builder, 
lireunig  Jacob,  brewer. 
Brewer  .la}',  veterinary  .surgeon. 
Brown  Solon,  creamery. 
Bruett  Nelson,  lawyer. 
Bruelt  "Wm,  dog  breeder. 

Chicago,  [llwaohfi  6  St.  Paul  Bj,;":,t;yies!and  ilofih'.'/8s! 

Buy   QCODYBhR    1^  U  B  B  5  f^    C  I.  O  T  C^H  Tl  G 
Of  Goodyear   i^ubber    Company,    UjiUvaukee,  V/isconsin, 





Bullock  lU-vLB  (Melbodist). 

BuUwinkel  Charles  F,  hardware. 

Campbcil  Jam(S,  creamery. 

Christ  GeorL';c  B,  carpenter. 

Church  Alfred.!,  painter. 

Cily   Brcivcrj-,  liudolf  Ileger  Propr. 

(Seeadc.  Oj.p.) 
C0I0UU13  Henry,  county  judire. 
Cook  Aiit^el,  .saloon. 

CopcUiiul  «V  BSydcr  Co,  Lewis  Ry- 
der   I'res,    Ucoruc    Copelaud   Sec    aud 

Treas,  Shoe  Mnfr.s. 
Dicderich  I'.ev  John  (Mcthf'.dlst). 
Eiden  Mathias,  merchant  tailor. 
Eideii  Peter,  Hour  and  feed. 
Emmenl  Ucv  Leonlisird  M  (.Method!'!t). 
Farmer.s   aud  Alerchants'   Bank  of  Jelfor- 

son  (capital,  .■;;G0,uOiii,   Yale  lleury  pres, 

George  J  Kispcrt  ca^h. 
Fehrniann  Gustav,  saluoii. 
Felirinann  llerunin,  mason. 
Fernliolz  Adam,  livery. 
Ftrnholz  Gottfried,  livery. 
Feruholz  .Joseph  A,  propr   Northwestern 

Fischer  Henry,  jev.-eler. 
Fischer  John  A,  pliiitn;Trnp!ier. 
Fischer  it  Hondl  (..Joiiii  C  Fischer,    Frank 

Hondl),  merchant  tuilora. 
Freeman  Herinan,  mason. 
Friedel  .John  11,  cooper. 
Friedel  John  N,  cooper. 
Frommader  Georc;i3,  saloon. 
Frosch  J,  carpenter. 
Fuclis  John  G,  furniture. 
Fuehrbringer  Adam,  apiarist. 
Garritz  Jauies  R,  register  of  deeds. 
Gleasou  Thomas,  saloon. 
Gleasim  it  Clark  (Thomas  Gleasou,    John 

Clark),  .caloon. 
Golden  Star  Hotel,  JolinTurrk  propr. 
Gra(7.el    Henry,    supt    Jelleison    County 

Grinuri  Christoplicr,  apiarist. 
Grimm  Ji.i>eph,  apiarist. 
Gross  Fredeiiek,  ;,a!oon. 
Haag  John   \V,   saloon. 
Hiibermann  Louis,  cattle  dealer. 
Hake  Simon  1^,  n^nfr  wa«luni^  machines. 
Hnmmes  Jlenry,  onipenlcr. 
Ham.shield  John,  hou'-e  mover. 
Hannover  George,  painter. 
Harvey  Jliss  Kato,  music  teacher. 
Haubenscldeld  Adolpli,  blacksmith. 
Hauer  J  it  Co  (John  Hauer,  Jacob  Treka), 

boots  and  shoes. 
Hayes  Jacob,  junk. 
Hayes  Jolm  J,  commission. 
Hayes  ifc  Noyes    (Solon   R   Hayes,  A  H 

Noyes),  photographers. 

ISoaicr   iJli<!oir,  Propr  C:ily  Brewerv; 
also    .Maltster    and    Bottler.     (See    adc, 
Hedemann  John  B,  boots  and  shoes. 
Heimerl  John,  tanner. 
Heimerl  Otto  C.  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co. 
Heinz  Hubert  H,  .saloon. 
Henry  Adney,  dairy. 
Hibbard  Paul  W,  sheriff. 
Hitchcock  it  Wiuterling  (Paul  Hitchcock, 

Nelson  Wintcrling),  Hour  miil. 
Hoe  it  Roessler,  publrs  Widows    and  Or- 
phans' Friend. 
Hoffman  J  C,  physician. 
Hoffmann  Sifrmuud,  jeweler. 
Illing  Charles,  linsmilh. 
Jahn  Charles,  meat  market. 
Jnliu  John,  Hour  and  feed. 
Jefferson  Banner,  (Jscar  F  P^oessler  editor 

and  propr. 
JJc/Rt-^oii    BEritk   :mci   Tilo  Miifj-' 
Co    (Solon    iiruwn.    Anion    Sliel,    John 
Reinel,  Adam  SpLimiler). 
Jefferson  County  Asylum,  Ileury  Graezel 

Jefferson  County  Bank   (t  apital,  sr,0.000), 

R  \V  Clark  pros.  John  Kernel  jr  ca-h. 
.Jfirer.-ion    ISosim^-,    lOdwaul    -^luelle^ 

i^ropr.     {S,r  <iiU\  I'pi'.) 
JcfTerson  Wooleu   .Aliil.s,   Frank   Stoppen- 

bacli  mngr. 
Joergcr  Rev  J  J  (Catholie). 
Johnson  David,  horse  breeder. 
Jordan  Bro.s  (<_)rville  W  and  George  W), 

tanners  and  horse  lireeders. 
ICemmetcr  Mary  .M  &  Sou   (Mary  -^I  and 

i^[ichael),  general  store. 
Kemmetcr  M  it  Sou.s  (Michael,  Michael  jr 

aud  Gottlieb  R),  brick  mnfis. 
ICerehensteiiicr  Olto  J,  register  of  deeds. 
JCirkl.and  it  Grimm   (Ri-brrt  B  Ivirkland, 

George  Grimm),  lawyers. 
TCispi.Tt  Frank  P,  postmaster. 
Kispert  George,  boots  and  slioes. 
Kispert  it  Roesvier  (Adam  Kis|iert,  Simon 

Roes.sler),  tailors. 
Koeuig  it  Lytic,  grain  elevator. 
Kass  Lina,  dressuuiker. 
li^rebs  Ciinrles  F,  confectr  and  juslice, 
Lacey  it  Gotlschalk  (.fohn    C   Lacey,  Ed- 
ward Goitscbalk),  lioiseshoers. 
Ladnie  Herman,  carpenter. 
Langer  Frank,  telegraph  agent. 
J^ederer  John  P,  meat  market. 
Leutz  Charhs.  cigar  mnfr. 
Lindl  George,  carpenter. 
Loetz  George  J,  city  clerk. 
Lytle  James,  grain  elevator. 
JIcLaughlin  Barney,  saloon. 

Cliicap  fi  Grand  Trunk  Pa 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


(Esh  Assets,  $110,000,000.  I.  Northwestern     Brnncli 
Sur.ilus,      -        16.000.000.  l' Office,   -1 1 G    1^1 
St.,  .lllLVtACKJ:?;,  WIS.     \V.  ^^.  CASHEE,  State  Agent.     WALKKU  UltK.VKii,  Gi 

flew  York  Life  hsiiranca  Co.,  H%''u^.'  -  office  .no  :>.ii»„„koe 





Mansfield    Henry   C,    utnlist    and    publr 

Band  of  Hope. 
JIattes  Fredi;rick,  saloon. 
AFelzen  MicliHcl  C,  marble  works. 
JMeyer  Charles  L.  propr  Meyer  House. 
Jleyer  John  F  W,  frrocer. 
JIuck  Wm  &  Co  (Mis  'Wm  :Muck,  Charles 

Seifert),  general  itore. 
Mueller  Charles  J  H,  saloon. 
MiiclSer    K<l\vur<l,   Propr    Jefferson 

House.     (&e<jih;,  bduw.) 
Muenich  Joseph  A,  physician. 
Neipert  Jolin,  carpcuier. 
Keiss  Hubert,  charcoal  burner. 
Neuer  Frederick,  saloon. 
Isorthwestern    Hotel,  Joseph   A   Fercholz 

Xotbalim  Edward  W,  furniture". 
Kueriiberger  George,  baker. 
O'Brien  PiUricU,  county  Ircas. 
Parks  Charles,  tin-ware. 
Peebles  Joseph  Yj.  dentist. 
Perkins  John  O.  supl  of  schools. 

Piper  Mark  L,  clerk  of  court. 

Plotz  John,  cigar  niufr. 

Porter  "Warren  H,  lawyer. 

Porter  &  Stoppinbach  (Warren  II  Porter, 

Otto  F  Stoppenbach).  insurance. 
Puerner  A  &  Son  (Andrew  J  and  Wm  F), 

general  store. 
Puerner  Chris  J,  carpet  weaver. 
Puerner  George,  painter. 
Puerner  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Puerner  John,  briek  innfr. 
Puerner   L   &  J    \V   (Louis  and  John  "\V), 

horse  breeders. 
Puerner  Murliu,  bill  poster. 
Puerncr's  Military  Band,  John  A  Puerner 

Puerner  Grin,  dairvmau. 
Kay  Frederick  0,  druggist. 
Reap  Henry,  saloon. 
Reed  Hubert,  nursery. 
Reed  Joseph,  nursery. 
Reed   &   Smith  (Wiii  "W    Reed,  George  L 

Smitli"),  physicians. 

Strictly  First=Class.      liatcs,  $2  per  Day. 

GOon  S-vnii'i^u  itooir. 

JERKERSON,        -         -        W^ISCONSIN. 

■^'^  n  tz"'^  ^'^  ''7         r^  rr"-*\  f""^^^  t^.  '"^  fj  r"^^  r^'>  t\/^ 

piiolor.  -rl        ^ 

Kijt)0».r  EBEXiB'.SS,   8'roi»rii>l<>r. 

f      . 

^-':..    Pi' 

. — y 

I".   i^-<i=S\'  ■    V  ■    ,  .^  ,       i -1  :•  i 

Maltstef  aod  Ooitle[> 
Orders  Pmniptly  Fillet 


iifcr    JEFFERSOil  WIS. 


all  POINTS 

I  mmm  m 

'isdahv  Brothers,  ^ Pork  and   Beef  PackerSj 

.TIULWAt  KEE,    WlhlCONSIN.      ) 






J  Oil 





til  cj 


Keiiiel  ifc  Stcippenbacb  (John  I'eiDtl,  estate 
,     of  C  Stoppmbacb),  liiniber. 

Reul  John  HI,  wagODinaker. 

Kiep  Henry,  paloon. 

Ricss  Louis  M,  tbotmaker. 

liockatroh  ^Ym.  carpenter, 
^liocssler  ilicbael,  carpet  weaver. 

Hoeesler  Oscar  P,  propr  .Jeflerfon  Banner. 

Rogers  Wm  II,  district  nltorncy. 

Sclicid  &  Miller  (George  J  Scbcld,  Charles 
M  Miller),  general  More. 

Scheubcr  Frank  A,  saloon. 

Scbroeder  Henry  F,  barber, 

Schroeder    OL'    Gericke    (Emil   Schrocdcr, 
Loui.';  Gericke),  barbers. 

Schweiccr  Peter,  bIac!:;milU. 

ScbwelleDbach  Roland,  cider  raiifr. 

Schwellenbach  'Win,  harness. 

Seifert  Frank,  hardware. 

Scitz  Bros  (Encs  F  and  Michael  J),  cigar 

Seilz  5Irs  Johanna,  milliner. 

Sieber  George  L,  cooper. 

Smith  G  L.  physician. 

Spangler  Adam,  ma.son. 

Steinaknr  Nicholas,  lawyer. 

Stengel  Erhard,  carpenter. 

Stcplian  .lohn,  saloon. 

Stoppenbach  Jliss  Bertha,  music  teacher. 

Stoppenbach'a    0    Song  (Emil,  .Joseph  and 
Ferdinand),  meat  market. 

Stoppenbach 's  Opera  Hou.'-e,  Frank  Stop- 
penbach mngr. 

Stoppenbach  ic  Haubenschicd,  painters. 

Straw  Bertram  H,  painter. 

Strese  Lina,  dressmaker 

Slrc'c  Ludwig.  horseshocr. 

Thiele  AVni,  music  teacher. 

Tiitscheler  Hans,  saloon. 

Tritscheler  John,  saloon. 

'I'urck  John,  propr  Golden  Star  Hotel. 

Vaughn  (Jrris  (_!,  farm  unpts. 

Vogel  Miss  l?arbara,  milliner. 

Vogul  Rev  Heury  (German  Lutheran). 

Yogel  Herman  A,  genera!  store. 

Wiigner  George  A.  barber. 

AVallin  Lords,   tailor. 

Warner  Jerry  A,  sewing  machines. 

^Vaterllury  .1   O,   sirrveyor. 

^\'"ci?H  Fred,  meat  market. 

AVidows    and    Orphans'   Friend,   Hoe    & 
Roesslcr   publrs. 

Wilbur  Gordon  J,  agt  C  &  N  W  Ry. 

Vt'illiams  George  A,  city  marshal. 

Wlnterllng  Joseph,  dairyman. 

Wisconsin  House,  John  !5ender  propr. 

Wisconsin  Mntg  Co,  Royal  N  C'lark  pres, 
Louis  ]\I  Sndlh  sec,  furniture  mnfr.s. 

WiscouMu   Odd  Fellows'   Mutual  Life  In- 
surance Co,  James  W  (.istramlcr  sec. 

Witte  George,  insurance. 
Wollet  John,  carpenter. 
Wollin  Loins,  merchant  tailor. 
Woodman  Wm  W,  coroner. 
Wunschel  Christoph,  baker. 
Zeh  Ileury,  ice  dealer. 
Zeidler  John,  boots  and  shoes. 
Zimmermann  Mrs  Christina,  milliner. 


station  and  postrlllce  on  the  C.  ct  N.  W. 
liy,  in  Jefferson  county,  2i  miles  north  of 
Jtiferson,  the  judicial  feat  and  banUins- 
point.  Exp..  Am.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Popu" 
ialion,  2.5.     W,  F.  Copeland,  postmaster. 

Copelainl  W  I',  Railroad  and  Express 

Lytle  James,  grain  elevator. 
Virden  W  A,  telegraph  agent. 

JEEICHO.  In  Calumet  county,  S 
miles  southwest  of  Chilton,  tlic  judicial 
seat,  banking  and  nearest  shipping' point. 
Population,  100.  Mail,  daily.  T.  A. 
Whitb}',  postmaster. 

Barker  Marian,  music  teacher. 
Boothertowu  Baud. 
Buechel  Peter,  carpenter. 
Giebel  John,  mason. 
Hiemerman  Cyrus,  carpenter. 
Kueler  Antoinc,  saloon. 
Minajban  I'obert  E.  jibysician. 
Parkinson  J  X,  justice. 
^Vliltbj-  T  A,  General  Store. 

JEWETT  MILLS.  A  posfofHce  ii: 
St.  Croix  county,  on  the  Wisconsin  (Jeulra! 
Line,  25  nules  northeast  of  Hudson,  th* 
count}-  scat,  and  0  east  of  New  liichmond, 
the  nearest  bauking  poitit.  Populatiou- 
I.jO,  >Iail,  daily.  "  S.  A.  Jewelt,  post- 

Alliiiiu'C   meroaiililc   Co,    General 

Stole  and  Grain. 
Kneale  O  C.  Hour  and  saw  mill. 
Lavell  Edward  F,  saloon. 

JOEL.  Polk  county.  y<ii)ie  cJianrjed 
to  Orcgory.  ^ 

JOHNSBURGH.  Formerly  known 
as  Iliuefberg,  is  in  Fond  ilu  Lac  county, 
12  miles  northeast  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the 
seat  of  justice,  and  IJ  north  of  Jlalone.  on 
the  C.  .t  N.  W.  Ry,  the  nearest  shipping 
point.  Populatiiui  :3.5,  Mail, daily.  August 
Langeufeld,  postmaster. 

Daniel  M.  blacksmith. 

rl  Iyv^S  F!u  Ths  Favorite  Rome  E?.st 

U       ilt;iKi     SIfe'l  VI. 1    M.VO.'iltA    FALLS. 

p  /•„*_„-  TOE  BRODESSEB  SXFO  tO.,  Mannfoctnrers  of  MEAT  REFEIGERAIOnS, 
ribirigUICUUrb.  IiIHT  UOCKEUS,  KLEVATOUS  of  all  kinds,  i'l^TS,  I!1:k\VE1!Y  .■aACIliNKKV, 




Liinjroiifcid    Aig^'itAl,    Hotel,  Saloon 

and  Furiiilure. 
Loclie  Querin,  general  store. 
Heis  Peter,  general  blore  and  barness. 
■Wiuiberger  John,  shoemaker. 

JOHNSOK'S  CREEK.  A  village  nn 
tlic  C:.  ik  K.  W.  liy.  iu  .jLllersou  county,  5 
miles  north  of  Jtfferson,  the  county  scat 
■ii;d  nearest  banking  point.  Population, 
:;.:o:  Tel.,  "\V.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  G.  C. 
Mansfield,  postmaster. 

Bock  Ct  a,  meat  market. 

Boettcher  Frederick,  ?!iIoon. 

ISocttclitT  r  fi.  Hoots  and  Shoes. 

L'ase  George,  wagonmsUer. 

Christians  II  C,  creamery  and  produce. 

Farmington  Creamery  (Jo. 

Grube  Ferdinanc),  blacksmith. 

Grube  Fredciick,  live  .slock. 

Haubenschild  Adolpli,  blacksmith. 

Hcitel  J,  general  store. 

Jnehnke  F  F  G,  blacksmith. 

Lytic  J,  grain. 

>ia!isJU"!(I  B^  €,  Poultry  Fancier. 

Mans-field  George  0,  general  store. 

Muiiiljeld  0  C  Creamery  Co. 

Mielngau  Hedge  Co,  A  Zastro  propr. 

t-chaliart  Herman,  carpenter. 

Schoccbeit  \Vm,  saloon. 

Ptutber  Wm,  hotel  and  saloon. 

Swap  Frank,  hotel. 

Vuellz  Albeit,  live  stock. 

Warner  CJhurles,  boots  and  shoes. 

Woodman  \V  W,  lawyer. 

JOHNSONVILLE,     A  postotTlco  in 
Sheboygan  cnunty,  11  mile.s  nortliwen  of 
Sheboygan,  the  county  seat,  and  5  north- 
east of  Plymouth,  the  neare.-t  railroad  sta- 
tion and  banking   point.     Population,  00. 
.Mail,  semi  weekly. 
Blank  C,  shoemaker. 
I>trk  John,  bliicksmill]. 
<';rc<M»o  C,  General  Store, 
lianke  il,  cheese  mnfr. 
-Mog  F,  gencial  store. 
Itoeder  Frederick,  cheese  mnfr. 
Schneider  Cliris,  -WRUMiumaker. 
Schull/.  C  H,  saw  and  grist  mdl. 
Stiffen  F,  carpenter. 

JOHNSTOWN".  A  village  iu  Hock 
county,  12  miles  east  of  .lanesville,  the 
county  seal,  and  7  south  of  Lima  Centre, 
the  nearest  railroad  station.  .lanesville  is 
the  nearest  banl-ting  point.  Population, 
-"'"I.  llail,  daily.  'l.  1.  Fletcher,  post- 

Abbott  E  C,  carpenter. 
B'lt.'!t'!l<.T  ii;r«>'-.  General  Store. 
Fletcher  John,  music  teacher. 
Hurlburt  M  G,  blacksmith. 
Mowry  L,  mason. 
Nickerson  U  C.  boots  and  shoes. 
Nickorson  Lewis,  barfier. 
PLOckwell  Wm,  physician. 
Waters  L  B,  blacksmith. 

lage in  Koclv  county,  10  miles  east  of 
Janesville,  the  county  seat,  and  7  south- 
west of  Lima  Centre,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Janesville  is  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Stages  daily  to  Janesville  and 
Richmond.  Population,  250.  3Iail,  daily. 
Frank  D.  Hall,  postmaster. 

Austin  T  U,  broker. 

Bell  John,  blacksmith. 

Bell  Wm,  bla.-ksmith. 

Bliss  K  H,  maible  works. 

Briggs  D  \V,  curiienter. 

Chandler  George  F  II,  carpenter. 

Chandler  G  JI,  notary. 

Dickinson  D  A,  machine  agent. 

Hall  (1  D,  l)roker. 

5B::1I  G  li  •'>^  Sous,  General  Store. 

Johnson  II  S,  hotel. 

i^IcOowan  James,  shoemaker 

Newball  EG,  broker. 

Pember  U  T,  broker. 

Pollay  H  H,  meat  market. 

Rockwell  Dr  Mary,  mu'sic  teacher. 

Rockwell  AV  iM,  jihyslci'in. 

Thomas  Wm,  wagoniiraker. 

JONESDALS,     On  iho   L  C.  R 

in  Town  county,  8}-  miles  sotithca! 
Dodgevilk\  the  judicial  seat  and  ban 
point.  Populalion,  30.  Tel.,  W. 
E.xp.,  Am'     G.  Jones,  postmaster. 

Cox  &  Gibble,  live  stock. 
Haines  Elmer,   blucksmilh. 
,?<i»ne»  P>iii«i<>l,  Flour  .Mill. 
Leury  .lohn,  hotel. 
Oliver  llro.'i,  general  store. 
Oliver  John,  builder. 
Reeves  Wm,  general  store. 
She.'i  Brcis,  grocers. 


^s  FaiT; 

JORDAN.  In  Green  cotmty,  9  miles 
northwest  of  Monroe,  the  county  scat  and 
banking  point,  and  0  from  Monroe,  the 
ne.'ircst  shipping  point.  Poptdation,  120. 
JIail,  tri-weekly.    John  Deetz,  postmsister. 

Hale  &  Kelly,  general  store. 

l>eol'/.  Ja«-<>I>,  Patent  Medicine  Agent. 

10,  1'2  and  14  roiirtli  .St.,  Fond  du  L.iir,  Wis., 

is  llie  Place  to  Buy  PARLOR  SETS,  OYcr  200  Styles. 

IlliilS  CfilTR^L  I E 

Short  and  Direct 
1         Route  from 






J  UN 

Hanson  John,  town  clerk. 
Kessler  Joseph,  mnson. 
Klu38)'  Joacbim,  constable. 
Kuble  Jacob,  shoemaker. 
Mytbaler  &  Co,  cheese  factory. 
Naltz,  roll  &  Co,  cheese  factory. 
Osgood  Lewis,  wagonmaker. 
Stanffacher  Adam,  blacksmith. 
Staull'rtclier  A  S:  Co,  cliccse  mnfrs. 
Voegeli  John  &  Jacob,  cheese  ninfrs. 

JUDA.  First  settled  in  1S!0,  is  a  stir- 
ring villa^'e  on  the  C,  51.  &  St.  P.  liy,  in 
Green  county,  03  miles  southwest  of  ^Mil- 
waukce  and  8  of  ]\Ionroe,  the  seat  of 
justice  and  the  location  of  the  nearest 
bank.  Kxp.,  A(hini3.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Pop- 
ulation, 37.").  George  IL  Decker,  post- 

Andrick  P.ev  John  (Baptist). 
Berryman  Jacob,  mujic  teafhcr. 
Bo'iisford  Kugcne  X,  railroad,  exp  and  tcl 

Bridge  House,  W  D  Bridge  propr. 
Burns  Philip,  carpenter. 
Chadwick  Jolin  C,  horse  breeder. 
Clark  I!ol)crt  B,  phytieiau. 
Conn  llannali,  dressmaker. 
I>ep!i<'r  <i»i'Or5ie  Ei, Confectionery  and 

Hart  U  B,  principal  public  schools. 
Kelly  Dora  V,  music  teaclier. 
Kuble  Frederick,  painter. 
Laborde  IVter,  undertaker. 
Labr  G  B  &  Co,  hardware. 
IiCglcr  John,  lumber  and  meats. 
Lcwi.sBev  F  E  (MethodislV 
Maylard  I'^rank,  blaekemilh. 
Moldenhaurer  Wni  F,  general  store. 
Nicsmau  John,  harnessmaker. 
Bice  George  \V,  mason. 
Schneller  Anna,  dressmaker. 
Schnellor  Rev  J  ( 
Swan  John,  ju.-.liee. 
TJioifiipson  8"<l\viir«l,  Grocer. 
Van  Curau  &  Kelly,  general  store. 

JUELSON.  Slarathou  county.  Savie 
rhangid  lo  Ihtnri/. 

JUNCTION.  Is  located  on  the  "Wis- 
c  lusiri  CeiilrHl  Liue,  at  the  junction  of  the 
C. ,  M  A- St,  1',  Hy,  in  Portage  county,  11 
miles  norlhwe=t"of  Stevens'  Point,  the 
county  scat  .ind  nearest  bunking  point. 
Popul'ation,  -'.'.0.  Tel.,  \\'.  U.  V.\\\,  Am. 
and  N.  P.     Charles  Hollirook,  postmaster. 

Burns  J  E,  general  store. 
Case  F  15,  surveyor. 

Dubrieski  Lorenz,  saloon. 

Hayes  Edward,  saloon. 

HeckeE  (Lutheran) 

IloIbrouU  CEiai'Ies,  General  Store aa! 

Johnson  Rev  P  A  (Concregational). 
Ketchum  O  P,  agtC,  M  .t  St  P  Ry. 
Lugowski  Rev  Theodore  (Catholic). 
Oster  George  E.  real  estate. 
Plcet  John,  general  store. 
Robertson  Nelson,  carsmith. 
liU.=.3ell  Eliza,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Sarelzky  F,  blacksmith. 
Voyer  Oswald,  hotel  and  vet  surgeon. 

JUNEAU.  An  incorporated  city  on 
the  C.  itN.  W.  Ry,  in  Oak  Gr.ive  town- 
ship, l)u<lge  county,  of  which  it  is  the 
judicial  seat,  GO  miles  northwest  of  ilil- 
waukee,  \T)  north  of  Watertown,  9  from 
Beaver  Dam,  the  location  of  the  uearc-s' 
bank,  and  3  south  of  .Minue-iota  Junction, 
on  the  C,  JL  &  St.  P.  Ry.  The  cily  con- 
tains a  steam  flouring  mill,  a  creamery,  a 
ha}'  pressing  establishment,  a  high  and 
grailed  school,  a  parochird  school  and 
ilethodi'.t,  Presbyterian,  Catholic,  Luth 
cran  and  Reformed  churches,  an  insaui; 
asylum  with  a  c.npacity  of  100  patients,  a 
county  poor  bou^e  on  a  farm  of  HO  acre 
of  laud,  a  puljlic  hall  with  a  senting  capa- 
city of  COO,  a  county  jail  and  one  of  the 
finest  county  court  houses  in  the  Slate. 
heated  by  steam,  and  surrounded  l)y  a 
beautiful,  nicely  shaded  park  in  the  he.irt 
of  the  city,  a  large  nimiber  lif  general 
stores,  4  hotels,  1  carriage  factory  and  sev-^ 
eral  wagon  and  blacksmith  shops,  and  a' 
grain  elevator.  A  weekly  democratic 
newspaper,  tin:  Juma'i  Ttli'phonc.  the  clli- 
cial  paper  of  the  county,  is  iiubli.-iied. 
Farm  pioduce  and  live  stock  are  the  prin- 
cipal shipments.  The  city  is  surrounded 
by  the  liaest  farmitig  lands  in  the  State, 
and  is  rapidly  becoming  an  important 
commercial  center.  Wisconsin  Telephone 
Exchauge.  E.\p.,  Am.  I'opulatiou,  t*-JO, 
Mail,  twice  daily.  John  Is'ehls,  postnias 

Adams  George  W,  baidware, 
Alleyii  Rev  W"m  A  (Presbyterian) 
American  House.  Wra  D   Warner  propr. 
Baker  Alexander,  painter. 
Barber  .'uhn  S,  livery. 
Beadle  Mi^s  Addie  L.  milliner. 
Beadle  j''rank.  jeweler. 
Becker  John  B.  under  sheriff. 
Bemmann  Charles,  notions. 
Bennett  Rev  Wm  (Methodist). 

North  StarlronV/orks. 

I'ABJSII   .MAMFAClt  T.nd  C<>. 
Ashland,    -     -     V/isconsln. 

rnpsrily.  .".00  InuidN-t  iisinf  ers 
.  .-ilillnri.-lits  •-■I"  ■'IIU  lliir-hiiicr: 
Sjiti  J  Kn^-ines,  toilers,  l'o«erl 

51  arliinkts,  Founders.  Coilernin!>cr«, 
.  :illiilii?  Iljii-liinprj-,  (  nrU-ian.lHi^a 
•ansiiilttiDB  31acbl]ier).etc.   hec  p. 

y^i/l^'r!     P  ^TU  \     r"-)*'""^  a  Crefttor  Ii:in;e  of  CuratiTe  Action  thnn  any  other  rome.linl  nsent. 
(lUlulI     Uiil  li  J    They  are  cspprialiy  heneflrial  in  KII>Nt;v  anj  LlVKIt  TIIOIULES. 

llli;    r.AIilS    AT    J.WESVSLLii,   W  ISCO.NSi-V,    AFFOKl)    LXCKPTIO.V'AL   AllTANTAGES. 





Billack  J  L,  -n-agonmaker. 

Eohaert  August  C,  bl.ick'-mith. 

Breii-iike  John,  wagonmahLT. 

Brifmann  Charles  G,  founilry. 

Butchke  it  Stuebei-  (Albert  ButchUe,  Gus- 
tav  t^tueber).  salooa. 

Cain  Kobert,  barber. 

Christiansen  Christiansen  A,  probate  regis- 

Cliftord  Uoininic,  saloon. 

Commercial  Hotel.  Adolph  Kuecheuberg 

Congress  Hall,  McCallow  Bros  jiropr.s. 

JDodge  County  Creamery,  Georjje  W  \Var- 
ren  pres,  John  T  Lee  sec. 

Dodge  County-  Poor  House,  Solomon  Ru- 
dolph supl. 

Dov.'uiug  Isaac,  ctirringemaker. 

End  Charles,  farnr  impts. 

Piauey  J  D,  stone  cpiarry. 

JFishcr  Jc  Hayes  (John  A  Fisher,  Solon  IJ 
Hayes)   photngraiihers. 

Porbes  Frank  S,  dentist. 

Fuller  Wilford  (;,  marshal. 

Gensmer  Emil,  bhick.-iiiilh. 

Grau  John  F,  drayman. 

Greenman  Charle.s  L,  barber. 

Grunow  Herman,  mason. 

Hallock  AVallace  E,  physician. 

Harris  Oscar,  railroad  and  lei  agent. 

Uartmann  Toni,  baker. 

Ilartwig  Rev  Theodore  (Lutheran). 

Hartzhein  Michael,  restaurant. 

Haugliton  Lewis  E.  druggist. 

Haughton  S  V  R,  tlour  and  feed. 

Hauser  August  C,  harness. 

Hauser  Bernhard,  sherilt. 

Hawks  Eli,  grain  elev:itor. 

Henney  Theodore  P.  leal  cslate. 

Hildemann  John  O.  boarding  house. 

Hdgemlorf  August,  house  mover. 

Hilgendorf  John,  carpenter. 

Huebncr  it  Mohr  (John  Huebner  jr,  Mar- 
tin Mobr).  meat  market. 

jHOoi><i  itait'liacl  A,  C'ounly  Clerk. 

Jacobscn  Chris,  flour  mill. 

Jones  Hiram  A,  live  stock. 

Juneau  Brass  Baud,  PG  Lewis  leader. 

Juneau  Furniture  Co,  P  G  Lewis  pres,  W 
T  Rumbusch  sec. 

Jiiiieaii  IIoiiM',  John  Walther  Propr. 
{.<ie  ade.  /jdnw  ) 

JiKU'an  Tc!f|>Jioiio,  John  Kelley 
Editor  and  I'ropr.     {Sie  ailv,  bcloio  .) 

liellcy  ^oliii.  Editor  and  Propr  Ju- 
neau Telephone.     {.'See  ado,  biluir.) 

Kranz  Emil,  baiber. 

Kuechenberg  Adoljih,  propr  Commercial 

Kuentzle  Rev  \\  G  (Reformed). 

Kurt/,  George,  tailor. 

Lamoreux  .Silas  W,  county  judge. 

Lee  John  T,  general   store. 

Lee  &  l>ueck  (J  T  Lee,  Otto  Lueck),  cigar 

Lehman  F  L,  live  stock. 

Lewis  &  Lewi.i  (Pinckuey  G  and  Kit  C), 

Lueck  F  \Vm,  shoemaker. 

Lueck  George  W ,  druggist. 

JlcCallow  Bros  (Thomas  A  and  Terrence 
J),  general  .store. 

JlcCIelland  Edward  C.prin  public  schools. 

McGoey  Jo.^epb,  e.ipres-  agent. 

jMcQueeu  George,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Malone  James  E,  lawyer.  Edwin,  lawyer. 

Jliller  George  H,  register  of  deeds. 

Jlorse  George  \s.  lawyer. 

j\tuth  Henry,  harm  ssmaker. 

JFutli  Herman,  pio|ir  Park  House. 

><ehl.s  John,  i)ostm;iSter. 

Neider  C  F,  lumbt-r. 

Nelson  John,  lumber. 


JOHN  V/ALTHCn,  Proprietor. 

This  House  having  recently  been  relilted, 

offers  first-class  accommodations 

to   the   traveling   public. 

iiooti  I.lvcry  in  ('oiinrclioii. 

JUF4EAU,     -     V/ISCOFJSm. 


.IIM:AL',  Hodt-e  lonnly,  UlStONSI.N. 

JOHN    KELLEY,    Editor. 

The  only  Newspaper  published  at  the 
County  Seat. 

Siib«oi'i|>tIuii  I'lUc.  I..j0  per  .\  11111111 

H-st  A.lverli^iiii;  Mi-.iiura  in  the  C.mntv.     Apply 
l.y  leller  or  iktsoluIIj  for  r.itc.;. 

Cliicap,  ilwaukc  S  St,  Paiil  %  r,:':;:'  I'lest  and  i!orih";est 

ocicei Factory, isi Luke, St.. ..m.wALKti:,uis.  Lalsst  !ii!i3;0veij  V8!i3tLin  Biin:!s.. 







Oak  Grove  Cheese  and  Butter  Association, 
Jolin  Francis  pres,  A  F  Ryder  sec. 

O'Connor  James,  saloon. 

Parli  Hoii.'=e,  Utrman  JIutfci  propr. 

Pearson  Jolin  II,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Kambusch  Wm  T,  real  estate. 

Rich  &  Olsen  (Joel  Rich  jr,  Andrew  01- 
sen),  livery. 

Schmidt  Albert,  grocer. 

Schocn-n-ctter  August  F,  county  trens. 

Schwanlz  Christian  F,  wagonmaker. 

Settee  Martin,  cheese  mnfr. 

Sloan  Frank  K,  grocer. 

§IOii>i  Ge«»r.j;e  W,  Attorney  and 
Counselor-at-Law,  Notary  Public  and 
Circuit  Court  Commissioner;  Collections 
Promptly  Attended  to. 

Sunderland  \V  F,  photographer  . 

Veltum  George,  ma.son. 

Veltum  Samuel  E,  mason. 

t^'nlllier  .EoEni,  Propr  Juneau  House. 

Vi  arner  "W  m  D,  propr  American  House. 
Yankey  Gottlieb,  furniture. 
Ziliscb  Franz  L,  hardware. 
Zilisch  Henry,  peneval  store. 
Zuehlke  Julius  W,  baker. 



ty.     Sec  A.-</if(ml. 

Fond  du  Lac  coun- 

KANSASVILLE.  A  post  village  on 
the  C,  .'\L  A.'  St.  P.  Uy,  in  Racine  county, 
18  miles  west  of  P.acine,  the  county  teat, 
and  9  east  of  Burli3gl(m,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Stage  semi-wcekiy  to  Brighton  ; 
fare,  25  cents.  Population,  75.  Tel.,  W. 
U.     Kxp.,  Am. 

'  Eli-niK-it  IJro.'i,  General  Store. 
CliociU  rtiailes,  live  slock. 
Keller  II,   wagonmaker. 
MeCanna  C  15  &  Co.  cheese  mnfrs. 
Jlillcr  Anion,  shoemaUcr. 
Nisen  .Michael,  blacksmith. 
Rossniiller  \V  .M,  meal  market. 
Teuwinkle  Theodore,  saloon. 
Welch  &  Xisen,  farm  impts. 
Wilson  Horatio,  musical  mdse. 

KASSON.  In  Manitowoc  county,  25 
miles  nortbwest  of  Manitowoc,  the  county 
seat,  5  northeast  of  IJrillion,  the  nearest 
railroad  station,  and  'JO  northeast  of  Chil- 
ton, the  nearest  banking  point.  Slatres 
tri-v,'eekly  to  Brillinn.  'Populaticm.  O.", 
Mail,  trl-wcekly.  J.  A.  Horn,  postmaster. 

Elorii  J  A,  General  Store. 
Stein  C  It,  farm  impls. 

Chicap  &  Grand  Truot  Rj 

KAUIIAUl'TA.  A  prosperous  incor- 
porated city  situated  on  both  banks  of  lUc 
Fox  river,  in  OutaL:amie  county,  and  on  the 
M.,L.  S.  &  ^\'.  andC.  A"  X.  W.  Rjs.T miles 
northeast  of  Appleton,  the  judicial  seat.  Hi 
from  Milwaukee,  GO  from  Sheboygan,  35 
from  Manitowoc,  and  i''  from  Green  Bay. 
It  has  two  iiostolUces,  Kaukauna  and  Scuih. 
Ivaukauna.  The  water  power  here  is  one 
of  the  iinest  in  Wisconsin,  ami  is  utilized. 
b}- 10  pulp  nulls,  i  paper  mills,  '2  tlour 
mills,  1  planing  mill,  1  foumlry  and  2  ma- 
chine shops.  The  principal  sliops  of  the 
31..  L.  S.  &  W  Ry  are  located  here.  The  city 
has  2  newspapers,  2  banks,  several  hotels 
and  the  usual  amount  of  stores  found  in  a 
city  of  its  size.  Populatiou  (L.  S.  census), 
4,C51.  Assessed  valu;itiou  of  real  and  per- 
sonal propeit3',sS10,275.  Bonded  debt,. ■j;20,- 
000.  Telephone  connections.  Esp.,  Am. 
and  U.  S.  Postmaster  at  Kaukauna, 
Thomas  Reese;  at  South  Kaukauna,  Frank 
il.  Charlesworth. 

Acherman  Wm  D,  city  sujit  schools. 
Aigncr    llcv     rrjiiix    ^Gerraan    Re- 
formed), S  K. 
Alguyre  John,  saloon,  S  K. 
Altcndorf  Louis,  propr  Eden  Park.  S  K. 
American  House, FGrimraer it  Son  prnprs> 
Anderson  James  L,  agt  C  &  N  W  Ry. 
Anderson  Jlis  J  L,  music  teachef. 
Apiiz  Ilenr}',  apiaii^t.  S  K. 
Ashland  House,  John  Dupye  propr,  S  K. 
Atlas  Imn  and  Bra's  Works  (capital.  s25,- 
0001,  H  .V  Frambach  pres,  L  B  Sai^e  sec. 
Badger   Paper  Co  fcapilal,  slOO.OOO),  Jo- 

se'pli  Vilas  pre?,  .1  Stilhvcll  Vilas  scf. 
Balcom  Mi-s  Lucy,  music  teacher,  S  K. 
Bank  of  Kaukauna  (capital,  s:iO,000\   Pe- 
ter Renter  prcs,  F  A  Towsley  cash. 
Barrett  Mary  S,  confectioner. 
Barlsch  Mai  tin,  boots  and  shoes,  S  K. 
Baruch  Guslav,  grocer,  S  K. 
BayorE'Con  Amay  P,  meat  market. 
Benz  Wm,  cigar  mnfr,  .S  K. 
Blesc  I'eter,  saloon,  S  K. 
Bills  Harvey,  livory,  S  K. 
Boggess  Rev  Elliott  B  (Consreeational). 
Boss^'ard  Ansel  m  C,  agt  .M,  'L  S  &  W  Ry, 

S  K. 
Brill  John,  live  stock. 
Brill  Robert,  'bus  line. 
Brothers  David  J.  real  estate. 
Buchholtz  Hermann,  baker. 
iUiudrock  G,  dairy. 
Buvch  Clarence  V.  jeweler,  S  K. 
Butler    Bros   (Frank   T    and   George    F), 

Butler  &   Kaems  (Frank  T  and  Georfe  i" 
Butler,  Robert   Kaemsi.  hardware,  S  K. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 


Cliicap  !i  Grano'  TrunS:  h 

Palace  and  Dining  Cars 

'  ON    ALL   THROUGH    TViAlHS. 





Campbell  James  SV,  lleIUit^t,  S  K. 
Camiibfll  M  J  &  Co  (Micbael  J  Campbeil, 

James  M  liile_v),  marble,  S  K. 
Garnet  Conrad,  ciirar  mufr,  S  K. 
Carney  Mrs  Margaret,  dressmaker,  S  K. 
Carr  Elmer  E,  principal  public  scbool. 
Cbarlesworth  Frank  M,  druci^ist,  S  K. 
Claepill  James  O,  grocer,  S  K. 
CInspill  John  W,  general  store. 
Coffraan  John  II,  road  master  M,  L  S  it 

w  ny. 

Collett  Henry,  planins;  niill. 

Conaud  John  F,p!iucipal  hi^'h  school, S  K. 

Coppes  I'eter,  mason,  .S  K. 

Couillard  Jerome,  cabinetmaker,  S  K. 

Cronin  James  C,  livery. 

Crowns  John  II,  photofrnpher. 

Daniels  J()se|)h  N,  physician,  S  K. 

Dawson  George  II,  lav.-yer,  8  K. 

Deering  Grcgor,  meal  market. 

Dielzler  John,  boaidint;  house,  S  K. 

Dioune  Joel,  blacksmilh. 

Dittler  Win,  carpenter. 

Dolven  Marlin.  tailor. 

Donncr  Herbert  \\',  photot;raphcr,  S  K. 

Dupye  Jnhn,  prnpr  .\«liland  lIou.-:e.  S  K. 

tlbCx'ti.x  4'4>riicli!l>>,  Arciiilcct  and 
Builder  ;  K.^limates  for  DrawinL'S,  Spcci- 
ficaliona  and  Contracts  Cheerlully  Fur- 
nished, S  K. 

Eden  I'ark,  Louis  Altcndorf  propr,  S  K. 

Ejrgleston  Mrs  D  .M.  milliner,  ,S  K. 

Eiting  A\'m  J,  carpenter. 

Ehvait  Felix,  meal  market. 

Evans  A  M,  dentist. 

Falck  Frank,  saloon.  S  K. 

Fargo  G  W  &  Sons  (George  W,  George  M'^ 
jr  and  Frank  I'A,  furniture,  S  K. 

Faust  Nicholas,  farmimpfs.  S  K. 

Feebler  &  Lang  (John  G  Ftchter,  Jacob 
Lang),  general  store. 

Feller  IVttr,  liardwari'. 

Felt-es  Jacob,  saloon,  S  K. 

Pcrgusou  Wm,  livery. 

Finnegan  Andrew,  meats.  S  !C. 

Pinncgau  Audrew  ^\ ,   general  store,  S  K. 

Finnegan  Cliarlrs.  livery. 

riiiiic^aii  !";itri<-k.  Contractor,  Car- 
penter nnd  Builder:  K^limates  Cheer- 
fully Furnish. Ml.  .<  K. 

Firiit  Natifiiial  (capilal,  :J5O,nn0i,  11 
A  Frambach  pre.s,  Frank  F  Becker 

Elagg  Jlenry  J,  creamery. 

Flake,  builder. 

Eoerster  Bros  (Albert  and  Friiuk),  mercb- 
ant  tailors,  S  K. 

Fox  Itivor  ll4>ii>iO,  ^-Ticholas  D  Schwin 
Bropr;  Kates  i;;l..:.(i  i>er  Dav ;  Good  Ac- 
coininr.daiions  for  Traveling  Men. 

Fritz  Nicholas,  carpenter. 

Fullen  John  A,  saloon. 

Gaimbacher  Anton,  saloon,  S  K. 

Garvey  House,  Timothy  .1  Gaivey  propr, 

S  K. 
(Sales  ISoiiso,  RCRobu  Propr;  Head- 
quarters  for    Traveling  ^len ;  Centralh' 

Located;  Rates,  sl.:i.5  i)er  Day. 
Gerend  Xicholas,  Hour  and  feed,  S  K. 
Glass  Frank,  well  borer. 
Golden  Wm,  saloon,  .S  K. 
Graffen  Henry,  baruer,  .S  K. 
Grand    View    Hole!,    George    rilulholland 

propr,  S  K. 
Green  Charles  C,  musical  instruments. 
Green  Miss  Hattie.  music  teacher,  .S  K. 
Grignon  .Miss  Jlaggic,  aitist. 
Grignon  Ross  C,  c:allle  breeder. 
Grimmer  F  i^-  .'-^on  (Frederick  and  Charles), 

proprs  Aineric.-uill.>use. 
Griswold  Edwin  C,  ji-weler. 
Gutsch  Brewing  Co,  I'eler  Kimermann  agt. 
Haas,    Breier   it   (.!o   (George    Haas,    Wm 

Breier,  Philip  Weifenbacli),  hdwe,   S  K. 
Haas  it  Breier  (George  Haas,  Wm  Breiei;, 

Hamer  C'mstartiue  II  L,  saloon. 
Hamilton   it    I'hclps    (Joseph     Hamilton, 

James  Phelps),  stone  (luaniis. 
Uammel  I'hillp  I!,  dry  goods,  .S  K. 
Haiipt  Bros  (.lohn  and  Peter),  gr(jccr.=,  S  K. 
Hcdke  August,  apiarist. 
ESciiKic'l  i^iliii'liii.  Saloon. 
tloiiuU'l     Os»or:i     SSotjso,      ^lartiu 

Heindel  Propi ;  SeatinL'  Cipacitv,  ^oi). 
HiclfUros  (John  Baud  Jacoli), Brewers, 

S  IC. 
Helf  John,  sh-^KUiaker. 
Henrietta  Mrs  Mat'gie  A,  notion.s. 
Hens  liev  .Nicholas  (Catholic),  S  K. 
Hewitt  Miss  Jnlia.  dressmaker,  S  IC. 
Uickey  John,  master  mechanic  -M,  L  S  it 

W  Ry. 
Ililgenborg  Bernanl  II,  saloon. 
Hilz  Adam,  saloon. 
Hiliug  John,  grocer,  S  K. 
Iloberg  Frank,  farm  inipts. 
lloberg  John,  real  estate.  S  K. 
Hohntr  George  it  Sou  (George  and  John), 

Hunt  John  P,  saloon. 
Hurlcnbach  Peter,  brewers'  agent. 
Island  House,  John  Scbultheiss  i>ronr. 
Islanel  Opera  House,  J  F  Jiivers  mngr.S  K. 
Johnson  Isaac,  painter. 
Juiiigling  R,  mason. 
Juley  Paul,  saloon. 
Juvenile  Cornet  Baud,  H  J  Zcgers  leader, 

S  K.  '         - 

Ivaiitbe  John,  carpenter. 


all  POINTS  i 

n   l!01iIi][SII   10^^, 

iLllilOIS  CtllTSAL  I R 

Short  and  Direct 
1         Route  from 

mm  SOOT 






Kaukauiia  Carpniters'  Uuiou,  PettT  Juuk 

pres,  Albeit  Kalicbe  mni^r,  builders 
Kaukauna  Electric  Light  Co  (capital,  .$30,- 

000),  Joiin  Eirlcs  mn^rr. 
Kaukauha  Fibre  Co   (capital,  $45,000),   D 

H  Davis  pres,  N  II  Lrokaw  sec. 
KaiiUauoa  Hoii=c,  Anton  llietii  propr. 
Kaiikauna  Lumljer  and  3Inf_a;  Co  (.capital, 

$30,000).  Henry  Ilewetl  pres,  Jolin  Jen- 
sen mngr. 
Kaukauna   Paper   Co    (capital,  sluO.OOO), 

Wm  M  Van  Nortwick   pres,    J   S  Van 

Kortwick  fee. 
Kaukauna    Times,    C   E    Jiauglit    &    Co 

Kaukauna  Water  Power  Co,  Josepli  Vilas 

Keil  Jliss  Bertha,  riresiuiaker,  S  K. 
Kelley  Daniel  C,  house  mover. 
Kellogs  Theodore  M,  diuggist. 
Kelso  jMrs  G  P,  propr  Transient  House. 
Kenyon  Miss  Ida,  music  leaciier. 
Kern   &   Netlekoveu    (Andrev.-    A    Kern, 

Peter  Mettekoven),  stone  quarry,  S  K. 
Kircher  Jlichael,  meats,  S  K. 
Kircher  &  Kirwan  (John  Kircher.  David 

Kirwau),  blacksmillis,  S  l\. 
Klarer  Ferdinand,  mason,  ."-^  K. 
Kliue  Joseph,  flour  mill,  S  K. 
Kliue  Jlicluiel,  dairy. 
Klumb  Wm,  vi-agonmaker,  S  K. 
Koch  Annie,  dressmaker.  S  K. 
Kohler  Peter,  baker,  S  K. 
Kroraer  George,  saloon,  8  K. 
Kuehu  Julius,  city  mar.^hal,  S  K. 
Kuhn  Lo\iis,  saloon,  S  K. 
Langlois  Frederick  1),  saloon,  S  K. 
Lautienstein  Daniel,  painter,  S  K. 
Leason  0  J,  cheese  mnfr. 
Lemke  AVra,  saloon. 
Liudauer  Freilerick,  furniture,  S  K. 
Lindnuer  Frederick  ir,  '•ewing  inaciis,  S  K. 
Liiulitiier  E'rC'<1cTi«'lt  M,  Contractor 

and   Builder:    E-liniatis    for   Contracts 

Cheerfully  Furnished,  S  K. 
Lindaucr  Luther,  brick  mrd'r. 
Livermore  iV  Ming  ft'larenee  D  Livermore, 

Frank  Mingi,  confectioners,  S  K. 
Loop  C  Frank,  grucer. 
Lord  Ocborn  G,   pliysiciau. 
Lumberdiug  Jacob,  carpenter.  S  K. 
JlcCarthy  Miss  Mellie.  dressmaker,  S  K. 
McGahn  Emanuel,  saloon. 
McGowan  Peter,  saloon. 
JIcKinuey  James,  merchant  tailor, 
McKiuney  Patrick,  sewing  macliinea. 
JIuas  Cliarles  F.  general  store. 
Malonc  Thoma«,  livery. 
Martens  Joachim,  saloon,  S  K. 
Martin  Jeremiidi  J  ,  house  mover. 

Marx  Jacob,  shoes  and  crain.  S  K. 
Maxwell  W  li  &  Co  (W'm   II    Maswelli, 

Mayer  Joseph  G,  grocer,  S  K. 
Mayer  Joseph  L,  saloon,  S  K. 
Menter  Hermann  N,  carpenter. 
Mertes  Joseph,  carpenter,  S  K. 
Michaels  John  H,  jeweler. 
Mill  August,  general  store,  S  K. 
Millbach  John  J,  carpenter, 
JI,  L  S  ifc   \V  Ry  Heading  Hooni,  John  A 

Ilussey  mngr,  S  K. 
Mitchell  Bros( ThomaBlIand  John  C'j,  gen- 
eral store. 
Mitchell  Thomas  H,  agt  Am  Exp  Co. 
,Mueller  John,  boots  and  shoes, 
Mulford  "W'm  S,  clothing,  S  K. 
Mulholland    George,   prtipr    Grand   View 

Hotel,  S  K. 
^Mulholland  &.  Connors  (Hugh    J    Mulhol- 
land, Michael  C  Connors),  insurance. 
Munte  August,  mason. 
Murray  ^^liss  Ella,  milliner. 
Xagan  Philemon  A,  clothing,  S  K, 
Xettekoven  Peter,  saloon,  rt  K. 
Newcomb  Kev  A  S  (Congregational),  S  K, 
Kewraan  Mrs  Charles  K,   barber. 
Norlhwestern     House,     John     I^     I^euter 

N'iij;;eiil  A  A,  Atlorncy-atLaw;  Pr.ictice 

in  all  the  Courts  ;  Collections   and  Con- 

Outagamie  Paper  Co    (capital,   .?  100,000', 

A  \V  Patteu  pres,  John  .McNaughton  sec. 
Pahl  August,  slioemaker. 
Park  Henjamin   C,  chief  train   despatcher 

M,  LS.t  W  Rv. 
Barton  Alfred  E,  barber,  S  K. 
I'duli  ^t  JlcCarty  (Herman   Pauli,    Joseph 

McCarly),  blacksmith-;. 
Pequin  Tneodore,  omnibus  line,  S  K. 
Prid"  Charles  B,  architect  and  millwright, 
Qiiinlau  Joseph,  phy -ician,  S  K. 
Uadi.'rmaeher  Mrs  >i.  irrocer. 
Uaught  C   E  A   Co  (Charles    E    Raught), 

publrs  l\aukauna  Times. 
HaU!7iit  G  -M,  i>hYsician,  S  IC. 
Keeso  Pulp  Co  (capitid,    -§10,000),.  Frank 

Philips  pres,  Thomas  Heese  sec, 
Reese  .Mrs  Tliomas,  urtisl. 
Ueiss  iV  (.,'0  (Charles    Uciss,   August  Bast), 

meats,  .S  K. 
Renter  John,  flour  and  feed,   R  K. 
Renter    John     P,      propr     Korlhwestern 

Rice  Asa  P.  api'irisl.  3  miles  n. 
Rieth  Anton,  propr  Kaukaun.»  IPiuse. 
ICivlHil  t^liarlos  ES.  Sa'oou   and   Bil:- 

Rivers  Joseph  F,  sewing  machine?. 


,„„!  O,.  V  f'T    Telcplionc     Trl. 

IP^l   ?IW^    l"^^     -rapl,  a.,„   Kle.tri. 
iUuli   Vli;j    /iJuDlJ..|,t.  CM,iln;ue8fre. 


.  ^   ii.i  W.  Water  street,  Mll.Wil  lUlE. 

(tOOKKKKPUUS,  SYENOGIE.*  PIIKKS,  CtKKKS  and  all  kinds  of  \r<ll-traii!Cd 

tlfiUc  Help  FuriiisSsod  Hll-.llio.-s  TS„   f^rcn   P"ll  '^l-f^i'larp  Pr.lhcn     ''rf*""  I'Sy^ 
■.J.n    rrcc    or   rhaiiio.     Address    1  liC  iitEEl]  Uajf  Lilli!i]3SS  bOllSgC,  \visc„„.iii. 





Kotiiusoii  DKniel  F,  dairy, 

Kohde  Kl-v  Julius  ((^Hllinlic). 

Roliii     RifJutrtl    1',      Propr    Gates' 

House;    Centrally  L(X'ated  ;    Headquar- 
ters for  theTraveliug  Trade;  Rates  SI. 25 

per  Day. 
Piossmeissl     &     Sclireiter    (Joseph      and 

Matthew  Rossmeiitl,  Antuu   Sclireiter), 

shoes,  S  K. 
Kunte  Otto  U,  general  store. 
Ruprert  .Jacob,  sr.loon,  S  K. 
Kussell  ISros   (Roland  R   and   Frank    T), 

flour  mill. 
Piussell  JohQ  A,  jiliysiciau. 
Schlude  Anton,  slioenuiker. 
Schlude  Henry,  saloon,  S  K. 
.Schmitz  Neil,  laundry,  S  K. 
SchoU  Henry  J,  Hour  and  feed. 
Schrciucr  Frank,  tailor,  S  K. 
Schubert  Henry,  confectioner. 
Schubring  Frede'.ick,  rarpeuler. 
Schultheiss  .l"lin.  pr.ipr  island  House. 
S«'li\viii     Xifli«I:i<i     i>,     i'ropr    Fo.x 

River    House;    Rales    .sl..")0    per    Day; 

Good   Accommodations    for    Traveling 

Sciberlich  Wm  h,  saloon,  S  K. 
Sherman  Wra  H,   trainmaster  31,   L  S  & 

\V  Ry. 
Simons  .James,  poorraaster. 
Simons  Miss  Maria  L,  dressmaker. 
Simons  &  Tuttlc  {.lames  JI  Simous,  Scth 

G  Tuttlc),  macbinials.  S  K. 
Sing  Hop,  laundr}',  8  K. 
Suuth  Frank  A,  cigar  mufr. 
Sniitli  I'  10,  dairy. 
Sol:tr  £^ra!ilv  J,  Jjunibir,    Coal,    Etc, 

Spruguc  Mrs  !Mary,  dressmaker,  S  K. 
Sprangers  Jnhn,  jeweler,  S  K. 
Sprangcrs  Walter  R,  clothiu'.'-,  S  K. 
Standard  Oil  Co.  oils.  S  K. 
Stewart  &  Legot  (Mrs  Tillie  Stewart,  Mrs 

Saridi  Legot),  millhicr?. 
Sliegers  Annie  C,  rislauinut,  S  Iv. 
Snn    Putilisliing  Co,  N   II   Brokaw   pres, 

H  I)  Wing  sec,  jmblrs  Sun. 
Surges  Martin  J,  grocer,  3  K. 
Sykes  Wm.  painter,  S  K. 
Tanner  Heibiit  P.  physician,  S  1\. 
't'hilniatiy  S'ltip  luul  E'jiixt  ilBU!"*, 

<->scar  Tliilmauy  I'lopr,  .Mnfr  Piiut  and 

Manilla  Paiier  and  Wood  Pulp. 
Thompson  Harry  E,  shoes,  S  K. 
Timmers,  apiarist. 
Transient  Hou^e.  iNlrs  O  F  Kelso  propr. 
'rmile  Hendrick  S,  grocer, 
l-  Irich  Jacob,  produce. 
L'liion  Cornet  Band,  Arthur  HoUonsworth 


UnioQ  Pulp  Co,  Wm  51  Van  Xortwick 
pres,  J  S  Van  Nortwick  sec. 

Vaudegrift  Wm  II,  supt  M,  L  S  &  W  Ry, 
Southeru  div. 

Vetter  August,  carpenter,  .S  K. 

Voacks  Herman,  meat  market. 

Walker  Chauncej'  A,  hardware,  S  K. 

Wall  Edward,  haruessuiaker. 

Wall  John,  harnessmaker.  S  K. 

AVatkins  Thomas  H,  millinery,  S  K. 

AVatson  John  A,  merchant  tador. 

AVeaver  John  E,  saloon,  S  K. 

Weber  Oswald,  carpet  weaver,  S  K. 

Wilke  Charles,  notions. 

Willard  Fred  R,  painter. 

AVillard  ^Irs  JI  A.  dressmaker. 

Willard  Wm,   painter. 

AVirlz  Jo6e|)h  J,  justice. 

Wiriz  &  Achermau  (.losepli  J  Wirtz,  Wm 
U  Acherman),  insurance. 

Wisconsin  Teiepl.uue  Co,  T  M  Kellogg 

Wishner  J<ihn,  carpenter. 

Wittinaun  Mii;iiael,  merchant  tailor. 

Wobosel  &  Harmon  (John  C  Wobosel, Oli- 
ver A  Harmon),  barbers,  .S  K. 

Wollersthein  Ju.-nb.  apitcri^t. 

Woodside  Rev  W  \V  Cilethodisl). 

KEEGAN.  On  tlie  M.,  L.,S.  it  W  I!y, 
in  Oi-cmto  county,  IS  miles  from  Oconto, 
the  judicial  seat  and  banking  p.iiut.  Pop- 
ulation, 100.  E.\p.,  U.  S.  Tel,,  W.  U. 
S.  Kecgan,  postraaster. 

Kcegan  Samutl,  ju.stice. 

KEENE.  A  postoDlce  on  Buena  Vista 
liver,  in  I'oitage  county,!  1  miles  southeast 
of  Stevens'  Point,  the  county  seat,  and  8 
northeast  of  Bancroft,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Stevens'  Point  is  the  ntarctt  bank- 
ing point.  Stages  daily  to  l.iancioft.  Pop- 
ulation, ii,">.  iilull,  daily.  Thomas  Xewby, 

Klsie  A  F,  grlsl  and  saw  mill. 
Mathewson  A  E,  blacksmith. 
Malbewson  F,,  iiotel. 
\'c\vl>y  'I'lumiJiM,  General  Store. 
Putt(!n  ^V^l,  feed  mill. 

KEKOSKEE.  A  villace  on  Rock 
river,  in  Dodge  county,  Hi  miles  northeast 
of  Juneau,  the  county  seat,  ii  northwest 
of  Mayville,  the  nearest  railroad  station 
and  bankinir  point.  Staire  tri  weekl}'  to 
,'^Iavville:  fare,  i!.)  cents.  Population,  200. 
Mail,  tri-weeUly.  Joseph  (Juick,  post- 

Chicago  &  Gfand  TfoPi 

\f   n,,   Tlie  Favorite  Route  East 


VIA   filAGARA    FALtS. 



Sil«.l\f;SS  (al.l^VAiV.  HAS  I'LVn.D 
JJl.Miiil.OS  i'f  V«»S Wt;  TlEy  is  KX- 
t!;L,L,!i.\T    SJ'ri'ATIONS. 





Bock  A,  carpeatev. 

Burcbard  G,  saloon. 

Eogel  George,  pentral  store. 

Graliow  Kdwani.  blacksmith. 

BBuhltard  II  T,  Flour  Mill. 

Janicke  Fred,  slioemaUer. 

Kohly  C  II,  cheese  mnfr. 

Loy  G,  constalile. 

<tuick  ,?<>sci)li.  General  Store. 

l{liodea  Lorcnz,  pumps. 

IJode  Curl,  mason. 

Roll  II,  cheese  mnfr. 

Sanders  F,  wagonmaker. 

Schiietl  John,  v,' .agon maker. 

Schweikhard  Jacob,  cooper. 

Stepp  Julius,  mason. 

\Vill!6  lljfos,  Fnrnit\ire. 

Z  glcr  Eugene,  railroad,  e.\p  and  lei  agt. 

KELLEY.  A  postoffice  on  the  }.I.,  L. 
S.  &  W.  and  C,  M.  A  St.  P.  liys,  in 
Marathon  county,  41  miles  southei'st  of 
Waiisau,  the  county  seal  and  nearest  hank- 
ing point,  Popuhition,  300.  Exp..  U.  S. 
Tel.,  W.  U.     John  ]\[;inser,  postmaster. 

lironsou  Charles,  justice. 

Cheesman  U  A,  railroad,  esp  and  tel  agt. 

Donohue  Dennis,  lumber. 

Jones  15  E,  lumber  and  sliin;,'lc  rnill. 

Mititscr  .Bolili,  General  Store. 

Peronkee  Samuel,  blacksmith. 

KELLEY  BROOK.  A  postolllce  in 
Oconlo  count}'.  20  miles  northwest  of 
Oconto,  the  county,  and  'S  ■west  of 
Lena,  on  the  M.  it  N.  U.  K.,  the  nearest 
railroad  Elation.  Oconto  h  the  nearest 
banking  jioiDt.  Settled  in  1671.  Stages 
daily  to  Lena.  Population,  40.  Mail, 
-Iri-weekly.     V.  Peterson,  postmaster. 

KELLNEnSVILLE.  In  .Manitowoc 
county,  14  miles  noriiiwe^t  of  Manitowoc, 
the  county  seat  and  nearest  railroaii  station 
and  banking  point.  IVipu'.atiou,  100. 
Jlail,  semi  weekly. 

HofTman  .Tohn,  saloon. 
Jauarck  Jii^epii,  i'l'neral  ftiire. 
id'lliicr  TSSU'liiu-i  «.V  Son»,  Genera! 

Store  and  Gri.'Jt  Miil. 
Ledwina  Lawrence,  shoen\aker. 
Hunch  ('harles,  hlacksmitli. 
Peck  E.  teneral  store  and  saloon. 
Shavlick  \V'enzel,  harness. 

KENDALL.  A  village  on  the  C.  it 
N.  W.  ]!y,  in  ,Monri>e  county,  2S  miles 
soutlieast  of  Sparta,  the  county  scat,  and 
13    fiom   W'onewoc,   the    ncaitsl    bankim; 

point.       Population,    400.       Tel.,  AV.  U. 
Esp.,  Am.     G.  F.  Lillie,  postmaster. 
Blowers  it  Stokes,  meat  market. 
Oiirrliigtoii    Charles    IV,    General 

Champlin  E  F,  constable. 
Corbiu  I,  justice. 

Cutland  it  AVallle,  drugs  and  groceries. 
Dunlap  Robert  B,  general  slore. 
Evans  C  L,  barber. 
Feass  Henry,  shoemaker. 
Felker  Andrew,  hardware  and  waconrnkr. 
Felker  L  II,  printer. 
Hill  G  12,  Physician. 
Holmes  I)  .M,  blacksmith, 
lugalls  House,  O  B  Smi;h  projir. 
Jacobs  Al/rahara  0,  harness. 
Jacobs  Elder  F,  harness. 
I.illio  G  F,  General  Store. 
Lillie  Wm.  carpenter. 
Moe  Ole  O,  mason. 
Moole  Fred,  blacksmith. 
Jlorgan  Miss  Lulu,  milliner. 
Xclson  N  B,  blacksmith. 
Porter  Charles,  c?.rpent(.T. 
IJeifk  <;'l;iirlc>i  H,  Furniture. 
Koberls  John,  railroad  and  tel  agt. 
Shankee  C,  carpenter. 
Smith  George  B,  propr  Ingalls  House. 
Wyman  A  J,  agt  American  E.xpres3  Co. 

KENNAN.  On  the  .M.,  St.  P.  &  S. 
Sle  .M.  By,  in  Price  county,  ir>  miles  (air 
line)  and  27  by  lail  southwest  of  Phillips, 
the  judicial  seat  and  nearest  bank  location. 
Population,  ,"jO.     JIail,  daily. 

Baden  C  F,  general  store. 
Eieiflicrl   5Jro<*,  Lumber  and  General 

KE"N'"iSKA.  A  pleasantly  located 
and  prosperous  city  on  the  shore  of  Late 
Michigan  and  on  the  Milwa\ikee  div,  of 
I  he  C.  &  X.  W.  By,  at  the  junction  of  the 
K.  it  U.  div.  of  the  same  system.  It  is* 
located  in  the  eastern  part  of  Kenosha 
county,  and  is  the  judicial  seat  of  the 
county,  ii4  rniles  .south  of  ililwaukee  and 
ol  north  of  Chicago.  U  was  incorporated 
as  a  village  in  i-sll  under  the  name  of 
Sj.mthport,  which  name  was  changed  to 
Kenosha  a  few  years  later.  It  has  one  of 
the  finest  harbors  on  the  lake,  and  its  ma- 
rine shiipping  faciiilies  are  destined  to  a 
very  large  growth.  Already  some  of  the 
bust  lake  craft  are  owned  by  its  Capitalists, 
and  lis  fine  natural  advantages  are  attracting 
the  attention  of  manufacturers  and  ship- 
pers.   Its  manufactures,  already  numeron-, 

iLLiilOiS  CiilTiiHL  R,  I 

Sliort  and  Direct 
Route  from 

CHICAGO,  soum 

rhirPfrn  ^5   firnnd  Tnin!'  Ru  Palace  and  Dining  Cars 

blllbC.gU     Oi     UlaliU     liUr.a    itji  ON   ALL   THROUGH    TRAINS. 





have  receuUy  received  large  additions  and 
are  growing-  rapidly.  Tiiey  comprise  farm 
and  traffic  wagous,  leather,  Miting?.  thim- 
ble skeins,  ninchincry,  -wire  mattresses, 
watch  cases,  brass  goods,  malt  and  beer, 
malt  extract,  furniture,  flour,  cribs,  cra- 
dles, carriages,  lumber,  sash,  doors  and 
blinds,  pumps,  boats,  tile,  brick  and  flax. 
It  contains  2  banks,  10  churches,  good 
schools,  a  public  library,  opera  house, 
court  house  and  city  hall,  a  daily  news- 
paper, the  Giiztlti'.  and  4  weeklies, 
the  Leader  (Iiep.\  U'i,>"n  (Deui.),  Tele- 
(iriiph-Coiiriii- (litiXi.),  and  the  Jli^idetDem.}. 
There  are  the  usual  number  of  business 
houses,  etc.,  in  a  city  of  its  size,  and  the 
busmess  men  arc  noted  for  their  stability 
and  thrift.  The  minor  branches  of  com- 
merce flourish  and  are  springing  up  iu 
varied  forms.  The  city  enjoys  a  Une  sys- 
tem of  waterworks,  which,  wilh  the  aid  of 
a  thoroughly  tqulpped  and  cfiicient  vol- 
unteer fire  department,  renders  it  perfectly 
safe  from  a  serious  coDllagratinn.  Over 
.•'<3,000,000  are  invested  in  manufactures, 
employing  1,1.')0  men,  and  turning  out  .■<:!, - 
50U,000  worth  of  goods  aiinuidly. '  Aii  m'au- 
ufacturing  intertsi.s  are  flourishing  and  en- 
larging.and  tiie  growth  iu  this  direction  tiio 
past  year  lias  been  specially  marked.  The 
Tennoyer  Sanitarium  Co.  have  rtc:ently 
erected  a  commodious  and  handsome 
building.  It  is  elegantly  furnished  with 
every  modern  convenience,  has  accom- 
modations for  100  patients,  and  is  sur- 
rounded by  75  acres  of  tastcfullj-  laid 
out  grounds.  The  bonded  debt,  under 
which  the  city  labored  fur  many  years, 
is  settled  and  in  rapid  pmces.'i  of  liqui- 
dation. Taxes  are  lower  than  in  almost 
«ny  city  of  its  size  iu  the  Slate.  Exten- 
sive imiirovemeuts  iu  the  cily  are  iu  jiro- 
gress,  and  are  being  paid  for  as  they  are 
made.  The  American  and  U.  S.  Kvpre.^s 
Cos.  and  the  W.  U.  Tel.  Co. .wi'h  eight  pas- 
senger trains  each  way  on  the  C.  it  N.  W., 
and  two  on  the  K.  it  1!  Uvs,  (.-oiuiect  the 
fity  with  the  outside  world.  Telc))hono 
connections.  i'opulalion,  ^,000.  U.  A. 
Mahoney.  posljuaslcr. 
Abel  John  J,  saloon. 
Adams  Edward,  pumjis. 
Adams  Frank  K,  pump  mnfr. 
Alldcrltje   .loliii    \\,   Photograplier, 

"ver  Starkweather  &  Co's  JJrug  Store, 

Allen  C  W,  horse  breeder. 
Allen  Silas  B,  supt  Lane  .'Mnfg  Co. 
Allen's    Sons   (Charles   A\^   and    A^athau), 


Aim  Wm,  boots  and  shoes. 

American  House,  G  A  Voltz  propr. 

Andre  Henry,  cigars. 

Bain  Edward,  horse  breeder. 

Bain  Lewis.  Imrdware. 

Bain  AVagon  Co   (Imtd;  capital,  f;400. 000), 
Edward  Bain  pres,  Frederick  S  I\eweli 
I    Raker  Max,  general  store. 

liaker  ?iIyron  A,  district  attorney. 

Baldwin  George  S.  coal  and  wood. 

Barnes  Norman,  watchmaker. 

Barr  James,  chief  Cre  dcpt. 

Barr  &  Brister  (.lames  S  Barr,  Daniel  F 
Bristen,  blacksmiths. 

B°ck  Henry  N,  saloon. 

SJecker  E'rcxU'i'iCii,  Carriage  and 
Wagon  ^Infr;  liepairing  Neatly  Execu- 
ted, Market  Srjuure. 

Becker  John  W,  Carpenter. 

Beldiiig  John,  carpenter. 

Bendt  Joseph,  general  store. 

];euedict  Daniel  1!.  county  clerk. 

£>«ilC4liot  .VE';»rbt"!i  (Daniel  15  Bene- 
dict, Charles  A  Tarbell),  Loans,  Heal 
Estate  and  Abstracts.  Court  House. 

Berens  John,  bnots  and  shoes. 

ISeyer  I'clcr,  Propr  Park  Street 
House,  Park  nnc  door  west  of  Jlaiu  St. 

Bcyersdorfer  Emil.  meal  market. 

SSIuntrisos-  E'  ^.'liiiflos,  Patent  Bug- 
gies, Spring  W.auons,  lioad  Carts,  Car- 
riage Tops,  Cushions,  Etc;  Harness  Oils, 
Trunks,  Salchtls,  j:tc;  Catalogue  Price 
List  Free;  Goods  Boxed  and  Shipped  to 
any  Part  of  the  United  States  Free,  cor 
Jlarkel  Square  and  Church. 

Blackmau  Hiram  !■].  horse  breeder. 

J'.cind  Josiah,  lawyer. 

Brady  ^Matthew  J,  borseshoer. 

Biande  Samuel  Y,  lawyer. 

Bray  P.ev  W  L  (OngreL.atinnal) 

Bull  Francis  A,  pronr  Hotel  Grant. 

I'.urg  Adnlph  J.  barber  ami  countv  Ireas. 

ESm-r  55r<)i!ier>i(l'1dw!u  B  and'NVmO). 
Plumbers,  Gas  and  Steam  Fitters;  Deal- 
ers in  Plumbers'  Supplies  and  Sewer 
Pipe;  Special  Atteution  to  Hot  Water 

Buriitt  Cliarles  \V,  phot(igrapbcr. 

Butcher  ITerbcfrl,  live  slock. 

Calkins  Orla  ;\I.  grocer. 

Cameron  Capt  Benjamin,  supt  life  saving 

Carter  Austin  A,  wa£ronmaker. 

Cass  Ivfvi  A,  Editor  and  Publisher 

C'sivaiijjuli<.''«:i"i»licr  (James  Cavanaah, 
Peter  Fi.iher),  Attorneys-at-Law,  ilaiu 
and  Park. 

Cfeafo.yilMutes  &  St,  Paol  Ry,  ;::,^::' Sfistaorf  llctteest 

iLuiiois  cfiimi  [i,  e 

I  to  all  POINTS  in  I 

\Ud  I  IJLlill 






CLiise  Horace  A,  unsmith, 

Chicago  Brass  Co,  T  M  Avery  pres,  Frauk 

Avery  sec  and  tieas. 
Clausius  Max  F, 
Clesiry  John  L,  piiyiiciuu. 
Clenry  Kev  J  M  (Ctttlioiic). 
Cober  Wm  M,  livery. 
Cole  Horace  G,  boat  builder. 
Coiiiiiicrcial    SSouxe,    Peier    Rhode 

Propr;  liales  ^1  to  s,2  per  Day,  Market 

Corcorao  John  IT,  clerk  circuit  court. 
Cory  Hev  I  W  tr!aptist\ 
CrosteiiburiT  Andrew  N,  mufr  extracts. 
DeeecbacirWendelii),  cii^ar  mnfr. 
Deiles  l!ev  Pelcr  (CalUolir). 
Dewey  Courtlaiid  A,  lianlwarc. 
Dickhiint  Adam,  barlier. 
I>icUiiaiil  <L'5ia!-lfs  A,  Arebilect  and 

Superiuteiideiil,;      Ollice     ovtr     llurd's 

Drug  Store,  Main  1;;.     (&v  adi',  p  4Jo.) 
Dickliiiul  Wm  J,  barber. 
Dominican  Hsler.s,  music  teachers. 
Dorufcld  Kev  K  F  (L\itheran). 
Doyle   it   ilulholland  {V   E   Doyle,    Wm 

MulhoUaud),  grocers. 
Eichelniau   &   Son.s  (Bernhiird,    Henry  L 

and  Louis  Jl),  clothing. 
Elsen  Peter,  assessor. 
Engelhardl  .lohn  G,  cooper. 
Euglisli  Bros  (Wm  P  and  Edward  ,1),  meat 

English  Thomas,  harncssmakcr. 
Eppler  Victor,  saloon. 
Farr  V/m  M,  physician. 
Faulhaher  Joseph,  blacksmith. 
First  Kational  Biid<,  Z  G  Simmons  pres, 

Charles  0  Bi'own  cash. 
Fisher  Wm  F,  dry  goods. 
Fisk  Miss  Ijiz/.ie,  music  teacher. 
Fletcher  U  E.  agent  V  Si  N  W  IJy. 
Fox  Bert,  live  hloek. 
Fo.x  \Vm  ,1,  mi-al  market. 
Frank  Jlichael,  editor  Telcgrapli  Courier. 
Franke   E    vfc    Sous   (I>nst,    Charles   and 

Harry),  meat  market. 
Frant/,  Char!e.s,  oil)'  treasurer. 
Fraut/,  Charles  it  Son  (Cluirles  and  Charles 

G),  whiil  ciears. 
rr<'iu'Ii  .Vrdmr  tl,  (Jenernllnsurance 

Acciit.  Main  cor  I'ark. 
GnrUfld     i9<>u>v,     .!    G    Richardson 

I'rnpr,   OpiH.sitc  Depot, 

Gazt'Itc  E>aily,  Kudulph    &-  lioissard 

George    Christopher    W,    arehitccl,    con- 

tract(jr  and  builder. 
Gfroerer  A  Co  (Curt  Gfrocrcr),  grocers. 
Gibbons  Miss  Anna,  dressmaker. 
Gillespie  Thomas,  jihysician. 


!i  Gfand  ]\m  h 

Gillett  Gurdin,  justice. 

Gilzin  Henry,  saloon. 

Goerendt  Frederick,  slioemaker. 

Goodmaii  CSiarlt-s  E2,  Plumber. 
Steam  and  Gas  Fitter;  Sanitary  Work  a 
Specialty,  One  Door  North  of  Stahl's 

Goodman  E  D,  mason. 

Gorman  James,  haiber. 

Goltfrcdson  ,1  G  it  Son  (Jacob  G  and  Fred- 
erick J),  brewers, 

Gottfredsen  Rasmus  O,  jeweler. 

Grant  Mrs  Charles,  planing  mill. 

Greenwaid  Matt,  bottler. 

Gricsbach  lirewing  Co,  Edwin  Griesbach 
pres,  A  G  Bodden  sec. 

GrifQth  James  R,  saloon. 

Groufjuist  Charles  J,  boots  and  shoes. 

Groscb  Peter,  clothing. 

Grosch  it  Emig  (Xlcholas  Grosch,  Anton 
Emig),  clothing. 

Grosvenor  Mrs  i'^lizabeth,  confectioner. 

Grube  Charles,  saloon. 

Halbersladt  Henry,  baker. 

Hale  &  Brouson  (George  Hale,  Carey  S 
Bronsou),  grocer.^. 

Ilallett  Chailcs.  painter. 

Hi.lliday  Wm  F,  second  hand  goods. 

Hannan  John,  sheritT. 

!Saii>ieii  j?i  tSofkor  (Thomas  Hansen, 
Fred  W  Beekei),  Dealers  in  Furniture, 
Carpels  and  Upholstery,  Undertakers 
and  Enibalmers,  .Main  cor  Wisconsin. 

Harniau  Philip,  saloon. 

Ilailung  Wm,  daii  v. 

Ha/elton  Edgar  0,' dentist. 

EStMUl  lii\u  A-  Co  (Capital,  .-^Tri.OOO), 
Daniel  Head  Pies,  Urban  J  Lewis  Cash, 
Bankers,  jMain  and  I'aik.  (k'ce  turc,  p 

Head  &  Sutherland  (fleorgct  D  Head, Ralph 
E  Sutherland),  lundjer.  ' 

Hoig  Rasmus  J,  saloon. 

llolztiner  John,  saloon. 

Hotel  Grant,  F  A  Bull  propr. 

Hoyt  James  J,  pres  and  treas  Kenosha 
W'atch  Case  Co. 

Huel;  .Mathiiis,  boots  and  shoes. 

Hiietler  ,Mrs  Nicholas,  eroccr. 

Huid  Charks  H,  druLTgist. 

Inknian  Ignalz,  music  teacher. 

Irvmg  John,  blacksmith. 

Isermann  Anton,  grocer. 

Jabusch  Charles  F,  barber. 

Jacobs  .Miss  Liz7,ie  K,  milliner. 

Jacobs  I'eter.  Hour  null. 

Jaeger  Mrs  it  Sons  i.Mrs  Annie  M,  Fraiik 
and  Herman  M),  proprs  Northwestern 

Jcnson  James,  painter. 

Tlio  Favorite  Route  East 


A-x'D    E06i:sl.53    tIKECTOEY. 

ESTABLISHED    1  S  5  7.  INCORPORATED    1  S  S  9. 

■  -J  ^«r "^rt      *=^  '■=^,  ■"  "y  ", '-^  fs>.  -TT  -7-3  T»\ 


(Formerly  Kenosha  Water  Cure'. 
Located  at  KEXOSHA,  WISCONSIN,  on  Lake  MIchiuaii. 

"fllK  now  luiililiiig  jusl  erected,  is  sitiiuttd  upon  lifautii'ul  pr.iUDcl^s  i';."".  iicicsi,  in  one  ol' 
J  tlic,  11,0,1  licallliful  loralilies  ill  Ariitrira.  Il,  luis  inouein  conilnrtj  and  coiivcii- 
>-iicis,  including'  Iiydraulic  eleviUur,  {'.-is.  clcclric  call  bells,  iind  !■;  lloatod  vritti  I[ot 
'hilcr.  Phniiliiii-  SaiiHary.  Artesian  Av.iter.  T.alli  rooms  ccnnplele.  P'.leu'antly 
liiriiislied  and  fitted  specially  us  a  .Snminpv  and  M'intcr  Itosort  for  those  -ivishin- 
lather  or  treatment.  Skilled  attendants  and  the  best  facilities  for  the  treatment  of 
t'hronic  Diseases,  XervoiiM  Di.-eases,  Diseases  of  Women.  Table  liberal.  For  circn- 
'■'•li.  address, 

N.   A.    PKNNOYER,    M.    D., 








iDceted  :^l  i;L;'OSHA,  VilSOOnS!:!,  Oii  lakG  [.liohigai], 


The  Ht.  ]Xqv.  0.  F.  Kniirht.  D.  I),  D.  C.  L.,  Bishop  of  ^lihvaukec-,  Milwauk- 
tbe  Rl.  Kev.  lluL'h  Miliar  Tliotnps.Mi.  S  T.  1). ,  LL.  D.  JUhio).  .-[  Xlivsijjippi,  J:,cks' 
Miss.;  Piof.  .T.  .1.  Bl<iir.<ic-n,  Btl.nt  ColU'?f.  !.V-!oit, 'Wis  ;  IT  -i..  TI.  W.Taylor,  Uo,"kf,>i 
111.;  Jiiili;!.-  R.  Bunii,  ^txdison;  .lu.l^'O  S.  P.  .AlcConnuIl,  ChiriL'.i.  lU.;  Geo.  "\V.  Mitchi 
Esq.,  :il!hvruikee;  E.  V.  Binckwaj-,  K;i|,,  ^lihvaukcv.-:  L.  11.  .Moi-rbuuso,  i;::(i.,  >! 
waukee;  tlift  Hcv.  Arthur  I'ipi.T.  S.  'i".  D.,  R:uiiii>  (.\illi'i;e,  Wis  ;  0.  F.  V.'hcelcr.  E'. 
■WiUipun;  A.  B.  C^^pont.r.  K-q.,  Brlcit;  lioi;.  M.  V.  Pra'.l,;n-vil!i';  Gc).  L.  Fit 
Esq.,  Ripon;   Ihui.  A.  K.  U.  Doycu.  .Mmlivon;  lini  Rlv.  .1,  G.  BhiC,  M-irinttle. 

U 6^i ! ! i i^J' i  sbSU     Vtf  tilaijwa  aoi  wkst  \vati.:ii  st.,  .'iiLWAttti:!;,  wis. 





Jcuson  M  P,  carpet  weaver. 

Joerot  Fred  H,  saloon. 

Jones  Lorenzo  D.  liaruess. 

Keevan  Patrick  II,  supl  Lane  Jluft;  Co. 

Kelly  Miss  Kate,  dresamalicr. 

Kemper  Hall,  Si.^tersof  .St  Jtary  in  chart;e. 

Keuosba  Blade,  H  W  Manku  pulilr. 

Kenosha  Brick  and  Tile  Co,  Alfred  Jliller 

prcs.  George  Hall  sec. 
Kenosha  Carriage  Co. 
IifSi«*>!!Ji  B>C!i<lcr,  Kudulpli   &  Bois- 

sard  Publrs. 
Kenosha  ^Milling  Co,  O  JI  Peltit  pre?,  C  E 

Hemer  .cec. 
Iieiusslsa   SJcain  E^ninjuJs'y,  James 

T  Itlills  Propv,  Main  ur  I'ostollic.e. 
Kenosha  Union,  JoJin  A  Kilh.en  piiblr. 
Iieii«sJl!fi   WsiU-is  Csls^^  C«>,  .lames  J 

Ho.vt  Prcs  and  Trea.s,  Cliarle.i   il   J/.iin 

Vice-Pres,  Frederick  S  Newell  .See,  Wni 

C  Taft  Genl  ]\Ingr. 
Kerst  Theodore,  boots  and  shoes, 
Kilken  John  A,  pui»ir  lveno^l]a  L'niou. 
Kimball's  Opera  Hail,  J  JI  Kimball  propr. 
Korcelius  Matthias  J,  saloon. 
Krebs  Charles,  carriaccs. 
Kupfer  Cracker  Co,  Wm  M  Kiipfer  ]>res, 

John  C  Kupfer  sec. 
Kvipfer  John  C,  mayor, 
f^a  Marsh  Bernard,  photoj^'rapher. 
i>«sic  ~jiii;inr;t<'li5i'i:[:r  «."o,  E  D  Tut- 

tle  Pres,  Fuilenek  Koliiiison  Vice-Pres, 

Wm  ^^'  Strong  Sec  and  Tieas,  S  B  .\llen 

and  P  Jl  Keevan  Supts. 
!>:it)irop  Jason,  surveyor. 
Leach  it  ]/,imb  (Cephas  II  Leach,    AVni   S 

Lamb),  drngj;!sls. 
Leiting  Theodore  A,  wat^onniaker. 
l^ciUz   &  riiiifU  (Pliilip  Leiilz,  Mau- 

lice   31    Fnnck),  Dealer.^  in  Staple    and 

Fancy  Groceries.  Crockery,  Glassware, 

Dry  Goods,  Furnishing  Goods, Etc,  Main 

and  P.'irk. 
T.cwU  IJs-Jmii  5,  Casliier  Dun  Head  .t 

Co's  Bank,  Main  and  Paik. 
Lindeinann  John  &  .Son  (.lolin  andClmrles), 

Link  IMiebael,  saloon. 
I<i|»j»crl   t'jiU^iilitiO,  IJvtrv,  Sale  and 

Boarding  Staljle,  Park  nr  Main. 
l-iloyd    &     rvN'IJoxvoll     (D    C'onway 

BUiyd,  Gerald  It  McDowell,!,  Attorneys, 

Main  and  Market. 
Bolhrop  Jason,  surveyor. 
Lyman  Frank  U,  lioots  and  shoes. 
McDerinott  JIrs  Hugh,  milliner. 
McDermoIl  Wm  S,  mngr  AS'is  Tel  Co. 
McDowell  &  Uowe  (0   11  McDowell,  N  A 

liowc),    proprs  University  School. 

BScEJilgl!  &,  Ciercoraii  iJamca  G  Mc- 
Ilugh,  Jolin  H  C'lrcoran),  Mafrs  of  G:,'D- 
uine  Scotch  and  Double-Lined  Collars, 
Light  and  Heavy  Harness  and  Horse 
Boots,  Market  Square. 

SajjJioiiey  ISj)8!U'I  A,  Postmaster  and 
City  Superintendent  of  Schools. 

Manor  Frank  A,  saloon. 

Maple  House,  Joliu  F  Schmitt  propr. 

]\Idrden  Henry  W,  publr  Keuoslia  Blade. 

Martiuc  Wm  J,  mason. 

Mathews  Frank  Vi,  city  clerk. 

Matliews  James,  grocer. 

Jleers  Edward  S,  physician. 

Meiscr  Bros,  general  stf)re. 

33f!vi!le  C"i;».'or.^c  S'i,  Bookseller  ana 
Stationer;  Dealer  in  Art  Paper  Hang- 
imrs,  Main. 

Merrill  A:  Baldwin  (Lucas  G  .Merrill, 
George  S  Baldwin),  insurance. 

HaCj'Crw  Joliii  J,  Livery,  Sale  and 
Boarding  Stable,  Market  Square. 

Middlecump  W^m,  county  supt  .schools. 

Miller  Herman  W,  saloon. 

jNIiller  j\I  A,  jeweler. 

Jlills  James  T,  propr  Kenosha  Steam  Laun- 
dry, Main  nr  Po^toilice. 

Jlilwaukee  Malt  E.xlract  Co,  Otto  Zwi- 
ctusch  pres,  John  W  Suellerle  sec. 

Minderraann  John,  Hour  and  feed. 

Monaghan  John,  grocer. 

]\louaglian  Patrick,  horse.slioer. 

j\Iorehouse  Lewis  J,  upholsterer. 

Morgan  .Tolin  H,  sewing  maciiines. 

Mygalt  Wallace   grain. 

Newell  Frederick  S,  sec  Kenosha  Watch 
Case  Co  and  Bain  Wagon  Co. 

Niederprim  Jacob,  saloon. 

Niesen  Peter,  boots  and  shoes. 

Norlhwesleru  House,  Mrs  Jaeger  &  Sous 

Novlhwcstern  AViro  IMattress  Co,  Z  G  Sim- 
mons pres,  It  F  Howe  sec. 

O'Donnell  John,  coal  and  wood. 

O'Donnell  Lizzie,  dres.smaker. 

(Jpcra  House,  Julivis  II   Kiinball  propr. 

Parker  Charles  F,  m.ason. 

I'arker  Oscar,  mason. 

I'iia-k  StrocI  HBoiitio,  Peter  Beyer 
Propr,  one  door  west  of  Main. 

I'rnnefe.alhor  James,  register  of  decd^. 

ll"«-siiio}  er  Poison  A,  Sec  and  Treat 
Pennoyer  Sanitarium  Co.  {See  adv,  j: 

I'ciinoj'cr  Saiiilariiiin  T!n',  Edgar 
l^ennoyer  Pres,  (.Jeoipe  M  Pennoyer 
Vice-Pr(s.  Nelson  A  I'ennoyer  jM  D, 
Sec  and  Treas.     (.SVe  iulc,  p  4l:>.) 

Pettit  M  II  Malting  Co,  Frederick  Robin- 
son pres,  Clarence  E  Hemer  t^cc. 

"JHIi.Jall,  i.ibll,  lUlLIiUlii!  <.r\  to.,  -n-i  \v.«i   wa.or  v,,,.,.t,  :Tm,v«ukcc, 

■VMocoiisiii.     .^ocnis  for  SYf.V.^IOltlC  Sl'liCl.lL,  TI£.\1'  POV/ISiilt. 

r  I       1     I      1!  ROBK51T    ISARPKK  A;  SONS,  440  E.  )l|     ]|    n 

LMuli'bl'jU    LCuCIOi  -jijj^^viUKioK.  TTcicp^oiiosis.  """  '  '•ipJi'-i 



C  >'< 

m  1=5 "^ 

viitJ  Pfc'uuing  Charles,  general  store. 

^<  Pirscli  Kick  >V  Sons  (Nicholas,   P. 

Qj  d  Pitis   &   Wrimtli  (Joseph   A   Pitt_ 

^vIsco^'SIN  state  gazettekk 


r  and 



Uichani    0'-;n:'b;,    Paiuts,    Oils,    Wall 
Ctf  ^      Paper,  Wiuuow  Shades,  Books  and  Sta- 
H-J    •      tioncr}',  JIain. 
Uj  y  Pollock  W  .J,  priQ  high  school. 

"^  PrliUlis  John,  mason. 
2  =  I^ace  i>Irs  Sidney,  milliner. 
r,i  "  Ptawson  P  L,  music  teacher. 
•^  "  Keed  Mrs  Elizuboth  A,  milliner. 
tC  §  Heed  Wm  E,  jeweler. 
^       Uesch  Hev  I'etor  (Methodisf). 

b  ilhwdc     S'etor,     Propr    Commercial 
House,  ilarkel  Square, 
liice  Samuel,  dairj'. 

*^!i'ai;ii-4Jso«  .?oE!!!  G,  Propr  Garlleld 
'"5  f«       Mouse,  Oiirio.5ile  Depot. 
'"'  «  );iel  Albert  A  &  Co  (Albert  A  Kiel,  Fran- 

•  «^      cis  Mcinhardl),  geuernl  store. 
2  "  Iiobiusou  Frederick,  vicc-pres  Lane  Mufg 

.  ^       Co. 
B-»  ©  P.ogau   E   D  &  Co    (Edward    D   Rogau, 
^  ^      Thomas  King),  second-hand  goods. 
• — , —  Uogan  Hugh,  L'rocer. 
a  I   Ejb;;cr«  £Eenr>-  M,   Insurance  Agent, 

01.       Oltice  over  ]»an  Head  it  Co's  Dank. 
2  Howe  Daniel  E,  painter. 
O  S.  Howe  "Wm  M,  contractor. 

^  r.Ji!',Ui8ph     it     2J«issar«l   (fl   J    Hn- 
P»E|       dulph,  G  A  liois.^ard).   Publrs   Kenosha 
-■^  a       Leader  and  the  Daily  G.U'.ttte. 
W  "  Hnnals  Frank  A,  sheep  breeder. 
i=Ti  n  Pafli'^  Jacob,  meat  market. 
t-a  §■  SanfuVd  Rev  I!  P  (^Icthn(ii5t^. 
ig?  S  Saunders  Wm  II,  physician. 
iTM  t!  Cliristian,  insurance. 
La  I  Sclimilt  John,  saloon, 
•ra-  g  Schmilt  John  F,  propr  Maple  Ilou^e. 
^  ?  Schnutz  (Jlathias    P   and   ^Vm  M), 
fii\  —      grocers. 

^.,  ^  Sclmdtz  &   Lauer    P    Schmilz,  ^       Nichola.s  J  Lauer).  clothing. 
•uM  "C  t^choenike  Edward  i),  druggist. 
«-,  '■'  Sehultz  Churlea,  llorist. 
%£i  f.  Schulz  Herman  (,',  hardware. 
|Ri*  |i  Hubert,  coroner. 
b>;«  o  «jc««{ort!  .N3amir!i<H!iinK<'o,  Lotds 
RfJS       KScolford    I'res,    Louis   -U   Thiers  Sec 

■  -o       ;iiul  Treas,  Rubber  Sl>iniii.^. 
'^  S  Seiverl  Kros  (Jarob  and  Charles),  ice. 
1^  S  Shields  Thomas,  ma-ou. 

>£,■■  Slater  John  (.',  justice. 
,3  Slaiil  Peter  A'  Co  (Peter  and  Matbi.i^  Stahl 
g^  *      jr).  meal  market. 

^  £  StKikwratluT  &  Co(Jarcd  Pi  Starkweather, 
t£  I       E<lwanl  U  Hollister).  druegists. 
Steiubach  i'cter,  bottler. 


ria"  »'^  '^^  F3« 

i^joA  (9 1,'  ;cB 


J  y 

Stevens  J  L    &  Son  (J  L  and  Vant),  flour 

and  feed. 
Strong  Wm  W,  sec  and  treas  Lane  Mnfg 

Taft  Wm  C,  general  mngr  Kenosha  Watch 

Case  Co. 
Talcotl  Wallace  H,  horse  breeder. 
TelCf;rap!t-€<iurier,    M   Frank   and 

L  A  Cass  Editors,  L  xV  Cass  Publr. 
Theleen   C   G   &  Co  (Charles  G  Theleea, 

Robert  B  Yule),  furniture. 
Thiers   Louis  M,  sec  and   treas   Scotford 

Mufg  Co. 
Tipton  Wm.  live  stock. 
TuUy  Joseph,  brick  mason. 
Tattle   Edward   D,    prcs   Lane   Manufac- 
turing Co  and  supt  Chicago  Brass  C'o. 
University    School,    i"\IcDo\vell    &:,  Piowe 

Van  Wyck  Anthony,  county  j\ulge 
Voltz  Girstave  A,  proiir  American  House. 
Wallace  Hugh,  confectioner. 
Ward  Calvin  H,  physician. 
Waters  Charles,  jiainter. 
Wattles  Chester  W,  livery. 
Wehr  Christian,  saloon. 
^Veiskopf  Antone,  physician. 
Weiskopf   Bros  (August   F   and  Wm  N), 

WeuUer  Hev  JPichael  (Catholic). 
Whitaker    Engine   and    Skeiu    Co,   \\    B 

Whitaker  pres,  H  C  Dodge  sec. 
White  Joshua,  carpentOr. 
Williams  Henry,  farm  impts. 
Winberg  John  A,  grocer. 
Wisconsin   Telephone  Co,  Wm  S  .McDer- 

mott  mnu-r. 
Wood  Peter,  pauitcr. 

Woodu'JUil    &    t'oiUey    (Oscar    H 
Woodward,    Sigel    Conlcyl.    Drug;n?ts; 
Wc  Carrv  a   Full  Line  of  Drus;^,  .Medi- 
cines, Tciilet  Articles.   Paints,  (Jils,  Var- 
nishes, Window  Glass,  Etc,  Main. 
Woshbich  John  N,  saloon. 
Young  Charles  :\I,  agent  U  S  E.-^cp  Co. 5 
Zeitler  .Mrs  John,  saloon. 
Zens  Albert,  genera!  store. 
Zievers  John,  saloon. 

KENT.  On  the  .^L,  L.  S.  &  W.  Ry, 
in  Langlade  counly,  15  miles  from  AnMgo, 
the  countv  seat  and  bai\kiug  point.  Popu- 
lation, 100.  Mail,  daily.  E.  IL  Van 
Ostand,  postmaster. 
Sherry  Henry,  saw  mill. 

KESnENA.  Indian  village  in  the 

southern  part  .■■  I'.c  .Menomoaie  reierva_ 
tion.  in  Shawano  co\inty,  7J  miles  north  of 
Shawano,  the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad 

milwaukee'cement  CO. 

1.54    ^VliST    AV.VTiiU   ST.,  ?iILAV.Vl  KI.U,    «  IS. 

IVecarrj  the  larscst  select  stock  cf  PIANOS  anil  OntiANS  in  the  State. 

MU  let  an  IIl^t^ulllcllt.    IVe  carrj  lli-i  Kamous  JIASO.V  i   ir,  L     li      O      H  J'     i 

IIAKLIN.  (o>()VKP.);!;os.,oin;itA,  rtaiii;,  Ktc.  rir.  DgnrnGll    &    D3nSdiCt. 

s  and  see  how  easy  j-oa 




Station   and   bankini,'  point.     Popuiatiou, 
50.     ?Iail.  semi--ivei.'kly. 
Ellswortli  W  D,  general  store. 
■  CJllulliicr  .D   i-\  General  Store. 
Labelle  ^'iloma^^,  £;encral  slore. 
Sullivan  G,  saloon. 

KETCHAM.  ^  A  villu^'c  on  the  Wis- 
consin   Central  Line,     in    Fond    du    Lac 
county,  G  miles  soulli  of  Fond  du  Lac.  tiie 
counti'   seat   and   nearest   hnnUing   point. 
Population,  (iO.     Tel.  ^\^  U.     U.  K.  Ves- 
per, poslniaster. 
Hamilton  Lime  and  Stone  Co. 
Ilobbs  George,  justice. 
Xortou  Bros,  breeder.?. 
Sylvester  .lame.^i,  quarry  and  stone  cutter. 
Sylveslcr  Setli.  stone  quarry. 
Ve§i>cr    C   ES,    Railroad,    Express   and 

Telegraph  Agent. 

KEWASKUM.  A  stirring  village  on 
the  C.  i^  X.  \V.  Ky  and  on  the  .MilwauUee 
river,  in  township  of  same  namo,\Vi\sliiug- 
tou  county,  y  mjlea  northwest  of  West 
Bend,  the  county  seat  and  the  location  of 
nearest  bank.  Stages  triweekly  In  lieech- 
wood;  fare,  00  cents,  and  daily  to  Fillmore; 

fare,  75  cents.  Population.  000.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  M.  Altenhofon,  post- 

Altenhofen  Mrs  T!,  propr  Central  Hotel. 

Altciltiofcil  ?2:itr5ic^v.  Saloon. 

American  Jlouse,  ,J  J'etry  propr. 

Aspmanu  Edward,  mason. 

liackhaus  August,  carpenter  and  saloon. 

Backhaus  Henry,  notaiy. 

Packhaus  A;  C^o.  Hour  mill. 

Bingenhtimer  Valentine,  harness. 

Bolzkobitz  Flank,  lime  mnfr. 

Central  Hotel,  -^Irs  B  Altenhofer  propr. 

Deutcii  N,  ."laloon. 

Doernbaeher  Sales,  furniture. 

Dreher  Valentine,  cigar  ninfr. 

JCaglc  Hotel,  A  Warner  propr. 

Ebenreitcr  Henry  ,1,  furniture. 

Grieve  Itev  Fred  (Lutheran). 

Grome  Uev  F  B  (CalholicV 

Cnislti  A:35iirx,  General  Store. 

Hirschboeck  John,  shoemaker. 

.lacobilz  Fiederick  J,  blacksmith. 

Kelly  ^V  J,  physician. 

Koch  August  G,  general  store. 

Koch  Wm.  justice. 

Korter  Herman,  saloon. 

Krahn  Herman,  barber. 

UAN.  UKAD,  Presidfut. 

UltBAN  J.  LEWIS,  Casliier. 

KEr^osHA,  -  -  -  wjscorjsir^. 

Oajiital,  iSYo.OOO.OO.    Stockholders  worth  Over  $3,000,000.00. 

Interest  Htlowed  on  Iir]i...iK  Fully  fi,iuiiii.i-d  Cor  t-verv  kind  oi:  K-Kilini'i'f  l'"Ml,iii-.  .s. .licit s  tli." 
account..-  of  Hanlis  and  Kniil  .i  .,  Iirni.j  and  indivijii.ils.  Has  siii.,;ri'ir  facility's  for  nuilcinj,'  bank  and 
merc.lntilc  eollections.  havin- rclialjlf  coiTcspondonci' at  all  points.  Kent  a  SalVty^Vaull  liox,  only 

First  auil  Secouii  Caljiu  and  Sloera^-e  Stoainslil|i  TifUcts  for  sale  at  tlio  lowest  rate  possiljle. 

c[^ma.  An  oiG::HArjT, 
Architect  and  Sii|)eriiiteiideiit 

Church  Architecture  a  Specialty. 

OdI.o  O\or  Iliinrn  IJiii:.;  Mure, 

Main  Street, 


Cfeap,  Miimiike  fi  St,  Paol  R|,';:.X\':csi  id  f>Aid 

f^^shh^^r    Pq     W.  W.  WALLIS,   Manager, 

HiUUWw!        '^UlS     3.2  and   374   East  IVatoi    Street,   3I1L1VAIKEE. 





Kralin  Wm,  tailor. 

Kudick  Wendel,  saw  mill. 

Kucbu  CLi-irk'S,  shoemaker. 

Lfij'  II  J,  lumber  and  justice. 

Mack  John,  stwirj;  machines. 

Marian  Ji.ihn,  mason. 

Marx  Kicholas,  grain  and  saloon. 

Malliews  AV  C,  photoaraphir. 

9Eilici'  CSsai'lcs,  Drugs  and  Apiarist. 

Miller  E  W,  faim  impls. 

Miller  Kev  Frederick  (Uaptlsli. 

!Moores  Charles  P,  railroad,  exp   and    lei 

Mueller  Charles,  brick  inafr. 
Mueller  J(i.spph,  carpentei. 
Opgenorth  Herman,  niaso;i. 
Pelry  J,  propr  Anierieaii  House. 
PfeilTer  Charles,  pliysieian. 
Press  Charles,  hardware. 
Rommel  Bros  &  Co,  saw  mill. 
Rosenlieimer  Lemau,  general  store. 
Schnurr  Henry,  lilacksmllh. 
Seidel  Frank,  tailor. 
Shaefer  Charles  .J,  blacksmith. 
Smitli  Peter  li,  blacksmith. 
Slei;,'en  Miss  Li/,/ic,  dres.'miaker. 
SJorU   I'rtMierit'k,  Hardware. 
Stroble  John,  sidnon. 
"VVarner  A,  i)ropr  Eagle  Hotel. 
Weddig  Henry,  rauson. 
AVeddip  Wni,  mason. 
AV'it/ig  Sebastian  E, 
Wriglil  Carry  ]!,  ]ininler. 
Wunderle  I'eter.  meat  market. 
Zwaschka  John,  furniture. 

KEWAUKEE.  Au  incorporated  city 
on  tlic  sli'ue  of  I^ake  Michigan,  and  at  the 
mouth  of  ICewaunee  river,  in  Kewaunee 
county,  of  which  it  is  the  judicial  seat,  X'4 
miles  north  of  Two  liivers,  the  nearest 
railroad  approach.  Has  3  banks,  and  3 
weekly  newspapers,  the  J.'iiti  ypri:-e  and 
the  llduner.  Stages  daily  to  Ahnapce, 
Two  Hivcra  and  Green  l!ay,  and  duriuL'- 
the  season  of  m.viiration,  conjniunirulion 
is  liad  by  boat,  with  all  lake  ports.  Popu- 
lation, 1,400.  Tel.,  \V.  U.  Mail,  daily. 
George  Grimmer,  postmaster. 
Arnold  Philipp,  sdoon. 
Balloriii^'  .»  .\  <k  Co,  Shoe  :'.Infrs. 
Bank  of  Kewaunee  (capital,  s'J.'i.OOO),  Vojta 

Blashck  pres,  Charles  Brandes  jr  cash. 
Blaha  George,  saloon. 
Bohne  August,  pumps, 
Boluienkarnii  it  Co,  livery. 
Borgman  John  M,  fannins'  mill  nmfr. 
Brandes  lOdward  L,  druggist. 
Bubuik  Joseph,  merchant  tailor. 
Burke  Davici.  cenpral  store. 

Byron  George  B,  lawyer. 

Conway  L  J  ifc  Son,  grain  buyer. 

Dauek  Frank,  barber. 

I>ec'Uer.    I>iiv)ill     &.     Griiimicr, 

Proprs  Kewauneee  Exchange  Bank  and 
Grist  Mill. 

Dcorschuiidt  Charles,  saloon  and  hotel. 

Holensky  Frank,  general  store. 

Drahovzal  Wni,  saloon 

l>iiv!ill  .Josc|»li  A;  Co,  General  Store, 
Ties,  Etc. 

Erichseu  Matliias,  propr  Steamboat  House. 

Eiichscn  Jesse,  saw  and  planing  mill. 

European  Hotel,  li;nalz  Ganter  propr. 

Fenscl  H  L,  city  clerk. 

Fensel  Lorenz  C,  news  dealer. 

Fensel  ]\Iargaret,  grocer. 

Fensel  M  A  Son,  hardware. 

Foster  ]{  M,  dentist. 

Ganter  Ignalz,  projir  European  Hotel. 

Ilamacliek  Frank,  founder  and  neithinist. 

Hamachek  &  Hlav.-acek,  farm  inip;^. 

Haney  Bros,  farm  impls. 

EEaiicy  SSros  iV  iirit-Ii^fOii,  Feed 
.Mill  and  Fertilizer  Mufrs. 

Heck  Wcnzel.  jeweler. 

Hoffmann  Valentine,  saloon. 

Janda  John,  furniture  and  undertaker. 

JcJuAunes  Frcdcrirk,  jeweler. 

Kewaunee  Cornet  I!anil,  John  IlnniacMr. 

Kewaunee  (.Vuinty  Jianner,  fj  H  Mariug 

Kewaunee  Enterprise,  A  C  Vosbardt 

lit'waiiiioe  S^xoliiiiiuf  E>:iiik  (Cap- 
ital, ^-jri.OOO),  H.'cker,  Duvall  A"  Grim- 
mer I'roprs,  Louis  Bruemmer  Cash. 

Kipp  Anton,  clothing.  , 

Kuehl  .loseph  F  C,furniture  and  uodertkr. 

Kuke  Wni,  hotel. 

Kuke  &  Maigaller,  livery. 

La  Court  Charles,  pidnter. 

Lauglilln  Cora  A,  telegraph  agent. 

.Marh  Anton,  saloon. 

Maeh  it  J./ane-er,  brewers. 

.Maigatter  Frederick,  wagimmaker. 

Manger  it  Holek,  harnessmaker. 

Manger  it  O'Hara,  saw  and  shiia'le  mill. 

Muring  L  H,  editor  Kewaunee  County- 

^larlin  Oliver  H.  physician. 

,Ma-liek  Albert,  lilackfmitb. 

ItiliisiicU  »V,  HBctziifr,  General  Store 
and  Luml'er. 

iVIelera  Fcli.v.  painter. 

Miller  Joseph,  saloon. 

^lonre  I{  A,  c<Minty  s\ipl. 

!Mutzbauer  Joseph,  photographer. 

Myers  James,  barber. 

Pavlik  Cliarles,  meat  market. 

Chicago  £  Grand  ]\[\\\\ 

The  Favorite  Route  East 

•  VIA   fJIACARA    FALLS.      ,  . 


(ash  Assets,  §110,000.000.  I  Nortlivicfitcin     Brancli 

jiBV/  1UI!\  LIU  i!'oiiicn;uc  v;u..  Surplus.    - '  oaut,  -iic 

■St.,  1|ir\V.VV!ii:t:,  wis.     AV.  S.  CAKI)Kr:,  state  \:;„nt.     n.lLKKli  lll'C'KM:!!,'l  Miuia 





Pazowiiik  Charles,  Lunicsc-iiiaker. 

Poser  Bros,  blacksmiths. 

Puiz  Stephen,  salooa. 

Read  :*Irs  0  W,  hotel. 

Roberts  C  &  J,  druggists. 

Roberts  J  A,  physifinn. 

Rogers  Win,  county  clerk. 

KoODC-y  ,T  II,  sheriir. 

Sappert  Micliael,  meat  market. 

Schleiss  A  M,  remitter  of  deeds. 

Schmitz  A  L,  lawyer. 

SchnedermauQ  Mrs  .M,  milliner. 

Scott  W  K,  physician. 

SeidUt  KeiUind,  .shoes. 

Seyk  Flour  .Mill  Co,  W  Seyk  .supt. 

Seyk  Vv',  K'aiu. 

Slaraa  Peter,  grocer. 

Steamboat  House,  Jlalbias  Erichsen  propr. 

Stocek  Anton,  shoemaker. 

Siransky  Henry,  meat  market. 

Yoshanlt  August  C,  propr  Kntcrprise. 

Waltawa  .lohn,  lawyer. 

Wing  George  W,  lawyer. 

EEYESEU.  In  Columbia  county,  24 
miles  soulhensl  of  Portage,  the  county 
seat,  0  nortliea^l  of  ]\Iorrisiinville,  on  tlie 
€..  M.  6c  St.  ['.  y{y,  the  nearest  shipping 
point,  and  14  from  Columbus,  the  nearest 
bank  location.  JIail,  trl -weekly.  G.  15. 
•Gilbertsou,  postmaster. 

Farmers'  Co-operallve  Assn.  creamery. 
'RillM-i-(s(tll  <jJ  EJ,  General  Store. 
Woodford  li  F,  railroad,  e.xp  and  tel  agt. 

KEYESVILLE.  A  postoffice  in 
Richland  county.  I)  miles  east  of  Ricliland 
■Centre,  tin'  rounty  seat,  and  Ci  northeast 
of  Twin  lihilTs,  the  nearest  railroad  station. 
Richland  Cenlic  is  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Stages  daily  to  f^one  Rock  and  La- 
yiiUc  Population,  GO.  Mail,  daily.  Paul 
Jlisslicb,  ]iostmaster. 

Beaver  Chris,  slone  mason. 
Dewier  .Jcrsi-ph,   plioiorrapher. 
I>o\%-im  .Vii-im-s  V  ^\^  *>,  Restaurant. 
Louis  Miehohis,  cooper. 
Louis  Peter,  stone  mason. 
Jliller  Andrew,  blacksmith. 
JUIler  Joseph,  carpenter. 
Misslicli  Miss  A,  dressmaker, 
'^lisslich  .Miss  L,  musician. 
naisMlUli   5«aul,  Notary. 
Misslieh  W'emlcl,  carpenter. 
-Mij-slirh  \Vm.  pHinter. 
Ifayinld  Miss  KlUe.  milliner. 
Schwif/.  .\Tallii««,  carpenter. 
Sweet  .Mi-ses  K  it  A,  milliner. 
Weilzel  IVtcr,  carpenter. 

KEYSTONE.  In  Chippewa  county, 
15  miles  northeast  of  Bloomer,  the  nearest 
banking  and  shijiping  point,  and  :!l;  north 
of  Chippewa  Falls,  the  judicial  scat,  ilail, 

EICKAPOO.  In  Vernon  county,  10 
miles  southeast  of  Viro(iua,  the  judicial 
seal,  banking  and  shipping  point.  .Mail, 

Andrews  .M  A,  grocer. 

KIEL.  A  prosperous  village  located  on 
the  Sheboygan  river,  and  on  Mie  M.  A;  N. 
K.  ]i.,  in  Manitowoc  county,  2S  miles 
southwest  of  Manitowoc,  the  county  seat, 
and  lO-l  from  Chilton,  the  nearest  banking 
jioiut.  It  was  settled  in  l^^oi,  ami  now 
contains  Reformed  r.vancclical  and  Catho- 
lic churches,  good  schools,  a  llonrintr  mill, 
saw  and  planing  mills,  cheese  factories,  a 
brewery  and  the  Kiel  Wooden  W^are  Co., 
manufacturing  cheese  boxes  and  measures. 
Stages  tri-weekly  to  Manitowoc  and  She- 
boygan. E.\p.,  Am.  Tel.,  W.  IT.  Pop- 
ulation, 4U4  (ollicial).  August  Lindner, 

Ammann  .Toseph,  wagonniakcr. 

Amnianu  'J'heodore,  aiiiarist. 

Ammann  &  Fleck  (Henry  Ammann.  Au- 
gust Flc('k),  cigar  mnfrs. 

.\rnold  Peler,  barnessmaker. 

Arps  Jfrs  Dorette,  milliner. 

Asiiius  Miss  ;\lary,  dressmaker. 

Baumann  Ernst  P.  meat  market. 

I'.iTg  Frank,  boots  and  shoes. 

liernhardt  Wm,  saloon.  ' 

Broeckert  A.-  .Matthaeus  (Wm  Broeckert, 
"Wm  Mattbaeu-).    grain. 

€«M!!iniT«'i!il  SJotcl,  .Vngust  Lindner 
Piopr  ;  R.'iles  .■sl.."')0  per  Day. 

Paleiiien  Peter,  saloon. 

Dassler  -•Vlbcrl,  prin  high  school. 

Deucker  Charles,  dairv. 

Deucker  .1  JI  >t  Co  (John  M  and  Gustav  A 
Deuckei),  hardware. 

Deucker  Peler,  cider  mnfr. 

Eller  Chailes  V,  niilroad  and  express  agt. 

Feile  Malhias,  creamery,  'i  miles  n  e. 

Fischer  l-'rank  10,  barnessmaker. 

Goeres  Henry,  collections. 

Greve  Andrew,  saloon. 

Greve  Hans,  flour  and  feed. 

Greve  Wm,  staire  line. 

Griebenow  Frit/,  dairyman. 

Gutheil  Bros  (Louis  Gutheil),  brewers,  1 
mile  e. 

Haak  "Wm,  black-mith. 

Ilaase  Andreas,  cooper. 

Um  CEilTHAL  S 

n     DIRECT  ROUTE  || 
I   llr  to  all   POINTS  in  ii 

oiiiHEe;]  miL 

Cisdahy  Br 

OthS'/S,  (Hams,  Shoulders,  Bacon, 

isco:vsii\.      \  Pork,   Larci,   Beef,  Sausage,   Etc.,  Etc. 



o    • 

•i:  c 

£   t1  IlMn?en  Jorgen   live  f  lock. 
2    C  IIiiRskeEnril,  painter. 
ffj    2  Ilcius  Charles,  geucral  store  and  justice. 
^    [0  Ileiize  Henry,  saloon. 
Ig)  •"  Hollensteiner  Simon,  geuertil  store. 
O  $.  Hotel   De   :Maaliew3,' Charles    .^latthew.'^ 
p  p'opr. 

—   Il'etling  John,  painter. 
"X^   Kiel  IInu=e,  .Tohn  U  jiiieller  pror.r. 

ea  liivi  iFaii.^iciii  !s<><)dU"s  <>I•c•!lf•^^l•ft 

„^^  End  Jlililary  Baud,  JOmil  ^leiaardus  Ldr. 

Cfi  Kiel  Woodenware   Co  (capital,    «12.000), 

*  pS  Frederick  Mohr  pres.  Adolph  Mesch  sec.' 

^^  Kl.oin  Joseph  II,  curpenlcr. 

c-^  Klein  it  Daleiden  (.lo.;e:.h  H   Klein,   Peter 

ijj^  l);i!cideu),  furnitu! 

feina  Kcehrin.a:  Vrra 




^~5^ Ki iegcr  Ferdinand,  general  store. 
L.^™   Lanpj.ibr  &  Fischer  (,()tto  i.ang-jahr, 
*^       F  Fischer),  raarlile  Works. 

2^-   Laun  Jiicob  B,  himher. 
v^j^    E.iiidner   Aii!,'i!'.(,  Propr 
fllP      Hotel;  Hates  si. 00  per  Day. 
GJi   Ldo.s  John,  cheese  miifr,  2*^  miles  s  e. 
rr''   Lorgc  John  B,  jeweler. 
^"^^    Lncloir  Gottfried,  i)ropr  Williams  House. 
.Malth-viis  &  Qnclzloe  <\Vm    Mattheaus, 

Win  J  GiiCtzliie),   ireneral  store. 
:\rntthews  Charles,  hotel. 
jMatlhcws  Miss  Fr.iiicfs,  drc'smnker. 
rti:o!i!ji!'<!i!s    lOiuir.  Teacher   of   Vocal 
and  Instrumental  .Music;  Lessons  Given 
on  Piano  and  Organ. 
Meiiiert  Peter,  livestock. 
Meinert  A-   Hollensteiner  (Peter  ^leinert, 
„^        iSimon  Hollensteiner),  grain. 
eg^    Mertens  Joseph,  catlle  breeder,  \  mile  w. 
_    Jleyer  Wm,  Hour  mill. 



Mohr  Frederick,  furniture. 

ilueller  John  C,  piopr  Kiel  Hou.=e. 

Kenmann  it  Berg{AugustNeumann.Krnsi 
Berg),  carpenters. 

Keichert  Jacob  II,  hoots  and  shoes. 

lioebcr  Herm;.nn.  carpet  weaver. 

Kuppenthal  Jacob,  wagoumaUer. 

Schroeder  Mrs  Bertha.'druggist. 

Schroeder  John  P,  general  store. 

Scluiberl  airos  (Paid  O  and  Frederick 
W;,  Photographers;  Life-Si/.e  Crayons 
and  Babv  Piciui-Ls  a  Specialty. 

Siision  (fioUlicl)  S!,  Hardware.  Stoves- 
acd  Tinware,  Cheese  Factory  and. 
Creamery  Sr.pplic.5.     i.Vt'  ii<li\  bclj^c.) 

Stoll  Henry,  Hour  and  sav?  mill. 

Vogel  U'm,  mason. 

Voland  Charles,  apiarist,  2i  miles  o. 
Frank   j    Voland  Frnst.  wooden  shoemaker. 
j    Voss  Peter,  grain,  2  miles  n  e. 

Wagenkneciit  Ferdinand,  cheese  mnfr. 
Commercial    |    Weiskopf  Charles,  blacksmith. 

AVilliams  House,  Gottfried  Luelojf  propr. 

"Wittman  Ad.olph  I\,  physician. 

Zastrow  Ferdinand,  apiarist,  :)  miles  e. 

Zillmann  Wm,  cheese  inufr,  -1  miles  e. 

Zink  Ilev  Ludwig  ([{eformed  Lutheran). 

KIELEK.  .1  po^toftice  in  Grant 
county.  :J0  milts  southea!:L  of  Lancaster, 
the  county  siat,  -J  from  Utitledge,  on  the 
C.,  B.  ifc  N.  Py,  the  nearest  railioad  sta- 
tion, and  8  norlheast  of  Dubuipie.  lowa^ 
the  Dearest  banking  point.  Stau'cs  to 
Platteville.Louisburgliand  East  Dubuque, 
111.  Mail,  ihdiy.  I'opulation,  00.  George 
Kieler,  postma'-ter. 





M.\NUFAC'rUIiF,t{  01^  AND  PIOAI.KP.  IN' 

CllfiSSO  YaiS  and  Illlll  GaDS  .*  factory  and   creamery     I-;" 

KIEL,  l7iS.  '-^ 

Xjicora.1     IDisccv-rL-t     to     J^r^cxi.* 

s.ii-1     tJr-.o     Trade. 

ChiCf^'fl   i?i    firrinrl    Trim!'   h   '^^^°  Favorite  Route  East 

UlllbC^U     bi     UiailU       llUiltV     Hjl  VIA   NIAGARA   FALLS. 

pnr('|rn(j    tiik  tjuoDKssujt  ^I^•F(;  co.  KanufactBrounEWEitT  m'.chiseky.  wind- 
DnLiiiLi.i^.  ix;  juKs.  ■:  to  li  1,11,  r()\vi:i!  iioisiixi  .mac  iii>ki:y.  luims,  klkyato!:*, 

ilTO-llATlC  STKAM    l;OTH.!:   C01IKi:i:s,   Etc.     oli-oll   C03I3IKI!IK   STlll-VI,   JlILWAt'KKK.  WIS. 





Braud  Jostph  P.,  stone  mnsou. 
Drossier  Kurl,  salonu. 
Gintcr  Jacob,  jii^lice. 
Ilasse  Ferdinand,  barlier. 
Basse  GoUfriud,  blacksniitb. 
.laiiseu  Julin,  blacl;-ir.ilb. 
UifcScr  fiJcorfio,  General  Store. 
Klaas  Freil.  carpenter. 
Schrocder  L  A,  fiby.-.iciau. 
Smitli  ]I  It,  town  c'.crl;. 
Terfrucbto  B,  carpenter, 
Weigcl  Lonis  &  Ijru,  lis-e  stock. 
■\TilheIm  August,  ii-lj. 

EILBOURN   CITY.     Is  located  on 
the  "Wisconsin   nvei ,  anil  on  tbe  0.,  !M.  &   1 
St.  r.  liy,   in  Columbia  county,   18  miles   1 
northwest  of  I'ortaic,  the  county  scat.     It 
is  beautifully   situated  at   the  della  of  the   I 
Wisconsin   river,  and  is  ii  favorite  re.':orl    j 
for  tourists  and  pleasure  .seeker.s.     incor-   ! 
poraled  as  a  village  in  1SG7,  it  now  coa-    j 
tains    steam    flouring    and    saw  mills,    a   I 
foundry  and    machine    shop,   a   brewery,    I 
churches  of    the    Catholic,     Presbyterian,    | 
Baptist,     Methodist.    German    Lu'theran,    j 
German  ^Methodist,  Kpiscopal  and  German    j 
Presbyterian      denominations,    a     graded    1 
school  of   (1  departments,  a  )iyt;ieQic  insti-    I 
tute,  2  baidis  and  a  weekly  newspaper,  the    | 
Mirror- G II :ctti\      The  shipments  coiripTisc 
grain,  bops,  produce  and  live  slock.     Im-    I 
mcnse   water   power   is   furnished  by  the 
Wisconsin  river,  but  it  is  as  yit  only  )iar- 
tially  utilized.      The    town  is  improvii:g 
rapidly,  and  l.iids  fair  to  brcon'.e  at  no  dis- 
tant date  a  place  of  con>'iilerabIc  iraport- 
ance.      Popnlatiiui,    l,."jill.».     Tel,    W.    U. 
Exp.,  Am.     M.  B.  Sn\ilb,  postmaster. 

Bank  of  Kilbourn,  Bowman 
pres,  A  1)  Bowman  cash. 

Barker  Mrs  .Miiry  A,  milliner. 

Barrett  .III.  live  stock, 

Bauer  Bros  (Peter  and  .lohn),  meat  mar- 

Bell  John  H,  propr  GUnn  Cottage. 

Bennett  Albert  I,  carpenter, 

Bennett  Henry  II,  pbotogriipher. 

Bowman  Jon.atlmu,  Lawyer. 

Boyrrlcrn  H,  saloon. 

Brown  l!ev  L  II  (Baptist). 

Brown  Solomon,  prodtice. 

Buckholz  Charles  W,  watronmaker. 

Chanter  Charles  II,  confectioner. 

City  Hotel,  Will  Stanton  propr. 

Clement  Lorenzo,  mason. 

Connor  Thomas,  clothing. 

Conrad  II  A,  blacksmith. 

Conway  llarlin  ,  Hour  and  feed. 

Coon  Thomas  B,  lawyer. 

Di.von  A  C  it  Son  (Adam  C  and  ,Iames), 
dry  goods. 

Field  Floyd  A,  produce. 

I^iiicU  fSouso,  Adolf  F  Sundeilaud 

Fogic  Lawrence,  general  store. 

Frederick  iMiss  Annie,  dressmaker. 

Fuller  John  W,  jeweler. 

Glen  Cottage,  John  II  Bell  propr. 

Grillin  Alvuro,  restaurant. 

Guliek  liev  Albeit  V  (P.a.sbyterian), 

Hansen,  Snider  &  Co  (Oscar  C  Hansen, 
Charles  W  .Snider),  building  material. 

Henry  John  C,  furniture, 

Hile  Adam,  propr  Hile  House, 

Hill  Frank,  livery. 

Irish  P.ev  Wm  I)  (.Methodist). 

Jenkins  George  W,  physician. 

Johnson  it  .Mylrea  (Austin  Johnson, 
Chailes  IC  !Mylrea),  I'eneral  store. 

^^(•rscs  ,Bi;i;i«'s  V.,  I'ditorand  Publisher 
the  JIirr(jr-Gazi:tte.     [See  ado,  hdow.) 

Larson  Thomas  .1,  blacksmith. 

Leute  Julius,  brewer  and  saloon, 

Looniis,  ]3reese  iV.  Co  (C  J  liOomis,  L 
Breest),  ufcneral  ston-. 

Mc.Mannan  Daniel,  general  store. 

jMcNcss  John  T,  iuslice,  \ 

Markham  John  B  A'.  Son  (John  B  aiid 
H"rry).  grocers, 

ISBiirtStal!  <ii  ?!5  &.  Son  (Georgt!  M  and 
Frank  H),  Founders  and  .Maehinists, 
also  Mnfrs  of  :\Iarsb:drs  Patent  .Shears 
and  Chain  Pipe  Tongs,  also  \Vater 
Wheels  and  Pumjis;  Correspondence  So- 

Martin  Ficd.  srdoon. 

Meclilerifc  Co  (PC-er  J  and  Peter  J  .Mechler 
jr),  hardware. 

.^less  A.ndrcw',  saloon, 

Jlevers  GeorL'e,  eonfcctioner 

to.         fla    caxx   »-,T3^n.     6r-3W»>i     ,^*^    fcf>g.J*fc  x**M  /\  T^^te^    *k:^vk^    WKoaam    p«i-Ea^     ccmA^ 

An  s  jinge,  5-oo!\imn  locnl  pnri 


rnvoriiiu-  a  I.iru'r  li'  1>I  in  p:ir(^  of  fniir  comities.    An  esepllent  advertis- 
ig  eC'UiiIry  districts  nrit  covtr^d  by  any  oUier  lucal  xi,ipL>r. 

J.  E.  JOWES,  Editor  and  Proprietor. 

Ill    II     F 


10,    IJ 

t..  Fond  du  I-no,  IVIn 

POSt^S  '\r  £?.  1 1\  Carriaiics,  Hacks,  'Busses  and' Sleighs  lor  Sale'CHeap 



^ivllii  Lit 


99  Is  os!C  of  ES>.  ASCEIEEtOTAXX  &  CO.'g 
^       B.EAB3XG    CS«SAfll-^,    .Miiwaukec,   Wis. 





ffElrrtvr-Ga-j'.otte,  James  E  Joues  Edi- 
tor nnil  Propr.     (Ac  iidi\  p  4~7.) 

ilunger  Ellis  D,  Hour  mill. 

OehlcTs  Peter,  saloon. 

Oswald  Vi'm  F.  saloon. 

Peder.scn  .Mrs  Knren,  saloon. 

Percell  .John  J,  express  and  tel  agent. 

Polack  Adolnh,  sljoemal«r. 

Kadant  Frederick,  saloon. 

Rork  A  H,  carpenter. 

Rose  House,  Kicliard  B  liose  propr. 

PbOtbe  Miss  Berlha,  uritions. 

Sclirocder  Cliarks,  barber. 

Schroeder  &  Van  Alstinc  (Mrs  Atilda 
Scliroeder,  Mrs  Estulla  Van  Alstine), 

Sliannnlian  Jo  T.'iylor  UJ'i^'-ird  Sliannahau, 
M  AV  Taylor),  meal  n.arket. 

Smilli  it  Cornini;  (George  Smith,  Ileberson 
Cornina).  produce. 

Smits  Ivev  M  G  (Cat hoi ie). 

Soeldner  John  P,  grocer. 

Stanton  Wm,  propr  Cil._y  Hotel. 

Stillman  .1  F,  clruL'i^ist." 

Stroud's  Hank.  AVm  b  Stroud  propr. 

SlliKU'i'lutuS  Atioll'  &■',  I'riipr  Finch 

Taylor  ,"\[  W,  physician. 

Tcshner  Charles  L,  harucssniaker. 

Van  Alstiuo  Mrs  Uilsou,   milliuer. 

Van  Albtlue  ^'atliauiel,  bir.eksmilh. 

Vogt  George,  general  store. 

Vilest  C  H,  dentist. 

Wliitney  Henry  M,  carpenter. 

Wirlz. Jacob,  meat  maiket. 

Wright  Allen,  furniture. 

county,  11  miles  from  lljicine,  the  judicial 
seal  and  liank  location,  and  14  fiom  Cale- 
donia, the  neare.-it  bani;  location.  Mail, 
daily.     John  Goebel  jr,  postmaster. 

Gocbel  John,  harne,-3. 
<S«e?M'l  Jofsij  .Br,  General  Store. 
Jordan  Joseph,  lilaeksmith. 
Schrmder  \Vm,  carpenter. 
Webber  Henry,  wagonrnaker. 

KILDARE.  J\iueau  county.  Xmne 
ehiiigdl  to  Liindon  tilati'iii. 

KIMBALL.  In  Ashland  county,  011 
the  M.,  L.  S.  &  W.  liy,  Z'i  miles  southeast 
of  Ashland,  the  judicial  seat,  and  7  front 
Hurley,  the  nearest  banking  p.oiut.  .Mail, 

KIMBERLY.  On  the  M.,  h.  S.  &  W. 
Ry.  in  Outai;:imio  county.  4  miles  fmra 
Appleton,  lh(/ judicial  seat  and  bank  loca- 

tion.    Population,  2i.)0-     Tel.,   W.  U.     C. 
H.  Viual,  postmaster. 

Beaubien  Kichard,  livery. 

Dauber  F  C'.  blacksmith. 

Botlnvell  C  A,  hotel. 

Gevry  .4  %,  Grocer. 

.Johnson  J,  plumber. 

Iviniberly  &  Cl:irk.  paper  and  pulp  mill. 

Lembke  C,  meat  market. 

Prilchet  J,  saloon. 

Stribley  C  W,  and  lei  agent. 

Van  Ooyen  T,  saloon. 

Vi'est  George,  barber. 

Williams  J,  saloon. 

KING'S  BRIDGE.  .V  postoilice  in 
Manitowoc  county,  9  rniles  north  of  .Mani- 
towoc, the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad 
station  and  baidiiug  point.  Stages  semi- 
weekly  to  Manitowoc.  I'opulation.  lOG. 
Mail,  semi-weekly.  \Vm.  Zander,  post- 

Brandt  John,  brushmaker. 
Clierny  John,  tailor. 
Koiii'Ii  ?.aicli!(f(,  Masou. 
Thurston  S  B,  bridge  builder. 
Westgate  Fred  10,  mechauic. 
Zander  .\rnokl  J  C,  planins  mill. 
/£iiitdor  Win,  Gencr^d  Store  and  Hotel. 

KING'S  CORNERS.  .V  village  in 
Sauk  county,  7  miles  south  of  B:iraboo. 
the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad  slalioQ 
and  banking  point.  Stages  lii-weekly  to 
Baraboo  and  I'rairie  du  Mail,  tri- 
weekly.    E.  D.  King,  postmaster. 

Ilrown  \  F,  cheese  mnfr. 

Donnelly  Thomas,  blacksmith. 

Eiiii^  >5c-isic.  Music  Tiaeher. 

King  S  E,  justice. 

JIaiquart  \V,  blacksmith. 

Myers  E  J,  saw  and  sorihutri  mil'. 

Siiiiiptcr  C'<»-«»!>eriUiv<'<'i-<':MiuTy, 

Zerbel  H,  carpenter. 

KINGSTON.  On  Grand  river,  in 
Green  I^ake  county,  2tt  miles  southwest  of 
Darlford,  the  county  .seat,  8  east  of  Mar- 
kesan,  the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  IS 
from  Fox  Lnke,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
.V  weekly  newsiiaper.  the  Kiiifjston  •'<p;i,  is 
published.  Stages  to  Markesau  and  Iviu- 
dol]ih;  fares,  T)!!  cents  and  7-">  cents  respec- 
tively.    Population,  oOU.     Mail,  daily. 

Boardman  P.  physician. 

Chapel  W  JI,  lawyer  and  insurance. 

Goss  Franklin,  blacksmith. 

H.-j-ihiJtarrronVa'orkG.  i  Cninu-it.v, 'iH 

r.Ullsii   3!1.m:F.KH1--I.\(J  CO.   -  Mlllv.r.^-lili 
Ashland,    -     -     Wi6cor..^ln.  )  '•'l"'-''"^'>-'"' 

ii;  tlnciiic 
^11"  MillMacliii 
H,  )luii>TH,l'o»e 

,  JIarlii 

,  lo-.indcrh.  ll^iilcrnl.ntii': 

Tl  IF5K!^M  t'rpqnently  inimeilifttply  relievo  find  speedily  cure  many  stubborn  diveases  Ttlilcli 
I  Wmr^i-KSn  nil  to  yield  r-;i,lil>  to  ordinary  rnodir:il  treatnent.  111!:  I'.A'IIIS  AT  JAM.;r5- 
BATHS •    VIL,L,ii,  >\lNCijl\Sl.\.  AFtOlil)  MPElilOU  lUVAMAGLS  TO  THE   AILl-NB. 





Greenleaf  George  S,  ecu  ttoro  iiud  barber. 

Jlllglscs  E  .C,  Den"li.-t. 

James  Kev  J  H  (Methodist). 

Keeler  David  I\I,  blidcsmitb. 

LavfD  James,  physician. 

Jloore  John,  saloou. 

Perry  it  Buckliolz,  ■waeonmalcers. 

Pelitt  E  K,  hotel. 

Petitt  Henry,  Hour  mills. 

Rogers  W  li,  Fmijiture. 

Sieveit  "\\'ui,  shueniaker. 

Sims  W  K,  Kcueral  .=lore. 

Spy,  W  E  Williams  editor  and  publr. 

Yinz  E  Vi',  harness. 

Viuz  Henry,  general  store. 

ToMcjnaii  ."St-ury,  General  Store. 

Williams  D  E.  livery. 

■Williams  W  E,  editor  and  publr  Spy. 

Woostcr  J  A,  livery. 

KIRBY.  On  Mill  creek,  in  :Mouroe 
county,  20  miles  northeast  of  Sparta,  the 
judicial  seat,  and  10  from  Tomah,  its 
nearest  banking  and  shipping;  point.  Tri- 
weekly mail  stage  to  'roiiiali;  faro,  2.5 
cents.     Ellen  Harp,  postma.ster. 

Allen  Emory,  blacksmith. 

II:ir(i  Si,  Grocer. 

Hickox  George  F,  well  driller. 

i^eckler  J,  blacksmith. 

Nobles  E,  carpenter. 

IJandall  A  W  it  Bro,  general  store. 

K.IRCIIHAYN.  In  Washiniton  coun- 
ty, 1}  miles  southeast  of  West  Bend,  the 
judicial  seat  and  nearest  banking  point, 
and  G  west  of  C'edarburgli,  on  the  M.  it  N. 
K.  1'.,  its  nearest  shipping  point.  Stage 
daily  to  Cedarburfh.  ropiilatioii,  7.5. 
JIail,  daily. 

Fischer  F.  carpenter. 
Fischer  "W^m,  blacksmith, 
nafemcister  Louis,  .shoemaker, 
ICanncnbcrg  John,  wagonmaker. 
-Ueismier  Henry,  general  store. 

KIRKWOOD.  In  Fond  du  Lac 
county,  Smiles  northwest  of  Fond  du  Lac, 
the  county  scat,  banking  and  shipping 
P_oint.  Mail,  semiweeklv.  Alexnnder 
Kirkwood,  postma>ter  and  farmer. 

KNAPP.  A  vill.i-e  on  the  C.  St.  P., 
^1  iVO.  Ity,  in  Dunn  county,  I'J  miles  west 
I'f  Meiifimiinic,  the  county  s.nt  and  nearest 
banking  point.  It  has  2'churehes,  a  pub- 
lic school,  u,  liotei,  'saw  mills,  stave  and 
spoke  factory,  and  shljw  lumbtr,  staves, 
sjiokcs,  cheese,  ties   and    piling.     Popula. 

lion,  400.    Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.    A.  JL 

Kimball,  postmaster. 

Akers  Eo.gene  S,  physician. 

Andrcss  Thomas,  sewing  machines. 

Baker  Frank,  baker  and  restaurant. 

Bowles  James  AV,  carpenter. 

Brandeis  Isidor,  general  store. 

Bright  John,  physician. 

Burgert  Adam  S,  druggist. 

Chase  Stephen  B,  confectioner. 

Cole  O  F,  carpenter. 

Cook  Henry,  jeneler. 

Fletcher  C'hniies  M.  insurance. 

Foster  John  N.  prin  public  school. 

Francis  Wni  H,  railroad  and  ex-pruss  agt. 

Frissell  Mrs  C,  propr  Valley  Hotel. 

Gates  Philander,  pbysiciau. 

Gibson  Daniel  C,  mason. 

Glancy  JIary,  confectioner. 

Glaucy  Patrick,  constable. 

Guuter  George,  restaurant. 

Hall  Alfred  II,    stock    breeder  and  cheese 

Hardwood    Mnfg   and  Storage    Co,    A    R 

Hall  pres,  G  H  tUiiistiau  sec  and  treas, 

staves  and  heatliug. 
Ilermau  John,  carr>eiiter. 
Hopkins  Xalhan,  livery. 
Jones  <»c«n-i:c   S;,  General  Store. 
KiiiiibiUI  AUteil  M,    Postmaster     and 

Town  Clerk. 
Knapp    Cheese    Factory    and   Creamery, 

Charles  Townsend  ijres.  Wm  Couway  sec. 
Lancer  Patrick,  confectioner. 
Maher  Joseph,  merchant  tailor. 
Masse}'  Charles,  meat  market. 
Newman  George  \V,  car]H.nti.-r. 
Palmer  &  Palmer  (Misses  Edna  and  Emma), 

Price  David  A.  hardware. 
Sczuck  Edward,  saw  mill. 
Smitli  Cora,  dressmaker. 
Smith  Garrett,  barber. 
Smith  Jaraea,  lawyer. 
Smith  Rev  Kobert  (Episcopal). 
Snow  George,  mason. 
Snyder  Howard,  constable. 
Stalcy  ifc  Thompson  (Miss  Ida  Staley,  Mi?3 

Ella  Thomp.-on).  drcssmukers. 
Steadiuau  Albert,  painter. 
Steadman  Mrs  Henry,  carpet  weaver. 
Sweet  Wm  H.  justice. 
Sweet  &    Newman     (George    W     Sweet, 

George  W  Ne%vman),  fence  mnfrs. 
Teagarden  Thomas,  saw  and  grin  mill. 
Temiile  Wm  II,  ji-weler. 
T<»-vvii«cinl    l'hai-lo«,  Store, 

lhun<.    Books,   Saw   Mill.    W..od,   Tit^, 

Piling,  Stave  and  Spoke  Mnfr  and  Pro- 

Cliicap,  f/iilv/aii'tee  &  SI Jaul  Rf/uc'rni8sl  ad  llorlliwest 


Wfsconsiri ^Ein\m  mm  go..  , ,  , ,       ,.•   .-   n,- . 

Office  JtFuctory.iSlLaUo  St.,  .lilUVilKKE.-SVIS.     [816$!     l!ilprQV60    tfeilBli?!!    Lt|l!][|S. 





Tufts  Siimuel,  apiarist. 

Tuttie  L  C,  carpenter. 

Valley  Hotel,  ^Ir3  0  Frissell  propr. 

Vandurboof  Wilfred,  blacksmith. 

AVarner  James  W,  justice  and  shoemaker. 

Whitefdrd  John,  resil  estate. 

Wisner  \Vm  II,  blacksmith. 

KNAPP'S  CREEK.  A  postotBce  in 
Crawford  county,  -lU  miles  northeast  of 
Prairie  dii  Cliieu,  the  county  seat,  and  10 
north  of  Doscobel,  llie  nearest  railroiid  sta- 
tion and  banking  iioint.  i'opulaiion,  30. 
JMail,  semi-Weekly.  I).  W.  Adney,  post- 

Cook  L  L.  L'U'A  mill  aid  bhicksmith. 

Howell  W  T,  notions. 

Twlng  W  A,  saw  mill  and  cabinetmaker. 

Smith  George,  saloon  and  brewer. 
Starr  Frank,  hotel  ami  saloon. 
Starr  Trt'd.  ^^aw  Mill. 

KNEELAND.  In  iiaeino  county,  10 
miles  from  liaclne,  the  jiidiciai  seal  and 
banking  point,  and  C  from  Caledonia,  Ihe 
nearest  shippini;  point.  Population,  loO. 
JIail,  dail3'.     James  \V.  Pike,  postmaster. 

Doolan  L  IS,  blacksmith. 
Gibbs  J  W,  painter. 
Han.son  Cliiis,  wagonmaker. 
Hanson  Hans,  carpenter. 
.rerL'cnscu  1',  Creamery. 
June-;  Loien,  saw  mill. 
Kell  Casper,  shoemaker. 
Mooie  I,cri,  constable, 
Moble.s  Byron  O,  county  supt. 
I'iko  JiiitU's  IV,  General  i:^tore. 
Walker  Joseph,  constable. 
West  Tliiunas,  justirc. 
Westlake  licv  (huptisi). 
Yeiseuheimer  C,  justice, 

'  ENOWliES.  A  postofficc  on  the  C, 
M.  &.  St.  P  Ry,  in  Dodue  county,  Iti  milr.s 
northeast  cf  Juneau,  the  county  seat,  and 
6\  from  Mayviile,  the  nearest  baukins: 
point.  Pojiulation,  75.  Tel.,\V.U.  lOxp., 
Am.     G.  O.  Koch,  postmaster. 

Audrae  .1  H  it  Co,  lime  mufrs. 
liauer  I'Link.  erocer  and  station  agent. 
liiTiiai'd  .S<j>Iiii,  Gcn(^rftl  Stor.\ 
Buerger  Peter.  Ilour  mill  and  iTain. 
Oerlach  Charles,  saloon. 
Oruber  Charles,  wagonmaker. 
Hoflriiann  M,  saloon. 
Kleforth  Ernst,  blacksmith. 
Koch  Gc'ori'e,  cheese  innfr. 
tiorli  <i  <i.  General  Store. 
Krunimer  Nicholas,  saw  mill. 
IJeichert  Herman,   blacksmith. 
I{ubin''cr  Frank,  blacksmith. 

KNOWLTON.  A  town  on  the  C, 
M.  &  St.  P.  Ry,  in  JIarathou  county,  IS 
miles  southwest  of  Wausau,  the  county 
seat,  and  51  south  of  -Mosiuce,  the  nearest 
banking  point.  It  contains  steam  saw 
and  phninf;  mills,  a  church  and  a  district 
school-  Population,  1.50.  Tel.,  W.  U. 
Exp.,  Am.     C.  Guenthcr,  postmaster. 

Bttuman  B,  hotel  and  lumber. 

Bauman  &  Breitenstein,  planing  mill. 

Brooks  V,  lumber. 

Dunn  E  J,  railroad,  express  and  tel  agent, 

OiieEithiT  V,  General  Store. 

KuDzman  L,  ma-^on. 

Malone  Thomas,  saloon. 

Pedlield  .1  H.  saw  ami  shint^lc  mill. 

Rogers  it  McKendrick,  lumber. 

Stark  Anthony,  lumber. 

.■slJiris  Bros  ^aw  .Mill. 

^\'allace  •k.  liadfcird,  saw  mill. 

Wei/.enicker  C,  meals  and  lumber. 

Whitney  G  A.  lumber. 

AVilcox  T  K  &  Son,  lumber. 

KOEPENICK.  On  tlie  M  ,  L.  5.  & 
AV.  Uy,  m  Lauulade  county.  If  miles  from 
Autigo.  the  judicin!  seat  and  bank  loca- 
tion. Population,  .'iij.  Mail,  dally.  K.  S. 
Kucpenick,  postmaster. 

Bructt  A  II,  sawmill. 
Calkins  Charles.  cur)«nter. 
Clark  Charles,  builder. 
liocitciiicK  t;  «»,  General  SlAre. 

KOHLER.  In  Ozaukee  county,  IC 
miles  northwest  of  Pi.rl  Washington,  the 
juilieial  .'cat  and  nearest  banking  point, 
and  '^V  from  Fredonia,  the  nearest  ship- 
pirn:;  jioint.  P.)pulation,  -2'}.  JIail,  semi- 
I    weekly. 

I   Stct/man  Moritz.  saloon. 

i  ^KOHLSVILLE.     A  post  village  on 

I  Kohl'a   creek,    in    Washington   countv,    '■> 

,  miles  uoilliwestof  West  Bend,  the  county 

I  seat,  and  -1  northeast  of  AUenton,  the  near- 

I  est   railroad   station.     West    Bend    is    the 

j  nearest    banking    point.     Stages    daily   to 

I  Allcnton.     Population,   PJU.     -Mail,  daily. 

j  Jacob  llainm,  postmaster. 

j  Brinkmaun  John,  painter. 

I  Firks  Wm.  painter. 

!  Frensz  Chiis.  carriages  and  wagons. 

I  Guenthcr  Philip,  saw  and  feed'mill. 

Chicago  §  Grand  Trunk  Ej, 

The  Favorite  Route  E"st 


\ji:  K.  J.  OSULLIVAX,  of  ONII  LIVA>'S  CO.MJIKRCIAL  ACADKJIT.  Ashland,  Wisconsin,  oblained  the 
■  •  liipli.nmor  ilonor.-'uivard.a  by  ll.o  •■  fcrcle  d..  la  Salle"  lor  the  lle^t  C()1IMK!!L'I\I,  nnd  AUTISTIC 
IfMlAXSlIlP    \S    \    ((HII'KTITION    avith 

CIXAIIA.        fllGIIlST     1'(><SIRI,K    IHSTINCTION'. 



LA  C 


Cutyar  George,  carpenter. 

Hahn  Frank,  liotol  and  saloou. 

It:iiiitn    Jut'oU,     General    Store    and 

Cheese  Mnfr. 
llefter  Jacob,  boots  and  shoes. 
Hose  August,  blacksrailh. 
.Metzner  George,  blacksmith. 
Morltz  Albert,  mason. 
Scbellinger  Philip,  wagonmaker. 
Vogel  ilichael,  mason. 

KOLB.  In  Brovrn  county,  7  miles 
suuiheaslof  Green  Bay,  the  seat  of  justice, 
and  5  from  Me  Pere,  tlie  nearest  banking 
and  shipping  point.  Mail,  semi-weekly. 
Population,  2').     

KOKETZ,  A  discoutinueii  postollice 
in  Marathon  county.  Send  mail  to  Pike 
Lake.  [ 

KOEO.  A  posloffice  in  "Winnebago 
county,  20  miles  southwest  of  Oshkosii, 
the  county  seat,  ;i  north  of  I!u--b  liake,  the 
nearest  railroad  .station,  and  o  east  of  15er- 
lin,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Stages 
daily  to  Oshkosh  anel  P.erlin.  Poimlalion, 
ij.  Mail,  daily.  A.  II.  Walker,  post- 

Koro  Co-operative  Creamery. 
Koro  Cornet  Band. 

KOSHKONONG.  A  po.^toffico  on 
the  C.  &  iS'.  W.  Ry  and  on  Luke  Kushko- 
iiong,  in  .Jed'ersou  county,  12  miles  south 
of  Jefferson,  the  coimty  .seat,  and  5  norlli 
of  Milton,  the  neatest  banking  point 
Population,  20.  E.\p.,  Am.  JVbiil,  daily. 
J.  \\.  Wentworlh,  jiostmaster  and  express 
and  railrouil  agml. 

KRIPE.  In  Chippewa  county,  4> 
miles  northeast  of  Chippc'.va  Falls,  the 
jiulieial  seat,  nearest  bunking  and  ship- 
ping point.  Population,  2\.  jMail,  semi- 
■sveekly.     W.  S.  Sergeant,  postmaster. 

Ounderpon  Ole,  blacksmith  and  shoeraakr. 
>^urgeanl  1)  P,  painter. 
>■  ri;eant  Marsludl,  carpenter. 
>>frgi'aii(   \V  S,  Carpenter. 

KROK.  a  postolHce  in  Kewaunee 
county.  7  miles  west  of  Kewaunee,  the 
feat  of  justice,  sliipping  and  banking 
I"^itit.  Mail,  iri-wcekly.  "  J.  J.  Wahchka, 

Pohler  John,  flour  mill. 

Hil/,  Albert,  shoemaker. 

1  '.averneiz  Frank,  Hour  mill. 

LAC    DU    PliAMBEAU.     On    the 
M.,  L.  S.  &  W.  Ky.  in  Oneida  county,  37 
miles  from  Khinelander,  the   county  seat 
aud    nearest   bank   location.     Population, 
300.     Exp.,    U.    S.     Tel.,  \Y.  U.     C.  W. 
Kisling,  postmaster. 
Cosgrill  John,  lumberman. 
Gevart  Eugene,  lumbermau. 
Jordon  F,  shoemaker. 
KUiiii^  C  W,    Railroad,    Express   and 

Telegraph  At'ent. 
Pouport  it  Stone,  general  store. 
Skoksberg  J  "\V,  carpenter. 
Sullivan  I),  agent  for  reservation. 
Wa  Sa-Nn-Ba,  generul  store. 
"White  J  W,  constable. 
"Wolfgram  II,  hotel. 

LA  CROSSE.  Situated  in  county  of 
same  name,  at  the  conlluence  of  the  La 
Crosse  and  Black  rivers  with  the  llissis- 
sippi.  The  site  of  the  original  city  wa.s 
surveyed  in  1S13,  but  it  was  not  incor- 
porated until  ISo'i,  at  which  time  it  had  a 
poimlalion  of  only  3,000.  The  census  of 
l^'JO  gives  its  popujalion  as  Sn.'iiL  and 
places  it  as  the  .second  city  in  the  State. 
For  .several  yeais  the  stajde  industry  was 
the  manufacture  of  lumber,  a  business 
which  is  still  can  led  on  to  a  large  extent, 
over  ".00, 00{»,00i»  feet  of  logs'being  annu- 
ally manufactured  by  ils  13  saw  mills, 
into  lumber,  lath  and  shingles,  but 
while  the  annual  out-put  shnws  no 
signs  of  diminution  its  relative  pro- 
portion to  the  other  mauufiiclures  is  rap- 
idly decreasing.  This  increasa  is  mani- 
fested more"  in  the  exten.sioh  of 
existing  establishments  than  in  the  in- 
troduction of  new  ones,  and  the  steady 
and  of  late  years  uuexaniplrd  growth,  has- 
been  owing  more  to  the  capital  and  enter- 
prise of  its  own  citizens  than  to  advenli- 
liou.s  Introduction  from  without.  In  ad- 
dition to  its  saw  mills  there  are  extensive 
and  nourishing  foundries,  machini!  shops, 
boiler  works  aud  marine  ways,  cigar, 
luriiituie,  cracker  and  soap  factories,  3 
knitliiig  woik^,  the  bc.-t  ci(ui|iped  carriage 
works  in  the  Norlhwcst,  a  large  Uiunery;  it 
has  line  large  breweries,  7  cooper.ages,  and 
its  Hour  mills  have  a  daily  capacity  of  i2.- 
r>UO  barrels;  there  are  also  several  works 
for  Ihe  manufacture  of  plows  and  other 
agricultural  implements  and  a  large  paper 
mill,  recently  erected,  from  all  of 
which  the  aggregate  value  of  goods  manu- 
factured during  the  year  IbSO,  was  nearly 
.s;M, 000,000.  La  Crosse  also  carries  on  an 
extensive  jobbing  business,  having  for  a 

lUlllfllS  C[iiIP,ilL  ii,  Pi 

\i  to  all  POINTS  in  ill 

STH[^^  io':'i 

ILLI!iOiS  CEI'Tll^L  B,  I 

to  all  POINTS 

iniiUiiiiiLiiu  lu.'a, 


LA  C 


LA  C 

market  western  Wisconsin,  northern  Iowa, 
soulliern  .Aliunesot'i  and  llie  States  of 
North  iiuJ  South  D-.ikotn.  The  city  owns 
its  own  water  works  and  has  the  most. 
suhstiuitial  and  convenient  school  Ijuild- 
ings  and  tlie  most  tlilcient  system  of  pul)- 
lic  sch.iols  tliat  can  be  found  anywhere. 
Its  tran.sportalional  facilities  are  un- 
excelled. The  La  Crosse  division  of 
the  C  ,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ily  places  it  in  direct 
cominiHiication  with  Ouicngo.  The  South- 
ern Minnesota,  Dulniquc  and  river  divi- 
sions of  the  same  road  open  a  hiirhway 
through  Iowa,  Minnesota  and  Dakota,  and 
the  Wisconsin  Valley  and  Chippewa  Val- 
ley divisions  alford  access  to  tlie  pine  and 
hardwood  ret^ious  of  Wisconsin.  T!ie  C. 
&  N.  W.  I!y,  with  its  various  divisions, 
develops  extensive  territory.  The  G.  U., 
AV.  tfc  St.  P.  K.  U.  briui;s  La  Crosse  incon- 
tact  with  lake  navigation,  over  200  miles 
nearer  tide  water  then  Chica£;o.  The  C.  U. , 
&  N.  U.  K  traverses  the  territory  on  the 
east  bank  of  the  Mississippi,  as  tliose  al- 
ready mentioned  occupy  the  west,  and  the 
father  of  waters  itself,  during  tlie  season 
of  navigation,  Is  a  not  unimportant  factor 
in  the  problem,  there  being  6U  vessel:! 
enrolled  in  the  cuatom  house  of  the 
port  of  La  (Irosse.  Since  the  last  issue 
of  the  Oa/ctteer  the  city  has  made  rapid 
strides.  The  public  library  has  been  en- 
larged, and  now  contains  nearly  l.j.OOO 
volumes,  the  new  government  building 
lias  been  completed  and  occupied,  a  now 
opera  liouse  has  been  built,  which  is  ac- 
knowledged to  have  the  most  handsome 
interior  in  llio  Norlhwesl,  and  the  building 
operations  of  IS.SO  added  over  two  mil- 
lion of  dollars  to  the  value  of  the  real 
estate  of  the  city.  The  city  pos.^e.sses 
great  a  I  tractions  for  residence;  it  is  well 
paved,  well  watered,  the  residence  portion 
beautifully  [ilanled  and  well  kept;  its  edu- 
cational advantages  are  kept  up  to  a  hii'h 
Rtaiidanl,  and  Oak  0 rove  Cemetery,  with 
its  wealth  of  lloral  decoration,  will  com- 
pare favoralily  with  those  of  the  largest 
cities.  It  has  ;!2  ehur>-lies,  several  opera  and  music  hi'ls.  and  those,  in  con- 
nectiiiii  with  s  ■veral  soc-ial  and  literary  .=0- 
cietie-i.adeipiatuly  minister  to  the  religious, 
mental  and  moral  cravings  of  llie  iuhai>i- 
tants.  There  are  4  daily  papers,  the  Jic- 
publican  (iiid  LeiLikr  and  7Vmr<  (Hen.),  the 
J).iiiil  I'luv^  ilnd.)  an.l  the  .^hr.invi  C/imn- 
MeiDcm.).  which  al.-^o  publishes  a  weekly 
edition;  there  are  tlirei'  other  weeklies,  the 
I\'crd  Slo'ii  (Hep.,  Uernuin),  the /"(('Vi-/.;,').. 
del  (i^'j  J-Jini:;i;tnlen  {\ltyi  .  Xorwegiiu).  and 

the  La  Croase  Niic-i  (Ind.).  There  are  sev- 
eral first-class  hotels,  among  which  maybe 
mentioned  the  Cameron  House,  at  the  C. 
M.  &  St.  P.  depot,  and  the  Law  Hotel,  a: 
the  C.  B.  &  N.  depot.  Tel.,  W.  U.  and 
N.  A.  Exp.,  Am.  and  U.  S.  Mail,  daily 
to  all  parts  east  and  west.  li.  A.  Scott, 

Abnit  Chris,  saloon,  510  .Mill. 
Aelfes  Ilev  V  iCatholic) 
Ahrens  Carl,  saloon,  SO."!  N  :id. 
Alhrecht  Leopold,  blacksmith,  010  Market. 
Al«!eu  Charles   .?,   Pension  and    War 

Claim   Attorney,  201   to   208  McMillaa 

Alger  Luther  W,  physician,  221  S  7th. 
Allen  Aluin,  saloon,  b;!2  Mill. 
Allen  Geirue  II.  ai-'onl  Diamond  Jo  Steam- 
boat Line",  W)  \V  Front. 
A!!eil  XSciiry  <L'o,  K  WChipman  Agt, 

Encyclopedia  Britannica  Publrs. 
Alten  Nicholas,  saloon,  21S  N  Front. 
American  Hxpres;  Co,  T  I!  Lawrence  agt, 

123  N  3d. 
Aincrifim  Elemso,  Louis  .Jung  Propr, 

210  and  21s  Pearl. 
Amsrnd  Ole.  saloon.  61G  Mill. 
Amsrud   &  Ol.'on  (Otter   Amsrud.     Louis 

Olson),  saloon,  .jlU  St  Cloud. 
Amundsou  Hans,  grocer,  1307  Market. 
Arr.undson  .Tohu.  piano  tuner.  121  S  4th. 
Anders(>n  Marcus,  carpets.  321  Main. 
AinJorsoii  .TSons   &  fion  (.\Ions   and 

Samuel  AV),  Wholesale  Dry  Goods,  n  w 

cor  2d  and  Main,     {b'ec  ads.  p  4iS.) 
Anderson  Sever,  grocer,  l.").")3  Berlin. 
Anderson  tfc  Stockaus   (Frederick    Ander- 
son, Herman  Stockaus),  clothing,  123  S 

Andrews  Andrew  F,  photogr.  t:i2T  Rose. 
Appel  H,  grocer,  1002  .Tackson. 
Arenz  .Jacob,  meats,  948  .Jackson. 
Arges  \-,  Eggenberger  (.John  Arges.  Ulricli 

Eggenberg.?r).  whol  liquors,    200  Fear!. 
Arnold    Ferdinand,     carpet   weaver,     .31- 

Auburger Sebastian,  saloon,  421  S  E'ront. 
Ausfelder  Joseph,  saloon,  f'dO  S  2il. 
liayler.I  U.  contractor.  1410  Avon. 
Bailey  Frank,  shoes.  122  S  3d. 
Ball  .Alias  Emma,  music  teacher,  1003  Cale 

Ballard  John  A,  physician,  22S  Main. 
Bamber-rer  Lorenz,  confectr.  .jol  Stt^'loud 
Biiigslierg  John,  tailor,  02^5  .Mill. 
Barron  Wm  II.  div  freiL'ht  agt  C,   M  >.*c  St 

P  R  a.  Vine  St  Depot. 
Barron  i.fc  A'an  Valkenburg  (Elwin   R  an  1 

Charles  E  Barron,    James   T  Van    A  a! 

keiiburL'i,  drv  Lfoods,   101  to  107  Afun. 






2'J.-.  IT.  Water  Sirei-t,  JlII.iV.lfK'.r. 





L2s€-.k    v:2^7y  '4^5' t)  t.-3  <5»?     i:.~Ju  vl-eaa   WW    Lsri  U  U    y    ^ 

RSanufacturcrs  of  Draft  and  Bottled  Beer,  and  Dealers  in 
Hops  and  Malt. 

Gli|  taaits  aM  larMe  WofIis^ 

@  J".   T.   ST-^^lt-TIHIc:,    Z^roprietor, 


|i       Granite  aod  Harblej 

[   1  ai;d  jiani;fa(.;tuiiv.r  of 



EXF.cuTF.D  IN  THE  iJEyr  ri.>ysiBi.E  mannei;. 

^Cf-i:    OlFice  and  "Works,  Cor.  3d  St.  and  Cameron  Ave.,. 
--^■*  LA  CROSSE,  V/BS. 

ST"    A     r^  "T"     r^  I   /""N   !     1  "T"      'FtiF.  nu^'ANT  a  stratto- 
I      A    i    \       1  i     U    V^5    n        I      .^'iv.»Heom,,.e.,-,.ro:,;.rati,-..,,,. 

iiKlili;;  SJioiii 

CO    G) 



LA  C 


LA  0 



O  S 

w  ^ 




Barry  B  R,  painter,  211  Mill. 

Birtl   Fruuk,  propr  Eagle   Brev.'cry,   1301 

La  Crosse. 
Bartlctt   &   Symnns   (Cbarles   A   Cartlctt, 

Wm  T  .Symous).  marble,  437  Jay. 
Bait/,  Charles  A,  builder,  'J22  Fariiam. 
Bar/,  Carl  11,  gunsmith,  'J04  S  od. 
Batavian  Bank  (capital,  .-<2O0.000),  Q  Van 

Steenwyk  pres,  E  E  Benllej'  cash,  Bata- 
vian Bank  lildir. 
Batclielder  &.  Willard  (W  :N  Batchelder,  F 

J   Willard),   whol   shoes,   Headquarters 

Baucus   !Miss  Carrie,  music   teacher,  1218 

Bauer  Frederick,  news  dealer,  424  Main. 
Bauer  George,  grocer,  'Ml  S  :5d. 
Bauer  Louis,  saloon,  721  ^liU. 
Bauiu  George,  me:u-,  1001  Hose. 
Bayer  Cliristiau,  baker,  ;i2S  S  4th. 
Hi'Htly    i!£ciibcii,   ,'\[iifr  of   Imported 

and  Domestic  Tobacnn;  Fine  IIand-">Iade 

Cigars  a  Specially,  li07  Uose. 
Beck  .John,  real  eitato,  llj'.?.")  I'rospect. 
Beck  Wm,  grinder,  213  N  :jd. 
Becker  F  T  Oil  Co  (Frank  T  and  Crcscentia 

Becker),  dry  goods. 
Becker  Solomon,  produce,  104  S  Front. 
Beckwitli  JIrs  Julia,  drcssnikr,  432  S  3d. 
Bell  Edwin  P,  baliis,  22j  N  3d. 
Bellevue  Albert,  drui;s,  n  e   cor   3d   and 

Benjamin  S  P,  artist,  Sll  S  Mli. 
B-;nson  Albert  M,  dentist,  427  ,Main. 
ISeiiiim  Bertliin  M,  nolion.a,  212  Main. 
Benson  I\'ar,  notions,  423  .Alain. 
Benton  T  P  A  Son(Tliomas  P  and  Win  F), 

mnfrs  dynamos,  s  e  cor  Kini;  and  Front. 
Bert;  "le,  grocer,  l-Ji.";  Market. 
Berg  Peter,  slioemaker,  !)11  Loemi. 
Bciger  Herman,  clothing.  200  Main. 
Bergcrsoa  Anton,  confeclr.  IliOl  Av(rn. 
B.'rijh  Erik,  furniture,  oOO  N  4th. 
II«'r:;li   ?:3!irliii,    Attc^rney-al-Luw  and 

2sotary  Pubiic.  324  Main. 
Bergousl  ,lohu  J,  irrocer,  n  e  cor  3d  and 

Berry   Charles  IJ,  city  hi:alth    oflict-r,  4ir, 

P.erry  ICatbaiiae  I>,  pliy.s.  0  Funk  bik. 
r.ispalcl/,  iM  J,  aiocor,  Voa  S  '.itli. 
l!iy  Henry  t:,  shociiiaker,  :;(l."i  N  lull. 
Ifi-ytT  16  criiliarfl.  Florist, 222i;  George. 

(.-■,-„,/.,;,  4.;?.; 

Beybchlai;  Cii.aries.  dnics,  503  Main. 
BiL;elow  Frank  A,  ice,  13lj  S  Glh. 
Bird.sell's    Orclie.stra,    ilenry    A    Birdsell 

leader,  .SIO  Mill. 
Birubaiim  ^Jicbolas   A;   Son,  saloon,   lOOO 


Birsner  John  X,  blacksmith,  o2S  Camero:;. 
Bitzcn  Bros  (Charles  and  Ilenry  J), grocers, 

72'j  Division. 
Bliifk     fcll^cr    iitiprovcisit'iU  Co 

(Capiial,  $100,000),  C  L  Colmau  Prc.^.  s 

L   IncvIus   Sec  and   Treas,    10    Batavi'i 

Bank  BIdg. 
Blaua  Fred,  saloon,  1310  S  4th. 
Blair  C  G  A  J  M,  real  estate,  727  N  9th. 
Blnnchard    Daniel    H,    butter,  etc,  US   X 

I^jjashek  Johanna,  woolen  mill.   712  S  S'h 

ihgdale   (Adelbcrt    E    Bkekman,    Mil]; 

Tourtelotte,   Frank    H     Bloomingdalel 

Lawyers,  215  McMillan  BIdg. 
151is,s  lienry  I,  abstracts,  307  .Main. 
Blumentrilt  Anton,  shoemaker,  liU9  S  3d. 
Boeckmann  Frederick,  blk.smitb,  227  Jav. 
Boebm  j\]bert.  taxiiiermist,  408  Oakland. 
Bocrner    A    Schwar/.    (Ilernian    Boerner. 

Ferdinand  Scliwarz),  saloon,  210  S  3d. 
Bolirud  i'  Lien  (Christian  Bollriid,  JIathias 

Lieu),  saloon,  714  Mill. 
Bolton    Preston   J,    observer    U  S   Signal 

Cilice,  Govt  lildg. 
]3oma  Sebastian,  builder,  SI!)  SOih. 
Boma  Xaver,  grocer,  311  S  3d. 
Borreseu  Bros  iCarl  L  and  Ilenry),  grocers, 

1224  Caledonia. 
Borresen    P   A   &  (;o  (Peter  A  liorre-sen), 

jewelers,  229  Main. 
Borresou  A-  Co  (Simon  and  Lars  Borreson), 

.shoes,  b07  ]{ose. 
Bosclicrt  Joseph,  grocer,  120  S  .'ith. 
Bolt  Sebastian,  restaurant,  208  X  2d. 
Botz  Frederick,  saloon,  2001  (tcorge. 
Boycott  James,  printer,  lO'.i  S  3,1. 
Boycott  Walter,  printer,  113  Main. 
Pioynton  Erviii    G,    lumber,    15    Batavian 

iiank  bldg. 
Biakke   iliss  Matilda,    dressmaker,     14j1 

Bremer  Pev  A  M  (Metliodisti. 
Price  George  \V,  ali.traets.  Court  House. 
Price  H.arvev  C,  county  surveyor. 
Bright    A    "\Vithee    (H     A    Bright,    Levi 

Withee).  loggers,  110  X  3d. 
Brindley  John,  city  Jdtorney,  301  .Main. 
Brisiow'john  H,  blacksmilii,   St  Cloud  nr 

Brockton   Shoe   Store,   Sarah  MeCormick 

mngr,  122  N  ,3d. 
Brown   C   Frank,  blacksmith,  cor  George 

and  Gohres. 
Brown  Jacob,  saloon,  ISQOGeor.w. 
Brown  Walter,  real  estate,  1124  .Main. 
Briider  Charles,  saloon,  12t)  N  3,1. 
Bruelte  Maxie  R,  saloon,  418  Mill. 
Bruha  Anton  J,  grocer,  913  Adams. 

iLLiiieis  mu  1 1 

to  ail  POINTS  in  ill 

RTKEeil  WL 

I'hifPlTn    ^i   fir^nrl    Trim!'   fl'l    '^^®  Favorite  Route  East 
ulllod^U    a    mullll     l!Ulli\    njr  via  fiJACARA  falls. 

LA  C 



iinii'.ette  "\Vm,  grocer,  1(151  Charles. 
Itiyiiiil   Besij"'"'"   fi")    Lawyer,  402 

^luclile  Andrew,  funiitiire,  111  S  3J. 
Buel  Wra,  constable,  1113  S  .lib. 
liumnient  Fred,  oils.  707  Mi'?issippi. 
liurgemcisler  Joseph,  builder,  12'?  N  lUh. 
Itiiriis     .Foliii     €,    ^Vholesale     Fruit 

House.  30;»  Slaiu. 
Hurroughs  Win  S,  lawyer,  311  Main. 
];;HseIl'\V  C,  lumlier,  XlOi  Main. 
liutiiiiic    Ci;c<>r;:;c     iZ,    I'ropr    .State 

Street  House,  223  State. 
Ilui.'ch   ifc   SimoDsou  (.\dam  Hulsch,  Xels 

SimoDSon),  Imnlware,  ."i'-.'0  !Mill. 

Caldwell   Clarence,  music  teacher,  317  >.' 

Calvert   RoUcrt,  Geueral'Accour.tant 

and  Surveyor  of  Customs  ami  Sec  Board 

of  Trade.  Govcramenl  Buildiric:. 
Cameron  Arjrus.  lawyer,  lOS  S  'I  i. 
Cameron      £iuii!«e.    Fox     A;     Smith 

Proprs,  cnr  Vine   and   2d,  C,  ?•!  &  St  I' 

Depot.     {See  ndv,  p  JJ;".) 
Cameron  Huch.  lawyer,  lOy  S  2d. 
Campbell  S  U,  house  mover,  1240  \Viiine- 

Candrian    Adolf,    propr     Xordsteru,     123 

Canterbury  .Janvs  B.   real  est.  311    Main. 

Odii7  j.  Oyei}, 


9l:(^rior   |Je(;orator. 

^Yr:f^^-~-         WALL  PAPERS. 
,0^^^^""^  WINDOW  SHADES. 

Picture  t'nd  Room   Moulciiiriiirs. 


OF  U CROSSK,  Y/IS.     /"  '^  ',_  '^'-''-'^''X-. 



'fnidfs  nt  Jliniieapolls,  .Vlhort 
'-».  AiisIIm,  (Jranite  KalK,  \\  .\ 
•<■■•  «n.l  l.incr.iH  in  MiMiif,sol;l ; 
l^'Tr  Kail,.  t„„  (lairp.  l.unni.l 
.M,M\.,t  Superior  in  WisHii.sin: 
*«'«0D»,  Ills..  Bii<l  (Union.  luna. 

•■nicap,  m^sA  k  Si,  Paul  Rj,  u:::,tn'Jest  and  tlorth-est 

\[[\\m  mu  1 1 

DSRECT  ROUTE  MnpTfj'n'j 
to  all  POINTS  in  IrUll  i  lltilli 



I.A  C 



Capellpii  .Tolin  I!,  gents'  furngn,  511  Mill. 
Cargill  \V  W  &  Co  (Wm  W  .ind  Samuel  D 

Cargi!!),  grain,  s  e  cor  Main  and  3d. 
Carl  Gustiiv,  botller,  517  S  Sd. 
Carroll  Chirles  H,  mason,  j12  Berlin. 
Carter  Adelbevt  15,  livery,  rear  'i'M  Pearl. 
Carter  A  I!,  builder,  1411  RedlJeld. 
Carter   it   Son  (Amos   C   and   Claude  A), 

grocer?,  1201  Caledonia. 
Catlin  W  11,  Iiouse  mover,  1130  Pine. 
Cawley  Tliomas,  restaurant,  .j22  jlill. 
Chambers  C  D,  soap  mnlr.  121  S  Front. 
Chajmiau    W   U,    mn-i-  W  U  Td  Co,  112 

Cbatfield  C  A.  bottler,  l-llo  S  .Jtb. 
Cheney  liev  D  B  jr  (Baptist) 
CfiiEiiitisiE  l^  W,  Stitte  Agent  Eocyclo- 

jiiVilia   IJritanuica,    14    lialavian    Bank 

Cbrittenseu  Christian,  pby>;rian. 
Chri.stofteison  A,  saloon,  2..:()  Pearl. 

Jolin  J  Stanek  l'ro]ir,  ,S  3d  cor  Cameron 

ave.     (.See  adc,  p  .'/■■'S.) 
City  Hotel,  ilicbael  Scblammes  propr,  22(3 

Clark  11  N,  mugr  Sic2:er  Mnf-  Co,  lOS  N 

Clark  P  L,  chief  of  poliee,  41.T  .^biin. 
Clark  &  Clark   (Frederick  W   and  Albert 

P),  livery,  328  S  5ili. 
Clifl'oid  Henry,  shoemaker,  218  State. 
Clisby  Mrs  Jlary,  dres>-maker,  410  iMain. 
Clobes  Frank,  saloon,  20T  Main. 
Clyde  House,  AV  L  Davidson  propr,  21  UN 

Colbv  Christopher  A,  saloon,  313  Pearl. 
Cole'.Tobn  .1,  lawyer,  203  :ileJIillan  bid;.;. 
Cole  Mrs  .Mary,  liiusic  teaelier.  1128  Slate. 
Collins  Mi-sses  Callie  B  A:  Katie  1, milliners, 

218  iMain. 
Collins  .Taine.s  H,   saloon,  201  Peiirl. 
Coiiiuiii    t'SijirlC!*    I>,  Lundicr.  Lath. 
..  SliliKibs,   .^ash.   Doors  and    !5linds   and 

Building  Parier.n  w  cor  2d  and  Cameron 
'   ave.     (St'j  it'ln,  ;>  4/,l  ) 
Conanl  Mar^ihall,  real  eslatc,  102  Main. 
Coney  Ko'iert,  justice,  oil  H.-iu'i-r. 
Coiio\-cr,  £''<n-lC!-«V  35riu!i'*!i  (Allen 

D    Conover,    LlW    F   ]"..ttir.   (bor-e  P 

liradish).    Architects  ami    Saperiutend- 

ents.  McMillan  BIdg. 
Cook  Orson  .1.  Ijarber,  227  Main. 
Cordcll    tiros   (Ijawrcnce  P   and   Ed- 
ward), Wood  and  Metal  NW.rkers,  Mnfrs 

of   Fi-hing   KimIs,   Sav,-ed   Stencils   and 

Models,  (j22  Main. 
Coren  Ludvig,  dry  goods,  330  Main. 
Cormier  Louis,  baths,  fool  of  \'ine. 
Costley  John,  county  clerk. 

Chicago  &  Grand  ]mi  % 

Cramer  Howard,  insurance,  207  iMaiu. 

Crane  Mrs  JIary  E,  notions,  331  ZHain. 

CrODOn  Edward,  depy  collector  U  S  rev- 
enue Government  bldg. 

Crosby  Charles  P,  lumber,  cor  Avon  and 

Crosby  Homer,  city  engineer,  313  McMil- 
lan bldg. 

Crosby  it  Gordon  (Wra  L  Crosby,  George 
II  (jordon),  lawyers,  BOri  Main. 

C II mining:!!!  'iTlaonuss  ^.V,  Funeral  Di- 
rector and  Embalmer,  20.")  Main.  Tel 

Dabold  George,  commission,  ll.'j  Pearl. 

Dailev  Edward  C,  books,  307  .^!ain. 

Daily"P.-e-'s  Publishing  Co,  Frank  O  Smith 
ifc  Waller  S  Taico  proprs,  109  S  3d. 

Dallon  Mrs  G  H,  boariling  lise.  117  X4lh. 

Daly  Thomas  J,  IJ^h,  20G  S  31. 

Danchertsen   Hans,  cigars.  701  Hose. 

HJantcS'i  Iu<Uvai-«l  J,  Dyer,  lis  S  5th. 

Daniels  Homer  f^,  lawyer,  231  Main. 

Daniels  .lohn  A,  lawyer,  231  JIain. 

Davidson  Lumber  Co,  P  S  David-i^u  pres, 
Lafc  llolme^  sec,  cnr  .^lill  and  St  .lames. 

Davidson  Walter  L,  ])ropr  r!\de  House, 
21G  N 

Davidson  W  J,  painter,  200  Stale. 

Davis  David  C,  boat  builder,  310  N  2d. 

Davis,  Medary  it  Plat/.  (Jo,  ,1  S  jMedary 
pres,  Julius  Mcd'id  sec,  tanners,  118 

Davis  Ralston  L,  city  weighmaster,  cor 
Caledonia  and  St  James. 

Davis,  .'^orensou  it  Co  (Richard  T  Davis, 
Ori  .1  Soreiison),  coutraclors,  cor  Fmat 
and  Mt  Vernon. 

Davis  it  Co  (^Vm  G  and  Walter  S  Davis), 
cigars,  313  ^Jain.  ' 

De  Lorea  F  X,  builder,  51S  S  5lh. 

Del[.benicli  Josei>li,  blacksmith,  421  Jay. 

J>cii;;!c'r  John.  Mayor  and  .Mufi 
CiLoirs,  114  S  4ih.     (.''t<   adi;  jj  44-1.) 

Dcrr  Harvey,  second-hand  stoic,  111  N3d. 

Desmond  John,  saloon.  1703.  George. 

Dent'/,  John,  cigars,  420  Main. 

Diamond  .loe  Steamboat  Line.  Geoige  H 
Allen  airent,  100  N  Front. 

Dimler  John,  furniture,  503  N  8th. 

Diltm  111  A  it  Sim  (August  and  Wm),  gro- 
cer.?, o3.")  N  12th. 

Dillnmn  it  Jorstad  (Frederick  Dittman, 
John  0  Jorstad),  hardware.  120  S  4tli. 

Dodds  Thomas  C,  notions,  n25  Rose. 

Doerflinger  Wm.  dry  goods,  s  w  cor  4th 
and  Piarl. 

Doerre  Frank,  hardware.  201  S  4th, 

Donashoe  John  G.  saloon.  115  N  Front. 

Dorow  ^\m,  meats.  001  S  7th. 

Doud,  Sons  &  Co,  coopers,  n  end  2d. 

The  Favorite  Route  East 
VIA  niaca;?a  falls. 


Tlie  f  isffiiisii!  Liiiiikr  aiifl  MaiflifliiiiM  Co. 



LUi,ibili\,  dAuiI,  iiviOiiD,  DLiiiliD,  idOuLiJiii^b 

And  all  other  Work  incIuJccl  in  Eiiiliiin!;s. 

Office  Cor.  Scssiij  aiiii  Jay  Sis.,      -      ■      ii,  CROSSE.  SIS. 


FOX  &  SMiTlI,  Propriclors. 

Ir*^  A  V"  f?  -"^      ^-^o  rr.-^,   f'D  r?  rrj    r-^i  r%  \f 

LA  Cl^iOSSE,  "        "         WISCONSIN. 






GRAHAiJ  FLOUR,  COIill  MEAL,  and  all  kinds  of  GROUND  FEED. 


Grain,  Gniss  Seeds,  AVhitc  Liino,  I'laslcr  Paris,  ISalcd  Hay  and  Straiv. 

202  and  204  Soutli  Front  St.,     -      -      LA  CROSSE,  WIS. 

,    Fi^hJp^  T^P-^!'^     JOE-li^J    fl^EUP^lER    Gl3r.!    CO,, 

•  wiIIIlU      B  Csbtllyi    2  74  AVcst  Water  street,      -     ?lILWAt'KEi;,  IVIS. 

.a«.    fSS^^~     AT  EOEEST  KAEPER  &  SDKS,  4-10  ! 
:T^    STrr|J?C?     East  \Vp.ter    Street.  East  Side  Market 
iiU    yi,»d->^53  Sq.,  JIIL\\rAUKEH.     Telenhone  31S. 


LA  C 

wipcossix  statl:   gazetteer 

LA  C 

[  Drrtke   F   &  Sons   ( Frcdericlc,  James   sicd 
;       Henry),  Imiliicrs,  fi^S  ^faill. 
,  Drake  Hcnrj',  £;rocer,  1127  S  7Ui. 
[  Dr-ike  &  Wooley  i,Geora:e  Drake,  Tiiomas 
[       VVoole)'),  coutractors,  olOj  Maiu. 
'  Dicscii  Christian  J,  saloon,  20d  X  3tl. 
:  Oresc'u  Jolin,  livery,  214  Viue. 
Druuiraoiiii  David,  jeweler,  :32G  Main. 
t)un  U  O  &  Co  Mercantile  A.j:cncy,   X  D 

Hitclicork  mngr,  5  Hatavian  ISauk  bldg. 
Duncan  \Vni,  livery,  {VM  St  Cloud. 
JSdirietim  HSviiJusniii  fi',  Fropr  Esper- 

sen  House,  n  w  cur  yd  ami    Pearl.     i,.^Vt; 

a  (In,  opp  ) 
Durland  it   Valenline   (Jolin  J    Durlaud, 

Hyron  II  Valouliue),  grocers,  13ol  Cale- 
Dvorak  Wonzcl,  dry  goods,  1423  ti  7th. 
Dy;on  Thomas  A,  couritj'  jtidiie. 
Si  S'\  E<1  BJiifs  €<>,   J    Vv'    Skinner   Sec 

and  Treas,  Mnfrs  Fire  Kindlers,  124  to 

12y  N  3d. 
!t]::;;)in  ^   EE,    Propr   the   liacket   Spot 

C:;sh  liurgain  Store,  53 j  .Main. 
Kiltie  Hotel,  1  lay niond  Tausche  propr,  120 

Ivist   Fork   Ini]>rovenient  Co,  John  Paul 

prea,  F  J  Smith  sec,  11  ISatavian  B.ank 

ivislon  .Tasoii  V,.  c  ipilali^t,  1317  Ca'is. 
Kntton  L  Frederick,  capitalist,  1317  Cass, 
K'-kel  John  A,  meats,  3  JU  S  .^>th. 
i'Mlson  Li!j;!it  and   I'ower  Co,  F   A   Cope- 
land  pres,  Yj  K  Dentley  sec,  2d  bet   iiing 

and  Jay. 
Kdwards  Hiram,  confectioner.  809  lljse. 
ICd'.vartls  John,  painter.  i!2lJ  Main, 
Kdwards    &    Osborne   (Benjanun    Y    VA- 

wards,  Uockwell  F  O.-^borne),  grain,   123 

Ki^atad  Ole,  .saloon,  217  S  3d. 
Elliott    &    Callahan     (John      A      Elliott. 

Michael    Ciiilahan),   wliol     Tuiuors,    21'.l 

Eliiiore  Bros  (Charles  Fund  Alccander  H), 

rubber  stumps.  322  IVarl. 
Kiii.';aas  A,  ■riioini)aou   ([/;irs  Euaaas,   Prter 

S  Thompson),    nioccrs,  cor  George  and 

I'wmelMtad  A,  buililer.  I23.)  Mi  -ii-ippi. 
Kp.tein  Ma-t,  ladies'  funiLja,  015  .Main. 
Equitable     IJuildin!,',    Loan    and    Mutual,  D  W  Jackson  see,   324   .AIcMiUan 

Erickson  Aufjual,  bill  poster,  331  Pearl. 
Ericlison  Henry,  shoes,  5.'1   .Main. 
Erickfioa    U  ic   Uro    (llms    and    Erick) 

shoes,  125  S  3d. 
Erickson  Martin,  baker,  322  S  5!b. 

E«iperstMi  E!o«l?il',  BenjimiaF  Dur- 
ham Propr,  n  w  cor  3d  and  Pearl.  {Si- 
ade,  opp  ) 

Europran  Hotel,  Mrs  A  B  Schmidt  propr 
233  S  8d. 

Evans  Edward,  physician,  427  Main. 

Evans  Robert,  pliysiciau,  707  Rose. 

EveDSen  losa,  lauadrv,  325  Main. 

]'',venstn  P  O,  jmblr  ^'aI^le^,  2U7  Main. 

Evjen  Louis.  Louis,  .salooa,  cor  Prospect 
and  Rubiee. 

5i.\oli:i!i;;c  SJiilo  Sinnk  (Capital 
•S25,(jli0),  J  E  Wiieeler  PreS,  X  I!  Hollo- 
way  Vice-Pr^s,  H  P  .Mairill  Cash,  n  e 
cor  St  Cloud  and  Itose,  Xorth  La  Crosse, 
(Sec  adv.  p  44 3.) 

Fahey  Richanl,  l.'^igircr.  322  Pearl. 

Faville  liev  II  tCoui^reaatlonal). 

Fay  Ernest,  saloon,  -120  Mill. 

Fay  Htilol,  \Vm  .Murphy  Jiiopr,  319  Viae. 

Ferris  Harry,  baiber,  cor  Kane  and  Sill. 

Ferstad  Loritz  C.  crocer,  1301  Avon. 

Fetter  Albert  V,  plumber.  3!J3  S  3d. 

Fiikms  Albert,  carpenter,  iiOJ  S  7tli. 

Finkelnbur!;  Miss  Augusta,  artist,  403 
McMilbin  bldi; 

Finsaml  Gilbert  J,  saloon,  317  Pearl. 

Fjelstad  Anilrcw.  Insurance,  1441  Avon. 

Flasch  Pit  Rev  Kilian  C,  bishop  Catholic 
diocese  of  La  Crosse. 

Foley  Mrs  Mary,  restaurant.  501  ."Mill. 

Forbes  Alexander,  books,  501  .Mam. 

Forschler  Henry  J,  L'mcer,  110  S  3d. 

Forster  John,  jiropr  Vater  Rliein  Hotel, 
111  S4th. 

Fortunski  Joseph  F, cigar  mnfr.  111  Main. 

Foster  .lames  R,  dentist.  311  Main. 

Foster  it  Burnbam(Euke  W  Fosler.George 
A  Purnham),  dry  gcnids,  23()  .Main. 

Foidkes  Rev  Thomas  (Methodist). 

F.>.\'  .lohn,  saloon,  s  end  fcilh. 

rax^'ic  Sinilli  (Warren  D  Fox,  D  P 
Snntlj\  Proprs  (JanieidU  House,  'cor 
Vine  and  2d.     (S:>;  n'lv.  p  4o7."i 

Fran/,  \Vm,  salotju,  311)  S  4tb. 

Freeman  A  A  &  Co  (Alfred  A  and  Marcus 
L  Freeman),  llour  mill. 

Frem.stad  Edward,  painter,  1115  Cale- 

French  Frank  F,  livery.  727  Caledonia. 

Frencli  James,  shoemaker,  1S2S  G<'orge. 

Fries  Chirles  B,  grocer,  032  Caledonia. 

Frisch  A-  Son  i.l.jbn  B  and  John),  general 
store,  931  S  lOtli. 

Froeh  .loseph,  carpenter,  703  X  9th. 

Fruit  .lohn  .1.  U  S  dislrict  attorney. 

Fruit  vt  Brindlcy  (John  J  Fruit,  John 
Brindlev),  lawyers,  309  Main. 

Full  RevW  L  (.Methodist). 

Fuller  Alonz),  carpenter,  1725  Kane. 


i.ii  wi:si'  M.VTiiii  ST.,  ^ni.'ii.ri  lisii;,  wis. 

j  ^:^«lpj  p,  ^'f  jcj-'rinriii!  Architects  and  Superintendents, 

LuliiWiU   (^-'J     »/ V   |t.-lit*i=»iJq  N.  Tf.  Cor.  of  Grand  and  W.W;itcrSts.,  JllUVAl'lvKK,  WIS. 

LA  C 


LA  C 

43  9 

I'liller  Vivian  M,  propr  Gateway  City  Ho- 
le!, SiO  Cass. 
I'liiiU    Slt'iiiii    [toiler    !i!i«i    Iron 

Worli  Co,  Mitliiiel  Funk  Pres  :inil 'I'riiis, 

II  Aui;ust  Grams  Vice  I'rcs.  Kdward  A 

Funk  Sec,  cor  Frout  and  King. 
riinko  J<»«if|»''  t5,  Wholesale  Confcc- 

tiouer.  110  S  -\1.     (See  ,iib\  Ac/"?/'.) 
•Galster  llilarius,  .saloon,  304  S  3il. 
Gannon  Lawrence,  (arm  impi.-<.  43;i  Jay. 
Giinterl  .Stephen,  furniture,  110  rf  ".it. 
Gateway  City  Hotel,   V  JL   Fuller    propr, 

2'20  Cass. 
•Galterdam  &  Seliaeltle  (Eujene  A  Gatter- 

dam,    Korueo    iScIiaettle),    dentist,     301 

Gautsch  John  W,  meats,  4011  Main, 
(icar  Matthew  \\ ,  ,i;r(;<;er,  1113  Caledonia. 
Gebhart  Jlr.s  Mari^arel,  confectr,  704  Jlill. 
George  John,  harness,  21S  S  31. 
Gerard  John,  saloon,  ll'J  P.  ail. 
(iermania    House,      Kissell.ach    &    Gross 

proprs.  2'-;s  >i  '2d. 
Gesell  Charles  H,  confectr,  ,J03  JIain. 
Gc'saer  ifc  Seinon  (Frank  A  Gessncr,  John 

Semou),  saloon,  1^24  Gcorse. 
Gilbcrlson  Axel,  saloon.  32")  l^^arl. 
Gile  Abner,  capitalist,  llli  N  3d. 
v'dlles  Xicliolas,  (general  .store.  1.520  S  12th. 
Gilles  Wm,  ciirpeiiler,  1214  'rvl.T. 
Ginskey  liaymund.  cigar  mfr,'l.")24  S  lOtli. 
Goble  Wm,  carpenter.  9i:i  Cai-s. 

GoJdurd  Hiram,  lumber  mnfr,  curClintou 

and  Hose. 
Goddard  Lowell  ^I,  real  estate,  cor  Clinton 

and  Hose. 
Goetting  Carl,  barber,  222  Pearl. 
Goldberii;  Louis,  dry  goods, 710  Mississippi. 
Gollcr  Charles,  physician,  414  S  3d. 
Goodenough  JIrs   Jeannctto,    dressmaker, 

72G  St  James. 
Goodenough  \\'m  H,  grocer,  G33  Mill. 
Gordon  Genrge  H   district  attorney. 
(i<i'aiii>i  .Soltii,    Propr  North  La  Crosse 

Boiler  Works.  -101  Mill.   (.<?,■£..  a<lv,  p.^S) 
(nrniim  "^Vciir.el, Groceries,  Provisions, 

Crockery,  Flour,  Feed.  Etc,  iVl^  S  3d. 
Granke  Ernest,  saloon,  ^<33  I'Lose. 
Granke  Otto  11,  meaLs,  82S  Hose. 
Grates  J.acol)  II,  saloon,  1200  La  Crosse. 
Gre(;k  Mr.s  Maggie,  dressmaker,  3! 3  S  3d. 
Greenwood   C   II  &  Co  {Charles  H  Green- 
wood, Mathauiul  C  Slrout),  guus,  ctc.olO 

Greenwood  James  S,  agent  Fleischmabn's 

yeast,  221  K  7th. 
Gregerson  Jacob,  yen  store    1307  llerliu. 
Gregg  John,  tl-h,  133  .S  ,jlh. 
Giieger  (Charles   and  .lohn),  grocers, 

lG4n  George. 
Cjiros*  E"rc.«l  X,  Contrncjtor  and  Builder. 

10  Batavian  Bank  Blilg. 
Gucntlier  Morit/..  confectioner,  323  Main. 
Giienther  Wendliii,  carpenter,  SOO  S  Sth. 


s^  rTiz?,  r^ma  r-^ii?\  /-sastf  "^^^^aa  r",.   n       HI    oS^'N  H      R  f^^^  '"^ 

Northwest  Cor.  Third  and  Pearl  Sts.,  LA  CROSSE,  WIS. 


RAXES,         $2.00  PBR  DAY.  It.ilrs  V.neu  tor  lioar.i  li)   tin-  Week  or  .lliintli. 


I  ID  S.  Second  Street,  LA  CROSSE,  WIS., 


Fine  Candies, 

Wholesale  Nuts,  Cigars,  Cider,  Fireworks,  flags  and  Hollflay  Goods. 


ft  ■      r.      I     ?'«'       I    1  f>  5         or  F.Y^FIty  T>I5«iCr55PTI«>\-,  fot-Snlc 

tSS'JSfV^jSQtJ?''    H85''''»h'^6'*   l-«^s|nr  Q       by  <;<K»8sv!.:,va  itrtsBuiu  CO., 

y  O 


LA  C 



<;iiiul  Jolm  iRrewin;:  Co,  John 
Guild  Pit"*,  Gcorire  F  Giinl  tree  and 
Treas,  .Tohii  Guud  Jr  t~iipl,  IiL'iii_v  Guud 
Mngr  2\IiDtieapoli3  Ageucy,  cor  i)lii  and 
Jlormou  Cixilcy  Uoad.     {t-'L'i-  uilc.  p  4-:5.) 

Gundersou  Jlartfn,  tailor,  i:!03  S  10th. 

Gundcr:!oii  tievcT,  saloon,  ',12  ."iiill. 

Gundlacdi  Gturcro,  barber,  5-8  Mill. 

Gundlach  Herman,  silk  mul'r,  l:!;th  nr 
Hoi  ton. 

Gutniao  Joseph,  clothing,  s  e  cor  4th  and 

Gulnian  Moiitz,  dry  sjoods,  220  ^Maiu. 

Gutniau  Sismiind.  clnthin?,  :;01  Main. 

Ilackc-tt  Mosf-s  K.  barlier,  1128  S  7th. 

Slaokitcr  EjtUl,  .^Infr  Church  Furni- 
lure  and  Fancy  AN'oodworUer,  1235 
Fcriy.     {."^teadc.  p  /,4J.) 

IFaertur  I^icholns.  bookbinder,  107  N"  3d. 

Hahn  Jacob,  hardware,  o2(i  Mill. 

Ilalik  John,  cily  Ircas,  301  JIuiu. 

Halik  Jo?rp]i,  brick  yard,  024  liedtitld. 

Hallctl  Wni  O,  agt  G.  li  &  N  Ky,  Bur- 
lington Depot. 

IlulsbleC,  dnigs.  123  S  3.1. 

Ilammcs  John,  grrcer,  1210  S  12tli. 

llanimou  James,  farm  imi>t9,  112  N  3d. 

llaiL-iCora  Willani  S,  shoe';,  301  Main. 

Hansen  it  Seielstad  (Ole  Hansen,  Jvhvard 
H  Seielslad),  wliol  grocers,  nead(juarter3 

Hanson  Peter,  .Miots,  Gly  Mill. 

Harbo  liev  E  P  (Lulheran). 

Harnisch  Mrs  Uebecca,propr  Tattle  House, 
.S18  Mill. 

Harrington  it  Scliullz  (Eli  N  Harrington, 
Frederick  Schull/.),  saloon,  .")24  Mill. 

Harrison  Alfred,  court  reporter.  Govern- 
ment bldg. 

Harrison  Andicw  J.  restaurant,  12S  .Main. 

Harrison  Daniel  I!,  p.iinter,  (J'Jl  !Maiu. 

Harri.son  H  H  it  (  o  (Herbert  H  liarrisou), 
mdse  brokers,  S  IJataviau  IS.iuk  bldg. 

Hart  Homer  (',  farm  inii>iM,  Kil  2s  Front. 

Hartley  John  J,  shoes.  123  S  4lh. 

Harlwell  Frank  li,  ticket  agent  C,  M  &  St 
P  l!y,  Cameron  House. 

Haskell  G  T,  painter,  325  Pine. 

Hayc.i  Mieliael  F,  omndjus  line,  djip  I'.iir 
lington  Depot. 

Hcaly  Frank  (.',  plumber,  225  Pearl. 

Heath  Henry  C,  grand  recorder  A  U  U  W, 
218  Main. 

Heddinger  Nicholas,  saloon,  1202  S  Uth. 

Hedwig  August,  grocer,  72'J  S  lith. 

llegge  0  H  &  Pro  (Christian  H  and  Hals- 
ten  H),  meats,  732  li^se. 

Ileil  Hcnr)'  it  Son  (llenry  and  Frederick), 
sliocs,  224  Main. 

Hcnnemann  Uev  ,r  (German  He'foriued). 

Hedeinan  G  P>rewingC'o,  J  lleilemau  pres. 

E  T  >rueller  sec,  lOlS  S  3d. 
Henry  Byron  C,  conl'ectioner,  604  Mill. 
Herkeu  Cieorge,  trunks,  223  2s  3d. 
Hcriilzke  Frank  J,  saloon,  430  JIaiu. 
Hermann  Thomas,  tailor,  323  Main. 
Herzberg  ^tiss  Minna,  milliner,  305  S  3J, 
Hettinger  John  R,  saloon,  300  S  4th. 
Heublein  Miss  Barbara  M,  dressmaker,  230' 

Heyse  Paul,  surveyor,  301  Main. 
Hickisch  Franlc  K,  grocer,  ^2^  Vine. 
Uickisch  AVenzel  J,  insurance,  a  Patavian 

Bank  l>ldg. 
Bai:4!>co     I^iSwartl    C,    Lawyer,    305 

Hillestad   &   J'edcrson  (Nels  O  Hillestad, 

Christian  Pedcrson),  clotbimr,  312  JIain. 
Hirsclilieinier  .Morris,  awnings,  100  S  5tb. 
5Sii>!!!u'i!;!fr  A!i)t'r(,  Propr  LaCrosso 

Plow  WoiL-M,  510  X  3d. 
El!rr«!i!K'i!!U'r     .Siiliii^    J,     Lawyer, 

Lounv,  CoHeclion.s   and  2sotary   Public; 

General    Agent   2s'ew    England    IMutual 

Accident  Association,  120  rf  4th. 
Hifcox  J.isepb  D,  confectioner,  Gi^O  Mill. 
Hitchcock  IS'elsou  I),  mmn-  ii  G  Dun  .t  Co 

Mercantile   Agency,    5    Batavian    i5ank 

Hixoii  Gideon  {'.  capitalist,  300  jMain. 
Hodge  George  )i,  meats,  512  I'ine. 
Hodge.s  it  Hyde  (Lyman  F  Hodges,  Sam- 
uel Y  Hyde),   irraiu,   1    Catavian    Bank 

Hofer  Charles,  s.aioon,  328  N  4lh. 
HcOTiiian  C^  F,  niusu;  teaclier,  022  St.ate. 
Hefniaun   Fied.    re.^tauiaiil.  coi;  Vine  and 

C,  M  it  St  P  Uy. 
Hogan  James  J,  whol  grocer,  111  N  Front. 
Udkensen  liev  L  (Lutheran). 
Holmes  Win  U,  barber,  210  N  2d. 
Holmes  ^\'m  S.dpty  collector  internal  rev- 
enue. Government  bide-. 
Holt'.e  Henry  G,  dyer,  418  S  3d. 
Holvor.son  Miss  Olive,  carpel,  weaver.  lOP? 

H(.dv.;i-y  Nj mphas  B,   lumljcr,  cor  Uagar 

and  Sumner. 
Holy  Mat  vt  Co  (Matliias  Holy,  Lucas  To- 

masek,  .loscph  Nekola\plow  mufis.S  3ti. 
Eloiiic  SCcvlaiiraiit,  -Mis  A  E  Curat 

Prupr,  106  K  4lli. 
Hood   ('lark    L,   lawver,  s  w  cor  4th  and 

Horbaez -wski  Hev  Josepll  (Catholic). 
Ilorne-M:  s  .M  K.  milliner,  517  Main. 
Jiuiner  IJev  S  W  (Methodist  i 
Hosly  Mathias,  saloon.  118  N  3d. 
13<>t<'i  f>uw.  John  U  Kewell  I'lopr,  n  w 

cor  2d  and  Pearl,  opp  Ilurlington  Depot. 

Cliica,?o  &  Grand  T[iinl( 


The  Favorite  Route  East 


AJoiif  Vnrl'  lifn  l;1PHr9Hr'Q  Pn  ("1' Assets,  SllO.noO.OnO.  i  Northwcstpi-n  Itrancli 
|ld\>  lUli\  Lllu  illO-iluiliJo  UU.,  Surplus.  -  K..miO.OI](l.  I  Ofllf.-,  1  1(>  :?SiUv:illkto 
•St.,  ."TIIL"iV.irfvi;K,  1VIS.     ^V.  «.  CAKULK,  Mate  .igent.     WALIiKU  liltK.NLlt,  (,en-l  Jiuiiaser. 

LA  C  AND    BUSINESS    Dir.ECTOET.  LA  C  441 

D.  D.  McMillan,  PresUfnt.  E.  X.  i;ORKEs;EN,  Vic-President.  J.  31.  IIOLLKY,  Cashier. 

State  Bank  of  La  Crosse^ 

CAPITA  I.,  §.50,000.  . ^  St'IiPI.t  S,  >aO,000. 

Do  a  general  Banking  buFint'S.=,  and  make  specialty  of  Collections  in  La  Ojosse 
ami  nci.L'l/lpiprin'_c  to'.vn.s  and  cities. 

Farniinf^  Tools  and  Wagon  Stock,  Lep.ther  and  Rubber  Beliing. 
.     III!  *^oi!t3«  Third  St.,  E,A  CE^O.^«E,  VTS.S. 

G.  E.  MCINTAGUK,  Pres.  aiiJ  (.leu'I  >[ii,-r.  W.  P..  MONTAiiUi:.  See.  and  Treas. 



And  )Yh(iU>ale  Dealers  in  NiiLs  iiiid  Ci^-'ars. 
Office  and  Factory,  208,  2  10,  2  12  S.  rront  St.,      -       LA  CROSSE,  VV  IS. 

•i'KI,];i'IluNlC  NU.  ','-. 
jrANl'FACTt;i;Klt  ciF  A.NIi  lU'LVr.KK  IN 

Lumber,  Lath,  Shingles,  Sash,  Doors,  Blinds 

Genoral  Offices  and  Mills:  LA  GKOSSE,  WISCONSIi\\ 


llJjliDAlji^    IJiiUllljiL)! 

AXO  .lOlUVllOK   IX    OILS. 

I»K<>»»ll!li;Folt    OV    l.\    (ItOSSIO    0!I^    'I  VMv     LIMC. 

'00  mid   lo-i  South   front  Nl.,  -  I.A  CJlOSt.B;,  WIS, 

Oud&hy  Bvothei'S^lPork  and    Beef   Packers^ 




LA  C 


LA  C 

O   {ft  Ilottiucer  ifc  ^tue'.Ier  (John  ITotliaecr,  All- 
~  E       cust  F  Mueller),  tailors,  020  S  3d. 
,?    f>   IJoiicU-  Oscar,  drus-s  l;j.>3  Caltdonia. 
"   ^  Hnuck   &   Barry  (.M    IMpur   Huuc!;.  M  F 
"^  ™       Barry),  plivsicians,  loSl  Cnledr.iiia. 
©  j3   IJowartI  E^<  t'i  Co  (Edwin  Howard,  Al- 
^  bcrt    A    I'lillner).    Drugs  aud  Surgical 

..       Inslrunieuls,  o(J^  ^lain. 
"t^    Howard  Guori'-e,  druf;s,  217  Main. 

CA3  ilundredmark' W  ]I  &  Co  (M'm  H  and 
^f;;^  Augu.stu.s  Hundredraark),  whol  cigars, 
"""j;.^       lOo  N  Front. 

•  "[^   Hundt  Jjtos  (.John   aud  Clemens),  saloon, 
^       22(.;  S  3d. 

i^  Iliiut  Charles  A,  oils,  s  e  cor  -I'li  and  State. 
,  "T"  Hurley  ,Iohn  F,  propr  Hurley's  Hotel,  cor 
te&«.       Mill  and  Idand. 

t^ja^^Hnsby  &  Alberg  ClTailin  Hutby,  Olof  Al- 
^^     berg),  furriers,  2V!2  Main. 
^^   Hyde  Ijarlholonjew,   mu.sio  teacher,   1037 
*'=«'       Caledonia. 
■     fS   Ikert  iKnalz,  t.ailor,  '.1313  Redflekl. 
6?,Olmer  P'redcrick  Ij,  artist,  '2\'.>  S  Front. 
&Zi   Inihoff  Wni  A,  h.irnt'--:,  :nO  S  IM. 
"•^^   Irvine  AVm  T,  watchmaker,  under  Bata- 
I.-&S1       viau  Bank. 

•>F»l3lanil  .Mill  Lumber  Co,  Abner  Gile  pres, 
eS       F  G  Tiffany  6.0,  HON  .".d. 
C/.'?   Iverson  0!e,  restaurant,  213  Pearl. 
^SS   Jacobsou  J  I',  carpenter,  ITill  S  lOlh. 
€^   Jacobus  Adam,  insurance.  111  N  3il. 
^SUZ   •'neolius  Peter,  blacksmith.  21!)  N  3i. 
"'       Jaekol  Julius,  gmccr,  1100  S  0th. 
5!^  James  John  it  Son  (.lohn  James), founders, 
s  e  cor  Front  and  King. 
Jausky  John,  grocer,  hI'I  S  7lh. 
Jarvis  Charles  M,  ticket  broker,  105  Vine. 
Jarvis  Nicholas,  reslauaant,  12."i  Vine. 
Jehlen  Dominic,  meats,  121  S  3d. 
Jenks  &  Leach    (John  L  Jenks,  Fred  B 

l^eachX  grocers,  01')  Division. 
Jcni^en  Ole,  real  estate.  i;;02  Uedfield. 
Jensen  Soren,  hardware.  lilOO  Caledonia. 
.Teuson  Hans,  shoemaker,  031  Jack.-on. 
•a».->«   Jirgesen  J  H,  physirim,  12. i2  CaU'donia. 
•"jiaai.  Jolin.son  Andrew,  carpenter,  (ilS  Mnin. 
^^Bj|«  Johnson  Biuut,  painter,  120  N  7tli. 
"^^^  Johnson  Ciiris,  shoemaker,  1127  Avon. 
^i^  Johnson  C  W,  ice,  -"^lO  Adams. 

Johiihiin  Jamis.  saloon,  UKi  Main. 
Johnson  Mj=s  Marv,  dnssmkr,  320  Main. 
Johnson  nif,  C,  shoes,  02")  S  3il. 
Johnson  Cscar  P,  Hour,  1303  Caledonia, 
.lurgensou  lleury  T.  saloon,  lOli.i  Georire. 
Joslen    it    Bauer    (Ernest  C  Josten,   .lohn 

Bauer),  hardware,  311  Pearl. 
.Suiil;    •..<«»ii<.,  Propr  American  House, 

210  and  2is  Pearl. 
Kiiti:it  .bwppii.  saloon,  0.")7  Hood. 
Kaiser  J  11; nry.weed  comnr,  721  Division. 


Kaiser  Nicholas,  saloon,  ."il4  JIaiu. 

Kaufman  August,  grocer,  OlO  Division. 

Kavauaugh  James  J,  mnsir  North  Ameri- 
can Teiegraph  Co,  130  Main. 

Keating  W  L.  safes.  234  S  Oih. 

Keefe  ^iis.s  Rose,  shorthand  school,  307 
McMillan  bidg. 

Keizer  Martin,  livery,  Gohres  nr  George. 

Keller  .Malhias,  tailor,  211  State. 

Keller  it  Uendler  (Gustav  A  Keller,  Frant 
J  Hendler),  printers,  lOy  Pearl. 

Kelley  N  C,  insurance,  311  Main. 

Kelly  Edmund  J,  grocer,  207  N  3d. 

Kcnuedj'  Alexander  F,  books.  22-"i  .Main. 

Kennetl  W  L.physieian.  cor  7th  and  Vine. 

Kevin  James,  city  weighmaster,  a  e  cor 
Jay  and  4lh. 

Keys  Mrs  Abbic,  propr  St  Nicholas  Hotel, 
701  .Mill. 

?iioi>;i!is  TlioojS<»rc  S^.  Florist  r. 
Fresh  Cut  Flowers  for  Parties,  Wed- 
dings,Funerals.  Et  ■;  also  Dealer  in  Seeds- 
and  Flowering  Shrubs,  ]3()0  Madison. 

Kilian  .Michael  X,  eniploj  meul  ageur,  32C- 

Kingston  JMrs  Susan,  propr  Tremont 
House,  201  S  Front. 

Kirch  John,  saloon,  325  JIain. 

Kircheis  Theodore  K,  baiber.  (120  S  3d. 

Kisselbach  John,  saloon,  216  N  2d. 

Kisselbach  I'etcr,  saloon,  2121  GeorL'c. 

Kisselbach  it  (Carl  K'is.-elb.ich.  \\m_ 
Gross),  proprs  Germauia  House,  22n  N 

Klaus  Rev  J  H  (Methodistv 

];iuu3  Samuel,  saloon.  111  S  2d. 

Kleeber  Leonard,    lawyer,    211 ,  McMillan 

bidg.  ; 

Klein  it  Lueniiig  ((christian  F  KU 
Lueuint;i,  dry  goods,  302  Pearl. 

Klick  John,  carpenter,  M(12  S  7th. 

Knebcs  John,  harness,  71lt  Mill. 

Kuccsel  Joseph,  barber,  1703  George. 

Knulesen  Andrew  P,  drv  i^oods,  133  !: 

Koch  F  W.  barber,  G12  Mill. 

J\och  Nicholas,  saloon.  101  S  Front. 

Koenig  Christian,  clerk  probate  court. 

Kocnig  Mrs  Christian,  milliner,  41(1  Main, 

Koeuig  J  G.  glass  mnfr,  s  city  limits. 

Koerner  Frederick,  grocer,  2i7  N  lllh. 

Roll)  George,  dairy. 

Kolb  J<ihn  yi.  saloon,  .520  Main. 

Kollcr  Michael  it  John,  grocers,  (;20  S  3d.. 

Kollertz  John,  toafectiouer,  42^  Main. 

Kommerslad  Anton  W,  meats,  915  Logan, 

Konzen  J  ^V  it  Co  (Josepii  \V  Kon/en. 
P'red  Leithold),  iuslallnient  goods,  124  N" 

Koops  p:dward.  saloon,  50r.  Mill 

Korslad  Larson,  t.-iilor.  1230  Mississippi. 



Chicago  &  Gfaiid  T[onl{  h 

The  Favorite  Routs  East 


TL_  ^..«,l/^»#^>^v  "^••.•fr'  fr^       Hiifrs    of    Stoam,     Hydraulic    and    Haii<t-P«wcr 

RHcl  Store  TincUs  o(  a 

1  UiiuU,  runii.!,,     .ji:-514  (on 

i^ierce  street,  Milna 


.  >Vis. 

LA    C 


LA  C 



^WP.  W^fV^  M"Cm  ^^AT'l^   -pATvfl^ 

CAP5TAL,    625,000. 
x^a-rtic'  .Zii.ttein.ticn.  I^aici  to  Collecticns 

IMPOKTER^i   ASV   -KlIlHEH.^    OF 




:.Iariiifacturi-r  unJ  Wiii.lfsale  ami  U.'ail  D.iili-r  in 

LA   CROSSE,  =  -  WIS. 

E.   1-31  _A  c  ic:  35r  E  i^, 

Designor  and  Buiidsr  of  Churcli  FurnltiirG  and  Altars. 

I'ulpits,  Cfiiiftssi.,ii;uics,  Cnmimininri  liail^  l!nt)li-.mal  Fi'iits-.  Pt:.l  i.)ns  of  rli,.  ll,,ly  Cro-<s, 

Wooil  Caiidk'.sliul;s,  Crus^.'s.  I'te.     tfliilu.s  in  WmikI  or     Mr.n- 

ufaclurtT  of  all  Kinds  of  Laiicy  Wocd   Work. 

Office  and  Shop  cor.  13Lli  and  Ferry  Sts.,       LA  CROSSE,  WIS. 

Steoiim  Boiler  Works 

JOHN   CRAMS,   Proprietor,       -       NORTH    LA  CROSSE,    VV!3. 


Mipct  Iron  Worliofjill   Iiiii.l«,  sin-h  as  Riiioke  Staclcs.  lireechiiicrs.  Tanks,  K..ttl.-s,  Coolfrs. 

i^park   ArrcstiTS.   Klt\       ICiCS'AIIC    WOtCIv    OV    AI.I,    KI.\DS   A  SFlCi;- 

I.VI^XV.    Kxchisivvly  |-irstCI:iss  W,.rl;.     All  Work  Warrautod. 

(.'onvsiKtiidcoce  Suhcir.-d.     lOstiinates  Funiisliod. 

\   T^  y,^         s  ^**'  1-  =""1  I^  I-oiirtli  St.,  roti.l  dii,  Wis, 


MjiMOiQ  pr'^TDU  p  D  uiHECT  ROUTE  unnTHrnn  JO'",' 
ILLiiiUlo  iLiiiilhL  fii  Hi  to  aii  points  in  SiUllinDlu  \h\,lh 


LA  C 


LA  C 

Kowalke  Etui!  E,  grocer.  1101  S  "il. 

Kranz  Xicbclas  F,  lirj'  goods,  7.39  Rose. 

Kralchwil  J.iichaol,  who!  confcctiouer, 
109  S  Front. 

Krebaum  Cliarles  A,  plumber,  510  ilain. 

Krebs  Ernest  V»',  iosurance,  !»  Fmik  b!!:. 

Kreutz  Franli,  ealoon,  l^jiy.}  S  Ttii. 

Kroner  Adam,  bartiv,-are,  u"Jl  Pear!. 

Krn;icr  (Trcu,  Joliber  in  Ueavy  and 
Sbelf  Hardware,  \Vai;ou  Stock,  Jjlii! 
Supplies  aud  Tinware.  110  S  '6d.  (Sec 
adv,  p  .',41.) 

Krueojer  Mrs  Carrie,  dressmaker. 

KuUliuaii  &  Ga-3  (Adolpli  F  Kublman, 
Anthony  Gas^),  cornices,  StO  S  3d. 

Kurlenacker  Charles,  clerk  circuit  court. 

Ku-^isell  Isaac,  clothing,  707  lioso. 

La  Crosse  Almltoir  Co,  J  S  JMedarj-  pres, 
Joseph  Clarke  sec,  s  e  cor  Front  and 

La  Crosse  Beer  Barrel  Co,  A  Ilir.-bl.cimer 
pres,  O  L  Boyngton  sec,  51')  N  .'.J. 

La  Crosse  Board  of  Trade,  C  F  Klein  pres, 
Robert  Calvert  sec. 

La  Cr<>N>iC  Krewery,  C  A'  J  Michel 
Brewing  Co  Proprs,  cor  S  Gd  and  Divi- 
sion.    (.'~':t>  adu,  p  .J.jJ.) 

La  t:ro^.«c  Blrit'k  C"o,  F  A  Gross 
Pres,  i;-ibort  A  Herald  Vice-Prea.  .John 
P  Salzer  Sec  and  Treas;  OiUce  10  Bata- 
vian  Bank  bldg.  Yards  foot  ol"  Gran- 
daddy  Bluir. 

La  Cro.sse  Brush  Electric  Light  aud  I'ower 
Co,  F  A  Copeland  pres,  George  McMil- 
lan sec,  707  N  lid. 

La  City  Railway  Co.  15  E  Edwards 
pres,  II  E  \Vc.=it  sec,  123  S  4th. 

La  Club,  Howard  Cr;uiier  pres, 
Horace  Gregg  sec,  500  Main 

Lii  <:r<»>sc  C'rjifUcr  :iii<l  t':iii<ly 
Co,  G  li  Montague  I'res  and  Gen  .MnL'r, 
W  ){  Monlajue  Sec  and  Treas,  .Miilra 
Cracker.o,  Cakes  aud  Confectiouerv  ; 
308  to  212  S  Front,  Telephone  08.  (S.-e 
ado,  ]i  Jilfl.) 

La  Crosse  Daily  Press.  Daily  Press  Pub- 
lishing (Jo  proprs,  109  S  3d. 

La  Cro.sio  Daily  Times  Pulilishing  Co.  EC 
Burke  mngr.  publrs  Daily  Times,  8  w 
cor  2d  and  .Main. 

La  Crosse  Gas  l.isjlit  Co.  James  Vincent 
pres,  George  Mcilillan  .sec,  707  X  yd. 

La  Crosse  Grocery  Co  (capital,  .s.50.000). 
Silas  B  Caiman  pres,  C^rl  A  Kaoppler 
sec.  30:^  S  3d. 

Lti  <Jr<»«;se  Iiitcr-.'ilatc  s'siir  Asso- 
ciation, B  E  Kdwarrls  Pres.  W  E  J.nck- 
crby  Sec.  II  P  Mnt;ili  Treas. 

-La  Crosse  Knittino:  AV'orks,  G  K  Montague 
pres,  F  W  liobbins  .see,  410  N  2d. 

La  Cro-sc  Linseed  Oil  Tv  orks.    EC   War- 
ner mngr,  State  bet  1st  and  2d. 
La  Crosse  Lumber  Co,  F  A  Copeland  pres, 

J  B  Grigg  sec,  cor  ^Sliil  aud  Windsor. 
La  Crosse   Mnfrs  and  Jobbers'  Union,  J  J 

Hogan  pres,  Robert  Calvert  sec. 
La  Crosse    Morning    Chronic!i>,     EUis     B 

Uslier  editor  and  propr,  119  .Uaiu. 
La  Crosse  ^Mortgage   Loan  Co,  Abuer   0 

Hunt  mnsr,  llONSd. 
La  Crosse  Music  Co,  Myron  Uawley  mnsr, 

104  S4lh. 
La  Crosse   Kaliona!   Banli  (capital,  f  200,- 

000),  G  C  Ilixon  pres,  S  S  liurtoa  cash, 

a  e  cor  Main  au<l  3d. 
La  Crosse  News  Publishing  Co,  I)  0  Ma- 

honey  pres,  P  W  .Mahoney  sec,   pubirs 

La  CroFso  News.  ■■^01  llo.-e. 
La  Crosse   Plow    Woj  ks,    A   Ilirshhcimer 

propr,  519  X  3d. 

ing  Co,  T  A  Dyson   I'res,   J   S  .Medary 

Vico-Pres,  W  R  Finch   Sec  and  Treas, 

Publrs  Republican  aud  Leader, 1 13  S  4th. 
La  Crosse  Soap  Co  (capital,  $25,000).  J  J 

Ilogau  vicepres,  Philip  Schmidt  sec,  cor 

JIarkel  aud  Front. 
La  Crosse  Star  Knitting  Co,  A  S  P'arnam 

mngr,  12S  Main. 
Lii    Crosse    Slenui    Wycii's    und 

Cleansing    ICslabli-hment,   E   J   Daniels 

Propr,  11^  S  .Til. 
Lii  Crosse  SIcjiim  Lmimlry,  Charles 

H  .Miller  Propr,  119  S  Front.     Tel  i:;S. 
La  Crosse  AVailis  Carriage  Co,  B  B  Henly 

pres,  J  A  Edwards  sec,  s  w  cor  3d  aud 

Latlin  Horace  B.  physician,  217  .Main. 
Lahure  Nicholas  A.  grocer,  900  S  9tli. 
Lamb   &  Bcckel   (.lames    I    Lamb,   Louis 

D(ekel),  fruits,  117  N  3d. 
Laudeau   S   Leeipold,  ailis!,  300  .McMdlan 

Lans;  Giileon  G,  eouiily  coroner. 
Lungdon  A  B<'3d  (Mrs  Ann  Lau'idon,  .\n- 

drcw  Boyd),  pork  jiacker.s,  11  li  N  3d. 
Lange  Diego,  liardware.  024  S  3ii. 
Langstaiit  Herman,  tailor,  320  Pearl. 
I.apilz  .Michael,  general  store,  1201  S  10th. 
D..arsesi   Cliiirlcs,  Di'aler  in  Groceries, 

l.)rv  Goot!-:.  Notions,  Etc,  n  e  cor  Bcrliu 

and  Logan. 
Larsen  A-  .lohnson  (PrlerM  Larsen.Jolin  O 

Johnson),  saloon.  21.j  S  3d. 
Larsen  &  Seluud  (Ole  Lar.sen,  !!orre  :\I  Se- 

luud).  paiulers,  010  ^lain. 
Laul/,  .\u;ruM,  meals,  211  N  3d. 
La  Vake  Thomas  A,  grocer.  •'-^02  Rose. 
Lawrence  Theodore  B,   agt  Am  E.'cp  Co, 

129  N  3d. 

NortflStartrOnV/orks.  )  Cniiai-itr,  .•|OOIi:iii<)H-i:n-:inoori,  Msriiinists.  Foundors,  CoilprTnoKiTs, 
IMBISII  3!.V.\rKlnlHl.V(iC0.  (.3!ilh.^k■ht^.^:l«.MIllM:lchinery.^Iini^l,.:•Iil,•lun,■r)■,rorJ^?a:..l!ll:.■ll 
Ashland,     -     -     V/lsconsin.  ^  SpeeJ  tn::iucs,  Uuiler 

rTransmiltiiis  .llachiutri ,  etc.  See 

TTiTTTlV-S'Tr^tT    "^  ft  finTTR!     A"E  A  SAFE.  PLEASANT  nnd  nFMABLK  CURATIVK  AGE>T. 

J.  Uit'^'.^i.U.ii    Ji-Uti..',  .;..^W     riElFVlNG:     I.WIi.l'UAllhlil     sir.KNi.TllKMMi  ;  — 

llie    JAM'.r-.*JlL,i^E    ■I'LilZi.i^'Sl    RATJ2S    illurj   luTaiids  >uperior  ItfiiK-diul    AJrautagea. 


Brass  Goods  and  Metals. 

OFFICE,  122  South  Front  St.,  LI  CROSSE,  WIS. 

Wood  an.l  Iron  Pumps,  Iron  Pijn  and  I'ittinjr^^.  PUiinbers' Goods.  Lead  Pipe  and  Hose,  Hydrants 
and  Sewer  I'iiie.    'JVl-i'lioue  \os:   Ojilee.  i'i;  K.jsid.r.ce,  :>!. 

Building  and  Cemetery 'v/ork  a  Specialty. 

All  Work  GuiirauliJL'tl  and  at  Lowest  Fi^'ures.  Estimates  Free. 

f'os'iioi'  I*iiie  .Slrcct  ami  Vi'f«l  A%  omic,  -  I^A  CE?OSSIC,  WtS. 

. DtOPIULTOr.S  OF  Tiir. — 


Manufacturers  of  all  kinds  of  Iron  and  Brass  Castings,     Building  Work  a  Specialty. 

Shop  and  Office  Jay  Street,  bet.  Front  and  Second,       -        LA  CROSSE,  \Y1S, 

The  Pampsrin  a  Viigge.nhorn  Cit;ar  Co. 

manufaoti;i;ers  of 

Kos.  221  and  223  Main  Street,  OIiicc  221,  -  LA  CROSSE,  WIS. 

OiirPojiular  Knimlg  nr.\  Florde-  1'.  an.l  \V.,  Iji  Ronja,  Acorn,  Ulack  Hose, 
CliUMis,  and  niuuy  otliers. 

A.splT.alt    Paver    and  Roofer. 

Particular  atlention  paid  to  Private  liriveways.  Walks  and  Cellar  Bott^-'ms. 

Also  Agentforthocelebrated  ADAMANT  WALL  PLASTER 

Factor)-   and  Waroliouse  (orner  Caiiiidiell  Avenue  ami  ilst.  St  reet. 

OITice,  221  Llchlillan  BuildiDg  -  LA  CROSSE,  WIS. 

ChicapTfl'.'^rSSrPau!  Ej,  ItX  M  an^iiSst 

simmsm  VENETIAN  eiiiio  go.,  ,     :«ANv..vcTur.E««  o^ 

Omoei  Factory,:!-!  Lake  St.,  ;iIUVAlKi;i:,>VlS.     LSlQSt    liH^rOVGU    liGne!ia!1    BliliiiS. 









Lechleidncr  Win,  confL-clr,  002  Mississippi. 
Li  fling  we  II    Ji  J    A;   Son  (.Uiuiisoa  J  and 

Edward  .T),  harness,  ISiO  George. 
LeliDen  Peter  saloon,  31'J  Pearl.  ^ 
Lcinfclder  .J  A,  arcliilect.  (JL"J  S  <Jlb. 
Lessard  .Mrs  Frances,  milliner,  TOU  Rose. 
Lessaul  Fr.iiil;,  saloon.  ."1I.5  Ilnijir. 
Lester  Win  J,  agt  U  S  Exp  C'u',  s  e  eor  3il 

and  Stale. 
Levy  .Jobn  M,  produce,  128  S  Frouf. 
Lewis  .lames,  trunk  mnfr.  1103  I'ine. 
Lewis  Olc  G,  saloon,  172.")  Onalaska  ave. 
Lewis  T  A,  carpenter,  022  Division. 
Lieu  Christian  L,  drucs.  (i20  Mill. 
Lienlolikeu  Jens,  county  treas. 
Lieulolcken  .John,  banker. 
Li;,'si!li>o«iy    JaiJics    liJ,   Real  Estate, 

hivestmeuts  and  Jusuraiice,  I.')  Dataviau 
_15ank  Uklg. 
Linker  Bros  (George  and  Henry),  barbers, 

403  Main. 
Liiin  ,)obn  C.  pumps,  203  State. 
£>i>>tiiwtit    :?:iiil    V(>,   G  C   ili-\-on  Pres, 

JlkhacL  Funk  Vice-i'res,  Wm    Lislman 

Sec  aurl   Treas,  Proprs  Victor  Mills,  414 

S  Front. 
Lloyd  Frank  11,  hardware,  320  Pearl, 
Ijockman  K/.ra  .M,  livery    110  S  2d. 
Loelller  Ilros  (Merman  and  Otto),  clotliintr, 

IMS  3d. 
Lobrailler  \Vm,  af;t  C  &  N  W   Ry. 
Lohslreter  Carl,  saloon.  900  S  ."jlii. 
Long  P.rus  (John  and  Fred  jr),  meats,  1243 

Loomis  Edward  D,  books.  427  'Main. 
Loomis  Ira  G,  pianos,  12)  S  llh. 
Loomis  Miss  Nellie  II,  music  teacher,  .')07 

Loscy   &   Woodward    (Jo.'-epb    ^V    Losey, 

Gil   M   ^\^)odwardl,   lawyers,  331  ."\Iaiii. 
Lovejoy  Bros  (Herbert  and   Fred  C),  plan- 
ing mill,  K  e  cor  7lh  and  Li  Crosse. 
LniKlqvi.'U  John,  jeweler,  323  Main 
Lut;-.  Paul,  haller,  203  .Main, 
Mc.Vrthur  l);uiiel    S,  physician,  'i'C)  Main. 
McArtbur  Polydore  S,  phy.s,  SO.")  .Main. 
JlcClelland  George  B,  photo,  12.^  S  4lh. 
McConnell  Jobu'E,  lawyer,  304  McMillan 

Mot."or<l.S:»nK.''i,  Wluilesale  Drntij,  100 

and  102  S  Fmnt.     (Sfeiulc,  p   y^i:) 
McDonald  Bros  (Donald  A  and  (JbarlesM), 

lumber,  107  2S  Front. 
McDouald    Horace   J,  physician,  223   Mc- 
Millan bldg. 
McDonell  A  A,  boarding  liouse,  210  Viae. 
McDonnell  John  .\,  grocer,  227  N   3d. 
-McKldery  E  ^\',  U  S  pension  examiner. 
McGovern  John  J,  saloon,  1()1»  \  .■^d. 
McLean  Henry  C,  barber,  lb!34  George. 

JIcMillan  Alexander,  capitalist,  212  Mc- 
Millan bldg. 

McMillan  it  Ackerman  (Ale.xander  :\IcMil- 
Inn,  J  E  Ackerman),  stock  farm,  12 
miles  'w. 

JIcNary  Itev  J  W  (Presbylerianl. 

McPlierson  House,  .'Mrs  A  N  Miller  pronr, 
019  X  3d. 

Mabie  Frederick,  dairy,  910  Johnson. 

Maddocks  .Miss  Abbie.  artist,  .020  S  loth. 

Madsou  Otto,  tailor,  1210  Caledonia. 

:\Iat;ill  Edwin  B,  real  estate,  under  Ba- 
tavian  ixink  bldii. 

Mau'ili  thonry  B»  A;  Co  (Henry  P  .Ma- 
gill,  U  .M  Lewis),  Investment  Bankers 
and  Brokers,  under  Balavjnn  Bank  Bldg. 

Mahouey  Paul  "\V,  lawyer,  ?00  Rose. 

Malin  Alois,  .saloon,  110  S  2d. 

Malin  Jobu,  saloon,  200  S  4lb. 

Malin  Paul,  saloon,  120  S  4tb. 

Mftuustedt  Theodore,  underlkr,  411  Sod. 

Maiiville  Marvin  M,  wholesale  li(iuors,  114 
X  Front. 

Mnr{ifts.S  DK,  Asphalt  Paver  and  Roifcr; 
Factory  and  "Warehouse  cor  (."ampbell 
ave  and  eist;  Oltice  221  McMillan  Bldg. 
(tke  ath\  p  .'I'iS.) 

Mariner  George-  E,  drugs,  42.")  j\Iain. 

Marquardt  Charles  U,  physician,  107  S  3d. 

Jlarquardl  Frank,  eoufOclloner.  229  N  3d. 

Marsh  Le-.vis,  iv-taurant,  323   Pearl. 

liJavsloii  iV  (.:»  (D.miel  and  Daniel  W 
Marston),  Wholesale  Grocers,  12.'j  and 
127  N  Front. 

.Martin  C  D,  brjuse  mover,  1012  S  9ib. 

ULirtindalc  Stephen,  insuraiiec,  :;2.S  .Maui. 

iMartindale  it  :\Iarlindale  (Sleiiheii  ir  and 
Edward  S  H).  lawyers,  320  Main.' 

]Martinek  John,  meats.  1001  S  TAh. 

..Mathewson  it  Qen.ske  (\Vm  .Matbewson, 
Cbailea  F  Genske),  grocers.  02.^)  .Mill. 

Matiak  John,  meats,  ]  120  S  Tth. 

Matv.dorf  C^harles  H,  saloon,  ITSS  George. 

.Maurer  Albert  X.,  2.31  ."Main." 

.Maxwell  Abraham  AV,  confertr,  G19  Mill. 

May  laaai;  G,  milliner,  320  .M.ain. 

]\leasou  Louis  E,  pbotographer,  12S  N  3d. 

Jledary  John  S,  saddlery  hdwe,  120  IVarl. 

ileister  Ikos  (Sevmour  \,  and  .\lvin  A), 
livery,  120  S  2d! 

^Mentis  Henry,  gen  store,  1417)  .Jackson. 

.Mercer  "Win  S.  jeweler,  ."ill  ilain. 

^lercier  Dennis,  blacksmith,  205  Stale. 

Merrill  Piobert  S,  furniture.  72S  .Mill. 

\Iever  Aiigusl,  shoemaker,  210  Slale. 

.Michel  Cbarle.s,  meits,  90.';  Denton. 

,T3iohel  C  «.V  S  lln^wUiii  <-'",  Charles 
Michel  IVes  and  Treas  John  .Alichel  Sec, 
Proprs  La  Crosse  Brewery,  cor  S  3d  antt 
Division.     [See  iuh\  v  4''S.) 

Chicap  &  Grand  ]mi  ^ 

Palace  and  Dinino-  Cars 


C'oicap  <?i  Gfand  Try[]|(  h 

Palace  and  Dininr:  Cars 

I  Ofii    ALL   THSOUGH    TRAJiJS. 



LA  C 


Michel  Jacob,  confecliouer,  IGCO  Giioige. 
AlillcT    Mrs    Anna   N,    propr  jMcl'berson 

Iloufe,  619  N  ad. 
Miller  August,  broom  mnfr.  111  S  Front. 
:\lillcr  C"8i:!i'lcs  ki.  Lawyer,  Deutselier 

Advokat,    iS'otary   and  (Jolkclious,  3~1) 

?SIIIcr  Cluirlcs  EI,    Propr  La  f'rosse 

Steam  Laundry,  111)  S  Front.     Tel  loS. 
Miller  Henry,  saloou,  105  S  3d. 
>Iiller  Hiram  G,  physician,  013  King. 
Miller  James  G,  lawyer,  L^OO  S  4l,h. 
Miller  Julius,  barber,  511  Hagar. 
Miller  L  A.  carpenter,  1300  Sliile. 
Miller   &   Fritz  (Ciirislian  jMilkr,   Ernest 

Fritz),  meals,  327  N  Olli. 
Miller  vt  l^Iurray  (C;hrii'ti!in  ivliller,  James 

JIurray),  grocers,  lllh  and  lia  Crosse. 
Miller  &  Hummers  (Joseph  i\Iiller,   Wm  T 

Summeis),  crockery,  3-2'-!  Pearl. 
Mihliouser  Abram  A.  ;_'roecr.  Sl."i  .S  -"tb. 
Minnesota  House,  J  A  ^\'llak■)l  propr,  i200 

X  Front. 
Mitchell  James,  pawnbroker,  103  .S  3d. 
Mitchell' O  iM,  carpenter,  711  Uohc. 
Mold  AVm,  carpel  weaver,  203  iMdl. 
Molitor  Mrs  F  H,  notions,  11?  S  3d. 
Moll  &  Leissrinj',  clollunL',  231  Main. 
Woiiroo    S^fjiHcr   <'<>.   J  W   ,Si;iuuer 

Mngr,  Mnfrs  of  C'licmiral  Ink  Erasers, 

124  to  12.S  N  3d. 
3Jonl«si!C  <»illON   E5,   Pres   La  Crosse 

Cracker   and    Candv   Co  and  La  Crosse 

Kniltinp:    Works,  Vice-Pies   La   ('rosse 

National    IJank  and   La   Crosse    Wallis 

Carriage  C^o,  213  S  Front. 
Montes  Mrs  Anna,  dressmaker,  412  Missis- 
Moore  &  Smith  (Martin  T  INIooie,  Chailes 

A  Sndth).  d<'nlisls,  227  Main. 
I'lori'is  '^l   &^  iStt,  Onc-l'rice  Clolliiirs. 

Tailors    and    Fundshers.    2015    and    20.S 

Morris  Thomas,  lawyer.  811  Itoso. 
Morris  \Vm.  shUhjh,'  18S1  George. 
Morton  W  P,  velcrinary  surucon,  5!  1  Jay. 
Mosher  Milfurd  E.  lumber.  il7  N  3<1.  John,  carpenter,  iH).")  S  ."illi. 
Moss  &  Sou  (Zarhariah  1,  and  /achariah 

H),  barbers.   CIO  :\lill. 
Mould  Frederick  \V,  pholoi^r.  IK!  S  3J. 
Moullou  Isaac  H.  coal.  Vine  St  l)ii»)t. 
Mueller   O   A,    surveyor,    city    engineer's 

ofllce.  J     .        J         s 

MlU'llor    mc|>lieii,    Barber   and  Mnfr 

Spanish  Hair  Ke.Morative,  11)7  X  3d. 
Mueize  Ollucar.  walrhmaker,  224  Pearl. 
Muelze  Paul,  jeweler,  324  S  ."itb. 
-'>luipliy  Kcv  (Calbolic). 
.Mnrphy  Andrew  J,  saloon,  702  Mill. 

Murphy  Richard  D,  chief  lire  department. 

Stale  Street  Engine  House. 
Murphv  \Vm,  propr  Foy  Hotel,  31'J  Vine. 
:Mutli  Henrv,  saloon,  220  S  3d. 
.Mvhre  OleL.  meats,  811  Sill. 
Mvrland  llev  E  L  (Daptisl). 
Nekola  Albert,  saloon,  llOn  S  3d. 
Xt'Ssoii    AluJrcw.      Lakery,     Confec- 
tioncrj'   and   Jleat   JIarket,  013  and  015 
Kelson  Louis  N,  painter,  20,";  S  Front. 
Nelson  Nicholas,  .--aloon,  7(i0  ?Iill. 
Nelson  Peter,  confectioner,  320  S  3J. 
Neukom  John,  saloon,  120  S  3d. 
Neumau  August,  meats,  S24  S  Sth. 
Newburg  Casper,  grocer,  030  S  Olh. 
N'cAvcIl  JoSili   K,   Propr    Hotel    Law, 
n  w   cor  2d  aurl  PeaH  opp   Durlingtou  ■ 
Nichols  George,  grain,  130  Main. 
Niebubr  Henry,  grocer,  102'.i  S  4lli. 
Nis.seu  Henry  K  E,  physician,  123  S  3d. 
Noble  A  U,  painter,  1.52.7  Slate. 
Noelke  Bernard,  bool'.s,  531  Main. 
Noctzel  Fred,  grocer,  1725  S  O'b. 
>i«ll    EScruiiiii,  Sidi.mi.  Billiard  Itoom 

and  Bowliuii  Alley,  120  N  3d. 
Nora  House,  Knut  Seilstad  propr,328S  3J. 
Nordslern  (weekly),  Adolf  Candriau  propr, 

123  Main. 
North  American  Te'legra]ili  Co,  J  J  Kava- 

iiau!;h  mngr,  130  Main. 
XwrSii  B^ii  <'r<»s«,c   i?oiIcr  WorUi*, 
,Ioiin  Grams  Propr,  KU    .Mill.     (.Sc:  iidi\ 
p  .',.',3  ) 
North  l^a  Crosse  Cornet    Band,   George  E 

llird.scll  leader,  810  .Mill. 
Noiton  I'lederick,  C(uifr.   1033   Calednnia. 
Novak  John  F,  grocer,  I  HO  S  5lb. 
Novelty  Wood  Works,  J  K  WheeU-r  propr, 

s  end  Bose 
llak  Grove  Cemetery  and   Grren   Ho\i-:e=i. 
J  \V  Loscy  pres,  Kobert  Calvert  stc,  J 00.7 
La  Cros-e. 
Oatnian  Silas  B,  farm  inipts.  'OH)  S  3d. 
(_VBrien  Fraidi,  phy.sician,  322  M.-un. 
Odder  Albert  &  <.)tto,  meats,  7lts  Clinton 
Oehler  F  xVlbert,  shoes,  3 IS  Peail. 
Oeltjendiers  George,  saUion,  513  .Mill. 
(i1m.ii  ILuis,  shoemaker.  820  Mill. 
OlMin,  saloon,  708  .Mill. 
Olson  Nels,  piano  tuner.  1340  Berlin. 
Olson  (Me,  .saloon,  1732  (Jeorsxe. 
Olson  Olof,  music  teacher,  71  (i  Sumner. 
Ondell  I'eler,  grocer,  1531  Kane. 
O'Neil  John,  saloon,  515   Hagar. 
Oph-nder  Adolf,  barber,  00  )  S  4lb. 
Ostby  Christian,  saloon,  508  Si  Cloud. 
Ostrander  Lafc,  barber,  512  Mani 
Osweiler  .Mathias,  saloon,  031  .Mill. 




ILLliiS  mu  [i,  R 

Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 

CHiCnSfl,  SOlJTil 


LA  C 


LA  C 

Ott  B  ifc  Sons  (Denedict.  nctiediot  jr  and 
Joun).  niachiuists,  315  S  Fr'^nt. 

OUilie  Ciiarlc'S,  physicinn,  S'Jii  Pearl. 

Oiirnt  Mrs  A  SIj,  Propr  Home  Restau- 
rant. 1(18  N  4Ui. 
■Ojeu  <)<lin  J!.  Wall  Paper.  Paints  and 
Interior    Decoratiiii:,    314   S    4lh.     lA'e 
adv,  2^  -fSS) 

Page  i-raucis  L,  ticket  agt  C&  N  W  Ry. 

Palmer  Bros  (John  V  and  David  II),  livery, 
130  Pearl. 

Palmer  Edfar,  dentist.  403  :Mnin. 

r'aiii|>t'ri!i,  \Vi!;s;e»ilsorn  Cif?ar 
Co,  Eu),'ene  '\\'l."::;enlifprn  Pros,  Jnlin 
Paniperin  Trea.s.  W  A  "Witriienhnrn  Sec, 
Cigar  Mnfrs,  201  and  ~'SS  Main.  (.sVc 
ai!v,  yi  i-'rJ.) 

Parizelv  Mrs  Catherine,  meala,  1101   S  Stli. 

Parlt  Hotel.  JIrs  J\dia  lienner  piopr,  201 
N  3d . 

Parlicr  Edward  W,  jeweler,  SO.i  Rose. 

Parlier  Wm  II.  architect,  311  Main. 

Partridge  IlerinTt  L,  dnijf<.  .'^O.)  Rose. 

Patterson  Sanniel  B,  veterinary  surgeon, 
338  S  5th. 

Paul  John  Lumber  Co.  ,1ohn  Paul  pres, 
George  Sslzer  see.  51S  S  Front. 

Pavel;  Jo.'epli,  grocer,  103'3  S  5th. 

Peck  Harvey  J,  coninr  L'  S  coiiits,  320 

Peck  &  Spenee  (Harvey  ,T  Peck,  R  L 
Bpence).  insuianee.  3'JO  Main. 

Peter.sen  Keiineih.  mugr  Wisconsin  Tele- 
phone Co.  230  .Main. 

Peterson  Miss  Augusta,  dressmaker,  323 

Pctricek  August,  baker,  507  ^tain. 

Pettingill  it  W'eincr  (.1  ).  I'.lli;igill,  Otto 
Werner),  insurance.  :')04  Main. 

Petty  Joseph,  gardener,  ITOl   Denton. 

Pfeiifer  Wm,  saloon,  lylO  Oenrce. 

PfilTncr  Andrew,  liarne;;3,  2.'2  Main. 

Pfluger  John  it  .Sons  (Jolin,  Floriau  and 
Frank),  coopers,  lilO  Ferry, 

Piehl  Gustav,  baker,  700  .Mill. 

Pierce  Georce  II.  jilaning  mill,  32:!  Ilagar. 

Pierce  Samuel  I!,  luachiue  shop,  .jOl  .Mill, 

Pillsbury  Mrs  Arnold,  milliner,  533  Main. 

Polleys  W  Ernest,  city  clerk,  415  .\Iain. 

Powell  P.ios  (George"  and  Wra  A),  physi- 
cians, S  2tl  n  e  enr  Main. 

Powell  D  Frank,  phys,  c^r  2d  and  Main. 

Powell  R  .1.  carpenter.  1427  Kane. 

Powers  W  P  .t  Son  (Wm  P  and  Fred  W), 
]iluudiers,  125  S  5lh. 

Poyson  Rev  J  M  iTniversali-.t). 

Pratt  .Mi=s  Alice,  dressmaker,  ^!;:  Mil!. 

Prets  Henry, veterinary  s;ir:reon,22i'i  Pearl. 

Prentiss  (Juy  C,  law\er.  322  Main. 

Preschle  Wm>.  saloon,  301  X  3.1. 

Provident  L  jan  and  Buildinix  Association. 
George  ilcMillau  pres,  liobert  Calver. 

Prucha  Rev  John  E  (Catholic). 

Pruetz  Charles,  saloon,  7o0  I^  31. 

Purdy  S  D,  civil  engineer,  513  IClng. 

Putman  Cliarles  li,  restaurant.  121  S  2d. 

Quinn  Andrew,  shoes.  201  Main. 

Qninn  &  Whilworth  (Charles  Qv)iaE. 
Joseph  ^\'hitworth),  blacksmiths,  510  St 

Ragan  Miss  Mary,  dressmaker,  415  S  3d. 

Rascmau  Hugo,  baker,  211  Pearl. 

Rathmell  Henry  C    plumber,  017  Rose. 

HawliuEon  James,  carpenter,  1111  S  7th. 

Rawlinson  Joseph,  carpenter,  313  King. 

Reed  Charles  L,  physician.  324  Main. 

Reese  &,  Loring(U'm  E  Reese,  Nelson  J 
Loring).  laundry,  118  S  5ih  Jolin.  me'ats,  41':'  M.ain. 

Reichert  David,  saloon,  901  Rose. 

Reick  Otto  H,  liaker,  703  State. 

Reini  Rev  C  G  (Lutiieran). 

Pieiniers  D  &,  Bro  (l)itlef  and  Ludwig), 
pork  paek<T3,  320  .S  3d. 

Elfitiiok  VvviX  A,  Insurance,  309  Mc- 
Millan Bldg. 

Reuggly  John  A,  physician.  304  Pearl. 

Renggly  &  Stromers  (.Vlfred  R(!na:gly,Wm 
C  Stromers),  photographers.  302  .S  3d. 

Renjkjib  Cornelius,  grocer,  1533  Kane. 

Renner  Jacob,  house  mover,  1417  S  lOtb. 

Renner  Mrs  Julia,  propr  Park  Hotel,  201 
N  3d. 

££ci>i:l>lioitii  iiik!  IjOikIop,  LaCrosse 
Prinluig  and  Publishing  Co  Proprs.  112 
S  4lh. 

5J.i'v<Te  !!IiuiE>ie,  Ole  Ulviu  Propr,  100 
N  2d. 

Reynolds  Royal  R,  carpenter,  G27  S  2d. 

I^ichardson  Frank,  photogr.  121  N  4th. 

tti«'liat«lMMi  iV  rryo  (Fred  W  Rich- 
ardson, Frank  M  Frve).  Proprs  White 
ICleiihaut  Shoe  Stoie,"l22  Main. 

Rick  Guslav.  grocer,  1129  S  12lli. 

RIcK  W  C.  grocer,  1001  Loomis. 

Ridenour  David,  gunsmith.  211  State. 

Hiese  Joseph,  cigar  mufr,  1107  S  4lh. 

Rietz  ltev((':at!.o!ie). 

Ring  Fred  jr,  eitv   comptroller.  415  Main.  R.'V  Frederick  (Methodist). 

Ristow  Theodore,  grocer,  1301  Piue 

Ritter  W  J,  painter,  1403  S  -lib. 

Roberts  Peter  N,  dairy,  cor  KJtii  and  Tra- 

Robinson  James  it  S.jn  i.James  and  Homer), 
coal,  etc.  200  ^  Front. 

Robinson  Jolm  L.  meats,  510  Main. 

Robinson  Nels.  Ijarber,  30!  .Main. 

Roden  Hugh,  dairy.  ^27  Avon. 

Emy  il  ^-^    i    Vj?  «  W  On   lor  Null-,     lulalufuci  Krce.  •#  'J-J.j  W.  AVuter  Street,  JllHT.H'Kn, 

Learn  Shorthand  and  Orgo^   BeV   BUSinOSS   GoIicgG,   T!^i,u:"";;ci.o«r'T';vu: 

Typewriting     at     the    ^      cousin.       'j.  .N.3U-CU;xN,  l-resUpuir      K.  F.  qUi:;T.»L,  secretary. 

LA  C 


LA  C 

i:odi;n  Samuel  J,  dairy,  S23  Avon. 
iioJolf  E  G,  insurance,  127  N  5th. 
lingers  Garry,  barljcr,  227  Pcnrl. 
Ui^ucis  JIrs  .Jecuie,  lifirber.  oil  Mill. 
Koijere  U  L.  vet  siirneou.  1712  Prospect. 
Itooscvcll    W  A  <L)oiii|>:iiEy,    W  A 
IJoostvelt    Pre?   nml   Tivns,  James  .'\lc- 
Cord  Vice-Prcs,  Andrew  PlIcb  Sue,  Job- 
bers in  "Wrought  Iron  Pipe.  Bras.s  Good.i, 
Pumps,  Wind-Mills  and   ]\IiU  Supjilies, 
122  and  12-1  S  Front.     {Srs  adv.  p  44.',  ) 
Kose  Barntlt,  2a-liaii(l  goods,  21-1  S  3d. 
Hose  Geortjc  I>,  jeweler,  HIO  .Main. 
Iloss  Henry,  architect,  112.'5  Vine. 
I'.oss  J  Will,  architect,  112:5  S  11th. 
li.'lh  Frank  G.  grocer,  52'.)  Main 
1,'irwlcs  J  A,  phys.  s  e  cor  2d  and  Main, 
iiuhoft  Au{;iist,  pianos,  010  S  7lb. 
I'unckel  Louis,  druj;.'!,  12-1  S  5lh. 
Iiuape  Henry  F,  grocer,  OU'J  Main. 
It'.isscll  John  F,  insurance,  1000  Kaue. 
Kyder  Mrs  A.nna,  bding  house,  123  In  -Ith. 
Kynning  EriU  I',  clothing,  727  Kose. 
feiidbr^jl   ISciiry  "3,    Attorncy-at-Law; 
Practices  in  State  and  U  S  Courts,  1)23 
Sugen  Pev  A  K  (Lutheran). 
>l  Nicholas  Hotel,  Mrs  Abbie  Kevs  propr, 
^  701  Mill. 

Sal/.er   Henry   A    Lumber   Co,    Henry   A 
Salzer  pres,  John  I'  Salzer  sec,   1202  S 
.Salzor   John    A  Seed  Co,  John  A   Salzcr 
pres,  Henr}'  A  Salzer  eec,  cor  S  Nlii  and 
SalluT  A  J  Ac  Co  (Andrew  J  .^alher. 
Christian  J'etcrsoii).  Mnl'rs  and  Deali.'ia  in 
Pools  and  Shoes,  1200  Caledonia. 
•Saiiar  Andrew,  saloon,  221  S  ::d. 
Saupe  Charles  H.  saloon,  82S  S  5lh. 
Savage  Edwin  P,  horscshoer,  221  Vine. 
Sawyer  &  Austin  Lumber  (,'0,  David  Aus- 
tin pros,  \V  Vi  Sawyer  sec,  cor  Itose  and 
Schnefer  Jacob,  saloon,  017  Green  Bav. 
^■<'!!aldaioii  E'f«'«!ei-I«'U   A,  Dmler  in 
Groceries,      Wines     and     Lniunrs,    3ol 
,  Pearl. 

Scharpf  Christian  F,  hardware,  125  S -Ith. 
■Vharpf  George,  tailor,  113  S  2ii. 
^•ch.-uermanu  Otto,  baker,  1110  Caledonia, 
^chierl  Ignalz,  liquors,  117  S  2d. 
"ihini  Mrs  Elizabeth,  bird  illr,  ,026  S  Sd. 
Sehintgen  Peter,  ice,  500  S  3d. 
Schlammes  :Michael,  propr  Cily  Hotel,  220 

^■ehniidl   Mrs   Annie   B,   propr    ICuropeau 

Holel,  223  S  3d, 
^-chneeberger  ,Tohn.  saloon,  427  S  3d. 
-'~<  lineeberger  Leonard,  saloon,  •ll.'i  S  ;id. 


Schofield  James,  saloon,  1S23  Onalaska  av. 

Schomers  John,  carpenter,  514  Berlin. 

Schreider  Charles  E,  grocer,  1122  S  4th. 

Schubert  Charles,  meats,  1725  George. 

Schubert  Frank,  meats,  605  Mill. 

Schubert  Joseph,  meats,  301  N  9tli. 

Schubert  \Venzel,  meats,  520  S  3.1. 

Sehuld  P  J,  grocer,  329  2^  0th. 

Schultz  Frederick,  saloon,  2307  George. 

Schultze  liobert,  baker,  715  Rose. 

Schwalbe  Joseph,  carpenter,  y27  SSth. 

Schwaiz  Vincenz,  furniture,  207  Pearl. 

Schwebnch  Very  Rev  Jaraes,  vicar  general 
Catholic  diocese  of  La  Cro.sse. 

Schweizcr  Charles  H,  lawyer,  331  Main. 

Scott  George  W,  painter,  110  N  4th. 

Scott  Robert  A,  postmaster. 

Scott  Wm  J,  sherill. 

Sees  Jacob  jr,  carpenter,  419  Pine. 

Seielstad  Kuule,  propr  Nora  House,  328  S 

Selliek  Joseph,  grocer,  1501  S  Slh. 

Semsch  August  A,  meats,  SOO  S  3d. 

Seiusch  Frank,  meals,  300  S  3d. 

Servis  Charles,  dry  goods,  710  Ferry, 

Servis  Thomas  IJ,  clothier,  400  ."\Iani. 

Servis  Wm  F,  ladies'  furnL's,  410  .Man. 

Seymour  Mark  L,  conlr.  1511  (:nledi)nia. 

Shadboll  .Mrs  Frank,  oonfeeti-,  Sl'j  Rose. 

Shaw  Mrs  James,  music  teacher,  03-1  .Mis- 

Sliepard  Gilbert,  jihysician.  812  Main. 

Sbepird  Guy  1!,,  02^  Ro'^e. 

Shephard  D  W  I!,  p!a-;tcier,   1010  Avon. 

Shimmln  Thoiiuis  ji,  maible  works,  IMG 

Shivers  Ashlov,  liarber,  -122  .Mill. 

Shook  Mrs  Ada,  confectr,  228  Pearl. 

Shullz  Benjamin,  saloon,  500  S  oii. 

Shuman  P  P,  insurance,  712  S  12th. 

SUlensol  Theodore,  toolnuiker,  224  Jay. 

Siggius  &  Groves  (P.urdeltc  A  Si!.'gins, 
Thomas  J  Groves),  furniture,  1210  Cale- 

Sill  ^\■|u  R,  capit.alist,  920  State. 

Singer  Eliza,  jeweler.  SIO  Ro^e. 

Skin.uer  J  %^',  .Mugr  JMouroe  Eraser 
Co,  124  N  3d. 

.Slont  4'liJirlr>i  L,  Mnfr  and  Dealer  in 
All  Kinds  iif  Harness  and  Muuutings, 
Whips,  Rnbes,  Etc,  830  Rose. 

Smiley  Hivam  F,  physician,  108  S  7lh. 

Smith  Edward  M,  propr  Union  House, 
1915  Prospect. 

Smith  Rev  G  W  (Baptist). 

Smith  Hampton  B,  real  estate,  413  .McMil- 
lan bldg. 

Smith  Henry  W,  printer,  713  Rose. 

Smith  Julius  W.  liarilware,  717  Rose. 

Smith  J  J,  physician,  721  Caledonia. 

ChicailO  ^'    Rrand  TriJn'(  Wl  P^^^ceand  Dining  cars 

"iHuu^U     LV      UIUIIU      IIUIli\     iljl  ON    ALL    THROUGH    TRAiU'S. 



TIH']  Jtf!  V  A  N5'  A-  SBJt  A'fTON  <'[j  J. 

l>:ilc'~    yoilllt;    l:i.Uo«    lo    ilo  at<,«ptui,lo 
ivorit  ill  i5ii^<iiicf.»  0<llccs. 


LA  C 


LA  C 

Smilh  li  Jay,  pictures,  312  McMillan  blda;. 

Sniitli  Milt's  Co,  \V  II  Smith  nres,  I)  \) 
bniilU  sec,  W!\i;ou  nuifrs,  CO-l  N  2i\. 

Smith  (.)tl.inilo  H,  poor  comnr,  41.')    Miiiu. 

Smith's  S  T  Sous  (Orrin  L  and  L  Augus- 
tu:~),  insurance,  20'J  .McMillan  bkli;. 

Smilh   it   Giites  (iVIonzo   15    Smith, l^crry 

Gates),  confectioners.  r.OS  MhIu. 
■SocM   52rs    g.    Bl,   All    Kinds   of    Hair 
Work  and  Jewelry  Made  to  Order;  Hair 
Dyed  in  All  Sliiides,  o21  Main. 

Sorensen  D  T.  hardware,  41o  S  3d. 

Specht  John  F.  .saloon,  H21  X  3d. 

SjU'lU'C  Tiioitlits   ES,  ^Vhok'Sa!e    and 
IJelail  Drugjj,ist,   120  N  Front   and   303 
:SpetlIe  Bros  (Olement  and  A  Frank),  plio- 
loj^rapliers,  trOG  Caledonia. 

Spiccr  it  Duschinan  (Ernest  L  SpicT,  Vic- 
tor liuschnian),  printers,  119  .Main. 

Spies  Charles  E,  saloon,  114  N  2d. 

SpiUa  Mathias,  cooper,  lol),S  S  Tth. 

Stadicli  Jo.sepli  E,  tailor,  115  N  3d. 

Stair  Wrn,  saloon,  300  S  4lii. 

Standard  Oil  Co,  W  W  Holconib  mngr, 
foot  of  Vine. 

St;in«'k  .SoStii  .S,  I'ronr  City  Granite 
and  Marble  Works,  S  3d  cor  Cameron 
ave.      [See  ddo,  p  //-io.) 

Slangl  Geor,!;e,  fuvnitnro.  121  X  3d. 

SdUe  FEiitiU  of  S.a  <"f<><i>>e  (Capital, 
^50,000;  Siii|iliis,  ^','0,000),  I)  D  McMil- 
lan I'res,  E  >;  P.orreson  Vice  Pros.  J  ]\I 
Holley  Cash,  311  .Main.   (.V-v -.■(/'■.  p  441  ) 

Slalo  f^lfft'S  ESotisi'.  G  E  Biilaine 
I'ropr,  '..';.!;!  Stale. 

Statliein  l-iphraim,  lish,  -120  .Main. 

Stathem  Miles   li.  wlml  fruits.  20!)  N  3ri. 

Stavruni  it  llnlhert;  (Thomas  Stavnim, 
John  L  Hulber^O,  clolhiiiu'.  22^  Main. 

Stcenberj,'  Mrs  O  C,  dressnikr,  .OOO  Main. 

Stciner  Peter,  dairy,  liltli  and  Main. 

Steinlein  AuLruslns,  real  eslate.  320  Main. 

Stellinf;\vare  Florus,  sewing  machioes,  120 
S  4tli. 

Stelt  Mrs  Minnie,  dressmaker,  327  S  3d. 

Sten/,  Win,  blacicsmilii,  41.'")  X  3d. 

Stephenson  John,  real  estate,  cor  George 
and  Gillett. 

Stevens  Henry  0,  grocer.  421  Main. 

Steves  Prosper  E,  fj;aril('iier,  .")l."i  S  Stli. 

Stoddaid  (;iiarles  L,  physician,  lo^i  X  0th. 

Stokes  X  F  it  ColXina  F  and  Anna  S), 
milliners,  Ol,")  St  Cloud. 

Stolize  it  Schick  (Gustave  Stol/.o,  Hugo 
Schick),  arcliitecls. 

.Strand  Halvor  E,  grocer.  1  117  Ferry. 

Htrasseu  John  )',  saloon,  ll'.Otj  Denton. 

Straus  Doaran  C,  grocer,  302  S  4th. 

Strauss  F,  wagoumaker.  222  J;iy. 

Strauss  "Wm,  dry  goods,  705  Rose;  shoes, 

115  S  2d. 
Streetsr  John,  dry  soods,  1230  Caledonia. 
Strellz  W ,  grocer,  1434  .Mississippi. 
StiiU  Anton,  cooper,  1014  S  4th. 
Stromer  Kev  F  (Lutheran). 
Strousc   B  E  &  Co  (Bernliard   h  Strouse, 

Qustav  W  Ensel),  hides,  125  Pearl. 
Strouse  Leopold  J,  clothing,  223  Msin. 
Steusser  Frank,  blacksmith.  517  Si  Cloud. 
Sluve   it    Thompson   (.Vndrew    G    Stuve, 

Xels  Tlionipson),  clotiiing.  11,S  S  3a. 
.Suiter  Friend  C,  jJiysici  in,  !503  Hose. 
Suiter  Waller  F,  physician.  802  IJose. 
Sullivan  Florence,  horseshoer,  Jay  bet  3d 

and  4th. 
Swaithout  Kzekiel  C,  physician.  004  Rose. 
Sweikert  John,  boarding  house,  OnO  .Mill. 
Swenson  Charles  J,  hdwre,  1711  George. 
Talley  CJrant,  grocer,  329  X   1th. 
Tausehe  Raymond,  propr  Eugle  Hotel,  120 

S  5th. 
Tausehe  Vincent,  hardware,  119  N3d. 
Taylor  Frerterk'fc,  Sliple  and  Fancy 

Groceries  and  Produce,  113  N  3d. 
Taylor  Georco  H,  grocer,  731   Rose. 
Taylor  "Win  W.  grocer,  127  X  3d. 
'Ffi'tiiiUT  ESvi'iiSilii  t,',  Flourand  Feed 

Mill   and    De.iler   in    Grain    and    Grass 

Seeds,  202  and   204   S    Front.     {See  adv, 

V  .;-^~.) 

Ten  liroeck  Rev  W  E  (Episcopal). 

They.son  JIra  G.;orge  it  Co  (.Mrs  Dora 
Thevson,  Mrs  .Male  Raley),  iiiilliiiers, 
329  Main. 

Thocuj'  Ji»!iii,  Cut  Stone  Contractor, 
cor  I'liic  and  Wi  .^.t  ave.  (Sii- adv.  p  ,/.'■''■) 

TiiitiBiiis  ttcv  Witi  ii,  Siipt  Board  of 
Home  ."Missions,  Prcsbyteiian  Synod  of 
Wisconsin,  305  McMillan  bldir. 

Thompson  A  0,  artist,  Madison  bet  lOlh 
and  17th. 

Tlionipson  George  B,  physician,  500  .Main. 

Tiiomiisou  Isaac,  restaurant,  311  X  3il. 

Thoruburj'  J  E,  (ningr),  dry  goods,  403 

Thorpe  .Fohn  B,  book  agent,  405  McMillan 

Thorslad  Erik,  grocer,  401  S  3d. 

Three  Star  Ice  and  Fuel  Co,  David  Druin- 
mond  preg,  F  J  Samuels  sec,  215  Cass. 

Tiedeiiian  Elmer  . I.  physician,  3  Funk  bik, 

Tillman  Bros  (Frederick  and  Wm),  furni- 
ture, 118  S  4th. 

Tillman  Wm.  physician    310  S  4th. 

Tippman'a  riaiid  and  Orclic-tra,  Isi- 
dore Tippman  leader,  X^  5lli. 

Tollefson  Ole,  grocer,  431  .Main. 

Toms  J  W  China  Co,  B  F  P.rvant  pres.  J 
W  Toms  sec,  50O  and  502  .M.-iin. 

ILLiliCIS  C[i!T?,AL  ?i,  f! 

DIRECT   nOUTE   (] 
I  to  all   POINTS 

T„  IIOOTIiER?!  mL 

Shicap  S  Gfaod  ]m\{  Rj 

TliG  Favorite  Route  East 


LA  C 


LA  C 


TorraiJfC   Joliii  I'l.'  Son  (John    ami 

Wm),  FounticTsanJ  Miicliiui^ts,  llUjaj'. 

{Si'e  tidv,  p  -i-'/S.) 
Tower  O  11.  dairy,  SOO  N  12ih. 
Traiic  .Baities  A,  Plumber,  Steam  and 

Gas  Fitter,  ii'^O  IVarl. 
Trernont    llousu,    ilrs     Susan    Kingston 

propr,  201  S  Fiout. 
Trilk  Theodore,  paiuter,  GlS.'^Iain. 
Trow  A  S  it  C'o  (Alvin  S  Trow,    Sylvanus 

J  Waite,  Jerome  O  Trow),  lumber,  w  of 

C  M  &:  St  V  round  lioib.e. 
Turnbul  John  B,  tlour,  ('.13  St  Cloud. 
Turner  Harry  1',  watchmaker,   llTj  X  od. 
Tuteur  Moins  E,  wliol  cluara,  S2y  Main. 
Tutlle  Hou^e,  Mrs  Rebecca  liarnisrli  propr, 

818 -Mill. 
I'hl  >I«tlbow,  pliysieiiu,  G03  Main. 
Filler  Matthew,  blacliMiiilh,  S.'O  l!o.=o. 
L'liicb    John   jr,    book.s,    under  JJatavian 

I'lviu  <fk',  I'ropr  Hevcie  llou.-;e,  10(3  >.' 

Union,    E   M    Smith    propr,    I'Jlj 

United  Stales  lOxprcss  Co,  Vv  J  Lc.sler  agt, 

a  e  cor  'M  and  state. 
Usher  Elli^  I),  editor  and  nropr  La  Crosse 

Chronie'e.  1 1'.i  Main. 
Valitpiett  llriiry  10.  .-^aloon.  Oil  Mill. 
Titti  AuU4'ii  <:ilijiflvh  ."i,  l>istriet  Aiiimt 

New  York  Eife  Insurance  Co,  201i  Mc- 
Millan I'ddg. 
Tan  Is'ocker  Andrew  R,  grocer,  TOO  Rose. 
Vardeu,  P  O  Even.sen  publr,  207  Main. 
Vater    Rhein    Hotel,  John  Forster  propr, 

111  S  -lib. 
Viek  Rev  K  O  (Enlluion^. 
iicior  :*3s!!^,  Listman  .Mill  Co  Proprs, 
^Flour  Milli,  41-1  S  Front. 
Vincent  James  iV  Son  (James  and  estate  of 

Eugene),  lumbi^r,  202  Cianierou  ave. 
Viuig'ar  John  1.  Ii:irber,  lf-00  Ueorire. 
V«K'^i-!c  iV.  E£f«»  (Colllieli  F  and  JiJiu'i, 

Proprs   Noitli    La  Crosse    Brewery  and 

Sulo.m.  210  .Mill. 
Voighl  Henry  O,  meali,  100  N  4lh. 
Voiut   it  Ril'ter  (Frediaiek    Voigl,    Henry 

Riller),  earriagemakers,  u  w  cor  2d  and 

Mt  Vernon. 
Vol'mar  John,  u'locer,  1101  Pine. 
^Vachsmutll  George,  confeclr.  402  Mil!. 
Wachtcr  John,  saloon,  001  Mill. 
Wacbter  it  PfcilTer  (John  Wachter,  Valen- 
tine Pfeitler),  packers,  003  Mill. 
■\yaeker  John,  saloon,  3ia  Main. 
"Wade  .Mis  Hcrtba  A,  restaurant.  :.'0*)  Pearl. 
Wagner  it  Johnson  (Carl  WaL'ner,  Bernard 

Johnsoni,  barbers,  221  S  3d. 
Wah  llau,  laundry,  lOO  S  2d. 

Walker  Frank  S,  grain,  224  Main. 

Walker  Peter,  grocer.  1624  S  Sih. 

Wall  Louis,  baker,  o22  S  olh. 

Wallace  David,  caipeuter,  112!  Division, 

Wallace  E  P  U,  puvsiciau.  027  Vine. 

Walter  John,  saloon,  304  Pearl. 

Wannebo  Matbias.  i^rocer,  1232  Caledonia. 

Wanner  Alc'vantU-r,  Insurance, 
Steamship  and  Ruhoad  Ticket  Agent 
and  Confectioner,  120   S  2d. 

Ward  Jliss  Adela  D,  milliner,  1029  Cale- 

AVursaw  John  F,  carpenter,  1012  State. 

Watson  Aaron  M,  grocer.  504  Main. 

Webb  Bros  (Wm  11  and  Lesley  Cl,  barbers, 
120  N  3d. 

Webb  J  Bunn,  city  a^^sessor.  41."i  Main. 

"Weber  Benjiuiin,  "barber,  112S  S  7ih. 

Wchausen  August,  ciirars,  213  .Main. 

W'ehrer  Fred,  propr  Wisconsin  House,  30"^ 
S  3d. 

U'eltrer  i^  EimiU'ii-^s  (Fiank  Wehrer, 
Ernest  Kaulfuss),  Grocers   and  Saloon, 

Wciduer  it  Johnson  (Alexander  Weidner, 
Julius  ()  Johnson),  barbers,  under  ."Mc- 
Millan bidg. 

Weiser  ^Mra  S  E.  dressmaker,  427  Pine. 

Welcb  Michael  E,  veterinary  sur:Teiin. 

Wenzel  Ferdiuanil,  grocer,  1310   Redtield. 

Werner  Otto,  city  assessor,  3tll  ."Main. 

\Ve;a  La  Crosse  Lumber  Co,  J  C  Schaller 
pres,  John  Ran  jr  sec,  114  M  3d. 

Western  Union  Telegraph  Co,  W  ]{  Chap- 
man mngr,  112  Main. 

Weslou   Ruel  F,  stone  dealer.  221  N  12th. 

Weston  it  Simon  (Joshua  W  Weston,  Ma- 
thiaa  Simon),  drugs,  107  S  3d. 

Wbalcn  James  A,  propr  .Minnesota  House, 
200  N  Front. 

Wiict'l  iiiu!  i^fOdcr  Muf'i  Co,  B  E 
Edwards  Pres,  W  H  Davis  See  and 
Treas,  ..Mnfrs  Seeilers,  Gram  Drills,  Ha\ 
Rakes,  Lan.l  Rollers,  Harrows,  Etc,  e^r 
AVood  ami  Clinton. 

Wiedemann  Rev  .lo-^epb  B  (Catholic) 

Wiele  it  Schildman  (Wm  Wide,  Florenx 
Schildman),  saloon.  327  ^Lain. 

\Vieseudanger  John  K,  cigar  mnfr,  1222  S 

Wiggert  E  B,  harness,  202  S  Hli. 

AViggerl  John,  grocer,  1114  S  3  1. 

Wilcox  Francis,  dver,  104  .Main. 

Williams  C  T,  real  estate,  cor  Rublee  and 
Oualaska  ave. 

Williams  James,  grocer,  1722  Georire. 

Williams  Jc  Tiirnbu:i((.;eorL'e  W  Williams. 
Harry  I  Tnrnbull),  turnilure,  223  Pearl. 

Willing  J  it  Sons  Olohn,  Louis  G  and  John 
E),  clothing,  117  S  fh. 

Ckap,f;lilMyke  Hi  M  Rfat'Trilestand  kkM 

ILLiiiOlS  CtOTRiiL  I  fi 

Short  and  Direct 
I         Route  from 




LA  C 



Wilson  Jolin  D,  mngr  Grand  Union  Tea 

Co,  412  Main. 
Wilson  O  T,  saloon,  S29  Pearl. 
Wilson  Uichard  T,  meats,  n  w  cor  .Jay  and 

Wins  Ring,  laundry,  008  Mill. 
Wing  M  P,  lawyer,  7  Batavian  Bank  bld». 
AVinsauer    Charles,   saloon,  cor    Cth   and 

Winsberg  Henry,  dry  goods,  211  Main. 
Winston  Horace  A,  juslice,  41D  .Main. 
Winter,  B^ch  &   Winter  (l''rauL  and  Wal- 
ter 0  Winter,  John    J   Esch^  lawyers, 
217  JIcMillan  hlrjg. 
AVinlers  Bros  (.luliu  A  and  Oliver  G),  phy- 
sicians, 317  Pearl. 
Winters  O  G,  city  physician,  317  Pearl. 
AYiscousiu  House,  Fred  W ehrcr  propr,  iJOS 

S  3d. 
Wisfoiisiii     IjjiinlKT     ntuJ     TiScUg 
Co  (Capital,  $100,l)ilO),  :,Ious  Aij(ler'--'m 
Pres   B  I!  Healy  Vice  Pres,  Louis  Lar- 
son   Sec,  cor  2d  and  Jay.     {&c  adi-,  p 
Wisconsiujind  ^Montana  Mining  and  "Mill- 
ing Co,  "Aimer   Gile  pre;,  ¥  G  Tiltauy 
sec,  110  N  oii. 
Withee  N  H  (estate  of),  Louisa  A  AVilhee 

guardian,  logging,  llGN;!d. 
Wiltwer  JItniian  K,  iihysiciun. 
Woll  Ole  C,  grocer.  1002  Kane. 
Woolsey  Sheldon  P,  capt  ferry  Ijoat,  ri21 

Yeo  &  Clark  (Wm  Yeo,  Frank  M  Clarl:), 

flour  mills,  a  w  cor  2d  and  Pine. 
Young    Elliott    C,    lumber   inspector,    11 

Batavinn  Bank  bldg. 
Young  Men's  Christian  Association,  Frank 

D  Hopkins  sec,  425  Main. 
Young  Philip,  saloon.  .MiO  S  lid. 
Ytreh'us  Kev  Christopher  (Bullu-ran). 
Zedwick  A;  Yolenec  (.Mrs  E  Zcdwirk,  .Miss 
Barliara  Volenec),  grocers,  122:i  Wlnne 
Zein  Juli\is  &  Co  (Jidius  Zcin,  Frank  Net 
wel,  Frederick  Siede), meats,  u;j7  N  12lh. 
Zeisler  George  &  Sons  (George,  Geort'e  jr 

and  Leonard),  paper  mnfrs,  71s!  N  od. 
Zischke  Albert  H,  saloon,  912  S  ud. 
Zube  Carl,  furniture,  '6Vi  S3d. 

LADOCtA.  In  Fond  du  Bac  county, 
18  miles  southwest  of  Fond  du  fjac.  the  | 
county  seat,  5V  cast  of  llraudon,  the  near-  | 
est  railroad  station,  and  10  northeast  of  | 
Waupun,  the  nearest  bankinir  point.  Poii-  j 
ulation,  -10.  Jlail,  tri-weekly.  Levi  1 
Chase,  postmaster. 

Chime  I..evi  Bl,  (ieneral  Sl^ie. 

Hams  J  V,  blacksmith, 
llazen  Chester,  cheese  mnfr 

LA  FAEGE.  A  j>ostoffice  in  Ver- 
non county,  lo  miles  of  Viroqua,  the 
county  seat,  nearest  railroad  station  and 
banking  point.  Population.  70,  .Alail.tri- 
weeklj'.     S.  W.  Green,  postmaster. 

Grccii  S  1^',  Insurance  and  Justice. 
La  Farge  L'niou  Cornet  Band. 
Parker  C  .\,  shoes  and  harness. 
Tale  George  E,  stock  breeder. 

LA  GRANGE.     A   village    in    Wal- 
worth county,  12  miles  northwest  of  Elk- 
horn,  the  county  seal,  0  south  of  Palmyra, 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  Ss-'Utheast 
of  Whitewater,  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  daily  to  Whitewater  and  E!kliorn. 
Population,    4.r>.      Mail,   daily.      .Mrs.  M. 
Hazard,  postmaster. 
Blomil^'  S  P  &  Co,  apiarists. 
Broker  Theodore,  blacksmith. 
Cooper,    Newell   &:  AVorlhington,    cheese 

ilivAiira  Mrs  :?5,  General  Store. 
AN'orthington  Duu,  cheese  mnfr. 

LAKE  I'lVE.  A  postoffice  in  Wash- 
ington county,  10  nules  souihv.-est  of  W^est 
Bend,  the  county  seat,  and  3  west  of  Col- 
gate, the  nearest  railroad  .station.  Ocono- 
iiunvoc  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  semi-weekly  to  Harllaud  and  inter- 
mediate points;  fare  to  Harthuid,  oO  cents. 
Mail,  scraiweelily.  M.  Higgins,  post- 
master, farm  implements  and  msurance. 

LAKE  GENEVA.  Formerly  known 
as  Gene\a,  is  pieliire=4iiely  situated  on  the 
lake  from  which  it  takes  its  name,  and  on 
the  C.  i-t  N  W.  By,  and  is  a  lhmri,ih!ng 
village  ill  \\'alworth  county,  Ui  mile.?  from 
Elkhotn.  .^3  from  .Milwaukee,  and  72 
from  Chicago.  It  is  one  of  the  loveliest 
summer  resorts  in  the  country,  and  ;the 
iihores  are  dotted  with  villas  erected' by 
wealthy  (Jhicago  meichants,  and  several 
large  steamers  and  a  fleet  of  row  boats 
arc  in  constant  rc.-.'.diiiess  to  convey  pic- 
nic parlies  to  different  points  on  the 
shore.  The  lake  affords  excellent  water 
power  tuili/.ed  by  Jlouring  and  oatmeal 
mills  and  ati  agricultural  implement  fac- 
tory. The  products  of  the  above,  with 
pork  and  wool,  form  the  shipments.  Sev- 
eral good  hotels  cater  to  the  wants  of  the 
traveling  public,  and  the  city  contains  6 
churches,  representing  as  many  denomina- 

OhiGO'TO  h  trend 

'It?'!-''  'i.'ii 

Tha  Fr.vorits  "o'Jie  E«st 

iii'AD'iilia     V»/ ySb-Jg -j'M 

■    Vf'TC  V/rif 
e    isi..;.0        I" 

FOr'i.iFR  Wlf^E  CO., 





tions.  Good  public  scbools,  an  opera 
bouse,  2  banks  and  2  weekl)'  newspapers, 
iLe  Jlei'iihl  and  Ibe  jS'etrs,  eiicii  also  pub- 
lishing a  daily  edition  durincr  tlie  summer 
Boutbs.  Land  is  valued  at  $:jO  to  ^70  per 
acre.  Stages  to  ISprinelield  to  meet  all 
trains;  fare,  50  tents.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel., 
W.  U.  Telephone  excbangi-.  Population, 
a.oOO.     George  E.  Head,  po.Ntmaster. 

Arintl«l  El  K,  Druggist. 

Ashlou  Wni,  painter." 

UiiuU  of  ticiievii  (Capital,  k,50,000), 
Erasmus  D  Hiobardsou  Pres,  Charles  E 
Baell      {S,y  ,„1,;  hdo:n.) 

Barfield  Josiali,  ca"-b  First  National  Bank. 

Barker  Jossjib  M, 

I'arnctt  Wm  L,  grneer. 

Bashaw  John  N,  blacksmith. 

Batchlet  Addison,  insurance. 

Beamsley  George,  dairyman. 

Beckwith  Warren,  civil  engineer. 

Briegel  &  Burns  (IJeiuhard  Briegel,  John 
Burns),  barncss. 

Btitt  George,  librarian  Y  JI  C  A  Library. 

Brown  &  Buell  (Wm  Brown,  Emery  A 
Bueli),'  farm  impts. 

Buckbec  Francis  A,  justice. 

niieU  Charles  K,  Ca.sliier  Bank  of  Ge- 
neva.    {Sl'c  adi,  hdow.) 

Buell  J\Irs  E  A,  milliner. 

Bullock  John,  photographer. 

Bnvdick  C  11,  iusurance. 

Burdick  S  C,  cabinetmaker. 

Burton  J  ¥j,  flour  mill. 

Camp  Seavcy,  J  ]{  Seavcv  propr. 

Cjsrumn  <';corf;c  !',  Draper  and  Jlcr- 
chaul  Tailor. 

Ci»«K!  S  S,;V!!;ent  for  3Monroe  Patent  Stone- 
ware and  yhite  Lined  Kefrigeralors. 

<-'ii>.Ucy  K  EJ,  Propr  Whiting  [louse. 

Catlin  George  E,  pliysician. 

Ch.i<.,.  Charles  L.asstcash  First  Natl  Bank. 

t'lark  Chancey  L,  wagon  maker. 

Colliy  Ora  C,  dry  goods. 

Commercial  Hotel,  Charles  L  Qoigley 

Cook's  Camp,  J  C  Cook  propr. 

Cook  J  S.  propr  Cook's  Park  liotel. 

Corbin  Cabinet  Lock  Co,  Henry  L  liill 

C!orDue  Hugh,  restaurant. 

Cutridge  Bros,  painters. 

Cuttridge  Wm  II,  music  teacher. 

Davis  James,  stage  line. 

Deignan  A  P,  grucer. 

Donaldson  Alexander,  tailor. 

Durkee  Harris,  coal  and  cement. 

BJiirkcc  tV,  FEasraii  (Uairis  H  Durkee, 
James  llai;an),  Meat  }ilarket. 

Eagle  Hotel,~John  Kolni  j.ropr.  X:U!<Mi!il  Bank  (Capital,  SnO,- 
000),  Alvan  E  Tyler  Pres,  Josiah  Bar- 
field  Cash.  Charles  T  Chase  Asst  Ca.«h. 

Flannagan  Mrs  James,  dressmaker. 

Fontana  Park.  D  C  Porter  propr. 

Ford's  Opera  House,  Aliss  C  L  Ford  propr. 

Forest  Glen  7'»rk,  J  C  llockwell  propr. 

Forrest  Samuel,  contractor. 

Frederick  C  E  &  Co,  i)lumbers. 

Freeman  Sisters  (Sadie  G  and  Netta  E), 

Fi'cnch  Charles  S,  lawyer. 

Oellett  Mist  O.  music  teacher. 

Geneva  Lake  Jlilitary  Band,  Wm  H  Cutt- 
ridge leailer. 

Giberson  Jlrs  Janus,  dressmaker. 

f»llS>ort  €l;srcxi<'c  S?,  Grocer. 

Giliicrt  Ethan  L,  farm  impts. 

G'Uild  Joscjih  II,  pi'in  public  fcbnol. 

Gould  ifc  Day  (Charles  H  (jould,  Thfjrnas 
Day),  geneial  store. 

Grant.  Harvey  N,  furniture. 

Gross  &  Brooks,  ice. 

Hague  &  Bucknall  (Wright  Hague,  Al- 
lard  Bucknall).  meat  market. 

Hammersley  Charles  H,  florist. 

Capital,  $50,000. 

^\     •*    ^^    "^"^        '''if 

•■^^'*«*='  6-<^  A  b»  *>i'yk. 

EsLlblislicd  ISIS. 

Surplus,  $5,000. 

E.  D.  HTCIIARDSON,  PresLient,  C.  E.  EtTELL,  Cashier. 

*-"Ui;i;si'ONDEMS— Chemical  Bank,  New  York  ;  Commercial  Bank,  Chicago  ;  JUitchell's 
Bank,  Milwaukee.     Insurance  ctlected  in  best  companies  : 

''Etna,  Hartford  and  Phreiiix,  of  Hartford  ;   and  Northwestern,  of  Milwaukee, 
lU-al  Esiaic.  O>rre!>|ioii<lcuoe  »4«>U<itc«l.  Stcanisliip  TicUels. 


Sfi.,  Milwaiike*.     WALL  i'iPKILS.     Tflepiioso  aib. 

4.J  + 




.-'  -' 

2  r? 



Ihtsumersley  W  H,  drtiLiiivt, 

Ilarina  T  J  &  Son,  furnituri.'. 

Harvard  Park,  ]\Irs  11  B  Jlinier  propr. 

li-.yes  Uarrv  E,  dentist, 

ll!-;,'  &,  Xetliercut  (Jaiues  E  Ueg,  John  E 

-Xctliercul).  proprs  iler:ild, 
Herald,  Ueg  it  Nethercut  proprs. 
Hicks  Georcje  L,  barber. 
Hicl;3  Joseph  ^I,  harness. 
Hi-hley  Rev  J  II  (Baptist). 
Hill  Henry  L,  mngr  (Jorbin  Cabinet  Lock 

Ho! brook  Rev  Daniel  L  (Congregntiona!). 
lD;;ham  &  .lloore  (W'ni  6  Inghaw,  Frank  S 

^Moore),  hardware. 
Johui;on  Frank,  grocer. 
Johnson  M  K,  mngr  Lake  Geneva  Steam- 
boat Co. 
ICayes'  Park,  A  Kayes  propr. 
Kee  Ed,  lanndry. 
Kent    Jiefrigerutiir    ^Yagon     Co,    31oberl 

Whiting  siipt. 
Kestal  Cliauncey  C,  real  e=tate. 
Kohu  John,  propr  Eagle  Hotel, 
Lake  Geneva    Light  and  Water  Co,  E  P 

^Vheeler  sec. 
Lake  Geneva  New.";.  A  K  Owen  propr. 
Lake  Geneva  Steaiubout  Co,  M  N  Johnson 

L!d<e  irouse,  Henry  S  Moore  propr. 
La  Salle  O  T,  hotel. 
La   Salle   O   T   it.   Son    (Ouesime  T    and 

Charles  O),  carpenters. 
Lee  Lcm,  laundry. 
Libby  Frederick  E,  barber. 
Liclity  Jobu,  cigars  and  tobacco. 
),inu  Willard  U,  veterinary  surgeon. 
Ijcmesee  Edward  K,  pliysiciau. 
Mcflhye  John,  bl.acksndih. 
^k'Graw  Edward,  livery. 
:Macdonald  Wui  )L  pliy.-^iciaii. 
Merrill  l'>  G,  carpenter. 
?.Ioore  Jtlrs  Fannie,  mu.=  ic  teacher, 
jvluore  Henry  S,  propr  Lake 
Mcore  I'hillip  U,  Jive  stock. 
Morgan  ;\Irs  S,  carpet  weaver. 
Napper  &   Moore   (W'ni   Napper,   George 

Moore),  boat  builder.s. 
Nethercut  George  S,  shoemaker. 
Nev.Iierry  Edward  O    meat  market. 
>;ortli  UcvT  W  (Methodist). 
i.)akwo(jd     Uetreat     Association     (capital, 

.■?100,OiJU).  U   A   King    pres,    George   xV 

i'ost,  M  I),  resident  physician, 
Oatman    Bros    (Edward    J    and    Frank), 

Ov.'eu  Miss  Dhue,  music  teach. -r. 
Owens  A=a  K,  propr  Lake  Geneva  News. 
I'ainc  Bradford  T,  .'hoemaUer. 
Pendleton  M  A,  noiion.s. 

Pettet  D,  general  store. 

Post  George  A,  physician. 

Powell  3Ir:5  M  A,  crockerj'. 

Quigley  Oiarles  L,  propr  Commercial  Ho- 

Hansford  George  W,  hotel. 

Raymond  Hev  \V  W  (Episcopal). 

Reymond  L,  well  digger. 

Reynolds  B  O  &  J  C  (Genoui  O  and  James 
C),  phy^icialls. 

Richarii'.oii  B!:ra><iiiiE>>  E>,  Pres  Bank 
of  Geneva.     (.Ste  <((/(•,  p  /fSJ.) 

Roger  Henrv.  jeweler. 

Roseniieii;  Charles  S,  dr}'  goods. 

Saiiford  iL^iihraim,  boat. 

Sawyer  Wallace,  blacksmilh. 

Seymonr  l''rank  G,  mngr  Wisconsin  Tele- 
phone Co. 

Seymour  .John  V,  ice. 

Seymour  O/ias.  agent  Am  Kvp  Co. 

Seymour  AVin  H,  meat  market. 

Sherman  D;iuiol  E,  lawyer. 

Sherman  l>Lvid  \\,  vcterinar)-  .-surgeon. 

Sherman  J  ^V  &,  W  W  (John  W  and  Wil- 
mottc  W),  livery. 

Short  Richard  1),  livery. 

Simmon-  James,  lawyer. 

Simmons  Joiin  B,  lawyer. 

Smith  Sti'uheu  11.  shoemaker. 

Smith  T"C  it  Co  (Timothy  C  Smith, 
Thomas  H  Crurnmey).  hardware. 

Smith  tv.  Lock  (Herman  Smilli,  Charles 
Lock),  t'rocer.s. 

Sondal  iV  Cable  (Peter  Socdal,  Morris 
Cable),  clothing. 

Stanford  Charles  R,  barber. 

Thewalt  Wni,  dairyman. 

Thorsen  .John,  photographer. 

Trolt  Harry,  restaurant. 

Tyler  Alvan  E.  pres  First  National  Bank. 

Walker  A  ui'tin,  grocer  and  shoes. 

AValker  Billings  A,  real  est.ate. 

Walker's  II:dC  Austin  Walker  propr. 

Walker  Mrs  M  S,  dressmaker. 

Warren  L  B,  laundry. 

Wheeler  Mrs  Adelia.  milliner. 

^VJiitJru''  i-Soiisc,  E  R  Caskey  Propr. 

Wilbur  Lumber  Co. 

Williams  Ira,  drover. 

AVilson  Wiley  H,  physician. 

Y  Jl  C  A  Library,  George  Brltt  librarian. 

LA.KE  MILLS.  A  village  on  the  C. 
&  N.  W.  liy.  In  township  of  same  name. 
Jeiler.son  cnuuly,  0  miles  northwest  of  Jef- 
ferson, the  county  seal.  It  is  fast  becom- 
iuL'  a  popular  s\unmer  resort,  as  the  beau- 
tiful lake  on  the  outskirts  affords  c."CColleiu 
boating  and  fishing  facilities.  Has  a 
private   bulk,    a  weekly    newspaper,    the 

1    -' ;  ■    t 


1.5 1  \vi:sr  AV-V»'-: 

JE   a^MENT  GO. 

Sr.,  ?II.   WAl  KKK,   «  i.>«. 

31ILWAIKEI:;.   See  Page 




!.-i/::'  3fill^  Lcarler  (Inil.),  nnd  gooj  hotels. 

Kvp.,   Am.      Tel.,    Vv'.    U.     I'opulatiou, 

I'.'uD.     W.  L.  Hoskins,  postmaster. 

i;iiick  Genrge,  briber. 

]'..)•!'•  A  II,  geueial  store. 

IJrajloii    Ciiitioii    D,    Dentist    ami 

l;ri;ilkrenlz  II  J,  saloou. 
iiro'.vn  W  F,  hardware. 
I^ruiis  George  n,  ];ardware. 
iJiitter  I'ackage  Co,  butter  tub  miifrs. 
C'-itr  Elizs,  painli.r. 
Cebell  Albert,  livery. 
('lu--.more  John  B,  .slinemaker. 
(  liild  I,  raiboad  agent. 
Cock  L  H,  pianos  and  organs. 
Ci'.nier  Henry,  blacksmith. 
Crsrner  •k  Ililelicock,  pumps. 
Davis  E  C,  barber. 
I>i'ir,eiit  A  C,  meat  market. 
lUulisQ  Frajj.'i  f  6,  Pliysiriau. 
II  luing  Wm,  biick  niiifr. 
Di.iiKlHS  II  L,  flour  mill. 
Hisike  W  H,  photographer, 
r.iirl  David  G.  physician. 
i:!!iott  John  II,  -wagonmaker. 
I'njsberg  Conrad,  village  clerk. 
Kagsberg  &  Eail,  dnir;i;ists. 
F:u:ro  F]i&  Co,  dairysupplies. 
•■"nvihe  Grove  Faetory,  ninfrs. 
Ki^hcr  John,  veterinary  surgeon. 
;''iotc  Frank,  jrv.elrT  and  express  agent, 
("■ericke  Fred,  saloon. 
<>re«'iiwo<Kl  ESro-*,  Bankers, 
''-■rciieau  Fred,  carpenter. 
<!riswold  &  Frascr,  farm  inipts. 
Hahn  Tlieodore,  general  store. 
IjHi.sen  George,  boots  and  fhocs. 
■:iirl)iek  John,  live  stock. 
U.^rvey  Elijah  N,  blacksmith. 
■  eniungson  P  C,  contractor. 

illakcr  Thomas  A,  painter. 

itchcock  E  N,  painter. 

Uehcoek  S  P,  mar.slial. 
lb  rnakle  AlraoQ,  harncssmakcr. 
f  losIilBis  V/  ».,  Hooks  and  Stationery, 
'''■^•■e  IJ,  furnilure  '"^ 

"■■^■•v  WniS    b,.iils 
Ib.vvHI  11  ^  0,  roufoctioner. 
niiM.s  <-|,,,rl.-s  B.,  Coal  and  Feed  and 

I  r..|,r  The  Leader, 
^luiiter  Alexander,  omnibus  line. 
•;"tit<i.|  Ijros,  tailors. 
■-■UUTe  Kev  Samuel  (Methodist). 
;--»"  J  h,  telegraph  agent. 
V"'    t'liarlcs  A,  pianos  and  organs. 
^.M'l-c  II  A,  geiieial  store. 
,""-■  ■)'il'-''  Comet  li.and. 

v'''."''*"^'  ^''^^^'-•s  1^  llubbs  Propr. 
:  •  '  ,1  G,  shoemaker. 

Chicago,  mmlK  £  SI,  Paul 

jVIillard  Frank,  live  stock. 

Mills  Alsop  V,  lumber. 

Neaper  G  F,  blacUsiuilb. 

Newton  House. 

O'Eriea  Thomas,  .'shoemaker. 

Oehler  Mrs  C  A,  dressmaker. 

Passraore  Jerome,  painter. 

Phillilis  M  C,  live  stock. 

Plumb  Miss  Jennie,  music  teacher. 

Praeger  liev  John  (Moravian). 

liny,  Xolvoii  &  €'(>,  lical  Estate. 

Heed  &  Coombe,  general  store. 

Kice  II  A,  confectioner. 

Scavcr  Frederick  A,  cutlery  mnfr. 

Silliinau  Miss  Aiuja,  music- teacher. 

Spooner  A  F,  grocer. 

Taylor  Fred,  carpenter. 

'aVri  }■  rnrs  'e&  t,.  Music  Teacher.  Herman,  painter. 

Voigt  I'jrnest,  vragonmaker. 

Waison  n  P,   hotel. 

Wolf  A-  Stephenson,  hotel. 

LAKE  VIEW.  A  postofflcc  in  Dauo 
county,  7  milc.i  .south  of  .Madison,  the 
county  seat,  and  lij  north  of  Oregon,  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  .M.adisoii  is  tlie 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  1,00. 
Mail,  Iri  v.eekly.  Susan  a.  Hoiran,  post- 

Dick  Alexander,  stone  mason. 

Dick  S;auly,  carpenter  arid  mason. 

Fi.sher  B  J,  justice. 

Getts  Connid,  grocer. 

I80KUIE  n'Jifliiu-l,  Shoemaker. 

Ahuphy  Alir;ditm,  farmer. 

MuijihyMis^  Helen,  dressmaker. 

LATCEVILLE.  In  Chippewa  county, 
20  miles  north  of  Ciuppcwa  Falls,  the  judi- 
cial seat,  and  10  from  Cailwiigbt,  the 
nearest  shipping  point.  JIail  by  special 

LAMAUTLNE.  A  village  on  Fodr 
Mile  cueek,  in  I^md  du  Lac  county,  7 
miiea  southwest  of  Fond  du  Lac,  the  coun- 
ty seat,  and  -1  north  of  Oaklield.  the  near- 
est railroad  station.  Fond  du  Lac  is  the 
nearest  banking  point.  Stages  triweekly 
to  Bramlon  and  Fon<l  du  Lac.  Popula- 
tion, 000.  .Mail,  tri  weekly.  U.  S.  Allen, 

.•MIcii    II   S,  General    Store,    Hotel  and 

Feed  Mill. 
Bayton  C:  C,  loans. 
Devor  Bros,  buililers. 
Lamartine  Brass  Band,  L  Brown  leader. 
IViisli  A  E>,  Loans. 


l-OSilslljj  V Cijiiill;^  MU 


„  or  Kir:<;T  o,i-.\,  n.i-  S:>ie  i>j 





Pike  W  W,  cooper  and  mason. 
Smith  F  W,  real  estate  and  insurance. 
\Vtb:ler  II,  vcluiiiiHrv  surL;eon. 


s  1 

.    I. 

LAMBERTON.  A  postonice  on 
C.  ifc  IS.  W.  Ky,  in  H:icine  county 
miles  northwf-st  of  liscine,  the  county 
and  Dearest  binkin?  jioint.  Populii 
100.  Tel.,  W.  r.  Kxp.,  U.  S.  "\V 
Tompkins,  jiostinnster. 

Elias  Jolin,  c'cncrnl  s-tore. 
Petura  .lolin  ij  &  Co.  t;eneral  .store. 
Tonipfvins  W    I,  Railroiul,    Exp 
Tel  Agent. 

LAMOI^T.  Known  ulso  as  JLisroon, 
is  in  La  Fayette  county,  10  miles  northeast 
of  Darlington,  the  iuilicial  scat,  usual  ship- 
ping and  banking  point.  Population,  50. 
F.  E.  Tiee,  postmaster. 

Centennial  Cheese  Factory. 

Hanson  John,  carpenter. 

Hunt  .T  C,  saw  null. 

Tree  Frank  £■;,  General  Store. 

LANAE,K.  A  in  Portage 
county,  18  miles  I'f  S;tvens' 
Point,  the  seal  of  justice,  l;i  west  of  Wau- 
paca, the  nearest  liauking  point, and  8  from 
Amherst,  the  nearest  .^hippiiia;  point.  Pop- 
ulation. 80.  Wail,  tri-weeklj'.  Thomas 
Riley,  jr.,  postmaster. 

lEilej"  'I'luoiiuiK.  General  Store. 

TjAKCASTKR.  The  iudieial  scat  of 
Grant  county,  in  the  cenlial  portion  of 
which  it  is  situaltd,  bO  mile.s  sout'iwest  of 
j\I»di-on,  16G  soulhwest  of  Milwaukee,  and 
'.w'ol  norliiwest  of  (.'liic^go,  is  a  station  on 
the  C.  it  N.  W.  Jiy.  and  is  one  of  the  ruost 
beautiful  and  lienllnfu!  towr'S  in  the  State. 
Its  educational  and  leligious  facilities  art; 
c-xcellenl,  and  consist  of  gooil  graded 
pcliools,  a  hii^h  school,  Congrega- 
tional, Methodist  E[iibC0pal,  Catholic  and 
Lutheran  churclic;.  A  nourishing  Ladies' 
Art  CIn.sM  i:?  susl/uned,  and  in  all  respects 
cducalioiially  as  well  as  socially,  Lancaster 
rank.s  foremost  among  the  towns  of  il.^size 
in  the  Stale.  Besides  the  usual  niimberof 
special  and  general  slorcs  and  a  thorougli 
reprcsenlathui  of  the  learned  profes.~ions, 
the  city  contains  machine  shops,  a  carriage 
factory,  ,a  creamery,  a  .sa-h,  door  and  iMind 
factory,  brick  yard,  smelting  ftirnacc,  an 
excelsior  factory,  good  hotels,  i  banks  and 
2  weekly  newsp.ipers,  the  diant  C'l^nitii 
JUvul'l  and  the  !'■  7.  r,  which  keep  the  citi- 

Cliicap  fi  Gfaod  ]\\A  R;, 

zens  informed  on  all  current  topics  of  in- 
terest. The  adj-icent  country  consists 
chietly  of  rolling  praiiie  land,  which  at 
Lancaster  is  broken  by  hills  and  valLys. 
A  great  diversity  is  thus  given  to  the  Imd- 
scape,  and  some  of  the  loveliest  scenery  in 
the  State  is  to  be  found  here.  'I'lie  soil  is 
a  lichloam,  well  calculated  for  the  growth 
of  all  the  cereals,  v,-hich.  with  some  gar- 
den produce  and  live  stock,  form  tiie  chief 
shipments.  Slaves  to  all  surroumling 
jioints.  Populalhin,  1.7.MI.  Tel,.  W.  U. 
E-\p.,  Am.   Tiic'ihue  A.  Eurr,  postiuASler. 

Baldwin  .John  II,  jeweler. 

Barber  Alexander  ii,  physician. 

Barlow  Washinglon,  furniture. 

Earnetl  &  Son  (.lared  E  and  Harry)  om- 
nibus and  dray  lines. 

Barrows  "SVm,  briek  mnfr. 

Barstow  Edwaril  E,  mason. 

Bartlett  .7  0,  pouUrv  breeder. 

Bashford  C  II  A  Co  (Chalks  H  and  Luther 
BashfordV  general  store.' 

Baxter  C  II  k  Co  (Lharks  II  Baxter),  gen- 
eral store. 

Belz  Charles,  carriagomaker. 

Belz  Henry,  blacksmith. 

Bennett  Juseph  ']',  druggist 

Boughton  Lister  H,  dogl)recdcr. 

Bicnnan  A\'a;ter  ,1,  clerk  ciicuit  court. 

ESi'Ooker  5U'sc>  l  Koberl  and  George), 
General  Contractors  and  Builders,  Mnfr.= 
of  White  Ash  P.utter  Tubs. 

Buchncr  Herman,  lawyer 

Burr  The(>dore  A,  stationer. 

P,urris  Marl  V  jr,  sheriiV. 

Bushnell  cV  "Watkins  (Allen  K  Bushnell,  H 
A  ^Vatki^s),  lawyers. 

Carter  George,  county  judge. 

Carlhcw  John,   abstracts. 

Clark  Jolin.  carpenter. 

Claik  &  McCord  (^adie  F  Clark,  Edi  Mc- 
Cord),  dressmakers. 

Clark  A.-  Taylor  (.lohn  G  Clark,  Stepheu  H' 
Taylor),  lawyers. 

Cle.iry  Tiiomas  I,,  district  attorney. 

Cletnentson  Georiip,  circuit  judge. 

Clubb  Oliver,  live  stock. 

Cooley  Chalks  II,  mason. 

Crane  I  Emory,  dentist. 

Cuifl  Lewis, 

Decker  '\Vm  H,  railroad  and  exp  agent. 

I'jyer  'W'm  J,  horse  breeder. 

Fi.'zer  Toliias,  slioeniaker. 

Fi'-chcr  Christian,  wagonmaker. 

Gilitis  George,  barber. 

<.;iir<>r<I  '.li<s!iM  r,  Jlerchnnt  Tailor; 
Suits  to  I  irder  at  Ueasonable  Prices. 

Gilles]iie  I'eese  B,  live  slock. 

Palace  and  Dinin;-:^  Cars 

Orj    ALL   THtiOUCH    TRAIMS. 

St..  .^/SLV.'AI'lLi:!;,  V/IS.     -yv.  S.  CAKPLI;,  state  Agout.     "tVAI.Kl-It  UrCCSi;!!,  Csn-l  .1I;iuai-er 


LAN  457 

G'.eason  Henry,  apiari.'-t.  Grnut  County  lusane  Asylum,  George  3Ic- 

Goble  George  P,  furniluro,  j  Full  supt. 

Grnyt     Coiinlj-     511cra!fl,  Wm    B   i  Gray  Gcor<:e,  flour  mill,  4  miles  w. 

Miner  Propr.     {i^i€  adu.  be-U-te  .)  '.  GrifUth  D-miel,  f:ain  impts. 




(Successors  to  CEO.  \V.  RYLAND  &  CO. 


COKRE^PONOnXTS— Marshall  .V  Ilslc-y  Dank,  Milwaukee,  Vv'i?.;   :\lerclnuts'  Xallonal 
Dank,  Cliicaijo,  II!.;  Chemical  Nalioual  Bank,  New  York. 

15.STAS{HS£St:u  IN   Isl3. 

sinscHii-rioN,  SI  'O  i?i;it  i'i!;.v8£. 

The  Grant  Gounty  Herald 


.\  C-Coliiiim,  S-Paso  Paper. 

Published  at  I.aiicastitr,  the  Coiintv  yeat  uf  Grant 
County.  The  iar.ei-r  paper  irf  snuthweslern  Wis- 
consin. Onh'  Rt'yiubh'can  paprr  ar  lii-j  couiitv  seat. 
Lartr.'st  ciriul.uion  riui  he.-t  H.tvertioin^  ii:i  Jiu'm. 

.'^end  fur  a'ivertisiii^  rates. 

WILLIAM  B.  MINER,  Editor  and  Proprietor, 

POSEY  &  Mcpherson, 

tareful  Drivers;  Low  C'h.-irs-s.  Te.uns  tr.  let 
>'>■  tlie  hour,  dav  Ai-  we-k.  and  drivers  ;nr?ii.^h -d 
"lien  desired.  I'nrties  talc-n  rn  anv  p\rl  of  ( 'hi 
country  on  short  irolioe.     Day  and  Xi--ht.  A-rvi,  o 

Olhce  a[id  Slaliles  :  One  wh.ek  north  of  tlio 
>^  right  lIou,e.  ri-hl  h.i^l  -iJe  ,.f  ^tn..•t. 

li.i.Vt^VS'i'EOEf.,    WIS. 


^r-  \ 


ED.  M.  LOWRY, 


L-'i.ZTa^i.Cr'Sm,    -vVZ-rOiTSZIT. 

iiuiHciraL  s,  !i,  ^^i^-^f;:^::  iioiineii  o 

rPjdshv  Brothers  J.  Pork  and   Beef  Packers 








fa.  K 



^  0 




•^  o 




.  w 








CircetJC  &  Aiiirains  (Samuel  R  Greene, 

ILirvey    Abrams),    Livery  ;    FirstC!£.=3 

Iligs     at    Reason;-.ble     liates ;     Patrons 

Served  Day  or  jS'iirlit. 
HiiDntim  Georije,  cattle  breeder. 
Hannum  Mi?9  .Mae,  milliner. 
Ha^spll  Samuel  E,  physician. 
Ilawley   T   C   &  Uo'(TiieopbiIus  C   and 

Harry  C  Ilawley),  Tiiomas  Orton  mngr, 

grain  dealers. 
Henderson  "\V  D,  county  survej'Or. 
Uomrich  ik  Lebncr  (Louis  Ilomricb,  Cas- 
par Lebner),  marble  ■n'orks. 
Ilowell  &   Starr  (Anton  J    Hov,tll,  Louis 

Starr),  b'lrbcrs. 
ESinaphfcy  JoImi  .?,  Dealer  in 

and  Cured  Meats,  Poullrj'  and  Game  in 

Season,  Groceries  and  Provisions. 
Ilurlej-  Jobn  -M,  wagon uiaUor. 
Hyde  &  Son  (Cbarles  J  and  Allen  J),  car- 
riage dealers. 
Ivey   &   Webb   (Alexander  Ivcy,  AVm  K 

Webb),  general  store. 
Jeide  John,  merchant  tailor. 
Kerr  ^Vm,  ciuar  mnl'r. 
Knapp  C  W  iV;  Son  (Charles  AY  and  Arthur 

G),  farm  inipls. 
Knapp  &  Kdwards  (Charles  W  Knapp,  M 

Edwards),  saloon. 
Lancaster  Harmonia  Band,  R  A  Twitcliell 

Lancaster  House.  Lewis  Lisberness  propr. 
2.,oji^'<loii  CharJcs  ^tV,  Leading  Pno- 

logiaphor;  All  Kinds  of  Work  Skiilfulh' 

Done;  Copying.  Grouping   and  Crayon 

Work  a  Specially. 
ijO»\ry  K«?  Hi!,  Atlorney-at-Law.     (Sec 

adr.   J>  457.) 
McP.iien  .larnes.  counly  clerk. 
IMcCarthv  George,  blacksmilh. 
.McCcy  .ro>ei-,h.'lior,-e  lie.i'er. 
jliB«-t'"<>.v     <.^    .llej  or,    Smelters  ;     Best 

(Jinilily  of  Pig  Lead. 
McCoy    it   'J'liomas    iBrskiue  E    McCoy, 

Charles  H  Thoma.'^).  genera!  store. 
McFall  GenrLTe,  supt  Insane  Asylum. 
Jlarkeit    it    Briukinan    (Frank    .Markert, 

Fred  Brink  man),  saloon. 
Ma-son  Rev  (CoiiLMC/alional). 
Melds  Henry,  harness. 
Meyer  l»i<'liiir<l  iV  Co  (Capital.  s?0,- 

OOO).  Bankers.     (Sec  adv.  p  .',57.) 
Miehaelis    August,     musical    instruments 

and  city  clerk. 
Wilier  Win  n.  Job  Printer  and  Editor 

and  Propr  Grant  County  Herald.     (.Svj 

ndv,  ]i  -I.i/.) 
Mitchell  3rrs  Ann  J,  dressmaker. 
Morse  Alb.-rt  C,  insurance. 
i^Siicsse  ISciiry,  Lumber. 

Cliicap  (?i  Gfaoil  Tfook  % 

7iliicssti  toOorscContractor  and  Build- 
er and  Dealer  in  Lumber. 

riJiiE-piiey  Jloi>crt  E],  Jeweler. 

Kat!ifin,  All  <.V  Co  (Joseph  I-T.-ithan. 
Louis  Ait,  Harry  G  Nathan).  Dealers  in 
Fresh  and  Salted  Meats,  Groceries  and. 

Neavill  John  A,  county  treasurer. 

Needham  Daniel,  county  supt  of  schooli, 

Kiehaus  Rev  Henry  (Catholic). 

Orton  Charles,  stenographer. 

Orton  "\Vm  F,  hardware. 

Oswald  JIariiu  .T,  register  of  deeds. 

Pendleton  Juhu  J,  restaurant. 

Pendleton  Jonathan,  laundry. 

Phelps  Fred  B,  i^rain  and  live  .stock. 

E*oll«ok  i;<!\var«i,  Editor  and  Propr 
The  Teller;  Independent  in  Politics;  .Ml 
Home  Print;  F.^tabli^hed  Eight  Years. 

E*<tsey  I't;  'Tel'Iiei'soti  (.Vuguslus  C 
Posey.  Wm  .MePherson),  Livery  Slabics, 
One  "Block  Xortli  of  Wriuht  Hrxise. 
R'Sht-IIand  Side  of  Street.  (.Stc  adt,  p 

Price  Daniel,  carpenter. 

Rami  I!ev  S  D  iLuiiicran). 

Pieed  Jobn  11,  dentist. 

Ressmeyer  Henry,  harnesa. 

Ringold"  Rev  J  A  (Presbyterian). 

Rudersdorf  it  Trentzsch  (George  Ruders- 
dorf,  Ruil(il|'.h  Trentzsch),  saloon. 

Schloesser  Jliss  Barbara  J,  milliner. 

Schiniil  Anton,  vineyard. 

Schreiner  John  &  Sons  (John.  Frank, 
Adolpb  and  Edward  Hi,  general  slore. 

Slate  I!.'!r>U  of  Oraeit  Coiitilj^ 
tCapital,  s(;(),000i,  John  Schreiner  Pres, 
lion  George  W  Ryland  Vlce-Pres,Joseph 
Bock  Cash. 

Stone  it  Hftssell  (Wm  X  Slone,  Samuel  E 
Has-ell).  druirgists. 

Strong  Frederick  K.  physician. 

Svkes  Georee  P,   painter. 

'e-eSler  The,  Edward  Pollock  Editor 
and  Propr;  Circulatiou  Laryer  than  any 
Othi  r  Weekly  P.a]ier  in  Soulhweslern 

Thrall  Rvv  (E]iiscopii). 

Trelauer  , lamest,  ho;;  breeder,  1^  mile.s  n  w. 

Trowbridge  Minor  S.  meals  and  groceries. 

Twirhcll  FJros  (Reuben  A  and  James  O), 
excel-ior  mnfrs. 

VaiKlevi nil  Win  II,  Photographer, 

Wagner  A  Roberts  (Jesse  Wagner,  Israel 
Roberts),  propr.s  Wagner  House. 

Wagoner  John,  poullry  breeder. 

AVaiker  George,  hog  breeder,  3  miles  w. 

Webb  Thomas,  well  driller. 

Wtber  .Mrs  B.  baker. 

Weber  L'uiis.  lioots  and  shoes. 

Palace  and  Dining-  Cars 



THI-:    UKonr.SSEU  ?l\"FC  CO.,  Manufacturers  of  iljilraulic,   Steam   Rod 
l-ro->er    Passenger   au.l    Freislit    ELKTATOICS.  )'amii«.  \V:,reh.iiise    nnd    Store 
Jleiit  liorkers.  Meat  Iiefrii;erators,  Klp.     .il-J-.".14  Coiimierce  >t.,  Milnaiikw,  Wis. 



LA  V 


Wcir/;cl  iSi;  Aieoiiler.  (JoLu  J  Wenztl, 
Tiberius  Auchtcrj,  Saloon,  Biiiiaid.s, 
Clears  aod  ToImcco. 

Wheeler  GeorL-p  15,  justice. 

'.Villis  Ricliaril.  creamery. 

Wolf  Rev  J  U  R  I  Ijaptis't). 

Woodwarii  Miss  AUie,  milliner. 

\>"rif;'il  EiOU>«t'.  John  S  "Wright  Propr; 
First-Class  AecnmiuodalioDS;  C'eulrally 
Located;  Cnod  S:imple  Uoomg. 

Wrislil  J<»;m  S,  CoHnly  Coroner  aud 
Propr  Wright  House;  The  Travcliag 
Man's  Sunday  Headquarters. 

Ziegler  Bros  (\Vm  and  Charles  15),  hdv.e. 

LANDSTAD.  In  Shawano  county, 
!3  miles  soulliea^l  of  ."-^havxano,  the  judicial 
Stat,  banking  and  shi)ipi))g  point.  JIail, 

LANEY.  A  villa.^e  inSha'\\-auo  coun- 
ty, IS  miles  southeast  of  Shawano,  the 
county  seat,  and  11  north  of  Seymour,  the 
uearest  banking  and  slupping  jioint.  Stages 
to  Shawano  and  Gieeu  Bay".  Population, 
■'0.   JIail,  daily.    F.  A.  Druce,  postmaster. 

Harth  Felix,  carpenter. 

If  nice  B'rc<!  A,  General  Store. 

Keatnig  Martin,  justice. 

Krojip  Fred,  carpenter. 

Leonard  John,  hotel. 

Lutsey  Thomas,  liotcl. 

VhVic  Wm,  mason. 

LANGLADE.  A  posloffico  in  Lan- 
S'ade  county,  'J  1  miles  east  of  Antiao,  the 
county  seat,  nearest  railroad  stall. in  nnd 
lianliing  point.  Population,  ij.  Mail, 

Mt'Cojinlj-  BSU'li,  Uotel. 
Willett  Jliehael,  hotel. 

LANNON.  On  the  M.,  M.  F.  &  AV. 
liy  (Iladtield  Station),  in  Waukesha  coun- 
l.'',  II  mile.s  from  \Vaukesha,  the  judicial 
Hat  and  ueaiest  bankinu- point.  Popnia- 
lion,  500.  Tel.,  W.  U.'  Exp.,  Am.  O. 
Ohen,  pi56tmaster. 

•'adlidrt  Co,  stone  quarries. 
•JlfeD  O,  railroad  and  exp  agent. 

LA  POINTE.  In  Ashland  county, 
iondles  from  Ashland,  the  judicial  seat, 
'1'  ^;  from  Havlield,  the  i.earesi  banking 
I'Od  shipping  point.  Population,  12y. 
;laU,  daily.  John  Armbrusler,  postmas- 
''  r  t>nd  general  store. 

LARRABEE.  A  postofflce  in  .Mani- 
towoc county,  14  miles  northwest  of  Mani- 
towoc, the  county  seat,  usual  shippinL'  and 
banking  point.  Population,  COO.  iMail, 
tri-weeklj'.     "Wenzel  Charval,  postmaster. 

Bartleme  George,  saloon. 

CS:j!rv;it   ^Veiizcl,  C4eneral  Store. 

Gilmer  Peter  &  Jacob  A,  cheese  ninfrs. 

Heap  Henry,  lawyer. 

Holley  Jame.«,  blacksmith. 

Hudson  Adolph,  lime  mnfr. 

Jukon  l;e7  A  (Lutheran) 

Mann  Joseph  A;  Co,  tiour  rail!. 

Mueller  I  lev  U  (German  Lutheran). 

Oves  Emil,  assessor. 

Padholer  Wra,  blacksmith. 

Pehbein  Julius,  cheese  mnfr. 

Rick  J  15,  iihysician. 

Schmidt  ^Uchael,  saw  mill. 

Shimouek   Frederick,    general 

glc'UUn'ooUor     Cliarlcs, 

aud  Lime  .Mnfr. 
Yelraine  Pfler.  shoemaker. 
Zander  Ilelmult,  general  store. 

LAUDERDALE.  In  Walworth 
county,  7j  miles  from  Klkhorn,  the  ju- 
dicial Slat,  banking  and  .'^hipping  point. 
Mail,  daily.  Sara  E.  Drought,  posliuas- 

Williams  Daniel,  flour  and  feed  mill. 

store    find 
Saw    Mill 

LAVAXLE.  An  ir.cor|iorateil  village 
in  township  of  same  name,  Sauk  countv, 
on  the  C.  .V  .\.  ^V.  Ry,  ~'-l  miles  nortli-  of  Baraboo.  the  county  seat.  ICxcel- 
Unt  power  is  afforded  by  the  Baraboo  river, 
utilized  bj'  stave,  carding  and  Hour  mills. 
It  contains  a  graded  school,  a  public  ball 
capable  of  sealing  4u0,  and  a  number  of 
special  and  general  stores.  Land  in  the 
vicinity  is  worth  from  S'Jo  to  .^oO  per  acre, 
and  the  shipments  coiujirise  staves,  hoop 
poles,  pig  iron,  flour,  potatoes  and  live 
ttock.  Stages  daily  to  Lone  Rock,  Caze- 
novia  and  Ironton  ;  fares,  00  and  :i5  cents, 
respectively.  Population,  i.'A).  Exp,, 
Am.  Tel.,  Vi'.  U.  Ira  McNVilliams,  post- 

Anderson  Thomas,  genera!  store. 
Andrew  &,  Thornt  .n,  g:taiu  aud  lumber. 
Carney   Itirs  Ann,    Drugs   aud  Gen- 
eral Slore. 
B  irney  Schuyler  P,  printer. 
Berry  Lyman,  agent. 
I'orchers  August,  hoop  poles. 
Brown  J  A,  confectioner. 


rr  ■r.=»<  »  ""■'   ''^  "'"'    **    I'ourth    St..   Fond  <1  u  Xl'lit. 

i>  ^^       t^-^  ^  Tl  r*         Is  till-  I'liir.'  I.)  IJuy  rt!  A  7FIJt:it  SI'TS,  l>IAVOS, 
—      ii       fc^ilil     J    OS5<;.\N,S       AND      .IIL'SSCAIj       f  NSMt  I' 11  KNT»;. 

iff    P^^(^h^Yrr\^,f.'^n  pf    P,<^    Manufactnrers  of  FINE  CIGARS, 

•  yi   i' i'^iijii  ..Ji  iii'^:,iiii     '^J     wUb«  MILWAUKEE. 

I.A  Y 


BiicLley  Mk-bael,  piopr  TfL-raoot  llouse. 

Buttman  V  A  I'i  h"  ,M,  apinrists. 

Caaieron  Thomas,  wagonmaker. 

Carver  W  X  &,  II  8,  lumber. 

Cliaudler  M  V,  priuter. 

Douglass  Mrs  B  C,  midwife. 

E«!cr  Gcory;e,  IIardw:ire  aud  Express 

Fix  Bros  (Juhu  aud  Jacob),  hoop  poles. 

Flanagan  T  it  K,  luilliiiers. 

Forrest  Cliarles  1),  barber. 

Fuller  .Mrs  U,  carpet  weaver. 

Gale  J  W,  flourniill. 

Gleuu  Henry,  shoemaker. 

Gleue  Henry. T,  tailor. 

Haf;enali  George,  ment  market. 

IlaUes  Ulrick  JI,'?mitli. 

Hankersou  James,  blacksmith. 

Henneberfj  Christian,  general  store. 

Holmau  Charles,  shoemaker. 

Ilorkan  James,  livery. 

numraerick  Frank,  linrbor. 

liuiiter  W  E,  railroad  agent  and  telegraph 

Johnston  Henry  M,  insurance. 
Jobu:;ton  &  Thornton  (Henry  M  Johaiton, 
Hairy  Thorn  Ion), bimber  and  machinery. 

Kinney  Wm  T.  furniture  and  cooper. 

Kletl  iiichurd  E,  general  store. 

Ivrug  Frederick,  saloon. 

Kuhu  W'm  K,  salnon. 

La  Valle  IJoller  .^nils,  J  W  Gale  pres,  Asa 

Gale  sec  and  Ircas. 
lWcWil!iiU!i«i  apa,OrocerandSiationer. 
Paddock  Benjamin  G,  general  store. 
Paddock  Herbert  E,  insurance. 
Bathbun  Baldwin,  restaurant. 
Ralhbun  ^Ym,  saw  mill,  2  miles  e. 
Sanborn  Apker,  barber  and  jeweler. 
Sauborii  John,  carpenter. 
Sanford  George  B,  real  estate. 
Smith  T  M,  staves. 
Tinker  Wni  II,  blacksmith. 
Trcjnont  House,  .'Mich'iel  Buckley  propr. 
White  John  II.  ju'^lice. 
Worthy  James  J,  pliy.->iciau. 



gamic  county,  'J.")  miks  fr.iin  .V)ipleton, 
the  judicial  sear,  and  -"i  from  .Seymour,  the 
nearest  banking  and  shipping  ]\oiat.  Pop- 
ulation, 23.1.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  Wm. 
Kimpel,  postmaster. 

Dunn  E  C,  jus!ice. 
Grunwaldt  W'm,  blacksmith. 
Kiiiipo!  Wii!  A.  f^oii.  Genera!  Store. 
Loren/  Wm,  saw  and  feed  mill. 
Lovenhageu  F,  constable. 

LEADMINE.  In  La  Fayette  county, 
18  miles  southwest  of  Darlint'ton,  the  se^'t 
of  justice,  and  i'j  east  of  Benton,  the  near- 
est shipping  point.  Populalion,  200. 
Mail,  daily.     John  Side,  postmaster. 

Alderson  Joseph,  wagonmakcr. 
Btixtoii  Joiiii,  General  Store. 
Hoffman  Bro.":,  builders. 
Leadmine  .Mining  Co.  /.inc  miners. 
Toplass  Josiah,  blacksmith. 

LEBANON.  A  postfjffice  in  Dodge 
county,  20  miles  south  of  Juneau,  the 
county  seat,  and  G  northeast  of  Watertown, 
the  nearest  railroad  station  and  banking 
point.  Population,  30.  Mail,  Iri-weeklyT 
H.  Moldenhauer,  postmaster. 

Lauersdorf  F,  saw  mill. 
3IoS«U'niiinu-r    £2    &.   Sosi,   General 

Setzkorn  Carl,  tailor. 
Stark  Heuiy.  blacksmith. 

LEDGEVILLE.  A  postollice  on  the 
31.  &■  X.  It.  R.,  in  Brova  county,  12  miles 
southwest  of  Green  Bay,  the  county  seat, 
and  G  south  of  De  Perc,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  200.  E.xp.,  Am. 
iilail,  daily.  Frederick  K.  Hjortli,  post- 

Cnrrigan  ['atrink.  charcoal  mnfr. 
BSJortli    E^  Efi  &.  Sioii.f,   Saw  Mill   and 

\Vood  Turners. 
Hjorth  Ludwig  C,  survej'or. 

LEDYARD.  Outagamie  county.  ,SiC 

LEEDS.  A  village  in  Columbia  coun- 
ty, ID  miles  southenst  of  I'..rln;;e.  the 
county  seat,  and  -1  north  of  Morri.sonville, 
the  nearest  railroad  st'ition.  Goluiubus  is 
the  usual  banking  point.  Population,  ^>(). 
3Iail,  tri  weekly,  .\nton  Engel,  postmas- 

Engel  Anton,  general  store. 
Haujit  Wm,  cnrpenler. 
Petri  l.'ev  J  A  (Lulberan). 
I    Pribbenow  Wm,  insurance. 
Sauer  .lobn,  car]ieuter. 
Schenck  Frederick,  saloon. 
AV^oodford  C  E,  physician. 
Wylie  George,  live  slock  breeder. 

LEEDS  CENTRE.  A  village  in  Co- 
lumbia county,  20  miles  southeast  of  Port- 
age, the  county  scat,  -1  east  of  .\rlinglon, 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  IG  west  of 

North  Star ! ron  VVori<s.  )  <iiimritr. :,m ininils-KuBlnc 

CiHlSU   MlM'K.lCn  !;lN<i  CO.  '-  5liM^MiL■!lt^.  S:i,v  Mill  1I,.rlii, 
Ashland,    -     -    Wisconsin.  )  Si>ecdi:n^-Ioi'H,  Coili-rH,l-oivt 

5,  )I«rli  juW.s,  Kounders.  i:iiil<iriii.ikcrn, 
ry.^'iniiii-  Mnclibi.T) ,  forllss  and  Itl-.-h 
rriiDsmlltbii,- .Marliiuery.otc.   Soen.    a 


Are  invaluable  for  rfstorinsainl  m 
Shin  anil  reliovini.-  InternnI  Cor.eeit 
fyiug  tlie  I;looU.    Ilie  Uatiis  at  Jim 

ilntninini;  a  liealtliy  action  of  tlie 
Inns,  Col.N.  MAlarhi.aiul  f<,r  Puri- 
esiilie,  Wis.,  are  niiion^-  ihc  Uc»t. 



LE  R 

Columbus,  the  nearest  bauklng  point. 
Stages  tri-weekly  to  Poynette.  Pcipiilation, 
.:i).  Mail,  tri-wcekly.  Lucy  I.  Bingiiam, 

Itcs  N  ^I,  carpenter. 
L'liiu  George,  black.'milli. 
I'ribeiiow  Gustavo,  Wind  Mills. 

LEEMAN.  In  Outfi;:imie  county,  ?,l 
miles  northvrcst  of  Appietou,  the  county 
■■Lat,  11  from  Shioclon,  its  shippiui;  point, 
snj  17  fiom  Slrm-:tnoo,  the  nearest  liank- 
iDt;  point.  Mail,  triweekly.  ^1.  D.  Lee- 
man,  postmaster  and  general  store. 

LELAND.  A  postolliee  in  Pivuk  coun- 
ty, 20  miles  Eouthwe>:t  of  iiiiraboo,  the  .scat 
of  justice,  and  13  from  Trairio  du  Sac, 
the  nearest  .»:hippincr  and  banking  point. 
I'opulnlion,  50.  F.  C.  Klipstein,  post- 

liulow  Carl,  saloon, 

Lchumpert  it  Klipstein,  flour  mill. 

Ulijttitciii  Ft,', AgricuU\iral  Implements 

l.eiillke  I'lev  I'aul  (LulluTan), 

Leland  Brass  I5and,  Carl  iiau  leader. 

<llt  Carl,  carpenter. 

liiiu  Carl,  carpenter. 

Veilh  B,  blacksmith. 

LENA.  A  village  on  the  M.  &  N.  U. 
K.,  in  Oconto  couul^',  12  milts  northwest 
of  Ocoulo,  the  county  .seat  and  nearest 
li'.nking  point.  Stages  tri-wetkly  to  Hayes 
and  intermediate  pointH.  I'opulation,  iDO. 
Tel.,  W.  U.  Exp.,  Am.  N.  0.  INetzer, 

ii;iS5ell  W,  railroad,  express  and  tel  agt. 
Hudiberger  John,  hotel. 
*'i~limau  R,  siw  and  shingle  mill. 
I)ionne.I(..:.tpb  1),  hotel. 
I'u-i  i.lniry  A,  baiber. 
Vt-l/.ec  X  V,  Oeneral  Store. 
Net/vr  I'cler,  hotel. 
l'ell:cy  A  E,  grocer. 
IVlkey  S  G,  justice. 
||:ll"  Charles,  justice. 
KiitUe  Bros,  general  store. 
•-  lichen  Georce,  blaok.'^milh. 
Mrtiiiblpit  Killing,  grain. 

LEOLA.     In  Adams  county,   18  miles 
li^'ilheasi  of  Friendship,  the  judicial  seat, 
ffom    Plainfield.    the    usual    bankius: 

r-"inl.  and  10  from   Hancock,  the   nearest 
Miippmg   p.>i„i.       PopiiIatiMn.    12.     Mail, 
W.   B.    Ilolliday,    postmas- 


i3<^l^(!;t3■  .4   &  W  IJ,  Saw  find   Grist 

LEON.  A  village  on  the  Little  La 
Crosse  river  and  on  the  C,  .M.  it  St.  P. 
Ry,  in  Monroe  county,  ')  miles  south  of 
Sparta,  the  count}'  seat  and  nearest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  2.j0  Tel.,  W.  L'. 
Exp.,  Am.     E.  F.  Austin,  postmastar. 

Alistut  E  r,  General  Store. 

Au.stin  ^X  J,  ilo\u-  null,  grain  aud  lumber. 

C'as!-:ey  U  F,  blacksmith. 

Coates  \V  E.  grain. 

Coates  &  Gillliu,  lumber. 

Denisou  .lames,  railroad,  exp  aud  tel  agt. 

Hal.sey  Rev  A  C  (Methodist). 

Jones  J  Jy.   iustice. 

Shayton  },l  O,  hotel. 

Snow  Rev  T  B  (AdventisI). 

LEOPOLIS.  A  post  villace  on  the 
north  branch  of  the  Embarrass  river,  in 
Shawano  county,  14  miles  west  of  Shawa- 
no, the  county  seat,  and  11  north  of  Mari- 
on, the  nearest  railroad  station.  Clinton- 
ville  is  tlie  nearest  hank  location.  Stages 
daily  to  Marion,  and  semi- weekly  to 
Shawano.  l'oi>ulation,  150.  Mail,  daily. 
P.  J.  Heine,  jiostmaster. 

Brunner  Leonard,  furniture. 
Edwards  N  M,  saw  mill. 
aSciitc  S*  .5,  General  Store. 
Kroll  August,  hardware. 
Kroen^er  Chris,  harnessniaker. 
Kuck.'Vlorf  Herman,  lilacksmith. 
jMadel  Frank,  hotel  and  saloon. 
Mocnke  August,  Irtjtel  and  saloon. 
Rcschke  Win,  .shoemaker. 
Schmahl  Chris,  hotel  aud  hlacksniilh. 
Idlman  J  it  Co,  live  slock. 
Welsth  Henry,  wagonmaker. 

LE  ROY.  A  poslollice  in  Dodge  coun- 
ty, ]<3  mdes  northeast  of  Juneau,  the 
county  seat,  and  2V  west  of  Knowles.  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  3Iay  villc.  ti  miles 
dist.ant,  is  the  nearest  banking  point. 
Population,  50.  iMail,  triweekly.  ^L. 
Lehner,  postmaster. 

Ilupke  August,  wagonmaker. 
Kainraermavor  Michael,  furniture. 
ICehriiieyer  George,  meats  and  cheese  mnf  r. 
Lehner  i.,oui3.  gen  store  and  saloon. 
I.clinor  i~lic-liiiol.    General  Store  and 

^V'einber!J'er  Joseph,  shoemkr  anil  saloon. 
AV^ild  Joim,  blacksmilh. 

Cfiicap,  Milniitee  &  St,  Paul  ^^uJut^M  aod  kkid 

WISCONSIN  yilHETlM]  Ml^  GO,,  ,      •'^''^'^Tr'T  Z'-  > 

Office  Jb  Factory,  2SlLako  St.,  JIIUVALKEK,  WIS.    LalSSt    IniriGVSli    VSHStinn    bllll^JS. 





LESLIJJ.  (),i  the  C.  &  N.  W.  l!y,  in 
La  Fayette  coui;ty,  1-1  miles  uortliwest  of 
Durliojrton,  the  couuty  seat,  acd  8  ncrlli- 
east  of  Piattevilie,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  30.  Exp.,  Am.  J.W. 
Bunis,  postmaster. 

LEVEE.  On  the  C,  M.  vt  St.  P.  Ry, 
in  Columbia  county,  9  niilc^  from  Portafje, 
the  judicial  scat.  iJanks  at  Portaire  or  at 
Kilbouru  City,  8  miles  distant.  Popula- 
tion, SO.  Tel.,  AY.  U.  S.  W.  Kellogg, 

liollous  S  W,  Railroad  and  Tel  Agent. 
jMellenthin  AVm,  blacksmith. 

LEVIS.  A  country  postoflico  in  Jack- 
son county,  CO  miles  northwest  of  Black 
River  Falls,  the  judicial  Ecat.  and  11  from 
Fairchild,  the  nearest  shipping  point. 
Mail,  semi-weekly.  L.  Person,  post- 

Davenport  O  X,  feed  mill  and  blacksmith. 
S'erson  Liulivi;,'-,  General  Store. 


LEWISTON.  Apoctollice  in  Colum- 
bia county,  (ji  miles  northwest  of  Portage, 
the  county  seat,  nearest  railroad  station 
and  banking  point.  Sta.ies  tri  weekly  to 
Portage.  Population,  l.jO.  Mail,  daily. 
A.  Jertson,  podlmaster. 

Anders  Isaacson,  blacksmith. 
Anderson  Jena,  carpenter. 
Anderson  Nelson  ]',  mason. 
Christianson  Sevirt,  hop  drier. 
Lewis  C  P.  car[)enter  and  Ihair  mill, 
JiCwis  F  P,  carpenter. 
,  I-c«is  W  I.,.  General  Store. 

LEYDEN.  A  po^^toilico  on  the  ('.  & 
N.  AV.  Ry.  in  Rock  coimty,  8  miles  north- 
west of  Janesville,  the  county  seat  and 
banking  point.  Population,  oo.  Mail, 

LIBEETY.  A  postofflce  in  Vernon 
couiity,  10  mile.s  from  Vircaina,  the  judi- 
cial seal,  banking  and  shipping  point. 
Population,  1'.").  Mail,  semi-weekly.  C. 
Benson,  iiostmaster. 

'#  LIB.EIITY  BLUFF.    A  postoffice  on 

gy  the  Wisconsin  Central   Lnie,  in  Marcjuclte 
county,  18    miles    northwest   of    Mcnitello, 

*  «  the  county  s^at  and  nearest  liavdciDi:  point. 

-^  Tel.,   W.  V.      Exp.,  X.   P.      Population, 

■»jj  10.     AVm.  (iuderjahu,  postmaster. 

"Ta  Glover  J  A,  lime  mnfr. 

Giidcr.iassn  '4\'in,  General  Ste 
Woltmau  Kev  H  (Luilieran). 

county.     .'-Vc  Biurta   \'tsta. 


LIBERTY  POLE.     A   postofflce  in 
Vernon  Cuuutj',  5  miles  south  of  Viroqua, 
the   county    seat,  nearest   railroad   station 
and    banking    point.     Stages   to   Virocpi.^. 
and  De  Solo.     PojmlatioD,  2.j.     Mail,  tri- 
weekly.    K.  Peterson;  postmaster. 
Cade  D  A,  ajiiarist. 
PcUTSon   £4isii(ll,  General  Store. 
Peterson  jN'  C,  wagonmaker. 

LIBERTY  RIDGE.  A  country  post- 
oiliceiu  Grant  county,  4  miles  northeast  of 
Lancaster,  t)io  coimty  seat,  .shippins;  and 
bunking  ])oint.  ilail,  daily.  Louis  He- 
berlein,  postmaster  and  farmer. 

LILY.  In  Langlade  county,  04  miles- 
from  Autigo.  the  judicial  seal  and  banking 
point,  and  8  from  f  >restel,  the  nearest  ship- 
ping point.  Pop\ilalion.  l.'JO.  Mail,  tri- 
wecklj'.     M.  Taj'lor,  postmaster,  j 

Dobbs  T  JI,  .saw  mill. 
Ediok  D  B,  carpenter. 
Shultz  J  E,  blacksmith. 
Shultz  yi,  Wagonmaker. 
Stinsou  Israel,  hotel. 
Taylor  L  II,  justice. 
Tiiylor  K  4.;,  Notinng. 
"Walsh  Bro»,  general  store. 

LIMA  CENTRE.  A  village  on  the 
C,  JI.  &  St.  P.  Ky,  in  Rock  county,  10 
miles  northeast  of  Janesville,  the  county 
seat,  aud  (5  southwest  of  White  Water,  the 
nearest  banking  point.  Population,  150. 
Tel.,W.  U.  K.Kp.,  Adams,  Mrs.  L.  A. 
Chapman,  postmaster. 

Cliild  M  A,  agt  C,  :\l  and  St  P  Ry. 
{■iiKif'rt'y  &i  Eiiit'.*:,  Cheese  .Mnfrs. 
lliilliroiik  M,  general  store. 
Hull  James,  shoemaker. 
McCord  W  J,  live  stock. 
Mastersou  Mary,  dressmaker. 
Miller  Rev  \V  t  (Methodist), 
^lontgomery  G  '\V,  telegraph  agent, 
l-lichards  Rev  J  H  (United  Brethren). 
Richmond  J  D,  justice. 
Spangle  \\  E,  wagonmaker. 
Stet.-ou  R  II,  physician. 
Truman  AVm,  blacksmith. 

LIME   RIDGE.     A  villai;c  ii 
county,    20   miles    west  of    Bura'i 


Ciiicap  a  Grand  Trunl;  %,  '''^\^,l 

Favorite  Route  East 


A  Full   Co 

$1  J. 

of   Lc».soii«    In    PLAIN"    Vi;\?IANSJ811» 

II  !>>-  Itlail  for  $10, 

.vdci'rcs«  O'Sullivan's  Commercial  Academy /'''^"vis?"' 





county  seal,  and  0  south  of  Lavalle,  the 
nearest  railroad  station  and  banking  point. 
Stages  dailj' to  Lavalle  and  Lone  Hocli. 
Mail,  daily.     F.  W.  Goodell,  postmaster. 

Bobn  C  K.  saw  and  stave  mill. 

Itolin  11  1j,  General  !?tore. 

Cu.sbman  A,  \va<(0uniaker. 

Cusliraau  N  A,  barber. 

K'.iwards  Dr  A,  dniiis  and  notions. 

Emcb  Will,  blackMuilb. 

llanua  ^Ym,  bltinksmilli. 

Hopper  il  M,  milliner. 

Kendrick  Mi.'-s  Clara,  leacber  of  art. 

Maslin  James  II,  ^Toccr  and  hardware. 

Talbot,  carpenter. 

Ttiry  Luther,  t-aw  mill. 

Tyler  Janies,  hotel  and  meats. 

LINCOLN.  In  Kewaunee  county,  IS 
miles  noilhwest  of  Kewaunee,  the  county 
feat,  27  Dorlbeusl  of  Green  Lay,  tlie  near- 
est railroad  station,  and  12  west  of  Ahna- 
pee,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Staces 
tri-wcekly  to  Alinapee  and  Dyckesville. 
I'opulation,  100.  Mail,  tri-week'ly.  A.  J. 
Looze,  postmaster. 

Bellini  I,  saloon. 

Bottkol  Georpe  &  Bro,  flour  and  saw  mill.,  carpenter. 

Challc  P  J,  general  store  and  saloon. 

Chauveau  Alpbonse,  wooden  shoemaker. 

Debauch  J,  blarksmilh. 

Defnct  E,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Donahan  Charles,  justice, 

OiRol  U,  saloon. 

Gigot  John  B,  notary. 

Ilcrson  Ciharles,  mason. 

La  Fortune  J  A,  physician. 

lAnti.Q  X   Jl,    Notary. 

Luozc  John  J,  physician. 

Nod  A,  cheese  mnfr  and  general  store. 

Rubens  Clmrks,  cheese  mnfr  and  general 

Kubens  Louis,  music  teacher. 
Vlise  Emile,  lilack^milb. 

LIND.  A  postoill.'e  in  Waupaca  coun 
ly,  0  miles  .^(nUheasl  of  ^Vaupaca,  the 
County  seal,  nearest  railioad  slatiuu  and 
bankint,'  point,  t^la.^'es  daily  to  AVaujiaea. 
I'opulaiion,  75.  Mail,  dady.  Jame.s  S. 
I'olter,  postmaster. 

("'ibson  Mrs  Fanny,  cheese  factory. 
Jacobson  Cbrislii.n,  carjieuter. 
Kendal  Myron,  carpenter. 
Miller  Uev  Perry  (Methodist). 
I'"pe  Xatbaniel.  meat  market. 
Potter  Fred  S,  constable. 

Poller  .Sjimes  S,  Farmer. 

Warner  II,  justice. 

Warner  J  AV,  ju.itiee. 

Warner  Itev  d  S  (Wesleyau  Methodist). 

Woolsey  R,  justice. 

LINDEN.  A  stirrimr  villai^e  in  Iowa 
county,  11  miles  southwest  of  Doilgeville, 
the  county-  seat,  and  4  soutli  of  Edmund, 
on  the  C.  '&  N.  W.  Ky,  the  nearest  railroad 
station,  ifettled  in  ISS-,  it  contains  a  bank, 
2  churches,  a  school,  a  v.-airon  f.actory  and 
a  number  of  special  and  peneral  stores. 
Lead  mining  is  the  principal  industry. 
Stages  daily  to  Edmund;  fare,  '^o  cents. 
Population,  .500.  JIail,  daily.  R.  T.  Rich- 
ards, postmaster. 

Bank  of  Linden,  John  "W  Taylor  propr. 

Bartle  &  ICvans,  blacksmiths. 

7i;ittcii  '^'hoiiia.'i  .Ir,  .Meats. 

Crase  Alfred,  notions. 

Crase  Miss  Viola,  milliner. 

Glauville  Bros,  cigar  mnfrs. 

Goldsworthy  T  M,  notions. 

llicka  tiaiues,  ecnerul  sliue. 

Ekiok^  iV  Niiiidi,  Dressmakers. 

Jones  Thomas,  wlieelwiiaht. 

Pollard  Joseph,  barber. 

Pollard  >Irs  Joseph,  milliner. 

I'ollaid  Wni,  hotel. 

i5Uhar<t-«    Mr»    Thoniu^    &.    Sou, 

General  Store. 
Shaffer  F,  shoemaker. 
Slull,  physician. 

Taylor  John   W,  jiroiir  Bank  of  Linden. 
Treloar  Wm,  liardwarc. 
Vial  James,  harness  mnfr. 
Vivian  Joliu,  furniture. 

LINDSEY.  On  the  \V.,  P.  it  S. 
in  Wood  ciajiity,  lil  miles  uorthwes 
Grand  RH])ids,  the  judicial  seat.  Por 
tiou,  So.  .Mail,  daily,  James  John 

Broker  R,  grocer  aiul  blacksmith. 
Ilaertell  &  S..ns,  shiuLde  mill, 
.lobnson  U  II.  eeneral  slorc. 
.]<>^nl•^<>ll  .Bjiino*,  -Meats. 
.McAnluir  H,  .-a\s   null. 
Thresher  C  C,  hotel. 


LINWOOD.     On  the  M  ,  L.  S.  &  W. 

Ry,  ill  Oconto  county,  20  miles  we,--t  of 
Oconto,  tlu'  judicial  seat,  and  IfS  from 
Shawano,  tlie  neaiestbaiik  locati(m.  P  ip- 
ulation,  oO.     J.  P.   -Mosliiig,  postmaster. 

Anderson  Gust,  hotel. 
Ifiosllii;.'  .8  B*,  General  Store. 

mm  mwi  i 

!    Short  and  Direct 
1         Route  fron. 

ClllCfiGfl,  SOOIii 

Illinois  i;[;iT[]a  E 

q    DIRECT  ROUTE  > 

I  ill  to  all  POINTS 

in  liUll  !  ilLiui  iU^.ni 





LITTLE  BLACK,  Ou  the  'Wiscon- 
sin Central  Lino,  in  Taylor  county,  2V 
miles  south  of  Medford,  the  judicial  seat 
and  ti.inking  prijiit.  Poinilatlou,  50.  Exp., 
N.  P.     Mail,  duiiy. 

I>avi<<  &  Starr  Luiiihcr  Co. 

Frels  A,  grocer. 

LITTLE  CHUTE.  .V  village  on  the 
C.  A  N.  W.  l!y,  in  Outasamie  county,  .5 
miles  east  of  .\ppli;ton,  tho  county  seat, 
and  2  v.-est  of  Kaukauoa,  the  nc.irest  bank- 
ing point.  Population,  S.jO.  E.\'p.,  Am. 
Mail,  daily.     Joseph  Lenz,  postmaster. 

Olandermar  FT,  saloon. 

Ilartjes  Chris,  mason.  Henry,  carpeuter. 

Kilsdonk  J  A.  saloon. 

KirUling  W  W,  justice,  railroad  and  exp 

Lcnsen  Jacob,  shocmHkcr. 
S>ci!V,  &,  I53«»i!e!i,  General  Store. 
Lura  John,  tlour  and  feeil. 
Jlolleu  John,  carpenter. 
Kielin.rr  Marlin,  wae-on maker. 
Peters  Martin,  shoemaker. 
Shafer  Peicr,  hole!. 
Swinkels  Herman,  saioon. 
Van  Handel  A.  ijeneriil  store. 
Van  Handel  G  F,  general  store. 
Van  Lieshout  A,  carpenter. 
Van  Liesliout  \Vm,  carpenter. 
Van  Niel  Jacob  C,  printer  and  statii>ner. 
VerslJ'poii  ArM<»!{!,  Flour  Jlill. 
Wildenlierc  H,  bhcksmilh. 
Williams  E,  physician. 

LITTLE  PALLS.  In  Polk  county, 
18  miles  southeast  r,f  0.=ceola  Mills,  the 
county  seat,  aiui  2A  from  Deronda,  the 
nearest  railroad  sistion.  New  Richmond 
is  tlie  nearest  banking  iioitil.  PopuLation, 
40.  Mail,  triweekly.  F.  I!.  Winler, 

Christiaiison  Hans,  contraclor. 
Damm  P  P,  blacksmith. 
Elling.-^on  A,  blacksniilh. 
Moorcs  Thomas,  general  store. 
Schneider  E  J,  snw  and  grist  mill. 
Wililcr    V   II,  Grain,   Hay,  Wood  and 

LITTLE  LAKE.  A  village  in  Jack- 
S(n\  township,  .\danis  county,  IS  miles 
southl•:l^t  of  FriiMuh.liip,  the  county  seat, 
and  15  north  of  ICilb.>urn  City,  the  nearest 
railroad  station  and  Ii.anking  point.  Stages 
Iri-wcekly    to    FriemlsLiji    and    Kilbnurn 

City.  Population,  100.  Mai!,  tri-weekly. 
T.  "G.  Burnham,  postmaitar  and  farm  iit- 

LITTLE  PRAIRIE.  A  postofflce  in 
Walworth  county,  I'J  miles  uortli  of  Eik- 
horn,  the  couuly  seat,  .j  from  Eagle,  the 
nearest  railroad  station,  and  10  from  White 
Water,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Daily 
st.age  to  Palmyra.  Population,  '2.)0.  Mai!, 
daily.     John  Credicott,  postmaster. 

Behliu  P  A,  blacksmith. 
Broker  C,  blacksmith. 
Cre(ii<;ojt  Joiiii,  General  Store. 
Farnum  P  P,  carpenter. 
Owen  J  P   general  store. 

LITTLE  RAPIDS.  A  postolTice  oa 
the  C.  &  i\.  W.  Hy,  in  Brown  county,  12 
miles  southwest  of  Green  Bay,  the  county 
seat,  an  C  from  De  Pere,  the  neaiCM,  bank- 
ing point.  The  railroad  name  is  Little 
Knukauna.  Population,  100.  Mail,  daily. 
Robert  Murray,  postmaster. 

Busha  James,  builder. 
Busha  Jolm.  bniliier. 
Murray  tlolK-rl,   General    Store  and 

Railroad  .Vgcnt. 
Phillips  II  S,  justice. 
Phillips  -Meriick,  blacksmith. 
Taj'lor  Sinimi,  mason. 
Woodward  Q  II,  general  store. 


county.     .'SlC  Sifter  Ihi'i. 


LITTLE  STURGEON.  A  village 
on  Green  Bay,  in'  Urjcir  county.  P.!  miies 
west  of  Sturgeon  Bay,  the  county  seal, 
and  40  east  of  Green  Bay,  the  nearest 
railroad  station.  Sturge.ui  Bay,  i-t  the 
nearest  banking  prilnl.  ^Stages semi-week- 
ly to  Tornailei.  Population,  100.  .Mail, 
semi  weekly.     B.  Lyon,  postmaster. 

Bosnian  ,\  .1,  justice. 
Delnionl  Jo.'-eph,  blacksmith. 
Kilman  (',  justice. 

I>j'oil   IJ,  General  Store  and  Agent  A  S 
Piper  and  Co,  Chicago,  III. 

LITTLE  SUAMICO.  A  village  ^n 
the  C;.  &  X.  W.  liy,  in  (.)(Mnto  c..ur  ly.  U 
miles  southwest  of  C)conlo,  liie  C"Unty 
seat  and  usual  bankim:  point.  Po|iulation, 
L'OO.  Tel..  W.  U.  E.vp.,  Am.  G.  II. 
'Wilsie,  postmaster. 

Blose  F.  hotel  and  saloon. 
Foster  AV  W.  juslice. 

tlobini.   L!^,lll   Uili!    i^.llllJl    I   luiiib    I.,.,!,;s    OV     .M.i,     ni:sr!J!:.B  I(.\S.       *^.l:- 

jri-jLs  .andis.Ij!-: 

Strrc:,   :'£  i  £.  W  .V  I  IC 

The  GreBsi  Bay  Biisinsss  Cote  ;^n' 


Is  noted  for  its  i:xcellent  Facilities  nuil  Ihoroucliness 

EXJ'iiKT  TliAflHit:*;  in  livery 

ANNIIAL    CATALOGUE    FIJiiE.     Address   tiiiEi::^"    ISAV,  WIS. 





Oakey  John,  fish 
(jrostelJrfiss  Baud. 
Ciroise  Charles,  saw  and  sLingle  mill. 
Giof.^c  Gustavus,  fiili. 
Griisse  John,  geueral  store. 
Grosse  John  jr,  and  justice. 
Grosse  ^\'m,  'fish. 
Lucia  W  n,  jusUce. 
I'l'ters  it  Sons,  saw  mill. 
i;o.-t  Mnritz,  fish. 
Smith  Joseph,  carpenter. 
Waynie!  John,  justice. 
Wi'tsie  G  KB,  llallroad,  Exjiress  and  Tel 

LITTLE  WOLF.  A  po.stoffice  on 
;lie  Litilc  Wolf  rivur,  in  Waupaca  county, 
M  miles  norliieastof  Waupaca,  ilie  county 
^tat,  2i  west  of  Uoyalton,  on  the  G.  B., 
'V.  ifc  St.  P.  R.  U  ,  the  nearest  railroad 
s-tatiou,  and  9  west  of  Xew  London,  the 
Dinrest  banking  point.  I'dpulati^u,  100. 
Mail,  tri-weekly.   A.  P.  Jones,  postmaster. 

F.'alhers  Wm  H,  Hour  and  feed  mill. 
.f<in'j«i  A  {*,  Justice, 
."iiiith  II  H,  blacksmith. 
Siiiiili  J  K,  grocer  and  saloon, 
."-iiiilh  \Vrn,  coo|mr. 
Wood  Marquis,  physician. 

LIVINGSTON.  On  the  C,  &  N.  "W. 
Ky,  in  Grant  county,  18  miles  northeast  of 
I.-aica'-ter,  llic  county  seat,  and  .5  south  of 
.^iontfort  the  nearest  banking  point.  Stages 
[ri-\veikly  to  Annaton.  I'opulation,  i;.jO. 
'iel..  W,  U.  Lxp.,  Am.  Josejih  Allen, 

•Vllcii    .5osc[»li,    General    Store,    Live 
Stock  and  Agricultural  Implements. 

Cnckliu  Dr  J  S,  druggist. 

Fieldhouse  Wm,  stone  ma,'-on. 

l-'i-her  "\Vm  &  Son,  blacksmiths. 

Kti'deiick  A  B.  blacksmith. 

Graham  I!ob.>rt,  ivagoiimaker. 

lliiwky  T  G  &  Go,  giain. 

Hfjoper  W  ,T.  railroad,  express  and  tel  agl, 

Jacobs  Miss  Maud,  milliner. 

Jacobs  1{  S,  harue<!smaker. 

•'•■■"ge  iV;,  Kunkh',  hardw.ire. 

l-ivingsiou  C,  grain, 
-iviiigst on  H  M,  meal  market. 

I.ivmgstou  Wm.  barber. 

Xicholas  J  \\   >.t  Co.  general  store. 

-^"b'e  Andrew,  meat  market. 

^'itp  John,  furniture. 

>>arliis  <-[i:irl«-<.,  Hotel,  Lime,  Brick 
auil   Flotir. 

^V.iNun,  r,-uigec<c  Co,  lumber. 
Tlioma-^,  hr.vver. 


"Weber  E.  carpenter. 
"Winters  Jacob,  shoemaker. 

LOCniEL.  A  postoffice  on  Otter 
creek,  near  Uav  river,  in  Dunn  county,  17 
miles  north  of  Menomonie,  the  county 
scat,  and  2  north  of  AVl;eekr,  on  the  "Wis- 
consin Centra!  Line,  the  nearest  railroad 
station.  Bank  at  Menomonie.  Stages  to 
Menomonie  and  Prairie  Farm.  Popula- 
tion, 15.  Mail,  semi-weekly.  D.  D.  Mc- 
Phcrson,  postmaster. 

Dahl  C  O,  blacksmith. 

Lngb  L  A,  carpenter. 

Green  Warren,  carpenter  and  mason. 

llall  F  T,  bee  hive  innfrs. 

Kiiuttion  Jacob,  stoue  mason. 

ja<"iMK'i'.«ion  6>l>,  Hotel,  General  Store 

and  Live  Stock. 
McPhcison  I)  &  A.  feed  mill. 
Tyler  11  'J\  railr(iad,  e.xpre-s  and  te!  a^t. 
Worbit  W  J,  jii-tice. 

LODI.  A  prosperous,  incorporated  vil- 
lage on  Spring  creek,  a  water  power 
stream,  and  on  the  C.  &  N.  W.  l!y.  In  Co- 
lumbia county,  li.1  miles  southwest  of  Port- 
age, the  judicial  seat.  It  is  located  in  the 
midst  of  a  rich  agricultural  and  .stock  rais- 
ing district,  and  conlaiua  Bapli~t, Catholic, 
Methodist,  Prestiyteriau  and  L'niversalist 
(dmrches,  graded  schools,  a  bank,  Hour 
mills,  a  chei  se  factory,  a  weekly  n.'iwspa- 
per,  the  L>di  WiUti/  Xocs,  and  the  usual 
number  of  stores,  etc.,  for  n  place  of  its 
size.  Grain,  produce  and  live  stoid;  com- 
prise the  principal  shipments.  Sluyt-s, 
with  mail,  to  Farr's  Corners  and  West 
Point  triweekly.'  Xo  bonded  debt.  Pop- 
ulation, 1.200.  Exp.,  Am.  Tel.,W.U. 
H.  H  Katou,  postmaster. 
Axon  Bros  (Charles  and  Wm),  barbers. 
Ayer  Horace  M,  farm  im|>t^  and  justice. 
Bank  of  Lodi  (capital,  ^J,bUU),  F  C  Hutsoii 

i.t  Co  pro[irs. 
Benson  liev  J  H  (Methodist^, 
Bissell  Alliertus  B,  grain  elevator. 
Blake  Samuel  .M,  physician. 
lSriK;;?<  B5«i[i«e, George  T  Simons  Propr; 

Good  Livery  iu  Connection;  Bias  to  Any 

Part  of  the  Country  at  Hcasouable  Hates. 
Buyer  Jf)hn   U,  general  store. 
Cain  Ernest  J,  j  .-weler. 
ChalTee   George    L,    propr    Lodi    Valley 

Cheese  Factory  and  Creamery. 
Chandler  Frank  ^V.  carpenter. 
Chase  Frank  L,  harness. 
Chrihler  Jacob,  wasonmaker. 
Clements  Alfred,  saloon. 

Chicap  S  Gfcifid  Trunli  uj, 

Palace  and  Dining-  Cars 

on    ALL    THPOJCH    TRAiriS. 

BTTCnii'C-O  rnilfi  7  n^TAM     '"^'^  iiKv.vxT  &  sTJSAiio.v  (111. 

4  GO 






CO  w 


ft  w 

n   ° 


Collin  J  Frank,  hardware  and  drugs. 

Cullins  John,  harDcss. 

Collins  J  F  &  Sons  (John  F  and  liicbard 

L).  grocers. 
Cowan  Miss  Catherine,  milliner. 
Cronlc  James  K.  agt  C  it  N  W  Hv. 
Doberty  'Wm  If,  mngr  W  U  Tel  Co. 
Enion  ilenrv  ]{,  postmaster. 
loalon   Jaitii's  O,   Grocer,  Shoes  and 

Elton's  Opera  House.  J  O  Eaton  propr. 
Evi'rsoD  ct  Ilinrichs  (Samuel  V\'  Eve'rson, 

Otto  n  Iliurichs  jr),  general  store. 
Gardner  II.  insurance. 
Geseil  George  C,  ILnir  mill. 
Ilabcrmann  IJros  (John  iiud  Anton),  wag- 

Hacki  Thomas,  llour  mill. 
nHL'cmaun  Herman,  blacksmilh. 
Hindes  Bros  (Shorraan  H  and  Lemuel  P), 

general  store. 
Hinds  Almon  H.  druc!:;i.?t  nnd  esp  figeut 
Hinrichs  Otto  11,  billiards. 
Holmes  Michael,  tailor. 
111. (son  F  C  &  Co   (Fred  C  and  Thomas 
Ilutson,    Charles    L    Burnham),  i)ropr3 
Eank  of  Lodi. 
Irwin  E  H,  physician. 
Irwin  GeorL'c  H,  physician. 
FiFfht'i-  Ki-ii'.},  \Vai;oumaker. 
Eodi  Cornet  Band,  Eul  Vanderiio'd  Idr. 
Lodi  Valley  Cheese  Factory  and  Creamery, 

Qeorpe  L  ChalTee  propr^ 
I-.e»<{i  'Valley    Xcvvii,    Peter   liichards 

Lokcn  Ole,  shoemaker. 
.Mcintosh,  Schlosser  it  Co  (Wm  Mcintosh, 

Louis  Scblo=ser).  general  store. 
Mceleer  K  15.  dentist. 
MeoletT  FratiU  C,  Photographer. 
Merrick  Samuel  W,  carpenter. 
XorUioiilt    I^eii.jauiiii    F,    Confec 

tioiier  and  Kestauianl. 
Notl  Welcome  S.  i)li(.it0i:r  and  apiarist. 
Pruyn  Joel  M.  ueueral  "st(jrr. 
Ilit-IiartU  i't'lor,  Propr  Lodi   Valley 

Kicbmond  Edf;ar,  srocer  and  fniit=. 
Schliisser  Henry,  w.igonniaker. 
Sclimiedlin  Bros  (Cirristiuu  and  ilathian), 

nitat  market. 
Schneider  Andrew  J.  general  store. 
Schulgen  IMalh.  harnessniaker. 
Seville  Edward  E.  general  store. 
^iiiioiiK    fJt'orire     'f,     Propr    Brlirgs 

1  louse  and  Liver}'. 
Simons  Mrs  George  T,  milliner. 
Sodders  Sherman,  painter. 
Sparks  Thomas,  confectioner. 
Sparks  Wm  T,  jeweler. 

Tirrill  Dewitt,  carpenter. 

Vauderpoel  A  &  Son  (Alfred  and  Eirl  Fi. 

Vanderpoel  Gale,  notions. 

Van  Deusen  Absolom,  furniture  and  un- 

Vaughn  A  ^\'.  horse  breeder. 

Wait  Edwin  15.  h  ird-.vare. 

Watson  Samuel  H,  lawyer. 

Wells  James  W,  meat  market. 

Wheeler  James  Q,,  spring  bed  mnfr. 

LOGAN.  In  Oconto  county,  -10  miles 
northwest  of  Oconto,  the  judicial  seat,  and 
2.J  from  Gillett,  the  nearest  rail  approach. 
Mail  by  special  supply.  Daniel  Cole, 
postmaster  and  farmer. 

LOGANVILLE.  A  village  on  Nar- 
row's creek,  in  Sauk  county,  20  miles 
southwest  of  Baraboo,  the  county  seat, 
and  8  south  of  Peedsburgh,  the  nearest 
railroad  station  and  banking  point.  Stages 
tri-weekly  to  Hecisburgh  and  Spring 
Green.  Population,  2.j0.  Mail,  tri- 
weekly.    Fred  Giles,  postmaster. 

Benshau.sen  Henry,  blacksmith. 

Boerth  Wm.   blacksmilh. 

Cbristmau  E  G,  I'hysician. 

Gerke  Henry,  wagunmaker. 

<«i!cs  E"rc<!,  Town  Clerk. 

Hailig  U,  mason. 

Hasz  XicoIa\is,  farmer. 

Ileitkamp  Henry,  bhti  k-smith. 

Hurlljurl  D  B,"  lawyer,  surveyor  and  jus- 

Karrer  Rev  John  (Lutlieraii). 

Kinsley  S  N,  lawyer,  general  store  and 
live  stock. 

Leicher  Adam,  justice  and  wagonmaker. 

Lulirsen  Henry,  mason. 

Luhrsen  Henry  jr,  builder. 

Luhrsen  J  C,  wagonmaker. 

Luhrsen  Nicolas,  blacksmith. 

Luhrsen  .Mrs  N  II,  carpel  weaver. 

Marquart  A,  shoemaker. 

Jharmian  E  S,  geneial  store. 

Nieinan  H  F,  notary. 

Xiestedt  .lohn,  coustalilc. 

liiL'gert  H.  Saloon. 

H^ighard  K  W,  machine  an<I  hoop  mnfr. 

Shacke  A,  carpenter. 

«iki(rjf  M,  Physician. 

Stewart  James,  cooper  and  jU5tice. 

TrachsiiT  it  Hartiir,  general"  store. 

Ware  A\'m,  liarne-.~maker. 

Welter  Wm,  tlour  mill. 

AV'cstedl  Henry,  hotel. 

iLL!!;fllS  [mm.  I  fi, 

Short  and  Direct  pi 

Route  from 



Ffivorile  Rcsiie  East 



Williams  Joha,  mason. 
■\Vortli  Kev  G  (Lutbeiau). 

LOMIEA.  A  village  on  tlio  'Wiscnn- 
;in  Central  Line,  in  Ootlije  county,  ^1 
miles  northeast  of  .Jiineau,  tlie  county  seal, 
aLiJ8  from  Mf.yville,  tbe  nearest  banking 
point.  Tel.,  W.  U.  Kxp.,  N.  P.  Popu- 
atioD,  SCO.     P.  J.  Zeidler,  postmaster. 

Anton  George,  flour  mill. 
I'ttker  .lulius,  harness. 
Kcrn!j;»r<l  .BoSjsb,  General  Store, 
lifter  John,  wagonmaker. 
iiuerger  Caspar,  blacksmith, 
liuerger  John,  grain. 
Dohberpfuhl  Ferdinand,  saloon. 
r.ilert  Hcv  T  K. 
llauser  Andrew,  live  stock. 
Jacubitz  C,  bhicksmitli. 
.Uiler  Wm.  blacksmith. 
Kieiblock  A,  sliocmaker. 
Krch  C,  rbcese  mnfr. 
Kuepcnick  Julius,  saloon. 
Mraemer  Mat,  railroad,  c.Kp  and  tel  agent. 
Uriig  CltarSc.-*,  Meats. 
MacicjevYsky  II.  ea'.nnetmaker. 
Xeveuz  \V!n,  saloon. 
I'uls  August,  live  stock. 
C-^hmilz  W'ni,  physiciiu. 
ScLultz  Win,  carpenter. 
Tlieiscn  Frank,  general  store. 
TheibCn  F  &  Co,  furniture. 
Theiseu  Peter,  farm  impts. 
U'eyer  Peter,  farm  impts. 
\\'olf  Peter,  bnnlier  and  shingles. 
'XoUSler  t'asil  J,  Jeweler,  Stoves  and 

LONDON".  A  village  on  the  C.  &  N. 
^V.  liy,  in  Dane  county,  '.^l  miles  east  of 
-Madison,  the,  county  seat,  and  3  from 
Decrlield,  the  nearest  banking  point.  Set- 
tled in  ISSl,  it  contains  a  grain  elevator,  a 
creamery,  a  church  and  a  district  schoul. 
Stages  daily  to  Cainbriii.Te;  fare,  'ih  cent^. 
Population,  200.  Tel.,W.  U.  Exp.,  Am. 
v)le  Thostenson,  postmaster. 

Hackus   it   Co   (Lewis  W  ]5acku3,  James 

Patterson),  blaeksrailbs. 
liaker  C  \V,  baiber. 
Ji'ire  Wni,  grocer. 
Hate  Wni  O,  hardware. 
Kla.M'hka  John,  shoemaker. 
<  'aiubtidgo  Lumber  Co. 
Cobell  .\ugust,  painter. 
ClitistoiVer  Henry  J,  railroad,  exp  and  tel 
_  agent. 

('"mniercial  Hotel,  K  O  P.adtke  propr. 
■<'ru^;,;r  Lrnst  L,  harn...  --lakcr. 

Douglas  James,  veterinary  surgeon. 

Krouss  Co,  grain  elevator. 

Leiand  T  S\fc  O  S  (Torger  S  and  Ole  S), 

Lewis  Ferdinand,  carpenter. 
Nelson  Thomas,  hotel, 
lladtke   Bros   (Roliert  II  and  Joseph  AV). 

general  store. 
Radike  Roliert  H,  propr  Commercial  Hotel. 
Konch  &  Seeber  Co,  creamery. 
Sutter  Bros,  tobacco. 
Thompson  T  0  &  Co,  leaf  tobacco. 
Thostensou  Ole,  postmaster. 
Wise  Samuel  A,  general  store. 
Woelflert  Max,  meat  market. 

LONE  PINE.  A  postofllce  in  Port- 
age county,  1!S  nules  northeast  of  Stevens' 
Point,  the  cimuly  seat,  .'3  east  of  Bancroft, 
the  nearest  railroad  station,  and  lb  north- 
cast  of  Plainlield,  the  nearest  banking 
point.  Population,  2').  ?ilall,  triweekly. 
JL  Curtis,  postmaster  and  general  store. 

LONE  ROCK.  An  incorporated  vil- 
lage located  on  the  C,  M.  &  St.  P.  Ry, 
and  on  the  AViscousin  river,  in  Richland 
county,  10  miles  southeast  of  lilehland 
Centre,  the  county  scat.  First  settled  in 
1800,  it  now  contains  a  water  power  flour- 
ing mill,  broom  factories,  '3  churches,  a 
public  school,  and  a  number  of  and 
general  stores.  A  large  stone  (puirry  in 
the  vicinity  is  being  worked  profitably. 
Stage  dally  to  Lavallo  ;  fare,  :J;i.  Kxp.. 
U.  S.  Tel.,  NV.  U.  Population,  100. 
Byron  Eldred,  postmaster. 

Beardsley  J  Fletcher,  farm  impts. 
lieiioy  Thomas,   blacksmith. 
Burroughs  Loreh/.o,  jeweler. 
Hay  Rev  E  (Congregational). 
Dickinson  Abner  J,  propr  Itaskell  House. 
ICUsworth    Bros   (Eli  !•:    and    Waller   W), 

>;.eiicral  store. 
Foster  Arthur  M,  broom  mnfr. 
I'\iller  Isaac,  general  store. 
Fuller  Justin  W,  police  justice. 
Garrison  Miss  Grace,  milliuer. 
Garrison  Wra  A,  dentist. 
HasKell  House,  A  J  Diekinson  propr. 
Hobart  B  F,  incubator. 
Houts  Albert,  meat  market. 
Jameson  George,  physician. 
Jennings  Nallianiel  W,  painter. 
Kramer  Wm,  blacksmith. 
liCe  Aaron  S,  insurance. 
I,one  Rock  Cornet  Band,  B  A  Telfair  Idr. 
McCartliy  George,  saloon. 
Mead  David  E,  hardware. 

CtoasoJylilMuiieeS  StJau!  Pif/Lt^ru'estaad  ilofcs! 

ILLIliOlS  i[(ITR.U  1 1 

Short  and  Direct 
Route  ^rom 






Ramsey  George,  railrond  ami  exp  agt. 

Kichison  Jacdli  L,  blacksmith. 

Schlousli  Mlchae!,  hnruess. 

Smith  John  X.  livery. 

Sumner  Jsmes,  salonn. 

Telfair  Sirs  U  L,  milliaer. 

Thomas  L  G,  j;rain. 

Towsley  George  15,  restaurant. 

Wallace  .John,  general  store. 

"Wolf  Aliram,  ilru.^'^ist. 

Wood  Nelson  P,  carpenler. 

Woodbury  Albert  2^1,  livery. 

LONGWOOD.  A  villr.-c  in  Clark 
county,  '21  miles  north  of  Istillsvil'.e,  the 
county  scat,  and  5  south  of  V.'ithee,  the 
nearest  railroad  station.  Thorp  is  the 
nearest  buukin:;  p.iint.  Stages  d;iily  to 
Greeu-svood  and  AVit'ico.  1^'pulation,  2Q. 
Mail,  daily.     .1.  Gibson,  postmaster. 

Barr  Ira  C,  blacksmith. 

Brady  C  K,  general  store. 

CiiibsoH  J,  Lumberman  and  Kotary. 

Irish  M,  constable. 

Jorgenson  Lars,  carpenter. 

jMaynard  G  II,  justice. 

Schroder  L,  shoemaker. 

Smith  Kdff.'ird,  hotel. 

Wlthee  N  II,  sav,-  mill. 

LOOKOUT.  A  poslollkv  in 
county,  Zi  i!ii!r.s  n"iih.a,4  of  Alma,  the 
county  seal,  VA  northwest  of  Independence, 
the  nearest  railroad  .station,  and  IS  north- 
west of  Arcadia,  Ihc  nearest  banking  point. 
Stages  Bcmi-\veek!y  to  ludependence.  .Mail, 

LOBAINE.  A  country  posloflice  in 
Polk  county,  25  miles  from  Osceola,  the 
judicial  seat,  and  10  from  (Jumberhuid,  the 
nearest  bank  Incatiori  and  shippinir  point. 
Wail,  by  special  supply.  A.  Jnhn^ou, 
Grenquist  S,  saw  mill. 
J0I1118011  A,  Farmer. 

LOST  CBEEK.  A  village  in  Pierce 
counlv,  7  miles  east  fif  Kllswoith.  the 
county  seat,  banking  and  Rhii)j)ing  point. 
Population,  20.  JIail,  semi-weekly.  J.  O. 
IlarHhman,  postmaster. 

IIar^)utlllll  J  O,  Geneial  Store. 
Ilaraluuan  1/  &  Son,  saw  and  llour  mill, 
llasler  Peter,  saw  mill, 
llines  F  jr.  lumber. 
Jauisch  Kd,  general  store. 
Vaudewater  .NIrs  C  M.  grocer. 
Vandevialer  J  S,  saw  mill. 

LOST  LAKE.  la  Dodge  coimty.  19 
miles  northwest  cf  .Juneau,  the  judicial 
seat,  9  fri.n!  Bt-aver  Diim,  the  nearest  bank- 
ing point,  and  G  from  Paudolph,  the  near- 
est railroad  station.  Mail,  semi-weekly. 
Population,  25. 

Goodwin  Thomas  E,  saloon. 
Lupke  F  A.  blacksmith. 
O'Brien  J  r>,  General  Store. 

LOUISBUEGH.  A  postoffice  in 
Grant  county,  L'.>  miie.s  southeast  of  Lan- 
caster Court  House,  ond  9  northeast  of 
Bast  Dubuque,  111.,  the  nearest  shijiping 
point.  Bank  al  Uubuque,  la.  Population. 
To.  Mail,  daily.  Louis  lieifsteck,  post- 

Hamts  Jacob,  wagonmaker. 
lloifman  \\"m,  boots  and  shoes. 
Kopeler  Bernard,  hotel. 
Langc  Josei)h  A,  blacksmith. 
Leibliug  Chris,  hotel. 
Long  Josepli,  stone  mason. 
Lyster  A,  constable. 
Jlay  Conrad,  miner, 
Kcifslcj-k  E.ciiiis,  General  Store, 
llichmond  A  Alining  Co. 
Schrjieanglcr  Jthn,  miner. 
Schwerdt  Igiuitz,  tinsmith. 
Vosberg .]  .J,  farmer. 

LOUIS'  COSNERS.  A  po.stoince 
in  2<Ianitowoc  cotmty,  2.")  miles  southv.'esl 
of  .Manitowoc,  the  county  seat,  and  0  from 
Kiel,  Die  nearest  railroad  station.  Ciiilton 
is  the  nearer  banklncr  jioint.  StaL'es  tri- 
weekly to  Kiel  and  Manitowoc.  IV^pula- 
tion.  .50.,  lri-^yeckly.  II.  W.  Duecker, 

Pirks  Henry,  .shoemr.kcr. 
5?iic<'lii'r  S!  %V,  General  Store. 
Klauk  .Maihias,   blacksmith. 
Kuuz  Wni,  mason. 
Landna  .John,  carpenter. 
Loos  John,  farm  inipts. 
Maurer  Frank,  caipenter. 
Thielke  Frank,  cheese  factory. 

LOUISVILLE.  In  Dunn  county,  10 
miles  soutiieast  of  .Menomonie,  the  county 
seat,  and  5  southeast  of  Downsville,  the 
nearest  railroad  st.stion.  Menomonie  is 
the  nearest  banking  point.  Stage  to  Me- 
nomonie. Population,  300.  Mail,  tri- 
weeklj'.     J.  B.  Steves,  postmaster. 

Brown  E  11,  stage  line. 

Cronk  I)  M.  meat  market 

Cronk  S  W,  live  stock  and  Yet  surgeon. 


L:,  1 2 « 

Li  la  HJt 

Ths  Favorils  Rn-Jts  Esst 

11.1    NS.lti.ill.i    i'.VLLS. 


-umnh  y■^n'io  ..■;;•/.  v.'!;;es  ".""  E.  pc::;,iEa  xim  co., 





,11  i;«v  John  (Mc■lholli.^t). 
-iib.-iiigh  JoUn  N,  bay  prtss. 
■lis  Theoilore,  live  slock  breeder. 
•  ve  Win,  truck  garciener. 
i?-ee  FI  S.horses  and  veterinary  surgeon. 
;i<aee  O  W,  justice  and  live  fctock. 
iv^;'e  T,  horses, 
ill  J.  hoistflioer. 

;;itli  Micliael.  liiirber  and  carpenter. 
i.vcf  C  E,  builder. 

{•vC-«  .5   S,  Live  St'jck,  Druf-s.  Books 
i.ui]  Scbool  i'urniluic. 
.tcy  F  A,  live  ttcck. 
.M-y  F  J,  meat  market, 
.-ey  F  T,  grain  and  live  stock, 
ildron  II  F,  employment  agent. 

LOVASS.  A  postolVioe  iu  Vernon 
1,  iiinty,  12  miles  north  of  Virnquu,  the 
•  ..•.inty  seat,  and  4  northwest  of  Xcwry, 
■.be  nearest  railroad  station.  Vir'.qiia  is 
'.iju  teareat  banking  point.  Popukaiop, 
-J.  Mail,  semi-wtckly. 
liiLdien  Jolin  C,  boots  and  shoes. 

LOWELL.  In  Dodge  county,  0  miles 
'''iilhwest  of  Juueiiu,  the  county  sent,  3 
;  "rlheast  of  Ivecsevillc,  tho  nearest  railroad 
sialipn,  and  13  south  of  iJcaver  Dam,  the  bankmg  point.  Stages  dHJly  to 
llr.'-S'jville;  fare,  S5  rents.  I'opulai'ion, 
■MO.  Mail,  daily.  Philip  ]{eiahurd,  post- 

-Vcliirman  &  Burgess,  dressmakers. 

Aibiins  James,  boots  and  shoes. 

An.ts  Oeorne,  bed  spring  ninfr. 

;'--ns  .n  F  W,  dni  rsi.-^t.  ' 

•U-ii'.on  B.  Sn,  i'hv'icinn. 

1;  'Imen  K  E,  blacUsiiiilh. 

('■ikins  Milo,  cauiagiuiakiT. 

»   "ipiuau  .\  D,  railroad,  e.\p  and  tel  agent. 

'"lip  S  P,  cattle  denier. 
j'^::stiiir  John,  blacksmith. 
iirnvsFrcd,  hotel, 
i   ilred  D  F,  justice  and  notary. 
'  i-liiT  Michael,  saloon, 
'■eii'cn  George,  saloon. 
I'JHliam  W  U,  physician. 
l\.neiilzd  Albert,  wag>.iiniaker. 
iMU-nl'/tl  PG,  phvMeiH,) 
'-■••'benUiHl,  black'smith. 
>  -aiz  A  II,  furniture. 
■J'  Win,  fiirm  impts. 
•^.:::irirk  Clm.rles,  shoemaker. 
';■'■■■  .M  F.  ihuir  mill. 

'V,  ",'","■<'  '"t'llip,  General  Store. 
^'   '•!  vV   Ore-,V8.  general  store, 
;  -inier  .John,  liardware. 

••i;Mr  G  W  \V,  huvyer  and  justice. 
_•'  .f^o.^ppli.  iiools  and  shoes. 

county,     yuijie  chanijcd  to  LyuxciUi:. 

LOWVILLE.  A  postoflice  in  town- 
ship of  same  name,  Columbia  county,  l.j 
miles  southeast  of  Portage,  the  county 
seat,  and  i\  east  of  Poyuette,  the  nearest 
railroad  station.  Portage  is  the  nearest 
banking  point.  Populalion,  100.  }ilai!, 
tri-weckly.     11.  E.  Scovell,  postmaster. 

Brown  L  C,  justice. 

Delany  II.  veleritiary  surgeon. 

Evarts  \V  H.  farmer. 

Ilaight  E  E,  farmer. 

Hall  J,  farmer, 

Henry  F  L,  farmer, 

■T'.linson  D  C,  faimer. 

!Matson  II,  farmer. 

Scott  E  C,  farmer. 

Sfovfll  J  i~if.  Live  Stock  Breeder. 

LOYAL.  On  Bocl!;  creek,  in  Clark 
county,  IG  mile.'i  northeast  of  Neillsvillc, 
the  county  seat  ami  nearest  banking  point, 
and  11  from  Spencer,  the  nearest  shipping 
point.  Populalion,  -iOO,  JIail,  daily. 
George  Green,  postmaster. 

Allen  G  ^V,  hotel  and  staves. 

.Mien  .1  S,  shoeniaker. 

Cli:rk«.-r  <«  IV,  Restaurant. 

Bradlield  J  L,  idiysiciau. 

Chesley  A  B,  hardware. 

Church  Austin,  live  stock. 

(lonnor  Bcv  .laini-,s  (.^!etlu)dist). 

Eschwi.i.'-  Yaleiiline,  blacksmith. 

Graves  A  A,  saw  mill. 

Graves  &  Co,  tlour  mill. 

Owin  Mrs  E  A,  milliner. 

Gwiii  J  C,  general  store  and  tlour. 

Ueme'uway  Pros,  carpenteis, 

Keonie  Hev  D  (Adventlsl), 

Linder  J.  stone  mason. 

Mulvey  Henry  S,  dr\igs  and  hardware. 

Mulvey  A.  (Graves,  furniture. 

I'liilpotI  Harry,  justice  and  notary. 

Fhilpott  H,  blacksmith, 

Philpott  T  B,  general  store.    , 

Heed  O  E.  shoemaker. 

Hichardson  Waul,  farm  inipts. 

Hosenian  Philip,  saw  mill. 

Stow  C  G,  confectioner. 

Tiifiifr  A  IS,  t  iicesc  Factory. 

AVeaver  Elias,  constable. 

AW-lsh  \Vm,  surveyor. 

Young  Edwin,  barber. 

LOYD.  A  town  on  Willow  creek,  in 
Hichland  county,    IC   miles    northeast  of 

<»iir  ,S(<)fU    of    S!<>XS\ 

OILS,  !:i>i>irr»  mi.t  .iln>.lis  i^  1  oi>ii>li'«e. 
N   CO.,  -l-.i  IVfit  «  Ktcr  street,  .••lilKaokof,  IVin. 




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